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Page 1: A comprehensive range of water resource …pacewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Arabic-Brochure...of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete
Page 2: A comprehensive range of water resource …pacewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Arabic-Brochure...of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete

املياه املبتكر وايجاد احللول لالستفادة من والتصيم املعرفة واالبداع املياه، من خالل تطبيق ملوارد بيس هي شركة هندسية مدنية تقدم خدمات متعددة املتوفرة في البحر او مياه االمطار واملياه اجلوفية بافضل طريقة ممكنة .

• شركتنا لديها اختصاص ومعرفة في كيفية ادارة املياه من خالل• االستفادة من مياه االمطار

• املياه اجلوفية• هندسة اآلبار

• كيفية السيطرة على مياه الفيضانات واستخدمامها للصالح العام• نظم املعلومات اجلغرافية للمياه وتقييم نوعيتها

• معاجلة مياه النفايات وتخزين وتوزيع مياه الشرب• تنظم البحيرات وترتيبها وخزن املياه فيها واالستفادة منها .

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A comprehensive range of water resource engineering services centered in stormwater management, water/wastewater and recreational water.

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A comprehensive range of water resource engineering services centered in stormwater management, water/wastewater and recreational water.

خدمات متطورة وشاملة لهندسة املوارد املائية مع خدمات املياه والتحكم مبياه االمطار ومعاجلة مياه الصرف الصحي ومياه البحيرات االصطناعية

Advanced Services

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معاجلعة املياه والبنية التحتية شركتنا لها رؤية وخلفية واضحة تستطيع من خاللها وضع خطة عمل ملعاجلة مياه الشرب وغيرها وهي تضع خطة تنفيذية الزالة العوائق الشائبة في املياه مثل احلديد واملنغنيز والزرنيخ واليورانيوم فضال عن تخفيف نسبة امللوحة. ونستطيع ان نضع عشرات من خزانات املياه ومحطات ضخ املياه ونظم التحكم لتوصيل املياه الى

االماكن املطلوبة وتدريب املوظفني واملهندسني الدارة تلك املشاريع.

Pure and reliable potable water is vital to any development’s success. PACE provides a unique hands-on background and insight

into planning, consulting, design, and implementation of potable water solutions. As part of the planning process, PACE develops

integrated water balances for sustainable water use and conservation including water recycling. Also included in the planning phases

are selection of appropriate water sources, conveyance, and distribution. Once the source has been selected, PACE has an extensive

background in water treatment including the removal of trace constituents such as iron, manganese, arsenic, and uranium, as well as

salinity reduction through desalination. Treated water must be properly stored and transmitted to customers during average, peak, and

fire demand periods, and PACE has engineered dozens of different types of water storage tanks, booster pump stations, and control

systems to deliver water at a constant, ideal pressure. Finally, because of PACE’s extensive construction, operations, and controls

experience, we are able to troubleshoot, startup, and train staff on the operation of PACE-engineered systems.

Service Offerings:

• Water Planning and Sustainable Supply Analysis

• Water System Modeling Distribution System Design

• Well-Head Investigation and Design

• Surface Water Intake and Pump Station Design

water treatment & infrastructure

• Conventional Water Treatment Design

• Trace Contaminant Removal Design

• Water Storage Tank Design

• Booster Pump Station Design

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حتلية مياه البحر ومعاجلتها بالطرق احلديثةان التطور التكنلوجي في حتلية مياه البحر وصل الى مراحل متقدمة وهو مبثابة احلل االمثل للحاجة املاسة ملياه الشرب عن طريق حتلية مياه البحر وذلك بعد ظهور نتائج نقص املياه عامليًا مما خلق ضغطًا جديدا لستكشاف طرق جديدة الستخراج مياه نقية ونظيفة من املياه املاحلة وكذلك من املياه التي حتتوي على نسبة عالية من اإلمالح واملياه ذات الرائحة الكريهة ومياه املجاري. ولكن نظرا الى التحديات التي تواجه عملية حتلية مياه البحر وهي من نوعية عالية للتحليل والتي تتطلب ايضا خليطا

من تكنولوجيا عاليا التحلية مبا فهيا ارجاع التناظح ) RO ( وبدأ التصفية الدقيقة ) NF ( وعملية التغيير، حتويل الشحنات الكهربائية ) ED/EDR ( وعملية تأكسد متطورة . وعلى ضوء ذلك فان شركة بيس لديها اخلبرة الطويلة في معاجلة املياه بالطرق املتقدمة واملتطورة وذلك باضافة قدرات جديدة حملطة حتلية املياه واعادة التحلية وتصفية املياه املستعملة التي ستمكننا من تبني اخر الطرق املتطورة واحدث تكنولوجيات الستثمارها في معاجلة املياه بأقل قدر ممكن من النفايات واكبر كمية ممكن من املياه . مجلس ادارتنا ميتاز باخلبرة في اجناز التصاميم ، وبناء وتشغيل محطات املياه وتخزينها ومنشاءات توزعها. شركة بيس سوف توفر خدمات هندسية كاملة مبا فيها التخطيط واالستشارة والتصاميم ودعم البناء وبدأ التشغيل مع استشارات ونصائح خالل سير عملية التصفية وذلك للوصول الى

اقصى طاقة ممكن وملواجهة زيادة الطلب من املستهلكني من خالل نوعية وجودة وكمية املياه من خالل احللول بطريقة علمية واقتصادية.

Recent advancement of membrane technologies, coupled with a global water shortage has created increasing demand for previously

unexplored, saline and hard source waters, such as brackish groundwater, seawater, and treated wastewater. However, due to challenging

water quality desalination often requires a combination of highly sophisticated, advanced water treatment technologies, including reverse

osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ion exchange, electro deionization reversal (ED/EDR) and advanced oxidation. PACE has extensive

expertise in water chemistry and advanced water treatment with the added capability of in-house desalination/water reuse piloting and

R&D, which enables us to adapt the latest and best available technologies to the most challenging source water, producing high quality

water with high recovery and minimum generation of waste. Together, with our broad experience with design, construction and operations

of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete engineering services including planning, consulting, design,

construction support, start-up support and operations consulting to meet and exceed the increasing demand of our clients for both water

quality and quantity with practical and economical solutions.











desalination & advanced water treatment

• Water Quality Assessment

• RO and Ion Exchange Media Selection

• Pre- and Post-treatment Selection and Evaluation

• Complete Desalination System Design

• Brine Management Design

• Water Reclamation Facility Design

• Bench and Pilot Scale Technology Evaluation

• Controls and Automation

Service Offerings:

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معاجلة مياه الصرف الصحي والبنية التحتية بعد استعمال املياه وحتويلها الى مياه صرف صحي هناك كمية هائلة من تلك املياه يكمن االستفادة منها وذلك من خالل ازالة امللوثات املصاحبة للماء والتي تسبب االمراض. شركتنا لديها خبرة وجتربة في التخطيط بشكل سليم جلمع مياه الصرف الصحي الى محطة الضخ . ولدينا القدرة على تصميم وحلول لنقل مياه الصرف الصحي بشكل صحيح عن طريق

التخلص من النفايات وحتويل مياه الصرف الصحي الى مياه نظيفة العادة استخدامها .1- تخطيط وحتليل وجمع مياه الصرف الصحي 2 - منوذج نظام تصفية النفايات 3 - تصميم محطة الضخ 4- تصميم ومعاجلة املياه امللوثة 5 - اعادة استعمال املياه بعد استعمالها 6 - اعادة تكرير املياه وضخها 7 - اعادة ضخ املياه في

االبار واالحواض 8 - اعادة ضخ املياه .

After potable water is used by the customer and converted to wastewater, it is conveyed to a treatment facility to remove pollutants,

excessive nutrients, and pathogens. PACE has extensive experience in properly planning for wastewater collection and conveyance,

including selection of gravity, low-pressure, and central pump station options. PACE has the ability to design conveyance solutions

that are valuable and reliable by properly handling debris in the wastewater and power outages. We have repeatedly provided

treatment facility solutions that are innovative, cost-effective, straightforward to construct, and simple to operate. The water exiting

PACE-designed wastewater reclamation facilities is clean and safe for water applications including storage reservoirs, advanced

irrigation treatment systems, cooling tower filtration systems, and pump stations for recycled water application, as well as recharge

and injection systems to store recycled water underground. PACE also provides permitting for discharge of reclaimed water to

surface waters.

Service Offerings:

• Wastewater Planning and Collection Analysis

• Wastewater System Modeling

• Lift and Pump Station Design

• Wastewater Reclamation Treatment Design

wastewater treatment &infrastructure

• Tertiary Treatment Systems for Reuse/Recharge

• Recycled Water Storage and Pumping Systems

• Recharge Wells and Basins

• Permitting for Recycled Water

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PACE’s ability to restore or create successful wetland systems relies on the understanding of the operation of

hydraulic systems and processes in nature, as well as the ability to assess, recreate, and manipulate hydrology.

Standard “cookbook” approaches have limited values and success depends on the combined expertise, which

integrates hydrology and biology with a strong engineering technical foundation. PACE’s philosophy for the

design of these systems is that they should be “self-sustaining” features of the landscape and integral parts of

an ecosystem.

Preliminary Planning

• Scoping and Approach

• Defining Goals and Objectives

wetland design & restoration

• Topographic Hydrologic

• Soil and Substrate Design

• Restoration Design

• Habitat Features

• Maintenance Elements

Baseline Inventory

• Topographic and Hydrology Survey

• Soil Survey

• Plant Survey

• Fish and Wildlife Survey

• Baseline Report

تصميم واستعادة االرض الرطبةقدرة شركتنا على معاجلة مياه االمطار وتزين وبناء االماكن الطبيعية لتكون جزء من الطبيعة كما مبني في الصور

• التخطيط االولي • الفحص واالختبار

• حتديد اهداف • االسس املعتمدة واملسح الطوبوغرافي والهيدرولوجي

• مسح التربة

• اعادة احلياة البرية لالسماك • تصميم املشاريع

• الطبوغرافية والهيدرولوجية • التصميم والتركيز على االرض

•الصيانة واخلدمة.

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السيطرة على مياه الفيضانات شركتنا توفر افضل اخلدمات الدارة مياه امطار العواصف ولدينا اخلبرة والتخصص في مجال الفيضانات والسيطرة عليها.

وذلك من خالل :• ادارة مياه العواصف والفيضانات مبا ذلك الهيدرولوجية والهيدروكيلية .

• بناء قنوات التحكم باملياه• حماية املنطقة من الفيضانات

• التخطيط الصحيح وايجاد خطة محكمة ملياه الفيضانات• تصميم نظام السدود وغيرها.

PACE offers a solid background in stormwater and floodplain management disciplines, including hydrology,

hydraulics, sediment transport, river engineering, water quality assessment and modeling, stormwater treatment

facilities, hydrologic mitigation and computer modeling. Among the unique strengths of PACE is its many water

resource specialists dedicated to watershed restoration and stormwater management, with state-of-the-art

hydraulic and hydrologic analyses capabilities. Our specialists are recognized as leading experts in the field,

providing consultation to many public works and water resource agencies, as well as featured speakers at many

technical conferences in the field.

