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Paul is writing to Gentiles in Rome (Rom 11:13). But there is a huge amount of theology (and OT quotations) relevant to the Jews.


The tendency of the Gentile believers in Rome was to arrogantly judge the Jews, suggesting that God had permanently rejected Israel (Rom 11:20, Rom 12:3, Rom 14:3)

Main themes

‘obedience to the faith’ (Rom 1:5 and Rom 16:26 stand as bookends. Also Rom 6:17, Rom 15:18, Rom 16:19 and many reference to Israel’s disobedience in chapters 9-11)

Chapters 3, 9-11 and 15 answer the theological question: If God has chosen Israel to be His people, why/how can He judge them?

We have died (in/with Christ) to the Law, so that our sinful desires/lusts (which were aroused by the Law), should not have power/dominion over us (Rom 7:4-5). Furthermore, the Spirit gives ‘newness of life’ to this dead body (Rom 7:6, Rom 8:11-13).

Everyone is a sinner. No-one deserves mercy. But God has shown mercy to every person (Rom 11:32).

Repeated words


‘consider/reckon/credit to someone’s account’

Note the repetitions in the introduction (Rom 1:1-7) and the conclusion (Rom 16:25-27).

{Rom 1:1}


a slave~2,N-NSM of Jesus,~3,N-GSM Christ~4,N-GSM

a called~5,A-NSM apostle,~6,N-NSM

having been separated/appointed~7,V-RPP-N for~8,PREP [the] gospel~9,N-ASN of God,~10,N-GSM

‘separated’ (1:1,4) This is from the root word for ‘horizon’. It literally means ‘to determine a boundary ‘ (ie the horizon is the boundary which separates the sky from the land), and therefore has the idea ‘to determine or to appoint’. It is the same word translated as (pre)destiny (Rom 8:29-30).

Note the repetition of ‘gospel’. Also in the conclusion (Rom 1:1,9,15,16-17; Rom 16:25).

{Rom 1:2}

which~1,R-ASN He promised beforehand~2,V-ADI-3 through~3,PREP His~6,P-GSM *~4,T-GPM prophets~5,N-GPM in~7,PREP [the] holy~9,A-DPF Scriptures,~8,N-DPF

{Rom 1:3}

concerning~1,PREP His~4,P-GSM *~2,T-GSM Son,~3,N-GSM

who~5,T-GSM came~6,V-2ADP- from~7,PREP [the] seed~8,N-GSN of David~9,N-PRI

according to~10,PREP [the] flesh,~11,N-ASF

NKJV moves ‘Jesus Christ our Lord’ from 1:4 to after ‘Son’

{Rom 1:4}

who~1,T-GSM was appointed~2,V-APP-G [the] Son~3,N-GSM of God~4,N-GSM in~5,PREP power~6,N-DSF

according to~7,PREP the Spirit~8,N-ASN of holiness~9,N-GSF

by~10,PREP [the] resurrection~11,N-GSF from [the] dead,~12,A-GPM

Jesus~13,N-GSM Christ~14,N-GSM our~17,P-1GP *~15,T-GSM Lord,~16,N-GSM

‘appointed’ Jesus was appointed Son of God and made heir of all things when He sat at the right hand of the Father (see Heb 1:2-4).

NET has ‘the-Son-of-God-in-power’ (with hyphens), implying a title or special position

{Rom 1:5}

through~1,PREP whom [Jesus]~2,R-GSM we have received~3,V-2AAI- grace~4,N-ASF and~5,CONJ apostleship~6,N-ASF

for~7,PREP [the] obedience~8,N-ASF of [the] faith~9,N-GSF among~10,PREP all~11,A-DPN the~12,T-DPN Gentiles [nations]~13,N-DPN

for~14,PREP His~17,P-GSM *~15,T-GSN name,~16,N-GSN

‘obedience to the faith’ means to live the way we should, according to ‘the truth/faith’, living by faith by the Spirit (not according to the works of the Law/flesh/sin).

Also in the conclusion (Rom 15:18, Rom 16:17-19,26).

{Rom 1:6}

among~1,PREP whom~2,R-DPN you [Roman Gentiles]~5,P-2NP also~4,CONJ are~3,V-PXI-2 [the] called [ones]~6,A-NPM of Jesus~7,N-GSM Christ.~8,N-GSM

The Gentiles have been called as saints, with a destiny, to be like Christ (Rom 1:6-7)

{Rom 1:7}

[writes]~0, to all~1,A-DPM those~2,T-DPM who are~3,V-PXP-D in~4,PREP Rome,~5,N-DSF

beloved~6,A-DPM of God,~7,N-GSM

[the] called~8,A-DPM saints:~9,A-DPM

Grace~10,N-NSF to you~11,P-2DP and~12,CONJ peace~13,N-NSF from~14,PREP God~15,N-GSM our~17,P-1GP Father~16,N-GSM and~18,CONJ [the] Lord~19,N-GSM Jesus~20,N-GSM Christ.~21,N-GSM

{Rom 1:8}

First,~1,ADV indeed,~2,PRT I thank~3,V-PAI-1 my~6,P-1GS *~4,T-DSM God~5,N-DSM

through~7,PREP Jesus~8,N-GSM Christ~9,N-GSM

for~10,PREP you~12,P-2GP all,~11,A-GPM

because~13,CONJ your~16,P-2GP *~14,T-NSF faith~15,N-NSF is being proclaimed~17,V-PPI- throughout~18,PREP [the] whole~19,A-DSM *~20,T-DSM world.~21,N-DSM

{Rom 1:9}

For~2,CONJ *~5,T-NSM God~6,N-NSM is~4,V-PXI-3 my~3,P-1GS witness,~1,N-NSM

whom~7,R-DSM I serve~8,V-PAI-1 with~9,PREP my~12,P-1GS *~10,T-DSN spirit~11,N-DSN

by~13,PREP [preaching]~0, the~14,T-DSN gospel~15,N-DSN *~16,T-GSM of His~17,N-GSM Son,~18,P-GSM


without ceasing/constantly~20,ADV

I make~23,V-PMI- mention~21,N-ASF of you,~22,P-2GP

{Rom 1:10}

always~1,ADV asking~6,V-PNP-N in~2,PREP my~5,P-1GS *~3,T-GPF prayers,~4,N-GPF


perhaps~8,PRT now~9,ADV at last~10,PRT

I will find a way,~11,V-FPI-

by~12,PREP the~13,T-DSN will~14,N-DSN *~15,T-GSM of God,~16,N-GSM

to come~17,V-2AAN to~18,PREP you.~19,P-2AP

{Rom 1:11}

Because~2,CONJ I long/desire~1,V-PAI-1 to see~3,V-2AAN you,~4,P-2AP

so that~5,CONJ I may give~7,V-2AAS- some~6,X-ASN *~12,T-ASN spiritual~10,A-ASN gift~8,N-ASN to you,~9,P-2DP

so that~11,PREP you~14,P-2AP may be established/strengthened,~13,V-APN

‘established’ from stērizō, means ‘to make stable, to strengthen, to support’

If the Gentiles walk worthy of their calling, righteously, by faith, by the Spirit, they will not be ‘broken off’ from the blessings in this life. Also in the conclusion (Rom 16:25).

{Rom 1:12}

*~2,CONJ that~1,D-NSN is,~3,V-PXI-3

to be encouraged together~4,V-APN with~5,PREP you~6,P-2DP

by~7,PREP *~9,PREP one another's~10,C-DPM *~8,T-GSF faith,~11,N-GSF both~13,PRT yours~12,P-2GP and~14,CONJ mine.~15,P-1GS

{Rom 1:13}

Now~3,CONJ *~1,PRT-N I do not want~2,V-PAI-1 you~4,P-2AP to be ignorant,~5,V-PAN brothers,~6,N-VPM

that~7,CONJ often~8,ADV I planned~9,V-2AMI- to come~10,V-2AAN to~11,PREP you,~12,P-2AP

(but~13,CONJ was hindered~14,V-API- until~15,PREP *~16,T-GSM now),~17,ADV

so that~18,CONJ I might have~21,V-2AAS some~19,X-ASM fruit~20,N-ASM among~23,PREP you~24,P-2DP also,~22,CONJ

just as~25,ADV also~26,CONJ among~27,PREP the~28,T-DPN rest~29,A-DPN of [the] Gentiles.~30,N-DPN

{Rom 1:14}

I am~10,V-PXI- a debtor~9,N-NSM both~2,PRT to [the] Greeks~1,N-DPM and~3,CONJ to [the] barbarians,~4,A-DPM both~6,PRT to [the] wise~5,A-DPM and~7,CONJ to [the] foolish.~8,A-DPM

Greeks were regarded as civilized and cultured. Barbarians where the tribes who could not speak Greek (their language sounded like ‘bar-bar’) – they were regarded as uncivilized.

{Rom 1:15}

In this way,~1,ADV

that which~2,T-NSN [is]~0, according to~3,PREP me~4,P-1AS [is]~0, eager~5,A-NSN also~6,CONJ to preach the gospel~11,V-AMN *~8,T-DPM to you [who]~7,P-2DP [are]~0, in~9,PREP Rome.~10,N-DSF

‘that which is according to me’ Whatever is within Paul’s control/ability to do (see Rom 1:10-11). NASB translates as ‘For my part, I am eager…’

‘preach the gospel’ Why did Paul want to preach the gospel TO BELIEVERS in Rome? The ‘gospel’ has the broader meaning of the whole process of salvation (deliverance from sin and death), beginning with believing in Christ for eternal life, to living by faith/the Spirit (‘the obedience of the faith’), to the hope of resurrection. Paul wants the Roman believers to understand the full scope of ‘the gospel’.

{Rom 1:16}

For~2,CONJ *~1,PRT-N I am not ashamed~3,V-PNI-1 of the~6,T-GSM *~4,T-ASN gospel,~5,N-ASN

because~9,CONJ it is~11,V-PXI- [the] power~8,N-NSF *~7,N-GSM of God~10,N-GSM

for~12,PREP salvation~13,N-ASF to everyone~14,A-DSM believes,~16,V-PAP-

to the~15,T-DSM Jew~17,A-DSM first~19,ADV and~18,PRT also~20,CONJ to the Greek [Gentile].~21,N-DSM

‘salvation’ in the context of the book of Romans, means to be saved from sin and death. This is in three stages: the moment we receive eternal life (saved from the penalty sin forever, Romans chapters 1-7), day by day living by faith/Spirit (saved from sin and physical death, Romans chapter 8a), the resurrection (saved from the second death forever, Romans chapter 8b).

{Rom 1:17}

For~2,CONJ [the] righteousness~1,N-NSF of God~3,N-GSM is revealed~6,V-PPI-3 in~4,PREP it [the gospel]~5,P-DSN

from~7,PREP faith~8,N-GSF to~9,PREP faith,~10,N-ASF

just as~11,ADV it is written,~12,V-RPI-


‘righteousness’ has the idea of ‘to be right/acceptable to God’. To be acceptable to God, a person must attain to the standard of God’s character (ie holiness, righteousness). God is free to bless anyone who meets that standard (righteousness), but He must judge any person who falls short of that standard (unrighteousness/sin). Therefore, righteousness and justice are very closely related – they are the same word in Greek (dikaiosunē).

The righteousness of God is revealed through what Jesus did at the cross (see Rom 3:21-26). God is able to forgive sinners through grace by faith, and still be righteous/just, because Jesus paid the penalty and satisfied the justice of God (See Rom 5:1-2).

God is also able to declare the believer righteous and bless him, when he lives by faith (depending upon the Spirit, overcoming sin).

‘from faith to faith’ is probably emphasizing faith, in the three stages of salvation - from the beginning to the end (Gal 3:1-3; Gal 5:4-7).

‘by faith’ Romans makes it clear that the only way to be justified/declared righteous/made acceptable to God is by faith, both in eternal salvation and saved from sin/death/judgement in this life (Rom 3:20-26). Therefore, the emphasis of this verse is ‘The-one-who-is-declared-righteous-by-faith … will live’ – and the one who is unrighteous (either because of sin, or because they refuse to believe God) will die. Paul is probably emphasizing that the one who is declared righteous by faith (not by trying to keep the Law) will escape the wrath of God, and live.

Quotation from Habakkuk 2:4. In Habakkuk, the prophecy was a warning to Israel that judgement was coming upon Judah by the Chaldeans (Babylon), but also an exhortation that God would deliver Judah and punish Babylon. It required faith (believing the promise of God) that God would ‘save’ Judah – they would not die (see Hab 3:16-19).

Romans 1:18-3:26 explains Rom 1:17, the righteous requirements of God – God must judge anyone who falls short of His righteousness

{Rom 1:18}

For~2,CONJ [the] wrath/anger~3,N-NSF of God~4,N-GSM is revealed~1,V-PPI-3

from~5,PREP heaven~6,N-GSM

against~7,PREP all~8,A-ASF ungodliness~9,N-ASF and~10,CONJ unrighteousness~11,N-ASF of men,~12,N-GPM

who~13,T-GPM suppress~18,V-PAP- the~14,T-ASF truth~15,N-ASF in/by~16,PREP unrighteousness,~17,N-DSF

‘ungodliness’ means that which does not give the reverence/honour to God (see Rom 1:21).

‘unrighteousness’ is that which falls short of the righteous requirements of a holy God, and therefore is unacceptable to God (see Rom 1:29-32).

‘truth’ is what God has revealed about Himself in the gospel, in His Word and in creation. This is why Paul wants the Gentiles ‘to be obedient to the faith’ (Rom 1:5, Rom 16:26).

