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Florence Elementary School 2019-2020 Parent-Student Handbook School Phone Number 715-528-3262

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FlorenceElementary School

2019-2020Parent-Student Handbook

School Phone Number715-528-3262

5844 Bill Anderson DriveFlorence, WI  54121www.myflorence.org

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Table of Contents

Content PageAcademic Standards 3Arrival Time 3Attendance/Absences    Compulsory Student Attendance/Student Attendance Procedures    Tardy, Student Sign-Out    Dismissal


Behavior Expectations 4Bikes 5Breakfast 5Bus Guidelines & Discipline 5Class Lists 6Closing/Cancellations/Delays    Closing School Early Because of Weather or Emergencies     Cancellations/Delayed Start


Collections of Receipts & Box Tops 6Conferences 6Directory Data Information 6Dress Code 7Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) 7Emergency Cards 7Emergency Procedures - Fire and Tornado Drills 7Field Trips Annual Field Trip Acknowledgment


Friday Folders 8Fundraisers 9Harassment 9Homework 9Injuries/Illnesses    Lice Screening Procedures


Internet Student Acceptable Use of Technology Rules


Library Media Center (LMC) 14Lost and Found 14Lunch Program    RevTrak    Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility


Medication 16Mission Statement 16Newspapers 16Office Hours 16Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) 17Personal Possessions    Cell Phones & Electronic Communication Devices


Physical Education 17Recess 17Report Cards 17School Counseling 17Snacks 18Special Needs 18Testing 18Title I 18Visitors 19Volunteers 19Website & Social Media 19


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ACADEMIC STANDARDS FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF FLORENCE COUNTYThe School District of Florence County has adopted the Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. The District is utilizing a combination of Next Generation Science Standards and Wisconsin Model Academic Standards in science instruction. All other academic content areas are supported by the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.  

ARRIVAL TIMEThe Florence Elementary School doors open automatically at 7:45 A.M. each morning.   STUDENTS ARRIVING AT SCHOOL BEFORE 7:45 A.M. will stay outside the building until the doors open automatically. Student supervision inside the building is not available prior to 7:45 AM. The first bell rings at 8:10 A.M. with classes beginning promptly at 8:15 A.M.  The school day ends at 3:15 P.M.    Children have the opportunity to eat breakfast from 7:50-8:10 A.M.

ATTENDANCE/ABSENCESCompulsory Student Attendance:All children between the ages of 6 and 18, and those enrolled in kindergarten, in the School District of Florence County must attend school full time until the end of the term, quarter, or semester in which they become 18 years of age unless they have a legal excuse. Ordinances and/or legislation developed at the municipal, county, or state level shall be adhered to as it affects school attendance.

To report a student’s absence, please call Florence Elementary School Absence Line 715-528-3262, Option 3, then Option 1

Student Attendance Procedures:1. School Attendance Officer

a. The principal or designee shall serve as the school attendance officer for each school in the district.  The school attendance officer shall deal with all matters relating to school attendance and truancy.

2. Student Absences and Excusesa. The student’s parent(s) or guardians(s) are responsible for regular school attendance.b. Daily Excused Absences – All daily excused absences require parent/guardian/legal custodian verification which is to be

submitted to the school attendance officer or designee on the day of the absence via correspondence in person, electronically or phone unless the absence has received prior approval of the school attendance officer or designee. If the parent/guardian/legal custodian does not notify the school of the child’s absence, there is a 24 hour window to reply to the school attendance officer from the time of initial contact from the school.

Pre-Planned Absences - Anticipated absences for three (3) or more consecutive days require a note from the student’s parent or guardian and completion of a Pre-Planned Absence form available from the main office. Please return the completed form to the office three (3) days prior to the scheduled absence date.   If a Pre-Planned Absence form is not returned to the office prior to the absence date, the student’s absence may be unexcused. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the assigned homework.

The student’s academic progress may be taken into consideration when determining the approval of a Pre-Planned absence as “excused”. The classroom teacher(s) recommendations will be highly considered by the school principal. Previous attendance history and “on-track readiness” will be factors in this decision. The parent’s right to pre-excuse his/her child’s absence in writing for any reason for up to ten (10) days in a school year will also be taken into consideration.

The school attendance officer is empowered to approve a legal excuse to any student beyond five (5) days in a semester or ten (10) days in a school year for the following reasons:

(1) Evidence that the student is not in proper physical or mental condition to attend school or an educational program.   The district may request the parent / guardian to obtain a written statement from a physician or licensed practitioner as proof of the physical or mental condition of the student.   Such excuse shall be made in writing, state the period of time for which it is valid, and shall not exceed thirty (30) school days.

(2) An emergency in the family or other crisis which requires the absence of the student because of family responsibilities.(3) Medical, dental, chiropractic, optometry or other valid professional appointment.  Parents or guardians are requested to make the

appointments during non-school hours.   Verification of appointment (such as a doctor’s note or appointment card) is required. (4) A death in the immediate family; funeral for relatives or close friends.(5) Religious holidays.(6) Family trips that can be taken only during the normal school term.   The intent of this statement is to provide the opportunity for students

to accompany their parent(s)/guardian on vacation when it cannot be scheduled while school is not in session.  Please complete and return a Pre-Planned Absence form to the office three (3) days prior to the pending absence date.   Student vacations or trips without parent / guardian accompaniment are not excused absences without specific prior approval of the school attendance officer.


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(7) A court appearance or other legal procedure which requires the attendance of the student.(8) A quarantine as imposed by a public health officer.(9) Attendance at special events of educational value as approved by the school attendance officer or designee.(10) Approved school activities during class time.(11) Special circumstances that show good cause which are approved by the school attendance officer or designee

c. Excessive Absences – Parents / guardians shall be notified in writing when students have accumulated three (3); five (5), eight (8), and ten (10) absences. After ten (10) absences (excused or unexcused), parent guardian may be required to meet with building principal, unless the student is under doctor’s treatment and a written statement from a physician or licensed practitioner is on file.

d. Excused absences beyond ten (10) require submitting a medical excuse in writing (building administrators use their discretion). The absence is unexcused without a written medical excuse.

e. Truancy/Unexcused Absences – “Truancy” means part or all of any absence of one or more school days during which the school has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent / guardian of the absent student; and/or intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of the compulsory attendance law. Parents / guardians shall be notified when a student has an unexcused absence(s).  Notices shall be made by personal contact, mail or telephone call of which a written record is kept.   Notice by personal contact or telephone shall be attempted prior to notice by mail. Consequences for unexcused absences shall be determined by the building principal.

f. Habitual Truancy – “Habitual truant” means a student who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for: - Part or all of five (5) or more days on which school is held during a semester.  Part of the day will be defined as the first 30 minutes of instruction. - The parent / guardian of a student who is a habitual truant shall be notified by certified or registered mail when the student initially becomes a habitual truant.  Proceedings may be brought against a parent / guardian in the form of a formal referral to the Florence County Department of Social Services, Florence County Sheriff’s Department, and citations in accordance to Wisconsin state statutes.

g.        Make-Up Assignments /Examinations –It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for make-up assignments.   The teacher will determine the due date for the make-up work.   If your child is absent, parents/guardians may call the school to make arrangements for their child’s school work to be picked up or sent home with a designee. With an extended absence, make-up work should be turned in as it is completed.

TARDYChildren are considered tardy if arriving at school after the 8:15 A.M. bell.   Children should arrive at school no later than 8:10 A.M to be ready to start learning at 8:15 A.M.   Tardy children must be accompanied into the school office by an adult; signed in by the adult; and receive a pass from the office to be admitted to class.   Parent must contact the school prior to 8:10 A.M. for the tardy to be excused.  If late for a valid reason (dentist or doctor appointment with a note) and arriving within the first half hour of the instructional day, the tardy is excused. Children arriving after the first half hour of an instructional day will be marked absent.

STUDENT SIGN-OUTIf a student must leave during the school day, the parent/guardian should notify the school with a written note or email to school that morning regarding the early dismissal. The parent/guardian or parent designee (ONLY with written permission) must come to the office to sign the time, date, and reason for removing the child from the building.  The student will be called from the classroom to meet the parent in the office. If returning to school before dismissal, children must be accompanied into the school office by an adult; signed in by the adult; and receive a pass from the office to be admitted to class.  This will prevent the child from being marked absent for the portion of the day remaining, after returning to school.

DISMISSAL (Bus Students)Phone calls will not be accepted! Please go to our school website, transportation tab, and fill out a bus form if your child will not be riding the bus, or riding a different bus after school. Phone calls will not be accepted!



