a cryptic tale

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  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    December 7, 1979 NEW SOLIDARITY Page 5

    A Cryptic Tale

    by John Thompson

    Canon West: "Return to witchcraft"

    Nearly a year after the ma !"#c#$e! %f the &%'et%(' Pe%)le Tem)le c"lt,I t%%$ %"t#$e the me'ac#'g h"l* %f the half+b"#lt athe$ral %f St- &%h' %' a$am), grey N%.ember $ay #' Ne( Y%r* #ty- It (a t% a ecret cerem%'ythat (a ab%"t t% be )erf%rme$ #' th# tr"ct"re that my reearche #'t% theca"e %f the myter#%" Pe%)le Tem)le $eath ha$ "lt#mately le$ me- A

    )#ct"re %f the err#e$ ra'* %f the $ea$ #' &%'et%(', la#$ %"t #' r#g#$ f%rma+t#%' ar%"'$ the battere$ ca"l$r%' that 'e( acc%"'t a#$ (a f"ll %f /%%l+A#$ lace$ (#th cya'#$e, lea)t #'t% my c%'c#%"'e aI m%"'te$ the athe+$ral te) a'$ )ae$ the garg%yle that "rr%"'$e$ the car.e$ br%'0e $%%r#'t% the clammy $"* %f the #'ter#%r-

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    Th# ame #mage %f "'rea%'e$ $eath, a'$ %ther far m%re terr#ble, ha$r"he$ thr%"gh my m#'$ (he' I f#rt acce)te$ the Tra'yl.a'#a' /'#ght#'.#tat#%' t% atte'$ the a''"al #'.et#t"re %f the 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f the4%)#tal %f St- &%h' %f &er"alem at the athe$ral- It (a t% a mall, #''ercabal (#th#' th# r#t#h bra'ch %f the a'c#e't, ch#.alr#c Or$er %f St- &%h' %f&er"alem that I a'$ my a%c#ate ha$ f%ll%(e$ the tra#l %f e.#$e'ce fr%m&%'et%('-

    A (ee* earl#er thee ame a%c#ate %f m#'e ha$ rece#.e$ a' "'e6)ecte$tele)h%'e call- The %mte $e P#erre$%', hea$ %f the ath%l#c bra'ch %f theOr$er, the S%.ere#g' 2#l#tary Or$er %f 2alta, ha$ (ar'e$ that the /'#ght(%"l$ %%' ta*e matter #'t% the#r %(' ha'$ #f (e c%'t#'"e$ t% re.eal t%re'ch a"th%r#t#e the f#'$#'g %f %"r #'.et#gat#%' #'t% &%'et%(' a'$$%0e' %f %ther cr#me c%mm#tte$ by the Or$er- Sh%rtly after thee (ar'+

    #'g, my c%lleag"e ha$ bee' "b8ecte$ t% a er#e %f )r%fe#%'al beat#'g-%r th# rea%' I #'#t#ally attr#b"te$ the feel#'g %f $rea$ that threate'e$ t%%.er(helm me a I e'tere$ the athe$ral t% a fear %f )hy#cal $a'ger- I *'e(that a' !#'tr"$er! ha$ bee' h%t %' the athe$ral gr%"'$ $"r#'g a )re.#%""'$erc%.er .##t I ha$ ma$e there, a'$ yet, tra'gely, (he' I ca''e$ the

    )a)er the 'e6t $ay, there ha$ bee' '% me't#%' %f the #'c#$e't- O' that ame.##t I ha$ e6)l%re$ the chamber beh#'$ the ma#' .a"lt %f the athe$ral,(here the /'#ght ha$ a#$ that I c%"l$ meet %ther member %f the Or$erafter the cerem%'y- I' %'e %f the chamber, the tat"e %f a' a # )r%m#+

    'e'tly a'$ )r%)erly: e'hr#'e$ beh#'$ the #r%' )%rtc"ll# that g"ar$ thee'tra'ce; 'e6t t% a'%ther a h#$$e' haft ha bee' "'*, '% %'e *'%( 'l#*e the great Re'a#a'cecathe$ral %f E"r%)e, %r the #m)le ch"rche %f my ch#l$h%%$=b%th %f(h#ch #' the#r %(' (ay e6"lt the "'#ty %f ?%$ a'$ 2a'=the athe$ral %fSt- &%h' l%%m %.er th#

