a bible course for muslims - by gerhard nehls

A Bible Course for Muslims By Gerhard Nehls Published by Biblecor P O Box 5 WELLINGTON 7654 South Africa Contents Introduction 1. The Bible: What It Is 2. The Bible: Where It Comes From 3. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 1) 4. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 2). 5. What God Says about Himself  6. What God Says about Man 7. What God Says about Sin 8. The Law of God 9. The Life of Jesus 10. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus 11. The Kingdom of God 12. How to Become a Citizen of the Kingdom 13. The Lifestyle of the Citizens 14. Jesus: More than a Prophet 15. The Holy Spirit: Who He Is 16. The Holy Spirit: What He Does 17. The People of God Have a Purpose in Life 18. The People of God Have a Secure Future

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A Bible Course for Muslims 

By Gerhard Nehls 

Published by Biblecor P O Box 5 WELLINGTON 7654 South Africa



1. The Bible: What It Is

2. The Bible: Where It Comes From

3. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 1) 

4. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 2). 

5. What God Says about Himself  

6. What God Says about Man

7. What God Says about Sin

8. The Law of God

9. The Life of Jesus

10. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

11. The Kingdom of God

12. How to Become a Citizen of the Kingdom

13. The Lifestyle of the Citizens

14. Jesus: More than a Prophet

15. The Holy Spirit: Who He Is

16. The Holy Spirit: What He Does

17. The People of God Have a Purpose in Life

18. The People of God Have a Secure Future

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In Conclusion

“Test Yourself” Answers


Dear Friend,

We welcome you warmly to this study of the Biblical faith!

The famous Muslim poet of the thirteenth century AD, Jalalu'l-Din Rumi, told the story of an

elephant in a dark room. Some men brought this elephant to Arabia, and the people flocked to

see it. Unfortunately the room in which it was kept was so dark that the visitors could only“see” the elephant by touch. One of them touched the elephant's trunk, and was convinced

that it looked like a pipe. Another felt the ear, and said it looked like a fan. Others argued that

it looked like a wall (the side), a tree trunk (a leg), a rope (the tail), and so on. Each one of 

them had a small part of the truth, but none knew what an elephant really looked like. This

Bible course has been compiled to help Muslims to understand the “elephant” of the Biblical

faith, as we find it in its original form in Al-Kitab, or rather, Al-Kutubul-Muqaddas, the

“Holy Scriptures,” that is, the Bible. The different Christian denominations may vary in form

or tradition, but nearly all still adhere to the basic teaching of the Bible. You may find that the

true Biblical message that you will discover in the Bible differs from your own idea of 

Christianity. This is quite understandable, if your knowledge of the Biblical faith did not have

its source in the Bible, or if you consulted random verses in the Bible. As you continue your

study, you will realize that the loose living and the obvious godlessness of so much of the

Western world is not Christianity, but in fact a rejection of the Biblical teaching. It is good

for a Muslim to ask a Christian about God's revelation in the Bible. As Sura 10:94 says,

“If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been

reading The Book from before thee.” 

Of necessity this course cannot provide deep insight or a detailed study of the Bible and its

teaching. It will, however, provide a foundation on which your further studies can be built.

We hereby invite you to join us in an exploration of the Bible. May you discover why manymillions of people experience a new kind of life and great joy through the study of this Book.

At the end of each chapter of the course, you will find a “Test Yourself” section to help you

grasp the message of that chapter. In the preparation of this study we used the numbering and

text of the English translation of the Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali published by Sh.

Muhammad Ashraf of Lahore, Pakinstan. If you are interested in the other Bible study

courses available from Biblecor in English and other languages, you should write to Biblecor

and ask for the latest catalogue.

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1. The Bible: What It Is 

Meet the Bible!

It is impossible to understand Christians and the Biblical faith without making a study of the

Bible. We are very glad that you are willing to join us in this study with an open mind. You

will certainly not regret it! Please obtain a copy of the Bible in any language that you

understand well. The Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book ever

written. In our discussion we will quote from the New International Version (NIV). This is

one of several trustworthy translations into modern English. If you understand classical

Hebrew and Hellenistic Greek, you could, of course, study the Bible in the languages in

which it was originally written. A very good translation into Arabic was published in 1981,

and is available at any branch of the Bible Society. If you do not know where to obtain a

Bible, you may email to Biblecor <[email protected]> for advice.

The Bible is a Library ! 

Open your Bible at the “Contents” page right at the beginning. Please note that the Bible is

divided into two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. You will see that

each Testament consists of a number of separate books. The Old Testament has 39 books,

and the New Testament 27. The Bible is not a single book. It is a library of 66 different

 books, found in one cover! Refer to the “Contents” page in your Bible if you wish to look up

a Scripture reference. You will also find the number of the page on which each book begins.

Since the pages are again numbered from 1 onwards in the New Testament, you shouldremember to note whether your Scripture reference comes from the Old Testament or the

New Testament. Each book in the Bible is divided into chapters. Each chapter is subdivided

into verses. When you read of 1 Sam. 3:4-14, it means the first book of Samuel, Chapter 3,

from verse 4 to verse 14. (We shall avoid making use of abbreviations in this study guide.)

The different books of the Bible are grouped together according to the contents.

The Books of the Old Testament 

The Old Testament is a collective name for all Biblical revelation which was given to man

before the time of Jesus. It could also be called the Old Covenant, for it is named after the

covenant which God made with Abraham and his descendants. It was renewed with Mosesand the people of Israel, the people God chose to serve Him as an example to all people to

lead them to God. Jesus introduced the New Covenant, which calls on all people to serve the

living God. The Bible has a message which is ageless and for all believers. The books of the

Old Testament are grouped together as follows:

The “Books of Moses” (Taurat), also called the Torah (= law) in Hebrew, or the Pentateuch

(= five books) in Greek 

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  Genesis (= beginning). In it we learn of the creation of the world and all in it, and the

life stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and his twelve sons.

  Exodus (= move out) describes how God rescued the Israelites from Egypt under

Moses, the miraculous journey through the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten

Commandments at Mount Sinai.

  Leviticus contains God's order for the priesthood in Israel, the Levites, and the orderfor worship and the offering of sacrifices together with a number of moral laws. It

also contains the call to atonement and holiness.

  Numbers gets its name from a census taken at the beginning of the book. It records

the journey from Sinai towards the Promised Land, but also the weakness of the

people of Israel and their disobedience to God.

  Deuteronomy (= second law) repeats the law and gives divine instructions for the

keeping of the law, as well as prophetic promises of blessings (for obedience), and

curses (for disobedience). It calls the believer to love and obey God in answer to

God's love and faithfulness.

2. The Historical Books of Israel cover a period from the death of Moses to about 500 BC(1000 years).

  Joshua tells the story of the eventual occupation of Palestine after the death of Moses.

  Judges were ruling Israel for 400 years in times of much trouble due to disobedience.

  Ruth tells the story of a woman who had turned to God from heathenism during the

time of the judges.

  1 and 2 Samuel record the history of King Saul and King David (Da'ud).

  1 and 2 Kings continue with the history of King Solomon (Suleiman) and his

successors until the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (597 BC).

  1 and 2 Chronicles provide a parallel report of the period of Samuel and Kings.

  Ezra and Nehemiah report about the return of some Jews to Israel after the

Babylonian exile, and the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of Jerusalem.

  Esther pictures the trials of a Jewish girl who became queen in the Persian empire

(Iran). It also tells how God provided salvation for His people.

3. The Poetic Books were originally written in the poetic style of their time.

  Job (Ayyub) deals with the problem of suffering, and recounts the experiences of the

prophet after whom the book is named.

  Psalms (Zabur) are prayers and songs of praise, chiefly composed by the prophet

David (Da'ud), also king of Israel.  Proverbs gives practical instruction in righteousness.

  Ecclesiastes shows the foolishness of man's own ideas in the light of God.

  Song of Songs is a collection of love songs.

  Lamentations deals with the terrible suffering in Jerusalem in the time of its

destruction by the Babylonians.

4. The Prophets spoke to people on behalf of God. They give direction, warning and

 judgement. They also foretell the immediate and distant future.

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  The “Major” Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

  The 12 “Minor” Prophets, so called, not because their message is of minor

importance, but because their writings are much shorter that those of the Major


The 39 books of the Old Testament were written by at least 72 writers, during the periodapproximately 2050 BC to about 400 BC.

The Books of the New Testament

The second main section of the Bible was written within a period of roughly 60 years (40-96

AD). It deals mainly with the life of Jesus (Nabi 'Isa) and his teaching, as well as the growth

of the early Christian church. It begins with the Gospel (Injil) as recorded by four different

writers. The word Gospel (Injil) means “Good News”!! 

1. The Historical Books consist of the four Gospels and the book of Acts.

  Matthew was an apostle of Jesus, and writes for the Jews. He sees Jesus from the

Jewish viewpoint, as the King and Messiah.

  Mark was the secretary for the apostle Peter and is addressing the Romans in


  Luke was a Greek, who wrote particularly for people of non-Jewish thinking and


  John was an apostle of Jesus. This book was written last and emphasizes the

personality and message of Jesus.

  The Acts of the Apostles (written by Luke) records the ascension of Jesus into

heaven, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the spreading of the Gospel all of over theMediterranean world and ends just before the persecution of Christians in Rome by


2. The Teaching Letters (epistles) were written in accordance with the words of Jesus: “I

have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when He, the Spirit of 

Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth ..” (John 16:12-13). “But the Counselor, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind

you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26).

These letters of guidance, teaching and prophecy were also written under inspiration of the

Holy Spirit. They elaborate on the Gospel and cover in addition a wide range of subjects,given for instruction and encouragement. The authors were John, Peter, James, Jude and Paul.

Paul's letters receive their names from the individual of church to whom they were first

addressed. The Teaching Letters are:


  1 and 2 Corinthians 




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  1 and 2 Thessalonians

  1 and 2 Timothy



  Hebrews  James

  1 and 2 Peter 

  1, 2 and 3 John 


3. The Prophetical Book In the book Revelation the apostle John (writer of the Gospel

named after him) records prophetical visions about the history of the world and of the church

right up to the last Judgement, showing how God's eternal purpose will be fulfilled.

Test Yourself No 1

Answer the following questions for yourself, and then compare your answers to the answers


  1. In which two main parts are the Bible divided?

  2. How many books are found in the Bible?

  3. What are the four main groups of Old Testament books?

  4. What are the three main groups of New Testament books?

2. The Bible: Where It Comes From 

When one discovers a treasure chest, it is not enough to see what it looks like on the outside.

One has to open it to see what treasures are locked away inside. So it is with the Bible. So far

we have looked at the outside of this “treasure chest”. Now we will open it to discover the

treasures hidden away for you. We are sure that you will be greatly enriched by what you are

about to discover.

One Main Message

As you read your Bible, you will notice a strange fact. Although it took about fifteen

centuries to complete, and was written by over forty writers, it forms a remarkable unity. It is

not simply a collection of diverse writings. It is a series of books that refer to and illustrate

one another. All the books have two continuous main themes: the terrible effects of sin and

the gracious love of God. And this in spite of the fact that most of the writers did not know

one another! Surely there must be some explanation. The Bible itself reveals the secret:

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Open your Bible at 2 Timothy 3:16 in the New Testament. 

  Fill in the missing words in the following quotation: “All Scripture is

__________________ and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in


The Bible is inspired by God

God is not silent, and removed from His creation. God has revealed His will. God's Word is

recorded in the Bible. He uses this Word to reveal Himself and to communicate His purpose

and will to us. No man can do God's will without having at least a basic knowledge of this

revelation. How did God reveal His will? In the above quotation you saw that God inspired

every writer of the Holy Scriptures. It means literally that God “breathed” His Word into His

selected messengers. As Muslim this will not be new to you, for it is a fundamental part of 

the teaching of the Qur'an (e.g. Suras 2:136; 5:47-48; 10:95; 21:7; 29:46).

God Revealed His Will in Different Ways

When you read the Bible, you will find that God inspired His messengers in various ways. He

did not use them as mindless robots who merely wrote down what was dictated to them.

He inspired them to write down God's revelation in their own words. (We give some Bible

references so that you can check these statements yourself.)

1. By Direct Speaking

  to Adam (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:9; 16-19);

  to Noah (Genesis 6:13-21);

  to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:1-2);

  to Moses (Exodus 3:4; 4:16);

  to Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9);

  to Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-14);

  to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-19);

  to the apostles of Jesus (Matthew 17:5; etc.).