{Rom 1:19}

because~1,CONJ what~2,T-NSN [can be]~0, known~3,A-NSN *~4,T-GSM about God~5,N-GSM is~7,V-PXI-3 revealed~6,A-NSN to/within~8,PREP them,~9,P-DPM

because~11,CONJ *~10,T-NSM God~12,N-NSM revealed it~14,V-AAI- to them.~13,P-DPM

‘revealed’ can be translated ‘revealed, visible, known’. All three ideas are present in the context of Rom 1:17-20)

{Rom 1:20}


since~5,PREP [the] creation~6,N-GSF of [the] world,~7,N-GSM

His~4,P-GSM unseen [invisible] attributes,~3,A-NPN

both~13,PRT *~1,T-NPN His~15,P-GSM eternal~14,A-NSM power~16,N-NSF and~17,CONJ *~12,T-NSF deity,~18,N-NSF

are clearly seen,~11,V-PPI-

being understood~10,V-PPP- by the things~8,T-DPN that have been made,~9,N-DPN

so that~19,PREP they~22,P-APM *~20,T-ASN are~21,V-PXN without excuse,~23,A-APM

‘Unseen’ and ‘seen’ in 1:20 are the same word, with the opposite prefix.

‘deity’ NKJV has Godhead. NASB and NET have divine nature

{Rom 1:21}


although they knew~2,V-2AAP- *~3,T-ASM God,~4,N-ASM

*~5,PRT-N they did not glorify/honour [Him]~8,V-AAI-3 as~6,ADV God~7,N-ASM or~9,PRT give thanks,~10,V-AAI-

but~11,CONJ they became empty/foolish~12,V-API- in~13,PREP their~16,P-GPM *~14,T-DPM thoughts/reasonings,~15,N-DPM

and~17,CONJ their~21,P-GPM *~19,T-NSF senseless/foolish~20,A-NSF heart [mind]~22,N-NSF was darkened.~18,V-API-

‘did not honour’ This is ‘ungodliness’, not giving God the glory that is due to His name

‘empty/foolish’ means empty, devoid of truth, foolish

‘senseless’ means without intelligence or wisdom, stupid

‘heart’ is singular – probably emphasizing ‘the heart of man’ and grouping everybody together in unrighteousness and sin

{Rom 1:22}

Claiming~1,V-PAP-N to be~2,V-PXN wise,~3,A-NPM

they became fools,~4,V-API-3

{Rom 1:23}

and~1,CONJ exchanged~2,V-AAI-3 the~3,T-ASF glory~4,N-ASF of the~5,T-GSM incorruptible~6,A-GSM God~7,N-GSM for~8,PREP an image [idol] made~9,N-DSN in [the] likeness~10,N-GSF of corruptible~11,A-GSM man~12,N-GSM and~13,CONJ birds~14,N-GPN and~15,CONJ four-footed animals~16,A-GPN and~17,CONJ crawling things.~18,N-GPN

‘incorruptible’ has the sense of imperishable/immortal, but it also alludes to righteous/holy

‘crawling things’ includes reptiles and snakes

{Rom 1:24}


*~5,T-NSM God~6,N-NSM also~2,CONJ *~4,P-APM gave them over~3,V-AAI-3

in~7,PREP the~8,T-DPF lusts~9,N-DPF of their~12,P-GPM *~10,T-GPF hearts [minds]~11,N-GPF

to~13,PREP impurity/uncleanness,~14,N-ASF


to dishonour~16,V-PEN their~19,P-GPM *~17,T-APN bodies~18,N-APN *~15,T-GSM among~20,PREP themselves,~21,F-3DPM

{Rom 1:25}

[the fools] who~1,R-NPM exchanged~2,V-AAI-3 the~3,T-ASF truth~4,N-ASF *~5,T-GSM of God~6,N-GSM for~7,PREP the~8,T-DSN lie,~9,N-DSN

and~10,CONJ worshiped~11,V-ADI- and~12,CONJ served~13,V-AAI- the~14,T-DSF creation~15,N-DSF instead of~16,PREP the~17,T-ASM Creator,~18,V-AAP-

who~19,R-NSM is~20,V-PXI- blessed~21,A-NSM *~22,PREP *~23,T-APM forever.~24,N-APM Amen.~25,HEB

{Rom 1:26}

Because of~1,PREP this,~2,D-ASN *~5,T-NSM

God~6,N-NSM *~4,P-APM gave them over~3,V-AAI-3 to~7,PREP dishonourable~9,N-GSF passions,~8,N-APN

for~12,CONJ both~11,PRT *~10,T-NPF their~14,P-GPM females~13,A-NPF exchanged~15,V-AAI- the~16,T-ASF natural~17,A-ASF sexual relations~18,N-ASF for~19,PREP that which~20,T-ASF [is]~0, against~21,PREP nature,~22,N-ASF

‘dishonourable’ also has the idea of shameful, disgraceful

{Rom 1:27}

and~2,PRT in the same way~1,ADV also,~3,CONJ the~4,T-NPM males,~5,N-NPM

leaving/abandoning~6,V-2AAP- the~7,T-ASF natural~8,A-ASF sexual relations~9,N-ASF of the~10,T-GSF female,~11,A-GSF

burned~12,V-API- in~13,PREP their~16,P-GPM *~14,T-DSF lust/desire~15,N-DSF toward~17,PREP one another,~18,C-APM

males~19,N-NPM with~20,PREP males~21,N-DPM committing~24,V-PNP- what~22,T-ASF [is]~0, shameful,~23,N-ASF


and~25,CONJ receiving~35,V-PAP- in/upon~33,PREP themselves~34,F-3DPM the~26,T-ASF penalty~27,N-ASF which~28,R-ASF was necessary~29,V-IQI- for their~32,P-GPM *~30,T-GSF error.~31,N-GSF

‘penalty’ This is a manifestation of God’s righteousness. He must judge all unrighteousness, by issuing the penalty that is due. The penalty is death (Rom 1:18, Rom 1:32, Rom 6:23)

‘error’ means wandering, straying (from the path of righteousness)

{Rom 1:28}


just as~2,ADV *~3,PRT-N they did not approve/consider it worth anything~4,V-AAI-3 to have~7,V-PAN *~5,T-ASM God~6,N-ASM in~8,PREP [their] knowledge,~9,N-DSF

*~12,T-NSM God~13,N-NSM gave them over~10,V-AAI- *~11,P-APM to~14,PREP a disapproved/worthless~15,A-ASM mind,~16,N-ASM

to do~17,V-PAN those things which~18,T-APN [are]~0, not~19,PRT-N proper/fitting/right,~20,V-PQP-

‘just as’ means even as, in the degree that, since

‘approve’ means to test something (such as a metal/coin) to see if it is genuine, good, worth anything, and therefore to approve it.


‘disapproved’ is the opposite to approved. It means ‘to fail the test, not to be genuine’ and therefore ‘to be worth nothing, to have nothing good in it’. NASB translates as ‘a depraved mind’.

{Rom 1:29}

being filled with~1,V-RPP-A all~2,A-DSF unrighteousness:~3,N-DSF

sexual immorality,~4,N-DSF evil/wickedness,~5,N-DSF greediness/covetousness,~6,N-DSF malice/evil;~7,N-DSF

full~8,A-APM of envy,~9,N-GSM murder,~10,N-GSM strife,~11,N-GSF deceit,~12,N-GSM malice/an evil nature;~13,N-GSF

[they] [are]~0, gossips,~14,N-APM

NKJV and MT include sexual immorality. NASB omits it.

‘malice/evil’ is literally ‘badness’. It suggests an evil, malicious desire to harm

{Rom 1:30}

slanderers,~1,A-APM haters of God,~2,A-APM insolent,~3,N-APM arrogant,~4,A-APM boasters,~5,N-APM inventors~6,N-APM of evil,~7,A-GPN disobedient~9,A-APM to parents,~8,N-DPM

‘insolent’ means arrogant and violent

{Rom 1:31}

without sense/understanding,~1,A-APM untrustworthy,~2,A-APM without affection/unloving,~3,A-APM unforgiving,~4,A-APM unmerciful,~5,A-APM

‘untrustworthy’ can be translated ‘covenant-breakers’

NASB omits unforgiving

{Rom 1:32}


[although] fully knowing~6,V-2AAP- the~2,T-ASN righteous requirement~3,N-ASN *~4,T-GSM of God,~5,N-GSM

that~7,CONJ those who~8,T-NPM practise~11,V-PAP- such [unrighteous] things~10,D-APN are~14,V-PXI- deserving/worthy~12,A-NPM of death,~13,N-GSM

not~15,PRT-N only~16,ADV do~18,V-PAI- those things,~17,P-APN

but~19,CONJ also~20,CONJ approve of/are pleased with~21,V-PAI- those~9,T-APN who ~22,T-DPM practise [them].~23,V-PAP-

{Rom 2:1}

Therefore~1,CONJ you are~3,V-PXI-2 without excuse,~2,A-NSM

O~4,INJ man,~5,N-VSM every one~6,A-NSM who~7,T-NSM judges,~8,V-PAP-N


in~9,PREP that which~10,R-DSN you judge~12,V-PAI- *~13,T-ASM another;~14,A-ASM

you condemn~16,V-PAI- yourself,~15,F-2ASM

because~18,CONJ [you] who~17,T-APN judge~22,V-PAP- practise~20,V-PAI- the~21,T-NSM same things.~19,P-APN

‘You’ probably refers to Jews who self-righteously judge the Gentiles (Rom 2:17). You (singular) is used to emphasize the responsibility on every individual.

{Rom 2:2}

Now~2,CONJ we know~1,V-RAI-1 that~3,CONJ the~4,T-NSN judgement~5,N-NSN *~6,T-GSM of God~7,N-GSM is~8,V-PXI-3 according to~9,PREP truth~10,N-ASF

upon/against~11,PREP those who~12,T-APM practise~15,V-PAP- such~14,D-APN things.~13,T-APN

‘judgement of God’ is based on what He has revealed. Therefore, men are without excuse; because they suppress the truth about God (Rom 1:18-21,25,28 and Rom 2:8).

{Rom 2:3}

And~2,CONJ do you think~1,V-PNI-2 this,~3,D-ASN

O~4,INJ man,~5,N-VSM [you] who~6,T-NSM judges~7,V-PAP-N those who~8,T-APM practise~11,V-PAP- *~9,T-APN such things,~10,D-APN

And [yet]~12,CONJ do~13,V-PAP- [the] same things,~14,P-APN

that~15,CONJ you~16,P-2NS will escape~17,V-FDI- the~18,T-ASN judgement~19,N-ASN *~20,T-GSM of God?~21,N-GSM

{Rom 2:4}

Or~1,PRT do you despise~13,V-PAI- the~2,T-GSM riches~3,N-GSM of His~6,P-GSM *~4,T-GSF goodness/kindness~5,N-GSF and~7,CONJ *~8,T-GSF forbearance~9,N-GSF and~10,CONJ *~11,T-GSF patience,~12,N-GSF

not knowing~14,V-PAP- that~15,CONJ the~16,T-NSN kind[ness]~17,A-NSN *~18,T-GSM of God~19,N-GSM leads~23,V-PAI- you~22,P-2AS to~20,PREP repentance?~21,N-ASF

‘despise’ is emphatic form of ‘to think, to have understanding’ NKJV translates as ‘despise’, NASB as ‘think lightly’, NET as ‘have contempt for’.

‘forebearance’ is a bearing up, an endurance, a delaying (of judgement)

God has shown mercy to the Jews (instead of judging them immediately), so that the Jews might repent. Also, the Gentiles have been shown mercy, and should not be arrogant toward the Jews! (see Rom 11:18,22, 30-32)

{Rom 2:5}


because of~1,PREP your~5,P-2GS *~3,T-ASF hardness/stubbornness~4,N-ASF and~6,CONJ unrepentant~7,A-ASF heart,~8,N-ASF

you are storing up~9,V-PAI-2 wrath~11,N-ASF for yourself~10,F-2DSM

in~12,PREP [the] day~13,N-DSF of wrath~14,N-GSF and~15,CONJ of [the] revelation~16,N-GSF and~17,CONJ of [the] righteous judgement~18,N-GSF *~19,T-GSM of God,~20,N-GSM

(Rom 2:6-11) has a chiastic arrangement:

a) God will judge everyone fairly (2:6)

b) Those who do good will receive eternal life (2:7)

c) Those who do evil will suffer wrath (2:8)

c) Wrath for those who do evil (2:9)

b) Glory for those who do good (2:10)

a) God judges impartially (2:11)

{Rom 2:6}


‘render’ is an accounting term. It means to pay what is due/owed, to settle an account, to reward.

{Rom 2:7}


eternal~14,A-ASF life~13,N-ASF to those who,~1,T-DPM

by~3,PREP perseverance~4,N-ASF in good~6,A-GSN work,~5,N-GSN

seek~12,V-PAP- glory~7,N-ASF and~8,CONJ honour~9,N-ASF and~10,CONJ incorruption~11,N-ASF

‘incorruption’ implies immortality (ie eternal life)

'work' is singular. ‘Doing good’ is a significant theme in Romans. In this context, it probably means ‘If anyone keeps the righteous requirements of the Law, they will have eternal life.’ (Rom 2:15,26-27). But no-one is good, and no-one can keep the Law (Rom 3:8,12, Rom 7:18, Rom 2:13).

The Law of Moses is described as ‘the good’ (Rom 7:12-13,16).

The will of God is described as good (Rom 12:2).

Believers are commanded to do good (Rom 12:9,21).

{Rom 2:8}


anger~14,N-NSM and~15,CONJ wrath~16,N-NSF to those who,~1,T-DPM

from~3,PREP self-seeking,~4,N-GSF

even~5,CONJ indeed~7,PRT disobey~6,V-PAP-D the~8,T-DSF truth,~9,N-DSF and~11,CONJ obey~10,V-PMP- *~12,T-DSF unrighteousness.~13,N-DSF

‘self-seeking’ means ‘out of selfish ambition, pick me! me first!’

