a and when there is we wou. - ca state lands commission...

-04. 41 1 1& ),t4. C k, rOterit Irkwzd woul Ipooinmend ixk a ‘ i ao d 'n - ever 111 ve a is ea s . a and when there is we woU. 0414 s, hat our lait 41•Iriteme 1 t 344t aph''be e e ed ecause I'thirex is tang. a, Il tai3i3, t t ohe atter, This i in r 'teet tilt0;10i r0a.14,stio0 b t.ghat. d Oixt GOic italt*R8ONt ML ZOTWK: 1 5*: GOV, ANDiRSONz . You said the last Sentence BURR: The last ..,entente in regards to the .5 pag4.4 0V,r7P in uo 600 than three years: to' deo de he 6 L4 O traffi3O whioh is.go ng over the bridge and attributable to . ; 4 ottei 4 iordo 7ou. t it we 'were •t.> appxV1* it,. we :delete about air ines frtitv w re it S s reetmuriende yogi 19 B HR Matte 4 ight„ yea sire HaWeve4 ) , the. 20 up to you gellHamer„ but we again wish ta ' exprea our deepest 21 pprediation for aIlowin us to be heard' and respeotfulIar re- 22 Viest tilgt t14 item he held. `over until there is a full revie 23 0t faoto an not on as 24 x MA4. BORTIGI The provisions of Chapter 29 provide 23 that if there is to be an approved expenditure of funds this 26 has to ba an advance expenditure. However, measUring the. eis s Op AlikKINIBTRATiVi prtocKPUFM, aTATE tsio

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•-04.4111& ),t4.


k, rOterit Irkwzd woul Ipooinmend ixk

a ‘iao d 'n-ever 111 ve

a is ea s.a and when there is we woU.

0414 s, hat our lait 41•Iriteme 1 t 344t

aph''be e e ed ecause I'thirex is tang. a, Iltai3i3,

ttohe atter, This i in r

'teet tilt0;10i r0a.14,stio0 b t.ghat. d Oixt

GOic italt*R8ONt

ML ZOTWK: 15*:

GOV, ANDiRSONz. You said the last Sentence

BURR: The last ..,entente in regards to the

.5 pag4.4 0V,r7P in uo 600 than three years: to' deo de he 6

L4 O traffi3O whioh is.go ng over the bridge and attributable to

. ; 4

ottei4 iordo 7ou.

t it we 'were •t.> appxV1* it,. we :delete about air

ines frtitv w re it S s reetmuriende yogi

19 B HR Matte 4ight„ yea sire HaWeve4), the.

20 up to you gellHamer„ but we again wish ta' exprea our deepest

21 pprediation for aIlowin us to be heard' and respeotfulIar re-

22 Viest tilgt t14 item he held. `over until there is a full revie

23 0t faoto an not on as

24 x MA4. BORTIGI The provisions of Chapter 29 provide

23 that if there is to be an approved expenditure of funds this

26 has to ba an advance expenditure. However, measUring the. eis

s Op AlikKINIBTRATiVi prtocKPUFM, aTATE tsio

d of Elba



it 4,1,4‘00.0. ,,.....

441*44e Oproval of an exPendi a project for


4ve a* rimaamable yardotlek at this tim6 isl

tioult problea rot, the CommlasiQa and thi

e majority icL., the projects- conducted by the

htcorocedttre..,ever sino. the, recti

bas ettSt', :tom ttilitat „Ovance ey 0

ap-prov4le will be- ark Ali •4301,44.0ed. tiubjeots however,

to 44a3. detemittatIO4 Vase d, on audit and Illigialeering r..;view

zer the -pro e t' a completed, which Is the first time that Yr

wo reaUy have some precise data to work withl, Herlee.2 dole

ork,,0 the " &7t;;:sentence the recommendations a recommend

MO, would. eliminate any ,yardatick which the Oa

vou Anwito coM back 4nd give the fejommisaion a factual

'Jae %TO-. i.11;ie ad:tz;v41. Tipliciatioho or this project. .he

4 0 6. 16.1Api awestimate4 fi . 6 of this time gi which

lipliaft 0. a justd,u or downwar rA .0 t e

port,.rA of -tathorized uses after the pro eat .is.

misrAtelc; I wonder if tce co' 34 a 14r. Bueaer

it9 p e in • sufgesting that' that- sentence d.