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BIKESBikes may be used as transportation to and from school ONLY.   Bikes may not be ridden on school grounds and are to be walked to the bike area and locked securely upon arrival.  Loitering around the bike area or handling bikes belonging to others is not permitted.   The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen bikes.  All bike riders must wait for all buses to leave before exiting school grounds.

BREAKFASTThe School District of Florence County offers a nutritious breakfast to students each day.   Breakfast at the Florence Elementary School is served from 7:50 A.M. to 8:10 A.M. Monday through Friday on regular school days. Breakfast is not served on late starts. Free and reduced meal eligibility forms are available in any of the school offices.

BUS GUIDELINES & DISCIPLINEKeep in mind that riding the school bus is a privilege. This privilege can be revoked if your child is not willing to follow the regulations necessary to insure the safety and comfort of all passengers.

Loading of Bus (on the road near home and at school):1. Arrive at the designated school bus stop 5 minutes prior to the pick-up time.2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.3. Do not move toward the bus at the school loading zone until buses have been brought to a complete stop.4. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter the school bus.

Bus Guidelines:1. Be respectful to other people and property.2. Do not destroy bus property. Costs to repair any damage to seats, etc. will be paid by the offender.3. Do not use profanity.4. Do not eat or drink on the bus; keep the bus clean.5. Violence is prohibited.6. Remain seated.7. No smoking.8. Keep your hands/feet and head inside the bus.9. For your own safety, do not distract the driver through misbehavior.10. Keep books, backpacks, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.  11. Do not throw anything out of the bus windows.12. Remain absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing stop.13. Since fighting jeopardizes the health, safety and welfare of other people, it is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Consequences:1. The bus driver may assign seats as needed.2. Minors & Majors will be written at the discretion of the driver based on behavior and/or not following directions.3. Upon the 3rd minor offense, the child will receive a Major and parents are notified of the child’s behavior.4. A Major offense will result in a lunch detention and/or other consequences at the discretion of the building principal.

Bus Safety Procedures:1. The bus rider is expected to be on time at the designated bus stop.  The bus will not wait for anyone.2. Loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident.3. The bus rider will be careful when approaching the bus stop by walking on the left side of the road toward oncoming traffic.4. On daily routes, students are expected to get on and off the bus at their regular stops unless the parent or guardian sends a written

request to the building principal prior to the change.5. When the bus rider crosses the road, he/she will do so in front of the bus after making sure that highway is clear and receiving a

signal from the bus driver.   The student will stay at least ten feet in front of the bus while crossing the road.6. Remain in the bus in case of road emergency, unless directed to do otherwise by the bus driver.

USE OF VIDEO CAMERA ON SCHOOL BUSESThe School District of Florence County approves the use of video cameras on school buses for the primary purpose of reducing disciplinary problems

and vandalism on the bus, thereby allowing the driver to focus on driving the bus and providing for safer transportation of students.Parents of bus riders shall be notified once a year via the student handbook that video cameras are being used on the buses.  A sign will be placed at

the front of each bus indicating that video cameras are present.Only administrators and bus drivers are authorized to view the video for the purpose of documenting a problem and determining which student may be

involved.  Disciplinary action may be taken with students based on video documentation.  The isolated segment of the video that documents the incident can be viewed by the identified students and his/her parents/guardian.  The school administrator will view the video with the student and parents/guardian.  Any disciplinary action arising from administrative review of a video will be in accordance with school policy and state statutes.


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The video will not be available for viewing by the general public, the media or other individuals.  The school administration may authorize other individuals such as a guidance counselor, school psychologist or social worker to view segments of a specific video if appropriate. If there are no reported bus problems pertaining to the date a video was recorded, the school district may erase and reuse the video after ten (10) school days.CLASS LISTSAll teachers at each grade level work together in May to develop class lists for the following school year.  Throughout the summer, the enrollment is monitored by the District Office.  If the enrollment increases producing class sizes which require the hiring of additional staff, class lists are reorganized to meet the educational needs of all children and balance classes.   The following criteria are used to form classes:

Balancing the ratio of boys and girls Equalizing class size Balancing the ability levels of children so there is a rich variety of strengths in every classroom. Separating children who have demonstrated personality conflicts that interfere with their learning.

CLOSINGS/CANCELLATIONS/DELAYSClosing School Early Because of Weather or Other EmergenciesOccasionally, it is necessary to send children home early because of weather or other emergencies.   Announcements will be made via K12Swift and on local radio stations (WIBK 99.1 FM – Iron River, WIMK 93.1 FM – Iron Mountain, WJNR 101.5 FM – Iron Mountain, and WZNL 94.3 – Iron Mountain) and on Channels TV 6 WLUC, TV 5 WFRV, & TV 12 WJFW.   Parents should monitor these stations during the days of inclement weather.  It is the parents’ responsibility to make arrangements when school is dismissed early and a parent will not be home.   Children cannot remain at school if dismissed early. Your child can leave with or be dropped off with your designee in the event of an emergency.  Please make sure the information is current on your child’s Registration Emergency Card filed in the office.

Cancellations/Delayed StartDuring severe inclement weather or emergencies, the school day may be delayed 1 or 2 hours, or cancelled for the day.   Please listen to local radio and Channel 6 TV for instructions.   If the school day is delayed 1 or 2 hours, all bus schedules will be exactly 1 or 2 hours later than usual (as announced).   Students walking to school should arrive 1 or 2 hours later as instructed.

The following radio stations will carry the announcement:WIBK 99.1 FM - Iron River WIMK 93.1 FM - Iron MountainWJNR 101.5 FM - Iron Mountain WZNL 94.3 FM - Iron Mountain

Those registered with the K12Swift service will automatically receive notifications.

COLLECTION OF RECEIPTS & BOX TOPSThe following product labels can be sent to the school with your child or placed in the elementary Commons Area in the labeled bins:

Super 1 and Econo Foods store receipts; as well as Box Tops

CONFERENCESParent-teacher conferences are scheduled after completion of the first and second quarter of school. It is important for your child’s success in school that parents attend both conferences. Parents receive a letter with scheduling information and time preference in advance. Prior to the conference, decide on questions or concerns about your student you may wish to discuss with the teacher. Teachers put much time and thought preparing for each student’s conference. If both parties are prepared, the conference will be meaningful for all.  In addition to scheduled conferences, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher regarding their child’s progress. According to research, children are more successful at school when parents show an interest and are involved.

DIRECTORY DATAThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is a Federal law, requires the School District of Florence County, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, the School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District not to. The District designates the following as “directory information”:

*Student’s name *Address *Telephone (Home and Cell) *Photograph*Birth date and place *Attendance dates *Grade level attended *Honors and awards received*Participation in officially recognized activities and sports *Weight and height of members of athletic teams

The purpose for directory information is to allow Florence Elementary School to use SOME (not all) of the directory data information in the following manner:

*Class Pictures *Yearbooks *Winter and Spring Concert programs*Valentine’s Day Class Lists *Art and/or Photograph displays in hallways *Locker Labels

(Only three components of the directory data information would be shared at our level: student’s name, photographs, and grade level attended. We have not or will not in the future share info relating to: address, telephone, weight/height, dates of attendance, or date & place of birth. The student’s parents’ must first present a written consent to the school for release of this additional information.)


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Please initial the Compliance and Release Form in your student’s Back to School packet which gives the school permission for directory data information to be disclosed in the above manner. * If any or all items on the form are not initialed, this item is excluded from you giving permission to the School District of Florence County. Your child’s name and photograph in activities mentioned above such as class list, class pictures, art work, etc. will be excluded.DRESS CODE:Proper student dress and grooming is the responsibility of the child and his/her parents. A child’s clothing and personal hygiene are important to their best interests and the school. Attending school in neat, clean, and modest clothing can impact their personal pride and comfort, as does healthy grooming. Educators believe that there is very real connection between the way children dress and the way they behave and achieve.

As a health and safety measure, all children are required to wear shoes in the building (flip flops and loose fitting shoes are not encouraged.) Hats and caps are not permitted to be worn in the building. Display of patches, pins, signs, mottos, or slogans on clothing that involve vulgarity, obscenity, profanity, or advertise alcohol, drugs, sex or gang affiliation is not permitted. Backpacks and jackets in the classroom will be left to the discretion of the classroom teacher.

