· a dv e rt i se m en t. in this volume three publications of the wesleys are substantially...


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IN this Volume three publications of the Wes leys

are substan t ially reproduced : the two first being the

work of John Wesley,the third of John and Charles

conj o in tly . This las t i s reprin ted en t ire,w i th the

exception of such pieces as are reserved to form par t

of subsequen t vo lumes : while,in regard to the firs t

and second the pr inciple laid down in the Advertise;

ment prefixed to Volume I . of thi s edi tion has been

carried out. These two Col lections of Psalms and

Hymns,viz, , those of 1 7 38 and 1 74 1 , are not

,str ictly

speaking,reprin ted ; but bo th are virtual ly preserved


and ample mean s of ascer tain ing what they con tained

are afforded,by the additions made in this vo lume to

the original Tables of Con ten ts . Such a method of

perpetuating the knowledge of these two very scarce

volumes has commended itsel f to the Editor’s j udg

men t,on the ground that mos t of the books from

which the extracted psalms and hymns are taken are

eas i ly accessible 3 and also that the space obtained by

this method will be available,when required


compo si tion s which are undoubtedly original .

One of Wesley’ s lates t poetical publication s was

A Col lection of P salms and Hymns for the Lord ’


Day. I t was not publ ished separately,but along

with his Abridged Liturgy 3 nor was i t original,but

xiv A a’w r iz


composed al together of extracts from the!


Col lection of Psalms and Hymns ” which was then

in s tated use where public worship (stri ctly so called)was conducted on the Lord’s Day. I t was an obj ect

of j ust sol ici tude with him to provide hymn s suitable

for mixed assemblies,or as he has j udiciously defined

them, (Minutes of Conference, vol. i. , p . hymns

of praise and prayer, rather than such as describe

particular states of mind ; and for thi s purpose both

the for mer and the later publication s were wel l

adapted . Wesley’s great and early admiration for Dr .

Watts has been put on record in one of his sermon s .

(Works,vol. vii.

,p . The exten t to which he

availed himself of the poetical labours of that greatand good man

” will not therefore exci te surprise ;and leas t of allwhen the admirable suitableness of

many of his psalms and hymn s for publ ic worship is

con sidered . In this respect i t maybe freely admitted,even by arden t admirers of the Wesley poetry


Watts has the pre- eminen ce

,and has rendered in

valuable service to the church of God .

Wat ts and the Wesleys,whatever their differences

in j udgmen t or in tas te,were one in spiri t


are bel ieved to have long s ince un i ted ! in nobler

worship ” above. There may the Editor, and allwho

read these volumes, join them in due season

Ric/277207207, Sur rey,

7 cm ua7'

y 20, 1869 .



VOL . I I .

VOL. 11.










G . O SBO RN,D . D .









1 74 1 .


PSALMS AND HYMNSPart the F irstPart the SecondNote . [By Editor , 1869 ]

A Thought in AfliictionGod ’s Love and PowerThe Res ignat ion . [A ltered from Norr is ]A Prayer for the Light of LifeSub-m iss ion . [A ltered from Herbert . ]A Prayer for FaithA Hymn to Chr istAnotherAn Hymn for the Georgia OrphansFor their BenefactorsBefore the ir go ing to ! fork


vi Con ten ts .

A Hymn for Char ity ChildrenAnotherAnotherAnotherAnotherA Yearly Hymn for Char ity ChildrenAnotherA Hymn at the Open ing of a Char ity Schoo lA Hymn for anySchoolAnotherAnotherA Morn ing HymnAn Even ing Hymn

A Funeral Hymn for a Scholar, or other Young PersonA Prayer for one that is Lunat ic and sore vexedThanksgiving for her Del iverance

A PPENDIX To COLLECTION OF PSALMS AND HYMNSCONTENTS TO A COLLECTION OF PSALMS AND HYMNSPart I . Psalms and Hymns for SundayPart I I . P salm s and Hymns for Wednesday or Fr idayPart I I I . Psalms and Hymns for Saturday

A Sinner’s SighsHome ;

”as pr inted in 1738


TitleThe P reface


The Fortieth Chapter of Isaiah . Parts I .

,I I . , I I I . ,

IV . ,V .

C0721572Is .

The Sixty - third Chapter of I saiah . Parts I I . , I I I .

God’s Husbandry . From the Germ an

I t is min e ow n Infirm ity. Psalm lxxvii . IOGenes is i i i . I5

filor z'

ar at Te vz'


A Pass ion Hymn

Des ir ing to LoveAnotherAnotherSalvat ion by GraceAfter a JourneyPsalm l i . 10

A Prayer for Hum i l ityP salm lv . 6

AnotherA Poor SinnerJ erem iah xv i i . 9Revelation i i i . 17AnotherA Welcome to the CrossIn TemptationAnotherLooking unto J esusIn DoubtFor the Sp ir it of PrayerGo ing into a P lace of DangerFor one convinced of Inordinate AffectionLet me d ie with the Phil ist inesA fter a Relapse into SinThe Backs l iderAnotherAnother . Parts I . , I I .

A P rayer for Restor ing G race

AnotherAfter a RecoveryAnotherGroan ing for Redemption . Parts I I I . , I I I . , IV .

Hebrews iv . 15

viii Corzlem‘s .

A Prayer for P ersons jo ined in Fel lowship . Parts II I . , I I I . , IV

A t WakingP salm cx . I

Matthew x i . 28I T imothy i . 15A cts xvi . 3 1The Woman of CanaanThe Pool of BethesdaThe Good Samar itanGroan ing for Redemption . Parts I I I . , I I I . ,My Lord and myGod 1


The F ifty - second Chapter of Isaiah . Parts I .,I I .

,I I

Wrestl ing JacobA ThanksgivingAnotherAnotherHymn to the Tr in ityOn his BirthdayJob x ix . 25

A Funeral Hymn . (Used first forMrs . E l izabeth HooperAnotherA nother . I Thessalon ians iv . I 3, &c .

AnotherAnotherA fter the FuneralA M idn ight Hymn

AnotherLord , what is Man ?

Luke x i i . 50The Good F ightHabakkuk i i i . 1 7, 18


After a Relapse into Sin

Conlezzts .

An othe rIn DoubtIsaiah. xxxii . 2A Poor SinnerA Prayer for Hum il ityA ThanksgivingFor the Sp ir it of PrayerSubm iss ionFor a Sick Fr iendAfter a Recovery ffom SicknessReceiving a Chr ist ian Fr iendThe SalutationAt the Meeting of Chr ist ian Fr iendsA t PartingThe CommendationThough absent in Body , yet present inEnter ing into the CongregationAnotherHymn for the Day of PentecostAnotherAnotherA ThanksgivingA D ialogue of Angels and Men

AnotherDav id and Go l iathRomans x . 6

,&c .

Rejo icing inHopeAnotherRomans v i .The Fourth Chapter of I saiahThe Twelfth Chap ter of IsaiahIsaiah xxvi . I 3 , 14

After a Recovery from SicknessA venge me on m ine A dversaryCome, Lord Jesus IThe sam e

Waiting for Chr ist the ProphetThe same

Con ten ts .

The same

Dan iel in the Den of LionsThe Three Children in the F iery FurnaceA ThanksgivingH e that loseth his l ife for My sake shal l find itWatch in allThingsA Prayer for Hol inessLet this Mind be in you which was also in Chr ist J esuI JohnThey that wait on the Lord shal l renew their StrengthThe things wh ich are imposs ible with Men are possibl

to God

Let God be true and every Man a l iarThywi ll be done in earth as it is in heavenThe Word of our God shal l stand for everZechar iah iv . 7 , &c .

The same

Waiting for the P rom iseThe same

The same

The same

Des iring to Love . Parts I .,I I .

T itus i i. 14

D euteronomy xxx i i i . 26,&c .

Mark x i . 22,23 , 24

Romans iv . 16,&c .

F ight the good fight of FaithI am determ ined to know nothing save Jesus Chr ist


H im cruc ifiedThe same

P leading the Prom ise of Sanctification

Behold the Man

T itus i i . I I,&c .

I t is T ime for Thee , Lord , to lay to Thine hand , &c .

H e that Bel ieveth shal l not make Haste . Parts I . ,I I .

I I I .,IV.

The Lord’s P rayer ParaphrasedRevelat ion i . 4, 5, 6 , &c .

Con ten ts .

A Prayer for the BishopsA Prayer for LabourersAnotherUnto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus

,Wr ite


Unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna,&c.

To the Angel of the Church in Pergamos

Unto the Angel of the Church in Thyat iraUnto the Angel of the Church in SardisTo the Ange l of the Church in PhiladelphiaUnto the Angel of the Church of the Laod iceans . Parts

I .,I I . , I I I .

The Spirit and the Br ide say, Come



P notz'

snoo’ oy 7 OHN WESLE Y,M . A . ,

Fel low of Lincoln Col lege,Oxford .


Printed by W . STRAHAN . And Sold at the Fonno’ory,

near Upper M oofyfeto’s ; at JAMES HUTTON ’S


sel ler, at the B ible and Sun,without Temple-B ar ;

and at JOHN LEW I S ’S in B art/zolonzew - C/oso. 1 74 1 .

[Price Bound One Shill ing]


4 Con tents .

Sovereign ty and Grace. [Watts , H ora Lyr ica'

, Book L ]Fait/z in C/ir ist. [Watts

,Book IL ,

Hy .

C/zr ist onr Rig/iteonsness , (Soc . [Watts,Book L , Hy. 98 ]

A doption . [Watts,Book L ,

Hy .

[ lg/i nn to Cnrz'

st. [H ickes’s Ref. D ev . , Hy. 30, 6

verses . ][ neons tancy [Four verses , of which the first three are

altered from H ickes,ztoi snp .

,Hy .

A T/zonglzt in Afi iction

Tlie Cnr is tian P ace. [Watts , Book L ,Hy . 48

Tne N ew Creation . [Watts,Book IL

,Hy . 130, 5verses .]

Cnr z'

st’s Humiliation and E xaltation . [Watts , Book L ,

Hy . 63 , 5 verses .]Salvation by Grace. [Watts , Book L ,

Hy .


s Love and P ower

Waiting for t/ze Spir it of A doption . [Watts,Book IL ,

part of Hy . 29, and others .]Hymn to t/ze H oly G/iost. [H ickes , uoi snp .

,Hy . 35,

4 verses . ]Char ity. [Watts , Book IL ,

Hy .

Cr ucifixion to tile World . [Watts,Book TIL,

Hy . 7 ,

4 verses . ]Unf ruitf ulness . [Watts

,Book IL , Hy .

Sincere P raise. [Watts , H E , Book L ]C/zrist

’s Compas sion for tile Tempted . [Watts

,Book L ,

Hy . 125, 5verses . ]T/ie Resignation . [A ltered from N orris

’s M iscel lan ies ,

p .

Tbe Compar ison and Complaint. [Watts,H


. E,Book L ]

A P rayer for we Lig/zt of Life.

Submis sion . [A ltered from Herbert . ]B reat/zing after tlze Holy Spir it. [Watts

,Book IL


Hy .

Tlie Witnessing Spir it. [Watts,Book L

,Hy .

Veni Creator . [Dryden ’s vers ion . ]

Hymn for Sunday. [S. Wesley, jun .

,noi snp . , p .

A Hynin for E aster D ay. p .

Revelation vii. I 3 , Cw . [Watts,Book L

,Hy. 4 1 . ]

Con ten ts .

P rayer for Fait/i

ffymn to C/irist. [From the German of G . ArnoldA not/zer

PVe love Him oecause fi fefi rst loved Us . [P salmod ia Ger

man ica,p .

Before t/ie Sacramen t. p .

P rayer to C/zrist. [loid . ,p .

A n [ fymn for tile Georgia Orplzans

For t/zeir B enefactors

Before t/zeir going to Worle

A ffymn for C/zarzty C/iild ren


A notlier

A not/zer

A not/zer

A Yearly Hymn for C/iar ity Cnild ren

A not/zer

A Hymn atMe Open ing of a Cliarity SclioolA Hymn for any Sc/iool

A not/zer

A not/zer

A M orn ingflymn

A n E ven ing Hymn

A F uneralfly/nufor a Sc/zolar , or ot/ier Young Person

D e P rof und is

P rayer for one t/zat is Lunatic, and sore vexed

Tlzan/csgivingfor lier D eliverance

God exalted above allP raise. [Watts,H . E ,

Book L ]


P salm 8. [N . V . ]Tlie same. [S. \Vesley , jun .

,uoi sup . , p . 3 70 ]

P salm 16 . [N . V .

, 4 verses .]P salm 18 . P ar tMe First. [N . V .

,6 verses . ]

Par t tlie Second . [N . V .

, 4 verses .]P salm 23 . [G: Sandys .]T/ze same. [Spectator, N o .

6 Contents .


P salm 24. [G . Sandys . ]P salm 29. [Mid ]P salm 62. [Mid ]Ps alm 66. [Mid ]P salm 68 . [N . V . , 5 verses . ]P ar t t/ze Second . [N V .

,6 verses. ]

P salm 84. [N V ., 5 verses . ]

Tlie same. [Watts, as the 148th . ]

me same. [G . Sandys . ]P salm 89 . [N V .

,8 verses . ]

P salm 92 . [Sandys . ]P salm 96 . [a re ]P salm 100 . [Mid ]Tlie same. [Watts

’s Paraphrase

, 4 verses . ]P salm 103 . [N . V .

,8 verses .]

P salm 104 . [N . V .

, 8 verses . ]Par t t/ze Second . [N . V .

,6 verses . ]

P art t/ze T/zir d . [N . V .,8 verses . ]

P ar t t/ze Four t/i . [N . V . ,10 verses . ]

Tlie same. [Sandys , 4 verses , Double L . M .]P art t/ie Second . 3 verses , Double L . M . ]P ar t t/ze T/iird . [foid , 4 verses , Double L . M . ]P ar t tlze Four tn. 3 verses , Double L . M . ]P salm 1 13 . [N . V .

, 4 verses .

P salm 1 14. [N . V .

,8 verses

T/ie same. [Watts,L . M . ,

6 verses . ]P salm 139 . [N . V .

,I4 verses . ]

P salm 145- 7 , é

y c. [Watts , C . M ., 5 verses. ]

P ar t t/ze Second , Ver . 14, (Se c. were ,6 verses . ]

P salm 146 . [Watts,as the 1 l3th, 4 verses . ]

P salm 147 . [Watts,L . M .

,part i.

,6 verses .]

P salm 148. [Watts , S. M .,6 verses . ]

P ar t t/ze Second . [Watts, S.M .

,6 verses .

P art t/ze Tlzird . [Watts , S. M ., 4 verses

Tlie same. [N . V .

,8 verses . ]

Tlie same. [Sandys, 9 verses . ]T/te same. [Watts, H L.

,Book L]

P salm 150. [N . V . , 4 verses . ]

Con ten ts .

God’s E ternity. [Watts

,Book IL ,

Hy . I 7 . ]Hymn to God the Father .

ffymn to God the Son . [S. Wes ley, jun .


Hymn to God the H oly Ghost. s up . , pp . 365Hymn to the Tr in ity.

A nother . [Watts,Book IIL ,

Hy .

A nother . [Watts,Book TIL

,Hy .

The D ivine P erfections . [Watts,Book IL ,

Hy .

UniversalP raise. [H ickes, uhi s up . ,Hy . 6 , 7 verses . ]

Sun,M oon

,and Star s , praise ye the Lord . [Watts,

H. L.,Book L ]

YoungMen and M aidens, 6am, praiseye theLor d .

Flying Fowl and Creeping Things , prais e ye the Lord .

[Mid ]Song to Cr eating Wisdom . [Watts

, H . L . ,Book L ,

12 verses . ]The Shor tness Of Life. [Watts , Book IL ,


'ivingfor God’s P ar ticular P rovidence. [Specta

tor , N o .

A Traveller’s Hymn . N o . 489 ]

A [ Mor ning orE ven ingHymn . [Watts,Book I .


God glor ious , and Sinner s saved . [Watts,f] . L . ,

Book L]Chr is t our Wisdom

,Righteousness , (Se c. [Watts

,Book L


HY 97 - 1The N ames of Christ. [\V atts , Book L ,

Hy .

The Ofi ces of Chr ist. [Watts , Book L ,Hy. 149 , 8

verses . ]The same. [Watts

,Book L ,

Hy . 150, 10 verses . ]Hymn for Sunday. [H ickes, uhi s up ,

Hy. 1,6

verses . ]Christ our P riest and King. [Watts

,Book L

,Hy. 6 1

Tr iumph over D eath. [\V atts , Book IL ,Hy .

H eaven begun on E ar th. [Watts,Book IL ,

Hy . 30 ,

8 verses . ]Christ worshipped oy all Creatures . [Watts , Book L ,

Hy .

The N ew Covenant sealed . [\V atts , Book IIL ,Hy. 3 ,

3 verses and Hy . 16,2 verses . ]

8 Conten ts .

God,our Light in D arhness . [Watts

,Book IL , Hy .

Come,Lord 7 esus . [Watts , 11. L . ,

Book L , 8 verses .]O ye Spir its and Souls of the Righteous , bless , é



[H ickes , ubi sup .

,Hy . 38, 7 verses .]

[Select verses from G.

Sandys’s Paraphrase , and

Watts’s Hymns , Book L,

Hy . 68

Verse 14, Cas e.

Chapter iii , verse 2 , Lif e.

Chapter iv . , verse 1 , Case.


THE reader wil l observe that of the 160 hymns contained inthis volume as or iginally publ ished , more than 130 maybe traced(by the references given above in brackets ) to previous publ icat ions by other authors ; and were merely selected , arranged ,and more or less altered by Wesley . Only three of those whichhave been so traced are repr inted here ; viz .


! Res ignation ,

Subm iss ion ,

”and the first ! Hymn to Chr ist . The second

with that title, together with ! A Thought in Affl iction ,

” ! APrayer for the Light of Life ,” A Prayer for Faith , and God’sLove and Power ,” are also reprinted, because they have not

been i dentified in other Col lections , and may poss ibly be Wes

ley’s . The remainder are more probably his though the two inhalf- rhymed verse are subj ect to some susp icion on that account .Two vers ions of P salm cxxx . , and the other P salms which ap

peared in the second and fol lowing editions of this volume, are

reserved for publ icat ion hereafter .




I W ILT Thou,O Lord

,regard my tears

The fru it Of gui l t and fear ?

Me,who Thy j usti ce have provoked

O,will Thy mercy spare ?

Yes ; for the broken con trite heart,Saviour

,Thy sufferings plead

O , quench not then the smoking flax,

Nor break the bruised reed

3 Thy poor unworthy servan t view ,


d to Thy decree

Ordain me or to l ive or d ie,

But l ive or d ie in Thee

Upon Thy gracious promise,Lord


My humbled soul is cast

O,bear me safe through life

,through death .

And raise m e up at las t 2

5 Low as thi s mortal frame must lie,

This mortal frame shal l s ing,

Where i s thy victory, O grave

And where,O death

,thy sting !”

10 God’

s Love and P ower —The Res igna tion.


I FELT my heart,and found a chillness cool

I ts purple channel s in my frozen sideThe spring was now become a s tanding pool


Deprived ofmotion and its active t ide .

O,s tay O

,s tay !

I ever freeze i f banish’

d from Thy rayA last ing warmth Thy secret beam s beget

Thou art a Sun which cannot rise or set.

2 Then thaw thi s ice,and make my frost retreat,

But let with temperate rays Thy lustre shine

Thy j udgmen ts l ightning,but Thy love i s heat

Those would con sume my heart,but this refine .

Inspire inspire

And mel t my soul wi th Thy more equal fire

So shal l a pens ive deluge drown my fears

My ice turn water,and dissolve in tears .

After Thy love, if I con tinue hard ,If sin again kn i t and confirm

d be grown ,I f guil t rebel , and s tand upon his guard


And what was!

ice before freeze in to s tone

Reprove reprove

Thy power ass is t Thee to revenge Thy love .

Lo,Thou has t s ti l l Thy threats and thunder left

The heart that can’t be me l ted maybe cleft


I LONG have I view’

d,long have I thought


And trembling held thi s bitter draught

A ltered from Norris’s

! M iscel lanies , p . 83 .

12 A Prayer —Submiss ion .

I wil l not murmur at Thyw-ord ,

Nor begThee yet to sheathe Thy sword .


1 O SUN of Righteousness,arise


With heal ing in Thy wing

To my diseased,my fain ting soul

Life and Salvation bring .

2 These clouds of pride and sin dispel

By Thy all- piercing b eam ;Lighten mine eyes with fai th

,my heart

With holy hope inflame .

3 My mind by Thy all- quicken ing power

From low desires set free ;Uni te my scatter’d thoughts

,and fix

My love en tire on Thee .

4 Father, Thy long- los t son receive ;Saviour

,thy purchase own ;

Bles t Comforter, with peace and joyThy n ew-made creature crown !

5 Eternal , undivided Lord ,Co - equal One and Three !

On Thee allfai th,allhope be placed ,

All love be paid to Thee


[Altered from H erber t.]1 BUT that Thou art my wisdom



And bo th my eyes are Thine,

My soul would be extremely stirr’d

At mi s sing my design .

A P rayer for Faith.

2 Were i t not better to bes tow

Some place or power on me ?

Then should Thy praises with me grow,

And share in my degree .

3 But while I thus dispute and gr ieve,

I d o resume my sight

And pil fering what I once did give,

Disseize Thee of‘

Thy right .

4 How know I , i f Thou shouldst me raise ,That I should then raise Thee?

Perhaps my wishes and Thy prai se

Do not so wel l agree .

5 Therefore un to my gift I s tand ,I wil l no more advise

Only d o Thou lend me a hand,

Since Thou has t bo th mine eyes .


1 FATHER,I s tretch my hands to Thee,

No o ther help I know

I f Thou with-draw Thysel f from me,

Ah ! whither shal l I go?

2 What did Thy on ly Son endure

Before I drew my breath

What pain, what labour to secure

My soul from endless death

3 O J esu , could I thi s bel ieve,I now should feel Thy power ;

Now my poor soul Thou woulds t retrieve,Nor let me wai t one hour .


14 A Hymn to Chris t.

4 Author of fai th , to Thee I l ift

My weary,longing eyes

O,let me now rece ive that gift

My soul without i t dies .

5 Surely Thou can s t not let me d ie


,and I shal l l ive !

And here I will unwearied lie

Till Thou Thy Spiri t give .

6 The wors t of s inners would rejoice,Could they but see Thy face

O,let me hear Thy quicken ing vo ice,And tas te Thy pardoning grace .



1 MEEK,patien t Lamb of God

,to Thee

I fly ; Thy meekness give to me

I choose Thee for my life, my crown ,

I pan t to have Thee allmy own

Thou seest my heart,Thou know’

st my love ,From Thee I never will remove ;NO shame I fear

,no pain

,or loss,

But gladly fol low to the cross .

2 Make clean as wool my fil thy heart,

Wash white as snow my every part

Give me in s til lness to sus tain

Whate’er Thy wisdom shal l ordain .

Carve for Thyself in me,and make

My hear t Thy lamb - l ike image take

Probably altered from an o lder trans lation of O Stilles Gottes

Lamm ,H ernhuth Col lect ion, No . 4 12 , ascr ibed by some to Gott

fried A rnold . ( 1666—17 14 ) The next hymn ismost 111.e a

trans lat ion also, but has not been traced to its original .

A Hymn to Chr is t.

Yea, slay me,Lord

,and offer me

A pure burn t sacrifice to Thee .


,hand and foo t Thy son


Nor leave the work till allbe done

O,never let me


, go free,Til l allmy heart ’s resign

d to Thee

Then quickly to the al tar lead ,And suffer me no more to plead

No longer with the’ old A dam bear

Lead on,dear Lord

,consume him there .


1 JESU,Thy soul renew my own


Thy sufferings for my s ins atone

Thy sacred body s lain for m e,

From sin and misery set me free .

2 The water i ssuing from Thy S ideThe sold ier’s spear had Open

d wide,

That bathe my heart,and allThy blood

Refresh and bring me near to God .

3 The blood - sweat tri ckling from Thy face

Preven t my coming in disgrace

Thy holy passion,death

,and tomb

Shal l screen me from the wrath to come .

4 O Jesu , gran t this my reques t !Take

,hide m e qui te in Thy dear breas t


And make me in Thywounds to dwel l

Secure from allthe fiends of hel l .

5 Cal l me in my las t agony,

And br ing me,O my God , to Thee ;

That I,with allThy sain ts above


Maynever cease to praise Thy love .


16 Georgia Orphans —For their Benefactors .


I COME,let us join our God to bless


And praise Him evermore ;That Father of the fatherless


That H elper of the poor .

2 Our dying paren ts us forsake ;H is mercy takes us up


Kindly vouchsafes H is own to make,And God becomes our hope .

3 For us H e in the wilderness

A table hath prepared

U s whom His love del ights to bless,

H is providence to guard .