Specific flood control service areas include:

flood control

• Flood Control Channel/Facility Design

• Regional Flood Protection Management

• Complex Hydraulic Analysis Control Channels

• Specialized Hydraulic Structures Design/Analysis

• Flood Control Operation / Maintenance Requirements

• Regional Flood Control Masterplanning / Alternatives Analysis

• Levee System Design

• Flood Hazard / Floodplain Mapping

• Floodplain Management

• Facility Phasing / Implementation Program

• Flood Control Facility Cost / Benefit Analysis

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Watershed management & planning is critical to sustainable development. PACE has over 20 years experience

in large -scale watershed management which includes planning level analyses that provide a basis for future

development and surface water infrastructure design. The goal of watershed planning is to develop backbone

surface water drainage and treatment facilities that protect from erosion and flooding hazards, improve water

quality, preserve and protect native habitat, and provide a basis for long-term sustainable development. Our

skilled GIS department has the ability to analyze and manipulate data for large watersheds and present effective

and concise exhibits, which become critical planning tools for new projects within the watershed.

Watershed Management Services Include:

watershed management& planning

• Detailed Watershed Mapping

• Hydrology Studies

• Watershed / Stream Corridor Planning

• Urban Drainage Master Plans

• Water Quality Assessment

• Hydrology Mitigation

• Erosion / Sediment Control

• Wetland Habitat Identification and


• Surface Water Infrastructure Planning

التخيطيط الدارة مستجمعات املياه لدينا اخلبرة الطويلة وملدة 20 عاما في هذا املجال وخاصة تخطيط املرافق اخلدمية للمياه وعلى كل االستعدة من مياه االمطار الى مياه االبار وذلك بوضع خطط صحيحة لالستفادة من هذه املياه وبالشكل الصحيح وكذلك السيطرة على اجنراف الفيضانات وحتسني نوعية املياه واحلفاظ على الطبيعة، والسيطرة على تأكل الرواسب وتخطيط البنية التحتية للمياه

السطحية ورسم اخلرائط وجتديد االرض الرطبة )االرض الرطبة هي ارض املستنقعات وغيرها (

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PACE provides engineering services to evaluate existing lake infrastructure and/or operations including:

• Mechanical Equipment Function and Efficiency

• Lake Shoreline Condition

• Existing Conditions Surrounding the Lake

• Containment and Lining System Effectiveness

• Water Quality Systems for the Lakes

• Water Usage and Makeup Water Delivery System

• Operations and Maintenance Program

The intent of our service offerings is to develop a balanced, natural ecosystem structure that promotes positive water quality and

minimizes operations and maintenance requirements. Our recommendations identify the issues related to the water quality of the lake

including algae, trash accumulation, stagnation, aesthetics, odors, and fish kills, and provides a design that reduces or eliminates the


PACE prepares plans and reports that address the issues for the lake and offers detailed design plans for shoreline treatment, lining

system, liner sealing details, makeup water level control, water quality management systems, and mechanical plans for construction.

lake restoration

استصالح البحيراتشركتنا توفر اخلدمات الهندسية لتقييم البنية التحتية للبحيرة .

• كفاءة املعدات امليكانيكية • ترميم شاطئ البحيرة

• تعديل املساحات احمليطة باحليرة • كفاءة االجهزة في تصفية املياه امللوثة

•كفاءة ونوعية االجهزة املستعملة لتنظيف مياه البحيرة • استعمال املياه وحتسني نوعية توصيل املياه

• وضع برنامج لصيانة البحيراتشركتنا تضع خطط ملعاجلة شواطئ البحيرة ومراقبة مستوى املياه وحتافظ على نوعية املياه من خالل كفاءة املعدات امليكانيكية.

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البحيرات االصطناعيةشركتنا لديها اخلبرة في تصميم وبناء اكثر من الف بحيرة اصطناعية في الواليات املتحدة والعالم• لدينا مجموعة من املهندسني املختصني في تصميم وادارة البحيرات بطريقة هندسية مبتكرة.

• تخطيط كامل لالراضي وزيادة قيمتها.• تكامل البنية التحتية للسيطرة على مياه العواصف ، تصميم البحيرة

• ادارة نوعية مياه البحيرة. • احملافظة على بيئة االسماك واحليوانات املائية • بناء البحيرة ، صيانة البحيرة ، تقييم البيئة .

PACE has experience with the design and construction of over 1,000 manmade lake systems. The design team works

closely with clients throughout the project development process, starting with planning that takes into account the

function and aesthetics of the lake within the ecosystem of the community. Combining a wide variety of engineering

disciplines, our engineers develop a water feature that serves the builder, the community and the environment.

As part of the lake design, PACE applies innovation and creativity to focus on:

• Land Planning Integration (maximizing water views and increasing land values)

• Stormwater Infrastructure Integration

• Lake Design

• Lake Water Quality Management

• Fish and Wildlife Habitat

• Lake Construction

• Lake Operations and Maintenance

• Environmental Impact Evaluation and Permitting

manmade lakes

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For over 20 years, PACE has time and again successfully combined the inherent beauty of water with responsible design to create water features that are as breathtaking as they are functional.

PACE is experienced in water feature design for residential, golf course, parks and commercial projects, and has

considerable experience with resorts, hotels, and condominiums.

Services available include:

water features

• Water Feature Engineering• Water Feature Layout and Concept Development• Interactive Water Feature Instrumentation and Controls• Water Feature Pump Stations

• Water Treatment for Water Features• Water Chemistry Control• Water Feature Modeling and Animation• Manmade Rock Design• Recirculation System Design

تقييم معالم املياه في املستقبلعلى مدى 20 عاما وشركتنا تنجح في تصميم وحتويل االماكن الغيرة صحية والغير صحيحة الى اماكن جميلة وخالبة وذلك بوضع التصاميم اجلميلة داخل البحيرات االصطناعية وتخلق منها اماكن ممتعة للسياحة او السكن القريب من تلك البحيرات وتصمم اشكال مختلفة ورائعة داخل تلك البحيرات وتقدم خدمات مميزة في كيفية ادارة تلك البحيرات من خالل مفهوم التنمية وطريقة تخطيط املياه بالشكل الصحيح واالستفادة منه ووضع مضخات املياه والسيطرة على كيمياء املياه وغيرها من االعمال املتعلقة بالبحيرات

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انشاء مسابح عامة ومنتجعات سياحية وروافد نهريةقدرت شركتنا على تصميم وبناء املسابح العمومية وباشكال غير تقليدية ومن املياه املاحلة الى احللوة وبناء املنتجعات السياحية اجلملية حول العالم لتصبح معالم سياحية تدر على البلد بالكثير من الفوائد املادية واملعنوية وتعمل بايجاد روافد

صغيرة على ضفاف االراضي واملنتزهات .

The attraction people have to water is illustrated with a sense of adventure in our pool features –cascades, rock work and non-traditional shaping. From the latest trend in saltwater pools, to traditional community and resort, pools and spas add value to your project with a pool that is anything but ordinary.

Services available include:

pools/spas/swim lagoons

• Pool/ spa/ swim lagoon concept development & engineering• Manmade rock design• Water treatment for pool/ spa/ swim lagoon• Water chemistry control (filter, heater, oxidizer, sanitizer, pH control)

• Recirculation system design• Utility coordination (water, sewer, power)• Health code coordination

• Permitting

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انشاء اماكن للتسلية واللعب من خالل اقامة اماكن جميلة كالنافورات واملتزحلقات املائيةوغيرها من االماكن اجلميلة.

Add interest and excitement to your project with interactive water features that tickle the imagination and set the heart racing. Slides, flumes, falls, streams, wave pools, exotic water playgrounds- they all increase entertainment

value for your guests and make your destination the one that’s worth another visit.

Services available include:

water play areas/interactive water features

• Water play areas/ interactive water feature concept development & engineering• Water toys• Lazy rivers• Water towers• Water slide• Wave pool, surf pool, wave riders• Physical hydraulic modeling

• Water chemistry control (filter, heater, oxidizer, sanitizer, pH control)• Recirculation system design• Utility coordination (water, sewer, power)• Health code coordination• Permitting

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Page 28: A comprehensive range of water resource …pacewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Arabic-Brochure...of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete

Our experience combines advanced technical understanding with value-added solutions in terms of cost, aesthetics and function.

خبرة متطورةخبرتنا جتمع بني التقدم التقني والكلفة املردودة باالضافة الى حلول ذات قيمة جمالية عالية ومستقبل باهر

Advanced Experience

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مشروع ناحية كنك كرين ستييعد مشروع ناحية كنك كرين ستي واحدا من اكبر املشروعات لتطوير املناطق اخلضراء التي انتجزت

بواسطة شركة بيس.املناطق التي طورت مساحتها 13172 ايكر 5330 هكتار وانشأ فيها خمسون الف بيت السكان 150 الف شخص وتوفر في املنطقة 40 الف فرصة عمل. املشروع سيظهر معالم الطرق السريعة وكذلك املنتجعات السياحية ومراكز الترفيه في وسط كاليفورنيا في منطقة سان واكيم فالي بني لوس اجنلوس وسان فرانسيكو . ولذلك قامت شركة بيس بطورير عدة طرق في املنطفة جلعها منطقة مالئمة للبيئة ولسكانها. اخلطة االصلية طورت بواسطة شركة بيس حتت اشراف السيد برسلو والتي ربطة كل هذه املوارد مبا فيها القنوات املائية ونظام توزيع املياه في املياه املستعملة والتي اعيد توظيفها وتنقيتها باالضافة الى املعدات الكهربائية التي تستخدم الطاقة الشمسية التي نضبت على مياه البحيرات خلدمة

سكان املنطقة شركة بيس هي املسؤولة عن تصميم واالستفادة من مياه العواصف، املياه الصاحلة للشرب ، مياه املجاري ، واعادة استعمال البنية التحتية لتدفق مياه النهر. خالل عمليات التخطيط االولية بيس قدمت تقديرات مهمة بشأن امدات مياه الشرب للمستهلكني وهي نقطة هامة لتطوير احلياة.

وثائق اخلطة الرئيسية اعدت حلاالت توجيه املياه التي جتري الى سهل معرض لالنغمار باملياه وكذلك ملناطق خزن مياه العواصف ووسائل نقلها باالضافة الى التصاميم االولية ملياه الشرب، مياه املجاري وكذلك ملستودعات اعادة تكرير املياه ومنشاءات ومحطات ومصافي املياه . كذلك استعملت موديالت مصممة بجهاز الكمبيوتر وجهاز GISلتحديد املواقع من قبل شركة بيس لتحليل املعلوما واقتراح خطط متنوعة بعد املوافقة على اخلطة الرئيسة وكل التصاميم واملنشاءات عن مياه العواصف ، مياه الشرب ، مياه املجاري وكذلك اعادة تصفية املياه بانواعها . فازت شركة بيس بشرف تنفيذ


Kings County Green CityKings County, California

Kings County Green City is the largest green development project ever undertaken by PACE. The 13,172-acre (5,330 hectares) development will include over 50,000 homes for 150,000 residents and create 40,000 jobs. Kings County Ventures will feature a championship motor speedway and destination resort hotels and entertainment venues in Central California’s San Joaquin Valley located between Los Angeles and San Francisco. PACE developed ways to create the most environmentally responsible community possible. Original concepts being developed by PACE under Mr. Perslow’s direction include linking the community with a waterway that also functions as a water distribution system for recycled water, and solar power generating units which float on water reservoirs.