20 deleted „

21. '104 BUEHLE43 *ell, it seems to me that the three..

y per404 i posOlbly a lit 1e an rt to really get a

true 1510.0134.. t4e .ge4e4T4 aVea. agree it a bridge axduld

'‘here f4711e) 1. at .aa.,nott irk.tavor of its but feel po

Way thl8 thiee4year period wand lie,too soon. T want to go

2B along with the:CW*4 as much as we cans, b t4;--don t Reel


VOM 110 11.



neeeSS a ry at s? time aa you do

GO( =SON You Ut4r t why; e to have

the 't affi unto done t you -00. to`1„ determine actually how

s tidelands and. bow much Ti; would be impbeeib

mine o e cars went one way or another

ou a t

R: my erstanding there is' poe

sib2.. r 51 000 people waiting get 'hei.;;v boats in the slips,

t Seems to me it might be possible to take a thousand of

10 these people d see where thay live, It wouldatt- be too

difficuif see how many cif these People would be tying the

12 boats up in the Marina. his ahou1dnt t be a difficult; way,

MR AN ' O r ix an, I think it should be

4 Pointed odat, I dons t Ink everyone is aware .0.0 the traffi

count is suggested td- be no less than three years after this

16 Is oomPleted. This traffi, countL., not something before the

17 bridge would be 1?uilt „It's something that would be done

18 aster using the bridge

ilk ME SIG::- I'd like to hold it down, but d like

20 to put in my two bits' worth

21 GOIT, ANDERSON: Would you starW our name,

22 MR. KENDIG: Tem Kendig, city, of Long Beach, I

25 live near the area where the bridge wou1'.3. be placed and feel

24 vitally interested, Five, years ago I went down to the Engine

25 office because I heard of the proposed plan, I was told 1?4,T

the En ineerts office that this plan was only in the Planning



Commission s not iaeres

In it, the bridge had no application, would ,not accomplish

anythLng were it tom

be built Therefore, think the Lands

Commission shoUldstrongly consider the advisability of autho

:Wing money for a 1Fidge which the 6ngineert felt five yeors

ago wa411. serve no purpose. More recently, the traffic was

brought around_ Marina area to Belmont Shore. Noworfour

hs of the doCks to be in the new Marina will be outside

9 the Naples area. Only 240 will actually be oh the island

10 of Naples. All the root af these docks will be outside Naple

11 Thare will beono occasion for them to be using this luaidge„

12 no occasion sr them to use the 401mont Shore bridge, `''the

13 Davies bridge, So VAS bridge se4 no parpose for which

14 this should be authorized.

15 Furthermore, obviousIy, 02.e location of this bridge

16 going to destroy propert values about there, the thing we

are all concerned in maintaining, and 1 suppose that,isntt

18 under consideration; but if it is realized pat actually the

19 0 of relieving any congestion in traffic, then the use of tide- 2

land funds for this purpose would be inadvisable.

GOV. ANDERSON: Mr, Hortig„ the statement has been

ad4 that this bridge would serve no purpose several times no

1 assume you have checked into this..

MR. HORT1G:' Mr. Chairman, this exactly the pur

28 poe of the last sentence of the recommendation. 1f this

bridge will not serve the purpose which is proposed, that is,



Vii. r







`eventually despite reports to the contrary ,by ,.he -C it

atm' 61 y manager,v; and the other Cid41rioials, of LP' _, ,/

Beach were to ,bet. IVO case/;, then the .Citv of

woilld be, permitted to•defraz no portli)on of 1;the cos

land funds if th becoaties, a faro Tb,is is the advantage of

the yardotick proposed by the vommIssion as a opnditionof th



interest use

then a proper

use- rattier t,

on the other i hand, there , sUb'stantaal

of the structure in iadt after it is comp1qtedo

proportion can be det maned, based on aptual •

an estimate, and the. appropriate amounts whic










an 'be ,10.2iiielciAized by the Com,tpsion will have the reqUire 1, 1 oe 'approval as provided

