a book about the dingo

Diet The dingo is a carnivore and that means that they will only eat meat and the type of animals that are prey for a dingo is Kangaroos. Rabbits, livestock like cattle and they will also eat very small reptiles and they will also eat insects, birds and they will eat so many different types of rodents to. These dogs will mostly hunt at night and they will like to eat different types of mammals but their diet can also go for reptiles, insects and other different types of animals to. The size of the prey that these dogs hunt is really small animals like rodents, rabbits, lizards they will also eat sheep and kangaroos. Sometimes the dingo will normally hunt alone or in a pack but if there is not enough small animals that they can hunt and then they will have to go after animals that are much bigger and this can be much harder for them to hunt but it really depends on the type of place where they are. The dingo will eat so many different types of prey items and those animals are different types of insects, rabbits, rodents, lizards and they will also go after red kangaroos to. The type of animals that they will eat is very small mammals but the other animals that they eat the most is rabbits, kangaroos, wallabies, birds, rodents, lizards, carrion (in other words a dead animal) and there are sometimes if there is not enough

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This is a book that I wrote about the dingo. I wrote this for a special project that I making that has to do with the animals that live in Australia


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DietThe dingo is a carnivore and that means that they will only eat meat and the type of animals that are prey for a dingo is Kangaroos. Rabbits, livestock like cattle and they will also eat very small reptiles and they will also eat insects, birds and they will eat so many different types of rodents to. These dogs will mostly hunt at night and they will like to eat different types of mammals but their diet can also go for reptiles, insects and other different types of animals to. The size of the prey that these dogs hunt is really small animals like rodents, rabbits, lizards they will also eat sheep and kangaroos. Sometimes the dingo will normally hunt alone or in a pack but if there is not enough small animals that they can hunt and then they will have to go after animals that are much bigger and this can be much harder for them to hunt but it really depends on the type of place where they are. The dingo will eat so many different types of prey items and those animals are different types of insects, rabbits, rodents, lizards and they will also go after red kangaroos to. The type of animals that they will eat is very small mammals but the other animals that they eat the most is rabbits, kangaroos, wallabies, birds, rodents, lizards, carrion (in other words a dead animal) and there are sometimes if there is not enough prey In the area then they will eat fruit than. There are some parts of their range where they will eat on very small animals like they will eat rabbits, birds and they will also eat lizards and the other food that they will eat is kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos. These dogs will also eat plants to if there is no prey in the area. These dogs will also scavenge from people that live in Asia. The dingo will mostly hunt by themselves but there are sometimes that they will hunt in a pack so that they can hunt because is so much easier than it is to hunt all by themselves but they will normally hunt together if they have to take down a much bigger animal like an kangaroo or something like that. They will also eat so many small rodents and they will also eat birds and dead animals. When they are living at a zoo than they will mostly eat normal dog food and they will eat it twice daily. Dingoes are predators and that means that they will have to kill other animals so that they can live and it also means that they will kill other animals for

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food. The dingo will normally eat but it really depends on what type of location that the prey is at. There are sometimes that the dingo can work as a team the only time that they do work together is when they have to take on a very large animal like kangaroo. The Kangaroo is known to be the most largest animal that lives in Australia. There is so much meat in a Kangaroo that it will easier full up a dingo very fast. This is known to be the most biggest meal for the dingo. But there are some dingoes that do not hunt in a group when they do not need to hunt in group than they will go for the normal food that the dingo will eat will normally eat different types of foods and animals that they do see as food is wallabies, small mammals, lizards and they will also eat birds to. The dingo mostly hunts every single day and there will be sometimes when they do not catch anything at all. There are some prey that they catch are a lot faster than they are so that means that the dingo will have to go hungry for that day.

