a bazaar mrs h. griffiths , costumier...

THE TBESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913. Wedding and Birthday Presents In Great Variety at KENNEDY'S, 27, GALGATE The Noted Wedding Ring Shop. A Present with every Ring. Watches, Clocks, aud Jewellery Repaired. Antique Silver, Carios, China, etc., purchased for Cash. Circulating Library in connection -with Mudies Agent (or the celebrated Ingersoll Watches from 5/-. T O LEST, T w o Cottages at Low Starttorth. —Apply, J. Gregory, Startforth. C OTTAGE TO LIST iu the Churcbjard.- A PP>y> Johnson, Earby Hall, Newsham, Barnard Castle. rpwO-UOOMEU COTTAGE ana UARDKN JL To Let, at High StarUorth.—Apply, 21, Bridgegate. Apartments. LET, Thorne Cottage, Barnard Castle, Four Rooms, Scullery, Pantry, and Wash- house. Rent, £10.—Apply, 11, Hall-street. B ARNARD CASTLE. Furnished House Wanted for the month of June, 5 o r 6 rooms. —dtate price and fall particulars to Jacob Dickinson, 105, High Park Road, Newcastle-on- Tyne. L OST, Black and White Smooth-haired Cur Dog," Jack." Finder rewarded.-Ward, Greta Bridge. attuattong SHantto t'.rrt Uacam. W ANTED, a Good General.—Apply, Airs W. H. York, 3, John Street, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, a Good General Servant at once —Apply, Raby Hotel, Barnard Castle. w ANTED, Kitchenmaid.—Apply, Mrs Ward Greta Bridge. w ANTED, a Good General.—Apply, Kyle, Bede Villa, Barnard Castle. Miss W ANTED, Respectable General, aged about 18, willing to milk.-Apply, Mrs S. Storey, Wool House, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, at the Term, a Good, Strong Girl One able to milk preferred.—Mrs T Foster, 10, Marshall-street, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, an Assistant and an Apprentice to the Dressmaking."—Apply, Mrs Lowes, 12, Montalbo-terrace, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, an Apprentice to the Millinery Business.—Apply, Mrs Griffiths, 11, Galgate, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, May 13th, Plain Cook, House- maid kept, 2 in family, no washing.— Apply, Mrs Hugginson, Romaldkirk. W ANTED, at once, thoroughly competent General Servant, help given.—Mrs Bourne, The Green, Cotherstone. M ~ ESSKSi J. PAKK1X30N AND SONS b»ve vacancies tor 2 apprentices to clothing, drapery, and furnishing trade. W ANTED, a Good Housemaid, at May Term, —Apply, Mr Joseph Errington, Beaconsfield House, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, Caretaker for Free Christian Church, Newgate.—Apply W. Robson 6, York-terrace, Barnard C.istle. Y OUNG MAN, 18 or 20, Wanted. Willing to do anything on Grass Farm.—Raine, Streetside, R jkebj. CL ^KKSON UAKKKK, Cnoraist, IMgace, Barnard Castle, has a Vacancy for an Apprentice. Business thoroughly taught.—Particulars on application. H OUSEKEEPER Wanted, at May Term, for Farmhouse, good dairywoman. Refer euce required.—Apply, Gibson, Westwick Farm, Barnard Castle. EQHIKED, Nice, Superior Girl, Tram as Cook-General. Strong, Active, some knowledge of Cooking and Housework. Good wages. Outings.—Apply, Box A., " Teeadale Mercury " Office, Barnard Castle. W ANTED, a Man and his Wife, without ohlldren, not exceeding 50 years, to act as caretaker of Dale House, Forest. Man to work in the Quarry. References required. Apply, Q. Hodsmao, dale House. Foreac. tHusceiiatiMiaj SUnts, ijales. Etc* W ANTED, a Kostor Mother for Pointer Puppies. Dao 3rd May.—Henry Weighell, East Cowton, Northallerton. ANTED to Bay Good Leaf Mould by Truck Load.—Apply, stating price per Ton, to Janes Lav/son, Thornton Plsoe, Sunderland W ANTED, a,000 Fresh Eggs weekly ; also Good Dairy Fresh Butter.—Apply, Robert MorreU, Coe.fefl.eld, C o u n t y D u r h a m . W ANTED, to Summer.—Apply Mercury Take-in 6 Strong Burks, t Box J.C.," Teesaale ' Office, Barnard Castle. V 1 ! / ANTED, iWPA^iRB ~ TO PROPEttT X 7T Tow- or Count??. Slatoa, Laths, B.dgea, oto., tor sale.—JOHN LANCASTER, Bating and Tiling Contractor, Coronation Bireet,Barnard Castle; also at Choanal Street, Darlington. Tel: «1. P RAM FOR SALE, good condition.—Apply 17, Marshall-street, Barnard Castle PIGS TORE 1 Marwood. for Sale.—James bioddaro L ITTER Orf PIGS FOR SALE.—Apply, Mrs Allison, Quarry Grange, Barnard Castle. P OTATOES, Finest Quality, Clean and Dry, Cwt. Bags. Handy price.—Burn, Potato Merchant. Barnard Castle. F OR SALE, Screened Maiu Coal for Houue hold Purposes can be had at 11 8 per ton at West Crane Row Colliery, Woodlaud. Good Hay, -Apply, in large or small Burn, Fruiterer, F OR SALE, quantities. Barnard Castle. F ~OR SALE, about 8 Tons of Good Hay, by ton or lump, either cut and delivered, or at the stack.—Apply, Hogg's, Wycliffe Mill. H OUSEHOLD COALS from 15/- per Ton best Rough Nut Coals (Uarvey Seam) Delivered in Barnard Castle, at £1 per Ton.— Apply, J. Stoddart, Marwood. Uteasmg, ©tc, €a lizi or for Sale. "10 LET, Cottage, No. 2, North View. 46, Newgate, Barnard Castle. -Apply, lO LE T, Workshop or Warehouse, in Galgate. L —Apply, Hedley, Shooing Forgo, Barnard Castle. aOGSES TO LET in Newgate, Barnard Castle, 5 and 7 rooms respectively.—Apply, Miss Hepworth, Spring Grove, Barnard Castle. 2 AO LET, Immediate Possession, No. 73, Galgate, prominent position.—Apply, Mr Bonby Holmes, Solicitor, Barnard Castle. I r PO LET, 9 Baliol Street, Garden attached. JL Apply, Mrs White, 33, Galgate, Barnard Castle. r pO LET, a Cottage lu Pearson X Apply, Pearson, 9, Hurae Barnard Castle, Terrace.— Market, r no LET, 3, Hill Terrace, Middloton-ln-Tees X dale, a -roomed H use, Bath-room, etc.— Apply, Mrs Collinson, 2, Hill Terrace, Middle- ton-in-Teesdale. B ARNARD CASTLE—TO LET, Mortbam House, Park Terrace and Newgate.— Apply, Messrs Watson, Watson, and Wells, Solicitors, Barnard Castle. r PU LET, at Middle Green, Mickleton, a JL Cottage, with Kitchen, two Bedrooms, aud Cellar.—Apply, Miss Dant, Strathmore Lawn, Galgate, Barnard Castle. F OR SALE, all shop fittings, outside lights counter, tobacco case, mirrors, scales sun-blind, gas-fittings, post-card stand, ana glass shelves.—Apply, Sua tor, Market-place. Closing tho premises.—Last week of sale See windows, VI u U b K - v funeral Cars, Coaches, Landau., -Lvx Motor Hearse, Vac, Brake and Charabano Bodies. Now and sacond-haad, 50. Low prices, sale or hire.—Catalogues— Marston, 21, Bradford Street, Birmingham. Red! White, , Next pen White Orpington.—Mrs Fife, LE T, immediately, 4-roomed House, at Boldron.—Apply, Thoa. Alderson, 23, Montalbo Terrace, Barnard Castle ; or No why lackson, Boldroa. AO LET, with possession at iVlay Term, No. 8, Coronation Street, Barnard Castle, Containing Sitting-room, Kitchen, Scullery (with boiler), Pantry, and usual conveniences Bedrooms.—Apply, M r E . Higginbotham, Vere Terrace, Barnard Castle. 1 ^0* LET, with possession at May Day, the . House and Shop, number 13, the Batik Barnard Castle, next to tho General Post Office, and now occupied by Mrs Richardson Gunsmith.—Apply to Mr R. Arrowatnitb, Bank 'lio LET, at Bowes, a Goott Dselling-house, JL with Butcher's Shop, Killicg Shop, Stable Cow-byre, and other conveniences at the back Apply to Mr Wm. Hutchinson, 39, Galgate, Barnard Castle. r no LET, by the JL John Kipling, Trustees of the late Mr Lock-up Shop, now ia the occupation of M r T. N. Hutchinson, Butcher, situated in the Bank, Barnard Castle.—Apply, Mr William Hutchiason, 39 Galgate, Barnard Castle. T yO LET, Good Four-R.'oined House, with Bank, Egglestone. May day entry.—Applica- tion Co oe made to R. Tnouipion, Gate Farm Egglestoue; or Mrs Pinkney, 8, Market Place Middieton-io-Teesdale. M 1DDLETON-IN-TBESDALE.—To L o t , iaa mediate possession, a Dwelling-house atid Shop and 2 Rooms and Kitchen on ground floor ; 2 Sitting and 2 Bedrooms on first iloor and 4 Bedrooms on top floor ; ail in order, rent moderate.—Apply, Coltmsn, Rose Terrace, fcuugiaus Announcements, I .'REE CHRISTIAN (UNITARIAN) CHURCH 1 Newgate, Barnard Castle.