2. By visions or Dreams 

  to Abraham (Genesis 12:7; 15:1);

  to Jacob (Genesis 46:2; 28:12-17);  to Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-10);

  to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:1-28; 10:1-22);

  to Daniel (Daniel 2:19; 7:1-28);

  to Joseph (Matthew 2:13);

  to Peter (Acts 10:9-20);

  to Paul (Acts 16:9-10; 9:3-4 with 26:19);

  to John (Revelation 1:1-2, 12-19; etc.).


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3. Through Prophets 

Much of the Old Testament was written by prophets. In these prophecies God revealed His

will, and even foretold events that only took place much later. This was given in particular


  a. the history of Israel and Judah;

  b. the coming of the Messiah (al-Masih);

  c. the events leading the time of the end of the world.

This knowledge is normally beyond human comprehension. But the Bible explains: “For 

prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were

carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

Here are a few examples:

  Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17; 13:13-14; 16:7-13);  Nathan (2 Samuel 12:1-15);

  Isaiah (Isaiah 1:1-20; 58:1-59);

  Jeremiah (Jeremiah 2:1-13; 3:6-23);

  Malachi (Malachi 1:1-14).

4. By Recording Historical Events

God reveals Himself also in His dealings with His people.

Read 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11 

  Why did God have the history of Israel written down?

The Bible was revealed progressively in stages, according to God's purpose, the need of His

people and their capacity to grasp the message.

The Message of the Bible

The Old Testament (Old Covenant) is named after the covenant (agreement) that God

made with Abraham and later with his descendants the Israelites. (A covenant contains

promises and blessings from the One making it and the obligations of those involved in it.)God had chosen them to become the nation to which He would reveal His Word. Abraham

therefore already stood in a covenant relationship with God. They were to be people set aside

for Him. They had to obey His revealed Word and to teach it to their children (Deuteronomy

6:4-7), so that future generations would recognize and receive the promised Messiah (=

Anointed One).

Moses was called to be the leader of this nation, and under him the covenant was renewed.

The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) were an expression of how God wanted His

chosen people to live. Thus with these commandments God also gave instructions for

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reconciliation, if somebody should be disobedient (Leviticus 4 and 16). Then we read the

history of faithful men of God; but also how the nation of Israel was disobedient. God sent

many prophets and punishments to call them back to Himself, but with little or only

temporary response. At last, when the right time had come (Galatians 4:4), God sent Jesus,

the Messiah, into the world. Through Jesus the New Testament (New Covenant) began to

operate. In Him the prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled (Luke 24:44-45). He wasthe only man ever to keep the law of God fully. Because He was pure, He qualified to

become the faultless sacrifice of God. It was John the Baptist (Yahya) who exclaimed when

he pointed to Jesus:

“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29.) 

The New Testament then goes on to describe the life, work and death of Jesus Christ, how

this fact has changed and will change the lives of His followers and how He will come again.

In our further study all this will become clear to you.

Test Yourself No 2

Answer the following questions for yourself. The correct answers are here. 

  1. How is it possible that so many authors, centuries apart, could have only one


  2. How does God reveal His will in the Bible?

3. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 1) 

You may remember from Sura 29:46 that a Muslim must accept the authority of the

Scriptures God has revealed to the Jews and the Christians:

“And dispute not with the People of the Book except with means better (than mere

disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, „We

believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you;

our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam).‟ ”

This command is further elaborated in Sura 2:136:

“Say ye: We believe in Allah, and in the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail,

Jacob, and the Tribes. and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets

from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to

Allah (in Islam).”

But now you may very well be asking: How do I know that today's Bible is that revelation

given by God referred to in the Qur'an? Is it not possible that the Scriptures were corrupted

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by the Jews or the Christians since that time? How can I know whether a revelation really

came from God? Let us explain to you why we can be sure that the Bible is the word of God.

The Acid Test of True Revelation

Over the centuries thousands of people have claimed to be prophets of God. Many had afollowing, some became founders of world religions and others were even worshipped. This

brings us to a very relevant question: How can we differentiate between a true

prophet of the living, almighty God and a deceiver? The Bible helps us:

Look up Deuteronomy 18:21-22 and fill in the missing words: 

“You may say to yourselves, „How can we know when a message Has not been spoken by the

Lord?‟ If what a prophet proclaims in the Name of the Lord does not take place or come true,

that is a message the Lord has ____________. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do

not be afraid of him.”

It is quite clear that prophethood takes more than preaching and teaching, more than

acceptance by people or dignified behaviour. If it really is God who sent a messenger, he can

be expected to supply proof that his message is indeed a divine message. Most religions have

never botheredto supply any real proof, although one would expect it to be an intrinsic part of 

true religion. Faith is often based on emotional grounds, and not on facts. Powerful people

tend to rule the minds of men, and few of their followers seem to be critical. In the above

quotation from Deuteronomy, God provides the distinguishing test against deception. Seven

hundred years later, the prophet Isaiah confirmed this test when he challenged the worshipers

of idols:

“.... declare to us the things to come, tell what the future holds” (Isaiah 41:23).

This means nothing more, and also nothing less, than that a true prophet must prophesy. To

prophesy means to reveal God's will about the past, present and/or future. Fulfilled prophecy

about the future is the credential from God. A prophet is a prophet, because he prophesies!

This prophecy about the future must obviously be beyond human foresight, and detailed

enough not to fit other occurrences as well. Generalities are not good enough. God, over the

centuries, not only inspired His prophets with messages to the people, but also added

prophecies to verify them as truly coming from Him.

Prophecy about the Future is a Better Test than Miracles

God also enabled certain men of God to perform miracles, for example healing (2 Kings 5);

raising if the dead (1 Kings 17; Luke 7:11; 8:41; Acts 9:36); water produced from a rock 

(Exodus 16); fire falling from heaven (1 Kings 18:30-39; 2 Chronicles 7); making an axehead

float (2 Kings 6:5) and many others. It has been rightly said, however, (by Al-Haj Maulana

Fazlul Karim, in an explanatory note in the Mishkatul-Masabih, Chapter XLIV: 2468) that

prophecy is superior to miracles, because

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“Prophecy ..... can be historically proved, but a miracle cannot. Prophecy manifests God's

foreknowledge, while a miracle God's power. As knowledge is greater than power, prophecy

is greater than a miracle.” Even though some miracles could be imitated by sorcerers using

occult powers, a miracle coupled with the integrity of the prophet and the consistency of his

message with former revelations, was accepted as proof of his divine inspiration. This

principle was mentioned when they questioned the prophethood of Muhammad (Sura 17:90-99). They evidently demanded a sign such as that of Moses (a spring from the earth),

Solomon (a house of gold), or Jacob (a ladder to heaven). Muhammad's answers are recorded

in Suras 17:93, 59; 13:7; 6:37 and 2:118-119. When these did not satisfy his critics,

antagonism and enmity arose. In the Bible we find mainly three topics of prophecy:

  1. The history of Israel and the surrounding nations;

  2. the life of the Messiah; and

  3. the end times.

Some Examples of Fulfilled Prophecy

For the sake of brevity, we only quote some prophecies in the Old Testament about the life of 

the Messiah. In the Gospel of Matthew alone you will read at least 21 references to fulfilled


Read John 5:39.

  Fill in the missing word: Jesus said to the Jews: “You diligently study the Scriptures

because you think that by them you possess eternal life, These are the Scriptures that

testify about _________ __”

Let us now read some of these prophecies and their fulfillment (BC = Years Before Christ).

700 BC: The Messiah's birthplace and pre-existence: Micah 5:2;

  Fulfillment: Luke 2:4-7

700 BC: His virgin birth: Isaiah 7:14;

  Fulfillment: Matthew 1:18-23

700 BC: His divinity : Isaiah 9:6 ;

  Fulfillment: Matthew 1:23

500 BC: The time of His coming: Daniel 9:24;

  Fulfillment: Galatians 4:4

700 BC: He would come to save and to heal: Isaiah 53:3-6 ;

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  Fulfillment: Matthew 1:21; Luke :;;10 Luke 18:40-43; 8:41-55 ; Matthew 4:23-24;


700 BC: Name of the Messiah :Isaiah 49:1-8 ;

  Fulfillment: Matthew 1:21 (Note: “Salvation” is in Hebrew: “Jeshuah” : the actualname of Jesus, because the English “Jesus” is derived from the Greek form of the

Hebrew “Jeshuah”.)

480 BC: His humble entry into Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9;

  Fulfillment: Matthew 21:1-9

480 BC: The betrayal of Jesus: Psalm 41:9;

  Fulfillment: Zechariah 11:12-13 :Mark 14:10-21, 43-46; Matthew 27:3, 8

His suffering and death by crucifixion Isaiah 53; Psalm 22:1-1

  Fulfillment: 8 Matthew 27:33-50

His burial Isaiah 53:9

  Fulfillment: Matthew 27:6

His resurrection Psalm 16:8-11

  Fulfillment: Acts 2:25-32

His ascension Psalm 110:1

  Fulfillment: Acts 1:6-11; Hebrews 1:13

No critic in the world can explain away the evidence of these fulfilled prophecies. It is unique

in all history and to all religious books. It is God's seal that is interwoven with His

message to mankind, so that any earnest and honest seeker can be totally reassured that

the Bible is God's word. It is not a book by some religious men trying to impose their views

on others. No man dare claim, after the evidence given above, that the Bible has beencorrupted! However, the question may be raised: Was the Old Testament, perhaps, at least

 partly, written after the New Testament in order to supply such “prophecy”? This is

unthinkable, for several reasons. The Jews guarded the Scriptures with the utmost care. They

themselves were, in fact, not interested in having these prophecies in their Holy Book, since

they contradict their own faith and practice. The Old Testament was already very widely

circulated and even translated long before the time of Jesus. The Greek translation was done

in the second century BC. To “revise” a text that is so widely distributed is quite impossible.

Besides, pre-Christian copies of Old Testament books have been discovered, containing these

very prophecies!

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Test Yourself No 3

Answer the following questions for yourself. Compare your answers with the correct


  1. What is the test of a true prophet?  2. Why is prophecy a better test than miracles?

  3. About whom do the Scriptures testify?

  4. Name two reasons why we know that the Old Testament was not written after the

time of Jesus.

4. The Bible: Why We Can Trust It (part 2) 

Eyewitness Reports 

A second reason why we can trust the Bible is that it contains eyewitness reports. These

happenings did not occur in a hidden corner, away from witnesses. They took place in public,

and all Israel was aware of them. When the facts of the New Testament were recorded, the

whole if Israel would have stood up in protest against them had they been forgeries. But, on

the contrary, the apostles repeatedly challenged the people to question the many

eyewitnesses. In his defense before King Agrippa, Paul said:

“. . . what I am saying is true and reasonable. The king is familiar with these things, and I canspeak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it

was not done in a corner” (Acts 26:26).

Shortly after the crucifixion, Peter said to a great multitude of Jews:

“Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by

miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through Him, as you yourselves

know. This Man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you,

with the help of wicked men, put Him to death by nailing him to the cross. But God raised

Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death

to keep its hold on Him” (Acts 2:22-24).

The Jews never denied the execution of Jesus by crucifixion. They denied only His

Messiahship and resurrection. This challenging talk was given seven weeks after the

crucifixion, in front of thousands of Jews. Would 3000 people have expressed their faith in

Jesus on that day, if the crucifixion had not taken place? A little later Peter and the other

apostles were put into prison for their teaching. While being interrogated by the Council of 

the Jews, the Sanhedrin, they replied:

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“Thank God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead : whom you had killed by hanging Him

on a tree. God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Saviour that He might give

repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the

Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him” (Acts 5:30-32).

Paul likewise referred to a double security: it is “in accordance with the Scriptures”(reference to prophecy in the Taurat) and confirmed by many witnesses, most of whom were

still alive at that time to be questioned. This was mentioned in a letter to people in Greece,

for in Israel there would have been little need to mention it:

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins

according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according

to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he

appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still

living, though some have fallen asleep. Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles”

(1 Corinthians 15:3-7).

This is supported by the apostle Peter some time later, when he emphasized the eyewitness

report. But he added that fulfilled prophecy is even “more certain”. A witness, even many

witnesses, may lie. But in fulfilled prophecy there can be no flaw!