{Rom 2:9}

[There will be]~0, affliction/tribulation~1,N-NSF and~2,CONJ distress~3,N-NSF upon~4,PREP every~5,A-ASF soul~6,N-ASF of man~7,N-GSM who~8,T-GSM does~9,V-PNP-G *~10,T-ASN evil,~11,A-ASN

both~13,PRT of [the] Jew~12,A-GSM first~14,ADV and~15,CONJ of [the] Greek [Gentile],~16,N-GSM

{Rom 2:10}

but~2,CONJ glory~1,N-NSF and~3,CONJ honour~4,N-NSF and~5,CONJ peace~6,N-NSF to everyone~7,A-DSM who~8,T-DSM does~9,V-PNP-D what~10,T-ASN [is]~0, good,~11,A-ASN

both~13,PRT to [the] Jew~12,A-DSM first~14,ADV and~15,CONJ to [the] Greek [Gentile].~16,N-DSM

{Rom 2:11}

For~2,CONJ there is~3,V-PXI-3 no~1,PRT-N partiality~4,N-NSF with~5,PREP *~6,T-DSM God.~7,N-DSM

{Rom 2:12}

For~2,CONJ as many [Gentiles] as~1,K-NPM have sinned~4,V-2AAI- without [the] Law,~3,ADV also~6,CONJ will perish~7,V-FMI-3 without [the] Law;~5,ADV

and~8,CONJ as many [Jews] as~9,K-NPM have sinned~12,V-2AAI with~10,PREP [the] Law~11,N-DSM will be judged~15,V-FPI- by~13,PREP [the] Law --~14,N-GSM

[Parenthesis begins here from 2:13 to 2:15]

{Rom 2:13}

(Because~2,CONJ [it is]~0, not~1,PRT-N the~3,T-NPM hearers~4,N-NPM of the~5,T-GSM Law~6,N-GSM [who] [are]~0, just/righteous~7,A-NPM before~8,PREP *~9,T-DSM God,~10,N-DSM

but~11,CONJ the~12,T-NPM doers~13,N-NPM of the~14,T-GSM Law~15,N-GSM will be justified/declared righteous.~16,V-FPI-

‘just/righteous’ means ‘to be justified/declared righteous/acceptable to God/to be ‘right’ with God.

{Rom 2:14}

For~2,CONJ whenever~1,CONJ [the] Gentiles,~3,N-NPN

who~4,T-NPN *~5,PRT-N do not have~7,V-PAP-N [the] Law,~6,N-ASM


by nature~8,N-DSF

the things~9,T-APN of the~10,T-GSM Law,~11,N-GSM

these [Gentiles],~13,D-NPM

[although] not~15,PRT-N having~16,V-PAP- [the] Law,~14,N-ASM

are~18,V-PXI- a law~19,N-NSM to themselves,~17,F-3DPM

This is morality, what is ‘good’ morally.

{Rom 2:15}

who~1,R-NPM show~2,V-PMI-3 the~3,T-ASN work~4,N-ASN of the~5,T-GSM Law~6,N-GSM written~7,A-ASN in~8,PREP their~11,P-GPM *~9,T-DPF hearts,~10,N-DPF

bearing witness with~12,V-PAP- their~13,P-GPM *~14,T-GSF conscience,~15,N-GSF

and~16,CONJ with[in]~17,ADV themselves,~18,C-GPM their~19,T-GPM thoughts~20,N-GPM [either] accusing~21,V-PAP- or~22,PRT else~23,CONJ defending [them])~24,V-PNP-

Their conscience judges whether their works are good or bad – because God has put conscience into us

‘within themselves’ NKJV translates as ‘between themselves’. NASB has ‘alternately’. NET has ‘conflicting thoughts’

[Parenthesis end here from 2:13 to 2:15]

{Rom 2:16}

on~1,PREP [the] day~2,N-DSF when~3,ADV *~5,T-NSM God~6,N-NSM will judge~4,V-FAI-3 *~LT4,V-PAI the~7,T-APN secrets~8,A-APN *~9,T-GPM of men,~10,N-GPM

according to~11,PREP my~14,P-1GS *~12,T-ASN gospel,~13,N-ASN

through~15,PREP Jesus~16,N-GSM Christ.~17,N-GSM

Everyone – whether Jew or Gentile – will be judged

1) according to their works (Rom 2:6), and no-one will be found to be ‘good’ (Rom 3:10-12)

2) according to the gospel (Rom 2:16), and those who believe in Jesus will be found to be righteous (Rom 3:21-26).

{Rom 2:17}

Understand this!~1,V-AAM-2

You~2,P-2NS are called~4,V-PPI-2 a Jew,~3,A-NSM

and~5,CONJ rest/rely on~6,V-PNI-2 the~7,T-DSM Law~8,N-DSM and~9,CONJ boast~10,V-PNI- in~11,PREP God~12,N-DSM

‘a Jew’ ie ‘God’s chosen people’ … better than the Gentiles

{Rom 2:18}

and~1,CONJ know~2,V-PAI-2 His~3,T-ASN will~4,N-ASN and~5,CONJ approve~6,V-PAI-2 the things that~7,T-APN are excellent/superior,~8,V-PAP-A

being instructed~9,V-PPP-N from~10,PREP the~11,T-GSM Law,~12,N-GSM

{Rom 2:19}

and~2,PRT are confident that~1,V-2RAI- you yourself~3,F-2ASM are~5,V-PXN a guide~4,N-ASM of the blind,~6,A-GPM a light~7,N-ASN of those~8,T-GPM in~9,PREP darkness,~10,N-DSN

{Rom 2:20}

a trainer/corrector~1,N-ASF of [the] foolish,~2,A-GPM a teacher~3,N-ASM of [the] immature/little children,~4,A-GPM

having~5,V-PAP-A the~6,T-ASF form~7,N-ASF *~8,T-GSF of knowledge~9,N-GSF and~10,CONJ of the~11,T-GSF truth~12,N-GSF in~13,PREP the~14,T-DSM Law.~15,N-DSM

‘form’ means to shape or form. NASB translates as ‘embodiment’. NET has ‘the essential features’. The Jews have the framework of truth in the Law.

{Rom 2:21}


You who~1,T-NSM teach~3,V-PAP-N another,~4,A-ASM *~6,PRT-N do you not teach~7,V-PAI-2 yourself?~5,F-2ASM

You who~8,T-NSM preach~9,V-PAP-N not~10,PRT-N to steal,~11,V-PAN do you steal?~12,V-PAI-

{Rom 2:22}

You who~1,T-NSM say~2,V-PAP-N not~3,PRT-N to commit adultery,~4,V-PAN do you commit adultery?~5,V-PAI-2

You who~6,T-NSM abhor~7,V-PNP-N *~8,T-APN idols,~9,N-APN do you rob temples?~10,V-PAI-

‘abhor’ means to detest something because it is rotten/corrupt

‘rob temples’ They profane God's temple by making it a ‘den of robbers’ (eg money changers are ‘corrupt’, Matt 21:12-13)

{Rom 2:23}

You who~1,R-NSM boast~4,V-PNI-2 in~2,PREP [the] Law,~3,N-DSM do you dishonour~12,V-PAI- *~10,T-ASM God~11,N-ASM

by~5,PREP the~6,T-GSF transgression~7,N-GSF of the~8,T-GSM Law?~9,N-GSM

‘transgression’ means ‘to cross over the line’, to break the commandment

{Rom 2:24}

For~2,CONJ just as~12,ADV it is written,~13,V-RPI-


‘blasphemed’ When unbelievers see God’s people sin, it brings shame/dishonour to Him, and they ‘slander/blaspheme’ Him.

{Rom 2:25}

For~3,CONJ indeed~2,PRT

circumcision~1,N-NSF is of value~4,V-PAI-3

if~5,COND you practise [do/keep]~7,V-PAS-2 [the] Law,~6,N-ASM


if~8,COND you are~12,V-PXS- a transgressor~10,N-NSM of [the] Law,~11,N-GSM

your~15,P-2GS *~13,T-NSF circumcision~14,N-NSF has become~17,V-2RAI uncircumcision.~16,N-NSF

{Rom 2:26}


if~1,COND the~3,T-NSF uncircumcised man [Gentile]~4,N-NSF keeps~9,V-PAS-3 the~5,T-APN righteous requirements~6,N-APN of the~7,T-GSM Law,~8,N-GSM

[will]~0, not~10,PRT-I his [Gentile]~13,P-GSM *~11,T-NSF uncircumcision~12,N-NSF be reckoned/credited~16,V-FPI- as~14,PREP circumcision?~15,N-ASF

‘reckoned/credited’ This is an accounting term. It means to count, to calculate, to take into account, to credit to one’s account.

If someone is able to keep the Law, then they are considered to be righteous.

{Rom 2:27}


the~3,T-NSF uncircumcised man [Gentile]~6,N-NSF

by~4,PREP nature~5,N-GSF fulfilling~9,V-PAP-N the~7,T-ASM Law~8,N-ASM

will judge~2,V-FAI-3 you [Jew],~10,P-2AS

the one~11,T-ASM

with~12,PREP [the] Writing [Law]~13,N-GSN and~14,CONJ circumcision,~15,N-GSF

[are]~0, a transgressor~16,N-ASM of [the] Law.~17,N-GSM

{Rom 2:28}


he~3,T-NSM [is]~0, not~1,PRT-N a Jew~7,A-NSM in~4,PREP the~5,T-DSN visible [outward],~6,A-DSN

nor~9,ADV is~8,V-PXI-3 circumcision~16,N-NSF that which~10,T-NSF [is]~0, in~11,PREP the~12,T-DSN visible [outward]~13,A-DSN in~14,PREP [the] flesh,~15,N-DSF

‘outwardly’ is literally ‘in visible appearance’, meaning physically.

‘inwardly’ is literally ‘in secret/hidden’, meaning spiritually.

{Rom 2:29}

but~1,CONJ he~2,T-NSM [is]~0, a Jew~6,A-NSM in~3,PREP the~4,T-DSN hidden [inward],~5,A-DSN

and~7,CONJ circumcision~8,N-NSF [is]~0, of [the] heart,~9,N-GSF

by~10,PREP [the] Spirit,~11,N-DSN

not~12,PRT-N by [the] Writing [Law],~13,N-DSN

whose~14,R-GSM *~15,T-NSM praise~16,N-NSM [is]~0, not~17,PRT-N from~18,PREP men~19,N-GPM but~20,CONJ from~21,PREP *~22,T-GSM God.~23,N-GSM

‘praise’ This is a play on words. In Hebrew, the word for Judah/Jew is ‘praise’

{Rom 3:1}


what~1,I-NSN [is]~0, the~3,T-NSN advantage~4,A-NSN of the~5,T-GSM Jew, ~6,A-GSM or~7,PRT what~8,I-NSF [is]~0, the~9,T-NSF benefit~10,N-NSF *~11,T-GSF of circumcision?~12,N-GSF

{Rom 3:2}

Much~1,A-NSN in~2,PREP every~3,A-ASM way!~4,N-ASM

For~7,CONJ indeed~6,PRT first,~5,ADV

that~8,CONJ they were entrusted with~9,V-API-3 the~10,T-APN oracles/utterances~11,N-APN *~12,T-GSM of God.~13,N-GSM

God entrusted His Word to the Jews. This includes the Law of Moses, the promises to the Jews, and the promise of the gospel (Rom 1:1-2). Therefore, the Jews had a responsibility to believe God’s promises and to obey Him by keeping His Law.

{Rom 3:3}

But~2,CONJ what~1,I-NSN if~3,COND some [Jews]~5,X-NPM did not believe?~4,V-AAI-3

Their~9,P-GPM *~7,T-NSF unbelief~8,N-NSF *~6,PRT-N will not nullify~14,V-FAI- the~10,T-ASF faithfulness~11,N-ASF *~12,T-GSM of God,~13,N-GSM [will it?]~0,

‘but’ This is actually ‘for’ – usually reason or explanation

‘did not believe’ This word can mean either ‘did not believe’ or ‘were unfaithful’. Both are true. The Jews did not believe God’s promises (especially that Jesus is their Messiah/Christ), and they were disobedient because they refused to keep the requirements of the Law. Because of this unbelief/unfaithfulness, the Jews are under the wrath/judgement of God, and the Gentiles are now receiving the blessings of God. See 11:17.

{Rom 3:4}

May it never~1,PRT-N be!~2,V-2ADO-

But~4,CONJ [let]~0, *~5,T-NSM God~6,N-NSM be~3,V-PNM-3 [proven to be]~0, true~7,A-NSM and~9,CONJ every~8,A-NSM man~10,N-NSM a liar,~11,N-NSM

just as~12,ADV it is written,~13,V-RPI-

‘THAT~14,ADV *~15,PRT YOU [GOD] MAY BE JUSTIFIED [declared to be right/just]~16,V-APS- IN~17,PREP YOUR~20,P-2GS *~18,T-DPM WORDS,~19,N-DPM


‘may it never be!’ is very strong. NKJV translates as ‘Certainly not!’ NET as ‘Absolutely not!’

‘are judged’ is passive. Psalm 51:4 says ‘when You judge’ (active). Both are true. God is just when He judges, and He is found to be true when He is accused.

God will fulfill His promises to Israel – to the remnant (‘some’) that do believe. See Rom 11.

In Psalm 51, David is pleading with God to forgive him and restore him, despite his sin. In other words, David knows that God will be faithful to keep His promises to him, even though he has sinned. God is able to be righteous, and yet forgive sin – because of Jesus. See Rom 3:25-26. Whether God judges sin (pouring out the wrath of God on sinners), or forgives sin (for those who believe and/or repent), He is still justified.