CAR: Mr. Madman, I' d like, to kai.1,:z;, thi. ques

tion. I ,sympathize With the peoplo.,,, who are, objecting

ding Of th If I went-to place tbereand-

boat or my' own, I wouldn't be enthusiastic about bridge;

but .1 don't think that's our, problem at all. I thiri we

should find out if it has finally beeh apP'roved and, if the di

akes such recommendations to us, don't we have to adopt or

refuse to adopt the resolution? I think we are bein$ aiked t

settle a local fight• and without regard to. the merits of t

fight, I think we have to stay out of ghat, I don't think,

it's any of our business whatever, except if it xs proper to

use State funds for the purpose of this bridge, Am xi ht

or wrong?



tiOWS.** !DM aro



anation 0

tom the Cit

n- the CoMmi

tideland funds

of Lai1g Beach, for


on can give it 'for the expenditure o

been finally proposed by the, Citt


Mai ; I aSir another sues pion: Even i we

Beach asking for approval

re problem and we haIN\

ssioner„ I think

were to give approval of this project °this morning, does tha

9 1 prevent these objectors here from going baolc to their own

city gOVernment, where their objection should have been made


MR. BOR., TIG: I cans t faresee any c . eums tances

13 r how the citizens would be precluded from so doing. The ott

14 tions presoated here this morning . gm the a .l.egationa are

i1 that their objections haven't been, hearele i



think that,

t think they are pu us on the spot.

should act on this thing without reference

of the, peopie. I sympathize with them as far

their property, but also it has been consider

Long Beach and other people who would be usin

the objections

as it concerns

b the City of 20

this road, and it seems to me the two sides are very, very

important 'eo those concerted but I don't think we should be

`asked to enterH:-, into any pant or local dispute as to where a:

-- 24 bridge should be put.

25 MR, HORTIO1 This, of courses was,the purpose of th

26 nstruction by the CQmmission at the time of the grant of



akain Oresented to the Commission, reeling that the CommlsOio

authority extended only to cons: deration of the appli6ation,

insofar as it involves the POSsible expenditiVe af tideland

7 oil funds and not, ao to the merits or demerits of the project

a as a4011, as preaented here by local retidentS this mornin







der rment, of cons kix1P' ation at the last meetIng that the

problem be tak‘n back to thitt °c al lore with the llope that

it be, resolved 4.0 local level before this ‘applioation was

MR WEIBACK: I think It might be helpful to the

opponents to know that the Commission is in this nition:

Where a: project of this sort has been approved by the

ttorn4 General as being eligible and the staff has indicate

it is feasible for the use of tideland funds," if the COmmissi

decided t roject the project the City would have recourse to

the courts for permission to sped, thee fUnds.

le r A RR: Mr. Charm I object to hering anY

17 more of the objectors because l think it is redundant and not

18 part of our j04,. If the City of Long Beach has determined It

19 is in order, I'd like to know 1.flil#land if it is from the

20 legal standpoint, l think we should act on it. l don't like

21 to be disagreeable and don't want to be, but I don't think we

22 should be put on this spot.


MR. TRASK: May I direct a. question? if 13i% of 24 the Marina would be served by this bridge compared to the o

25 87k, we have not been able to meet with the City Council, wha

26 is our recourse? What can we do?




M, CAM: The. City Counci lent this body, 5:1 hav4 the Attorney Genera ,s report her Wgst don't we hear

from him?

IN Gentiimeno, a0.a:s ex al ru es the

on Salon uploubtecill should confine itself tb the legalit

of proposed eXpenditure as di tinguished from its :wiAdomo

that I rtteap th&t the Co session ordinariIy , will not purport

substitute its discretion for that of the 10 al governing bo

it:s to the desirability of a propos pro eat Iam not for

a moraent gtatin that there may not be such unusual circumstr eg

where the wisdom demonstrated by the local body might antis

constitute en qMAO of discretion; but from the fats as preo.

