a. club fair hold here · 2018. 7. 12. · forest hills. audubon home demonstra- tion club will...

Winier Park P.-T. A. Holds First Meeting Capt. Davis Speaks The Winter Park P.-T.A. held; the October meeting in the school auditorium on Thursday evening' with a large attendance of fathers, mothers and teachers. Mrs. H. J. j Ottaway, president, was in charge of the meeting. I«rs. Lacy Woodcock, program j chairman presented the Rev. Ker- mit Wheeler, pastor of the Wesley! Memorial Methodist church of Winter Park, who stpoke to the group and used as his subject Stop. Look and Listen. He re-! minded the group that early train- ing is very important, that princi-; pies of character must be installed early in life and urged parents to keep viligence over their responsi- bilities. Capt. John Davis, retired police officer, spoke to the association on safety. Quoting figures on death from accidents, he urged practice of safety measures and observance of safety laws that lives may be saved. Mrs. Maurice Emmart urged members to subscribe to the parent-Teacher magazine and pre- sented Mrs. W. B. Howell and Mrs. N. W All in a skit showing bene- fits to be received by the use of the magazine. Mrs. R. W. Galphin introduced her representatives. She explained that P.-T .A. is providing funds this year for treats in each grade twice, the first to be held at Halloween. Grade representatives will co-ope- rate in a number of ways, especial- ly in building up attendance for monthly meetings. Mrs. R. F. Hope gave an in- teresting report of district meet- ing held recently in Fairmont and announced that the association (with six attending! won the at- tendance banner. The budgent was presemed and adopted. Members expressed a wish to see that the ball teams have complete uniforms. The en- thusiastic spirit of the school pupils was praised by Mr. Berry It was decided after investigation THE BIGGEST DAY OF YOUR LIVES is your wedding day ... A complete picture story in our special wedding albums will be a joy forever. This day comes once in a lifetime, so have these memorable pictures done by * HOLOGRAPHS DIAL 2-0675 Plant: FOR APPOINTMENT 2110 PARK RD. * "YOU MEAN ALL THOSE COLORS CO INTO Yes—Inspired by your own skin coloring. Yoa see, it’aSualy in Imc powder that’s mode-to-order exclusively for you that you can get such a perfect tone... a blend of the correct shades for you... made of opal, pink, white, ecru, rosewood and lots more. Come in and see it made right before your eyes today. Introductory box only $1. Other sizes at $2, S3, and S5 plus tax. SPECIAL! ONE WEEK ONLY! New York Guest Con- sultont available for complimentary analysis of your skin. Consult her for professional odvice on fashion-right make-up news direct from New York. It would be to your advantage to arrange an interview with this important visitor from the New York headquarters of Charles of the Ritz. 108 NORTH FRONT ST. to provide lunch for two pupils whose mother is ill. Mr. Berry, principal, expressed hii satisfaction at the large at- tendance and urged parents to come out with the children for the night entertainments. He ex- plained the federal aid lunch pro- gram and the decision of this matter was deferred. The attendance award was won by Mrs. C. G. Van C. Landingham’s fourth and fifth grades. Members adjourned to the hall where a social hour was enjoyed with refreshments being served by the hospitality committee. The school P.-T. A. officers are: Mrs. H. J. Ottaway, president; Mrs. Glenn Herring, vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Ralph Creech, second vice-president; Mrs. George Sloan, secretary; Mrs. S. L. Crawley, treasurer. committee cnairmen inciuae: Mrs. Lacy Woodcock, program Mrs. R. F. Hope, hospitality; Mrs. Ralph Gorman, membership; Mrs. Maurice Emmart, magazines; Mrs. R. W. Galphin, room rep- resentative; Mrs. A. L. Bancroft, publicity; Mrs. Charlotte Collett, librarian; Mrs. Lois Burkheimer, music: Mrs. George Sloan, his- torian; Mrs A. D. Hurst, spiritual and character education; Mrs. Frank Costin, cafeteria, Miss Aileen Williams, recreation; C. G. Berry, citizenship; Mrs. M. R. Walton budget and finance; Mrs. S. E. Holden safety. Grade representatives include: Mrs Harris Sneeden, Mrs John L. Hart J. T. Barden Jr., Mrs. W. B. Howell. Mrs. Merritt, John H. Farrell. Mrs. J. W. Allard, Mrs. H. ,R. McEachern, Ralph Creech, Mrs C. C. Register. Mrs. Arthur Johnson, A. L. Bancraft, Mrs. W. W. All, Mrs. Miner, C. Leeuwenberg, Mrs. A. D. Byrd,, Mrs. James E. Hall Jr., A. H. Stan, land, Mrs. T. C. Batson, Mrs. Coy Cook. J. L. Maultsby. Mrs. A. R. Gallup. Mrs. A. D. Hurst, L. F. Traister, Mrs. P. A. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Chapman, A. D. Hurst, Mrs. W. B. Cole, Mrs Jordan Batts. R. F. Hope. Mrs. Dell McGowan, Mrs. J. L. Lamb and Rev. A. K. Dudley. Virtually all bombers on the de- sign drawiig boards now will have a speed of more than 400 miles per hour, greater than our fastest fighters in 1940. Wilmington Baptist Association To Hold Meeting Here Tuesday The-fall meeting of the Wilming- ton Baptist association, composed of 43 churches in New Hanover, Pender and Onslow counties, will be held October 22, at the Winter Park church. Rev. E. W. Pate, chairman of the program committee, announces the following program: 9:30-9:40 A. M.—Devotion, Rev. Ben B. Ussery; 9:40-10:10 A. M.— Public Morals, Rev. W. J. Stephen- son; 10:10-10:40 A. M. —- Missions, Rev. E. C. Chamblee; 10:40-10:50 A. M.—Roll call of churches; 10:50-11:20 A. M.—Report on Re-! ligious Education, Rev. T. H. King; 11:20-11:45 A. M.—Orphan- age. Mrs. G. Carl Lewis; 11:45- 12:10 A. M.—Report of standing committees and election of offi- cer; 12:10-12:50 P. M.—Association at worship, Rev. J. O. Walton; LUNCH 2:00-2:10 P. M.—Devotion, Rev. T. K. Woody; 2:10-2:35 P. M.—Re- ligious Literature, Rev. W. A. Poole; 2:35-3:00 P. M.—Report on Hospitals, Rev. C. E. Brisson; 3:00-3:05 P. M. Miscellaneous Business; 3:05-3:10 P. M.—Treas- urer’s Report, Rev. J. E. Allard; 3:10-3:40 P. M.—Inspirational Ad- dress, Rev. Chas. A. Maddrey; 3:40—Adjournment. Many of the denominational lead- ers of the state are expected to attend this meeting and speak on the several phases of the work be- ing done by the church. * * * Regisier-Denion Plans Completed Miss Violet Rae Register, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Register, who will be mar- ried to William Russell Denton, has completed plans for her wed- ding. Invitations have been received reading, Saturday, October 26, at five thirty o'clock, at the Imman- uel Presbyterian church. Miss Register has chosen her sister, Mrs. Hubert J. Farrar, as matron of honor and Mrs. Albert Lea, her aunt, and Miss Nina Robinson and Miss Jane Barefoot as bridesmaids. Edward Maxwell will be best man and ushers will be Charles H. Register. Jr., brother of the bride-elect, Hubert J. Farrar and Paul Gregory. Miss Register will be given in marriage by her father, Charles H. Register. Norman Mintz, organist, and Mrs. Hubert J. Farrar, soloist, will give several nuptial selec- tions. Immediately following the wed- ding a reception will be held at 1012 South Fourth street. CLUB CLUB Tht Beacon Girls will meet Monday night at 8 o’clock in the home of Miss Carolyn Walker, 39 Pinecrest Parkway. Members are requested to meet at Nick’s Market, Fifth and Greenfield streets, in or- der to go in a group. Letitia Rebekah Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., will meet Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in the Odd Fellows’ hall at 3rd and Princess streets. Members of the Degree staff are re- quested to be present to pre- pale for the initiation of a class of candidates. The first regular fall meet- ing of the Wilmington chapter of Hadassah will be held Wed- nesday, in the form of a mem- bership tea, October 23, at 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Irving Lieberman, 402 South 18th street. Members and non-members will be wel- come. Mrs. L. Rosenberg, of Roanoke, Va., will be the guest for the evening and a large attendance is requested. A board meeting of the Wil- mington chapter of Hadassah will be held Monday afternoon, October 21, at 2:30 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Irving Liber- man, 402 South 18th street. All board members are urged to attend. Mrs. Edward Yopp and Mrs. E. A. Millican and Mrs. Hugh Noffsinger will be joint host- esses at tea on Thursday, Oct. 24, to members of the Auxiliary Lion’s club at the home of Mrs. W. E. Yopp of Forest Hills. Audubon Home Demonstra- tion club will meet Thursday at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. H. Walsh. The Mothers’ club of the First Eaptist church will meet Monday at 8 o’clock, at the church. The P.