4 Known un to Him are allour needs ;And

,when we seek H is face,

His open hand our bodies feeds ,Our souls H e feeds with grace .

5 Then let us in H is service SpendWhat we from Him receive ;

And back to Him what H e shal l send

In thanks and praises give .


1 FATHER of Mercies,hear our prayers

For those that d o us good

Whose love for us a place prepares,And gives the orphans food .

t Before their going to Worb.

Their alms in blessings on thei r head

A thousand - fold restore ;0

,feed the ir souls wi th l iving bread


And let their cup run o’


3 For ever in thy Chris t buil t up ,Thy boun ty let them prove,

Steadfas t in fai th, j oyful through hope,And rooted deep in love .

4 For those who kindly founded this,A better house prepare;

Remove them to thy heavenly bli ss,

And let u s meet them there .


1 LET us go forth ,’ti s God commands ;

Let us make has te away ;Offer to Chris t our hearts and hands

We work for Chr is t to - day.

2 When H e vouchsafes our hands to use,

I t makes the labour sweet ;I f any now to work refuse


Let not the s luggard eat.

3 Who would not d o what God ordainsAnd promises to bles s ?


would not’

scape the toil and painsOf sinful idleness

4 In vain to Chris t the slothful prayWe have not learn

d Him so

No ; for H e cal ls Himsel f the Way

And work’

d Himself below .

VOL . I L n


18 A Hymn for Char ity Child ren .

5 Then let us in H is foots teps tread ,And gladly act our part ;

On earth employ our hands and head,

But give Him allour hear t .


1 How happy they, O King of kings !

H OW safe, how truly blest,Who under Thy pro tecting wings

Bo th shel ter find and rest

Them wil t Thou lead , them wil t Thou keep ,

And with Thine arm uphold ;O blessed Shepherd ! blessed sheep

Of [ srael’s sacred fold !

3 Nor does the tender wandering lambs

H is kindly care disdain ;He knows them better than their dams ,And better does sus tain .

4 Beho ld , His flock from every s ide

H e is assembling s til l ;And mayH e allin safety guide

To Sion’

s sacred hill .

5 I f thither H e will us convey,

Nor our mean vows despise,Our hearts we ’l l on H is al tars layA grateful sacrifice .

6 To God the Father,and the Son

And Spiri t, One in Three,

AS is,and was e

re time begun

Eternal glory be .

20 A Hymn for Char ity Child ren .

3 H e found us in the desert wide,

And did from thence remove

Still mayH e u s vouchsafe to gu ide,

And lead with bands of love .

4 H e i s our Comforter and Light,

We on His manna feed ;H is cloud by d ay, H is fire by n ight

To heavenly Canaan lead .

5 To those calm happy seats mayH e

In safety us convey,

With allwhose love and piety

Have placed us in the way.

6 To the bles t co - eternal Three

Whom earth and heaven adore,

A s was,and is

,allglory be


Til l t ime shal l be no more.


1 O THOU , whose wisdom ,power

,and love


For allThy works provide ;Which those vast orbs that rol l above


And our low centre guide.

2 The rich , the poor, the mean ,the great


Are l ink’d bv Thy s trong hands ;Poised on i t s base, the work

’s complete


The firm composure s tands .

3 The meanes t worm that creeps on earth

I s not below Thy care ;And we

,al though of humble birth


ThyGodlike bounty share.

A Hymn for Char ity Child r en . 21

4 Whoe’

er Thy Being dare dispute,Are si len ced here with ease ;

The s tones themselves would them confute,

I f we should hold our peace .

5 The’ Almighty be thei r s trong defen ce,

And multiply their s tore,

Who s til l concur with Providence

To aid and bless the poor .


I . FATHER of Mercy,hear our prayer


In Thee we move and l ive

H ow s low to wrath,how prone to spare,

And ready to forgive !

2 Thou chiefly dost Thy boundles s power

In acts of goodness show ;Thy mercy allThy works adore

Thence allour blessings flow .

3 This sti l l shall be our grateful theme,Thy praise we ’l l ever s ing

Our friends the kind refreshing stream ,

But Thou the’ unfail ing Spring .

4 Our joywould soon o’

erfiow the banks ,And inundat ion s raise,

Did we not thus look down with thanks ,And look to heaven with praise .

5 To God the'

Father,God the Son,

And God the Ho ly Ghos t,

Who yet are not three Gods,but O ne


Revered by allHis hos t

22 A Yea rly Hymn for Char ity Child ren .

6 The bles t, eternal Trin i ty ,Whom heaven and earth adore


All honour,praise

,and glory be

Bo th now and evermore .



I AGA IN the kind revolving yearHas brought this happy day,

And we in God’s bles t house appear,Again our vows to pay.

2 Our watchful guardians,robed in l ight

Adore the heavenly KingTen thousand thousand seraphs bright

Incessan t prai ses Sing .

3 They know no wan t,they feel no care

Nor ever sigh as we ;

Sorrow and sin are s trangers there,

And alli s harmony .

4 I f aught can there enhance their bliss ,Or raise their raptures higher,

New j oys in heaven,


at s ights l ike this ,N ew an them s fi l l the cho ir .

5 With what resembling care and love

Both worlds for us appear !

Our friendly guardian s , those above ;Our benefactor-s here .

A flyinn a t the Opening of a Char ity School.


r TR IUMPHAL no tes,and hym n s of joy,

To Thee our God we ’l l sing ;Thy prai ses shal l - our l ips employ


O Salem’

s peaceful King !

2 Thou mak’

st the world obey Thy wil l,

Whose will is always best ;Thy word b ids winds and waves be sti l lAnd chides them in to res t .

3 Thy sacred Spir i t on j ord an’

s s tream

Decend ed l ike a dove;Thou dids t from wrath and Sin redeem ;Thy law i s peace and love .

4 That law ,by our kind patrons’ care


We now are daily taught ;Though once far off

,we now are near


As those to J esus brought .

5 MayH e to every boun teous friend

H is favour s til l increase,

Till they and we with Him ascend

To everlast ing peace .


1 L I FT up your heads, ye lofty gates ;

Unfold,each spaciousid oor ;

For here the King of Glory wai ts

With bless ings for the poor .

2’Twas love Divine


’twas sovere ign grace ,

True boun ty’s endless spring,

Did us so near God’s al tars place,

Where we may pray and s ing .

24 A Hymn for any School.

3 To psalms and hymn s we may aspire,I f an thems are too high ;

And fol low the ce les tial choi r

In decent harmony .

4 With holy soul s we here maymeet,And learn their songs Divine;

Their Hal lelujahs loud and sweet

With our Hosannas j o in .

5 H ow blest,i f always thus we might

The coming hours employ

And s inging pass to realms Of l ight ,And endles s worlds of joy


1 ON thi s auspicious happy dayWhat incen se Shal l we bring ?

What grateful humble homage payTO an Almighty King ?

2 Be H is dread name on earth confest,

A s’

tis by those above

What is the’ employmen t of the bles t,

But songs of praise and love ?

3 The breath from heaven we did receive,

We thus in hymn s res tore ;And while we on H is boun ty l ive



11wonder and adore .

4 Rescued from wan t, and v i ce, and shame

We’ll allour future days

Our great Creator’s love proclaim,

And l ive but to Hi s praise .

A Hymn for any School. 25

5 May heart, and voice, and l ife combine,H is goodness to express ;

May allthat hear us with us j oin,And our Redeemer bles s .


1 FATHER of Lights,to Thee , from whom

Each perfect gift descends ;To Thee with humble p rayers we come


For allour boun teous friends .

2 Blessings,the paymen t of the poor,

Our lips and heart s return :

May Heaven,which gave

,augmen t their

And comfort those that mour n

3 O that we better could improve

What ’s in such plen ty sown

But dews of grace are from above

Our wan ts and s ins our own .

On ly the lowly and the meek

Shal l res t ofmind obtain :

Such fol lowers does our Saviour seek,Such shall H is kingdom gain .

5 Thither maywe be safe convey’


When l ife’s rough storms are 0 er,

And allwho give their friendly aid

To help us to the shore .

6 To God the Father,and the Son

And Spiri t,One and Three,

AS is,and was

,for time to come,

Eternal glory be

A M orning [ dymn


I To Thee,O Lord

,our God and King


Whose mercies ne’er decay,

We thus in artles s numbers sing,

And thus our prai se we pay.

Whate’er is human ebb s and flows,

Aswas ting time prevails ;But grace Divine no changes knows

Chari ty never fails .

3 From thence flow plen teous s treams and

Arid may they never cease’

Tis you who plan t and water here ,’

Tis God that gives the’ increase .

4 MayH e your pious alms regard,

Your warmth of zeal approve ;With ample bless ings s til l reward

The labour of your lov e .

5 May allthe pleasing pains you share

Be crown’

d with wish’

d success ;The presen t age applaud your care,And future ages bless


WE l ift our hearts to Thee,O Day

- s tar from on high

The sun i tself is but Thy shade,Yet cheers bo th earth and sky .

28 A FuneralHymn for a Scholar .

3 Whom Thou dos t guard , O King of kings ,No evil shal l moles t ;

Under the shadow of Thy wings

Shall they securely res t .

4 Thy angels shal l around their beds

The ir con s tan t station s keep :

Thy fai th and truth shal l shield their heads

For Thou dost never sleep .

5 Maywe with calm and sweet repose,

And heaven ly thoughts refresh’


Our eyel ids with the morn ’

s unclose

And bless the Ever- bless’d .




1 VA IN man,ofmortal paren ts born


Know thou art born to d ie

H ow frai l our s tate, how shor t our l ife,H ow full ofmisery

2 As flowers from mother- earth we’


A fading bloom we spread ;A s soon we was te and pass away

Among the’ unnumber’d dead .

3 As shadows glide o’

er hill s and dales

And yet no tracks appear ;So swift we van i sh hence ; our souls

Have no abiding here .

Om itted in the second and allfol lowing ed itions .

A P rayer for one tha t is Luna tic. 29

4 The mourners go about the streets

With solemn s teps and s low ;Thus must i t be for you and me


To the same home we go .

5 SO teach us , Lord , to number out

Our l ife’s uncertain days,We sweetly may our hear t apply

To heavenly wi sdom ’s ways .

6 O holy Lord ! O mighty God

When we resign our breath,

Then save u s from the bitter pains

Of everlasting death .


1 JESU,God of our salvation


Hear our cal l ; Save us all

By Thy death and pass ion .

2 Jesu,see Thine helpless creature ;

BOW the skies God , ari se,All Thy foes to scatter .

3 Jesu, man ifes t Thy gloryIn thi s hour

,Show Thy power,

Drive Thy foes before Thee .

4 Jesu , help, Thou serpen t - bruiser ;Bruise his head , Woman ’

s Seed,

Cas t down the accuser .

5 J esu , wound the dragon ,wound him ;

Make him roar,Break hi s power,

Let Thine arm confound him .

30 A Prayer for one tha t is Luna tic.

6 Jesu, come,and bind him, bind him


;Let him feel H is own hel l

Let Thy fury find him .

7 J esu , than the s trong man s tronger

En ter Thou ;Let Thy foe

Keep Thee out no longer .

8 Suffer him no more to harm her ;

Make her clean,Purge her sin ,

Take away his armour .

9 J esu , mighty to del iver,Satan foil

,Take the spo il


Make her Thine for ever .

Jesu,allto Thee isgiven

All Obey, Own Thy sway


Hel l,and earth

,and heaven .

J esu,let this soul find favour

In Thy sight Claim Thy right,

Come,O come and save her .

From the hand of hel l retrieve her


,Speak the word


Bid the tempter leave her .

Hide her til l the s torm be ov er

King of kings,Spread Thy wings ,

Chris t,her weakness cover .

J esu,wherefore dos t Thou tarry ?

Hear Thine own,Cast him down


Quel l the adversary .

Jesu,shal l he s till devour

I s Thine ear Slow to hear ?

Hast Thou los t Thy power ?

A P rayer for one tha t is Luna tic.

I 6 Shorten’

d is Thy hand,O Saviour 9

Save her now,Show that Thou

Art the same for ever

1 7 O omnipoten t Redeemer,

Hel l rebuke With Thy look ,Silence the blasphemer .

18 Jesu,allhis depths discover

All unfold, Loose his hold ,

Let the charm be over .

19 Jesu, i s i t pas t Thy finding ?

Find and Show,Break the vow ,

And let i t not be binding .

20 Break the dire confederacy

Shal l i t s tand ? NO : command .

Say,’Tis I release thee .

2 1 Satan,hear the name of JESUS


Hear and quake ; Give her back

To the Name tha t frees us .

2 2 Jesu,claim Thy ran som

d creature

Let the foe Feel and know

Thou in us art greater .

23 Strengthen’

d by Thy great example

Let us tread On his head ,On his kingdom trample .

24 Drive him to the’ infernal region ;

Chace, O Chace, To his place ,Though his name be legion .

25 Is not fai th the same for ever ?

Let us see Signs from Thee,

Fol lowing the bel iever .



Thanhsgiving for her Deliverance.


1 PRA I SE by allto Chris t be given ;Let us sing

,Chri s t the King


King of earth and heaven .

2 Glory to the name of J ESU S ;Jesu ’s name Still the same,

From allevil frees us .

3 Jesu’

s name the conquest won us ;

Let us rise, Fill the skies,

With our loud Hosannas .

4 Christ, Thou in our eyes art glorious :

We proclaim Chris t the Lamb,

Over allvictoriou s .

5 Lion of the tribe ofj udah,Joyfully, Lo to Thee

Sing we Hal lelujah .

6 Hel l was ready to devour ;Thou the prey Bear’st away

Out of Satan’

s power .

7 See the lawful captive taken

From the foe Now we know


s realm is shaken .

8 Thou hast shown Thyself the stronger

Still go on,Put i t down ,

Let i t s tand no longer.

9 Overturn i t , overturn i t ,Down with i t, Let the feet

Of Thy servants Spurn i t .


Thanhsgiving for her Deliverance.

Surely now the charm is broken

Thou has t shown To Thine own ,

Thou has t given a token .

I s there any divination

Against those Thou hast chose

Heirs of Thy salvation ?

Thou hast bought,and Thou wil t have

Who shal l harm,When Thine arm

Is stretch’

d out to save us

Hel l in vain agains t us rages ;Can i t shock Christ the Rock

Of eternal ages

Satan,wilt thou now defy us ?

I s not aid For us laid

On our great Mess ias

Past is thine oppressive hour

Where ’

s thy boas t ? Baffled, los t

Where i s now thy power ?

Serpen t,see in us thy Bruiser

Feel H is power,Fly before

Us,thou foul accuser

ThOu no longer shal t oppress

Triumph we Over thee

In the name of Jesus .

I I .





[New Vers ion ,L . M . , 5 verses]

[N . V .,L . M .

, 4 verses][Add ison]

[Watts,C . M .

, 5verses][From the Span ish . See V ol. L

,p .

[Watts][N . V .

, 8 verses][N . V . ]

[N . V . ,8 verses][N . V . ]

[N V .]

[Watts][N . V . ]

[N . V . ]

[Verse 7 , &c .


-V atts]

[D itto][Roscommon ,

20 verses][N . V . ]

[\V atts , Book I IL ,Hy . 28]

[fbid .,Book IL , Hy . 67]


38 Con ten ts .

The Creator and CreaturesThe D iv ine PerfectionsSeraphic LovePart of Isaiah lx i i i .The Res ignat ionThe Asp irationGod glor ious and Sinners savedSovereign ty and GraceThe Names of Chr istThe Offices of Chr istChr ist , our Pr iest and KingThe new Creat ionChr ist worshipped by allCreaturesThe new Covenant sealedGod our Light in DarknessFrom the German

,D ich ffesu

A s ingle EyeCruc ifix ion to the WorldChar ityPen i CreatorThe Thanksgiv ingBreathing after the Holy Sp ir itThe W itness ing Sp ir itCome, Lord JesusGod exalted above allPraise




P salm 63

Psalm 88

P salm 90

Psalm 139

The same , Part 2The same , Part 3Veni Cr eatorFrom the German

, Verborgne

[Watts,Hora Lyr ica ,Book L ]

[lbid .,Book IL , Hy . 169]

[Norr is See V ol. L ,p . 34 1]

[[ bid . See V ol. L ,p . 1 18]

[Jbid See before, p . 10]

[[ bid . See V ol. L ,p . 342]

[Watts , H L. , Book L ]H L . , Book L ]Book L , Hy. 148]Book L , Hy . 150]

[lbid . , Book IL ,Hy . 47]

Book I I . , Hy . 130]Book L ,

Hy . 62]Book I IL ,

Hy. 3]

[lbid . , Book IL , Hy. 54]

[See V ol. L , p . 155]p . 30]

[Watts , Book IIL , Hy . 7]Book IL , Hy . 38]

[Dryden][See V ol. L

,p . 27]

[Watts , Book IL, Hy . 34]Book L , Hy . 144]H L . , Book L]

[Watts , L . M .

C .M .]

[lbid ]

[Ordination Service]Gottes Liebe du [See V ol. L , p . 7 1]

Contents .

Life an d EternitySp iritual SlothA Sinner’s SighsFrom the German ,

Seelen brautigam

A Morning HymnAn Evening Hymn

A M idn ight HymnRepentanceFrom the German

Subm iss ionHome

From the German , Solt ich aus Furch/



Psalm 8

Psalm 29

Psalm 65

The sam e,Part 2

Psalm 148

The same

A Song to Creating W isdomThe Compar ison and Comp laintYoung Men and MaidensF lying Fowl, &c.

David ’s Hymn to the Creator


[Watts, Book IL , Hy . 55]

[lbid . , Book IL , Hy . 25]

[See below, p . 4 1]

[See V ol. L , p . 13 7]

[Bishop Ken]

[lbid ]

[See V ol. L, p . 62]

[See V ol. L , p . 130]

[See before, p . 12]

[See V ol. L ,p . 63]

[See V ol. L , p . 17 7]


[N . V . , 8 verses][[ bid . 6 verses]

6 verses][lbid . ,

6 verses][Watts , 1 1 verses][N . V . , 8 verses]

[Watts , H . L .

,Book L ]

[Ps . civ . , N . V . , 4 parts]

A Sinner’

s Sighs . 41


1 O,LOOK not


,on my desert


But on Thy glory ; for Thou art

The mighty God , I a weak worm

Destroy me not ; but, O ,reform !

2 Put me not to eternal shame,Unfai thful s teward as I am

I have consumed Thy goods yet, O,

Thy mercy,not Thy vengeance, show !

3 Suffer not an Egyptian n ight

To cover me,though long Thy light

I have despised yet’gains t v ile clay

Do not Almighty power display .

4 God of compassion,Lord of love,

The vials of Thy wrath remove ;Look where the ’ aton ing blood doth Stand ,And quench Thy wrath

,and s tay Thy hand .

5 Thou art bo th Judge and Saviour,Lord


Both l ife and death attend Thy word

O , hear ; O , spare me ; O ,forgive

Once more,and yet my soul shal l l ive .

HOME ; As PR INTED IN 1 7 3 8 .

1,l ine 1 . LORD

,my head burns

,my heart is s ick

l ine 3 . Thy slownes swounds me to the quick .

2 H ow cans t Thou s tay ? Think on the pace

The blood did make which Thou dids t waste

When I beheld i t down Thy face

Trickl ing I never saw such has te .


,& c .

42! Home.

6 Yet if Thou stay’

st,why must I s tay ?

What i s this weary world to me ?

This world ofwoe — Ye clouds,away

Away,I must get up and see .


,& c .

What is thi s world,thi s meat and drink

That chain s us by the teeth so fas t ?

This woman kind which I can wink

In to a blackness of dis taste ?


,8cc .

Nothing but drought and thorn and brake

Which way soe’

er I look,I see .

Some dream of j oy but when they wake

Hungry and fain t,they fly to Thee .


,& c .

We talk of harvests no such things

There are,while in this world we stay

No fruitful year,but that which brings

The las t and loved,though dreadful

, day.


,&c .

Come,dearest Lord

,no longer stay


My heart and flesh and bones do say.


,and Show Thyself to me


Or take my longing soul to Thee .


1 . PERHAP S the general prej udice agains t Chris

t ian Perfection (the subj ect of many of the fol lowing

verses) may chiefly arise from a misapprehension of

the nature of i t . We willingly allow,and con tinual ly

declare,there is no SUCH perfection

,in this l ife


impl ies ei ther a dispensation from doing good,and

attending all the ordinances of God ; or a freedom

from ignorance,mistake


,and a thousand

infirmities necessarily connected wi th. flesh and

blood .

2 . First,we not only al low

,but earnestly contend


( as for the faith once delivered to the saints,that there

i s no perfection in this l ife which implies any d ispen

sation from attending all the ordinances of God,or

from doing good unto all men,while we have time


though especially unto the household offaith. And who

soever they are who have taught o therwise,we are

convinced are not taught of God . We dare not re

ceive them,neither bid them God speed

,les t we be

par taher s of their evil deeds . We bel ieve that not

only the babes in Chri s t who have newly found Re

demption in H is blood,but those also who are grown

up unto perfect men ,unto the measur e of the stature

of thef ulness of Chr ist, are indispensably obliged , (and

46 The Preface.

that they are obliged thereto,is their glory and crown

of r ej oicing) as oft as they have opportun i ty,to eat

bread and drink wine in remembrance of ffim ; to

sear ch the Scr iptures ; by fasting (as wel l as temperance) to leecp their bod ies under

,and bring them into

subj ection ; and,above all

,to pour out their souls in

prayer,both secr etly,

and in the great congrega

tion .

3 . We,secondly, bel ieve, and therefore speak, and

that unto allmen,and with much assur ance

,that there

i s no SUCH perfection in thi s l ife as implies an entire

del iverance,

ei ther from ig norance or mistake, in

things not essen tial to salvation,or from man ifol d

temptations , or from numberless infirmities,wherewith

the corruptible body, more or less,presses down the

soul . This is the same thing which we have spoken

from the beginn ing : if any teach o therwise,they ar e not

of us . We canno t find anyground in Scripture to

suppose that any inhabitan t of an house of clay is

whol ly exempt,e i ther from bodily infirmities

,or from

ignorance of many things or to imagine any is inca

pable of mistake, or Of fal l ing in to divers temptations .

No the d isciple is not above his M aster,nor the ser

vant above his LORD . [ t is enough that every one who

is perfect shallbe as his M aster .

4 . But what then , i t maybe asked , d o you mean by

one that is perfect, or, one that is as his M aster ? We

mean,one in whom is the mind which was in Chr ist


and who so walheth as H e walhed ; a man that hath

clean hand s and a pure hear t; or that is cleansed fr om

allfilthiness of fl esh and spir it; one in whom there is

no occasion of s tumbling, and who,accordingly


not commit sin . To declare this a l i ttle more parti

The P reface. 47

cularly : we understand by that scriptural expression,

a perfect man ,one in whom God hath fulfil led His fai th

ful word,From allyour filthiness , and fr om allyour

idols,willI cleanseyou. I willalso saveyou from all

your uncleannesses . We unders tand hereby,one whom

God hath sanctified throughout,even in body,


and spir it; one who walheth in the light, as H e is in

the light, in whom is no darleness at all the blood of

Jesus Chri s t H is Son having cleansed him fr om all

s in .

5. This man can now tes tify to allmankind,


crucifi ed with Chr ist nevertheless live yet live not,

but Chr ist liveth in me. H e is holy,as God who called

him is holy,both in l ife and in allmanner of conver

sation . H e loveth the Lord his God w ith all his

hear t,and ser veth H im with all his strength. H e

loveth his neighbour (every man) as himself ; yea, as

Christ loved us ; them in particular that despitcy’


use him and per secute him,because they hnow not the

Son,neither the Father . Indeed his soul is alllove


fil led with bowels of mercies,hindness



gentleness , longs zufer iig And his l ife agre eth thereto ;full of the worh of faith, the patience of hope, the

labour of love. And whatsoever he doth,either in

word or deed,he do th i t all in the name

,in the

love and power,

of the Lord j esus . In a word,

he doth the will of God on earth,as it is done in

6 . This it is to be a perfect man , to be sanctifi ed

throughout, created anew in f esus Chr ist. Even !to

have a heart so all- flamingw i th the love of God,

(touse Archbishop Usher’s words)

!as con tinual ly to offer

up every thought,word

,and work, as a spiri tual sacri

48 The P reface.

fice,acceptable unto God through Chri st . In every

thought of our hearts,in every word of our tongues,

in every work of our hands,to show for th H is pra ise

who hath called us out of darhness into H is marvellous

O that both we,and allwho seek the Lord

Jesus in s inceri ty,may thus be mad e perfect in





P A R T I .



1 COM FORT, ye minis ters of grace,

Comfort the people of your Lord ;O ! l ift ye up the fal len race


And cheer them by the gospel -word .

2 Go , in to every nat ion, go

Speak to their trembling hearts , and

Glad tidings un to allwe Show

j erusalem,thy God is nigh .

3 Accomplish’

d is thy legal war,The man tle o

er thy s ins is spread

Thy God the pun ishmen t hath bore ,Thy God the debt hath more than paid .

