a at bu just receivedl - m c at !ttanche»ter—a city of fillofie … evening hearld... ·...

V a <9 FOtJUTEE!#^ ^mtrl^pfltpr lEwruIng Ijpratb MONDAT, MAT tiM MT ft About Town raopli maktnf eontrlbuUona: bjr f]iaek tar tta «m u ^ ManchaMer DiBtTtet Boy Bcout ttrira alwuld nak« ebacka iwyiibia to ioarph lleaahaii. traoaurcr at tha trtra. AiMSanofi-libao AuxUlary. V. F. W - win hoM a brief bualnaaa at tba W. Home, Mandteeter Green, tortorrow eva- nine *t elfht odock, followtnf - which the Poat and Auxiliary «i)l bold- a Joint memorial aervlee for eneaaaed membera. Officer* and eolor baarem are ^neated to wear their full unlfo'nM, The EnUred Apprentice Decree win be conferred by Mancheater tiodfe of Maaona followlny the reg- ular bualne**, meeting tortnorrww rreningi Lodge will open at 7:30 and there wilt be refreahmenta and n aoclal hour after the degree work. Rae. Laland O Himt and Mra Hunt are In Amheral. Maaa., at- tending the rededlcatlon aarvlcea at the South OongregaUonal church, Amherat, Maaa., where Mr. Hunt ^ g a n hi* minlatry. LA. (Jgl Calvin C. Kiaher. U8NR i of 124 Brookfield atreet, Hanchea- ter, haa completed.a two^week Na- val fUaerve training crulae in the Oaribbean area aboard the battle- ahlp U88 tFlaconaln. On theac training crulaea. , gunnery drilla. batUe probleipa and lecture* ^ are held to refreah the reaervtata’ pre- vioua training and acquaint them with the lateat development* In Naval'equlpment. St. Margaret’a Circle. DaVighler* of laabeHa. will meet tomorrow- evening in the K. of C. home. A “white-elephant” aale will he con- ducted by Mw. Anton Kanak and her committee. Oame* and a ao- clal hour with rVfreahment.a will followr, ^ Fur G>ld Storage S^lorr Your Fun* With Oinficlenrr in OiiF, \ Modem Vaull in Our Own Riiilr|in|E At The r*■■■ p»i ■ CORR iisTiii C omm * The Paat Mlatreaa 6lub of the Daughter* of lAbeity, L-. O. L. I., No. 124r will hold , iU monthly meeting Wedneaday' night at the home of Mra. Bllen Wllaon, 20 Oiiawold atreet. Grand Knight Joaeph L. Plcaut and Past Grand Knight Cornellua It. Foley of Campbell council. Knighta of Columbua, are attend- ing the atate convention of the Knighta of Columbua at Danbury today a* delegate* from the local council. Paat Grand Knight Foa- tcr H. Wnilama alao la atjtentling ae an alternate. A itaiighter, their Aral child, waa bom May 32 at ,St. Krancia •hoapital to Mr. and Mra. Joaeph i rnaeh of Hartford, formerly of Mancheater. The baby who haa nftiTK*'! Judith May, in* th / flrai grandchild of Mr. and Mra Frailk Hach of 1«4 Hartford Road WllHam X. Hunteq of lll.l Sum- mit atreet haa relumed from the Peter Beiitl Brigham Hoapital In Boaton Vherr he recently under- i went a aerlea of operatlona. He la greatly Improved In hla health. , A aon, their flrat child, waa born yeaterday at the Hartford hoapital to Mr. and ,\li«. ttonald M. Grace of Bolton. The child I v> b been I named Tirflothy A'an The mother la the former Mia* Huth I,. .Mc- Cormick, daughtei of .Mr. and Mra. ^Fred MoCornilC'-t of M.-ineheater. Ovester Nowickl of the local Oaa Company ana •Monk" Natale of , Hartford won Ui- two man double howling conteat at Ncw.F.ngland i Duck Pin Tuun nment held at ■Wfionaocket. R. 1 yeaterday with a acora of SM teallng the aecond team by al* pins. Engugnl to W m I ■S a- -' g-s * away at tha^ Funds to (jive c s bu China Leaders lancheatar Tniat Co., .at the Burr Nura- Srarrity of Srliobls Is' Saifl to Br Coiiiilry's GrPHiPs! Olistarlp Mlae Mae K|ellaon minimum RATE ^ $2.S0 CLEANING and \ REVITALIZINC by Hollandpr— V^rld Ftir Experts— and H posts no inorp. \ repairing by expert furriers at reasonable prices. Mr Hiid .Mra. Krne.st I... Kjellaon of 1.1.1 Porter atreet announce th>* engngenmnl ol their dmighter Mae, to Riiflolph Peteraon, aon of Mr. anrl .Mra>! Alhln I’eleraon of Stamfunl. I'omr, .Mia.i KJellJion h* a gniduate of .Mum til atcr High ly hool and the Hartfi rd Hoapital Schryd of Niira- ,lng. At preaenl ahe employed at Ihe Memorial hoapRal, New Ynr^k City Mr. Peteraon la u gradiigte <if Stamford High ■.ai.hool. He la employed by the Southern New I'tngland Telephone Company aft.«r spending two and one half year« In the Navy. , COntrlbutlona to United Service i to China will mateiially aaalat the great country of China’’ to provide leadera for the future. Governor Jamea L. McConaughy, former Na- tional Preali^btit of United (Jhlna Relief now t.’ nlted Servire to (Thina, atated at a talk not long ago that I ’hlna'a main reaaon, ujher than the war, for having aiieh' an "up- aet' houae" la Its dire lack of lead- ’ orshlp 1.4'adership la lacking be- cause of the aeareity of schools I and teachers. One of the four major Held of United Service to Clilna's 1047 program Is eclucation. Donations will help t'h’ina to help herself. Contributions will do this by help- ing to support the existing schools and colleges now In fThlna and will help to establish new' inatltiitlons of learning. These Institutions will give Chinn better educated cltlaens who will make better leaders, who Will In turn help ("hina to straight- en her own house. . .Many of the citizens ofManchea- ter have received letters asking for contrlbutlnns for this worthy calls#. If there are any who did not rerelve a letter who would like to eontrihufe, they may do so by get- ting In tourh with Robert Hath- Annual Of Vi'oniciiVcinhl The annual meeting of the mnpolitan Club waa held In ter Church Pariah houae Frl afternoon with Mrs. Clarence ElchJ man, hostess. After the yearly reports of the officers and chairmen of commlt- tes, Mrs. Harry Straw, president: Mrs. Wallace Payne,.aecretary and .Mrs. Rugene Lehr gave report* of the meetihga of the State Women's Federation held In Hartford, May 13. 14 apd 15. They covered the highlights of a aeries of interest- ing and Inspiring panels and lec- tures, as well a* the “ Pioneer Tea” which celebrated the .lOth ajmlver- aary of the State Federation.' Mra. John V. I.*mberton of the program committee presented the following club member* In an en- tertaining fomedy entitled, “ Kn- joylng Poor Health.” Mrs. Wll- llsm Slover. Mrs. Howard Eddison, Mra. Ronald Wadsworth, Mrs. Ralph Brown and Mra. Ormand West. Just Receivedl - A b^utiful range of neV Bates Dress Fabrics 9 9 ® y**- FOR THE BEST IN OIL HEATING DIAL MANUHESTER .5918 > II 1 II H. E. WTUTING ' m Representing ill TIMKEN OIL HEAT I HALEYS SELF SERVE The Orighikl In New Englandt AND HEALTH i^ARKET TUESD^ SPic^LS! GERANIUMS for memorial day purposes A GOOD SELECTIOiN OF PLANTS 50c - 75c - $1.00 I > iuJW.HAL€co. MAMCNiSTiii C omm * Wherever There’s Sun And Fun There’s JANTZEN () soihethifii) neu for under the sun \ (he v k f ln O N E f i - \ r Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! I Botwet i.b . 37c OW0 ooiiim Oleomargarine Fun Lord \ Lb. pkff. Baat'a S^reme Fruit Cocktail No, '2'/i Can 43c Drew Peaches Bkoeatrfaig Beets No. 2'/j ('an 23c .1 LI), a C gP^OIAL! QoM Medal FIbur .25Lb ,n.'. $2.25 FiMh . Itch . 5c Rhubdrb I.h. Freak Rareripes 1 ..... Bfh . 5c Cucumbers A for Salofl Lh. 10c Carfol^ Bch. 10c HEALtH MARKET IWar«ek'. ^usages Lb. 49c Freohly Made Lamb Patties U, 39c Tenderized Horn . 'T i.h . 59c LONG SLEKVK . ................ S."i.50 The la>r bt your lool|lif*, thii handsome lelaure CMt — the Vacationer by >VINQS. Wear It ilidoora or out, for loafipit or lounding. Wear it lolo or with poWrahirl. Handsome, romfortable. In an \aII-iport« PiKific Mill* Print. Sanforiied . . . no ahrinkjpg. no J fadinf. Bamboo, tan or brown b«ck|round. _ Foohrear for the Fatnity CEHOUSE&SON I rsi WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS You’ll be aa excited as we are about these new Jantzen beauties — every one of them is a conversation maker of the “Oh” and “A-a-h” variety. i S \ / One Piece and Two Piece \ Swim Suil^ N $5-95 •" $1.1.95 Sep wlial you can make with the new stripes in this iiiateriuL i Stripes • Geometries and Plain Colors. All Sanforized shrunk. Feels like silk, so smooth ,and fine. Guaranteed washable! Extra Special Si^t^nds 4 »f Reg- 10 c and 12Vi® lN|organ DishNCloths for ' \ \ \ ./ \ .y Jantzen SHORTS Couldn't lx- cuter those piny ahortn. Navy, hi-own. yellow, grey. $3-50 to$ 5.95 Shorts and Bra to i Mjpeh .SIS .95 , SIWa 12 to 20 PLAY SUITS Sanforized (^ollonfs Sizes 12 to 20 $t 8.59-$ 10.98 Soft, absorbent. lonR-wearing dish cKjths. A real value in these seconds. . Green Stamps Given With Cash Sa^i The JW . MANCHBSTtR CONM* 7 ^ Ruvon 2 Pc. Suita . ' 8lzca 14 to 44 .Si0,98-«112.98 X }RSEt T [IRTS Is o Low Suif 'Ahaad for. You? SEE THE READER'S DIGEST. . JUNE ISSUE — PACES 5-7 Tkien See U^'About Damage Suit Insurance Jio.oa/^UYS $10,000 OF PROTECTION! $1^^ BUYS $50,000 OF PROTECTION! (Rate UtMcupanls of private residence and apartment*) CU(RKE INSURANCE AGENCY 175 EAST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE lANTZEN / G^cy. whlt\wlth colored . $2.9^ So • Ma. • Stamps (Jivert With Cash ^alj J.W H AU COM MAHCHISTCa COHH' TRAILER CHASSIS - ^R G A IN Too new Government'surplus wbilMhey la.st. Four wheels— 6.00x16 tires— 72” wheelb^e. RuRRed 4xl-',i^ .1-16 reinforced chai^nel frame. /F r o n t wheels steer. UnderslunR 7” or converted 12’^earance. For demon-. \stration fill in name and ad4w.>‘-s knd mail lb Box C, Herald. Name ................... •••• Addre.«w ............. //X T / J '*. '-W- /- Average Daily Clrcabitioii For tha Moeth at ApeU, I t 41 9^98 IT •< tka AaiUt at !ttanche»ter— A City of Fillofie Charm The Weather Fdreceat of U. S. Wagtlwr Banae Fair and roqler tonight; Wodeoo day cloudy and eoolor followed kj rata. VOL. LXVI., NO. 202 (Cb ii on reao it> “7^ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 27i 1947 * ---------------------------------------------------------- ^ --------------- ^---------------- (bXIUKTEKN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENIV ( Soviet Proposals Regarding Press Will Be Debated FoDowed Suhcommission 91 I Bv*^Bad Freetlom of Info^^a* ^ lion ami Pread "I ,Trunian Discusses Fed- I-ake Suecesa Today <.ral Finimeial Siliia- tion With Snyder Bulletin! I-ake Success, May 27.— (Iw —Salvador I.opez of the Pkil- ippines .souRht today tq lone down what he called the **war-like phraseotogy^* in a Russian statement to the United Nations ofi objectives of the press In the post-war world. / Courthouse i^itdown Gets Results Lake Succesj, May 27.—</P) — Soviet Ilu.s 8 ia’s propo.sal 8 on the ba.sic objectives of the press In the post-war world came up for debate today in the United Nations with pros- ptjets of some sharp comment. The^ 12-natlon Subcommission on Freedom of Information and of the Press, wa* expected to take speclM note . of Russian charges that Certain unnamed cor- reepondenta ana eeeking sensatlonallam and reepondenta and columniets were their 'Mown personal advantage by greai- fhg diaharmony. Soviet -^lOgnte y 3 m . Lomakin, who presented the acchaation, said it waa “high tln^ to cw to order these machine- gunned and so-called heroea.” The pdas freedom Isaue moved lit the 'U.N. spotlight ^ the General A*d>nbly'* CTommiasionon Palestine idled along after an opening seaalodyeaterday attend- ed by only five o't It* 11 delegates. ITiose nve — npm Australia, Guatemala, Iran, Pkra and Yugo- slavia—hoped for eariy ..arrival of their colleaguee and 'xnieanwhtle scheduled an Informal ideting to- \day (3 p. m. e.d.L) to try' to clear away procedural detail*. Deltnltlonb Seen First Task In offering his proposals to the pres* group, Lomakin u td tnq flrat talik of the group and the In-^ temadional -onference it has ar- ranged for Europe next year was to define the objectives and tasks of the pres*. He skid that there had been •% .(Oontlaoed on Page Ten) Y0uth Sought As Four Slain Farm Chilflreii Killed While Picking Flow- ers in^ Gravel Pit Bulletin! Toledo, O., May 27—(g>)— OUvrr Terpenning, Jr., aiender 19-year old high school boy, waa arrested Bear here today and a sherUrs officer said he eonfesaed the slayings Monday night of four Imlay City, Mlch^ farm children. Lieut. Art- Bart- liowlak of the Toledo sheHfrs office quoted Terpenning as saying he shot the four chil- dren “about S p.m. .Monday” 1>ut that ‘‘be didn’t know why.” Earlier, Sheriff LeaUe' Math-./ ewa of Lapeer, Mich, bullets which killed children came from her rifle foUnd near home of Terpenalng’^parents. Bulletin! Grandview, Mo., May 27—(>T) —President Truman naiN to- day that his mother was "RdM- Ing her own” after a alight set- back last nIghL While .Mra. Martha E. Truman had ”a bad night,” Mr. Truman said, she came out of the aetbaek In fairly good shape and nt 10:44 nan. (e, s. L) wna sleeping comfortably. The setback to which the prealdcat referred earlier In the day apparently wna In the nature of a chill. Grandview, Mo., May 27—<Jf )— President Truman said today that his mothcr’e surprising rally had been followed by “s ' bad night.” Shortly before leaving Kansas City for Mrs. Martha E. Tniman'* home here, Mr. Truman told re- porters he had talked with mem- ber* of the family by telephone. “ She had a b/id night," he eald. “I don't know what the results will be until I get out there.” The president said he discussed “the financial situation of the govern- ment” in a breakfast conference '^th Secretary of the Treasury der. yder flew here laat night from two Speeches, in Arkansas planning to retikTi .tor'Washington today. Pkpsee Not Specified The prudent did not specify what phases of the financial picture Snyder took up with him. Mr. Tru- man left for Grand^w at 7:25 a.m. c. 8. t. He had been somewhat heartened by another aurpriaing rally of his critically III mother. The 94-year- old patient showed a alight im- provement yesterday. Word came during the afternoon from Brig. Gen. Wallace H; Gra- ham, White Houae physician, that ^ r a . Truman’s condition dum g th\day has’shown some Improvis ment^’’ A f ^ hours later, the president returning to hla Hotel Muehlebach headquanera in Kanaaa City from another daV at hla mother’s bed- side, told newmen of a "slight Im- provement” ami added: v “ HopInj^For Beet” “I don’t knowN^ether to be- lieve It OP not. TWqre have been one or two rallies llkVthlH. I hope it means something. i\gm hoping for the best. In the last report of th^vening General Graham said terse'' Mra. Truman "held the during the' day.” Other House sources said the Im; ment for startling. Harold Nuttall (wearing ha*). 36-year-nld Army veteran and candi- date for ma.vor of War, W. Vii. pits on the step.s of McDowell roiirt- house at Welch. W. Va., with unte'entifled fellow CHnitldatcs 'anil *up- portera. McDowell ami three other candidates of a “ people's party" staged a sitdpwn around the courthouse the previous night after being j ai 'agrecni('nt""It^thc other nOrtV refused voter .registration hats. They were given the llst.s the next ”. i . . •. z day by County .Clerk Donn 8. Renn. (AP wlrephoto). Truman Favors New Ageiicy for Housing Proposes Hoov^^r Would Fi'ee Shackles i / On Industries { Believes W orltl Keonoiii-1 Ic Reeovery Possiltle | III Few Yeiirs If Kiissiu' Ami Fruiire Otoperiile Washington, M,a> 27 (g*i~ Her- bert Hoover .said toilay the indus- try of former enemy rountrles must be uhHh.irkicd and expressed belief that world economic re- covery could come “ in two or three years" If Russia and France will ciKipernte. The former pi<>idrnt talked to reporters after lO' appeaK’d bilore a House Appropriations aubi'oin- mlttee to back up the ndminiht ra- tion’s request for a $72.’l.000,00 civilian relief fund for .occupied cnuntrtca. He told newsuien that: 1. He la novt’ engaged In a pri- vate study of hdia great a load this country can bear in world relief and recovery work, with the prob- ability hia finding will be n'lidy "In :i couple of weeks." • 2. lie would not regard a Sepa- r:itc peace with Gernlnny and Japan a violation ijf an Interrintion- House Begins Debate On Sales Tax; Votes For Passage Certai: Slash ill Funds Under Attack •/ - Creation o f .| = ^ = ^ = = : Housing ant] Home FK! News Tidbits nance Unit to Hanille Government Activities WaBhington, May 27.— (/P): ~Pre«ident Truman todav Cuiletl From (iP) Wires Jap physlciti*. testifies his na- tion’s declalnn to aiirrendcr ca|m^ pPop«.Bed to Congress the ere-' “ f / r T I ation of a completely new i ^ ^ hQUfling and home finance' BRency to handle virtually all j government activities in that Attlee B^i^s Beym Policy Imlay City, Mlcp^, May 27.:—fA’) ^ *teen-ageil ”t>6y friend” of one of'^the vlcUms was sought throlwhout Michigan today aa^ ,. atate pM cpdn.ty officers mobilized'! forces w^dnvestlgate the flower . patch staying, of four farm , ohll dren Sp6t throilgh the head as they p ^ e d wildflo^wrs from a swampy, ti-grown gravel pit late yes- ''terday were thr^ daughters and a son of Mr. an^Mr*. W ’illlam Smith whose farmNjiome is nine miles northwest of HV’*. Sixteen-year.-old Barbara, a bou- quet, of. violets ctutchdou in her hand, had three bullet wounds in the head. Her sisters, Glaws. 13, and Janet, 2, and her briber, Stanley, 14, had been shot (hjee, also in the head. Bodies Found' by Sister Their bodies were found by an other of the 14 phlldren in the Smith family—19-year-old .Ella Mae. She left the supper .table to look for the four and returned ecreaming a short time later to report her gruesome discovery. •The slaying* so angered the irea that a band of irate farmera set out Immediately^with 'gunr ind othe>' weapons In search of he klljer. State. and local police artd sher- 'jf’a officers scoured' Mi(|hlgan’* ‘thumb area” In particular for Dllver Terpenning, Jr..' lit, A oeighbor who officer* said had claimed Barbara was his "girl rrleni}.” \ No charge ' hait been plane'l Deeres Britain Now peeking Honestly to /^uild Up World Peace’ Margate, Eng.. May 27—■UP)-— Prime Minister Clement Attlee, in an address to the annual confer- ence of the ruling Labor party, to- day defended the policies of For- eign Secretary Ernest Bevln 'and declared that Britain 1* “secklqg. honestly to build up world peade. “We are seeking to build up harmony oil a world basis," Attlee 'and I deny th^ charge by aortic pfoplc, whose subservloncc to one great' power makes them charge us with subservience to an- other. ' "We are subs.crvient to none and wc seek collaboration with all.” Attlee’s remarks obvlbiiaiy were directed to extramist elements within the party who have criti- cized Bevin’s frtV-clgn policy on the grounds that it haa aligned Britain too closely with the United States at the expense of relations with field. In a special mesaage, Mr. Truman said such an agency “will Unquestionably make for greater efficiency and econo- my.” e Would scrap Esieting Agrtie.v His plan would scrap the exists ing National Housing agepey 'W r ’hich coordinates present hopSing ninctions. It was crcate4/under the president'* wartime’ powers and will go out of e^tsnee six months after the depfared end of the war. Mr. Ti-uman sxfd the proponed new agency ahpdld bo a permanent part of goveyhment. .. "The pr^iKary responsibility for njeetingybouaing need.v rests and must qontiniie to rest with private lndn.:*try, as 1 have atafed on other ocprfslona. /"T h e Federal government, how- ti;is an important J'ole to play in stimulating and 'facilitating home construction." ’, White House aides forwarded Mr. Truman’s message tO'Cbngress ring, hi.s absence In Missouri.' transmitted to Capitol hill "R^4^anlzatlon Plan No. 3”, pro- vidlngiTor bringing into one agen- cy mosVof the government’s hous- ing actlrtt.ies.„ . Under aNlaw enacted by the laat Congress, My. Truman has author- ity to-propose such consolidations or reorganizations of the govern- ment's bureaus and agencies. Such plans become law automatically unless Congress adopts a resolu- tion disapproving thbm within 60 days .aftqr they arc submitted. ^ radio (J. H. conducting “ secret nego- tlattons” with Finhcc for retention of air b a ^ near Marseilles .... Alclde jK Oasperi seizing to form new Italian cabinet . . * . Beck meeting of warring na- Honalist and eommiinist leaders In China to end strif* . . , Sigps that French labor intent to strike is weakening . . Claim Russians have removed greater part of ehiiria’s eoal mine and pm*cr equipment . . . OutbVeak of raping of white women by NH ctos alarms South Carolina auth^tles ivho rpsh accused mtu to safn-keeping In state prison .... Final drafts of nc<v laboK bill being made ns both' House pnd Senate leaders nnnoiihce they wHJI make no more rnanges .... Fe«l\ eral Ri-serx-e Board think recession h may not at first ircnn lower prices ........... Andrew J. May war fraud ease noHi's #nd of his testlmouv . . ! King George VI Hies to atfeiul/’ funeral of brother-in-law, the F.arl ; of Harewood ......... Jewish iindf^r- groiind nilgrhtlon offieliilH.^say their goal is one million Eimipean .leig^s In Palestine within yfc.-ir . . . Russia notifies Britain It Is ready to talk over Italian oOlnrilal em- pire division............. / consistently fail* to. carry out Or violate* the tern*. 1 don't think you are under arty moral obliga- tion. ... I don’t see why ive are obligated to go o:i forever umler these strains.” i 3. “ More rignn us netloi^ ta needed In foreign countries -to col- lei't food which is now grnng Into the black marktls. In adihuice of the' former Re- publican president>('appearance at a closed-door ^ s lo n . committee mjimber* told.-f^ortera they want the answere-ln many questions be- fore they.-approve spending any more A'mericRn r oney abroad. Wants to llnai All Evlilrnre want to hear all the evidence before 1 reach a verdict,” said Chairman Taber (NY), spearhead of the Republican economy ilrlve. "’There are a lot of things 1 want to know about and I. hope Mr. Hoover', la in a I'ositioh to answer them.” Rep. Albert Engel (R., Mich,), chairman of t|ie aubcpiirtnittee di- rectly, Interested in the relief pro gram, wouldn’t comment In ad. vance of Hoover’s testimony, but like Taber, indirated he lias many questions to ask. Questions likely to be propound-^' ed, membera said. Include: /' "How much longer, nuisi tlie Unlt€>d States feed the conqirt>red peoples?’.' , y "What assurances are tWre that the money won’t be iiserV Indirect- ly, to pay reparations ;tn Russia ? " ISicarugiiaii IVrnidriil Bail St^itioii Blast S(•eiic ,x Fr^plit An New, Traill IMiiu’d Outbreiikrt o f Violeiir^ in FuleHtiiie igain^t the youth. Vr- the'Soviet union. ElXpreaalng confldj^re in Bevln “and hia coUaborai'ors,'’ Attlee de- clareq: ' “We’ve been following a policy baaed on rapport of the United Nation#.” ' Attlee's references to foreign ((ffalrs, 'made two days In advance of\a scheduled conference debate on Britain’s international policy, were^dellyered in a report on the LaborXparty’a parliamentary pro gram Turiiiiik to domestic affairs, the prime minister blafhie^ “neglect of 'ffie' coW mlBoa,under private own- ership for mqch of the nation's economic llla.X ' i “ No. little oYour trouble in the in4ustrial and Konomic sphere is due to the fact U-st the mine* wera neglected,’’, he sal«L’^Now we have taken action we- can,^ see a 'change In the scene.'" A 1 1 1e e’a . Labor '\government brought the miheX iirwlor Rushans Drop Death Peiialtv Action Acriaimeil uh Evi- dence of IncrcaHcd Feeling of Seeiirity \ ^ownership Iqat Jan. U London, May 27—(S>i—A Mos-, cow broSdcaat announcing aboli- tion of the death penalty In th4 3ovJet union was acclaimed today by Russian sources in London 'as evidence of an increased feeling of security' vi,1thin Russia and a •Igii that dra'ttlc ‘measures"Were no longer necessary to preserve the state. . The broadcast—recorded here last night'bj the Soviet monitor— said the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet had decided that the, death penalty was “no longer necessary under' peacetime c< ndltlons In the Soviet union” and that 24-year •entences In labor camps wquld be substituted. The presidium ta an executive, and directive body which acta be- tween aessloha of Rusaia'a Parlia- ment, the Supreme council olf the union. , V ' Before the War RjMsla Imposed dea,J;h penalties fqr murder, high- way robbery and" sabotaging atite property. Apparently the meaaure appllea to political offen ^ ' a* well . aa crime* of violence’. Hi tlcql offender* often have puhlle '.punlahed hy execution - singly or i in group*. IthJ^ poli- hsveXbeen Prraldent Tnxiiah saya housing problem will noJr''be solved unld people' genera^ can get soundly built homes at reasonable prices.. .tsHistant War Srefetary- H. r. I’etei-M-n goes to Gcrrnany to study food shortage problem..N W. Ford, executive Ijvice prcSl- dent of state’s Mnmifactiirers' As.soeiatlon Bays t.’onne<-||rut In- dustry uoHld he (daced In “ unfa- vorable posllion" by general retail sales tax. .Hear .Admiral Janie* line, for seven years superintend- ent of Coast Giiarrl ACa'lemy, will re.tlrc. ... r DemoeraLs seek to broaden^ tax reduction bl^l'... . Scotch church vote* to IninXlate hible frrmi orig- inal tongues iXto modern Engli.sh ... .Start Invesftgatlon of govern- ment’s 17.1,000,(KKli.Bnnual publicity expenditures .... Mrmy has ap- proved SS5 marfrage* between soldiers and fraulelnV ... Edward A. O’Neal of Farm Rureau Fed- eration claim* U. S. li^anger of “noli bankruptcy” . .. .Flra losses in (Alton Increase at alarming ratf/^vwll ' i^aeh--'Ovee-'-lfillren doh Urs In three years Is estimate. .. . -.lerusaleni, Mn.V 27 f/I’i-v-The rKlIe'ny station at the all-Arab town <if Rsnileh whs blasted by a heavy explosion, antf-n freight trsin iVas mlatd at Renyani)ina today in new outbreaks of vloletire.' The Stem group, a Jewish un- derground organization, 'Issued a statcment'^ihaylng It had carried out both attacks In reprisal for “British violatinrt of ' United Na- tions instructions to sus|>cna bel- lingerent activities’’ during the U.N; investigation of the I’alc.stinc problem. The communique said Die deportation of l,50p uncertified Jewish immigrants from Haifa to Cyprus last week was such a vlo- ■latinn. Several freight cars 'Were de- railed al Benyamlna. near llje old fioiiisn capital of Caesarea, when the train struck a mine. An officlaj announcement said the< bombs nt llamleh station, 22 miles northwest of Jerusalem: were planted by four men disguised In pollen uniforms, who left a pas- senger train carryingexplosives In baaketA Sniialli Si’CN *PoliliruL SiHritle* If lIoiiHi* .Re- |iiiliRruns Buck iail Washington, May 27 (J1—Rep- resentative Sabath iD-Ill) told House RcpublUan* today that they will be committing “ political suicide’’ If they auppnrt a 32 per cent cut in Agrlciiltur^^fund* for 1P4H ns rV ’commended. by the House Appi'opciiiJLlons rominiUec. Opening debate on the 9964,- 000,600 farm supply bill friim which the committee rhoppOd I3H3.000.000. Sahath auaiird the measure as "nithleas” nnd as rep- resenting "a rorpplcte and tragic (llsrt'gard pf the best Interests of agriculture and of our country.” Itrpvblican member* of the Ap-' propriaItfiiia rommittce, he said, owe /Allegiaiica tO none except thF‘'pconomlc royallal* who are the ihasters o f the Republican party." C’alle Procedure “ Autocracy” Sabath aald procedure under which the Hou*e\l* comiidering the bill ’.'la autoerray” and “legi*- lallve tyranny of the worst k ii^ "Above all.” he added, turning to the Republicans, N|t Is /your political alilclde.” The House Appropriafidns com- mittee faced a major t^tNtoday in its drive to chop 16.0(Hi;000,000 from I’ restdent Trinnan’s $^..100, uon.ooo budget tnr 104S. Rumblings (^discontent airtnng Republican* #md Democrats alike incre(u«cd a* the >805,143,4' Agriculture department supply bill, cut 32 per cent below budget requests, came before the House for debate. A vote on passage wa* art for late tomorrow. “ Soqic Trouble” Expected Even Representative Dirkaen (R-Ill), who I.ended the subcom- mittee'-which'drafted. the bill and who will Handle It on the floor, told reporter* “there may be some tro ible.” Dirkaen referred to pending amendments in restore (Kime of the funds the committee cut from anil conservation payment*, from the school lunch program and from other agriculture department projecta. Dirkaen aald he will realafall amendnxmt* making "any sub- alantial change" In the comnilt- tee’s bill. ' Other Republican leadera aald prl'viately they expect the bill to give the committee Ita flrat major test since It Involves so many co'ti- grcnslonal districts. TreaHury" nalunce Washington.^ .May 27-‘ <A'>- The {•oaitlon (>f the Treasury May 2.1: Hecelpts. >70.855,778.37; Expendi- tures, >214.466,017,26; Balance, $4,1.10,6.30.885.67. « 22 Executed For Crimes Oppratorn of InfamitiiH Uonceiilrution l^tnp Ari; Haiigfril /Toiluy Landsberg. Germany, May 27— i/Pi- T'wenty-two op<wators of the infanioiis Nazi concentration camp at Mauthaujien were hang^ to- day, with 27 otljera ac'beduled to follow them to the gallows tomor- row in the biggest mans execu- tions ,of war criminals yet carried'’ out by any Allied power. All were convicted A mcricaq/war crimes V. by an court of Solid Fuel From Asphalt Wartime S^ret of Je^ New York! May 27—<*’)— A • and\he Texas company di*c<^red solid fuel rtiade of asphalt, but irtst ^ e that fitted the neSd* of tbitanmi* With exploalve energy,: Is the wartime -secret of the Jets >The b V k fuel la mlxe.l/n a vat used to get heaViJy loaded plane* : whence l\ pours out Iri /he form off the ground. The Texaa (ximpany, which de- veloped the fuel, released the In- formation today with War depart- ment perml-saion. The asphalt is' mixed with a light oil o.nd a- cheinv leal which produces huge amounts pf oxygen when the asphalt l.a set on lire. ' 'One Jilst. Fitted Nreids Nature did as much as,man in nnaking this new kind of.sOlld fuel, i There are many kinds of AiipbaJti, of a syriifly black llquUl, It Is mn Into a riaold, where /t harijena. Taken out oY the mold/nnd wrap- ped in linen tVpc, It tnen is readv for Insertion feto thrf large Steel bottle* Vvhic^ lye fastened to a plane for Jet aMlht«y takeoff*. The jets issue from tne mouths of iMjttlea; The aamralt keep* bottle contenta froln exploding all at once, by feeding \ little of the j fuel at a time aflTlI^.black stuff heal*, ufit,. murders and atrocities agalnat In- mates at the big camp 'near Linz, at Wht<:h more, than 700,0(K» Nazi vicUips allegedly were extennln- atc(}' during the ,»-ar. On two gallows in the yard of L^dsberg prison.- where -Adolf Hitler was once, Incarcerated, three U. S. Arn.y' executioner* 'dropped, the flrat-22 of the 49 doomed camp oiierators to their deaths In two hours and 37 min- utes. Hnapa i'urda Binding Wrist* Jt muscular Ausrttan^ anapped the eairds binding hi* wrists aa he plunged through the trap and grabbed the rope' above his head. Kicking and struggling violently, he manaaed to forestall death for 18 miiftiles. ■ All of the doomed walked firmly to their deaths and Spoke a few calpn words of farewell. The Army executioner*/ whose names were withheld, worked »w;iftly, dropping the noose over the brad of one man as hia predeceailKin atlil dangled from the other gallowa. Just before the hanglnga^gan, two Polish displaced, persons edin- vlcted of murder and rhpe Were ex- ecute.d by U. S. firing squad in th* Dr. LeonaM' Arguello (above) ts the pi-eatdrat of Nli^aragua where the Army recently tcKik over the government. He was elected last Febriiary and Installed May 1. Somoza Seen Behind Coiip s. Former Presifleitt Eh* giiif*erH Seizure After Being Told to 1,/^ave Panama, Pangma, May aV-OFi— Sources close to the altiintion in Mrlctly censored Nicaragua de- clared today that yesterday|a coup InNManagiia wa* engineered by F om er President Gen. Anaataalo Somoza, who had been ottt of office for only 26 day*. These informants said Dr. Leon- ard Argiieilo w-aa overthrown as Niesrsgiia’s chief executive In a bloodless roup by Gen/ Somoza af- ter Arguella Informed him 'In a midnight conference that he had on|y 24 hours tr» leave the rountiY. Arguello was said to lie a prisoner In the presidential palace and about 30 officers o f the National Guard who remained loyal to him were reported under arrest. Arguello was elerted to the prea- Idenry In February In Nicaragua's first election In a decade, and'w-na Installed aa Sonioza's successor on May 1. General Somoza support- ed Argiirllo's candidacy, after rnl Ing as chief of staff for 10 years. (The Associated P^eaa received a one-line dispatch yeaterday (lay- ing that the Ahmy had taken over the Nignraguan government, but further attempts to reach Managua for rlartflcatlon of the situation were blocked by censorship. (This censorship apparently ap plied only to the political situation, how-ever. since a dispatch was re- ceived later reporting that six sur- vivors of a crashed tT. S. Army B-17 had been found In a Nicara- guan Jungle. Pan-American Air- ways .aald travel to Managua was normal.), Long Cnucu« Held by Repuliliraiiff^ B e f o r e Bill Tak^it Up; Recesl For Liiiirh Not Taken As Discussion Proceeds Gf’iirral Fiintl Budget Next on Schedule; Growdfl Line 'Walls Stale Capitol, Hartford, May ‘27.— (/P)— The Houm liIunRed into one of the most crucial debates of the 1947 •ession today as the three per cent sales tax bill, keystone of the Kcptiblican administra- tion’s fiscal program, was brought up for action. Aaoured of Pasaagy 'Tha Houae. in Which Republl* cans hold a top-heavy majority, t(Kih. up the aalrs tax meaaure aft- er a Iqng G.O.P, caucua in xyhlcb, leadera i(Ud,. they Were aarar^ of enough votisa to pasa the proposal with a cortifortable margin to spare. The caucus dl<j not break up un- til after 1 p. m., but.^the House pto- ceeded to a dtacuoaldn of the aalae tax without recesslng'fqr lunch. Following the sale* tax, esUmaU ed to yield >26JK)0.000 a year, the House hod next on its schedule the >97,000,000 general fund budget. Revenues from the oalea tax art counted upon by Gov. James 1 a McConaughy'* adminlbtratton to balance that budget and provide funila for such new expenditures at the vetej^ns bonua and an ex- panded program of state aid tO ed*'- uoatlon. ■'Gallery Vlrtoolly FIQeid p ie House gallery waa Virtual!^, filled to capacity for Uie debatt. AddUional', ' the the repreaehtatlvea. Many >^omeo4uid school -childrtn were’ in the ^dlence. . Immedlat(Hy after the bill waa called up fOy action. Rep. John R, Thlm (R-Hamdyni, chairman of the FI(vanco contmittee, offered an amendment designed for the moat part to make some elarifying changes in the nifeasilre. The amendment also .proposed that newspapers and rental on personal property be exempted from the levy. Hpeaker Calhi For <)ulet i, Once during thei reading d( the amendment by the Hotisa <derk, .Speaker Frederick H. Holbf had to admonish the cr chamber to be more quiet. “There is no sense In the cleri. reading, the amendment if you’re' not going to listen to It,” he said. At another point. Rep. E. Lra Marsh, Jr. (R-Old Lyme), former spSnker and frequently at odds w-lth the administration force* dur- ing the current session, aiiaerted w HI Aiapaciiy lor me acoatg. liUonalTipectatora eraardad tq^ wfell o f the chamber and lined wSila behind pie seat* o f the (Continued on Pnge 1>n) I (IJite Riilletln* ol theOPi Wire) 11 Stiirfeiits \ , ( f Iveil Terms - i fSluingliai Mayor Prom* J«P8 to Urge Aiitlior- ilipH , to Free Tkem Hneasa Provisional Prral«ifnt Washlngloh, May 27.—(>P)—TIM .Mraraguan Congress has declared President Ix'onardo Arguello *1a- capacitated” , and iiained Renjantln Isu-ayo Maea*a aa provisional prea-- Ideal, the Mtute. department wan udvtaed Idday; The' .Amt'dran am- Imssy al . Managua reported 'b y ' telephone that Arguello, (Mwted !• a (*>up by the A'tmy, haa talua refuge In tlie .Mextean embaony along with hia w'l,fe. Hoy lliirned In Blast New- I.aindon, .May 27—OPi fIvr-y ear-old Caldwell, N, J„ boy rence and Mrntorial Aaaoclatad was under treathirnt at the laiw- hoHpitala t<Mlay (or aecond degree Klianghal, May 27— Shang- tiiil authorities announoed tralny that 11 o f 121 rtedents hrrcMted in week-end ‘‘pence demonatmtloiia" have been nvhtcri ed to (Ive to a«v- en years' imprisenment for "ati- i * ,^**‘ '*L nuilating social unrest. but Mayor K. C. Wii promired to intefvene. Notional Chiaptung university students remained away from thi-ir clasarooma , ngnir this morning, despite tlw! release of 97 of those arres^d. 1 , . May<jr Wu told a group of «tu- dent mediators thi.t he w-ould urge judlelal authorities to free within threc„dnys the 11 Hhanghal Law- college studenl* w-ho were sent- enced to prison Iei-)ns. The student explosion. The victim. DAvId S. Dancy, waa burned on the (nog. car*, bands and left leg yesterday at the .Nlanllc.home of tils griuid- falher, Walter tk-ott. * July I Date Favored Washington, May 27^/Pi—Tbn Senate leniqtivriy decided today to iiialie the proposed Income tax rut effective next July 1, ratlMr than la*t Jan. 1, a* opMdaed kff the House. The aetten —«nbjeet bn mediators agreed to encourage.^ a Iqlcr vote—came by unanlmnun return to classes today. | con*enr'during conaldernttou gibl Police prev 'nted a scheduled ; approval of amendmeata to (iemonatra’tlQn laM nigha at Na- tional Chinn "university by arrest 1 far comer ot tho prison yard. / Ing 20 leaders of groups wyilch had I ndtlec. gathered on the cnmi>UKj^ The price of rice—one of the original complaints In the student sirlker-vrirmalned kt 460.000 Chi- nese dolliu-a a “picul today ( >38.33 for 133 1-3' pounds) but even at that 'p«:ak price, the stocks were dirniblshing *o t.wtftly that none could buy more than one-fourth picul .nt a time. Few of', the’ rice ..i shop* w-or« opCjO. •/^ { >4,000,(N)0.«00 to* reduction blit m recommended by tb« blnnnoe qniib- '1 Death Takes General CSnrIaoa Portland, Ore,,' May t7—(ffV— Brig. Gen. Evan* F. Curt*—, ftl,' famed lender ,of the Marine nal>- known as ( ’arlsoa'n ■aidera la tba. Pacific war. died In a roitlaML hospital at 6:S0 a. m. today. 1 * . famed warrior had been ia the liospital Icsf than a day, ouftov-j klnx from a boact at***u. '• . W- ’■