15 sentqd.to thichonoroble bodj this mornings that does not

14 appear to be. tbs. 'case at least in my 'personal ordniorG

15 I would like finally '4 .take' two,.

le, respect o Mr„ Shallenbergelga con4ern rslative to through

tral:fict X wish to emphasize that the .attorney'. Cicenetwalls < r oz ,

18 and the ( oxmnissiont a action is predicated on the assumption

that thiboU '?za/azefie cannot be finefced 'ot

20 tideland funds,

The last observatIon like to di is along the

i2 lines that *r, err has been pursiaing and that is, - should the

3 City' have determined to use gine a1 fundS tor the constructio

24 of this particular projects there- would be absolutely noth:','..ng

25 that, this COMMiSeion could then do,

MR JLT: I' d like to raise one point here about


tOtaarzfle "fu did not have the money

be fOrped • so tiwough a bond issue and

't \y) ,thts people wquld have. a eh We 0 e ea

to tote, eret0 e you, WO get. t ;x a t e1, op5:114,on a it_ is .noitl* the Oi ttas resen e4 its'


• ttis iu to ybu to 'sal yes or no but we Till have no

ernailme n roattein

gentleragin Ind..144xting. Wish !W.

alArest .Comgassion) Can you make your point very brief/

MR. GREG0Ayt J. N. Gregory-4, 57651.0,rSt0A I)rlve,

1W Oach. iWolAst041aa 0 the scosealled f44410 the tidelah

Shotadrx the State Land Commission investigate the'

e rOility: as 4. a.U.alas the lesa4147 of expending money OA k

iwillty that may not e• necessary?

$ is what 'our staff' ess This

0:00at. N. sirti 4' ob i

:104.cainddyi We feel it is a waste of, public mon .gy

,9 n a 4_1%4410 •where there is no need for itvregard4o*

of whether it is public money, there is no need,t0,:,0r0Wiit.,

!!p fOlayp. when there is no present need:. whether it Will henefit.


22.. ML CAVISTO14 • If this traffic, _9ount three years

23 aftez this bti(ige :reveals. that* it wvou3d per rOyisedt

24 MR Hoatio: That i right,

25 MR, ORANSTORI Mr. Cha man, I am very reluctant to:

meke a ma Ion on this like to say to those of you who





ii$014 iota Geo

ou have :.,p 74t

acji ait

cou. aid *oils bid

e oe ca 'e

has to ,tr1 pert

was etiti ftri96e tppo this oase. W Are -On ext,itled, to te

ega1.14 f the experildiure of the`• fundi end wheher

Ian:441111dt woad be damaged b allocation to any pro

we lasive...pP.00!sdent as to what we qan do, that wp,1 dee . • - • , -- •

lane wb.ethdr . an 00ine porticn of the nizoney ,,be wife . •

but we are unable to look to the desirability. We are .only;

permitted t look to the a4ty d that: is.:.. tact instmt.

ion as t(:?.. pow we axe supposed' to .6brtt.,

Ours eaves .n the

ds Couthiltssion.

Pursuant to your whistles to be beat;

meeting, down-. here train Sacramento ail

60 it 4.!ittoindet

cus-s PQ is brought,,

wn to the 01 Council. t

you might appear the,re

and we received a letter.

I r01 hi CI geolager.0 saying we question the purpose

be Served" end it was tot held, Fills This is your City; it 14..you

city counciiii It has the lega owe: to male decisigno w

w donft have, much as we mi ht like to ouz ownhearts.:t

347herefore, stating th with real reiucts.nce bee au

Icnow your feelings al<e the motion Kee acre i4 the Xecomme

dation of the staffo

XL CA RR: I second, it for tape ea= reason.


at14.1it ritIlit FIFO

964111 Z.s.,.119 ZOM *PO



OQV 9B11 80N, olred eztnd . taeoonded4 there, Is

0400 1,04 It14111 sOi*rdered unanimously.

sales 'ot vaearyb state sdhoo1 lando

t Xti4;4141 ( weil Greenberg, etcetera,

ny co n grdl, We will o then, Item a)1.

eU Greenberg) etcetera; fifeApell Greeni4i7go etcetera;

!L; Kays (d) _Jen Mednick et i) 'Miebael

§latIn 4 T. S Goodman; (f) bae \Mean lg.,

i• an, Any comments?