-T. A. of Topsail school, Hampstead, will hold the monthly meeting on Mon- day night, Oct. 21, in the school auditorium. All members are urged to attend. The Classroom Teachers Or- ganization of New Hanover County will hold their regular meeting on Monday at 3:30 o’ clock at the Chestnut Street school cafeteria. All members are urged to attend. The Alpha Iota chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi will hold their meeting on Tuesday eve- ning at 8 o’clock. The chapter will meet in Lounge B. of the Recreation Center, 2nd and Orange streets. The Presbyterian church league of Castle Haynes will sponsor a Halloween party on Friday night, Nov. 1st. at •‘he community hall at 8 o’clock. All persons of the community are invited to attend. The winter Park Home De- monstration club will meet Fri- day at 2:30 o'clock at the hom<» of Mrs. C. L. Williamson with Mrs. J. B. Heidt as joint hos- tess. All members are request- ed to bring their yearly r=- ports. The Woman’s auxiliary of the Pearsall Memorial Presby- terian church will meet Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock at the church. Chadbourn CHADBOURN, Oct. 19. _ Miss Rachel Strole of the William Hooper school faculty, Wilming- ton, spent the past week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs G. F. Strole. Mrs. Clarence Bullard, formerly a resident of Chadbourn, now of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives in town last week. Mrs. Don Ashton and two small children arrived several days ago to spend some time here with Mrs Ashton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. w’ A. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hawes of Whiteville were visitors in town on Saturday. Ann Daniels has returned to her home in Charlotte after visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter. Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, small son and daughter, 0f Whiteville were Chadbourn visitors on Sunday with Mrs. S. C. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Currie will ieave next week for a visit to rela- tives in Comer, Ga. Mrs, Clarence Ellis of Ripley, N. Y., was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Iver Mclver at the home of Mrs. J. A. Brown. Mrs. R. S. Fipps, Hilda and Eobby Fipps, Betty Lou and Rosa- lind Mercer accompanied by J. C. Nobles last week visited Miss Mona Faye Fipps who is a student in Woman's College, Greensboro. Mrs. C. L. Tate had as her house guest last week-end Miss Arra Snipes of Ahoskie. Mrs. Eugene Porter and children spent Sunday with Mrs. W. E. Bailey and Mrs. W. C. Edmund. Paul Hinson, student at Univer- sity of N. C. annex, Wilmington, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinson. Mrs. W. W. Taylor returned sev- eral days ago from a busines* trip 110 Norfolk, Va. Fair Bluff FAIR BLUFF. Oct. 19. Au- brey Waddell and sister, Mrs. A. P. Rogers, left Thursday for San- ford, Fla.’, to be at the bedside of their aunt, Miss June Waddell, who is ill from a fall. Mrs. H. M. Powell has returned from a visit of a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Pate and Mr. Pate in Jonesboro. J. B. Jones of McCall, S. C., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks Powell last week, coming for his grandson John Marcus Geddy, who has been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Guy Bailey recently re- turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Branch in Richmond. Va. Mrs. Elizabeth Dean returned Friday from Spartanburg, S. C., where she has been visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Littlejohn and Mr. Littlejohn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waddell have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Waddell. Mrs. Wad- dell is a member of the Fair Bluff school faculty. Mrs. Sara Miller of Florence, S. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. C. Powell and Mr. Powell. Mrs. W. Y. Bryan and small daughter, Brenda, left last week for their home at Henderson after visiting Mr. Bryan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Prince. Miss Georgia Floyd, member of (he Heminway school faculty, Wil- mington, spent last week-end at her home in the city. Mrs. Hardy Miller of Joh.nson- ville. S. C., spent last week here visiting her son-in-lsw, and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Small. Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Waddell were Charlotte visitors on Mon- day. Mrs. Arnold rate and small son, Edwin of Jonesboro a re. visiting Mrs. Pate’s mother, Mrs. H. M. Powell on Riverside. The Rev. Isaac Terrell of Ox- ford is holding a revival at the Baptist church of which the Rev. B. G. Eass is pastor. Beginning last Sunday morning the crowd has grown larger each day. Mrs. Thomas Jones and Miss Ganita Jones of Lumberton were MRS. HARRY O. BORDEAUX— The former Mary Louise Simmons,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Simmons of Garland, whose mar- riage of October 6 at Dillon, S. C., is announced today. Mr. Bordeaux is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bordeaux of Castle Haynes. visitors in the city on Tuesday, guest of Mrs. W. R. Outten. Willie Martin remains quite ill in Columbus county hospital. Miss Evelyn Waddell returned on Monday to Flora Macdonald college after spending the week- end at her home in Fair Bluff. Mrs. Edward Gibson and small Beautify Q||S| without massage? Amazing new Nanette Hormone Cream contains recognized scien- tific estrogens (female sex hor- mones) which may be needed If your Bust Is under-normal, flat, due to lack of supply of k sufficient estrogenic sub- \ stances. Nanette Hormone Cream j-J vanishes, requires no tiresome W MASSAGE. No matter what you have tried now try Nan- ette Hormone Cream on guaran- tee of complete satisfaction o' money back. 30-day jar $2.00« plus tax. No Mail Ordera Accepted! GLAMOROUS NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES DEMAND EXCITING NEW HAIR-DO’S. CALL US EARLY FOR APPOINTMENT PERMANENTS_$5.50 To $50.00 CAPE FEAR BEAUTY SALON 209 No. 2nd St. Dial 6023 son, Edward, of Kenersville have been visiting Mrs. libson’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. lilis Meares. Mrs. J. F. Rogers, left Sunday for Georgetown, S. C., where she will spend sometime with her daughter. Mrs. E. C. Britt and Mr. Britt. Mrs. E. S. Floyd sp»nt last week in Tabor City with Jr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson.' Aubrey W a d d ell Hturnd Wednesday from a week's star jn Sanford, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Gowan saj son of Wallace were receir. of Dr. Gowan’s mother, Mrs. H, ,. ry Gow'an. C. B. Townsend and sor. ,t Carl Townsend, were visitors Raleigh on Wednesday. C. G. Townsend spent days in Richmond. Va., re. •., visiting his son, Dr. Gordon : Townsend. You’ll get more mileage and comfort out of your shoes by keeping then, in repair. Bring them to us for A-l work prompt service. Our High quality »«rvices Include: DYEING AND RE-FINISHING—INVISIBLE SOLES SHOE REBUILDING—SHOE SHINING LITTLE JOE SHOE REPAIR Herbert S. King, Prop. 119 Princess Street Dial 7121 Suggestions: Here at Shoemakers you’ll find a wonderful array of gifts suitable for Christmas. Don’t wait—come in now for best selection. SHAEFFER STAFF PER SETS DESK SETS Rand-McNally WORLD GLOBES Regular and Electric BOOK ENDS LEATHER WALLETS COME IN NOW AND SELECT YOUR CL *isttnas Cards “EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE” SHOEMAKERS 206 Princess St. Dial 2-3332 * The Desire of Every Woman - -- a I M I I I ii I II [ i|< 5 i I i * And you can have a cheerful as well as a comfortable home if you’ll come to TODD’S to select your pieces. It’s the spark of originality that makes our dramatic and delightful room masterpieces so inspiring. Our decorators will be happy to furnish you with scores of ideas that, combined with our distinctive pieces will truly give you a cheerful home. 21 SOUTH FRONT STREET