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Post on 23-Jun-2020




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Page 1: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

V a <9 F O tJU T E E !#^ ^mtrl^pfltpr lEwruIng IjpratbM O N D A T , M A T t iM M T

f t

About Townraopli maktnf eontrlbuUona: bjr

f]iaek tar tta «m u ^ ManchaMer DiBtTtet Boy Bcout ttrira alwuld nak« ebacka iwyiibia to ioarph lleaahaii. traoaurcr at tha trtra.

AiMSanofi-libao AuxUlary. V. F. W - win hoM a brief bualnaaa

at tba W. Home,Mandteeter Green, tortorrow eva- nine *t elfht odock, followtnf

- which the Poat and Auxiliary «i)l bold- a Joint memorial aervlee for eneaaaed membera. Officer* and eolor baarem are ^neated to wear their full unlfo'nM,

The EnUred Apprentice Decree win be conferred by Mancheater tiodfe of Maaona followlny the reg­ular bualne**, meeting tortnorrww rreningi Lodge will open at 7:30 and there wilt be refreahmenta and n aoclal hour after the degree work.

Rae. Laland O Himt and Mra Hunt are In Amheral. Maaa., at­tending the rededlcatlon aarvlcea at the South OongregaUonal church, Amherat, Maaa., where Mr. Hunt ^gan hi* minlatry.

LA. (Jgl Calvin C. Kiaher. U8NR i of 124 Brookfield atreet, Hanchea- ter, haa completed.a two^week Na­val fUaerve training crulae in the Oaribbean area aboard the battle- ahlp U88 tFlaconaln. On theac training crulaea. , gunnery drilla. batUe probleipa and lecture* are held to refreah the reaervtata’ pre- vioua training and acquaint them with the lateat development* In Naval'equlpment.

St. Margaret’a Circle. DaVighler* of laabeHa. will meet tomorrow- evening in the K. of C. home. A “white-elephant” aale will he con­ducted by Mw. Anton Kanak and her committee. Oame* and a ao­clal hour with rVfreahment.a will followr, ^

Fur G>ld StorageS^lorr Your Fun* With Oinficlenrr in OiiF,

\ Modem Vaull in Our Own Riiilr|in|EAt The

r* ■■■ p»i ■ CORRi i s T i i i Co m m *

The Paat Mlatreaa 6lub of the Daughter* of lAbeity, L-. O. L. I., No. 124r will hold , iU monthly meeting Wedneaday' night at the home of Mra. Bllen Wllaon, 20 Oiiawold atreet.

Grand Knight Joaeph L. Plcaut and Past Grand Knight Cornellua It. Foley of Campbell council. Knighta of Columbua, are attend­ing the atate convention of the Knighta of Columbua at Danbury today a* delegate* from the local council. Paat Grand Knight Foa- tcr H. Wnilama alao la atjtentling ae an alternate.

A itaiighter, their Aral child, waa bom May 32 at ,St. Krancia

• hoapital to Mr. and Mra. Joaeph i rnaeh of Hartford, formerly of Mancheater. The baby who haa

nftiTK*'! Judith May, in* th/ flrai grandchild of Mr. and Mra Frailk Hach of 1«4 Hartford Road

WllHam X. Hunteq of lll.l Sum­mit atreet haa relumed from the Peter Beiitl Brigham Hoapital In Boaton Vherr he recently under-

i went a aerlea of operatlona. He la greatly Improved In hla health.

, A aon, their flrat child, waa born yeaterday at the Hartford hoapital to Mr. and ,\li«. ttonald M. Grace of Bolton. The child Iv>b been

I named Tirflothy A'an The mother la the former Mia* Huth I,. .Mc­Cormick, daughtei of .Mr. and Mra.

Fred MoCornilC'-t of M.-ineheater.

Ovester Nowickl of the local Oaa Company ana • Monk" Natale of

, Hartford won Ui- two man double howling conteat at Ncw.F.ngland

i Duck Pin Tuun nment held at ■ Wfionaocket. R. 1 yeaterday with

a acora of SM teallng the aecond team by al* pins.

Engugnl to W m I■S a- - ' g-s * away at thaFunds to (jive c s bu China Leaders

lancheatar Tniat Co., .at the Burr Nura-

Srarrity o f Srliobls Is' Saifl to Br Coiiiilry's GrPHiPs! Olistarlp

Mlae Mae K|ellaon

m i n i m u m R A T E ^$2.S0


R EVITALIZIN C by Hollandpr— V ^ r ld

Ftir Experts— and H posts no inorp. \

r e p a i r i n g

by expert furriers at reasonable prices.

Mr Hiid .Mra. Krne.st I... Kjellaon of 1.1.1 Porter atreet announce th>* engngenmnl ol their dmighter Mae, to Riiflolph Peteraon, aon of Mr. anrl .Mra>! Alhln I’eleraon of Stamfunl. I'omr,

.Mia.i KJellJion h* a gniduate of .Mum til atcr High ly hool and the Hartfi rd Hoapital Schryd of Niira-

,lng. At preaenl ahe employed at I he Memorial hoapRal, New Ynr k City

Mr. Peteraon la u gradiigte <if Stamford High ■.ai.hool. He la employed by the Southern New I'tngland Telephone Company aft.«r spending two and one half year« In the Navy. ,

COntrlbutlona to United Service i to China will mateiially aaalat the great country of China’’ to provide leadera for the future. Governor Jamea L. McConaughy, former Na­tional Preali btit of United (Jhlna Relief now t.’ nlted Servire to (Thina, atated at a talk not long ago that I ’hlna'a main reaaon, ujher than the war, for having aiieh' an "up- aet' houae" la Its dire lack of lead-

’ orshlp 1.4'adership la lacking be­cause of the aeareity of schools

I and teachers.One of the four major Held of

United Service to Clilna's 1047 program Is eclucation. Donations will help t'h’ina to help herself. Contributions will do this by help­ing to support the existing schools and colleges now In fThlna and will help to establish new' inatltiitlons of learning. These Institutions will give Chinn better educated cltlaens who will make better leaders, who Will In turn help ("hina to straight­en her own house. .

.Many of the citizens ofManchea- ter have received letters asking for contrlbutlnns for this worthy calls#. If there are any who did not rerelve a letter who would like to eontrihufe, they may do so by get­ting In tourh with Robert Hath-

AnnualOf V i'o n ic iiV c in h l

The annual meeting of the mnpolitan Club waa held In ter Church Pariah houae Frl afternoon with Mrs. Clarence ElchJ man, hostess.

After the yearly reports of the officers and chairmen of commlt- tes, Mrs. Harry Straw, president: Mrs. Wallace Payne,.aecretary and .Mrs. Rugene Lehr gave report* of the meetihga of the State Women's Federation held In Hartford, May 13. 14 apd 15. They covered the highlights of a aeries of interest­ing and Inspiring panels and lec­tures, as well a* the “ Pioneer Tea” which celebrated the .lOth ajmlver- aary of the State Federation.'

Mra. John V. I.*mberton of the program committee presented the following club member* In an en­tertaining fomedy entitled, “ Kn- joylng Poor Health.” Mrs. Wll- llsm Slover. Mrs. Howard Eddison, Mra. Ronald Wadsworth, Mrs. Ralph Brown and Mra. Ormand West.

Just Receivedl -A b^utiful range of neV

BatesDress Fabrics

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GERANIUMSf o r m e m o r ia l d a y p u r p o s e s


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Green Stamps Given W ith Cash Sales!

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Baat'a S^reme

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Lamb Patties U , 39cTenderized Horn . 'Ti.h. 59c

LONG SLEKVK . ................ S."i.50

The la>r bt your lool|lif*, thii handsome lelaure

CMt — the Vacationer by >VINQS. Wear It ilidoora

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You’ll be aa excited as we are about t hese new Jantzen beauties — every one of them is a conversation maker of the “Oh” and “A-a-h” variety. i

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T R A I L E R C H A S S I S - ^ R G A I NToo new Government'surplus wbilMhey la.st. Four wheels— 6.00x16 tires— 72” wheelb^e. RuRRed 4xl-',i^ .1-16 reinforced chai nel frame. /Front wheels steer. UnderslunR 7” or converted 12’ earance. For demon-. \stration fill in name and ad4w.>‘-s knd mail lb Box C, Herald.

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J•'*. '-W- ■ / -

Average Daily Clrcabitioii For tha Moeth at ApeU, It 41

9^98IT •< tka AaiUt at

!ttanche»ter— A City of Fillofie Charm

The W eatherFdreceat of U. S. Wagtlwr Banae

Fair and roqler tonight; Wodeoo day cloudy and eoolor followed k j rata.

V O L. L X V I., NO. 202 (Cb i i on reao it>“7^

MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 27i 1947 *---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ^----------------


Soviet Proposals Regarding Press

Will Be DebatedFoDowed

S u h c o m m i s s i o n 9 1 I B v * ^ B a d Freetlom o f In fo^^a* ^lion ami Pread " I ,Trunian Discusses Fed- I-ake Suecesa T od ay <.ral Finimeial Siliia-

tion W ith SnyderB ulletin!I-ake Success, May 27.— (Iw

— Salvador I.opez o f the Pkil- ippines .souRht today tq lon e down what he called the **war-like phraseotogy^* in a Russian statem ent to the United N ations ofi ob jectives o f the press In the post-w ar world. /

Courthouse i^itdown Gets Results

Lake Succesj, May 27.—</P) —Soviet Ilu.s8ia’s propo.sal8 on the ba.sic objectives of the press In the post-war world came up for debate today in the United Nations with pros- ptjets of some sharp comment. The 12-natlon Subcommission on Freedom of Information and of the Press, wa* expected to take speclM note . of Russiancharges that Certain unnamed cor- reepondenta ana eeeking sensatlonallam andreepondenta and columniets were

their'Mown personal advantage by greai- fhg diaharmony. Soviet -^lOgnte y3 m . Lomakin, who presented the acchaation, said it waa “high tln^ to c w to order these machine- gunned and so-called heroea.”

The pdas freedom Isaue moved lit the 'U.N. spotlight ^ the General A*d>nbly'* CTommiasionon Palestine idled along after an opening seaalodyeaterday attend­ed by only five o't It* 11 delegates.

ITiose nve — npm Australia, Guatemala, Iran, Pkra and Yugo­slavia—hoped for eariy ..arrival of their colleaguee and 'xnieanwhtle scheduled an Informal ideting to-

\day (3 p. m. e.d.L) to try' to clear away procedural detail*.

Deltnltlonb Seen First Task In offering his proposals to the

pres* group, Lomakin utd tnq flrat talik of the group and the In- temadional -onference it has ar­ranged for Europe next year was to define the objectives and tasks of the pres*.

He skid that there had been


.(Oontlaoed on Page Ten)

Y0uth Sought As Four Slain

Farm Chilflreii Killed While Picking Flow­ers in^ Gravel Pit

Bulletin!Toledo, O., May 27—(g>)—

OUvrr Terpenning, Jr., aiender 19-year old high school boy, waa arrested Bear here today and a sherUrs officer said he eonfesaed the slayings Monday night of four Imlay City, Mlch^ farm children. Lieut. Art- Bart- liowlak of the Toledo sheHfrs office quoted Terpenning as saying he shot the four chil­dren “about S p.m. .Monday” 1>ut that ‘ ‘be didn’t know why.” Earlier, Sheriff LeaUe' Math-./ ewa of Lapeer, Mich, bullets which killed children came from her rifle foUnd near home of Terpenalng’^parents.

Bulletin!Grandview, Mo., May 27—(>T)

—President Truman naiN to­day that his mother was "RdM- Ing her own” after a alight set­back last nIghL While .Mra. Martha E. Truman had ”a bad night,” Mr. Truman said, she came out of the aetbaek In fairly good shape and nt 10:44 nan. (e, s. L) wna sleeping comfortably. The setback to which the prealdcat referred earlier In the day apparently wna In the nature of a chill.

Grandview, Mo., May 27—<Jf)— President Truman said today that his mothcr’e surprising rally had been followed by “ s ' bad night.”

Shortly before leaving Kansas City for Mrs. Martha E. Tniman'* home here, Mr. Truman told re­porters he had talked with mem­ber* of the family by telephone.

“She had a b/id night," he eald. “ I don't know what the results

will be until I get out there.” The president said he discussed “ the financial situation of the govern­ment” in a breakfast conference '^ th Secretary of the Treasury

der.yder flew here laat night from

two Speeches, in Arkansas planning to retikTi .tor'Washington today.

Pkpsee Not SpecifiedThe prudent did not specify

what phases of the financial picture Snyder took up with him. Mr. Tru­man left for G rand^w at 7:25 a.m. c. 8. t.

He had been somewhat heartened by another aurpriaing rally of his critically III mother. The 94-year- old patient showed a alight im­provement yesterday.

Word came during the afternoon from Brig. Gen. Wallace H; Gra­ham, White Houae physician, that ^ r a . Truman’s condition dum g th\day has’ shown some Improvis ment ’ ’

A f ^ hours later, the president returning to hla Hotel Muehlebach headquanera in Kanaaa City from another daV at hla mother’s bed­side, told newmen of a "slight Im­provement” ami added: v

“ HopInj^For Beet”“I don’t knowN^ether to be­

lieve It OP not. TWqre have been one or two rallies llkVthlH. I hope it means something. i\gm hoping for the best.

In the last report of th^vening General Graham said terse''Mra. Truman "held the during the' day.” Other House sources said the Im; ment for startling.

Harold Nuttall (wearing ha*). 36-year-nld Army veteran and candi­date for ma.vor of War, W. Vii. pits on the step.s of McDowell roiirt- house at Welch. W. Va., with unte'entifled fellow CHnitldatcs 'anil *up- portera. McDowell ami three other candidates of a “ people's party"staged a sitdpwn around the courthouse the previous night after being j ai 'agrecni('nt""It^thc other nOrtV refused voter .registration hats. They were given the llst.s the next ” . i . . • . zday by County .Clerk Donn 8. Renn. (AP wlrephoto).

Truman Favors New Ageiicy for Housing


Hoov^ r WouldFi'ee Shackles i/ •

On Industries {B e l i e v e s W o r l t l K e o n o i i i -1

Ic R e e o v e r y P o s s i l t l e | III F e w Y e i ir s I f K i i s s iu ' A m i F r u i i r e O t o p e r i i l e

Washington, M,a> 27 (g*i~ Her­bert Hoover .said toilay the indus­try of former enemy rountrles must be uhHh.irkicd and expressed belief that world economic re­covery could come “ in two or three years" If Russia and France will ciKipernte.

The former pi<>idrnt talked to reporters after lO' appeaK’d bilore a House Appropriations aubi'oin- mlttee to back up the ndminiht ra­tion’s request for a $72.’l.000,00 civilian relief fund for .occupied cnuntrtca.

He told newsuien that:1. He la novt’ engaged In a pri­

vate study of hdia great a load this country can bear in world relief and recovery work, with the prob­ability hia finding will be n'lidy "In :i couple of weeks." •

2. lie would not regard a Sepa- r:itc peace with Gernlnny and Japan a violation ijf an Interrintion-

H ou se B egin s D eb ate O n Sales T a x ; V o tes

F or P assage Certai:Slash ill Funds

Under Attack

• / -Creation o f . | = ^ = ^ = = :

Housing ant] Home FK! News Tidbitsnance Unit to Hanille Government ActivitiesWaBhington, May 27.— (/P):

~Pre«ident Truman todav

Cuiletl From (iP) W ires

Jap physlciti*. testifies his na­tion’s declalnn to aiirrendcr ca|m

pPop«.Bed to Congress the ere-' “ “ f / r T Iation of a completely new i ^ ^ hQUfling and home finance'BRency to handle virtually all j governm ent activities in that ‘

Attlee B^i^s Beym Policy

Imlay City, Mlcp , May 27.:—fA’)^ *teen-ageil ”t>6y friend” of one

o f '^ th e vlcUms was sought throlwhout Michigan today aa^ , . atate pM cpdn.ty officers mobilized'! forces w^dnvestlgate the flower

. patch staying, of four farm , ohll dren

Sp6t throilgh the head as they p ^ e d wildflo^wrs from a swampy,

ti-grown gravel pit late yes- ''terday were thr^ daughters and a son of Mr. an^Mr*. W’illlam Smith whose farmNjiome is nine miles northwest of HV’*.

Sixteen-year.-old Barbara, a bou­quet, of. violets ctutchdou in her hand, had three bullet wounds in the head. Her sisters, Glaws. 13, and Janet, 2, and her briber, Stanley, 14, had been shot (hjee, also in the head.

Bodies Found' by SisterTheir bodies were found by an

other of the 14 phlldren in the Smith family—19-year-old .Ella Mae. She left the supper .table to look for the four and returned ecreaming a short time later to report her gruesome discovery.

•The slaying* so angered the irea that a band of irate farmera set out Immediately^with 'gunr ind othe>' weapons In search of he klljer.

State. and local police artd sher- 'jf’a officers scoured' Mi(|hlgan’* ‘thumb area” In particular for Dllver Terpenning, Jr..' lit, A oeighbor who officer* said had claimed Barbara was his "girlrrleni}.”\ No charge ' hait been plane'l

D eeres Britain Now peeking Honestly to

/^ u ild Up World Peace’Margate, Eng.. May 27—‘■UP)-—

Prime Minister Clement Attlee, in an address to the annual confer­ence of the ruling Labor party, to­day defended the policies of For­eign Secretary Ernest Bevln 'and declared that Britain 1* “secklqg. honestly to build up world peade.

“We are seeking to build up harmony oil a world basis," Attlee

'and I deny th^ charge by aortic pfoplc, whose subservloncc to one great' power makes them charge us with subservience to an­other.' "We are subs.crvient to none and wc seek collaboration with all.”

Attlee’s remarks obvlbiiaiy were directed to extramist elements within the party who have criti­cized Bevin’s frtV-clgn policy on the grounds that it haa aligned Britain too closely with the United States at the expense of relations with

field. In a special mesaage, Mr. Truman said such an agency “will Unquestionably make for greater efficiency and econo- my.” eWould scrap Esieting Agrtie.v His plan would scrap the exists

ing National Housing agepey 'Wr’hich coordinates present hopSing ninctions. It was crcate4/under the president'* w artim e’ powers and will go out of e^tsnee six months after the depfared end of the war.

Mr. Ti-uman sxfd the proponed new agency ahpdld bo a permanent part of goveyhment... "The pr iKary responsibility for njeetingybouaing need.v rests and must qontiniie to rest with private lndn.:*try, as 1 have atafed on other ocprfslona./"T he Federal government, how-

ti;is an important J'ole to play in stimulating and 'facilitating home construction." ’’ ,

White House aides forwarded Mr. Truman’s message tO'Cbngress

ring, hi.s absence In Missouri.' transmitted to Capitol hill

"R^4^anlzatlon Plan No. 3” , pro- vidlngiTor bringing into one agen­cy mosVof the government’s hous­ing actlrtt.ies.„ .

Under aNlaw enacted by the laat Congress, My. Truman has author­ity to-propose such consolidations or reorganizations of the govern­ment's bureaus and agencies. Such plans become law automatically unless Congress adopts a resolu­tion disapproving thbm within 60 days .aftqr they arc submitted.

^ radio (J. H. conducting “ secret nego- tlattons” with Finhcc for retention of air b a ^ near Marseilles . . . . Alclde jK Oasperi seizing to form new Italian cabinet . . * .

Beck meeting of warring na- Honalist and eommiinist leaders In China to end strif* . . , Sigps that French labor intent to strike is weakening . . Claim Russianshave removed greater part of ehiiria’s eoal mine and pm*cr equipment . . . OutbVeak of raping of white women by NHctos alarms South Carolina auth^tles ivho rpsh accused mtu to safn-keeping In state prison . . . .

Final drafts of nc<v laboK bill being made ns both' House pnd Senate leaders nnnoiihce they wHJI make no more rnanges . . . . Fe«l\ eral Ri-serx-e Board think recession h may not at first ircnn lower prices...........Andrew J. May war fraudease noHi's #nd of his testlmouv . . ! King George VI Hies to atfeiul/’ funeral of brother-in-law, the F.arl ;of Harewood.........Jewish iindf r-groiind nilgrhtlon offieliilH.^say their goal is one million Eimipean .leig s In Palestine within yfc.-ir . . . Russia notifies Britain It Is ready to talk over Italian oOlnrilal em­pire division............./

consistently fail* to. carry out Or violate* the tern*. 1 don't think you are under arty moral obliga­tion. . . . I don’t see why ive are obligated to go o:i forever umler these strains.” i

3. “ More rignn us netloi^ ta needed In foreign countries -to col- lei't food which is now grnng Into the black marktls.

In adihuice of the' former Re­publican president>('appearance at a closed-door ^ s lo n . committee mjimber* told.-f^ortera they want the answere-ln many questions be­fore they.-approve spending any more A'mericRn r oney abroad.

Wants to llnai All Evlilrnre want to hear all the evidence

before 1 reach a verdict,” said Chairman Taber (NY), spearhead of the Republican economy ilrlve. " ’There are a lot of things 1 want to know about and I. hope Mr. Hoover', la in a I'ositioh to answer them.”

Rep. Albert Engel (R., Mich,), chairman of t|ie aubcpiirtnittee di­rectly, Interested in the relief pro gram, wouldn’t comment In ad. vance of Hoover’s testimony, but like Taber, indirated he lias many questions to ask.

Questions likely to be propound-^' ed, membera said. Include: / '

"How much longer, nuisi tlie Unlt€>d States feed the conqirt>red peoples?’.' , y

"What assurances are tWre that the money won’t be iiserV Indirect­ly, to pay reparations ;tn Russia ? "

ISicarugiiaii IVrnidriil

Bail St itioii Blast S( •eiic

,xF r ^ p l i t A n N ew ,

Traill IMiiu’d Outbreiikrt o f

Violeiir^ in FuleHtiiie

igain^t the youth.

■ V r-

the'Soviet union.ElXpreaalng confldj^re in Bevln

“and hia coUaborai'ors,'’ Attlee de- clareq: '

“We’ve been following a policy baaed on rapport of the United Nation#.” '

Attlee's references to foreign ((ffalrs, 'made two days In advance of\a scheduled conference debate on Britain’s international policy, were^dellyered in a report on the LaborXparty’a parliamentary pro gram

Turiiiiik to domestic affairs, the prime minister blafhie “neglect of 'ffie' coW mlBoa,under private own­ership for mqch of the nation's economic llla.X ' i

“ No. little oYour trouble in the in4ustrial and Konomic sphere is due to the fact U-st the mine* wera neglected,’ ’, he sal«L’^Now we have taken action we- can, see a 'change In the scene.'"

A 111 e e’a . Labor '\government brought the miheX iirwlor

Rushans Drop Death Peiialtv

Action Acriaimeil uh Evi­dence o f IncrcaHcd Feeling o f Seeiirity

\^ownership Iqat Jan. U

London, May 27—(S>i—A Mos-, cow broSdcaat announcing aboli­tion of the death penalty In th4 3ovJet union was acclaimed today by Russian sources in London 'as evidence of an increased feeling of security' vi,1thin Russia and a •Igii that dra'ttlc ‘measures"Were no longer necessary to preserve the state. .

The broadcast—recorded here last night'bj the Soviet monitor— said the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet had decided that the, death penalty was “no longer necessary under' peacetime c< ndltlons In the Soviet union” and that 24-year •entences In labor camps wquld be substituted.

The presidium ta an executive, and directive body which acta be­tween aessloha of Rusaia'a Parlia­ment, the Supreme council olf the union. , V • '

Before the War RjMsla Imposed dea,J;h penalties fqr murder, high­way robbery and" sabotaging atite property.

Apparently the meaaure appllea to political o ffen ^ ' a* well . aa crime* of violence’. Hi tlcql offender* often have

puhlle '.punlahed hy execution - singly or i in group*.

Ith J^ poli- hsveXbeen

Prraldent Tnxiiah saya housing problem will noJr''be solved unld people' genera^ can get soundly built homes at reasonable prices.. .tsHistant War Srefetary- H. r . I’etei-M-n goes to Gcrrnany to study food shortage problem..N W. Ford, executive Ijvice prcSl- dent of state’s Mnmifactiirers' As.soeiatlon Bays t.’onne<-||rut In­dustry uoHld he (daced In “ unfa­vorable posllion" by general retail sales tax. .Hear .Admiral Janie* line, for seven years superintend­ent of Coast Giiarrl ACa'lemy, will re.tlrc. . . . r

DemoeraLs seek to broaden^ tax reduction bl^l'... . Scotch church vote* to IninXlate hible frrmi orig­inal tongues iXto modern Engli.sh . . . .Start Invesftgatlon of govern­ment’s 17.1,000,(KKli.Bnnual publicity expenditures.... Mrmy has ap­proved SS5 marfrage* between soldiers and fraulelnV . . . Edward A. O’Neal of Farm Rureau Fed­eration claim* U. S. li^anger of “noli bankruptcy” . .. .Flra losses in (Alton Increase at alarming ratf/^vwll ' i^aeh--'Ovee-'-lfillren doh Urs In three years Is estimate. .. .

-.lerusaleni, Mn.V 27 f/I’i-v-The rKlIe'ny station at the all-Arab town <if Rsnileh whs blasted by a heavy explosion, antf-n freight trsin iVas mlatd at Renyani)ina today in new outbreaks of vloletire.'

The Stem group, a Jewish un­derground organization, 'Issued a statcment'^ihaylng It had carried out both attacks In reprisal for “British violatinrt of ' United Na­tions instructions to sus|>cna bel- lingerent activities’ ’ during the U.N; investigation of the I’alc.stinc problem. The communique said Die deportation of l,50p uncertified Jewish immigrants from Haifa to Cyprus last week was such a vlo- ■latinn.

Several freight cars 'Were de­railed al Benyamlna. near llje old fioiiisn capital of Caesarea, when the train struck a mine.

An officlaj announcement said the< bombs nt llamleh station, 22 miles northwest of Jerusalem: were planted by four men disguised In pollen uniforms, who left a pas­senger train carryingexplosives In baaketA

Sniialli Si’CN *PoliliruL SiHritle* If lIoiiHi* .Re- |iiiliRruns Buck iailWashington, May 27 (J1—Rep­

resentative Sabath iD-Ill) told House RcpublUan* today that they will be committing “ political suicide’’ If they auppnrt a 32 per cent cut in Agrlciiltur^^fund* for 1P4H ns rV’commended. by the House Appi'opciiiJLlons rominiUec.

Opening debate on the 9964,- 000,600 farm supply bill friim which the committee rhoppOd I3H3.000.000. Sahath auaiird the measure as "nithleas” nnd as rep­resenting "a rorpplcte and tragic (llsrt'gard pf the best Interests of agriculture and of our country.”

Itrpvblican member* of the Ap-' propriaItfiiia rommittce, he said, owe /Allegiaiica tO none except thF‘'pconomlc royallal* who are the ihasters o f the Republican party."

C’alle Procedure “ Autocracy” Sabath aald procedure under

which the Hou*e\l* comiidering the bill ’.'la autoerray” and “ legi*- lallve tyranny of the worst k ii^

"Above all.” he added, turning to the Republicans, N|t Is /your political alilclde.”

The House Appropriafidns com­mittee faced a major t^tNtoday in its drive to chop 16.0(Hi;000,000 from I’ restdent Trinnan’s $^..100, uon.ooo budget tnr 104S.