“We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming

of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received honor

and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, saying,

„This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.‟ We ourselves heard this voice 

that came from heaven when we were with Him on the sacred mountain. And we have the

word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a

light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's

own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from

God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:16-21).

You may also read 1 John 1:1-4.

Historians Confirm the Gospel 

We wish to mention a third reason why we know that the Bible is true. Old historical annals

and records hardly ever deal with anything other than wars, heroes and contemporary leaders.Consequently, it can hardly be expected that occurrences in such remote places as Galilee and

Judea would merit mention. And if they did, we could expect that the events of war and the

deeds of kings and generals would be the main features. Even so, we find references that

support the Biblical record. Cornelius Tacitus (54-117 AD) was the greatest historian of the

Roman Empire. (AD = After Christ.) He wrote,

“The name Christian comes from Christ, who was executed in the reign of Tiberius by the

Procurator Pontius Pilate; and the pernicious superstition, suppressed for a while, broke out

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afresh and spread not only through Judea, the source of the malady, but even throughout

Rome itself, where everything vile comes and is feted.” 

 It is clear that Tacitus had no sympathy for Christianity. His evidence is, therefore, all the

more valuable.

Josephus, a Jewish general who survived the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70

AD and became a Roman historian for Israel, wrote in 93 AD:

“Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he

was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He

drew over to him both many Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ (Messiah /Al

masih). And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned

him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them

alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other

wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians so named from him, are not

extinct at this day” (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18 Chapter 3:3 in The works of FlaviusJosephus translated by William Whiston, Milner and Sowerby, London, p. 392).

Because of all these evidences, no honest investigator can question the truth and authority of 

the Bible.

Was the Bible Corrupted?

It is sometimes said that the Jews and Christians have corrupted their Scriptures. It is true that

the Qur'an speaks of certain Jews in Arabia who tried to hide the truth from Muhammad

(Sura 2:75-79, 146, 159-160). Some of them also made up their own “scriptures” and sold itfor gain (Sura 2:79). But the Qur'an does not once lay that charge to the Christians. If these

allegations were true, it would mean that the Jews and the Christians, who were

irreconcilable enemies (Sura 2:113), had conspired together to corrupt the Holy

Scriptures. And even if this impossibility happened in Arabia, what about all the other

thousands of copies of the Holy Scriptures that had already been circulated and translated all

over the world? How could they all be corrupted? And surely the Jews who became Muslims

would only be too glad to reveal the original versions? Today's translations of the Bible are

based on manuscripts of the Old Testament and New Testament that are at least two

centuries older than the Qur'an. If the Bible was corrupted, it must have been done before

that time. No one who believes the Qur'an can accept that, because the Qur'an would not tell

Muslims to believe in it if it was corrupted (Sura 42:14-15; 29:46; 10:94). The Qur'antestifies to the incorruptibility of the Bible.

“The Word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in truth and in justice. None can change His

words for He is the one who heareth and k noweth all” (Sura 6:115). 

The Final Proof 

But we do not need the Qur'an to tell us to believe in the Bible. Anyone who reads the Bible

itself with unprejudiced mind will be convinced of its truth. It is by reading the Bible

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prayerfully that the Holy Spirit, who inspired the writers, will convince you about the truth of 

the Bible and that it really is God's Word to you. Read it with an open mind, and allow God

to help you to find the truth.

Test Yourself No 4. 

Answer the following questions for yourself. Compare your answers to those found here. 

  1. Name three reasons why we can trust the Bible

  2. What did the Jews deny about Jesus?

5. What God Says About Himself  

You will now understand that we have very good reason for trusting the Bible. We now invite

you to read the Bible itself. There are several ways to set about this task. One way is to read

attentively through the whole Bible. If you prefer this method, we suggest that you read

through the New Testament first, for this will help you to understand the Old Testament

better. Before you read, you could pray and ask God's guidance as follows:

“O God, please show me if this Book is Your Word, and help me to find and obey the truth!” 

God answers prayer and will help you to discover the truth. A second method would be to

study certain themes as we find them in the Bible. We will try to do that in the remainder of this course. So stay with us, read all the Bible verses given, and you will find that your

understanding of God and his plan for this world will be greatly improved.

God Reveals Himself 

All that we know about God was and is communicated by revelation. God reveals himself in

different ways:

  By His works of creation (Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1-4).

  In the conscience of man (Romans 2:14-15).

  In the course of history (Psalm 78:12-16).  In the Holy Scripture, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16).

  Through His living Word, Jesus (John 1:1-4, 9-14; Hebrews 1:1-2; Sura 4:171).

Be Willing to Obey

We understand very well that it is probably difficult for you, as a Muslim, to read the Bible

without some prejudice. It is exactly the same when a non-Muslim starts reading the Qur'an.

But first of all we should make sure that we truly wish to obey God and not to hold on to our

human prejudices. Jesus ('Isa) once challenged the Jews in this way:

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“If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God

or whether I speak on My own.”(John 7:17.)

I am sure that you and I both choose to do God's will. Let us then go prayerfully forward and

see what He reveals to us.

God's Nature According to the Bible

If you are familiar with the “99 names of God”, most of the following may be familiar to you.

The references are given, if you wish to look them up. Meditate on the meaning and message

of each characteristic.

God is the Creator of everything : Genesis 1:1; Psalm 8; Acts 17:24-27; Colossians 1:15-

17; Hebrews 1:1-3.

God is almighty: Genesis 17:1; Exodus 6:3; Numbers 24:4; Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 13:6;

Revelation 1:8; 4:8; 11:17.

God is holy: Isaiah 6:3; Leviticus 11:44; Joshua 24:19; 1 Peter 1:15-16; Revelation 15:4; 4:8.

God is all-knowing: 1 Samuel 16:7; Psalm 139:1-4, 23-4; Jeremiah 17:10; Matthew 6:8, 18,

32; 10:30; John 1:48-49; 2:25; 6:64.

God is all-present: Psalm 139:5-12; Matthew 18:20; 28:20.

God is righteous and just: Genesis 6:5-7; Exodus 34:7; Deuteronomy 10:17-18; 32:4; Psalm

11:7; Romans 2:4-11; Hebrews 10:30; 1 Peter 1:17.

God is eternal: Genesis 21:33; Psalm 90:1-2; 102:27-28; Isaiah 40:28; 51:6.

God is Spirit: John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:17.

God is glorious: Numbers 14:21; Deuteronomy 10:17; Psalm 8:1; 104:1; Isaiah 6:1-3; 57:15;

Matthew 16:27; John 1:14; 17:5; 1 Timothy 6:14-16; Revelation 4:11.

God is the Judge: Genesis 18:25; Psalm 7:11; John 5:22-27; Acts 10:42-43.

God is merciful: Exodus 34:6; Psalm 103:8-13; Micah 7:18; John 3:16-18; Titus 21-12.

God is unsearchable: Romans 11:33-34; 1 Corinthians 2:6-7; 1 Timothy 6:16.

God is perceptible: Romans 1:19-20; 2:14-15; Acts 14:17; 17:26-27.

God is invisible: Exodus 33:20-23; John 1:18; Colossians 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:17; 6:16; 1 John

4:12, 20.

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God is the Saviour: Psalm 106:21; Isaiah 44:6; 45:21; 63:7-10; Titus 2:11-14; Jude 25; John


God is good: Psalm 118:1; 136; 1:17; 36:7-9; 63:3-4; 34:8; 31:19.

God is faithful: Deuteronomy 7:9; 32:4; Joshua 23:14-16; Titus 1:2; Psalm 117; 118:1-4;Exodus 34:6; 2 Timothy 2:13; 1 John 1:9.

God is patient: Numbers 14:18; Nehemiah 9:16-21; Psalm 103:8; Luke 13:6-9; Romans

9:22-23; 2 Peter 3:9.

God provides and preserves: Matthew 6:25-34; Deuteronomy 29:2-6; Exodus 16:13-15;

Psalm 41:1-3; 67:6-7; 104:27-28; 145:15-21; 147:7-9.

God teaches and guides: Psalm 25:4-5; John 6:45; 1 Corinthians 2:13; Exodus 4:15; Job

36:22; Psalm 94:12; Luke 12:12; John 14:26.

God is the Helper: Hebrews 13:6; Psalm 33:20; 46:1-3; 124:8; Acts 26:19-23; Romans 8:26.

God is the Living One: Genesis 16:14; Psalm 42:2; Jeremiah 17:13; John 5:26; Genesis

15:45; Revelation 1:18.

We wish to draw your special attention to the following attributes that may be new to

you. Do read some of these references!

God is the Father of every believer: Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 31:9; Matthew 5:16, 45, 48; 6:8-9,

32; John 8:41; 14:6; 15:16; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 4:6; 1 John 1:3: 2:1: 2:23.

God is love: Revelation 21:2; Isaiah 62:5; Jeremiah 31:3; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians

3:19; 1 John 4:7-8.

God is peace: Ephesians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 14:33; Romans 15:33; 16:20; 2 Corinthians

13:11; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20.

God is kind: Titus 3:4-5; Nehemiah 9:17; Romans 2:4; 1 Peter 2:3.

I do hope that you have looked up some of the references. If not, please take your time, go

back and read them. It will be a great blessing to you. Surely God is wonderful!

Test Yourself No 5

Answer the following questions and compare your answers with the answers found here. 

  1. Name five ways in which God reveals himself:

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6. What God Says About Man

“If all else fails, read the instructions of the maker”, says the instruction booklet of a well-

known make of stove. When we look around us and see so much hate, war, suffering and

injustice all over the world, we tend to despair. Why is it that every man seems to bemotivated by self-interest instead of love? Why is there so much selfishness in every man? It

is only when we start to “read the instructions of the Maker” that we begin to understand

ourselves. We will begin to understand what God's plan for mankind is, and what happened

that still causes so much sorrow. But we will also discover God's way to rectify this sad state

of affairs.

God's Will for Man

Like the Bible, the Qur'an also refers to the creation of man, e.g.

“We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape.” (Sura 15:26) 


“Proclaim! In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created: created man out of a (mere)

clot of congealed blood.” (Sura 96:1-2) 

Beyond that the Bible reveals a clear purpose for man. God does not create without a

purpose. The whole universe, also called cosmos (order), witnesses to that! The true purpose

and meaning of an article is best described by the designer and manufacturer. This, in the

case of man, by God. God created man as the special object of his love.

Read Genesis 1:26-28. 

  In whose image was man created? (Verse 27.)

  Does this only concern the male? (Verse 27.)

  Name three commands given by God in verse 28.

When the Bible reveals that man was created “in the image of God”, it does not mean that

God looks like a human being. God is Spirit (John 4:24), and so no physical resemblance can

be meant. Both the man and the woman was created by God in a special way (Genesis 2:7,

20-25). They both formed the image of God in true knowledge (Colossians 3:9-10), holinessand righteousness (Ephesians 4:22-25).

Obedience Expected

The image of God was visible while they obeyed God. They were commanded to be faithful

and fill the earth, to subdue it and to rule over it (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:5-8). To all that was

commanded was added one thing that was forbidden.

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Read Genesis 2:15-17.

  What was forbidden?

By this last command the obedience of man was tested. They had to obey, not because they

understood the reason for the command, but because God commanded it. Adam and Eve hadto be the image of God in everything they did. They were not to go their own way but had to

obey God in everything they did. While man answered God's love with love and obedience,

he enjoyed pure happiness. Unfortunately a terrible thing happened that is still destroying

happiness even up to this day.

Man's Disobedience

Read Genesis 3:1-24.

  Which command of God was disobeyed by Adam and Eve?

  Complete: They wanted to “be like _______________, knowing good and evil.”

  What happened to their love for God? (Verse 8.)

  Did Adam admit responsibility for his sin? (Verse 12.) And Eve? (Verse 13.)

On this terrible day sin came into the world through the disobedience of the first man and his

wife. The whole of creation was affected. Sin always brings separation:

  separation between man and God (verse 8);

  separation between man and his wife (verse 7, 12);

  separation between man and creation (verse 14-19);

 separation between man and his labour (verse 17, 19).