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    Jonestown: Where the trail began

    a'$ $#%l"t#%' by %me D%r#a' ?ray )act that #t %l#garch#c b"#l$er ha.ec%'cl"$e$ (#th Sata'-

    It (a th# %))re#.e %$%r %f l"'acy that aa#le$ me a I (al*e$ )at theemac#ate$ tat"e %f a tar.#'g 4%l%ca"t .#ct#m, )at a !c%'tr"ct#%'! %fcharre$ t#mber that ha$ bee' b%"'$ t%gether t% mem%r#al#0e the falle' %f

    Ne( Y%r* #re De)artme't, )at a "$$h#t altar a'$ the chamber beh#'$#t, (here, I *'e(, a $"ty m%$el %f the athe$ral "lt#mate ha)e # "e$ t%ha(* l%%m#'g$ale+tyle rel#g#%" art#fact, a'$, f#'ally, )at the ta#'e$+

    gla (#'$%( c%mmem%rat#'g 2%therh%%$, that ha$ bee' $e$#cate$ %' a.##t by r#ta#' @"ee' 2%ther-

    I *'e( fr%m my #'.et#gat#%' that a t%ry a h#$e%" a that "'$erly#'g thema !"#c#$e! %f the &%'et%(' Pe%)le Tem)le c"lt (a beh#'$ each %fthe eem#'gly #'c%'gr"%" %b8ect that I (al*e$ by- I remembere$, f%re6am)le, (hy the gh%"l#h tat"e %f a 4%l%ca"t .#ct#m lay tretche$ %"t %'the fl%%r %f the athe$ral; h%( #' 197 the D"*e %f ?l%"ceter, "'cle %f

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    @"ee' El#0abeth II a'$ Pr#%r %f the 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f St- &%h', ha$c%mm##%'e$ the athe$ral t% c%'$"ct a' I'ter'at#%'al Sym)%#"m %' the4%l%ca"t=a cr"el, a$#t#c .e't"re that (a le$ by "ch !e6)ert! a El#eW#eel, a t"$e't %f /abbal#t#c myter#e a'$ a athe$ral ell%(, (h% ha$$ecr#be$ h#melf a %'e %f the !l#.#'g $ea$! #' h# em#+b#%gra)h#calacc%"'t %f A"ch(#t0 a'$ "che'(al$- I *'e( that #t (a the e'"#'gme$#a %be#%' (#th the 4%l%ca"t that )erm#tte$ certa#' B#%'#t t% rat#%'+al#0e the#r "#c#$al $ema'$ f%rEretz Yisroel,a'$ #' the )r%ce t% h%l$ the(%rl$ h%tage t% the threat %f therm%'"clear 4%l%ca"t- I *'e( that #t (a#mage l#*e the %bce'e tat"e ly#'g %' the athe$ral fl%%r that $r%.e B#%'#ty%"th t% c%mm#t atr%c#t#e aga#'t the#r Arab 'e#ghb%r #' '% (ay $#ffere'ttha' the S-S- !Deathhea$! ha$ c%mm#tte$ aga#'t the#r %(' )e%)le-

    Yet a'%ther h%rr%r t%ry lay beh#'$ the )yre %f charre$ t#mber that ha$ bee'

    aemble$ '%m#'ally t% c%mmem%rate f#reme' (h% fell #' the l#'e %f $"ty- Irecalle$ h%( at the lat !S)#r#t %f the #ty! ba'

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    ?"el)h all#e (#th#' the ath%l#c h"rch "'$er the e.#l P%)e ?reg%ry I:(%"l$ %%' e'$ ra.ag#'g thr%"gh the 4%ly La'$ #' the 'ame %f hr#t#a'+#ty- Thee ec%'$+ge'erat#%' N%reme', (h%e relat#.e are t%$ay thelea$er %f the r#t#h 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f St- &%h' %f &er"alem, ha$alrea$y $em%'trate$ the#r mer#t #' the re$"ct#%' %f A'gl%+Sa6%' E'gla'$a'$ the Pr#%r#e %f Irela'$ #'t% !D%me$ay %%*! fe"$al #mbec#l#ty-

