a cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant ... · pdf filereview andreas schaller...

REVIEW Andreas Schaller A cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant proteases Received: 13 July 2004 / Accepted: 15 September 2004 / Published online: 29 October 2004 Ó Springer-Verlag 2004 Abstract Proteolytic enzymes are intricately involved in many aspects of plant physiology and development. On the one hand, they are necessary for protein turnover. Degradation of damaged, misfolded and potentially harmful proteins provides free amino acids required for the synthesis of new proteins. Furthermore, the selective breakdown of regulatory proteins by the ubiquitin/pro- teasome pathway controls key aspects of plant growth, development, and defense. Proteases are, on the other hand, also responsible for the post-translational modi- fication of proteins by limited proteolysis at highly specific sites. Limited proteolysis results in the matura- tion of enzymes, is necessary for protein assembly and subcellular targeting, and controls the activity of en- zymes, regulatory proteins and peptides. Proteases are thus involved in all aspects of the plant life cycle ranging from the mobilization of storage proteins during seed germination to the initiation of cell death and senescence programs. This article reviews recent findings for the major catalytic classes, i.e. the serine, cysteine, aspartic, and metalloproteases, emphasizing the regulatory func- tion of representative enzymes. Keywords Aspartic protease Cysteine Serine Metalloprotease Proteolysis Regulation of plant development Abbreviations ale1: Abnormal leaf shape 1 AP: Aspartic protease cdr1: Constitutive disease resistance 1 CYS-EP: Cysteine endopeptidase LAP: Leucine aminopeptidase PCD: Programmed cell death PSV: Protein storage vacuole SCP: Serine carboxypeptidase sdd1: Stomatal density and distribution 1 SH-EP: Sulfhydryl endopeptidase SLD: Saposin-like domain SPP: Stromal processing peptidase VPE: Vacuolar processing enzyme Zn-MP: Zinc metalloprotease Introduction Plant scientists have long recognized protein turnover as a fundamental component in plant development. Research interests, however, have traditionally focused only on physiological processes relevant for agriculture, including the breakdown of storage proteins during seed germination, and protein remobilization upon the onset of leaf senescence, concomitant with the reallocation of N resources to reproductive organs (Ryan and Walker- Simmons 1981; Huffaker 1990). While these are still highly active areas of research, we now begin to appre- ciate the importance of selective protein degradation for the regulation of all aspects of plant development. This appreciation results from recent studies linking the main proteolytic pathway in eukaryotes, the ubiquitin/pro- teasome pathway, to numerous developmental processes including embryogenesis, photomorphogenesis, circa- dian rhythms, flower and trichome development, as well as hormone signaling, including the responses to auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid and jasmonates (Vierstra 2003). In hindsight, Judy Callis’s statement in her 1995 review article that ‘‘regulated proteolysis is probably directly or indirectly involved in most cellular processes’’ (Callis 1995) proves to be truly prophetic, since indeed, it is difficult to find a biological process in plants that does not have some connection to ubiquiti- nylation (Bachmair et al. 2001). The ubiquitin/protea- some pathway, however, is by no means the only proteolytic system potentially involved in the regulation of plant growth and development. In addition to the 1,300 genes devoted to the ubiquitin/proteasome path- way, more than 600 protease genes have been annotated in the Arabidopsis genome that may contribute not only to protein turnover and the control of protein half-life A. Schaller Institute of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology (260), University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +49-711-4592197 Fax: +49-711-4593751 Planta (2004) 220: 183–197 DOI 10.1007/s00425-004-1407-2

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Page 1: A cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant ... · PDF fileREVIEW Andreas Schaller A cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant proteases Received: 13 July 2004


Andreas Schaller

A cut above the rest: the regulatory function of plant proteases

Received: 13 July 2004 / Accepted: 15 September 2004 / Published online: 29 October 2004� Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract Proteolytic enzymes are intricately involved inmany aspects of plant physiology and development. Onthe one hand, they are necessary for protein turnover.Degradation of damaged, misfolded and potentiallyharmful proteins provides free amino acids required forthe synthesis of new proteins. Furthermore, the selectivebreakdown of regulatory proteins by the ubiquitin/pro-teasome pathway controls key aspects of plant growth,development, and defense. Proteases are, on the otherhand, also responsible for the post-translational modi-fication of proteins by limited proteolysis at highlyspecific sites. Limited proteolysis results in the matura-tion of enzymes, is necessary for protein assembly andsubcellular targeting, and controls the activity of en-zymes, regulatory proteins and peptides. Proteases arethus involved in all aspects of the plant life cycle rangingfrom the mobilization of storage proteins during seedgermination to the initiation of cell death and senescenceprograms. This article reviews recent findings for themajor catalytic classes, i.e. the serine, cysteine, aspartic,and metalloproteases, emphasizing the regulatory func-tion of representative enzymes.

Keywords Aspartic protease Æ Cysteine Æ Serine ÆMetalloprotease Æ Proteolysis Æ Regulation of plantdevelopment

Abbreviations ale1: Abnormal leaf shape 1 Æ AP:Aspartic protease Æ cdr1: Constitutive diseaseresistance 1 Æ CYS-EP: Cysteine endopeptidase Æ LAP:Leucine aminopeptidase Æ PCD: Programmed celldeath Æ PSV: Protein storage vacuole Æ SCP: Serinecarboxypeptidase Æ sdd1: Stomatal density anddistribution 1 Æ SH-EP: Sulfhydryl endopeptidase Æ SLD:Saposin-like domain Æ SPP: Stromal processing

peptidase Æ VPE: Vacuolar processing enzyme Æ Zn-MP:Zinc metalloprotease


Plant scientists have long recognized protein turnover asa fundamental component in plant development.Research interests, however, have traditionally focusedonly on physiological processes relevant for agriculture,including the breakdown of storage proteins during seedgermination, and protein remobilization upon the onsetof leaf senescence, concomitant with the reallocation ofN resources to reproductive organs (Ryan and Walker-Simmons 1981; Huffaker 1990). While these are stillhighly active areas of research, we now begin to appre-ciate the importance of selective protein degradation forthe regulation of all aspects of plant development. Thisappreciation results from recent studies linking the mainproteolytic pathway in eukaryotes, the ubiquitin/pro-teasome pathway, to numerous developmental processesincluding embryogenesis, photomorphogenesis, circa-dian rhythms, flower and trichome development, as wellas hormone signaling, including the responses to auxins,cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid and jasmonates(Vierstra 2003). In hindsight, Judy Callis’s statement inher 1995 review article that ‘‘regulated proteolysis isprobably directly or indirectly involved in most cellularprocesses’’ (Callis 1995) proves to be truly prophetic,since indeed, it is difficult to find a biological process inplants that does not have some connection to ubiquiti-nylation (Bachmair et al. 2001). The ubiquitin/protea-some pathway, however, is by no means the onlyproteolytic system potentially involved in the regulationof plant growth and development. In addition to the1,300 genes devoted to the ubiquitin/proteasome path-way, more than 600 protease genes have been annotatedin the Arabidopsis genome that may contribute not onlyto protein turnover and the control of protein half-life

A. SchallerInstitute of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology (260),University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, GermanyE-mail: [email protected].: +49-711-4592197Fax: +49-711-4593751

Planta (2004) 220: 183–197DOI 10.1007/s00425-004-1407-2

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by complete degradation, but also to protein trafficking,proprotein processing, and the regulation of proteinactivity by limited, site-specific proteolysis. The tanta-lizing developments in the ubiquitin/proteasome fieldhave been summarized recently in several excellentarticles (Frugis and Chua 2002; Serino and Deng 2003;Sullivan et al. 2003; Vierstra 2003; Dharmasiri andEstelle 2004; Smalle and Vierstra 2004) and will not becovered in the present review. I will rather focus on theremaining proteases and discuss recent findings forselected examples from each of the main classes ofproteolytic enzymes.