{Rom 3:5}


if~1,COND our [Jews']~5,P-1GP *~3,T-NSF unrighteousness~4,N-NSF demonstrates~8,V-PAI-3 [the] righteousness~7,N-ASF of God,~6,N-GSM

what~9,I-ASN shall we say?~10,V-FAI-

*~13,T-NSM God,~14,N-NSM

who~15,T-NSM inflicts~16,V-PAP- *~17,T-ASF wrath [on the Jews],~18,N-ASF

[is]~0, not~11,PRT-N unjust,~12,A-NSM [is He]?~0,

(I am speaking~21,V-PAI- as a~19,PREP man.)~20,N-ASM

‘as a man’ means ‘in human terms’

In Psalm 51, quoted in Rom 3:4, David’s sin showed God’s faithfulness (because God forgave David and blessed him, even though he had sinned).

Is God unjust/unfair to punish Israel, whom He has chosen?

{Rom 3:6}

May it never~1,PRT-N be!~2,V-2ADO-

For otherwise,~3,CONJ how~4,ADV-I *~6,T-NSM [will]~0, God~7,N-NSM judge~5,V-FAI-3 the~8,T-ASM world?~9,N-ASM

{Rom 3:7}


if~1,COND the~3,T-NSF truth~4,N-NSF *~5,T-GSM of God~6,N-GSM has increased,~11,V-AAI- to~12,PREP His~15,P-GSM *~13,T-ASF glory,~14,N-ASF

by~7,PREP *~8,T-DSN my [Jew]~9,S-1DSN lie,~10,N-DSN

why~16,I-ASN am I [Jew] also~18,P-1NS- still~17,ADV being judged~21,V-PPI- as~19,ADV a sinner?~20,A-NSM

‘lie’ A lie is anything against the truth, transgression of the Law (Rom 1:18, Rom 2:8, Rom 3:3)

This may be the idea of ‘where sin increased, grace/forgiveness increased more’ (Rom 5:20), or it may be the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles as a result of the disobedience of the Jews (Rom 9:23, Rom 11:30-32).

{Rom 3:8}

And~1,CONJ [why] not~2,PRT-N [say]~0, *~11,CONJ

‘Let us do~12,V-AAS- *~13,T-APN evil,~14,A-APN so that~15,CONJ *~17,T-NPN good~18,A-NPN may come’~16,V-2AAS

(as~3,ADV we [Paul] are slandered,~4,V-PPI-1 and~5,CONJ as~6,ADV some~8,X-NPM declare that~7,V-PXI-3 we~9,P-1AP say),~10,V-PAN

Their~19,R-GPM *~20,T-NSN condemnation~21,N-NSN is~23,V-PXI- just!~22,A-NSN

The oft-repeated accusation ‘Because we live under grace, let us continue in sin, so that grace may abound!’ (Rom 6:1)

{Rom 3:9}

What~1,I-NSN then?~2,CONJ Are we [Jews] better [than Gentiles]?~3,V-PNI-1

Not~4,PRT-N at all!~5,ADV

Because~7,CONJ we have previously charged~6,V-ADI-1 [that] both~9,PRT Jews~8,A-APM and~10,CONJ Greeks [Gentiles]~11,N-APM are~15,V-PXN all~12,A-APM under~13,PREP sin,~14,N-ASF

‘charged’ is a legal charge (condemnation) worthy of punishment

{Rom 3:10}

just as~1,ADV it is written,~2,V-RPI-3 *~3,CONJ


{Rom 3:11}



{Rom 3:12}




‘turned away’ can also be translated ‘deviated’, wandered into error/sin, transgressed

{Rom 3:13}




‘asps’ is a deadly poisonous snake – the result is death

{Rom 3:14}


{Rom 3:15}


{Rom 3:16}


{Rom 3:17}


{Rom 3:18}


{Rom 3:19}

Now~2,CONJ we know~1,V-RAI-1 that~3,CONJ whatever~4,K-APN the~5,T-NSM Law~6,N-NSM says,~7,V-PAI-3 it speaks~12,V-PAI- to those who~8,T-DPM [are]~0, under~9,PREP the~10,T-DSM Law,~11,N-DSM

so that~13,CONJ every~14,A-NSN mouth~15,N-NSN may be closed/silenced,~16,V-2APS and~17,CONJ all~20,A-NSM the~21,T-NSM world~22,N-NSM may become~19,V-2ADS accountable/guilty~18,A-NSM *~23,T-DSM before God.~24,N-DSM

‘all the world’ is held accountable and condemned by the Law, because the ‘moral law of God’ – what is right and wrong – is written in our hearts/conscience. To ‘do good’ is the righteous requirements of God.

{Rom 3:20}

Because~1,CONJ no~5,PRT-N *~7,A-NSF flesh~8,N-NSF will be justified/declared righteous~6,V-FPI-3 before~9,ADV Him~10,P-GSM

by~2,PREP [the] works~3,N-GPN of [the] Law,~4,N-GSM

because~12,CONJ through~11,PREP [the] Law~13,N-GSM [comes]~0, [the] knowledge~14,N-NSF of sin.~15,N-GSF

{Rom 3:21}



apart from~3,ADV [the] Law,~4,N-GSM

[the] righteousness~5,N-NSF of God~6,N-GSM has been revealed,~7,V-RPI-3

being witnessed~8,V-PPP-N by~9,PREP the~10,T-GSM Law~11,N-GSM and~12,CONJ the~13,T-GPM Prophets --~14,N-GPM

‘Law and Prophets’ Salvation by faith in Christ (not by the Law) is taught in the entire Old Testament! (Luke 24:27, Gal 3:24)

{Rom 3:22}

even~2,CONJ [the] righteousness~1,N-NSF of God~3,N-GSM through~4,PREP faith~5,N-GSF in Jesus~6,N-GSM Christ~7,N-GSM to~8,PREP all~9,A-APM and~10,CONJ upon~11,PREP all~12,A-APM who~13,T-APM believe.~14,V-PAP-

For~16,CONJ there is~17,V-PXI- no~15,PRT-N distinction [between Jews and Gentiles],~18,N-NSF

‘faith in Jesus Christ’ NET translates as ‘the faithfulness of Jesus Christ’

{Rom 3:23}

for~2,CONJ all~1,A-NPM have sinned~3,V-2AAI- and~4,CONJ fall short~5,V-PPI-3 *~6,T-GSF of the glory ~7,N-GSF *~8,T-GSM of God,~9,N-GSM

‘glory’ in context, must be perfection/the righteous standard of God

{Rom 3:24}

being justified/declared righteous~1,V-PPP-N

freely/as a gift~2,ADV

by His~4,P-GSM *~3,T-DSF grace,~5,N-DSF

through~6,PREP the~7,T-GSF redemption~8,N-GSF which~9,T-GSF [is]~0, in~10,PREP Christ~11,N-DSM Jesus;~12,N-DSM

Everyone, whether Jew or Gentile, is justified the same way – by God’s grace, through faith in Christ

{Rom 3:25}

whom~1,R-ASM *~3,T-NSM God~4,N-NSM displayed publicly~2,V-2AMI- [as] [the] Mercy Seat/propitiation,~5,N-ASN

through~6,PREP *~7,T-GSF faith~8,N-GSF in~9,PREP His~11,P-GSM *~10,T-DSN blood,~12,N-DSN

for~13,PREP a demonstration~14,N-ASF of His~17,P-GSM *~15,T-GSF righteousness,~16,N-GSF

because of~18,PREP the~19,T-ASF passing over~20,N-ASF *~21,T-GPN sins~23,N-GPN [which] were committed previously,~22,V-RAP-

‘propitiation’ This word is the same word as ‘Mercy Seat’ in the Tabernacle. It was where the high priest poured blood in the presence of God, to cover the sins of Israel for the past year. It is place where sins are atoned for/covered on the Day of Atonement. Propitiation means to be satisfied with the sacrifice offered as atonement for sins.

‘passing over’ God, in mercy, did not judge sins immediately, but waited until redemption and propitiation were completed, so that sins could be forgiven. This demonstrates the righteousness of God.

{Rom 3:26}

in~1,PREP the~2,T-DSF forbearance~3,N-DSF *~4,T-GSM of God,~5,N-GSM

for~6,PREP [the] demonstration~7,N-ASF of His~10,P-GSM *~8,T-GSF righteousness~9,N-GSF in~11,PREP the~12,T-DSM present~13,ADV time,~14,N-DSM

so that~15,PREP He~18,P-ASM would be~17,V-PXN just~19,A-ASM and~20,CONJ the~22,T-ASM justifier~21,V-PAP- of the one who~16,T-ASN has~23,PREP faith~24,N-GSF in Jesus.~25,N-GSM

‘forebearance’ means enduring, a delaying (of judgement). NKJV, NASB, NET have this clause in verse 25

‘just and justifier’ God is just in not judging sin immediately, because He knew Jesus would be the acceptable sacrifice to pay the required penalty. Therefore, God is able to justify us/declare us righteous.

{Rom 3:27}

Therefore,~2,CONJ where is~1,PRT-I *~3,T-NSF boasting?~4,N-NSF

It is excluded!~5,V-API-3

By~6,PREP what kind~7,I-GSM of law?~8,N-GSM *~9,T-GPN Of works?~10,N-GPN

No,~11,PRT-N but~12,CONJ by~13,PREP [the] law~14,N-GSM of faith.~15,N-GSF

{Rom 3:28}

Therefore,~2,CONJ we consider~1,V-PNI-1 a man~5,N-ASM to be justified/declared righteous~4,V-PPN by faith~3,N-DSF apart from~6,ADV [the] works~7,N-GPN of [the] Law.~8,N-GSM

‘consider’ is the accounting word ‘to reckon, to calculate’. It is the same word of ‘crediting [righteousness] to an account’ and ‘justifying/declaring righteous’ because full payment has been made.

{Rom 3:29}

Or~1,PRT [is]~0, ~3,T-NSM God~4,N-NSM [the God] of [the] Jews~2,A-GPM only?~5,ADV

And~7,CONJ [is]~0, [He] not~6,PRT-I also~8,CONJ [the God] of [the] Gentiles?~9,N-GPN

Yes,~10,PRT also~11,CONJ of [the] Gentiles,~12,N-GPN

{Rom 3:30}

since~1,CONJ *~3,T-NSM God~4,N-NSM [is]~0, one,~2,A-NSM

who~5,R-NSM will justify~6,V-FAI-3 [the] circumcised [Jews]~7,N-ASF by~8,PREP faith~9,N-GSF and~10,CONJ [the] uncircumcised [Gentiles]~11,N-ASF through~12,PREP *~13,T-GSF faith.~14,N-GSF

‘God is one’ implies no partiality – both Jews and Gentiles are treated the same

{Rom 3:31}

Therefore,~2,CONJ do we nullify~3,V-PAI-1 [the] Law~1,N-ASM through~4,PREP *~5,T-GSF faith?~6,N-GSF

May it never~7,PRT-N be!~8,V-2ADO-

On the contrary,~9,CONJ establish~11,V-PAI- [the] Law.~10,N-ASM

‘establish’ means ‘to stand by, to uphold, to place or place it’. NET translates as ‘uphold’. Paul acknowledges the righteous requirements of the Law, that the Law is good.

{Rom 4:1}

What~1,I-ASN then~2,CONJ shall we say~3,V-FAI-1 [that] Abraham,~4,N-PRI our~7,P-1GP *~5,T-ASM father,~6,N-ASM has found~8,V-RAN

according to~9,PREP [the] flesh?~10,N-ASF

‘according to the flesh’ is last phrase in Gk word order … is it emphasizing ‘by works’? NKJV has ‘found … according to the flesh’. NASB and NET have ‘father … according to the flesh’

{Rom 4:2}


if~1,COND Abraham~3,N-PRI was justified~6,V-API-3 by~4,PREP works,~5,N-GPN

he has~7,V-PAI-3 something to boast about,~8,N-ASN but~9,CONJ not~10,PRT-N before~11,PREP *~12,T-ASM God.~13,N-ASM

{Rom 4:3}

For~2,CONJ what~1,I-ASN [does]~0, the~3,T-NSF Scripture~4,N-NSF say?~5,V-PAI-3


{Rom 4:4}

Now~2,CONJ to him who~1,T-DSM works,~3,V-PNP-D

his~4,T-NSM wage~5,N-NSM *~6,PRT-N is not credited to his account~7,V-PNI-3 as~8,PREP grace,~9,N-ASF

but~10,CONJ as~11,PREP a debt/what is due.~12,N-ASN

{Rom 4:5}

But~2,CONJ to him who~1,T-DSM *~3,PRT-N does not work,~4,V-PNP-D

but~6,CONJ believes~5,V-PAP-D in~7,PREP Him who~8,T-ASM justifies~9,V-PAP-A the~10,T-ASM ungodly,~11,A-ASM

his~15,P-GSM *~13,T-NSF faith~14,N-NSF is credited to his account~12,V-PNI- as~16,PREP righteousness,~17,N-ASF

{Rom 4:6}

just as~1,ADV David~3,N-PRI also~2,CONJ speaks about~4,V-PAI-3 the~5,T-ASM blessedness~6,N-ASM of the~7,T-GSM man~8,N-GSM to whom~9,R-DSM *~10,T-NSM God~11,N-NSM credits to his account~12,V-PNI- righteousness~13,N-ASF apart from~14,ADV works:~15,N-GPN

{Rom 4:7}


{Rom 4:8}


‘charges to account’ is the same word as ‘credit to account’. Instead of sin being charged to our account, righteousness is credited to our account. The debt is paid in full (as in a certificate of debt). Therefore, sins can be forgiven and condemnation removed.