    Stee)e$ by the#r )atr%' #' the a'c#e't Egy)t#a' c"lt %f I# a'$ th%e aby+l%'#a' c"lt #$e't#f#e$ #' St- &%h' A)%caly)e (#th the !?reat Wh%re %fabyl%',! (h%e r#te ha$ bee' c%'$"#te$ (h%leale thr%"gh the R%ma'Em)#re t% %'ta't#'%)le, the /'#ght %f St- &%h' mel$e$ the#r )e"$%+hr#t#a' !*%%*ery! (#th the hermet#c c"lt#m %f the Ayat%llah /h%me#'# %fthe 11th t% 1th ce't"r#e- T%gether they )r%cla#me$ ajihad a h%ly (ar,aga#'t th%e Ne%)lat%'#t f%r e6am)le, re$er#c* arbar%a a'$ the

    Tem)lar /'#ght, the Ima#l# a'$ &e(#h ch%lar %f the T%le$% Sch%%l:(h% (ere )"r"#'g a ?ra'$ De#g' %f "'#t#'g the h"ma'#t el#te %f the2%lem, hr#t#a', a'$ &"$a#c (%rl$ a the ca$re f%rce t% la"'ch a Re'a#+a'ce- The Dar* Age, (he' )et#le'ce, fam#'e, (ar, a'$ $eath r%$e"'br#$le$ acr% the la'$, mar*e$ the "lt#mate tr#"m)h %f thee fe"$al%l#garch a%c#ate$ (#th the Or$er %f St- &%h' %.er the )r%gram f%rc#e't#f#c )r%gre a'$ c"lt"ral $e.el%)me't %f the h"ma'#t-

    Th# e.#l tra$#t#%' tr"c* me a'e( a I t"r'e$ fr%m the .a"lt t% ga0e bac* atthe 'a.e %f the ch%#r- There %' a $a# t%%$ a' altar, fla'*e$ by t(% h"ge

    .ae f#lle$ (#th )l"me, $ra)e$ (#th a (h#te ma'tle %' (h#ch the e#ght+)%#'te$ cr% %f the Or$er %f St- &%h' ha$ bee' tam)e$ #' blac*- It (a th#ce'e, alt%gether rem#'#ce't %f a T"r*#h eragl#%, (h#ch a(a#te$ the beg#'+'#'g %f the cerem%'y %f the m%$er' /'#ght-

    The !rocession egins

    The %rga' m%a'e$ e)"lchrally a'$ my ga0e #'ta'tly h#fte$- At a #$ee'tra'ce t% the .a"lt, f#g"re $ree$ #' fl%%r+le'gth blac* ca)e ha$ #le'tlyf%rme$ #' )r%ce#%'- Sl%(ly the /'#ght e'tere$ the .a"lt, gl#$#'g t% a

    ca$e'ce )"'ct"ate$ %'ly by the blat %f tr"m)et fr%m the e'tra'ce %f theathe$ral, a the#r %(' ra'* (ere hy)he'ate$ h#erarch#cally by me'bear#'g (a'$, (%r$, a'$ %ther )ara)her'al#a %f the Or$er- %ll%(#'gbeh#'$ the 2%t 3e'erable Or$er ta'$ar$, a #f t% heral$ the#r .aalage,came re)ree'tat#.e fr%m the t(% %ther ma8%r bra'che %f the a'c#e't %r$er%f ch#.alry; the ?erma', Pr%teta'tJohanniter-Ordena'$ the ath%l#cS%.ere#g' 2#l#tary Or$er %f 2alta, am%'g (h%e lea$er are th%e (h% ca'

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    The Cathedral: Where the trail led

    trace the#r l#'eage #' "'br%*e' "cce#%' t% the $ay %f the aear, (he'the I# c"lt f#rt t%%* #t tra'gleh%l$ ")%' R%me- Sl%(ly the )r%ce#%' %fca)e$ %'e 'a*e$ ar%"'$ the a"$#e'ce, l%%*#'g e.ery b#t l#*e a )r%ce#%'%f %r# /arl%ff- A they )ae$, the#r gla0e$ eye f#6e$ f%r(ar$, I c%"l$'%t hel) b"t (%'$er (hat fr#ghtf"l ce'e each /'#ght (a c%'tem)lat#'g-