PACE is responsible for designing the stormwater, potable water, wastewater, and effluent reuse infrastructure. During the initial planning process, PACE prepared the Water Supply Assessment to verify the potable water supply is sufficient, a critical piece to proving the development viability. Master Planning documents were prepared to address floodplain issues and stormwater storage and conveyance, as well as the preliminary design of potable water, wastewater and recycled water storage, treatment and conveyance facilities. Water modeling software and GIS was used to by PACE to analyze alternatives under various use scenarios. Following the approval of the Master Plans, all stormwater, potable water, wastewater, and recycled water infrastructure and treatment facilities will be designed by PACE.

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Water Balance Analysis

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Agricultural Runoff Supply

15,000 AF/yr (13.4 MGD)

[TDS] = 9,000 mg/L

5,250 AF/yr (4.7 MGD)

2,100 AF/yr (1.9 MGD)

3,200 AF/yr (2.8 MGD)

9,800 AF/yr (8.7 MGD)

[TDS] < 200 mg/L

11,900 AF/yr (10.8 MGD)

[TDS] < 250 mg/L

Stage 1 TreatmentBrackish Water R.O.

500 psi

5,300 AF/yrStage 2 Treatment

Seawater R.O.1000 psi

Stage 1 Product

Stage 2 Product

Stage 1 Reject

Stage 2 Reject

[TDS] < 500 mg/L

[TDS] = 42,200 mg/LPlus Conc. Minerals

[TDS] = 25,500 mg/LPlus Conc. Minerals

65% H2O

35% Reject

60 % Reject

40% H2O


STAGE 1 ONLY: 1,300 AC

STAGE 1+2: 800 AC

Evaporation Pond AC Required

Evaporation Pond AC Required


Ca2+,Na+, Mg2+


2-, Cl-, HCo3


pH adjust& balance

pH adjust& balance

Agricultural Runoff Treatment Process

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Water ReclamationFacility #2

WaterReclamationFacility #3


er R







a 2


er R







a 1


er R







a 3

Water ReclamationFacility #1RPS/S



W99 ac.

MU17 ac.

MU17 ac.

OS316 ac.

MD45 ac.

HD10 ac.

LD28 ac.

MD63 ac.

MD6 ac.

OS/P57 ac.

LD149 ac.

MU11 ac.

MU58 ac.

ENT29 ac.

MHD32 ac.

MHD44 ac.

MD75 ac.

MD58 ac.

LD40 ac.

OS/P10 ac.

MD24 ac.

VC26 ac.

MHD17 ac.

VC26 ac.

RES86 ac.

RES86 ac.

RES86 ac.

C10 ac.MU

68 ac.

MU28 ac.

C10 ac.

LD41 ac.

MD60 ac.

MD60 ac.

OS/P43 ac.

LD187 ac.

LD52 ac.

LD32 ac.

MHD32 ac. MD

9 ac.OS/P54 ac. LD

18 ac.

C12 ac.

LD138 ac.

C9 ac.

MD23 ac.

LD278 ac.

MD77 ac.

OS/P39 ac.

C10 ac.

C10 ac.

MD38 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

MD100 ac.

MHD36 ac.

MU35 ac.

LD106 ac.

MD78 ac.MHD

40 ac.

MHD70 ac.

OS24 ac.

LD20 ac.

OS/P49 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

LD132 ac.

OS/P5 ac.

MU60 ac.MHD

37 ac.HD

14 ac.

LD210 ac. HD

27 ac.OS/P20 ac.

LD118 ac.

MD43 ac.

LD41 ac.

MD41 ac.

MU114 ac.

MHD38 ac.

MHD57 ac.

MHD44 ac.

LD127 ac.

OS/P148 ac.

C11 ac. C

16 ac.

OS/P56 ac.

MU119 ac.

MU43 ac.

OS/P22 ac.

OS/P199 ac.MD

168 ac.

MD32 ac.

MD80 ac. LD

65 ac.MD31 ac.

MHD17 ac.

HD7.5 ac.

HD7.5 ac.

OS/P74 ac.

MD221 ac.

MHD13 ac.

HD13 ac. HD

13 ac.

MHD13 ac.

MD86 ac.

MD70 ac.

MHD44 ac.

TC57 ac.

TC57 ac.

MU57 ac.

MU95 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

MU52 ac.

C27 ac. C

48 ac. URP72 ac.

TC8 ac.

TC6 ac.

TC6 ac.

TC4 ac.

MD7 ac.

LD253 ac.

MHD102 ac.

HC190 ac.

TC12 ac.

TC12 ac.

TC12 ac.TC

9 ac.

URP102 ac. URP

55 ac.

MHD30 ac.

HD20 ac. HD

20 ac.MHD30 ac.


OS/P34 ac.

MU26 ac.

MU137 ac.

MU128 ac.

HD30 ac.

OS/P20 ac.

GOLF224 ac.


C40 ac.

MD51 ac.

MU7 ac.

LD44 ac.

MD54 ac.

ENT26 ac.

ENT296 ac.

OS/P25 ac.

MD31 ac.

HD26 ac.ENT

251 ac.

MHD60 ac.

C35 ac.

MD15 ac.

LD198 ac.

MD20 ac.

IND/T104 ac.

OS/P20 ac.HC

81 ac. MD33 ac.IND/T

16 ac.IND/T63 ac.

IND/T69 ac.

IND/T291 ac.

W128 ac.

IND/T131 ac.

IND/T60 ac.

C21 ac.

C10 ac.

OS310 ac.

IND/T51 ac.IND/T

15 ac.


PH (714) 481-7300 FAX (714)481-7299




JOB TITLESCALE1" = .75 mile





JOB NO.8654-E





0.75 0 0.75


Low Density Residential

Medium Density Residential

Medium High Density Residential

High Density Residential

Village Center

Town Center

University Research Park

Mixed Use

High Commercial







Agricultural Production

Open Space / Park

Open Space / Not A Part



Lift Station/ Storage Facility

Water Reclamation Service Areas

Water Reclamation Facility

Water ReclamationService Area Lines

Service Area 1

Service Area 2

Service Area 3

Biosolids Transfer Line

High School

Middle School

Elementary School

WW Service

Area Landuse ID Landuse Name AcresDwelling

UnitsGeneration Rate (GPAD)

ADF WW Generation (GPD)

WW Generation + Infiltration and Inflow

(GPD) (5% ADF)

3 LD Low Density Residential 1,528.00 7,640 1,353 2,067,384 2,170,7533 MD Medium Density Residential 807.00 8,070 1,353 1,091,871 1,146,4653 MHD Medium High Density Residential 354.00 5,310 1,353 478,962 502,9103 HD High Density Residential 51.00 1,275 1,353 69,003 72,4533 ES Elementary School 16 122,400 128,5203 MS Middle School 3 38,250 40,1633 HS High School 2 85,000 89,2503 MU Mixed Use Residential 64.40 1,610 1,353 87,133 91,4903 MU Mixed Use 257.60 1,897 488,667 513,1013 C Commercial 88.00 1,138 100,144 105,1513 VC Village Center 26.00 1,897 49,322 51,7883 OS Open Space/Not a Part 340.003 OS/P Open Space/Park 516.003 NHRP Neighborhood Park 346.003 W Waterway 177.003 RES Reservoir 172.00

4,727 23,926 4,678,136 4,912,043

2 LD Low Density Residential 214.00 1,070 1,353 289,542 304,0192 MD Medium Density Residential 688.00 6,880 1,353 930,864 977,4072 MHD Medium High Density Residential 104.00 1,560 1,353 140,712 147,7482 HD High Density Residential 41.00 1,025 1,353 55,473 58,2472 ES Elementary School 8 61,200 64,2602 MS Middle School 1 12,750 13,3882 HS High School 1 42,500 44,6252 MU Mixed Use Residential 73.20 1,830 1,353 99,040 103,9922 MU Mixed Use 292.80 1,897 555,442 583,2142 TC Town Center Residential 17.10 428 1,353 23,136 24,2932 TC Town Center 96.90 1,897 183,819 193,0102 OS/P Open Space/Park 393.002 RES Reservoir 86.002 NHRP Neighborhood Park 206.002 W Waterway 107.00

2,319 12,803 2,394,478 2,514,202

1 LD Low Density Residential 535.00 2,675 1,353 723,855 760,0481 MD Medium Density Residential 280.00 2,800 1,353 378,840 397,7821 MHD Medium High Density Residential 222.00 3,330 1,353 300,366 315,3841 HD High Density Residential 96.00 2,400 1,353 129,888 136,3821 ES Elementary School 7 39,100 41,0551 MS Middle School 2 25,500 26,7751 HS High School 1 42,500 44,6251 MOTORAMA Motorama 116.00 0 1,897 220,052 231,0551 MU Mixed Use Residential 76.80 1,920 1,353 103,910 109,1061 MU Mixed Use 307.20 1,897 582,758 611,8961 OS/P Open Space/Park 151.001 SPEEDWAY Speedway 700.00 1,897 1,327,900 1,394,2951 TC Town Center Residential 10.95 274 3,325 36,409 38,2291 TC Town Center 62.05 1,897 117,709 123,5941 VC Village Center 26.00 1,897 49,322 51,7881 URP University Research Park 229.00 1,138 260,602 273,6321 C Commercial 181.00 1,138 205,978 216,2771 ENT Entertainment/Destination Commercial 602.00 2,276 1,370,152 1,438,6601 HC High Commercial 271.00 1,138 308,398 323,8181 NHRP Neighborhood Park 296.001 GOLF Golf 224.001 W Waterway 227.001 AP Agricultural Production 403.001 OS Open Space/Not a Part 310.001 IND/T Industrial/Transportation 800.00 1,138 910,400 955,920

6,126 13,409 7,133,639 7,490,321

Community Totals 13,172 50,137 14,206,254 14,916,566







Water TreatmentFacility #1

Water TreatmentFacility #2

PumpStation D

PumpStation B

PumpStation C

PumpStation A



T 1



T 2



T 3



T 4



T 5

W99 ac.

MU17 ac.

MU17 ac.

OS316 ac.

MD45 ac.

HD10 ac.

LD28 ac.

MD63 ac.

MD6 ac.

OS/P57 ac.

LD149 ac.

MU11 ac.

MU58 ac.

ENT29 ac.

MHD32 ac.

MHD44 ac.

MD75 ac.

MD58 ac.

LD40 ac.

OS/P10 ac.

MD24 ac.

VC26 ac.

MHD17 ac.

VC26 ac.

RES86 ac.

RES86 ac.

RES86 ac.

C10 ac.MU

68 ac.

MU28 ac.

C10 ac.

LD41 ac.

MD60 ac.

MD60 ac.

OS/P43 ac.

LD187 ac. LD

52 ac.

LD32 ac.

MHD32 ac. MD

9 ac.OS/P54 ac. C

12 ac.

LD138 ac.

C9 ac.

MD23 ac.LD

278 ac.