Habitat/Range These dogs can be found on a edge of a forest and they will also be seen on grasslands, semi-arid land. These dogs can live all over the continent of Australia but they do not live on the island of Tasmania. That means they live on the main land of Australia. The other places where these dogs can be found is in Guinea highland mountains. They can also be found on tall mountains and on thick forests. The dingo lives on so many different types of habitats and the places where these dogs can be found in is places that are alpine, woodland, grasslands; desert and they can also be found on tropical places to. The dingo can also be found on almost every part of Australia but they will mostly live close to places that have water that is because they need to drink water once a day. This is the reason why they need to live near a forest edge so that they can drink lots of water But they do not just live in forests edges they can also be found in grasslands but these dogs have been forced to live in the semi-arid areas that is

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because people have pushed them into these types of areas. The dingo has grown to live in so many different habitats that is all over the continent of Australia. But it really depends on the dingoes coat like if they were living in a hot place that has a tropical area than they will have a really short single coat so that they can stay cool. The dingoes that live high up in the mountains which are known to have a cold temperature than they will have a coat that is much longer and thicker to and these coats have a lot of double layer of fur on them. The most common place for a dingo to live in is on Australia but there are some dingoes that can be found is some other parts of the world to like they can also live in Thailand, South East China, Myanmar, Laos, New Guinea, Philippines, Malaysia, Borneo and they can also live on Indonesia. These dingoes can also be found on so many different types of habitats like they can be found on the plains, high up in the mountains, deserts and in forests but the dingoes that live in South East Asia than they will be found near a very small village. These dingoes are native to Australia and they can also live in South Asia. They can also live on the mountain that is on New Guinea. The dingo can be found on so many different types of habitats and those places are alpine forests, deserts, coastal scrub and they can also be found on tropical rainforests to. The parts of Australia where these dogs live in places is in Northern, southern Australia and they can also be found on the south-western part of Australia to. These dogs do not live on the island of Tasmania. These dogs can be found on the dry plains and on the forests that is in Australia. The other type of habitats where these dogs can call their home is Forest edges, grasslands and they can also live on the plain that is on the outback. These dogs do not just live in Australia but that is where their native home is but there other places where these dogs live is in and those other places that they also live in is Thailand and in other parts that is in Southeast Asia. These dogs can be found on so many different types of places like they can also live on desert woodlands, desert rivers, and they can also be found on country that can be filled with sand which is called a sand country and they will normally rest in a rocky gorges . The dingo dog can be found on so many different types of habitats that are from all over the mainland of Australia. The habitats where these dogs live on is in woodlands and they can also be found in rainforests, scrublands and they can also live on outskirts that are on the arid of deserts that is in Australia.

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Size/Weight The dingoes have a much thinner size than the Labrador retriever dog does and they can grow about 20 to 24 inches (51 to 61 cm) that is how tall they are that is up to their shoulders. The females are a lot smaller that the males are. The weight of the females is 26 to 40 pounds (12 to 18 kg). The weight of the males is about 35 to 48 pounds (16 to 22 kg). The dingo can grow about 60 cm high and they can weight about 15 kilograms. They can also grow about 44 to 63 pounds that is way up high to the shoulder. The size of their head and body is about 4 feet long and about 35 pounds. The body length of a dingo is about 72 and 110 cms (28 to 43 inches). The length of an dingo’s tail is about 21 to 36 cms (8.5-14 inches and they can weigh about 9 to 21.5 kgs (20-47 lbs).The dingo can grow about 4 feet that is the total length of these dogs that can go up to the top of their nose all the way down to their tail and they can grow about 2 feet that is the height of their shoulder and they can weight about 35 pounds. The males are a lot bigger than the females are. The weight of the males is 26 to 43 pounds (12 to 20 kg) and the females can weight about 21 to 35 pounds. The size of their head and their body can grow at least about 3.5 to 4ft (1.1 to 1.2 m). The size of their tail can be bigger than 12 to 13 in (30 to 33 cm). These dogs can weight about 22 to 33 Ibs (10 to 15 kg). The dingo can be taller than 50 centimeters tall and that can be about 120 centimeters long. These dogs can also weight about 22 to 33 lbs.

Life span The Dingo can live about 8 to 10 years When these dogs are living in their natural habitat than they can live for 10 years and when they are living in a zoo than they can live for 13 years. They can also live about 15 years as well. There are some dingoes that can live for 24 years when they are living in captivity. They can also live about 14 years when they are living in captivity like when they are living in a zoo. When they are also living in the captivity than they will live about 13 to 18 years.