—Sunday May 4tb, 1913.—Morning, 10-48 ; Evening. $-80 ; proacbeir, Supplies. Ail are welcome. i i ALL - STREET CONUREGATIONAL 5 1 CHURCH, Barnard Castle..—Sunday May 4th, 1913.—Morning, 1C-30; preacher, Mr K.W. Young. E v e n i n g , t>-30 ; preacher, Mr J. W. White. I :J»RlMlTlVi'. METHODIST CRCJUOH, New E gate, Barnard Castle.—Sunday, May 4th, 1913.—Morning. 10-80 ; Evening, 6-30 pfe&cher, Rev. J. Hawkins. iyESLEYAN CHURCH, Barnard Castle. VV Sunday, May 4th, 1913.—Morning 10-30; Evening, 6-30; Burton, of Saltbnrn. preacher, Mr D. M ISoacation. M IBS FLORENCE WATSON, L.R.A.M on Tuesday, May Cfcb, 1913. M R F. W. RAPER, F.R.CX)., resumes his duties on Tuesday, May 65b, 1913.— Park House, Barnard Castle. Weatwick Lodge, Barnard Castle. 8oarding and Day School for Girls. Preparatory 8cboo! For Boys. PRINCIPAL - MISS MOSEY, S.K. Assisted by a resident stall of L.L.A., L.R.A.M oettificated Dancing and Kindergarten Mistresses. Pupils Prepared for all English and Music Examinations, Next Term begin3 May 1st, 1913. Principal at home April 15th. High School for Girls, Bade Terrace, Daman Castle. H ALF-CROWN Sittings, RI. Black L'ghorns; Buff-Orpington week, new Btaindrop. E UGS for Sittings frum Pedigree Layers : Single-combed Rhode Island Reds, 2s. M.; White vtysndortes, 2s. GJ.; White Leghorns, 2s.; Indian Game Bnff Orpington Cross, 24 per dozen.—Teeadale Egg Depot, Cotherstono. M 'EBSRS BLACKETT BROTHERS, Copioy". Bntterkci.wie, can aow offer a limituu number of EUblS for Sitting, at 3 1. Gd. per dozen, from their Pon of Rosa-comb Rhodo Island Reds: good colours and prolific layers : unfertiles replaced. S.C., RI. Reds, C ^UP and MEDAL WINNERS:—This Year, J nine firsts, fifteen seconds, five thirds ; Eggs from above winners, 3/6 per sittirg. These birds average 240 eggs each in twelve months, chicks double.—Hodgson, Blue Poultry Farm, Cotherstone. R1VATE SALE.—Lady offers magniflcoiTt Service Al Quality Plate (stamped) : 8ix each Table, Dessert Spoons, Foik«, Tea, Egg Spoons, Mua u S a l t Spoons, Toog.i (40 pi aces), Ui -eoiled, accept 25/- ; approvaL—Particulars write B.D., " Teesd.iiu Mercury " Oilice, Barnard CaaUo. Principal - - - - filiss Eglinton. Papils prepared for Cambridge, Local and Royal Academy of Music Examinations Outside Pupils are admitted to instruction in Music, also to the Art Class (Drawing,Painting, Designing, etc), held on MOD lay Afternoons, oy At W. Edward Parkinson, A.R.C A. Lace-making Class for Ladies oa Thursday in each wesk, from 2-15 to 4-15 p.m., commencing May 1st. School rc-opons April 30th. Principal at home Prospectus on application. ArmliratinriM. 5. VtJe>Af- Tftrracp- General glottccs. E. BANCROFT, Spectacle Specialist will attend at tho MECHANICS' INSTITUTE TODAY. APRIL 30 TH, 1913. is your Watch goit>g ? Splendidly, since Wilson. Practical Watchmaker' Thanks! I'll take mine.—Bar::ard H OW si did it Castle. T)lANOS TONED, 3 6. Repair* of every JL description, London factory experience, F. Hall, of Nawcastle and London, will be in Barnard Castle and district for a few days from Monday, May 5th, w&eia he will be ploased to exscui.o all orders oatruste.1 to him. Orders by post cr hand will receive his prompt attention.—Address : Frederick Hall, Golden Lion Hotel, Barnard Castle; or 17, Oxford Street, Newoastla-on-Tyno. Note above price wjy pay more ? aud often to inexperienced ttu.. , i . To Farmers and Otiisrs. T mOS. H. MILBURN begs to inform the farmers and others in the district that he hes taken over tho business of Cart and Wheel- wright as carried on by Mr Joseph Allison, at the Bridge Eud, Startfortii, where he hopes by strict attention, good workmanship, and reasonable charges to merit a sharo of the public paUutjfige, EXHIBITION OF Proprietor : — JOHN B. ARRGWSUITH. NEW MERCHANDISE. A N event of interest to every Lady who delights in new fashions. W G cordially invite you to view our Special display of Costumes, Gowjas, Millinery, Blouses, Underwear, Laces, etc. Everything for th e coming season; everything of the newest and in the best taste. Always a delight- ful rendezvous for the Lady of Fashion, our Show Rooms merit a special visit from you this week. is Music Hall, Barnard Castle. Harrison & Smith's 6|d. & Id. BAZAAR WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, April 23rd, 1913, AND CLOSE Wednesday, May 7th, 1913. A large Stock of Goods suitable for the season. Inspection invited. Goods delivered free to any part of the Town, T. HARRISON , Proprietor. HOWSON & REAY, TEESBALE HOUSE, BARNARD CASTLE. COMMENCES TO-DAY. MASON'S ANNUAL SALE O F I Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, and Oils. Photographic Materials. Druggist's Sundries. Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, etc. Trusses and all Surgical Appliances. SALE LIST ON APPLICATION. MASON'S DRUG STORES, 8, Horse Market, BARNARD CASTLE. Bowes Museum. On Whit-Monday TWO COZSTCIEIR/TS Will be given by the ov THE lst Battalion the East Yorkshire Regiment . (By kind permission of Lieut-Col. II. E, Benson and Oilicers). Afternoon Evening 2-30 to 4-30. 6 to 8. The BOWLING GREEN and TENNIS COURTS will be open. The MUSEUM will be open from 10 to 5 o'clock. -ADMISSION FJIIEE- WCSLLYAN METHODiS) SUNDAY SCHOOL, Barnard Csstle. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES WILL BE UE1.0 ON SUNDAY, MAY 4tl>, 1313. MR D. M. BURTON, OF 8ALTBUEN, Will Preach in tbe Morning, at 10-30 ; and in tha Evening, at 0-30. In the Afternoool at 2-;;o, A SERVICE OF PRAISE, Consisting of Musical Items by tho Children assisted by thft Choir, and the Haildingcf a Model Lighthouse, etc. Collections in aid of the Sanday School Funds. VfO DEM) CHICKS" by~nsioKAKi>a 11' AGES' DRY CHICK FOODJ It will pay you. Chicks reared on this Food alone weigh 20 oa*' at 5 weeks ; commence to lay at 5 months, Au 8d. bag * by post 1/-) rears 12 chicks till 3 weeks old. Bsgs, 4d., 8d., 1/4, 2 6, etc. Makers : ARM (r AGE IJROTHERS, LIMITED, Nottingham. Sold by K . W . Raine, Chemist, Barnard Castle and Middleton-in-Toosdale. The Barnard Castle Amateur Operatic Society In Gilbert and Sullivan's Comic Opera, " IOLANTHE," IN THE Victoria Hall, THURSDAY and FRIDAY MAY lst & 2nd, 1913. CASTE, The Lord Chancellor : Mr C. E. Eumondson. Earl of Mountarar.it: Br J.H, Brown. Earl Tolloller: Mr Stan. Is may (Newoastle Operatic Society), Private Willis (Of tho Grenadier Guards): Mr Fred Novison, Strephon (An;Arcadian Shepherd): Mr J. Bolam (Newcastle Operatic Society), Qaeen of the Fairies: Miss Mabel Emerson. '•IOLAN'IHH " (A Fairy, Screphoa's Mother): Miss Greta Watson. Celia | I Miss P. Duaston, Leila , Fairies -; Miss M. Lambert, Fleta J I Mis'j M ! H«xlley. Phyllis I An Arcadian Suiutlierdeas i Mrs [ and a Ward iu GMncery I Beckwith Chorus if Dukes, Mauris s, Earls, Viscounts Barons a-id Fairies, FULL ORCHESTRA. Conductor - Mr. J. Wiorhtcaan. Coach - Mr IX D. Kennedy. Stage Manager - Mr Ceo. Burt. Doors open at 7-30 p.m. To commence at 8 p.m PRICES: Reserved Front Seats and Rpcprvpd B-.lcony 3/-, to be booked at tho" Teesdale Moicury " Ortioe ; Second Ksatw, 2, -; li»ek Seats, I/. LADIES. LAOltS. Without Drugs, Pills, or Medicine Nurae RO?B guftranleed to cure irregularities and obstructions,, femak ailments in marriod or single women from whatever cause ariBing or how long standing; no d'sappointmcnts* every case a guaranteed cure; numerous testimonials; send stamp tor free adviue.