MD77 ac.

OS/P39 ac.

C10 ac.

C10 ac.

MD38 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

MD100 ac.

MHD36 ac.

MU35 ac.

LD106 ac.

MD78 ac.MHD

40 ac.MHD70 ac.

OS24 ac.

LD20 ac.

OS/P49 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

LD132 ac.

OS/P5 ac.

MU60 ac.MHD

37 ac.HD

14 ac.

LD210 ac.

HD27 ac.OS/P

20 ac.

LD118 ac.

MD43 ac.

LD41 ac.

MD41 ac.

MU114 ac.

MHD38 ac.

MHD57 ac.

MHD44 ac.

LD127 ac.

OS/P148 ac.

C11 ac. C

16 ac.

OS/P56 ac.

MU119 ac.

MU43 ac.

OS/P22 ac.

OS/P199 ac.MD

168 ac.

MD32 ac.

MD80 ac.

LD65 ac.MD

31 ac.

MHD17 ac.HD

7.5 ac.HD

7.5 ac.

OS/P74 ac.

MD221 ac.

MHD13 ac.

HD13 ac. HD

13 ac.

MHD13 ac.

MD86 ac.

MD70 ac.

MHD44 ac.

TC57 ac.

TC57 ac.

MU57 ac.

MU95 ac.

OS/P36 ac.

MU52 ac.

C27 ac. C

48 ac. URP72 ac.

TC8 ac.

TC6 ac.

TC6 ac.

TC4 ac.

LD253 ac.

MHD102 ac.

HC190 ac.

TC12 ac.

TC12 ac.

TC12 ac.

TC9 ac.

URP102 ac.

URP55 ac.

MHD30 ac.

HD20 ac. HD

20 ac.MHD30 ac.


OS/P34 ac.

MU26 ac.

MU137 ac.

MU128 ac.

HD30 ac.

OS/P20 ac.

GOLF224 ac.


C40 ac.

MD51 ac.

MU7 ac.

LD44 ac.

MD54 ac.

ENT26 ac.

ENT296 ac.

OS/P25 ac.

MD31 ac.

HD26 ac.ENT

251 ac.

MHD60 ac.

C35 ac.

MD15 ac.

LD198 ac.

MD20 ac.

IND/T104 ac.

OS/P20 ac.HC

81 ac.MD

33 ac.IND/T16 ac.

IND/T63 ac.

IND/T69 ac.

IND/T291 ac.

W128 ac.

IND/T131 ac.

IND/T60 ac.

C21 ac.

C10 ac.

OS310 ac.

IND/T51 ac.IND/T

15 ac.


PH (714) 481-7300 FAX (714)481-7299




JOB TITLESCALE1" = .75 mile





JOB NO.8654-E





0.75 0 0.75


Low Density Residential

Medium Density Residential

Medium High Density Residential

High Density Residential

Village Center

Town Center

University Research Park

Mixed Use

High Commercial







Agricultural Production

Open Space / Park

Open Space / Not A Part



Potable Water Main


Regional Water Purification & Storage Facility

Potable Water Pump Station & Storage Facility

High School

Middle School

Elementary School

District Landuse ID Landuse Name AcresDwelling

UnitsAverage Day Demand (GPM)

Max Day Demand (GPM)

Peak Hour Demand (GPM)

1 LD Low Density Residential 774 3,870 419 839 1,6771 MD Medium Density Residential 298 2,980 224 447 8941 MHD Medium High Density Residential 32 480 29 58 1161 ES Elementary School 6 38 75 1501 MS Middle School 1 10 21 421 HS High School 1 35 69 1391 C Commercial 51 47 95 1901 MU Mixed Use 96 480 146 292 5841 OS Open Space/Not a Part 3161 OS/P Open Space/Park 1361 NHRP Neighborhood Park 881 W Waterway 65

1,856 7,818 82 164 3,791

2 LD Low Density Residential 754 3,770 408 817 1,6342 MD Medium Density Residential 509 5,090 382 764 1,5272 MHD Medium High Density Residential 322 4,830 292 584 1,1672 HD High Density Residential 51 1,275 72 143 2872 ES Elementary School 10 63 125 2502 MS Middle School 2 21 42 832 HS High School 1 35 69 1392 VC Village Center 26 40 81 1612 C Commercial 37 34 69 1382 MU Mixed Use 226 1,130 344 688 1,3752 OS Open Space/Not a Part 242 OS/P Open Space/Park 3802 RES Reservoir 1722 NHRP Neighborhood Park 2582 W Waterway 112

2,871 16,108 109 219 6,761

3 LD Low Density Residential 214 1,070 116 232 4643 MD Medium Density Residential 688 6,880 516 1,032 2,0643 MHD Medium High Density Residential 104 1,560 94 189 3773 HD High Density Residential 41 1,025 58 115 2313 ES Elementary School 8 50 100 2003 MS Middle School 1 10 21 423 HS High School 1 35 69 1393 TC Town Center 114 428 174 348 6973 MU Mixed Use 366 1,830 557 1,113 2,2273 OS/P Open Space/Park 3933 RES Reservoir 863 NHRP Neighborhood Park 2063 W Waterway 107

2,319 12,803 153 306 6,440

4 LD Low Density Residential 297 1,485 161 322 6444 MD Medium Density Residential 103 1,030 77 155 3094 MHD Medium High Density Residential 162 2,430 147 294 5874 HD High Density Residential 70 1,750 98 197 3944 ES Elementary School 5 19 39 784 MS Middle School 1 10 21 424 HC High Commercial 190 177 353 7074 C Commercial 115 107 214 4284 URP University Research Park 229 213 426 8524 ENT Entertainment/Destination Commercial 55 102 205 4094 MOTORAMA Motorama 116 180 360 7194 MU Mixed Use 367 1,835 558 1,117 2,2334 TC Town Center 73 274 112 223 4464 SPEEDWAY Speedway 700 43 86 1714 GOLF Golf 2244 NHRP Neighborhood Park 1154 OS/P Open Space/Park 664 W Waterway 1284 AP Agricultural Production 193

3,203 8,810 2,005 4,009 8,018

5 LD Low Density Residential 238 1,190 129 258 5165 MD Medium Density Residential 177 1,770 133 266 5315 MHD Medium High Density Residential 60 900 54 109 2185 HD High Density Residential 26 650 37 73 1465 ES Elementary School 2 13 25 505 MS Middle School 1 10 21 425 HS High School 1 35 69 1395 ENT Entertainment/Destination Commercial 547 1,017 2,035 4,0695 HC High Commercial 81 75 151 3015 C Commercial 66 61 123 2465 VC Village Center 26 40 81 1615 MU Mixed Use 17 85 27 54 1095 IND/T Industrial/Transportation 800 744 1,488 2,9765 OS Open Space/Not a Part 3105 OS/P Open Space/Park 855 NHRP Neighborhood Park 1815 W Waterway 995 AP Agricultural Production 210

2,923 4,599 2,376 4,751 9,503

Community Totals 13,172 50,137 4,725 9,449 34,513

Sewer System Site Plan Potable Water System Site Plan

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conservation techniques to reduce

potable water demand



seasonal �ooding from excess reclaimed supply



MOUNTAIN HOUSEStormwater, Potable & Wastewater Management Plan

Trimark Communities, LLC, a subsidiary of Sunchase Holdings in Phoenix, AZ, developed a rural area on the border of the Alameda County / San Joaquin County, about 60 miles east of San Francisco. Here, Trimark has created a development known as Mountain House, a self-contained, 4,784-acre (1,900 hectares) master planned community that is home to 43,500 residents. Incorporated into this new town is an innovative, natural approach to water resources management. PACE led the engineering efforts on all of the project's water resource issues, including potable and non-potable water distribution systems, a water reclamation facility development-wide stormwater management planning and creek restoration design services for Mountain House Creek, one of the development's signature features.

Advanced Elements:Creek Restoration:

• Conversion of creek from an agricultural ditch into a naturalized creek flowing within a biotic, multipurpose corridor.

• The creek eliminated numerous large storm drain pipes, several large, dry extended detention-basins BMPs, and greatly reduced the cost of stormwater infrastructure without compromising safety and treatment.

• Using five precast concrete bridges, disturbance to the restored riparian zone was prevented, permitting issues were avoided and construction time was reduced.

Water Reclamation Facility:• Sludge Processing to Meet EPA Class B Biosolids

Requirements.• Treatment takes place in underground tanks, significantly

reducing land requirements and improving the facility's aesthetics.

• A unique structural concrete deck design reduced construction time and cost.

• The original 0.45 MGD (1,700 m3/day) facility resided on 21 acres (8.5 hectares) of land, while the new 3 MGD (11,400 m3/day) per day facility resides on only one acre of land.

Mountain House Master Planned CommunityMountain House (near Tracy), California

• Tremendous energy savings through the use of micro-fine bubble diffuser panels in the SBRs and the use of low-energy Flygt “banana blade” mixers.

Water Distribution System• The irrigation system consists of 2,500 gpm (9,500

lpm) on-demand constant high pressure pump station design including a canal check dam, 1/8 inch (3mm) stainless steel wire screen intake system, and hydropneumatic tank and pump station building which houses pumps, filters, and electrical and associated piping and instrumentation.

• The irrigation station also has a set of primary intake screens and 100 micron filter discharge filtration system, which strain debris from the canal water and prevent zebra mussels from clogging equipment.

• The potable water system includes two 3.7 million

gallon (14,000 m3) partially submerged concrete storage tanks with two zone domestic and fire pumping station (max 3,000 gpm (11,400 lpm) domestic plus 3,500 gpm (13,250 lpm) fire) within the same structure. The 150 foot (46 m) diameter, 31 foot (9.5 m) tall tanks were constructed partially underground to reduce the aesthetic impacts to the adjacent community college and residential development.

• PACE designed two separate sets of potable water booster pumps in an architecturally pleasing pump house structure and a pressure reducing / sustaining valving and metering station.

• The pump station has redundant pumps, automatically transferred back-up power, disinfection injection and monitoring, and full remote telemetry and security systems with full-motion video surveillance.

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Page 35: A comprehensive range of water resource …pacewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Arabic-Brochure...of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete

Global Water Intelligence WastewaterPlant of the Year Commendation

PACE provided engineering, permitting and start-up services as a subconsultant to PERC in 2004 for a new, state-of-the-art 3.0 MGD (11,400 m3/day) water reclamation facility. The facility was designed to meet the strict CA Title 22 effluent requirements for unrestricted reuse and utilizes a two-tank SBR process for biological oxidation of organics and secondary clarification. Tertiary treatment is accomplished through the SBR, Aquadisk cloth media filtration, and advanced UV disinfection. The Mountain House WRF is among the first facilities in the United States to utilize a UV Disinfection System certified under NWRI to meet California Title 22 requirements. In 2006, the Mountain House WRF was awarded the Global Water Intelligence Award for Water/ Wastewater Project of the Year.