EL114 HCATXG All bit 8 received, Mr, Okla an, were

e'Rued. or ": .in eicess of appr4sed value* It its reOornmende4


Bandon he soa.d with Pequtred $tatuti,›ry reservati

o mOv

• AV


ON t, has obi moved and seconded thes

be approveA •

proval of se: eation of vaeant Federal

lands and. the sali: thereof, d' the first applicant George


OaaBornardino CourApy, and,the second one

to: itent pne M. McKee, In 14ke Cotimtit

VORTIG: These he ats relate to a RlIoatione

ilehd Ii• the app*anta xou. eimmerated Mr.

23 Anderson, M.. Mc Car rwithdrew and. McKee was unvgloessJ,

24 In lit1gation. However, the State raldkOOMMIAMIOn is st'll

25 y a posi4ont to complete the selection of theme Federal 1 ...ad

to obtain then fvom the Federal governm nt, 4nA thereafter t.











place them on tae rt ant .tate school land list pursuant to

established proceduresj Ind it' is recommended ttlat)xuthor4\za- &

tion be given •for us to acgdire-the lands fOr the benefit or the State.


CRANSTON: oecond

001r, ANDERSON: Item 8 Lease offer for extraction

f sawl, and gravel at minimum royalt 12 per cubic yard,

Sacramento County 60*0

MR.. CRANSTON: Mr. Chairman, X move that ma

our next meeting in SacraMento.

M.R. Cl: Second.

GOV. ANDERSON: On the motion, this isn t tile next

-6r the Commission, buy the next in Sacramento?



1960. Mr* Horti ?

MR4 BORTIG: The budget data which Is furnished to

the Commiosion for review and approval at this time was

furnished and approval is desired in ,oi!Ar that this pro

posed budget for operation of the Lands Division for the next,

al, year May be presented to the Department of Finance fo

the usual critical review in said Department, at which tim

Administrator Carr will be sitting with his other hat as the

Department of Finance*

MR. CRANSTON: move that the Director of Finance





OtIM or*

osition za, itt . •

t 44%14. Qtr. the se „ „

''iiitoy hobo some =mien

at tile ie ?bunsel4ii pur house opuiis'

;think it adds to the eift6Ienoy of the q0mMiSalort: to h

e rid heel liiee the_ matter

Up thin questLdn1 fer this opportuhity to disease it

range, with a auggestA,on tha

0 ugto have to earn suc...

e.v14*' the sal

the-lcrsorme1"Te art uent or • proper b

opfe, 4.:a, view o raitIng, the siaarsr, •

a restudy be

th, the



makittli mot, ono $)

IS =anent tek the Chaiman,

Oaunse1 y it Obviitem the neisl,

downstairs. I think it :laves !linty themsa4ds oft do4ars

Z--we are going t

13r d counsel,.;

have house counsel Ithinit.we

dO eX are in onneettqa with private

X wAtio a little 611

with the Otmmission, getting br .ef1y to the crux of the pri5b

[tem, actually the proposed salary ranges included in the bid


0 'a t4 thi

ood hose %Ilan el, az

51404 ntss,-

sel we wau

20a yea .-;11 ,or a lit tie: over,

r(pcigni* tttat'with 'dna 0;. rae4isl


Om he' will. be' dealirig „reook

t:TIORTIG: X' am verbs?, bapgr that Mr

4nd I would ruggeh t t Cor missio

), di* tt ty retaining


o Ole p oto 'Mon 044 ed b .; MI aide tee,:thei

POSit of an ther lOottreijv which propel,

roiti#tra ions b he tle

1k/15j:wood in this bu

Vindergone a study b the .,P,er'SenIcte ho

roprlate I.la3sification for the vdsitionlitti. V1Urplvi,,

Jett at the moment is„ i 1;1W range of Asslov

d' 13 ovided bu

was. Proppeed that this determ`,nation be a,ccepbe

With .reluotande ordezi that we' would haves, s• omet

immediate', therearte iiadioated

a the Per nnel Board,t t we are iest eeting) a,̀ ,41,estta.