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1 interesting fact On where a dingo lives it really depends on how many prey is in the area. In places where there are very large animals than the dingoes will normally hunt in a group that is called a pack. When a dingo is in a very small place than there will be very small animals and when that happens then they will normally hunt in a pair and the pairs are usually one male and one female, But there are so many people that will normally see only just one dingo or they see just two dingoes that can be found in just one place. But there are other dingoes that hiding in an area that can be found really close by. There are so many different types of dingo packs that can be found in desert habitats and when they have to use a watering hole than they will have to share it with each other. When there is two packs in the area than they will usually try to stay away from each other and then they will take turns on getting a drink of water. When night comes than that will be the time when the dingo howls into the sky so that they can communicate with other dingoes that can be somewhere in the area and so that the pack members are somewhere far away and will know where they are. They will also use their calls to tell other dingo groups in the area to stay away from their pack. Way often the dingo is used to living on their own but there are some dogs that are often seen in packs that can have the total of 12 members in the pack. The dingoes come from an very extended Family and that also means the mating pair as well. When the pup is born in a year or in a previous year and then that will be the time when the dingoes will start to display the dominance hierarchy that will go to between the male and the female. The only successful breeders are activity the dominant pairs but the other pack members will normally help take care of the little ones. There are sometimes when there are some dingoes that do travel by themselves there are others that live together in a group that is called a pack . There are like a dozen dogs that are in this dog pack. Dingos can also live in a pack that is filled with 10 different dogs that are in this animal group

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2 interesting fact If you ever see a dingo dog the first thing that you should never do is to never feed . If these dogs are being hand fed then they will be attached to people. By the way these dogs are wild animals and they should stay on eating wild food and they can also be very dangerous as well when they are being provoked so you have to watch out if you see one. Even dingoes can bite you if they see you. So keep your distance when you see one. Usually dingoes will normally just mine their own business and hey will usually stay away from people if they see one. But dingoes do have a fear of humans and they are known to be very shy creatures. There are sometimes that a dingo will come face to face with people and it will get a little bit ugly but the most important thing to remember to always stay alert and to stay calm at all times. Here are the skills that you will need to stay safe from getting yourself attacked by these dogs. The first thing that you should do is to stand still and than you have to full height and than fold your arms over your chest. The other thing that you have to do is face the dingo than calmly walk back far away from the dingo. If you are walking with another person that you should really stand back to back with that person. Call for help as soon as possible and so that you can call someone that can help you. just wait for the dingo or a pack to goes away and then you can continue your way. The most important thing that you should never ever do is to run or to wave your arms because if you run the dingo is going to think that you are prey to it and then it will start to kill you or bite you. Dingoes are known to be very fast at running that is because they want to protect their territory or so that they can keep a eye out for wild prey. A person nay never know there might a dingo right near you and you do not even see it that it is even coming or even watching you and they can move very fast. When dingoes get their food from people than they will start to become very aggressive. So the best thing to do is. Is to not have any food or any food scraps just lying around in the area that you are in. When a food is not attended than it will start to become a very easy meal for a dingo and that will also lead the dingo to harass at people for giving them food for them to eat and that is how these

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dogs can become very aggressive. When you are going to a lake than you better not being food with you that is because if you have a picnic near a lake and then the dingo will not resist the food that is being lead out on the table remember these dogs are a lot different than a house dog these dogs are wild animals and they will do anything to get an easy meal. Very young children and very small babies that are sitting on a picnic rug or they are being placed near a lake or a beach than they get caught up and than the dingo will start show up so that it can steal the people’s food and they can also nip and they can also bite as well. Dingo attacks usually happen to those that are traveling by themselves it does not matter if they are walking a near a beach or near a lake or any other place that has walking tracks that can be seen on Fraser Island so the best way to stay safe from a dingo is to stay alert or is to stay in a group of people so that person that you are with can call for help if you get attacked or got hunted in any way . If you are walking on the tracks or in a remote area there are going to be times when you come face to face with a dingo so be aware . The reason why is because they can smell the food and the smell of food will always get attraction from a dingo. If they see a backpack than they will start to tear up the backpack so that they can get to the food.