— JOSEPH VV BARMOUTH TT/'ISLiES to announce to the Inhabitants TV of Barnard Castle and surrounding districts that he has recently opeued the shop, No 35, MARKET PLACH, BARNARD CASTLE (Lately occupied bv Mr Jicksou, aud the late Mi Peacock, Butchers;, For tho s>»Io of Flour, Meals, Corn, and Fording Cakes, Garden and Farm Sce f ds, Bee Appliances, Farmer's Tools, etc., And by careful attention wishes to merit a share of public patronage. OHN PEN WIOK& SON,Ltd (Established 1823), ~ Art Dyers, French Cleaners, and Laundrym,, (WORKS: HEXHAU-ON-1YXE). Beg to intimate that, owing to MUM p^ retiring from business, they have appoigS Mrs H. Griffiths, Costumier, etc., 11, GALGATE, their sole representative for this district,*^ all orders will receive every attention, SPRING CLEANING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Cartains, Carpet P. etc.. Cleaned and Dyed promptly. DON'T GOME TO TOWN ftttioe's Lambing Oils, tho oldest and still the best and most valuable remedy, and your surest protection against loss. 1/- per Bottle, from R. W. Raine, Kagle Drag Stores, Barnard Castle. unless you want to, for we will send your goods to you, and WE WILL PAY THE POSTACE. That is our proposition. We will deliver anything in our line, Drugs, Cattle Medicines, Prescriptions, Hot Water Bottles, Thermometers, Syringes. Spectacles, Barometers, Photographers' and Golfers' Requisites —yes, anything under eleven pounds. WE WILL PAY THE POSTACE. Mail us your order with the price of the goods. Your goods will come out on the next post. ILLSLEY, PHARMACIST AND OPTICIAN, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. GOOD BREAD A LUXURY. II' IS ASSURED BY USING PRATT'S YEAST. Reliable sad Guaranteed Pure. R. PRATT, Yeast Merchant, 2, Thoragato & Demesnes Lane, Birnrv •! C.ntlo The TOP AGAIN W. G. RICHARDSON'S CARTRIDGES (BANK, BARNARD CASTLE), lst, divided 2nd and Bed, and 4tb, at Gamekeepers' Shoot, Holwick, boating all ammunition loaded by loading Cartridge Manufacturers, and London and Provincial Loaders, Once more proving their high-class quality, FOR— PATTERN, VELOCITY, PENETRATION, AND REGULARITY UNBEATABLE. BEETLES— fcvtry Beetle coming into proper contact witb -Keating's'' DIEST Sold in Tins, not loose, Id, 3dt. 6d, I/- To KILL Beetles and all home hold injects mil- AITNC'S 1 SHORTAGE OF CRASS Means that you mast give yonr Sheep and Lambs a good food. Bibby's Sheep and Lamb Cakelettes are the HANDIEST and the BEST. They keep the Ewes in good condition, and stimulate a good flow o( milk. We have every confidence in recommending them. BIBBY'S PIG MEAL is now universally used, and gives great satisfaction. BIBBY'S FEED AND DAIRY need no recommendation. CAKES Enough is to say tho sales are increasing weekly. The best is the cheapest. SOLE AGENT, W. A. HALL, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle KSTAI'.LISllF.D 1854. FREDERICK METCALFE Nurseryman and Seedsman, 6, THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE, Begs to inform his Town and Country Customers that he has a LARCE SUPPLY OF NEW SEEDS Of every description, at lowest prices, and can guarantee thetu beiog of the very best quality, WT Spociallty : SEED POTATOES. Duke of York, Up-to-date, King Edward, etc., direct from Scotland. Prices on application. Agent for S. Furney and Company's Grass and Clover Seeds. 50 YEARS' REPUTATION. ELLIOT'S RED MIXTURE WHY NOT SAVE YOUR EWES At a Trifling Expense ? ELLIOT'S RED MIX- TURE has a Fifty Years' Reputation for help- ing difficult lambing, and quickly subdues symptoms of Fever and Inflammation. One or two dosos act like a charm. Your experience in use will be like a Yorkshire Farmer, who writes :— " I am pleased to say that several Ewes were saved here during tbe recent lambiug season by using ELLIOT'S RED MIXTURE. Kindly send two more bottles to my Farm Manager." SOLD IN BOTTLES, M dozes, 2s. 6d. Agent: H. W. Raine, Chemist, Middleton-in- Teeidale and Barnard Castle. W . -A.. H Z A - L I J Bridgegate, Barnard Castle. FLOUR, CORN, CAKES, MEALS, MOLASSES, CATTLE SPICE , etc, beat prices. AGENT FOR " UVEC0 " POULTRY FOOD, " UVEC0 " CATTLE, HORSE, and PIC FOOD " UVEC0 " SHEEP and LAM8 FOOD. Our easterners having found the Pooltn Food a great success, we would recommetdj trial of Uveco " other Foods. Economical and Palatable. FIELD & SANITARY PIPES, CEMENT , etc HAY and STRAW. CATTLE TROUGHS, Give as a trial. Goods delivered. SEASON,1913. Garden Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Cabbage Pluti Exhalots, and all Garden Requisites ot tfe best quality to be had at reasonable prices, at CRAIGr'3, 75, Galgate, BARNARD CASTLE. Rats' Last Meal. Rats cannot resist " RODINE " Rat Poisx The swift and deadly tit-bit never falls, kilfc quick, leaves no smolL Millions perish annuill; Complete clearance certain. Tins, od., la,:* 3s., 5s. ; post id.—Barley. Chemist, Perth. Agents :—T. 3. ILLSLEY , C h e m i s t , B&ra»n Castle ; aud K. W. RAINE , Chemist, Middles. in-Ta «8dalo. PARKINSON & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, Central Sale Rooms. Established 1876. WM. TARN, Auctioneer and Valuer. Bales of all descriptions undertaken, Prompt settlements. Hunderthwaite, Romaldkirk. THOMAS ADDISON, Auctioneer and Valuer. Sales of all Descriptions. Valuations for Probate and L e g a c y Duties- Prompt Settlements. Pasture End, Bowes. FRED SMITH, Auctioneer and Valuer, Middleton-in-Teesdale. TOM HARRISON, Auctio neer and Valuer, Middleton-in-Teesdale, And Union Street, Darlington. ALBERT WINPENNY, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. OFFICE : HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. AaUa tjg auction. HARNARD CASTL1 ft TBnSDALa FARMSW' AUCTION MART C O . , L T D . ioMH BAWBRIDOB , Kirkby Stephen; sod OSECROH TAKK BAINBRIDGH & SON , Darliugt* Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 TU, 1913. The usual WEEKLY SALS will be held, whec there will be forward the usual large snppli* of Dairy Cows and Heifers. Store Cattle, *» Keeping Sheep. A Prize ot £1 will be giro for the Best Dairy Cow ia o&ch class. Sale at 10-30 a-m. The Second PRIZE SHOW and SALE of Vo' BULLS will be held, when Prizes will be giro as previously advertised. Present Eatritf include consignments, as follows :— Cuss 1.—BULLS over 18 months old. Mr Jamet Stoddart Mr Thomas Bayle- Hiss J. Lonmtaff Mr William Hilntr Mr Richard Gill - Mr John Atkinso= Mr W. T. Swallow Mr Chris. Davison Mr John Hodpson Cuss 2—BULLS not eiceeling 18 months oU Lord Rarnard Mr J. B. Metcalfe 2 Mr James Stoddart Mr William Hall Mr John Coal .worth Mr Jo*. Porter Mr Richard Gill Mr Jon. Loogstafl Mr T. W. Stephenson Mr R. W. Dent Mr John Ko'ison 2 Mr R. M. Metcalfe Mr John Tarn Miss Tarn Mr John Bell 2 Mr Ralph Thotnnan. 2 Mr Philip Laugstaff. setir. 2 Messrs Metcalfe Iirot. Cuss 3.— BULLS not exceeding 12 months okl. Mr John Saver Mr Wm. Thompson 3 Lord Barnard 3 Mr Joseph Thompson Mr Robt Gill Mr George Bell, Marwood 2 Mr TLotna; Addison Mr George Sell, Langleydale 3 Mr John Lamb Mr T. W. Collinson Mr William Furnass Mr Richard Gill Mr A. W. Wilkinson 2 Mr Thos. Brnnskill Mr Tho-. Bainbridge 2 Mr James Simpson Mr William Thompson, Softlev 2 Mr John Bussejr 2 Mr Wm. MetuaK BarmmiUs^ :> Mr T. W. Stephens: Mr John Robson Mr Joseph Allinaon 2 Mr John Hodgson Mr John Naaeby Mr Thos. Bayle.- Mr R. Mddle Mr C. Li:tie-fair Mr J. H. Porter Mr E. Toasdale 2 Mr John »au. Mr Joseph Pvaooek All Prize- winning Balls to b» boiia-^irf'-so* or Prize withheld, and given to n e x t i n merit- Each Ball to have halter. Judging at 9-30 a.m. Sale immcdiat3ly &lt* r ' JOHN E. THOMPSON, SecretarJ- 70, Victoria Embankment, Darlington. _ Woodbine Terrace, Cotherstone. Thomas Addison, H AVIN'3 received instructions from ,,r * Bayles, who is giving up honsekeepioS' will Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, MAY 10 TH, 1913, The whole of her Household FURNITURE Effects. For fall particulars see posters a"" nert week's " Teesdsle Mercury." Pasture End, Bowes. A good stock of all the most noted She«P Dips always on hand, at the lowest prices, tt°° G. Clarkson Harker, Chemist (opposite Galg»7 entrance to Auction Mart), Barnard Cast'?' Paint Sticks, Rud, Tar, and Cooper EeffP 1 tthoep lUikext