The hydrolytic cleavage of peptide bonds catalyzedby peptidases (peptide hydrolases, proteases) is achievedby nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl carbon supportedby the donation of a proton to the NH group of thescissile peptide bond. While exoproteases, i.e. thoseacting on the termini of (poly)peptide chains, can beclassified according to their substrate specificity asamino or carboxypeptidases, the classification of prote-ases acting on the interior of (poly)peptides (endopro-teases or proteinases) is based on the respective catalyticmechanism. In serine, threonine, and cysteine proteases,the hydroxyl or sulfhydryl groups of the active-siteamino acids act as the nucleophile during catalysis.Aspartic and metalloproteases, on the other hand, relyon an activated water molecule as nucleophile (Table 1).This is also true for glutamic proteinases, recentlyidentified as a novel class of acid proteases with gluta-mate rather than aspartate as the catalytic residue(Fujinaga et al. 2004). According to the classificationused in the MEROPS database (http://merops.san-ger.ac.uk/; Rawlings et al. 2004) the peptidases of eachof these catalytic types are assigned to families on thebasis of sequence similarity. Families may be diverged sofar that relationship cannot be firmly established bycomparison of their primary structures. If commonancestry can be demonstrated by similarity of the three-dimensional structure the respective families are groupedinto clans. Therefore, the number of different clans is anindication of structural diversity within the majorgroups of proteases (Table 1). As of 30 June 2004, theMEROPS database (release 6.70) lists 628 proteases for

Arabidopsis and 138 presumably inactive homologs (inthe following, only those genes predicted to encodefunctional proteases will be considered), which fall into30 clans of 72 families representing all of the mainpeptidase groups except the glutamic proteases.

Cysteine proteases

Cysteine (sulfhydryl) proteases shall be the first ones tobe discussed, since much of the initial work on plantproteases focused on this class of enzymes, and cysteineproteases were actually believed to be the predominantclass of proteases in plants. In terms of numbers, how-ever, they fall far behind serine proteases: 106 and 248Arabidopsis genes are listed in the MEROPS databasefor cysteine and serine proteases, respectively.

The recent characterization of the defective kernel 1(dek1) mutant in maize led to the intriguing discovery ofa cysteine protease that is required for the perception/response to positional cues in the specification of cerealaleurone identity (Becraft and Asuncion-Crabb 2000;Lid et al. 2002). DEK1 is related to animal calpains,calcium-dependent cysteine proteases with multiple rolesin cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Plantcalpain homologs, i.e. phytocalpains, have been identi-fied in 11 species. Functional characterization in maizeand in Nicotiana benthamiana indicated a regulatory rolein numerous developmental processes, includingembryonic pattern formation and shoot apical meristemformation, cell fate specification in the endosperm andleaf epidermis, and regulation of the balance betweencell differentiation and proliferation (Becraft et al. 2002;Margis and Margis-Pinheiro 2003; Ahn et al. 2004). Asopposed to their animal homologs, phytocalpain ap-pears to be a singular enzyme, as it is represented by justone gene in all species investigated (Margis and Margis-Pinheiro 2003). Its protease domain, however, resemblesthat of papain and has the most common fold in plantcysteine proteases (clan CA, 76 genes in Arabidopsis)

Papain was the first cysteine protease to be discoveredin the latex and fruit of Carica papaya and served for along time as a model for mechanistic and structuralstudies on cysteine proteases (Drenth et al. 1968; Asbothet al. 1985). Papain-like enzymes (reviewed by Beerset al. 2000, 2004) are involved in protein degradationand N-mobilization during seed germination and leafsenescence (Kato and Minamikawa 1996; Noh andAmasino 1999; Gietl and Schmid 2001; Chen et al.2002a; Wagstaff et al. 2002; Okamoto et al. 2003) andhave been implicated in a number of different cell deathevents (Solomon et al. 1999; Beers et al. 2000; Funk et al.2002; Wan et al. 2002; Belenghi et al. 2003). They alsocontribute to plant resistance against pathogens (Krugeret al. 2002) and insects (Pechan et al. 2000; Konno et al.2004). Second to papain-like enzymes, the legumains(family C13 in clan CD) are the most intensively studiedamong the plant cysteine proteases. Legumains areinvolved in the processing of seed storage proteins

Table 1 The main classes of peptidases. For the five catalyticclasses of peptidases (proteases) the nucleophile involved in catal-ysis is indicated. For cysteine, serine, and threonine proteases, thenucleophile is part of the protein and, consequently, a covalentacyl-enzyme intermediate is formed in the reaction cycle. Thenumber of clans (MEROPS classification) identified in Arabidopsisis an indication of the structural diversity within a class of prote-ases. The clans discussed in this article are indicated


Nucleophile Covalentintermediate

Numberof clans

Clans discussed

Cysteine Thiol Yes 4 CA, CDSerine Hydroxyl Yes 8 SB, SCThreonine Hydroxyl Yes 1 –Aspartic Water No 2 AAMetallo Water No 12 ME, MF


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and—similar to papain-like proteases—have beenimplicated in storage protein breakdown and tissuesenescence (Kinoshita et al. 1999; Schlereth et al. 2001;Muntz et al. 2002; Muntz and Shutov 2002; Kato et al.2003; Shimada et al. 2003b). Recently, by the use ofmultiple gene knock-outs in Arabidopsis, it has beenpossible to clearly define the contribution of differentcysteine proteases to the synthesis of storage proteinsduring seed maturation and their degradation upongermination.

Cysteine proteases in the accumulationand degradation of storage proteins

In maturing seeds, storage proteins are accumulated indedicated compartments (protein storage vacuoles,PSVs; Shimada et al. 2003a) to serve as a source ofreduced nitrogen for the germinating seedling. InArabidopsis, there are two classes of seed storage pro-teins, the legumin-type globulins (12S globulins) and thenapin-type albumins (2S albumins). For both classes,processing at conserved asparagine (Asn) residues isrequired for the assembly into multimeric structures andaccumulation of the mature storage proteins. The searchfor an Asn-specific activity involved in storage proteinprocessing resulted in the identification of the legumainsas a novel class of cysteine proteases, also called aspar-aginyl-endopeptidases or, most commonly, vacuolarprocessing enzymes (VPEs; Hara-Nishimura et al. 1993;Ishii 1994). Processing of storage proteins by VPEs invitro has been demonstrated in several species (Hara-Nishimura et al. 1993; Yamada et al. 1999). Untilrecently, however, it was unclear which VPE, if any, isresponsible for processing and accumulation of seedstorage proteins in vivo.

