a compass of 10 missiological theories developed from the book of acts preparation: read through the...

THE ACTS MISSION MODEL A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

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Page 1: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts

Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

Page 2: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

A SURVEY OF ACTS What are the key turning points

throughout the book?

When answered click next for answers Next

Page 3: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

1. TURNING POINTS Come: Acts 1:8 Gathered Church:

Empowerment in Jerusalem Go: Acts 8:1 Scattered Church:

Dispersed Everywhere Go Beyond: Acts 13:3-5 The Pauline

Apostolic Sendoff

The Church throughout history repeats this tension between pastoral gathering and apostolic scattering


Page 4: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


Page 5: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

3. MULTI-ETHNIC URBAN FOCUS In what ways is the Acts story, a story of

Urban Mission? What are the two urban mega-churches

in the Acts story? What are the major cities in the Acts

progressions? Has Christianity always been an urban


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Page 6: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


What is the significance of 16 languages all speaking one language?

How does it relate back to Babel? What was the point of tension in Acts 6

between two groups of widows? From what people group were the first

deacons? What was the color and ethnic

background of the apostles and prophets leading the Antioch church?

Is the Antioch or Jerusalem church a better model of a city church?

Page 7: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

4.WHAT IS A PEOPLE MOVEMENT? Review Pickett’s (McGavran’s) theories

on People Movements. Go here for a Definition and description What are the three main people

movements in Acts and which peoples do they involve?

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Page 8: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

PEOPLE MOVEMENTS IN ACTS The Jewish Jerusalem Church The Diaconal Breakthroughs to the


The Pauline Webs


Page 9: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


Page 10: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

5. THE BRIDGES OF GOD Peter and Cornelius Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Barnabas and Antioch

Listen to the Spirit, expect the visions, follow the unusual voice of God

Don’t miss the turning points

Page 11: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


What is McGavran’s theory of redemption and lift? How fast does this occur? What are its limits?

Is this evident in Acts? If the Bible is sufficient for every good

work, why are some critical principles not developed within it? Is there core truth outside of the scriptures?


Page 12: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

7. TWO STRUCTURES OF GOD’S MISSION (WINTERS) Paul’s wandering apostolic band Vs the local church, the council of Jerusalem The same tensions occur throughout history.

Bishops vs abbots Faith missions vs denominational structures Prophets, evangelists and apostles are mobile Pastor-teachers and pastors of pastors (bishops) are

local/stationary Orders and preaching friars vs Parish Priests To the ends of the earth vs solving the problems of

the people Apostolics are goal driven, mobile, high authority Pastorals are community driven, stationary,

consensus based authority

Page 13: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

INTERNATIONAL DIACONATES Are there three structures? What are deacons? (Acts 6) Was Paul a deacon for two years

gathering finances for Jerusalem? Are international aid organizations made

up of people with diaconal giftings of administration of finances Biblical or supra-Biblical?

Diaconates are mercy and administratively driven, fund-focused

But deacons were appointed to set the apostles free to lead

Page 14: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


Why is there little emphasis on actions to bring about change in injust structures in Jesus? In Paul? In the early church?

Does McGavran develop his emphasis on people group movements in opposition to engaging in doing justice as the Latin American Fraternity claimed?

Is McGavran right? What roles are appropriate for missionaries?

When answered, click next


Page 15: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Acts?

What are the fruit of revival? What is the relationship of the falling of

the Holy Spirit and speaking the good news?

From Girgg, What is a revival movement?

When answered click next


Page 16: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts


What are revival movements? How would you apply this to the Acts story? From Grigg, review the expansion of the idea

of a revival movement into the idea of urban transformative revival.

Is transformative revival evident in Acts? Why or why not?

How long does transformation take? How do you know if a society is transformed?

When answered click nextNext

Page 17: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

10. OIKOS EVANGELISM Track the idea of households as the

centre of evangelistic growth through the book of Acts.

Define Thom Wolf’s concept of Oikos Evangelism.

Page 18: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

ACTION How do you communicate these truths

to others?

Page 19: A Compass of 10 Missiological Theories Developed from the Book of Acts Preparation: Read through the book of Acts

BOOKS THAT SOURCE THESE IDEAS Glasser, A., Charles van Engen, et al. (2003). Announcing

the Kingdom. Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Academic. McGavran, D. A. (1970). The Masses, The Classes, and

Church Growth. Understanding Church Growth. 225 Jefferson Ave., S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49503, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.: 269-294.

Pickett, J. W. (1938). Christ's Way to India's Heart. London, The United Society for Christian Literature.

Tippett, A. (1971). People Movements in Southern Polynesia. Chicago, Moody Bible Institute.

--- (1987). Introduction to Missiology. Pasadena, William Carey Library.

Winters, R. (1974). "The Two Structures of God's Redemptive Mission." Missiology II: No. 1, Jan. 1974.

Wolf, T. (1980). Oikos Evangelism: Key to the Future. Future Church. J. Ralph Neighbor. Nashville, Broadman Press.