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Page 1: A BAZAAR Mrs H. Griffiths , Costumier etc.,teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1913/April-30/April-30-1913-04.pdf · THE TBESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913. Wedding and Birthday

T H E T B E S D A L E M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 30, 1913.

Wedding and Birthday Presents I n Great V a r i e t y a t

K E N N E D Y ' S , 27, G A L G A T E The Noted Wedd ing R i n g Shop.

A Present w i t h every R i n g . Watches, Clocks, aud Jewe l l e ry Repa i red .

A n t i q u e Si lver , Carios, China, etc., purchased for Cash.

C i r c u l a t i n g L i b r a r y in connect ion -with Mudies Agen t (or t h e celebrated Inge r so l l Watches

from 5/-.

TO LEST, Two Cottages a t Low S t a r t t o r t h . — A p p l y , J . Gregory, S t a r t f o r t h .

CO T T A G E T O LIST i u the C h u r c b j a r d . -APP>y> Johnson, Earby H a l l , Newsham,

Barnard Castle. rpwO-UOOMEU C O T T A G E ana U A R D K N JL To L e t , a t H i g h S ta rUor th .—Apply , 21,

Br idgegate .


L E T , Thorne Cottage, Barnard Castle, Four Rooms, Scul le ry , Pant ry , and Wash-

house. Ren t , £10.—Apply, 11, Hal l - s t ree t . T°

BA R N A R D C A S T L E . — Furn ished House Wanted for the month of June, 5 or 6 rooms.

—dtate p r i c e and f a l l pa r t i cu l a r s t o Jacob Dick inson , 105, H i g h Park Road, Newcast le-on-T y n e .

LOST, Black and W h i t e Smooth-haired Cur D o g , " Jack." F inde r r e w a r d e d . - W a r d ,

Gre ta Br idge .

attuattong SHantto t'.rrt Uacam.

WA N T E D , a Good Genera l .—Apply, A i r s W. H . Y o r k , 3, John Street , Barnard Castle.

WA N T E D , a Good General Servant a t once — A p p l y , Raby Ho te l , Barnard Castle.

w A N T E D , Ki t chenmaid .—Apply , M r s Ward Greta Br idge .

w A N T E D , a Good General .—Apply, K y l e , Bede V i l l a , Barnard Castle.


WA N T E D , Respectable General , aged about 18, w i l l i n g t o m i l k . - A p p l y , M r s

S. Storey, Wool House, Barnard Castle.

WA N T E D , a t the Te rm, a Good, S t rong G i r l One able t o m i l k prefer red .—Mrs T

Foster, 10, Marshal l - s t ree t , Barnard Castle .

