a bride for isaac gen 24[1]

A bride for Isaac, Gen.24:67 Setting: Sarah died 2030 (She was 127 years old). Abraham was very old... He died when he was 175, Gen.25:7. year 1991 B.C... Isaac was married in his 40 years (3 or 4 years later of his mother's death), Gen.25:19. Jacob and Esau were born 2006 B.C. Introduction: The purpose of this narration is to show how Isaac was comforted of his mother’s death, 24:67. Structure: 1. The great commission given to Abraham’s servant. 24:1- 9.Eliezer of Damascus.Gen.15:2 Abraham's concern for God's promise that was to come to the descendants of Isaac. They were not to be mixed with the inhabitants of Canaan (v.3). (a) Genesis 9:25-27: "Cursed be Canaan!" but "Blessed be the LORD the God of Shem." (b) The inhabitants of Canaan are considered to be under a divine curse for their iniquity (e.g., 15:16). Abraham's descendants are not to return to the land of their fathers. The Promised Land is their home, 24:5-8. (a) “Only do not take my son back there” 24:8. 2. The total dependence of Abraham’s servant to God’s guidance. 24:10-14. Abraham’s servant prayed in his heart for a sign, 24:12, and 45. 3. The signs are manifested as a prove God was in this mission. 24:15-21. Moses (the Writer) shows from the start that the Lord has answered the servant's prayer. 24:15. Characteristics of the bride God has chosen or what the Lord had prepared, this wife for Isaac 24:16 (b) Rebekah’s name refers to “tying or biding up” implying that her beauty was so great, it could literally “captivate” or “fascinate” men.

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Page 1: A Bride for Isaac Gen 24[1]

A bride for Isaac, Gen.24:67Setting: Sarah died 2030 (She was 127 years old). Abraham was very old... He died when he was 175, Gen.25:7. year 1991 B.C... Isaac was married in his 40 years (3 or 4 years later of his mother's death), Gen.25:19. Jacob and Esau were born 2006 B.C.Introduction: The purpose of this narration is to show how Isaac was comforted of his mother’s death, 24:67.Structure:

1. The great commission given to Abraham’s servant. 24:1-9.Eliezer of Damascus.Gen.15:2

Abraham's concern for God's promise that was to come to the descendants of Isaac.

They were not to be mixed with the inhabitants of Canaan (v.3).(a) Genesis 9:25-27: "Cursed be Canaan!" but "Blessed be the LORD the God of

Shem."(b) The inhabitants of Canaan are considered to be under a divine curse for their

iniquity (e.g., 15:16). Abraham's descendants are not to return to the land of their fathers. The Promised

Land is their home, 24:5-8.(a) “Only do not take my son back there” 24:8.

2. The total dependence of Abraham’s servant to God’s guidance. 24:10-14. Abraham’s servant prayed in his heart for a sign, 24:12, and 45.

3. The signs are manifested as a prove God was in this mission. 24:15-21. Moses (the Writer) shows from the start that the Lord has answered the servant's

prayer. 24:15. Characteristics of the bride God has chosen or what the Lord had prepared, this

wife for Isaac 24:16(b) Rebekah’s name refers to “tying or biding up” implying that her beauty was

so great, it could literally “captivate” or “fascinate” men. Abraham’s servant is wonder by seeing the fulfillment of God’s sings, 24:17-21.

4. Abraham’s servant give all glory to God for His support, 24:22-28. Engagement sign, "a jewel for the forehead"; or, as some render it, a "nose jewel"

(y); and so in Gen.24:47, as God did with Israel, Eze.16:11-12;(c) Such rings are still worn by Oriental women, and in particular "the nose-ring

is now the usual engagement present among the Bedouins" (Delitzsch) The Pulpit Commentary.

(d) As we have the Holy Spirit as a seal Eph.1:13-14

Divine preparation for the descendants of Abraham and the line of the blessing must be accompanied by the kind of appreciation seen in the servant, 24:26-27.

5. Laban confirmed the engagement of Rebekah, 24:29-31

Page 2: A Bride for Isaac Gen 24[1]

When He saw the signs of engagement…He welcome Eleazar 24:316. Eliezer explained his commission to Rebekah’s family, 24:34-49

This story teller’s art was designed to fix details, E.g. 24:36.

7. Rebekah’s family accepted God’s will, 24:50-60 Eliezer paid the dowry 24:53. Laban and his Family understood God’s will, 24:60.

8. = The bride meet the groom, 24:61-67 The veil represent She was unmarried, 24:65…38:14,19.