    2%re t% the )%#'t, I c%"l$ '%t "'$erta'$ (hat hel$ the /'#ght=am%'g(h%e ra'* marche$ the el#te ba'*er, att%r'ey, a'$ %ther )%l#cyma*er %fthe A'gl%+Amer#ca' etabl#hme't=#' "ch tra'ce+l#*e %be$#e'ce t% th#

    b#0arre, me$#e.al cerem%'y- N%t "'t#l I rec%g'#0e$ certa#' A'gl#ca' )r#et#' the c%'t#'ge't %f cler#cal brethre' that ma$e ") the rear %f the )r%ce#%'

    $#$ I th#'* I ha$ the a'(er-Pr%m#'e't am%'g them (a a'%' E$(ar$ Wet, (h%, #' h# (h#te ca%c*a'$ (#th h# bal$#'g )ate a'$ l%'g, )%#'te$ alt+a'$+)e))er bear$, l%%*e$e.ery b#t the h#gh )r#et %f %me a'c#e't Dr"#$#cal Or$er- a'%' Wet t%l$a'a%c#ate %f m#'e (h% ha$ a))r%ache$ h#m "'$erc%.er ab%"t the !myt#+cal C+year )er)ect#.e! that the A'gl#ca' h#erarchy ha$ ecretly a$%)te$ t%

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    m%l$ h# !el#te! % that #t (#ll be f#t t% e'ter !the Ne( &er"alem! (h#ch theOr$er %f St- &%h' a'$ #t cra0#er r#t#h )atr%' are )la''#'g t% etabl#h-

    S%"'$#'g .ery m"ch l#*e a )ar%$y %f W#ll#am "tler Yeat ata'#cal )%em,!The Sec%'$ %m#'g,! a'%' Wet ha$ t%l$ my a%c#ate, !The f"'$ame'+

    tal c%'cer' %f the el#te # myt#cal rel#g#%', "ch that the %c#al act#.#m %f1C year ag% # '% l%'ger a $r#.#'g f%rce #' %c#ety- The myt#cal relat#%'+h#) %f the (h%le %f ma' haF tarte$ t% be tal*e$ ab%"t #' term %f ec%l%gyGthe (h%le h"ma' th#'g # '%t %'ly the relat#%' (#th la'$, b"t to la'$; '%t%'ly relat#%' (#th a'#mal, b"t to a'#mal- Y%" ee, the h"ma' #'ter#%r$%e't l#.e %' mecha'#c- It ha a te'$e'cy t% ret"r' t% (#tchcraft,! Weta#$- !O"r ta* # t% cl%the the a'c#e't myter#e #' the la'g"age %f t%$ay-Rel#g#%' m"t be (ra))e$ #' a hr%"$ %f %rt, #t m"t be (ra))e$ ") #' theright %rt %f #c%'- The myt#cal C+year )er)ect#.e # the Ne( &er"alem-!

    N%r (a a'%' Wet the %'ly c"lt#t )r#et a%c#ate$ (#th the Or$er-Sl#ghtly beh#'$ h#m $ree$ #' a hab#t %f )"r)le, marche$ #h%) Pa"l2%%re- Acc%r$#'g t% a' #'$#creet remar* by a'%l$ ac

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    ishop #oore: A late$night call about Jim Jones

    %The lac& 'ragon%s lood%

    At %'e %f f%"r erm%' g#.e' at the athe$ral %f St- &%h' lat year %' thet%)#c %f !Earth, W#'$, #re, a'$ Water,! Dr- W#ll#am Th%m)%', the f%"'$er

    %f L#'$#far'e, e6)la#'e$ (hy #t (%"l$ be 'eceary t% ta*e ma'*#'$ %' af%rce$ march bac* t% the Dar* Age by "#'g Ira' a h# m%$el- !I bel#e.e#' the A)%caly)e- All the aym)t%t#c c"re are t%(ar$ the year HCCC,! hea#$- !I really th#'* (ere #' f%r #t- The #'$"tr#al age # a Dar* Age, the

    blac* $rag%' bl%%$- L%%* at (hat # g%#'g %' #' Ira'G the e.#l #mage %fthe blac* $rag%' bl%%$, %f #'$"tr#al )%(er, (a e'f%rce$ by the male+c%'tr%lle$ eg% %f the mercha't a'$ the (arr#%r-