WA N T E D , an Ass is tant and an A p p r e n t i c e t o the Dressmaking."—Apply, M r s Lowes,

12, Monta lbo- te r race , Barnard Castle.

WA N T E D , an Appren t i ce to t h e M i l l i n e r y Business.—Apply, M r s Griffi ths, 11 ,

Galgate, Barnard Castle.

WA N T E D , M a y 13th, P la in Cook, House­maid kept , 2 i n fami ly , no washing.—

A p p l y , M r s Hugginson, R o m a l d k i r k .

WANTED, at once, t ho rough ly competent General Servant , he lp g i v e n . — M r s

Bourne, The Green, Cotherstone.

M~ E S S K S i J . P A K K 1 X 3 0 N A N D S O N S b»ve vacancies to r 2 apprent ices t o c lo th ing ,

d rapery , and fu rn i sh ing t rade .

WA N T E D , a Good Housemaid, a t M a y Term, — A p p l y , M r Joseph E r r i n g t o n ,

Beaconsfield House, Barna rd Cast le .

WA N T E D , Caretaker for Free C h r i s t i a n Church , Newgate .—Apply W . Robson

6, York - t e r r ace , Barnard C . istle.

YOUNG M A N , 18 or 20, Wanted . W i l l i n g t o do a n y t h i n g on Grass Farm.—Raine,

Streetside, R j k e b j . C L ^ K K S O N U A K K K K , Cnoraist,

IMgace, Barnard Castle, has a Vacancy for an Appren t i ce . Business thoroughly taught .—Par t icu lars on app l ica t ion .

HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, a t M a y Term, for Farmhouse, good da i rywoman. Refer

euce requi red .—Apply , Gibson, Wes twick F a r m , B a r n a r d Castle.

E Q H I K E D , Nice , Superior G i r l , T r a m as Cook-General. S t rong, A c t i v e , some

knowledge of Cooking and Housework. Good wages. Out ings .—Apply , Box A. , " Teeadale M e r c u r y " Office, Barnard Castle.

WA N T E D , a M a n and his Wife , w i t h o u t oh l ld ren , no t exceeding 50 years, t o act

as caretaker of Dale House, Forest . M a n to w o r k i n the Quarry . References r equ i r ed . A p p l y , Q. Hodsmao, dale House. Foreac.

tHusceiiatiMiaj S U n t s , ijales. Etc*

W A N T E D , a Kostor M o t h e r for Pointer Puppies. Dao 3rd May.—Henry

W e i g h e l l , East Cowton , N o r t h a l l e r t o n . A N T E D to Bay Good Leaf M o u l d by T r u c k

Load.—Apply , s t a t i n g p r ice per Ton , to Janes Lav/son, Thorn ton Plsoe, Sunderland

W A N T E D , a,000 Fresh Eggs weekly ; also Good Da i ry Fresh Bu t t e r .—Apply ,

Robe r t M o r r e U , Coe.fefl.eld, County Durham.

W A N T E D , t o Summer.—Apply

M e r c u r y

Take- in 6 S t rong B u r k s , t Box J .C . , " Teesaale

' Office, Barnard Cast le . V 1 ! / A N T E D , iWPA^iRB ~ T O P R O P E t t T X

7 T T o w - o r Count?? . Slatoa, Laths , B.dgea, oto. , t o r sale.—JOHN L A N C A S T E R , B a t i n g and T i l i n g C o n t r a c t o r , Corona t ion B i r e e t , B a r n a r d C a s t l e ; also a t Choanal S t ree t , D a r l i n g t o n . T e l : « 1 .

PR A M FOR S A L E , good cond i t i on .—Apply 17, Marsha l l - s t ree t , Barnard Castle

PIGS TORE 1 Marwood .

for Sale.—James bioddaro

LI T T E R Orf PIGS FOR S A L E . — A p p l y , M r s A l l i s o n , Quarry Grange, Barnard Castle.

POTATOES, F ines t Qua l i t y , Clean and Dry, C w t . Bags. Handy pr ice .—Burn , Potato

Merchan t . Barnard Castle.

FOR S A L E , Screened M a i u Coal for Houue ho ld Purposes can be had a t 11 8 per t o n

a t West Crane Row Col l i e ry , Woodlaud. Good Hay,

-App ly , i n la rge or smal l B u r n , F ru i t e re r , FOR S A L E ,

quant i t ies . Barnard Castle.

F~OR S A L E , about 8 Tons of Good Hay, by ton or lump, e i the r c u t and de l ive red , or

a t the s tack.—Apply, Hogg's, Wycl i f fe M i l l .

HOUSEHOLD COALS from 15/- per Ton best Rough N u t Coals (Uarvey Seam)

De l ive red i n Barnard Castle, a t £1 per Ton.— A p p l y , J . Stoddart , Marwood.

Uteasmg, ©tc, €a lizi or for Sale.

"10 LET, Cottage, No. 2, N o r t h V i e w . 46, Newgate, Barnard Castle.

- A p p l y ,

l O L E T, Workshop or Warehouse, i n Galgate. L — A p p l y , Hedley, Shooing Forgo, Barnard

Castle. aOGSES T O L E T i n Newgate , Barnard

Castle, 5 and 7 rooms respec t ive ly .—Apply , Miss Hepwor th , Sp r ing Grove, Barnard Castle. 2

AO L E T , Immedia te Possession, No. 73, Galgate , p rominen t pos i t i on .—Apply , M r

Bonby Holmes, So l i c i t o r , Barnard Castle. I

r P O L E T , 9 Ba l io l Street , Garden a t tached. JL A p p l y , M r s W h i t e , 33, Galgate, Barna rd

Castle. rpO L E T , a Cottage l u Pearson X A p p l y , Pearson, 9, Hurae

Barnard Castle,

Terrace.— M a r k e t ,

r n o L E T , 3, H i l l Terrace, Middlo ton- ln-Tees X dale, a -roomed H use, Bath-room, etc.—

App ly , M r s Col l inson, 2, H i l l Terrace , Midd le -ton-in-Teesdale.

BA R N A R D C A S T L E — T O L E T , M o r t b a m House, Park Terrace and Newgate.—

A p p l y , Messrs Watson, Watson, and Wells , Sol ic i tors , Barnard Castle. r P U L E T , a t M i d d l e Green, M i c k l e t o n , a JL Cottage, w i t h K i t c h e n , t w o Bedrooms,

aud Cel la r .—Apply , M i s s Dant , S t ra thmore Lawn , Galgate, Barnard Castle.

FOR S A L E , a l l shop fittings, outs ide l i g h t s counter , tobacco case, mi r ro r s , scales

sun-bl ind , gas-fi t t ings, post-card s tand , ana glass shelves.—Apply, Sua tor, Marke t -p lace . Closing tho premises.—Last week of sale See windows,

V I u U b K - v f u n e r a l Cars, Coaches, Landau . , - L v x M o t o r Hearse, V a c , Brake and Charabano Bodies. Now and sacond-haad, 50. L o w prices, sale or hire.—Catalogues— Mars ton , 21, Bradford Street , B i rmingham.

R e d ! Whi t e , , Nex t

pen Whi t e Orp ing ton .—Mrs F i fe ,

T° L E T, immedia te ly , 4-roomed House, a t Boldron .—Apply , Thoa. Alderson, 23,

Monta lbo Terrace, Barnard Castle ; or No why lackson, Boldroa.

AO L E T , w i t h possession a t iVlay Te rm, No. 8, Coronat ion St ree t , Ba rna rd Cast le ,

Containing S i t t ing- room, K i t c h e n , Scu l l e ry ( w i t h bo i le r ) , Pan t ry , and usual conveniences

Bedrooms.—Apply, M r E . Higg inbo tham, Vere Terrace, Barnard Castle.