wqta,fl Ile oil ice' s ' -

have reetalre .ron. the ComMiesioil aonai4ring

anQe tde` x to :to ?et

iOr deteftzix*

:ems :

Aons vestry' to tie %II

veYfirid,thO.Arn9; iteoent r

by the. Pees],BoArd vorkild: i

g taicwadbUbt34l,

*an a Spit


athtves of the PersonrOr Board* Yeti' probalily. 4ariteens a. (r

countered those befre. It isn't proper or- me at t11.1 t 4



make any comas on the ptogre88 the b

going on, but, lin, the mestlIon alaseltioation of

respomeibilitie that, is ....a OrtiOnne citteo.tion•

absistanoe to. Mr* Vri.zrphy would have to come tha

way because he would have to be reclassified regardless., i

order to get more money, I have very high respect for Mr,

rititilliON Or ADNIMUSTIRATiV rit ocrinu Mt, STA/I; Or cm-troilism

441. I-ts 01.1

Mu by and I am 'sure he wouldn't Work a bit harder ox' mo e

41' Int Ingently in a blgher classification. tI question wh‘t

not, the. BOar&at this time should go at Mrs proble

:Or ax oho else in ' .s diVection.

In telling tales Oat of school, I light say the

Attorney General's office has also recommended very strong'

that - it leant necessary for anyone to have, house oounsel„

that hOYlulgat take cart of all.the problemS that might ar

in the State of California. So when we got through with th

_0. budget, think we should record our need .far, counsel as in • --

1 theLlight OlThthe whole budgetary process and then what,we d • ‘:

have (I ameiPeaking for this Board) stIlld be handled on a

perSonnel: classification basis because that's statewide;

4 I thinkgny attempt to upset' that would be futile and re dun

and 4P,'07/ven rebound a l .ttle bit.

Gm MUM Would it be out. Of order -to ask

to take another look at this

MR. Gam: Na, you can ask them to take another loo

if you watt and when It gets into the analysts' hands, they'l

take several.

GO V. ANDERSON: his was your idea

would be uffiolent?

HORTIG: This would be of aid because along wit

Mr, Carr telIir g tales out of school and, prior act/on of th suggesting

Commission, we have found that even/such another look be take

ak4ther real look is taken much more expeditiously than if th









that this,



• 11014 UFO

etooiritent its11 o


we, 7.4.ould .eieatteitt

boid -done riez

1441140I\T d

enda the reOreat1tonal and leasing poUetes

require notice for a gublic meetin 7,

MR. H0RTIG No oir*

MR. CRANSTON: I o reques then4

E , AjipERSON: The Chair will ask for the approval

f Item (N eeoond !lewd by reporter

Item 10 **,.


you did.‘malre.W

the Pereoprie


of the approval of the badget

GO V. ANDURSON: I interpreted t

not only that hut the budget,

Understood that it included. approval.

of the budget* 24

25 GM AND Item 10 is appro a of plat of sum

RTXG: b fore ou wodeedo








leer a, reillas rication, stud for

.position but wedid no have, a Inotion on the matter


ropect to aseletin ..,_, • the staff recAleet


r H. F, Lauritzen Big Break, Contra Costa County, 20


**O$ 3.1* NW 11'0





KR HORTIGAI ;le re eatotroval, =Min

tit:tutors pact .mod' whereuMer on State 1, d8 whip&

been PrevioALY owlveYed orfdilaci tp havebeen::: a vo 44.

