a bianchini

Sustainable agriculture in Argentina Agustín Bianchini Agustín Bianchini Aapresid Argentinean No-Till Farmers Association

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Sustainable agriculture in Argentina


Page 1: A Bianchini

Sustainable agriculture in Argentina

Agustín BianchiniAgustín BianchiniAapresid

Argentinean No-Till Farmers Association

Page 2: A Bianchini


- Overview of crops in Argentina.

- New production environment.


The evolution of NT

- New production environment.

- What have we learned from RR corn?

- Sustainable agriculture certification.

Page 3: A Bianchini

No-tillage expansion

Latin America = 47 million haLatin America = 47 million ha

World Total = 95 million haWorld Total = 95 million ha


The evolution of NT

Argentina = 20 million haArgentina = 20 million ha

SourceSource: : DerpschDerpsch –– AAPRESID (2006)AAPRESID (2006)

Page 4: A Bianchini

NoNo--Till evolution in Argentina (1977Till evolution in Argentina (1977--2005)2005)









a (



n h



SourceSource: AAPRESID (2005): AAPRESID (2005)







1977/78 1986/87 1988/89 1990/91 1992/93 1994/95 1996/97 1998/99 2000/01 2002/03 2004/05



a (



n h



Page 5: A Bianchini






d a




Adoption of

GM varieties




Introduction and adoption of technologies

in agriculture in Argentina (1980-2000)






d a




1990 199519851980 2000




Source: Viglizzo, 2006; adapted from Satorre, 2005

Page 6: A Bianchini

Farmers are managing an offer

New approach

Farmers are managing an offer

of environmental resources:

water, light, CO2, nutrients, etc.


The evolution of NT

Page 7: A Bianchini



Modification of the environment


Adaptation of the plant and the technology



EnvironmentSustainable production


Source: Gil (2005)

Page 8: A Bianchini

New environment

- More crops per unit of time (intensification)

- Reduction / elimination of chemical fallow

- High soil residue cover, with higher soil moisture

- Partial replacement of chemical Nitrogen by biological Nitrogen

(use of legumes)


The evolution of NT

Page 9: A Bianchini

- Changes in pest populations (new pests)

- Higher soil biological activity, and pressure of soil fungi (stalk

and root diseases)

Agro-ecosystem biological changes


The evolution of NT

- New weed population patterns (diversity and abundance)

- High pressure of annual grasses (importance of RR technology),

but lower broadleaf pressure

- Medium presence of other species with small seeds

- Eventual appearance of glyphosate tolerant (Viola, Commelina,

Conyza, Cyperus, etc.)

Page 10: A Bianchini

- Seed quality (energy, vigor, purity, calibration)

- Seed treatments

- Tools for managing soil diseases (biotechnology?)

Specific needs


The evolution of NT

- Tools for managing soil diseases (biotechnology?)

- Selective residual herbicides for high residue cover

- Better control of RR crops, when they act as weeds

(volunteer RR corn, farmers need and have other options)

- Resistance prevention in weeds by application of integrated

weed management programs

Page 11: A Bianchini

• Diversification of productive risks

• Nutrient and water balance of crops

• Composition and density of soil residue cover

• Biological activity and diversity

• Interruption of weed and insect cycles

• Competition alternation for light, water and nutrients, for weeds

Crop rotation advantages: why corn in no-till?

• Competition alternation for light, water and nutrients, for weeds

• Variation in the “application timing ” of herbicides

• Variation of the selective herbicides that are applied in each crop of

the rotation

• Improvement in soil physical conditions (structure and porosity)

• Intensification: use the stored water in NT


The evolution of NT

Page 12: A Bianchini

Roundup Ready Corn in Argentina

- RR technology allowed to grow corn in weedy fields.

- In high weed pressure areas, grain yields were increased.

- RR corn has the same tolerance to selective herbicides as

conventional corn.

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Roundup Ready Corn in Argentina

- Adopted by small (< 500 ha), medium, and large

farmers (> 5000 ha), since 2004.

- 70% of the crops in Argentina are under no-till.

- 47% of the corn is RR (mainly NK-603, and the rest is

GA-21), offered by around 10 seed companies.

Page 14: A Bianchini

Roundup Ready Corn in Argentina

- Typical Roundup Ready corn weed control program:

- Residual selective herbicide at pre-plant or pre-emergence

(atrazine, acetochlor), at low application rate, to guarantee a

good initial control, and to reduce the selection pressure of

glyphosate resistant biotypes.

- Post-emergence glyphosate at V4-V5 growth stage.

Page 15: A Bianchini


Roundup Ready corn weed control program




The evolution of NT

Residual herbicide

(atrazine, acetochlor)

Page 16: A Bianchini

Roundup Ready Corn in Argentina

- Farmers must rotate crops and herbicides (2+ a.i.) to reduce weed

resistance risk.