Every human being from that day onwards was affected. The first-born son of Adam and Eve

has the distinction of being the first murderer (Genesis 4:1-16). He “and all his descendants”

inherited the sinful nature of his parents. You yourself can witness to that: you have “by

nature” the urge to sin. It is hard to do right. Christians call this inherent principle “original

sin” (compare Sura 12:53). Like a rebellious teenager, man chose to be independent from

God. He doubted God's love (consciously or unconsciously) and stepped out of the God-

desired relationship of mutual love. Because he broke his relationship with God, all his

“goodness” is from now on motivated by selfrighteousness. And this is in direct

opposition to God! He may strive to lead a “good” life according to the general standards of 

this world, but he cannot expect God's forgiveness unless he is willing to turn from sin and toturn to God. Some people even hope to bribe God by religion and doing “good,” so as to earn

a place in God's kingdom. This is an attempt to secure God's favour without realizing that His

holiness demands absolute perfection.

Read what God says about man in Genesis 6:5-6; Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:10-18; Romans

1:29-32; Galatians 5:19-21.

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The Love and Mercy of God to Man

It is wonderful to discover that God does not turn away from man in disgust. He does not

destroy mankind. He does not allow man to wander away in disobedience and rebellion.

God's love is so completely different from ours. His love is unconditional, becaus God is

Love (1 John 4:8, 16). He remains true to Himself. He loves even those who are still His

enemies (Romans 5:6-10). God in His eternal love seeks out disobedient man (Genesis 3:9).

Again and again He talks about repentance and forgiveness (Jeremiah 3:12-13, 19-20; Isaiah

1:18; Matthew 11:28). He calls man into a special Covenant relationship with Him (Genesis

17:7; Leviticus 26:12; Exodus 29:45; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Revelation 21:3, 7; Hebrews 8:10;

Jeremiah 7:23; 11:4). God remains faithful to His promises of blessings and judgement.

Read 2 Timothy 2:13 and fill in the missing words:

  “If we are faithless, He will ________________________ for he cannot disown


God's love did not change because of man's disobedience. He is always ready to forgive, as

we have read in the Bible. But He is also holy and just. Sin must be punished. That is why

God prepared a new way to forgiveness and assurance, as we will see (Romans 3:21-26).

Test Yourself No 6

Answer the following questions and then compare your answers with the answers given here. 

  1. In whose image was man created?

  2. What was Adam expected to do with God's commands?  3. Complete: Sin brought separation between __________________(name three)

  4. How was God's love affected by man's disobedience?

7. What God Says About Sin 

We have now started to discover where all the sin, sorrow and sickness in the world comes

from. Adam's disobedience affects every one of us, as we read in Romans 5:12:

“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this

way death came to all men, because all sinned...” 

Each one of us has problems with sin. Let us go to discover what sin is.

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The Nature of Sin

God's law is based on divine standards. It requires man to be the moral “image” of God.

Anything less than perfection is sin. The Bible says,

“Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). 

“All wrongdoing is sin .....” (1 John 5:17). 

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins” (James 4:17). 

Sin is not just disobedience to God leading to an evil act or the omission of a good deed.

It begins with “evil thoughts” from an “evil heart”. Jesus said,

“What comes out of a man is what makes him „unclean‟. For from within, out of men's

hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit,

lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly” (Mark 7:20-22).

Sins are the “fruit” of a man who is alienated from God (Galatians 5:19-21). Lack of 

love for, and fear of, God is shown in lack of respect for Him and His will. Every man is born

with a sinful heart (Psalm 51:5). That is why we all have the compulsion to sin:

“All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and

following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath”

(Ephesians 2:3).

Both voluntary and involuntary sins are the products of a sinful heart. Therefore bothbear the same consequences.

The Root of Sin

The essence of all sin is selfishness, the love of self instead of love and obedience to God. Sin

is the supreme choice of self: self-love, self-will and self-interest. So one can actually be

sinning while “doing good”. Many “good deeds” originate in self -love, and are intended to

demonstrate someone's goodness. Jesus explained that such good deeds are worthless

(Matthew 6:1-8). And the prophet Isaiah explains that “all our righteous acts are like filthy

rags” before God (Isaiah 64:6). Thus even our “good deeds” may be reckoned as sin, since

they are often an unconscious declaration of independence from God. We feel that we do notneed God's mercy, because we deserve to be forgiven. Only when you begin to love God with

all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37; Deuteronomy

6:5), will self-love, self-will, self-interest and self-sufficiency begin to decrease and the

compulsion to sin be stemmed.

“Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:8-10; see also Galatians 5:14;

John 7:18; Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20-21).

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Every sinner is a slave of Satan (Romans 6:16). But remember that the devil has an ally in

our own corrupted mind:

“When tempted, no one should say, „God is tempting me.‟ For God cannot be tempted by

evil, nor does He tempt anyone; But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, He is

dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin,when it is full-grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:13-15).

The Consequence of Sin

  Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

  Sin makes prayers useless (Micah 3:4; Isaiah 1:15; 59:2-3).

  Sin kills physically and spiritually ( Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:1, 4; Luke 15:24, 32).

  Sin excludes from heaven ( 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:5;

Revelation 21:27).

  Besides this, it degrades a man and makes him a slave to greed, sinful desires and


  It robs him of a clear conscience, and thus also of happiness and contentment. In

short: it ruins our life.

Test Yourself No. 7

Fill in whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, and compare your answers to

those given. 

  1. It is possible to bribe God with good deeds.

  2. Sin originates in disobedience.  3. Every prophet except Jesus sinned.

  4. God causes us to sin.

  5. Sin separates us from God.

8. The Law of God

When we see the damage that sin has done to the whole of creation (Genesis 3:17-19), werealize the importance of recognizing sin for what it is. God gave us His Law, so that we

could know what is right and what is wrong. A law is a fixed standard of behaviour. Laws

govern the universe: the movement of the stars and planets, science and mathematics, biology

and all other aspects of creation. These laws are part of God's creation. Every group of people

in the world, regardless of how primitive or developed it is, also produces laws of conduct to

regulate their affairs. God gave His laws to man, not to restrict him, but to protect him, just as

a farmer puts up fences around dangerous places in order to protect his flock. Obedience to

His laws ensures equal opportunities for all mankind, unrestricted by the unlimited freedom

of others.

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God Reveals His Will

The Law of God is revealed in two ways:

1. In the conscience of man.

“The Gentiles (= non-Jews) ... show that the requirements of the law are written on their

hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even

defending them.” (Romans 2:15; see also Titus 1:15.) 

2. In the Bible.

In the Bible the Law is called the “Law of the Lord” and also the “Law of Moses”, because it

was revealed to Moses on the mountain at Sinai (Exodus 20). The spirit of this Law was

revitalized and interpreted by Jesus in his sermon on the mountain (Matthew 5-7). God's

Law, as summarized in the Ten Commandments, covers and regulates all affairs between

God and man and between men.

The Ten Commandments

We find different types of laws in the Bible. The Moral Law is God's abiding and eternal

will and standard for mankind. Besides this we also find Ceremonial Laws that governed

the bringing of sacrifices (for example Leviticus 1-7), and the Laws of Custom that

explained what is right or wrong in certain situations (for example Exodus 21). The whole of 

the Moral Law is condensed in the Ten Commandments:

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 

1. “You shall have no other gods before Me.

2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the

earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them ...

3. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone

guiltless who misuses His name.

4. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your 

work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work,

neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals,

nor the alien within your gates.

5. “Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your 

God is giving you.

6. “You shall not murder.

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7. “You shall not commit adultery. 

8. “You shall not steal. 

9. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour. 

10. “You shall not covet your neighbour's house. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife,

or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your


(Exodus 20:2-17.)

Jesus condenses these commandments into two:

1. “ „Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

your mind.‟ 

This is the first and greatest commandment.

2. “And the second is like it: „Love your neighbour as yourself.‟ 

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” 

(Matthew 22:37-40).

If We Break The Law

Someone likened the Ten Commandments to a chain with ten links, which is firmly held by

God above, and we hang from the lowest link. How many links must we break before failing?One! How many times must it be broken before we fail? Once! This illustration is confirmed

in the Bible: “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of 

 breaking all of it” (James 2:10). 

A law is given to establish a standard by which righteous judgement is to be passed. It is

nothing less, but also nothing more. A law cannot pardon. It judges not. That is done by the

 judge in accordance with that law. So nobody can hope to be reconciled to God by the law.

“Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law; rather, 

through the law we become conscious of sin” (Romans 3:20). 

“. Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law ..” (Romans 7:7). 

By the Law we can know what is right in God's sight. If we take God seriously our first

impulse is to try to keep the Law. We are inclined to forget all the sins that are still

unforgiven. But is it possible to keep the Law according to God's perfect standard?

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The Bible says

“We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. (note: Because of 

our alienation from God!) I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but

what I hate I do . . . I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I

have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good Iwant to do; no, the evil that I do not want to do - this I keep doing” (Romans 7:14-19).

Law Against Law

As you continue to study your Bible, you will discover the reason for this sad state of affairs

Read Romans 7:21-23

  Fill in the missing words: “So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is

right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's Law; But I see anotherlaw at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of 

__________________and making me a prisoner of the law of 

 ___________________at work within my members.”

This “law of sin” within every man is motivated and controlled by the devil. It is that force in

me which makes me sin, even against the “law of my mind” that wishes to obey God. It is

that sinful nature within us with which every human is born, being seperated from God since

Adam's fall.

“For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to

the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want”(Galatians 5:17).

A Hopeless Case?

There is therefore nothing so discouraging as trying to keep God's Law according to His holy

standards. Jesus explains that God does not only look at our deeds. He judges us even by our


“You have heard that it was said, „Do not commit adultery‟. But I tell you that anyone who

looks as a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew


However much we may try to keep God's Law in the future, we have already broken it. And,

because of our sinful nature, we will break it again! This totally disqualifies us from ever

reaching God's approval of our life. We, like everybody else, are already under

condemnation. Like Paul, a man of the highest ethics, we have to cry out:

“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). 

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Fortunately, God reveals the answer to us in the Bible.

Test Yourself No. 8

Answer the following questions and compare your answers to these. 

  Name two reasons why God gave His law to us.

  How many commandments should we break to become a lawbreaker?

  Is it possible to keep God's Law on your own?

  What is the effect of our sinful nature?

  Complete: God judges us by our deeds, our words and our ____________.

9. The Life Of Jesus 

We now wish to introduce you to the one Person that makes all the difference to every true

Christian: Jesus. To help you understand the Christian way of thinking, we suggest that you

first of all read one of the Gospels from beginning to end. We recommend that you start with

the Gospel as recorded by Luke.

If you are really earnest to know the truth, you should sincerely pray the following prayer

before you start reading:

“O God, help me to read this Book with an open mind, and help me to find the truth. Showme who Jesus really is. Amen.” 

Have you done that? Good. You will find that Jesus, as you get to know Him in the Bible, is

the most unique Person who ever lived. Let us highlight a few facets of His life.

His Childhood

As Muslim you will already know about His birth from the virgin Mary (Matthew 1:18-25;

Sura 19:16-35). King Herod was ruling in Jerusalem at that time, and heard about the birth of 

the “King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:1-12). God warned Joseph, the husband of Mary, to flee

to Egypt with Mary and Jesus until the death of Herod (Matthew 2:3-23).

After their return to Nazareth, the home town of Joseph and Mary (Luke 2:38-40, 51-52), we

only read again of Him when He was about 12 years old. The family went to Jerusalem to

celebrate the Passover festival there. Jesus surprised the learned rabbis with His knowledge

(Luke 2:41-50).

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Jesus Starts His Work

When Jesus was about 30 years old, He met John the Baptist (Yahya) who was preaching,

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”. When he saw Jesus, he pointed to Him and said, 

“Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). 

He was referring to the fact that Jesus was the sacrifice, the Qurban, that God provided, like

the ram in the case of Abraham (Genesis 22:13) or the lambs sacrificed as sin offerings

(Exodus 12:1-13).

After Jesus asked to be baptized by John, the Holy Spirit led Him into the desert, where he

was tempted by the devil. He tempted Jesus on the three most common points: the needs and

desires of this body, pride, and lust for power and possessions (Matthew 4:1-11; Genesis 3:6:

1 John 2:16).

Read Matthew 4:4, 7 and 10.

  What helped Jesus to resist the temptations?

Jesus And His Work

During the three years of His public service until He was killed, Jesus devoted Himself to

three spheres of service:

1. Teaching

He taught His followers the principles of a practical, living faith that resulted in a changed

life. The religion of that time was largely mechanical and outward. Jesus revealed that God

did not look at the outward form, but at the inward motives. (Read for example Matthew 5:1-

7, 7:27.)

