a basic guide to setting up & using facebook and facebook pages

Setting up and Using Facebook – A Moray Heritage Connections Training Event

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Post on 19-May-2015



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Moray Connections organised a training day for museum and heritage centre volunteers in using Facebook to promote their organisations. This presentation provides a basic how to guide to setting up a facebook account, creating your profile, creating posts, adding images, and creating a facebook page.


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Setting up and Using Facebook – A Moray Heritage Connections Training Event

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Why use Facebook?

• Connects you directly to your audiences

• Provides you with a social outlet for communications

• Enables you to update your followers immediately

• Enables you to communicate in real-time

• Helps to raise awareness of your organisation

• Helps to establish your brand

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What do people want from Museums on Facebook?

• To find out about up coming exhibitions

• To show support for the institution

• To help promote the museum

• If they were impressed by a visit and want to let their friends know about it

• To get discounts or special offers

• To show friends they are cultured

• To demonstrate that the museum reflects their tastes and views.

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Creating a Facebook Profile

In order to use Facebook Pages for your organisation you need to set up a Facebook

Profile first.

• What is a Facebook Profile? Profiles represent the individual – You.

• What is a Facebook Page?

Pages are designed for businesses, organisations and brands.

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Visit www.facebook.com to create an account

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To create an account you need to complete the Sign

Up process first

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You will need to complete the security check in order to activate your account – Facebook may ask for a mobile phone number in which to send you a security code. You can edit your profile details later to remove your

mobile number from the site.

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Insert your mobile number here and click ‘continue’

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You will then receive a text message from Facebook with a short security code – you will need this to enter into the Facebook website.

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This box will appear for you to enter in your security code. Once you have entered in the code click ‘confirm’.

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You may be presented with this message – Friend Requests Block for 14 days. You can add friends based on the recommendations Facebook makes, but will not be able to make Friend Requests from the general public. You are still able to ‘Like’ pages. After 14 days you can start to make friend requests.

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Once these steps have been completed you are now able to use your Facebook account.

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Facebook will make Friend Recommendations for you – these are people who have some form of association with you.

My Mother My Colleague A Friend

If you do not want to use Facebook personally you can ‘Skip’ this step.

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Facebook will ask you if you would like to scan your Email account to find friends who are on Facebook. Follow the steps if you wish to connect with your contacts. You can ‘Skip This Step’ if you do not want Facebook to find friends on your email account.

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You can enter in as much detail about yourself or as little as you would like. When entering in your School details Facebook will try to connect you with other pupils who studied at this school. You can ‘Skip’ this section.

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Based on the information you provide Facebook will make friend recommendations. You do not have to add any friends at this stage. You can ‘Skip’ this stage to complete the set up of a personal Facebook profile.

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If you are planning on using Facebook – then it is important that you upload a photo for your profile picture.

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By clicking on ‘Upload a Photo’ a dialogue box will appear and prompt you to ‘browse’ your computer for a photo.

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Once you have uploaded a photo you can now click on ‘Save & Continue’

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The first screen you will see will look similar to this. Here you can begin to add more detail about yourself, make friend requests, set your privacy settings, and start to familiarise yourself with the Facebook system.

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This space here is called your ‘Wall’ – this is where all the posts from the people you are friends with and the pages that you follow will be displayed. It is like a news feed. At first you will not have any posts on your Wall, this will only happen once you start to make friends and like pages.

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This is your personal Facebook profile

timeline. This is what people will see when they visit your profile page.

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When you click on the logo ‘Facebook’ it will always take you back to your Wall (or news feed).

When you click on your Name – this will take you to your own personal profile timeline.

When you click on Home this will also take you back to your Wall (or news feed).

To access your Facebook account settings, privacy settings, to access your Pages and to log out you need to click on the downward facing arrow next to the tab ‘Home’.

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By clicking on the arrow we can access your account and privacy settings.

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These are your Account Settings.

You can change all the details you provided when setting up the account if you wish.

Use the sidebar here to navigate around the different settings.

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These are your Privacy Settings. You have 3 options Public (anyone can see your posts and profile) Friends (only those people you are friends with can see your posts and profile) And Custom (where you can decide who sees what).

You can edit each setting by clicking on ‘Edit Settings’

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On clicking ‘Edit Settings’ a dialogue box will appear and prompt you to decide who can and who cannot see your content, connect with you and engage with your page. There are typically 3 options – Friends, Friends of Friends and Everyone. Select ‘Friends’ if you wish to have a private profile.

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On selecting ‘Custom Privacy’ this dialogue box will appear. You will be able to control how visible you are on Facebook. If you do not want anyone to connect with you or see your content or details you will want to select ‘Only Me’ from the drop down menu above.

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If you would like to deactivate your account (or delete it) you need to access your Account Settings.

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To deactivate your account you need to click on ‘Security’ first.