Modest clothing includes, but is not limited to:1. Proper undergarments must be worn and not visible. Girls’ shirts must have at least a two inch shoulder strap. No spaghetti straps.2. Skirt and short lengths should reach the student’s fingertips, with arms held straight down along their sides.3. Bare midriffs (any gap between pants and shirts) are not permitted.4. Low-cut tops, shirts, blouses, or dresses are not permitted.5. Sleeveless shirts may be worn if they are hemmed or neatly cut. Excessive cuts will not be permitted.6. Clothing shall not be so tight that it is revealing or so loose that it is inappropriate.

The following styles or manners of dress are prohibited:1. Wearing hats2. Clothing advertising words which suggest double meanings3. Mutilated clothing (excessive tears or holes that reveal undergarments, too much skin, or inappropriate body parts)4. Sunglasses or studded chains/bracelets

DRUG ABUSE RESISTANCE EDUCATION (D.A.R.E.)Each year our 6th grade students participate in D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). This highly acclaimed program teaches children the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence. The D.A.R.E. curriculum is designed to be taught by a trained police officer who meets with 6 th grade students throughout the year.  Upon completion of the program, parents are invited to the students’ D.A.R.E. graduation program in the spring.

EMERGENCY CARDSThe registration/emergency card sent home with your child should be filled out and returned immediately. Information on the card used for contacting parents (current address / telephone numbers) and alerts us to chronic or severe medical problems must be current at all times. Please contact the school if any of the following should change during the school year: important health conditions regarding your child arise or change; your address, place of employment, phone numbers, email address, emergency contact info.

Please complete the reverse side with contact information in the event of an emergency when neither parent/guardian can be contacted. List three contacts available for emergency purposes only. These contacts should live nearby with access to transportation, and available to pick up and care for a student during the school day. Please get each emergency contacts’ permission to be listed. If emergency contact info changes during the school year, parents must personally list these changes on the registration/emergency card filed at the school main office.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURESFire, Tornado, Bus, Lockdown, & Secure School Drills will be conducted without prior notice throughout the school year.Fire Drill Procedure:

1. Walk quickly and quietly to designated exits.2. Go to the assigned area and line up.3. Remain quiet at all times and listen to instructions from your teacher.4. Only re-enter the school when instructed to do so by your teacher or principal.

Tornado Drill Procedure:1. Walk quickly and quietly to your assigned area in the school.2. Remain quiet at all times and listen to instructions from your teacher.

Bus Evacuation Drill:1. Walk quickly and quietly out the front door or the emergency exit of the bus to the area the driver has assigned you to.2. Remain quiet at all times and listen to instructions from your driver.

Lockdown/Barricade:1. Evacuate if possible (Run)


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2. Lock Door3. Barricade Door4. Pull Door Blinds

Secure School:1. Lock Door2. Continue as normal3. Any student leaving room must be escorted

FIELD TRIPSDaily and/or extended field trips provide opportunities for children to participate in a variety of learning experiences outside the classroom. These activities link learning with real-life situations in ways that cannot be duplicated in the classroom. These activities are a valuable part of the recognized curriculum.

Parents/Guardians: Please review the following consent agreement information at the beginning of each school year. Then initial the Parent/Student Handbook Information, Compliance and Release Form under the section ANNUAL FIELD TRIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


(To be read by the Student and Student’s Parent/Legal Guardian at the Beginning of the School Year)

I understand and acknowledge that my participation in daily field trips sponsored by the School District of Florence County is wholly voluntary. When I agree to participate in the Field Trips, I understand and acknowledge that I agree to the following:

1. Personal Conduct : I understand that as a participant in the Trips I will be viewed as a representative of the School. It is my intention to conduct myself in a responsible and appropriate manner.

I understand that I am bound by the School’s rules of conduct contained in the student handbook and the student activity book. I also understand that I am bound by the specific rules of conduct necessary for the operation of the Trips, which are attached to this Agreement. I agree to comply with all school and trip specific rules during the entire period of the Trips, including free time.

I understand that the School has the authority to dismiss me from any of the Trips if, in its sole judgment, my conduct is unacceptable. If I am dismissed from any Trips, I will remain responsible for all Trip costs I have incurred, those that have been incurred on my behalf, and any additional costs relating to my dismissal from the Trips including, but not limited to, additional transportation costs. Further, I may also be subject to further disciplinary or other action, up to and including suspension and expulsion from school.

2. Attendance at all Trip Activities : I understand that I am responsible for attendance at all classes and other Trip activities.3. Physical or Medical Condition: I am responsible for consulting with a physician concerning my medical needs during the Trips and

informing the teacher of any necessary information.4. Authorization of Medical Treatment : If emergency medical attention is necessary, the trip organizer or any volunteer authorized by

the school to participate in the trip may authorize a licensed physician to provide me with medical treatment.5. Health and Accident Insurance: I represent and warrant that I will be covered throughout the Trips by a policy of comprehensive

health and accident insurance that provides coverage for injuries and illnesses I sustain or experience while on the Trips.6. Right of Modification or Cancellation: The School District of Florence County School Board, the School District of Florence

County, and the School reserve the right to modify or cancel the Trips, in their sole discretion, with or without notice, if any one of them determines that there is a heightened risk of injury or illness to any person participating in the Trips, or for any other reason. The Board, the District, the School, and its employees, agents, officers, trustees, faculty, staff and representatives (in their official and individual capacities) will not be liable for any loss to me by reason of such modification or cancellation.

7. Fee: The school will notify parents/guardians of any fees for participating in the Trips as soon as that information is available to the trip organizer.

8. Items Needed to Participate: The school will notify parents/guardians of items needed to participate in trips as soon as that information is available to the trip organizer.


Specific field trip permission forms will go home with students throughout the school year as field trips are scheduled.


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FRIDAY FOLDERSFolders are sent home weekly on Fridays or the last day of the school week with info regarding your child’s progress, needs, and behavior, as well as school work completed by the child. Notes or letters for parents’ information may be included. Folders are to be signed and returned to school the following school day. Weekly folders are an excellent form of home/school communication and parents are encouraged to write comments.

FUNDRAISERSIf parents/guardians choose to allow their child to participate in school-based fundraising activities that take place in the broader community (for example, fundraisers involving door-to-door- sales or sales to the general public in public places), please be aware of the following state law which creates a limited exception to the general prohibition of the participation of a minor under 12 years of age in any “street trade”:

Wisconsin State Statute 103.23(2) Age minimum.(2) A minor under 12 years of age may work in a fund-raising sale for a nonprofit organization, a public school, a private school, or a tribal school under the following conditions:

(a) Each minor must give the nonprofit organization, public school, private school, or tribal school written approval from the minor’s parent or guardian.(b) Each minor under 9 years of age or each group containing one or more minors under 9 years of age must be physically accompanied by a parent or a person at least 16 years of age.

HARASSMENTThe Board of Education recognizes the need to create and maintain an atmosphere for district employees, students and others which is free from unsolicited and unwelcome overtones.  The Board further recognizes that sexual and other harassment is prohibited under both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act. Accordingly, the Board hereby prohibits harassment of employees, students and others engaged in the operation of the programs and activities of the district.

Definition of Harassment: Verbal, physical, or online conduct relating to an individual’s membership in a protected class (including, but not limited to: age, sex, race, creed, national origin, color, marital status, pregnancy, etc.) that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment or interferes with the individual’s work or learning performance. Contact the building principal for a copy of the complete Board policy.

HOMEWORKHomework is a part of your child’s education. The purpose of homework is to enhance the academic potential of our children by encouraging them to practice, review, and gain a greater understanding of skills and knowledge. Teachers will assign homework in various subjects throughout the year.  Expected Results of Our Homework:

Enhance the child’s understanding of the classroom lesson Develop academic accountability outside of the classroom Set the “Homework Habit” Actively involve parents with skills and knowledge being taught

Student’s Role: Ask your parent for assistance when needed Prioritize enough time to complete your homework assignment Remove the distraction of TV, video games, radio while doing your homework Bring home all materials needed (Grades 4-6 utilize daily planners) Cooperate with parent/adult to complete assigned work Return homework to school on time

INJURIES/ILLNESSESEach building has assigned personnel who are trained in administering first aid to children who become ill or injured during the school day. When a child is not feeling well and symptoms are vague, school personnel will check their temperature and/or encourage rest in the health room. When feeling better, students are encouraged to return to the classroom. If the child’s symptoms continue or worsen, parents are contacted. To be notified each time your child comes to the health room, please submit a written request to the building principal.