survey that le err re n an ear) t

which wOU141 ocerreet3;s Ile 0- 1.anttils and. 104,o been

toyed 1) the tee ... tagt.,44th 'Tokrida Comiztiton,s;

apci e a proved acoordan e with ,l 1Ae PUt11e ResoureeS Code

u uniess cher.f)o ssion, retl this n: any nar4ner efaiiv413 e) 4

ant, title to w e e,'might be :entltield:i

10 would merely be a li ense Mr* 'u' it. to go to 0ourt

and. lure aa title, eo Irma irk chtion

move. 3

MOON Moved and t3 a an de do No ob,3e ti on/

or ID 'Win, be looved

11 ption of policy for cmdact of va

operatione , oak *bmerged lapd estab

merit (if lir6lieiallt


MR,' HORTIG: Pumuant to an opinion of the. office

.2,0torney Generals, 'such things as

'ark and been abandoned and are resttng he ocean floor

exse State ppopex-hty and originally no 'der the ju isdiotion

at the state" Zands omm saionl but• under 1.46 jurisci,iO4on



23 he Director •of Vinaneel, as they gre tate property For

24 ypar *he offi4e Vle Director of inanai mall been admin41#1 25 4.1.43 permits for conduct of y' salvage opertions whiph,Aaitit

26 might want to undertake on such State Property end they Depar 44

elf ADM tclorrnwrrvit pprocictiur.-ic, vrAle. 4:AL12eSiit1iA

o4i.Z, *44 *AM Sro


Firtanae,decied 4iEspart ot:OtvlesiqlatlYe iirpgram at th , . _‘ oes&tem duo to iptroe le saation wadh .wished 2;014ob-

, the 3tte Lands• COmmission; an awe September th

Direotor ha been out from tmder and the Landi Com-

Soil= bag been under. So 4n order to adminstertbis problo

we are •,reit ending that the Commission authorize the adoptio

of interim procedure. pending the time teat rules and regula-

blons cax .be _stablis ? d, those, prooedures 'viatlined on page

0'. and 31 of the calendar, which, are actually a oontindation

he procedures that the :De a,: of Finance's adtinistra

div$,sien 110 used for the- preee year in administerill

e of operstibna

ML CARRt s lay sim "Areptatement of the swim

coped ; which might be reconsidered and emended b this

anion when they see fit aad 3. t zveaRtime. g;Lve$Just

itomethin to operate on,


MR. CA RR: I so tovex;

0V. ANDERSON5„ Moved and seovaded, so ordered.,

Xtem I_ establishment of policy relating to

closing dates tOr,calendars fizir Commission meetings. Mr4

MR. HOMO The Commissi*ners will road I was

'04ted at the October 5 meetins to pr pti4re , policy reoomme

deitioA for eztablishills olc;eing dit‘es 04:hiturli calendarss to

allow for ataff process.ng time which would result In .suffi-

26 oient ttme for the Commission to review and study *be Items 1

olvistow APkt•thilsTRAT:Vit Ilmontoutoc, kTATIC OK CAL.WORNIA

iltpott *4$11.0.4 Or,*




the calendar prior to a schedaled mee:ting date Pursuant to t.

that areatIVe, it is re msmaded that the C mmisSion direct

the 316xeculitire Officer to estOlish closing dates for all

future calendars for ComMissien meetings as follOws:

that material for inclusion on calendars be

in the hands of the CommlOsion staff for review and process

ing sufficiently inoadyance of the meeting date to permit

commencement of reproduction by the clerical staff ten^ worki

days prior to the date of the next Comm lion meeting; that

10 only' emergency matters be added as supplemental items there..

11 after; and emergency items to be defined d4fereptly than as

12 in the published calendar before you, but preferably as thos

which are highly critical and where a delay in,,, action will

14 result In the impeirment of the public health, (safety, or

15 welfare; and the Executive Officer to be 4,seated o have

16 copies of the calendar delivered to each ox the Commi loner

17 of the Lands Commission six working days before the Commissio

le meeting.

