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  • A

  • AXIOM (n) self-evident rule or truth.

    AWRY (adj) away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course.

    AVUNCULAR (adj) like a nice uncle

    AVOW (v) confess/declare openly/boldly

    AVARICE (n) extreme greed for wealth or material gain.

    AUTONOMOUS (adj) , acting


    AUTOCRATIC (adj) extremely bossy

    AUSTERE (adj) severe or strict in manner, attitude

    AUSPICIOUS (adj) , favorable.

    AUGMENT (v) to increase or make bigger

    AUDACITY (n) :,

    ATTRITION (n) a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength

    ASTUTE (adj) ,

    ASSUAGE (v) / /

    ASSIMILATE (v) ///

    // / take in & understand

    fully (info or ideas).

    ASSIDUOUS (adj) hardworking, showing great care

    ASCETIC (adj) /, practicing

    self-denial (typically for religious reasons).

    ASCENDANCY (n) , domination,


    ARTIFICE (n) a clever trick (device)

    ARTFUL (adj) ,

    ARISTOCRATIC - (adj) of noble birth

    ARDUOUS (adj) hard, difficult

    ARDENT (adj) passionate,

    ARCHETYPE (n) an original model or pattern,

    ARCHAIC (adj) extremely old

    ARCANE (adj) , , known only

    to a few

    ARBITRARY (adj) , ,


    ARBITER (n) one who decides, a judge

    APTITUDE (n) fitness, talent,

    APPROPRIATE (v) to take without permission

    APPROBATION (n) approval

    APPREHENSIVE (adj) , quickly


    APPRECIATE (v) to increase in value, be grateful for

    APPEASE (v) assuage

    APOTHEOSIS (n) , the perfect

    example of something

    APOCRYPHAL - (n) /, questionable



    -, a prophetic revelation

    APHORISM (n) /

    APATHY (n) ,

    ANTITHESIS (n) the direct opposite,

    ANTIPATHY (n) firm dislike


  • ANOMALY (n) / /

    ANIMOSITY (n) , /

    resentment/ strong hostility

    ANGUISH (n) /

    ANECDOTE (n) a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person

    ANARCHY (n) , ,

    ANALOGY (n) , similarity


    AMORPHOUS (adj) shapeless

    AMOROUS (adj) ,

    AMORAL (adj) lacking a sense of right and wrong, without moral feelings

    AMNESTY (n) an official pardon,

    AMIABLE (adj) friendly, agreeable

    AMENITY (adj) a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place (n), pleasantness (adj).

    AMENABLE (adj) open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled; flexible.

    AMELIORATE (v) to make better,


    AMBIVALENT (adj) /

    having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

    AMBIGUOUS (adj) unclear in meaning; confusing.

    AMBIENCE (n ) the character and atmosphere of a place; mood; .

    ALTRUISM (n) the principle or practice of unselfish concern for the welfare of others; . # (altruistic - )

    ALOOF (adj) not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant; uninvolved, standing off.

    ALLUSION (n) an indirect reference; a statement that refers to something or someone without mentioning directly; .

    # (allude [v]).

    ALLOY - (n) a substance composed of two or more metals (usually a less costly metal mixed with a more valuable metal); ;

    (alloy [v]) (unalloyed means pure).

    ALLOCATE (v) / / to allot

    ALLEVIATE (v) assuage (usually temporarily)

    ALLEGE (v) claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong typically without proof.

    ALACRITY (n) ; ex: he

    carried their luggage out to the car with great alacrity.

    AGNOSTIC (n) an atheist is someone who doesnt believe in god but an agnostic on the other hand, isnt sure about god.

    AGGREGATE (n) sum total/ a collection of separate things mixed together/

    # (aggregate [v]) # (antonyms - segregate)

    AGRARIAN (adj) ;

    AGENDA (n) list of things to be done in a program;

    AFFLUENT (adj) rich; wealthy.

    AFFINITY (n) A natural attraction; kinship; ; ; ; similarity

  • AFFECTATION (n) an unnatural or artificial behavior (usually intended to impress)

    AFFABLE (adj) easy to talk to, friendly;

    AESTHETIC (adj) having a sense of the beautiful (artistic beauty); artistic;

    ADVERSE (adj) unfavorable;

    ADULTERATE (v) to contaminate; to make impure; by mixing

    ADULATION (n) wild or excessive admiration; flattery;

    ADROIT (adj) clever or skilful

    ADMONISH (v) to scold gently; to warn; ;

    ADHERENT (n) follower; supporter; believer.

    ADAMENT (adj) refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind; stubborn; completely inflexible;

    ACUTE (adj) severe; intense; # sharp; having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight; shrewd;

    ACUMEN (n) ; ;


    ACRIMONIOUS (adj) angry and bitter (typically of speech or discussion); ;

    ACRID (adj) ; ; like acid

    ACQUIESCE (v) accept something reluctantly but without protest;

    ACERBIC (adj) sharp and forthright or straightforward (especially of a comment or style of speaking); # tasting sour or bitter.