Water Reclamation Facility

New State-of-the-Art3.0 MGD (11,400 m3/day)WRF Replaces Existing Facility1 Acre (0.4 Hectares)

Former .45 MGD (1,700 m3)Facility Boundary22 Acres (9 Hectares)

منشاءات استعادة املياه قام املهندسون من شركتنا باصدار تصريح بالبدء بالعمل خلدمات املياه كمساعد استشاري الى شركة بيرك في عام 2004 في مشروع جديد هو االضخم من نوعه العادة تكرير واستعادة املياه الستخدامها في مختلف املرافق بسعة 0وMGD 3 اي

11400 متر مكعب في اليوم. احملطة أو البناء صمم بحيث يكون ضمن قانون كاليفورنيا الصارم من املادة 22 الستخدام املياه بشكل غير مقيد وأعادة استعمال املياه وتكريرها عن طريق خزانني وباستعمال خطوات SRB لالكسدة البيولوجية املؤلفة في

املرحلة الثانية للتصفية. املرحلة الثالثة اكتملت من خالل SRB ، واملاء املرشح ومعدات التطهير املتطورة ضد اجلراثيم .البيت اجلبلي WRF هو االول من نوعه في الواليات املتحدة الستخدام نظام UV للتعقيم حتت طائلة NWRI وذلك للمطابقة مع

املادة 22 من قانون كاليفورنيا . لقد حاز البيت اجلبلي WRF في عام 2006 اجلائزة العاملية للمياه ومشروع مياه املجاري في العام 2006 .

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PACE was responsible for a creative watershed planning program that included the Stormwater Master Plan Update for the entire development, the restoration and enhancement plan of the13,400 linear foot (4,000 m) Mountain House Creek for a proposed residential golf course and lake system. A unique and natural-based approach to the project creek restoration and combined stormwater management program integrated the use of created wetlands and the establishment of riparian corridors for runoff water quality treatment and flood conveyance within the creek restoration program.

The stormwater management features include pedestrian linkage and multi-function open space areas. Additionally, the plan eliminated numerous large diameter storm drains and detention basins by routing on-site runoff through the Mountain House Creek, residential lake system and golf course. This re-routing significantly reduced capital costs for stormwater management and ensured that Mountain House Creek will have year-round flows, thereby enhancing the environmental restoration and aesthetic quality of the development.

Stormwater Management & Creek Restoration

Project of the YearAmerican Public Works

Association (APWA)

السيطرة على مياه العواصف واعادة احلياة للقنوات شركة بيس هي املسوؤلة عن انشاء خطة تتظمن تعديل اخلطة الرئيسية للمشروع باكمله وذلك عن طريق تخطيط مجمعات للمياه . ان اعادة احلياة الى املنطقة هو ضمن خطة لنباء خطوط للمياه مساحتها 13400قدم اي ما يعادل 4000 م من القناة البيت اجلبلي وذلك باقتراح الضافة ملعب للكولف ونظام للبحيرات . هذا النظام الفريد والطبيعي العادة مجرى سير القناة وكذلك دمج مياه العواصف ضمن برنامج للسيطرة عليها من خالل جعل هذه املياه تعود لالراضي الرطبة وفتح عدة مجاري للقناة لتحسني نوعية املياه والسيطرة على مياه العواصف ان ظمان السيطرة على مياه العواصف يتظمن ممرات للمشاة وفتح عدة مناطق لالستعمال والترفيه.

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Potable Water Storage and Booster Pumping Facility

خزانات املياه ومحطة الضخقامت شركة بيس بتصميم خزان املياه وزيادة كمية محطة ضخ املياه خلدمة املنطقة. والتصميم يتضمن مجموعتني كاملتني منفصلتني عن بعضهما مع محطات الضخ في نفس املجموعة. مبا فيها نظام خفض ضغط مياه وسيطرة على مفاتيح احملطة وكذلك عند قراءة العدادات في احملطة. املجموعتني الكاملتني ستخزن 7و3 مليون كالون من املياه الصاحلة للشرب.

اخلزان سيكون موضوعا حتى منتصفه في االرض ومصنوع من االسمنت مع محطتني ضخ قدرتهما 3000 كالون ي الدقيقة

11400 متر مكعب في الساعة زائدا 3500 كالون في الدقيقة واحملطة لديها مضخات اضافية قابلة للتحويل اوتوماتيكيا مبحوالت كهربائية تضاف اليها محطات التعقيم واملارقبة وجهاز مراقة كهربائي . بيس لديها رخصة من املهندسني لتقدمي خدمات للبلدية واحملافظة .

اخلطة الرئيسية العادة تصفية املياهشركتنا اعدة خطة رئيسية العادة تصفية املياه وكذلك جمع املياه

وايجاد االقتراحات النهائية لتحديد افضل املواقع العادة جتميع املياه اجلارية خالل عملية البناء في منطقة البيت اجلبلي .

نظام توزيع مياه الريقامت شركتنا بوضع وتصميم خطة رئيسية خلدمات املياه في اغراض الزارعة )املاء اخلابط( وكذلك وضع نظام توزيع في خطة مبعدل 2500 كالون في الدقيقة حسب

طلب املضخة الزراعية من منطقة قناة الضخ الزراعية في بايرن باتني 155 . صممت محطات خلفض وزيادة الضخ من االمتار املكعبة . تصميم احملطة بناء سدة

القناة ، حجاب سلكي مثقب ، خزان هايدرو ) اوبن مياماتك( ، مضخات ، فالتر للتنقية ومعدات كهربائية مرافقة لالنابيب ، احلجاب السلكي يقوم بحجز اي كتلة من احلطام في مياه القناة ومينع االعشاب البحرية من ايقاف املعدات الكهربائية vfd مضخات احملطة تظم 2 من املضخات التوربينية لالغراض الزراعية . ماركة ،

مضخة واحدة للضخ اخلفيف وخزان هايدرو ابن ياماتك يستمل خالل عدم احلاجة الى الضخ العالي وذلك لضمان عمل املضخات بدون اي ضغط.

PACE designed a multi-zone potable water storage and booster pumping facility to service the development area. The design included two separate sets of potable water booster pumps in the same structure, a pressure reducing / sustaining valve and metering station, and two 3.7 million (14,000 m3) gallon potable / fire water partially submerged concrete storage tanks with two zone domestic and fire pumping station (maximum 3,000 gpm (11,400 lpm) domestic plus 3,500 gpm (13,250 lpm) fire). The station has redundant pumps, automatically transferred back-up power, disinfection injection and monitoring, and electric overhead crane assembly. PACE also provided the engineering permitting effort for municipality and County submittals and reviewed the contents of water balances performed for the municipality.

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PACE prepared a Recycled Water Master Plan to incorporate all the reclaimed water generation sources and disposal options to determine the best locations for reclaimed water disposal throughout the construction of the Mountain House community. Recommendations were made

based on information gathered from various sources, site availability and economic efficiency of each option. Additionally, pipe sizing and layout were produced based on the recommendation of the plan.

PACE also provided master-planning and design services for a non-potable irrigation distribution system, 2,500 gpm (9,500 lpm) on-demand irrigation pump station from Byron Bethany Irrigation District Canal 155, and design of flow-metering and pressure reducing stations. The pump station design included a canal check dam, intake screens, hydropneumatic tank and pump station building which houses pumps, filters, and electrical and associated piping and

instrumentation. The station also has a set of primary intake screens which strain debris from the canal water and prevent zebra mussels from clogging equipment. The station pumps include two VFD main irrigation turbine pumps, and one single speed low flow turbine pump and the hydropneumatic tank is used during low flow demand periods to supply flow so the pumps will not over cycle.

Recycled Water Master Plan

Irrigation Distribution System

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Santa Paula Water Recycling FacilitySanta Paula, California

منشاءات محطة مياه املجاري لسنتة بولى في كاليفورنيا احملطة حتتوي على مفاعالت بيولوجية ، الطاقة القصوى للتصفية هي 3.400 مليون في اليوم اي بسعة

12990 م3 مع القدرة لتطوير التصفية الى 2و4 مليون كالون في اليوم اي 15900 الف م3 في اليومثالث احواض ترشيح ، اكبر موقع لتصفية املياه الصرف الصحي في الويالت املتحدة االمريكية . شركة بيس هي جزء من مجموعة مقاوالت لتصميم وبناء وادارة تكرير مياه املجاري واخلطة ستكمتل في سنة 2025 وهي بذلك ستكون

اكبر محطة لتصفية مياه املجاري في الواليات املتحدة في منطقة سانتة بوالة في كاليفورنيا.

Components: • Membrane Bio Reactor facility• Initial Capacity of 3.4 MGD (12,900 m3/day), with ability to expand up to 4.2 MGD (15,900 m3/day)• Three percolations basins• Largest Koch MBR facility in US

The existing City of Santa Paula Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed in 1939 and most of the facilities have reached the end of their useful service life and are non-compliant with current regulatory requirements. The existing facility has a capacity of 2.55 MGD (9,700 m3/day) which is insufficient to meet future growth demands of the City and therefore additional capacity is required. The City is planning to replace the existing facility with a new Water Recycling Facility (WRF) and percolation system to be constructed on approximately 53 acres (21.5 hectares) immediately south of the existing facility. PACE was contracted as part of the design-build-operate-finance (DBOF) team to provide engineering for the new WRF, which will be designed as a Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) with an initial capacity of 3.4 MGD (12,900 m3/day) and readily expandable to 4.2 MGD (15,900 m3/day) to meet wastewater flow projections for the year 2025. Also included in the new WRF design are three percolation basins with a combined surface area of about 15 acres (6 hectares) located to the west of the WRF site. The Santa Paula WWTP will be the largest Koch MBR facility in the United States upon completion. The WWTP is also the first DBOF municipal WWTP in California.

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Solids Dewatering Screwpress

High-Speed Turbine Blowers - Main Aeration & Membrane Scour

UV Disinfection

Membrane Separation Tanks

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Masdar Water Features and Recycled Water TreatmentAbu Dhabi, U.A.E.

PACE was contracted to design 18 unique water features for the Masdar project in Abu Dhabi that function as normal water features when fully operational, and serve as elegant sculptures when dry. These 18 water feature designs include interactive fountains, reflective pools, water walls, bubble fountains, an oasis garden, and a mosque water feature. PACE also needed to be conservative with water usage throughout the project for the water features, since there are limited resources available for use. PACE proposed to use grey water as a solution to the limited water resource availability. PACE designed the water treatment and reuse systems for the system of water features, including the grey water treatment and sewage effluent treatment system, which includes a centralized water feature treatment system to provide a more cost effective and sustainable design approach. This treatment system includes a 100,000 L (26,400 gllons) water storage tank, silica sand and BAC filtration, UV disinfection, ozone generator and injector disinfection, pressurization, delivery and controls for the water feature elements.