Jesus spent much time walking from place to place, teaching individuals (John 3:121; 4:7-30;

etc.) and large crowds (Luke 4:42-5:3, etc.).

Now read Matthew 7:28-29 

  How did the crowds react to His teaching?  Why?

2. Miracles

In His compassion for the people He served, He performed many miracles of healing, even

raising of the dead (Mark 5:35-42; Luke 7:11-17; John 11:38-44). These were signs of the

coming of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 12:28).

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More than once He fed thousands of people miraculously (Mark 6:30-46; 8:1-10). He stilled

the storm and calmed the waves (Matthew 8:24-27) and even walked on water (Matthew


Gradually it dawned on his followers that Jesus was no ordinary man.

Read Matthew 8:27 

  Complete the sentence: “What kind of Man is this? Even the winds and the waves


3. Training

Jesus called men to become His disciples (students). From these He selected twelve to be

specially trained in a small group (Mark 3:13-19; Matthew 10:1-4). They would become the

apostles (= sent out ones) who would carry His message all over the world (John 20:19-21;

Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8).

Read Mark 3:14.

  In which two ways did Jesus train the apostles?

His Friends and Enemies

Jesus was dearly beloved by the people, but hated by the Jewish leaders. He was a friend of 

sinners and religious outcasts (Matthew 9:9-13). Tax collectors were despised by the

religious Jews because they worked for and with the Romans, the invaders. But many of these tax collectors and sinners realized their spiritual need and lostness (Luke 18:9-14).

On the other hand, the Pharisees and other religious leaders performed their religious rites

and duties meticulously, but in their hearts they were proud of their achievements. Their

hearts were far from God, because God resists the proud (James 4:6). They performed their

duties in order to be seen by men and to observe man-made traditions (Matthew 6:1-6; Mark 


People who are righteous (good) in their own eyes do not realize their need for

forgiveness by God. The parable of the Pharisees and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) is a

vivid illustration of this fact.

Read Luke 5:31-32

  Fill in the missing words. Jesus answered them, “It is not the ______________who

need a doctor, but the _________________I have not come to call the

 _______________but ____________________to repentance.”

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His Perfect, Sinless Life

As you know already, Jesus was the only exception to the rule that all men are sinners. He

lived a life of complete purity. He could challenge His enemies and say,

“Can any one of you prove me guilty of sin?” (John 8:46). 

Not one of them could. In the letter to the Hebrews we read the following about Jesus:

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,

but we have one who has been tempted in every way,

 just as we are:

yet was without sin.”

(Hebrews 4:15)

This is an important fact, because no sinner can pay the debt of sin for other sinners. Jesus

had no sin Himself, and therefore He was able to do what He came to do, as we shall see.

Test Yourself No. 9

Answer the following questions and then compare your answers with those found here. 

  1. What did John the Baptist call Jesus?

  2. Name the three main elements of Jesus' ministry during the three years of his public


  3. How did Jesus differ from all other religious leaders?

10. The Death And Resurrection of Jesus 

Jesus did not only come to teach, to heal end to train disciples. The main purpose of His

coming was to open the door of forgiveness for all men by His dying on the cross. Perhaps

you find this hard to understand. So it also was with His disciples.

Read Luke 18:31-34. 

  Why did Jesus have to die? (Verse 31.)

  How would He die? (Verse 32.)

  What would happen after that? (Verse 33.)

  How did the disciples react to this statement?

On at least three occasions Jesus warned his disciples about what would happen, but they did

not understand this until much later. But all this was in full agreement with the prophecies

concerning Him. (Read Isaiah 53, written about seven centuries before the birth of Jesus.)

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It is no coincidence, therefore, that one third of the record of the gospel is devoted to one

week of His life: the week in which Jesus was killed. This is one of the best evidenced events

of old history, an event that influenced the world and its thinking more than any other. In

addition, this event has totally changed the lives of millions of believers throughout history

up to the present time.

The Plot Against Jesus

Jesus, despite being foretold in detail in the Old Testament, did not fit the Messiah concept of 

many of the religious leaders. To them He was an impostor, a blasphemer. They saw His

miracles, but ascribed them, at least partly, to Satan (Matthew 12:15-24).

They expected a political Messiah who would deliver them from the yoke of the Roman

oppression. These leaders were jealous of Him, because large crowds of Jews followed him.

They also saw in Him a threat to the “theocracy” (rule of God) because Israel was largely

ruled by the priests and religious leaders. They felt that the future of the nation was at stake.

After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, they finally plotted to kill Him.

Read John 11:45-53.

  Why did some of the Jews believe in Jesus?

  Why did the leaders see Jesus as a threat? (Verse 48.)

  Why did Jesus have to die? (Verse 51-52.)

The Passover Feast

The Passover is one of the major religious feasts in Israel. It reminds the Jews of theirliberation from Egypt under Moses. God had sent different plagues on Egypt to force Pharaoh

to allow the Israelites to go free (Exodus 7-11). The final punishment was the death of every

firstborn, man and beast. Only those homes which were protected by a lamb's blood paintedon the sides and tops of the door frames, were “passed over” and the occupants spared

(Exodus 12:1-6).

So the feast was called: Passover. It had to be celebrated every year (Exodus 12:25-27;

Leviticus 23:5-8).

This festival also had a deeper meaning. It was not a coincidence that Jesus Christ was killed

during the Passover ceremonies, “for Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (1Corinthians 5:7). As the blood of the lamb on the door post caused the judgement of God to

pass over those Israelites, so the blood of Jesus causes the judgement of God to pass over

everyone who trusts in Him. As it was done then, by trusting God's word without trying to

reason out how and why blood on the door post could save from judgement, so faith works


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The Last Supper

Just before His capture Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with His disciples. One of them,

Judas Iscariot, had already negotiated to betray his Master to His enemies without attracting

public attention, but Jesus knew about it and told him so (Matthew 26:25).

By that time the religious feasts of the Jews had become a routine. During the celebrations

the same prescribed words were repeated by prescribed people every year. But at this feast

Jesus departed from the usual pattern.

Read Luke 22:15-20.

  Fill in the missing words:

“This is My body given for _________________”. 

“This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for 


This New Covenant or New Testament means that we no longer have to despair over our sins

or fear the judgement after death. When we entrust ourselves to Him and gratefully accept the

pardon offered by Him, we may know that His body was broken for us and His blood shed

for us. Christians remember this in regular services where this symbolic action is repeated

and the believers repent of their sins, but rejoice in the full forgiveness the New Covenant

offers (Hebrews 9:16-28; 8:6-13). The New Covenant replaces the old in which the sacrifices

were only pointers to God's great and final sacrifice, Jesus.

Jesus' Trial and Execution

That same night Jesus was arrested in the garden called Gethsemane. During the night,

contrary to the Jewish law, He was brought before the high priest and the Jewish council


Read Matthew 26:59-66. 

  How do we know that the Sanhedrin was not interested in a just trial?

  To what accusation did Jesus admit? (Verse 63)

  What did He also call himself? (Verse 64.)

  How did the high priest react to this term? (Verse 65.)

  What was the verdict? (Verse 66.)

The Jews said that Jesus blasphemed when He called himself “Son of Man”, because they

refused to accept Him for who He really was. They knew what the term meant from Daniel


“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of Man, coming with

the clouds of Heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. He

was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every

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language worshipped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass

away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” 

The Jewish authorities were not allowed to pass a death sentence. This could only be done by

the Romans, who governed the land. Jesus was therefore brought at first light to Pontius

Pilate the Roman governor.

Read John 18:28-19:25. 

  Why did the Jews bring Jesus before Pilate? (Verse 31.)

  What was Pilate's verdict? (Verse 38, 4, 6.)

  Why then was Jesus crucified? (Verse 12, 16.)

So Jesus received the death sentence in spite of being declared completely innocent three

times in a court of law!

Read about the execution in John 19:17-37.

  How do we know that Jesus Himself was crucified?

  How do we know that He was really dead?

Jesus Lives Again!

Many people were crucified in those days. If Jesus had only died, He could have been an

impostor, in spite of the many prophecies that were fulfilled in detail. But Jesus rose again

from death on the third day, in spite of all the precautions of His enemies.

Read Matthew 27:57-65. 

  How did Joseph seal the grave?

  How did the chief priests seal the grave?

If you consider this evidence, as well as the evidence recorded in the other accounts of the

gospel, is it very clear that it was impossible for Jesus to have remained alive. It was

impossible for His disciples to have stolen the body. If the chief priests and Pharisees had

stolen the body, they would have produced it triumphantly as soon as the disciples started to

say that Jesus lived. But the facts show that only one explanation is possible: Jesus rose from

the dead and is alive today!

Read Matthew 28:1-15.

  Who rolled back the stone?

  What were the soldiers paid to say?

If one remembers that any Roman soldier found sleeping while on guard duty was executed,

the story that was circulated among the Jews is shown to be nonsense.

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It is interesting to note that the disciples themselves were caught completely by surprise

(Luke 24:1-11), in spite of the fact that Jesus predicted His resurrection again and again. That

same evening Jesus appeared to them and convinced them that He really lived (Luke 24:36-

44). Even the proverbial “doubting Thomas”, one of the apostles, was convinced in the end

(John 20:28-29).

Read John 20:24-29. 

  What did Thomas say when he realized who Jesus is? (Verse 28.)

In Chapter 14 we will have a good look at this statement when we try to determine who Jesus


Jesus Returns to Heaven

After instructing His disciples for forty days after the resurrection, Jesus went back to His

heavenly glory. He will return again at the end of time.

Read Acts 1:1-11.

  Who would come to them? (Verse 4, 5, 8.)

  Would the Holy Spirit come in their lifetime or centuries later?

  How will Jesus come back?

Test Yourself No. 10

Decide whether the following statements are true or false, and compare your answers. 

  1. Jesus knew how He would die.

  2. Jesus deserved to be killed.

  3. Jesus gave a new meaning to the Passover feast.

  4. Someone else was crucified instead of Jesus.

  5. The disciples stole the body of Jesus.

11. The Kingdom Of God 

One of the fundamental teachings of Jesus was about the Kingdom of heaven, also called the

Kingdom of God. Right from the start of His ministry, Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the

kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17). 

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What and Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?

Jesus often used parables (stories of everyday life) as illustrations to explain eternal truths.

Jesus wanted to be understood by even the simplest people. In Matthew 13:1-52 we read one

of His sermons about the kingdom of heaven that consists of seven parables. Read them in

your Bible. 

Have you read them? If not, read them first.

You will have noted the following facts about the kingdom of heaven:

1. It is not “a pie in the sky when you die” (only a future place in eternity). The kingdom of 

heaven begins here on earth, wherever the King rules.

2. It is constantly under attack by an enemy, the devil (verse 19, 25, 39).

3. It is growing from a most insignificant beginning (verse 31-33).

4. There are “weeds” among the “wheat”. We do not always have enough insight to

distinguish between true believers and hypocrites, but on the Day of Judgement they will be

separated (verse 40-43, 49-50).

5. The kingdom of heaven is like “hidden treasure,” which does not fall into our lap. It needs

searching for, perhaps digging (verse 44).

6. The one who finds the kingdom of heaven is willing to give up everything he has to obtain

it (verse 44, 46). (See also Matthew 6:33; Mark 9:47).

7. One needs to hear, understand and accept the message of the kingdom (verse 23). It is clear

that the kingdom of heaven, also called the kingdom of God, is different from earthly

kingdoms. Jesus says,

“The kingdom of God does not come visibly . . . because the kingdom of God is within you.”

(Luke 17:20-21).

The coming of the kingdom does not come with outward show. It happens within the “heart,”

the innermost part of man. Rituals and external washing can never produce a clean heart.

Read Matthew 15:10-20. People tend to do good deeds in order to be seen by others. Jesusexplains that such deeds are worthless (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21).

Although the kingdom of heaven operates here and now, it is an everlasting kingdom, and

will come fully at the return of Jesus (Daniel 7:13-14). In this way the prophecies of Isaiah

9:6-7 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 will be finally fulfilled in Christ. This eternal kingdom was

promised to Noah, Abraham, Moses an David (e.g. Psalm 89:3-4, 27-29, 35-37). The final

coming of the kingdom will be opposed by the antichrist, but in vain (Daniel 7: 25-28;

Revelation 20:10).

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At the day of the judgement Jesus will say to those who chose to accept His pardon, and

whose life style changes accordingly,

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take our inheritance, the kingdom prepared for 

you since the creation of the world” (Matthew 25:34).

