a context-aware retrieval system for mobile applications

A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications Stefano Mizzaro, Marco Pavan, Ivan Scagnetto, Ivano Zanello Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Udine via delle Scienze, 206 Udine, Italy {mizzaro, marco.pavan, ivan.scagnetto}@uniud.it, [email protected] 4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation in conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam 2014 Marco Pavan Università degli studi di Udine

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We present a prototype recommendation system for mobile applications that exploits a rather general description of the user’s context. One of the main features of the proposed so- lution is the proactive and completely automated procedure of querying the apps marketplace, able to retrieve a set of apps and to rank them on the basis of the current situation of the user. We also present a first experimental evaluation that confirms the effectiveness of the general design and im- plementation choices and sheds some light on the peculiar features and critical issues of recommendation systems for mobile applications.


Page 1: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Stefano Mizzaro, Marco Pavan, Ivan Scagnetto, Ivano Zanello !

Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Udine via delle Scienze, 206

Udine, Italy

{mizzaro, marco.pavan, ivan.scagnetto}@uniud.it, [email protected]

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 2: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Agenda• Introduction: mobile systems and context-awareness

• Our approach, and connections with the Context-Aware Browser (CAB)

• The proposed system: AppCAB (i.e. Apps for CAB)

• Experimental evaluation

• Results and future works

• Questions

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 3: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Mobile systems and Context-awareness

• Mobile devices have exceeded computer sales for the first time in 2012

• Many people have moved several activities from their computer to their smartphone or tablet

• Smaller screens and (virtual) keyboards lead users to make more effort to seek and get what they need

• Users are sometimes forced to use the device in particular situations or in stressful moments

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 4: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Mobile systems and Context-awareness

• With huge mobile marketplaces, users are overwhelmed by the large amount of applications combined with a usage situation that often implies distraction and time pressure!

• By analyzing the situation in which they are, it is possible to exploit the information extracted from user’s context to find the right applications to recommend in that specific moment

• The context plays the role of “filter” and helps to improve the information retrieval process

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 5: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Our approach• Contextual information extraction

We used contexts generated by the Context-Aware Browser (CAB)

• Mobile applications’ metadata extraction We developed a crawler for Apple AppStore in order to get Title, Description, Category and Average rating for each application

• Recommender system design It needs to be as precise as possible, since users have to interact with ergonomically limited devices; It is useless to have a long list of suggestions on a screen of a few inches

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 6: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Our approach

• Experimental evaluation Test collection based evaluation that follows principles of TREC and in particular contextual suggestion track

Documents = apps metadata (from Apple Appstore)

Information needs description (“topics”) = context descriptors (12 contexts generated by the CAB system)

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 7: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

BaseLine System (BLS)• We developed BLS using basic information retrieval

techniques in order to have a term of comparison for our proposals and measure future improvements

test how effective are common IR techniques in the field of recommender system for mobile applications

• BLS = indexer + query processor To build the index of all words found in each app metadata

And to retrieve the right set of apps starting from a context description

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 8: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

BLS - indexer• TF.IDF of each word extracted from all apps’ Title

and Description During this process we also keep track of which category is associated to the app for each occurrence of the word, into an array of counters

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

C1,1 C2,1word a1

array of category counters

C1,2 C2,2word a2 …



word an

Page 9: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

BLS - indexer• Category for each context

By summing up all the arrays of counters of all the words in the user context we select the category with the highest score

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

C1,1 C2,1word cx1

array of category counters

C1,2 C2,2word cx2 …



word cxn


C1,n C2,n … Cn,n



+ +

+ +

= = =C1,n C2,n … Cn,nCi,n

context category =

category with the highest score* *

Page 10: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

BLS - query processor• List of apps ordered by their relevance value for

each context term For each context word it seeks into the index the applications containing it

• Set of lists obtained by repeating the process for each context term

• Total list with distinct entries If an app is present more than once, we sum all its relevance values

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 11: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

BLS - final steps• We keep just the first 1000 applications from the total list

The final purpose of the system is to suggest a small set of the most relevant applications to users

• We apply 2 bonuses as score modifier (boosts) App average rating boost: we increase or decrease the relevance score based on the user evaluation of the app as follows

!!Category boost: if the retrieved app is associated to the same category of the context, then the relevance score is boosted up with double value

• Final list with a set of 10 applications As final task we reorder the apps list, with the new scores, and cut it off in order to have just 10 applications to recommend to users

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5Score modifier -50% -25% +0% +25% +50%

Page 12: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

AppCAB• AppCAB is our proposal presented in 2 versions: “base” and “pro”

To show some differences by applying different bonus scores

• AppCAB = indexer + query processor The indexing process for both version uses the Lucene search engine library

As for BLS, during this process we keep track of categories, but for context category computation we keep the entire list instead of just the first one

• We apply 3 bonuses as score modifier, at indexing time A score reduction to apps present into “Game” category: 70% of original score

App average rating boost: we increase or decrease the relevance score based on the user evaluation of the app as follows

!!App popularity boost: (min(0.5, numberOfReviews/100000))*100

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Evaluation 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5Score modifier -50% -37% -25% -12% +0% +12% +25% +37% +50%

Page 13: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

AppCAB• AppCAB “base” after the indexing process does not apply any boosts at query

time To test how it works with just boosts included at indexing time

Without taking into account the application category

• AppCAB “pro” = “base” + 2 bonuses as score modifier at query time Category boost: if the retrieved app is associated one of the first three categories of the context, then the relevance score is boosted up as follows

!!Title boost: if a query term is present in the app title we add +10% to the original score

• Final list with a set of 10 applications We remove duplicate applications (many apps have free/lite and pro version)

We reorder the apps list, with the new scores, and cut it off in order to have just 10 applications to recommend to users