4 Punish’

d thou art,for H e hath died ,

(The mer i t OfH is death is thine, )

Abso lved , and freely j ust ified ,And clo thed in r ighteousness Divine .


50 The For tieth Chapter of I saiah.

5 Hark in the wilderness a !cry

A voice that loudly cal ls,Prepare

Prepare your hearts,for God is n igh


And means to make His en trance there .

6 The Lord your God shal l quickly come

Sinners,repen t

,the cal l obey

Open your hearts to make Him room ;Ye desert souls, prepare H is way.

7 The Lord shal l clear H is way through all

Whate’er ob structs,obstructs in vain

The vale shal l rise,the moun tain fal l


Crooked be straight, and rugged plain .

8 Nature, perverse and rough,shal l yield ,


aspiring droop,the abj ect dare

Alike by sovereign grace compell’


Despair shal l hope,and pride despair .

9 When all,in to subj ection brought


Level shal l lie,and humbly low


Who captivated every thought,

H is glory then the Lord shall Show .

The glory of the Lord d isplay’


Together allmankind shal l ViewAnd what Hi s mouth in truth hath said


H is own almighty hand shal l d o .


1 WITHER ING as grass i s humankind,

And fleeting as the short- l ived flowerThe goodliness tod ay wefindTo -morrow fades

,and is no more .

52 The For tieth Chapter of Isaiah.

9 H is sheep H e shal l protect,and feed


Bind up the maim’

d,support the weak

The great with young shal l gen tly lead,

And seek the los t,and heal the sick .


1 NOR doth His love eclipse H is might,

O r lessen H is maj es tic powers

Though s tooping from H is glory 3 he ight

Who i s SO great a God as ours ?

H e in the hol low of H is hand

Measured the vas t unbounded main

The wide - extended heavens H e spann’


Infinity His arms contain .

3 H e meted out the earth,and poised

The moun tains,hung on empty Space


When allthe morn ing s tars rej oiced,

And shouted their Creator’s praise .

4 Creation’

s l ine H is wisdom laid,

H e grasp’

d the chaos with His fist ;Sea


,and earth

,and heaven H e weigh


And bad the’

exact machine consi st .

5 Who with the great Omn iscien t God ,Angel or man

,in council join


To Him the way of j udgmen t show’d

O r taught that all- informing Mind ?

6 H e,high en thron'

ed above allhe ight,A

.partner in His work disdains

In power and knowledge infin i te

The self- directed Spiri t reign s .

The For tieth Chapter of Is aiah. 53

7 See the vast tribes that crowd the face

Of earth , the islands scatter’

d wide

Survey the whole of human race,

Their weal th, their number, and their pride

8 Light as the balance—dust,and smal l

To Him as the minutest grain,

Their mil l ions in to nothing fall,

Or swel l to be d iscern ’

d in vain .

9 The nat ion s wi th the ir God compare,

(A drop with the unfathom’

d sea,)

They vanish all,dissolved in air


And los t in H is Immens i ty .

Lighter than vani ty,and less

Than no thing,H e on alllooks down

Nor can their services appease

His wrath,or mitigate H is frown .

Lebanon brings her s tores in vain

Nor allher cedars can afford,

Not allher beasts for s inners slain,

An offer ing worthy of their Lord .

Nothing the creature adds to Him

Fro-m whom the ir borrow’

d being fiow ’


Who self- sufficien t and supreme

Exi sts,the


One Eternal God .


I SAY,then

, ye worms of earth , to whom

Will ye your glorious God compare ?

Vainly through allH is works ye roam,

To find Jehovah ’s l ikeness there .

Young’s Last Day,

” book ii .,195.

54 The For tieth Chapter of Isa iah.

The vile idolater bel ies

H is image with a golden shrine ;To coun terfei t the Godhead tries

And s tocks and s tones become Divine .

3 Man his own dei ty reveres

By self—delight,and self—esteem ;

Whate’er the -

sinner hopes,or fears


Desires,or loves

,is God to him .

4 But have ye not H is being known,

And clearly seen by nature’s l ight

Have not the ancien t fathers shown,

And you confess’

d the Infin i te ?

5 The heavens H is glorious power proclaim ,

The’ Invisible on earth i s show’d


Nature is wri tten with His name,

And allthings speak their builder God .

6 Creation to His law submits,

His rule H e over allmain tains ;High on the globe of heaven H e si ts ,And und isturb

d for ever reigns .

7 The’ inhabitan ts of earth from thence


A s grasshoppers,His eye beholds :

His hand , and power, and prov idenceThe curtain of the heavens unfolds .


Tis He who stretch’

d them out,

tis H e

Who stil l the wide pavilion spreads,

That blue ethereal canopy,And draws it o’

er His creatures ’ heads .

The For tieth Chapter of Isa iah. 55

9 Princes, and kings , that dare withs tand

The ir uncontroll’d Creator’s sway,Shal l sink beneath H is mighty hand ,And fal l

,and fade

,and d ie away .

1 0 Plan ted awhile,or sown below,

Their s tock accurs t shal l ne ’

er take root ;The Lord upon their pride shal l blow ,

Wither the flower,and blas t the fruit .

1 I Say, then, ye abj ect worms,to whom

Will ye your glorious God compare

Who shal l H is hol iness presume

To match,or who Hi s power shal l dare ?

I 2 Lift up your eyes to things on high

Nor fix on earth your grovel ing thought

Who built yon azure vaulted sky

Who spoke those beauteous orbs from nought ?

God only wise,and great

,and strong


Made them to run their heavenly race .

(Knowledge and might to God belong

Honour,and maj es ty, and praise . )

Their radian t hosts H e marshal s righ t,

The ir nature,names

,and number knows :

H e bids them in the ir courses fight,

And blas t their great Creator’s foes .

1 5 They hear ; and each H is will performs ;And

,10 to man they ever call ,

Lift up your eyes, ye abj ect worm s

Adore the gloriou s Cause of allI”

The For tieth Chapter of Isaiah.


1 THE world H e made H e s til l sus tains .

Why then dos t thou , O I srael, say,My God forget s H is people’s pains ,His j acob is a castaway ?

2 Repen t thee of thy peevish haste;Recal l the rash desponding word

N0 more complain ,

! The hour i s pas t,

And I have wearied out my Lord .

3 Has t thou not heard,has t thou not known

The everlas ting God , that laid

The earth’s foundations , rules alone,Nor fain ts to bear the world H e made ?

4 JEHOVAH is unchangeable,His ways

,and thoughts

,are not as ours ;

H e cheers the languid soul s that fail,

And quickens alltheir drooping powers .

5 Gen tly H e l ifts the fal len up,

H e gives them faith,and fai th’s increase


Revives their feeble,dying hope


And fil ls with love,and joy, and peace .

6 Blas ted,the vigour of the young

Shal l fade,and suddenly decay ;

The bold,and confiden t

,and strong

Shal l fear,despair

,and d ie away .


7 But they who wai t upon the Lord

Shall surely find H is promise true,

Receive the quicken ing powerful word,

And,born of God

,thei r s trength renew .

The Siicty—third Chapter of Is aiah. 57

Their willing souls , from sin set free,

Sha l l swiftly in H is s tatutes move,

Shal l walk in glorious l iberty,

Shal l fly upon the wings of love .

9 With eagle’s wings the ir souls Shal l rise,

Steady and s trong to heaven soar,

Regain on earth thei r nat ive skies,

And fain t,and fal l

,and sin no more .




1 I TOOwi l l magnify the LordAnd emulate the angels’ lays ,

His loving- kindnesses record,

In sounds of ever las ting praise .

2 For allH e hath on us bestow’


This on ly tribute can I bring,

Exto l the mercies ofmy God ,H is multi tude ofmercies sing .

3 H ow good to I sr ael’s chosen race

Who,who can allH is goodness tel l ?

So rich in unexhaus ted grace ;His riches

are unsearchable .

4 Surely, H e said, Mine own they are ;My people willnot fai thless prove

My children will not sl ight My care,O r disappoin t a Father’s love .

The first part,altere d from Mr. Norr is , wil l be found

V ol. L ,p . 1 18 .

58 The Sixty- third Chapter of Is aiah.

5 Sweetly H e s trove theirhearts to gain,

H e woo ’d them to embrace His will .

They never ask’

d His help in vain,

But found a presen t Saviour s til l .

6 Dear as the apple of H is eye

In alltheir griefs He kindly grieved ;The angel of H is presence n igh

From allthe favourite nat ion saved .

7 H e rescued when to evil sold,

H e snatch’

d them from impending harms,

Carried them allthe days of Old

Safe in His everlast ing arms .

8 H e magn ified H is saving power,


d them H is utmos t grace to proveWith infin i te compass ion boreThe Obj ects of H is tenderes t love .

9 But O they soon forsook their God ;The faithless and rebell ious race

In devious paths of evil trod,

And grieved the Spiri t of H is grace .

They vex’

d ; and forced H is wrath to riseH is vengeance fel l

,so long d elay



d the rebels to chas tise,

H e pour’

d H is j udgmen ts on their head .

1 1 H is mercy then H e call’

d to mind

H e call’

d to mind the ancien t days

When,on ly merciful and kind


H e smiled on the pecul iar race .

60 The Sixty- third Chapter of Isaiah.


1 GOD of eternal Maj es ty,

High as Thou art, from heaven look down

Holy and Jus t , wecry to‘

Thee v

Behold u s from Thy glorious throne

ix) Where is Thy s trength to conquer sin

Thy zeal to”

save a fal len race ?

Thy bowel s sounding from within ?

Thy mercies,and Thy pardon ing grace ?

3 Thy pity, and paternal care,The tender yearn ings of Thy heart ,

Are they restrain’

d I s fury there

Ah,no Thou s til l our Father art.

4 Doubtless Thou art our Father s til l,

Though Abraham hi s seed disowns

Debased by sin,though I srael

Renounces his degenerate son s .

5 Our Lord , and our Redeemer now

Thou art,and wilt be s til l the same

Our everlast ing Father Thou

JEHOVAH i s Thy glorious name .

6 Why,then ,

O Lord,if ours Thou art


Why has t Thou suffer’

d us to rove ?

Withdrawn Thy Spiri t from our heart ,And left us to our wan t of love ?

7 Why hast Thou hid Thy lovely face

And caused us from Thy paths to err ?

Aband on’

d by restrain ing grace,Our hearts were hard en ’

d from Thy fear .


s Husband ry. 61

8 Yet,Lord

,for Thee again we mourn

Now let our prayers Thine aid engage,Now for Thy servan t’s sake return ,

And cheer Thy drooping heri tage .

9 The land we fondly d eem’

d our own

(Alas how shor t a t ime enj oy’


Our adversaries have o’


And trampled on the house ofGod .

Yet we are Thine,though d ispossest,

And outcasts from the promised land

They never have Thy sway confess’d,

Or yielded to Thy j u s t command .

We,we are call

d by Thy great name

Accept our plea,Thine ear incl ine


,we are ; renew Thy claim ;

Receive,and seal us ever Thine .


From the German .

1 H IGH on H is everlas ting throne,The King of sain ts H is works surveys


Marks the dear souls H e cal ls H is own,

And smiles on the peculiar race .

H e rests well—pleased their to il to see ;

Beneath H is easy yoke they move,With alltheir heart and s trength agree

In the sweet labour of His love .

Compare the hymn N o . 1004 in the H errnhuth Co llection(abr idged by one - half in Knapp ’s E v . L . , p . by Bishop A .

G . Spangenberg , ( I 704 beginn ing D er Ito'

nzgr uht und

schauet doc/i .


s Husband ry.

2 His eye the world at once looks through,

A vast uncul tivated field

Mountains and vales , in ghastly Show,

A barren uncouth prospect yield .


d of the thorns by human care,

A few less hideous was tes are seen

Yet s til l they allcon tinue bare,And not one spo t of earth i s green .

See where the servan ts of their God,

A busy multi tude, appear

For Jesus day and n ight employ’


H is heri tage they toi l to clear .

The love of Christ their hear ts constrain s,

And s trengthens their unwearied hands

They spend thei r sweat, and blood , and painsTo cultivate Immanuel’s land .

4 Alarm’

d at their successful toil,

Satan and his wild spiri ts rage

They labour to tear up and spoi l,

And blas t the rising heri tage .

In every wilderness they sow

The seed of death,the carnal mind

They would not let one virtue grow,

O r leave one seed of good behind .

Yet s til l the servan ts Of their Lord

Look up , and calmly persevere ;Supported by the Master’s word


The adverse powers they scorn to fear ;Gladly their happy work pursue :

The labour of their hands is seen ,

Their hands the face Of earth renew,

Diversified with cheerful green .


s PIusband ry.

6 Where’er the fai thful workers turn ,

The s teps of indus try appear ;They labour the d rywood to burn ,

They labour with unwearied care

The frui ts of Sodom to tread down,

To root up each accursed seed

By Satan and his servan ts sown,

And plan t the Gospel in its s tead .

7 To dig the ground , they allbes tow

Their l ives ; from every soften ’

d clod

They gather out the s tones,and sow

The’ immortal seed

,the Word of God .

They water i t with tears and prayers,

They long for the return ing word

Happy,if alltheir pains and cares

Can bring forth frui t to please their Lord .

8 Jesus their to il del ighted sees,

Their indus try vouchsafes to crown

H e kindly gives the wish’d increase,

And sends the promised bless ing down

The sap of l ife . the Spiri t’s powers

H e rains incessan t from abo ve,

H e allH is gracious fulness showers,

To perfect their great work of love .

9 He prospers allH is servan ts’ toi ls

But of peculiar grace has chose

A flock,on whom H is kindest smiles

And cho i ces t blessings H e bes tows

Devoted to their common Lord,

True followers of the bleeding Lamb,

By God beloved,by m en abhorr


And H ERNHUTH is the favouri te name


64 God’

s Husband ry.

1 0 Here many a faithful soul is found,

With mysti c powers of love endued,

Full of the l ight of l ife,and crown


A king and priest to serve hi s God .

With flaming zeal for Chris t they shine ,The ir body


,and Spiri t give


To Christ their goods and blood resign

For Chris t they freely d ie and l ive .

1 I What can we offer our good Lord

(Poor nothings for H is boundless grace ?

Fain would we His great name record,

And worthily set forth H is praise .

Dear Obj ect of our growing love ,To whom our more than allwe owe

Open the Foun tain from above,

And let i t our ful l soul o’

erfl ow .

1 2 SO shal l our l ives Thy power proclaim ,

Thy grace for every s inner free,’Till allmankind shal l learn Thy name,Shal l allstretch out their hands to Thee .

Open a door which earth and hel l

May s trive to shut,but s trive in vain

Let Thy word richly in us dwel l,

And let our gracious fruit remain .

1 3 O ,mul tiply Thy sower’s Seed !

And fruit we every hour shal l bear,Throughout the world Thy Gospel spread ,Thine everlasting truth declare

We all,in perfect love renew


Shal l know the greatness of Thy power

Stand in the temple of our God

AS pillar s,and go out no more .

I t is mine own Infi rmity.


P salm lxxvii. 1 0 . [P . B . V .]

1 HAVE mercy,Lord , Thy wrath remove,

Nor let Thy j udgmen ts weigh me down

I canno t l ive without Thy love,

I canno t stand beneath Thy frown .

2 Wilt Thou not once Thy face display,And dart a ray of heavenly l ight ?

Stil l mus t I urge my cheerless way,And mourn throughout my long—l ived n ight ?

3 Lo in my prayer I ever mourn ,

Vext wi th the sad remains of Sin,Broken

,and bruised

,and rack

d and torn ,

H ow shal l I bear this hel l wi thin ?

4 This unbel ief, these cruel fears ,Dis tract ing doubts

,and torturing pain ?

While Thou art s i len t at my tears

Thou sees t them ever flow in vain .

5 And mus t I yield to black despair ?

In vain on Thee for mercy cal l ,Tempted above what I can bear ?

And wil t Thou suffer me to fal l ?

6 Never again disclose Thy face,

O r Show me the aton ing blood ?

Have I exhausted allThy grace ?

Hath God forgotten to be good ?

7 For ever is Thy mercy gone,Thy truth

,and fai thfulness

,and love

Do th angry J us t ice rule alone ?

Have I no Advocate above ?

VOL . I I . F

66 Genes is iii. 15.

8 Then pour Thy vengean ce on my head ,And quench the smoking flax in me

Break (if Thou can s t) a bruised reed ,And cast me out who come to Thee .

9 J esu , I come my doom to meet ,A s inner whom Thou wil t not spare

But I wil l perish at Thy feet,The firs t that ever perish

d there .


I willput enmity between thee and the woman ,

and between thy seed and her seed,

”Cas e.


1 GOD of Truth,and Power and Love


Father,Friend of allmankind


Let on me Thy Spir i t move,Influence my feeble mind

’Twixt the serpen t’s seed and me

Prevalen tly in terpose,

Break the fatal amity,

Make u s everlas ting foes .

2 Sin hath poison’

d allmy soul,

Sin, the serpent’s cursed seed

No one par t in me is whole

Yet will I the promise plead,

Promise of all- saving grace,Promise of an inward power,

Able to redeem the race,

Me,and allmen

,to res tore .

Most Of the thoughts in this poem are borrowed from a

sermon in D r . Gell’s

! Essay toward the Amendment of the lastEnglish T rans lation of the Bible .

”1659 , pp . 9


M oriar ut Te videam

7 Patiently I then shal l wai t

For the woman’s nobles t Seed,


Brui ser of the serpen t’s head

O,reveal Thy Son in me


Bring the perfect nature in ,

Now destroy the enmity,Now con sume the Man ofSin .

8 Adam,flesh

,and sel f

,and pride


An tichris t. Perdi tion’s son,

Let him not in me abide,

Cast him out, and reign alone

Slay the dragon in the sea

Make my soul Thy pure abode,



with allthe Dei ty


d up and los t in God .


Let me die that I may see Thee

1 O THOU, who know’

st what is in man,

Who searchest out the reins and heart,

Me,Jesu , to mysel f explain ,

A ray of heavenly l ight impart

Impart Thyself,Thou real Light


And man ifes t my nature’s n ight .

2 Cause me, O God , mysel f to know,

The depth ofwickedness within ;Show me

,my inmos t substance Show



exceeding s infulness of sin

M or iar ut Te v ideam l

Such power belongs to Thee alone ;Show me, that sin and I are one .

3 Sens-

eless al ike of sin and Thee

My unawaken’

d soul remains ;Fast bound in sin and mi sery


I s lumber on,nor feel my chain s


Nor tas te nor see how good Thou art,

For s t il l the veil is on my hear t .

4 O ,might my heart at leas t relen t


And feel the guil tymoun tain - load

O,that Thy powerful word might ren t

The vei l,and let me in to God

The glories of Thy face display,

The brightnes s Of eternal day

5 I know the terms I cannot see

Thy bl issful face,and l ive in Sin

A flaming sword preserves the tree

Of l ife,les t sel f should en ter in

I t keeps out sel f,and every way

I t turns,the Man of Sin to slay .

6 Be i t according to Thy word,

Ready to meet my doom I am .

O,let me ru sh upon that sword


And feel the sin - consuming flame

Live on ly Chris t in me,not I ;

O,let me see Thy face and d ie

7 Die allof sel f to l ive no more,Die the old man no more to r ise ;

Me to Thine image here res tore,

Receive me to Thy paradise,

(When ce I maynever more remove, )

The paradise of perfect love .

70 A P as s ion Hymn .


1 YE that pass by, behold the Man

The Man of Griefs,cond emn

d for you

The Lamb ofGod , for sinners slain ,

Weeping to Calvary pursue .

2 See how His back the scourges tear,

While to the bloody pillar bound

The ploughers make long furrows there,Till allH is body i s one wound .

3 The abj ects spi t upon that face

Which prophets wish’

d in vain to see

On which the angels loved to gaze,Pleased with H is m i lder maj es ty .

Adored by angel s,mock

d by men,

Speechless the form of guil t H e wears

Reviled,H e an swers not again,

But meekly allthei r insul ts bears .

5 Nor can H e thus their hate assuage

H is innocence, to death pursued

Must fully glut thei r u tmos t rageHark how they clamour for His blood

To us our own B arabbas give

Away wi th Him,

(they loudly cry, )Away with Him

,not fi t to l ive


The vile Seducer crucify

7 Again st his God the creature cal l s

Accused and sen tenced by the breath

Himsel f inspired, their Maker fal l s

TheLord of Life i s d oom ’d to death .

Compare Herbert, The Sacrifice, v. 46 .

A P as s ion Hymn .

8 H is sacred limbs they s tretch,they tear


With nai ls they fas ten to the wood

H is sacred limbs— exposed,and bare


O r on ly cover’d with H is blood .

9 See'

there H is temples crown’

d with thorns 3

His bleeding hands ex tended wide,

H is s treaming feet,transfixt and torn

The foun ta in gushing from His side

Where is the King of Glory now

The everlas ting Son OfGod

The’ Immortal hangs H is languid brow,

The’ Almighty fain ts beneath H i s load

Beneath my load H e fain ts,and dies

I fill’d His soul wi th pangs unknown

I caused those mortal groans and cries ,I kill’d the Father’s only Son .

O,Thou dear suffer ing Son of God


H owdoth Thy heart to sinners moveHelp me t o catch Thy precious blood ,Help me to tas te Thy dying love .

Give me to feel Thy agon ies ,One drop of Thy sad cup afford

I fain with Thee would sympathise,And Share the sufferings ofmy Lord .

The earth could to her centre quake,Convulsed, while her Creator died

O,let my inmos t nature shake,And d ie with J esus crucified

At Thy las t gasp the graves d isplay’


Their horrors to the upper skies

O that my soul might burs t the shade ,And

,quieken ’d by Thy death , arise !

7 1

72 Des ir ing to Love.

The rocks could feel Thy powerful death ,And tremble

,and asunder part

O,rend wi th Thin e expiring breath

The harder marble ofmy hear t

My stony hear t Thy voice shallrent,Thou wil t

,I trust

,the vei l remove,

My inmos t bowels shal l resen t

The yearnings of Thy dying love .

The grace I surely shal l rece ive,

Thy death hath bought the grace for me

This i s my whole desire,to l ive

To l ive,and then to d ie in Thee .


1 WHAT shal l I d o my God to love,

My Saviour,and the world ’s , to praise ?

Whose bowels of compassion move

To me,and allthe fal len race

Whose mercy is divinely free

For allthe fal len race,and me .

2 I long to know,and to make known ,

The he ight and depth of love Divine,The kindness Thou to me has t shown

Who se every sin was coun ted Thine

My God for me resign’

d H is breath,

H e died to save my soul from death .

3 All souls are Thine and Thou for all

The ransom of Thy l ife has t given;To raise the sinner from his fal l,And bring him back to God and heaven ;

Des ir ing to Love.

Thou allthe world has t died to save,And allmayThy salvat ion have .

4 How shal l I thank Thee for the grace ,On me, and allmankind bestow’


O that my every breath were praise

O that my heart were fill’d with God

My heart would then with love o’


And allmy life Thy glory show .

See me, O Lord , athirs t and fain t ,Me weary of forbearing see

And let me feel Thy love’s con strain t,And freely give up allfor Thee

True in the fiery trial prove ,And payThee back Thy dying love .


O LOVE,I languish at Thy stay


I pine for Thee with l ingering smart ,Weary and fain t through long delay

W hen wil t Thou come in to my heart

From sin and sorrow set m e free,And swal low up my soul in Thee

Come,O Thou un iversal Good !

Balm of the wounded con science,come

The hungry, dying Spirit’s food,

The weary,wandering pilgrim’

s home

Haven to take the shipwreck’

d in,

My everlasting res t from sin .

74 Des ir ing to Love.

3 Be Thou,O Love

,whate’er I want ;

Support my feeblene ss ofmind

Rel ieve the thirs ty soul,the fain t

Revive,i lluminate the blind


The mournful cheer,the drooping lead ,

And heal the s i ck,and raise the dead .

4 Come, O my comfort and del ight,My s trength and heal th

,my shield and

My boas t,and confidence

,and might ,

My joy, my glory, and my crown ,

My gospel - hope,my cal l ing’s prize ,

My tree Of l ife, my paradise.

5 The secret of the Lord Thou art,

The mys tery so long unknown ,Chris t in a pure and perfect heart

The name inscribed in the white s tone ,The Life D Ivme , the l i ttle leaven ,

My precious pearl,my presen t heaven .


1 O LOVE Divine, what has t Thou done !The

’ immor tal God hath died for me

The Father’s co - eternal Son

Bore allmy sins upon the tree

The’ immortal God for me hath died

My Lord , my Love is crucified

2 Behold Him ,allye that pass by,

The bleeding Prince of Life and Peace

Come, see, yeworms , your Maker die,And say,

- was ever grief l ike His

Come,feel with me H is blood appl ied

My Lord,my Love i s crucified

7 6 Salva tion by Grace.

3 Should I say, that aught in me

Of good do th now ab ide,

Sel f- cond emn’

d I now should be

My alli s sel f and pride .