Rumblings (^discontent airtnng Republican* #md Democrats alike incre(u«cd a* the >805,143,4' Agriculture department supply bill, cut 32 per cent below budget requests, came before the House for debate. A vote on passage wa* art for late tomorrow.

“ Soqic Trouble” Expected Even Representative Dirkaen

(R-Ill), who I.ended the subcom­mittee'-which'drafted. the bill and who will Handle It on the floor, told reporter* “ there may be some tro ible.”

Dirkaen referred to pending amendments in restore (Kime of the funds the committee cut from anil conservation payment*, from the school lunch program and from other agriculture department projecta.

Dirkaen aald he will realafall amendnxmt* making "any sub- alantial change" In the comnilt- tee’s bill.' Other Republican leadera aald prl'viately they expect the bill to give the committee Ita flrat major test since It Involves so many co'ti- grcnslonal districts.

TreaHury" nalunceWashington.^ .May 27-‘ <A'>- The

{•oaitlon (>f the Treasury May 2.1: Hecelpts. >70.855,778.37; Expendi­tures, >214.466,017,26; Balance, $4,1.10,6.30.885.67. «

22 Executed For Crimes

Oppratorn of InfamitiiH Uonceiilrution l^tnp Ari; Haiigfril /ToiluyLandsberg. Germany, May 27—

i/Pi- T'wenty-two op<wators of the infanioiis Nazi concentration camp at Mauthaujien were hang^ to­day, with 27 otljera ac'beduled to follow them to the gallows tomor­row in the biggest mans execu­tions ,of war criminals yet carried'’ out by any Allied power.

All were convicted A mcricaq/war crimes


by an court of

Solid Fuel From Asphalt Wartime S^ret of Je^

New York! May 27—<*’)— A • and\he Texas company di*c<^redsolid fuel rtiade of asphalt, but irtst ^ e that fitted the neSd* of tbitanmi* With exploalve energy,:Is the wartime -secret of the Jets >The b V k fuel la mlxe.l/n a vat used to get heaViJy loaded plane* : whence l\ pours out Iri /he form off the ground.

The Texaa (ximpany, which de­veloped the fuel, released the In­formation today with War depart­ment perml-saion. The asphalt is' mixed with a light oil o.nd a- cheinv leal which produces huge amounts pf oxygen when the asphalt l.a set on lire. '

'One Jilst. Fitted NreidsNature did as much as,man in

nnaking this new kind of.sOlld fuel, i There are many kinds of AiipbaJti,

of a syriifly black llquUl, It Is mn Into a riaold, where /t harijena. Taken out oY the mold/nnd wrap­ped in linen tVpc, It tnen is readv for Insertion feto thrf large Steel bottle* Vvhic lye fastened to a plane for Jet aMlht«y takeoff*. The jets issue from tne mouths of iMjttlea; The aamralt keep* bottle contenta froln exploding all at once, by feeding \ little of the j fuel at a time aflTlI^.black stuff heal*, ufit,.

murders and atrocities agalnat In­mates at the big camp 'near Linz, at Wht<:h more, than 700,0(K» Nazi vicUips allegedly were extennln- atc(}' during the ,»-ar.

On two gallows in the yard of L^dsberg prison.- where -Adolf Hitler was once, Incarcerated, three U. S. Arn.y' executioner* 'dropped, the flrat-22 of the 49 doomed camp oiierators to their deaths In two hours and 37 min­utes.

Hnapa i'urda Binding Wrist*Jt muscular Ausrttan anapped

the eairds binding hi* wrists aa he plunged through the trap and grabbed the rope' above his head. Kicking and struggling violently, he manaaed to forestall death for 18 miiftiles. ■

All of the doomed walked firmly to their deaths and Spoke a few calpn words of farewell. The Army executioner*/ whose names were withheld, worked »w;iftly, dropping the noose over the brad of one man as hia predeceailKin atlil dangled from the other gallowa.

Just before the hanglnga^gan, two Polish displaced, persons edin- vlcted of murder and rhpe Were ex- ecute.d by U. S. firing squad in th*

Dr. LeonaM' Arguello (above) ts the pi-eatdrat of Nli^aragua where the Army recently tcKik over the government. He was elected last Febriiary and Installed May 1.

Somoza Seen Behind Coiip

s. —Former Presifleitt Eh*

giiif*erH Seizure After Being Told to 1,/ avePanama, Pangma, May aV-OFi—

Sources close to the altiintion in Mrlctly censored Nicaragua de­clared today that yesterday|a coup InNManagiia wa* engineered by Fom er President Gen. Anaataalo Somoza, who had been ottt of office for only 26 day*.

These informants said Dr. Leon­ard Argiieilo w-aa overthrown as Niesrsgiia’s chief executive In a bloodless roup by Gen/ Somoza af­ter Arguella Informed him 'In a midnight conference that he had on|y 24 hours tr» leave the rountiY. Arguello was said to lie a prisoner In the presidential palace and about 30 officers o f the National Guard who remained loyal to him were reported under arrest.

Arguello was elerted to the prea- Idenry In February In Nicaragua's first election In a decade, and'w-na Installed aa Sonioza's successor on May 1. General Somoza support­ed Argiirllo's candidacy, after rnl Ing as chief of staff for 10 years.

(The Associated P eaa received a one-line dispatch yeaterday (lay­ing that the Ahmy had taken over the Nignraguan government, but further attempts to reach Managua for rlartflcatlon of the situation were blocked by censorship.

(This censorship apparently ap plied only to the political situation, how-ever. since a dispatch was re­ceived later reporting that six sur­vivors of a crashed tT. S. Army B-17 had been found In a Nicara­guan Jungle. Pan-American Air­ways .aald travel to Managua was normal.),

Long Cnucu« Held by Repuliliraiiff^ B e f o r e Bill Tak^it Up; Recesl For Liiiirh Not Taken As Discussion Proceeds Gf’iirral Fiintl Budget Next on Schedule; Growdfl Line 'WallsStale Capitol, Hartford,

May ‘27.— (/P)— The Houm liIunRed into one of the most crucial debates of the 1947 •ession today as the three per cent sales tax bill, keystone of the Kcptiblican administra­tion’s fiscal program, was brought up for action.

Aaoured of Pasaagy'Tha Houae. in Which Republl*

cans hold a top-heavy majority, t(Kih. up the aalrs tax meaaure aft­er a Iqng G.O.P, caucua in xyhlcb, leadera i(Ud,. they Were aarar^ of enough votisa to pasa the proposal with a cortifortable margin to spare.

The caucus dl<j not break up un­til after 1 p. m., but. the House pto- ceeded to a dtacuoaldn of the aalae tax without recesslng'fqr lunch.

Following the sale* tax, esUmaU ed to yield >26JK)0.000 a year, the House hod next on its schedule the >97,000,000 general fund budget.

Revenues from the oalea tax art counted upon by Gov. James 1a McConaughy'* adminlbtratton to balance that budget and provide funila for such new expenditures at the vetej^ns bonua and an ex­panded program of state aid tO ed*'- uoatlon.

■'Gallery Vlrtoolly FIQeid p ie House gallery waa Virtual!^,

filled to capacity for Uie debatt. AddUional', 'the therepreaehtatlvea.

Many >^omeo4uid school -childrtn were’ in the ^dlence. .

Immedlat(Hy after the bill waa called up fOy action. Rep. John R, Thlm (R-Hamdyni, chairman o f the FI(vanco contmittee, offered an amendment designed for the moat part to make some elarifying changes in the nifeasilre. The amendment also .proposed that newspapers and rental on personal property be exempted from the levy.

Hpeaker Calhi For <)uleti, Once during thei reading d( the amendment by the Hotisa <derk, .Speaker Frederick H. Holbf had to admonish the cr chamber to be more quiet.

“There is no sense In the cleri. reading, the amendment if you’re ' not going to listen to It,” he said.

At another point. Rep. E. Lra Marsh, Jr. (R-Old Lyme), former spSnker and frequently at odds w-lth the administration force* dur­ing the current session, aiiaerted

w HI Aiapaciiy lor me acoatg. liUonalTipectatora eraardad tq^ wfell o f the chamber and lined wSila behind pie seat* o f the

(Continued on Pnge 1>n)


(IJite Riilletln* ol theOPi Wire)

11 Stiirfeiits\ ,

(fIveil Terms- i

fSluingliai Mayor Prom* J«P8 to Urge Aiitlior- ilipH , to Free Tkem

Hneasa Provisional Prral«ifnt Washlngloh, May 27.—(>P)—TIM

.Mraraguan Congress has declared President Ix'onardo Arguello *1a- capacitated” , and iiained Renjantln Isu-ayo Maea*a aa provisional prea-- Ideal, the Mtute. department wan udvtaed Idday; The' .Amt'dran am- Imssy al . Managua reported 'b y ' telephone that Arguello, (Mwted !• a (*>up by the A'tmy, haa talua refuge In tlie .Mextean embaony along with hia w'l,fe.

Hoy lliirned In BlastNew- I.aindon, .May 27—OPi

fIvr-y ear-old Caldwell, N, J„ boy rence and Mrntorial Aaaoclatad was under treathirnt at the laiw- hoHpitala t<Mlay (or aecond degree

Klianghal, May 27— Shang- tiiil authorities announoed tralny that 11 o f 121 rtedents hrrcMted in week-end ‘ ‘pence demonatmtloiia" have been nvhtcri ed to (Ive to a«v-en years' imprisenment for "ati- i * , **‘ '*Lnuilating social unrest. but Mayor K. C. Wii promired to intefvene.

Notional Chiaptung university students remained away from thi-ir clasarooma , ngnir this morning, despite tlw! release of 97 of those arres^d. 1 , .

May<jr Wu told a group of «tu- dent mediators thi.t he w-ould urge judlelal authorities to free within threc„dnys the 11 Hhanghal Law- college studenl* w-ho were sent­enced to prison I ei-)ns. The student

explosion. The victim. DAvId S. Dancy, waa burned on the (nog. car*, bands and left leg yesterday at the .Nlanllc.home of tils griuid- falher, Walter tk-ott.

* • •July I Date Favored

Washington, May 27^/Pi—Tbn Senate leniqtivriy decided today to iiialie the proposed Income tax rut effective next July 1, ratlMr than la*t Jan. 1, a* opMdaed kff the House. The aetten —«nbjeet bn

mediators agreed to encourage. a Iqlcr vote—came by unanlmnun return to classes today. | con*enr'during conaldernttou gibl

Police prev 'nted a scheduled ; approval of amendmeata to (iemonatra’tlQn laM nigha at Na­tional Chinn "university by arrest

1 far comer ot tho prison yard.


Ing 20 leaders of groups wyilch had I ndtlec. gathered on the cnmi>UKj

The price of rice—one of the original complaints In the student sirlker-vrirmalned kt 460.000 Chi­nese dolliu-a a “picul today ( >38.33 for 133 1-3' pounds) but even at that 'p«:ak price, the stocks were dirniblshing *o t.wtftly that none could buy more than one-fourth picul .nt a time. Few of', the’ rice

..i shop* w-or« opCjO.’ ’


{ >4,000,(N)0.«00 to* reduction blit m recommended by tb« blnnnoe qniib-

'1Death Takes General CSnrIaoa

Portland, Ore,,' May t7—(ffV— Brig. Gen. Evan* F. Curt*—, ftl,' famed lender , of the Marine nal>- known as ( ’arlsoa'n ■aidera la tba. Pacific war. died In a roitlaML hospital at 6:S0 a. m. today. 1 * . famed w arrior had been ia the liospital Icsf than a day, ouftov-j

klnx from a boact at***u.'• . W- ’■

Page 2: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

PAG® ■nJV’OM I KK K ' M f.K A l.W . IVIAINt n r .:< i r;fi, rUP^SUAY, M A Y 27 , 134^ MANC H KiJTKR tV EN lN G H ER A LD . M A ^ JE S T E R ro S 'N t rE S P A V , MAY JT . E -n PA G E T H R E E ..

fh- ■

S O T J W a fa n . 4 4 5 7

RADIO SALES k SERVICEOne Quarter MUc North of the Center '■


Authorized Dealer for Sound Sy»trmn

Mirrophoues Amplifiers VictroloB SitealiPrs ,



l,con«rd Klrcel


PENNY HINGU KKtail.AR HINtlO7:8f) rU 8:15 STAITTS A1 8:10

______________________ _____J


.. . .A n d Th«t*« Ju st What Y o u ll Do Wh«n Vou Take a l..ook A t Our




369 Center A t West Center Street “ We Give Z ."^ Green Stamps**


P r o b le m iB aek T o S e le c tm e n

Almshouse l^uestioii Is i4gaii| I'o Be a .Matti'r For DiseiissiouThe decision ot ,thr Joint nrhool

committee lent nlBttt iM t the lUmehoiiSfl will not, on their ret- ommendstlon, be used fnr school purpoiei. ri.tiirnn the probbqn <if what to do with thl» »tn ictiit^ ,^ the Board of .Selectmen. It haik been previously atated that If tho bulldinc la to continue to be usc<l Mr II m. iImR Ihf ivi dy, a Inrije Hat of alterations and changes nniat be made to meet atate sped flea- tlons. It haa been estimated that these wlU cost aome $30,000, They Include additional aafety features

Helcrtmen have found that the building as It Hlands Is In very good shape structurally.

Town Treasurer Oeoige II. Wsd- dall haa given it ns hia opinion that It la possible thf* town ran make aome '•boardlng-ouf* ar­rangement thereby the town can take care of Its rharpcs for moeh less expense than It now does by ot> (r.ilm<r the almshouse Itsulf. 'ha thinki this cmiid be accom­

plished either by placing the poor in private homes 'or by renting the fnctlltles of th^dilmshousa and boarding Its charges with the pri­vate operator.

As the benefits of old age a»- sliitanoe payments coma through In Incressing nuinbers. town offi­cials fell that need for the alms­house will grow less and leaa. If It Is decided to place the poor, most o f them along In years, In private nursing homes, the town may then eons|der disposal o f the building jvhlle It Is In good con­dition.

Progress Is Made \Oii New Campsite

I’ rogrosk In prepar^on of Die jslta

Changing Almshouse To School Not Favorfed

Committee Agrees to Recominemi Expendi­ture of forAdditional rdauhroomu

new (Jlrl fi&t»ut r.ampslia for use by the Imal >trls haa >ecn rc-

' pi.rtcU by Miss JcsSls HewItL chalr- •mnn of the committee. The, well

has b«en dug and the punip Is ready to give a constant ituppl^,pf water to the campers.’ On .HatiK’- day Oeorge Hchrelber and Robert (Jorditi built picnic tables and benrhea at the camp. Harry iViwles. Alton Hall, ,T>avld Fleet, Kdwln Meyer and hts son, Jimmy rlrnred land ||nd hullt a.tent foun­dation on Huhday.

A group of Renlor Olrl Scouts assisted by,Miss Kmlly Smith. Miss Klespor Odrdon snA^^Iss Hewitt cleared more Iniyj/for tent plat­forms to be ermr-ructed later.

Trtmp J aefreted a place for rustle eamfung and trails W’ere made fpdm the tent platforms to the yjrfdn.slte. In two weeks Miss

Itt win have another group >f liinteera helping on thn-i site ,lif

an endeavor to ‘have It' ready for day ramp this aumnier.

Scouts from Senior Trfiop 1 planned and arranged the Scout. .... ..a r t ir S.*ea

As a reault\if a conference held laat night a committee from the Board of Elducatloit. and one from the Selectmen, it waa voted to rec­ommend to a special toWp meeting expenditure of $16,000 aa'ap emer­gency fund to provide five amjitlon- nl claaarooms In three schoolb. to

Moriarty Bros.OPEN 24 HOURS T ELEP H O N E

window at .1 week.'

W. Hale's st^re this

When Minutes Count I

Hava your doelur tele­phone bla preseilpfum In WeMon'S/ over oiif |trl- vafe prilfeiAinnal »*dre. for Immediate delivery to yoor linnie.



n im aiM rf a il M cagM* ’t f

ATHlEIRFDinIf sWn botyreen toee la Itchy, cracked, peeling—don’t delay—apply /emo —a Doctor's formula, so powerfully soothing and tffretirt that first appli- rations relieve itchy soreneea and aid. healing, i&emo kills on contact gr/ms* that commonly cause Ath­lete’s Foot. Zemo also helps guard against reinfection. Backed by ao amaxing record of a p i p a ronliniiouR suceeasi # ^ W i l l

take care of the overcrowded . dltlona that now exist.

Against Almshouse PlMThe plan to convert th ^ alms­

house Into a school building did not meet with favor from Xh*-’ gf^xiP when the report of theAtate Board

vof Kducatlon waa presented. This ■mowed that con^rslon of the uitiahouse would be on a tempo­r a l basis only ptid the cost would be prohibitive fsTr that purpose. The committee, after considering all possibilities, dectUed to use tho old nursery building at the comer of Cooper Hill street and fedgr street for a sAjrjol riKini, which can be converted at the coat r>f about $7,006 By ttansportlng' puplla from the.Manchcsber Green school to the ll^llster Streep school for their pianusl training and domestic sci­ence courses, two rooms will be made available at the Maneheater Green school. The cost of transpor­tation was estimated at $760 a year. The construction of two rooms In the basement of the Rob­ertson school on North School street at a cost of'$t,500 would provide sufficient ctgssroom space to ovescomo the crowded eondl- tions In Ihe Robertson and Hhjlls- ter street schools. A plan to open a kindergarten In the Smith school was also favored.

Th” opening of ‘.hi’ Kindergarten ill till- .South .'X bool would n>t an

Stores/Open All i)a;^^eclnesday

RpcauM of the Memorial D a / holiday on Friday, lotal store* of the Mer­chants’ Division of the

/ Chamber of Commerce, w ill be open ail day Wednesday this week. Stores w ill al.ao observe the Thursday niRht 9 o’clock closing hour as usual.

Board o f Education would give approval only Yor tha um o( the first floor for Uihporary school purposes. One of the reasons was because of the height of the 'ceil Inga. The ceilings In the almshouse are but eight feet pine Inches while the minimum for school purposes call for 11 feet sl» Inches. With the hope that this* and other difficulties might' he overcome and the entire building used for per- msnent purposes rather than tem­porary, hia services will oS ed

Oloott Straet SchoolThe special committee also wont

on record last night ss favoring a section to be Inserted In tha call for a special tod-n meeting to be held next month to recommend the appropriation of $35,000 to be used to prepare plans and speclfl- catlona ior a new school on Olcott street, and also for elther.the per­manent use of the Almshouse or a School to be erected on the #’ rinc?ton, street site,.

All- rrcommendatlon.s maoe at la.4l night’s meeting concerning

N e w H o u s i n g R u m o r H e a r d

Attempt to Learn the Facts Beiitig Made by OfTicialH of TownTown Treasurer Georgs H.

Waddell has heard some '.‘Indet- nlte rumors," he has reported,

that nray be all w rong", but which, if true might affeef the status o f tboss who now Uvs in federal housing projects here. An attempt to Icain the facta ky. un­der 'vay, and cxplanatioivof the rumors, ia expected soon.

According to the report, there Is now being considered In fon- grees e mcas»rte whereby the Lan- han Act, would l>e supplanted by new legislation Which Would, If placed in erfect. very fnuch alter dlspo.sal cdnJItlons Aa they now stand for such prefects as Orford Village.

Mr. Waddell says he has heard., that the runtlbrs wbijld give'vflrst choice In piirrhsse to veteraas living in the projo'-t, and then would give further choice to any other veterans. x

This would considerably change the picthrxl wlii"h it l.s how un leN stoiKl is operative. Now, if over half of tl»e residents wish to buy their homes, they may do so, .sub­ject ti veterans' preference. ,I f there Is not enough Interest to purchase shown among the resi­dents, the projcvt would be put up as a unit for speculators’ bid*.

The departure from the Lan- hfim Act provisions would upset plans of many o f the resid-nts who are understood to be ready to buy If they can. .

ilowever. It is stressef' that t?)0 roportco chance Is just a rumor, and has not yet been verified.

Actress To Be Bride Again





LARAINB DAY hi "The I.SK'krt" Pirn: “ Code of tha Weet"

l„ til.’ .soutn r. nooi woM... MH. n lamporary use of tha roome In the Ih,’ f.iM’nIng of ibc I .nftcrcnt schools will take care oYthat school ns 'be Kln< e k” ne.vl year’s condition only, and the r,w>m At tiri’s.’ iit there are but 13 ___ ______ _____ _________________ .

(M la tii,Prescription Pharmacy

lio a i Main St. Tel. 5.321


S nnfori/.cd C o lto n



KODAK4A L m »-w ltyila ilt-ln Flash


Argus—Model 3W ith Syncronized F1a.xh


Ciro-Flpx-‘Alphax’Complete W ith Case


“ ANSCO” VPioneer—6.6 . . . . . $8.34Pioneer—620 ..........$7,48Speedex —120 . . . ,$45.00

FEP..FL.\SII CAMERAEquipped with built-in synchronizer for use with detachable flash'-unit.

$11.83 Completp


Cut and Tallorcthfor Hurd Wear. Slrm g-’JO.

. $2-25Banforlr,edCotton Rroadrlnth''

Plwt'k' SHORTS With Elastic Insert

, .In Waistband Sizes I-I7

. f

$1..50lY S S H O P S•ir MstM etotriWAStHtMlR.lONN.

r<M>m. At pr.’a.’ iit there arc pupils In this .'ll on who are likely tq attend the f-ehool but by trans­porting iiutills. ll.e conKeslIon that would exist In , the Dincoln and Washington Rehnrls In the Klnter- garten Departoicnl might be over­come. Ip Not Praelleal

The l(>en of eonvettmg any part' of the Hedc’cn property for the use of .scdiool purposes for tHe Man- chqSter Green Hrl ool was estimat­edWould eoflt $H,lMl«. Tho plan was ffiven up as bi liig impractical. All new furniture Ihiif will be used in setting up the emergency moms can he used at r. later date when add If it Is dci’kkd to build a new. ; aehool. and while money l.s being expended this y. a* It will be part { of the long range program for sehools. ... t

To' Set RsttmafesTlie Board of Go-.tcatlnn last year

sot up In Us budget ■ forarehltects fees wtfleh has not been spent. Tho Board of Educ.itlon will how lire thiii money to get the ser- vlecs of a consuiliiig architect who will bring In estimates of the pns- alblc ' cost of the rtifforent work planned nnd ais'o will give further consideration to llie possibilities of using the alinahousc for a sehool. This architect will take liito ron- slderi^tlon the n-nmint of ground around the building and the . osl of (onverlmg for permanent use.'

Oiil.v for First FluorAt pre.sent the survev of the

almshoiusc made by the State

sam e, condition will arise each y5ar for the next five years at leiuat. Fqr this reason the plan for erection of new schools w'aa also favored.

It was v o t^ to have the work of the changes at ManchesterGreen, Robertson, and Washing ton schools started at once after approval has bCen given by the Town Meeting .so that the schools may be ready in September. The only other alternative ts for double sessions at th^ Washington and Hollister W;hools.

Hollywood, Mav 27 —flPi—It looks like wedding bcllp In the foil for Gail Patrick and Cornwell Jackson, advertising agency executive, the actress revealed lb announcing her engagement. It will be .latkaons first m.arrlage. Miss Patrick form­erly was the wife of Restaurateur Bob Cobb and Toy Manufacturer Arnold Dean White.

Sugar Shortage -/ Problems Eased

Auto GlossInstalled

Window Glass ’ and Tabic Tops


24 Birch St. Tel. 3322

Washington, May 26^— i/Pj — Houst'hold sugar shortage prob­lems are being eased rapidly.

Tho Agriculture department came up with this good news for the housewife:

1. Spare Stamp i^o. 12 in ration books may be used for 10 pounds of sugar Immediately rather than on June. 1 as previously announced;

2. A new rationing stamp good for 10 pounds‘will be validated not later than'Aug. 1, and

3. If the sugar picture continues to Improve the individual cimsumer < an gi’t more sugar than’, the .35 pounds previously allotted him for 1047.’

The department’s action yester­day assures consumers the full 30 pounds of sugar promised jindef the 1947 sugar control extension art and makes it available by Aug. 1,

Spare Stamp No. . .53 good for five pounds expired March 31: .Spare Stamp No. 11 was validated fur 10 pounds and is good until Oct. 31: Spare Stamp No. 12 will ^expire Oct. 31.

The number of the new stamp to be validated was not announced.

Plan lo Organize s ! Archer^’ Club Here





31al« Weal Kldo llighwa.v B’ lv.'e"n Hurt, and Opfld.

Dane'ng 8d:!)-IZ;S0 Adm. $1.*0, Inc. trx.

e n t ir e p a r k0 ?E N F tt'D A '’ ,



Lorraine Dav - Brian Aheme------ A LSO -------

“ EA S Y (’OME E A S Y GO’*Sonny Tufts - Burry bAtzgerald


••LADIES’ MAN”Laat Show Tonight: 8 T. M. Read Herald Advs.

■' • V\

!Vb $i > “!? ” X 2 ” K a d a s l j d ^ .M a s te r IV Iodel P r o j e c t o r

W ith 1000 W ait Lamp. Complete with leather trimmed *'Air*-* Luggage Type Carrying Case.

\ $ 1 8 1 . 0 0

_ _ ' • • >R ttC |Y lC T IO II« CHARMA^Yqoi MAiM sm *IT • *aAMtHItTia



Local archery enthusiasts will meet tomorrow evening at eight 'o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowlea, , 29 Linden .street, for the purpose of organlzr. ing an archery club. Thoso inter" ested In Joining the club are In­vited to a’ tend. '-

Through the efTorta o f Arthd’r Ilolmes, with the asSlstange of M r Ouwlea, the new club will have a •amre located at Men\prlal Fleid.

Mr., and Mrs. Richard D. .Moore of the Hactlord Archers! and members of the National Archery Aasociatioh planning, committee, will be present at the mebtlng to

f,ansWer any questions re'gardlnjg organized archery.


^o'l c{i:^i:*cd<zOic o c ( Ac<x(

m a d b Yn h a b t f o r d a n d s o l d a n d s e r v i c e d a t h o m e. BY KIOKIARTY BKUTIIEIIS



MORIARH BROTHERS**On the Level at Center and BromV*


* ■ ‘ I * ^

w e d .-t h u r s .-f r i .-s a t .CONTINUOUS SHOW


w JL l A hJoenler 81TH IS iSVEN IN G ' I


Our Popular Songsti es*! ANDBEN

bRAGOYour Favodie Pianist!






Lynne Ytobertii In

------ - PUTS -----

The Magnificent Rogue**ENDSTODAY **Sinbad the Sailor” PLUS **BeIow Tha



Having a Swell Time at Reymander’ a *l*Gctting in the Act!”





Business 5Ien’s L e g a lS T E A K S CHOPS

LUNCHEON CH IC KENDajly ............. .. .75c B e v e r a g e s “ Can't Be Beat!**

RESTAURANT,87 Oak Street Telephone 3922

A, \

, :V'


S o u th C h u r(-hB o a r d M eets- >'!;

Dey Tz-lll be ob5-’>r\’ed Sundav. Jum i 1.5 With apptr,,ir;af- overcie?i and | Promotion J?unday w'll follow thr

.iWuriU foi ihf!' year wHl be mad< Thi(*,wilK be i the final aeaslon o f the. iTiurrh

Scn^l until Siin itiy. Sept 7 whji.h will Of obscrv'cd as Rally Day 'Hip Churt h 'Sif’hnol ph'nic ■will bo brid Ih F o n .'t 'i^ i ’k, Sprim;flpld, Mii!- .

•on K.atur.Id^, .lime 2k. Kdwln

Annual Session Held in |Quarryville Uh u r c h .Bolton, Last Night' Brown 1.- «h^li^ii:ln of the cqmmitr I

tp.“ on arrangements and detaib- I - I ' l t i i i k r will b.- ,innoun. .’d tbl* ci'mlng Sun- • i i l lH I D z I Y.'iv

Thf fVf’tdng rloeed with a iierv- Ice of Worship usyog Kodaihnmn slides. Thi.s w.-trf led by Miss Phyllis Sandburg and Miss Jes.sie Br1s;.,w

IViini wi’i-e onge Uon

____—- / Medri.irlK' N orway iirwl swedW th ^A ige unite ! «.s n -ingle 'The

A n iiv■ •

Boston, Miy 26 V- Jake I.lnd- _6ay. h ^ P r ,,of the f'ongres.<«lon«l ' Medri-of Honor, is gou.R bm k inthP/Army

. m a l l y h y P r e s i d e n t T r u j n a i t . ’ • « ■ • : . m a m it i s l d v h r w i i s q u i t t i n g h i . f v o t p i . i r . i i . h p A i n i v a d m i n i s t r a t i o n j o b a s " c o i i t a i t i l u t i h j ; o f

w uM ■ n Wediii in,liter s«’t>,.ni’ t

111 ;ii .1 Ini fi\ v.-ith tiv

(oltrler teehnu.il ."er^ant> lUl JHM •

-X .The annual meeting of th e ,

teachers, officers and Board o f ' Education of South .Methofllst 1 church was held last evening In Quarryville. Dinner was aefved In the social hall pt the Quarryville | Methodist Church by the women | of the church. Following the | dinner all shared In a hymn sing ' with Mias Pauline Beebe at the piano. Superiptendents and offlT ; cers o f the chufeh school gave re- : ports of departmental activities ' through the past year. Statlsti- ' cal reports showfvl if substantial increase, in the school’s enrollment and average attendance, and also , an Increase in church school glv-1 Ing. In the report 6f Mrii. T. B. Kehler. superintendent of the In -. termediate department it was an- j bounced that more than $225 was ' cleared In the recent operetta "Sunny of Sunny .Sl^e." "Tile en­tire. proceeds of. this actlvuty are to be given to the Committee of 2i where It will be spent foV the improvement of the South Church social hall.

Rev. VV. Ralph Wgrd. Jr., min-, ister and chairman of the Board i of Education presided at the busi­ness meeting and presented to the Board the Church School program, for next year concerned with 'the Cnisade of CTri-st. Goals for teachers and .siiperintendents were established after discussion. • It is expected that later goals foi parents to ^jromote cooperation be­tween the Jfome and the school will be establislMd.

It was snnonncct! that tTilldren's






Rebii Hooil I GiRdstoRe


Gold Medalesom Vo, 2.99’ 3 .1 5 ?MH#0 PROOF 801

iGilbey’s UMIIsbire¥








ARE 6 YEARS OLDRDam er as PROOF SOI 2 .7 9 G ie k e R k e im e r “ t*;: 2 .9 9iM p e rial as PROOF eo^PbM. De Lixe5TVe'oT3.45

86 8 PROOF ■ 6 8 PROQF

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Goldei Wedding Caretairs Wilson’s M^Lsngblln’sl'Fair Roses>aoor ot'4.25a s s

3 .4 58 6 proof O JIC

T 0 .4 3





166 PROOF - BiOT O a * IU |


' TO


White Port-Pile Dry Sherry


" ‘ " 1 . 6 9 ^ 3 . 2 5gal






w^ti wa,^ prehcnleil the me



C - .





Phffhe u, Inda.i— niake an ap- piilnlniefri lo have Ihi, flatter­ing iiemianrhl and rntil Sum­mer hair .tvJbv '•oon.

' X• V


Regular X8..50


At T Y SALON — 985 MAIN ST. PHONE S9.»l "



— if .Mill send (or bring)

iitl the fnmil> laundr,\ In






TOMORROWBrices Cut in Every

Department On Over 7S0 Items

OPEN Today Until 5:30 P. M.OPEN Wednosdaj .ALL |).\Y ... .^\

from 9 ,L4I. lo 5:.10 P. M,\

OPEN Thursday 9 A. ,M. In 9 P. M.


f * e J - m 0 1 H ieiinrsms MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL



■‘r— I

1 1Simple, aioidahle car troubles will ruin many a tecckentl trip again this tear. Hut, luckily, not lor )'/// —not if you do the easy, sensible thing before you start.

.si i; 5 f)l R rv o o i. // .l /.VG-.-I-DI.ALI R some day th#5 week. Get "his famous Vccdol Safety-Check Lubrication that includes — at na-extra cost —expert inspection of 18 vital points where c a r - * ' ’ troubles usually begin. Yes, a careful clicck-up on N ou, rt iafe u eekend

'fire's,- steering linkage, light bulbs, windshield trip to y ju l

For a F l y i n g gnj g «gfg roturn . . . stt your


"GOOD . , , l.r • l«na



'i'hefe are ho niuny ihit^H you can do to make a hoiiH more livable, more conifdy^ahle, conuMiient and beauti­fu l. It may be a new hath. <i'm"dern kitchen, or an extra rtHim. Whatever it is money vyill he needed and that's where the ‘Manchesler Muilding & Loan comes In. Let us explain our Direct Reduction llome^l.oHn. . , .you’ll be amar ed of ■*’' .■'•iniplicily, and delighted nith (he results.

C /K o 4 teA ^ t e xBUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION, IN:--------------O M A N m o AOklL /S9I ---------------

,) .AthVrlisr in T|ic, Herald— II Pav»

/ *■ •' V ■■ X

Page 3: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va


^ ^ of the commUtte locally, atataa

A 9 V U through voU at a apa-m g ^ a f clM meeting, to be held withinO f G lee G lu b three montl«

Becthbvent in Annual Merting Last Night Em anuel Q iurchWUmore H. Peteraoa of JS Alton

•trvet was elected president of the Beethoven UlM Club at Ita annual

Also.' she stateathe bu>ldtns fnust start within a year, in n r^ r to retain the sum. unless for ’ 'gome.. good reason, building is delved and an estith'

- I ! Sion may be grtmt««t t>y the SUte " * ■ commission. '■

LaVergr.e H. Williams, chair­man of the sonlng ti^n.mUslon. has issued a statement n> the ef­fect that since the bujldirtg. ^ sea- son has opened up., the'com l^on would remind property owner#

ateeting held last night Sl'|j|itnan- j that lohing laws are In effect InOolumhia. end urgea anyon# con­templating cdnstniction work to obtain a permit before atartlng. In order that .iny embarrassment may, be avoided. Permits may be obtalhed,through Clayton E. Hunt.

uel Lutheran church. He aucceeda Paul E. Erickson and has been ac­tive in choral uwrk since he re­turned from service in the U. S.Army.