- Use other herbicides (in combination with glyphosate) with the

lowest application rate and the appropriate timing, to make them

effective and avoid crop damage.

Page 17: A Bianchini

I – Context Analysis

The dilemma

“The humanity faces today a dilemma with no “The humanity faces today a dilemma with no

apparent solution, between the ghost of the lack of

food for an increasing demand in quantity and

quality, or a destruction of the natural resources

needed to produce them”.


The evolution of NT

Page 18: A Bianchini

II– The no-till system


New agricultural paradigm New agricultural paradigm

Productive system based on the absence of

tillage and the presence of permanent soil

cover with crops and residues


The evolution of NT

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Page 20: A Bianchini

II– The no-till system

Positive impacts

- 90% less soil erosion.

- 40% less fuel use.

- Maintenance or improvement of the soil organic matter.

- Increase in soil fertility (chemical, physical and biological).

- Higher water use efficiency.- Higher water use efficiency.

- Lower production costs.

- Higher production stability and yield potential.



The evolution of NT

Page 21: A Bianchini

II– The no-till system

Benefits, beyond the farmer

- Better soils, higher capability to produce food and energy.

- Less competition for drinkable water (strategic resource).

- Higher water quality (lower erosion and contamination risk).

- GHG emissions reduction, positive impact on climate change.

- Less pressure on HCV and fragile areas (by production increase).

- Possibility of producing in degraded and/or fragile lands - Possibility of producing in degraded and/or fragile lands

without the known risks of conventional tillage.



The evolution of NT

Page 22: A Bianchini

III– Productive and environmental quality

management system in CA


- To provide tools for a professional agronomical management, by the ordered registry of information and the analysis of the soil quality and efficiency


- To show to the rest of the society how are the production processes and its impact on the environment, allowing to capture the value of the

positive externality that the CA makes in it.


The evolution of NT

Page 23: A Bianchini


III– Productive and environmental quality

management system in CA

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)


Because there are scientific fundamentals that

correlate soil health indicator values with

agronomical practices


The evolution of NT

Page 24: A Bianchini

GAP 1: No Tillage (residue cover)GAP 1: No Tillage (residue cover)

NO-TILLAGE is a synonym of crop residueNO-TILLAGE is a synonym of crop residue

Page 25: A Bianchini

GAP 2: Crop rotation: Diversity and intensityGAP 2: Crop rotation: Diversity and intensity

Coronel Suarez , Buenos Aires, Argentina

Federico Roveda (2007)

Page 26: A Bianchini

GAP 3: Balanced crop nutritionGAP 3: Balanced crop nutrition


+ Nitrogen

+ Phosphorus

+ Sulphur

+ Nitrogen

+ Phosphorus

+ Sulphur

Page 27: A Bianchini

GAP 4: Integrated pest, weed and disease management.

Including the correct agrochemical management and its containers

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GAP 5:

Efficient and responsible management of agrochemicals

GAP 5:

Efficient and responsible management of agrochemicals

Page 29: A Bianchini

It is the production alternative that

better combines the interests – many times

Certified Agriculture

better combines the interests – many times

confronted – of reaching a production:

- Economically viable for farmers.

- Environmentally sustainable.

- Socially accepted.

- Energetically efficient.


The evolution of NT

Page 30: A Bianchini

Thank you!!!!

[email protected]



The evolution of NT

Page 31: A Bianchini

Roundup Ready Corn in Argentina

The channel for GM corn does not require segregation,

unless there is a “GM-free” requirement by the customer.

Page 32: A Bianchini

Main international actions

- Participation in ISGA (International Soybean Growers Alliance)

- Participation in RTRS (Round Table on Responsible Soy Association)


The evolution of NT

- Participation in RSB (Round Table of Sustainable Biofuels)

- CA presentation in FAO workshop (July 2008, Rome)

- Presentation at the DG TREN for the Renewable Energy Directive

- Presentation in international events (EU, China, United States, Australia,

Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, etc.).

Page 33: A Bianchini

No-tillageCrop rotationTechnology

BiotechnologyBalanced fertilization

No-tillageCrop rotationTechnology

BiotechnologyBalanced fertilization

New production systemNew production system

Balanced fertilizationMonitoring, diagnosis and efficient nutrient applicationIntegrated Pest ManagementWeather forecasts managementProfessional calibration of equipment

Balanced fertilizationMonitoring, diagnosis and efficient nutrient applicationIntegrated Pest ManagementWeather forecasts managementProfessional calibration of equipment

No-till is basically more knowledge integrated in a production systemNo-till is basically more knowledge integrated in a production system

Page 34: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

Demand vs. Offer: At which cost?