To start the deactivation process you need to click on this link here and follow the instructions.

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This is what a typical Facebook wall looks like once you have started to make friends and ‘like’ pages.

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On the lefthand side of the tool bar are 3 icons. 1. Friend Request Icon – symbolised by two heads 2. Private Messages – symbolised by a speech

bubble 3. Your notifications – symbolised by a globe.

Red Flags with numbers will appear when you have a new friend request, private message or notification. Notifications – these are messages to alert you to news and posts left by your friends and the pages you like.

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To create a Post you need to insert your text, photo or video into the ‘Status Update’ box at the top of your Wall.

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Like so…

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To add a photo or video – you need to click on Add Photo/Video across the top of the status update dialogue box.

You will need to click on Browse to select the image from your computer to upload the image.

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Your photo and message will then appear on your profile timeline and your friend’s


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If you want to draw attention to your post you can select Highlight – this icon will appear when you hover the mouse over the post you wish to Highlight.

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Your post will now appear across the full width of your timeline. Making it more visible for your friends.

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To edit your image or text, hide or delete your post you need to click on the Pencil Icon – which appears when you hover your mouse over the post you wish to edit.

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On your own Timeline and your friends Timeline profiles you can access content easily by clicking on the boxes below.

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Clicking on the ‘Photo’ box will let you see all the photos, photo albums and tagged photographs shared on your own or your friends Facebook profile.

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When you click on the ‘Likes’ box you can see all the pages that you or your friends follow.

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How to create a Facebook Page? Next we will look at how you can create your own Facebook Page for your business, organisation, community group or brand.

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To create a page you can visit any organisations page such as HI-Arts Audience Development and click on the link ‘+ Create a page’

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You can also create a page by visiting the home page for Facebook and clicking on the link ‘Create a Page’ here

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First you need to select the type of page you want to create – it is recommended that cultural and heritage organisations select ‘Company, Organisation or Institution’ when setting up a business page.

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You will be asked to select a category for your organisation and enter in your organisation/company name. You must tick the box to agree with Facebook terms and conditions to proceed.

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First you need to upload a profile picture for your page. This might be your business logo, a photo, a graphic or a picture of you.

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You will then need to add in information about your organisation. This is essential for helping people to find out and to know what you do.

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The last thing you need to do is consider what Facebook web address you want the page to have. This enables your page to be found more easily and makes it easier for you to promote to others.

Warning: You can only set this ONCE – you cannot change the web address after you have clicked ‘set address’.

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Once you have completed those stages you now have a live organisation or business page.

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Unlike your personal profile account, you have access to an Admin Panel on your Facebook Page. This lets you see how effective your Facebook posts and engagement is.

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You can hide your admin panel by clicking on the tab ‘hide’ above

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With a Facebook Page you can include a Cover Photo as well as a profile picture. This lets you create a more visually interesting Facebook Page.

By clicking on ‘Add a Cover’ you can select a photo from your computer.

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Once you have selected a photo or image you can then drag the image around with your mouse to reposition it. This is especially good for large photos.

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In your Admin Panel you have a tab called ‘Edit Page’ which will let you edit your information, manage permissions for administrators, manage your notifications, and change back to your personal profile account.

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Your Admin Panel will tell you everything you need to know about your page. You will see all the activity taking place on your page – called Notifications. You will see who has ‘Liked’ you and how people have been engaging with your Facebook Content. This is particularly important when monitoring the effectiveness of Facebook for your organisation.

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When you click on ‘Insights’ you will see all the analytics data about your page. This will tell you how many people like you, what your potential reach is across the Facebook network, and how many people are talking about your page. This information is also broken down by individual post.

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You can add as many people to ‘Administer’ your page as you would like. In order to make someone (a colleague) an administrator they first need to ‘Like’ your page.

Under ‘Edit Page’ you need to select ‘Admin Roles’ in order to assign administrator status.

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Here you will see a list of the administrators for your page. If you wish to add a new administrator you need to add their email address into the dialogue box provided. They will then be able to manage, edit and monitor your page.

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You can select the type of role your administrator has by clicking on the downward facing arrow next to the word ‘Manager’

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To remove an administrator from your page you simply click on the ‘X’ next to the name of the administrator you wish to remove and click on save.

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When using your page you are able to leave friends and pages messages using the name of your Page rather then your personal name.

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To return to using your personal facebook profile you need to click on the downward facing arrow and under ‘Use Facebook as’ select your name.

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In future when you log into your Facebook account and want to access your Facebook Page – click on the arrow and under ‘Use Facebook as’ select the page you want to manage.

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When you have finished using Facebook ensure that you have logged out.

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When you return to use Facebook again, you now need to sign in using the boxes above.

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This was a basic overview of how to set up and use Facebook and Facebook Pages.

Thank you for your time.

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