In Arabidopsis, the VPE gene family comprises fourmembers, a, b, c, and dVPE. Based on gene expressionand phylogenetic analyses, these genes had beenassigned to two subfamilies, the seed-type VPEs (bVPEand dVPE) thought to be responsible for storage proteinprocessing and assembly, and the vegetative VPEs(aVPE and cVPE) for which roles in storage proteinmobilization and tissue senescence were proposed (Ki-noshita et al. 1995, 1999; Gruis et al. 2002). This clas-sification has to be reconsidered, however, as evidentfrom the functional analysis of the two seed-type VPEsin Arabidopsis mutants. Using transposon-insertionlines, bVPE was in fact confirmed to be involved in seedstorage protein processing (Gruis et al. 2002). Screening28,000 T-DNA-tagged Arabidopsis lines for defects inseed storage protein maturation, Shimada et al. (2003b)isolated six bVPE mutants, thus supporting the specificinvolvement of this particular VPE. Surprisingly, how-ever, normal processing was observed for >80% of theseed storage protein in the bVPE single and b/dVPEdouble knockouts, indicating the presence of redundantprocessing activities (Gruis et al. 2002). Triple andquadruple knockouts lacking seed-type and vegetative

VPEs a, b, and c, on the other hand, lacked correctlyprocessed storage proteins. In the absence of VPEs,processing of storage protein precursors was observed atalternative sites, resulting in the accumulation ofabnormal polypeptides (Shimada et al. 2003b; Gruiset al. 2004). These findings demonstrate unequivocally(i) the exclusive responsibility of VPEs for Asn-specificprocessing of 12S globulins and 2S albumins and (ii) thecontribution of both seed-type and vegetative VPEs toseed storage protein processing and assembly duringseed maturation. Interestingly, however, the rate ofstorage protein mobilization in germinating seedlingslacking VPEs was unaffected (Shimada et al. 2003b;Gruis et al. 2004).

Seed storage proteins stably accumulate in PSVswhere they coexist with active VPEs. They seem to beprotected from unlimited proteolysis by VPEs throughconformational stabilization: Asn-residues potentiallysusceptible to proteolytic cleavage by VPEs are locatedin structurally ordered regions where they are protectedfrom uncontrolled proteolysis by legumains (Muntzet al. 2002). Upon germination, this conformationalstabilization appears to be lost, resulting in the completedegradation of seed storage proteins. The role of legu-mains in this process may be direct or indirect: pro-cessing inactive zymogens, legumains may activateproteinases which are then responsible for storage pro-tein degradation, or else, after initial cleavage anddestabilization by other proteases (most likely papains),they may contribute directly to the complete degrada-tion of the storage proteins (Muntz et al. 2002). There isexperimental evidence for both scenarios: (i) A legumainfrom mung bean was shown to activate pro-sulfhydrylendopeptidase (proSH-EP), the major papain-like cys-teine proteinase responsible for the breakdown of stor-age globulins, by Asn-specific cleavage in vitro(Okamoto et al. 1999). Also, Arabidopsis vegetativecVPE was shown to be required for the processing ofvacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (AtCPY) upon leafsenescence (Rojo et al. 2003). (ii) The 11S globulin fromvetch seeds becomes susceptible to degradation by pro-teinase B (a legumain) only after destabilization bylimited proteolysis (Muntz et al. 2002). Notwithstandingthe evidence for a direct and/or indirect contribution oflegumains to seed storage protein mobilization, redun-dant mechanisms must exist, as indicated by theapparently unaffected degradation of storage proteins inmultiple VPE knockouts in Arabidopsis (Shimada et al.2003b; Gruis et al. 2004).

Cysteine proteases in senescence and programmed celldeath (PCD)

Cysteine proteinases also serve important functionsduring senescence. Not surprisingly, there are manyparallels to the mobilization of protein reserves in ger-minating seedlings, which eventually also leads tosenescence and ultimately the death of the storage


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organs. In 1970, specialized organelles were identified inthe senescing endosperm of germinating castor bean andtermed ‘‘dilated cisternae’’ to emphasize their develop-ment from the ER or ‘‘ricinosomes’’ to indicate theirapparently unique occurrence in castor bean (Ricinuscommunis; Mollenhauer and Totten 1970; Vigil 1970).Ricinosomes are now known to be jam-packed with theprecursor of cysteine endopeptidase (Cys-EP), a memberof a subgroup of papain-like cysteine proteases charac-terized by the presence of a signal for ER retention(KDEL) at the carboxy terminus (Schmid et al. 1998,2001). ProCys-EP is targeted to and retained in the ERby virtue of an amino-terminal signal peptide and thecarboxy-terminal KDEL-motif, respectively. The pro-enzyme is then packaged into ricinosomes as they budoff from the ER (Schmid et al. 2001). ProCys-EP isprocessed and activated upon release from the ricino-somes to degrade cytosolic constituents during the finalstages of cell death (Schmid et al. 1999). The recentelucidation of the Cys-EP crystal structure suggests thatthis enzyme may be particularly well suited to degrade awide variety of proteins during cell death. The active-sitecleft of Cys-EP, as compared to that of other papain-likeenzymes, was found to be more open and can thusaccommodate diverse substrates with many differentamino acids, including proline, on both sides of thescissile bond (Than et al. 2004).

It has become increasingly clear in recent years thatricinosomes are not restricted to castor bean but may bea more general feature of senescing tissues where theyappear to act as a ‘‘suicide bomb’’. Furthermore,KDEL-tailed cysteine proteases, marker enzymes of ri-cinosomes, were frequently shown to be associated withsenescence (Schmid et al. 1999; Gietl and Schmid 2001,and references therein). Among the KDEL-tailed pro-teases, SH-EP from mung bean has been characterizedin greatest detail. This papain-type enzyme has alreadybeen mentioned in the previous paragraph as a majorplayer in the degradation of storage globulins (Okamotoand Minamikawa 1998). As for other KDEL-tailedcysteine proteases, proSH-EP is targeted to the secretorypathway co-translationally. It accumulates in the ER,from where it is packaged into 200- to 500-nm vesicles,named KDEL-vesicles (Toyooka et al. 2000). Unlikericinosomes, which discharge their content into thecytosol during the final stages of cell death, KDEL-vesicles are transport vesicles in a Golgi-independentpathway for vacuolar protein targeting: KDEL-vesicleswere shown to fuse with the PSV membrane to releaseproSH-EP into the PSV where it is converted into theactive enzyme for storage protein degradation (Toyookaet al. 2000; Frigerio et al. 2001; Okamoto et al. 2003).Despite this apparent difference in function, the twotypes of vesicle are strikingly similar in terms of bio-genesis and protein content, and they also serve similarpurposes, i.e. the degradation of proteins for the mobi-lization and recycling of N-resources. Clearly, ricino-somes and KDEL-vesicles are highly related and mayeven be identical: the apparent discrepancy in function

will possibly be resolved when more data becomeavailable on the function of ER-derived vesicles insenescence and other cell death events.