    !We h%"l$ be ym)athet#c (#th /h%me#'#- We.e L% A'gele#0e$Tehera', $etr%ye$ Ira', a'$ (he' the %l$ rel#g#%" m"llah cry e'%"gh (e

    ha.e the a"$ac#ty t% %b8ect- - - - Were l#.#'g #' a c%'.er#%' )er#%$- A)er#%$ %f c#.#l#0at#%'al c%lla)e- Th# # (hat I $#c%.ere$ #' hr#t#a'#ty atthe h"rch %f St- &%h' %f the A)%caly)e-!

    Aga#', my th%"ght (ere #'terr")te$- At the fr%'t %f the ch%#r, (here the)r%ce#%' %f ca)e$ %'e ha$ '%( aemble$, the m%t %lem' )art %f thecerem%'y (a tart#'g- %"r /'#ght+Elect=ta'$#'g bef%re a fal$t%%l

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    beh#'$ (h#ch (ere aemble$ the L%r$ Pr#%r, ha'cell%r, a'$ 3#ce+ha'+cell%r %f the Or$er=gra.ely ac*'%(le$ge$ the#r "bm##%' t% the a(e%me%ath )%*e' by the ha'cell%rG !%'frJre $% y%" )r%m#e t% )ay $"e%be$#e'ce t% the ?%.er'#'g A"th%r#t#e %f the 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f the4%)#tal %f St- &%h' %f&er"alemK! N% %%'er (ere thee (%r$ )%*e'tha' I felt a'ger r##'g (#th#' me- A'$, a#f #' c%"'ter)%#'t t% th# %ath, Irecalle$ the (%r$ fr%m a $%c"me't (r#tte' t% g"#$e the c%'$"ct %f th#'at#%' a'$ #t c#t#0e'G !N% T#tle %f N%b#l#ty hall be gra'te$ by the >'#te$StateG A'$ '%Per%' h%l$#'g Off#ce %f Pr%f#t %r Tr"t "'$er them hall,(#th%"t the %'e't %f %'gre, acce)t a'y )ree't, Em%l"me't, Off#ce %rT#tle, %f a'y *#'$ (hate.er, fr%m a'y /#'g, Pr#'ce %r f%re#g' State-!

    There # '% $%"bt that the )#r#t that m%t#.ate$ thee (%r$ #' the %'t#t"t#%'(a f%r them t% be "'#.erally a))l#e$ t% all c#t#0e', '%t #m)ly th%e h%l$#'gg%.er'me't %ff#ce- T% the %"'$#'g ather, electe$ %ff#c#al (ere #$eally th%e(h% ha$ m%re r#g%r%"ly a))l#e$ themel.e t% a )r%ce %f $e.el%)me't that allc#t#0e' %f the re)"bl#c (ere m%rally %bl#gate$ t% ta*e )art #'- That the %"'$#'gather (ere a(are %f the f"'$ame'tal $#ffere'ce bet(ee' the Amer#ca' Sytema'$ the $%m#'a't *%%* fact#%' #' the Or$er %f St- &%h' # $em%'trate$ #' &ame2%'r%e #r%'#c re)%'e t% a )r%)%al fr%m the Or$er that #t be all%(e$ t% rel%+cate t% the >'#te$ State #' 179 fr%m #t hea$'#te$ State %f Amer#ca a'$the Ile %f 2alta may be er.#ceable t% each %ther- The >'#te$ State )%ee at)ree't e6te'#.e a'$ .ery .al"able terr#t%ry- It # the#r #'te't#%' t% $#)%e %f #t

    by ale; by (h#ch h%(e.er the r#ght %f %#l %'ly (#ll be c%'.eye$G the 8"r#$#c+t#%' t#ll rema#'#'g (#th them- The g%.er'me't t%% %f "ch terr#t%ry # alrea$y)recr#be$G It m"t be elect#.e %r re)"bl#ca', a'$ f%rm#'g a )art %f the e6#t#'g'at#%'al ytem-! Th# re)%'e (a "ff#c#e't t% ta.e %ff the %)e' attem)t %fthe Or$er %f St- &%h' t% e'ter Amer#ca-