1^0* L E T , wi th possession at M a y Day, the . House and Shop, number 13, the Batik

Barnard Castle, nex t t o tho General Post Office, and now occupied by M r s Richardson Gunsmi th .—Apply to M r R. Ar rowatn i tb , Bank

' l i o L E T , a t Bowes, a Goott Dse l l ing-house , JL w i t h Butcher ' s Shop, K i l l i c g Shop, Stable

Cow-byre , and other conveniences a t the back A p p l y to M r Wm. Hutch inson , 39, Galgate,

Barnard Castle. r n o L E T , by the JL John K i p l i n g ,

Trustees of the la te M r Lock-up Shop, now i a the

occupat ion of M r T . N. Hu tch inson , Butcher , s i tua ted i n the Bank, Barnard Castle.—Apply, M r W i l l i a m Hutchiason, 39 Galgate, Barna rd Castle.

T yO L E T , Good Four-R. 'oined House, w i t h

Bank, Egglestone. M a y day en t ry .—Appl ica­t i o n Co oe made t o R. Tnouip ion , Gate F a r m Eggles toue ; o r M r s Pinkney, 8, M a r k e t Place Middieton- io-Teesdale .

M1 D D L E T O N - I N - T B E S D A L E . — T o L o t , iaa mediate possession, a Dwel l ing-house

atid Shop and 2 Rooms and K i t c h e n on g round floor ; 2 S i t t i n g and 2 Bedrooms on first i loor and 4 Bedrooms on top floor ; a i l i n order , r en t moderate.—Apply, Col tmsn, Rose Terrace,

fcuugiaus Announcements, I . ' R E E C H R I S T I A N ( U N I T A R I A N ) C H U R C H 1 Newga te , B a r n a r d Castle.—Sunday

May 4 tb , 1913 .—Morning , 10-48 ; Even ing . $-80 ; proacbeir, Supplies. A i l are welcome.

i i ALL - STREET CONUREGATIONAL 5 1 C H U R C H , Ba rna rd Castle..—Sunday

May 4 th , 1913.—Morning, 1C-30; preacher, M r K . W . Young . E v e n i n g , t>-30 ; preacher, M r J. W. W h i t e .

I : J»RlMlTlVi ' . M E T H O D I S T CRCJUOH, New E ga te , B a r n a r d Cast le .—Sunday, M a y

4th , 1913.—Morning. 10-80 ; E v e n i n g , 6-30 pfe&cher, Rev. J . Hawkins . i y E S L E Y A N C H U R C H , B a r n a r d Castle. V V Sunday, M a y 4 th , 1913.—Morning

10-30; Even ing , 6-30; Burton, of S a l t b n r n .

preacher, M r D . M



on Tuesday, May Cfcb, 1913.

MR F . W. R A P E R , F.R.CX)., resumes his dut ies on Tuesday, M a y 65b, 1913.—

Park House, Barnard Castle.

Weatwick Lodge, Barnard Castle.

8oarding and Day School for Girls.

Preparatory 8cboo! For Boys.

P R I N C I P A L - M I S S M O S E Y , S.K. Assisted by a res iden t s t a l l of L .L .A. , L . R . A . M

oe t t i f i ca ted Danc ing and K i n d e r g a r t e n Mis t resses .

Pupils Prepared fo r a l l E n g l i s h and M u s i c Examinat ions ,

Nex t Te rm begin3 M a y 1st, 1913. P r inc ipa l a t home A p r i l 15th.

High School for Girls, Bade Terrace, Daman Castle.

HA L F - C R O W N S i t t i ngs , R I . Black L ' g h o r n s ; Buff-Orpington

week, new Btaindrop .

EUGS for S i t t i n g s f rum Pedigree Layers : Single-combed Rhode I s land Reds, 2s. M . ;

W h i t e vtysndortes, 2s. GJ . ; W h i t e Leghorns, 2 s . ; Ind ian Game Bnff O r p i n g t o n Cross, 24 per dozen.—Teeadale Egg Depot, Cotherstono.

M'EBSRS B L A C K E T T BROTHERS, Copioy". Bn t t e rkc i .w ie , can aow offer a l i m i t u u

number of EUblS for S i t t i n g , a t 31. Gd. per dozen, f rom the i r Pon of Rosa-comb Rhodo I s land R e d s : good colours and prol i f ic layers : unfe r t i l e s replaced.

S.C., R I . Reds,

C^UP and M E D A L W I N N E R S : — T h i s Year, J n ine firsts, fifteen seconds, five thirds ;

Eggs f rom above winners , 3/6 per s i t t i r g . These b i rds average 240 eggs each i n twelve months, ch icks double.—Hodgson, Blue Poul t ry Fa rm, Cotherstone.

R 1 V A T E SALE.—Lady offers magniflcoiTt Service A l Quality Pla te (stamped) : 8 ix

each Table, Dessert Spoons, Foik«, Tea, Egg Spoons, Mua u S a l t Spoons, Toog.i (40 pi aces), Ui-eoiled, accept 25/- ; approvaL—Part iculars w r i t e B.D., " Teesd.iiu M e r c u r y " Oilice, Barnard CaaUo.

Principal - - - - filiss Eglinton. Papi l s p repared fo r Cambr idge , L o c a l and

R o y a l Academy of M u s i c Examina t ions Outside Pupi l s are a d m i t t e d to i n s t r u c t i o n i n Music, also t o the A r t Class (Drawing ,Pa in t i ng , Designing, etc), he ld on MOD l a y Afternoons,

oy At W . E d w a r d Parkinson, A.R.C A . Lace-making Class for Ladies oa Thursday i n each wesk, f rom 2-15 t o 4-15 p.m., commencing

May 1st. School rc-opons A p r i l 30th. P r inc ipa l a t home

Prospectus on a p p l i c a t i o n . A r m l i r a t i n r i M . 5. VtJe>Af- T f t r r a c p -

General glottccs. E. B A N C R O F T , Spectacle Special is t

w i l l a t t end a t tho M E C H A N I C S ' I N S T I T U T E T O D A Y . A P R I L 30TH , 1913.

i s your Watch goit>g ? Splendidly, since Wilson. P r ac t i c a l Watchmaker '

Thanks ! I ' l l take mine.—Bar::ard HOW

si d i d i t Castle.

T ) l A N O S TONED, 3 6. Repair* of every JL desc r ip t ion , London factory experience, F . H a l l , of Nawcast le and London, w i l l be i n Barnard Castle and d i s t r i c t for a few days from Monday , May 5 th , w&eia he w i l l be ploased to exscui.o a l l orders oatruste.1 to h i m . Orders by post c r hand w i l l receive his p rompt at tention.—Address : F rede r i ck H a l l , Golden L ion Hote l , Barnard Cas t l e ; o r 17, Oxford Street , Newoastla-on-Tyno. Note above pr ice w j y pay more ? aud often t o inexper ienced ttu. . , i .

To Farmers and Ot i i s r s .

T m O S . H . M I L B U R N begs t o inform the farmers and others i n the d i s t r i c t t h a t he

hes taken over tho business of Car t and Wheel­w r i g h t as car r ied on b y M r Joseph Al l i son , a t the B r i d g e Eud, S t a r t f o r t i i , where he hopes by s t r i c t a t t en t i on , good workmanship , and reasonable charges t o mer i t a sharo of the p u b l i c paUutjfige,


Proprietor : —



MERCHANDISE. A N event of interest to every

L a d y who delights i n new fashions. W G cordial ly invite you to v i ew our Specia l display of

Costumes, Gowjas , Millinery, Blouses, Underwear, Laces, etc.

E v e r y t h i n g for t h e coming season; everything of the newest and i n the best taste. A l w a y s a delight­ful rendezvous for the L a d y of Fash ion , our Show Rooms meri t a special v is i t from you this week.


Music Hal l , B a r n a r d Cast le .