The case of agriculture

Intensive tillage destroys the biological and ecological integrity of the soil system (Reicosky, 2004).

Wind and water erosion, are a consequence of conventional tillage and cause contamination of the water resources.

A higher CO2 emission due to tillage increases the greenhouse effect (Adapted from Moraes Sá, 2004).


The evolution of NT

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- Principles & Criteria:


III– Productive and environmental quality

management system in CA

- Management indicators:

- in the soil

- resource use efficiency

- Good Agricultural Practices Protocol (GAP’s)


The evolution of NT

Page 36: A Bianchini

1. Associated to the agronomical management:

- Decision making in ag management (crop rotation, fertilization, etc).

- Analysis of the evolution of the impact management in the system (time).

2. Associated to existing business or easily accessible:

- Credit evaluation (environmental and production balance).

- Carbon trading markets.

III– Productive and environmental quality

management system in CA

Potential uses

- Carbon trading markets.

3. Associated to new businesses:

- Business by contract. Ex: food, biofuels.

- Added value, access to preferential markets.

- Traceability, ID preserved, segregation, mass balance, book & claim.

- Country brands (sustainability).

- GHG emissions, deforestation, social and labor rights


The evolution of NT

Page 37: A Bianchini

•How did argentine farmers grow corn before the introduction of RR


•Is RR corn in Argentina adopted only in bigger farms or also in the

smaller one’s

•How does a typical RR corn weed control program looks like?

•Did the introduction of RR corn led to more corn monoculture?

•Do farmers pro-actively implement glyphosate weed resistance


•What are the farmer benefits (including non-tangible benefits)?

•How does RR corn lead farmer to go for conservation tillage? did they

need to invest in equipment or had it already?

•Highlight benefit of Conservation tillage for sustainable agriculture.

•Details about the management of harvested RR corn at grain handler /

elevator level. Is there a different channeling for gm / non gm products?

Page 38: A Bianchini

Aplication in more

than 50.000 ha. in


Participation in international

events to position CA and

capture the value


Agreement with SGS for

external audit and


Elaboration of a

Protocol and GAPs


Alliances with province

Agreement with


Agreement with BCR

Soil Testing Laboratory

Validation and search

process for biological

indicators (BIOSPAS).

Alliances with province


Agrolimpio Agreement


Agreement with

Wageningen University

/ Dutch EmbassyAlliance with the

Agribusiness Program for

strategic planning (UBA)

Page 39: A Bianchini

An improvement in soil porosity, increases water An improvement in soil porosity, increases water

use efficiency, by improving water infiltration, use efficiency, by improving water infiltration,

decreasing runoff and evaporation decreasing runoff and evaporation

losses, and improving the water retentionlosses, and improving the water retention

Page 40: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

The demand

- It is estimated that in the next 50 years, the

population that today exceeds 6 billion people will population that today exceeds 6 billion people will

increase by 50%.

- In 2050 there will be between 9 billion people

(Solbrig, 2002) and 11 billion people (Izquierdo,



The evolution of NT

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I – Context analysis:

The offer

“In global terms, the humanity has responded to the

increase in the global demand of food and energy

(we are aware that distribution is a opened issue)”


The evolution of NT

Page 42: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

Demand vs. Offer: At which cost?

Ecological Footprint: Area of land biologically

productive and water needs to provide

ecological resources and services (Demand)


The evolution of NT

Living Planet Report, 2008

Page 43: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

Demand vs. Offer: At which cost?


The evolution of NT

Living Planet Report, 2008

Page 44: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

Demand vs. Offer: At which cost?


The evolution of NT

Living Planet Report, 2008

Page 45: A Bianchini

In NT the function of the roots and the fauna plays In NT the function of the roots and the fauna plays

an important role in the soil porosity regenerationan important role in the soil porosity regenerationan important role in the soil porosity regenerationan important role in the soil porosity regeneration

Page 46: A Bianchini

-- Because they allow to access confident management information, Because they allow to access confident management information, with with

scientific basisscientific basis..

-- To be able to observe quanti and qualitative To be able to observe quanti and qualitative recent changesrecent changes in the in the

management and its impact in the system.management and its impact in the system.

III– Productive and environmental quality

management system in CA

Indicators: why?

-- To allow to To allow to integrate physical, chemical and biological propertiesintegrate physical, chemical and biological properties and to and to

interpret complex processes.interpret complex processes.

-- Because they allow to clarify processes: Because they allow to clarify processes: “ecological traceability”“ecological traceability”


-- Because they are tools Because they are tools to certifyto certify products and processes, and also products and processes, and also to to

create brandscreate brands (Viglizzo).(Viglizzo).