For your child’s protection please follow these guidelines:1. Children must report any injury that occurs on school premises to the person on duty or to the principal’s office immediately.2. All parents must fill out a new emergency contact card each year . Parents registering a child for the first time in our district

must complete an emergency medical card. It is important to complete all the necessary information, including permission for an ambulance to be called, if necessary.


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3. If a child becomes ill during the day, he/she must inform his/her teacher.  The teacher will make a referral to the office.  When necessary, parents will be contacted to take a child home.  Children cannot be sent home alone; a parent or another person authorized by the parent must come for the child.

4. If a parent or designated person is not available, the principal will authorize professional medical assistance.5. Do not send your child to school under the following circumstances:

- Too sick to play outdoors during recess- Has a 100 degree fever or higher- Has vomited or had diarrhea within the past 24 hours- A prescribed antibiotic has not been consumed for at least 24 hours

As a general rule children remain indoors for recess if the air temperature or wind chill factor is below 0˚ F. The temperature is monitored via the NOAA National Weather Service web site.

Lice Screening ProceduresOur district conducts head lice screenings for children in our elementary schools on an as needed basis.

If lice or nits (eggs) are found on a child at school, treatment literature is sent home with infected children and/or you can contact your healthcare provider.

Parent’s cooperation and understanding in this matter is appreciated. We require parents to follow treatment procedures for the health and safety of their own child and in order to prevent the spread of lice to others.

If you have any questions regarding head lice identification, treatment, or on environmental controls, please ask your healthcare provider, the school office, or the County Nurse’s Office at 715-528-4837.

INTERNETThe Internet is used to support research and education.  The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges.  Each child is required to understand and read (age appropriate) with a parent/guardian, the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Rules. Grades 3rd – 12th have Chromebooks and Grades 4K – 2nd have iPads. Please initial/sign the salmon colored Student Internet/LAN Acceptable Use Agreement form.

School District of Florence CountyPolicy IM

Administrative Rule

School District of Florence County, in partnership with the community, will develop informed, literate, critical thinking learners through the use of innovative and progressive technology and

information learning tools.

Table of ContentsBackground InformationWhy use Chromebooks?Goals for Student UsersGeneral Procedures

Receiving a ChromebookReturning a ChromebookFines Related to a ChromebookTaking Care of a ChromebookGeneral PrecautionsChromebooks Left at HomeChromebook Undergoing RepairCharging a Chromebook’s BatteryScreensavers/Background photosPasswords and Account AccessSound, Music, Games, Software/AppsLegal ProprietyPrintingManaging & Saving Your Digital WorkHome Internet AccessUsing the Chromebook CameraNetwork ConnectivityUpdating your ChromebookVirus Protections & Additional Software


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Procedures for Restoring your ChromebookSoftware InstallationRepairing or Replacing a ChromebookSchool District ProtectionPersonal Home and Homeowners’/Renters’ CoverageAccidental Damage InsuranceFee for Incidental DamageClaimsChromebook Rules and Appropriate UsageSocial Media Guidelines1:1 Technology Student ExpectationsUser Agreement and Parent Permission FormFrequently Asked Questions

APPENDIX A - Parents’ Guide to Safe and Responsible Student Internet UseAPPENDIX B – Student Acceptable Use Policy

Background InformationThe focus of providing Chromebooks in the School District of Florence County is to provide current tools and resources to the 21st Century Learner.  Excellence in education requires that technology be seamlessly integrated throughout the education program.  Increased access to technology is essential, and one of the learning tools of 21st Century students is the Chromebook.   The individual use of Chromebooks is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for postsecondary education and the modern workplace.  According to studies and school reports, students who use a computing device in a one-to-one (1:1) education environment are more organized and engaged learners, attend school more regularly, advance their knowledge and understanding of technology, and become constructors and designers of information and ideas.  The Chromebook is a “next generation” device that makes learning more engaging and accessible.

Why use Chromebooks?1. Chromebooks represent a new “space” in technology:  This space is between the mobile space (phones and iPods) and the portable

space (laptops and netbooks).  This “space” is expanding every day.2. As teachers begin to create new ways of teaching in the modern age, the Chromebook will play a useful role in this transformation.3. Low maintenance:  the Chromebook needs little, if any maintenance.  It is a completely web-based device so there is no need for

downloading or installing.  There is less need for technical support.4. The Chromebook is an engaging device that could transform the way young people learn.5. Instant-on and all day battery: it’s possible to get on the Internet instantly.6. Auto-save:  Student work on the Chromebook saves automatically to the Google Cloud.  7. Contextual Learning:  the Chromebook is an “anywhere anytime” learning device.  This makes it ideal for projects and learning which

take place out of the classroom.8. Personal Learning Studio:  the Chromebook can be a science lab, literacy tool, research station, history archive, language lab, art canvas,

video editing suite, and library.

Goals for Student Users To increase students’ productivity in and outside the classroom when completing assignments, projects, and other activities as assigned

by teachers in the pilot project. To capitalize on the convergence of academic resources such as textbooks, scholarly sources, content rich media, applicable apps, and

best practices. To facilitate mobile learning across the school campus and beyond. To promote leadership in one’s own learning by establishing access to educational resources and providing a host of tools to craft

information in ways that support specific curricular areas.

General Procedures

Receiving a Chromebooka. Students will be expected to attend an orientation session to receive their equipment.   Each student will receive a Chromebook and AC

charger. Students are granted permission to take Chromebooks home and must leave the protective case on at all times.b. Parents/guardians and students must sign and return the User Agreement and Parent Permission Form before a Chromebook is issued to

the student.c. Chromebook will be labeled in a manner specified by SDFC; this will include the serial number.


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d. The Chromebook and district-issued email account are the property of SDFC and as a result may be subject to inspection at any time.   The student should have NO expectation of privacy of material found on a Chromebook or a school supplied or supported email service.

e. Should you want your child to opt out of having a Chromebook to take home, you will need to submit a signed note to that effect to the SDFC.  Your child will then pick up and return a Chromebook from the library each day for use during the school day. Students are responsible for following the Student Internet Safety and Technology Use Policy and appropriate handling of the device during school and while at home.

Returning a Chromebooka. Chromebooks and all SDFC accessories will be returned during the final week of school so they can be checked for serviceability. b. Chromebooks must be returned immediately when a student transfers out of the SDFC, is suspended or expelled, or terminates

enrollment for any reason.

Fines Related to a Chromebooka. Chromebooks and AC chargers will be turned in when requested in good condition.  Chromebooks will be inspected for damage. In the

case of abuse, neglect or intentional damage, the student/parent/guardian will be charged a fee for needed repairs, not to exceed the replacement cost of the Chromebook.  The SDFC Administration will make the final determination of any fees assessed.

b. If a student fails to return the Chromebook, the student/parent/guardian will pay the replacement cost of the Chromebook.  Failure to return the Chromebook may result in a theft report filed with the Florence County Sheriff’s Department.

Taking Care of a ChromebookStudents are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the SDFC.   Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be given to the library aide for an evaluation of the equipment.   Care must be taken to protect the screen. Students are responsible for anything done using their assigned Chromebook or their login.Chromebooks are the property of the SDFC and all users will follow these procedures and the SDFC Safe and Responsible Use of the Internet & Other Technology Resources Policy IM.

General Precautionsa. While the Chromebook is considered scratch resistant, the Chromebook can scratch.   Avoid using any sharp object(s) on the

Chromebook.b. Chromebooks do not respond well to liquid.  Avoid applying liquids to the Chromebook. The Chromebook can be cleaned with a soft,

lint-free cloth. Avoid getting moisture in the openings.  Do not use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean the Chromebook.

c. Do not attempt to gain access to the internal electronics or repair of a Chromebook.   If a Chromebook fails to work or is damaged, report the problem to the library aide.

d. There is no “jail breaking” (bypassing filters and controls) of this device.e. Never throw or slide a Chromebook.f. Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the Chromebook to prevent damage.g. Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not the property of the SDFC or approved by the

building principal.h. Students will have an Always on Case, to help protect the Chromebook.  This case must remain on at all times, removing from the case

will void warranty and accidental damage coverage.i. Chromebooks have the ability to be remotely located.  Modifying disabling or attempting to disable the locator is a violation of the Safe

and Responsible Use of the Internet & Other Technology Resources Policy IM and grounds for disciplinary action.j. Chromebooks have a unique identification number and at no time should the number or labels be modified or removed.k. Chromebooks should be placed vertically in the bottom of the locker or in a backpack/book bag to avoid putting any pressure on the

screen.l. Chromebooks must never be left in an unlocked car or in any unsupervised area.m. Chromebooks must not be left in a vehicle or a location that is not temperature controlled.n. Chromebooks must be charged (at home) for use at school each day.  This is the student’s responsibility much like having your textbook

with you and ready to go.o. Chromebooks are assigned to individual students and the responsibility for the care of the Chromebook rests solely with that individual. 

