a brief introduction to differential games

396 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences journal homepage: http://icoci.org/ijpms A Brief Introduction to Differential Games L. Gómez Esparza, G. Mendoza Torres, L. M. Saynes Torres. Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrónica. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. 1. Introduction The theory of dynamics games is concerned with multi-person decision making. The principal characteristic of a dynamic game is that involves a dynamic decision process evolving in time (continuous or discrete), with more than on decision maker, each with its own cost function and possibly having access to different information. Dynamic game theory adopts characteristics from game theory and optimal control theory, although it is much more versatile than each of. Differential games belong to a subclass of dynamic games called games in the state space. In a game in the state space, the modeler introduces a set of variables to describe the state of a dynamic system, at any particular instant of time in which the game takes place. The systematic study of the problems of differential games was initiated by Isaacs in 1954. After development of the maximum principle of Pontryagin's maximum principle, it became clear that there was a connection between differential games and optimal control theory. In fact, the differential game problems are a generalization of the optimal control problems in cases where more than one driver or player. However, differential games are conceptually much more complex than optimal control problems in that it is not as what constitutes a solution. There are different kinds optimal solutions for problems such as differential games minimax solution, Nash equilibrium, Pareto equilibrium, depending on the characteristics of the games (see e.g., Tolwinski (1982) and Haurie, Tolwinski, and Leitman (1983)). We present some results on differential games cooperative and non-cooperative differential games, and theirs "optimal" solutions. In particular we will study those that relate Pareto equilibrium and Nash equilibrium (non-cooperative games), although other types of cooperative and non-cooperative games, for example, commitment games, Stackelberg games, to name a few. 2. Preliminary in optimal control theory As mentioned above, optimal control problems are a special class of differential games played and a cost criterion. In this section we study some basic results on optimal control theory: dynamic programming and the maximum principle, since these results are determining in dynamic game theory.

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A Brief Introduction to Differential Games


  • 396 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

    journal homepage: http://icoci.org/ijpms

    A Brief Introduction to Differential Games

    L. Gmez Esparza, G. Mendoza Torres, L. M. Saynes Torres.

    Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrnica. Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla.

    1. Introduction

    The theory of dynamics games is concerned with multi-person decision making. The

    principal characteristic of a dynamic game is that involves a dynamic decision process evolving

    in time (continuous or discrete), with more than on decision maker, each with its own cost

    function and possibly having access to different information. Dynamic game theory adopts

    characteristics from game theory and optimal control theory, although it is much more versatile

    than each of.

    Differential games belong to a subclass of dynamic games called games in the state space.

    In a game in the state space, the modeler introduces a set of variables to describe the state of a

    dynamic system, at any particular instant of time in which the game takes place. The systematic

    study of the problems of differential games was initiated by Isaacs in 1954.

    After development of the maximum principle of Pontryagin's maximum principle, it became

    clear that there was a connection between differential games and optimal control theory. In fact,

    the differential game problems are a generalization of the optimal control problems in cases

    where more than one driver or player. However, differential games are conceptually much more

    complex than optimal control problems in that it is not as what constitutes a solution. There are

    different kinds optimal solutions for problems such as differential games minimax solution,

    Nash equilibrium, Pareto equilibrium, depending on the characteristics of the games (see e.g.,

    Tolwinski (1982) and Haurie, Tolwinski, and Leitman (1983)).

    We present some results on differential games cooperative and non-cooperative differential

    games, and theirs "optimal" solutions. In particular we will study those that relate Pareto

    equilibrium and Nash equilibrium (non-cooperative games), although other types of cooperative

    and non-cooperative games, for example, commitment games, Stackelberg games, to name a


    2. Preliminary in optimal control theory

    As mentioned above, optimal control problems are a special class of differential games

    played and a cost criterion. In this section we study some basic results on optimal control theory:

    dynamic programming and the maximum principle, since these results are determining in

    dynamic game theory.