The evolution of NT

Page 47: A Bianchini

Sources Used:

• FAO, ISGA, FCAA, USB, RTRS, RSB, RSPO, Rain Forest Alliance

• National & international research studies

Agronomical Management Indicators

Peer review:

J.L. Arzeno (INTA Salta), N. Darwich (Consultor Privado), M. Díaz-Zorita

(FAUBA-Nitragin), M. Ferrari (INTA Pergamino), J. Galantini (UN del Sur), V.

Gudelj (INTA Marcos Juárez), E. Jobbagy (UN San Luis), M. Puente (Lab.

GEA San Luis), C. Quintero (UN Entre Ríos).


The evolution of NT

Page 48: A Bianchini

A commitment that Aapresid, as

Certified Agriculture

A commitment that Aapresid, as

organization assumes, to contribute to the

increase of the wellbeing of the local and

global society, in the conflict solution

Productivity vs. Environment.


The evolution of NT

Page 49: A Bianchini

PHYSICAL (R. Gil/A.M. Lupi)

– Texture

Agronomical Management Indicators

1.a. Direct Indicators:

CHEMICAL (F. García/A. Bianchini)

– Phosphorus– Texture

– Bulk Density

– Total Porosity

– Aireation Porosity

– Water Infiltration

– Crop Residue Cover

– Phosphorus

– Sulphur

– Salinity/Sodicity(CE/PSI)

– pH

CARBON (R. Gil/A.M. Lupi)

– Soil Carbon Dynamics


The evolution of NT

Page 50: A Bianchini

1.b. Indirect indicators:- Crop rotation diversity and intensity.

- Nutrient balance (N, P, S).

- Fosil energy use (Agro-Eco-Index).

Agronomical Management Indicators

- Fosil energy use (Agro-Eco-Index).

- Water use (Agro-Eco-Index).

1.c. Resource use efficiency: - Water use efficiency (Agro-Eco-Index).

- Energy use efficiency (Agro-Eco-Index).


The evolution of NT

Page 51: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis

Globalization: BIG(Berlin, Internet, Gatt)

- Winners / losers syndrome (increase in gaps): However, this doesn’t

mean that when somebody wins, others necessarily must loose.


The evolution of NT

mean that when somebody wins, others necessarily must loose.

- An economy with competition sum zero must be replaced by an

economy with creation of values (win-win)

The concept is also applicable to the compatibility between

development and environment: Together with the “environment right”

we should institutionalize in the international community a

“development right” (di Castri, 2002).

- 4E paradigm (Economy, Energy, Ethics and Environment)

Page 52: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis

Society of the Information

- That of the services and knowledge and the organization in networks

(Castells, 1996).

- That in which the traditional production factors: capital, land,

machinery, and labor are minimized in the economic importance, by the

fast appearance of the sciences and the new technologies and that

advances fast due to the explosion of communications (Palom Izquierdo,


- Importance of the Human Resources (di Castri, 2002)


The evolution of NT

Page 53: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

The future offer- Future scenarios (Solbrig, 2002):

1) The technology goes together, it is produced at the rhythm of the

demand. Environment?

2) Abandoned of the technological agriculture, no response to the

demand. Hunger/Wars?

3) Part of the world that produces food with technology, part without

technology and more price. Unstable equilibrium?

However, Solbrig (2003) says that the damage to the environment is not


- New opportunity of solution not so conflictive of the dilemma.

- New opportunity of business.


The evolution of NT

Page 54: A Bianchini

I – Context analysis:

Searching for solutions

- Do we respond to the increase in demand?


- What strategies do we know?

Increase by productivity and area expansion.

- Is the environmental damage inevitable? - Is the environmental damage inevitable?

No. There is an opportunity from agriculture.

Clean technologies (scientifically proven).

- Is the economic development compatible with the environmental


Necessarily, we need to work for that.

The NoThe No--Till certification is thought from this point of viewTill certification is thought from this point of view


The evolution of NT

Page 55: A Bianchini

GAP 6: Cattle productionGAP 6: Cattle production

Page 56: A Bianchini

Certified Agriculture

It allows to show to the society how are the It allows to show to the society how are the

production processes for food and energy, giving

the possibility to capture the value of the positive

externality that this production system generates

on the environment.


The evolution of NT

Page 57: A Bianchini

- Certification of productive processes in no-till. Innovative and

original proposal.

- General principles and standards with local adaptation, based on

GAP’s and soil quality indicators (scientific basis).

- Network structure, coordinated by NGO (Aapresid, key aspect in

the implementation, with global projection).

IV– Conclusions of the QMS/CA

- Independent consultation and certification companies.

- Focus on agronomical and environmental management.

- Differentiation of the process and not the product

- Capture of the value by improving the agronomic management,

possibility of new businesses, and better price or access to

preferential markets.


The evolution of NT