Guil ty,guil ty

,must I say,

No thing, Lord, have I to plead

Take, O ,take

, &c .

4 No des ire or will have I

Thy mercy to embrace ;From Thine arms of love I fly

And s l ight Thy proffer’

d grace

But Thou dids t my ransom pay,

But Thy blood for me was shed

Take, 0,

take,& c .

5 Thy salvation to obtain ,Out ofmyself I go ;

Freely Thou mus t heal my pain ,

Thy unbought mercy show ;For mysel f I canno t pray ;Let Thy Spiri t in tercede

Take, O ,take

,& c .

6 Not because I will ing am ,

On me this grace be show’d

But Thou art the’ Aton ing Lamb,

Therefore apply Thy blood


,no more delay,

Therefore heal my soul,and lead


,take my s ins away


And make me free indeed .

[The hymn Before the Sacrament, which immed iately fol lowsthis in the first edition , is transferred to a subsequent publ ication]

After a yourney.

—P salm li. 10. 7 7


1 GLORY to God,whose gracious care

Doth allmy steps attend,Throughout the waymy weakness bear

And bring me to the end .

2 Thou,Lord

,has t saved both man and beas t ;

H OW excellen t Thy name

While underneath Thy wings I res t ,Thy goodness I proclaim .

3 Still (for I put my trust in Thee)All evil turn aside


Cover my helpless head,and be

Mine everlas t ing Guide .

4 Lead me,til l my few evil years

Of pilgrimage are o’

er ;

But ere I leave th is vale of tears,

O,bid me sin no more .


IlIahe me a clean heart,0 God .

1 O FOR an heart to praise my God ,An heart from sin set free

An heart that always feels Thy blood ,SO freely spil t for m e

2 An heart resign’

d,submiss ive, meek ,

My dear Redeemer’s throne,Where on ly Chris t is heard to speak ,Where Jesus reign s alone .

In the final revis ion ( 1782 ) we find a heart ” throughoutdear in v. 2 is changed to great ;” and

! dearest ” in v . 8

to grac ious !selfand , v . 6 , l ine 4, into every .

A Prayer for Humility.

3 An humble, lowly, con tri te hear t ,Bel ieving


,and clean


Which nei ther l ife nor death can part

From Him that dwel l s wi thin .

4 An heart in every thought renew’


And full of love Divine,

Perfect,and right

,and pure

,and good


A copy,Lord

,of Thine .

5 Thy tender heart is s till the same,

And mel ts at human woe

Jesu , for Thee distrest I am ,

I wan t Thy love to know .

6 My heart, Thou know’

st,can never rest


Til l Thou create my peace

Till,ofmy Eden repossest,

From sel f and sin I cease .

7 Frui t of Thy gracious l ips , on me

Bestow that peace unknown,

The hidden manna, and the tree

Of l ife,and the white s tone .

8 Thy nature, deares t Lord , impart

Come quickly from above

Wri te Thy n ew name upon my heart ,Thy new,

bes t name of Love .


1 O MY heart, what must I d oShal l the sel f—admiring fiend

Still my helples sness pursue ?

Shal l hi s mal ice never end

A P rayer for Humility.

Stil l the s tubborn sin remains,

Still the thorn i s in my side,Stil l I groan to feel my chains,Sorely buffeted by pride.

2 Van i ty,the serpen t - seed


Po i son ing allmy good I find

Steal ing on with silen t tread

Vani ty lurks close behind

A s the substance by the shade

Grace I find by pride pursued

Grace is pride’s occasion made,Evil ever cleaves to good .

3 Pleased in borrow’

d plumes to shine

Nature arrogate s a share,

Mixes in the work D ivine,Bold the Godhead ’s form to wear

Proudly in her beauty trusts

Heaven ly charms as hers displays,

Falsely, blasphemously boas ts,V arnish

d,d eck

d,and hid by grace .

4 When the boas ted grace is gone ,Humbled in the dust I lie ;


,and alone


From the deep on God I cry .

Seeing there my loss ofGod,

Proud I am my loss to see,

Proud to find that I am proud,

Proud ofmy humili ty .

5 O the strength of inbred sin

Who can vani ty subdue

From a creature alluncleanWho can bring a creature new ?

7 9

80 P salm lv . 6 .

Jesu , Lord , allpower is Thine,No thing is too hard for Thee

Greater than this hear t ofmine,

Surely Thou can s t humble me .

6 O,begin ; the way prepare

Pride and unbel ief confound

Far away my fig- leaves tear,

Throughly search my Spiri t’s woundCas t me down

,and keep me poor,

All my weak supports remove,

Lay the deep foundation sure,

Humble me by fai th and love .

7 Take my broken reeds away,Every vain fal lacious res t ,

All on which my soul I s tay,All that keeps me from Thy breas t

Strip me,empty me of all

Joyless,cheerles s would I be


So I might on Jesus fal l ,Fal l

,and lose myself inThee .

PSALM LV . 6 . [P . B . V .]

0 that I had wings lihe a dove .’for then would I

flee away,and be at rest. ”

1 0 THAT I had the s i lver wings

Of the mild, holy dove,To bear me far from earthly things


And every creature- love

2 Then would I swiftly fly away

To Chri st, and be at res t ;On Him my fluttering spiri t stay,And hide me in H is breas t .

3 J esu , my hiding - place,to Thee

I know not how to fly

Long have I s truggled to be free,Nor found del iverance n igh .

4 Full oft in frui tless , fond des ire

I to the deser t ranBut could not from mysel f retire


Or ’scape the inner man .

5 I took the morn ing’s wings

,and fled

For res t to worlds unknown

Sin found me in the secre t shade,

And claim’

d me for its own .

6 O,who shal l b id this self depart


This worl d of Sin exclude ;Empty

,and make my peaceful heart

An holy sol i tude


Tis not the desert,or the cel l


Can hide me from my painI carry with me my own hel l


While sel f and pride remain .

8 Baffled,o’

ercome,I yield at las t


I yield to sel f- despair

My unavail ing strife is pas t,

And vo id returns my prayer .

9 I canno t pray, I canno t praise,For grace I canno t cal l


I canno t feelmy wan t of grace,My soul is s tript of all.

Compare Preface to V ol. L , p . xx.

VOL . I ] . G

A Vile,unworthy worm

,my eyes

I dare not l ift to heaven ;Let Him who sees me from the skies

Speak if I am forgiven .

Or let my Lord still hold His peace,

And d o as seems Him good,

Forsake me in my las t dis tress,

And leave me in my blood .

I f H e can find i t in His heart,

H is fury let Him pour

On m e,and from my soul depart ,

And never love me more.

I leave i t allto Him alone ;I t l ies within H is breas t ;

H is wil l,His on ly wil l be done


Let me be curst or bles t .


1 OMN I SC IENT GOD ,whose eyel id s try

The sel f- deceiving son s ofmen

To Thee how shal l I dare draw n igh,

A man of l ip s and heart unclean I

Thou know’

st I mean not what I say,Thou know’

st I only seem to pray .

2 Doubtless Thou art of purer eyes

Than to behold iniquity

And allmy nature naked lies ,And allmy thoughts appear to Thee

No fig—leaves from Thy s ight can hide

My filthiness of self and pride .

84 Psalm lv . 6 .

8 Can earth afford that secret place ?

Long have I sought i t out in vain,

And fled before the human face,

And d ragg’

d to dis tan t worlds my chain

Yet s til l I found the carnal mind ,I could not leave myself behind .


Tis vain,I find

,from sel f to flee

For res t,to earth’s remo tes t bound

The deep cries out,

’Tis not in me

Happiness i s not to be found

Save only, Jesus, in Thy breas t

Thou art the soul ’s eternal res t .

But how shal l I to Thee at tain,

Thee,whom I sinfully pursue

Unprofitable I , and vain !

Thy glory is not in my ViewWhat shal l I sayThy grace to win ?!

My very prayer i s turn’

d to sin .

Nothing in me Thy grace can move,

A wretched man of sin I am

But Thou art good,but Thou art love

And Jesus is Thy heal ing name

O,for Thy name and mercy’s sake


The s inner to Thy bosom take

Do as Thou find est in Thy heart ;Rej ect me


,or receive ;

Bid me from Thee to hel l depart,

Or bid me come to Thee,and l ive

I trust my soul to thi s alone,

Let allThy will on me be done .

A P oor Sinner .


HOW happy is the man

Who sees his misery,

Who ever feels hi s nature’s chain

Nor murmurs to be free

Who wai ts in patien t hope,

And,languishing for home


With cheerful confidence looks up,

And says,

! My Lord will come .

H e nei ther hopes nor fears

Evil or good below ;But s ighs for God , and let s his tears

In secret s ilence flow .

Stript ofhis joy, he grieves

Quiet , and meek, and s ti l l

The matter to his Father leaves,

And bids Him work H is will .

In calm,submiss ive gr ief

H e suffers his distress ;H e canno t snatch undue rel ief


Or wish hi s misery less

My Father’s will i s good,

(The patien t mourner cries , )H e never gives a s tone for food ,Or s l ights His children’

s s ighs .

O that I thus resign’


Might bear my nature’s load

O that in me were such a mind

To leave the whole to God


86 ?eremiah xvii. 9 .

With Him to trus t my cause,And quietly endure

TillH e remove the hal low’d cross

And allmy s ickness cure.

I would, (but Thou can st tel l, )

I would be humble, Lord ,My burden every momen t feel


And tremble at Thy word

I would be stript of all,

And calmly wai t Thy s tay ;Poor at Thy feet

,and helpless fall ,

And weep my l ife away .

I would be truly

Nor set a t ime to Thee,

But act according to Thy will,

And speak,and think

,and be .

I would wi th Thee be one

And ti l l the grace i s given,

Incessant pray,Thy will be done

In earth,as

’ti s in heaven .


hear t is deceitfulabove allthings , and desperatelywiched who can hnow it I

I O MY false,decei tful heart,

Desperately false thou art,

Foul as hel l,when fair in show

Who can allthe mazes know ?

The quiet irony in this verse and in the title is i l lustrated bya reference to

! The Journal of John N elson,

pp. 33—4 1 , 66,

6 7 . (Ed .

88 fferemiah xvii. 9 .

To thine own corruption s bl ind ,More incons tan t than the wind


Wavering as a shaken reed,

Cold,and dark, and doubly dead .

Stubborn heart,ungrateful


With a red -hot i ron sear’d

Carnal heart,immersed in sin


All a cage of birds unclean

Downward allthy mo tion s tend

Lus t,the beas t

,or pride

,the fiend


Show thee,since thy total fal l


Ear thly,sen sual

,devil ish all.

Fai thless heart be this thy grief,Groan beneath thine unbel ief

Unbel ief, the damning sin ,

Keeps thee allunclean,unclean


Aggravates thy heavy load ,Will not let thee come to God


Suffers not H is grace to move,Robs Him of His truth and love .

Fai thless hear t to Jesus bow,

Suffer Him to save thee now .

No thou wil t not now bel ieve,Wilt not take what God would give

Thou refusest to be free,

All the hindrance is in thee

Through thy own rebel lious will ,Bound thou art and fai thles s s til l .

O my Lord,what must I d o

On ly Thou the way can s t show,

Thou can st save me in this hour

I have nei ther wil l nor power

fferemiah xvii. 9 .

God if over allThou art,

Greater than the sinful heart,

Let i t now on me be shown,

Take away the hear t Of s tone .

Take away my darl ing sin,

Make me will ing to be clean

Make me will ing to receiveW


hat Thy goodness wai ts to give

Force me,Lord

,with allto part ;

Tear these idols from my hear t ;All Thy power on m e be shown


Take away the heart of s tone .

Jesu,mighty to renew


Work in me to will and d o ;Turn my nature’s rapid tide


Stem the torren t of my pride,

Stop the Whirlwind Of my will,

Speak,and bid the sun s tand s til l

Now Thy love almighty Show,

Make even me a creature new .

Arm of God,Thy s trength put on ;

Bow the heaven s , and come down ,

All mine unbel ief o ’


Lay the’aspiring moun tain low

Conquer Thy wors t foe in m e

Get Thysel f the victory

Save the viles t of the race,

Force me to be saved by grace .


90 Revela tion iii. 17 .


l/Vretched,and miserable

,and poor

,and blind


nahed .

I R ICH,and increased with goods

,I was


Abundan t in my virtuous s tore

In wisdom rich,and strength and grace

SO rich I needed no thing more

Alas my God,I could not see

That st il l I n eeded allin Thee.

Thanks to Thy grace,i f I begin

My wretchedness at length to know

If now,in part convinced of sin


I groan beneath my weight of woe

Surely at last I more than see

That sin i s perfect misery.

3 Stript of my boas ted gifts , I fal l

A beggar at Thy mercy’s door

I ask an alms for grace I cal l

Poor,beyond allexpress ion poor

I f one good thought Thy heaven could buy,Alas not one good thought have I .

4 How dark and dreary is my hear t

Dark as the chambers of the grave

So blind,til l Thou Thy light impart


I canno t see Thy power to save

Or know,t il l Thou the veil remove


That I am sin , and God is love .

5 My fig- leaves now are cas t aside,

The rags of my sel f- righteousness

92 Revelation iii. I 7 .


1 WRETCHED,helpless

,and dis tres t


Ah whither shal l I fly ?

Ever gasping after res t,

I canno t find i t nigh


,and poor

,and blind


Fast bound in sin and misery,

Friend of s inners,let m e find

My help,my allin Thee .

2 Who my misery can relate,My depth of woe reveal ?

I have left my firs t estate,

In haples s A dam fel l

Driven out of my abode,

I now have los t my perfect bliss,

Fal len,fal len out of God


And banish’

d paradise .

3 I am allunclean,unclean


Thy puri ty I wan t

My whole heart is s ick of sin

And my whole head is fain t

Full of putrefying sores,

Of bruises,and of wounds

,my soul

Looks to J esus , help implores ,And gasps to be made whole .

This s ingular transpos ition of the Prophet’s words , ( Isa iahi . though found in allthe edit ions , must sti l l be regarded as

an overs igh t.

Revela tion iii. 17 .

4 In the wildernes s I stray ;My fool i sh heart i s bl ind ;

Nothing do I know ; the wayOf peace I canno t find


,res tore my s ight


And take,O

,take the veil away

Turn my darkness in to l ight,

My midn ight in to day.

5 Naked of thine image , Lord ,Forsaken and alone



d and unres tored

I have not Thee put on

Over me Thy man tle spread,

Send down Thy l ikeness from above,

Let Thy goodness be d isplay’


And wrap me in Thy love .

6 Poor, alas Thou know’

st I am

And would be poorer sti l l,See my nakedness and shame ,And allmy vileness feel

No good thing in me res ides,

My soul is allan aching vo id

Till Thy Spiri t here abides,

And I am fill’

d with God .

7 Jesus , full of truth and grace ,

In Thee is allI wan t ;Be the wanderer’s resting - place


A cordial to the fain t .

Make me ri ch,for I am poor

In Thee may I my E den find ;To the dying heal th res tore,And eyes ight to the blind .

94 A Welcome to the Cross .

8 Clo the m e wi th Thy hol ines s ,Thy meek humility

Put on me my glorious dres s

Endue my soul wi th Thee .

Let Thine image be res tored,

Thy name and nature let me prove‘

With Thy fulness fil l me,Lord

, _

And perfect me in love .


1 ALL hai l the Saviour’s hal low’d cros s,By which I daily d ie within

All things for Thee I count but loss

En ter my soul,and work out sin

Here let Thy mortal virtue move,And crucify my creature—love .

2 Wither my s trength,destroy mywill ,

Stain allthe glory of my pride,

My appet ites and pass ions kill,

Be to my whole of self applied,

Implunge me in the depth beneath ,And speak to allmy nature death .

3 O that I now with allcould part,

Cut off the hand , pluck out the eye

Jesus,Thou greater than my heart


Thine efficacious death apply

Now for Thyself prepare the wayBreathe, and the sinful Adam slay .

96 In Tempta tion .

I f,O Lord

,I havefound favour

In Thy s ight,Be my might


Be -my loving Saviour.

To my soul in sore temptat ion

Let Thine aid Be convey’


‘ Show me Thy salvat ion .

Chri st the tempted , hear my crying

Sinner’s Friend,Succour send


See,my soul i s dying .

Lord , I canno t cease from s inn ing

Till Thou art In my heart,

Ending as beginn ing .

Every momen t am I fal l ing

Into hel l,Till Thou seal

My effectual cal l ing .

Alpha and Omega,save me

En ter in,Bid my sin


Bid my nature leave me .

Jesu , for Thy love I languish

On ly love Can remove

All my grief and anguish .

I shal l allin Thee inheri t

Thirs t no more, I f Thou pour

In to me Thy Spiri t .

Jesu’s love than sin is s tronger

When I~

prove Jesu ’s love,I shal l sin no longer .

Fai thful to Thy Spiri t’

s leading,

I shal l res t On Thy breas t,Find my long- sought E den .

The W’

esleys at thi s time were

In Tempta tion .

Nei ther l ife nor death Shal l sever ;When Thou art In my heart ,Thou art there for


I JESU, gen tle, loving Lamb ,Let me cal l Thee by Thy name

Saviour,I have need ofThee

A s Thou art so may I be.

Save me,Lord

,from sin and fear

Br ing the great salvation near

Bring in to my soul Thy peace,Everlas t ing righteousnes s .

3 Me to save if Thou hast died,

Save me from this self and pride ;All the plague of sin remove


Cas t i t out by perfect love .

4 See me the reverse of Thee,Only sin and misery ;Make me will ing to receive

All the gr ace Thou has t to give .

5 O ,supply my every wan t ;

Feed a tender s ickly plan t

Dayand n ight my Keeper be,Every moment water me .

incl ined to bel ieve


thatthose who were perfected in love could not finally fal l (W



v ol. i. , p . 427 but soon saw abundant reason for a wid e lyd ifferent op in ion , which was stated and vindicated in a treatiseon the subj ect : Works

, vol. x .,p . 284 .

VOL . ll. H

98 Loohing un to yesus .

6 Hide m e,deares t Saviour, hide

Let me never leave Thy Side0,

’t i s hel l from Thee to partPres s me closer to Thy heart .

7 When Thy love i s my defence,Sin shal l never pluck me thence

When my heart with love run s o’

er ,

Sin can never en ter more.

8 Only love can end the s trife

Give me love, and take my l ife

Do not,Lord

,my suit deny ;

Give me love, and let me d ie .


LAMB ofGod for sinners slain ,

To Thee I feebly pray

Heal me ofmy grief and pain,

O,take my sin s away !

From this bondage,Lord


No longer let me be opprest

Jesus,Master,seal my peace,

And take me to Thy breast .

Has t Thou not invited all

Who groan beneath their SinWeary, I obey Thy cal l ,And come to be made clean

Give my burd en’

d conscience ease

O, gran t me now the promised res t :

J esus , Master,810

100 In Doubt.


THE children to the birth are come ;But

,O they have not might

To burs t the barriers of the womb,

And s truggle in to l ight .

My feeble sOulgives o’er the s trife,

Jus t as i t sees the skies ;Fai ls in the very gate of l ife


Sinks back again,and dies .

I saw the port of J esu’s breas t

But,while I enter’d in


A whirlwind swept me from my rest,And plunged me in to Sin .

What shal l I d o,or whither turn ?

Despair ing of rel ief,

I only can my ruin mourn

With unavail ing grief.

Ah,woe is me to evil sold,

And fallen back from grace

I never, never shal l behold

The dear Redeemer’s face .

Better that I had never fel t

My Saviour’s blood applied ;Less aggravated were my guil t,Had I in Egypt died .

Better that I had never known

The way of righteousness,Than to break off the c ourse begun ,And leave the’ unfinish

d race .

For the Spir it of P rayer . 101

8 Ah ! wherefore did I ever take ,If I must quit the field

Mus t shamefully at las t turn back ,And cast away my shield

9 But Shal l I throw on God the blame ?

Or daringly complain

Because I mos t unfai thful am ,

And make H is mercies vain ?


,Thy truth and grace I clear ;

For years Thy Spiri t s trove,

Fai thful to me Thy mercies were,

And infin i te Thy love .

Far be i t from my wretched hear t

To charge my death on Thee

To save me now Thou ready art,

I f saved I now would be .

Whether or no my heart of stone

Will yield to be renew’


Suflicient is Thy grace I own,

I j ustify my God .

This record d o I leave behind ,Whether I stand or fal l

Sinners, ye allH is grace may find ,

H is grace is free for all.


I WHAT shal l I d o to ’

scape the hel l

That burn s me up within

Satan,and allhis hos ts

,I feel

In this indwel l ing sin .

102 For the Spirit of Prayer .

2 I t mocks my strength,preven ts my fl ight


Still intimately nigh

Impossible i t i s to fight,

Impossible to fly.

3 One only refuge there remains

But that I cannot find,

So fast these grievous,fleshly chains

My slo thful spirit bind .

4 Monster of sin H ow can i t be

That I should s till delay ?

Jesus I know would set me free,

Would I to Jesus pray.

5 He bids me ask,and I shall have

I know it,and forbear ;

Assured H e would the s inner save,

In answer tomy prayer.

6 H e pities now my sad es tate,And gladly would rel ieve

But,O I cannot—will not wai t

Till H e the bless ing give.

7 H e wai ts that H e may gracious be,To allH is bowels move :

Fury,O God , i s not in Thee,

But allThy heart is love .

8 Then help me to receive Thy word,Help me on Thee to cal l

Have patience with me,dearest Lord ,

And I wil l payThee all.

104 Going in to a Place of Danger .

2 Dids t Thou only bid me leap

Into a burning fire,

Cas t me down the threaten ing steep,

O r now my soul require

Gladly would I now comply,Plunge in to the depths beneath ,

Rush in to the flames,and d ie

To escape the second death .

3 O Almighty God of Love,

Thy holy arm display ;Send me succour from above

In this my evil d ay;Arm my weakness with Thy power ;Woman ’

s Seed,appear within ;

Be my safeguard , and my tower

Agains t the face of sin .

4 Could I of Thy strength take ho ld ,And always feel Thee near

Steadfas tly,divinely bold


My soul would scorn to fear

Nothing should my firmnes s shock

Though the gates of hel l assail

Were I buil t upon the Rock,

They never could prevai l .

5 Rock ofmy salvat ion ,has te


Ex tend Thy ample ShadeLet i t over me be cas t


And screen my naked head

Save me from the trying hour,

Thou my sure protection be,

Shel ter me from Satan ’s power,

Till I am fiX’

d on Thee .

one convinced of Inord ina te Ajfection .

6 Set upon Thysel f my feet,And make me surely s tand

From temptat ion’

s rage and heat

Cover me with Thy hand

Let me in the cleft be placed,

Never from my fence removeIn Thine arms of love embraced


Of everlas ting love .



I WOE i s me that wretched man

More than my God I prize

Wel l I know them vo id and vain,

Yet pan t for earthly j oys :

Downward stil l my wishes move,Though fairer than earth’s sons Thou art

Touch me,J esus

,w i th Thy love


And vindicate my heart .

Happiness i s not in me,

Though every creature cry,

Still the airy form I see

Where’er I turn mine eye ;

After shadows s til l I rove,

Nor can I with my idols part

Touch me,J esu s

,81C .

3 Burning with unhallow’

d fires,

Thou sees t,my tor tured breas t

Pines away with low des ires ,Stranger to joy and res t :

For one convinced of Inord inate Ajfection .

H ow shal l I this death remove ?

H ow tear away the’ inrooted dart

Touch me,Jesus

,&c .

4 Po ison now o’

erflows my cup,

Fills me with thril l ing pain,

Drinks my blood and spiri t s up,

And throbs in every vein ;Yet I fear Thy grace to prove


I dread for Thee with allto part

Touch me,Jesus

,&c .

5 God , arise, Thou j ealous God ,And allThy foes subdue

Claim thepurchase of Thy blood,

Create my soul anew ;Let i t now no longer rove


Now let me taste how good Thou art

Touch me, Jesus, &c .

6 Saviour,purify my soul


As Thou my God art pure

Make my wounded Spiri t whole,

And allmy s i ckness cure ;From Thee never let me move


Thou my sufficien t portion art :

Touch m e,Jesus

,& c .

7 From allfilthiness of flesh

And spiri t make me clean

Stamp Thine image,Lord , afresh ,

And purge me from allsin

Thee my God , my allI proveAh never more from m e depart ;Fill

,O Jesu , with Thy love

My vindicated heart .

108 After a Relaps e in to Sin .

Yet l isten‘

to my latest '


Nor suffer me alone to fal l .

6 O,cas t not out my dying prayer

Strengthen me with Thy Spiri t’s might

This only once : I pray Thee,hear ;

Avenge me for my los s of sight

Avenge i t on mine enemies,For they have put out bo th mine eyes .

7 Blind as I am,with both my hands

The pillars let me feel,and seize


On which the house of D agon s tands,

The pillars of sel f- righteousness’

Tis done with allmy might I bow

Help me,O God , and help me now.