  • 397 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    2.1. Statement of optimal control problem (OCP)

    In general, the optimal control problem (continuous time) can be defined as follows


    where is called the state equation and

    is called the objective function or cost criteria. This is, in own words, the problem is find the

    admissible control , which Maximizes the objective function, subject to the state equation and the

    control constraints


    Usually the set is determined by constraints (physical, economic, biological, etc.) on the

    values of the control variables at time . The control is called the optimal control

    and , determined by means of state equation with , is called the optimal trajectory or an

    optimal path.

    2.2. Dynamic Programming and the Maximum Principle.

    Dynamic programming is based on Bellman's principle of optimality (Richard Bellman in

    1957 stated this principle in his book on dynamic programming)

    Let us consider the optimal control problem (1). The principle of maximum can be derived from

    Bellman's principle of optimality (see [45]). We state the principle of maximum as follows

    Theorem 1. Let us assume, that exists an optimal couple for the optimal control

    problem (1), and we assume that and are continuously differentiable in and continuous in

    and . Then, exists an adjoint variable that satisfies

    An optimal policy has the property that, whatever the initial

    state and initial conditions are, the remaining decision must

    constitute an optimal policy with regard to the outcome

    resulting from the first decision.

  • 398 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    , (3)



    where the so-called Hamiltonian is defined as


    The maximum principle states that under certain assumptions there exists for every optimal

    control path a trajectory such that the maximum condition, the adjoin equation, and

    transversality condition (eq. 4) are satisfied. To obtain a sufficiency theorem we augment these

    conditions by convexity assumptions. This yields the following theorem.

    Theorem 2. Consider the optimal control problem given by the equation (1), (2), (3) and define

    the Hamiltonian function like in (7), and the maximized Hamiltonian function


    Assume that the state space is a convex set and that is continuously differentiable and

    concave. Let be a feasible control path with corresponding state trajectory . If there exists

    an absolutely continuous function such that the maximum condition


    the adjoint equation


    and the transversality condition


    are satisfied, and such that the function is concave and continuously

    differentiable with respect to for all , then is an optimal path. If the set of feasible

    controls, does not depend on , this result remains true if equation (10) is replaced by

  • 399 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791


    3. Differential games: basic concepts

    The general -player (deterministic) differential game time is described by the state equation


    and the cost functional for each player is given by the equation


    for , where the index set is called the players' set.

    In this formulation we consider a fixed interval of time that is the prescribed duration of

    the game, is the initial state known by all players. Let called

    trajectory space of the game. The controls are chosen by player for all , here

    is named an admissible strategy set for player . Then the problem can be stated as follows

    For each , player wants to choose his control such as to minimize (or maximize)

    the cost functional (profits) subject to the state equation (13).

    It is assumed that all players know the state equation as well as the cost functionals.

    Example 1. In a two-firm differential game with one state variable , the state evolves over

    time according to the differential equation

    in which are scalar control variables of firm 1 and 2, respectively. The state variable

    represents the number of customers that firm 1 has at time and is the constant size of the

    total market. Hence is the number of customers of firm 2. The control variables

    are the firm`s respective advertising effort rates at time . The differential equation, in this case, can

    be interpreted in the following way: the number of customers of firm 1 tends to increase by the

    advertising efforts of firm 1 since these efforts attract customers from firm 2. On the other hand, the

    advertising efforts of firm 2 tend to draw away customers from firm 1.

    Payoffs are given by

  • 400 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    in which represent firm i's unit revenues. The second term in the integrand of is a convex

    advertising cost function of firm . Feasibility requires that and are not negative. Each

    firm wishes to choose its advertising strategy over so as to maximize its payoff. The payoff is

    simply the present value of a firm's profit on the horizon.

    Remark. In this game, the rival firm's actions do not influence a firm's payoff directly but only

    indirectly through the state dynamics.

    3.1. The information structure

    In many problems the control function , for each , should be specified by means of an

    information structure, which is denoted by , and is defined as

    where is nondecreasing in .