3 interesting factDingoes are different than all the other dogs in the world that is because they do not bark to talk to each other. Instead on barking like all other dogs they will use other different types of sounds like they will howl, snort and they can also purr as well. The best time of the day that they do use their howling sounds is at night. There are some species that are more active during the day and there are others that are nocturnal and that means that they are most active at night and they will sleep during the day but it really depends on what type of climate that the dingo lives in. In 200 years ago there was these settlers that came for Europe that came to Australia and that had an domestic dogs that came with them. Right before that time came these type of people that was called the Aboriginal people they will sometimes take wild dingo puppies and they will take care of them at their

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camps and they will also raise them as well. But the real reason why the Aboriginal people will keep them as pets is because they enjoy their company but these dogs are very hard to train. The dingoes that are usually tamed than they will only be used for helping human hunters to catch very small animals but the dingoes will normally go after very big animals like the kangaroo and they will also go after the animals that are very fast to. But there are times that the dingo will be very helpful that is because they can keep camps very clean from any garbage. This can really come in handy that is because in Australia did not have people to clean up their garbage that is nearby. There were a lot of dingoes that were raised by people and then after that then they will sent them back into the wild. The time that they do go back to the wild is when they get older and when they start to grow up and then after the people are down with that dingo. Then they will look for more dingoes so that they can raise them and do the same thing to. The dingo can communicate in lots of different ways. They can talk to each other by howling; snuffling and they can also talk to each other by groaning as will. They will normally use these calls when they need to locate a pack member and they also use these calls to tell intruders to stay away from their territory. The dingo dog may use these sounds to talk to each other but they do not bark like the house dog does. These dogs can mark their territory by leaving scent marks by using urine, fecal matter and they will also use scent glands these are all the things that the dingo will do to mark their territory. Their homes are usually places that are near any areas that have water in it and they will also need a very good place so that it will be a good place for them to hunt and to attract a mate and they will also use this so that they can get a hold of their pack members to announce that this is their territory. The sound that they will use the most is growling. These dingoes do not bark like other dogs do but they do howl and they will normally use these sounds have ten different variations. They share their home with other different animals to and the types of animals that will share the same environment with them is the Cape barren geese, kangaroos and they will share their environment with the emu to. Dingoes are just like the wolf that is because they can make so many different types of sounds to talk to their group, and so that they can tell other enemies to stay away from their territory and they will also use their commutation skills so that they can call their pups that are stay.

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The sound that they will normally will be use a lot is a very loud cry or a howl that can travel for many miles all over their region.

Responding Both the male and the female will start to compete through every single member that is in the family so that they can be the top dog of the pack and whoever becomes the families top dog then that dingo will be leader of the pack so that male can mate with the alpha female of the pack. The other packs members will normally help take care of the puppies and they will normally be born in every once a year. A female dingo can have the total of four to six puppies. The puppies will start to have a life of their own once they are done weaning or they will have to stay in the pack in about a year. The account of puppies that the mother will give birth to are five puppies and that makes a full litter of dingo puppies. When the puppies are born then they will start to be all black and when they get older than their color will start to change in seven weeks. The mother dingo will normally take care of their babies in a special place that is called a den. A den for a dingo may be in some place that is in a hole that is on the ground. These dogs will sometimes make their dens in a hollow log and they can also have their dens under a bush as well. The first food that the puppies will eat is their mother’s milk. The puppies are ready to eat meat when they four weeks old. This is how the parents being the food to their babies. The parents will normally push the food that they found and they will put it in their stomachs and then the puppies will eat their food that their parents will give them is that the puppies will lick their parents mouth and the parents will start to push the food out of their mouth and the parents and then they will start to push the food out of their stomachs and into the puppies mouths. The dingoes that live in the desert they will do the something to and they will also do this with water to so that the puppies can drink it. The parents will start to teach the puppies how to hunt when the puppies are 12 weeks old. The puppies will remain with their mother for seven months. The mating season for a dingo can only happen in only in once a year and it will normally go for March through the month of June. The gestation