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Page 1: A. CLUB Fair Hold Here · 2018. 7. 12. · Forest Hills. Audubon Home Demonstra- tion club will meet Thursday at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. H. Walsh. The Mothers’ club of

Winier Park P.-T. A.

Holds First Meeting Capt. Davis Speaks

The Winter Park P.-T.A. held;

the October meeting in the school

auditorium on Thursday evening'

with a large attendance of fathers,

mothers and teachers. Mrs. H. J. j Ottaway, president, was in charge of the meeting.

I«rs. Lacy Woodcock, program j chairman presented the Rev. Ker-

mit Wheeler, pastor of the Wesley! Memorial Methodist church of Winter Park, who stpoke to the

group and used as his subject Stop. Look and Listen. He re-! minded the group that early train-

ing is very important, that princi-; pies of character must be installed

early in life and urged parents to

keep viligence over their responsi- bilities.

Capt. John Davis, retired police officer, spoke to the association on safety. Quoting figures on death from accidents, he urged practice of safety measures and observance of safety laws that lives may be saved.

Mrs. Maurice Emmart urged members to subscribe to the

parent-Teacher magazine and pre- sented Mrs. W. B. Howell and Mrs.

N. W All in a skit showing bene- fits to be received by the use of the magazine. Mrs. R. W. Galphin introduced her

representatives. She explained that P.-T .A. is providing funds this year for treats in each grade twice, the first to be held at Halloween. Grade representatives will co-ope- rate in a number of ways, especial- ly in building up attendance for

monthly meetings. Mrs. R. F. Hope gave an in-

teresting report of district meet-

ing held recently in Fairmont and announced that the association (with six attending! won the at- tendance banner.

The budgent was presemed and

adopted. Members expressed a

wish to see that the ball teams have complete uniforms. The en-

thusiastic spirit of the school

pupils was praised by Mr. Berry It was decided after investigation

THE BIGGEST DAY OF YOUR LIVES is your wedding day ... A complete picture story in our special wedding albums will be a joy forever.

This day comes once in a lifetime, so have these memorable pictures done by






Yes—Inspired by your own skin coloring. Yoa see, it’aSualy in

Imc powder that’s mode-to-order exclusively for you that you can get such a

perfect tone... a blend of the correct shades for you... made of opal, pink, white, ecru, rosewood and lots more. Come in and see it made right before your

eyes today. Introductory box only $1. Other sizes at $2, S3, and S5 plus tax.

SPECIAL! ONE WEEK ONLY! New York Guest Con- sultont available for complimentary analysis of your skin. Consult her for professional odvice on fashion-right make-up news direct from New York. It would be to your advantage to arrange an interview with this important visitor from the New York headquarters of Charles of the Ritz.


to provide lunch for two pupils whose mother is ill.

Mr. Berry, principal, expressed hii satisfaction at the large at-

tendance and urged parents to

come out with the children for the night entertainments. He ex-

plained the federal aid lunch pro-

gram and the decision of this matter was deferred.

The attendance award was won

by Mrs. C. G. Van C. Landingham’s fourth and fifth grades.