Others named as^officers for the ^ ,A s» askaon are: J ^ h Dellafera. Ihb corttnl^Mlon s agent Mr. Wll-vlc« president; Emesl fteichen-j JJJJ*bach, aecratary: Raymond Uercer. **•••' ,’*^^*|*"* **T*^*i!treasurer; Everett MscCIuggMc. ®" •/*“ ’*’*"_£|*V*^* *"/*’• membership and finanCe secretary; effort*Arthur Lardsn. bualneas manager r 4," the hands ,'of a B^m Nyqulst assistant business*' scrutiny as to the lagal side of manager: Carl Gustafson, associate the picture, rnd will seon be ready membership chairman: John A, for the town s conslderatlop. Johnson, librarian: Edward Wal- The Colirmhla Volunteer Fir# ters, asalstant librarlAn; Howard | depart man t will, meet in Yeomans haberem and Francis McCarthy, j hall, Wednesday night at sighttnSsteca; Loui.- .Schuyler and Law­rence ^glpy. auditors: Robert Johns, music committee.

Frederic E. Wenier was again named to conduct the Beethovens I

o'clock for a postponed meeting, originally scheduled to tisve been held May 14. The meeting sa s de­layed to allow for Uicorpora|ton prior to taking any offleial action.

for the next year and Ernest B. j Tj,ig peen completed and theOoeman was appointed the club aC' oempanlat for bla aecond year.

The various reports from the officers were read and showed that the club had one of the most suc­cessful years both from s social and financial \iew|Mlnt. A closing dinner for the members and their gueets will be held Monday eve­ning, June 2 et the Hotel Heublein.. - , j

, HerUord. CMnner will be served at |7 o'clock and arrangements are In Charge of Raymorttl Erickeon, ehelrmen of the eociel committee.

meeting Wedneadsy night will consider by-lews which wilt be of­fered by s committee assigned, to draw up the present set. An*

I other aspect of this week's meet* I Ing wUI.be the diacuaoion of ways I and means, or as L. H. Williams,

president of the organisation put /to bring In the(litt^ 'to bri

spmh^r to have to he a

l i .

Rev. George 8. Brookes. D.D P utor Emssitus of Union church, ftockvUle. spoke at the Grange Sunday aarvlca held In Columbia Cbngragational church Sunday

' morning. Rev. Mr. Brookes used as the basis of his sermon "Life la But Once. Drink of the Cup, Wear ita Roees. Live Its Verses." a quota­tion from an unknown source which came to ble attention a num- bar ef years ago. and which he has interpreted in his own way. He uses the ftrst line to Indicate that wc have but one chance at each step of the way through our life—' the second points out the cup as a symbol o f . courage, a charac- taitatic needed In all our Uvea;

■ "wear Its rosaa" he interprets to roaan enjoj-ing to the fullest the baautles of nature which every­where abound: and "l|vc Its verses"

.->moet Important of all. probably, to live as poetry—harmoniously

jaad in rhythm. It Is easy, he said. <te live harmoniously and as peace- iablc as poatry with those we love,: but living In that manner with theue we hate la quits a different manner. We must Inject the harm­ony of versa into our everyday llv-

.IM, then, indeed, ivUl we have'the n u beauty of our lives.

The members of Mountain Laurel 'OIrl Scout Troop, 14 in number, -and thirteen Bfownlek. with their j leaders. Miss Jean Natsch, Mrs. Sally Robinson and Mrs. Leona Wolmer. attended the Girl Si-out Spring Frolic held In Hyde Park

' In Stafford Springs. Saturdav. Mrs. 'John Woodward. Mrs. Kari F ilk and Jarry Shins helped transport tha giila and Mra. woodward and Mra. ’’alk assisted Mrs. Wolmer. The Columbia ttria participated Iti the massing of the colors. Color

tbearere for the scouts were Abhv 'nbbiu and Judith Slnder with Deborah Young and ' Charlotte Shine as color guards; Dorothy Jensen was color bearer for the Brownies with Jane Mazanik and Betty Ann Falk the color guardi>. Nancy Smith for the scoute and Gloria Bellows for the Brownies, dressed in Scottish costumes, were tha Julll^tle Low girls in the World Friendship Fund parade, in which there were glrl4 from each town, each representing a different coun­try. I

The rein arrived Sunday a fter-[ noon Just In time to send the par- ' ents who had gathered for Par- i enta' Day at Center school, scur­rying into Yeomans hall with their : chairs The children had planneil i thetr program for out-of-doors, lin -! der the maples. 7t also made It > necessary to caU off the ball game i between the^boys and their dads. ; I t did not, however, take anything ! away from 'the fine program the i children had arranged, which was presented sa follows: Welcome to

, the parents by Nancy Woodward: God Bless America, by all. A group of songs "Paul and His Chickens, 'Phis Old Man and Under the Spreading (Chestnut Tree .(ac­tion songs) by the second, third and fourth grade pupils; a play ‘The Three Little Pigs" by the first graders assisted by Nancy Woodward who played the part of the mother and older pupils who helped with the properties. Doug­las Wolmer pleved the part of the wolf; Mickey Rominov. first little P it, John Soracchl. second little pig, Roberta MaoQuade, third lit­tle pig and Dannie Osmoiid, the farmer. Folk denting completed

nrogram. the first grbders do- tag the “Chimes of Dunkirk", the older puplla “Captain Jinx", “Gua- tata flkal" and "Bleklng." chBdren atrved their mother# and dads with lee ergem and soda and than showed them through their

''■ehoolhouae. which under the direc­tion of their teacher, Mi#s Sylvia Barris, has been newly and at­tractively redeeoratOd.

Tha School Building Commlttaa hM-boan noUflsd by the State

ibUo School Building Committee that tha p l ^ for Um oonaoltdatM achool in hava batfi apMqitad .SDd that in ac* aerdaaoe w l ^ Public Act 8S8, Slf iSSO has bamt-gfraatad to the town to.ald In bullmng the school. Tida la figured on the baata of the aaroUmnt of ISJl puplls^tn ele­mentary schools for *Golutabia. Mre. Marion JMurlbuU, secretary^

It. "a commltti■pend the

appointed." The .Coliimbls ReCrestlnnsl

' Council will meet In Yeomens hall, tonight s i eight.

I Mils Jans Lyman, cadet nurse, training at Backus hospital In

\ Norwich. Is spending e two weeks'I vacation with her perenta. Mr. end I Mra. Raymond Lyman.

Miss MjTtle Collins Is .visiting her brother Clave ;>>IUns end sit­ter MIse Lure CoUlns. In Wethers­field.

Mies Eve Oalllns underwent a major operation In Hartford hos­pital, Friday. She la reported to be resting comfortably.

The Catholic Ladles’ Society will give a public card parly at Yeomans hall. Wednesday night. Mri. Joseph LaFieur and Mrs. Alfred Soracehi ate In charge.

The first Inter-County League Baseball game to be scheduled for the local field, being pla.ved He-' tween the local Columbia A.I... team and a Coventry team, was called off Sunday in the iccond half of the firet Inning, due to rain. The Coventry boys scored a run In the first *half.

Mrs. A. Milton George, s former reeldent. now living in .Stamfor.d, was In town Friday, calling on old friends and neighbors'. Mrs. George will spend a few days with her mother. Mre, Joseph walker In West Hartford.

If You Want to BuiliU Buy, S e ll. or TraHe Keal Efitale, G\et liisur* anee Coverage or Ar­range a Mortgage.


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Fence You Ini

jWire To Give You I.ong- er. Better Service!



BARRETTPlumbing Suppiv Co.

599 Main SI. Tei. 2^l304


Sealed bids will be received by tit* Board of .'Selectmen at the iof- flee of the Selec tmen, Municlpsl Building Manchester, (Vinnectiriit. under date of June 3rd, 1947 for purchaaln'g Uot No. 28, " U t ' No. 29 end forty feet on the weeteriy ■Ida of lx>t No. S3 on the develop- ment known as "Momlngalde Park Subdlvliioa" in accordance with map on file In the office of tha Selectmen.

The Board of Selectmen rk* serve the right to toject any or aU. bids.' bated, at Manchestei. Conn tblB 21st clay of Mftv, 1947

■ S. G. Biwers.S e c r e t a r y B o a r d o f S e l k c t m c n ,




N O D T H E R C O H E t G I V E S Y O U M O I E F L A V O R A N Dm o r e f o r y o u r m o n e y *



^ (o U d e U f, S iiq iJ o A H o tlA f


u Pif.'T JAR 29<



RED CIRCLERICH AND 0% . It 7 * f e




J U N F I S S U E O F A S P ' S M A G A Z I N E(Oohumk. 0eu

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yukOn mom h * vor-CONTENTS OrJLY

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V / r 2 9 ^8 OZ. Q pi<«, w COUAF.i

JAR28 07 « C cBOTS A 9



fisp Freshl 1» VegeUWe?

B A * . J a i A /

W iiS E l e m o n sT O M A T O K ^ «» »* doz3S*

A S P A n m

JtolSHES “ 45'scm io M s^^ \ " e ?

5K0LESS mm % 2 j ‘BWOSETEw m s e t e cor c o m

G R E A l i r O L D H U

M 0 7 « a .0KC 3 1 ®

PKC l 3 ®

stC uS 25‘


C O O # ViOT



PlEASE SHOP E A E L Y . . . A & P s t o r e s C L O S E D A L L O A Y P M E M O R I A L D A Y - F R I . M A Y 30- A & P S T O R E S N O R M A L L Y O P E N F R I D A Y E V E N I N G S V Y I L L R E M A I N O P E N T H U R S . E V E . U N T I L 9 P . M .



4 OZBOT 7 e\n




ROLOGNAa s s o r t e d



C o di/tfid*





• 01 I IPKO O

* 0 » 1 3 1CAN

NO.CANS: 3 3 *

bvo^^" , , , -V00“ O '-""


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GREEN BEANS 2su lt a n a reo kidney , /



OUR OWNt iA rags

PKG C O bOF TOO 0 5 1


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2 NO. - CAN*


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V -1 5 ®

] w < d A - 6 # l« \ « ^ ,• ^rlM, •ffacliv,■t A S P

••ll.tirvlce etprts la

'ta il art*—

•abject te nicrket -




. -itlL

CHECK THESE...&idAjtanjclinj OcdusijLl





.16 OZ


4 6 O Z ' ■ CAN


12 O Z ' CAN



COCKTftIL- VaS 29»









\1:! 16 «


6 *

‘ • 25*PKO



46 'O Z IONA CAN •ra°d 19*


N 0 ..2CAN




CORN FLAKES 2 exai 17«KlRKMANS g ranu lated


CAN 15*

T H E G R E A T A T L A N T I C & P A C I F I C C O M P A N Y

- XM A N C H E S T E R E V E N IN G n F -R A L D . M A N C H E ST E R CO.n'N .. T C r S P A V , .MAY 2 7 . 1917 P A r i E K l V t S .

U * m the United fitatea remained at ji T A t t r i i d about the I94.'V level .‘Sale.* rt>ar*

Noted Here'■r

oonaiderably 'vit xnuvh of the money .cRme froT, (uwioualy ar- i

,cumulated aavinga. Last year'a ba'Vtnga, #15.8 biil'ona, lowest ainhe 1941.

Wpre the

IVilfional Survey Indi­cates Manchester Well Above U. S. Average!

(Special to The Herald)New York May 2 7 - Manchester

familira had mor-’ money avaiinble for spending dur.ng the past year thin did the nveMige family else-, where in' the United States, ac­cording to Salef XIanagement's 1947 aun-ey of buying power.

The figures show that the typi­cal Manchester family had a gross income of 84.916 compared to the average of $3.6.11: earned by faml- ll'-a In other roipfcunltlea In the country and lO the $4,308 received pei family in the New England atntea.

How high a buying potential this repreaenta l:( Ihdi'cated by the fact that It conhtitntea' '.O^O per­cent of the nal nnal income al­though Manchenier haa-only .024 tH-veent of the .National population.

This ineome, .vhlrh totaled $49,- 404,000 in Mancherter.‘waa trans­lated into purchases of $27,357,000 In the local retail storea, ;i con- aidernble gain ove? the $23,791,000 in retail business recorded for 1945.

The survey utampa the city -a richer market o> assigning it a “quality of marki t index" of 112, meaning that its purchasing power is 12 percent abo\*e that of the average coi)imun.ty. rt*gardlc.ss of size.\ Generally apeaking. 1946.incorhe

Delegates Chogeii For Difel. Meeting

! At the regular busineaa meeting of DiIworlh-Cornell-'Quey Post,

I American legion, held at the Lc- I jfion Home last night, detegatea i were elected to attend the First

District meeting to be held Jnne 22 at the Wlndaor Locks Legion Home.

The dcicgalcs lected last night ' were: Francis Miner, past com- |

I mander of the local poet:- BUI ; I Demko, Junior vice commander: ' j Walter Runde. senior vice com- ; mander; Everett Kennedy, paat I commander: Ruaaell Haiigh, M’il- I llam' MacDonald, service officer:! John S. G. Rottner and Gdorge I Mitchell.i Commaniter. Uharlea Norris and : Adjutant AuatTn Becchicr are au- ! tomaticallv included as delegatea

Fiirther Pleas Fox* Donations

P u b l i c H c a l t b N u r s i n g A i ih o c ia t io n I k t o C o n >

t i| iu e I t s A | t| )ca l I— — 1

DonaHona to the Manchester | E»ubllc Health Npralng Asnoclation j are coming-tn Mrs. C. K. Burn-] ham, treasuiWr reports. "How- ■ e\'*r.” she says “inore money will , be needed by the 'assoclathin if it

} tributions bF so large thri.' -it wdl * I'e a burden, but if ev/ry family I m Manchester • woul<f i-onsider.j

making a donation of some; amount Jo the associution, its ex- i ponses could easily be covered."

Aa the years have pajssed since i the first full acale opi-rallon wa a Public . Health Nursing As-wta- tion, more and more p»'ople have ’ had occasion to use the service. ■

la to continue full'^cXle operations. | It la not neceSaaty tnat the con- 1

In maipv . ises. dill- to the wiirtiuie ahortrt);-’e of nnrsr.s. wrthoiit such home service an actual hardship would have rtaultn.1 While the n'urses cannot .spt'nd the amount oi Ume. a (rained nurse does, they do spend as mfich lime with a patient as i* nerr-ssary to give | medication and follow the doctor's

ALU'S OOFKAN (Hnoww As Utiern AHceV

Seventh l*M«iahlei <il a Seventh Son Rom Ullh a Veil

Keaillngs IIhII; IneiiKlInt Sundav ,» A M tn H l> M Oi Rv Aiipotnt inent. In the S rn lr* ol Ihr Peo (tie (of St* %>ara

S I ' IK IT I A l M E I l l l 'M I6(t ('hurrh Mtrerl. Ilartlord. I'tiua-

Phnne 6 7tri4

onlcra They also instnii'l families in bedtida rare, demonstrating the proper way it ahou|d l*e given

F'or those who hgve not already contributed, donations 'may bo made to Mrs C. K Itumham,

ire.isure'r. 63 Henry ati;r.-l, at the a*.soclatlon rooms. 7l Hayne.s street or directly to the nurses Every penny received is spent right har.' In Manchester not cent Is arm out <'f tTm-n, for

nneni ot A r Ine

/■-V. -

.Mafirheater PulHic Haalth Nursing Association is an drganixatlon that is Manchester's own. working for.' t aring for akd instructing the people of Manchester In the .ways of healUi. '

TRUSS FjTTINr.By A H R O N (tradtuted Cxperl, AIm i Abdominal Suppnrta. Clas tic lloalerv. and all type* nl «ur gtcal appliance* Private Fit ting Boom

QuinnV Pbarmacy

FUR STORAGETake advantage of our modern faeilitiea to prolong the life and beauty of your pre- rioun furs and winter cloth coats. Our services include scientifically controlled storage! expert cleansing and restoring methods, and insured protection at all times. \


Wa will call lor your Fur Coat, nr Cloth Winter C oat (


$2.50. FOR Sino VAI.I ATION

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■ t/Aj iM\/W\a L/

IjV^Mother, your child depends on you to pick the rignt shoe. Authorities recommend these .■\crohal features:

'i i Rigid arch for aacattary support

-U Flaxibla tola for foot aoto and comfort

k Coraful towatrurilow ^ proper fit "

G ian t M luatratod BookA gfi78tor>'Cnlor book, «»riUffn in rb7iB»T“*a gif from Tumbliri Tim with eficb pfiir of Acrqbat Shoe*.




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The most healthful single foods that ran be eaten are dairy produrt.s. MilL. eg g s, butter and a variety of deliiiiiiis cheeses are not only' good ^ealtb aids, but help make delightful and (lilferent menus the whole family will enjoy during the hot si'* rat her months.

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•Our dairy products must con­form to a high standard of qual­ity and uniformity. Arrange with us today for daily delivery service. a

Bryant & Chapman Co.TEEEI’HONE 7697

NO MONEY DOW N!...NOPayments until OcL 1st.


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Page 4: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

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^ a t t r l i r a t p r

€pptiitt0 i|rniUBt T l t t j f

ammAt.n PRINtlNQ CO../INC. 11 BtMch 8tr««t /

Msnrh«at*r. ConRC TUOMAB rCKOJftWN

pr»«.. Tr»«».. 0«nX M«n»r*r PoundM Octottw 1. IMl.

Vnr^ EreinnB ■.Bmrpl il^dara. Cnter*d »i fh«

• 1 ■l•nchnt»r. Conn., ••Pub|tali«d

•anttart and Port olfle*•teoDd Clac* Hitt

SUBSCHIPTXOS RAT*8On* by Mall ................ tW**Its monltu by Mat| ......Ona/^nth by Mail -------SiMpa Copy .............rtakly. by earner ....

daitverad. Ona Taar wWt of Mlaa.. ran -n


1 1.00 f 100 1 .IM J M IIAOO tIXOU

"tn to realli^ that all thla, pMt iuiilnaaa of lr>-inji to aelect rer-

tain weapona and rpatrlct them ip a .tragic waate of fho irorld'a time.

It la alifh a trnKl<\\va-<tr of i time. For what Rood wfHdil It do to try to control the atom while

i the potentialltle: of unrontrollahle ! bacterial warfare are adm^tteil . What anfetv In there for manklml In the abolition of any aelected llat of weapone, eapecially acleniw aeem.a quite cai)Hhle continually developing new weap-


liy A. II o.

f :


The real ilranyi in thia aeaalon of tile l,ej;l(tlatHn hn.-i rfot been In tlie loud .><. andal\il aonielhinil like

eime, icV in in lioa iiml rh an ^xplo.sive

riinipton lei' 'h bate «.n even •.. (>» an explo.sive

^ i ihXiie .-O- biith <ontn\ bdt In the ' fiuiel, r. inoj -eleK , dav^.v-day ile-quivelopmeni In' till

< )ne

.vH’.vof n trianlili'

ona even more terrible than thr.«e ' Monae d Kepi. eenlativ^" , o i n e r o l t h e I n n i . y l e h n a b i V n t h e

jij»t blinnra . oi;;;uiiZHtWin lypifiVfl hyThe answer la thi* world miist .speaker Fred llolbroeik and \la-

flnd ‘ ome wav of renonni ing the jontv l,emler Uisiige Conwa'y.>ae of all weapons, from the elnl. Another ha- b-e, the merriberstnjt

of the HoiiiO' ll.-** If And th»* third_______ - ri»rnM his r)r»‘n Id*‘n Miirsh. for*

•ntflied to tht u»€ of r<•pu l'c•t‘on of || through hiht9»v. thori i. **nlyway in which groupa of men

1 ,the kmfe up to l-actena. And,'

Tlie day after Flora eloped. An- n'nbellp came over to aee me. When I aaked about Flora, ahe burat Irrto teara,

"You muan't feel like that,’’ I aalel awkwardly. "Boh 'U a dear boy. I've known him all my life, and there lan't anything about him that lan't nice."

"I know," Annabelle aald. bit­terly, dabbing at heY ..fyea, '"but lhat'a all he ll, a rtlce bojr. He'll never be anything cite. Ito y«tj know what he makea? Tvyefity'- two dollara a week, How/Can he aupiwrrt a wife, especlaKy an ex-


aad al»o tha local n»w» publ'rbtd ' All rghU of republ'tal'oft of •pecial

Blipatehea baretn. tr* tiao raorraa.

It .

Poll aeryica ebafit of N tnC.

B A. Serylea

PublUlMiai RapraaanUl'vca: 'TbaJuUua Malhawa Special A«cncr-Na» Tarli. Ch'Ctfo. IHtroU and Boatoo.


Tba Haraia rnntln* Company. Inc., aaaiunaa no financial raap<'ntibil'ty for typognapMcal arrora appearm* m ad- yerllatfirenla and othar raadrag laatlar. tn Tba Manchertar Craning Harald.

Tueaday, M »y 27

have been able to refrain frohi the uM Bgalnat one another of what­ever WPapona were available tothem. That one way hna.been through the erganlaatkin of poIlU- cal unions with each other, ao that the men In the same village did not war with one another, tlie men In the same nation did not war with one another. Only when men live under orte Inw and orte

V d e r In onev ixilltlcal illvlslon dothey refrain from maaa slaughter of one another.

The anawer to the problem of peace and diaarmamnnt la not,then, the frantic and flitlle argu­ment over apeedfle weapons that we have been having between Ilus- sla and America- an argument which the potentlalltlea of bacteri­al warfare now show to lx- out­moded and pitiably behind ihe times. The anawer to the prob­lem of disarmament is/fiot a mili­tary answer, but a pillllral an­swer. And the answer is one law and one order for one political dK vialon which muat comprise Hie whole world. That law and order mnat be strong enough to ilemiiml and recclv«5,-the siirrcmler of all nations of the' right to wage war That right to wage war Is called Boverelgnty, a word which makes certain nationalists In all coun- trlee take out their aoap boxes iiml shout. But ll la precisely that sovereignty which all of ns must get Tld of. If we hope to survive. We are at that point In history where we must take the final and logical step toward peace, the final and logleal expansion of that first political unity and mutual tolerance which organlseirthc first village and guaranteeil peace within tla borilciH.

The whole iCoi l/l is now about to nacome that kind of village, or sink back Into the fatricldal code of the. jungle.

Neither the 'Baruch plan nor the Gromyko plan will save us. Neither could save us. NeiHu-r recognises the real profileni. The world’s choice Is no longer lie- tween certain ilegrees or, modes of war. It Is lli^ fin.il, alisolutc choice between the jnnglr and the village, between war and luie world.

I irsvHgant wile like Flora, who ini-r niiijoriiy liiidii, foimij- is-nny-plnehitig worse thanxpeakec: and now just ani.HuT : q„?"legislator, so far as the Kepnhiirnn •'Hi^ l-'lor% Is oo capable ahdorganization Is cNjcerned.

The very opti.lhg day of the od I

Bacteria And DisarmamentWe're afraid that, while RusbIb

and America have been dividing the world on the qneatlon of which ahould come first, general dis­armament or atomic disarmament, the bacteria have been steaMng a march ofi them both.

A pound of botullnua germ In a big city reservoir would do a Job e\*en more devastating ami much more quick and complete than the biggest atomic bomb.

If we want to know what to fe ^ most, and therefore what to coattol first. It ahould seem that bacterHil warfare Is the first thing that ah<k|ld be outlawed.

In any case, contemplation of poBSiblllties of bacterial warfare la an enliglHenlng pastime, in This Year of Our l» rd *1947. It la most enllghtehlng liecause It tends to solve most of the prob­lems attendant upon, the Russian'American argument over whether general or atomic disarmament should come first.

Take the queatlon of monopoly, for Instance. On the atomic bomb, we think we have a monopoly and we Intend to retain It, for i period of our OYvn choosing, even after the rest of the world may have accepted dnternatlonal n con­trol. Conversely, monopoly of the atomic bcimb |b also an Issue with the Russians. Tliey more or less admit wc have it, and say we vrant to keep it, and It is' one of their arguments against our plan that it would perpetuate, for period, an American monopoly which would be ended a-jon, any way, by the progress of aclentlsta of other nations.

NoW what, does the potential cx Istence of bacterial warfare do Id ! such a concern about monopoly'?Who has a monopoly on bacteria?'Y^ho could have a monopoly on bacteria? The answer' is that bacteria are cheap and universal, available to nations big and small.All any nation needs Is a will to use them, and that is growing apace in our modern civilization.So, as we bet aboqt International­ising bacterlii we discover no problem on tbehgpYe of monopoly.The bacteria are Internationalized already.

Another, question dividing the United States and Russia,.in the zone of leaseir disarmament,-, (a that of inspection. The United States doesn't want any Uiiui of- disarmament without full and' rigid and. efficient International In spectlon. Russia objects to some Iphases of this inspection P' ' "' - ’ * " * * - 1 » ■ . • ■ » ■ .]• •

But when It conu-s to bacteria, j M l 118 A < H l l l l O I l both Russia and the United States i |. - - . . y 'can agree Instantly and complete-1 ^ C l I i J I l f lC I * yy HA ily on the theory that no inspection ' ^whatever couW ever be trusted to| what he feels 'guard against bacterial wnrfat*-. q,, fnis,. impreesion that theAlbany liation needs to begin bac-'-new Aldon Mills addition In ,Tal-

* terial warfare la s dirty.sink. No ‘•’“ l^vltle will not. lie ready for luse , , , , 1 for a long time. Alfred W. Oave-

experVlve plants, no secret ores., indu.stry. this.no visible equipment arc needed, morning stated that work thero i.s ; for bacterial war. No inspection j being rliahcd to coini>lotion fiRd is j system could possibly be dcvise<l' already well under way. which would be able to detect the | -Mr. Clavedon stated that m ateVbeginning of bact erial war. Run-1. .the 3S by 121 foot addition will'sia and the tjnlted States can I house new spinning facilities. :agrcB, theh, .'thit the issue iif ,'P-i litolhe machinery boa already treen | spectlon is really no loriger'^i i*. [ sec u rail, he siiiie.s, arid delivery o f'

U jp lAhe remalnilei i.s expected as soon. . 0 8 a place for It Is ready.

- In . short, the violent i.ssiies The Aldon .Mills firin’ has been which have hitherto been dividing | improving, the former Talcotl pro- '

\ Russia pind the United Stales on l«'i'ly And the new addition is an-' the question of disarmament oi-e ' move to provide for modern ;

7 , . marhinepy-vind better nrodiietionmerely so many unlmpyrtant! method-s ' ' 'anachronisms wheij we Ix-gln to " ----- -—______________face the queatidn of fmeteilal war­fare.

Once this begins to sink in, it may begin to bccur to aome of us

' that the wr.orld has finally come to the point where the question Is . , - >-r not one of abolishing this of that j

S c o i i t 8 t o H o n o rts

E x o f i i l i v t * S I v

session produeod an ojfan dash be tween the organiziiHon a"nd .Marsh ovi-r the adoptl-m of refornj rules of legislative nroi ednii reeoimnen- ded hy the I/rgls'lallve i ’oniicd. After that iqM-ning dii.'<li. in which Marsh .lost, the two fadion.-i. the organization ' .ind Hk’ Independent, more or less setth d down lor a long war of attrition. Tlial war has b'-'-n going on .deinhly 'tlufinghonl the session.

In llial »»ar the original ad­vantage of weight of nninlM-n*, and of the pnll and power of IMlIlleal proiiilM-«, threiiN and retribution, has Is-en all tilth ih<- organization. But Marsh has hud the slriitegleal ad>anlng«'. In that, whereas the orgaiilratlon was eoni|H‘l|ed to tr.v to hold Its llni's on lilt Hdiigs; all the lime, .Marsh was prlilleged to pli'k bis' inomenis and Ids Issues.Against the organization whip,

Marsh employed Hie sweet vnlee of reason. He employed it patient­ly, seenunglv mipervlotis to Hie rialtine ddiats liiiiidid out b> Hie miichini. 1 *1 rliaps he kniwv. lor>,front his own expt'rieme in past of orgaifizatlon f ower. tliat the more often a ,i.iity whip is used the less eHec'lve it biTinneH. At any rate, the sitt.i.lion heeanie one ill wliieh iMiirsli coiitimn'd to n.se logic and rea.son, in whidi the. or­ganization kept opening the Hirot- tle on Its ateamrollei, and in which the rank and fih- inetnherHiilp of the iftonse grew more and m'ore restive.

This long war of allrillon came to a syrt of quiet hill dra­matic climax one day last week, whfie Hie IIoiim- was tr.xing to act OR the hill lleenslng real estate broker*. I’erhups the op- porlimlly was hnp|M'nelmnc-i'; to some obsrrvi rs the .Marsh stmlrgy seemed, however, to have all the finessi- of chess moves well thought out In ad­vance. The hill would n-qiiln- the rsinhilshmeni uf new stale offi­ce* and the hiring of new |M-r- soiinel for whhh an appropria­tion would have to b<> miiile, even though the *tale miglil get hack all It *|»enl from the license | fee* eolleetexi.The House win efady to pass Hie

bill. In n ‘ siirce.ssion nf moves. Marsh and his fi rces first Inquired what the new licensing sy.steni would ec.st, Wl.i M there was no specific; answer t'l Hr t qtiesliOii, Hie.y moved Ihal the hill he re- feried to the .\p|.n>priatlons font- niittee. Tins anii'iidnient of theirs w.t* lost, in a tally vote which

I Marsh insisted upon, by a vote of i 123 to 71. rhat vote told Marsh j the Iniport.int thing. W'hieli was I tint support of the hill did not j have a two-lliirds majority ol those present anii voting.

Then he playid his ace. This I w.as a simple reauing of Hie stale '' ststnte providing Hint any iiieiis- tire eilhe.r eiirryit g or "recniiiing" an approprliitior. could not he aelcd upon wit In.lit reference to the A jipnipi iiil ions ('onimiltee iiii- h'S.s Midi action was. hy a two- thirds vote ;'if file House. On this sitnniion. Ih' a. ked for a tilling from Speaker Holbrook. Tlic latirr Alatehnian conveniently "ignored

'iliiK k'lorq Is no praclpat."

"I'm.tf&^pracHcal one. Flora can sew -a fine'se*m and embroider bettntifnily, but f do the eiittlnf^ knd fitting .Sister can make won­derful Hollani^uir saiH'e If she hsa plenty of eggfl and blitter, but It's Amy and I who peel the vege­table* and baate Hit' meat. Wr duel a;id sweep While Flora ar-- ranges the flowers'. I’erjiaps we've all »iK)lled her; f don't know. But atle Ik and always will 'be a childat heart. And why should any^e

heras pretty aa iflora have to soy Her handa cleaning oUt lolleta and sinks? She never has cje^ancit a toilet.".

I aalil: "Moat of thej(lrla I know even those with rich fgthers, do their own housework when they first get marrl^: 1 never ttoHced that It hurt IJjem or that anyone | fell phrtleulafly sorry for them."

"(llrls like Alice .Mitehel and Jeannte Har|)er, who play at keep­ing hoiiae as .Marie Antoinette played at being a milkmaldl You couldn't |)OMslbly tinderslancf. 1 shouldn't expect you to "

"Well, at least I ran understand that Klorabelle must have wanted to many Boh moat awfully. Boh dldi\'t'knock her down and drag her to the altar. And 1 ckin't think ll will make thing* any better If we all cry over her and expect the worat. I for one ahan't."

been the family favorite. NqW her mother aald she would rje^er see Fkira again. 1 must qot' miajudge her mother.' She wAs not really stern and unforgWmg. U ' only that she had M d such KVgT. * pe.- for F l o r a . .

I wanted to say scornfully: "By high hopes you mean marrying her off to my |ieevish Utile Cousin Rant, old enough to be her grand­father " Instead I changed the ifubject, and Annabelle .soon went home.

"You -niustn't lie Use hard On MIns Anoah<>llc for lieing a/bit peppcrljih." Ls’uh caution^ ni". "It never ralna but it |s>urs in the Tolliver house. W'eymao aays that Mr. Nelson waA so /niad at the way Miss Flora v treated your Cousin Sam that he turns up hi.* nose at the TqKivers a.s if all of them amclled/bad. " W'eyrnan wa.s cook and hoiiaemaii for the two Forbeses And distantly related to Leah.

"HqVlf la Onisln .Sam taking it?"I aptced., ’'W'eyman aaid at first lie was | rnqil as a duck. nn<l then one | morning he come* down and .slap.s ; VVeynian on the back anq tells him , Richard is hlsself again, whatever ! he means by that. A little later : he aays, 'No fool like on old. fool, eh, W'eymah?' And W'^ynian says, I 'No. sir. there am t,' and ,tlr. .Sam laughs and laughs. VVeyman heard him telling .Mr. Nelson that luckily only hla pride woa hurt and that he’d learned his own self a lesson. W^yrrtqn says that maybe Mr. Sam Is B litilc more snajipish than usual, but I f * W'eyman's belief that In hr* heart of hearts your Cousin flant.ls more relieved than anything els^"

1 was fond Sam in a cousinly way and pleased that he was tak­ing Fora's marriage so sensibly. But I vt'aa never 'much Interested In him. My interest ^ow was cen­tered on Floin''-I cnultj hardly wait for Flora and^Bob toXc.ome back from their honeymoon.

did not approve ofi^Bob. I think ,t was selfish and cruel to go of! that wiiy without a word to any­one. Bob I's'. -Mrs. Finneran cried tor Ihiee day*."

"She'd cry anyway, even If Bob married the f^lncess royal of Eng­land," ' I said tartly. "Mra. Kin- neran reipfniis me of a'turkey hen with thA pip. I never saw her whciyi^e wasn't sighing and com- plalmng."/^All the same, she’s Bob’s hirlher, ahd he owes her some­thing,"

I (oidd not deny this."Did you .know that Bcrb bor­

rowed three hundred dollars from hUi Aunt .Mamie Peters to get married on?” Kay asked.

MUa Mamie Peters was an el­derly school teacher and lame. 1 was shocked. The elopement was no longer romantically glamorous.'

(To Be (.'onllmird)


• Plant Equipped With Germicidal l)ltra*Vinlet Ray 4-amp«

• White Deodorized Enamel Cuntainem• FlulTy Ivory-Wakhed Diapers

485 Middle Turnpike. Ea*t Manche*ter. Conn.

The grebe I* a bird contorflA®* 1st. It lifts its leg out of the water, shakes the moisture from UxCm, then folds them over the back, un­der Its wings.