Students should not lend their Chromebooks to another person.p. Repeated violations of any part of this policy will result in disciplinary action. .

Carrying ChromebooksThe Always on Case for the Chromebook should have sufficient padding to protect the Chromebook from normal treatment and provide a suitable means for carrying the device within the school.  


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Using Chromebooks at SchoolChromebooks are intended for use at school each day.  In addition to teacher expectations for the Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, procedures and rules, calendars, and schedules may be accessed using the Chromebook.  Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebook to all classes unless specifically instructed not to do so by a teacher.

Chromebooks Left at Home a. If a student leaves the Chromebook at home, the student is responsible for getting the coursework completed as if the Chromebook was

present.  Students may use alternative computing devices, (lab computers, library chromebooks,desktops etc.) instead. b. Students may be allowed to ‘checkout’ a loaner Chromebook from the library aide only with a teacher’s or principal’s written

permission “when open”. c. Repeated violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action. 

Chromebook Undergoing RepairLoaner Chromebooks may be issued to students when their Chromebooks are being repaired by the school.   A limited number of “loaner” Chromebooks are available so having a “loaner” is not guaranteed.

Charging a Chromebook’s Batterya. Chromebooks must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition.b. In cases where the battery does “run out,” students may be able to connect their Chromebook to a power outlet in class, or may be

required to use alternative computing devices Students may be allowed to ‘checkout’ a loaner Chromebook from the library aide only with a teacher’s or principal’s written permission.

c. Repeated violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Screensavers/Background photosWhile personalized screensavers or backgrounds are permitted, inappropriate or provocative images are not permitted and subject to disciplinary action. These include, but are not limited to:

pornographic images guns weapons inappropriate language threatening language drug alcohol gang related images 

Passwords and Account AccessTake care to protect your password. Do not share your password or allow any other user to login to or use your Chromebook. Students are allowed to login to their Chromebook with their own assigned myflorence.org domain account only; no other accounts, including other “myflorence.org” user accounts, are to be used on Chromebooks.

Sound, Music, Games, Software/Appsa. Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.b. Students should provide their own headsets/ear buds.c. Music is only allowed on the Chromebook at the discretion of the teacher.d. All software/apps must be district provided.  Data storage will be through apps on the Chromebook, i.e. Google Docs, Notepad, etc.e. Internet games are not allowed on the SDFC Chromebooks and if found will result in disciplinary actions

Legal Proprietya. Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements.  Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a

teacher or principal.b. Plagiarism is a violation of the SDFC rules.  Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized.  This includes all forms of

media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music and text.c. Use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to SDFC discipline.   Violation of applicable

state or federal law may result in criminal prosecution. 

PrintingStudents will be given information and instruction on printing with the Chromebook at school.

Managing & Saving Your Digital Work


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a. Google Apps for Education is a suite of products which includes mail, calendar, sites, word processing, presentations, drawings, spreadsheets, forms, etc. that lets you create different kinds of online documents, collaborate in real time with other people, and store your documents, as well as your other files, in the cloud.

b. With a wireless Internet connection, you can access your documents and files from any Chromebook, anywhere, at any time, no matter where you are.

c. All items will be stored online in the Google Cloud environment.d. Prior to leaving the district, or graduating, students wanting to save any work need to use Google Takeout to transfer any work to a

personal Gmail account.

Home Internet Access


Parents/Guardians, please take the necessary precautions for Internet safety with your student! For more tips, please see the “Parent’s Guide to Safe and Responsible Internet Use.”

REMINDER:  SDFC provides Internet filtering on the district’s network.  These filters may not apply to any other locations. It is the family’s responsibility to monitor the student’s use of the Internet outside of the school setting. 

a. Students are allowed to set up wireless networks on their Chromebooks.  This will assist them with Chromebook uses while at home. Printing at home requires a wireless printer, proper settings on the Chromebook and the correct app.

b. All students should recognize and guard their personal and private information.  While on the Internet, students shall not reveal personal information, including a home address or phone number, or the address or phone number of other students.

c. All activity on the Chromebook and district-issued email account, whether conducted at school or off site, is subject to search as District property.

Using the Chromebook CameraThe Chromebook comes equipped with camera and video capacities.  Students are not to record an individual or group without permission and must notify the individual or group if the image will be posted online.  Cameras may never be used in a locker room or restroom per state statute.

Network ConnectivityThe Florence County School District makes no guarantee that the district’s network will be up and running 100% of the time.   In the rare case that the network is down, the district will not be responsible for lost or missing data.

Updating your ChromebookWhen a Chromebook starts up, it updates itself automatically, so it has the latest and greatest version of the Chrome operating system without you having to think about it. No need for time-consuming installs, updates, or re-imaging.

Virus Protections & Additional SoftwareWith defense-in-depth technology, the Chromebook is built with layers of protection against malware and security attacks. Files are stored in the cloud, so there’s no need to worry about lost homework.

Procedures for Restoring your ChromebookIf your Chromebook needs technical support for the operating system, all support will be handled by the SDFC Tech Support. Please turn your Chromebook in to the library aide “when open”.

Software InstallationChromebooks can seamlessly access Google Apps for Education suite of productivity and collaboration tools, as well as apps available in the Chrome Web Store and content across the entire web. The installation and use of any Apps or software must comply with all district policies and all software/apps must be district provided.  Data storage will be through apps on the Chromebook, i.e. Google Docs, Notepad, etc.

Repairing or Replacing a ChromebookChromebooks in need of repair should be returned to the library aide. The district will determine if a Chromebook can be repaired or needs to be replaced. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER SERVICE DIRECTLY FOR REPAIR QUESTIONS.  PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Users ARE NOT to take their SDFC-owned Chromebook to an outside service for any type of repairs or maintenance, or to attempt to repair damaged or malfunctioning Chromebooks themselves. Users are not to purchase replacement Chromebook parts (i.e. online). Chromebooks are the property of SDFC and will be repaired by the district or by an approved service. Replacement parts are to be purchased by the SDFC through approved vendors only. Costs of repairs or replacement will be assessed as necessary, as per this policy. Please see the section ‘Fee for Incidental Damage,’ below, for more information.


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School District ProtectionSDFC has purchased these Chromebooks and will generally assume the financial liability for Chromebooks repairs or replacement due to normal and typical daily use.

Personal Home and Homeowners’/Renters’ CoverageLost, damaged, or stolen Chromebooks in the care, custody, and control of a student may be covered by the homeowners’/renters’ policy of the parent.  Most homeowner/renter policies will provide some limit of coverage for the “damage of the property of others” under the comprehensive personal liability coverage part of the policy and is not normally subject to any deductible.   Please consult your insurance agent for details about your homeowners’/renters’ coverage.

Accidental Damage ProtectionAccidental damage protection coverage is offered to all students. The accidental damage protection cost is $20.00 per student per year. It is highly recommend that this be purchased at the beginning of the school year. The accidental damage coverage cannot be purchased after the beginning of school year, without an initial examination of the Chromebook prior to purchase.   The accidental damage coverage will cover accidental drops, breaks or any other accidental damage repair that may need to be done. Accidental Insurance WILL NOT cover the following, but not limited to: 

a. Intentional destruction of any part of the Chromebook, power cords or any SDFC provided accessory.  b. Abuse, neglect, intentional damagec. Any damage that occurs without the protective Always on Case on, in place and secure.d. Theft 

Fee for Incidental DamageIn the case where a Chromebook or district-issued accessory is damaged by means other than normal use, wear and tear (i.e. abuse, neglect, intentional damage), the student/parent/guardian will be charged a fee for needed repairs, not to exceed the replacement cost of the Chromebook.  The SDFC Administration will make the final determination of any fees assessed.