All this makes it quite clear that the eternal King of the eternal kingdom promised to David is

none other than Jesus the Messiah.

The King of the Kingdom

Jesus never made a display of His power and kingship. He introduced a totally different

concept of spiritual leadership.

Read Matthew 20:25-28.

  Fill in the missing words:“The Son of Man did not come to be_________________ 

 but to ___________________, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

In John 13:1-15 we read how He demonstrated this principle in an unforgettable way, by

washing the feet of His disciples. He, to whom all glory and honour belongs, chose to serve

because of his love for mankind, a kind of love of which we know so little (1 Corinthians


The King Introduces Himself 

Jesus proved His authority and trustworthiness by the many signs he provided and by theprophecies He fulfilled. Let us get to know Him better.

Write next to each Scripture reference what Jesus calls Himself:

  John 6:35-40:

  John 8:12:

  John 10:7-18:

  John 10:27-30:

  John 11:25-26:

  John 14:6:

  John 14:9:

These statements leave only one of three possibilities:

  1. Jesus was a liar, because He falsely claimed to be the only way to God, or

  2. Jesus was insane, because He wrongly believed Himself to be the only way, or

  3. Jesus spoke the truth, because He is the only way.

It should be obvious by now that only the last can be true. But that, however, bears eternal

consequences for every man, and that includes you!

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Thus Jesus, according to the revelation of God, is not just another one in a long line of 

prophets (although he was a prophet also). But He is revealed to be the King of kings and

Lord of lords (Revelation 9:11-16). One day every knee will have to bow before Him,

lovingly or in despair (Philippians 2:5-11).

Test Yourself No. 11

Write down whether the following statements are true or false. Compare your answers. 

  1. The kingdom of God only comes after death.

  2. The kingdom of God is within the believers.

  3. The kingdom of God comes through violence and weapons.

  4. Jesus Christ is the only way into the kingdom of God.

  5. It is easy to see who is part of the kingdom of God.

12. How to Become a Citizen of the


It should be clear by now that it is most important to make sure that you are a citizen of the

kingdom of God. All prayers, fastings and other religious rituals are in vain without it.

Jesus warns in Matthew 7:22 that many religious people will discover in the Day of Judgement that they never were part of the kingdom:

“Many will say to me on that day, „Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in

Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?‟ Then I will tell them plainly, „I

never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!‟ ” 

We should therefore make very sure that we are, in fact, citizens of the kingdom of God.

Citizens by Birth

Jesus explained the way to enter the kingdom of God when He spoke to the Jewish theologianNicodemus.

Read John 3:1-21. 

  What do we need in order to see the kingdom of God? (Verse 3.)

  Is this second birth a physical birth? (Verse 4.)

  To what does the water in verse 5 refer, according to verse 6?

  How is one born again? (Verse 8.)

  Where did Jesus come from? (Verse 13.)

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  How does God prove His love? (Verse 16.)

  Why did God send Jesus into the world? (Verse 17.)

  Who is not condemned by God? (Verse 18.)

  Who is the Light who came into the world? (Verse 19; compare 8:12.)

Jesus says that to become a “child of God” or citizen of God's kingdom, we must be bornagain. We are first born biologically, but to become part of God's kingdom we must be born

again, spiritually. The difference between spiritual life and spiritual death lies in the spiritual

birth which is the result of faith:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes

in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16.)

Or, as we read in John 1:10-13 about Jesus, “He was in the world, and though the world was

made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own,

but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His

name, He gave the right to become children of God's children born not of natural descent, norof human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.” 

Or, as we read in Galatians 3:26, “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” 

The Key to Forgiveness

Did you notice how one word is repeated again and again? It is the word “believe”. You are

born again by faith.

The faith that causes this miracle to happen is more than just a belief in the existence of theliving God. The saving faith is a trust in God's way to obtain forgiveness through Jesus


As you saw in John 3, God sent His Son into the world that the world might be saved through

Him. There is no other way.

Read John 3:36 

  Fill in the missing words: “Whoever believes in _________________ has eternal life

but whoever rejects____________________will not see life, for God's wrath remains

on him.

It is clear that God's way to give forgiveness is completely different from man's way. We

would expect that we will have to earn forgiveness by keeping the law of God, but we have

already seen in Lesson 8 that it is impossible to keep God's law according to God's standards.

God opened a new way to forgiveness:

“Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is

proclaimed to you. Through Him everyone who believes is justified from everything you

could not be justified from by the law of Moses” (Acts 13:38-39).

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The word “justify” in the Bible means “to declare sinless” or “to reckon to be sinless.” It is

more than just pardon. A criminal remains guilty, even if he is pardoned afterwards. But

when God forgives, it is as if we have never sinned at all:

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12;

Jeremiah 31:34.)

God is holy and just. He hates sin. Sin must be punished by death. But God is also love

and mercy. He wants to pardon lost sinners. This is only possible if a sinless Man is

willing to bear the punishment in the place of the guilty man. Since all men are sinners

(Romans 3:23), God had to provide the sinless Man Himself.

“God made Him (Christ) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the

righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21.) 

There is only one way to receive this complete forgiveness, and that is by trusting in Jesus

Christ. Read Romans 3:20-31 over and over again until you understand it well.

Read Galatians 2:15-16.

  How is man not justified?

  How is he justified?

Use the Key

When you are seriously ill, the best medicine in the world will not help you unless you take

it. And you will only take the medicine if you realize that you are ill.

If you have the key to a locked door, that door will remain locked unless you use the key.

And you will only do that if you really wish to enter through that door.

So it is with Jesus, the only door or gate to salvation (John 10:9-10). You have studied well in

order to understand the Christian faith. Perhaps you have discovered the truth that you also

need to be forgiven. Listen to the first sermon of Jesus recorded in Mark 1:15:

“The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News!” 

To repent means to leave your sin and to turn to God. Jesus once told a story to illustrate howGod receives a sinner.

Read Luke 15:11-24. 

  Why did the younger son ask for his inheritance? (Verse 12.)

  How did he use it? (Verse 12.)

  What was the result of his rebellion? (Verse 15-16.)

  What did he realize at last? (Verse 17.)

  What did he decide to do? (Verse 18-19.)

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  What did he do? (Verse 20.)

  How did his father react? (Verse 21.)

  What did the father give to him? (Verse 22-23.)

  Why? (Verse 24.)

The best robe was a symbolical cover of his sins. The ring symbolized his reinstatement asson in the house. The sandals symbolized his new freedom, since only free men wore them.

The feast symbolizes the joy of forgiveness that everyone who returns to God in repentance


In our next lesson we will see the results of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ in the life of 

the believer.

Test Yourself No. 12

Fill in the missing word in each sentence, using a word from this list: sinless/ believe/ 

receiving /again/ spiritual. The correct answers. 

  1. To see the kingdom of God you must be born

  2. This birth is a _______________ birth.

  3. One becomes a child of God by _______________ Jesus Christ.

  4. To justify means to declare ________________

  5. Your sins are all forgiven if you ___________ in Jesus Christ.

13. The Lifestyle of the Citizens

By now you may wonder how this teaching of the Bible, of forgiveness by grace only, will

affect the lives of Christians. Will “cheap forgiveness,” through faith in Jesus Christ and not

through rigorous religious duties, not lead to sinful living?

Forgiveness is Not Cheap ! 

Read 1 Peter 1:14-19. 

  By what are Christians not redeemed? (Verse 18.)

  What was the real cost? (Verse 19.)

  From what are Christians redeemed? (Verse 14, 18.)

  What does God expect from every believer? (Verse 15-17.)

Did you read those verses and answer the questions? Because Jesus had to pay such a high

price, God has a right to expect a high standard of living as a sign of gratitude. We read in

Romans 6:1-14 that some people thought that grace opens the way to continue sinning. Read

Paul's reply to that argument in these verses!

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Look Around You

But, you may respond, why do I see so many “Christians” living in immortality, drunkenness,

dishonesty, greed, hatred and pride? But are they really Christians?

Jesus explains in Matthew 7:21-23 that many “Christians” will find in the Day of Judgementthat they are eternally lost, even though they preached and performed miracles in the name of 

Jesus: “Then I will tell them plainly, „I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!‟ ” 

Read Galatians 5:19-21.

  Complete the sentence: “I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will

not ____________________”

So do not think that people who live like that are Christians, even though they may think so


The Christian Life

How, then, should Christians behave? Someone rightly said, “Christians are not perfect, they

are forgiven.” Christians no longer live for themselves, but for God (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).

They are not saved by doing good works, but do good works because they are saved

(Ephesians 2:8-10)!

A Christian obeys God out of love (John 14:21, 23). Love grows through contact. You cannot

love a person you do not know. When you get to know Jesus, you can only love him for who

and what he is, or hate Him for the same reason, if you refuse to obey Him.

To love God means to love Jesus; to love Jesus means to love God (1 John 2:22-23) and to

love people, especially fellow believers. As Jesus said,

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

All men will know that you are My disciples if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).

The Christian's love to God and to his fellow man, even his enemy, becomes visible in caring

for others. Read the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.

When Christ becomes the Lord of your life, every aspect of your life comes under His

control: your household, your words, your music, everything. Read for example Colossians

3:1-4:6 and make a list of the instructions. If you examine what you find, you will see that it

is a summary of a happy life.

Jesus summarized the Christian life in one word: Love (Matthew 22:35-40). Which led the

Christian leader Augustine to formulate this rule of thumb: “Love God: and do what you

like!” because if you love God, you will try to do only that which will please Him. 

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Since we are human, total perfection will not be attained in this life, although Christians

strive towards this. Therefore God has opened a way to daily forgiveness to remedy our

failures (1 John 1:5-10; Proverbs 28:13).

The Festive Occasions of the Citizens

Every year some special holidays are celebrated, unfortunately by most nominal Christian in

a most inappropriate way, beginning with Christmas. On Christmas (= festival of Christ) we

remember the birth of Jesus Christ.

The greatest festive days are, no doubt, “Good Friday” and Easter. On Good Friday we

remember the day on which Jesus was crucified, and on Easter Sunday the day on which He

rose from the dead.

The day of Pentecost is seven weeks after Easter and reminds Christians of the day the Holy

Spirit descended on the disciples (Acts 2:1-13). Ten days previously is Ascension Day, when

Christians remember the ascension of Jesus to heaven (Acts 1:9-11).

Independent of any special dates “the Lord's Supper” or “Holy Communion” or “the breaking

of the bread” is periodically celebrated on Sundays. This feast was instituted by Jesus

Himself to remind Christians of His death for them (Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-31).

Every Christian is baptized in or with water once in his lifetime according to the command of 

Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. The word Baptism comes from a Greek word meaning “to dip

into” or “to immerse”. It symbolizes the fact that a believer's sins are washed away by the

blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7). It also symbolizes a dying to sin in order to live for God

(Romans 6:3-14).

Test Yourself No. 13

Write behind each statement whether it is true or false. The correct answers are found here. 

  1. Christians may continue to live in sin.

  2. Christians have to love one another.

  3. Christ only changes your religious life.

  4. Good Friday is the day Jesus rose from the dead.

  5. Every Christian should be baptized.

14. Jesus: More than a Prophet

If you really wish to understand the Biblical faith, you have to consider the evidence honestly

and with an open mind. You have already learnt a number of facts about Jesus that may be

new to you. Perhaps you are thinking of rejecting this new light, like the man who said, “I

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have made up my mind. Don't confuse me with facts!” But the Christian's faith rests on facts.

Let us examine them.

Consider His Name

Before Jesus was born, an angel (heavenly messenger) appeared to Joseph, who was engagedto be married to Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Read Matthew 1:18-25. 

  Who named the baby? (Verse 21.)


  What prophetic name was also given? (Verse 23.)

  What does it mean?

The name “Jesus” is the English form of the Hebrew “Yeshua” which means “God is our 

salvation”. It was a fairly common name at that time, but in this case it becomes a very

special name, “because He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). 

The name “Christ” comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word “Mashiah”

(Messiah / al Masih). It means literally “the anointed one.” In the early days of Semitic

history kings (1 Samuel 16:12-13), prophets (1 Kings 19:16) and priests (Exodus 29:7) were

anointed into their office. This is somewhat the same as a coronation or ordination now.

