(9a) unit two lesson three sanxing middle school huang kaijuan bell and his telephone (tuning in...

(9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

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Britain/ British invent / inventor / invention interest / interested / interesting He was one of the greatest ________ in the world. He was born in ________. His family was _________ in teaching people to speak, and he had a keen desire to help the deaf. His ________in educating deaf people led him to _______the telephone. His ______ has paved the way for the Internet. Alexander Graham Bell inventors Britain interested interest invent invention


Page 1: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

(9A) Unit Two Lesson Three

Sanxing Middle SchoolHuang kaijuan

Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

Page 2: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

settlecitizenelectrical keen desire Mr Wang used to be an __________engineer.With a ____________to gain advanced knowledge, he went to study in a famous American University. After his graduation from the university, he returned to work in China though some people advised him to ______ in America and becomean American __________

electricalkeen desire


Page 3: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

Britain/ Britishinvent / inventor / inventioninterest / interested / interesting

He was one of the greatest ________ in the world. He was born in ________. His family was _________ in teaching people to speak, and he had a keen desire to help the deaf. His ________in educating deaf people led him to _______the telephone. His ______has paved the way for the Internet .Alexander Graham Bell

inventorsBritain interested

interestinvent invention

Page 4: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

Alexander Graham Bell1847---1922 Listening

Experience:In 1847

In 1870

In 1871

In 1876

In 1877In 1882In 1922

He was born in ________.Because he ______to have a better life , he _______to Canada with his family.

He ______in the United States of America.His ________in educating deaf people _______himto invent the telephone. On ______10 , he _____theWorld’s first telephone message to his assistant.He ________the Bell Telephone Company.He became an American________.He ______in Canada. But great changes have _____place in the telephone industry.

Britainhoped moved

settledinterest led

March sent


died taken

Page 5: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

1.What was Bell’s keen desire?Why did he have such a desire?2. When did Bell settle in the United States of America?3.What happened to Bell in 1922?4. Can deaf people use telephones to communicate today? (If they can, how to communicate?)5. What do you think of Bell? Why do you think so?

Read and answer:

Page 6: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

1.What was Bell’s keen desire?

Why did he have such a desire?For his mother was deaf.

Bell had a keen desire to help the deaf.

His Keen desire was help the deaf.His keen desire was to help the deaf.

Because his mother was deaf.

Page 7: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

2.When did Bell settle in the United States of America?

He settled in the United States of America a year later.

He settled in the United States of America in 1871.

Page 8: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

3.What happened to Bell in 1922?He died in 1922.

He happened to die.

Since Bell’s death in Canada in 1922.

Page 9: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

4. Can deaf people use telephones to communicate today? (If they can, how to communicate?)Yes ,they can.

They are able to use a special display telephone tocommunicate.By using a special display telephone.

Page 10: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

5.What do you think of Bell? Why do you think so? kind helpfulwarm-hearted (热心的) cleverknowledgeable creative (有创造性的) …

I think of he was…I think he was…

Page 11: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

With hope for a better life have a keen desire the deafbe interested in public speaking settle in be born be able tothroughout the world wide not only …but also take place die Alexander Graham Bell _______ in Britain in 1847. His family______________________teaching people to speak. Both hisGrandfather and father trained him in __________and teaching ______ to speak.Bell _______________ to help the deaf , for his mother was deaf.______________________, he moved to Canada with his family in 1870, and then ___________the United states of America in 1871. Bell’s interest in educating deaf people led him to invent the telephone. News of his invention quickly spread ______________________. Since Bell’s ______ in 1922, great changes have ______________ in the telephone industry. Telephone lines are __________used in communications. They can help to send ____________sound messages ___________video images. Today ,deaf people_____________use a special display telephone to communicate.Bell ‘s invention has paved the way for the internet.

was bornwas interested in

public speakingthe deaf had a keen desire

With hope for a better lifesettled in

throughout the worldtaken placedeathwidely

not onlybut also

are able to

Page 12: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

Complete the passage with proper words. The first letter of each word is given. Bell was born in 1847. His family was f_____ of teaching people to speak. Both his grandfather and father trained himin public speaking and teaching the deaf to speak. Bell had a s_____ wish to help the deaf, for his mother was deaf. In 1870they moved to Canada with h_____ for a better life. Then they settled in America the n____ year. In 1876, Bell i______ the telephone b____ of his interestin educating deaf people. News of his invention was w________known by people all o_____the world. In 1877, he s____ up theBell Telephone Company. In 1882, he became an American citizen Since Bell died at the a_____0f 75, great changes haveh_______ in the telephone industry. Telephone lines can help to send b____ sound messages and video images. Today , a special display telephone e_______ the deaf to communicate. Bell’s invention has paved the way for the internet.

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nvented ecause idelyver et

geappenedoth nables


Page 13: (9A) Unit Two Lesson Three Sanxing Middle School Huang kaijuan Bell and His Telephone (Tuning in & Text)

Homework• Read the text and remember the important words and phrases.• Do ‘Comprehensive Check’ on Workbook.