    Depending on the type of information available, we can define a strategy space of player

    of all suitable mappings as follows

    We also require that belongs to for .

    Some types of standard information structures that arise in deterministic differential games are

    stated in following definition.

    Definition 1. In -player continuous time deterministic dynamic game of prescribed duration

    we say that s information is

  • 401 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    (i) open-loop if

    (ii) closed-loop if ,

    (iii) memory less perfect state if for ,

    (iv) feedback if , for .

    The following theorem provides a set of conditions under which the problem given by

    equations (12) and (13), admits a unique solution for every -tuple

    Theorem 3. Let the information structure for each pair be any one of the information patterns of

    the definition above. Furthermore, let then if

    (i) is continuous in for each ,


    (ii) is uniformly Lipschitz in ,

    (iii) for is continuous in for each and

    uniformly Lipschitz in

    the differential equation (12) admits a single state trajectory for every , so that

    , and furthermore this unique trajectory is continuous.

    3.2. Cooperative Games

    In this section we fix the initial state , and hence it will be omitted from the notation.

    As mentioned above, the differential games can be classified in two classes: Cooperative

    games and non-cooperative games. In a cooperative game the players wish to cooperate to reach a

    result that will be beneficial to all.

    3.2.1 Pareto Equilibrium

    Definition 2. Let us consider a game with players. Let ) be the player cost function,

    given the initial state and that the players follow the multi-strategy

    . Let be the set of admissible strategies for the player and



    where . An admissible strategy

    is called Pareto-optimal if there is if it does not exist another such that


    This concept can be illustrated in the following figure

  • 402 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    Figure 1.

    We can to see in figure 1, that the pair ( , ) with the cost vector V=V( , ) is not a Pareto

    equilibrium, since there exist other points in that are "below" V.

    Let be the set of Pareto equilibrium (which supposed to be not empty). The set of vectors

    is called the Pareto front of the game.

    The following theorem provides one method to study the existence of Pareto equilibrium.

    Theorem 4. Let we consider

    and for each consider the scalar function


    If for some vector there exists a strategy that minimizes , i.e.


    then is a Pareto equilibrium.

    3.3. Non-cooperative Games

    In a non-cooperative game the players act independently and each one wishes to optimize his

    own objective function, i.e. players are rivals and all players act in their own best interest, paying no

    attention whatsoever to the fortunes of the other players.

  • 403 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    An important example of non-cooperative games is the problem

    3.3.1. Two person Zero-Sum Differential Games

    Consider the state equation


    We may assume all variables to be scalar for the time being. In this equation, we let and

    denote the controls applied by players and , respectively. We assume that

    where and are convex sets in . Consider the cost functional

    which player wants to maximize and player wants to minimize. Since the gain of player

    represents a loss to player , such games are named zero-sum games (because the sum of their cost

    functional is identically zero). Thus, we are looking for admissible control trajectories and

    such that


    The solution is known as a saddle point but some authors call it the minimax solution.

    Here and stand for and , , respectively.

    3.3.2. Nash equilibrium

    First, we consider the case (two players)

    Definition 3. Let be a strategy of player 2. We define the set of optimal responses of player 1

    to the strategy as


    Similarly, the set of the optimal responses of player 2 to a strategy of the player 1 is defined



    A multi-strategy is said to be a Nash equilibrium if

  • 404 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    Equivalently, is a Nash equilibrium if




    In our words, in Nash equilibrium, a player can't improve his situation if he alters his strategy


    Generalizing to any finite number of players we have the following

    Definition 4. A multi-strategy in constitutes a Nash-equilibrium solution if

    the following inequalities hold for all

    The interpretation of a Nash equilibrium solution is as follows: If one player tries to alter his

    strategy unilaterally, he can't improve his performance by such a change. In this sort of situation

    each player is just interested in his own performance, that is, the game is played non-cooperatively.