    E6treme "bterf"ge (a "e$ by the r#t#h 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f the4%)#tal %f St- &%h' %f &er"alem t% etabl#h a' %rga'#0at#%' here #' 197M- A the%ff#c#al h#t%ry %f the r#t#h Or$er )%#'t %"t, the !rel#g#%" a)ect! %f the Or$er(a t% be tree$ thr%"gh !#t c%''e6#%' (#th the E)#c%)al athe$ral %f St- &%h'

    the D#.#'e #' Ne( Y%r* #ty-! "rther, the t#tle %f Amer#ca' member are

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    The#r %ath f#'#he$, L%r$ 4ar%l$ A'th%'y acc#a, the L%r$ Pr#%r %f theOr$er, a$$ree$ them, ay#'g, !y .#rt"e %f the )%(er .ete$ #' ", (e areab%"t t% rece#.e y%" #' the gra$e %f /'#ght %f the 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %fthe 4%)#tal %' ehalf %f 4er 2a8ety, @"ee' El#0abeth II, #t S%.ere#g'4ea$, a'$ act#'g %' the )art %f %"r ?ra'$ Pr#%r-! Each P%t"la't *'elt

    bef%re the#r L%r$ Pr#%r t% be #'.ete$ (#th the e#ght+)%#'te$ cr% a'$$ra)e$ #' the l%'g, blac* ca)e %f the Or$er- Th# ta* c%m)lete$, the L%r$Pr#%r the' a#$, !R#e, %'frJre=(e rece#.e y%" a a 2ember %f the 2%t3e'erable Or$er, #' the gra$e %f /'#ght-!

    Aga#' I recalle$ the (%r$ (r#tte' by %"r %"'$#'g ather a a' "lt#mate(ar'#'g t% g"ar$ %"r c#t#0e' aga#'t "ch f%llyG !Trea%' aga#'t the >'#te$State, hall c%'#t #'le.y#'g War aga#'t them, %r #' a$her#'g t% the#r E'e+m#e, g#.#'g them A#$ a'$ %mf%rt-! Thee )r%.##%' t% the %'t#t"t#%'

    ha$ bee' (r#tte' at a t#me (he' r#ta#',La Perfide Albion,(a "'#.erallyac*'%(le$ge$ t% be the '"mber+%'e e'emy %f the Amer#ca' Sytem %f re+)"bl#ca'#m- They ha$ bee' (r#tte' a a g"#$e)%t aga#'t )rec#ely that%rt %f l%'g+term "b.er#%' %f (h#ch the %"'$#'g ather *'e( the r#t#h%l#garchy t% be ca)able, (h#ch ha t%$ay re"lte$ #' a #t"at#%' (herec#t#0e' (#ll t%lerate the#r )eer h%l$#'g t#tle #' a f%re#g' %r$er %f ch#.alry(h#ch # $e$#cate$ t% the $etr"ct#%' %f the Amer#ca' Sytem a'$ the ret"r'%f ma'*#'$ ge'erally #'t% fe"$al "b8"gat#%'-

    That th# # the h#$$e' )"r)%e %f the Or$er %f St- &%h' lea$er # re)eate$+

    ly .er#f#e$ by the *'%(' act#%' %f the Or$er m%re )r%m#'e't member-A c%lleag"e %f m#'e e6te'#.ely $%c"me'te$ #' the b%%*Dope, Inc.,/'#ght a'$ %mma'$er %f the r#t#h 2%t 3e'erable Or$er %f St- &%h'%.eree e.ery *ey a)ect %f the HCC+b#ll#%'+a+year #'ter'at#%'al $r"g tra$e,fr%m the )r%$"ct#%' %f %)#"m #' the ?%l$e' Tr#a'gle %f A#a, (h#ch #carr#e$ %"t "'$er the a")#ce %f the /'#ght (h% r"' the a'* %f 4%'g/%'g a'$ Sha'gha#; t% the )r%ce#'g a'$ $#tr#b"t#%' %f her%#' thr%"gh%rga'#0e$ cr#me 'et(%r* etabl#he$ $"r#'g Pr%h#b#t#%' #' N%rth Amer#ca