Special sweet-smelling oil was poured out over the head of the appointed person. On the one

hand, this anointing indicated dedication to the service of God, and, on the other, the election,

calling and preparation for that service by God himself. Gradually the name Messiah came to

indicate that one special descendant of David of whom the prophecies speak (Daniel 9:25;John 4:25).

Consider His Birth

Read Luke 1:26-38. 

  How did the angel describe the baby? (Verse 32, 35.)

  Do the words in verse 35 describe a physical act?

  How do we know that Jesus was not conceived as the result of a physical act? (Verse

34, 37.)

Some Muslims misunderstand the Christian faith on this point. No true Christian will

entertain the blasphemous idea that Jesus was born out of a sexual encounter between God

and Mary. Such a suggestion is as abhorrent to the Christian as it is to a Muslim. A little

illustration may help us to solve the problem a Muslim sees when hearing the term “Son of 

God”. In the Malay language a lock is called “kutshi,” and a key “ana-kutshi,” which literally

means “son of a lock”. Do Malays suggest that one “kutshi” mated with another “kutshi,“

conceived, and later bore an “ana-kutshi”? Of course not! It is just illustrating that the key

belongs to the lock, and that you cannot open the lock without the key! The two are

complementary and belong together. A lock without a key is incomplete, even useless.

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Likewise in Arabia a traveller is called a “son of the road”. No sane person will

misunderstand that term either.

Consider His Divinity

Now we have to seriously consider this question: Is it possible that Jesus was in fact morethan just a prophet? Could it be that He is “God with us”? 

Let me illustrate two possible reactions we might have when considering a new concept.

When a new type of tin opener which looks and works differently from what has been used in

the past, is offered on the market, we may react in one of two ways. We may reason:

“How can that be a tin opener if it does not look or operate like the one we are used to?”  


“Can it open a tin? If it does, I accept it as a tin opener.”  

If Jesus had powers and knowledge that are exclusively God's, we can accept Him for what

He claims to be: the Son of the living God, irrespective of our own idea of how God should

reveal Himself to us.

Remember what you have learnt from the Bible. Remember the many miracles Jesus

performed: He raised the dead, healed the lame, blind, deaf and dumb and lepers, He cast out

demons and was the only person who ever lived without sinning. He walked on water, stilled

the storm, multiplied a few pieces of bread and fish to feed multitudes, turned water into wine

and rose form the dead himself. At last He ascended bodily to heaven before the eyes of Hisfollowers.

The Qur'an confirms this in its own way:

1. He was born of a virgin (Sura 19:16-35).

2. He was the Messiah (Sura 4:171).

3. He was a Spirit from God (Sura 4:171).

4. He was the Word of God (Sura 4:171).

5. He was sinless (Sura 19:19).

6. He is illustrious in the world and the hereafter (Sura 3:45).

7. He could give life to the dead (Sura 3:49 with Sura 22:73).

8. He was taken to heaven by God (Sura 4:158).

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9. He will come back as a sign of the Hour of Judgement (Sura 43:61).

Consider the Evidence of His Disciples

Please do not jump to conclusions. Consider the evidence like an impartial judge. The Bible

book of Proverbs has a verse that says,

“He who answers before listening : that is his folly and his shame.” (Proverbs 18:13.)

Let us read some of the statements recorded in the Bible. Answer the questions as honestly as


1. Read John 1:1-3, 10-12. 

  Complete the sentence: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,

and the Word was ___________.”

  Who created everything? (Verse 3.)

  Who is the Word?

  What happens to those who receive him? (Verse 12.)

2. Read Colossians 1:25-20.

  Complete: “He (Jesus) is the image of _________.”

  Complete: “For God was pleased to have ___________________ dwell in Him, and

through Him to reconcile to __________________ all things.”

3. Read Hebrews 1:1-3, 7-10.

  Complete: “The Son is the radiance of ______________ and the exact

 ______________ of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.”

  What does God call Jesus in verse 8?

  And in verse 10?

4. Read Philippians 2:5-11. 

  How is Jesus described in verse 6?

  Who will bow before Him?

  What will every tongue confess?  Will “every tongue” include yours?

Another important fact to note is that Scripture references that refer to God in the Old

Testament are often applied to Jesus in the New Testament. A few examples: Isaiah 6:10

compared to John 12:40-41. Isaiah 44:6 compared to Revelation 22:13. Psalm 102:26-28

compared to Hebrews 1:10-12.

You could also read 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:20; Titus 2:11-14; 2 Peter 1:1, 2, 11; Romans

9:5; 2 Timothy 4:16-18.

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Can one in all honesty say that Jesus was only a prophet? As you saw, the Bible repeats again

and again that He is God. It is clear that those who knew Jesus intimately came to realize that

He was in reality God among men.

Consider the Words of Jesus

It is sometimes said that Jesus Himself never claimed to be divine. Let us test this statement.

Read Revelation 21:6-7. 

  Jesus says: “He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will

 be My son.”

Read John 20:27-29. 

  When Thomas was convinced at last that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead, he

said to Him: “My Lord and my God!” Jesus did not deny this, but commended

Thomas for believing at last.

Read John 20:24-33. 

  Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” The Jews knew what He meant, and tried to

stone Jesus, “because You, a mere Man, claim to be God.” Christ did not try to avoid

stoning by explaining that He was just a man, which He surely would have done if the

Jews had misunderstood Him. In fact, He said just the opposite (John 14:6-10).

After Jesus walked on the water and calmed the storm, we read, “then those who were in theboat worshipped Him, saying, 'Truly You are the Son of God”' (Matthew 14:33). Jesus

accepted this worship, though earlier He stated, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him

only” (Matthew 4:10).

When Simon Peter said to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” Jesus edit

not rebuke him for it, but replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not

revealed to you by man, but by My Father in heaven” (Matthew 16:16-17).

Read Mark 2:3-12. 

  The teachers of the law said, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” How did Jesusprove that He had the authority to forgive sins on earth? (Verse 11.)

At the trial the high priest said to Jesus, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if 

You are the Christ, the Son of God.” Jesus replied, “Yes, it is as you say. But I say to all of 

you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and

coming on the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:63-64; compare Daniel 7:13-14).

Jesus existed before He came to earth. As He told the Jews, “I tell you the truth, before

Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58.) 

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It is very clear that the prophecy of Isaiah 9:6, spoken 700 years before Christ, was fulfilled

in Jesus.

Read Isaiah 9:6

  Fill in the missing words: “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and thegovernment will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor,

Mighty ________________, Everlasting __________________, Prince of Peace.”

Consider the “Trinity”

Any serious student of the Bible will sooner or later discover the truth of the words of Job


“How great is God : beyond our understanding!” 

It quickly becomes clear that no creature can ever hope to understand his Creator. As we have

seen, the Bible reveals that Jesus is more than a mere prophet. He was God and is God with

us. In our next chapter we will discover that God also reveals Himself in the Holy Spirit. And

yet, God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29).

In Matthew 28:19 we read that the disciples of Jesus must be baptized in the one name (not

names) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Also in Isaiah 44:6 we read: “I am the first and I am the last; apart from Me there is no God.”

But in Isaiah 63:7-10 God is called the Lord, the Saviour, the angel of his presence and the

Holy Spirit in the same passage. And all through the Bible the same divine attributes aregiven to each of the three Persons in turn.

This great mystery has led the Christian church to speak of God as the Trinity (= three in

one). But how can three be one?

If an example can help you to understand that three can be one, think of a triangle. It has

three sides, but together they form only one triangle. Remove any side and you have nothing.

God is one. And yet He reveals himself in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We do

not have to understand Him. We dare not argue about Him. We only have to believe in Him

as He reveals himself.

Consider Your Verdict

Dear reader, did you remember to pray before you studied this chapter? Did you read the

verses in the Bible? What do you think about Jesus Christ? Can you honestly say that He is

merely another prophet? Every true Christian during the last twenty centuries was convinced

that Jesus Christ is in fact God who came to earth. Can you come to any other conclusion if 

you honestly weigh the evidence?

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Test Yourself No. 14

Answer the following questions and compare your answers. 

  1. What does “Emmanuel” mean?

  2. Whose “Son” would Jesus be, according to the angel?  3. What did Thomas call Jesus after his resurrection?

  4. Complete the words of Jesus: “I and the Father are _____________”

  5. When did Jesus begin to exist?

15. The Holy Spirit: Who He Is

By now you have read about the Holy Spirit more than once. Let us learn more about Him.

We are about to discover one of the greatest blessings that God gives a believer.

The one, living God reveals Himself to us in the Bible as the Trinity (Three-unity).

  God the Father is called God (Romans 1:7).

  God the Son is called God (Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:8)

  God the Holy Spirit is called God (Acts 5:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

  God is one (Mark 12:29).

The Holy Spirit is God, and therefore eternal, without beginning or end. In the Bible we firstread of the Holy Spirit in the second verse (Genesis 1:2) and we last read of Him in the fourth

last verse (Revelation 22:17). Throughout the whole Bible we read of His work in the hearts

and minds of the believers. Because He is Spirit, He can be everywhere at all times and even

live within all believers to guide and teach them.

Read John 14:15-17. 

  Is the Holy Spirit a thing or a Person?

  By which two names is He described in verse 16-17?

  Who cannot receive Him?

  Where will He live? (Verse 17.)

The Muslim reader will immediately see that Jesus speaks here of a) a Spirit and not a

prophet, and b) that this Spirit would live in the disciples.

It is therefore impossible that this reference could be to Muhammad, as some people seem to


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The Names of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is called by several names in the Bible:

  The Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2; Ephesians 4:30).

  The Spirit of the Lord (Luke 4:18).  The Spirit of His Son (Galatians 4:6).

  The Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9).

  The Spirit of holiness (Romans 1:4).

  The Spirit of grace and supplication (Zechariah 12:10).

  The Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17; Proverbs 8).

  The Spirit of understanding, counsel, power, knowledge and the fear of the Lord

(Isaiah 11:2).

  The Spirit of truth (John 14:17; 15:26).

  The Spirit of love, power and self discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

  The Spirit of sonship (Romans 8:15).

  The Counsellor (John 14:16).

  The Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5, 8; 2:1-4).

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Although the Holy Spirit is always present everywhere we often read in the Old Testament

that He filled a certain person in order to enable him to do a special task (e.g. Exodus 31:3;

Numbers 11:17; 24:2; 1 Samuel 10:6; 1 Chronicles 28:12; Nehemiah 9:30; Isaiah 42:1;

Ezekiel 11:5; etc.).

In the New Testament, however, you read that Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit wouldcome to live in every believer. This began on the day of Pentecost when the Christians were

together and “all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). This happened again

and again, as we read in Acts 4:31 and 10:44-46.

The Holy Spirit also comes to live in every individual believer, as He came to Saul (Paul) at

his conversion (Acts 9:17-19). The Bible says,

“. . . if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.” (Romans 8:9.) 

This special working of the Holy Spirit has been foretold in the Old Testament (Ezekiel

36:26:27). And when Paul writes to the believers in Corinth, he has to remind them,

“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?” (1

Corinthians 3:16.)

However, it is possible to have the Holy Spirit living in you without being filled with the

Holy Spirit. As long as a believer tries to control his own life, he cannot be filled with the

Spirit. The Spirit will only fill the believer when he comes to a complete surrender to God

(Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:18).

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How to be Filled by the Holy Spirit

1. Believe in the crucified and resurrected Christ (Galatians 3:1-5).

2. Obey God (Acts 5:32).

3. Ask God (Luke 11:13).

4. Trust God to fulfill his promises (1 John 5:14-15).

In our next lesson we will learn what the Holy Spirit does in the believer.

Test Yourself No. 15

Answer the following questions, and compare your answers to the correct ones. 

  1. How many Gods are worshipped by Christians?

  2. How do we know that the Holy Spirit is not another prophet?

  3. On which day did the Holy Spirit come to live in all true believers?

  4. What word describes God as He reveals Himself in the Bible?

  5. Why did the Holy Spirit fill a person in the time of the Old Testament?

16. The Holy Spirit: What He DoesIt is the joy of every true Christian to know that God lives in him by the Holy Spirit. True

Christian life is not difficult: it is impossible. But God in His mercy makes possible the

impossible. Even today God works in us through His Holy Spirit. Let us see how:

He Convicts Us of Sin

It is the Holy Spirit who convicts people of their sinfulness (John 16:8-11), because they do

not trust in Jesus Christ. Therefore the Holy Spirit calls us to stop being disobedient

(Nehemiah 9:30).