    Definition 5. Let we consider a dynamical game with players and let it be the

    objective function for the player since the initial condition of the game is

    in the time . Let it be , a markovian multi-strategy, that is to say, each it is

    markovian (or feedback). It's said that is a perfect Nash Equilibrium if, for each and

    any initial condition , is hold that


    where the infimum is calculated above all the marcovians strategies of the player .

    In other words, a perfect Nash equilibrium is a marcovian multi-strategy that it is a Nash

    equilibrium for anyone that it will be the initial condition of the game. In this case, some authors

    say that the Nash equilibrium is perfect in the sub games (sub game perfect). Observe that to solve

    (23) or (24) substantially we would to solve an OCP for each . This suggests that, in principle, we

    can use technical like the principle of the maximum or dynamic programming to find Nash


    We will formulate the maximum principle for the case . We will to consider a

    differential game with players, state space , and actions set , for .

    The dynamical model is


    for all

  • 405 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791

    The admissible controls are of open loop, , where is a

    measurable function of to . The players wish "to maximize" the objective functions

    Let be the matrix of adjoints variables which -th file is

    In this case is defined the Hamiltonian as follows

    Let us suppose that is a Nash equilibrium and that is the corresponding path, then are

    hold the following necessary conditions for each the adjoints equations are

    the terminal condition is

    and the maximization of the Hamiltonian is

    We can note that this reduce the problem to one border problem with two border conditions

    that in some instances it can be solved explicitly. For example, Clemhout and Wan (1974) consider

    games three-linear, called thus because the Hamiltonian is linear in the state, in the controls, and in

    the variable attaches. Also, Dockner et al. (1985) identify several types of differential games that

    they are soluble, in the sense of the fact that they can be determined balances of Nash of open loop,

    either explicitly.

    Example of perfect Nash equilibrium

    Let us consider a differential game with players and finite horizon . To save on

    notation, denote the control variables of the two players by and instead of and . The state

    space is , the initial state is a fixed number , and the set of feasible controls is

    for player 1 and for player 2. The objective functionals are

  • 406 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791


    The system dynamics are given by

    Let us first try to find open-loop Nash equilibrium of the above game, that is, a pair

    where and are the strategies for player 1 and player 2,

    respectively. If player 2 chooses to play then player 1's problem can be written as


    Subject to (27)

    Since is assumed by player 1 to be a fixed function, of the integral in (27) is equivalent

    to the maximization of

    , so that problem above is equivalent to

    the problem


    Subject to (28)

    with and this problem has the optimal open-loop strategy

    , where is the unique solution of


    We also have that


  • 407 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2013) ISSN: 2010-1791


    . Finally, the state trajectory generated by this solution is given by .

    Note that the formula for now depends on player 2's control path still to be determined.

    Now consider player 2's control problem. If player 1 chooses , player 2's problem

    can be written as


    Subject to (30)

    Denoting by the costate variable of player 2, the Hamiltonian function for this problem is

    given by . Maximization with respect to

    yields if and if . If then

    , independently of . These properties imply that the maximized Hamiltonian function is

    given by

    The adjoin equation and transversality condition for player 2's problem are


    this can be written as


    The boundary value problem consisting of (28) and (31) has a unique solution which is given

    by with from (29). The function is easily seen to be non-positive and

    strictly increasing on It depends on the parameters and whether for all

    or whether ) can be smaller than for some . Because of the monotonicity

    of , however, we know that in the latter case there exists a number such that

    for and for all Careful analysis of (31) reveals that such a

    number exists if and only if and

    , in which case is given by

    In all other cases let us formally set . We summarize our results as follows. There exists

    a candidate for an open-loop Nash equilibrium, given by

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    where and are specified as above.

    To verify that the above candidate is an open-loop Nash equilibrium it suffices therefore to

    prove that is an optimal control path in player 2's problem. This, however, follows from

    theorem 2 by noting that for all , which shows that the maximized Hamiltonian

    function ) of player 2's problem is a concave function with respect to . This concludes

    the derivation of an open-loop Nash equilibrium for this example.

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