a double layer chocolate cakefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...a double layer...


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Page 1: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it
Page 2: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe

2 lbs. of sugar

3 eggs

3 flours, I thinK

9 chocolate things in it

Mix it together in a bow1. Put it in a pot. Then I baKe it at s

degrees for 9 seconds. Then you spread chocolate on the

outside. And that's it!

Page 3: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

PumpKin Muffins

1 tab1espoon of flour

Y2 tablespoon of sugar


2 teaspoons of oil

Y2 cup of milK

Y2 can mashed pumpKin

first, put the sugar in a bow1. Then, put in the flour and

next comes the oil and then maybe the milk comes and the

eggs. Last, put the pumpKin in. Mix it together and then we

scoop it into the paper cups. Put the paper cups in the

oven for about an hour at 300 degrees. 'PlaY while you wait

for them to cooK!

Page 4: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate Chip Hard cooKies with 'PinK frosting

liKe 13 ChOCOlate Chips

13 bowls of pinK frosting and purple

12 lbs. Of flOUr

3 eggs

10 cups of sugar

Mix it up and tnaKe it into cooKies and then put it in the

oven at 1 degree for 5 weeKs so that it gets warmer. Then

you have to ta Ke it out of the oven and then you have to

put it in the fridge to tnaKe it co1d. Then you taKe it out of

the fridge, put the frosting on and you eat it.

Page 5: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

1 stack of bread

10 jars of sauce


q.o pounds of white shredded cheese

first, put the bread in the kitchen and spread the sauce

onto the bread. Then spread the cheese. Then cook it in

the oven for 20 minutes at q.o degrees. Take it out and eat


Page 6: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Pizza With something on It

1 cup flour


1 :Y2 big cups of water

a cheese bar

1 can of tomato sauce

Mix the 5 things we put in first. flatten it with your hands.

Put it in a pan. BaKe it in the oven for 5 minutes on a hot

temperature. Take it out and cut it into 5 slices. Eat it with

your fatnilY

Page 7: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate CaKe

5 scoops of flour

9 ChOCOlate Chips

2 eggs

1 drop of vanilla

5 scoops of tnilK

6 scoops of salt

6 scoops of pepper

first, put everything in a bow1. Put the chocolate in the

same bow1. Put the eggs in separate bow1s. Put one drop

of vanilla in a big g1ass bow1. Put everything in a big g1ass

bowl and tnix it together. Put the six scoops of salt and the

6 scoops of pepper in the bowl and mix it. Put it in a pan

and put it in the oven for an hour and a half at s degrees. That's it! .......

Page 8: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it


3 eggs

2 bags of chocolate powder

2 velvet kind of cookies

some candy hearts

'Puts the eggs in a bowl and then put the chocolate powder

in and then we put the ve1vet chocolate cookies in and

some chocolate candy hearts. Put it into a tray thing and

bal�e it for 10 minutes at 5 degrees. Then we wrap it up into

a bag.

Page 9: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

1 cup of water

Mandel Bread cookjes

Y2 can of cake meal

3 warmed eggs

Melted butter

A whole pack of milk chocolate

Set the oven for two hours. Mix everything together in a

bow1. Take a hammer and break the Chocolate and mjx it

in. Put the bow1 jn the oven at q.a degrees. Take jt out

after two hours and cut jt up and jt's readY!

Page 10: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

A lot of dough

1 pound shredded cheese

Ajar of apple sauce


first, get dough and pat it and roll it. Stab the fork into it

and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 383 degrees with

apple sauce and shredded cheese.

Page 11: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it


2 lbs. Of Chocolate tnix

a oz. of baKing powder

q. eggs

enough chocolate frosting to cover the whole thing

TaKe all of the ingredients and tnix thern 1:ogether in a bow1.

Put it in a pan and baKe it at soo,ooo degrees for one hour.

TaKe it out and let it coo1 down. Put on the frosting. MY

dad will cut it after it is done. Eat it with your hands.

Page 12: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

2 whole pumpKins

1 tsp flour

PumpKin Muffins

1 tsp baKing powder

3 eggs

some sugar

you breaK the pumpKin and scoop the pumpKin insides

without the seeds. Then you mix all the ingredients. Then

you get something that has holes in it to put the wrappers

in for the muffins. Then we put them in the oven at warm

for q. beeps. And then when it is ready, then we eat the

muffins, not with anYthing special.