Advanced Elements:• 18 water features designed for both wet and dry conditions• Water features utilize grey water and recycled water• Greywater and recycled water treatment system• Programming of water features to add water only when

تصفية مياه املجاري في مشروع )مصدر( االمارات العربية املتحدة ابو ظبيتعاقدت شركة بيس على تصميم 18 معلم مائي ملشروع )مصدر( في ابو ظبي والذي يعمل متاما كمشروع مائي طبيعي عندما يعمل بكامل طاقته وايضا يبدو كمنظر جميل عندما ال جتري املياه فيه. التصميم يحتوي على نافورات لالعاب والتسلية ومسابح ذات مياه صافية تعكس اشعة الشمس ،ومياه متدفقة من اجلدران ومياه النافرات القاذفة املتقطعة، وواحات احلدائق ومياه للمسجد. شركة بيس كانت متحفظة الستعمال املياه في املشروع وذلك للموارد املائية احملدودة فتقدمت باقتراح باستخدام املياه الراكدة والغير نظيفة حلل املشكلة وصممت محطة تصفية املياه وكذلك اعادة تصفية املياه من املوارد االخرى مبا فيها املياه الراكدة ومياه املجاري وذلك خطة مركزية للتصفية لالستفادة من تكاليف التصاميم . احملطة تصفي 100 الف لتر في خزانات املياه، رمال ثاني اوكسيد السلويكون فالتر ب اي سي ، محطات تعقيم يو في ومولد الوزن ، وجهاز الضافة مواد التعقيم وتكييف الضغط

وايصال والسيطرة على املياه.

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Feature Draining & Refill System

Concept Flow Schematic for Entire System

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PACE designed and developed a unique water management program that promotes water efficiency and quality by providing high quality potable water for their guests and tribal members, as well as an extensive water recycling program including the irrigation of a highly renowned golf course. As a result, Barona’s landscaping and horticulture management is industry-leading by using 100% recycled water. As part of this program, PACE designed a 700 gpm (2,650 lpm) per hour potable water treatment system that removes iron, manganese, uranium and arsenic, programmed a site-wide Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for all production and distribution facilities, and designed additional water infrastructure including 12 potable water wells, six irrigation wells, and five potable water storage tanks.

Advanced Elements:• An iron and manganese removal filtration system using proprietary media which is long-

lasting, has low water use, and does not require chemical cleaning.• A reverse osmosis softening system for resort kitchens to eliminate chemical softening.• An advanced biological nutrient removal wastewater recycling facility including ultraviolet

disinfection, which otherwise adds salinity to the basin.• Recycled water use at recycling facility for screens, thickening, and dewatering.• Recycled water polishing treatment system for cooling tower application.• Recycled water irrigation enhancement treatment system for horticulture and golf course.

Barona Valley Ranch Water Supply ManagementLakeside, California

A GIS-based database of water utilities & infrastructure was created to better manage their water systems.


Water Mains

vfdنظام ادارة مياه مزرعة بارونا فالي صممت شركة بيس نظام فريدا من نوعه لغرض تنقية مياه بتقدمي مياه صاحلة للشرب للزوار وكذلك الفراد العشيرة خالل نظام خالي الثمن العادة تصفية املياه املستعملة في ري

اراضي الكولف واالراضي الزراعية . النتيجة ان 100٪ من املياه املكررة اعادة تصفيتها ، صممت بيس في هذا البرنامج جزء منه وقمت بتصفية 700 كالون في الدقيقة للمياه وازالة احلديد ، املنغنير، اليورانيوم، واالرسنك. البرنامج حتت اشراف نظام االدارة العامة والبيانات اجلدولية للتصفية وكذلك ملنشاءات التوزيع مبا فيها اضافة 12 بئرا للشرب 6 ابار لالغراض الزراعية وخمس خزانات

ملياه الشرب.

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Barona Water System Schematic

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0.8 MGD (3,000 m3/day) Wastewater Reclamation Facility

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700 GPM (2,650 lpm) of water is treated to drinking water standards. This low cost media filtration system effectively removes iron, manganese, arsenic & uranium.

Mechanical Filtration Skid

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Dateland Water Treatment Plant ExpansionYuma, Arizona

PACE is providing Dateland Public Service Co. with inland-desalination alternatives, engineering design, environmental permitting, and grant funding application services to improve and expand their existing groundwater Reverse Osmosis (RO) treatment system. The groundwater in the Dateland basin contains several trace contaminants including arsenic and fluoride. The groundwater also contains irrigation inhibitors boron, chloride, and sodium, and overall contains high levels of TDS. The contaminants must be removed to comply with primary and secondary drinking water standards. PACE investigated several process modifications and alternatives using Performance Based Specifications to deliver a cost effective, flexible and fundable project using an advanced RO process. The upgrade and expansion allows for the reuse of existing infrastructure, but with significantly higher permeate recovery than the existing RO system. It also produces more “wet” water from the existing supply, reducing waste and improving efficiency. In addition to the mechanical process work, PACE is also providing a preliminary alternative energy evaluation for the use of PV solar systems to power the expanded plant. The Dateland Water Plant Expansion is federally funded by USDA, Rural Development and Water Infrastructure Finance Authority.

Advanced Elements:· Investigation of several process modifications and alternatives using performance-based specifications to ensure Utility’s objectives were met and federal funds were secured.· Upgrade reverse osmosis system to innovative high recovery process to reduce waste and improve plant efficiency.· Alternative energy design for use of photovoltaic solar systems to further provide energy efficiency and lower capital cost.

Inland location of Desalination Plant requires high recovery to reduce evaporation basins' size.

توسيع محطة تصفية ديت الند في يوما اريزونا قامت شركة بيس بتقدمي تصاميم الى احملطة احلكومية في مدينة ديت الند وتقدمي حلول بديلة لتصفية املياه املاحلة وتوسيع نظام تصفية نضح املياه اجلوفية، املليئة مبادة االرسنك وكلورايد صوديوم وكميات عالية املستعملة في املبيدات الزارعية . قامت الشركة بتحريات عدة اليجاد حلول بديلة ومبيزانية معقولة وسهلة قابلة للتمويل ونظام متطور لوقف نضح املياه اجلوفية. حتسني وتوسيع املشروع ادا الى اعادة استعمال املياه بعد تكريرها واحلد من نضح املياه اجلوفية واضافة كميات اضافية من االراضي املغمور باملياه وخفض من اهدار املياه وزاد من فعاليتها، باالضافة الى استخدام

الطاقة الشمسية الدارة احملطة.

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~100 GPM

~10 GPM

~20 GPM







TDS < 20 Stand< MCL< MCL< Irrig Stand< Irrig Stand< Good



TDS < 20 Stand< MCL< MCL< Irrig Stand< Irrig Stand< Good












Untreated Water Quality Proposed Treated Water Quality

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PACE provided services for the improvement of both potable groundwater quality and reclaimed water quality for an lnland Water Utility in suburban San Diego, CA. PACE was retained to design, procure, install, operate, and report on a pilot water treatment system to verify a proposed plan to permanently reduce excessive salts and other contaminants in the water supply. By treating the potable water to high quality, better reclaimed water quality will be available for landscape irrigation and other uses because of lower salinity. The proposed type of treatment will also greatly reduce the salt additions caused by existing ion exchange, softening, and other water treatment processes which add extra salts to the distribution system and ultimately the groundwater. Because the utility cannot easily dispose of reject or waste flows, thus the proposed treatment process PACE has piloted is intended to effectively reduce the amount of reject into a small volume conducive to off-site hauling and disposal. The pilot system’s intent was to remove and concentrate the salt in the brackish groundwater to create a high quantity of clean water for potable use and subsequently for reclaimed water use.

Advanced Elements:• High recovery will allow zero liquid discharge of waste to the

groundwater basin• Use of vibratory shear enhanced process (VSEP) membranes

on reject brine from first membranes which reduces scaling despite precipitation of minerals

• The process removes nitrate which drastically reducing the addition of salts previously needed to regenerate existing equipment

• The system is modular and can be scaled with growth of the utility demand

The proposed system used in the pilot incorporates two stages of treatment. The first stage of treatment consists of multi-array spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane units with an intended product water recovery of 80%. The pilot system, due to its small size, used a single array system with a recirculation pump to simulate a two array system. The second stage of treatment will take the concentrate, or reject, from stage one and treat the flows to another 80% intended recovery using flat-sheet reverse osmosis membranes operated in a vibrating machine called VSEP, or vibratory shear enhanced process. Thus,

the total system recovery when combining both stages is intended to be about 95%. The remaining 5% will be highly concentrated reject which will require evaporation and/or offsite disposal. Although both stages require standard low-dose chemical addition to prevent efficiency-reducing scale caused by silca, barium, and calcium carbonate, the second stage VSEP treatment requires extensive pretreatment conditioning in order to achieve a sustained 80% recovery. This pretreatment process involves removing scaling components through softening processes or by adding acid to remove alkalinity.

San Diego High Effiency Groundwater TreatmentSan Diego, California

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Final Permeate Blended Water Quality at 95% Recovery

TDS Data for Entire Treatment System for 75 + 90 = 95% Total Recovery

Final Product Permeate Reject Product

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The Municipality of Puerto Peñasco in Rocky Point, Mexico desires to improve the sustainability and quality of potable water for their residents and large tourism industry. PACE worked on the development of a comprehensive study to determine the feasibility of constructing a new 44 MGD (166,600 m3/day) seawater desalination facility for the City of Puerto Peñasco. Accordingly, they have moved forward with an ambitious plan to convert their entire existing and proposed future water systems to ocean desalination from the Sea of Cortez. This facility, when completed, will be one of the largest desal facility in Latin America. PACE provided the conceptual and preliminary design of the all facets of the facility from the seafloor raw water intake structures to the final water storage and pumping facilities. PACE also provided construction and operational cost estimating. Our team is currently advising and assisting the City with contract negotiations for a Design/Build/Operate/Finance delivery of the project. The first phase project will provide 11 MGD (41,600 m3/day) of potable water from desalination to provide for existing demands. Future phases include quadrupling of this capacity potentially including long-term transmission of treated water to the United States.

Advanced Elements:• Marine wildlife protection and beach sand filtration using

subsurface sea floor intakes.• Natural disaster damage-resistant and corrosion resistant

beach pumping station with submersible equipment.• Efficient treatment design with recycling of both

pretreatment and second pass rejects.• Pretreated water storage to desalinate during degraded

sea water quality.• Integrated “tank within a tank” post treatment

remineralization and disinfection.• Achieves excellent water quality for multiple uses including

irrigation, such as boron, chloride, and sodium removal to low levels.

Puerto Peñasco Water Desalination FacilityPuerto Peñasco, Mexico

محطة حتلية مياه البحر في املكسيك بناءا على الدعوة املوجه الينا من املسكيك لتحسني مستوى مياه الشرب، وضعت بيس دراسة متكاملة متطورة ملعرفة الكلفة لبناء احملطة بطاقة 44 مليون كالون في اليوم، بيس قدمت تصاميم مفهومة ومتهيدية لواقع احملطة من قاع البحر الى اخر خطوة لتخزين املياه وضخها، بيس ستوفر اعمال البناء وتخمني مصاريف االنتاج املرحلة االولى ستوفر 11 مليون كالون من املياه الصاحلة للشرب يوميا، املراحل املستقبلية تقضي مبضاعفة االنتاج باربع اضعاف املعدل احلالي

وكذلك مد الواليات املتحدة باملياه العذبة مستقباًل.