419 MR. CARR: Is that your recommendation?

MR. HORTIG: Yes sir, 2 MR. CARR; Sok\move,

22 Ge% ANDERSON; It has been moved and I'll second i

25 M.R. CARRA That gives you plenty of time, the staff

24 plenty of time to do their job?

25 MR, HORTIG: Except for the emergencies.

26 GOV. ANDERSON: No objection so ordered.


riprW.'ms voivi Aro

GOV. ANDERSON; Item 1 i the atus oii. j0

liti ation. Hortig. '.

Ma. HORTIG* 140 -vOmmisia.d, action is squired.

IL ,,


is:the' tabulation furnished to theCommissionetis mothl v:

so that they,:ar6tware of the status. cur next Most Pending

litigation which is actually going to go to trial is going.

to be a quiet title action in the month Of November, on wioI 8 Mr. Goldin is our counsel, to determine -6e oil and gas ownez

ship in Alamitos Beach State Park at the east end of Long

10 Beach.

11 GOV. ANDERSON: Which:one is that here?,

12 MR. EMI G: Item 2 on Page 33. You see, the ease

13 is set for trial for November 240 1959.

14 MR. CM R: Thatts the one where we find, out whet4ar

15 the title for the oil passed to the.'otate?

18 HORTIO. That is cOrrect. Par dovernbr Axiden

17 benefit, the easternmost 2200 feet 0,t-the. tidelands- briglnall

18 granted to thy' City of Long Beach: by' the State were retUrned ( • , ,

19 to the State by Long BeeCh in a quitclaim primarily ror park 20 purposes, but we feel not limited thereto,- This q1.4tclaim

wv 21 was issued in ,1932 before anybne thought about oil, in the

22 tidelands area, Since the development of oil under thts are

the cit r of Long Ieach has contender that the r did t reconv

the oil, but only the surface for park purposes. and this is

an of .ersimplificat on of the issues tO be tried in the quiet

title action.






t001111.44 116/.1.4

0 move*-





Nri:A03409 'Mat-takes no aetiOIL, %At last

itsevfl on title oaLendaz -0less. „ig ha* snyth$ else .4b Aprt1,- , .there tithg tAtii COX e 'c e 4 41:

,-.BORTIG: jad- e0beirWatioh,ot.t ' 0 tqt e ., ' y c. • :,. next OgiOiliWittrOiteel

.-Nov*iber , tik .1101,VX 0. he he r to

bays a,. detfirmtinatio34.. ap , o le :44 00, on the Decembe

tine date and the for thereo ' .:.s suggest*itdcr6

with the fourth Thursday falling o Christmas Eve and the

last Thursday falling on New Year's Awe, that ix lieu th6reo

0 the Commission consider Thursday, December 17, which would be

aPPro-i1at ly -one month after.itIne November meetlng at

00V A DERSON: W do tt have to adopt tp4t't

id' want to check our calendar iut Iill taice thAt

vete'. t, ,_zrOu ttoo* fatuvle

R, RORTIGt We will veeheo T, tvyour respoctive




18 at ninedslos would that be in 3acrament4I

V. ANDERSON: Yau are thinking of /*dem sr 17tk

!TO1TICt7z The Commission might consider Saeramen

2 because we ve deOrred one matt r to Sacramento. x, ti

21 tion or,the next meetilig is kor tiovembe_ 1.8j 2 s4 Los fief


11;ip ANDERSON: MieVoct' seeondi geFt no et



he•dommiision in Los Artgelett two o olook November 18tb4

25 If a mot on to adjourn is in order„ Atli make it,

ADJOURNED 12:22 P M. 26

IS '


',Ott Ile ETZ'tf

1404 141* 100 *Pa,





LOUISE IL LILLX001# reporter for the Divislort of

nistriyAye Procedures hereby certify that the foregoIng

ninety pas contaiwa fel.,"true and Correct transcript of .V1

the agoftki*d, notes taken by me at the meeting of the ,STNIS

IA rDs COMMISSION of the State of California held 'in Los

Angeles, Ca:14,,f raja on October 29, 1959

Da6ed: Sacramento, California, liovember 1, 1959,