    by "ch member fam#l#e %f the Or$er a the r%'fma' a'$ the /e''e$y;a'$, f#'ally, t% the cha''el#'g %f f"'$ fr%m th# $ea$ly tra$e a'$ fr%m %ther#ll#c#t act#.#t#e )r%t#t"t#%', gambl#'g, a'$ % %': #'t% %ffh%re ba'* #'

    %f the Or$er @"ee' El#0abethFK!


  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    %mm%'(ealth c%"'tr#e that are r"' by arclay, Nat#%'al Wetm#'ter,R%yal a'* %f a'a$a, a'$ %ther ba'*#'g #'t#t"t#%' $%m#'ate$ bymember %f the Or$er-

    The Weapons of the (nights

    I' )lace %f the me$#e.al (ea)%' (#el$e$ by the#r )re$ece%r, the m%$er'/'#ght %f the r#t#h Or$er %f St- &%h' ha.e f#el$e$ a' army that "e $r"ga #t ecret (ea)%' t% "b.ert the %c#al %r$er %f Amer#ca a'$ t% $etr%y #tch#l$re'- Thr%"gh beat+l#*e a$$#ct#%' t% $r"g a'$ #mmer#%' #' theh#$e%" c%"'terc"lt"re that g%e (#th #t, the Or$er ha re'$ere$ Amer#ca'y%"th "'able t% a#m#late the a$.a'ce$ *'%(le$ge 'eceary t% )art#c#)ate#' c%'t#'"e$ c#e't#f#c )r%gre a'$ $e.el%)me't "'$er the Amer#ca'Sytem- I'tea$ they ha.e bee' )r#me$ f%r la.#h %be$#e'ce t% the )leth%ra%f c"lt create$ by member %f the Or$er %f St- &%h' a'$ #t aff#l#ate-

    2%re%.er, a !/'#ght %f &"t#ce! %f the Or$er, 2a8- 2%rt#mer L%"# l%%m+f#el$, %.eree the $r"g+'et(%r*+relate$ aa#'at#%' b"rea" *'%(' aPerm#'$e6- It # am%'g the cr"eler #r%'#e %f the #'.et#t"re cerem%'y thatL%r$ acc#a, bef%re (h%m Amer#ca' c#t#0e' *'elt t% be #'.ete$, (a #' h#f%rmer ca)ac#ty a Perma'e't >'$er+Secretary %f the r#t#h %re#g' Off#ce,

    )art %f a !/%%*! fact#%' (#th#' the r#t#h %l#garchy that ma$e the f#'al$ec##%' $#rect#'g Perm#'$e6 age't t% aa#'ate Pre#$e't &%h' - /e'+'e$y a'$, acc%r$#'g t% re'ch a"th%r#t#e, t% carry %"t %.er C attem)t %'

    the l#fe %f re'ch Pre#$e't harle $e ?a"lle #' the early 19C- I' the19H "ba' m##le cr## th# *%%* fact#%'=#'cl"$#'g L%r$ acc#a, L%r$Alec D%"gla+4%me, the 2ar'#te$State t% the br#'* %f $etr"ct#%' thr%"gh a'%ther !/'#ght %f &"t#ce,! L%r$4arlech, (h% (a the' r#t#h Ambaa$%r t% Wah#'gt%' a'$, m%re%.er, amember %f the Pre#$e't #''er )%l#cy+ma*#'g b%$y, !E6c%mm-! L%r$4arlech ha$ bee' electe$ f%r th# )%t beca"e he (a %'e %f e.eral/'#ght relate$ by marr#age t% the /e''e$y fam#ly, (h%e )atr#arch, &%e/e''e$y, ha$ h#melf bee' #'.ete$ #'t% the Or$er (h#le er.#'g a