8 Now let the ponderous ruin fal l,

And crush the world,and Satan ’s head :

O,let i t now o

erwhelm us all

Since I must sink among the dead,

Since I can nei ther fight nor fly,

Let me with the Philistines d ie


I JESU,wherewith shal l I draw near


What shal l I for acceptance bring ?

How in my Judge’s sight appear

A rebel ’gains t my God and King ?

Loudly my s ins for vengean ce cry,And j ustice will s that I should d ie .

After a Relapse in to Sin.

2 Summon’

d to an swer at Thy’


I come,but Guil ty

,guil ty ” plead !

Did I not allThy j udgmen ts dare ?

On allThy tender mercies tread ?

Death’s sen tence j us tly I receive

I am not worthy,Lord

,to l ive .

2 Then let me every good res ign,

And give my forfe i t blessings back

My gifts and bless ings were not mine ;Thou

,on ly Thou

,the glory take

I might have heard Thy frequen t cal lI might have s tood

,though now I fal l .

4 Long did Thy loving Spiri t s trive

To win me over to my good

The spark of grace was kept al ive

For years amidst temptation ’s flood

I now have sinn’

d i t allaway,

And ended i s my gracious d ay.

5 An al ien from the l ife Divine,

The covenan t of promised grace,

Saviour,no more I cal l Thee mine

An outcas t from Thy blissful face,

Without or fai th,or j oy, or hope,

I give (but mus t I give) Thee up ?

6 Yes : with my shiel d of fai th I part

My hope is los t in j us t despair ;Love is not in my stony heart,I t canno t be

,while Sin is there ;

My vain pretens ions sin disprovesH e canno t sin who J esus loves .


110 The Bachslider .

7 No choice, endeavour, or,


Motion,or wil l have I to turn

Extinguish’d is the trembling fire

Which once in m e began to burn

What have I now whereof to boast

My allis gone,my God i s los t .

8 See then the sinner s tript of all,

A foe,and hater of his God

Despairing, sel f- cond emn’d I fal l


Of every Spark Of goodness void

I cannot now for mercy gr oan ,

Or offer Thee an hear t of s tone .

9 My mouth is stopp’d,and guil ty now

Before my Judge I am become

Lo at Thy j udgmen t - seat I bow

O God of love,pronounce my doom

And,if Thy yearning heart permit


Now,Saviour, Slay me at Thy feet .


1 SURELY in the Lord we haveBo th s trength and righteousness

J esus mighty is to save

The Sinner in dis tress .

Jesu’s blood, on which we s tay,Clean ses u s from every stain ;

Takes the guil t of sin away,

Nor lets the power remain .

112 The Bachslider .

6 Can the self- same foun tain yield

Both bit ter s treams and sweet ?

In a soul by Jesus fill’d

Can Satan find a seat ?

NO,my Lord

,I am not clean

Am not inwardly renew’


Am not, (for I s til l can sin,)

I am not born of God .

7 See, I give up allat last,

My boas ted gifts disclaim

Trus t no more in graces pas t,But now cond emn

d I am

Nothing d o I br ing to Thee,That I mayThy mercy move

N0 one spark remain s in me

Of fai th,or hope

,or love .

8 I f but one good thought could buy

Thy grace,and heaven win


Lord, not one good thought have I

My allis sel f, and sin

Full of guil t and misery,Saviour

,at Thy feet I fal l

See,the unbel iever see,

The s inner strip t of all

9 Let m e n ever,never more

My wretched soul deceive

Dream that I have life, before

I hear Thy voi ce and l ive

Let me,humbled in the dus t


Wai t to taste how good Thou art

See,and feel , but never trust

My own decei tful heart .


The Bachslid er .

o O that I could truly wai t

The dictates of Thy will

Calmly mourn my s inful s tate,

Till Thou shal t say, Be s ti ll

The lost sheep to save I came,The backs l ider to restore

Sinners I do not condemn ;Depar t

,and sin no more.


O,THE dire effects of sin

What tongue can fully tel l

All that I hav e fel t within,

Since firs t from grace I fel l ?

Still Thou sees t my s tormy breas t ;My soul i s as the troubled sea

Never,never can I res t ,

Till I bel ieve. in Thee .

O,the load my spiri t bears


The moun tain of my grief !

Full of cruel doubts and fears,

Of racking unbel ief

Did I ever Thee behold ?

Thee did I ever truly know

II .

I can ne i ther keep my hold

Nor let my Saviour go .

Did I not my soul deceive

With groundless hopes of heaven ?

Did 1,Lord

,indeed bel ieve,

And was I once forgiven



I 14 The Bachslider .

Still I ask,but no reply

O,bid me

,bid me come to Thee

Son of D avid,hear my cry


I f mercy is for me .

Hear me s til l mysel f bemoan

A bullock to the yoke


d I rush on ;

O that my heart were broke

Long I after Thee have mourn’


And still unpitied I complain

Turn me,and I shal l be turn’


And never sin again .

Me Thou wouldst not disregard,

Were I indeed s incere

But my heart,alas is hard


And vo id of love and fear

Seldom can I l ift mine eyes,

Or offer Thee an hearty groan

Take, if Thou woulds t have me rise,

O,take away the s tone .



AH my dear,loving Lord


To Thee what shal l I sayBeho ld, I tremble at Thy word


And scarce presume to pray

Ten thousand wan ts have I

Alas I allthings wan t

And Thou has t bid me always cry,And never, never faint .

1 The Bachslid er .

In fig- leaves I appear

d ,

Nor with my form would part

But s t il l retain ’

d a con science sear’d ,

An hard,


decei tful heart .

A goodly,formal saint

I long appear’

d in sight

By self and Sa tan taught to pain t

My tomb , my nature, white

The P har isee Wi thinStill und isturb’

d remain’d

The strong man,arm’d with guil t of

Safe in his palace reign’

d .

But,O the j ealous God

In my behal f came down

Jesus Himsel f the s tronger show’d,

And claim’

d me for His own

My spiri t H e alarm’


And brought in to distress

H e shook and bound the strong man,arm’d

In his self- righteousness .

Faded my V irtuous Show,

My form withou t the power

The sin - convincing Spiri t blew,

And blas ted every flower

My mouth was stopp’

d,and shame


d my guil ty face

I fel l on the Aton ing Lamb ,And I was saved by grace .

The B achslid er .


YET soon my wretched heartTo folly turn’

d again .

How could I,Lord

,from Thee depart


And make Thy mercy vain ?’Twas pride my soul betray


I lost my poverty,

An idol of Thy gifts I made,And loved them more than Thee .

Thy perfect comel in‘


In which my soul did shine,

Dazzled my eyes Thy glorious dress

I fondly coun ted mine

With sacrilegious boas t

I spread mine own renown,

And in Thy beauty put my trus t,

And call’

d i t allmy own .

I thought not of my God,

Nor call’

d to mind the d ayWhen naked


,and in my blood


And loathed of all,I lay :

None cas t a pi tying eye,None could ass is tance give

Till Jesus graciously pass’

d by,

And bade the sinner l ive .

Why did I this forget,

So soon return to sin

How weak my heart that could submi t,And let the mischief in


118 The B achslider .

I fell , alas ! through pride ;I needed not Thy blood


As when I fel t i t first,and cr ied


Thou art my Lord,my God

O that I once again

My Lord,myGod could cry

Dos t Thou not on my sin and pain

Stil l cast a pitying eye ?

Thy mercy s til l i s free

For aggravated guil t,

For sinners foul and black as me

Thy preciou s blood was spilt.

Thou sees t me los t in shame,

But Thou can s t s ti l l forgivePol lu ted in my blood I am


But Thou cans t b id me l ive .

O , speak the gracious word,Thy mercy let me prove

Stand s til l, and look upon me,Lord


Make this the time of love .

J esu,i f Thou has t died

My worthless soul to win,

Spread over me Thy skirt,and hide

My nakedness and sin

Impute Thy righteousness,

Wash away allmy blood,

Adorn me now with every grace,

And feed, and fi l l with God .

120 A P rayer for Res tor ing Grace.

From the’

oppress ive power of sin

My struggl ing spiri t free

Perfect r ighteousness bring_in


Unspotted puri tySpeak

,and allthis war shal l cease


And sin shal l give its raging o’


Love me freely,& c .

For this only thing I pray,

And thi s wil l I require,

Take the power of sin away,

Fill me with chas te des ire ;Perfect m e in hol iness

Thine image to my soul res tore

Love me freely,seal my peace


And bid me sin no more .


I O THAT I was as heretoforeWhen , warm in my firs t love


I only l ived my Lord to’

adore,And seek the things above

2 Upon my head H is candle shone ;And

,lavish of H is grace


With cords of love H e drew me on,

And half unveil’d H is face .

3 Butter and honey did I eat

And,l ifted up on high


I saw the clouds beneath my feet,

And rode upon the sky.

A Prayer for Res tor ing Grace. 121

4 Far, far above allearthly things

Triumphan tly I rode

I soar’d to heaven on eagle’s wings ,And found

,and talk’d with God .

5 Where am I now ? from what a height

Of happiness cast down

The glory swallow’

d up in n ight

And faded is the crown .

6 My firs t es tate I could not keep

Fal len through pride I am ;

Implunged in s in’s profoundest deep ,And los t in guil ty shame .

7 Forlorn ,forsaken

,and alone


Naked and void of God,

My feeble soul can scarcely groan

A dying I chabod

8 Ah woe is me my joy is fled ,V anish

d my glorious boas t,My hope cut Off

,my life is dead


My paradise is los t

Through the wide world of sin and woe

A banish’d man,I roam

But cannot find my res t below,

But cannot wander home .

O God , Thou art my home,my res t


For which I sigh in pain

H ow Shal l I ’

scape in to Thy breas t ?

My E den how regain

Vengeance Divine is always near

Where’er my steps I turn,

I see the Cherubim appear,I see Thine anger burn .

122 A Prayer for Res tor ing Grace.

When,longing oft to be restored


I would to Eden flee

Thine anger,as a flaming sword

Preserves the sacred tree .

What shal l I d o ? ’

Tis worse than death

To l ive without Thy grace

I yield,I yield Thee up mybreath ,

So I may see Thy face .

A sinner in Thine hands I am

No farther let me fly,

But rush upon tha t sword of flame

And in Thy presence d ie .

Nothing,alas have I to plead

I am not fi t to l ive

Yet i f Thy j us t ice s trike me dead,

Thy mercy shall revive.

This is the way to find my Lord

Thysel f has t made i t known

Be i t according to Thy word

On me Thy will be done .

Slay m e,and I shal l l ive indeed ,

With Thy dead men arise,

From allthe l ife of nature freed

In love’s sweet paradise .


,Thy death

,Thy life bring in

Wh ile at Thy feet I bow ;Enter at once, and cas t out sin

Destroy, and save me now.

124 After a Recovery.

That I never,never more

Maywi th my much - loved Master part ,To the posts of mercy’s door,O

,nai l my will ing heart .

See my utter helplessness ,And leave me not alone

O,preserve inp erfect peace,And s eal me for Thine own

More and more Thyself reveal,

Thy presence let me always find

Comfort, and confirm,and heal

My feeble, sin - s ick mind .

As the apple of an eye

Thy weakes t servan t keep

Help me at Thy feet to lie

And there for ever weep

Tears of joymine eyes o ’


That I have any hope of heaven

Much Of .love I ought to know,

For I have much forgiven .

Now I seem to tas te Thy love

As for a momen t’s space

But I canno t fai thful prove

To Thy res toring grace

Canno t in temptation s tand,

My own frai l soul I canno t keep,

If Thou once withdraw Thine hand

I s ink in to the deep .

Now,this ins tant now

,i f sin

Were knocking at my heart

I should let the tempter in,

And bid my Lord depar t

After a Recovery. 125

But Thou wil t not let me fal l,

Thou wil t not from my weakness move,

Till I more than conquer all

Through Thy redeeming love .


SON of God,if Thy free grace

Again hath rai sed me up,


d me s til l to seek Thy face,

And gave me back my hope

Still Thy gracious help afford,

And allThy lovingkindness ShowKeep me

,keep me

,deares t Lord


And never let me go .

Feebly if I now begin

After my fal l to rise,

Save me from my bosom sin,

My wors t of enemies

Let me fully be res tored ,And cause me allThy power to know

Keep me,keep me

,& c .

By me,O my Saviour

,s tand

In sore temptation ’s hour

Save me with Thine outstretch’

d hand,


show forth allThy power

O,be mindful of Thy word ,

Thine all- sufficient grace bes tow

Keep mé, keep me,& c .

Give me,Lord

,a holy fear


And fix i t in my heart,That I may from evil near

With timely care depart

126 Groaning for Red emption .

Sin be more than

Till Thou des troy the tyrant foe

Keep me,keep m e

,8zc .

Never let me leave Thy breas t,

From Thee,my Saviour, s tray

Thou art my Support,and Res t


My true and l iving Way

My exceeding great Reward,

In heaven above,and earth below

Keep me,keep me

,& c .

Never let me go , til l I ,Upborne on wings of love,

Gain the region s of the sky,

And take my seat above

See Thee by allheaven adored,

And allThy glorious fulnes s know

Keep me,keep me

,deares t Lord

And never let me go .



I O JE SU,st ill

,s til l shal l I groan

Beneath the gal l ing yoke of sin ?

Wilt Thou not claim me for Thine own,

And speak the word,and make me clean

My load is more than I can bear

Where is the Friend of s inners ? where ?

2 Is there no balm in Thee to heal

The anguish of a sin - si ck soul ?

Dos t Thou not know the pangs I feel ?

Dost Thou not see the billows rol l

128 Groaning for Redemption.

8 Thou can s t cut short the work , and

The sinner in a momen t’s space

Be i t according to Thy wil l

I leave i t to Thy secret grace

I ven ture allon this las t hour

And d ie, that I may sin no more .


1 J ESU,Thou kh ow’

s t my simpleness,

My faul ts are not conceal’

d from Thee

A s inner in my las t di stress,

To Thy dear wounds I fain would flee,And n ever

,never thence depart


Close shelter’

d in Thy loving heart .

2 How shal l I find the l iving way,Lost, and confused , and dark, and blind

Ah Lord,my soul i s gone as tray ;

Ah Shepherd, seek my soul , and find ,And in Thine arms of mercy take


And bring the weary wanderer back .

3 Weary and s ick Of sin I am

I hate i t,Lord

,and yet I love

When wil t Thou rid me of my shame ?

When wil t Thou allmy load remove ?

Destroy the fiend of inbred sin,

And speak the word of power,

! Be clean ”

4 My J esus , why dos t Thou delay

An helples s dying soul to heal ?

What shal l I to my Jesus say?

Dos t Thou not allmy sufferings feel ?

Ah tel l me if unmoved Thou art

H ow dost Thou find i t in Thy heart ?

Groaning for Red emption .

What mean s thi s struggl ing in my breast,

I f Thine is s teel ’d agains t my prayer ?

I f Thou art deaf to my reques t,Why d o I groan my sin to bear ?

Surely i t i s Thy Spirit’s groan

I do not grieve,or weep


6 I feel that Thou wouldst have me l ive,

And waitest now Thy grace to ShowWhen I am will ing to receive

The grace,I allThy life shal l know

And Thou art s triving now with me,

To get Thyself the victory .

7 O Lord , if I at las t discern

That I am sin,and Thou art love


I f now o’

er me Thy bowels yearn ,Give me a token from above,

And conquer my rebel l ious will ,And bid my murmuring heart ! Be st ill .

8 Sin only let me not commit ;

(Sin never can advance Thy praise

And 10 I layme at Thy feet,

And wai t unwearied allmy days ,Till my appoin ted time shal l come

And Thou shal t cal l Thine ex i le home .

9 Ah tell me that I shal l not sin

Assured of thi s,I ask no more

The kingdom,when Thou wil t

,bring in ;

Thine image,as Thou wil t, restore

But d o not suffer Sin to re ign

Tel l me I ne’er shal l sin again .

VOL . 11. K


130 Groaning for Redemption .

Or if I ask I know notWhat ,The knowledge of a


future grace

I f this can on ly then be wrought,

When pure in heart I see Thy face ,O pierce

,and fil l me now with fear

Of sin,and hel l

,for ever near .

0 put Thy fear within my heart

That I may tremble at Thy word,

Nor ever from Thy paths depart ,O r dare to sin agains t the Lord ;

Till I the promised Seed receive

Let I shmaelbefore Thee l ive.

I ask according to Thy will ;0 keep me til l the grace is given ,

Til l I Thy holy law fulfi l

On earth,as angel s d o in heaven

Thine uttermos t salvat ion prove,Made perfect in almighty love .


I BREAK,stubborn heart ; and sigh no more

TO mock me with a Show of good,

To make me think the conflict o’


The s trength of inbred sin subdued

Or let me cease from every ill,

Or bear the nether mill - s tone s t il l .

2 Away my flattering hopes and fears,

The transports of my shor t - l ived grief;Away my unavail ing tears ,Nor mock me with your vain rel ief

Dissembling tears ,’ti s pas t your art

To melt the marble of my heart .

132 Groaning for Redemption .

8 Lay to Thine hand , O God of grace ;O God , the work is worthy Thee

See at Thy feet of allour race

The chief,the vilest s inner see


And let m e allThy mercy prove,

Thine utmost miracle Of love.

9 Speak and an holy thing and clean

Shal l s trangely be brought out Ofme

My E thiop soul shal l change her skin ;Red eem

d from alliniquity,

I,even I

,shal l then proclaim

The wonders wrought by Jesu’s name .

Thee I shal l then for ever prai se,

In spir i t and in truth adore,

While allI am declares Thy grace,

And,born ofGod

,I Sin no more ;

The pure and heavenly nature share,

And fruit unto perfection bear .


I SAV IOUR from sin,I wai t to prove

That Jesus i s Thy heal ing name,

To lose, when perfected in love,Whate’er I have

,or can

,or am

I stay me on Thy fai thful word,

The servan t shal l be as his Lord .

2 An swer that gracious end in me

For which Thy precious life was given ;Redeem from allin iquity


Restore, and make me meet for heaven

Groaning for Redemption .

Unles s Thou purge my every s tain,

Thy suffering, and my fai th , is vain .

3’Tis not a bare release from sin


I ts guil t and pain,my soul requires

I wan t a Spiri t of power within ;Thee

,J esus

,Thee my hear t desires

And pan ts,and breaks to be renew


And wash’

d in Thine all- cleans ing blood .

4 Didst Thou not in the flesh appear,Sin to condemn

,and man to save ?

That perfect love might cas t out fear,That I Thy mind in me might have


In hol iness Show for th Thy prai se,And serve Thee allmy sin les s days

5 Didst Thou not d ie, that I might l ive

N0 longer to myself,but Thee

Might body,soul

,and spiri t give

To Him who gave Himsel f for me ?


,my Mas ter and my God ,

Take the dear purchase of Thy blood .

6 Thine own peculiar servan t claim,

For Thine own truth and mercy’s sake

Hal low in m e Thy glorious name,

Me for Thine own this momen t take,

And change,and throughly purify

Thine on ly may I l ive, and d ie .


134 Hebrews iv . 15.


ld/e have not an H igh P r iest which cannot be touchedwith thefeeling of our infi rmities ,

”Cas e.

1 O COMPAS S IONATE High—Pr ies t,

Full of truth and grace for me,

Mark the heavings ofmy breas t,

See my sin and misery

Surely allto Thee i s known,

Though Thou dos t not yet appear ;No ted i s my every groan


Counted i s my every tear .

2 I have not a priest unmoved

With the feel ing ofmy woe,

Who himsel f was never proved,

Who my sufferings cannot know ~


d mos t sens ibly Thou art

With my soul’s infirmities,

Still the Saviour’s gen tle heart

Do th with sinners sympathise .

3 Though H e now triumphan t reigns ,Still

,as in His days of flesh


All H is agonies and pains

In our souls H e feel s afresh

Though exal ted to a throne,Thou dos t in our sorrows share


Thou hast not forgot Thine own,

Thine own flesh and blood we are .

4 Friend of Sinners, in Thy heart,Tel l me, do th there not remain

One unarm’

d and tender part,

Sensible of human pain ?

136 A Prayer for P ersons j oined in Fellowship.




I TRY us,O God

,and search the ground

Of every sinful heart ;Whate’er of sin in us is found


O bid i t alldepart .

2 When to the right or left we stray,

Leave us not comfor tless ,But guide our feet in to the wayOf everlas ting peace .

3 Help u s to help each other,Lord,

Each other’s cros s to bear ;Let each his friendly aid afford


And feel his bro ther’s care .

4 Help u s to build each other up,

Our l i ttle stock improve ;Increase our fai th

,confirm our hope,

And perfect u s in love .

5 Up in to Thee, our l iving Head

Let u s in allthings grow,

Till Thou has t made us free indeed

And s in less here below .

6 Then,when the mighty work is wrought


Receivé Thy ready bride,

Give us in heaven an happy lot

With allthe sanctified .


1 JESU,allpower i s given to Thee ;

Command our inward parts ;Turn

,as the r ivers of the sea


Our hard unyielding heart s .

A Prayer for P ersons j oined in Fellowship.

2 Our hearts are to our-selves unknown,

Till Thou the vei l remove

Open,en large, and mel t them down

By Thy victorious love .

3 Thee, at Thy word , we come to meet ,And humbly to confes s,

While lowly pros trate at Thy feet,Our utter s infulness .

4 O let us fai thfully ObeyThe counsel of Thy will


And each to each our faults display,

Our every thought reveal .

5 Our fig—leaves allbe cas t aside ;Let no sel f—soo thing art

Con ceal the lu st,to

’ indulge the pride

Of a foul hel l ish heart .

6 Open a window in our breast ,That each our heart may see


And let no secret be supprest,

Since allare known to Thee .

7 Remove the Sin s which we declare,The burden of our soul


And hear the mutual fai thful prayer,Which makes the s inner whole .

8 To all,through fai th which is in Thee,

A perfect soundness give,

And let us,from allsin set free


The l ife of Jesus l ive .

138 A Prayer for P ersons j oined in Fellowship.



I GOD of our l ife,at Thy command

We now our sins confess,

In nakednes s of spiri t s tand,

And Show our sore disease.

2 God of our heal th,in Thy great name

We now perform Thy will

Regard our prayer,admit our claim


Our sin—sick spiri ts heal .

3 Forgive the s in s through which we groan,

Which we no longer hide ;Our filthiness of flesh we own


Our filthiness of pride .

4 The devil i sh and the bru tal lust

TO Thee we now confes s ;Cleanse us

,O fai thful God and j u st


From allunrighteousnes s .

5 Then shal l we to Thine only name

The prai se and glory give,

The greatness of Thy power proclaim

To us - ward who bel ieve.

6 Then let or earth or hel l oppose,We will assert Thy power,

And witness to a world of foes

That we can sin no more .


1 J ESU,un i ted by Thy grace,

And each to each end ear’


With confidence we seek Thy face,And know our prayer is heard .

140 A t Wahing.

9 Yetwhen the fullest JO‘

yKJS given

The same del ight we ’


In earth,in paradise

,in heaven ,

Our allin alli s love .


1 GIVER and Guardian of my s leep

To prai se Thy name I wake


,Thy helpless servan t keep


For Thy own mercy’s sake .

2 The bless ing of ano ther dayI thankfully receive :

O may I only Thee obey,

And to Thy glory l ive .

3 Vouchsafe to keep my soul from sin

I ts cruel power suspend,

Till allthi s s trife and war within

In perfect peace shal l end .

4 O respi te me from sel f and pride,

Curb and keep down my wil l,

My appeti tes and passion s chide,And bid the sea be s ti ll .

5 Upon me layThy mighty hand,My words and thoughts res train

Bow my whole soul to Thy command ,Nor let my fai th be vain .

6 Prisoner of hope,I wai t the hour

Which Shal l salvation bringWhen allI am shal l own Thy power

And cal l my Jesu s King.

A t Wuhing. 141

7 Thou wi l t, I steadfastly bel ieve

Thou wil t , the captive free,Freedom ,

full perfect freedom ,give,

And more than victory.

8 Though now to every sin incl ined ,I shal l be as Thou art;

Lowly as Thine shal l be my mind ,And meek and pure my heart .

9 Anger and lust Thou wil t expel ,And pride

,by s tronger grace ;

They can in me no longer dwel l,

When Jesus fil ls the place .

1 0 Thy presence,Lord, the place shal l fi ll ,

My heart shal l be Thy throne,

Thy holy,j u s t

,and perfect will

Shal l in my flesh be done .


I I I thank Thee for the future grace,

And now in hope rejoi ce,

In confidence to see Thy face

And always hear Thy vo ice

1 2 I have the things I ask Of Thee ;What shal l I more require ?

That s t il l my soul may res tless be,And on ly Thee desire .

13 Or let me ( if I more would have)This las t desire submit


And lie,t il l Thou sees t good to save


Expecting,at Thy feet .