{Rom 4:9}


[is]~0, this~4,D-NSM *~1,T-NSM blessedness~2,N-NSM for~5,PREP the~6,T-ASF circumcised [Jews only],~7,N-ASF or~8,PRT also~9,CONJ for~10,PREP the~11,T-ASF uncircumcised [Gentiles]?~12,N-ASF

For~14,CONJ we say~13,V-PAI-*~15,CONJ


{Rom 4:10}

How~1,ADV-I then~2,CONJ was it credited?~3,V-API-3

While~4,PREP he was~6,V-PXP-D circumcised~5,N-DSF or~7,PRT while~8,PREP uncircumcised?~9,N-DSF

Not~10,PRT-N while~11,PREP circumcised~12,N-DSF but~13,CONJ while~14,PREP uncircumcised!~15,N-DSF

{Rom 4:11}

And~1,CONJ he received~3,V-2AAI- [the] sign~2,N-ASN of circumcision~4,N-GSF

a seal~5,N-ASF of the~6,T-GSF righteousness~7,N-GSF of the~8,T-GSF faith~9,N-GSF which~10,T-GSF [he had] while~11,PREP *~12,T-DSF uncircumcised,~13,N-DSF

so that~14,PREP he~17,P-ASM might be~16,V-PXN [the] father~18,N-ASM of all~19,A-GPM who~15,T-ASN *~20,T-GPM believe~21,V-PAP- although~22,PREP [they are]~0, uncircumcised,~23,N-GSF

so that~24,PREP *~29,T-ASF righteousness~30,N-ASF *~25,T-ASN might be credited~26,V-APN to them~28,P-DPM also,~27,CONJ

Circumcision was a sign that his faith was ‘acceptable’ to declare him righteous before God

{Rom 4:12}

and~1,CONJ [the] father~2,N-ASM of circumcision~3,N-GSF to those~4,T-DPM not~5,PRT-N only~8,ADV from~6,PREP [the] circumcision [Jews],~7,N-GSF

but~9,CONJ also~10,CONJ to those [Gentiles] who~11,T-DPM walk/follow~12,V-PAP- in the~13,T-DPN footsteps~14,N-DPN of the~15,T-GSF faith~16,N-GSF of our~23,P-1GP *~21,T-GSM father~22,N-GSM Abraham~24,N-PRI which~17,T-GSF [he had]~0, while~18,PREP *~19,T-DSF uncircumcised.~20,N-DSF

{Rom 4:13}

For~2,CONJ the~5,T-NSF promise~6,N-NSF [that] he~12,P-GSM *~13,T-NSN would be~16,V-PXN heir~14,N-ASM of the~17,T-GSM world~18,N-GSM [was given]~0, *~7,T-DSM to Abraham~8,N-PRI or~9,PRT to his~15,P-ASM *~10,T-DSN seed~11,N-DSN

not~1,PRT-N through~3,PREP [the] Law,~4,N-GSM

but~19,CONJ through~20,PREP [the] righteousness~21,N-GSF by faith.~22,N-GSF

The promise to Abraham is one of inheritance (blessing). In this context, it is not 'eternal life' … but ‘to inherit the world forever’ implies you must also live forever!

The promise of inheritance/blessing is also passed on to Abraham's ‘children’ - those who follow in his footsteps by faith (Rom 4:12). This is the basis of the inheritance/blessings given to the Gentiles (Rom 11:17, Rom 15:27, Genesis 12:3).

{Rom 4:14}

For~2,CONJ *~8,T-NSF faith~9,N-NSF is made empty/void~7,V-RPI-3 and~10,CONJ the~12,T-NSF promise~13,N-NSF is nullified~11,V-RPI-

if~1,COND those~3,T-NPM of~4,PREP [the] Law~5,N-GSM [are]~0, heirs;~6,N-NPM

{Rom 4:15}

because~2,CONJ the~1,T-NSM Law~3,N-NSM brings~5,V-PNI-3 wrath.~4,N-ASF

Indeed,~7,CONJ where~6,ADV [there] is~9,V-PXI-3 no~8,PRT-N law,~10,N-NSM neither~11,ADV [is]~0, [there] transgression.~12,N-NSF

The Law demands ‘the wages’ due to people (Rom 4:4). Everyone breaks the Law, therefore it demands wrath (judgement) instead of inheritance (blessing).

When we are not under Law, there is no transgression, and therefore no penalty/judgement. When we believe God's promise (faith), we receive the blessing (inheritance) instead of wrath/judgement.

{Rom 4:16}

Because of~1,PREP this,~2,D-ASN

[it is]~0, by~3,PREP faith,~4,N-GSF

so that~5,CONJ [it may be]~0, according to~6,PREP grace,~7,N-ASF

so that~8,PREP the~12,T-ASF promise~13,N-ASF *~9,T-ASN be~10,V-PXN sure/guaranteed~11,A-ASF to all~14,A-DSN the~15,T-DSN seed,~16,N-DSN

not~17,PRT-N only~22,ADV to those [Jews]~18,T-DSN of~19,PREP the~20,T-GSM Law,~21,N-GSM

but~23,CONJ also~24,CONJ to those [Gentiles]~25,T-DSN of~26,PREP [the] faith~27,N-GSF of Abraham,~28,N-PRI

who~29,R-NSM is~30,V-PXI- [the] father~31,N-NSM of us~33,P-1GP all,~32,A-GPM

‘the promise’ to Abraham and his seed, that he would be heir of the world to come = inheritance

{Rom 4:17}

(just as~1,ADV it is written,~2,V-RPI-3 *~3,CONJ ‘I HAVE MADE~7,V-RAI-1 YOU~8,P-2AS THE FATHER~4,N-ASM OF MANY~5,A-GPN NATIONS’)~6,N-GPN

in the presence~9,ADV of God,~12,N-GSM

whom~10,R-GSM he [Abraham] believed,~11,V-AAI-

the [God] who~13,T-GSM makes alive~14,V-PAP- those who~15,T-APM [are]~0, dead~16,A-APM and~17,CONJ calls~18,V-PAP- the things that~19,T-APN *~20,PRT-N do not exist~21,V-PXP- as~22,ADV existing;~23,V-PXP-

{Rom 4:18}

who [Abraham],~1,R-NSM

against~2,PREP hope,~3,N-ASF

in~4,PREP hope,~5,N-DSF


so that~7,PREP he~10,P-ASM *~8,T-ASN became~9,V-2ADN [THE] FATHER~11,N-ASM OF MANY~12,A-GPN NATIONS,~13,N-GPN

according to~14,PREP what~15,T-ASN had been spoken,~16,V-RPP- ‘SO~17,ADV WILL YOUR~21,P-2GS *~19,T-NSN SEED/DESCENDANTS~20,N-NSN BE.’~18,V-FXI-

‘against hope … in hope’ is a very strong word for faith. It means absolute confidence. Abraham had no hope (of becoming a father, because of his age). But he believed God ‘in hope’ that God would keep His promise.

{Rom 4:19}


not~2,PRT-N being weak~3,V-AAP-N *~4,T-DSF in faith,~5,N-DSF

*~6,PRT-N he did not consider~7,V-AAI-3 his~8,T-ASN own~9,F-3GSM body,~10,N-ASN

now/already~11,ADV dead~12,V-RPP-

(being~15,V-PAP- about~14,PRT a hundred years old)~13,A-NSM

and~16,CONJ the~17,T-ASF deadness~18,N-ASF of Sarah’s~21,N-GSF *~19,T-GSF womb,~20,N-GSF

‘he did not consider his body’ NKJV and MT includes ‘not’. NASB and NET omits ‘not’. The main point is that Abraham knew that his body ‘was dead’, and he put no trust in his body to produce children ‘because it was dead’. There was no hope (‘against hope’, Rom 4:18).

{Rom 4:20}

yet~2,CONJ *~7,PRT-N he did not waver~8,V-API-3 *~9,T-DSF in unbelief~10,N-DSF at~1,PREP the~3,T-ASF promise~4,N-ASF *~5,T-GSM of God,~6,N-GSM

but~11,CONJ he was strengthened~12,V-API- *~13,T-DSF in faith,~14,N-DSF

giving~15,V-2AAP glory~16,N-ASF *~17,T-DSM to God~18,N-DSM

{Rom 4:21}

and~1,CONJ being fully convinced~2,V-APP-N that~3,CONJ He [God] was~7,V-PXI-3 also~8,CONJ able~6,A-NSM to do~9,V-AAN what~4,R-ASN He had promised.~5,V-RNI-3

{Rom 4:22}

And~2,CONJ therefore~1,CONJ


{Rom 4:23}

Now~3,CONJ *~1,PRT-N it was not written~2,V-2API- for~4,PREP him/his sake~5,P-ASM only~6,ADV that~7,CONJ it was credited~8,V-API-3 to him,~9,P-DSM

{Rom 4:24}

but~2,CONJ also~1,CONJ for~3,PREP us/our sake,~4,P-1AP to whom~5,R-DPM it is going to be~6,V-PAI-3 credited --~7,V-PPN

to those who~8,T-DPM believe~9,V-PAP-D in~10,PREP Him [God] who~11,T-ASM raised~12,V-AAP- Jesus~13,N-ASM our~16,P-1GP *~14,T-ASM Lord~15,N-ASM from~17,PREP [the] dead,~18,A-GPM

{Rom 4:25}

who~1,R-NSM was delivered up~2,V-API-3 for~3,PREP our~6,P-1GP *~4,T-APN trespasses [sins],~5,N-APN

and~7,CONJ was raised up~8,V-API-3 for~9,PREP our~12,P-1GP *~10,T-ASF justification.~11,N-ASF

‘for our trespasses’ Jesus died because of our sins. It was His death that justified us (Rom 5:9)

‘for our justification’ Jesus was raised in order to declare us righteous.

{Rom 5:1}


having been justified/declared righteous~1,V-APP-N by~3,PREP faith,~4,N-GSF

we have~6,V-PAI-1 peace~5,N-ASF with~7,PREP *~8,T-ASM God~9,N-ASM through~10,PREP our~13,P-1GP *~11,T-GSM Lord~12,N-GSM Jesus~14,N-GSM Christ,~15,N-GSM

Because we are now justified/righteous/acceptable to God, the wrath of God has been removed from us. We now have peace with God.

{Rom 5:2}

through~1,PREP whom~2,R-GSM also~3,CONJ we have~6,V-RAI-1 *~4,T-ASF access~5,N-ASF *~7,T-DSF by faith~8,N-DSF into~9,PREP this~12,D-ASF *~10,T-ASF grace~11,N-ASF in~13,PREP which~14,R-DSF we stand,~15,V-RAI-

and~16,CONJ we boast [exult/rejoice]~17,V-PNI- in~18,PREP [the] hope~19,N-DSF *~20,T-GSF of [the] glory~21,N-GSF *~22,T-GSM of God.~23,N-GSM

This verse shows the meaning of ‘from faith to faith’ in Rom 1:17. The whole process of salvation, from beginning (entrance) to end (hope of glory/resurrection) is by faith, ‘from faith to faith’.

‘access’ is used of entering the presence of God in worship or the king; also for a ship entering a safe harbour (the idea of peace/safety from Rom 5:1).

‘stand’ is to be established, secure

‘hope’ is the hope/confidence that God will resurrect us. In Rom 8:15-25, 29-30, this ‘glory’ is defined as our resurrection, completing our salvation as ‘sons of God’ (conformed to the image of His Son). See Rom 8:29-30, Rom 8:15-25.

{Rom 5:3}

And~3,CONJ not~1,PRT-N only [this],~2,ADV

but~4,CONJ *~5,CONJ we also boast [exult/rejoice]~6,V-PNI-1 in~7,PREP our~8,T-DPF tribulations [sufferings],~9,N-DPF

knowing~10,V-RAP- that~11,CONJ *~12,T-NSF tribulation~13,N-NSF produces~15,V-PNI- endurance/perseverance,~14,N-ASF

‘tribulations’ lit ‘to crush (eg grapes)’, a metaphor of pressure, suffering

{Rom 5:4}

and~2,CONJ *~1,T-NSF endurance/perseverance,~3,N-NSF proven [tested/approved] character,~4,N-ASF

and~6,CONJ *~5,T-NSF proven character,~7,N-NSF hope.~8,N-ASF

‘endurance … hope’ Rom 8:25 says, if we hope for something, then we wait for it eagerly

‘proven’ tested, and found to be good; approved

Suffering results in dependence upon God, and hope (unshakeable faith/confidence) in Him

{Rom 5:5}


*~1,T-NSF hope~3,N-NSF *~4,PRT-N does not disappoint,~5,V-PAI-3

because~6,CONJ the~7,T-NSF love~8,N-NSF *~9,T-GSM of God~10,N-GSM has been poured out~11,V-RPI- into~12,PREP our~15,P-1GP *~13,T-DPF hearts~14,N-DPF

through~16,PREP the~19,T-GSN Holy~18,A-GSN Spirit~17,N-GSN [who] was given~20,V-APP- to us.~21,P-1DP

‘love of God’ He has adopted us as His children.

‘Holy Spirit given to us’ as a guarantee/pledge/seal of our resurrection and adoption as sons of God. See Rom 5:2, Rom 8:15-25, Ephesians 1:13-14, 2 Corinthians 5:4-5.

{Rom 5:6}


[while] we~5,P-1GP were~4,V-PXP-G still~1,ADV helpless,~6,A-GPM

at~7,PREP the [right] time~8,N-ASM

Christ~3,N-NSM died~11,V-2AAI for~9,PREP [the] ungodly.~10,A-GPM

{Rom 5:7}


hardly/rarely~1,ADV [will]~0, someone~5,X-NSM die~6,V-FDI-3 for~3,PREP a righteous man;~4,A-GSM

though~8,CONJ perhaps~11,ADV for~7,PREP *~9,T-GSM a good man~10,A-GSM someone~12,X-NSM [would]~0, even~13,CONJ dare~14,V-PAI- to die.~15,V-2AAN

‘righteous man … good man’ A righteous man is someone who is fair/impartial (such as a judge). A good man is someone who does good to others.