Orroand J.WcitD irre to r

At my display of temjier Annn- bolle aald quickly that nf course I was right; we must all help poor Florabelle In every way we could. It was going to be dif­ficult, as her mother waa entirely unreconciled, FlfMi had always

Nor wo* I the only ofie But 1 was 'fl-rmly suppresseii when I sugge.sted Uiat Flora showed a good deal of bravery in defying her nwther ajid sisters and rtfii- ning away with Bob.

"Whafa so brave about It?" .Mniiilie as'ked. "Even if her mother


Tht Sign of aWORTHY SERVir.P

142 East Center Street

Hartford. May 27 - Scoulcrs and friends of Scouting in the Mnn- che.ster district which Includes the towns of Andover, Bolton and Man­chester wUl join the' other ten dis­tricts of the Charter Oak t'ouncll.Boj’ ScoilUl bf America, in honor-| Hu-w ind''rcquiriig" in Hie stnliite Ing Scout Executive Nelson A. Sly | ruled lliiif itic llou.se could proon the oceasloriof his 2rdh Hibdver- hiiry ila a pjofeasionnl Scoutcr and his fifteenth year as executive ol the Charter'Oak -Council. A spe­cial "Chief Sly Day" ronimittee la making elaborate preparaHon* tor a mass meeting to be held at the West Middle School, 027 Asylum avenue. Hartford. Sunday. June 8th at 8 p. m.

ccisl. mid,till'.Holin' «iis m process of |>a'sslng the liill on that basis when Minority l.ciidcr Cotter, n supporter of tlui bill.it.sclf, chimed In with, doubt ol Jhe legality of such, iicjion and moved Hmt Hie bill be “ placed u‘. the loot of the ealindiir." This motion a liiotioii doubting the lin'iig of tlie Speak or now pa.ssed by a vote of 104 to 93. The reason could be found In the mttrtmir ol many a Repuhll

lean legislator to Hie effect that *".Mar.sli is rigid "

When, luj Mil'll 11 iiarrmv mar­gin the lloit-e di'i'liled to follow the law, Oiiteiist .Marsh heeaiite,

' for u iiiomeiil ul least, the iifi- nffleiiil S|HMiker Of the Tloiisi',II was 11 iieui 't•'nlpornry cllniiivIII 11 session long druiiiu.



Rcpresertlinir TIMKEN OH. HEAT

L I .......... ' '■ "■..........

'4.*is4* to*. No tsaltint

V»-a. It iB trn<. il..--rr a b.i1>I; »iH.;=-ss' in«HD< 4tr*l 'li.|.,i«I .‘kiln'kUCIICX Oikt tine* Ml 'V.t, qai< kly •« it lo ...„i iru. .1.ujgty L!»m Ml!.' • i>“. • n -i .■.-.'i. . A 1. 1 1 . 1 , fltmllOIH. kOtl UPDIH -I klMfBBweapon, but one of abolishing war,

elf. * A ^ow that we have fjnklly come

to ^Rgapona.,. which we know no

.......................... ................. gly stt itil9uad ib ttY p im p U * Aod bl«c k ltcfiiU fiad d.*4pi»>a rr<l Tb«q« ttfitr* enU vuslM Ucklly pt«iac K lM fv i gud 'U fm th e y » r» m toQ tK r'fm b g rraM n l ^%nd-«r« opi» hi4ppy w iiR t iie it d # 4 i O N L Y 'om plpsioofi U w k lw r e s . It p ilcg tion dfFfB pot U t l« t \ . YOtl f r ' V I

^OUtChnical ajrstf m of safeguards < an il ^ b l ^ b o l l B h , perhaps, we | ^ 0*;

tV ' '

t one «t'you get Xak fi>r 49<

r i i m ' - \vuM r u t t » v e r \ 1%,




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and EM^ing. SIMA lA L C LA S S E S .

FOR T E E N AG E R S A T R E D l ’C E I) R A T E S

SINGER Sewing Center

-S.'j’i'Main StreiHTVIephone,t»t>B'3

Bolton LakeFOR SALE~-A aummer camp with 700 ft. frnntairc on lake. Six huiUHnjrs—four ready for occupancy- equipped with electricity, telephone and running water from artesian well. , ,

Gentleman’s estate which cain be used for all year ’round purposes for fopr or five families with a small ex* penditure.

A bt»ys’ or girls’ summer camp or a private summer resort. Has many Improvements such as built-in pool with fountain and good bathing beach with dock. Priced only at a frwtion of original cost. Other land available If necessariY Can be seen by appointment by applying to:

Edward J. HollREALTOR

Telephone 5117 or 5118





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BBStem Oayligbt H im

MUNk— I4IB W T tn — IZIB

4 ;4 5 »WON8— Adventur* Parade. W n C —Toung WIdder Brown.

fitOO—WDRO—House Party.WON8— Hop Harrigan.WTHT—Terry.W n C —UTien A Girt Marriee.

WON8— Superman.WTHT—Sky King.

W n C —Portia Facee Ufe. WDRC—Old Record Shop. WONS—OBptaln Midnight. WTHT—J *rt Armstrong. t4”n C —Ju«t Plain Bill.

Si4S—W ONS-Tom Mix.WTHT—Tennessee JeU. wnc—Front Page Farrell.


News on all stations.S:I0—

WTHT—Sports.• : I » - '

WDRC—Frontiers of ScienM. WONS—l-et's Go to the Games;

Local Sports Cast, w n c — Bob Steele- .Strictly

Sports; U. S. Weather Bureau. B:tB—

’ •'THT—Candlelight a id Sliver.• m —

^■ttC— Red Barber.WONS—Answer Man.WTHT—Music,WTIO—Emile Cote Glee aub.

IVDRC—Robert Trout News. WONS—Easy Aces. w n C —Lowell Tliomaa.

W'DRC—Mystery of the Week. WONS—Fulton Lewis. Jr. w n c —Supper aub.

7sIS—W'DRC—Jack .Smith Show. WONS—Tello-Test.W THT—Elmer Davis, w n o —News of the World.

WDRC—American Melody Hour. WONS—Arthur Hale.W THT—Representative Gerald

W. Landis.WTIC—HoUywood Theater.

7:45—WONS— Inside of Sports. WTHT—H.A.D.A. SpeafeA

S :0*~ /'WDRC—Big Town. /WONS—Wsrden’e Crime ^asea. WTHT—Lum and*Abner. w n c —Milton Bbrle Show.

S:l5— /WONS— Special Investigator. WTHT—Labor Must Be Free.

8:SU—WDRC— Bel Blanc Show; News. WONS—Adventures of the Fal-

coitWTBt —HarUord Chiefs va. UU*

ca.WTIC—A Date with Judy.

g:00—WDRC—Vo* Pop.WONS—Gabriel Heatter. w n C —Amoe 'n Andy.

9:15—WONS— Real Stories from Real


WDRC—Studio One.WONS— American Forum o< the

W-rtC—Fibber McGee aifd Molly. 10:00— „

W TIC—Bob Hope. .10:15—

WONS—Vtc Damone Show. 10:80—

WDRC—Open Hearing.WONS—Let’s N Talk about Au-

tomobilea.WTHT—Hoosier Hop. w n c — Red Skelton.

I0:4A—WONS—Musical Roundup. WTHT—Earl Godwin.

11:00—News on all stations.

G e n e r a l G u r l s u i iled' Marine raiders in the I'aolfic Island a-arfare, Waa reported ser-

^ e ia lously 111 today after a heart/kt-N o w S e n o i i s l v . Z

• I The famed veteran of two wars/ - I was admitted to the Kfnmanuel

Portlknd. Ore., May 27—uPi - hospital last night, and-''was under Brt^ "Pen. Evans F. Carlson, who' oxygen. He was stricken at hts

mountain kidae retreat in thy focit- . mado hts houfe rinee retirement hills of Motuit Hood tvhere he'ha* from active .Service-in 1948.


At the


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Page 5: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

r-f. ^

P A G E E IG H T manc?He 8t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n - Tu e s d a y , m a y 2 t. i 94T

RockvilleHealth Report

To Be GivenRe«iilt» of Survey of

Toyiii’* Farililie^ lo fee ToW This tveningRocknile. } ja y 27—A prelimin-

arj' report of the health aurvey of Public Health faclllUea of. the Tovn of V'cmorf and the City of Rockville tMll be niven this eve­ning a t the Superior Court room by Dr. Ifa Hiecock. dlrpctbr of the dl-

\vialon a t Yale. The rcaulU of the li^rvey made by the DIvtelon of i ^ b l lc Health Yale Unlver*>»i- « |

nl of .Medicine will ho pceiwnt e<l aV thla time.

Invitatiomi have boon aent to In tere.atoi cltl^n.e to atlcnri iroeotlng.^and the aervicea of a^ 1 1 \ time pubhc hoaltb service, ^ n d - ‘ erod by a ph> ipetan who h ^ spe-1 cialireil in fVt'lic health X ’*** considered. iHvltatlOns^-rave aleoj been serjt to ijfflc^ila/ of other j towns Ifi the vicinity, tor. Dblce bf the S ta le Deparun^nt of Health will be present to answer quesUons ,lh regard to a pro|K>sed District Health plan. The letter calls at- i tenllon to an act of Uw 19. .1 ses­sion of the State Legislature which made proytslons whereby a, number of comiminitiea might ^ In iogeth- er in A "H falth totstrlcV* V h lch might appoint a full time health o f f i ^ to serve the aeveral tw n s o p e ra t in g . ^

/ The a t y of Rockville made ah appropriation tq pay the c o s t’ o t, the survey and the detailed report will be announced later.

Fayette LodgeFa.vette Lodge S tt . 69. A FA AM

will meet thle evening a t which time the Fellow Craft degree will he eaempllfied.

Red MenThere will be a meeting of Tank-

eroosan Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men st. the Red Men’s hall this evening at eight o'clock.

Recital Towlght"S tars of Tomorrow" will be

presented by tbe Ann Marley School of Dancing a t the Sykes Auditorium this evening at eight \ o'clock. The dances will Include

oflied Monday at pltiii A i r WB.v ■ch the

.various t.vpes of tap dancing' as Well as ballet and acrnbatica. with an exhibition tango being a fea­ture. Assisting with the music will be Ernie Rock and his orchestra.

Women of Moose The Women of the Moose will

meet this evening at eight o'clock at the Moose rooms at which time officers for the next term will be nominated.

' gosepb A. l>obo«c Joseph Andrew Dobosr, 6T

Stone street, died the Hertford hosp born In Poland March son of Stanley and ^ le n D ollar i and came to R o ck w e 47 years |

•ago. Hd was tnfployed in the;j finishing department of the ■ .Springvllle Mil) He was a mem- | her of St, .lovph’s church and the ' Kosciusr.kt' Viuh. He. with hia lair wife, m Iss^ E va Driedle were the j first c o i^ e marrle<l in St, Joseph's churcly^ He leaves four sons, j Stanley A.. Andrew J., Frank L , i and^ohn A, Dobos*. all of Rock- ' ville; two daughters, .Mrs. Henry

tutr and Mrs. Clarence Braulleii of Mnnson, Maas.: seven grand­children: a brother. John Dobosr. of Canada: three slaters, Mrs. Peter Filip and Mrs .loseph l>‘- mek of Rockville, and Mrs K Pienkoa, of Poland '

The funeral will be held Wed- neaday at 8:30 a m. at the White Funeral' Homs and at 9 a m ^t St. Joseph’s Catholic church. Bur­ial will be In St. Bernard's ceme­tery.

Holding MeHIngThe Rockvllls Civic Association

la hoIdUig a special meeting this afternoon at the Police court room to discuss the policy of'Ahe mer­chants during a week when a holi­day falls on the same day that the

stores are usually open such as occurs this week The stores in the dt.v ore usually open Friday evaillngs.

/ BIHli Mr. ^ d Mrs. Emsi

of Ig^ 'lnd ertnere ave

nlgM . ^ | ^ a u | ( , | . i u | U j i y

P la n s R ca d vCmsnuel Oerber

ent;e are the parriits of s son b<irn on Monday at' the Manchester Memorial Hos. .f'ltal.

(Viiincll MeetingMa.vor Raymond E. Hunt will .

preside at the meeting of the ' Rockville f i ty council lo be held this evening s i 7 p m. iil tiK. Conn- ( II roorof • ■

Itond ForfeitedThe >20 cash bond of Ahrahiiin i

Grrenslde. 33, of Dorchester, Mass., was declared forfeited when he, failed to appear In the Uo<:k- ville f i ty (iiiirt on Monday to an­swer to a charge of sjM’i diiig The i arrest was made by iitiili lidice- nAn Jam es Dick. » >

HorihallTbe Gitlen and Hcouts club soft- |

ball teams meet this evening at

Filiiil OrtuilH 0>m|>lp|p(l .\l Mi'Ptiiig o f llip IVr- nianpiit (srou)i

Jbeen celebrated In Wancn.’’stvr a change will be made this y-ar.

When Memorial Day .was first ! obscrve<l the members of the

i tlrand Army each carried a ! w'resih or a bouquet along the line of march to the cemetery or to the monum^-nt where the exer-

Navy Club t^ the Center by a truck, and vyiR he placed ttbound


The permanel(t Memorial Day ;I oinmittee tiekl lla final meeting ix'ftire .Memorial Day in the iTo- , IMtc filTice last night

RejKirl's from the varloua cbm- t miltees show plana well under way and all that w ilt now be need­ed for a successful program ta goo<t weather. T h ere will he three Imnda In the line’ ’of march vhich Will form |h front of the Army ami .N'nvv flu b and will get under way ' st 9:.30. Instead of the w reitha ■ and bouquets of flowers being car-;j Tied on the sholildera or (n the t

the flag b y 's dHegation f '.a i different Arganlsatipna a t . he p-o- pep llm*< The florsl ■'commit* re- portefT that It had purchased 527 gerahiiima to be placed jf>o.i tbe grdve/ of all known '-yeterana

clsca wo»ild be held At the pr.'|HT l^urted in Manchester. T |■ time the flowers were placM oeai '1 the rtiig which represented a eom- ! fade who had passed on. Today ' there are so many who are dei.d

that inaiead of the wreaths and ' isiuquets being earned They w ill

./Arbe brought from the/Army iiqd


TO .11 \K. ^

LitraheeV Barber Shop/ I'll kin Street

LUMBERP a u l F . S c h e n d e l

187 Gardner Street Tel, 2-0465

SINGER m a c h in e sw a n t e d

Anr Typ^—Any Condition.lA^ds of Cash Waitinff.

WE CALL — DIAL 2-0202

I N S U R EWttk

MeKINNKY MRt»THKR8Real Katatr aitd Inaumnre

non MAIN ?«T T E L 64160

H I L L Y E R J U N I O R C O L L E G E S u m m e r Session

E V E N I N G D I V I S I O NClasseft Meet Twice Weekly — Monday and Thursday

SubjectsInterior Decorating Effeetlve Speaking A|iplled Psychology Business Mathematics Intro4luctlon to StaUstIcs Sulesmunshlp Deeeriptlvo Oerunetry Advancerl Engineering Drawing Punch and Die Design ^Rev1cw> Grammar and Coinposltlon Introductory Algebra lotermedlate Algcbm Plane Geometry Pinna Trigonometry Solid (^ m r lr y 1IntermiMhite Typing Intermediate Shorthand Speed Building T>-plnf TSpeed Building Shorthand

•NonrCollega C r^ lf.

Tuition $9.00 Per Credit — RcRistration S2.00 Claaaes Bejfin June 2 — Classea End July 28


HILLYER JUNIOR COLLEGE66 Wadsworth Street, Hartford 6, Conn.

Cradita TtmaS 7:00- t ;M<» n;*IM 0:003 7:00- 9:80n fl;.7n- 5(102 8:20-10:002 6:80- 8:102 ' i 7:00-l0:(1|02 'i 7:00-10:002 ' ! 7:0<t-in:00•*. 6:30- H:I0*• 7:00- 9:80»• 7:00- 0:808* 7:00- 0:80*• 7:00- 0:SQ3* 7:00- »:.30•i* 6:30- 8:10o . 8 ;‘20-in:002« 8:20-10:002* 6:30- 8:20

,i ' '

Make the most of the summertime goodness of fruits. veRetables, meats and pogitry: buy in ample quantities for Frozen Food Locker Storage, and you can, enjoy them around 4he.t cal­endar.

Whether you raise your own food­stuffs, or buy in economical large quantities a Frozen Food Locker will mean better eating at Iciwer cost the year aroiind.T'W ith a'locker the back breaking drudgery of the canning sea.son will be but an unhappy memory!For full information call us up — or better i itni —<ome on down find we’ll be glad to show you around. , ^




t ' - ., y .

rt-30 p, m. at the ResfcutKin lield , han.ls of the marchers as has t.«en in a Senior softball le/igue gam e, "the ease slnee Me'morlal I*ay h/ia !

D o y o u s t ^ p i t e n o u g h ?Scald a crockery teapot. Phi in one teaapoonful of tea or one tea-beg for each p e re ^ Add fzeah, "bubbling" boiling water. Steep for five minutea. Stir, t^en serve.'


“We Move The Earth** RUIJGH a n d f in is h

G r a d in gC e lla rsL a n d C le a rin g L a n d s c a p in gR . , D , V a le n tin e

Eieavating Contractor. 1.51 Hilliard Street

Tel. Manchester 2-1141

N O T I C E !rio.sed Memorial Day. . . . But Open Every Oth^r Day

This Week,For Belter Hair Cutting

Come To

T h e M a n c h e s te r B a rb e r S h o p

1101 Main Street Opposite High .School


lt$ richer. th$ i^H ern iH S tN Z


Hn of milk or <Mtfer'fpeiie>

'd i n o f j o u p , . y w i o e f 'twlee

Ueal4>r ^/m m r (Auk



CHAMPIONo u t b o a r dMOTORS

Y’ou can't begt a ( bampion Outboard >jotur. Backed b> a 14-vear reputation. Kasv starling; light wemhi. No flooding; in-.l!(ot pick.up.




ALUM A BOATS iTh«'M< alumlnijin boats weigh onlv lO."! pounds. Length 14 ft. Non'- slnkiihle and can elirry 7 persons.No cttulklng — no painting — n» wet feet.

CAR TRAILERSU K IH Ti;i) KltOM S2I2.00! $189-00TOWN MOTORS, Inc.- Kaiser-Frazer Oealci^

e m e u ST,. D-1 8557

VAC-U-MO^Tlir lightest, and snlesl high powrr mower )ii use Weighs only .M lh*v Immediate dellverv! ' '

I llegulurly 818S.00

N o w $ 1 6 9 - S 0

. I

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE4-ROOM SINGLE, amall down payment. Easy monthly payments. Nice proposition for G .I .. . . $6,800.

OAK ST.— New last year, 6-Room Single, hot water heal, tile hath, modem, a lovely home. Terms.

LRNOX ST,^i*spwner mov­ing nut of siat^.r 6-Room Single. l,onk Ihi^ qver.

EA.ST CENTER ST.TfON — Ixively comers building lot,- also .1 level, large building lots.

I HAVE TWO 19461 Butll 7-Rnom Singles, modern In every detnil. Owners must sell — yod gel the advan­tage. Mortgages arranged. You should see these homes.

TRA'DF!S — This owner has 4-Room Single, one acre ktt; wanta 2-famUy.

OWNER of small 6-Room wants a large 6 or 7-rqom. Must be modem.

PORTER ST.—Nice build- i ^ lot, level.

A R T H U R A . K N O F L A k R e a lto rSelling Manchester Real Estate'Since 1921


D u e T o F r i d a y , M a y 3 0 B e i n g

A H o l i d a y T h e s e B a n k s W ill B e O P E N T h u r s d a y , M a y 2 9

F r o m 4 t o 6 P . M .

For The Convenience of Customers

The Manchester Trust Co,I

The Savings Bankk

Of Manchester

TIP TOP\M ARKET41 OAK STREET “Courtesy PluVouality” TELEPHONE 1929STORE HOI KS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. DAILY \ WE DELIVER $5.00 OR MORE= = = = = = = = = S = : = ^ ^ = = S = B = =Sp ecials F o r W e d n e s d a y , T h u r s d a y a n d S a t u r d a y !

Due to our Mrmnrial Day closing Friday, wo will h ; open nnUt 8 :M Thniwlay evening to enable .you to do jo u r holidiiy shopping at your owii convenience. We w llrjie open all dav Wednesilav as usual— and tmve tun FrIdnv— wc will! ‘ ‘ •

>Robin Hood


35 Lb. Bag,

l$ 2 .0 8hO* __

' Bitndad at Caralully at ike rmail coke flour

C kih

W , i 'L 34cTender Leaf Tea Balls, Pkg. of 8 ........................................ ............Mifaele Salad DreKsiii ., Vi.PL Ja r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..>Iiraele \li ln|i SaiidMieli Spread. Vo 1*1. J a r ............. - . . . - . .'Armour't* Evaporated .Milk, 3 tins . ............. .i.ihby's Salad Sliistard, J a r , ........................ .. .

C o c a -C o laConlentu Onlj-

6 b o ftle s 2 5 c

Canada Ory

G in q e r A l e Coqtanta Only

6 b o ttle s 8 9 cSkliik's*.

F r a n k fu r ts 4 5 c \b.

irr.‘..h '

P o ta to S a la d V 19 c lb .

L io h t ’ R o c k S o d aAast. Flavors.^ Contents Only;

6 b o ttle s B 5 cMiNUiin i f AM COOKED SALAMI BOLOGNA _

4 5 c lb .Kinerakl Gle Sliced Baetiji . . . . . ' .................................\ . . U». -Y Je\rinonrit Star Boiled Ham ..................................... ...............Vi Fit. '19

.Kraft .American. Velveeta. Borilen'K Chateau . ............. 2 Lit. LtKif/59e

, S.ATI R U .W O X IJt *

C u b e S fe a k sNo W aste!

5 9 c lb .T lirR B D A v O M -Y !

1 PACKAGE JE L L -0 1 P.VCKAGE PUDDING.Special f'onihinutlon t>rlce— • ..-


L I V E R y f U R S T iund 4 9 c


C O F F E E L b . 5 1c

' 1


\-iZ .

pAOB N x m


F IR S T N A T I O N A L ^ t o

doSlD AUDAYnODAYaos»KRta«i*irntnuRs i


m m FO O D S

16 07 ^ 5 CJAR







PRESERVES raspberry j r








20*6-07TIN 65‘

s Vi-07 a AC CLASS 4 t


i6 -o L 3 9 c

3-07 A r e JAR 4 9

6 07 j y cTIN


16-C T 6 ‘

16 07 JAR 20‘











RITZ CRACKERS[iger Ala, Orange, Root Bear, Cole & Club Soda

tOOKCLUB 3 fT 25‘Ctblgnli O' ly

QTRS 2V71/4-07

PKC 25*18

c tu o 49*3-07PKC 14*

1107CELLO 39*

ILt>PKC 29*


T U R K E Y S I T ' C O O K ED H A M S

' i



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a e a a a a


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a a a

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\ .



FOR BROlUNC O R ^ Y IN C 2>/2 TO 3V2 lb A V g U t f LB

C/tec^ Yot/r Grocery eee/s/


3’JS-2S‘20-0( I J C


220-01Tim i 9 ‘


Same Low Price

Tomato Pureefinest


‘ CrapefruitCo.Tisiock

Slied ApplesDelicio'js


Pie CrustSun Meid . "

Seeilless Raisins V\T23*All Brands

Prune Plums 2 ’.Lr45‘Hunt's X •

Tomato Sauce 4Timl9*


40 es 2 ^ €Tin

2 S ‘3I‘2IK29*^


Tomato JukeJuica of I Vagatablai

V-8 CocktailJuice ol 8 Vagafablat

V^8 Cocktail 2?::.27«

clapefruit Juica 'Tn‘ 19*Florida

Crapefruit Juice 3'Tm 25*Delicious Luncheon Meal

Treat ’C 3 5 ‘Broadcasi

(omad Bh I Hash '‘C 2 5 ‘Franco American

SpaghettiStrained Garbers '

Baby Food 3 % '2 5 *

----L . » . . . . - V = =


R A IS IN B R E A DR*duc«d from I t* is o z Loaded with Raitint lo a f 16*

Joan Carol• Finger Rolls 17*

white Sliced - Betty Aldan Joan CarolBread • tne

Loaf IdL Sandwich Rolls o7-6 15*Joan Carol Fruit and Nut

Sponge Layers pl« 25* Cup Cakes ,7s 19*




u 37c TE X A S TELI>OW ■


G R A P EFR U IT 31b. 15c CARROTS 15*T— T T T

^ ^ ^ i f I f i f i f i f i f i f i f i f i f■ . ^


' a a O O K S lM H O M O C IN IZ IDMILK j VITAMIN 0 FORTIFIED QT 20*■ if— i f - i f i f - i f - : i f i t i f i f a i r i t i k i t i ,

’"^65DAIRY /___________- - ^ , A Family Favorita ' Broekikla'Erash Creamery

P J M D l ^ S ChataaaQiaaiaSSTy Batter BKrab American Clovardala

Cheese 1k';,^25' Marfariiit Pk133*

Tho ParfacI Shortaning * Irooksida

Kt23* PdatEggsPuraLard , Doz 45

White washe* proved by Magic Eye

SOAPINEiil 2 9 *

Cbasaa dirt — cleans a thoiisaiid thihga .


Diamond Flakeu of Pure , Gentle Soap

Warmer weather coming! Be rafraabad. um


3Iildcr than .Sner caatilea. For bath, laundry, dishea


Clean thoac eatra dirty handa , the caay way

Pure white Boating aoap — for evfry pnrpoae

\ , . 1

Gentlo, baby akin care for yonr complexion


V LAVA IVORY IVORY^ cTNs i g * . r K c 3 3 *

\ ■•AR 9 *

■......... ‘ mmA

- “ mid I Q .V

iS IB* j PtR^NAL

P E A N U T B U T T E R19 e ? 6 e

'"v■ \\ i


V- .

•. I.-:V ' - -Vr-


Page 6: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

PAGE TEW ’ M A N C H E S T E ft E V E N I.n c H E K A I.U . M A N U I t t s l EK. a> .NN .. T U E S D A Y , M A Y 27. iy4T

Women’s Club HearsSingeire

R o u n d T a b l e G r o u p

l ig h t * M e m b e r * a | / th e

A n n u a l G a t b e r i t i g

Nothing Humorous About Alleged Jokes Played.Here

\Practical iokcra, as Ujry may. had the case of beer ord(H-e<l and

call themaelvea.^arp, sUll liavlnR a naked her where ahe would like to ■•happy" time playing trlcka on lo- have It delivered. Me too, wh>-n tol<l cal buatneaamen and Mrs. Kdward it the wrong a<ldreaa, frowned R. Perkina of 202 Oak'Grove street, as he waa aiire hla ordein were ctir-

It la believed that the aanie per- rett,^ to leave the rase off at 202

i E m fru rn ty Doctors\

Dr. Alfred Hundquiat and Dr. Robci t W. Wataon are the phy- aiclana who will reapond to emergency calls tomorrow aft- *)rnoon.

AhoulTownH i* Round j»on or pernon* who find It HimiP* 0«k r.rovc utrrrt ManrhPAtpr t ’haptrr of Hadaiiuh

_ ., rtf Cl AUltne. W'ore also involved in a story I.,aHt fall •e\ prnl Uixis,. an am- will hohl Hh flnat nirrllAg- of the^ therl«P^^belt Paaraan. eatstlvated their. __audience^program at the annual meeting of

Idleness Drives Local Man j Local “Hotel” To Buy Back His Business Permit Issued

Edith M. Buck and her hiwband. • Kennedy, gave An lionest and tin- X © R e B u i l t OU D p m iu f f Nelaon R . Buck, si.ld their b u siv •'^e e x p la n a ^ of hUi p^^^ 'S l r e e l ; T o C o a l A b o U t

W A R N IN G ! A C T F A S T O N

PIN-W ORM S-Worm Infoctlon uauall/^§pn

Ilk* wlianr*. And It U kn<that tho ucly^rreaturts. /Ilr!n( growing Inside the hiimin body.

- / tin t A appearing p i i in ; m in i . i loo, .o .„ biilanro and the M im He.et> r lire sea.sdn this evening at elght cf'clockpgarm , eaptlvatea ineir. perkins Informed The Her- depnitipent were only a few » f the m Temple Keth Sholom. Electionica rnth a d^ghtful musical tj,le noon that during the past j parties who paid the Perkln> home of offidcrs-w ill be held and a film

• -------• ------------ e day# a local taxi cab arrived , a visit only to find the.t It was ■Um Women'# Club laat evening at tM South Methodiat church. The mund Table Singers art " of 20 High school young folkt. se­lected from the a cappclla choir on the basis of their outstanding tal­ent and special interest In music. The poise gnd ability of each one of them. In gToiip singing and In solo work, are a tribute to the training and encot’ragement given them by Mr. Pearson, who Is su­pervisor. of music 'In the High school.

Musical Progrsni Dorothy Traev opened the pro­

gram with a. delightful rendition of two solos, ’ "Hovf Lovely la thfc Hand" and "Pirate t)reama.” The choir then sang together the beau­tiful 'Thanka Be to Thee" and the lively "Set Down Servant.” Ellia- beth Boyce’a two selectlona, "ped- ication" and "Thine Alone,'* were well suited to her aw et voice, and she sang them appeallnglv. The choir then performed brilliantly two numbera, "Hall Gladdening Light" and "O Suaannib”

Wesley Smith pleased, hla audi­ence with hla range of voice and excellent rendition t>f the thor­oughly ipaacul^e song entitled " 1 ^ Horn." LOretth McKinney’s bawUfull soprano votes was a pleasure to Itsten to In her dellght- nil interpretation of three selec- Mans. "Uito the Night," "When I Was Wventeen." apd "Think on Me.” ''' The choir completed the vmt>gram with two songs, excel- lently performed, ".Be Thou My Vision,*' which vaa ebrnposed by Mr. Pesraon, and H ta^ver popu­lar and rhythmic " ’IlwTtattle of Jericho." \

Officers Are Elected^The business meeting was pre­

sided over by Mrs. John Fischer, who starts the second yeair of her two-year term as president.

The following slate of officers waa elected to flU the vaesneies creatad at-this time: Second vice president, Mrs. Francis Mahoney; raoordlng secretary, Mfs- LeRoy Norris; publicity co-chainhen, Mra. G. N. Cole and Mrs. Hall Rtewart; hoapltallty committee; Mra. Har­ley DeWolf, chairman; Mrs. Foster WllUsma, vice chairman! Mra. R. L. Caleen, Mrs. Howard Eddlaon, Mrs. Jay E. Rand and Mra. Ed .\ ard ^ynch.

Membership ■committee: Mrs. Willtsm Turkington and' Mra. HJverett Kennedy, co-chalrmcn.

Welfare committee; Mra. Ray­mond Cooper and Mrs. Alan Bel­cher. <co-«halrmen.

Program committee; Mrs. Ward ^reen, Jr., and Mrs. Philip Tanga-

co-ehalrmen; Mrs. John Field, Mri^s^arry "Rylander, Mrs. Edaon Balley^nd Mrs. Robert J. Smith.■ Flnan^ committee: Mra. Wil­liam chairman; MrsCharles BaJrier, Mrs. RIcharl Henfy, Mrs. RMr W'arren and Mra. Edwin Lamb. N ,

The nomlnsUng^^mmiUee which presented the slater of officers In­cluded Mra. Edaon Bailey, Mrs. K. P. Handley and Mrs. Sherwood Bowers.

Mrs; Edaon I alley, recording secretary read a rpport of the club's meetings and activitiea dur­ing the year, and printed financial

at her house but found no one | "g*g ' there who waa waiting for a cab. I A leading Hartford department Next came an tee man to the “door store truck pulled up one day an<lwith a heavy piece of icc on his shoulder. He too was told that he bad the wrong address.

Next In line waa a representative from a seed company who reported to the Perkins house on an appoint­ment. One which’ waa never made by any member of the Perkina household. ,,

This morning there' was a call ‘ from one of Msneheater's leading 'i phyaUjians in answer to an urgent cnil from a party who claimed to IMS from the Perkina house. Short­ly after, a man knocked at the door and Informed Mrs. Perkina he

(.ellvered a long Hal of Items, or­dered via telephone by a pei wui who represented heri,elf ss Mr.s Perkins.

will be shown depleting the life and woik of Henrietta Zold’ The men- wlll h. ■ welcome to attend this meeting

. „ , . c, , „ ment and requeated that they sellness known a.s Bucks Mote on to him.South Main, on May 10 to Wilbur Before the request,.to re-sell was C. Brown and William E. Kennedy, made, both Mr. Brown and Mr. who took posaeasion on that date. Kennedy had noticed that Mr. At the same time, a lease was 'Buck seemed iinhnppy and lost given by Mr. and Mrs. Burk to without bis buslneaa. After recetv- tho purchasers of the store for a ing the explanation, they both un- teini of five years, and both tho derstopd i r. Buck# predicament bill of sale and the lease were rt- and acted promptly, corded In the Town Clerk a office. Today h bill of sale and a re

S 6 5 , 0 0 0V _

-Worm Infoctlon ufuoll/^opreodo"■ ----- --------- " known


caiiM real dl«tr<-sa. ■'So don't take chances with Pin-

W'armA And don't auffer a slnglo needless minute from the' miseries of the aggravating rectal Ityh .Or othdr troubles cau^d by the pests.

Uet JATyk'S P-W at the Hrst sign P-W ,|s a medically

Albert'F. Knofla who waa grant-, __ ,ed a permit last Thursday by the of Pin-Worms. . _ .. ___ .

^Zoning Board of Appeals, to erect I sound treatment based on an officially a building for transient and per- <*'■“ « principle which i has

I pif-vco SO wum.e.rful In dealing with nmnent giieSts on the n ^ h side o f . xhe small P-W tabletsDcniing street just north of the »ct in a iprcui nay to r mov€ pin- Oakland bridge, today waa grant- w^rtng ^aifiy *nd ••feiy.

i i

A HUM. llinr first child, was Ijiirii .Sunday st Hartford hospital to ,Mr. and ,Mrs. Ronald M. Grose

Aa Mrs, Perkins d'>ea not have Bolton. The child has been named a telephone at home, eirt has tot>'r,n,otj,v Alan Grose,

■eiha" I ' hI i I'* yourself u 1h*hi

gl.st of MU advertl.seiueut

answer all phone conVerAationa nt her next <te<ir neighbor's Hpii.se.