Claimsa. All Accidental Damage Protection claims must be reported to SDFC.  In cases of vandalism, or other acts covered by insurance, the

student/parent/guardian must file a report with the Principal’s Office before a Chromebook can be repaired or replaced.b. In the event of a lost or stolen Chromebook, the SDFC may deploy location software, which may aid in recovering the Chromebook.c. Failure to report a stolen Chromebook in a timely manner may result in a request for compensation for the replacement cost of the


Chromebook Rules and Appropriate UsageThe School District of Florence County encourages the use of 1:1 devices and the network, including the Internet, as a tool for research and education.  1:1 devices and the network, like any other school property, must be used for the educational purposes for which it was intended. The Chromebooks issued to students are the property of School District of Florence County.  The distribution of a Chromebook to each student is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct.  Before issued a Chromebook for use at school and/or home, students and parents or guardians must sign the Student Technology Use Policy, Parent Permission Agreement, and the 1:1 Technology Student Expectation Agreement

RESPONSIBILITIESBy signing the Student Internet Safety and Technology Use Policy, Parent Permission Agreement and the 1:1 Technology Student Expectations, students and parents or guardians agree to:

Submit their Chromebooks to school authorities upon request.  Such a request may be made in order to ensure Chromebooks do not contain any unapproved software or files, as well as to check browser histories and caches.

Leave their Chromebooks at school over the summer for regular maintenance. Accept monitoring of student usage of the Chromebooks at any time, when requested by school personnel (teachers or administration). 

Students and parents need to be aware that files created using the Chromebook or stored on school servers are not private. Charge their Chromebooks overnight each night to ensure that they are fully charged for classes the next day.   Just as students are

expected to be prepared for classes by having all required materials, students must have a charged Chromebook available to them at the start of each day.

Protect the Chromebook from damage or theft.  Required precautions include the use of a protective case on the Chromebook at all times.  If the Chromebook is lost or stolen when outside of school grounds, it should be reported to the library aide and principal’s office immediately.  Parents or guardians are financially responsible for any lost or stolen Chromebook that is not recovered in good working order by authorities.

If the damage is wanton, willful or purposeful, the parents or guardians will pay the full/replacement cost of the Chromebook and AC power adaptor.  Replacement cost of the Chromebook would be approximately $360 in 2017.  

Abide by the rules and behavioral expectations of the Safe and Responsible Use of the Internet & Other Technology Resources Policy IM.


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Personal devices other than school provided Chromebook, and cell phones, are not allowed. Please leave them at home for your own protection. You will not be allowed to use a personal device at school such as a laptop, iPad or personal Chromebook.

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to obtain their child’s login and password in order to monitor the student’s computer usage at home.   If parents have any difficulties receiving this password, they should contact the Middle School or High School office for assistance. When the Chromebooks are taken home by the student, it is strongly recommended that it will always be used in a common family location so that adult supervision can be maintained at all times.

Social Media Guidelines

Educational PurposeIn order to help our students develop their reading and writing skills, cultivate our understanding of different people and cultures, share information and collaborate safely and effectively via the Internet, and learn through experiences, our students participate in using a variety  of social media applications (blogs, wikis, podcasts) and content creation sites (Animoto, Glogster, Blogger). To protect student privacy and ensure safety, the following guidelines are to be followed:

Teacher Responsibility Ensure suggested sites are age-appropriate for student use. Monitor student creation of accounts within the classroom and student use of Internet and social media sites Be aware of and adhere to federal Children’s Online Privacy Protections Act laws and District Policies.

Student Responsibilities When creating accounts, provide their full last names and only the first letter of their first name. When asked to provide birth date information, all students will use January 1 of their birth year. Students will not share personal, identifiable information.  (i.e. school name, location, etc.) Students will use group pictures of students and/or individual pictures, which do not identify individuals by name. Students will agree to use social media and content sites responsibly. Protect the Chromebooks from damage and theft per the 1:1 Technology Student Expectations of this handbook.  Required precautions

include the use of the Always on Case at all times.  If the Chromebook is lost or stolen when outside of school grounds, it should be reported to the library aide and principal’s office immediately.  Parents or guardians are financially responsible for any lost or stolen Chromebook that is not recovered in good working order by the authorities.  

Understand the User Agreements, including  Safe and Responsible Use of the Internet & Other Technology Resources Policy IM, building-specific student handbook rules, 1:1 Technology Student Expectations and Parent Permission Agreement.  

Parent/Guardian Responsibility Monitor student Internet and social media website use at home Contact teacher who has assigned the project if any questions or concerns arise Parents/Guardians are encouraged to obtain their child’s log-in and password in order to monitor the student’s computer usage at home. 

If parents have any difficulties receiving this password, they should contact their student’s school Main Office for assistance. If the damage is wanton, willful or purposeful, the parents or guardians will pay the full repair/replacement cost of the Chromebook, and

AC power adaptor.  Replacement cost for a Chromebook would be approximately $360 in 2017.

1:1 Technology Student ExpectationsAs a learner I will:

1.  Look after my Chromebook very carefully all of the time.a. Chromebooks will never be left unattended.b. Chromebooks must be situated securely on the working surface.c. Make sure the Chromebook is not subject to careless or malicious damage (i.e. as a result of horseplay).d. Take care when the Chromebook is transported that is as secure as possible.  Chromebooks MUST always be

in the Always on protective case.e. Carry my Chromebook in the closed position with two hands.

2. Ensure that my Chromebook is charged every evening and ready for use the next day (i.e. plugging it in for charging overnight).3. Store my Chromebook in my locker when not in use (i.e. lunch, phy ed, etc.).  The Chromebook should be in its case when stored in my

locker and no item will be stacked on top of it.4. Be on the task assigned by my teacher at all times.  Chromebooks will ONLY be used for educational purposes as directed by School

District of Florence County staff.5. Print only after teacher gives permission.


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6. Not decorate the Chromebook and not allow it to be subject to graffiti.7. Not install or download additional software.8. Personal devices other than school provided Chromebook are not allowed, please leave them at home for your own protection. You will not

be allowed to use a personal device at school such as a laptop, iPad, personal Chromebook or any other personal device.

Consequences for Violation of Chromebook Rules:Students are expected to abide by the rules and behavioral expectations of the Student Internet Safety and Technology Use Policy and Chromebook rules of use both at home and at school. Consequences for violation of these rules or policies will be imposed as per student handbook/district policies. By signing the User Agreement, you commit to the student expectations and understand the consequences for any violation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my responsibilities as a parent/guardian in terms of replacement of the Chromebook if it is damaged, lost or stolen?

The School District of Florence County will be responsible for the repair of the Chromebook for normal wear of the unit.   If the Chromebook is neglectfully damaged, stolen, or lost, the student/parent/guardian is responsible for replacing the unit (approximately $360 in 2017).  The District regards the Chromebook as all other materials that are checked out of the student, ex: library materials, sports equipment, etc. We recommend that all families contact their insurance agent to determine if their policy provides coverage in the event that the unit needs to be replaced. We also recommend purchasing the district provided accidental coverage at the cost of $20.00 per student.  

“Lost, damaged, or stolen Chromebooks in the care, custody, and control of a student may be covered by the homeowners’/renters’ policy of the parent.  Most homeowner/renter policies will provide some limit of coverage for the “damage of the property of others” under the comprehensive personal liability coverage part of the policy and is not normally subject to any deductible.   Please consult your insurance agent for details about your homeowners’/renters’ coverage.”

What is the replacement cost of the Chromebook and accessories?

Chromebook: $379 (as of 2019)AC Charger $30Always on Case $40

Does my child have to accept a Chromebook?

A Chromebook will be checked out to each 7th-12th grade student for the school year for use at school and to take home.   If a parent/guardian does not want the child to take the Chromebook home, the parent may submit that request in writing to the office.   In this case the student will need to check the Chromebook in and out of the library each day.

As a parent/guardian, how do I monitor my child’s use of the Internet?

While your child is using the SDFC network, there are filters available.  When the child uses another network, the Chromebooks may not provide filtering at this time.  Please see the attached document entitled “Parents’ Guide to Safe and Responsible Student Internet Use.”

What if we don’t have WIFI at home?

A Chromebook’s use is maximized by WIFI. If a family does not have WIFI, a student may use the Chromebook at school, at the public library, at local businesses with WIFI capability, or wherever WIFI is available. The student may also use the Chromebook at home for basic word processing and it will sync the files when it returns to school or finds an Internet connection to use. Arrangements can be made for the student to be at school outside of normal school hours by contacting the library aide.

Can students buy their own cover/bag?


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The SDFC requires each student to use the provided Always on Case at all times. Removing and or replacing this case will void warranty and also void accidental damage insurance coverages if purchased. 

What if a student forgets to charge the Chromebook?There will be limited power outlets in the classrooms.  Students who consistently (three times or more) come to class unprepared without a charge could require disciplinary action and or grading deductions. 

Will students keep the Chromebooks for the summer?Chromebooks and all SDFC accessories will be returned during the final week of school so they can be checked for any service needs and prepared for use the following year. 