Harrison & Smith's

6|d. & Id. B A Z A A R


Wednesday, April 23rd, 1913, A N D C L O S E

Wednesday, May 7th, 1913.

A large Stock of Goods su i table for the season.

Inspect ion i n v i t e d .

Goods de l ive red free t o any par t of the Town, T . H A R R I S O N , P ropr ie to r .






Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, and Oils.

Photographic Materials.

Druggist's Sundries. Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, etc.

Trusses and all Surgical Appliances.


MASON'S DRUG STORES, 8, Horse Market,


O n W h i t - M o n d a y T W O C O Z S T C I E I R / T S

W i l l be g iven by the

ov T H E

lst Battalion the East Yorkshire

Regiment . (By k i n d permission of L i e u t - C o l . I I . E,

Benson and Oilicers).

Afternoon Evening

2-30 to 4-30. 6 to 8.

The B O W L I N G G R E E N and T E N N I S C O U R T S

w i l l be open.

The M U S E U M w i l l be open from 10 to 5 o'clock.

- A D M I S S I O N F J I I E E -



SUNDAY, M A Y 4tl>, 1 3 1 3 .


W i l l Preach i n tbe M o r n i n g , at 10-30 ; and i n tha Even ing , a t 0-30.

I n the Afternoool a t 2-;;o,

A S E R V I C E O F P R A I S E , Consist ing of Mus ica l I tems by tho C h i l d r e n

assisted by thft Choir, and the H a i l d i n g c f a M o d e l Lighthouse, e tc .

Collections i n aid of the Sanday School Funds . V f O D E M ) CHICKS" by~nsioKAKi>a 11' AGES'

D R Y C H I C K FOODJ I t w i l l pay you . Chicks reared on t h i s Food alone we igh 20 oa*' a t 5 weeks ; commence t o lay a t 5 months, A u 8d. bag * by post 1/-) rears 12 chicks t i l l 3 weeks o ld . Bsgs, 4d., 8d., 1/4, 2 6, e tc . Makers : A R M ( r A G E IJROTHERS, L I M I T E D , Not t ingham. Sold by K . W. Raine, Chemist , Barnard Castle and Middleton- in-Toosdale .

The Barnard Castle Amateur Operatic Society

I n G i l b e r t and Sul l ivan 's Comic Opera,


Victoria Hall , T H U R S D A Y and F R I D A Y

M A Y l s t & 2nd, 1913.

CASTE, The L o r d Chancellor : M r C. E. Eumondson.

E a r l of M o u n t a r a r . i t : B r J . H , Brown. E a r l T o l l o l l e r : M r Stan. Is may

(Newoastle Operat ic Society) ,

Pr iva te W i l l i s (Of tho Grenadier G u a r d s ) : M r F r e d Novison,

Strephon (An;Arcadian Shepherd) : M r J . Bolam (Newcast le Operat ic Society),

Qaeen of the F a i r i e s : Miss Mabe l Emerson. ' • I O L A N ' I H H " (A F a i r y , Screphoa's M o t h e r ) :

Miss Gre ta Watson. Cel ia | I Miss P. Duaston, L e i l a , Fa i r ies -; Miss M . Lamber t , F l e t a J I Mis ' j M ! H«xlley.

Phy l l i s I An Arcadian Suiutlierdeas i M r s [ and a Ward i u G M n c e r y I Beckwi th

Chorus i f Dukes, M a u r i s s, Ear ls , Viscounts Barons a-id Fairies,

F U L L O R C H E S T R A . Conductor - Mr. J. Wiorhtcaan. Coach - M r IX D . Kennedy. Stage Manager - M r Ceo. Bur t .

Doors open at 7-30 p.m. T o commence at 8 p.m

P R I C E S : Reserved F r o n t Seats and Rpcprvpd B-.lcony 3/-, to be booked a t t h o " Teesdale M o i c u r y "

Ortioe ; Second Ksatw, 2, - ; li»ek Seats, I / .

LADIES. LAOltS. W i t h o u t D r u g s , P i l l s , or M e d i c i n e Nurae R O ? B guftranleed

to cure irregularit ies a n d obstructions,, f e m a k ai lments i n marriod or single women from whatever cause ariBing or how long s t a n d i n g ; no d'sappointmcnts* every case a guaranteed c u r e ; numerous tes t imonia ls ; send s tamp tor free adviue.—

J O S E P H VV B A R M O U T H T T / ' I S L i E S t o announce t o the Inhab i t an t s

T V of Barnard Castle and sur round ing d i s t r i c t s t h a t he has recent ly opeued the shop,

No 35, M A R K E T P L A C H , B A R N A R D C A S T L E

(La te ly occupied bv M r J icksou , aud the la te Mi Peacock, Butchers; ,

For tho s>»Io of

Flour, Meals, Corn, and Fording Cakes, Garden and Farm Scefds, Bee

Appliances, Farmer's Tools, etc., A n d by careful a t t e n t i o n wishes to m e r i t

a share of pub l ic patronage.

O H N P E N W I O K & SON,Ltd (Es tab l i shed 1823), ~

Art Dyers, French Cleaners, and Laundrym,, ( W O R K S : H E X H A U - O N - 1 Y X E ) .

Beg t o i n t i m a t e tha t , owing to M U M p ^ r e t i r i n g f rom business, they have appoigS

Mrs H. Griffiths, Costumier, etc., 11 , G A L G A T E ,

t h e i r sole representa t ive for t h i s d i s t r i c t , * ^ a l l orders w i l l receive every attention,

SPRING CLEANING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Carta ins , Carpet P. etc.. Cleaned and Dyed

p r o m p t l y .

D O N ' T G O M E T O T O W N

ftttioe's Lambing Oils , tho oldest and s t i l l the best and most va luable remedy, and y o u r surest p ro tec t ion against loss. 1/- per Bo t t l e , from R. W. Raine, Kagle Drag Stores, Barnard Castle.

unless you want to, for we wi l l send your goods to you, and


That is our proposition. We w i l l deliver anything in our line, Drugs, Cattle Medicines, Prescriptions, Hot Water Bottles, Thermometers, Syringes. Spectacles, Barometers, Photographers' and Golfers' Requisites —yes, anything under eleven pounds.


Mail us your order with the price of the goods. Your goods w i l l come out on the next post.




I I ' I S A S S U R E D B Y U S I N G

P R A T T ' S Y E A S T . Rel iab le sad Guaranteed Pure.

R. P R A T T , Yeast Merchant, 2, Thoraga to & D e m e s n e s L a n e , B irnrv •! C .n t lo

The TOP AGAIN W . G . R I C H A R D S O N ' S


l s t , d i v i d e d 2nd and Bed, and 4 tb , a t Gamekeepers' Shoot, H o l w i c k , boa t ing a l l ammuni t ion loaded b y loading Car t r idge Manufacturers , and London and Prov inc i a l


Once more proving their high-class quality, — F O R —



B E E T L E S — fcvtry Beetle coming into

proper contact w i t b -Keating's ' ' D I E S T Sold in Tins, not loose,

I d , 3dt. 6 d , I / -T o K I L L Beetles and

all home hold injects m i l -


SHORTAGE OF CRASS Means tha t you mast g i v e yonr Sheep

and Lambs a good food.

Bibby's Sheep and Lamb Cakelettes are the H A N D I E S T and the B E S T .

They keep the Ewes i n good cond i t ion , and s t imula te a good flow o( m i l k . We have every

confidence i n recommending them.

BIBBY'S PIG MEAL is now un ive r sa l ly used, and gives g rea t sat isfact ion.

BIBBY'S FEED AND DAIRY need no recommendation.


Enough is t o say t h o sales are increas ing weekly . The best is the cheapest.

S O L E A G E N T ,

W. A. H A L L , Bridgegate, B a r n a r d Cast le

K S T A I ' . L I S l l F . D 1854.