Members adjourned to the hall

where a social hour was enjoyed with refreshments being served by the hospitality committee.

The school P.-T. A. officers are:

Mrs. H. J. Ottaway, president; Mrs. Glenn Herring, vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Ralph Creech, second vice-president; Mrs. George Sloan, secretary; Mrs. S. L. Crawley, treasurer.

committee cnairmen inciuae:

Mrs. Lacy Woodcock, program Mrs. R. F. Hope, hospitality; Mrs.

Ralph Gorman, membership; Mrs. Maurice Emmart, magazines; Mrs. R. W. Galphin, room rep- resentative; Mrs. A. L. Bancroft, publicity; Mrs. Charlotte Collett, librarian; Mrs. Lois Burkheimer, music: Mrs. George Sloan, his-

torian; Mrs A. D. Hurst, spiritual and character education; Mrs. Frank Costin, cafeteria, Miss Aileen Williams, recreation; C. G. Berry, citizenship; Mrs. M. R. Walton budget and finance; Mrs. S. E. Holden safety.

Grade representatives include: Mrs Harris Sneeden, Mrs John

L. Hart J. T. Barden Jr., Mrs. W. B. Howell. Mrs. Merritt, John H. Farrell. Mrs. J. W. Allard, Mrs. H. ,R. McEachern, Ralph Creech, Mrs C. C. Register. Mrs. Arthur Johnson, A. L. Bancraft, Mrs. W. W. All, Mrs. Miner, C. Leeuwenberg, Mrs. A. D. Byrd,, Mrs. James E. Hall Jr., A. H. Stan, land, Mrs. T. C. Batson, Mrs. Coy Cook. J. L. Maultsby. Mrs. A. R.

Gallup. Mrs. A. D. Hurst, L. F. Traister, Mrs. P. A. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Chapman, A. D. Hurst, Mrs. W. B. Cole, Mrs Jordan Batts. R. F. Hope. Mrs. Dell McGowan, Mrs. J. L. Lamb and Rev. A. K. Dudley.

Virtually all bombers on the de- sign drawiig boards now will have a speed of more than 400 miles per hour, greater than our fastest fighters in 1940.

Wilmington Baptist Association To Hold

Meeting Here Tuesday The-fall meeting of the Wilming-

ton Baptist association, composed of 43 churches in New Hanover, Pender and Onslow counties, will

be held October 22, at the Winter

Park church. Rev. E. W. Pate, chairman of

the program committee, announces

the following program: 9:30-9:40 A. M.—Devotion, Rev.

Ben B. Ussery; 9:40-10:10 A. M.— Public Morals, Rev. W. J. Stephen- son; 10:10-10:40 A. M. —- Missions, Rev. E. C. Chamblee; 10:40-10:50 A. M.—Roll call of churches; 10:50-11:20 A. M.—Report on Re-! ligious Education, Rev. T. H.

King; 11:20-11:45 A. M.—Orphan- age. Mrs. G. Carl Lewis; 11:45- 12:10 A. M.—Report of standing committees and election of offi- cer; 12:10-12:50 P. M.—Association at worship, Rev. J. O. Walton;


2:00-2:10 P. M.—Devotion, Rev. T. K. Woody; 2:10-2:35 P. M.—Re- ligious Literature, Rev. W. A. Poole; 2:35-3:00 P. M.—Report on

Hospitals, Rev. C. E. Brisson; 3:00-3:05 P. M. — Miscellaneous Business; 3:05-3:10 P. M.—Treas- urer’s Report, Rev. J. E. Allard; 3:10-3:40 P. M.—Inspirational Ad- dress, Rev. Chas. A. Maddrey; 3:40—Adjournment.

Many of the denominational lead- ers of the state are expected to attend this meeting and speak on the several phases of the work be- ing done by the church.

* * *

Regisier-Denion Plans Completed

Miss Violet Rae Register, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Register, who will be mar-

ried to William Russell Denton, has completed plans for her wed- ding.