142 Psalm ex . 1 .

14 Thy only wil l be done, not mine ;But make me


,Thy home

Come when Thou wil t,I that resign ;


t,O my Jesus

,come !

PSALM CX . 1 .

1 THE Lord unto my Lord hath said,

Si t Thou,in glory sit


Till I Thine enemies have made

To bow beneath Thy feet .

2 Jesu,my Lord

,mighty to save


What can my hopes withs tand

When Thee my Advocate I have,

En throned at God’s r ight hand

3 I fear nor earth, nor Sin ,nor hel l


And death hath lost his s ting ;In vain awhile Thy foes rebel



,art myKing .

4 Nature is subj ect to Thy word ,All power to Thee i s given ,

The uncontroll’

d almighty Lord

Of hel l,and earth,and heaven .

5 And Shal l my sins Thy will opposeJesu

,Thy r ight main tain

O let not Thine usurping foes

In me Thy servan t reign .

6 Master, on Thee my soul is stay’

d ;

Thou wilt not quit Thy claim

Thou only has t my ransom paid,

And only Thine I am .

144 Ma tthew x i. 28.

Thy love the conquestmore than gain s

To allI shal l proclaim;J esus the King

,the Conqueror reigns


Bow down to Jesu ’s name.

To Thee shal l earth and hel l submit

And every foe shal l fal l,

Till death expires beneath Thy feet,And God is allin all


Come unto M e,allye that labour and are

laden,and I w illgiveyou res t.

1 0 THAT my load of sin were gone

O that"

I could at las t submit

At Jesu’s feet to lay i t down,

To laymy soul at Jesu’s feet

2 When shal l mine eyes behold the Lamb ,The God ofmy salvation see ?

Weary, O Lord , Thou know’

st I am ;Yet still I cannot come to Thee .

3 Mark the hard travail ofmy soul ,With pity view my labouring breast

O give me fai th to make me whole,And speak my misery in to rest .

4 Rest for my soul I long to find ;Saviour of all, i f mine Thou art

Give me Thy meek and lowly mind

And s tamp Thine Image on my heart .

M a tthew x i. 28 .

5 Break off. the yoke of inbred sin,

And fully set my spiri t free ;I cannot rest

,til l pure within


Till I am whol ly lost in Thee.

6 Fain would I learn of Thee, myGod

Thy light and easy burden prove,

The cross allstain ’

d with hal low’d blood,

The labour of Thy dying love ;

7 This moment would I take i t up,And after my dear Mas ter bear


With Thee ascend to Calvary’

s top,

And bow my head and suffer there .

8 I would : but Thou must give the power,My heart from every sin release ;

Bring near,bring near the j oyful hour


And fi l l me with Thy perfect peace .

9 Come, Lord , the drooping s inner cheer,

Nor let Thy chario t - wheel s delay ;Appear in my poor heart

,appear ;

My God,my Saviour

,come away .

One deep un to another cries,

My misery, Lord , implores Thy grace :

When wilt Thou hear,and bow the skies ?

When shal l I see my Jesu ’s face

1 I The hirel ing longeth for his hireBut on ly pun ishmen t i s mine ;

My meri ts are eternal fire

But heaven and happiness are Thine .

VOL . I I . L


146 I Timothy i. 15.

Give me Thy l ife ; for Thou my death

Hast swallow’d up in ‘

V Ictory,


d me with Thy latest breath ,And died that I might l ive to Thee .

This,on ly thi s

,is allmy hope,

And doth my s inking soul sustain ;Thy faithful mercies hold me up


My Saviour did not f d ie in vain .

Answer Thy death’s design in me ;

The guil t and power of sin remove,

Redeem fromallin iquity,

Renew,and perfect me in love .

1. TIMOTHY I . 15.

This is afaithf ulsaying, and wor thy of allacceptationthat Chr istf esus came into the world to save sinner s .

I JESU,Sin - aton ing Lamb


Jesu, Lover of Thy foe,Let me feel Thy sovereign name


Let me allits virtue know ;Hear my cryout of the deep ,Haste and help a friendless soul ,

Seek and save a wandering sheep,

Make a sin - sick sinner whole .

2 Burd en’

d am I,and opprest,

Till Thou dost remove my load

Weary, t il l Thou give me rest ;Guil ty

,til l I feel Thy blood .

148 A cts x vi. 3 1.

Of Thy grace I cannot doubtSinners to Thy wounds

w-ho fly

Thou in no wise wilt cas t out

Lo I come,the sinner I l

7 Thou shal t make me white as snow,

Though my soul be black as hel l ;Never from Thy cross I go,Safe within Thy wounds I dwel l .

Other refuge have I none,

None d o I des ire bes ide

Friend of Sinners,I am one ;

Save me,who for me has t died .

ACTS XV I . 3 I .

B elieve on the Lor d f esus Chr ist and thou

be save

1 WHAT shal l I d o,my God

,my God ?

I ask in Jesu’s name;Unsanctified and unrenew


I s til l remain the same .

2 Sin,on ly sin

,in me I find ;

I cannot subj ect be

To Thy command ; my carnal mind

I s enmity to Thee .

3 But Thou cans t wash the leper clean,

The s tone to flesh convert,

Can stmake the E thiop Change his skin,

And purify my heart .

A cts x vi. 3 1 . 149

.4 Then only

,when by grace renew


My will wi th Thine shal l sui t

O make the tree of nature good,

And good shal l be its frui t .

5 I s trive in allI do to please,With endles s grief and pain


But canno t,Lord

,from sinn ing cease,

Till I am born again .

6 With Thee my virtue is but ViceMy good is specious i l l ;

’Tis sel f,

’tis nature in disguise


And I am carnal s til l .

7 N0 work ofmine,or word

,or thought

Thy j udgmen t can abide

Thy glory,Lord

,I never sought


For allmy soul is pr ide.

8 What have I then wherein to trus t ?

H ow must I come to Thee

Foul as I am,cond emn

d and los t,

Thy Son hath died for me .

9 J esus hath died that I might l ive,Might l ive to God alone


In Him eternal l ife receive,And be in spiri t one .

Saviour,I thank Thee for the grace,

The gift un speakable,And wai t

,with arms of faith to’


And allThy love to feel .

150 The Woman of Canaan .

1 1 My soul breaks out in s trong desire

The perfect bliss to prove,My longing soul is allon fire

To be dissolved in love .

Give me Thysel f,from every boast ,

From every wish set free

Let allI am in Thee be los t ;But give Thyself to me .

Thy gift s,alas ! canno t suffice

Un less Thysel f be givenThy presence makes my paradise

And where Thou art i s heaven .


[M atthew xv . 2 2,Cave ]

LORD,regard my earnest cry


A potsherd of the ear th ;A poor guil ty worm am I


A Canaanite by birth

Save me from thi s tyranny,

From allthe power of Satan save

Mercy,mercy upon me


Thou Son ofD avid,have .

2 Still Thou answeres t not a word

To my repeated prayer

Hear Thine own di sciples,Lord


Who in my sorrows share

152 The PVoman of Canaan .

Viles t of the s inful race,

O n Thee impor tunate I cal l ;Help me

,Jesu show Thy grace,

Thy grace is free for all.

73 No thing am I in Thy s ight,

No thing have I to plead

Un to dogs i t is not rightTo cas t the children’

s bread

Yet the dogs the crumbs mayeat,

That from their mas ter’s table fal l ;Let the fragmen ts be mymeat

Thy grace i s free for all.

Give me,Lord

,the Victory


My heart’s desire fulfi l ;Let i t now be done to me

According to my will

Give me l iving bread to eat

And say, in answer to my call ,Canaanite

,thy fai th i s great


My grace i s free for all. ”

I f Thy grace for alli s free,

Thy cal l now let me hear,

Show this token upon me,

And bring salvation near

Now the gracious word repeat,

The word of heal ing to my soul,

Canaanite, thy fai th i s great,Thy fai th hath made thee whole .

The Pool of Bethesda .


[j ohn v . 2,69 m]

J ESU,take my S ins away


And make me know Thy name

Thou art now as yes terday,

And evermore the same

Thou my true B ethesda be

I know within Thy arms is room,

All the world may un to Thee,Their House of Mercy

,come .

See the porches open wide

Thy mercy allmay prove,All the world is j ustified

By un iversal love .

Hal t and wither’d when they lie,

And s ick,and impoten t

,and blind


Sinner s may in Thee espy

The Saviour ofmankind .

See m e lying at the pool ,‘And wai ting for Thy grace ;O come down into my s oul


Disclose Thy angel - face

I f to me Thy bowel s move,


now Thou dost my S ickness feelLet the Spiri t of Thy love

The helples s s inner heal .

Sick of anger, pride, and lus t

And unbel ief I am

Yet in Thee for heal th I trus t,In Jesu’s sovereign name .


154 The Pool of Bethesda .

Were I taken in to Thee,Could I but step in to the pool ,I from every malady

Should be at once made whole .

Persons Thou dos t not respect ;Whoe’er for mercy cal l

Thou in no wise wil t rej ect,

Thy mercy is for all

Thou woulds t freely allrestore,

(Would allthe gracious season find,)

Fill with goodness,love

,and power,

And with an heal thful mind .

Mercy then there is for me,

(Away my doubts and fearsPlagued with an infirmity

For more than thirty years ;Jesu

,cast a pi tying eye

Thou long has t known my desperate case,Poor and helpless here I lie


And wai t the heal ing grace .

Long hath Thy good Spiri t s trove

With my d istemper’

d soul,

But I s til l refused Thy love

And would not be made whole

Hardly now at las t I yield,

I yield with allmy s in s to par t

Let my soul be fully heal’d,And throughly cleansed my heart .

Sin is now my sore disease ;But though I would be free


When the water troubled i s

There is no help for me

156 The Good Sama ritan .


[Luhe x . 3 0 , Cave ]

WOE i s me what tongue can tel l

My sad affl icted s tate

Who my anguish can reveal,

Or allmy woe relate ?

Fal len among thieves I am,

And they have robb’

d me of my God

Tum ’

d my glory in to shame,And left me in my blood .

God was on ce my glorious dres s,And I l ike H im did Shine

Satan of His r ighteousnes s

Hath spoil’

d thi s soul of mine

By the mortal wound of sin,

Twixt God and me the parting made

Dead in Adam,dead within,

My soul i s whol ly dead .

I have lost the l ife Divine,And when this outward breath

To the Giver I resign ,

Mus t d ie the second death .


,strip t of God ,

And at the lates t gasp I lie

Who beholds m e in my blood ,And saves me ere I d ie ?

Lo the pries t comes down in vain,

And sees my sad dis tress ,Sees the s tate of fal len man


But canno t give me ease :


The Good Samaritan . 157

Patriarchs and prophets old

Observe my wr etched , desperate case

Me expiring they behold ,But leave m e as I was .

5 Lo the Levite me espies,

And s tops to V iew my gr ief,

Looks on me,and b ids me rise


But offers no rel ief.

All my wounds he open tears,

And searches them,alas in vain ;


d with anguish , griefs , and fears

H e leaves m e in my pain .

6 O Thou Good Samar itan,

In Thee is allmy hope ;Only Thou canst succour man


And raise the fal len up .

Hearken to my dying cry,

My wounds compass ionately see

M e a sinner pass not -by

Who gasp for help to Thee .

7 Stil l Thou j ourney’

st where I am,

And s til l Thy bowels move ;Pity i s with Thee the same


And allThy heart is love .

Stoop to a poor s inner,s toop


And let Thy heal ing grace abound

Heal my brui ses , and bind up

My Spiri t’s every wound .

8 Saviour of my soul,draw n igh ,

In mercy haste to me

At the po in t of death I lie ,And cannot come to Thee .

158 The Good Samaritan.

Now Thy kind rel ief afford,

The wine and oilof grace pour in ;Good Phys i cian

,speak the word ,

And heal my soul of srn .

Pity to my dying cries

Hath drawn Thee from above,

Hovering over me with eyes

Of tenderness and love


en now I see Thy face,

The balm of Gilead I receive

Thou has t saved me by Thy grace,

And bade the S inner l ive.

Surely now the bitterness

Of second death is pas t

O my Life,my Righteousness


On Thee my soul i s cas t .

Thou has t brought me to Thine inn

And I am of Thy promise sure ;Thou shal t cleanse me from allsin


And allmy sicknes s cure.

Perfect then the work begun,And make the sinner whole

All Thy will on me be done,

My body,spiri t

,soul .

Stil l preserve me safe from harms,

And kindly for Thy patien t care ;Take me, Jesu , to Thine arms,And keep me ever there .

160 Groaning for Red emption .

6 O could I but escape away,

And steal into the s ilen t tomb

Defraud the l ion of his prey,And at my latest hour o ’


That hour I now would presen t have,

Would now rejo i ce to find a grave .

7 O God , behol d my troubled breastYet once again I Thee implore

Indulge me in my last request,

And let me d ie,and sin no more ;

Now,let me now lay down my head,

From pain and sin for ever freed .

8 O God , regard my bitter cry,I groan to be red eem

d from sin ;

TO Thee I l ift my weeping eye,

Open Thine arms and take me in

To Thee my labouring soul I bow ;Require i t, O require i t now .

9 I know it is not now renew’


I am not fit Thy face to see,

But trus t the virtue of Thy blood

In my las t hour shal l work on me

Some miracle of grace unknown,

Without a miracle undone.

My God , I cannot let Thee go

Without an answer to my prayer

O tel l me that i t shal l be so

I soon shal l lose in death my care,Where fiends and s ins no more molest


And weary spiri t s are at res t .

Groaning for Red emption . 161

I doubt not,Lord

,but there remains

A res t from sin and sorrow here,

Thy people here are freed from pains,

From troubles,doubts

,and guil t


But let me hence thi s momen t fly,

Save me from sin,and let me d ie .

2 I only wai t for thi s glad hour,

’Tis allmy bus iness here below ;

Send down into my soul the power

And let me d ie Thy love to know ;Renew me

,and withdraw my breath ;

Give power o’

er sin and ins tant death .


1 FORGIVE me,O long- suffering God ,

The hurry of my peevish grief ;Though fain ting underneath my load ,And staggering oft through unbel ief,

Thee for my Lord I fain would own,

And say, Thine on ly will be done .

2 Forgive me then my fol l ies pas t,The fond impatience of my prayers ,

My rash complain t s and eager haste

My fai thles s doubts and fruitless cares ;Thou know ’

st,t il l Thou Thy life bring in ,

I cannot,cannot cease from sin .

3 The captive exile makes his moan ,

And has tens to be loosed from pain ,

The pain through which I ever groan

The dread lest I should turn again,

Les t allmy bread of l ife should fail ,And I Sink down unchanged to hel l .

VOL . I I . M

162 Groaning for Redemption .

That dreadful thought comes thundering

And fall s a moun tain on my head

Nor can, nor will I comfort take

In hearing Satan’s factors pleadI cannot hug, l ike them,

my chain,

Or rest,if sin in me r emain .

5 In vain they bid me blindly fly,And catch at Thy unknown decree

In vain they bid me dream that I

Was chose from alletern i ty

Alas I wan t election ’

s seal,

For I am allunholy s til l .

6 Tel l me no more, ye carnal saints ,

! The bes t mus t always s trive with Sin,

God will not answer allyour wan ts ,God will not make you throughly clean ,

Sin must have some unhallow’

d part,

Christ cannot fil l up allthe heart .”

7 Can l ife and death together dwel l ?

Can Christ with Bel ial e’er agree,Darkness with l ight, and heaven with hel l ?

Can both at once have place in me ?

Can I be Chris t’s and sin ’s abode,A d en of thieves and house of God ?

8 N0, Jesus , no Thou Holy One,

When Thou shal t come in to my heart

I know that Thou wi lt reign alone,

And sin for ever shal l depart ;Thy love shal l cas t out allmy fear

Lest sin should come,when Thou art here .

164 Groaning for Redemption .

5 The thing Thou dost I know not now,

But I shal l know hereafter, Lord ;To Thy dread sovereign . wil l I bow

Thy will be done,Thy name adored ;

Act for the glory of Thy nameLo in Thy gracious hands I am .

6 Act for Thine own and Sion’

s sakeAnd let Thy will in me be done

I f but one soul may comfor t take

By hearing me so deeply groan,

Stil l let me allmy burden feel ,And groan

,and weep

,and suffer still .

7 I f but one tempted soul may find

Rel ief by my affl icted s tate

I would b e patient and resign (I,

Stil l in the iron furnace wai t

Sti ll let the sin,the grief, the pain ,

The thorn in my weak flesh remain .

8 Still let my bleeding heart be torn ,I f o ther bleeding hearts i t cheer

Di sconsolate for Thee I mourn ,My nature ’s cross con sen t to bear,

To languish for my Lord’s delay

And weep a thousand lives away .


I BEHOLD, ye souls that mourn for God

And take ye comfort from my grief,Be strengthen

d by my grievous load,

Let my distress be your rel ief,With mine your tears and sorrows jo in


And lose by mixing them Wi th mine .

Groaning for Redemption . 165

2 I am the man who long have known

The strength and rage of inbred Sin

My soul i s dead , my heart is s tone ,A cage of birds and beas ts unclean ,

A d en of thieves , a dire abode

Of dragon s,but no house OfGod .

3 I dare not speak, I canno t ShowThe depths of Satan harbour’d there ,

The horrors of infernal woe,

The black and blasphemous despair ;Who can conceive

,but those that feel

Indwell ing sin,indwel l ing hel l

4 A stranger intermed'dleth not

With our inexplicable grief ;’

Tis pas t the reach Of human thought,

The torture of this unbel ief,The struggl ing groan

,the pass ion loud


The heart that says, There i s no God .

5 But wil l H e not at las t appear,And make H is power and Godhead known ?

Surely H e shal l the mourner!cheer


And make the broken heart His throne

Shal l break i t first,and then bind up :

In hope bel ieve ye again s t hope .

6 Comfor t, ye min is ters of grace,

Comfort My people,sai th our God !

Ye soon shal l see His smil ing face,His golden sceptre

,not His rod ,

And own,when now the cloud ’s removed


H e only chasten’

d whom H e loved .

166 My Lord and my God .

7 Who sow in tears in joy shal l reap ,The Lord Shal l comfort allthat mourn ;Who now go on our way and weep


With joywe doubtless shal l return

And bring our Sheaves wi th vast increase,And have our fruit to hol ines s .

8 Then let us patiently attend ,And wai t the leisure of our Lord

Surely we allshal l in the end

Experience H is abiding word ,Shal l allH is gracious power declare,And fruit unto perfection bear .


[j ohn xx .

1 O THOU whom fain my soul would love,Whom I would gladly d ie to know


This vei l of unbelief remove,

And Show me,allThy goodness Show

Jesu,Thysel f in me reveal


Tel l me Thy name,Thy nature tel l .

2 Hast Thou been with me,Lord

,so long ?

Yet Thee,my Lord , have I not known ?

I claim Thee with a fal tering tongue,

I pray Thee in a feeble groan :

Tel l me, 0 tel l me who Thou art


And speak Thy name into my heart .

P A R T I I .



I AWAKE , j erusalem,awake ;

N0 longer in thy,

sins lie down,

The garmen t of salvation take,

Thy beauty and thy strength put on .

2 By impious feet no longer trod,

Thy God shal l cleanse thy every stain

O holy ci ty of thy God,

Thou shalt not bear H is name in vain .

3 Shake Off the dust that bl inds thy sight

And hides the promise from thine eyes ;Arise

,and struggle into l ight

Thy great Del iverer cal ls,Arise

4 Shake off the bands of sad despair,

Sion, assert thy liberty ;Look up , thy broken heart prepare,And God shal l set the captive free .

The Fifty - second Chapter of Isaiah. 169

5 For thus the Lord your God hath said ,Ye allhave sold yourselves for nought ;

A ransom (not by you) is paid ,Receive your l iberty unbought .

6 My people have been long opprest;

(NO glory thence redounds to Me ;)Long have I seen them sore di stres t

Grieved at My people’s misery .

7 They groan’

d beneath the tyrant’

s chain,

Sin ruled them with an iron rod

The suffer ing abj ects howl’d for pain,They groan

d,bu t durs t not groan to God .

8 The’

oppressors with in sul ting boas t

My truth and saving power contemn’


My worship and My prai se was lost,

My name was every d ay blasphemed .

9 For this My j ealousy i s stirr’


And shal l a great del iverance Show ;My people shal l confes s the ir Lord


My fai thfulness and mercy know .

Surely they allshal l know My name

They allMy attributes shal l prove ;I am what I am call

d ; I am

Justice,and Truth

,and Power, and Love .



1 How beautiful H is feet appear,High on the mountain - tops

,who brings

Glad tidings of salvation near,

Salvat ion from the King of kings

170 The Fifty—second Chapter of [ say2 Who publi shes the joyful sound


Proclaims a peace ’twixt earth and heaven

A ransom for the sinner found,

God reconciled and man forgiven .

That says to I srael’s mournful race,


,shake Off thy chains


Bel ieve the word of Gospel grace,

Thy God,thy great Redeemer, reign s .

4 Thy watchmen Shal l the voi ce l ift up,Shal l s ing with gladsome melody


Obj ect of alltheir joyand hope,When eye to eye their Lord they see .

5 Him eye to eye shall they behold,Shal l shout to see the Saviour come,

To save a world red eem’

d of old ,

To bring the weary captives home .

6 Break forth in to joy, Your Comforter sing ;Ye sinners , employ Your allfor your King ;Rejoice

, ye was te places, Your Saviour proclaim ,

Bes tow allyour prai ses And l ives on H is name .

7 For Jesus the Lord Hath comforted man,

The sinner res tored, Nor suffer’

d in vain ;To bring us to heaven When rai sed from our fall


His l ife H e hath given A ransom for all.

8 H is arm H e hath bared , His mercy and grace

Hath pardon prepared For allthe lost race ;H is absolute meri t, Display

d in our sight,

We allmay inheri t And claim as our right .

172 The Fifty- s econd Chapter of Isaiah.

6 His mighty arm,H is high right - hand


Still the pre- eminence shal l have,

Shal l bow the world to H is command,

And magnify H is power to save.

7 Vilestof allthe sons ofmen

Him in His days of flesh they V iew’


His body mangled,torn with pain


His visage marr’

d with tears and blood .

8 The world on Him they d oom’

d to d ie

With fresh aston i shmen t shal l gaze,

Amazed their Saviour to descry,O


d with H is s tupendous grace .

9 The suffering, sin - aton ing God

Shal l kindly raise them from their fall ,Sprinkle the nations with His blood,And tel l them H e hath died for all.

1 0 The nation s shal l receive His word,And kings to H is command submit ;

The lords of earth shal l cal l Him Lord ,And lay their crowns before His feet .

1 1 Foun tain of power, when H e i s near

The gods of earth are gods no more

Poor guil ty worms , they bow,they fear,

And fal l,and silen tly adore.

1 2 Children ofwr ath and s laves of sin,

They now shal l see their los t es tate ;Shal l see the blood that makes them clean

The power that makes them truly great .

Wres tling ffacob. 17 3

1 3 Shal l now,in Jesus taught to trus t


Accept the grace on allbestow’


This thei r bes t title and their boast,

Servan ts of Chris t, and son s of God .



I COME,O Thou Travel ler unknown


Whom s til l I hold , but canno t see,My company before is gone,And I am left alone with Thee ;

With Thee alln ight I mean to s tay,

An d wres tle til l the break of day.

2 I need not tellThee who I am

My misery or sin declare,

Thysel f has t call’d me by my name,

Look on Thy hands,and read i t there ;

But who,I ask Thee

,who art Thou

Tel l me Thy name,and tel l me now .

it Genes is xxx i i . 24, &c. In the Obituary of Charles Wes ley, inserted in the M inutes ofConference , ” for 1788, his brother statesthat Dr . Watts did not scruple to say that ! that s ingle poem ,

I/Vrestl-ing _7acob, was worth all the verses he him self hadwritten .

” Montgomery reckons the poem among the author’shighest achievements in which , with consummate art

,he has

carried on the action of a lyr ical drama ; every turn in the con

flict with the myster ious Being agains t whom Jacob wrestles all

n ight be ing marked with prec is ion by the varying language of

the speaker , accompan ied by intense , increas ing interest, t i l l therapturous moment of discovery

,when he p revai ls , and exclaim s ,

‘ I know Thee , Saviour , who Thou art,’ v .

—ChristianP salm ist : Introductory Essay, p . xxiv . , ed . 1828.

174 Wres tling ?acob.

3 In vain Thou strugglest to get free

I never will unloose my hold ;Art thou the Man that died for me ?

The secret ofThy love unfold

Wrestl ing I wil l not let Thee go

Till I Thy name,Thy nature know .

4 Wilt Thou not yet to me reveal

Thy new,unutterable name

Tel l me, I s ti l l beseech Thee, tel l ;To know it now resolved I am ;

Wrestling I will not let Thee go

Till I Thy name,Thy nature know .


Tis allin vain to hold Thy tongue,

Or touch the hol low ofmy thigh ;Though every s inew be un s trung


Out ofmy arms Thou shal t not fly ;Wrestl ing I will not let Thee go

Till I Thy name,Thy nature know .