F R E D E R I C K M E T C A L F E Nurseryman and Seedsman,

6, T H E B A N K , B A R N A R D C A S T L E , Begs t o i n f o r m h is T o w n and Count ry

Customers t h a t he has a

LARCE SUPPLY OF NEW SEEDS Of every descr ip t ion , a t lowest pr ices, and can guarantee thetu beiog of the ve ry best qual i ty ,

W T Spocia l l ty : SEED POTATOES. Duke of Y o r k , Up-to-date , K i n g Edward , etc., d i r e c t f rom Scotland. Prices on appl icat ion.

Agen t for S. Furney and Company's Grass and Clover Seeds.

50 Y E A R S ' R E P U T A T I O N .


A t a T r i f l i n g Expense ? E L L I O T ' S R E D M I X ­T U R E has a F i f t y Years ' R e p u t a t i o n for help­i n g d i f f icul t l ambing , and q u i c k l y subdues symptoms of Fever and Inf lammation. One or t w o dosos ac t l i k e a charm. Y o u r experience i n use w i l l be l i k e a Y o r k s h i r e Farmer , who w r i t e s :—

" I am pleased to say t h a t several Ewes were saved here d u r i n g tbe recent l ambiug season by us ing E L L I O T ' S R E D M I X T U R E . K i n d l y send t w o more bot t les to my F a r m Manager."

SOLD I N B O T T L E S , M dozes, 2s. 6d. A g e n t : H . W. Raine, Chemist , M i d d l e t o n - i n -

Teeidale and Barnard Castle.

W . - A . . H Z A - L I J Bridgegate, Barnard Castle.

F L O U R , C O R N , C A K E S , M E A L S , MOLASSES,

C A T T L E S P I C E , e t c , beat prices.




Our easterners hav ing found the Pooltn Food a grea t success, we w o u l d recommetdj t r i a l of • Uveco " o the r Foods.

Economical and Palatable.

F I E L D & S A N I T A R Y P I P E S , C E M E N T , e tc

HAY and STRAW. CATTLE TROUGHS, Give as a t r i a l . Goods del ivered.


Garden Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Cabbage Plut i Exhalots , and a l l Garden Requisi tes ot tfe

best q u a l i t y t o be had a t reasonable prices, a t

CRAIGr'3 , 75, Galgate, B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

Rats' L a s t Meal. Rats cannot res is t " R O D I N E " Ra t Poisx

The s w i f t and deadly t i t - b i t n e v e r falls, kilfc qu ick , leaves no smolL M i l l i o n s perish annuill; Complete clearance c e r t a i n . T ins , od., la,:* 3s., 5s. ; post id.—Barley. Chemist , Perth.

Agen t s : — T . 3 . I L L S L E Y , Chemist, B&ra»n Castle ; aud K. W . R A I N E , Chemist , Middles . in-Ta«8dalo.

P A R K I N S O N & S O N , A U C T I O N E E R S AND V A L U E R S ,

C e n t r a l Sale Rooms.

Es tab l i shed 1876.

WM. T A R N , Auctioneer and Valuer.

Bales of a l l de sc r ip t i ons undertaken, P r o m p t s e t t l e m e n t s .

H u n d e r t h w a i t e , R o m a l d k i r k .

THOMAS ADDISON, Auc t ionee r and Va lue r .

Sales of a l l Descr ip t ions .

Va lua t ions for Probate and Legacy Duties-

P rompt Set t lements .

Pasture End, Bowes.

F R E D S M I T H , Auct ioneer and Va lue r ,


T O M H A R R I S O N , A u c t i o neer and Va lue r ,

Middleton-in-Teesdale, And Union Street, Darlington.


O F F I C E :


AaUa tjg auction. H A R N A R D C A S T L 1 ft T B n S D A L a F A R M S W '

A U C T I O N M A R T C O . , L T D .

i o M H B A W B R I D O B , K i r k b y S t e p h e n ; sod OSECROH T A K K B A I N B R I D G H & S O N , Dar l iug t*

A u c t i o n e e r s .

W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 30TU , 1913. The usual W E E K L Y S A L S w i l l be held, whec

there w i l l be f o r w a r d the usual large snppli* of D a i r y Cows and Heifers . Store Cattle, * » Keep ing Sheep. A Pr ize ot £1 w i l l be giro for t he Best D a i r y Cow i a o&ch class.

Sale a t 10-30 a-m. The Second P R I Z E SHOW and S A L E of Vo'

B U L L S w i l l be he ld , when Prizes w i l l be giro as p rev ious ly adver t i sed . Present Eatritf inc lude consignments, as fo l lows :—

C u s s 1 . — B U L L S over 18 months old. M r J a m e t S toddart Mr T h o m a s Bayle-

H i s s J . L o n m t a f f M r W i l l i a m Hi lntr M r R i c h a r d G i l l - M r J o h n Atkinso= M r W. T . Swa l low M r Chris . Davison M r J o h n Hodpson C u s s 2 — B U L L S not e i c e e l i n g 18 months o U

L o r d R a r n a r d M r J . B . Metcalfe 2 M r J a m e s Stoddart M r W i l l i a m H a l l M r J o h n Coal .worth M r Jo*. Porter M r R i c h a r d G i l l M r J o n . Loogstafl M r T. W. Stephenson M r R . W. Dent Mr J o h n Ko'ison 2 Mr R . M . Metcalfe M r J o h n T a r n Miss T a r n M r J o h n B e l l 2 M r R a l p h Thotnnan. 2 M r P h i l i p Laugstaff . setir. 2 Messrs Metcalfe Iirot.

C u s s 3 . — B U L L S not exceeding 12 months okl. M r J o h n S a v e r M r W m . Thompson

3 L o r d B a r n a r d 3 Mr Joseph Thompson M r R o b t G i l l Mr George Be l l , Marwood 2 M r T L o t n a ; Addison M r George Se l l , Lang leyda le 3 Mr J o h n L a m b M r T . W . Col l inson M r W i l l i a m F u r n a s s M r R i c h a r d G i l l M r A. W . Wi lk inson 2 M r Thos . B r n n s k i l l M r T h o - . Bainbridge 2 M r J a m e s Simpson M r W i l l i a m Thompson, Softlev

2 M r J o h n Bussejr 2 M r W m . MetuaK

BarmmiUs^ :> M r T . W . S tephens : M r J o h n Robson M r Joseph Allinaon 2 M r J o h n Hodgson M r J o h n Naaeby M r Thos . Bayle.-M r R . Mddle M r C. Li:tie-fair M r J . H . Porter M r E . Toasdale 2 M r J o h n » a u . M r Joseph Pvaooek

A l l Prize- w i n n i n g Balls t o b » boiia-^irf'-so* or Prize w i t h h e l d , and g iven t o n e x t i n merit-Each B a l l t o have ha l t e r . Judging a t 9-30 a.m. Sale immcdiat3ly &lt* r '

J O H N E . T H O M P S O N , SecretarJ-70, V i c t o r i a Embankment , D a r l i n g t o n . _

Woodbine Terrace, Cotherstone.

Thomas Addison,

HA V I N ' 3 received in s t ruc t ions from , , r * Bayles, who i s g i v i n g up honsekeepioS'

w i l l Se l l by A u c t i o n , on S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 10TH , 1913,

The whole of her Household F U R N I T U R E Effects. For f a l l pa r t i cu l a r s see posters a"" n e r t week's " Teesdsle M e r c u r y . "

Pasture End, Bowes.

A good s tock of a l l the most noted She«P Dips always on hand, a t the lowest prices, tt°° G. Clarkson Harker , Chemist (opposite Galg»7 entrance t o A u c t i o n M a r t ) , Barnard Cast'?' Pa in t S t icks , Rud , Tar , and Cooper EeffP 1

tthoep lUikext