Developmental cell death resulting, for example, inthe elimination of unpollinated ovules or the disinte-gration of the tapetum, the suspensor, integuments, thenucellus, and the aleurone layer, i.e. tissues that areneeded for only a limited period of time during pollen,embryo, and seedling development, respectively, is agenetically programmed integral part of a plant’s lifecycle. Other examples include the formation of aeren-chyma, the differentiation of xylem vessels, the shapingof lobed leaves, and the localized cell death at sites ofpathogen infection, i.e. the hypersensitive response.Hydrolytic enzymes, including the KDEL-tailed cysteineproteases, are the executioners of cell death, catalyzingthe hydrolysis of cellular constituents for resource real-location. However, there is a growing body of evidencefor an involvement of proteases, and cysteine proteasesin particular, not only in the execution of the cell deathprogram but also in its initiation (Beers et al. 2000).

The initiation of the cell death program in animals(apoptosis) involves a proteolytic cascade of caspases,i.e. a family of cysteine proteases specifically cleavingafter aspartic acid residues. Triggered by either one oftwo canonical pathways involving (i) death receptors or(ii) the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria,dormant initiator caspases [caspase-8 (i) and -9 (ii)] areactivated to directly process and activate downstreamexecutioner caspases (caspases 3, 6, 7, and 14). The latterenzymes process specific target molecules such as theinhibitor (ICAD) of caspase-activated DNase (CAD),which ultimately leads to the hallmarks of apoptosis,including the shrinkage of the cytoplasm, nuclear con-densation, DNA fragmentation, blebbing of the plasmamembrane, and the formation of apoptotic bodies (En-ari et al. 1998; Lam and del Pozo 2000; Hoeberichts andWoltering 2002; Woltering et al. 2002). Despite consid-erable efforts, no enzyme structurally and functionallyrelated to animal caspases has yet been characterizedfrom any plant source. There is ample evidence, how-ever, for the involvement of Asp-specific proteases in theregulation of PCD also in plants.

In many instances of plant PCD, the induced prote-ases were able to cleave the specific peptide substrates ofanimal caspases (Beers et al. 2000; Lam and del Pozo2000; Woltering et al. 2002; Belenghi et al. 2004; Danonet al. 2004). The plant enzyme(s), like animal caspases,are strongly inhibited by synthetic caspase inhibitors andhave low sensitivity towards general inhibitors of cys-teine proteinases (like E64), which has often been takenas support for a structural similarity beyond the sub-strate binding site. This conclusion, however, is notjustified since synthetic caspase inhibitors are chlorom-ethylketones (CMKs; e.g. Ac-YVAD-CMK for caspase-1) or peptide aldehydes (CHOs; e.g. Ac-DEVD-CHO forcaspase-3). The peptide moiety of these inhibitorsresembles the substrate and provides for the specificityof the inhibitor. The CMK and CHO reactive groups, on


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the other hand, target cysteine, serine, as well as threo-nine proteases. Hence, the inhibitor studies yield infor-mation about the substrate specificity but not thecatalytic type or structure of the protease. More mean-ingful results in this respect were obtained by the use ofthe baculovirus p35 inhibitor of caspases. The p35 geneproduct suppresses cell death in baculovirus-infectedinsect host cells to allow completion of viral replication(Clem et al. 1991). As for synthetic caspase inhibitors,specificity is provided by a tetrapeptide motif (DQMD)located in an exposed surface loop of the p35 proteinthat binds to the active site of the target protease.Cleavage of p35 results in suicide inhibition: a stableinactive complex is formed between the protease and theinhibitor fragments. P35 residues outside the DQMDpseudosubstrate motif were shown to contribute tocomplex formation, providing exclusive specificity andexcluding non-caspase proteases (Fisher et al. 1999).Interestingly, expression of the p35 protein in transgenictomato plants blocked PCD induced by host-selectivemycotoxins or necrotrophic pathogens, and in trans-genic tobacco, a partial inhibition of hypersensitive celldeath was observed, indicating a role for caspasesstructurally related to the animal enzymes in the regu-lation of plant PCD (Lincoln et al. 2002; del Pozo andLam 2003). In a similar approach, however, papain-likecysteine proteases were also implicated in PCD becauseinhibitors of papain-like enzymes (i.e. cystatins) werefound to suppress PCD in soybean cells and in trans-genic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants (Solomon et al.1999 Belenghi et al. 2003).

While the available data support an involvement ofplant proteases with caspase-like properties and cleavagespecificity in the initiation of PCD in plants, it is stillunclear whether or not these enzymes are also struc-turally related to their animal counterparts. Indeed,close plant homologs of animal caspases apparently donot exist. Recently, however, a family of distantlyrelated putative cysteine proteases has been identified,i.e. the metacaspases (Uren et al. 2000). Metacaspasesare represented by nine genes in Arabidopsis and a to-mato metacaspase was found to be upregulated duringpathogen-induced cell death (Hoeberichts et al. 2003).While metacaspases are candidate enzymes for a cas-pase-like function in plants, a direct involvement in PCDby reverse-genetic approaches and caspase-like activityremains to be demonstrated.

As compared to the candidate gene approach, thequestion of whether or not plant cysteine proteases withAsp-specificity (i.e. caspases) exist is more directly ad-dressed by the purification of such activities from planttissues and the identification of the respective enzymes.This approach has recently been taken by Chichkovaet al. (2004). In this study, the Agrobacterium VirD2protein was identified as a potential caspase substrate ina computer-assisted search, and shown to be processedby human caspase-3. Using a green fluorescent protein(GFP)–VirD2 fusion protein transiently expressed intobacco leaves as a reporter, the induction of a caspase-

like activity during tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-induced hypersensitive cell death was monitored in vivo.A synthetic peptide inhibitor was designed based on thecleavage site in the VirD2 protein and was found tocounteract TMV-induced cell death. The activity hasbeen partially purified from tobacco leaf tissue and wastentatively confirmed as a cysteine protease (Chichkovaet al. 2004). A more detailed characterization of thisinteresting enzyme seems to be only a matter of time.The last word, so far, in this controversial issue was hadby Coffeen and Wolpert (2004) who purified two highlysimilar Asp-specific proteases from oat leaves that hadbeen treated with the mycotoxin victorin to induce celldeath. These enzymes, apparently involved in a proteo-lytic cascade leading to PCD, turned out not to be cys-teine proteases but serine proteases and, in analogy toanimal caspases, were named saspase-1 and -2 (Asp-specific serine protease). Saspases belong to the S8family of subtilisin-like serine proteases, which will bediscussed in more detail in the following section.