6 What though my shrinking flesh complain,

And murmur to con tend so long,

I rise superior to my pain ,When I am weak then I am s trong ;

And when my allof strength shal l fail ,I shal l with the God -man prevail .

My strength is gone, my nature dies

I sink beneath Thy we ighty hand ,Fain t to revive, and fal l to rise ;I fall

,and yet by fai th I stand,

I s tand, and wi l l not let Thee go,Till I Thy name, Thy nature know .

17 6 A Thanhsgiving.

3 Con tented now upon my thigh

I hal t,til l l ife’s short journey end ;

All helplessnes s,allweakness


On Thee alone for s trength depend,Nor have I power from Thee to move ;Thy nature

,and Thy name i s Love .

4 Lame as I am,I take the prey


Hel l,earth

,and sin with ease o

ercome ;

I leap for joy, pursue my way,And as a bounding hart fly home

Through alletern i ty to prove,Thy nature

,and Thy name is Love .


1 O WHAT shal l I do, My Saviour to praise,So fai thful and true, So plen teous in grace

SO strong to del iver, So good to redeem

The weakes t bel iever That hangs upon Him !

2 H ow happy the man Whose heart is set free,

The people that can Be joyful in Thee

Their joyis to walk in The l ight of Thy face,And s ti l l they are talking OfJesus

s grace .

3 Their daily del ight Shal l be in Thy name,They shal l as their right Thy righteousness claim

Thy righteousness wearing, And cleansed by Thy

blood,Bold shal l they appear in The presence ofGod .

A Thanhsgiving. 17 7

4 For Thou art their boast, Their glory and power ;And I al so trust To see the glad hour


My soul ’s new creation, A life from the dead,

The day of salvation That l ifts up my head .

5 For Jesus my Lord I s now my defence,I trust in His word

,None plucks me from thence

Since I have found favour H e allthings will d o,

My King and my Saviour Shal l make me anew .

6 Yes,Lord

,I shal l see The bli ss of Thine own


Thy secret to me Shal l soon be made known

For sorrow and sadness I joyShall receive,And share in the gladnes s Of allthat bel ieve .


1 O HEAVENLY King,Look down from above

Ass ist u s to S ing Thy mercy and love ;So sweetly o’

erflowing, So plen teous the store,Thou stil l art bes towing And giving us more .

2 O God of our l ife, We hal low Thy name;Our bus iness and s tr ife I s Thee to proclaim

Accept our thanksgiving For creating grace,The l iving

,the l iving Shal l show forth Thy praise .

3 Our Father and Lord , Almighty art Thou ;Preserved by Thy word , We worship Thee now


The bountiful Donor Of allwe enj oy ;Our tongues to Thine honour And l ives we employ .

4 But O ,above allThy kindness we praise,

From sin and from thral l Which saves the lost race

Thy Son Thou has t given A world to redeem,

And bring us to heaven Whose trus t is in Him .

V OL. 11. N

17 8 A Thanh’sgiving.

5 Wherefore of Thy love We sing and rejoice,

With angel s above We l ift up our vo ice

Thy love each bel iever Shallgladly adore,For ever and ever, When time i s no more.


1 MY Father, my God , I long for Thy love

O shed i t abroad , Send Chr i st from above

My heart ever fainting H e only can cheer,And allthings are wan ting Till Jesus i s there .

2 O when shal l my tongue Be fill’

d w i th Thy praise,

While allthe day long I publish Thy grace,Thy honour and glory To S inners forth Show


Til l sinners adore Thee, And own Thou art true

3 Thy s trength and Thy power I now can proclaim,

Preserved every hour Through Jesus’

s name ;For Thou art s til l by me, And holdes t my hand ;No il l can come n igh me

,By fai th while I stand .

4 My God is my guide, Thy mercies abound,On every s ide They compass me round ;Thou savestme from s ickness

,From sin dost retrieve


And strengthen my weaknes s, And bid me bel ieve .

5 Thou holdest my soul In spiritual l ife,

My foes dost contro l And quiet their strife ;Thou rulest my passion, My pride and self- will

To see Thy salvation Thou bid d ’

stme Stand still ! ”

6 I stand and admire Thine outstretched arm,

I walk through the fire And suffer no harm ;Assaul ted by evil , I scorn to submit

The world and the devil Fal l under my feet .

180 On his Bir thday.

4 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

Thy Godhead we adore,Join wi th the triumphant hos t

Who praise Thee evermore

Live,by heaven and earth adored


Three in One, and One in Three,Holy


,holy Lord ,

All glory be to Thee


I OFT have I cursed my natal day,While struggling in the legal strife


And wish’d for wings to fly away


And murmur’

d to be held in l ife

But O,my blasphemies are o


I curse my day, my God , no more .

2 His grace, which I abused so long,Hath this and allmy sins forgiven ;

I now have learn t a better song,I cheerfully look up to heaven


With joy upon my head return,

And bless the day that I was born .

3 How could I , Lord, Thy goodness grieve ?

How could I d o Thee such despi te ?

At las t I thankfully recei ve

The gift of Thy con tinued light ;N0 longer I Thy favours Spurn


But bless the day that I was born .

On his Bir thday. 181

4 Foun tain of l ife and allmy joy,

Jesu, Thy mercies I embrace ;The breath Thou givest for Thee employ,And wai t to taste Thy perfect grace ;

N0 more forsaken and forlorn,

I bless the day that I was born .

5 Since first I fel t by grace removed

My s in ’

s in tolerable lo'


Long in the wilderness I roved,

And groan’

d to l ive wi thout my God ;I canno t now as hopeles s mourn


But bless the day that I was born .

6 The tyranny of sin i s past ;And though the carnal mind remains ,

My guiltless soul on Thee i s cast,

I nei ther hug,nor bite my chains ;

Prisoner of hope, to Thee I turn ,

And bles s the day that I was born .

7 Preserved through fai th by power Divine.

A miracle of grace I stand,I prove the s trength of Jesus mine

Jesus , upheld by Thy right hand ,Though in my flesh I feel the thorn


I bless the d ay that I was born .

8 Weary of l ife through inbred sin

I was,but now defy its power ;

When as a flood the foe comes in ,

My soul i s more than conqueror,I tread him down with holy scorn ,

And bless the day that I was born .

182 fob x ix . 25.

9 Born from above,I soon shal l prai se

Thy goodness with a thankful tongue,Record the victory of Thy grace,And teach a l is ten ing world the song

While many,whom to Thee I turn ,

Shal l bles s the day that I was born .

0 Come,Lord

,and make me pure within ,

0 let me now be born of God,


Live to declare I canno t sin !

Or if I seal the truth with blood

My soul,from out the body torn

Shal l b less the day that I was born .

JOB XIX . 25.

I I KNOW that my Redeemer l ivesH e l ives , and on the earth shal l s tand,

And though to worms my flesh H e g ive s

My du s t lies number’d in His hand .

2 In this rean imated clay

I surely shal l beho ld Him near,Shal l see Him at the latter dayIn allHismaj es ty appear.

See note , V ol. i. , p . 3 70. The last verse of this -glor iouslyr ic , so ful l of the joy of faith

,was improved by Wesley, who in

the Hymn - Book of 1 780 altered l ine 2 as fo l lows And letme

now be fi lled with God In the edition of 1809 , and allfol lowing, l ine 3 reads better

,thus Live to declare I ’m saved from


184 A FuneralHymn .

2 Accomplish’

d i s our si ster’s s trife,

H er happier soul i s gone beforeHer struggle for eternal l ife


H er glorious agony,is o


3 The captive exile is released,

I s with her Lord in paradise,Of perfect paradise possest,And wai ting for the heavenly prize .

4 In her no Spot of sin remain’d


To shake her confidence in God ;The victory here she more than gain


Triumphan t through her Saviour’s blood .

5 She now the fight of fai th hath fought,


d and won the Christian race ;She found on ear th the Lord she sought


And now beholds H im face to face.

6 She died in sure and steadfas t hope,

By Jesus who l ly sanctified ;H er perfect spiri t she gave up ,And sunk in to H is arms, and died .

7 Thus maywe allour parting breath

In to the Saviour’s hands res ign :

O Jesu , let me d ie her death,And let her latter end be mine


1 DRAW near, ye strangers to our God,

And taste with us the heaven ly powers ;0 that H is love were shed abroad

0 that your hearts were alll ike ours

A FuneralHymn.

2 Come,see how Chris tians wai l their dead

Come, share in our mysterious bl iss

On Satan, sin ,and death to tread,

O what an happiness is this

3 Though once ye in termeddled not

With the s trange madness of our j oys ,Ye allmaybe to E den brought,And heighten our triumphant noi se.

4 With tears of j oy our eyes o’


At parting with our deares t friend ;From us we gladly let her go

To pleasures that shal l never end .

5 We know in whom we have bel ieved,

Our fai th in Jesus is not vain

T0 allwho have their Lord received

To l ive i s Chris t, to d ie is gain .

6 Our sis ter’s flesh Shal l turn to dust,

H er sacred dus t in hope shal l Sleep ,The temple of the Holy Ghost

The still indwell ing God shal l keep .

7 Triumphan tly she laid i t down ,

For t ime to was te,and worms devour

In weakness and dishonour sown

Till rai sed in glory and in power .

8 A body natural i t l ies,

A lifeless lump ofmouldering clay ;But spiri tual i t soon shal l r i se


N0 more to perish or decay.


186 A FuneralHymn .

9 This corruptible body soon

Shal l allin corruptible be,This mortal quickly shal l put on

Its robes of immortal i ty .

The terrible,all- conquering king

Shal l then a final period have

Say then , O death, where i s thy s ting?

Where i s thy victory, O grave ?

The s ting of death,our Sin

,is gone



d are allour guilty fears ;Thanks be to God , through Chris t alone

Who makes us more than conquerors .

God only do th the victory give

H e Shal l our glorious flesh restore,

H is many sons to heaven receive,

Where time and death shal l be no more .


I Thessalonians iv . 1 3 , Cave.

1 LET the world lamen t their dead ,A s sorrowing wi thout hope

When a friend of ours i s freed ,We cheerfully look up

Canno t murmur or complain ,

For our dead we canno t grieve

Death to them ,to us

,is gain

In Jesu s we bel ieve .

2 We bel ieve that Chri st our Head

For us resign’

d His breath,

H e was number’

d with the dead ,And dying conquer

d death

188 A FuneralHymn .

Happy while on earth we breathe,

Mightier bli ss ordain’

d to know,

Trampling down sin,hell, and death,

To the third heaven we go.


1 BLES SING,honour, thanks, and prai se,

Paywe, gracious God , to Thee ;Thou in Thine abundan t grace

Givest us the victory :True and fai thful to Thy word


Thou has t glorified Thy Son ;Jesus Christ, our dying Lord,H e for us the fight hath won .

2 Lo the prisoner is released ;Lighten

’d of his fleshly load,

Where the weary are at rest

H e is gather’

d in to God

Lo the pain Of l ife is pas t,All h is warfare now is o


Death and hel l behind are cas t

Grief and suffering are no more.

3 Yes, the Christian’s course i s run ,

Ended is the glorious strife,Fought the fight

,the work i s done,

Death is swallow’

d up of l ife

Borne by angels on their wings,Far from earth the spiri t fl ies


Finds his God , and s its and sings

Triumphing in paradise.

A FuneralHymn .

4 Join we then with one accord

In the new,the joyful song

Absen t from our loving Lord

We shal l not con tinue long

We Shal l qu i t the house of clay,

We a better lot shal l share,

We shal l see the realms of day,Meet our happy bro ther there

Let the world bewai l their dead ,Fondly of their loss complain

Bro ther, fr iend, by J esus freed ,Death to thee, to us , i s gain

Thou art enter’

d in to joyLet the unbel ievers mourn ,

We in songs our l ives employ,Till we allto God return .


1 HARK,a vo ice divides the sky

Happy are the fai thful dead ;In the Lord who sweetly d ie


They from alltheir toi l s are freed .

Them the Spiri t hath declared

Blest,unutterably blest

Jesus is their great Reward

Jesu s i s their endless Rest .

2 Follow’

d by their works they go

Where their H ead had gone before

Reconciled by grace below

Grace had open’

d mercy’s door


190 A FuneralHymn .

Jus tified through fai th alone,

Here they hnew their sin s forgiven,

Here they laid their burden down,

Hallow’d, and made fit for heaven .

3 Who can now lamen t the lot

Of a saint in Chris t deceased

Let the world , who know us not,Cal l u s hopeless and unbless ’d

When from flesh the spiri t freed

Has ten s homeward to return,

Mortal s cry,! A man is dead

Angels sing,! A child is born

4 Born in to the world above,

They our happy bro ther greet,

Bear him to the throne of love,

Place him at the Saviour’s feet

Jesus smiles, and says,Wel l done


Good and fai thful servan t thou ,En ter and receive Thy crown ,

Reign with Me triumphan t now.

5 Angel s catch the’approving sound


Bow,and bless the j ust award


Hail the heir with glory crown’


Now rejo i cing with his Lord

Fuller joys ordain’

d to know,

Wai t ing for the general doom ,

When the’archangel’s trump shal l blow


Rise, ye dead, to j udgmen t come.

192 A M idnight Hymn.

2 Ye who fain t beneath the load

Of sin ,your heads

l ift up

See your dear redeeming God ,

He comes , and bids you hope

In the midnight of your gr ief,Jesus doth H is mourners cheer,

Now H e brings you sure rel ief ;Bel ieve,and feel Him here .

3 Ye whose lo in s art girt, s tand forth

Whose lamps are burn ing bright,Worthy, in your Saviour

s worth ,

To walk with Chr is t in l ight

Jesus bids your hearts be clean ,Bids you allHis promise prove

Jesus comes to cas t out sin ,

And perfect you in love .

4Happies t souls , (if such are here

,)Who have attain

d the prize,Wai t ye t il l your Lord appear,Descending from the skies

Stil l forget the things behind,

Toward your thrones of glory press ;Stop not, til l above ye find

The crown of righteousness .

5Wai t we allin pat ien t hope,

Till Chris t, the Judge, shal l Come ;

We shal l soon be allcaught up

T0 meet the general doom

In an hour to us unknown ,As a thief in deepes t night ,

Christ shal l sudden ly come down

With allHis saint s in l ight .

A M id n ight Hymn . 193

6 Happy he whom Christ shal l find

Watching to see Him come

H im the Judge of allmankind

Shal l bear triumphan t home

Who can answer to H is word ?

Whi ch ofyou dares meet H is day?

Rise,and come to j udgmen t — Lord


I ri se,and come away


1 OFT have we pass’

d the guil ty n ight

In revel l ings and fran t ic mirth

The creature was our sole del ight,

Our happines s the things of earth

But O suffice the season pas t,

We choose the better part at las t .

2 We will not close our wakeful eyes,

We will not let our eyel ids sleep

But humbly lift them to the skies,

And alla solemn vigil keep

So many n ights on sin bestow’

d ,

Can we not watch one hour for God ?

3 We can,clear Jesu , for Thy sake,

Devote our every hour to Thee

Speak but the word, our souls shal l wake,And sing with cheerful melody ;

Thy prai se shal l our glad tongues employ,And every heart shal l dance for joy.

Dear Obj ect of our fai th and love,We l is ten for Thy wel come voi ce

Our per son s and our works approve

And b id us in Thy strength rejo ice

V OL. 11. o

194 Lord,wha t is Man ?

Now let us hear the midn ight cry,

And shout to find the Bridegroom n igh .

5 Shout in the midst of us,0 KingOf sain ts

,and let our joys abound

Let us rej oi ce, give thanks , and sing,

And triumph in redemptionfound

We ask for every wai ting soul

0 let our glor ious joybe ful l

6 0 maywe alltriumphant rise

With joy upon our heads return,

And,far above these nether skies

By Thee on eagles’ wings upborne

Through allyon radian t circles move,

And gain the highest heaven of love !


1 FATHER of uncreated light,

Foun tain of l ife,and Source of power ,

We tremble at Thy glory’s height

And,lost in si len t prai se, adore .

2 Truly Thou art a secret God ,That hid ’

st Thee in the deepes t shade ;Thy inaccess ible abode

Thou has t in cloud and darknes s made .

3 Darkness and clouds surround Thy throneAnd vei l the brightness of Thy face ;

Stillwe revere a God unknown,

A bottomless abyss of grace .

196 Luhe xii. 50 .

Who now our scan ty offerings bring,

And prai se Thee wi th a s tammering tongue,We soon triumphantly shal l s ing

The new,the everlas ting song.

Come, Lord, we groan to see Thy day !

Come, Son ofMan,wi th glory crown


The banner of Thy cros s display ;Descend

,and bid the trumpet sound

LUKE XII . 50 .

I have a baptism to be baptized with and how

am I straitened tillit be accomplished

1 AN inward baptism,Lord

,of fire


Wherewith to be baptized,I have

’Tis allmy longing soul ’s desire;This

, on ly this , my soul can save .

2 Straiten’

d I am t il l thi s be done

Kindle in me the l iving flame,Father

,in me reveal Thy Son


Baptize me in to Jesu ’s name.

3 Tran sform my nature in to Thine,Let allmy powers Thine impress feel


Let allmy soul become Divine,

And s tamp me with Thy Spiri t’s seal .

4 Deferr’

d my hope, and s ick my heart,0 when shal l I Thy prom i se prove


Set to my seal that true Thou art,Thy nature

,and Thy name is Love

The Good Fight. 197

5 Love, mighty Love, my heart o’

erpower ;

Ah ! why dos t Thou so long delay ?

Cut short the work , bring near the hour,And let me see Thy perfect day.

6 Behold, for Thee I ever wait,Now let in me Thine image shine

Now the new heavens and earth create,

And plan t wi th righteousness D ivine .

If with the wretched son s ofmen

I t s ti l l be Thy del ight to l ive,


,beget my soul again


Thyself,Thy quicken ing Spiri t give.

8 With me H e dwell s, and bids Thee come ;An swer Thine own effectual prayer


Enter my heart,and fix Thine home


Thine everlas ting presence there.


[1 Timothy vi.

I OMNIPOTENT LORD,My Saviour and King


Thy succour afford,Thy righteousness bring

Thy promises bind Thee Compassion to have

Now,now let me find Thee Almighty to save .

2 Rejoi cing in hope , And pat ient in grief,To Thee I look up For cer tain rel ief;I fear no den ial , No danger I fear,Nor start from the trial

,While Jesus i s near .

198 H abahhuh iii. 17 , 18,I9 .

3 I every hour In j eOpardy stand

But Thou art my power,And holdest my hand

While yet I am cal l ing Thy!

succour I feel

I t saves me from fal l ing, Or plucks me from hel l .

O who can explain This s truggle for l i fe,This travai l and pain

,This trembling and s trife ?


,and famine ,And tumul t, and war

The wonderful coming Of Jesus declare.

5 For every fight Is dreadful and loud ,The warrior’s del ight I s slaughter and blood

H is foes overturn ing Till allshal l expire

But this is with burn ing,And fuel of fire .

6 Yet God i s above M en ,devil s

,and sin

My Jesus’

s love The battle shal l win

So terribly glor ious H is coming shal l be

H is love all- victorious Shal l conquer for me .

7 H e allshal l break through ;His truth and His grace

Shal l bring me in to The plen t iful place

Through much tribulation , Through water and fire,Through floods of temptation And flames of des i re .

8 On Jesu s,my power

,Till then I rely


All evil before H is presence shal l fly :

When I have my Saviour,My sin shal l depart


And Jesus for ever Shal l reign in my heart .

HABAKKUK II I . 1 7 , I s,1 9 .

I AWAY,my unbel ieving fear !

Fear shal l in me no more have place

My Saviour doth not yet appear,H e hides the brightnes s of H is face ;

200 After a Relapse z


m‘o Sin .


GOD ofmy salvation , hear,And help me to bel ieve 3

Simply do I now draw near,

Thy bles sing to receive

Full of guil t, alas I am ,

But to Thy wounds for refuge flee 3Friend of sinners , spo tles s Lamb ,Thy blood was shed for me .

Standing now as newly slain ,To Thee I l ift mine eye

Balm of allmy grief and pain

Thy blood i s always n igh

Now as yes terday the same

Thou art,and wil t for ever be

Fr iend of sinners,&c .

Ful l of truth and grace Thou art,

And here i s allmy hope

Fal se and foul as hel l,my heart

To Thee I offer up 5Thou was t given to redeem

My soul from allin iquity

Friend of sinners,& c .

No thing have I,Lord

,to pay,

Nor can Thy grace procure

Empty send me not away,

For I , Thou kh ow’s t

,am poor

Dust and ashes i s my name,

My alli s sin and misery

Friend of sinners,&c .

After a Relaps e z’

rzZa Sin .

Without money, Wi thout price

I come Thy love to buy ;From myself I turn my eyes ,The chief of s inners


Take, 0 take me as I am,

And let me lose mysel f in Thee

Friend of sinners, &c .

N0 good work,or word , or thought

Bring I to gain Thygrace

Pardon I accept unbought,

Thy proffer I embrace,

Coming as at firs t I came

To take,and not bestow on Thee

Friend of sinners , & c .

Jesu,unto Thee my sin

I quietly confess ,Til l Thy blood shal l wash me clean

From allunrighteousness,

From the sl ightes t touch of blame

My spiri t,soul

,and body free

Friend of s inners,& c .

Saviour, from Thy wounded side

I never will depart ;Here will I my spiri t hide

When I am pure in heart

Till my place above I claim,

This only shal l be allmy plea,

Friend of sinners,spo tless Lamb ,

Thy blood was shed for me .


202 Afler a Relaps e into Sin .


r LONG have I labour’d in the fire,And spent


myl ife for nought ,With pride, and anger

,and des ire,

In nature’s s trength I fought .

2 Baffled,I still my foes defied,

And rose with courage new ;

All which the Lord commands,I cried ,

I now resolve to d o .

3 But O ,how soon from glory driven

Down to profoundes t hel l !

As Lucifer cas t down from heaven,

From allmy hopes I fell .

4 I fel l , and sunk in sel f- despair

I gave up allat las t 5On Jesus then I cas t my care,On Him my anchor cas t .

5 With sin I strove,alas ! too long ;

But now I to the Lamb

Look,and am saved in weakness strong

While arm’d with Jesu’s name .

6 J esu,to Thee I now can fly


On whom my help is laid


d by sins,I l ift mine eye,

And see the shadows fade .

7 Soon as I find mysel f forsook,The grace again is given ;

A s igh wil l reach Thy heart, a look

Will bring Thee down from heaven .

204 [ 72 B oztal.

0 let the Author now be shown ,

Speak, Father 5 am I not Thy Son ?

4 Who held my fleet ing soul in l ife,And turn

d aside the fatal hour ?

Who,when I oft gave o

er the s tr ife,Preserved me from the adverse power,

Removed the death I would not shun ?

Speak, Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

5 When twice ten thousand times I fel lWho was i t raised the s inner up,

The s inner sinking in to hel l ?

H ow came I by this spark of hope

Who quicken’

d me, a l ifeless s tone P

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

6 I f Thou dids t see me in my blood,And bid the dying sinner l ive

I f freely I am coun ted good,0 let me allThy life receive,

O d o not leave Thy work undone

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

7 Led through the howling wi ldernes s,I f now I view the promised land,

Here let my weary wanderings cease 5Divide the waves wi th Thy right hand

Bid me throughf or a’afl

’s s tream go on

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

8 Or if in my forlorn es tate

Thy wil l appoin t s me to remain,Behold me s till con ten t to wait

In doubt and fear,in grief and pain 5

[ a Doubt.

Only,when allmy hope i s gone


Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

9 Alas ! I know not how to pray,

But allmy wan ts are known to Thee 5Father, instruct me what to say,

Or in tercede Thysel f for me

Then hearken to Thy Spir i t’s groan

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

I f now the bowel s of Thy love

Yearn over such a worm as me,

Send down Thy Spiri t from above

And make me clean, and set me free 5The promised Comforter send down

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

I f now Thou knockest at my heart,

Now open to Thysel f the door5The gift unspeakable impart,The kingdom to my soul restore 5

Cal l home, cal l home Thy banish’d one

Speak , Father 5 am I not Thy son ?

Hast Thou not made me Wi l ling, Lord

Do I not now my sin s confes s

Be j u st and fai thful to Thy word ,Clean se me from allunrighteousness 5

Fini sh the work Thou has t begun

Speak,Father5 am I not Thy son ?

Hath not my Saviour died to make

The child ofwrath a child ofGod ?

Has t Thou not pardon’

d for His sake

The soul for which H e shed H is blood ?


206 [ saz'

alz xxx z


. 2 .

And died H e not for me to’

atone ?Speak, Father 5 am I not Thy son

I cannot rest,ti l l pure wi thin

Though H e hath wash’

d away my s tain s ,Removed the guilt and power of sin ,

Yet while the carnal mind remains

I stil l must make my ceaseless moan

Speak,Father 5 am I not Thy son

Or if my endless groan s and sighs

Thy kind compassion canno t move

Be deaf to allmy prayers and cries,But hear my Advocate above,

Hear Him who pleads before Thy throne,! Speak , Father 5 i s he not Thy son ? ”


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in a dry place, as file saaa’ow of a grealr eef? in a

weary lawl.”