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Above View of Intake Structure

حتلية مياه البحر

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Puerto Penasco Water Desalination Process Schematicحتلية مياه البحر

يعد هذ املوضوع من اكثر املوضوعات مهمة في العالم من حيث ايجاد مصادر ملياه الشرب من البحر . وشركتنا تعد من اجنح الشركات في ايجاد املياه املناسبة للشرب من البحر وباحدث اساليب التقنية وحتلية املياه في العالم وقد قدمت شركتنا في مدينة بويرتوبا في املكسيك مشروعا ضخمًا لتحلية املياه يقدر بـ 40000 الف م3 من املياه الصاحلة للشرب

يوميا وستضاعف هذه الكمية الى اربعة اضعاف الرقم احلالي كم وستزيد الواليات املتحدة باملياه .• سحب املياه من البحر دون التأثير على الطبيعة البحرية

• مضخات املياه الظاهرة وكذلك داخل البحر ال تتأثر وتتآكل باالمالح• كفاءة حتلية املياه داخل اخلزنات ومنع مرور االمالح الى املرحلة التالية• اعادة حتلية املياه داخل اخلزانات النتاج مياه ذات جودة عالية ونقية .

• بعد مرور املياه من خزان الى خزان وذلك للتخلص من االمالح املعدنية وتطهير املياه.هدفنا هو ايجاد نوعية ممتازة من مياه الشرب النقية مبا فيها استخدام مياه الري الزراعية وذلك بجعل البورن، كلدورايد والصوديوم الى ادنى املستويات.

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1000’ Feet Island. Submersible Pump Station on Right and Electrical on Left

Within Dry Pit Submersible Pump Station Infront of control & Operations Building with Brine Water Fountain

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Contaminant Removal and Desalination from Agricultural Drainwater Tulare, California

في الزراعية االراضي مياه في واالمراح امللوثة املواد وازالة حتلية كاليفورنيا

قامت شركة بيس بتقدمي التصاميم الهندسية، االستشارات وادارة اخلدمات لتحليل احتمال استعمال كميات كبيرة من املياه امللوثة واملياه التي استعملت في االراضي الزراعية وقدمت

توصية باستراجية جديدة ملعاجلة املياه هدف دراسة مشروع كاليفورنيا .1- االنتفاع من استخدام املياه الغير صاحلة للشرب وحتوليها الى مياه صاحلة للشرب

2 - االنتفاع من تصميم االستخدام للمياه الشديدة امللوحة وحتليتها وذلك باضافة نظام الطاقة الشمسية او التسخني احلراري للمياه لزيادة فعالية التصفية وكفاءتها .

3- توليد مواد قابلة لالستعمال من املعادن املتحللة في املياه واملوجودة في العلف احليوانية.4 - خفض تاثير )سيلينيم( وارسنك وجعل املياه صاحلة للطيور والنباتات املائية . 50 - بيس عي االولى في استخدام املياه التي استعملت في ري االراضي الزراعية كمصدر بديل مربح وسليم بيئيًا كبديل عن مصادر املياه االخرى بتصاميم مبتكرة على احدث

الطرق التكنلوجية .

PACE is providing engineering design, consulting, and pilot operations services to analyze the potential use of large volumes of contaminated, agricultural runoff water and recommend an appropriate treatment strategy. The project objectives for the Tulare Tailwater study are:• Utilize the otherwise unusable runoff as a source for potable water • Utilize the brine in specially designed, enclosed solar ponds for energy generation or heat source for enhanced process efficiency • Generate useable byproducts from the dissolved minerals present in the feed source • Reduce the exposure to selenium and arsenic to waterfowland other aquatic species • Be one of the first to utilize agricultural runoff as a viable, profitable, and environmentally safe alternative water resource by coupling innovative design with the most current technology











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Existing Drainwater System New Drainwater System

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What is Agricultural Drainwater & Why Does It Occur?

ما هو نظام الصرف املائي الزراعي وملاذا يحدث ان نظام الري هو نظام قدمي ويولف اقل من 400 مليون كالون من املواد الذائبة في املياه ولكن نسبة صغيرة من هذه املواد الذائبة )امللح يدخل في داخل املياه املخصصة للري وتتجمع في التربة ملدة طويلة . ان عمليات الري املتكررة تؤدي الى جتمع امللح وكذلك تبخر املياه بحرارة الشمس والتعرق من النباتات يزيل كميات كبيرة من املياه ويبقي االمالح في باطن التربة. اذا لم تسغل التربة من االمالح من خالل نظام املبازل فان االمالح تتحلل في التربة وتستقر فيها ان ضخ املياه هو من اجل هدف ازالة االمالح من التربة. عملية اضافة املياه تسمى التصريف املائي وهو الذي يوزع على املزارع من خالل القنوات العادية وضخ املياه في

باطن االرض.

Irrigation water is relatively pristine, comprised of less than 400 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS), but the small amount of TDS, or salt, contained in irrigation water accumulates in the soil after repeated application over long periods of time. Salt buildup occurs because evaporation from the sun and transpiration through plants removes much of the applied water, and the salt remains behind in the soil paste. If this accumulated salt is not periodically flushed from the system, degradation of plant growth conditions will occur. Thus, water is intentionally over-applied to the farms to flush the salts from the soil. The fraction of over-applied water is called drainwater. Drainwater runs off the farms by both surface and subsurface flow through underground drains.

Agricultural Drainwater is Discharged to SurfaceWaters & Vast Evaporation BasinsMost drainwater in California is either discharged with relatively pristine surface waters, where pollution occurs, or is sent to large basins where the water is evaporated by the sun. Because the net evaporation minus precipitation rate in Central California is approximately five feet per year, about 200 acres of land is necessary to evaporate one million gallons per day of drainwater.

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Why Isn't Agricultural Drainwater Utilized?

Drainwater currently has no value because it is considered salty, or “brackish." Potable drinking water in one’s tap generally has TDS less than approximately 500 mg/L. Drainwater streams have TDS concentrations exceeding 5,000 mg/L due to long-term flushing of saline soils. There are eight mineral constituents which comprise approximately 98% of the TDS:

These eight constituents themselves are generally not toxic to plants, with the exception of chloride at concentrations exceeding 200 mg/L. However, the presence of high concentrations of these minerals together result in the plant having difficulty obtaining water due to increases in osmotic pressure.


Na+ Sodium

Cl- Chloride

K+ Potassium

NO3- Nitrate

Ca2+ Calcium


(& carbonate at high pH)

Mg2+ Magnessium

SO42- Sulfate

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االراضي الرطبة وحتوليها الى اماكن جميلةمن مياه الري الى مياه الشرب ، شركتنا لديها القدرة على تخطيط وتصميم وبناء نظام ملعاجلة املياه السطحية واالراضي الرطبة، تعمتد على تغذية املياه اجلوفية من خالل سلسلة من البحيرات تصل الى 500 بحيرة وال تستخدم

ملعاجلة املياه فقط ولكن اوجدت متنزه ذات مناظر خالبة على امتداد اكثر من 800 منزل.العناصر املتقدمة

• متكنت الشركة من اجاز معاجلة املياه عن طريق تدفق املستمر من خالل 16 خطوة في بحيرات االراضي الرطبة.• استحداث اكثر من 180 وحدة جزرية مزروعة باشجار ونباتات مع نظام كامل لتغذية املياه من هذه اجلزرات ومراقبة نوعيىة املياه وصناديق نظام التحكم في االنابيب الهيدروليكية • حازت هذه التصاميم على جائزة حماية

التفوق البيئي وكذلك الى خلق وظائف عديدة• هذا املشروع عالج بنجاح اكثر من 40 مليون م3 من مياه الزراعة امللوثة وتصفيتها لتصبح صاحلة للشرب منذ عام 1999 ويعمل املشروع بكامل طاقته. )نفذ هذا املشورع في مدينة افوندال في والية اريزونا االمريكية(

PACE provided services for planning, design and construction of a unique surface water treatment system using a series of wetlands lagoons. The wetlands treats up to 15 MGD (57,000 m3/day) of contaminated drainwater to drinking water standards for groundwater recharge through a spectacular series of interactive lagoons. The 83 acre (34 hectares) lagoon system not only provides water treatment, but also creates a park-like setting and waterfront view home site for an 800-home mixed-use subdivision.

Advanced Elements:• Water treatment is accomplished by steady flow through a series

of 16 stepped wetland lagoons (lakes). • Approximately 30 acres (12 hectares) of wetland treatment

islands, planted with effective wetland plants, create a visual amenity, wildlife habitat, and a cool system of lagoon inlets and outlets, weir control boxes, hydraulic piping and valves, and water flow and water quality monitoring.

• The wetland design and functionality was presented at numerous state and national conferences, and the project

received an Environmental Excellence Award from the Valley Forward Association for Environmental Technologies in the Public Sector.

• Treatment system has successfully processed and recharged over 10.5 billion gallons (40 million m3) of canal water contaminated with agricultural runoff to comply with drinking water standards for groundwater recharge since August 1999, when it became fully operational.

Wetlands of Avondale Agricultural Drainwater Treatmentand Groundwater RechargeAvondale, Arizona

Environmental Excellence AwardValley Forward Association

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sidewalk sidewalk

lake lake

Treatment Wetlands

Original treatment concept added no value to site and had limited water treatment benefit

PACE designed treatment system - Section View

PACE concept provided treatment in 30 acres (121,000 m2) of wetland islands and creates premium land value with 45,000 feet (14 km) of water

front edge to increase property values.

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DancingGreen is a large resort development located about an hour’s drive outside of Moscow, Russia, which will provide up to 4,000 visitors a day an adventure-themed vacation experience. The entire layout of the DancingGreen Resort is arranged to interweave the recreational infrastructure with the natural conditions of the site. In the park, wildlife and the manmade environment join together to ensure a comfortable coexistence of the world of man and the world of nature.

DancingGreen will include a large man-made lake, man-made trout streams, man-made kayak course, indoor water park, nature center, hotel and dachas, and a wide variety of activities organized around the theme of outdoor adventure. PACE provided site general civil engineering and water resources design services for the DancingGreen resort. Included in the design services are:

DancingGreen Resort DevelopmentTula Oblast, Russia

Lake Design: • Layout, depth, grading • Liner • Shoreline • Water Quality • Mechanical Circulation • Water Supply • Islands • Wetlands • Streams and Waterfalls

Water Park and Swim Lagoon: • Site Layout • Lagoon Capacity and Usage • Mechanical Design

Lake and Water Activities: • Water Taxi • Boating • Fishing • Fishing habitats

• Nature Tours • Rope Tow • Kids Fishing Ponds • Fly Fishing Streams • Kayak Course Design • Trout Stream and Hatchery Planning • Swim Beach (part of Water Park Anchor scope) • Forest Streams

Site Civil and Planning: • Civil Site Layout of Master Plan • Mass Grading Plan • Rough Grading Plan • Finish Grading Plan • Earthwork Balance

• Road, Trail and Boat Circulation Plan • Coordination of Russian Geotechnical Consultant• Road Layout (Horizontal and Vertical) • Coordination w/ Landscape Architect Regarding Irrigation• Layout of Perimeter Fence

Stormwater Management:• On-site Drainage Master Plan• Yamnitsa Brook Flood Plain Analysis and Drainage Plan• Oka River Flood Protection• Existing Easements (Oka, Forest, Yamnitsa)• Bank Protection / Levee• Evaluation of Watershed and Hydrology

Water and Wastewater Infrastructure:• Potable Water Supply and Treatment• Potable Water Storage and Distribution• Fire Suppression Storage, Distribution, Hydrants• Wastewater Collection, Pumping• Wastewater Treatment (Reclamation) • Reclaimed Water Reuse and Discharge• Site Utility Layout

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PACE is also the lead designer for all man-made lakes, streams, and other water features at DancingGreen. The large lake will be divided into three main areas, each with unique water quality requirements and recreational amenities. In addition to serving as a primary recreational and aesthetic feature of the site, the lake will serve as the stormwater treatment facility for the entire site, and PACE has designed advanced treatment systems into the lake to maintain exceptional water quality despite the presence of stormwater runoff, people, and wildlife in the lake.