He Gives Us the New Birth

When the Holy Spirit works in the heart of man, the result is the miracle of being born again

(John 3:8) so that everything in that man's life becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

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He Gives Us Assurance

He gives us the full assurance that we have been forgiven and have become children of God

through the new birth (Romans 8:13-16). Then He reveals to us all the wonderful blessings

that God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). The Holy Spirit is the

seal that proves that we belong to God (Ephesians 1:13-14; 1 John 3:24).

He Works Out God's Will In and Through Believers

He comes to equip us for a pure life to serve God and man. He empowers us to lead godly


Discover for yourself some of the blessings the Holy Spirit gives.

Write next to each reference what you learnt in that verse:

  Psalm 143:10:

  Matthew 10:19-20:

  Luke 2:26-27:

  John 14:26:

  John 16:12:

  John 16:13-14:

  Acts 1;;8:

  Acts 4:31:

  Acts 8:29:

  Acts 13:2-4:

  Acts 15:28:  Acts 16:7:

  Acts 20:28:

  Romans 5:5:

  Romans 7:6:

  Romans 8:11:

  Romans 8:26-27:

(I am sure that this study took some time. But by now you will realize what a great privilege

it is to every believer to have God the Holy Spirit living in him!)

In John 16:12 Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would “guide you unto alltruth . . .” After Pentecost the Holy Spirit inspired them to write the different books of the

New Testament for all people of all times, and even now He helps us to see and understand

those truths.

The Fruit of the Spirit

The more one surrenders oneself to the guidance and control of the Holy Spirit, the more the

“fruit of the Spirit” become visible in one's life:

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“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-24).

Look again at that list, and compare it to your own life. Surely such fruit truly glorifies God!

Do Not Resist the Holy Spirit

It is possible to miss all the blessings that the Holy Spirit wishes to give us. This happens

when we

  resist the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 63:10; Acts 7:51);

  grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30);

  lie to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3);

  test the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:9);

  insult the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 10:29);

  blaspheme against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:29-30).

The consequence of such action is terrible and leads to darkness, despair, sin, lostness and

meaninglessness of life (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-31).

“So, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”

(Hebrews 3:7).

Test yourself No. 16

Answer the following questions and compare your answers. 

  1. Name four things that the Holy Spirit does in man.

  2. What is the first fruit of the Spirit?

17. The People of God Have a Purpose in


So many people today feel that they have nothing to live for. But the Bible gives us a new

purpose in life: to live for God and to enjoy Him for ever (Romans 14:7-8). Let us see what

God says in His Word:

1. God Wants Us to Seek and Find Him

“God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him,

though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27).

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2. God Wants to Save All People through Christ

“. . . God our Saviour . . . wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”

(1 Timothy 2:4).

3. God Wants Us to be Holy

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His

sight” (Ephesians 1:3-4).

4. God Wants Us to be Like Him

“He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may

participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires”

(2 Peter 1:4).

Originally God created man in His image (Genesis 1:26), not physically of course, but in

righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). Every believer should be “renewed in

knowledge in the image of its Creator” (Colossians 3:10), and is “predestined to be

conformed to the likeness of His Son” (Romans 8:29). 

This does not mean that we will ever be equal to God, but, that the children of God will

display more and more the “family likeness” of the new family to which they now belong. As

we spend time in worship, “we . . . are being transformed into His likeness with ever -

increasing glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18). 

5. God Wants Us to be His Witnesses on Earth

“We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). “You will be

My witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth”(Acts 1:8). “You are . . . a people belonging to God,

that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful

light” (1 Peter 2:9). 

This is because the Lord does not want anyone to perish, but that everyone should come to

repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

All this is beautifully summed up in one passage of God's Word (Ephesians 1:5-14):

“In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with

His pleasure and will: to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the

One He loves. In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,

in accordance with the riches of God's grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and

understanding. And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good

pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached

their fulfillment; to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even

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Christ. In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him

who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who

were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory. And you also were

included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having

believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit

guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession: to the praise of His glory.” 

So it is the aim of every real Christian to be one in purpose with God, and to live in harmony

with Him. This dedication affects every part of our being: our thinking, speaking and action.

God's will is to become our will, so that we may obey and please Him in all things (2

Corinthians 5:9).

Test Yourself No. 17

  Name five steps toward a life worth living. Compare your answers. 

18. The People of God Have a Secure


In a world full of lies and uncertainty, it is wonderful to be able to have full assurance for the

future. A Christian does not have to be unsure about his eternal future, because God gives fullassurance in the Bible.

Eternity is Sure

God reveals some facts about the life after death in the Bible.

Read Luke 16:19-31.

  Where did Lazarus go after death? (Verse 22.)

  What happened to him there? (Verse 25.)

  Where did the rich man go? (Verse 23.)  What happened to him there? (Verse 24-25.)

  Was it possible to change places? (Verse 26.)

  Whose message made the difference? (Verse 31.)

  What was that message? (John 1:45.)

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There are only two destinies for every man and woman: heaven or hell.

Heaven is to be in the presence of God. It is also called the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-

22:6), Paradise (Luke 23:43), being with Christ (Philippians 1:23; Acts 7:55-60) or

Abraham's side (Luke 16:22). It is a place of joy and comfort (Revelation 21:3-4).

On the other hand, hell is described in terms of eternal fire and punishment (Revelation

20:10; 21:8; Matthew 25:41, 46; 13:42, 50), sorrow and darkness (Matthew 25:30); shut out

from the presence of the Lord and from his glorious might (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

Judgement is Sure

There is a great Judgement Day coming for every person who ever lived on earth. This will

happen when Jesus Christ comes again in glory. As Jesus said,

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His

throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate

the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats” (Matthew


Read Romans 14:10-12

  Fill in the missing words: “We will ___________________ stand before God's

 judgement seat _________________. So then, ________________ will give anaccount of himself to God.”

  Will you be there?

The apostle John was given a very vivid vision of that day:

Read Revelation 20:11-15. 

  Who stood before the throne? (Verse 12.)

  Where did they come from? (Verse 13.)

  On what basis were they judged? (Verse 13.)

  Who were condemned? (Verse 15.)

Those whose names are written in the book of life (Revelation 21:27), are those who were

pardoned because Jesus took the punishment for their sins on Himself on the cross andbecause they accepted this fact gratefully by faith (John 3:18; 5:24; Romans 8:1). Without

this faith all the good works, self-denial and prayers count for nothing.

God has given us eternal life,

and this life is in His Son.

He who has the Son has life;

He who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:11-12).

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Salvation is Sure!

When a Christian speaks about “salvation,” he means being safe on the Day of Judgement,

because all his sins have been completely forgiven. He does not fear death, because it is but a

door to eternal life. With Paul, he says, “I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better 

 by far” (Philippians 1:23).

If you have to deserve to go to heaven, you can never be sure. As a matter of fact, if you

have one unforgiven sin, you do not qualify for heaven (Revelation 21:27).

But now Jesus has opened the way to complete forgiveness, because He bore the

punishment for all our sins in His body on the cross (1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5-6).

“He (Jesus) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our 

 justification. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God

through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we have gained access by faith into His grace

in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Since we have now

been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through

Him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of 

His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! Not

only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we

have now received reconciliation” (Romans 4:25; 5:1-2, 9-11).

A Christian's assurance of eternal life in heaven does not depend on his character or

quality of life, but on God's promises, which he received by faith. His trust is in Jesus

Christ, who said,

“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and

they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).

This assurance comes from the Word of God, the Bible.

Read 1 John 5:13

  Fill in the missing word: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the

Son of God so that you may _________________ that you have eternal life.”

In humble gratitude towards such a great and loving God we may say: “We know that we arechildren of God” (1 John 5:19-20).

Test Yourself no. 18

Write behind each statement whether it is true or false. The correct answers are found here. 

  1. No living person can be sure that his sins are forgiven.

  2. Hell is a temporary punishment.

  3. Jesus Christ will judge everyone who ever lived.

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  4. The Christian's assurance depends on his good deeds.

  5. One unforgiven sin is enough to keep you out of heaven.

In Conclusion

Thank you for spending so much time with us. You have worked hard to reach this page.

Well done!

But you have not only studied another religion. While you read the Bible you would have

come to new understanding of the Christian message. You have realized, no doubt, that the

content of the Bible is trustworthy and its message practical, spiritual and very beautiful. You

will not have escaped the urge to compare what you learnt with what you heard about the

Bible in the past.

Now you have to make a decision. Your sober judgement and subsequent choice is a matter

of life and death, eternally.

Perhaps you have considered the cost involved in receiving God's pardon through Jesus, as

outlined in these lessons. You became aware that the cost is likely to be very high. Jesus

encourages those who consider following Him to count the cost (Luke 14:27-33; Matthew


When you consider a price, you will compare it to the value that you get for it. How much

could one invest for finding peace with God? What are we prepared to invest to have our sins

forgiven and to receive a new, clean start in life?

Jesus says,

“What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what

can a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26.)

As you consider the reaction of your family, you should consider the possibility of letting

them study this course with you. It is not uncommon for a whole family to seek and find

peace with God, by accepting Jesus into their heart and home. Jesus says:

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I

will go in and eat with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). 

We pray that God will enable you to see the truth and to open that door in faith.

Make this decision for yourself! By all means consider your position, but do not be

influenced by people. Obey only God and His Word. If you need answers to questions which

you feel have not been dealt with in this course, you should please write to us.

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Whatever you decide, please let us know, and give the reasons for your decision. May the

eternal and almighty God give you the wisdom and courage to truly submit to Him!

“Test Yourself” Answers

Test Yourself No. 1 

  1. Old Testament and New Testament

  2. 66

  3.1 The Books of Moses

  3.2 The Historical Books

  3.3 The Poetic Books

  3.4 The Prophets  4.1 The Historical Books

  4.2 The Teaching Letters

  4.3 The Prophetical Book 

Test Yourself No. 2 

  1. God is the Author of the Bible

  2.1 By direct speaking

  2.2 By visions or dreams

  2.3 Through prophets

  2.4 By historical events

Test Yourself No. 3 

  1. His prophecies should come true

  2. Because it can be proven

  3. Jesus Christ

  4.1 The Jews guarded the Scriptures

  4.2 Some existing translations were done before Christ

  4.3 Pre-christian copies of these prophecies exist

Test Yourself No. 4

  1.1 It contains fulfilled prophecy

  1.2 It contains eyewitness reports

  1.3 Non-christian historical reports confirm the account

  2.1 That He was the Messiah

  2.2 That He was resurrected after He died

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Test Yourself No. 5 

  5 1.1 In the creation

  1.2 In history

  1.3 In the conscience of man

  1.4 In the Holy Scriptures  1.5 In Jesus Christ

Test Yourself No. 6

  1. In God's image

  2. Obey them

  3.1 Man and God

  3.2 Man and his wife

  3.3 Man and creation

  4. It was not affected at all

Test Yourself No. 7 

  True: 2, 3, 5

  False: 1, 4

Test Yourself No. 8 

  1.1 To show us what sin is

  1.2 To protect us

  2. Only one

  3. No

  4. We cannot keep God's law

  5. Thoughts

Test Yourself No. 9

  1. The Lamb of God

  2.1 Teaching

  2.2 Miracles

  2.3 Training

  3. He had no sin

Test Yourself No. 10 

  True: 1, 3

  False: 2, 4, 5

Test Yourself No. 11

  True: 2, 4

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  False: 1, 3, 5

Test Yourself No. 12

  1. again

  2. spiritual  3. receiving

  4. sinless

  5. believe

Test Yourself No. 13

  True: 2, 5

  False: 1, 3, 4

Test Yourself No. 14

  1. God with us

  2. God's Son

  3. My Lord and my God

  4. One

  5. Before the creation of the world

Test Yourself No. 15 

  1. One

 2. He will come to live within the believers

  3. The day of Pentecost

  4. The “Trinity”

  5. To enable him to do a special task.

Test Yourself No. 16 

  1.1 He convicts of sin

  1.2 He gives the new birth

  1.3 He gives assurance

  1.4 He equips man to obey God

  2. Love

Test Yourself No. 17 

  1. Seek and find God

  2. Be saved through Jesus Christ

  3. Strive to be holy

  4. Strive to be like Christ

  5. Be a witness for Christ

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Test Yourself No. 18

  True: 3, 5

  False: 1, 2, 4