Invitations have been received reading, Saturday, October 26, at five thirty o'clock, at the Imman- uel Presbyterian church.

Miss Register has chosen her sister, Mrs. Hubert J. Farrar, as matron of honor and Mrs. Albert Lea, her aunt, and Miss Nina Robinson and Miss Jane Barefoot as bridesmaids.

Edward Maxwell will be best man and ushers will be Charles H. Register. Jr., brother of the bride-elect, Hubert J. Farrar and Paul Gregory.

Miss Register will be given in marriage by her father, Charles H. Register.

Norman Mintz, organist, and Mrs. Hubert J. Farrar, soloist, will give several nuptial selec- tions.

Immediately following the wed- ding a reception will be held at 1012 South Fourth street.

CLUB CLUB Tht Beacon Girls will meet

Monday night at 8 o’clock in the home of Miss Carolyn Walker, 39 Pinecrest Parkway. Members are requested to meet at Nick’s Market, Fifth and Greenfield streets, in or-

der to go in a group.

Letitia Rebekah Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., will meet

Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in the Odd Fellows’ hall at 3rd and Princess streets. Members of the Degree staff are re-

quested to be present to pre- pale for the initiation of a

class of candidates.

The first regular fall meet- ing of the Wilmington chapter of Hadassah will be held Wed- nesday, in the form of a mem-

bership tea, October 23, at 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Irving Lieberman, 402 South 18th street. Members and non-members will be wel- come. Mrs. L. Rosenberg, of

Roanoke, Va., will be the guest for the evening and a large attendance is requested.

A board meeting of the Wil- mington chapter of Hadassah will be held Monday afternoon, October 21, at 2:30 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Irving Liber- man, 402 South 18th street. All board members are urged to attend.

Mrs. Edward Yopp and Mrs. E. A. Millican and Mrs. Hugh Noffsinger will be joint host- esses at tea on Thursday, Oct. 24, to members of the Auxiliary Lion’s club at the home of Mrs. W. E. Yopp of Forest Hills.

Audubon Home Demonstra- tion club will meet Thursday at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. H. Walsh.

The Mothers’ club of the First Eaptist church will meet Monday at 8 o’clock, at the church.

The P.-T. A. of Topsail school, Hampstead, will hold the monthly meeting on Mon- day night, Oct. 21, in the school auditorium. All members are urged to attend.

The Classroom Teachers Or- ganization of New Hanover County will hold their regular meeting on Monday at 3:30 o’ clock at the Chestnut Street school cafeteria. All members are urged to attend.

The Alpha Iota chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi will hold their meeting on Tuesday eve- ning at 8 o’clock. The chapter will meet in Lounge B. of the Recreation Center, 2nd and Orange streets.

The Presbyterian church league of Castle Haynes will sponsor a Halloween party on Friday night, Nov. 1st. at •‘he community hall at 8 o’clock. All persons of the community are invited to attend.

The winter Park Home De- monstration club will meet Fri- day at 2:30 o'clock at the hom<» of Mrs. C. L. Williamson with Mrs. J. B. Heidt as joint hos- tess. All members are request- ed to bring their yearly r=- ports.

The Woman’s auxiliary of the Pearsall Memorial Presby- terian church will meet Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock at the church.

Chadbourn CHADBOURN, Oct. 19. _ Miss

Rachel Strole of the William Hooper school faculty, Wilming- ton, spent the past week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs G. F. Strole.

Mrs. Clarence Bullard, formerly a resident of Chadbourn, now of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives in town last week.

Mrs. Don Ashton and two small children arrived several days ago to spend some time here with Mrs Ashton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. w’ A. Thomas.

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hawes of Whiteville were visitors in town on Saturday.

Ann Daniels has returned to her home in Charlotte after visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter.

Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, small son and daughter, 0f Whiteville were Chadbourn visitors on Sunday with Mrs. S. C. Bryan.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Currie will ieave next week for a visit to rela- tives in Comer, Ga.