{Rom 5:8}

But~2,CONJ *~8,T-NSM God~9,N-NSM demonstrates~1,V-PAI-3 His own~4,F-3GSM *~3,T-ASF love~5,N-ASF toward/for~6,PREP us,~7,P-1AP

in that,~10,CONJ

[while] we~14,P-1GP were~13,V-PXP- still~11,ADV sinners,~12,A-GPM

Christ~15,N-NSM died~18,V-2AAI for~16,PREP us~17,P-1GP

{Rom 5:9}

Much~1,A-DSM more,~3,ADV then,~2,CONJ

having been justified~4,V-APP-N now~5,ADV by~6,PREP His~9,P-GSM *~7,T-DSN blood,~8,N-DSN

we shall be saved~10,V-FPI- from~13,PREP *~14,T-GSF [God's] wrath~15,N-GSF through~11,PREP Him.~12,P-GSM

Jesus, through His death, atoned for sin and justified us. It also guarantees our resurrection and glorification (Rom 5:2).

{Rom 5:10}


if~1,COND we were reconciled~5,V-2API- *~6,T-DSM to God~7,N-DSM

through~8,PREP the~9,T-GSM death~10,N-GSM of His~13,P-GSM *~11,T-GSM Son~12,N-GSM

while we were~4,V-PXP-N enemies,~3,A-NPM

much~14,A-DSM more,~15,ADV

having been reconciled,~16,V-2APP

we shall be saved~17,V-FPI-

by~18,PREP His~21,P-GSM *~19,T-DSF life.~20,N-DSF

‘to reconcile’ means ‘to make peace’ (Rom 5:1)

‘life’ The resurrection of Jesus guarantees our resurrection (and the completion/fulfilment of our ‘salvation’)

{Rom 5:11}

And~3,CONJ not~1,PRT-N only [this],~2,ADV

but~4,CONJ *~5,CONJ we also boast [exult/rejoice]~6,V-PNP-N in~7,PREP *~8,T-DSM God~9,N-DSM

through~10,PREP our~13,P-1GP *~11,T-GSM Lord~12,N-GSM Jesus~14,N-GSM Christ,~15,N-GSM

through~16,PREP whom~17,R-GSM *~18,ADV we have now received~21,V-2AAI this~19,T-ASF reconciliation.~20,N-ASF

{Rom 5:12}

Because of~1,PREP this,~2,D-ASN

just as~3,ADV

through~4,PREP one~5,A-GSM man [Adam],~6,N-GSM

*~7,T-NSF sin~8,N-NSF came~12,V-2AAI into~9,PREP the~10,T-ASM world~11,N-ASM

and~13,CONJ *~17,T-NSM death~18,N-NSM [came in]~0, through~14,PREP *~15,T-GSF sin,~16,N-GSF

and,~19,CONJ in this way,~20,ADV

*~24,T-NSM death~25,N-NSM came through/spread~26,V-2AAI to~21,PREP all~22,A-APM men~23,N-APM

because~27,PREP all~29,A-NPM *~28,R-DSN sinned --~30,V-2AAI

‘because of this’ All NKJV, NASB, NET translate as ‘Therefore’. Probably picked up from Rom 5:18.

‘death’ is the result of sin

‘all sinned’ Each person is held accountable for his own sin, and is under the condemnation of death

This thought resumes (and is repeated) in Rom 5:18, after the parenthesis.

[Parenthesis begins here from 5:13 to 5:17]

{Rom 5:13}

(For~2,CONJ sin~4,N-NSF was~5,V-IXI-3 in~6,PREP [the] world~7,N-DSM before~1,PREP [the] Law,~3,N-GSM

but~9,CONJ sin~8,N-NSF *~10,PRT-N is not charged to one’s account~11,V-PPI- when there is~13,V-PXP- no~12,PRT-N law.~14,N-GSM

You have to disobey a commandment (law) of God in order for it to be declared sin. Where there are no commandments, there is no sin.

{Rom 5:14}


*~3,T-NSM death~4,N-NSM reigned~2,V-AAI-3 from~5,PREP Adam~6,N-PRI until~7,ADV Moses,~8,N-GSM

even~9,CONJ over~10,PREP those who~11,T-APM *~12,PRT-N had not sinned~13,V-AAP- in~14,PREP the~15,T-DSN likeness~16,N-DSN of the~17,T-GSF transgression~18,N-GSF of Adam,~19,N-PRI

who~20,R-NSM is~21,V-PXI- a type~22,N-NSM of Him [Jesus] who~23,T-GSM was to come.~24,V-PAP-

Because Adam was the head of the human race, the whole human race sinned ‘in Adam’. See Rom 5:18, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22.

‘likeness of Adam’s sin’ Adam disobeyed a specific commandment (law) of God, and the penalty was declared (Genesis 2:16-17).

{Rom 5:15}


the~8,T-NSN free gift [righteousness]~9,N-NSN [is]~0, not~2,PRT-N like~3,ADV the~4,T-NSN trespass,~5,N-NSN even~7,CONJ in this way.~6,ADV


if~10,COND the~16,T-NPM many~17,A-NPM died~18,V-2AAI by the~12,T-DSN trespass~15,N-DSN *~13,T-GSM of one man [Adam],~14,A-GSM

much~19,A-DSM more,~20,ADV

the~21,T-NSF grace~22,N-NSF *~23,T-GSM of God~24,N-GSM and~25,CONJ the~26,T-NSF gift [righteousness]~27,N-NSF abounded/increased~39,V-AAI- to~36,PREP the~37,T-APM many~38,A-APM by~28,PREP the~30,T-DSF grace~29,N-DSF of the~31,T-GSM one~32,A-GSM Man,~33,N-GSM Jesus~34,N-GSM Christ,~35,N-GSM

‘free gift’ This is justification/righteousness (see Rom 5:17)

{Rom 5:16}


the~7,T-NSN gift [righteousness]~8,N-NSN [is]~0, not~2,PRT-N like [the condemnation/death which came]~3,ADV through~4,PREP the one man [Adam]~5,A-GSM who sinned.~6,V-AAP-G

For~11,CONJ indeed,~10,PRT

the~9,T-NSN judgement~12,N-NSN from~13,PREP one [sin]~14,A-GSM [resulted]~0, in~15,PREP condemnation [death],~16,N-ASN

but~18,CONJ the~17,T-NSN free gift [righteousness]~19,N-NSN from~20,PREP many~21,A-GPN trespasses [sins]~22,N-GPN [resulted]~0, in~23,PREP justification.~24,N-ASN

{Rom 5:17}


if~1,COND *~7,T-NSM death~8,N-NSM reigned~9,V-AAI-3 through~10,PREP *~11,T-GSM one man [Adam],~12,A-GSM

by the~3,T-DSN trespass [sin]~6,N-DSN of the~4,T-GSM one man [Adam],~5,A-GSM

much~13,A-DSM more,~14,ADV


receiving~25,V-PAP- the~16,T-ASF superabundance~17,N-ASF *~18,T-GSF of grace~19,N-GSF and~20,CONJ of the~21,T-GSF gift~22,N-GSF *~23,T-GSF of righteousness~24,N-GSF

will reign~28,V-FAI- in~26,PREP life~27,N-DSF through~29,PREP the~30,T-GSM one Man,~31,A-GSM Jesus~32,N-GSM Christ.)~33,N-GSM

Note the contrast between ‘death reigning’ and ‘reigning in life’

[Parenthesis ends here from 5:13 to 5:17]

{Rom 5:18}

Therefore~1,PRT then,~2,CONJ

just as~3,ADV

through~4,PREP one man's [Adam's]~5,A-GSM trespass [sin],~6,N-GSN

[it resulted]~0, in~10,PREP condemnation [death]~11,N-ASN to~7,PREP all~8,A-APM men~9,N-APM

in the same way,~12,ADV also,~13,CONJ

through~14,PREP one man’s [Jesus’]~15,A-GSM righteous act.~16,N-GSN

[it will result] in~17,PREP justification~21,N-ASF of life~22,N-GSF to~20,PREP all~18,A-APM men,~19,N-APM

‘all men’ does not mean that everyone will be saved. The free gift of righteousness leading to life is available to everyone, but only given to ‘those who receive it’. See Rom 5:17.

{Rom 5:19}


just as~1,ADV

through~3,PREP the~4,T-GSF disobedience~5,N-GSF of the~6,T-GSM one~7,A-GSM man [Adam],~8,N-GSM

the~11,T-NPM many~12,A-NPM were made~10,V-API- sinners,~9,A-NPM

in the same way~13,ADV also~14,CONJ

through~15,PREP the~16,T-GSF obedience~17,N-GSF of the~18,T-GSM one Man [Jesus],~19,A-GSM

the~22,T-NPM many~23,A-NPM will be made~21,V-FPI- righteous.~20,A-NPM

‘justified’ being declared righteous. However, ‘made righteous’ implies the completion, which, in context, is resurrection/life, the final stage of our salvation. This is our hope (Rom 5:2).

{Rom 5:20}


[the] Law~1,N-NSM came in alongside~3,V-2AAI-

so that~4,CONJ the~6,T-NSN trespass [sin]~7,N-NSN might increase,~5,V-AAS-3


where~8,ADV *~11,T-NSF sin~12,N-NSF increased,~10,V-AAI- *~14,T-NSF

grace~15,N-NSF abounded/increased even more,~13,V-AAI-

‘came in alongside’ Probably ‘alongside’ Adam's sin

{Rom 5:21}

so that,~1,CONJ

just as~2,ADV *~4,T-NSF sin~5,N-NSF reigned~3,V-AAI-3

in~6,PREP *~7,T-DSM death,~8,N-DSM

in the same way,~9,ADV also,~10,CONJ *~11,T-NSF

grace~12,N-NSF might reign~13,V-AAS-

through~14,PREP righteousness/justification,~15,N-GSF

[resulting] in~16,PREP eternal~18,A-ASF life~17,N-ASF through~19,PREP Jesus~20,N-GSM Christ~21,N-GSM our~24,P-1GP *~22,T-GSM Lord.~23,N-GSM

{Rom 6:1}

What~1,I-ASN shall we say~3,V-FAI-1 then?~2,CONJ

Shall we continue~4,V-PAI-1 *~5,T-DSF in sin,~6,N-DSF

so that~7,CONJ *~8,T-NSF grace~9,N-NSF may superabound/increase?~10,V-AAS-

{Rom 6:2}

May it never~1,PRT-N be!~2,V-2ADO-

How [shall/can]~7,ADV-I we,~3,R-NPM

who died~4,V-2AAI- *~5,T-DSF to sin,~6,N-DSF

still~8,ADV live~9,V-FAI-1 in~10,PREP it?~11,P-DSF

{Rom 6:3}

Or~1,PRT do you not know~2,V-PAI-2 that~3,CONJ as many as~4,K-NPM were baptized~5,V-API-1 into~6,PREP Christ~7,N-ASM Jesus,~8,N-ASM were baptized~13,V-API- into~9,PREP His~12,P-GSM *~10,T-ASM death?~11,N-ASM

‘baptism’ in Romans 6 is not water baptism. It is our identification with Christ – joined into union with Him in His body (‘into Christ’), by the Holy Spirit – at the moment of salvation. See 1 Corinthians 12:13, Colossians 2:11-13, Ephesians 2:4-6.

{Rom 6:4}


we have been buried~1,V-2API- with Him~3,P-DSM

through~4,PREP *~5,T-GSN baptism~6,N-GSN

into~7,PREP *~8,T-ASM death,~9,N-ASM

so that,~10,CONJ

just as~11,ADV Christ~13,N-NSM was raised~12,V-API- from~14,PREP [the] dead~15,A-GPM

through~16,PREP the~17,T-GSF glory~18,N-GSF of the~19,T-GSM Father,~20,N-GSM

in the same way~21,ADV also~22,CONJ

we~23,P-1NP should walk~27,V-AAS- in~24,PREP newness~25,N-DSF of life.~26,N-GSF

{Rom 6:5}


if~1,COND we have become~4,V-2RAI- united together with Him~3,A-NPM in the~5,T-DSN likeness~6,N-DSN of His~9,P-GSM *~7,T-GSM death,~8,N-GSM

certainly~10,CONJ also~11,CONJ

we will be~14,V-FXI- [united together with Him in the likeness] of His~12,T-GSF resurrection;~13,N-GSF

{Rom 6:6}

knowing~2,V-PAP-N this,~1,D-ASN that~3,CONJ our~6,P-1GP *~4,T-NSM old~5,A-NSM man~7,N-NSM was crucified together with Him,~8,V-API-3

so that~9,CONJ this~11,T-NSN body~12,N-NSN *~13,T-GSF of sin~14,N-GSF should be made ineffective,~10,V-APS-

[so that] we~18,P-1AP no longer~16,ADV *~15,T-GSM be enslaved~17,V-PAN *~19,T-DSF to sin.~20,N-DSF

‘old man’ is the old nature, corrupted and sinful, in our flesh which we have inherited from Adam (‘in Adam’). It is contrasted with the new nature, pure and righteous, which we share with Christ (‘in Christ’), and which is manifest in us when we walk/live by the Holy Spirit.