Serine proteases

The class of serine proteases appears to be the largestclass of proteases in plants. The MEROPS database lists248 enzymes for Arabidopsis representing 8 of the known12 clans. Three of them, the chymotrypsin PA(S), sub-tilisin (SB), and carboxypeptidase D (SC) clans, share acommon reaction mechanism based on a well-charac-terized ‘‘catalytic triad’’ comprising a serine, an asparticacid, and a histidine residue (Fig. 1). While functionallysimilar, the protein folds of the three clans and thearrangement of the three catalytically important residuesin the primary structure are different, providing astriking example of convergent evolution. The enzymesselected for discussion in this chapter belong to familyS8A in clan SB (subtilases) and family S10 in clan SC(carboxypeptidases), which together comprise more thanhalf of all the serine proteases in Arabidopsis. The size ofboth of these families, being much larger in plants ascompared to animals, may point to the acquisition ofnew, plant-specific functions in the course of evolution.

Serine carboxypeptidases

A well-established function of serine carboxypeptidases(SCPs) is protein turnover for the mobilization ofN-resources as it occurs during seed germination andwound stress, and part of their diversity has beenattributed to differences in substrate specificity(Walker-Simmons and Ryan 1980; Mehta et al. 1996;Moura et al. 2001; Dal Degan et al. 1994; Granatet al. 2003, and references therein). SCPs have alsobeen implicated in the autolysis of cellular constituentsduring PCD (Domınguez and Cejudo 1998; Domın-guez et al. 2002), in brassinosteroid signaling (Li et al.2001), and seed development (Cercos et al. 2003). The


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surprising diversity of SCPs, however, may rather beexplained by the acquisition of novel, non-proteolyticfunctions: apparently, in the course of evolution, SCPswere recruited by plant secondary metabolism to cat-alyze the transfer of acyl groups (transacylations;Steffens 2000; Milkowski and Strack 2004). SCP-likeenzymes were shown to catalyze the regiospecific for-mation of diacylglucose (1,2-di-O-acylglucose), sina-poylmalate, and sinapoylcholine using the respectiveglucose esters (1-O-acylglucose, 1-O-sinapoylglucose)as acyl donors (Lehfeldt et al. 2000; Li and Steffens2000; Shirley et al. 2001; Shirley and Chapple 2003;Milkowski et al. 2004). Considering the chemicalsimilarity between ester and peptide bonds, this findingis easily reconciled with the reaction mechanism ofserine proteases: during catalysis, the active-site serineis acylated as a consequence of its nucleophilic attackat the carbonyl carbon of either peptide or esterbonds. A covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate is formedwhich is then hydrolyzed, resulting in proteolytic oresterolytic activity of the enzyme (Fig. 1). In the caseof transacylation, on the other hand, the acyl-enzymeintermediate is cleaved not by water (step 3 in Fig. 1)but by the second substrate (acylglucose, choline, ormalate; Steffens 2000). To favor cleavage by the acylacceptor and to prevent hydrolysis, SCP-like acyl-transferases appear either to shield the active site andeliminate water or else to activate the hydroxyl groupof the acceptor rendering it a stronger nucleophile ascompared to water. Experiments designed to differen-tiate between the two possible mechanisms give a stillcontroversial picture, supporting either one of the twoscenarios (Milkowski and Strack 2004). Possibly, bothmechanisms have been implemented by nature duringthe evolution of different SCP-like acyltransferases.

The limited data available do not allow an identifi-cation of SCPs as peptidases or acyltransferases merelyon the basis of their amino acid sequence. Therefore,some conclusions relating to the function of carboxy-peptidases may have to be re-evaluated. For example,the BRS1 gene product in Arabidopsis, coding for anSCP-like enzyme, was shown to suppress brassinosteroidinsensitivity in a brassinosteroid perception mutant(bri1). Active-site mutants of BRS1 (S181F and H438Aof the catalytic triad) lacked this activity and it wasconcluded that a carboxypeptidase processes a proteininvolved in an early step of brassinosteroid signaling (Liet al. 2001). Since the proteolytic and transacylaseactivities of SCP-like enzymes rely on the same mecha-nism for catalysis, these mutations would have affectedboth activities equally, and BRS1 may as well be atransacylase rather than a carboxypeptidase.

Considering the versatility of the catalytic triad ofserine proteases (Fig. 1), the size of the S10 family ofcarboxypeptidase-like enzymes, and the demands of acomplex secondary metabolism, a broader role ofSCP-like enzymes, and possibly also subtilases, in theformation of secondary plant compounds may beanticipated (Milkowski and Strack 2004).

Fig. 1 reaction mechanism of a serine protease. The catalytictriad of the protease is highlighted in yellow, the parts of thesubstrate amino- and carboxy-terminal to the scissile bond ingreen and purple, respectively. Broken lines indicate hydrogenbonds and the continuation of the polypeptide chain of thesubstrate. The reaction is initiated by a nucleophilic attack of theactive-site serine at the carbonyl C of the scissile bond andtransfer of a proton from the serine hydroxyl to the active sitehistidine (1.). The proton transfer is facilitated by the catalytictriad with aspartate stabilizing the developing positive charge.The proton is then donated to the nitrogen atom and the peptidebond is thus cleaved (2.). The amino-terminal part of thesubstrate is esterified to the enzyme serine in a covalent acylintermediate and the carboxy-terminal part is released. Thiscompletes the acylation stage of the reaction (1. and 2.). Thedeacylation (3. and 4.) is a reversal of the acylation, with H2Osubstituting for the amine component of the substrate


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Subtilases are characterized by a unique arrangement ofthe Asp, His, and Ser residues in the catalytic triad of theactive site and constitute the S8 family within the clanSB of serine proteases. The MEROPS database groupssubtilases into two subfamilies, those of true subtilisins(S8A subfamily), including the prototypical subtilisinCarlsberg from Bacillus licheniformis, and kexins (S8Bsubfamily). Kexin was identified in 1988 as the firsteukaryotic subtilase, required in yeast for the processingof the precursors of the a-mating factor pheromone andof killer toxin (Fulleret al. 1988). The interest in subti-lases was greatly stimulated when it was discovered inthe 1990s that the mammalian homologs of kexin are thelong-sought proprotein convertases, responsible inmammals for the formation of peptide hormones,growth factors, neuropeptides, and receptor proteinsfrom inactive proproteins by limited proteolysis athighly specific sites (Barr 1991; Seidah et al. 1994). Ninesubtilases have been identified in mammals, seven in thekexin subfamily and two in the subtilisin subfamily(Sakai et al. 1998; Seidah et al. 1999, 2003). While kexinsappear to be absent from plants, 56 genes predicted toencode functional subtilisins have been annotated in theArabidopsis genome (http://csbdb.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/csbdb/dbcawp/psdb.html; for detailed information onthe organization of the gene family the reader is referredto the recent article of Beers et al. (2004) and genes and/or cDNAs of 15 subtilisin-like proteases have beencloned from tomato (Meichtry et al. 1999). Despite theirprevalence, our current understanding of subtilasefunction in plants is still very limited.