In addition to services directly related to the many water-related aspects of the project, PACE is providing consulting and design services related to site layout, grading, recreational programs, transportation, attracting wildlife, and aesthetics on the site. Our extensive experience with resorts, man-made lake communities, and a wide range of environmentally-conscious projects gives us unique insight into the methods in which a project can be designed with nature in mind, to enhance, rather than damage the natural environment, provide both a great experience for the visitor and a healthy environment for generations to come.

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Watershed Management

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Proposed and Existing Velocities Comparison

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Santa Margarita Water District in Orange County has one of the largest recycled water systems in the Country when considering the large distribution system flow, seasonal storage, and land mass that the infrastructure covers. PACE has been extensively involved in the design and operation of the systems including 1) a dry-weather flow retention, pumping, and filtration system, 2) an ozone oxidation system for treatment of reduced sulfur gases, 3) a bottom water oxygenation and pumping system for the storage reservoir, and 4) miscellaneous control and monitoring of the system to provide optimal operation.

Advanced Elements:• Rare system in CA in which reclaimed dry weather nuisance

and flood water are pumped through the facility and reuses the water for irrigation

• High efficiency, low maintenance because of the non-clogging pumping technology

• 4,000 gpm (15,000 lpm) pumping plant and filtration equipment for dry weather flow

• Converted existing aeration system into temporary ozone oxidation system for mitigation of reduced sulfur gases in the recycled water system

• Designed 2,000 lb/day (900 kg/day) oxygenation system for the bottom waters of the storage reservoir to handle dissolved ammonia and other oxygen demands

• Performed testing on water and reservoir sediments and provided computer model of the water quality under various seasonal changes

After oxidation enhancements and other measures recommended by PACE were implemented.

Before water quality enhancements and during odorous condition.

Santa Margarita Water District Recycled Water SystemsMission Viejo, California
























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Oso Creek Dry Weather Flow Diversion System

95 Acres (38 hectares) with4,000 AF (5 million m3) Capacity

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Bridgeport Lake is a 15-acre (16 hectares) manmade lake providing both a visual and natural resource amenity to the adjacent Bridgeport development. With a tributary drainage area of 75 acres (30 hectares), Bridgeport Lake provides several urban storm water pollution treatment and water quality maintenance features that serve to fulfill stormwater detention and treatment requirements for the Bridgeport development. In addition to being the focal aesthetic feature of this high-end development, the lake system also serves as the primary drainage facility for the site and as a water quality and urban storm runoff enhancement facility.

Advanced Elements:• Bridgeport Lake provides retention for 3 inch (76 mm) over its entire surface area or 1.3 acre (0.5 hectares), which is more than enough capacity to retain the first flush of a storm event.

• Water quality filters collect initial runoff and retain it long enough for the majority of pollutants to be removed.

• Eliminated the need for several large diameter storm drain pipes by routing storm and urban runoff through the lake system.

• Lake water quality enhancers include biofilters, aeration, and wetland planters.

• Created premium land values surrounding lake.• Created habitat for various local wildlife species and environmental amenity for the local community.

Bridgeport Lake Integrated Stormwater Management SystemValencia, California

Excellence in Stormwater ManagementCalifornia State Water Resources

Control Board Water Quality Award

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Biofilter Section

Water Quality Filter Cross Section

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Nov -0









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Nitrate (mg/l)

Phosphate (mg/l)

Water Quality in Bridgeport Lake

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Advanced Team

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Project Team Members

Johan Perslow is a leading engineer in the water resources industry, businessman, and inventor. In 30 years, Mr. Perslow has started up and established three successful water resource companies - PACE, PERC, and Pacific Aquascape; each having annual revenues exceeding $15 million. The engineering firm, PACE, is based on the premise of providing “Advanced Water Engineering” solutions, and has a reputation for delivering superior solutions to complex challenges. Clients look to PACE and Mr. Perslow to develop and implement concepts which are extremely creative and valuable. Mr. Perslow has been the principal designer, consultant, and construction manager for more than 800 state-of-the-art water-resource projects including recycled water systems, natural-based stormwater management and flood control systems, lake and pumping systems, irrigation-optimization systems, and tertiary water reclamation facilities. He has also been involved with the structural design of numerous interstate highway bridges and other complex structures such as a replacement design proposal for the World Trade Center in New York City. As PACE’s Senior Consultant, Principal, and Chairman of the Board, Mr. Perslow has been at the cutting edge of developing and applying new technology to solve unique water resource challenges.

Mark Krebs has engineering and construction experience with both public and private sector projects spanning back to 1988. His design and construction experience includes lakes, water features, all phases of infrastructure, grading, drainage, roadway, water, sewer, reclaimed water, storage, distribution, wetland evaluation and mitigation. His water resources expertise includes hydrology, sediment transport and hydraulic computer modeling analyses and design for many private and municipal FEMA flood control projects.

In addition to the responsibility of being an officer of the company and President of PACE, Mr. Krebs has been Principal/Sr. Project Manager and the lead design engineer on numerous water resources projects.

Johan A. Perslow, PEChairman

Mark E. Krebs, PEPresident

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James Matthews is highly regarded in the water and wastewater community of the southwestern United States for his tremendous wealth of practical knowledge of the industry, and his ability to use technologies and research to develop value for clients. Mr. Matthews has created designs of several award-winning water reclamation facilities in California and Arizona, and has saved capital cost, reduced construction schedule, and minimized operations and maintenance needs on hundreds of pump station, reservoir, water treatment, and wastewater treatment projects by implementing creative design concepts. His expertise stems from an extensive background in construction supervision, plant operations, and administration. Mr. Matthews has a proven record of developing and ensuring completion of impressive solutions to dozens of clients most difficult problems. He has also developed the trust of numerous municipalities, developers, and regulators alike through his straightforward, open-minded, and ethical approach to projects. Often considered the most difficult aspect of any project’s completion, Mr. Matthews has personally installed custom control systems including PLC programming, SCADA, radio telemetry, and solid-state controls for their intended application.

James Matthews, PESenior Vice President - Environmental Water

Andrew Komor is a technical expert on water quality having successfully performed engineering project management for over $100 million in water resource projects in the past five years. His background as a researcher in constructed and natural wetlands water treatment and pollutant conversion has led to three national presentations and technical papers. Mr. Komor is sought after as a technical consultant and designer on water quality improvement projects for lakes, irrigation reservoirs, potable water, wastewater, and wetlands. As part of the design and engineering of such projects, Mr. Komor is adept at providing comprehensive civil, mechanical, structural, and controls designs that are innovative, cost effective, and highly-operable. These projects include an iron, manganese, an arsenic water treatment plant, a reverse osmosis water treatment plant, a 300 cfs stormwater pump station, a 7.4 MG drinking water reservoir and dual-zone booster pump station, an 800 HP lake aeration system, a 3.0 MGD Title 22 Water Reclamation Facility, and a 3.0 MGD advanced wetlands dry-weather flow treatment system.

Andrew T. Komor, MS, PEVice President - Environmental Water

Dr. Keisuke Ikehata is a technical expert on water quality and water treatment technologies having successfully performed a number of research and design projects on advanced water and wastewater treatment over the past six years. Much of his previous research has focused on the ozonation and advanced oxidation of emerging organic contaminants in water, including pharmaceuticals, surfactants, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, and algal toxins. He has published 35 journal papers and several book chapters, and presented over 10 technical papers at regional and international conferences. Dr. Ikehata has also served as a core member of the technical program committees of the International Ozone Association Annual Conferences and World Congresses over the past five years. Dr. Ikehata is dedicated to achieving excellence in water quality engineering for sustainable water resource management, including water reuse and desalination.

Keisuke Ikehata, PhDAdvanced Water TreatmentTechnical Specialist

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Project Team Members

Sonny O. Sim, PEVice President - Recreational Water

Bruce M. Phillips, MS, PESenior Vice President - Stormwater Management

Sonny Sim has over 10 years of engineering and construction experience with PACE. His project design and construction experience have included lake and pond systems, site grading, pool systems, the mechanical engineering of pump systems, and hydraulic design for pipelines. As a Project Manager of the firm, Mr. Sim is responsible for the overall project management, design and construction support of water feature projects including lake systems and swimming pools and the associated pump stations. Mr. Sim is responsible for client/project team coordination and cost-budget analyses. He is also responsible for delegating tasks to engineers, designers and CAD designers. Moreover, he imparts field technical support and construction administration services for Pacific Aquascape, Inc., PACE’s strategic alliance partner for design/build projects.

Bruce Phillips has water resources civil engineering experience dating back to 1981. With two master degrees, one in Civil Engineering and one in Petroleum Engineering, his areas of expertise include watershed hydrology analysis, stormwater quality assessment studies, detailed hydraulic structure analysis and design, urban drainage facility master plan development, floodplain analysis, watershed modeling, sediment transport and regional flood control facility plans. He has developed significant specialized experience in river engineering and geomorphic studies, including assessment and design of river/stream restoration programs that incorporate unique biological control measures as well as creative stabilization techniques.

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Project Team Members

Ronald J. Rovansek, PhD, PESenior Technical Specialist

Brian Reid, PEConstruction / Field Engineering Specialist

Ron Rovansek has a wide variety of civil and water resources engineering experience spanning back to 1990 including design, analysis, review, and technical presentations. His experience includes analysis of stormwater impacts, design of stormwater management systems and BMPs, stormwater master planning, river and creek engineering and restoration, and the design of lakes and lake communities. In addition, Dr. Rovansek has experience with pollution control technologies for combined sewers, non-point source pollution control, and the hydrology of both urban and undeveloped areas. Other experience includes researching stormwater BMP design as a visiting scientist with USEPA.

Brian Reid has over fifteen years of Civil Engineering & Construction experience. His areas of expertise include water resources design and field engineering, particularly water and wastewater systems in the design-build environment. Mr. Reid is proficient in design, ACAD drafting, and coordinating project plans with contractors and consultants. Other responsibilities include:• Observation of field work and construction materials to determine general compliance with plans, specifications, and design concepts.• Construction administration including coordination with 3rd party agencies and consultants, supplemental drawings and directives, contractor’s requests for information and material / equipment submittals.• Construction management including review of contractor’s payment applications,

requests for change orders, budgets, and schedules.• As-built and construction layout using GPS survey technology.• Facilitating the permitting and plan review processes.

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A dvanced W ater R esource S olutions

... in P artnership W ith N ature

Page 92: A comprehensive range of water resource …pacewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Arabic-Brochure...of water treatment, storage and distribution facilities, PACE provides complete