    ACCOST (v) approach and speak to someone boldly or aggressively;

    ACCOLADE (n) an award; an honor

    ABYSMAL (adj) extremely or hopelessly bad or severe; immeasurably deep or great;

    ABSTRUSE (adj) hard to understand

    ABSTRACT (adj) theoretical; not applied or practical; # a brief summary (n)

    ABSTINENT (adj) voluntarily self-denial; (abstain [v] ); (abstainer [n])

    ABSOLVE (v) to set (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.

    ABRIDGE (v) to shorten

    ABORTIVE (adj) ;

    ABNEGATE (v)

    ABJECT (adj)

    ABHOR (v) to hate very very much

    ABERRATION (n) the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type; (aberrant [adj])

    ABDICATE (v) to give up or renounce (authority, duties, an office, etc.), especially in a voluntary or formal manner;

    ABATE (v) to subside; to reduce;


    ABASH (v) to make ashamed; to embarrass

    ABASE (v) behave in a way that degrades (someone); bring down;

    ABET (v) Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong;

  • ABEYANCE (n) A state of temporary suspension; ;

    ABJURE (v) Solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim);

    ABOMINATION (n) A thing that causes disgust or loathing/abhorrence; A feeling of hatred; /; /


    ABORIGINAL (adj) Inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times; ;

    (aborigine [n])

    ABOUND (v) Exist in large numbers or amounts;

    ABROGATE (v) ; ; ;

    ACCEDE (v) Agree to a demand, request, or treaty; ;

    ACCENTUATE (v) Make more noticeable or prominent;

    ACCLAIM (v) to praise publicly and enthusiastically; ;

    ACCORD (v) Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition);


    ACCOUTERMENTS/ACCOUTREMENTS (n) personal clothing; accessories;

    ACCRUE (v) (Of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time;


    ACQUISITIVE (adj) Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things;

    ACQUIT (v) ; # (to acquit

    oneself) Conduct oneself or perform in a

    specified way: the goalkeeper acquitted himself well

    ACRONYM (n) An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA).

    ADAGE (n) A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth: out of sight out of mind;

    ADDUCE (v) Cite as evidence;

    ADJOURN (v) hold in abeyance; postpone;

    ADJUNCT (n) A thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part; # ; assistant

    AD-LIB (v) Speak or perform spontaneously or without previously preparing ones words

    ADVENT (n) The arrival of a notable person or thing;

    ADVENTITIOUS (adj) # irrelevant

    # #

    ADVOCATE (v) Publicly recommend or support # (as noun )

    AFFIDAVIT (n) A written statement () for use as evidence in court

    AFFILIATE (v) Officially attach or connect to an organization # admit as a member # (n) member or

    AFFLICTION (n) pain; misery; illness; great suffering; # A cause of pain/misery

    AFFORD (v) ; provide or supply

    AFFRONT (n) # ( [v]

    ; ; # )

  • AFTERMATH (n) The consequences; after-effects of a significant unpleasant event; A period of time following a disastrous/tragic event: in the aftermath of war

    AGITATE (v) Make (someone) troubled or nervous; ; ;

    AGITATION (n) A state of anxiety or nervous excitement; ;

    AGGRANDIZE (v) to exaggerate;

    # Increase the power, status, or wealth


    AGGRIEVE (v) ; ; injure

    by injustice; ([n] Aggrievance)

    AGHAST (adj) terrified; shocked

    ALCHEMY (n) a power or process of transforming something common into something special

    ALIENATE (v) make feel isolated or estranged; to cause to feel unwelcome;


    ALLEGIANCE (n) loyalty

    ALLEGORY (n)

    ALLOT (v) allocate


    AMASS (v) Gather together or accumulate (a large amount) over a period of time; ;

    AMID (prep) in the middle of; (the lost girl was sitting amid a group of teddy)

    ANATHEMA (n) a person or thing disliked intensely; feel antipathy

    ANCILLARY (adj) Something which functions in a supplementary or supporting

    role ; In addition to something else, but

    not as important # (n) assistant

    ANGST (n) anxiety;

    ANNEX (v) to add or attach

    ANNUITY (n) A fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life; # # (v) annuitize

    ANTEDATE (v) to be older than; to have come before #

    ANTERIOR (adj) Nearer the front;

    ANTHOLOGY (n) a collection (especially / )

    ANTHROPOMORPHIC (adj) the act of giving the characteristics of humans to other things; The definition of anthropomorphic is anything that may be made to look like a human >> An example of something anthropomorphic might be a vase that is shaped like a human.