‘ineffective’ is a strong word meaning to abolish, to render inoperative, to deprive of power, to cause to cease

{Rom 6:7}

(Because~2,CONJ he who~1,T-NSM has died~3,V-2AAP- has been freed~4,V-RPI-3 from~5,PREP *~6,T-GSF sin.)~7,N-GSF

{Rom 6:8}


if~1,COND we died~3,V-2AAI- with~4,PREP Christ,~5,N-DSM

we believe~6,V-PAI-1 that~7,CONJ *~8,CONJ we will also live with~9,V-FAI-1 Him,~10,P-DSM

{Rom 6:9}

knowing~1,V-RAP-N that~2,CONJ Christ,~3,N-NSM

having been raised~4,V-APP-N from~5,PREP [the] dead,~6,A-GPM

dies~8,V-PAI-3 no more:~7,ADV

death~9,N-NSM no longer~11,ADV rules over~12,V-PAI- Him.~10,P-GSM

{Rom 6:10}


the [death]~1,R-ASN He died,~3,V-2AAI- He died~6,V-2AAI- *~4,T-DSF to sin~5,N-DSF once for all;~7,ADV

but~9,CONJ the [life]~8,R-ASN He lives,~10,V-PAI- He lives~11,V-PAI- *~12,T-DSM to God.~13,N-DSM

{Rom 6:11}

In the same way,~1,ADV also,~2,CONJ

you,~3,P-2NP consider~4,V-PNM-2 yourselves~5,F-3APM to be~8,V-PXN dead~6,A-APM indeed~7,PRT *~9,T-DSF to sin,~10,N-DSF

but~12,CONJ alive~11,V-PAP- *~13,T-DSM to God~14,N-DSM in~15,PREP Christ~16,N-DSM Jesus~17,N-DSM our~20,P-1GP *~18,T-DSM Lord.~19,N-DSM

Note the emphasis: ‘in Christ Jesus’. We already are united to Him in death and life. Therefore, we should die to sin, and live to God/newness of life.

NASB and NET omit ‘our Lord’

Romans 6:12-13 are all commands (imperatives).

{Rom 6:12}


*~1,PRT-N do not let sin reign~3,V-PAM-3 *~4,T-NSF *~5,N-NSF in~6,PREP your~9,P-2GP *~7,T-DSN mortal~8,A-DSN body,~10,N-DSN

so that~11,PREP you~12,T-ASN obey~13,V-PAN it~14,P-DSF in~15,PREP *~16,T-DPF its~18,P-GSN lusts/desires,~17,N-DPF

{Rom 6:13}

and~1,CONJ do [not] present~2,V-PAM-2 your~5,P-2GP *~3,T-APN members [body]~4,N-APN *~8,T-DSF to sin~9,N-DSF

[as] instruments~6,N-APN of unrighteousness,~7,N-GSF

but~10,CONJ present~11,V-AAM- yourselves~12,F-3APM *~13,T-DSM to God~14,N-DSM

as~15,ADV being alive~18,V-PAP- from~16,PREP [the] dead,~17,A-GPM

and~19,CONJ [present]~0, your~22,P-2GP *~20,T-APN members [body]~21,N-APN *~25,T-DSM to God~26,N-DSM

as instruments~23,N-APN of righteousness.~24,N-GSF

{Rom 6:14}


sin~1,N-NSF *~4,PRT-N will not rule over~5,V-FAI-3 you,~3,P-2GP

because~7,CONJ you are~8,V-PXI-2 not~6,PRT-N under~9,PREP Law,~10,N-ASM but~11,CONJ under~12,PREP grace.~13,N-ASF

We do not live by law, trying to please God by our own works (Rom 4:4) – because no-one could do that. It only brought failure, and made us slaves to sin (Rom 5:20). We now live under grace, by faith (Rom 5:2) – and grace leads to life (Rom 5:21). See Rom 8:3.

{Rom 6:15}

What~1,I-NSN then?~2,CONJ

Shall we sin~3,V-FAI-1

because~4,CONJ we are~6,V-PXI-1 not~5,PRT-N under~7,PREP Law~8,N-ASM but~9,CONJ under~10,PREP grace?~11,N-ASF

May it never~12,PRT-N be!~13,V-2ADO

{Rom 6:16}

*~1,PRT-N Do you not know~2,V-RAI-2 that~3,CONJ

to whom~4,R-DSN you present~5,V-PAI-2 yourselves~6,F-3APM [as] slaves~7,N-APM for~8,PREP obedience,~9,N-ASF

you are~11,V-PXI- slaves~10,N-NPM to whom~12,R-DSN you obey,~13,V-PAI-

whether~14,CONJ [slaves] of sin,~15,N-GSF

resulting in~16,PREP death,~17,N-ASM

or~18,PRT [slaves] of obedience,~19,N-GSF

resulting in~20,PREP righteousness?~21,N-ASF

‘righteousness’ leads to life (Rom 5:21)

{Rom 6:17}


thanks~1,N-NSF *~3,T-DSM to God,~4,N-DSM

that~5,CONJ [although] you were~6,V-IXI-2 slaves~7,N-NPM *~8,T-GSF of sin,~9,N-GSF

yet~11,CONJ you have obeyed~10,V-AAI- from~12,PREP [the] heart~13,N-GSF [the] type/form/pattern~17,N-ASM of teaching [grace/faith]~18,N-GSF to~14,PREP which~15,R-ASM you were delivered,~16,V-API-

‘obeyed’ We make ourselves willing slaves. We serve out of thanks for His grace, rather than obligation/Law.

‘delivered’ This means ‘to deliver into someone’s power’ (as Jesus was delivered to the mob). The Romans were delivered to the pattern of teaching about faith and grace, and they chose to ‘be obedient to the faith’ (Rom 1:8, Rom 16:19).

{Rom 6:18}


having been set free~1,V-APP-N from~3,PREP *~4,T-GSF sin,~5,N-GSF

you became enslaved~6,V-API-2 *~7,T-DSF to righteousness.~8,N-DSF

{Rom 6:19}

(I am speaking~2,V-PAI-1 in human terms~1,A-ASN because~3,PREP of the~4,T-ASF weakness~5,N-ASF of your~8,P-2GP *~6,T-GSF flesh.)~7,N-GSF


just as~9,ADV you presented~11,V-AAI- your~14,P-2GP *~12,T-APN members~13,N-APN [as] slaves~15,A-APN *~16,T-DSF to uncleanness/impurity~17,N-DSF and~18,CONJ *~19,T-DSF lawlessness,~20,N-DSF

resulting in~21,PREP *~22,T-ASF lawlessness,~23,N-ASF

in the same way~24,ADV now,~25,ADV

present~26,V-AAM- your~29,P-2GP *~27,T-APN members~28,N-APN [as] slaves~30,A-APN *~31,T-DSF to righteousness,~32,N-DSF

resulting in~33,PREP holiness [sanctification].~34,N-ASM

We are set apart to God. See Rom 12:1-2.

{Rom 6:20}


when~1,ADV you were~4,V-IXI-2 slaves~3,N-NPM *~5,T-GSF of sin,~6,N-GSF

you were~8,V-IXI-2 free [in regard to]~7,A-NPM *~9,T-DSF righteousness.~10,N-DSF

{Rom 6:21}


what~1,I-ASM fruit~3,N-ASM did you have~4,V-IAI-2 then,~5,ADV

in~6,PREP those things of which~7,R-DPN you are ashamed~9,V-PNI-2 now?~8,ADV

For~11,CONJ the~10,T-NSN end/outcome~12,N-NSN of those things~13,D-GPM [is]~0, death.~14,N-NSM

‘fruit’ can be mean ‘that which is produced’, the result, the outcome. NASB and NET translate as ‘what benefit’

{Rom 6:22}

But~2,CONJ now,~1,ADV

having been set free~3,V-APP-N from~4,PREP *~5,T-GSF sin~6,N-GSF and~8,CONJ having been enslaved~7,V-APP-N *~9,T-DSM to God,~10,N-DSM

you have~11,V-PAI- your~14,P-2GP *~12,T-ASM fruit~13,N-ASM

resulting in~15,PREP holiness/sanctification,~16,N-ASM

and~18,CONJ the~17,T-NSN end [outcome]~19,N-NSN [is]~0, eternal~21,A-ASF life.~20,N-ASF

{Rom 6:23}


the~1,T-NPN wages~3,N-NPN *~4,T-GSF of sin~5,N-GSF [is]~0, death,~6,N-NSM

but~8,CONJ the~7,T-NSN free gift~9,N-NSN *~10,T-GSM of God~11,N-GSM [is]~0, eternal~13,A-NSF life~12,N-NSF

in~14,PREP Christ~15,N-DSM Jesus~16,N-DSM our~19,P-1GP *~17,T-DSM Lord.~18,N-DSM

{Rom 7:1}

Or~1,PRT do you not know,~2,V-PAI-2 brothers~3,N-VPM

(for~5,CONJ I am speaking~7,V-PAI-1 to those who know~4,V-PAP-D [the] law),~6,N-ASM

that~8,CONJ the~9,T-NSM law~10,N-NSM rules over~11,V-PAI- *~12,T-GSM a man~13,N-GSM for~14,PREP *~15,K-ASM as long as~16,N-ASM he lives?~17,V-PAI-

This may be the Law of Moses, but could also refer to Roman law.

{Rom 7:2}

For~2,CONJ the~1,T-NSF married~3,A-NSF woman~4,N-NSF is bound~8,V-RPI-3 by law~9,N-DSM to her~5,T-DSM husband~7,N-DSM [while] he lives,~6,V-PAP-D


if~10,COND her~13,T-NSM husband~14,N-NSM dies,~12,V-2AAS

she has been released~15,V-RPI- from~16,PREP the~17,T-GSM law~18,N-GSM of the~19,T-GSM husband.~20,N-GSM

{Rom 7:3}

Therefore~2,CONJ then,~1,PRT

if~8,COND she becomes~9,V-2ADS- [joined/married] to another~11,A-DSM man~10,N-DSM [while] her~4,T-GSM husband~5,N-GSM lives,~3,V-PAP-G

she will be called~7,V-FAI-3 an adulteress.~6,N-NSF


if~12,COND her~15,T-NSM husband~16,N-NSM dies,~14,V-2AAS

she is~18,V-PXI- free~17,A-NSF from~19,PREP the~20,T-GSM law,~21,N-GSM

so that~22,T-GSM she~25,P-ASF is~24,V-PXN not~23,PRT-N an adulteress~26,N-ASF [if] she becomes~27,V-2ADP [joined/married] to another~29,A-DSM man.~28,N-DSM

{Rom 7:4}

Therefore,~1,CONJ my~3,P-1GS brothers,~2,N-VPM

you~5,P-2NP also~4,CONJ were put to death~6,V-API-2 to the~7,T-DSM Law~8,N-DSM

through~9,PREP the~10,T-GSN body~11,N-GSN *~12,T-GSM of Christ,~13,N-GSM

so that~14,PREP you~17,P-2AP may be~16,V-2ADN [joined/married] to [another]~19,T-DSM man [Jesus],~18,A-DSM

to Him who~15,T-ASN was raised~22,V-APP- from~20,PREP [the] dead,~21,A-GPM

so that~23,CONJ we might bear fruit~24,V-AAS- *~25,T-DSM for God.~26,N-DSM

In the past, we (including Romans/Gentiles???) were subject to, and bound by, the Law. But, through the death of Jesus, we died, and have been set free from the Law (and from ‘the flesh’, which produces sin). But, through His resurrection, we have been made alive (in the newness of life), and we will be married (and subject to) Christ.

{Rom 7:5}


when~1,ADV we were~3,V-IXI-1 in~4,PREP the~5,T-DSF flesh,~6,N-DSF *~9,T-GPF

the~7,T-NPN sinful~10,N-GPF desires/passions,~8,N-NPN

which~11,T-NPN [were aroused]~0, by~12,PREP the~13,T-GSM Law,~14,N-GSM

were working~15,V-IMI- in~16,PREP the~17,T-DPN *~19,P-1GP members of our body,~18,N-DPN

to~20,PREP *~21,T-ASN bear fruit~22,V-AAN *~23,T-DSM [resulting in] death.~24,N-DSM

{Rom 7:6}



we have been released~3,V-API-1 from~4,PREP the~5,T-GSM Law,~6,N-GSM

having died [to the Law]~7,V-2AAP- by~8,PREP which~9,R-DSM we were bound,~10,V-IPI-

so that~11,CONJ we~13,P-1AP serve [as slaves]~12,V-PAN in~14,PREP newness~15,N-DSF of [the] Spirit~16,N-GSN and~17,CONJ not~18,PRT-N in [the] oldness~19,N-DSF of [the] letter/Law.~20,N-GSN

Because we died in/with Christ, we are no longer bound by the Law … and we have been set free from the sinful desires/passions of the flesh (Rom 7:5)

{Rom 7:7}

What~1,I-ASN then~2,CONJ shall we say?~3,V-FAI-1

[Is]~0, the~4,T-NSM Law~5,N-NSM sin?~6,N-NSF

*~7,PRT-N May it never be!~8,V-2ADO-


*~12,PRT-N I would not have known~13,V-2AAI *~10,T-ASF sin~11,N-ASF *~24,COND except~25,PRT-N through~16,PREP [the] Law.~17,N-GSM


*~18,T-ASF *~19,PRT *~22,PRT-N I would not have known~23,V-LAI- lust/desire/coveting~21,N-ASF if~14,COND the~26,T-NSM Law~27,N-NSM *~15,PRT-N had not said,~28,V-IAI- *~29,PRT-N ‘YOU SHALL NOT LUST/DESIRE/COVET.’~30,V-FAI-

Why are #18 and #19 here?

{Rom 7:8}


*~4,T-NSF sin,~5,N-NSF

taking~3,V-2AAP- opportunity~1,N-ASF through~6,PREP the~7,T-GSF commandment,~8,N-GSF

produced~9,V-ADI-3 in~10,PREP me~11,P-1DS all kinds~12,A-ASF of lust/desire/coveting.~13,N-ASF


apart from/without~14,ADV [the] Law,~16,N-GSM

sin~17,N-NSF [is]~0, dead.~18,A-NSF

‘apart from the Law’ Without law, there is no sin - it is ‘powerless’. Compare Rom 4:15, Rom 5:13.