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Category rank 1 2 3Score modifier +25% +12.5


Page 14: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Experimental evaluation• Benchmark TREC-like

Collection of “documents” = apps metadata (nearly the whole set of apps related to the Italian marketplace of Apple AppStore)

Statements of information needs (“topics”) = 12 textual context descriptors generated by the CAB system

A set of relevance judgments = made by 16 people using a Likert scale on a single item;The values were numbers between 0 and 5 with the following meaning:

- 5 = highest value - 1 = lowest value - 0 = they were not able to evaluate the app due to external factors, such as

related webpage not reachable

We run all three algorithms for 12 contexts in order to get three sets of 10 applications for each context

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 15: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Experimental evaluation• Sample of relevance assessors: 16 people distributed as follows:

• Metric: Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) Since we need a limited set of recommendations (10 applications), and since we collected relevance judgments on five levels scale, we measure the quality of the system by using NDCG@5 and NDCG@10, in order to consider 5 and 10 retrieved apps

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

• men • women

• over 40 • 31-40 • 21-30 • under 20

• development • advanced • intermediate • basic

• iOS • android • windows • other

sex age familiarity with mobile devices mobile platform owned

Page 16: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - retrieval effectiveness

• 0-values: during the test some assessors chose to assign a 0-value as app evaluation due to the non-availability of the related web page

A 0-value is not the lowest relevance value but a score reporting the impossibility to assess the application, due to external factors

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 17: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@5

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

NDCG@5 score with 0-values

NDCG@5 score without 0-values

Amount of 0-values: • 14.5% for BLS • 16.9% for AppCAB “base” • 11.7% for AppCAB “pro”

Score over all contexts: • 0.63 fro AppCAB “pro” • 0.60 for AppCAB “base” • 0.49 for BLS

Score over all contexts: • 0.65 fro AppCAB “pro” • 0.62 for AppCAB “base” • 0.52 for BLS

Page 18: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@5

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

NDCG@5 score with 0-values

NDCG@5 score without 0-values

• AppCAB solutions have higher effectiveness in most of cases

• In particular the “pro” version has further improvedthe results

Page 19: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@5

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

NDCG@5 score with 0-values

NDCG@5 score without 0-values

• The exception of contexts 8 and 9 shows some cases where the AppCAB systems failed

• The non-reachability of the related webpage for some applications does not strongly affect the score, even for contexts 8 and 9, therefore it is not the reason of failure in those cases

• The low performance is due to the heterogeneousset of keywords, suggesting distinct and unrelatedtopics

Page 20: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@10

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Amount of 0-values: • 14.5% for BLS • 16.9% for AppCAB “base” • 11.7% for AppCAB “pro”

Score over all contexts: • 0.69 fro AppCAB “pro” • 0.61 for AppCAB “base” • 0.54 for BLS

Score over all contexts: • 0.71 fro AppCAB “pro” • 0.64 for AppCAB “base” • 0.56 for BLS

NDCG@10 score with 0-values

NDCG@10 score without 0-values

Page 21: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@10

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

NDCG@10 score without 0-values

NDCG@10 score with 0-values

• AppCAB effectiveness is increased

• The differences between the systems remain with the same proportion

• AppCAB “pro” confirms the best performance

Page 22: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Results - NDCG@10

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

NDCG@10 score without 0-values

NDCG@10 score with 0-values

• We still have some exceptions such as contexts 6, 8 and 9

• and in particular the context 1 where 0-values considerably affect the results

• Despite the exception in certain contexts, the overall score describes how AppCAB improves retrievaleffectiveness by providing a better set of applications to relevance assessors

• In particular the “pro” version has further improvedthe results in general

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Results - Rating distribution

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

• AppCAB system got many 1-ratings less than the BLS solution

• also for the other rating values, although less pronounced, there is an improvement

• The higher mean and median values emphasise AppCAB “pro” effectiveness

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Results - statistical significance• Statistical tests to determine whether there are any significant

differences between the means of relevance judgements Shapiro-Wilk normality test: the results show that none of them has normal distribution

Levene test, in order to verify the homogeneity of variances: the results confirm that we could not accept the hypothesis of homogeneity of variances

Friedman test, in order to verify if datasets have significant differences: the resulting parameter value indicates a statistically significant difference between means!

Post-hoc test, in order to know which specific groups differed: the results show that AppCAB “pro” solution has significant difference compared to both others, and instead how the AppCAB “base” did not give a noticeable improvement compared to BLS

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 25: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Conclusions and future works

• AppCAB “pro” has been evaluated better than the others in 42% of cases, measured with NDCG@5, and in 50% of cases with NDCG@10

• Also from the technical point of view there have been improvements By using Lucene library the indexing process has been optimized both in terms of building and read operations

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine


• AppCAB “pro” • AppCAB “base” • BLS

• AppCAB “pro” • AppCAB “base” • BLS

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Conclusions and future works• Future work:!

a first obvious, and needed, improvement would be to rely on state-of-the-art IR models that are more effective than TF.IDF, like BM25

AppCAB “pro” can be tested with English contexts and apps to refine it and make it more versatile

- the index built is ready to work with the English language, in order to provide applications for international marketplaces

query building process might be improved by means of query enrichment techniques (i.e. by adding a new set of words) in order to filter apps in a more accurate way

improving the retrieval process over time, by taking into account user choices

- by creating a history of what users install and run, in order to apply new boosts

- to exploit user participation in social networks, in order to get feedback about shared preferences and habits

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine

Page 27: A Context-Aware Retrieval System for Mobile Applications

Thank you for your attention

• Questions…

4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendationin conjunction with ECIR 2014, Amsterdam

2014 Marco PavanUniversità degli studi di Udine