Please contact your child’s principal with any questions regarding student use of Chromebooks.Brandon Jerue Neil HallHigh School/Middle School Principal Elementary [email protected] [email protected](715) 528-3217 (715) 528-3262

Appendix A

Parents’ Guide to Safe and Responsible Student Internet Use

The School District of Florence County recognizes that with new technologies come new challenges to both teachers and parents.   Below is a series of suggestions drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you, the parent, in effectively guiding your child’s use of the Chromebook.

1. Take extra steps to protect your child.  Encourage your child to use and store the Chromebook in an open area of your home, such as the kitchen or family room, so you can monitor what your child is doing online.  Use the Internet with your child to help develop safe surfing habits. Children often model adult behavior.

2. Go where your child goes online.  Monitor the places that your child visits.  Let your child know that you’re there, and help teach her/him how to act as s/he works and socializes online.

3. Review your child’s friends’ list.  You may want to limit your child’s online “friends” to people your child actually knows and is working with in real life.

4. Understand sites’ privacy policies.  Internet sites should spell out your rights to review and delete your child’s information.5. Limit the time your student is on the Chromebook.  While the Chromebook is a very engaging device, it is a schoolwork device.  Care and

constant monitoring will reduce your child’s exposure to excessive use.6. Report unwelcome or malicious online threats.  Report in a timely fashion to the school any online interactions that can be considered

threatening.7. Help your child develop a routine.  Many parents have found success by helping create a routine for their child’s computer use.  Define a

routine as to how the Chromebook is cared for and when and where its use is appropriate.8. Take a look at the apps and programs.  It is to the advantage of the students, parents, and school that the parents have a working

understanding of the programs and student work found on the Chromebook.9. Read and share with your child the SDFC One-to-One Technology, and Chromebooks Guide.  By reading and discussing the care and use

policies, you can create a clear set of expectations and limitations for your child.

General Tips for Parents for Internet Safety:

Talk with your child about online behavior, safety, and security early on and continually.  Set rules for the Internet just as you do on use of all media sources such as television, phones, movies and music.

Monitor your child’s computer use.  Know their passwords, profiles, and blogs.  When the Chromebooks are taken home by the students, it is strongly recommended that it will always be used in a common family location.

Let children show you what they can do online and visit their favorite sites. Set limits and clear expectations for computer use. Look into safeguarding programs or options your online service provider may offer; these may include filtering capabilities.


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The Library Media Center exists to provide access to information for all children and staff, to support the curriculum, to provide an open friendly atmosphere for learning and to promote lifelong learning.  Children visit the LMC weekly for instruction on how to use the LMC along with working on curriculum based grade level units.  During this time children are also encouraged to check out books and materials.  We appreciate your cooperation with the care of the LMC books and materials and greatly appreciate returns in a timely manner.

LOST AND FOUNDUnclaimed items find their way into the office with great regularity---gloves, mittens, hats, books, lunch boxes and just about anything a child might bring to school.  If your child has misplaced an article, he/she should check the front hall “Lost and Found” rack.  Encourage your child to check often since it takes several days for items to show up.

As a preventive measure, please put your child’s name on personal belongings such as clothes and lunch boxes.  (Caution: put the name where it will not be readily seen.  This is a suggested safety precaution since children respond to strangers more readily if called by name.)  If articles are not claimed by the end of the school year, they are donated to a local charity.  

LUNCH PROGRAMThe District’s food service program is intended to provide nutritious, appetizing meals to students. It is operated in conjunction with federal and state school nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.  

The district policy reads:Student meals shall be prepaid by the families. Notices are sent home at minimum bi-monthly. If a family meal account is in arrears by $25.00 or more, students should bring a cold lunch. Students (4K-12) are offered a peanut butter/jelly sandwich and milk at current cost ($1.30) until their meal account is brought current. A la carte items will be cash only when a family account is negative in any amount.

2019-2020 School Year PricesStudent Breakfast $1.60 Adult Breakfast $2.254K-6th Grade Lunch $2.807th-12th Grade Lunch $3.05 Adult Lunch $3.90White Milk $0.30 Chocolate Milk $0.35

One milk is included with the meal. Additional milks or milk break purchases must be paid in advance.  Afternoon milk breaks and additional milk purchases are not covered under the Federal Free and Reduced meal program.

Lunch Account Payments using online RevTrak systemThe Florence County School District’s Web Store provides a streamlined way to collect online payments with your Skyward Family Access login by saving you time, trips to the district office, and the need to pay by cash or check. You can use your login to make food service payments for all your students on one page within the Web Store! Make a quick payment in the evening or during your lunch hour with just a few clicks!

Please Note:  A Service Fee of 3.61% will be added to your shopping cart at checkout.Our Web Store accepts debit or credit cards from Discover, MasterCard, and Visa

Online Payment Instructions

Visit our district website at www.myflorence.org Click Skyward Family & Staff Access. Enter your Login ID and Password. Click on the Food Service button Update Payment Amount for multiple students Update Cart Follow prompts Select Pay with Vendor (you will be redirected to your shopping cart in the Web Store) Double check fees in cart, and click Go to Checkout if all fees are correct


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PLEASE NOTE: If adjustments need to be made to your payment in Family Access:

Please Empty your shopping cart Sign out of Family Access Sign back in to Family Access to start over


When all fees are in shopping cart, click Go to Checkout If you are a new customer, select I am a new customer. Enter your email address

and “Sign In.” If you are a returning customer, select I am a returning customer. Enter your email address, password, and select Sign In.

Enter your billing and payment information. Create a password if required. Verify information for accuracy and select Complete Order. Payment will be processed and Receipt can be viewed and printed.

A copy of your receipt will also be sent to the email address provided during account set up.    Logout (A logout link can be found under My Account)

or by sending Food Service Payments to:Florence School District - Food Service

Holly Krueger P.O. Box 440

Florence, WI 54121

Payments can also be made at each building’s Administrative Office.

Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility     New application forms for free or reduced price school lunches will be mailed to families in the Florence School District prior

to the first day of school.  If you did not receive one, they are available in the elementary or high school offices.  We encourage you to complete the application and return it to your child’s school.  The information you provide is strictly confidential.  Even if your child does not choose to eat our school lunch, we would appreciate you completing the form because, should you qualify or not for the free or reduced breakfast and lunch, or even if you and your child chooses not to participate in the breakfast/lunch program, any federally funded Title monies given to our district are based on the number of free or reduced lunches.  (For the elementary, Title I Reading and AGR (Achievement Gap Reduction) funding is based on this number.)  If your income level changes at any time during the year, you may apply at that time.  Questions about the program can be directed to Holly Krueger, at the Elementary office (715-528-3262, Option 3).

MEDICATIONIf it is necessary for your child to take medication at school, parents must complete a Medication Control Form and submit it to the office.  All mediation will be kept in and dispensed from the principal’s office by designated district personnel.  Wisconsin State Law requires written permission from parents/guardians and doctor to dispense medication.  Parent’s must provide the medication in the original properly labeled container to their child’s principal’s office with the name of the drug, dosage to be given, and the name of the physician. Children will be excused from class at the proper time to come to the office for medication.  Medication can only be administered to a child by ingestion unless directed by the principal.

Designated district personnel will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow:1. Written instructions signed by parent and physician will be required and will include:

a. Child’s nameb. Name of medicationc. Time to be administeredd. Dosage


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e. Possible side effectsf. Termination date for administering the medication

2. Non-prescription medication, such as aspirin, will only be administered by designated personnel following instructions on the non-prescription medication consent form. Self-administration of medication is not allowed unless specifically requested in writing by a physician and in accordance with district policies and procedures.

3. The district personnel will:a. keep a record of the administration of medicationb. keep medication in a secure placec. return unused medication to the parent/guardian only

4. The parents of the child must assume responsibility for informing the district personnel of any change in the child’s health or change in medication.

5. The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medicine.6. A copy of this regulation will be provided to parents upon their request for administration of medication during school hours.

MISSION STATEMENTThe School District of Florence County, as a team, promotes a culture of continuous improvement for both students and staff in academics, positive behaviors and instruction through progressive, research driven best practices.

NEWSPAPERSOn occasion, schools may have reason to publish in our local newspapers, names and/or pictures of students.  Pictures of their accomplishments or pictures of their participation in district programs may also be included.  If you agree to have your child’s picture, name, and/or project included in these publications, please initial it on the Compliance and Release Form included in your child’s “Back To School” packet.