{Rom 7:9}


I~1,P-1NS was alive~3,V-IAI-1 once,~6,PRT

apart from/without~4,ADV [the] Law,~5,N-GSM


[when] the~9,T-GSF commandment~10,N-GSF came,~7,V-2AAP-

*~11,T-NSF sin~12,N-NSF became alive~13,V-AAI- and~15,CONJ [the result was that] I~14,P-1NS died;~16,V-2AAI

{Rom 7:10}

and~1,CONJ this~9,D-NSF *~4,T-NSF commandment~5,N-NSF

which~6,T-NSF [was meant to result] in~7,PREP life,~8,N-ASF

was found~2,V-API-3 [to result] in~10,PREP death~11,N-ASM to me.~3,P-1DS

‘was found’ NKJV and NET have ‘I found’

{Rom 7:11}


*~1,T-NSF sin,~3,N-NSF

taking~5,V-2AAP- opportunity~4,N-ASF through~6,PREP the~7,T-GSF commandment,~8,N-GSF

deceived~9,V-AAI-3 me,~10,P-1AS


through~12,PREP it [the commandment],~13,P-GSF

killed [me.]~14,V-AAI-

{Rom 7:12}

So then,~1,CONJ

the~2,T-NSM Law,~4,N-NSM indeed,~3,PRT [is]~0, holy,~5,A-NSM

and~6,CONJ the~7,T-NSF commandment~8,N-NSF [is]~0, holy~9,A-NSF and~10,CONJ righteous~11,A-NSF and~12,CONJ good.~13,A-NSF

{Rom 7:13}


[did]~0, the~1,T-NSN good [Law]~3,A-NSN become~5,V-2RAI- death~6,N-NSM to me?~4,P-1DS

May it never~7,PRT-N be!~8,V-2ADO-


[it was]~0, *~10,T-NSF sin~11,N-NSF [that brought death to me],~0,

so that~12,CONJ it might be shown to be~13,V-2APS sin,~14,N-NSF

through~15,PREP the~16,T-GSN good [Law],~17,A-GSN

producing~19,V-PNP- death~20,N-ASM in me,~18,P-1DS

so that~21,CONJ *~26,T-NSF sin~27,N-NSF might become~22,V-2ADS *~23,PREP utterly/exceedingly~24,N-ASF sinful~25,A-NSF

through~28,PREP the~29,T-GSF commandment.~30,N-GSF

The Law did not bring death. Sin brought death.

{Rom 7:14}

For~2,CONJ we know~1,V-RAI-1 that~3,CONJ the~4,T-NSM Law~5,N-NSM is~7,V-PXI-3 spiritual,~6,A-NSM

but~9,CONJ I~8,P-1NS am~11,V-PXI- of flesh,~10,A-NSM

having been sold [into slavery]~12,V-RPP- under~13,PREP *~14,T-ASF sin.~15,N-ASF

{Rom 7:15}


I don't~4,PRT-N I don’t understand~5,V-PAI-1 what~1,R-ASN I am doing,~3,V-PNI-1

because~7,CONJ *~10,D-ASN *~6,PRT-N I don’t practise~11,V-PAI- what~8,R-ASN I want [to do],~9,V-PAI-1 but~12,CONJ *~15,D-ASN I do~16,V-PAI- what~13,R-ASN I hate.~14,V-PAI-

{Rom 7:16}


if~1,COND I do~7,V-PAI-1 that~6,D-ASN which~3,R-ASN *~4,PRT-N I don't want to do,~5,V-PAI-1

I agree with~8,V-PXI-1 the~9,T-DSM Law,~10,N-DSM that~11,CONJ it [the Law] [is]~0, good.~12,A-NSM

{Rom 7:17}

But~2,CONJ now~1,ADV

I~4,P-1NS no longer~3,ADV am doing~5,V-PNI-1 it,~6,P-ASN

but~7,CONJ *~8,T-NSF sin~12,N-NSF dwelling/living~9,V-PAP-N in~10,PREP me~11,P-1DS [is doing it].~0,

{Rom 7:18}

For~2,CONJ I know~1,V-RAI-1 that~3,CONJ in~6,PREP me,~7,P-1DS

(that~8,D-NSN is,~9,V-PXI-3 in~10,PREP my~13,P-1GS *~11,T-DSF flesh/body)~12,N-DSF

nothing~4,PRT-N good~14,A-ASN dwells/lives.~5,V-PAI-3

For~16,CONJ the~15,T-NSN wanting [to do good]~17,V-PAN is present~18,V-PNI- in me,~19,P-1DS

but~21,CONJ *~25,PRT-N I do not find~26,V-PAI- the~20,T-ASN doing~22,V-PNN of the~23,T-ASN good,~24,A-ASN

{Rom 7:19}


*~1,PRT-N I don't do~5,V-PAI-1 [the] good~6,A-ASN that~3,R-ASN I want [to do],~4,V-PAI-1

but~7,CONJ I practise~13,V-PAI- the~12,D-ASN evil~11,A-ASN that~8,R-ASN *~9,PRT-N I don't want to do.~10,V-PAI-

{Rom 7:20}


if~1,COND I~6,P-1NS am doing~8,V-PAI-1 the thing~7,D-ASN that~3,R-ASN *~4,PRT-N I don't want [to do],~5,V-PAI-1

no longer~9,ADV *~10,P-1NS am I doing~11,V-PNI- it,~12,P-ASN but~13,CONJ sin~18,N-NSF that~14,T-NSF dwells/lives~15,V-PAP- in~16,PREP me.~17,P-1DS

{Rom 7:21}


I find~1,V-PAI-1 this~3,T-ASM law:~4,N-ASM

In me,~7,P-1DS the one who~5,T-DSM wants~6,V-PAP-D to do~8,V-PAN *~9,T-ASN good,~10,A-ASN

that~11,CONJ *~13,T-NSN evil~14,A-NSN is present~15,V-PNI- in me.~12,P-1DS

{Rom 7:22}


I delight/desire pleasure~1,V-PNI-1 in the~3,T-DSM Law~4,N-DSM *~5,T-GSM of God~6,N-GSM in~7,PREP my~8,T-ASM inner~9,ADV man,~10,N-ASM

{Rom 7:23}

but~2,CONJ I see~1,V-PAI-1 another/different~3,A-ASM law~4,N-ASM in~5,PREP the~6,T-DPN *~8,P-1GS members of my body,~7,N-DPN

warring/fighting with~9,V-PNP-A the~10,T-DSM law~11,N-DSM of my~14,P-1GS *~12,T-GSM mind~13,N-GSM

and~15,CONJ *~17,P-1AS making me captive [a slave/prisoner]~16,V-PAP- to~18,PREP the~19,T-DSM law~20,N-DSM *~21,T-GSF of sin~22,N-GSF that~23,T-DSM is~24,V-PXP- in~25,PREP the~26,T-DPN *~28,P-1GS members or my body.~27,N-DPN

‘law of sin’ is not the Law of Moses. It is the ‘different law’ that the lusts/desires in my body want to enslave me in sin, resulting in death.

{Rom 7:24}

Wretched~1,A-NSM man~3,N-NSM [that] I am!~2,P-1NS

Who~4,I-NSM will deliver~6,V-FDI-3 me~5,P-1AS from~7,PREP this~12,D-GSM *~8,T-GSN body~9,N-GSN *~10,T-GSM of death?~11,N-GSM

‘deliver’ means ‘to rescue, to set free’. It is not the same as ‘sōzō’ (to save).

‘body of death’ could be translated ‘dead body’. This body is dead because of sin. The deliverance (life) comes through Jesus by the Spirit (see Rom 8:1-4)

{Rom 7:25}

Thanks be~1,V-PAI-1 *~2,T-DSM to God~3,N-DSM through~4,PREP Jesus~5,N-GSM Christ~6,N-GSM our~9,P-1GP *~7,T-GSM Lord!~8,N-GSM

So~10,PRT then,~11,CONJ

I~13,P-1NS myself,~12,P-NSM

with my~14,T-DSM mind,~16,N-DSM indeed,~15,PRT

serve [as a slave]~17,V-PAI- [the] Law~18,N-DSM of God~19,N-GSM


with the~20,T-DSF flesh~22,N-DSF

[I serve]~0, [the] law~23,N-DSM of sin.~24,N-GSF

‘I … myself … I serve’ Very emphatic (repeated three times!)

{Rom 8:1}


[there is]~0, now~3,ADV no~1,A-NSN condemnation [death penalty]~4,N-NSN to those~5,T-DPM [who are]~0, in~6,PREP Christ~7,N-DSM Jesus,~8,N-DSM

[who] walk~12,V-PAP- not~9,PRT-N according to~10,PREP [the] flesh~11,N-ASF but~13,CONJ according to~14,PREP [the] Spirit.~15,N-ASN

‘condemnation’ A legal term: ‘to pronounce an adverse judgement against’. In this case, the penalty of sin is death.

‘who walk according to …’ NASB omits this clause. The clause is repeated in Rom 8:4.

{Rom 8:2}


the~1,T-NSM law~3,N-NSM of [the]~4,T-GSN Spirit~5,N-GSN *~6,T-GSF of life~7,N-GSF in~8,PREP Christ~9,N-DSM Jesus~10,N-DSM *~12,P-1AS has set you/me free~11,V-AAI- from~13,PREP the~14,T-GSM law~15,N-GSM *~16,T-GSF of sin~17,N-GSF and~18,CONJ *~19,T-GSM death.~20,N-GSM

‘law of the Spirit’ Walking by the Spirit (Rom 8:4) results in righteousness, which results in life.

‘Spirit of life’ NET translates as ‘life-giving Spirit’

‘law of sin and death’ is the desires/lusts within our flesh (which were aroused by the Law of Moses). Sin results in death (Rom 5:20, Rom 7:8-10).

‘you/me’ NKJV has ‘me’. NASB and NET has ‘you’

{Rom 8:3}


what~1,T-NSN [was]~0, impossible~3,A-NSN for the~4,T-GSM Law~5,N-GSM [to do],~0,

in~6,PREP that~7,R-DSN it was weak~8,V-IAI-3 through~9,PREP the~10,T-GSF flesh,~11,N-GSF *~12,T-NSM

God~13,N-NSM [did].~0,

[By] sending~17,V-AAP- His own~15,F-3GSM *~14,T-ASM Son~16,N-ASM in~18,PREP [the] likeness~19,N-DSN of sinful~21,N-GSF flesh~20,N-GSF and~22,CONJ because of~23,PREP sin,~24,N-GSF

He [God] condemned~25,V-AAI- *~26,T-ASF sin~27,N-ASF in~28,PREP the~29,T-DSF flesh,~30,N-DSF

‘condemned’ God ‘issued the death penalty and executed sin in the flesh’. This was fulfilled at the Cross. Therefore it has no power over us. We have been freed from sin, and should not be slaves to it (Rom 6:2,6-7,11-14).

{Rom 8:4}

so that~1,CONJ the~2,T-ASN righteous requirement~3,N-ASN of the~4,T-GSM Law~5,N-GSM might be fulfilled~6,V-APS-3 in~7,PREP us,~8,P-1DP

who~9,T-DPM [do] not~10,PRT-N walk~13,V-PAP- according to~11,PREP [the] flesh~12,N-ASF but~14,CONJ according to~15,PREP [the] Spirit.~16,N-ASN

If we walk by the Spirit, we fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law. If we continue to walk in the flesh, we are unrighteous – our deeds are not acceptable to God – and the penalty is still death (physical death). Even believers are ‘under the wrath of God’ (all unrighteousness, Rom 1:18) if they live in sin.

{Rom 8:5}


those~1,T-NPM who are~5,V-PXP-N according to~3,PREP [the] flesh~4,N-ASF set their minds on~9,V-PAI-3 the things~6,T-APN of the~7,T-GSF flesh,~8,N-GSF

but~11,CONJ those~10,T-NPM [who are]~0, according to~12,PREP [the] Spirit~13,N-ASN [set their minds on]~0, the things~14,T-APN of the~15,T-GSN Spirit.~16,N-GSN

{Rom 8:6}


the~1,T-NSN mindset~3,N-NSN of the~4,T-GSF flesh~5,N-GSF [results in]~0, death,~6,N-NSM

but~8,CONJ the~7,T-NSN mindset~9,N-NSN of the~10,T-GSN Spirit~11,N-GSN [results in]~0, life~12,N-NSF and~13,CONJ peace.~14,N-NSF

{Rom 8:7}

because~1,CONJ the~2,T-NSN mindset~3,N-NSN of the~4,T-GSF flesh~5,N-GSF [is]~0, enmity/hostility~6,N-NSF toward~7,PREP God,~8,N-ASM

because~10,CONJ *~14,PRT-N it does not submit~15,V-PPI- to the~9,T-DSM Law~11,N-DSM *~12,T-GSM of God,~13,N-GSM

because~17,CONJ *~16,ADV it is not able [to do so].~18,V-PNI-

{Rom 8:8}


those who~1,T-NPM are~5,V-PXP-N in~3,PREP [the] flesh~4,N-DSF *~8,PRT-N are not able~9,V-PNI-3 to please~7,V-AAN God.~6,N-DSM

‘are in the flesh’ This includes both living (Rom 8:4) and mindset (Rom 8:5-7).

‘please God’ The flesh/sin is not acceptable to God (ie unrighteous), because it does not attain the standard of righteousness required by God.

{Rom 8:9}


you~1,P-2NP are~4,V-PXI-2 not~3,PRT-N in~5,PREP [the] flesh~6,N-DSF but~7,CONJ in~8,PREP [the] Spirit,~9,N-DSN

if indeed~10,COND [the] Spirit~11,N-NSN of God~12,N-GSM dwells/lives~13,V-PAI- in~14,PREP you.~15,P-2DP


if~16,COND anyone~18,X-NSM *~21,PRT-N does not have~22,V-PAI- [the] Spirit~19,N-ASN of Christ,~20,N-GSM

this man~23,D-NSM is~25,V-PXI- not~24,PRT-N His.~26,P-GSM

Only believers have the Spirit indwelling them. If anyone does not have the Spirit, he doesn’t belong to God.

{Rom 8:10}


if~1,COND Christ~3,N-NSM [is]~0, in~4,PREP you,~5,P-2DP