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period for these dogs is 63 days and the account of puppies that is a litter for a dingo is six puppies that is a full litter of puppies for a dingo is really six puppies. The puppies will short leave right after they are done weaning or they will stay in a family group in about a year. Dingoes will only breed in just once a year. The females are really to go into season in only for a few days like about right in the middle of the year and then she will give birth to her puppies in nine weeks later. Right after that then the younger puppies will stay with their mother in only for the end of the first summer that is because their mother has to teach them how to hunt first and then they can go out on their own. The dingoes will start to mate in only in once a year right after their gestation period which is about 63 days a female will give birth to 4 or 5 puppies that are usually born right inside of the den. The puppies will be ready to come out of their den when they are about 3 weeks old and they will be ready to have their first taste of milk when they are about 3 years old. This will also will be the time when they start to become members of the pack. The adults will teach the puppies how to hunt when they are 3 or 4 months old. The males and the females will start to pair off but they will always continue to be each other’s mates throughout their whole lifetime but only if they are 3 years old. The dingo will only mate in just a year they will start to mate right before August that is for the dingoes that live in the south and the ones that live on the north than they will start to mate right after August is over. The gestation period for these dogs is 2 months. The account of puppies that the dingo will give birth to is 1 through 10 puppies this is how many puppies that an mother dingo can have the moment that the puppies are born they will be completely be born right after they come out of their mother’s stomach but these puppies will grow very fast and they will be ready to leave the den when they are 8 weeks old. The dingoes will reach maturity in only in one year of age and it will take a very long time for them to mate. The mating process for a dingo will only take just once a year. The female will only give birth to only one pup or they can also have eight puppies but the most common litter that the dingo will have is they will have the total of 3 to 4 puppies that is a full litter of dingo puppies that the female will have. They will normally mate during the spring season. Both the male and the female will both take care of the puppies together. The puppies will stay with their parents for 12 months that can go up to 3 years.

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When the puppies are in the den than they will be filled with fur. After they are done drinking their mother’s milk which will be 2 months. The mother will normally regurgitate for the pups and they will continue to do this until they are about 4 months old. When these puppies learn how to hunt for themselves than they will normally hunt and eat very small animals like rodents and rabbits.

Survival StatusThe most dangerous threat that the dingo dog is facing today is that their contact with the domestic dog that is because the dingo is mating with the domestic dog. That is a problem because the dingo is mating with the domestic dog. The reason why the domestic dog is mating with a wild dog like the dingo is because there are so many people that live in Australia that are always letting their dogs run free into the areas where the dingoes can be found in. The dingoes that live in the southern and in the eastern part of Australia today there are only a few of these wild dogs in these types of areas and there is a mix between the domestic dog and the dingo and that is a problem because the dingo is supposed to mate with another dingo not with another species of dog that is because that is how the population of animals grows and that is how they save the species from disappearing forever. The dingo is starting to become very rare and that is because of this threat that is going on with them today. These dogs are going to become extinct if people don’t do something to help them but there are a lot of people that live in Australia that are starting to help these dogs and with their survival in the wild and that is there are some people that are starting to breed the dingo to be a pet. But there are some of these dogs that are too wild to handle to be pets but the best way to help them are by protecting these dogs in their natural habitat. There are so many people that have dogs and sheep and they are starting to move away from the dingo’s habitat so that the dingo can have a happy live and so that they can be free. The dingo is one of the most oldest species of dog that live on this planet but it really depends on how people take care of these dogs. Breeding with the domestic dog is not the only threat that the dingo is having trouble with. The other threats that they dingo is going through is

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that the dingoes habitat is getting destroyed. The dingo is an animal that is very vulnerable to extinction. But the dingo is being protected in Australia and there are so many conservation work that is being done so that they can stop the interbreeding that is going on between the domestic dog and the dingo and they are also keeping the dingo species in pure. The dingoes are completely vulnerable and their population is not looking so good either because it is starting to stink very fast. The most common places on where the dingo still roams are these types of areas that are in the regions that are on the North and on Central parts of Australia and they can also still be found in Thailand as well but they are not found anywhere else on the planet as they were in the past. The other problems that these dogs are dealing with is that they are facing farmers because they are cross breeding with the domestic dog which will do some a lot of changes to the dingo’s wild genes, and it may also cause an represent major threats to the wild dogs.

Message from author We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These dogs need all the help that they can get. The dingo has the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that is just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe place for us and for other living creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home it deserves to have a second change to live on for the next generation to come on this planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future if we find a way to protect our planet then our world and our home will be a much happier and a much cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about the dingo. If we all work together we can save the dingo and other animals that lives on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share. Thank you so much for doing your part. With you reading and enjoying this book. You are helping your favorite animal and its survival in the

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wild. Without your support and love and respect. your favorite animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a huge thank you for helping these animals and everything else that has to do with nature. Nature it is very important because without nature our planet will not be so beautiful and full of wonder that can open a person’s eyes to a world that they never had imagined. Nature thanks you for your support.