OFFICE HOURSThe school office hours are 7:45 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.   Our school telephone is equipped with a voice mail system; please feel free to leave a message in the general mailbox on the answering machine any time of the day or night.  715-528-3262, Option 3.

PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (P.T.O.)We know that parental involvement in their children’s education leads to greater success.  That is part of the reason the Parent Teacher Organization was created in Florence.  The Florence P.T.O. has provided many opportunities that our students would not get if not for the financial support from the P.T.O.  Some of these have been Florence Elementary Playground Equipment, Field Trip Transportation, Classroom Weekly Readers, Snacks during Testing, Evening Programs, Laminating Materials, and much more!  We want to continue this financial support for our students.  We are always looking for people to participate!

PERSONAL POSSESSIONSLabel your child’s possessions so that lost items may be returned.  Do not write the phone number or name where it is visible on personal possessions for safety reasons.  Cell phones, I pods or video games are not permitted during instructional time.  At the start of the school day the item should be left in their backpack or with their teacher until the end of the school day.  The school is not responsible for lost or damaged items.  

Cell Phones and Electronic Communication DevicesBecause of the fast development of technology and the possible negative uses of these devices, use of such devices is prohibited from the time a student enters the building or boards the bus until the end of the school day.  The device must be left in the student’s locker or given to their teacher.

1. First Offense – Item will be confiscated until the end of the school day and the student will receive a detention.2. Second Offense – Item will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day and the next full day (If a Friday or

holiday, the device will remain at school until the next school day, unless the parent picks up the device) and the student will receive a detention and/or other disciplinary action at the discretion of the principal.

3. Third Offense – Item will be confiscated until the parent/guardian and student meet with the building principal. 4. Subsequent Offense – will result in possible suspension or expulsion, dependent upon the student’s use of the



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PHYSICAL EDUCATIONPhysical fitness is vital to a genuinely happy and healthy life.  In addition to learning healthy habits, the social values of sportsmanship, cooperation, and teamwork are developed in physical education.  

Each student is required to have a pair of non-marking sole gym shoes for physical education class.  These shoes should be left at school and labeled with the child’s name.  Street shoes are not permitted on gym floors.

Our students have physical education two - three times per week.  Units are taught in physical education just as they are in any other class, thus it is important to have good attendance.  If your child must miss physical education for an extended period of days, a doctor’s excuse must be obtained.  

RECESSAll students will be required to go outdoors during recess times.  Please remember that if your child is really too sick to play outdoors during recess, he/she should be kept home.  As a general rule children will remain indoors if the air temperature or wind chill factor is below 0 F.  The weather will be checked on the NOAA National Weather Service web site.

REPORT CARDSReport cards are issued at the end of each nine-week grading period (quarterly).  Teachers may call parents to inform them of their child’s progress and/or send written notice if necessary between grading periods.  Please sign and return report card and envelope promptly to the teacher.  Parents are welcome to contact the teacher directly at any time to set an appointment to discuss their child’s progress.

SCHOOL COUNSELINGOur district’s elementary school counseling program is set up to assist children in the areas of educational, emotional and personal/social needs.  Through instruction, group interaction and individual counseling the school counselor stresses prevention of problems by providing children with skills and information age appropriate.

The school counseling program is most effective as a cooperative effort between the child, his/her parents, teachers, school administration and community.  Communication between home and school is very important in meeting the needs of each child. However, because of confidentiality, parents may not always be informed that their child has seen the school counselor.  If you would like to request notification prior to your child meeting with the school counselor, please contact the school counselor by phone, letter or email.

If you have any concerns about your child throughout the school year, please feel free to contact the school counselor.

SNACKSDesignated snack times will be determined by individual teachers.  Please send in healthy snacks that will help nourish the brain.  

SPECIAL NEEDSOur school offers classes to children with special needs such as:  speech therapy, learning disabilities, remedial reading, and other special classes.  Children can be referred for services by any teacher and/or parent.  All referrals for special education services will be screened by the building principal and the school psychologist, and when necessary, a special education teacher.  If you need more information, place contact the Director of Pupil Services.

TESTINGWisconsin Student Assessment System: In accordance with state mandates, all students in 4K through grade 12 are tested at least yearly. Statewide assessments given at each grade level are as follows: 4K-2nd grades (Fall, Spring): Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) 3rd-8th grades (Spring): Wisconsin Forward Exam* 9th grade (Spring): ACT Aspire* 10th grade (Spring): ACT Aspire and Wisconsin Forward Exam* 11th grade (Spring): ACT and WorkKeys* 12th grade: Civics Exam Students who are English Language Learners will take the ACCESS for ELLs annually


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*Students who use the Common Core Essential Elements standards will instead take the statewide alternate assessment, Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM).

Parents will be notified of the results when they become available. More information about the Wisconsin Student Assessment System is available at http://oea.dpi.wi.gov/oea_parents

TITLE IWhat is Title I?“Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.” It’s a federal program to help students in our nation’s schools.  There are two types of Title Schools. First, there is a Targeted Program that targets intervention for the lowest achieving children, typically known as a “Pull Out Program” and School-wide-Program that offers opportunities and services to all students.

Florence Elementary School has a School Wide Program.Schools and communities that meet certain income requirements can use Title money for the “Whole School.” Everyone benefits from a school-wide program because every teacher is considered a Title Teacher so every child receives Services.What School-wide Title I Programs Offer.Equal Treatment: Students don’t need to be pulled from class to get Title I services. Because the whole school is getting services, students are less likely to feel singled out.More Ways to Use Resources: A School-wide program has more freedom in how it can use resources.What Goes Into A School-wide Program?A school-wide program is based on: performance standards, attention to diversity, goals, community support, well-trained staff, extra help when needed & progress you can measure.

How A School-wide Title Program is Set Up:1. A Needs Assessment: School staff, teachers, and parents see what is needed for all students to meet educational standards.

They may base the measurement on grades, results of assessment test, samples of student work, surveys of parents and teachers. Surveys were utilized for input and data was disseminated during the data retreat.

2. Planning: School staff, teachers, and parents plan on how to best meet the needs shown in the needs assessment. This takes place within our School-wide Title Meeting. Ms. O’Donnell calls parents who have indicated that they would like to participate in planning our school-wide program. Please call her if you are interested 715-528-1123.

3. Teacher Training: Teachers and aides receive on going staff development to ensure that they maintain highly qualified status. This is accomplished through conferences, in-service, classes, ex.

4. Yearly Reviews: Teachers, school administration, and parents see if there has been enough improvement, otherwise adjustments are made. This is reflected in assessment documentation and identified within the Data Retreat.

 Parent Rights: Right to check “High Quality Status” of the teachers in the district. Contact Lisa Novak (715-528-1183)

Right to ask about assessments your child has taken. Contact Zach Wedge (715-528-1181 or 1182)

Parent Involvement: Parents are vital in a successful School-wide Program. They can: work as a volunteer in classrooms, attend parent-teacher conferences, help with homework, limit TV & Video games, review homework, and volunteer to participate in planning the school-wide program.

VISITORSIf you plan to visit school, you must stop in the school office to sign in and check with office staff before proceeding to a classroom. According to board policy all visitors will be asked to sign in and wear a Visitor’s Badge.  This policy is in effect to provide a safe environment for Florence Elementary School.  We appreciate your support in following this policy each time you visit.

Students are not permitted to have a guest at school without prior approval of the teacher and principal.

VOLUNTEERSParents are our main source of volunteers!  Your child’s success in school is our top priority.  You were your child’s first teacher and your continued partnership is needed along each step in your child’s K-6 education.


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There are many volunteer opportunities at the Florence Elementary School for parents, grandparents, mentors, senior citizens, etc. If you would like to volunteer at any point throughout the year (working in your child’s room, shelving books in the library, reading with students, or chaperoning fieldtrips, etc.) please pick up a Volunteer Background Disclosures Form in the office.

WEB SITE & SOCIAL MEDIAThe School District of Florence County is currently using our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to communicate information to our community.   We update all these sites periodically to provide timely and accurate information.  You can find our website at  www.myflorence.org. Please like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/florencecountyschooldistrict/. You can also find us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/FlorenceSchools and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/florencecountyschools/.

As we use these sites to share information, parent/guardian must give permission to the School District of Florence County to publish pictures and visual recordings of their child for the purpose of education and information on District’s sites.  Examples of pictures include classroom pictures, all school activities and various project based pictures. There is a Compliance and Release Form in your “Back To School” packet to initial giving permission for educational and informational pictures or videos of your child to be placed on the school website, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook Pages.