'Pile ejtse ls getting scilo'ufl. All teleplionc calls are for Iris, Mr.-i Perkina’ first name. It la believeil that some party has it "tn” for the Perkins family iiiul llnds If apleasure to send rompiiuy repre- f,,.,,. ,\ij|iie1u'-tet nentativrs and pulilli utility men hii< k, there whs h to the hiMiie for calls mid, a.ssigii inenta that do not exist.

is the In yes-

w hlrh an a^-lerdsy’s Heral'l in peal la made to loeal people to consider Joining in a- hunting trip In .Mexico Rut flou t forget, right

a /few years ^ ith e r hunt

tlml enlisicfl gnuie ywardena. Na- tlfiiirtl Giiarfl antl/other reekleas rangers.

Aa aoon as the store had ehang- lease of Jhe lease were filed In the ed a bulldir/g permit by Building’ druggist: P-W for pui-ed hands, Mr. §uck had a change , Town Clerk's o«lce. Mr. and Mrs. Inspector David Chambers. | vtorms: >of heart and.realireil for the first ■ Buck wlere bark in the store The 'building la deaeribed a » s,

• lime that be waa no longer in the among their friends, and Mr. Ken- hotel and tb.c main part la to be Igrocery business. He missed being i nedy and Mr Brown were going ! 10 by 48 feet, one Story high, with !In the store each day. welcoming I about Uielr, usual duties, happy In *11, 80 by \20 feet, two stories his various friends wh»i had been . the know ledge that they had done high.

' hla customers for many years, and i their friends a good favor. TTie building will be arranged |one week at home with nothing Philip Bayer represented Mr. i with sixteen apartments, ten of

' to do was enough to cfinvince and Miff. Hufk. and Harold VV, i ' ’’hKh will^ he tw’o rffOm apart- hlm that he hail made a iniatake. Garrily reprcsenteil Kennedy aHe went to Mr. Browm and Mr. Brown. > units. .Eaclf will have its own prl-

reporta were distributed to each member.

Dura .\rr InerrMedThe club voted to raise the dues

from two dollars lo three dollars and also voted a change In the by-laws which now prescrlbea that members shall be dropped If '•iiejr are not paid by January first of t>ie current year.

Mra. Flacher expressed appre­ciation ta the executive commit­tee members who had served so faithfully during the past year.

Plana for the picnic on June 9 were Announced by Mrs. Ward Green. Jr. A strawberry short­cake picnic supper will be put on by the Coventry Fragment So­ciety and \V imen'a Club members will be contacted by telephone concerning the arrangements.

Attractively frosted cake and coffee were served by the host- esaea at a table artistically decor­ated with a white lilac arrange­ment and yellow candles. • Mra. Harold Reed and Mrs. Ralph Leander poured.

Squires I iiv ile Postmaster Grant


DeulhflMias Florenen Quirk

Miss Florence Quirk of 281 ( ' ter street, the Whitehall at

Sroiits Raise S85 First Day

A total of *8.5.00 w a.s received Tyler of 32 Strong , yesterday for the Mnnche.Mer Dls- " ''■"• ........ trml Boy ScoutH Finance Cam­

paign. Tlila drive in to raise luuds to cover the n guiiir budget for the usual acouting i t rvicca and to act up a permanent ram pal te for the Muncheater Doys. Send your con­tribution to Joseph Monahan, TreaM , ftTt .Iiirvis road, or dfop It at fine of tli-' follo^ng places

taC M

Mr.x. Jane h Hi reel lefl/toiluy for Houml View i where sli/'plaiia to Hpend a month. ' She aicompaiiieil by hergraniKiiii. Ait bin CiiHtrr. who will ieij)»(in for two weeks at the s'

' unlts.-,Eae............ ..................vale bath. The estimated cost of the structure la *65.000.

Now that the pemilt haa been ‘ secured to erect the building, ap-

I ) l \ L a 1 plication must be made of the >>111 L s C n U lC C l i Federal Housing Authority for

' 1')crmlssion to erect the structure aa It is to be a building not entire­ly used for housing In the general sense of the word.


A T IA )W P R IC E S !

Arthur Driij: Slores845 5laln St. Rublnow Bklg.

Soviet Proposals

(Continued from Page One)

Cox a Service Static Mam street

The annual acasion of the New;England SoulHern Conference of McUio<1i.hI cliuriheji will take plaee

ments, died at the .ManeheHlor Me- >” Newport. R I\ with hradqimr- ,„„i Middle turnpike or Hoiuxe and morlal hokpital early tralay. .Mlsa leta in St I’anl a church. June 4-V liales, Inc., Mnlh street.Quirk hud attended ma.«s In St. '•'iG' Bishop L O Hartman pre- Jamea'a church Sunday moniing Hidfiig. ' and Ufon her raturn to her apart-! ■nienl colinpacd. She wa.x taken to Tl'e Salvation A i my. Songster the Manchester Menmrlal hospital Hng:i<le will omit Us rehearsal In the T. P. Holloran ambulance. evening.

harmony among the Allies during the wtlK but lliat this had not coiitin>>ed. and he laid much of the blame on eeitaln sections ot th press The Ruasian added that even at the ouUet of the U N. some papers had published "quite obviously false report*” on the San Francisco confennee.

M em orial F ie ldi\Ieetiiig Galled

.Ma tl

H ighland P ark P .T .A . ( ia llie r iiig

but failed to rally.An employe of a Hartford de­

partment store she made her honic with her sister, Miss Kllecn Quirk, who survives her.

Func(ral arrangements are in cherge of Josepli Haffey. funeral director of New Britain

Poatmaater H. Olln Grant will be tho B[)eaker at the meeting of Brown-LaGace circle, Columbian Squires, at the Knights of Colum­bus home tomorrow cvenU.g. He will describe tho workings of the Post Office department.

Also to be part of the evening's program will he a quU on ajhrttual subjeeta, with inembera Of the Spiritual • coiunilttee ahaweiQig questions directed at them.

Laat-nilnute preparations for the state convention of the Squires which will l>e held In Maiu hester on.Memorial ilay also will la* on the. agenda. . -

U u iip ru ls

Charles F-. Ilurlburf, recreation director, will be guo»t speaker at the regular laeetlng of the Man- (licster F.xihuiige rliih to be held ;lVJhe " Y ■ at (5 30 tonight.

Mr^Malor Annie Atkinson, for­merly of, lhl{i town, who Is now living In Ashiiry Park. N. J.. will he a guest at flic meeting of the Salvation Army. Home League lo- mirrrow aflernoolK, Plans will be made for the L e a g ^ picnic.

Mrs, Deloraln Bsldasaro Funeral servipes for Mrs. Delo-1

rato Baldaaaro’- of 182 oak street I 1 1 were held at nine o’eW k this' I ' H I h r 1/4 morning at St. Jamea's chiiK li, le.'rvlng .her lute lipnie at 8:3tl, A afdcmn' high mass of requiem wa.i celebrated by Re,v .loscpli *J-'or( e ot Glastonbury. Rev. Rohcrl Wmid A\aa deacon and Rev. William Inmii was Buh-dencon. .loseph • D.llaiera sang, aecniiipaiued at the (Ugaii hy Mrs. .lohn I'. Harry

Burial waa in .SI Jnines's cemp. tery where Rev .Joseph Fonie read the committal aervU'e. The hearers were Mlclmel .Minieucci.Cliarli;s- Mlnlciiccl. Midmel ArVarl.,1r., PiiHipiiile Viiiceu/n, Nimz.lo lamonico and Frank (.hilloMa.

Sak s rav Passage Looms

(I onlliiiieit iMim Page One)

The May meetl"g of the High­land Park Pareni 'Teacher Asso­ciation will Ix' hi Id tomorrow evr- ning at ";30 in the’ sehool aiidi- toriuin. Annual reports will be submitted by the officers and election of a slate of officers for the roming vear will lake place.

Under the dogctlon of Miss Martha White, xoiging teadicr In the grammar .schools, ditldren of the HIghlanil Pa''k school will have a part In the pngram.

Robert Johns, In.stnictor in In­strumental niu.'h'. In the schools, will speak on that subject, and will ■present several of the ihildreii from the .sdniol on Porter street w ho have re'-eivi d instnn tioii dur-

g the past vearsocial time with refreshments

w ill'-follow 'he Heeling,, and a V« onliaKInvitalKill is extended to all >peiiiheiaKf»nd pa'cnts interesteil.

Piih li<‘ HecordsCertlfleate Of Trade Name

Rutledge J. Smith has filed cer­tificate of trade name of a busi-' ness In which hr is a’ partner and which is to he known as Smith Boring Chuck company.

Warrantee Deeds Properly on Ashland street.

Brae-Burn Kslates imorporated to Stephen R., Boland

Property on Adams street, Eva M. Plantaus to.Donald and Ruth L. Gale.'

Properly on tx’iiox .street. R. B. Rose to Charles L. Waterman.

Amend liieiirporatlon The secretary of the stale haa

permitted an amendnimt to the papers of Liberty Investment and Realty company whereby the firm mav terminate its bu.siness June 1.1947.

In-ase 'Alice D. Coleman to Alfred M.

Stlbcrman doing business as Sil- hernuin and Kohn. one l-acre to­bacco shod oiV'Lydall street for a term of one vear fi'om January 1,1948.

A meeting of the Memorial Field copimittee will be held tomorrow ■ at 7:30 p.-m. in the park siiperin- teridont's office. At this meeting.,', detailed account will he ready and . offered by the landscajA! architects for the necessary grading and 'ay- ing out of the entH*> 23 acre tySet with baseball, football, track;''ten­nis end parking facilities, y .

There will also be givpti an esti­mated coat of the ■ eptlre work. What this cost w ill ,he wilt not be knowm until tomor^pdw evening. Af-, ter all of the fighreg have bei submitted, the committee will p^ss upon a plan am* decide whetlrtr to recommend the carrying out of the entire project at this time or that only part of it be done.


P i t H ©O IL B U R N E R

A Pettq.burner gives proved econofiiical heating, with fugT'tavings many owners report range up to .tOCf.

/Yhit's worthwhile, isa’t it.'


RANGE AND F I'E L OIL Wholesale Gasoline,

and Motor Oils 341 Broad Street

Phone 2-1257 i

CaU 5141FOR

K G H ear l^eporls On Slate Parlev

.Annivcrsiiry .Mass A requ^ i high mass for Mrs,

I Antonio rVrr nnd her luisb.ind,1 Frank Farr, will he .said loiiiiu- I row inornlng at 7:30 m St James's church.


Reporia on activities at the atale conventlpn at Danbury were given to members of Cami>hell council, Knights t>f ■Columhua by Grand Knight Joseph L. Plcnut. Deputy Grand Knight John Tierney and Past Grand Knight Foster H Williams at the meeting of the council last night.

Next 'week's meeting at which nonilpattoti of officei'a will be made will J)e a s'ummons meeting.

Hospital (fi’onpF o k i N

Lq ce t^dblecloHi

The meeting of the M« niorial Hospllal Women's An.xillMry yes- lunit'y afternoon was especially w- li attended and a largc Supply ol Aurgical ilrrsslngs were folded.

It was the final business meetin.c of ^he season and the prcBldonl. Mra. W. P. Slovcr, expressed her pleasure nt the fine lurnniit, and hoped Hint the member.* w'oulJ continue to me'ct every Mondny when possible for the Sttinc'ohjcct to roll the‘ much-needed- dressings.

llic long nniendmcnt was being f( ad liMi Niphllv for the ir(n-r8on- tallves to fiHIow I'he tlerk waa In­st iiicted to rKi il more slowly.

F.irller, .M.-ii1tl| had announced 111*- mlenlion to yppose the pro- po.-ed levy ,, tflves la-iiglhv ExpUnntlon Thim's Hiiiemlment was approv-

«(1 witlimil dehale, and Hie finance chairman then proceeded with a l••nglhy cxplaiialton of the propos­ed tax whieh he de.vcrihed as ' the faiie.st method ' ,of . raising revenues needed hv>lh stlitc

num a.s.serjed that (ho veter­ans honu.H, iiiereased slate aid to e.iiii .iliou. rxp.u.si'oii of .statu seivlee.s and additional aHM.sianee fo hospitals and mental institn- tion.s made It •'Imperative" to raiit new revenue.* total.ng atvoiit *■27.000,900 a year •

Finding it necesHary "to broad­en the tax ase, ' the F'innme eoni- nuttoe, he eoiitimieil, had a choice lietvveen an itieome tax or the r'ali.sAjix amt (leqidcd that the lat­ter was more iqultahlc

The sales taix. with Its exemp­tions. he said, "Imposaa no undue hard-ships" on any group.

" W i l l He rmnparnllvel.v Stable';• Said Thlrtt: "The sales tax will he .riqilparaUvely stable and no Kiilier tax can prodiieq as nitieh revenue as the sales tax with as little dtaiocatlon to -oiir Industry


l l o N p U s l I N o t e s

Admitted ye.stel^ay: FrankKnight, ('okliester; BiH|v Alttn'cs. Windsor U.ek.s-; Allieil Miller. 211 .Middle Turnpike, Ka.sl; - Jiiliiis Chagnot. 173 Eldridge .streetF'l eil Woodhon.se. ip Bepton .'Vtfeel:Thoma.* Brown, .‘il .fensen stre t; Mrs. Novina ('ovi|le, 112 DeepwoocI ilrive.

Admitted today: Roy I'ukett. ■J38 (liarler Oak stroct: .hdin Vin- ello, .1.5 Oak street: Susan rucker. 173 I>K>ml.* street; .ludtfh Beehe. 177 Loomis .street: Jane rarca. Ililliarvl street: June .‘f11enwn, l0."> Plymouth Lane

Diseharged yesterday James Varney, Bifeklspd: Mary Nichola. .8. Hendy toad; Mr.x. Margaret

1,4‘gal Niitu'ps //f\T \ COt r.T OF I'RCin.yTE IwMen '

y-Ut r ilunil'ia. Mllhlii anil i »r tbf*trli't f»f . rnl'itpr on dav. blM a \,* \\n UM7 . \

I’ l.^'it i l.WTi'N V. III’XT K.miJ

n»i, ni.*tl'-n "f lolit, P ToidaP. Man- t howtof, rt'MH'ral I».'li\.'t v K\r-i ijt' r ott '’.'titi' ->fli.p.* K lat- ..f Uoltoi, w ;th. .in ald <l i u '

Til** ('••uit il-th tliHt hIxmo|i!li*' I**' riii'l limlli'd fiT 111** 'rivdit'iif* of f*uliL, ontalp to oxhiWIt . thi'ir rliiiTii.- lUAM.Xl 1 Id* smiip to til'* KmtiM.oI ati'l H ii'i’i h it puMii’ ti*'- tir*' !)•' (jixf'ii -if tliif bv ad\**r-tismu' in h n«'\> biK a vlr-filiation in f .iM d i. t m* ! f*lvd by po.*!- ii’L' A ( "P’ th ff d of tin- p>>|l<* posi p 'n,\\h of I*.olt..n>sn» aif.'4! 'Mif pbiif wln ip 111* d'-i • dw.ll

' <*. rtill. I fi-ni . .-nl \rL\YT'>N y. HUNT \



O P E N A L L N I G H T /

Lawn Mowers SharpenedLawnmowers sharpened the “ IJ^ersal Way” stay sharp longer, cut keener, operate ei^er. Each laWnmower Is ‘-harpened on a 'l ’niversal l^Wnmower.tJrindcr and then lapped on a lappinu machiiic, a.s.suring a rutting rd|<;p the full length of the hlad^ >Ve buy u.sed lawnmowrrA and al.so have some for s le.

TELKI'HONE 2-9M :l 8.) FA IIIF IEU ) STUEfiT__________________ / __________________________________ • .

tax' wiir.h'e ens''y slid simple to/tid- ■ Walker and .kui, 32' Aithnore road mli'.l.ster and w'lll cost eonstdi;rahly . Death today i Mi.ss I-lorencile.ss than the- adhilnistrati^i of a ........ ,,pot/iuial income' tax lawy

"^ r< » G l t i s s c s

111" llouii* IV iirsiiiir

and have a soelal time with light refresijmenta supplied oy (ho In­stitution. .

plover reported the follovv- litg list of equipment purc!idso,l tor the liospltgl anil nuthnrired by the auxiniyy members: A DeLuxe spring kuspended stretcher cf the latest ty^ , for the lameflt of pa­tients en r(Hfte to and fropi then bevls to the ofvcrnttng room: 40 he.l, tray's, 24 footsoiids, 12 coppe.r coy- fee urns. ‘ \ ' /

These patlent-cohyfort* are pfaih , possible through the >ooperiitkn ef ’ • |the townspeople tn pamuii/.tfg the ,/“auxiliary projects, smm'vP.s e.inl h ^ coiirsy on . ,parties and focal and 11’lvmt.vi'gr Nursing slait Tue.si y « t1.1,,. ■ \ .V • nuig. ■JtlOe 3, and cuntmue to|- six

__ _ J__ , ' week.*; •'-Tuesdavs iCei,T.iv./ \ ' Th'cr

^ A rre so f "

Unnno and sop. .V> Kensington ,,street: Henry .'4onibric. 40 Clinton o 'ii-xtv ytiiv is iriiT street: Mrs. Barbara Thompson, Wiltiain r,.-,.rRe M, Kinh.-y. Kriierf i |.■)2 Cre.stwood drive; Richard rt M.e iell- .x'r . M.o-v K m.ii-1k;11. 1Wright, .3.3 Woovltand street: Wal- -i; On v ''.i..tHKy xr.d im'''' "kv v »-- ter Henry. 4(5 Starkweather .street: ' Hit7al'et.K M.-Ke.-,-Louis’s King..hvseplune Stafts, ,•)( lanner street: ,m. It Kito.- M.irv M Kin* Krsderiek Tliomas Mallry. Mlikllo Turn- M. Kinj: Krf b t ifa Kinn, KHz«b«*th

' pike f*ast Kmc A Ii IhiH- Kinc Harrlol Kliif. i|Discharged todAj-: I^anrence Artluir «' Kiev S..,d,in Head, J.n^s I

,, , .. nn IS' . a * 'L R*':t l U iiii« R. Klnc fcSp rc««r 1 Freheit, .9 Weatwoovl atreetx,, ,’„,vdrv .Ism- l'.>uilr\, .losat- Klnsr, K. i; Ralph F'leteher, Flast Hartford: NKinji. ' W rii. .m. K' *- i/'O McKee,Stuart and IVvnna Ban^w. ,')l For-! ctinrl-,. McKe- .Vm.'lhi Krglish. ami 11

' kina street: Barbara Huffman,: 27 i '»h" Kin* tlm heir.« wKlow. widoWer. . s ^Lindmore drive: .\!rs. Lavinia '

, , /7<f Brosseiui. Wtlliniantie: Mrs. Mary eop.Hiimtng public. Tlie .saU<s Kunl. 150 Bireh'stj[-.'et: M r.s .Vina


H.-sic'n.i and creditor, I

Birth.* yesterday; A aon to Mr. and Mra, I'Vniglas Johnson. SO Cot­tage .street; a son to Mr and Mr.*, F;manu«l Cicrher, Roekvillo,

! Reil Cross Home

^ 5 1 1

BarnettA\daii]ty IltUs four piece werd-

lo r the tiiUwt family mem- IW- Th« puff sleeved dren haanarrow'rtiming for trim,‘'requires \n. %»„ .e . .vsrv llttlefehrie Siinmdt «nd AS'i"! senoni piirpos/'s. tnere- Was j Iw'on7paSleTcom pletr^aa raised -he Zestion

really very •iWile to ♦crochrj ami The n^etinp la^t n hanQsoinelv tnexcenj lvc- too* h'auh 42in» *'iiv»s»**/i.v»v4aeparait^blotk s G

. F o r .P lav iiro iim l'.A t the Wggestion oT Willtaj./^.1 Fergui^ih, a'-member of the school board^^a, chellj was uiacK' Ihi.- inornlng on fhfi ainonnt Xu land Ih^l has been allotted y>r school grounds around t,lie aliOshouse. In addition to the quei^on ol fire­proofing the buildtw ral.Hiiig the height of the criltpg- apd other piattera concerning wht'eji the hutldlrig Is udder qiiFsluk) for school piirpos/s. (here- v\as

^ 1S/ol '

bed ns


and F'rliliiys, IS room for ope or two more

rfen’ ln the Hass, he instruelton m this course

I loach how to recognlzo signs ( 'Yhness. how to carry out »loc-

tors^'Uistructions and keep a palicnK, conUiHtafile, a* well g-cn8val 'Quiitly ami hc.ilth rnliM

.•\ny I'cis'ili! interested in iolning this I la.ss may obtain fuilher in- fornintum from Mrs. DiUlglas llickox, Hqme NurMng chairman, phono 4094. X


G.oiirM* ( ’o iiij- In W Mlrr S afe ly

W i l l B t i iU l a t th e(”« • s '» r e e i i .

IN rw l lo iu e i * u ii L t )l8

75 \ 200F o r S 7 .. '5 0 0 U p


WM. KANEHLr>|9 Center SI retd ’

r*'Dre'‘.«ftitutl\I'f nnt* of (]i 111. J

ORULK o r NOTH r f••l*pcn iminbluii t 'I, ;*Bbl ,!•! !•» i' 'iir’ «t In i.'R'lf L*.>imty -Q. n.c- nr.'t Tu(* ilAy of ' ;iun**. I IT ut; l I p* inline, cltlimitiK .4 juilRntf*!’.! ipc*;t'(!'.i,’ l,tTi** titU !•'' o*'r* lain prVi)Pjtfj||il‘vV~.J/Atr'l Lot 'o, Or*' lliin'lri* f* ill2* on « ,r**r' j

I fain ritnp **iitMl-'.! • ninMtnK • on ’ Ml K i* F.ji in ‘ M a l l ' r t m n . . Sip -

. b\ r II .ulii..-tc >i 'J.-'|s»»7, \ !'••• f»iihl map Iri'iiiK

I ii'.w on J'.l'' b; th'** cfffrc i.f the T> W» ('Icik cf. lb' 'if Mitnolie>l'i,

' i.'«iui>>y " f Hartfi'n'l. ami ‘State ...f t,’pufit*4'ii\'VJt It appoarinp that tin

of th'* (I f*'Ti(1iint:> In tin* jul»l ranst* tA mikicwn t'i th** plaintiff.*. **n- ( cpt ■as «»tatcii iiT 111*' afTi'laxi.l altarh**'!

, t" th*' C'M'iuOaiiil In said m lwii. .(>f-.t*T.'l 'that let:'-*' of tin* mslitii-

tlch bT 'I pciuli'iit'y "f.B IiJ Ci'inplaint • «iia!l 'h(* RUf*n aaiJ il‘*fcmjant.4'by pui*- : lUitltic t,hljr order in Th*' Mancli ?t i Kvt'iiine Mural ! h nrw.-ipapt r puhllnf)*'

' <*d In Manrh -'*!* I. t ;.-nn*»ctlcut. one# a wt'ek f(*r two *• w**ok# ('em-’timin’ Ir.r “n or i*''f 'r' M: > IM 1?I7. Wll.UAM r KKIifM'SON '

.A.'*si5laiil ' i>f rii'1 T -urt

A tun* F..p> I.\tt4',€t I

: .1 VMKS ni KKV.


$2 .5D p e r y a r d DELIVERED>

Phone Orders Taken — Telephone -'UOS Take Advan tage o f Th is Special!

Nussdorf Construction Co.

, ANNOUNCEMENT, Manchester Fruit & Vesetoble

StandCorner Well.«^ and Spruce S treets

R F > O I*E M X f; T H I R S D A Y . M A Y 2‘l Endcr New Munuj;enien(

W E W IL I, H A V E FR E S H F K l F f A N D \ E G E T A H f.E S TO S U IT Y O L R CH O ICE

A I.S O IC E C R E A M .VND SO D A Stephen I.esiczkp, |Prop.


Pattern No. 8*80 cQihea in alsda 6 months, 1 ,^ and 3 xsora- Biss 1, dress, 1 X-yyorda of Z$y<d 32-incb; aunsult, 7*8 yard; slip at^poiiUes, 1 3-4 j isros.

For'this pattern, send In jstim, your name, address,

and tb« patts Bus Burnett, The

Bsaolnc HeroliL USO Avs cos, Now TorV 19, N, Y.

Ready now—the new Ksahlon. 52' pages of atyl lajhiiin news for everj’ ’ woman v.'ho^ssws. Send twenty-five cents <51 i c a

numi icbeater


. ii'.rhesand IS Joined to niighlior s.i that a wonderfully livey tiiT-<t i, obtained. You can eroiuiet a aiiiall tea cloth, a huifei rumieKa tour motif mat or a complete tabl«y c l ^ from the simple Insiructinul

To obtain complete crocheting .MrucUona for the Lace Takle\

cloth (Pattern No. 55Ui send 16 centOsta Coin pink 1 rent iiohiag.- Your ,^me. Addi..- tli. f , i ’ em NtiKdx r to A iuk i , tik

wijng l>gu-Hld, t-i',d A',- Aimi-u-oA New r<Tk ,i9, N. y .

ttire for Playground purpo.xex The njeeling.la.xt night in.«tniet-

^ Suuvrihtendent tiling ' to. gel .siyiigtirc.H, nml thif he did tins

moiXiiig The l('>\vn engiiieei .s ,u ihX xhou s thiit luu iiies tiuvi

n all(iU<d to the .iliii.shdti.'e (-u Mjssihle Behoolg round puf poses.

lTiiH m ay‘repult, m furlhoi ohjec- tlqn being raised to the uae of thq

eovit,*'Red .. rroa* \t ater Safety

!*(■■ in Senior Lt'e Saving. Wil-,^ :im SKehei. l: ami Philips Sheiidar

instn)?'^.i.:. Ii:k. , lieeii i-ompleti'il flKii- rvvo'VU'g ) <11 III'utes itleKilv,.iid K \\ alien, D. Im.uil L. B.illunl. Ridhurd if. Biutv, Robert L KaniiiiHkvy^ Donald' J. Duffy,

. J.vmcs C. Spene^r, all of. Manches- almshouae for school purposes by i ter. and \Villiam\ Apderson and ,the atate board of edvcatlem as i .John F'. rampheU't/ Bolton.’-two acrea ia conaldcred Insufficient, i/ Under the dfreeftjon of MUa

fDoris ('oh- iiiM 'M i'* A\:uharn. Dlt-Au-Ural'O .1-1 II.VhorpIneH of ei-e

h.-iV.- ;» ii.iniii' tuw'n iKitlnng uuliM.ljrti’lly' t 'a

;ni» and uUn*it«, '


> )• >-*1 Ino High

tr ' |-uMSI.-, iiml O') tllC Atd enueec.

ludent.slii.l i'.r .l.vHv am Xi



.lO H N H. L A P I!E N , IN C .Vm i gel more than jii* t -n pnlk y when voii htiv from (hi* jig e n e j. F irs t , .voii obtain the v r v lc e * of a trained professional man — skilled in thr'w r ilin g of a ll form* of In su r­ance for a luislne** or the In illv id iia l. S e r- oinllv. VOII inuke a friend vvliq w ill W p rcsciit vo iif fiili-rest* In the C»-ttllirg of jln y loss >1111 iiiii.v siil(t-r. 'T lilr il lv , vou meet i| iic ig h lx ir, lu iii i l lu r vvitli iiiid who lake s a p ari In the proldcnis of > o iir eo n iiiiiiiiil.v , vvlio w ill lie glad to -s it down anil ta lk to vou. In u 'lliliilo ii, >ou iibtahi the |H‘uce of i i i in d ’ llia f result* from a w ell-planned liia iiranee pro­gram . That'* w hv it |ia,vs tn buv our Inauronre thrnagh . . .

JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC., INSI'RORS REAI.TORSR r n i \ * n \ R F i i . n i v G t e i .e p i i o n e .58tn'' '0(M-ii 1'liiirsday Evening*, 7;.00-9;lMl I’ . M.

I.4jt I s .\r ia n g e the I ' iiia m in g On’ *\oiir Next ,\iilo n io h ile

y .


o.ii moc'i'il* II

JOOT HULTinilEEK^Sl| iltl Ittl. 1141

\ ■■■

Hathe let' daily and keepthem dry.-'

2 Weir correct shoes thst tre ' properly fined.3 Pryvf/yi "aihleie’s foot." I'ie t

fungicidal povfJcr on ihe fcei ai:d ■ n the shoes.

A Cee vour chircpodiji regvlarl- Consult ihim st the brai xign of fool trouble.

/ Sponspred by ; tl.%RTFORI> ro rX T V

) »-

n u R o p o n v sDf ii-rw

y M ANUM EIFI B ^ t V K N J N f f H E K A I.O . M A M H P.M P,K. I « i n .n . I U f.M JA I , ,MA> 2T, 1947 X p a g e i^ L E V E N

Tennis Club Arranges Sho>v Toniorrmv Night


Two Moving Pictu«<iB ’ Ra»ed on S^ort fo Be

Sho>vn at Ea4l Side Ree A| 8; Club Plan*

The local Tenr.i* CHub valll atage H epceial .program Wedneaday night at the East Side R«c at 8:00- P. M. Tw‘o moving pictures baaed on the game of .tennis jwlll bs the feature attraction for the cve i^g .

Ree Director Charles HurJburt hea made orrangementa with the tJnlrersUy o f Coni.ectlcut f t r these two films to be shown .tomorrow night The first Blm Is entitled “ riindementeli « ' Tennle." This reel 4s a Ifi min edund film that drala with the basic principals of the game. The ecvond reel is a sir lent film entitled 'Tennis for Beglnnere." As P's title clearly states, this reel .p devoted entirely with Instructions for beginners. Both films are regarded very high­ly by the United Ptates Lawn Ten. riia Association, and the club la very grateful .to Mr. Hurlbuft and the U. of Conn, tor their kindness In arranging fbr this fine program. The films will require approxi­mately forty-fivf, minutes for their complete run. ‘

Plans will (.lao be completed .for,: the. exhibition irat'chea to take place the weekend of June Tth end i 8th. These matches wtU feature List years loc-il champions In doubles and elegies against the i cream of the teni.is crop at the \ U. of Conn, This year’# tennis t^'m ■ at the coll'ege .a enjoying Its' moat ; succeaaful season in many years. A t this writing, they have Complied j nn eirvieable recqyxi of six wine I against only one aetbhrk. George . Collins, a local pioduct who reach­ed the finals In the town, singles toumameiit last year. Is a member of the aquad. H Is also exnccted that, two of the leading X>mal« players in the a. ate will collide In this exhibition. Complete details concetmlng this program vvlli be announced before the end o f ' the Week.

Veteran Plajer* InlerrsledThe 5tBnchesto.r Racquet Club

ia endeavoring tt revive rqmpetl- Uyo play in tennis to the glorious apbt It once lielj in town. Many Vetacona of the chalk courts wiil

rain be seen In action this year, ne clubs moveinent has brqught

Ty Holland, Earl Blascll, and many other veterans ou, of retirement. When competition commences In the Town Tennis League about the middle of June. lo<-al sport follow­ers esn rest assured that a first class league will be In operation. Manchester will once again produce fine tennis playen as they have In the past.

We wiah to tniprcaa Into the minds of local .sports followers that the initial factor of this organiza­tion is the (os<,er;ng of the racquet sports. The doorii of the club aic wide open, and piiyone interested ' In-the promotion of these sports!

S U te Track

The annual Connecticut Amateur-Athletic Union tmek end Am chomplonablpa mil be slaved at Robertson Park on Biindi|y. June 82, It vvos aiiildunccd today by Director Jt>e MeCtuake ' Of the Oamifiu- htty T. Mcqfiiekey will assist In staging the meet.

Outstanding entries from leading ecbolostli:,' prep and college teams ore expected as well os' from Individual and in­dependent Nub teams.

Cards StartPennant

, ------- /

Red Birdi* IfavjF Won 4 Of Last Fiye Starts;Yanks Blast Bosox

By Joe RNclUer.Vseectixlid rm a* .Sparta H rtter ’Bkeptic* who have counted the

SL Loula Cardinals out o f the Na­tional League pennant race appar- , _

s r e R T s ' E w n

Kaplaaallon of Setup This writer belleyea it'a about

lime some rtadera were put stralghi on a few matters which •eem to be botharlng them no and.

The Brat concerns the amount

High Triumphs Z ig g y O lb e r t B lo i ik s

win be welcomed Into lU mdmbcr* ehlp. Complete information con­cerning the 4rtlvri*e ot tl*la club can obtained at the Red, or through Hal Turkington, at 55 Winter street. Tc,. 8810. 'Do not healtateM Join earlj, and get fully acquainted with the lengthy pro­gram that ia bottig mappeS out 'Let'a put tennl* over trie 1947.

top In


EasternUtica 5. Hartford 3. Wllkea-Barre lu, Elmira 0-4. Williamsport '1, Scranton 7. Binghamton .*>. Albany.

NationalSt. Louts A Chicago 1. Pittsburgh 5. Cincinnati 1.Only games scheduled

AmericanNew York 0, Boston 8.Detroit 1, Cleveland 0.Only gamrs srhedulcd.


\V. L. PCT. OBL.Scranton . . 14 9 609 _Hartford .. . 15 10 .600WllltamiwrtWilkes-Barre

.. 16 IS .536 1V4. 18 12 .520 2

Utica ......... li 11 .500 2 '.Elmira ....... If 12 .455 S>4Blnghiuiiton , . 1< 14 ,417Albany .. 8 15

National.348 0

New York 1. 12 .586Chicago . .. . . Ifc 14 .,563 . 1Brooklyn .. . . . 17 14 .548 1Boston ....... .. 17 15 .531 I ’ iPittsburgh . .. 16 14 ,5l7 2 /Philadelphia ... . 6 18 .471 31-.Cincinnati . 1- 20 .412 5 ’ iSt. Louis . . . . !3 20 .394 6

jNICHOlS • llisroi, INC.I

lir jours 'The .Surpriso Cor Of The Y ea r".... ..vou

‘ never know vvhat’s going to happen next!