Mrs, Clarence Ellis of Ripley, N. Y., was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Iver Mclver at the home of Mrs. J. A. Brown.

Mrs. R. S. Fipps, Hilda and Eobby Fipps, Betty Lou and Rosa- lind Mercer accompanied by J. C. Nobles last week visited Miss Mona Faye Fipps who is a student in Woman's College, Greensboro.

Mrs. C. L. Tate had as her house guest last week-end Miss Arra Snipes of Ahoskie.

Mrs. Eugene Porter and children spent Sunday with Mrs. W. E. Bailey and Mrs. W. C. Edmund.

Paul Hinson, student at Univer-

sity of N. C. annex, Wilmington, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinson.

Mrs. W. W. Taylor returned sev-

eral days ago from a busines* trip 110 Norfolk, Va.

Fair Bluff FAIR BLUFF. Oct. 19. — Au-

brey Waddell and sister, Mrs. A. P. Rogers, left Thursday for San- ford, Fla.’, to be at the bedside of their aunt, Miss June Waddell, who is ill from a fall.

Mrs. H. M. Powell has returned from a visit of a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Pate and Mr. Pate in Jonesboro.

J. B. Jones of McCall, S. C., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks Powell last week, coming for his grandson John Marcus Geddy, who has been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Powell.

Mrs. Guy Bailey recently re-

turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Branch in Richmond. Va.

Mrs. Elizabeth Dean returned Friday from Spartanburg, S. C., where she has been visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Littlejohn and Mr. Littlejohn.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waddell have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Waddell. Mrs. Wad- dell is a member of the Fair Bluff school faculty.

Mrs. Sara Miller of Florence, S. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. C. Powell and Mr. Powell.

Mrs. W. Y. Bryan and small daughter, Brenda, left last week for their home at Henderson after visiting Mr. Bryan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Prince.

Miss Georgia Floyd, member of (he Heminway school faculty, Wil- mington, spent last week-end at her home in the city.

Mrs. Hardy Miller of Joh.nson- ville. S. C., spent last week here visiting her son-in-lsw, and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Small.

Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Waddell were Charlotte visitors on Mon- day.

Mrs. Arnold rate and small son, Edwin of Jonesboro a re. visiting Mrs. Pate’s mother, Mrs. H. M. Powell on Riverside.

The Rev. Isaac Terrell of Ox- ford is holding a revival at the Baptist church of which the Rev. B. G. Eass is pastor. Beginning last Sunday morning the crowd has grown larger each day.

Mrs. Thomas Jones and Miss Ganita Jones of Lumberton were

MRS. HARRY O. BORDEAUX— The former Mary Louise Simmons,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Simmons of Garland, whose mar-

riage of October 6 at Dillon, S. C., is announced today. Mr. Bordeaux is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bordeaux of Castle Haynes.

visitors in the city on Tuesday, guest of Mrs. W. R. Outten.

Willie Martin remains quite ill in Columbus county hospital.

Miss Evelyn Waddell returned on Monday to Flora Macdonald college after spending the week- end at her home in Fair Bluff.

Mrs. Edward Gibson and small

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son, Edward, of Kenersville have been visiting Mrs. libson’s par-

ents, Mr. and Mrs. lilis Meares. Mrs. J. F. Rogers, left Sunday

for Georgetown, S. C., where she will spend sometime with her

daughter. Mrs. E. C. Britt and Mr. Britt.

Mrs. E. S. Floyd sp»nt last week in Tabor City with Jr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson.'

Aubrey W a d d ell Hturnd

Wednesday from a week's star jn Sanford, Fla.

Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Gowan saj son of Wallace were receir.

of Dr. Gowan’s mother, Mrs. H, ,.

ry Gow'an. C. B. Townsend and sor. ,t

Carl Townsend, were visitors Raleigh on Wednesday.

C. G. Townsend spent days in Richmond. Va., re. •., visiting his son, Dr. Gordon : Townsend.

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