A number of proteases have been purified from planttissues and classified as subtilases based on their cata-lytic properties and/or primary structure (see e.g.Bogacheva 1999; Fontanini and Jones 2002; Popovicet al. 2002, and references therein). Most of these en-zymes are highly abundant and exhibit broad substratespecificity. They are thus believed to function as non-selective enzymes in general protein turnover. Examplesof degradative subtilases are cucumisin, which consti-tutes up to 10% of the soluble protein in melon fruit andcleaves a broad variety of peptide and protein substratesat the carboxy side of charged amino acids (Kaneda andTominaga 1975; Yamagata et al. 1994; Uchikoba et al.1995), and macluralisin from the fruits of Maclurapomifera for which similar characteristics have been re-ported (Rudenskaya et al. 1995). Considering the com-plexity of the subtilase gene family, which seems toexceed the needs for merely degradative functions, it istempting to speculate that plant subtilases, like theirmammalian homologs, may perform more specific rolesin the processing of precursor proteins to regulategrowth and development by limited proteolysis. Suchprocessing proteases would be expected to exhibit muchmore stringent substrate requirements as compared todegradative enzymes in non-selective protein turnover.Biochemical characterization has in fact revealed high

selectivity for specific cleavage sites for the subtilasesAra12 from Arabidopsis (Hamilton et al. 2003), LeSBT1from tomato (Janzik et al. 2000) and C1 from soybean(Boyd et al. 2002), and for two highly related saspasesfrom oat (Coffeen and Wolpert 2004). The saspases re-quire Asp in the P1 position of their substrates and havebeen implicated in a proteolytic cascade for pro-grammed cell death (Coffeen and Wolpert 2004). The C1subtilase, showing strong preference for Glu–Glu andGlu–Gln bonds, was shown to initiate the breakdown ofsoybean storage proteins (a-conglycinin) by limitedproteolysis in the N-terminal region (Boyd et al. 2002).The LeSBT1 and Ara12 subtilases show a preference forGln and hydrophobic residues in the P1 positions oftheir respective substrates (Janzik et al. 2000; Hamiltonet al. 2003). Their physiological substrates, however,have not been identified and the suggested role as pro-protein convertase-like processing enzymes remains tobe demonstrated.

This is true for the majority of plant subtilases forwhich certain physiological roles are supported only bycircumstantial evidence mostly derived from stress-in-duced-, tissue-, or development-specific patterns ofexpression. Tomato P69, for example, has been impli-cated in pathogen defense as it was identified initially asa pathogenesis-related protein and was later shown to beone of several closely related subtilases that are specifi-cally induced following pathogen infection (Vera andConejero 1988; Tornero et al. 1996; Jorda et al. 1999).The P69s form a distinct subgroup among the 15 clonedtomato subtilases, most of which are expressed in a tis-sue-specific manner (Meichtry et al. 1999). Tomato tmp,like its ortholog in lily (Lim9) has been implicated inmicrosporogenesis based on its highly tissue- anddevelopment-specific expression in anthers during latestages of pollen development (Taylor et al. 1997; Riggsand Horsch 1995). The Arabidopsis subtilases XSP1 andAIR1 appear to be involved in xylem differentiation andlateral root formation, as indicated by the specificexpression in the respective tissues (Neuteboom et al.1999; Zhao et al. 2000). Tissue-specific and develop-mentally regulated expression was also shown for theArabidopsis subtilases SLP2 (subtilisin-like protease 2),SLP3, and ARA12 (Golldack et al. 2003; Hamilton et al.2003). Other examples include ag12, which appears to beinvolved in Alnus in the development of root nodules fornitrogen fixation (Ribeiro et al. 1995), and a seed coat-specific subtilase in soybean (Batchelor et al. 2000).Indirect evidence was obtained also for the involvementof a subtilase in the processing of systemin (Schaller andRyan 1994) and the presence of subtilases in the plantsecretory pathway (Kinal et al. 1995, Jiang and Rogers1999). In all of the above examples however, a clearcause-and-effect relationship between the observed pat-tern of expression and the suspected role in defense ordevelopment remains to be established.

Strongest support for a role as processing proteases isderived from the characterization of Arabidopsis loss-of-function mutants, which identified subtilases as


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highly specific regulators of plant development. In theArabidopsis sdd1 mutant (stomatal density and distribu-tion 1) the pattern of stomata formation is disrupted,resulting in the clustering of stomata and a higher thannormal stomatal density. The SDD1 gene was identifiedby positional cloning and was found to encode a subti-lase (Berger and Altmann 2000). The SDD1 protease istransiently expressed in the precursors of stomates, i.e.meristemoids and guard mother cells. It is secreted intothe apoplast where it is thought to act as a processingprotease in the generation of a signal responsible forregulation of stomatal density (von Groll et al. 2002).Likewise, the gene disrupted in the ale1 mutant (abnor-mal leaf shape 1) was cloned and found to encode asubtilase. ALE1 is required for cuticle formation andepidermal differentiation during embryo development inArabidopsis. A role for ALE1 in the generation of apeptide signal required for the proper differentiation ofthe epidermis was suggested (Tanaka et al. 2001).

The mutant phenotypes of sdd1 and ale1 demonstratethat (at least some) subtilases serve highly specificfunctions in plant development. Their mode of action inthe regulation of the respective developmental processesis still unknown but has been interpreted within theframework set by mammalian subtilases: SDD1 andALE1 may be required for the generation of(poly)peptide signals which act non-cell-autonomouslyto control plant development. This notion is supportedby the interesting observation that SDD1 depends onTMM (Too Many Mouths), a member of the largeleucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK)family in Arabidopsis and required for regulation ofstomatal density (Nadeau and Sack 2002; von Grollet al. 2002). In LRR-RLKs, the extracellular LRR do-main is a typical protein–protein-interaction modulethought to be responsible for the binding of (poly)pep-tide ligands leading to kinase activation (Yin et al. 2002).SDD1 and TMM appear to be involved in the same cell-to-cell communication system and it is an intriguingpossibility that the subtilase SDD1 is involved in theprocessing of the ligand for the TMM receptor kinase.

Aspartic proteases

The MEROPS database lists 158 aspartic proteases(APs) for Arabidopsis in 3 families, i.e. the family ofpresenilins (A22), uncharacterized in plants but crucialto the development of Alzheimer’s disease in humans,the large family of retrotransposon proteases (A11), andthe pepsin family (A1). The 59 A1 proteases from Ara-bidopsis have recently been annotated and grouped intofive distinct subfamilies (Beers et al. 2004) one of which,the phytepsins, has been investigated in considerabledetail (Chen et al. 2002b). Phytepsins, originally char-acterized from barley seeds (Runeberg-Roos et al. 1991;Sarkkinen et al. 1992), are most closely related tomammalian cathepsin D and yeast vacuolar protein-ase A. They are distinguished from their non-plant

homologs by an insertion of approximately 100 aminoacids, the so-called plant-specific insert, C-terminal ofthe two D-T/S-G active-site motifs. The name is notquite appropriate, however, since the plant-specificinsert is absent not only from mammalian and microbialAPs but also from other members of the plant A1family. The plant-specific insert is homologous to sa-posins (i.e. lysosomal sphingolipid-activating enzymes inmammalian cells) and, therefore, more adequately de-scribed as the saposin-like domain (SLD). The SLD maycontribute to the substrate specificity of APs (Payie et al.2003) and, because of its membrane-permeabilizingactivity, a role in plant defense has been proposed (Egaset al. 2000). Most importantly, the SLD was shown to berequired for the exit of the proenzyme from the ER andtargeting to the vacuole (Ramalho-Santos et al. 1998;Kervinen et al. 1999; Tormakangas et al. 2001). In thevacuole, prophytepsins are proteolytically processed toyield the active enzyme. The SLD may be retainedresulting in a monomeric AP or processed to yield aheterodimeric enzyme of two disulfide-linked polypep-tide chains (Mutlu and Gal 1999).