    ANTIPODAL (adj) situated on the opposite side of the earth; diametrically exact opposite

    ANTIQUITY (n) The ancient past (time/people) # oldness;

    APEX (n) highest point; top;

    APOGEE (n) most distant point in the orbit of the moon/satellite from earth # ~ Apex; The highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination

    APOPLEXY (n) stroke ( ) # a

    loss of the ability to speak as a result of being mad/angry

    APOSTASY (n) ;

    APPALLING (adj) Horrifying; shocking;

    APPARITION (n) an unusual sight or the shadowy image of someone who has died

  • APPELLATION (n) A name or title

    APPENDAGE (n) A thing (extra) that is added or attached to something larger or more important # ([v] append)

    APPORTION (v) Divide up and share out

    APPOSITE (adj) ;

    APPRAISE (v) to determine the value or quality of; ;

    APPRISE (v) to inform or to notify

    APPURTENANCE (n) an Appendage

    APROPOS (adj) Very appropriate to a particular situation

    APT (adj) Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances; # Having a tendency to

    do; # likely;

    ARCADE (n) A covered passage with arches along one or both sides


    ARCHIVES (n) a place where historical docs or materials are stored; historical docs or materials themselves; # ([v] archive)

    ARID (adj) very dry; # lacking life/ interest / imagination

    ARMAMENT (n) Military weapons and equipment; # the process of arming for war

    ARMISTICE (n) An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce;

    ARRAIGN (v) to bring a person in front of a judge to formally charge him with a crime and to record his response;

    ARRANT (adj) absolutely; completely (used with negative words)

    ARREARS (n) the state of being in debt; # unpaid debts;

    ARSENAL (n) a collection of armaments; # a collection of things, skills or talents

    ARTICULATE (v) ;

    # ([adj] articulate)

    ARTISAN (n) craftsman; ;

    ASCERTAIN (v) to verify or confirm something; make sure of;

    ASCRIBE (v) regard something as being due to (a cause); "he ascribed Jane's short temper to her upset stomach" # regard a quality as belonging to; "tough-mindedness is a quality commonly ascribed to top bosses" # to regard (something) as belonging to; "a quotation ascribed to Thomas Cooper"

    ASKANCE (adv) With an attitude or look of suspicion, doubt or disapproval; a waiter looked askance at his jeans;

    ASPERSION (n) An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something; ; I dont think anyone is casting aspersions on you

    ASPIRE (v) to desire something or to work toward a goal that you strongly want to reach; other people will aspire to be like you # (aspiration [n] ambition)

    ASSAIL (v) Make a concerted or violent attack on;

    ASSERT (v) State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully; ;

    ASSESS (v) Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of

    ASTRINGENT (adj) Sharp, harsh or severe in manner or style; # [n] A

    chemical that cleans skin and close pores by shrinking body tissues

  • ASYLUM - (n) The protection/shelter granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee # Shelter or protection from danger # a mental hospital or similar institution

    ATONE (v) ; (the verb atone is followed by the preposition for) a human sacrifice to atone for the sin

    ATROPHY (v) the act of weakening, wasting away or growth halt of something such as a body part, plant, place or thing; # Gradually decline in

    effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or neglect; the imagination can atrophy from lack of use # [n] atrophy

    ATTEST (v) to affirm something to be true or to authenticate; #

    ATTRIBUTE (v) to ascribe # [n] A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something

    AUGUR (v) (good or bad);

    # to predict or foretell # [n] augury

    AUGUST (adj) ; ; ;

    ; Respected and impressive

    AUSPICES (n) protection; support; sponsorship

    AUXILIARY (adj) secondary; additional; aid;

    AVAIL (v) to be of use;

    AVANT-GARDE (n) New and experimental ideas and methods in art, music, or literature; # A group of artists, musicians, or writers working with new and experimental ideas and methods

    AVERSION (n) strong feeling of dislike

    AVERT (v) prevent from happening; to prevent;

    AVID (adj) eager;

  • B

  • BANAL (adj) So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring; ordinary; ;

    ; # [n] Banality

    BANE (n) A cause of great distress, annoyance, harm or death;

    BASTION (n) castle; fortress;

    BEGET (v) to give birth to; to lead to; to create; to cause something to happen;


    BELABOR (v) to explain or work at something for longer than is necessary or repeatedly; # to beat severely

    BELEAGUER (v) to surround; ;

    # to harass # Put in a very difficult


    BELIE (v) to give a false idea/impression of # fail to give a true impression of

    BELITTLE (v) ;

    BELLIGERENT (adj) Hostile and aggressive; quarrelsome; waging war

    BEMUSED (adj) ; ; confused

    BENEFACTOR (n) one who provides help or support, especially in the form of a gift or donation