    Amer#ca' Ambaa$%r t% the %"rt %f St- &ame- The %l#garch $ec##%' t%el#m#'ate /e''e$y thr%"gh a ecret act %f (ar aga#'t th# 'at#%' temme$largely fr%m h# a$ama't ref"al after the "ba' 2##le r## t% c%'t#'"e a%l$ War )%l#cy %f therm%'"clear c%'fr%'tat#%' (#th the S%.#et=a c%"re(h#ch the 2ar

  • 8/13/2019 A Cryptic Tale


    A I g%t ") t% lea.e the athe$ral, I hear$ the 'ame %f te' m%re Amer#ca'c#t#0e' be#'g calle$ ") t% be #'.ete$ by L%r$ acc#a a %mma'$er a'$Off#cer #' the ra'* %f the r#t#h Or$er %f St- &%h' Ne( Dar* Age army-I f#'ally real#0e$ (hat "'$erlay the e'e %f $rea$ I felt (he' I f#rt e'tere$the gl%%my athe$ral-

    Thr%"gh b%%* l#*eDope, Inc.my a%c#ate a'$ I ha$ amae$ e6te'#.ee.#$e'ce %f he#'%" cr#me c%mm#tte$ by member %f r#ta#' Or$er %f St-&%h' %f &er"alem- Yet ma'y Amer#ca' (%"l$ '%t act ")%' th# e.#$e'ce,f%r (hat I '%( real#0e$ (a a.ery #m)le rea%'- It # alm%t #m)%#ble f%rma'y )e%)le ra#e$ "'$er the be'ef#t %f Amer#ca' re)"bl#ca'#m t% c%'+ce#.e that the "tter e.#l %f the %rt emb%$#e$ by the ca)e$ f#g"re (h% le$the a'c#e't cerem%'y that I 8"t left c%"l$ )%#bly e6#t %"t#$e E"r%)ea'h#t%r#e a'$ fa#ry tale, #t (a a #m#lar f%rm %f alm%t (#llf"l "'a(are'e

    (h#ch ha$ )erm#tte$ certa#' %f the m%re "'(#tt#'g Amer#ca' (h%m I ha$8"t ee' #'.ete$ t% #g'%re the e6)l#c#t a$m%'#t#%' %f the %"'$#'g a+ther- %r thee )athet#c, #'fa't#le )e%)le, the cerem%'y they ha$ 8"t ta*e'

    )art #' (a '% $#ffere't fr%m the ecret %c#ety a'$ bl%%$+%ath ta*e' by4"c*leberry #'' #' 2ar* T(a#' '%.el-

    "t the %"'$#'g ather (ere (ell a(are %f the e6treme $a'ger (h#ch "ch%r$er re)ree'te$ t% th# re)"bl#c- They a'$ the#r "cce%r recr"#te$ agr%") %f #'f%rmal >-S- #'tell#ge'ce %ff#cer=#'cl"$#'g, '%tably, Sam"el2%re, a'$ E$gar Alla' P%e=t% $e.el%) a meth%$ f%r $eal#'g (#th the c"lt

    a'$ ecret %c#et#e (#th (h#ch the r#t#h %l#garchy a'$ #t 4a)b"rg&e"#tall#e %"ght t% "b.ert the c%"'try- I' the early 19th ce't"ry they (age$ aecret (ar aga#'t gr%") l#*e Sc%tt#h R#te reema%'ry, a'$ al% the/'#ght %f the ?%l$e' #rcle a'$ /'#ght %f the /" /l"6 /la', (h%e r%bea'$ cerem%'#e (ere #m#tat#.e %f the Or$er %f St- &%h' %f &er"alem- Whe'I ret"r'e$ h%me, I rerea$ P%e $%"bly+c%$e$ )%em, !3ale't#'e, (h#ch me'+t#%' a f%rmer ?ra'$ 2ater %f the Or$er %f St- &%h', a'$ I aga#' l%%*e$ ath# D")#' m"r$er mytery er#e, (h%e refere'ce t% 2alta=a' %l$ bae %fthe Or$er #' the 2e$#terra'ea'=h%( that P%e (a (ell a(are %f the/'#ght e.#l 'at"re- It (a #' P%e c%$e$ meth%$ that I th%"ght I f%"'$ a%l"t#%' t% the )r%blem-