It you 4lo dexetop T1f« Trouble, rememher, ^we’re aa near as the nearest tel­ephone. Ju*t call end well r u u h nn experiencedr o AB ■nnE' s e r v ic ep.rew td hflp .vou uul of your Janri-

And remcmWi’, toe, that qt MCltOLS-rtiUSTOU INC.. we’re noted for friendly service. Our got station Is. open from dKg) a.\ni. to lOiAO p. m. dellF . . . . from 8:00 In 9:041 Sun­day*.

IMscuve your tire needa with NIehole-BrIatol ho- fore htt.>ing.-' You can do as well here os''knjn here.





AmericanDetroit ........ 21 i r ,98Now Y o r k ___ 17 14* ..'54Boston ........... 17-16 .51Cleveland..... 13 12 .52Chicago ......... 7 18 .486 >Philadelphia .. I f 17 .169' 5 '.Waahington . 13 16 .448 6St. I»u is . . . . . i : 19 .867 8'X

Today's Gomes , Eneterny

L'ticp'at H.'irt','ord,f8il5t.Binghamton a.. Albany.Scranton at WilliamsportWilkea-Barre :i' Elmira.

, NationalBrooklyn at N iw York— (night)

—LdVnbardi (l-4i va Koalo (3-1 >.Philadelphia .*1 Boston— (nightl

—Raffehsberger (2-3) -vs Sain(3-31 -Or Johnsoo (2-11.

Pittsburgh at Cincinnati—Bahr (3-1) vs Blackwell (5-2).

Chicago at St. Loula— (night)— Chipman (3-2) v* Mungcr (2-1) or Pollet (2-51

■ AmericanN e w Y o r k at -Washington

(n ight)- Johns in (2-2) vs Maat-erson (3-?).

Boston' at Phiiailelphia' - (night i —Dorlah (4-2) oi fine (l-2i vs Marcjtildon (4-1).

St. Louis at Chicago 121—Kra­mer (3-2) and Fannin (1-2) va Papish <1-1) anti Gilleaple (l-0>). . neyriand at Detroit—Feller (6-3) va Benton.12-0).

(H ie Cat) Brecheen.'Tie true the world ebampiona

OX* still in the ceUkr today ala tames behind the Firat place Ntw York Gionto, bUt the revivified RedUrds, from Manager Eddie Dy­er down, feel confident that the elub wUi claw tu way up there pretty 4Mn, especially U the cat contlnuee to dUploy hla tarty eeq- son cunning.

Me hoe won five ef hla first sev­en atarts, allowed only IS rune and 47 bite In 62 gomee end flnlehed every gome he etotted.

Hie lateet victory, a 3-1 triumph over the CaUcoge qube loet night in S t Louie advanced the Redbirde to within a half gome of the eev- enth place Cincinnati Rede, tt woe eleo the fourth win in the loet five sterte for the up and coming Corde.

Brecheen allowed only five hlte and loet hie ehutout in the ninth when a walk to PhU Chvorretta, a pinch eingle by Clyde McCuUougb

I and a fly by Don Johneon produced a Cub run.

In toeing, the Cube foiled to Ukc over flret place from the idle New

; York Olonte, dropping a half gome behind the Pokj Grounders.

The largest crowd ever to see a eingle gome—74.747 paying custo­mers—cheered Itself hoarse as the rejuvoneted New York Yenktee continued their bunibardment of

! Boston Red Sox pitchers by flat- I tening the Amertcen League cham­pions, 8-8 In a night game.

I Joltin' Joe DiMoggio, finally displaying the form that made him a pre-war great, and Bill Johnson each knocked In four runs. OlMag delivered tho big blow, s three-run

' fifth inning home run off Joe Dob- < aon which broke a 3-8 deadlock.

Tl>e Yankees, who have won five I straight odvoaced Into second place, Ihrrc games behind the De-1

I Irolt TimersThe Ttgers retained their three- |

I gaorb margin by coming out in I ^ n t of a 1-0 score against the In- jXlana In Detroit. Lefthander Stub­by Ovennire, .making his first start of the season, limitp)l the Ip-

I dians to aU hit* In registering the ' shutout. . A home run by Eddie ' Lake,'diminutive shortstop. In the sixt^ tnmng off Don Blark. ac­counted for the only score,

Kirby Hlgb^ won hUi flr^t gamr : for Pittsburgh slncr his purehasc I from the B i^klyn Dodgers three ' weeks ago, when he pitched the PI- ! rate.* to a 5-t win over the CMndn- I natl Reds in s night game st (Cin­cinnati.

All'other teams were' Idle.

light Baseball and Softball Leagues, the Maneheater Division of the ('Onneotiriit Sportsmen’s Association. Barber Hill Gun Club, Fish and Game C3ab and the Racquet Club. All these clubs have public relation reprcaentatlves. ' |5*9'*^* *o town are

Or the other hand, the InteF- *>uslncas concerns

You . an real .iM-ured that If this Writer hsil his own way, at least two pages per mglit would he esr- rled of sports Items of the day

Facts on every event w* have ever attended hait been presented. Many .condltloha oi> '•the athletic front in town have been aired through, these evtumna. No punrhes are pulH-tt. Creilll hOs boon given when due aa well as slams at cer­tain systems.

At West SideD p fr a t E hhI , l l u r t f o n i

I l i K k 8 .5 W i t h R t i l lv

Ih S i x t h ; W l h v W l i w

RockviUe for PA’sBox Score

.Mnmhe.*>or High Jumped back 5 Am erica .Into tho winding oolumn on thei n* 'lth7"a Pcrna.Ui, lb. rf f 0 0 ^noon « ith a 8 to 5 win ovor East . of . . . 1 i t o

High at th^ ,A8est Side Maverick, 3b .. ;2 I 0 2.p, , , ' Keehey. 2b ........3 o o iTlu Im al.* broke a 4 alt tie In , Flood. If ........2 0 0 0

the stjtth wiih two QtHrkeifi i|7u (Ir^n, rf .......i n n aBooriMi

SratlrrK I'hrcr Bingle* In 4 to 0 Victory; 'Winners (Collect Only Two Hit* in Dull Cime

Hartford Oval,

Olbert racket]1 ^ 'shutout of the Twl-

Church Softbsll Lssgue and the Ree Senior Softball League have none. Bits of Information ore re­layed from tbs Oount>y,<!!lub from time to time. The Mgh school end technical school have no as­signed boys to bundle the sum- morics of events.

No one has ever had to pay a penny on the aide for publicity or space ta this writer during our spell hare. Then has hever osen any shady deals. And we guaran­tee that this 4VlH never happen. K ^h and every team os well as league and other events In Msn Chester haye received more than their share, of ,trepubllcity as well aa actual facts of the event.

Onoperation ia assentlsl between the variouB and numerous aporttng groups and this, department. Without material In the press, of events, the attendance would re­semble that of a ping pong match. On the other hand. local events ore newa to the Manrhoster pub­lic.

We have aiway* placed and used local aporting attractions in preference over events of more importance to the ration ss a whole in our dally makeup This corner feels that the reader* arc more Interested In the Anal out­come of a boll gome st the Oval than in a major league game in Detroit We could be wrong.

Rhortsge o» tipare 'Dur to the Nhoi tage of spsce and

the custom of eflernoon papera, box score# of major league games are not carried. Many other Im­portant items sie pahsed up each day of Interest to many readers duie to tjie shortage of newsprint'

another Ul|y tn the acv-'DiivId, th ........ 2Insure victory. |]«rh team Slaum, rf .........1 i

Alany team* in orgknired '"sed t>yu piU'hera with aoulhpuw | KInrt, m ........ 3Jimmy Wiley receiving credit fur i Wterrbhikl. e. . 3the win. Tom Bailey started on ' Olbert. p . ,8the hill for the locals with Wiley taking over In the fifth with two 22

RockxUlelU>Kt*r Pitkin. Waltrr and i Onborn. 2b 2

Wltey collected two hits apiece for W'uthrtoh. If the locals. Tony 21cb<lza and ! Marchowskl,

sponsored by Biirinesamen

have bSea (^orlocted by high powered team repreaent^tlvea and promised plenty of publicity If they will aponaor a teivm. Once the season atarts. the energetic and fast talking manoger. finds that he doesn't care'.whcther the scores of games his team plays tn reach the press or not. Then the sponsor •Eorts to ask questions. The blame has often .b^n referred to tills writer. It doesn't belong here. We have never rejected a score of a game turned In the following day and filled out correctly. This has, and always will be our policy.

Tnrti In Material Aa we mentioned earlier In this

article, several leagues have paid press relation men. Naturally, they turn In material of their functions Other leSgiies, namely th# Intcr- Church and Rer Senior Roftball League have none. Aa a result, only one game has been turned from the Rec league after weeks of play, on time and erly filled out. This was the night a paid man by the league turned In the acorc.‘ This depsitnient' still works on

a .one man staff. Plcding dp ma­terial 'and attending all games would be lni|V)aslblc.

Very little space hue been given athletics at Maneheater ERgh this year. With no roopAgatlon from the school, this corner feels that until

21 8 I

2 0 b

Bussell were best for the losers. The aumniqry:

M ^fici^ter (II)ab r h ,po . 5 1 4 2 .2 J 0 11 .3 .1 I 4 4 I t 1

Pagonl. ct Dougon, lb Giglio. ss . Pitkin. If D. Biitttsto. Davla, rf Fox. 2b ;. MscCarlny, Ballev. W lley^


cf, 2h Holloran, Ih . Deptula, c ... Brittner, aa .. Roatek, rf. cf Janocha, 3h .. Morganson. p Malaya, rf , . . Fagan, a . . . , Puts, b . .

ftnithpav up his first light I.,eague season last night when he set down the Rockville HUI Billies on three hits to give the PA'S a 4 to 0 win. The win­ners rollceted only tit'o hits off ' Howie Morganson. Hill BIlUc port- / rider, but look advantage of m is-/ plays afield to score their mark* era

Tile contest failed to nwaaurs up to previous league engage­ments along the lines of excitt-y'

36 8 in 27 17 8/ East Hartford

4b r(5) h po '4

Klingis, If ... Clarke, c . .

.. .3 1 0 1 0

.. .4 2 0 7 0McCarron. cf .. .5 0 1 4 0Zebzda. 2h-p . . .5 1 2 1 2Harvey, rf .. .. .4 0 1 2 1Russell, .** . . 4 0 2 3 0Boro, 3b-2h . . . .4 0 0 1 1Relten, lb . . . . . .3 0 0 4 0Blanci p-lb . . , ,3 t I 0 0Pow’Ilahen, 3b .1 0 0 1 0

Totals ___ 36 5 7 24 4M’anchester 221 002 lOx-

ment and plav as a iV'hnIe waai. '

By virtue of winning, the PA'a - : cWmlied Into a tie for'first place g 1 111 the standlngs-ex'iUi the Aircraft. . I Rockville la now tied for tlie cel- J lor with ihe American Le^on. jj It was a scoreless ball game un- y til the fourth Inning when the „ l PA ’S came np with two nine. The

I winners also a<klcr| a pair In the I fifth frame.

AI Sumwiec stn'rte<i the run24 0 8 J)

a Ratte<l for Janocha In 7th,b -Batted for Matava In 7th. j producing rally « f the Poles In tho Runa batted In. Flood. Buro-1' fourth hv ilnuving g free ticket

wlec; tw*) baae hit, Holloran; atol-I eRcr fouling off a half doxen en bsmes, Oabom, Hurowlec, Klpel; | I’Rrhes, After Iming trapped >flf ■oeriflees, BuroW'l^, Raverick; leftiJ*''*^- *5# lanky - outfielder managedon basra, PA ’a 3. Rockville 7 baaea on. balls, Olbert 3, Morgnn- aon 3; atrlke-outa, Olbert 10. Mor- ganson 8; pasted bolls, Deptula; umplrew. Mtleskl-Kerr; time, 1:40.

East Hartford Runs batteil

4 I 8|

... 200 USO 000 5 ; In. Pagonl, Giglio

Local Sport (Ihnlter

sm h time a* they can see fit t(> i 3, o ,vla 2. Fox 2.' Clarke. McCar-I cooperate that the situation w 111 remain the same as In the past few month.*.

In addition to spurts coverage, we are given other osslgnmenta. We hope thgt readers will now have a better idea of the sports page setup.

Kaceys Trounce NB’s 12 to 4 at North End

I ron, Zebzda 2. Harvey: atolen I hooes. Russell. McCarmn. Zehsda,

Harvey 2. Davla: left on biues, Maneheater 3, F.asI Hartford 6; baaea on hnlls, Bnlley 2, Wiley 1,

I RIanc 5. Zebr.da I : atrikeoute, W i­ley 2. Blanc 4; hits nff Ballr.y 6 In 4 2-3 Innings: Wiley 1 In 4 1-3,

I Blanc 9 In fi 2-3,' Zebzda 1 In 2 1-8; hit hy pitchers, by Wiley (Harvey, Bci-o); balk. Blanc 2; wild pitches. Zehsda, WUe.v; wln-

■ ning pitcher, Wiley; losing plR'h' ; er. Blanc: umpires, O'l-rary ‘and I Boggini; time, 2:35.

B i l l y U o r c o r a n S p a e r s

N i i ip I l i lH t o S co iN !

M o u h f l T r i i i i i i p h ; H i l l

O f Lo frt 'r fi F r a l i ir e t *

S p o r t s S r l i e i l i i l e

TonightRo-Uville. (5:30Lats's vs

End.Wedneaday, 5lay 28

BA's v.s. Aircraft. 0:1.5 Oval.Motors vs. Itslians, 6:30—North

End.«U Bridget s vs lOOF 9:15-

Memorial.Oak Grill vs Chenevs. (5:80—

Charter Oak.Thursday, May 29

BA s vs. PA ’S. 6:15- OvalCloak vs North, Ends. 6'80

North End.Friday, May 30

Lcgiuii vs. ragiiid's. 10:80- OvalNB’e va. Rockville, 6.’SO—North

End.VFtV va. Hartford Road. 6:30—

CTharter Oak.

, With Billy C«icoran’ scattering i nine hits and good defensive play by his mates, thcTtaccys came up

I with their first win In three slarfs North j night na they. downe«l ' the

“ ' nine J2 to


SAFETY F IR ST !....See Metealfe'a In Man­chester NOW before that croekeg or hrekea .%1’TO GLASS reanltii In a serious aeeldent.

It ’s dangerous to drive a car with damaged gloss Impairing proper vMun. . . . Natcolfe’a. Specialists In Glass exclusively. Install only SAFETY G I^SS In earn, acicoNlng to Coa? necti(cut la>*.

Open SaBirdaya I'nttl Noon. . .

Metetjfe QIass Co., Inc., UFA Center St.

O p i i f i i i f i r « i j c « s t t t u i i

^ MANCHESTERM in c h «s t « f S f5 6

.N'ichols-Bristol nine J2 to t in n Softbs.ll Twtl'gh' Lcaiiuc game at

I R(>b«rtaon Park.I Nlchola-Briafoi scored four runs { in the first innin, nn three singles. ! a double by St*n Wrona. a walk I and an error. This ended thk, acor- j Ing for the rest 1. the evenlifg. In I the second Innine the K ,o f C. come j to life and a single, a double >iy 1 SmachettI and Luppachino'a alngYe I scored two riipa.

Eleven Kaorys went to bat In the third ihning when on error, four walks and hree singles acr counted for seven runs. Two of which were forced In by walks with the bases loaded Tex Wronn re­lieved Monroe with two outs in Ihiq frame.

' TTiree more runs crossed the plate In the fourth Inning as the Kaceys ended t V ' scoring. Paclk doubled. McCarthy walked and Luppachino homered to acore the three tallies.

The remainder of the game found neither team scoring.

Luppachino. was the Kacey big gun In addltlo.i to playing a bang up gome at third.- Jack Hill get

' four for four In a losing cause.Toulght's Game

I A la ’s lervtce^ with a 1-1 (igcord w’tll stack up against the Rockville nine tonight In a league game. Mc(3uife ,wlll pltcli for lAta'a with

I Braun behind 1 U.e plate." SUn ' KawaloC. win lets them up for ' Englerta nine with Johnny Mnrach , catching. \

Game Uma, la sot at 6:30 with the usual attendance price offered.

Knighta of <k>lnmbaa ( I t )AB. R. M. PO. A. E.

Oenolfi, 2b . . . .McClanvine, cf M ad^ rf . . ,Paclk. I f .........SmachetU) lb McCarthy, ga .Luppachino, 3b KAsak. c Corcoran, p ..O'Neil, cf .. .LaBeii. rf Jim MeCooe. lb

! Grammar

A wh II l ‘ ro jrrt(ira

Softball Twilight 1-cagiie of­ficials said trslsy that the long awaited projeclois, to be used on the night lighting unit, were slilppcd out of Ohio on Mav 20 'riicy are expectol to be In town this week. If thla ahl|iment gets hare before F'i'i-' dsv. workers wiil install the pmjectora, and Ixwte.*, over the week-»'nd and tho unit will he ready next weiU

(.lonnolly,Hsttln, c .......Mlnii'uol. cf rf Uriano, If. cf Cordner. 2b . (Jardner, *a l.appen. Sb Sheeke IfAnders Jobert, h

herl, p Jo >dson. 2b .

Hale (M ), AB R.6 3

Smachetti, McCa:thy. Luppacl^5, Kosak 2. Hill 2. Porkett McUocje: two-base hits. .Smdehet tl, Paclk, '8. Wroiis: home runs, Luppachino. atolen liarfe*. Hill, Thompson: double pigys. McCIon- vllle lo Gcnolli U/ .Smachettl; bases on Sails, SMnroti 3, Wrona >, Oiroran 1; hAs off, Monroe 5 for 8\runs In 2 278 Innings, Wrona 4 for, 4 runs Ib'’4 1-3 innings; paaaisl hallk Wromt; umpires. Vlttner- SklbA: trine, 1,10.

42 20 22 21 .Manrhesler Green ( I6|

.AB K II PO3 3 1 14 2 1 2

Joe Hublard, veterog local base­ball magnet, hoa been signed to coach the odd Fellows entry in the Inter-C'hurcA League. Joe had nia squad nut for a lengthy lice session last weekend and la (Miinting to the league chaniinun ship.

, F'rlday s r^ularly schedu.od Twilight League baseball game pe- Iween Uia^'Amerlcon Legion .(uid PsgKtil'a/Wast Hides hs* .Min changed from the original « art- ing J4ine <rt ttiib tu a Itiiiraiiig

The Memorial Day attrao- will start at 10 ;M.

Tha St. Brtdgat'a aoftbol) Uoni will play the Knighta ot ouiumous nine Tuesuay evening at 6:30 at the Bucklond diamond. All mem­bers ot tne church team ora oasad lo report on time. Wednesday eve­ning the Holnta oppose tha I. O. O, F'. In an ■■ Inter-Uhurch League game at Memorial Field.

The scncdiiled Twilight League softball gamr Friday evening at Robertson Park between the NB'S

< and Rockville hoa been cancelled

fhe Amerlran Legion Junior iMiaehall team will drill tonight at " o'clock at Mt. Nebo.

I to reach second base when rateb- ;er Pop Deptula threw high to j Boh Osborn. Mike Haverick'a sac­rifice moved the riase runner along nnd when Morgan-on thrafW the

) hall 20 feet aisove Jack Hblloran'n ] head, Sumwiec easily scored and Havertek reach.-d second bone. The litter scored on a passed boll and

J a sqiiretc play bunt hy Tud Flood.Although the PA'a held a 9 to 0

' lead going Into the fifth Inning, the team did 'not have a single base hit. Frankie Klnal broke tha hit famine hy driving a liner into leftficld to open Uu< fifth. Aftar Ed Wlerablcki fanned, Whitay Mar- t'howskl booted Ziggy Olbart’a (.asy ibller apd Klnel scored. The

' PA . Iiitcher tallied on Al Suro- I wlyc's base hit through tha mid­dle. This ended the acoring for tha

; night,Olhert was hever In any trou­

ble. He fanned tan batten and passed three. Morganson fanned eight and iasued three fraa tick­ets. Rockville's second boatman. Hob Osborn, was Injured alldlng Into second baae on a otaol in tho third and waa forced to leave the game.

Country Club NuU»

M a j o r L e a g u e


NoticeP L A N Y O U R N E X T H U N T IN G T R IP IN 0 1 ^ M E X IC O

T H E C A R M E N -M O U N TA IN H U N T IN G C I-UB 114,00(1 (lucres in Old M exico h u vacancicn available n ow !

Turkey, B «a r, Dewr and Mountain Lion. Unmp^UiE EqiHpn^nt. Pagk Burroa. .Saddle HorHe«.

Gniden. On CTub Grounda lo r Mcanberg Only.

' For Details W r ite :

JOHN G. UPPLING, x207 Montelfdr Aye.,

A n t o n ^ 2 , T g x M » .

4 2 1 8 3 r4 V 1 3 0 02 1 '•0 ‘a .6 04 2 9 1 0 22 1 1 'X 0 03 1 0 K 2 03 2 2 0 ),5 03 ■J 1 2 5). 63 1 0 1 1 *-o '1 0 0 0 01 0 1 n 01 0 1 2 0 oi

(..Woodhouse, c Haberen. cf JenM-n. MS . , . Hlgley, If Panders, lb Rogers, Sh, rf . F'oraker, rf, SbBsrry. 21. .......Patch,

3A 16 15 21 4 11NaUisn Hale ......... 001 2023 —20Green ..................... 002 6431— 16

Runs hatted In: Johnson, Hattin 2. Cordner. Mlnlciiccl 3. Panclera, Gardner,- Hlgley, Mahcren. Con- holly, Jensen. Rogers, Lappen, ITrlan'i 2. Johnson 3. I-appen, Rel- I'ngherl, (y>n»olly 2, Minlcticcl,' Rogers and Gardner Two hose hits: Hlgley, Itogei's 2. MlnlcuccI and Hattin. Htolen bases: Haherrm 2. Johnson 4. Onnnoll.y. I^ppfin, Gardner. I.s!ft on bases: ^a hi n Hale 5: Green 7. Bases on balls: Anderson 4, Belllngheri 4, Patch 2. Strikeouts: Belllngheri t. Um­pire; Hulburt.

^o ria rty Brothers State Lea­gue team will drill at tha WaM Sids Dyal tonight at 6. Sunday aflernudiv the Uaa Mouse Gang fac's the'M’ llllmantic Elks In a league ^amXat at 8

the Oval starting

By The A ««dc ia ted Preiw National 'League

Batting — WalkeY Philadelphia .363; MIm , New Yora .356,

Runa Mize, New YCrk 36; Ro­binson, Brooklyn 26. _____________

S V e V S i S r ' , H'-lyoHe. Meea. -S t. Paul. 17.5,H iti' ( w i ^ L f i ■‘ «PP*'«1 CharlieHits Hauinbuitz, Cincinnati 43 ; uuiii. m v . a

Walker, Philadelphia 41. 1 Dotson, *66 Albany. N. Y., 8.Double* \— Ennla, Philadelphia ----------------------------- -------::— -----

12; Baumhbits, Onclrmati 10.TVlplea--CJooper, New York '3;

Ten players tied with 2. ' {Home Runa—Mlse, New Yorh;(

12', Torgesori, Boston and Miller;-Oncinnatl 8. *■

Stolen Bases—Robinson, Brook-1 lyn, Adaftia, Cincinnati and Tor- geaon, Boston 4. 1

Htrlkeouta Blackwell, Clncin- . natl 35, Monger, SL Loula 34. *

Pitching — flpahn, Boston t-0 <1.000; Rowe, PbUsdelphia 6-01.000 I

The Ameriean tram nipped the cans by an 18 to iilght In a Rec gamk at Charter

Ift-Igion softhall Uiah Amari-

l7 ''^ o r e lost Senlo)\ Isiague Oak lots.

Weekend HceresRcsulta over tha weekend at tlw

local Country Club found Jos Taya scoring low net in on Odd Nina Hole event loot Salurdiy. Don Piper and Pete Galosso trolled with Mumpa Footer posting bast gross score.

Sunday’s Selerted Nine ila y was Won hy Paul Jesanis with low net. He was followed by Don Piper, Doug Stetson and Austin Custar.

Scotch Boll, low not, went to Skea Buckland and L. E. Johnson. Holway and B. Plpar wara aaconiL Others In order -Included McBrld^ and Cora LaFrmncla. Del St. John and M. I,elghdolt. Low grosa want to Don Piper and Peg (.'honda.

Ladles Odd Hole found jilra. Johnaton capturing low gross. Mra Jock Hayden and SifO. ,Alya

'Davies trailed. -

Providence. R. 1.—Joey Angelo, 137H. Provldstue, ou tpodn ted aisrlrs .Noel, 132'.., Brooklyn, 10.

The Legion baseball teain\'ill liracUcc Wednesday evening Xt 6:45 at Mt. Nebo

Al Rogglnl, presMSd Into

spectator, wsa shrvics vesterdsy aft-

ernoon st fhe HIgh-Ekst Hartford ROine at the Oval on'l worked th# hoses. Al has bean working base­ball games all season In the Bridgeport area whVe he la em­ployed.

The Twillight Lejcgue umpires and team manag^ will hold an Important meeting following to­morrow night'srXame at the Oval; The session' will take place in the Rec.

r ow oum, sow - m THtriiti SACK-foit us




TotaU 81 12 10 21 11 3

3b) Tonkowakl, HIHi cf . . . . . Thompson, itLeal, Ip ____Poekett. 2b ... 8. Wrona, c , Joe MeObCe, 1 Kelsey, If . Monroe, p . , "T. Oowlea. c - . X. Cowles, as Petersen, if .. T. Wrdna p Chapman, x .

'T oU Is . . . V .Innings;K. of C. . . . . .Nichols-Bristol

28 4 9 21 6 2

. 021 300*0 12406 000

xBatted tor T Wrona In aevehth Rni)*^ batted m. Gcsnlfi; 3,

Amerioofi League Batting—McQuInn. New York ’

.36O; Mullln, Detroit .360.Runs— Wllllanu, Boston 26; Kel­

ler. |few York 27.Ruga Batted In—Williams, Bos­

ton 28t Keller. .New .York 26.- Hits-^Kennedy. Chicago 48; Dll- /

Unger, 8D\ Louis 46. ' /Doubles \ Mullln, Detroit 16'

Joost, Philgmlphia 10. /Trlple^Lcim er. , St. Louis ' 5;

(•hUHy, Chlcof^ Valo. Phnedel-, phta and Mele, Beaton 4.

Home Runa-W^iama, Boston 11; Keller. New Yoni 10.

Stolen Baaea—:P b ll^ , Chicago and Dilllr(ger, 81. Loulasd. u P

Strikeouts-NewhouseK Detroit I 62; Feller, Cleveland 57.

Pitching — Hutchinson, Detroit 5-1. .833; Shea. New York, DMson Boston and Marchlldon, P h ll^ l- pbla 4-1 .800.

:---------------Phiradelphla' Xke Wllllums,

135'», Trenton. N J.. knocked out Juste Fontaine, 140\*, Milweukee,4 non-tttle. 1

. J; '■ ■ -


q u a u t y

SfaiMf-dwfs Ml mity kmmoki

SWIM TRUNKSmf mmsioomlly tgniouo tivmlHy


H»r« *,* Kv« •( Hi* **(■**', nria* «*er f««erl(«* f«*i* W Herb#, w t*au** •**<». lack II lellsrse*«r(*cti*s't . . ImS It ,tyt*d fee ■c«i** lr*«esiR sue SeNeri** llset.

■ •• • *ea*«»l-**r»a*#Hty*<•»»**•* tr*aH**l


lO Ill .ItUNCl aM ^ l O t s Me t*4 (weiriw

rihOMS itiNigt MiA h * h « O t Smi sImMS ir*et ^

/ ■



Page 7: a at bu Just Receivedl - m C at !ttanche»ter—A City of Fillofie … Evening Hearld... · 2020-05-05 · Va

r M i K r w B L \ 'B


F o r R e n I

T o B i i v

F o t Suir T « Sell V


A M to 4 ATI I’ MI I . ------1---------------------- =—

7 ^

M A N C H C S T E R E V P N IN C , H K K A L D . M A N C H K ST A 'K . i ;O N N .. T t J M U A .T .M A l 2 1 ,1 9 4 7__________ ___________________ X - - A'.. ----- i... ■ - ■»■»!-----------------------

■ / Automohlle% toi ^ 1 *r1P34 CHEVROLSn, Phon^ 2-2645. z!

A u lo AcrrittMtrtrt*— I'lrea >

JEBIM LT ^ u to r* Ol c#r nrwJnlt Ol a r frum Vnirrta 35 nr null! Ao VVi For rurrta A

l{u n ln m i S e rv ic e s . (M ftrM f I S

Uirl ind roundU )8T —Blac)i dog wUh bnaat. Ltccr.af tag No PIraar flai, 2-003.5.


L O ST-Brow n aiiJ while d ^ . fawale. Call 3610,



i ^ g r - F i v e month, half Collie T w p vicinity Box Mountain Ea-

tftM Reward Phone 2-9244.

Olve yonj. oldrchiilU'inploi

new p'.rla re- arda n i ^ sUnelardi

or horna A. AAyV-8, ihievrolet aivd'F^ly mouth idocrai allowance

old motor SlontRomerj Ward ('•5. 8)fS M..in atreel Pnone .M61

TWO 60*' X 16 new faftjoiia non- i akld lltea for ■ 2.') T.'>, niitilral ruh- j ber, jju irahtced drat q»rality. ' Free moontlng Miller Motpri, 633 (Jenler atreet. y

■NFW rWtIjiS new rerapa i^ O > . tliea and ItiU s Kxp<-il i-u l^ni*'

mg. 8 hour* re.-applng rfrviee Mancheater i"i and H«>tapjiinj{ Company, Hroad tlreirt Tele­phone S36H Open 6 a. m Ao 7 p

T ra ile re f« r S a le 6-A

Annnunremenlp 21

m eC T New frienda and faeea at ‘ the Social Introduction Service

Identlflcatloh. required' of all membera for jpour protection 29 Pearl atreel. Room 6B, Hartford Phonb 4-49 8 3 . ____________ _

MANCHESTER Auto driving aclMxd Maater the art pf K<*d diivtng, the f.-.ater way Phone J-M 77

AMEKUIAN. 'Hupe-rior. Travelo, ZlmmeTjv Schulte, Prairia Schoon­er P tr t i\ acreaaoriea. Traiier- homea. Inc'\ Phone 4480,. . . V ■ ■■ ----- , . ,

M olorrvrlew — B iry r ie a I I

CTRL'S Fireato/ie, balloon bicycle. Practically rlew .542.5 after » p m.


WK 41/ VP nriM' aaaoMidenti ,1 Kilrhe'a iini»i*',n a Alio.'tile aoc xaP c(,v, rinva Manca'belei e'uxu.

^ rv e rtr .a IU>. 56 Ootlag# atreel Ca 5«8»> ' ,

K IJC i'lK K MoHira repairing anc rewinding All wora goaranieed Ace KiecUW Mti'Oi KepAira /2I .Vorih Mam elieet, >p|K>ette l»e po| enlrAnce in .North Schoo »rre»t Phone 564 2

K X I KA M K A V Y C A S I IKO N A N i f s i K K L H I K N A f K S

' / K ) K I.M M KD IA I E IN S T A L L A T IO N

V A N C A M P B R O S .I K L . R244

UAW.N tnowera aharpened, "The llnivereai Way'" atay aharp lor.g- er. cul keenfi operate eaaier

. WorM guaranteed Tel 2-9853 S3 Fairheld atreel.

S H K K ’I M K T A L W O K K ~

Hill .511 Furnace RepaJrlntNew H<it Air and All OmdiHoning

Fumacea InalaliedKavea Tmugh and Conductor


N O R M A N H E N T 2371 Spnirr Street

1 Tai IMA

KooUni—Bfiting 16 H«t> W tn ie d — M ule 8 6 1 \ H ituachnld ( i o o d * '

ruMiH i.Nij ana aiding our epeciai- ly.'.New ceilir.ga And carpeYi.ry Higheal quality mater rata Work- nianahip guaranteed A A Dion. Inc. Phone I860

ROOl^In'O — Speclallxing In r r r pairing roofa ol all Kinda. iciao new roofa. .No Job too amali or large, flood work, fair prfee. Free ckllmalea Call Howley. Man- cheater 5361.

H P iilin g — IMuntMnR 17 |

KOR PROMTH, efflciAnl plumb- l ing - her ting aervict can J . Uc-

_____________________ __________ M

A irro M ECHANIC <5ne willing t^ENt^TNE Kantwet « 1 > mat- to do gentral work around ft«a ! tregaea have been reduced, rcg. •UtlfMJ. MO agea pli|x ■ c o n j ; mlaalon. Can earn $.V; to , $7.5 j weekly. Apply Miller Motor*. 653 Center atreet, Mancheater. ■ F jirnlturi.

M ARRIED Veteran, attehding U. Of Conn., dee'wea work during


$15,95 Inner i^ i‘ln^^now ,|13.95, reg. $12,9.5 now |10.().5. Your baby deaci vea the h^at. Shop ^ n a o n 'a

!. 7iS 1Main. X

aummer. Phono


BiaselT atreel. Phone

HANDYMAN for part time work. Apply Federal Bake Shop. 883 Main^ atreet. No phone calla.

, H »lp W B itled — M ale o rI'V fita le 37

TiiAlNED AttendOBt^r ragtatar

DUO, THERM oil air conditioning unit, r rnplele. leas Inalallatloa, $274 3.5’ Devino Compar.y, W aler- bury 3-38.56 v

S'TEAM flqatingboller/ aurttablewater

tank Center

atreet, Mancheater

tor 6-S r^m a, w i" indirect heater- 40 gallon copper afcf'. P.iidd heater. 145 C

PLUMBING knd heatiflf repairs. New ainka. tuba, hot w iter boll- era Fdward Tanner. Tel. 5747.