Page 13: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

3 spoons of flour


2 spoons of oil

Marble Cake

9 spoons of baking powder

20 spoons of vanilla frosting

Put it in a bow1 and bake it for 10 minutes at 12 degrees.

You take it out and coo1 it off, and then you put the

frosting on it. Then you are done. And then you cut it up


Page 14: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate and Vanilla CaKe

5 spoons of baKing powder

a spoons of sugar

10 spoons of golden oil

2 spoons of eggs

a spoons of flour

35 spoons of vanilla

20 spoons of Chocolate

Mix everYthing together 12 times. 'Put it in the oven for 9

hours at medium. Then taKe it out and let it coo1 off for 5

minutes. And then you cut it up and then share it with my

familY and we eat it up.

Page 15: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate Cake

2 cups of flour

1 cup of chocolate syrup

1 cup of tnilK


1 carrot for the top

First, put the flour in a bow1. Put the tnilK in, and then

breaK the two eggs apart and put thetn in. Put in the one

cup of syrup. Mix the ingredients and then pour it into a

tray. Put it into the oven for 30 tninutes at 10 degrees.

TaKe it out and put the carrot on top and eat it!

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Page 16: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Ice Cream Cake

a whole package of vanilla and chocolate ice cream

2 scoops of flour


2 tsp. sugar

s pieces of chocolate

:Y2 of a container of milk

Take the whole package of ice cream and put it into a

circle shape that cake goes in. Then we put in s pieces of

chocolate and stir it together. And then you put the sugar,

flour and eggs in a bow1. And then put the milk in. Put the

cake part in a pan and bake it for 10 minutes or so at s

degrees. Then you put the ice cream on the cake. Then you

make a cake!

Page 17: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

MatZah 'Pizza

Grate up a bunch of cheese - any kind you want

As much tomato sauce as you need to fill up a matZah

A slice of matZah

first, get a piece of matZah. Then grate up some cheese

and then you spread some sauce on the matZah. Then

sprinkle the cheese on top of it and put it in the oven for a

minutes at 1 degree. Then you take it out and eat it!

Page 18: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it


1 cup flour

3 cups water

3 eggs

1 teaspoon sugar

first, mix it all up, sprinkle a little bit of flour on the

a1urninurn foil so it won't stick, then pu1: it in a baking pan.

Put it in the oven for :Y2 hour at 350 degrees. Tat<e it out of

the oven and put it on the table apd say the brachah.

Page 19: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate and vanilla Doughnuts

1 or 2 tsp. of sugar

3 grams of chocolate

3 grams of vanilla

1 or 2 eggs

1 gram of flour

a Cherry on top

3 grams of water

Mix it for 5 minutes. 'Put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 17

degrees. And then taKe it out there is your doughnut. And

then taKe a BIG bite!

Page 20: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

1 teaspoon vanilla

Vanilla Ice Cream

q. tablespoons of sugar

3 tablespoons of flour


first, mix everYthing in a bowl, and then we put it in the

freezer for 13 minutes. Then we taKe it out.

Page 21: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it


vanilla CaKe

fill a measuring cup up to 20 with water

A big bunch of vanilla that is n0t baKed

V2 of one piece of wheat

Mix the eggs, water and vanilla and then put in the wheat.

cooK it for about 15 minutes at warm <a cairn 60 degrees).

Wait and taKe it out of the oven and put frosting on it and

it's done.

Page 22: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Ice Cream Cake

A lot of ice

a strawberries

3 cups of milk

5 cups of dough

Crush the strawberries and the ice. Put the milk in and e

mix everything togther and put it in the freezer. Leave in

the freezer for two hours. Shape the dough the way you

want it to be and then you put it in the oven for q.5

minutes at 350 degrees. Put the ice cream on the cake

when the cake is cooled down.

Page 23: A Double Layer Chocolate CaKefiles.ctctcdn.com/ef3845a7001/e92a76f1-2692-49f9-aede...A Double Layer Chocolate CaKe 2 lbs. of sugar 3 eggs 3 flours, I thinK 9 chocolate things in it

Chocolate cooKies

5 ChOCOlate Chips


:Y2 bag Of flOUr

1 scoop of sugar

2 scoops of baKing powder

Put it in a bow1 and tnix it with a spoon. Ma Ke 12 of them

round and put thetn on a traY. 'BaKe them for 5 minutes at 6

degrees. Tar�e thetn out and put thetn on the counter. Eat