Biochemical and structural analyses have shed lighton the mechanisms involved in zymogen processing, thefunction of the prodomain in the inactivation of pro-phytepsins, and the role of the SLD in protein sorting(reviewed by Simoes and Faro 2004). Our currentknowledge about the physiological roles of phytepsins(and other APs), however, is still very limited and basedmostly on indirect evidence derived from specificexpression patterns, co-localization studies with putativeprotein substrates, and degradation or processing of thesuspected substrates in vitro. Phytepsins have thus beenimplicated in the processing of seed storage proteins innumerous plant species, in protein degradation for themobilization of nitrogen resources during seed germi-nation, organ senescence, and cell death, in defenseagainst microbial pathogens and insect herbivores, andin pollen/pistil interaction. These data have beenreviewed in several recent reviews and will not becovered here in any more detail (Mutlu and Gal 1999;Beers et al. 2004; Simoes and Faro 2004). I will ratherdiscuss the few novel APs described recently outside thephytepsin family.

Carnivorous pitcher plants (Nepenthes) accumulate adigestive fluid containing APs in their insect-trappingorgans. Two APs, nepenthesins I and II have recentlybeen purified and characterized from the pitcher fluid ofN. distillattoria and the corresponding cDNAs havebeen cloned from N. gracilis (Athauda et al. 2004). Thetwo nepenthesins lacked the SLD of phytepsins and werefound to belong to a distinct subfamily of APs.Nepenthesins appear to be well adapted to their diges-tive function in an extreme environment: they werefound to be extraordinarily stable up to 50�C over awide pH range and exhibited a somewhat broader sub-strate specificity as compared to other APs. Nepenthe-sin I cleaved the insulin B chain at five major sites ascompared to three cleavage sites for pepsin A and


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cathepsin D (Athauda et al. 2004). Nepenthesins may bejust two of a battery of APs in the digestive fluid ofpitcher plants, since two phytepsin-type APs were pre-viously found to be expressed specifically in the digestiveglands in the lower part of the pitchers, which is con-sistent with the proposed role in the digestion of theinsect prey (An et al. 2002).

Despite their prevalence in the Arabidopsis genome,very few APs without SLD have hitherto been charac-terized from plants. Other than nepenthesins, they in-clude nucellin and CND41 implicated in the PCD of thenucellus and the negative regulation of chloroplast geneexpression, respectively (Chen and Foolad 1997; Mura-kami et al 2000). The latest addition to this group of APsis CDR1, which functions in Arabidopsis disease resis-tance signaling (Xia et al. 2004). The CDR1 gene(CONSTITUTIVE DISEASE RESISTANCE 1) wasidentified by T-DNA activation tagging in a screen forgain-of-function mutants that show enhanced resistanceto bacterial infection. Loss of CDR1 function, on theother hand, compromised the resistance to avirulentbacteria and increased susceptibility to virulent strains.CDR1 was found to encode an extracellular AP theactivity of which is required for the mounting of sali-cylic-acid-dependent disease resistance. Intriguingly, thelocal activation of CDR1 was shown to mediate a mo-bile signal for the induction of systemic defense re-sponses, suggesting that the long-sought signal moleculefor long-distance signaling of systemic acquired resis-tance may be a peptide released by the proteolyticactivity of CDR1 (Xia et al. 2004).


Metalloproteases rely on a divalent cation for activity,most commonly zinc, but also cobalt or manganese,which functions in catalysis by activating a water mol-ecule for nucleophilic attack of the scissile peptide bond.Of the six catalytic types of protease, metalloproteasesare the most diverse in terms of both structure andfunction. More than 50 families have been identified in24 clans. The Arabidopsis genome comprises 81 genes formetalloproteases in 12 different clans. Metalloproteasesin plants include exo- and endopeptidases in many dif-ferent subcellular locations, with merely degradative orhighly specific processing function. Only very few ofthese enzymes have been characterized to date. I willconcentrate here on two of them, leucine aminopepti-dase and stromal processing peptidase.

Leucine aminopeptidase

Leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs; M17 family, clan MF)are ubiquitous enzymes, conserved between prokaryotes,animals, and plants (Bartling and Weiler 1992). In allorganisms investigated, active LAPs are oligomers of sixidentical subunits. The primary structure of the subunits

is conserved as well, in particular the C-termini con-taining the invariant zinc-binding residues. Theinvolvement of these residues in catalysis and therequirement of homo-hexamer formation for activitywere confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis for tomatoLAP-A (Gu and Walling 2002). The similarity of LAPsfrom different kingdoms extends to the reaction mech-anism and the substrate specificity: a comparison ofsubstrate specificity between porcine, Escherichia coli,and tomato LAPs showed that all three enzymes effi-ciently cleave N-terminal Leu, Arg and Met but not Aspor Gly residues. The three enzymes were found to besimilar also in their preference for amino acids in thepenultimate position but differed in their tolerance ofaromatic amino acids at the N-termini of their substrates(Gu and Walling 2000, 2002).

The function of eukaryotic LAPs is not entirelyunderstood. LAP in animals is an abundant protein ofthe eye lens and may be involved in the degradation ofcrystalline protein deposits (Taylor et al. 1982). Theremarkable stability of LAPs is a prerequisite for theirrole as eye lens proteins in animals and is also observedfor LAPs of plant origin (Bartling and Weiler 1992;Herbers et al. 1994; Gu et al. 1999). Both animal andplant LAPs may be important for the regulation ofprotein half-life, which is largely influenced by theN-terminal amino acid residue (the ‘‘N-end-rule’’; Var-shavsky 1996). Cleavage of the N-terminal amino acidmay either remove or expose a destabilizing residue andresult in the stabilization of the respective protein or intargeting for degradation by the ubiquitin/proteasomesystem. Antisense suppression of LAPs in tomato andcomparison of protein extracts between wild-type andantisense plants, however, did not reveal reproducibledifferences in protein composition during two-dimen-sional gel electrophoresis (Pautot et al. 2001). Likewise,in potato, no phenotypic alterations were observed be-tween wild-type and LAP antisense plants (Herbers et al.1994). In antisense-inhibited potato plants, LAP tran-scripts were reduced below the detection limit while 80%of the activity persisted in leaf extracts. Therefore, thelack of a discernable phenotype may be explained byadditional peptidases with redundant activities (Herberset al. 1994). Indeed, the analysis of the Arabidopsisgenome indicates the existence of further aminopeptid-ases in families M1 (alanyl aminopeptidases), M18 (as-partyl aminopeptidases), and M24 (methionylaminopeptidases and aminopeptidase P) of metallopro-teases. The only plant enzyme characterized from any ofthese families, however, aminopeptidase P from tomato(Hauser et al. 2001), is specific for amino-terminal Xaa-Pro bonds and is thus not likely to contribute to theresidual LAP activity in antisense-inhibited potatoleaves.