PLUGOF.U .Main aewara, alnjc, lavatory and bath drains effi^ Blently machine cleaned. Carl Nygren, plumbing, steam fitter ahd pump •mecHanln, 15 .South street. Phone 6f97

PLUMBING and heating service and repalra. Do you have plenty of hot water economically? Let me solve your hot water prob- Icnui. Edward Johnson. 6079.

ad nuraa, mala or female, from 8 to 11. Live in. HIghwood Retreat. Phone Norwalk 6-6.568,

H ELP W ANTED—Male ahd fe- - male — Poalttona available in commcfviai, industrial, executiva •nd tachnical flelda. Apply -Tha Burnham Employment Agency. 29 'Pearl atreet, Hartford, Conn

y e ::, VVE have the famous Youngstown twin bowl ainka In stock again, oniy, $148.93 com­plete W aih your clothea and do your dlahes In thiA compact 48" model.-^.-lay^tej^ms at Ben-

POR IMMEDIATE dalivtry on aand. Imoi ahd graval caU Man-, cbostR 3334 AmsatU drtvawaya. OaII for fraa tsUmaUa_________

SAVE MONEY In a buaincaa-ltke way. Start a Bavtnga Plan and put your money to work. Gen- •reua returns. All aooounu in- auied up to $3,0U0. See ua aoon Mandiaainr Building and Loan Aaaoclatlon.

1931 INDIAN n .le f . New Urea and rebuilt engine, 175 Call 2- 1406.

W an ted A u to s—> M o to rcy cle a 12

W ILL PAY hlgheat caah prices tor,good, clean, used cars, 1937 1947. Broad Street Motor Salea Phone 8926.

.lAlHO C inic. washing machines I nouMeholo appiiani-ea electric

n.otura Will ea.1 and deuvti Ouarent-cd workmanship Jonsf Fuinituie. 36 O ak-atreet. Man- cheater 2-1041

- - ■ ■ RADIO neei tlxmg? Hava it ra--

pa:reo oy experts Pick-up 4erv Icy. g'uirHiuaed work Seta check pn I the r.ome Car radius a spr.-ialty Mai cheater Kadlf Se-vue, fir. B ircr street Phoni 2-U84U

Koofini;— KepairinR t7-ACHIM NEYS rebuilt, repaired and

cleaned. Also kll types of rooflng and repairing. All work guaran­teed. LalloVe Bro.a Co Tel. 2- 0768.

S i tu a t io n s W a n le i—Female

son’s. 713 Mhlf.


BA BY s i t t e r jhy academy graduate. Afterhoefn a’nd<, eve­ning. .50c per houi*. 137 Hilliard atreel. 1

GREEN ani| cream kitchen range, 8 oil drums, fwo parlor stoves, each with two hiirnera. pot stove for heating water, and a couc)i. Very reasonable Phone 8.330.. In quire 186 North School atre'et.

ALL RADIO.S have b*^n reduced

P U B L f C STENOGRAPHER. Phone 8361.

D o g s— Kirdn— I’eCa 41

PeraonalaHuatneiM S e r v ic e s O ffered 13

W ANTED—Rida to Royal Type- writar Company and return, hours 8:80 to 12. Vicinity of Lake atreet and Middle Turnpike EaaL Phone 2-2561.

ABtmnobll4» for Sale . 4

J930 MODEL A FORD FOUR- DOOR SEDAN—Excellent condition.

1940 FORD TW'O-DOOR SE­DAN—Radio and Heater.

1941 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COyPE—Radio and Heater.



PHONE 4164

OLD FU K JK h 8ANIICD Laying and aniahing

I J H. lenaen.rel. wuilmantic 91128. evenings


: rail


ROOKING Ok all kipOa Uhimnay work, kullei worK/knd insulation Expert repalra Pbneal workman- ■hlp. Satialattior. guaranteed Call Coughlin. Maticheaier ’ 7707 |

----------------- -------------- i— ---------------- If'HI.MNEYS and hrepiacea clean­

ed and repaired 24 year* exptr- ' lence. Insured Mahcheslei llilro- | ney expert. Phone 2-0542 ’v ' '

LAWN Mowers, hand and powci aold. tharfieiied. rcpSlreo. parts Pick-up and delivery Capitoi Grinding Co., 38 Main street.

I T S NOT loo late lb plow nnd harrow youT gal-den or to grade y-our lB\yri Hay aeaaon will aoon he herr'and will take orders now to indw your nay. I also remove trpea and atumpa. Have all the equipment neednl to do a good Job. Alme Latullppe. 6077,

COMMF-RCIAL and Neon stgna. Sales and service. Sllhavey Signs. Signs of all dcjwriptlona. Rear 883 .Main street. Mancheater Phone 2-0431.

M ovtnff— I 'ru rk in R —. S to r a g e 2 0

CANARY BIRD S, guaranteed slngera. Oelaler’a canary food* and remedies, Petamine. tropical flsh, gold flah, bowla and aquar­iums. plants, flah food, dog col­lars an<l leadk. Ebro Pet Shop. 403 Center atreet, corner Gris­wold Open 9 a m to 7 p, m. Phone 3233. '

BOSTON Terrier pupa. Fox T er­rier pupa. English Better pupa,

I cr’oaa breeds, $5-$8, R»-ady to go. Zimmerman, Lake street. 6287.

for quick clearance:’'A ll'standard brands of table models, portables table radtOxCbmhlnatlons and console combinations and record players. Term s and trades at Benson's Furniture, 713 Main.

V 'E BUY and sell good used furniture, combination ranges, gas ranges and heaters Jonea' Furniture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041.

WanlHl-w>lo Buy &6

MANCHi£«ri*Ktnf dMiat u> rags paper aiic scrap tnciaia cails ai your dooi and nays t^u Aighest onces Oatrutsky, i n • Riseai atreet Phone 5879 y

Wfe BU T olH. lawn mowers re- gsrdleas of ' Condition. .Friend y FixR, 718 North Msln. 4777^

L o ta fo r S a te 7SOARDEN sp sca for rent st 4 49

ToIIsnd Tiimplke.-| Fofm crly ik>- ts to lend.

R e s o r t P ro p e r ty fo r Sal** < '

USED K U R .N rruR e. win buy en­tire household or aiiy pert.. Also sntique fum lturs, old gisss. chins, brid-h-hrac or What have ypu. Manchester Auctloti Sales Co. Phone 3375.

HEMLOCK Point on Coventry Lake. Large Iota. $198 and 11?. Owners on properly eveninj-- Saturday and .Sufiday. Hemlock Point R eilty Co.f -Slouth.^Coven­try. WlUlmantlc 1868W2.

Suburtian for Sale 75

W E BUY rags papers and scrap meUUs Call Arnold Nelson, 7$7 Lydall straaL 1906.

R o o m s W ith o u t B o a rd t 9

FOUR-ROOM cottage for sale. Hemlock Point, Coventry Lake. South Coventry, QDnn. Phone

K W mifnaatle 1N8W 8.......... " ■ 11— — «

ROOM For Rent. Suitable one or two persons. Phone 4331.^

ROOMWadsworth atreet.

Inquire 48

TWO LARGE front rooms, furn­ished for coliple or gentleman. References ^required. New man­agement. Phone 8895.

ROOM For Rent U young couple. Kltrhcn privileges If ilwhred. In­quire 61 Cambridge atreet. Phone 6746.

ASHES, cans, nibMah removed. Yards, cellars attics , cleaned, light trucking; odd J>)ba. Phone Mr. ('arson 504)8.

SEVEN Week old, mixed Collie

RED CEDAR poles. 2.5 ft. clothe* line polea, fence posts. Ashes re­moved. ‘Phone 2-1417.

FO R S A L E —A New Perfectionflve-bumcr oil cook stove With hnllt-ln oven Inquire st 1.59 Main atreet.

Summer Homes for Rent 67FOR REN T—Shore cotU ge by

week or month, Inquire O iarles L. Dean, Cadito Lot, Stonington. Conn., R .F.D , 1.

W a n te d to R e n t 68

ICE BOX, while enamel. In ’good condition. Price $4. Phone 40.59.

ROUND OAK piptless furnace, good condition, .silltable for'fou r

1 or flve-room hmi.se or shop CaU and bird dog pupplei., male $10, j ^252 after 6 p di. female $5. Phone 2-1408. i

R E TIR E D Couple need three or four room*, not over $30. Near bus lln’e and shopping center. Re­ward $50. Phone 3369.

rUUCKING and hauling. Aihes and rubblah rc.iioVed. 5'arda and ceMars cleaned. Olaiider 2-9861.


ALL itAJCEb ol aewtag maohUi** axpartiy rvpalred Singer Sewing

MnU) atreetMachin'* Cb.. rm ghhs



Dome.stic. comlnerciul. For prompt day and nifrht service,


• 38 Birch StreetLANDBCAPINQ, garden work of

all kinds, pruning, grading. D. Donovan before 8 a. m. Phone 2-

1987 CHEVROLET panel truck. IM l after 6 p m ________________'body and'tlre* In excellent eondl- l a w n m o WEKK sharpened, re- tJoB. ...i.gine completely overhaul- paired. Range burners cleaned. e<D>J»riced for quick kale. Phone tnatalled. Washing machines, 54l4\or 2*1503. j vacuums repaired, aawa died

' " ___ ' r : ------------- r T ------- Pickup and delivery. Friendly1941 O tlPSM O BlLE 81x c)ub cqm North Main Tel

vertlble, hy(|romaUc. Radio aftd heater. Miller Motor*. 6.53.CenterN _____

H ou seh old S e r v ifM O ffr r rd 1 8 -A

SAGGING Springs In upholstered furniture, aeat* repaired and completely realored to original position with Parker Sag-Pruf Work done In your home. Divan $18 50. chali $8.75. Written life­time guarantee. CaU 3129.


1932 8TU D EBA K ER sedan, motor completely overhauled, new- cluteh, new battery, 4 new tlrea

1.82 Drive F, Silver Lane Homes. Call before 8.

conVe r t ib i1941 IVmUac Club Convertible, ra­

dio and heater, apotllght.1989 Pontiac Club Convertlbl ra­

dio 4ind heater.1940 Chevrolet. Special De.Lu:

Two-Door, radio nnd heater.

KATHRAY’S Fashioned rug. fur­niture. car iipholalery cleaner*. For people who desire the beat, expertly cleaned In your home phona 2-9729|

LPn IIS wash your walla by ma­chine. l>oe* is really clean Job Preserve* paint, aavea. redecor­ating '4ehrend's (Teanlng Serv- ive. 144 High str^el Phnm .58.59

HAVE YOUR rug* and ui>liol*lery cleaned by D^an . Personal Serv­ice. Mancheele. 5408 Hartford 6-1166.

LOCAL MOVl,NG and trucking Inquire 28 Foley atreet. Phone 6718.

JAME-S MAt'Hl. General inlck- ing Range and rtiei oils, aahes and riibhuih removed. Sand, gravel. OU and loam Phone 4523

MOVING, honrehold gooda end pianos moved anywhere in u»e state Alao general tn ick irg ana rubbish removed Pianos oui *l»ecialt.v F r j singer and Madl- gan Photie 5847

THE AUSTIN A Chamber* (Jo. | local or long distance, moving i Moving, perking ana storage : Phone Manchester 5187 or H an ­ford 6-142.5

Faint IhK—I'apermg 21 |' ' ■ ...................................I

PAINTI.NG and piiperhanglng. i wall pnjrer Rea.<*onable rates. For | estim ates call Andrew Thick 4661.

I’ouMrv and Supplies 4UBABY Chicks. Started chicks,' started pullets. Reds. croaees,

SM linked. Mangbcstcr CThlcks, ■^136 Summer atreet. Phone 0971.

im olL E R .S for sale. 4 'i - 6 pounds, 3.V pmmd. .Milk fed. 296 Hack­matack street. Phone 6705

BROH-ER.S and roasters, drcjwed and ready for your oven. Call after 5 p! m. H. A Frink, .Sulli­van avenue, Wapping. Manehej ter 71.58. '

BF.IOF. Bengal combination g«» I range Excellent condition. 22 j Server street. • i

FOR T H IS week only Benson's I will allow you $25 for your old | washer regardless f\t condition, - In trade on a new Bendix Auto­matic Laundry balance on ea.ey terms Bensor's Furniture, 713' Main. I

.MAPLE Bureau and mlrVor, wal- i nut bureau and mirror, i spinet i

I de.sk with Windsor chair, odd | (hairs and tables. Reasoimbly priced. Oa,s stove. Bei ker up- '

I right piano, reliiilll. $.5,0. Portable

TECHNICIAN and ft.mlly of three deaire a live to eight-room unfurnished single house. Call Eric Starr, 8277.

WIDOW AND 13 year old son In need of two or three-room un­furnished rent. Phone 5306.

1 HITSBAND am wife, both veter­ans, desperately need 2-6 room

1 place for themselves and son.I Phone 2-1269.

WaiUcd—Rm I K«Ut« 77

OUR Ag e n c y h a s - ^ L d 6 h o u s e s d u rin g t h e


If you are thinkinR of'aelHuff your home, we believft.it will pay you to give us a call. Our office is locAted over Nale’s store and our telephone nuTn- ber la 3450.

ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. House & Hale Building

“Selling Manchester Real Estate Since 1914"__________ :______________ 1

W'AN'T t e r Sell? I have many buyers waiting. List your prop­erty with M. Madeline Smith, Realtor. Telephone 4679.

LIS'! TOUR properly Residential aiid bualneaa Hava many cltenti. Oeorga L Graxiadio. Kealtor 109 Henry atreet Phone 5278

PKOPERTV Owner*, if you aie considerl.-'.g cape a Using on the present high prices, contact us.

I We are paying top cash for reai- Jentia> oi commercial property Foi action oday phone 7728 or 5329. OT write Brae-Bum Rea.ty (>>.. Realtora. 118 East Center street' Manchester

H ou ses fo r Sal# 72

W a n te d — I V i s — P o u ltry i — S to r k J I t '


All Klii'ls of, IJve Poultry High­est prices paid. Prompt attention sj-- ro R N F R eiiphorml. unpalnt-

ed. hiind-mnde of white l>iue

FIV E Y EA R old, aix-room house, corner lot. In excellent establtah- ed neighborhood. Near sch(X)I (lai'Bge. acrecn porch,. breplace, oil burner, fully .screened and storm sanhed, nine closets. Call ’2-0846. Shown by appointment

________,5()0 watt lighting pl.mt, -$35. ('all | HARTFORD Zoned for hiialnesa, 169 Middle Tlirnplke F.a.xt. Call oorner lot. three-family. noWednesday . fter 1 p m lea.se.s. price $19.,500. Terms.--------------------- I ‘ Phone .Manchester 40()5.

IF YOU HAVE a hodse lot, or business to sell net it with a Realtor tor saUatac'ion Subur­ban Realty (k>. 571 (Vnler street. Phone 8215

HAVING REA Estate problem.s? City and farm property bought and aold by calling R I. .M- . ’ann. Realtor. Phone Mancbeslei 7700

WANTED A home in .Manrlios- ter or vicinity with all modern improvements. Will wait rea.sonpx able time for occupancy and pay eaah. Write Box Q. Hciald

RF.FItICERATO R Autumn street

I- AY. 2.'>6 SIX - ROOM oinglc. two. - story bouse with 2 lots. $9,000. Inquire

,7. i at 326 Middle Purnplke East after 5:30.


to large or small orders

.‘danchesler 2-1448Telephone•Suitable for built-in. Price Call 2-2967 after .5 p ni.

L IV IN G -R O O M .‘<el. bedroom .set. odd tables. e le c t r ic fan.M and o th e r hou.s"ho'.d I tem s Phone

1940 Two-Door Plymouth^ radio AND Electric welding, all'■ luetala. lead burning Eighteenand heater. ,

CHEXP TRANSPORTATJ.O.N 1933 Ford Coupe, $245. \19 3 9 Model A. Two-Door, $195.1933 <ni((vrolet Panel Truck, $349.


Telpph(>ne 39261934 BUICTK four-door, trunk .••dan, T*4ip. heater, good motor

/ and ■.irca, jf2S6. Phoha 7292


POSTUnder New Manaicrment

We buy and »ell serviceable used items. Come in and look around. We have used fumitarer China, all size leather and canvas belts.

Tel. Manchester 2-10M9FRANK A. DENErrE

PROP.i Y-19'.m a p l e s t r e e t

\NTIGUIC8 refiiuahed and repair «d Kuah Ol splint seals replaced i'la^ann. I89 South Main street Pboba 3643

M A N C H E S ’I E K ~ S H E E ^ M E I A t. w o r k s

AIR OONOrnONlNG HOT S IR FURNAUF.8 Inatatleo and Repaired

Eaveatroiigh* dod Oondiirtora All rvpe* of She^i Metal Work I

22 Tear*’ Experience VELEPHONF 5413


experience. George L 473 Gardner atreet. Galt



RADIU - Electrical Appllanc* Service b^psira picked up and

' delivered 'proip|iUy 20 year* expertencr .*qhr Mkloney Phone

- 3-IU46 1 WaUtut atreet

ALL A P P L lA .N lW aervlced and repaired, burnera> refrigerator* raugee. wa.sher*. etV AU work guaranteed Metro Service Tel Manchester 2-0883\



' All Types — All Makes



r e fr ig e r a t io n/SERAMCE

NEED Electric

CALL rE K K V ’S Household Serv Ice for e*(»ert ol«anlna..,ol Oiatra walla, rug*, uphoielrry. Window* odd Job* Phone 7690

Ituildihg—Conlracling I t

J .SUlJ.IVAiN, mnsfui contractor, brickwork, plaHlerliig, elmlet hliiek. Lxmerete work, atone. Tel 2-0418__________ I___________

M(K)fa. siding, additions and alter, aatlon*. Alao new conatruetlon

Sicfferl. Phone 'J-UZSS.

a AND D- tkmalrucllon Company ’ tkmcreta work, retaining walla

cinder niocka. eeplie lank\. land- acajiing. grading, driveway* V Belluccl. Tel. '.-IdOl,


I.NTKKIOlt aiul exterior pairttiug. paper hanging. door sanding, and leflnisl.ing cslkiug, rooting, prewar prices 12x1.5 room paper­ed, $12 Now booking outaide spring and Mimmer contracts Sprat or brush ('.all K E Web- Bler 696.5.

Articles lor SaleNF,W A.ND I ’s M R oyal portable ' ,-,723 ,

Ivpew riters 1 cTinia and trade-ins. ' ---------■ ■ : -----

i MOLIERN Six-room single. In- .■eulatcd, oil heat, automatic gas ho't water heater. Owner moving out of town. Priced reasonably. Call A Reale, Realtor. 44 Pine street. Phone 2-19’,9

FInristM— Nun*erleii l-'i,

work done onyour', car V W ili do trouble-shiiol- Ing at imur garafje. Reaaomible 15 , years experience Telephone 379X■r-





Immedtata occupancy. With $700 down yon can buy a inod- era 4-Ronin Single, t linAnlxlied np. Fireplace, Open atalreane. laaiilatlon. Copper tjiblng. Ga­rage. Large lot.

EVIRLY CA BBA GE, letture broc­coli, caulHlowci and atrawberry plants. Odermann'x Greenhouse. 504 Parker street., N _____________

SP E C IA L —Now IS the time to plant yo'iir Blue Spruce, $125.

.Bring container. Height 3-5 feet, O sahos, 1.55 Oak street.

PA.N ijrcs gii.ht strain*. English ilajdics In bloom. 5Uc basket. For- g^t-Me-.Nota, Siberian wall flow-

l/era. Prem ier atrawberry planU, S6-$li; ioo-$2.76: 1.000-$14; Ever­bearing 25-$1.15: ipo-$3.'05;Gladioli IS new varietle* 12-$1.36, ifiso flneat mixture. 12-8.5C . As­paragus' Mary Washington, .36- $1. l00-$2.75. Four acres hardy .plar.9,-1. Including delphinium, phlox, poppies, new”* ijiums, etc. .Shrubs, evergreens. frUit ‘ tree* Transplanted, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, caulitlowcr VVoodland Gardens, 168 W'bodlsnd atreel relephone 8474.

FOR, S.VLE —Pepper, lettuce a nd cahbQ.te plants. Also jjoft'eil to­mato' plants. 57 Florence street,

FOR .SALE—Tomalq. pepper and cabbage plants 5.000 each. In­quire 12 Glenwood street.

PAINTING and paperhanging Excellent workmanahlp and ma- tertikl* uaed. Walipapei Either cash or small menthly pajKnent* Raymond Flske 'Sfi. 2-9'J3(.

FOR (.JUa i .I IV price. serviceico ’nsult Albert Guay, ’"I'he I ome

Owner.v Paintei " ('ompIcU in­terior and axteiior painting serv­ice. • paperhanging, spraying and door retl.dBhlt)g Satisfaetion guaranteed Free estim ate* All workmen fully Insured '20 Spruce atreel. Manehealer Tel. 2-1855

IN TERIO R and exterior painting, paperhanglng,. celllhga reOnlsh- ed Men inaurrsl and pixiperly damage Exnert work Edward R Price. Phone 2-1003. ^

IN TERIO R and exterior paintipg. '•aperhanging. Prompt aervlce Fair price. Free eatlmalea D. E. Frechette. Rhone 7630,

IN TERIO R and exterior painting and decorating L ’lpeU workman­ship by veteran. Work guaran­teed Gail retreault\32'28.

i.viKep.Tirs on all make* .Marlow a.

A 1 LOAM, l yd load. $10. Flat I wall Slone, per load, $15 Red and giay quarry stone, $28 per toad. | We speeiallr-c in Hagatijne. side- 1

WHlk tcrniee. and veneer block/ Route 6. Bolton Notch Phone 2 , 0617’. Prompt delivery, |

f o r s a l e - Men’s rebuilt and • relasted shoes Better than new |cheap shoes. See them Sam \■ulye. , 701 Main street.

5’ F.S W E have tb.em. chron e kitchen aet.i for only | $.59 95 Maple ,5 • piece 'kitchen | .set.s only $44 95 Shop u.s for 1 fuinlliire v.ilues. Benaon’s i

Allpjppp , CAPE Cf)D. .> rooms tinished " ...i,. improvemenl.a, Occ ipancy with-


lit jirh itK I V iin d I'imiIs "it’-'

GRAY SIK B K IIT haby intTiaKC ■’swivel wheel style. Intpilre 107 <

Spruce atryet Tel,-2 2’7B8.

PLACK. Your, order now for the new Oliver "60 ” with culllver, corn planter, mounted plows, mower Also, Ma.s.sey-Harri.s .Vo.

* 81 ti ac to r . Biilo wire. Foril.snn end O llyer pHit.s DubUr. T r a c l o r Co.. .North Windtuim P.ond. Wil- l lm an tic . Phone 2 0 5 8 .

KLKl T R IC Phone 5134

Mllkifig machine.

,'60 WUrr.NEY Stecr-O • Matfc I babv carriage, never used.* $45. | T e l. '3134.

U'.NDEROROU.VD garbage receiv-

years: will not corrode. Sanitary —odorles.s In aummer. will not freere in winter. Immediate de­liveries. Phone 2-9454.

I POW ER TOOLS. Work Is easier ' and more necurale when done I with Wards power craft tool*.I S ow In .atock 12 ” lilt a rb o r .saw, 1 j $284. Wood liirnitu Inthc.s,

$49.95. Montgomery Ward Co.. 828 Main street. Phone 51<11. '. [

FOltD.-^ON tractor saw ric attach- | ed. '$'2 0 0 . .lacot) Cnnper Phone 8 6 0 6 .

In 2 weeks. Tel. 8296.

: ANCHESTER — Immediate oc­cupancy: 4-room single, roughly flnlsheii children's playroom- up­stairs. Timki 1 . oil burner, con­tinuous hot wate'r. basement laundry and modem kitchen, en­tire house redecorated. Lawn and shade treca. quiet neighborhood, $7,900. Tel. ManoheMer 2-9509.

BR.ANFORD Street Only $500 down to a veteran who can t)Uall- fyv ,-\ttractive aix-room single. In nice „ecllon, combination screens and storm sash. .R eal buy at $7,700. Go.idchlld Realty Co, Realtors. 7925 or Hartford 2-0787. Office 15 Forest street.

T-D14 LNTERNATIONAL bull- doxer. Write C. L, Hale. 124 •Henry atreel or ph<me 7531.

‘ ~ 1M u sica l In s lr i i ip c n ls .5:l

SF.L.MKR ("liirlnet fnr sale. Phone 2-0,181


i1 ■ s •

Pari and I* red 4 9 A

I 'r l v a l r In s tr u c t io n s 2R

CA LI. '2-9027 for InatrucUons In high school and college prepara­tory nialhem allca eourae*.

READlN Gi taught — privaU lea- ao n a- te$ocutlon—achool aiibJecU. Free dcmon.riratlon lesson by request. Write Studio (Johnson Block I, 709 Main. Phone 2-1392.

M usicat— Dminattc 29PJANO TUNING, repsira. recon­ditioning. etc. John iMckerham '28 Bigelow street Phone 4219.

Hrip \\ anted-—Krinal* 3*W ANTED Capable willing.wom­

an ajf cook. Nu.hoiiaework. Apply by phone 3459. Mrs. Horace B Cheney.

WOM E.N W A N TED—Nice hour#, good pav. Plensant Work. Satu r­days oft. .New, Syjrtero Laundry, Harrison atreel.

TWO Wt).MEN. Apply In person. New MihIcI ljum dry, 7 3 ..Summit street.

W ELL SEASO.NED hard wood for stove, furnace or nrcplace. |15.5(' a cord. TeL 697-0,

G a rd e n — P a r m — D a iry 1 P r o d a r ta * SO

PR EM IE R Strawlierry plants. $12 a thousand. Phone 5215

Wearing Apparel— Fur* .“i"TUXEDO, sire 31. blue evening

gown. ’.Mxc 10-12 Both In excel­lent condijlon. ylall 2-9218.


2 First Class P AIN TER S

sio.no Per Day S-Hour Day

Apply In Person

John McCannAO Laurel Street

Cove'Manor Inn

Season Starts .lunc 22 Country Hoard Private Beach

Indoor and Outdoor Sports■ W EK K l.Y RATES


Single R o o m ......... .. . ? 10.00

Double R(Mim(two persons) . . . -7o.00

Children age lS-14 . . S.'S.00DISCOUNT:

.5'“, Off for Four Weeks or Longer.

For reservations call New Haven 6-.*18!>l or write to Morris Cove Ro.id. New Haven. Conn. Folders on

MA.M H ESTER—6-Uoom Sin­gle with sun pnrrh. HrrpliK-e, but water hrut, gariigr, rurner tut. ExrHIent bwalhin. Terms Arranged.. I :3 tA .M 'lirX rr.R - 8-Rnmu sin ­gle, all riinvenlenres. garage, large lot. Priced In sell.M.A.Nt’H E ST E R — '2-1 amlly. 5 rooms each apartment, all run- venJences. 7-car g.irage. rerms Arranged.

T Household Gooda ^1

$98 FOR A 3 piece maple living- room suite? Yes It’s tru e', See It s t Ben.son's. 713 M ain'

FLOOR problem* solved wilii 'jnoleum. aaut.a"- 111* countei Expert wi.rkmsnship, free eati m sies Oped evminga Jonea Furu.lurc Oak street Phonr 2-1041

FLOW ER ANIVvegetable plant.s . reiidy now! Blue si>ruce snd ever­

greens. Ijtndscspe work. Inelud: ing rich loam and labor. Free estimates. Pinatella'a, Burnside Avenue Greenhoivses, 379 Burn-

' Side avenue. East Hartford. 8-3091. , , -------------------------- -- ------ ----------------- -— 1_ \v iin te d — M iile IGERANIUMS and other planls tv > i___ ________________ ______ —i

sale at Tony Aliealdi's atspd. M.AN WANTF.P at- New Model ^ Ito n Notch and. rrowm bv Ijiundi-v Aunlv in person. 73

F IV E ROOMS of furniture, rea- ponablv priced. Owner leaving town, ‘ca ll 8114.

HOSPITAL Bed* or wheel Chair* able Phony Keith s Furniture for rent or Sale Rates reason-4159.___

7 CU l<^. General E lectric refrl- gerator. $50 Good' running con­dition. Phone .2-14 4,5.

COOLEKATOR. Bargain for aum- m er'cotlage. Armory TsYern. 306

Dork Rich LoamDelivered or Loaded

On Yuuij TruckP arker K treel, M iinrheiter

N ext To Coliinlal Board < 0.

Russak Bros, Inc.Phone 2-92SB

or Hartford 8-.‘l2l.'>

N A ILS - N A ILSIII 6 0 0 K p p : S t r u i f c l i t

lo ts o n ly . A ny lypi*

a n d s iz p . . ^ 8 . 1 5 |m t

k op . "

. WHIP BO X “ A " T h e H e r a l d

s o . t ’0 \ EN’T K I — I ’urm of ap- pr(i\lm iitrly-'2.8 arres land— L5 eleared. J f pa-stiire — H-nmm House, ^-d-car gi^rage, rhlcken conp>/ l.oeafed on hard paved road! Sale priee $11,600.

AmHTION..I WSTI.MiS; AT OUR . i r n t r.t _ I

\ L L i : X K K A I . I Y C O .R ..A I T1IKS

1*0 t 'K M E R S ,I(E F .T TEI K.I'HONF 5105

All l.tncf ol lii«urunr«, tnrinding l.lfe.

Mnrfgagw Arranged

N O T IDLE T A L KI Have Cash Buyers for Your Property!

I Need One and Two-Family Homes To Sell! HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF SELLINCj?i IS THE TJME! ^

Would Appreetate the .Op|M>rtunily of Olseussing This M atter$\l4h You.

A K T H U H A . K M ) F I A , K c a l t o rI8elllng MiinrhcMer Real Estate Since 1921

Telephone 5440 • .5983 875 Maly Street


O FFICE W O R KRecent or Currenl Year

H. S. Graduate Preferr'd.Apply



Sense NonsenseWky Nd Like

thinner than

forma,'v wall worth


Because thejb they used to be.

BecauseBecause thi

l(x>king overBecause e y are bol<f Because they are easy

they carry the whereytr they go. ' . \

« they have a great Mai of iolluanea.

/ Bacauae they are not afraid iqteak their minds.

Because If they knew anything they usually tell it.

’ Because they always have the last word.

Becauiw back numbers are not in demand.

Because every man should have one of his own and not run a'fter hla neighbor's.

"\Vhat caused the explosion at your houae?"

"Powder on my coat Sleeve."


Weather Man—Put doam rain for a ceruinty this afternoon.

Aaalatant—Are you positive, sir TWeather Man—Tee. Indeed, rva

lost my umbrsUa, Tia planaing to play golf, aaiToqr wifrsi giving a lawn party. ''

— ' —

Tsachar—When the tnow and loa have gone, and natjire awakea from her long sleep, snd the tiny buds appear, then what do we have 7

Small Boy—Sulphur and mo- lassea.

'\ - -ii;tty Steno—Could I have my ‘ iwk*S salaty Jn advance?

i\No, my wife made me promise fi<jt to moke any advances to you.

Sales M an s^ t fangrlly)—Who put these flowei'a on my desk ?

Filing Clerk—'n$e president of the company, sir.

Sales Manager—Pi^tty, aren't they?

Peggy—I. want to help you, dad.1 ahall get the dressmaker to teahh. me to cut out gowns i

Dad—I don't want you to go' that far. Peg, but you might, cut out cigarettes and taxi bills. ^

Pupil—Do you think It's right to pualsh folks for things they haven't done?

Teach—Why, of course not, WUlle.

Pupil—Well, 1 didn't do my hosae work.

Sambo—Rastus, -.was yo' eber disappointed la loi^T

Rastus-'Sho', two and a half timea. /

Sambo—How/waa datT Rastus—4|reH, yo' see, A was

twice marri($il an' once rejected

An Irishman was talking with an American, who has toured the Emerald lale.

"I had unpleasant weather moat ofAhe Ume there," aald the Amrr> loan. "And 1 certainly didn’t bunk I re la n d ^ * any Garden:xvf Eden.”

"How'could It be—without any snakes there,” asked the Irishman.


who oan't

A gold; takes h(

ger Is a girt who fund where she finds it.

tor—I must tell you frankly that/I don't like the looks of your wife

ilusband (snorting)-Oh, yeah, 'ell, If you ask me I'd ssy she’s a

darned sight better looking than your wife.

, The miserly old boy Was about to shuffle off the mortal soil and called in his eldest son;

"Here are the ijames of those who otsre me monW," he said. ’’Be sure and see that It Is collscted."

After he had reeled off the namea, the aon staked for a list of those to whom the father owed money.

"Certainly not," cried the old man. "L e t them die and tellyou.”

First Eskimo Wife— Does your husband stay out late during the winter nights?

Second Eskimo Wife—Late!Why, 4ast,nlght he didn't get home till half-past January.

The Floor!1 6CT IT*

THEN AT TMC 1948 OONVf NTION t o u 'a H REAffy •reMgaryouff







A e n k i IDEA. HARRY.' BUT YOUD BETTERm a k e it e a s t * THE NOMINATIONS/m ay b e c l o s e dANY MINUYE j




m x iN t R y

ju a i

a ’fl

5 J7

"And when someone eiM aorote from you on a atreet car,iiiat null th a a h ad a !’* 'just pull the shade!'


t> Ii-v


“ He didn’t exa gave


ctly giva her an angagfment ring, but he her ffie boxtop to send in for itl"

_ € » jiB ttn sM t*» t,a e .T ,ita ia n a rw ..„ ,. J L f i .“i’ll make enough on mjfxPaper route to buy my own clothes if you’ll take care aKjieeeealtiea such as shows,

comic books, hamburgera and tpdaa!’’OUT OUR WAY





" O T ei^


P Jesse sp eak to hini l aldo! I hate to hear a ho^ talk lik e tha(h_

OUK UOAKDING HOUSEmAT5 TME 3 0 a , MA30R • I'D l ik e ' TO KisJOW TODA.V IF 'lOU'RB gon na ' TaKB IT — Th' P|R6 CHIEF WANT* TO I 0UV

ttif WORD.' IT'S . NOT AS FRESH- LOOKING AS 1 EKPeCTeO FiC>R ‘ •eoo.f dM-i<AFF.<


•neLL NlM TO 6H0T OFF ; ,tN e MOTOR.’

MA30R.SO vltC A N .


r- ’ r v m r \



P PiKE’G B A X IN5 vV»T» y.jT

‘H/. ,