    BENEFICIARY (n) one who receives benefits from benefactor

    BENEVOLENT (adj) generous; kind; charitable

    BENIGN (adj) gentle; kind; # not

    harmful in effect (in medical & environment) # mild and favourable (in environment)

    BEQUEST (n) - or


    BEREAVED (adj) a sadness, such as the loss of someone as a result of death

    BESET (v) to harass; trouble persistently; to surround;

    BLASPHEMY (n) the action of saying something concerning God/sacred things that is very disrespectful

    BLATANT (adj) ; ; (Of bad

    behaviour) done openly and unashamedly; blatant lies

    BLIGHT (n) A thing that spoils or damages something; # [v] blight

    BLITHE (adj) happily/cheerfully unaware/carefree # cheerful

    BOURGEOIS (adj) Belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, usually in a pejorative () sense; boringly

    conventional attitudes

    BOVINE (adj) sluggish or stupid; #

    cow related; cowlike

    BREVITY (n) briefness # shortness of time # the quality of being concise (


    BROACH (v) to cautiously bring up a sensitive or controversial topic for discussion # a decorative item designed to be attached to garments

    BUCOLIC (adj) charmingly rural or countrylike

    BUREAUCRACY (n) ; A system of

    government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives

    BURGEON (v) to grow or blossom rapidly; ; to expand; to flourish;

    BURLESQUE (n) a parody;

    BACCHANAL - (n) A wild and drunken celebration

  • BALEFUL (adj) threatening and dangerous; deadly; evil # baleful glance; the baleful effects of water pollution

    BALK (v) refuse/stop/hold back from doing something

    BALLYHOO (n) sensational advertising or propaganda; #

    BALM (n) something that heals or soothes

    BANDY (v) #

    BANTER (n) playful conversation; teasing or joking with someone in a friendly way;

    BAROQUE (adj) having many details or too many details (in a pejorative/ extravagance/complexity sense)

    BARRAGE (n) a large volume of something, or a huge amount of things happening all at once #

    BAUBLE (n) Something that is superficially attractive but useless or worthless;

    BEDLAM (n) / /

    BEGRUDGE (v) to envy ( /

    ) the pleasure or good fortune of

    (someone) # allow/give/expend unwillingly

    BEHEST (v) command; order

    BEMOAN (v) to complain or express grief about something; ;


    BENIGHTED (adj)

    BESTOW (v) Confer ( ) or present

    (an honour, right, or gift) (usually followed by on or upon) > The trophy was bestowed upon the winner. life has bestowed much good fortune on

    Rahim # to put to some use; apply > Time spent in study is time well bestowed.

    BILIOUS (adj) ill-tempered; ; #

    Affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting

    BIVOUAC (n) A temporary camp without tents or cover, used especially by soldiers or mountaineers

    BLANCH (v)

    BLAND (adj) Lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting; something that is lacking in flavor # Showing no strong emotion

    BLANDISHMENT (n) adulation; flattery; (to get something or to get someone to do something)

    BLISS (n) Perfect happiness; great joy # bliss out [v] - Reach a state of perfect happiness

    BLUSTER (v) to roar; to speak or act noisily; - #

    (air) # [v] bluster

    BOMBAST (n) speech or writing that sounds much more important than it is (used to impress people);

    BON VIVANT (n) a person who enjoys good food and drink and other luxuries;

    BONA FIDE (adj) genuine; real;

    BOON (n) a thing that is helpful or beneficial; blessing;

    BOOR (n) ; ;

    BOOTY (n) valuable stolen goods, especially those seized in war # a slang term for a butt

  • BOTCH (v) Carry out (a task) badly or carelessly; #

    ; # #

    [n] botch

    BRACING (adj) fresh and invigorating (strength, energy & vitality giving);

    BRANDISH (v) wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement

    BRAVADO (n) confident or brave talk or behavior that is intended to impress other people; (when someone is really afraid)

    BRAWN (n) Physical strength in contrast to intelligence; > commando work required as much brain as brawn

    BRAZEN (adj) Bold and without shame

    BREACH (n) An act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; violation; ; # A

    gap/crack/fracture in a wall, barrier, or defence, especially one made by an attacking army # [v] breach

    BRINK (n) edge;

    BRISTLE (v) (Of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear; # bristle [n] A stiff animal hair, or a man-made substitute, used to make a brush

    BROMIDE (n)

    BROUHAHA (n) a state of social agitation when a minor incident gets out of control, sometimes referred to as an uproar or hubbub (; ; )

    BRUSQUE (adj) rough and abrupt in manner or speech

    BUFFOON (n)

    BULWARK (n) A defensive wall # any protection against external danger, injury, or annoyance: The new dam was a bulwark against future floods. # any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger, or doubt: Religion was his bulwark.

    BYZANTINE (adj) very complex or intricate # Characterized by deviousness (devious [adj] - Indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way;