In addition to the common LAP (LAP-N) which isconstitutively present in all plant species (Bartling andNosek 1994; Chao et al. 2000), some plants of thenightshade family have additional LAPs (LAP-A1 andA2 in tomato) expressed in the reproductive organs


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during normal development and upregulated via theoctadecanoid signaling pathway under several stressconditions, including osmotic stress, wounding, andpathogen infection (Hildmann et al. 1992; Pautot et al.1993, 2001; Schaller et al. 1995; Chao et al. 1999). LAPis thought to facilitate the mobilization of C and N re-sources from cells committed to die and to enhanceprotein turnover to allow for metabolic reprogrammingin response to herbivore or pathogen attack (Gu et al.1999). A similar role during jasmonic acid-inducedsenescence has also been suggested (Herbers et al. 1994).

Stromal processing peptidase and other M16 peptidases

The vast majority of chloroplast proteins are nuclear-encoded, translated in the cytosol as larger precursorproteins, and posttranslationally imported into theplastids. Import of the precursor proteins relies on anamino-terminal targeting signal, the transit peptide,which is proteolytically removed in the plastid stroma.Considering, on the one hand, the abundance of chlo-roplast proteins and, on the other hand, the importanceof plastids for photosynthesis, plant development, andthe biosynthetic capacity of plants, cleavage of thetransit peptide may well be the most important post-translational protein modification in the plant cell(Richter and Lamppa 2002). Removal of the transitpeptide is catalyzed by stromal processing peptidase(SPP), a soluble metalloprotease similar to pitrilysin,insulin-degrading enzyme, and the b-subunit of mito-chondrial processing peptidase (family M16 in clan MEof metalloproteases; VanderVere et al. 1995; Richter andLamppa 1998). Precursor-protein processing involves atleast three steps. The initial recognition of the precursorprotein is independent of SPP activity but depends on aninteraction of the N-terminal domain of the proteaseand the C-terminal 10–15 residues of the transit peptide.Subsequently, in a first endoproteolytic reaction, themature protein is released but the transit peptideremains bound to SPP. A second cleavage reaction dis-rupts the binding site in the C-terminal region of thetransit peptide and the subfragments are released. Bothproteolytic events depend on the HXXEH Zn-bindingmotif close to the amino-terminus of SPP (Richter andLamppa 1999, 2003). Antisense suppression of the singleSPP gene in Arabidopsis showed that SSP is an essentialcomponent of the chloroplast protein import machineryand necessary for chloroplast biogenesis and plant sur-vival (Zhong et al. 2003). Interestingly, chloroplast im-port of GFP equipped with an amino-terminal transitpeptide was impaired in SPP-antisense lines, indicatingthat SPP-mediated maturation of the protein in thechloroplast stroma is not an isolated event but affectsearlier steps in the import pathway (Zhong et al. 2003).

Despite the enormous amount of protein importedinto plastids—an uptake rate of 2.5·104 proteins perminute per chloroplast has been estimated for the fer-redoxin precursor in vitro (Pilon et al. 1992)—cleaved

transit peptides have not been observed to accumulate invitro or in vivo. Hence, a proteolytic system for selectiveelimination of the transit peptide from the chloroplaststroma has been postulated and tentatively identified asa soluble ATP-dependent metalloprotease (Richter andLamppa 1999, 2002). Similarly in mitochondria, a pro-tease(s) must exist for the removal of targeting peptides,which are potentially harmful due to their membrane-permeabilizing activity. In fact, a presequence-degradingprotease (PreP) has recently been isolated chromato-graphically from potato tuber mitochondria and iden-tified as a zinc-dependent metalloprotease (Zn-MP;Stahl et al. 2002). Intriguingly, the Arabidopsis homolog(AtZn-MP) was found to cleave both mitochondrial andchloroplast targeting peptides in vitro and, furthermore,was targeted to both mitochondria and chloroplasts invivo (Bhushan et al. 2003; Moberg et al. 2003). The datastrongly indicate that the degradation of targeting se-quences is ATP-independent and catalyzed by Zn-MP, ametalloprotease with dual function and ambiguoustargeting to plastids and mitochondria.

Incidentally, the two proteases catalyzing the removaland the degradation of the targeting sequence are highlyrelated. SPP and Zn-MP belong to subfamilies M16Band M16C in clan ME, respectively. The remainingsubfamily, M16A, comprises homologs of the mamma-lian insulin-degrading enzyme with two representativesin the Arabidopsis genome. The tomato homolog hasbeen cloned in a screen for proteases able to cleave thepolypeptide wound hormone systemin (Pearce et al.1991), suggesting a role in the regulation of the woundresponse (Strassner et al. 2002). While the recombinantenzyme expressed in E. coli was shown to cleave andinactivate systemin in vitro, such a function remains tobe demonstrated in vivo (Strassner et al. 2002). A dis-tinguishing feature of all the proteases in the M16 familyseems to be the lack of preference for certain aminoacids as determinants of substrate specificity. Potentialsubstrates appear to be recognized by higher-orderstructural features (or the lack thereof) rather thanspecific motifs in the primary amino acid sequence(Kurochkin 2001; Richter and Lamppa 2002; Moberget al. 2003).

Concluding remarks

Facing more than 600 different proteases in theArabidopsis genome, this review does little more thantouch the tip of the iceberg. This is partly the fault of theauthor who selected proteases from the main catalyticgroups according to personal preference and interest,albeit trying to highlight areas that have seen substantialprogress in recent years, or discuss subjects that are stilla matter of controversy. Nevertheless, the choice is asubjective one and I am guilty of neglecting otherimportant enzymes. Omission of the catalytic group ofthreonine peptidases may be justifiable since they aretypical of the 26S proteasome, which has been the focus


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of many recent review articles (see Introduction forreferences). Also neglected were large groups of prote-ases in chloroplasts and mitochondria, like the ATP-dependent Clp, Lon, and FtsH proteases, as well as theDegP-like enzymes, which may be equally important inthe regulation of physiological processes and develop-ment (Kuroda and Maliga 2003). For more informationon these interesting proteolytic systems the reader isreferred to recent review articles (Adam et al. 2001;Adam and Clarke 2002). Furthermore, there areemerging fields like that of plant matrix metallopro-teases (matrixins), which have not been covered here butare likely to attract considerable attention in the future(Maidment et al. 1999; Golldack et al. 2002). Notwith-standing the omissions, I hope that the selected topicsgive an impression of the mechanisms, the proteasesinvolved, and also the potential for proteases in thecontrol of plant development. Stimulated by the recog-nition of proteolysis as an important regulator in allstages of the plant life cycle, the whole field is rapidlyexpanding and we are likely to witness in the near futurethe discovery of many more proteases intricatelyinvolved in plant development.


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