To the haven ofThy breast,O Son ofMan

,I fly

Be my refuge and my res t 5F or O

,the s torm is high !

Save me from the furious blas t:A covert from the tempes t be 5Hide me

,J esu , ti l l o


The storm of sin I see.

208 A Poor Sinner .

Never shal l I wan t i t les s

When Thou the gift hast given,


d me wi th Thy righteousnes s,

And seal’

d the heir of heaven 5I shal l hang upon my God


Till I Thy perfect glory see,

Till the spr inkl ing of Thy blood

Shal l speak me up to Thee.


J ESU,my Strength , my Hope,

On Thee I cas t my care5With humble confidence look up


And know Thou hear’s t my prayer .

Give me on Thee to waitTill I can allthings do


On Thee, almighty to create,Almighty to renew .

I res t upon Thy word,

The promise i s for me5

My succour and salvation,Lord


Shal l surely come from Thee.

But let m e s til l abide,

Nor from my Hope remove,

Till Thou my patien t spiri t guide

Into Thy perfect love .

I want a sober mind ,A self—renouncing wil l


That tramples down and cas ts behind

The bai t s of pleasing il l 5


A P oor Sinner .

A s oul inured to pain,

To hardship,grief

,and los s 5

Bold to take up , firm to sustain,

The consecrated cross .

I wan t a godly fear,

A quick - d iscern ing eye,That looks to Thee when sin i s near


And sees the tempter fly 5A spiri t stil l prepared


And arm’d with j ealous care,For ever standing on i t s guard


And watching un to prayer .

I wan t an hear t to pray,

To pray and never cease 5Never to murmur at Thy stay


Or wish my sufferings less .

This bless ing above all,

Always to pray,I wan t


Out of the deep on Thee to cal l

And n ever,never fain t .

I wan t a true regard ,A s ingle s teady aim

(Unmoved by threaten ing or reward )To Thee and Thy great name 5

A j ealous,j ust concern

For Thine immortal praise ,A pure desire that allmay learn

And glorify Thy grace .

I wan t wi th allmy heart

Thy pleasure to fulfi l ,To know mysel f

,and what Thou art


And what Thy perfect will .

I I . P


210 A P rayer for Humility.

I wan t I know not what,I wan t mywan ts to see


I wan t,— alas what wan t I not


When Thou art not in me


r 0 MY Father and my God ,Look upon Thine helpless child

Thou has t laid as ide Thy rod,

Thou in Chris t art reconciled

Hear me then,my Father, hear,

Good and gracious'

as Thou art,

Fil l me with an holy fear,

Give me,Lord

,an humble heart .

2 O ’tis allI wan t below


Jesus and mysel f to feel ;Only sin and grace to know,

All the good and allthe il l .

Show me,Father

,what I am 5

Show me what in Christ Thou art,

All my glory,allmy shame 5

Give me,Lord

,an humble heart .

3 Listen to my ceaseles s cries 5Mean and l i t tle may I be,

Base and vile in my own eyes,

Grieved at my own misery .

Show,and then my sickness cure5

Make me know as I am known,

Wound my spirit, make me poor,Break

,O break this heart of s tone .

212 A Tkarzksgz’


ag .

8 Wean my soul , and keep i t low ;Do not with Thy gifts destroy 5

Lowliness of heart bestow,

Give m e this,or take myjoy

I f with me Thou wil t not s tay,

Let my comfor t alldepar t 5Take my j oy and peace away


Leave me but an humble heart .

9 Father, hear5 to Thee I cry,Thee in J esu’s name conj ure


With my one reques t comply,

Make me humble,make me poor 5

This of allThy gifts impart

When I am of this possest,When Thou giv

st an humble heart,

I f Thou cans t , withhol d the rest .


r LORD,and am I yet al ive,

Not in tormen t s,not in hel l I

Stil l do th Thy good Spiri t s trive

With the chief of s inners dwel l

Yes 5 I s ti l l l ift up my eyes,Will not of Thy love despair


Still in spi te of sin I r ise,

Still to cal l Thee mine I dare .

2 O the length and breadth of loveI


,can i t be ?

All Thy mercy’s height I prove,All its depth is seen in me

For the Spir it of Prayer .

O the miracle of grace

Tel l if out to s inners,tel l 5

Fiend s , and men,and angels



I am, I am out of hel l !

Turn as ide,a sight to’


I the l iving wonder am

See a bush that burns with fire,

Unconsumed amids t the flameSee a stone that hangs in air

See a spark in oceans dwel l

Kept al ive,with death so n ear

I am,I am out of hel l !


I FATHER,in the mighty name

Of Thy wel l - beloved Son,

One of allThy gifts I claim,

All my wan ts I speak in one 5

Let me for the promise s tay,Only give me power to pray .

2 Sens ible del ights on me,

Peace or!

joy, i f Thou bestow

Thankful I receive from Thee 5O r let allmy comforts go ,

Take Thine o ther gifts away,

Only give me power to pray .

3 See Thy poor affl icted child ,Patien t and resign

d in pain 5Let me wander o’

er the wild,

Never more will I complain 5


214 Sabmiss iari .

Here for ever let me s tay,

Only give me power to pray .

4 Let the pangs that fi l l my breastFully allto Thee be known


Griefs that cannot be exprest

Let me tel l Thee in a groan 5Haste to help me

,or delay


On ly give me power to pray .

5 Grant me comfort, or deny 5Vis i t

, or from me depart

Only let Thy Spirit cry,

Abba, Father, in my heart 5Abba


,would I say,

Only give me power to pray.


r WHEN,my Saviour

,shal l I be

Perfectly resign’

d to Thee

Poor and vile in my own eyes

Only in Thy Wi sdom wise 5Only Thee content to know,

Ignoran t of allbelow,

On ly guided by Thy light,Only m ighty in Thy might.

2 Take mynature’s s trength away,Every comfort, every stay,Every hindrance of Thy love,All my power to act or move5

216 For a Sieb Fr iona’.


1 SEE, gracious Lord , with pitying eyes ,Beneath Thy hand a sufferer l ies


Thy mercy not Thine anger proves 5And sick he i s whom Jesus loves .

2 H is to Thine own affl ict ions jo in,

Accept,exal t

,and coun t them Thine 5

Thy pass ion which remains fulfil,

And suffer in Thy members s ti ll .

3 His sickness feel , endure his pain ,

His burden bear, his cross sus tain 5Grieve in his griefs

,and s igh hi s sighs


And breathe hi s wishes to the skies .

4 Enter his heart, possess him whole,Inspire and actuate his soul 5Himsel f no longer let i t be

That suffers,or that l ives—but Thee .

5 Thyself, through sufferings perfect made,

Conform him thus to Thee his Head 5Refine

,and raise his virtue higher


When tried,and pur ified by fire .

6 So when hi s eyes behold Thee near,

And Thou,his hidden l ife, appear,

Bright in Thy l ikeness shal l he shine,And glorious all, and allDivine fi

In the first edition there fol lows a paraphrase of part of

P salm ci i i . , which wil l be inserted in its p lace among the P salm s .

After a Reeovery from Siebness . 217


[ saiab xxxviii.‘

I 7 , 1 8,fave.

r GLORY to God,whose gracious power

I s in . H is creature’s weakness show’d

Who turns aside the mortal hour

And bids me l ive to prai se myGod


To prai se my God I on ly l ive 5To Him


my residue of days,

H is own con tinued gift, I give 5I on ly l ive my God to praise .

3 In love and pity to my soul ,Thou , Lord , hast snatch

d m e from the grave

Thy powerful touch hath made me whole 50,

who can as my Saviour save ?

4 Jesu , the Saviour ofmankind ,H ow shal l I magn ify Thy grace,

Which cas t my every sin behind,

And brought m e to Thy Father’s face

5 Here I rejo i ce to bless Thy name ,Thy goodness here I l ive to see

The grave canno t Thy praise proclaim ,

The dead can cal l no souls to Thee .

6 The l iving,he shal l prai se Thy love 5

The l iving,he Thy truth shall own ,

As I this day del ight to prove,And make Thy fai thful mercies known .

7 Let future times Thy name confess,

In which I sure salvation have,And learn from me their God to bless


So ready and so s trong to save .

218 Reeei'oing a Cbr is tian Fr iend .

8 The Lord hath saved my soul from death 5Then let us sing my grateful songs


And render wi th our latest breathThe prai se that to my Lord belongs .


1 WELCOME friend,in that great name

Whence our every bless ing flows,En ter

,and increase the flame

Which in allour bosoms glows .

2 Sent ofGod , we thee receive

Hailtheprovident ial guest

I f in Jesus we bel ieve,

Let us on His mercies feast .

3 Jesus i s our common Lord,H e our loving Saviour is 5

By His death to l ife res tored,Misery we exchange for bl iss

Bl i ss to carnal minds unknown,0

’ti s more than tongue can tell,Only to bel ievers known ,Glorious and unspeakable !

5 Chri st, our Brother and our Friend,Shows us His eternal love ;

Never let our triumphs end ,Till we join the host above.

220 A t tbe M eeting of C/tris tian Fr iena’s .



1 GLORY be to God above,

God , from whom allblessings flow

Make we men t ion of H is love,

Publ ish we H is praise below 5Call

d together by H is grace,We are met in Jesu ’s name

See with joy each o ther’s face,

Fol lowers of the bleeding Lamb .

2 Let us then sweet counsel take

How to make our cal l ing sure,

Our election how to make

Pas t the reach of hel l secure 5Build we each the o ther up


Pray we for our fai th’s increase,Lasting comfort

,s teadfas t hope


Sol id joy, and settled peace .

3 More and more let love abound 5N ever

,never maywe res t ,

Till we are in Jesus found,

Of our paradise possest.

H e removes the flaming sword,Cal l s us back

,from E den driven 5

To H is image here restored,

Soon H e takes us up to heaven .

4 Jesu , Lord , for this we wai t,Till Thine image we regain

Wilt Thou not our soul s cfeate ?

Saviour, shal l our fai th be vain ?


t P a r ting.

I f we d o in Thee bel ieve,

Now the se cond gift impart,



abiding wi tness give,

Give us now the perfect heart .

5 Surely H e will not delay

If we patien tly endure,

Will not empty send away

Sinners hungry,mournful

,poor .

Jesus wept,and s til l do th weep

Human misery to beho ld,

Pities now His wander ing sheep ,Longs to bring u s to H is fo ld .

6 Children,have you aught to'

eat ?

(Kindly asks our careful God 5)Jesu ’s flesh indeed is meat


Dr ink indeed is Jesu ’s blood

Drink and eat,my wel l - beloved 5

Lean,H e cries

,upon my breas t


Till ye all,from earth removed ,

Share with Me the marriage—feas t .


1 BLEST be the dear,un i t ing love

That wil l not let us part ;Our bodies mayfar Off remove,We stil l are join

d in heart .

2 Join’

d in one Spir i t to our Head

Where H e appoints we go ,And s till in J esu’s footsteps tread


And d o H is work below .


222 Tne Commenda tion .

3 0 let us ever walk in Him,

And nothing know bes ide,

No thing desire,nothing es teem

But Jesus crucified .

4 Closer and closer let us cleave

To His beloved embrace ;Expect His fulness to receive,And grace to an swer grace .

5 While thus we walk wi th Chri st in l ight ,Who shal l our soul s disjoin ?

Souls , which Himself vouchsafes to’ uni te

In fel lowship Div ine

6 We allare one who Him receive

And each with each agree ;In Him the One, the Truth , we l ive ,

Bles t poin t of un i ty

7 Partakers of the Saviour’s grace


The same in m ind and heart,

Nor joy, nor grief, nor t ime, nor place,Nor l ife

,nor death can part

But let us has ten to the dayWhich shal l our flesh res tore,

When death shal l allbe done away,

And bodies part no more .


LET the world lament and grieveAt parting wi th a friend 5\

Thee we back to Jesus give,We cheerfully commend

224 Tnougb absen t in Body,yetpresen t in Spir it.



r CHR I ST,our Head , and common Lord ,

See the souls that wai t on Thee 5Hear us allwith one accoid

Sweetly in Thy praise agree

Parted though in flesh we are,


d to Thee,our Corner- stone


We are in t imately near,

Presen t,and in spiri t one .

2 Let us now to Thee aspire,Who Thy l ife begin to know 5

Let the circulating fire

Now in every bosom glow

Let the incense of our vows

From Thy golden cen ser ri se

Fragran t through the higher house,Wel l - accepted sacr ifice .

3 Come, ye absen t souls who love

Jesu s with a s imple heart 5Seek with us the things above,Never from the work depart

Never let us cease to sing

The great riches of His grace,

Til l we allbehold our King

Eye to eye, and face to face .

4 Quickly we shal l allappear

At the j udgmen t - seat above5We shal l see our Jesus near


Him whom now un seen we love 5

E n ter ing in to t/ze Congrega tion . 225

We,H is dear

,pecul iar ones


Sharers of our Master’s bl iss,

We shal l sit upon our thrones,

We shal l see Him as H e is .

5 Partners of this heaven ly hope,Travel on and mee t u s there ;

We shal l surely be caught up,

Meet the Saviour in the air

Yes 5 etern i ty ’

s at hand,

We shal l soon be taken home,Wi th the Lamb on Sion s tand

Come, Des ire of nations,come


r FOUNTA IN of Life,to allbelow

Let Thy salvation rol l 5Water


,and o


Every bel ieving soul .

2 Into that happy number, Lord ,U s weary s inners take5

Jesu,fulfil Thy gracious word

For Thy own mercy’s sake.

3 Turn back our nature’s rapid tide,And we shal l flow to Thee


While down the s tream of t ime we gl ide

To our eterni ty .

4 The Wel l of l ife to us Thou art,

Of joy the swel l ing flood 5Wafted by Thee

,with willing heart

We swift return to God .

VOL . II . Q

226 E nter ing in to t/te Congrega tion .

5 We soon shal l reach the boundless sea,In to Thy fulness fal l ,

Be los t and swallow’

d up in Thee,Our God , our allin all.


I O THOU whom allThy sain ts adore

We now with allThy sain ts agree,

And bow our inmos t souls before

Thy glorious,awful Maj esty .

2 Thee,King of nation s, we proclaim

Who would not our great Sovereign fear ?

We long to’

experience allThy name,

And now we come to meet Thee here .

3 We come , great God , to seek Thy face ,And for Thy lovingkindness wai t

And O how dreadful is this place’Tis God’s own house


’tis heaven’s gate .

4 Tremble our hear ts to find Thee n igh,

To Thee our trembling hear ts aspire 5And 10 we see descend from high

The pillar and the flame of fire

5 Sti ll let i t on the’

assembly s tay,

And allthe house with glory fi l l 5To Canaan’

s bounds po in t out our way,And bring us to Thy ho ly hill .

6 There let us allwith Jesus s tand,

And jo in the general church above,And take our seats at Thy ‘right hand ,And s ing Thine everlas ting love .

228 Hymn for tbc Day of Pentecos t.

7 Assembled here with one accord,

Calmly we wai t the promised grace,The purchase of our dying Lord

Come,Holy Ghost

,and fi l l the place

8 If every one that asks mayfind ,

I f still Thou art to s inners given,

Come as a mighty rushing wind,

To shake our earth come down from heaven .

9 Behold , to Thee our soul s aspire,

And languish Thy descent to meet ;Kindle in each Thy l iving fire


And fix in every heart Thy seat .

Wisdom and s trength to Thee belongs 5Sweetly within our bosoms move


Now let us speak with o ther tongues

The new s trange language of Thy love .

Spiri t of fai th,within us l ive


And s trike the crowd with fixed amaze5Open our mouths , and utterance give

To publish our Redeemer’s prai se

To testify the grace of God ,

Tod ay as yes terday the same,And spread through allthe earth abroad

The wonders wrought by Jesu’

s name.


I FATHER of our dying Lord,

Remember us for good,

0 fulfil H is fai thful word,

And hear His speaking blood 5

Hymn for Me


Day of P en tecos t. 229

Give us that for which H e prays,

Father,glorify Thy Son 5

Show H is truth, and power, and grace,And send THE PROM I SE down .

2 True and fai thful Witness Thou,

O Chris t,Thy Spiri t give :

Has t Thou not received Him now,

‘ That we m ight now receive ?

Art Thou not our l iving Head

Life to allThy l imbs impart,

Shed Thy love,Thy Spir i t shed ,

In every wai ting heart .

3 Holy Ghos t,the Comforter


The gift Of Jesus,come

Glows our hear t to find Thee near,

And swel ls to make Thee room :

Presen t wit/i us Thee we feel 5Come

,O come

,and in us be


With us,in us l ive and dwel l

To alleterni ty .


S INNERS , your hearts l ift up ,Partakers of your hope

This the day of Pentecos t,

Ask , and ye shal l allreceive ;Surely now the Holy Ghos tGod to allthat ask shal l give .

Ye allmay freely takeThe grace for J esu ’s sake ;

Hymn for tbe Day of Pentecos t.

He for every man hath died,

H e for allhath rose again 5Jesus now is glorified,Gifts H e hath received for men .

H e sends them from the skies

On allH is enemies ;By H is cro ss H e now hath led

Captive our captivi ty

We shal l allbe free indeed,

Chris t the Son shal l make us free .

Blessings on allH e pours

In never- ceasing showers 5All H e waters from above

Offers allH is joy and peace,Settled comfor t, perfect love,Everlas t ing righteousness .

All may from Him receive

A power to turn and l ive ;Grace for every soul i s free,All may hear the

effectual cal l

Al l the l ight of l ife may see,

All may feel H e died for all.

Drop down in showers of love,Ye heaven s , from above 5

Righteousness , ye skies , pour down ;Open ,

earth , and take i t in 5Claim the Spir i t for your own ,Sinners , and be saved from sin .

Father,behol d we claim

The gift in Jesu’s name

232 A Tbanbsgioing.

5 When I had forfei ted my peace,My manners in the wilderness


Infin i te Love,how d ids t Thou bear !

Thou wouldst not give the sinner up ,My heart retain ’

d a feeble hope,And could not

,durst not, yet despair .

A ssail’

d with doubt,and fear

,and grief,

I stagger’

d oft through unbel ief5Yet s til l Thou woulds t not let me yield

When s tronger souls their Lord den ied,

And fel l in heap s on every s ide,

I never cas t away my shield .

Viles t of allthe son-

s ofmen,

When I to fol ly turu’d again,

And sinn’

d again s t Thy l ight and love,

Grace did much more than sin abound,

Amazed I stil l forgiveness found,

And thank’

d my Advocate above .

Saviour,for thi s I thank Thee now ;

My Saviour to the utmos t,Thou

Has t snatch’

d me from the gates of hel l

That I to allmankind may prove

Thy free, Thine everlas ting love,

Which allmankind with me may feel .

The boundless love that found out me

For every soul ofman is free,None Of Thy mercy need despair ;

Pat ien t,and pi tiful

,and kind


Thee every soul ofman may find ,

And freely saved Thy grace declare .

A Tlianbsgitfing.

A vile,backsl iding s inner


Ten thousand deaths deserve to d ie,Yet s t il l by sovereign grace I l ive 5

Saviour,to Thee I still look up


I see an open door of hope,

And wai t Thy fulness to receive .

How shal l I thank Thee for the grace,

The trust I have to see Thy face

When sin shal l allbe purged away

The n ight of doubts and fears is past,

The Morn ing Star appears at las t;And I Shal l see Thy perfect day

I soon shal l hear Thy quicken ing voi ce,Shal l always pray

,give thanks

,rej oice 5

(This is Thy wil l and fai thful word 5)My spiri t meek

,my wil l resign

d ,

Lowly as Thine shal l be my mind,

The servan t shal l be as his Lord .


,I feel Thy power,

Preserved from evil every hour,My great Preserver I proclaim

Safety and strength in Thee I have,

I find,I find Thee s trong to save


And know that Jesus is Thy name .

By fai th I every momen t s tand ;Strangely upheld by Thy right hand

I my own wickedness eschew

A sinner,I am kept from sin ;

And Thou shal t make me pure within,

And Thou shal t form my soul anew .


234 A Dialogue of A ngels and'

M en .

I thank Thee, whose aton ing blood

Each momen t in tercedes with God ,Sprinkling my everyword and thought 5

God hears Thy blood for mercy cry,And passes allmy foll ies by5H e sees , but H e imputes them not.

I sin in every breath I draw,

Nor d o Thy wi l l,nor keep Thy law


earth as angels d o above ;But s til l the Foun tain open s tands


Washes my feet , and head , and hands ,Till I am perfected in love.

Come then ,and loose my stammering tongue


Teach me the new,the joyful song


And perfect in a babe Thy praise

I want a thousand lives to ’


In publ ishing the sounds of joy,The gospel of Thy general grace .

Come, Lord Thy Spiri t b ids Thee come 5Give me Thysel f

,and take me home


Be now the glorious earnes t given 5The counsel of Thy grace fulfil


Thy kingdom come,Thy perfect wil l

Be done on ear th as’

tis in heaven .


A . YE worms of earth,our God admire


The God of angels prai se

M Praise Him for us, ye heaven ly choir,

His earth - born sons of grace .

236 A Dialogue of A ngels and M en .


I TO Father,Son

,and Holy Ghost


Glory above be given :

We’ll vie with the celes tial hos t


And earth shal l rival heaven .

2 Ye angels that in s trength excel

To God your vo i ces raise ;In tenemen t s of clay we dwell


Yet humbly chan t H is prai se .

3 To Him ye Hal lelujah cry,

Loud as the thunder’s noise 5As many waters we reply


And echo back the voi ce .

4 Ten thousand times ten thousand , sing

Ye your Creator’s name ;We claim J ehovah for our King,And we extol the Lamb .

5 Ye cast your crown s before His throne,And dare no longer gaze 5

We,pros trate at H is footstool , own

The wonders of His grace .

6 Thus let us allfor ever lie,

In songs or silence j oin


adore the Maj es ty on high

The depth of love Divine "

In the first ed ition there fo llows a paraphrase of Psalmcxxx i i i . , which wi l l be inserted in its place among the Psalms .

David and Goliatb.


[1 Samuelxvii ]

1 WHO i s this gigan tic foe,That proudly stalks along ;

Overlooks the crowd below,In brazen armour s trong ?

Loudly of his s trength he boasts,

On his sword and spear rel ies,

Meets the God of I srael’

s hos ts,

And alltheir force defies .

2 Tal les t of the earth - born race,They tremble at his power


Fly before the monster’s face

And own him conqueror

Who thi s mighty champion isNature answers from with in


H e i s my own wickedness,

My own besetting sin .

3 In the strength of J esu’s name

I with the mons ter fight 5Feeble and unarm

d I am,

But J esus is my might

Mindful of H is mercies pas t,

Still I trust the same to prove,

Still my helpless soul I cast

On H is redeeming love .

4 From the bear and l ion ’

s paws

H e hath d eliver’d me 5

H e shal l s til l maintain my cause,

And s til l my Helper be ;

23 7

238 David and Golia t/t.

God in my defence shal l stand,

Jesus on my side I have,

From the proud Golia-tb’

s hand

H e now my soul shal l save .

5 With my s l ing and stone I goTo fight the Phil is t ine5

God hath said,I t shal l be so

And I shal l conquer sin

On the promise I rely,

Trus t in an Almighty Lord

Sure to win the victory,

For H e hath spoke the word .

6 In the s trength ofGod I ri se,

I run to meet my foe5.

Fai th the word of power applies,

And lays the gian t low ;Fai th in Jesu ’s conquering name

Slings the sin - des troying s tone,

Po int s the word’s unerring aim,

And brings the mons ter down .

7 See the promise- word takes place,

And smites the gian t’s head 5See, he falls upon his face,H e fal ls , and sin is dead

Now I more than conquer i t,

Trample on Goliatb s lain 5Slain he l ies beneath my feet


Never to rise again .

8 Willing now to be made free

From my own Sin I am,

Saved from allin iquity,

From every touch of blame

240 Romans x. 6, (

ar e.

Armies of the l iving God ,Basely they to sin did yield 5

Sin can never be d estroy’


Till D avid takes the sfield .

3 Love alone can match in fight,

And conquer every foe5Saul

,with allhis s trength and might


Can never sin o’


Saulmay vex, (the law restrain

, )D avid takes the gian t’s head


Love will never turn again

Till every sin is dead .

ROMANS x . 6, &c .

I OFT I in my heart have said,

Who Shal l ascend on high,

Moun t to Christ my glorious Head,

To bring Him from the sky ?

Borne on con templat ion’s wing,

Surely I should find Him there

Where the angels prai se their King,And gain the Morning Star .

Oft I in my heart have said,

Who to the deep shal l s toop,

Sink with Chris t among the dead,

From thence to bring Him up ?

Could I but my heart prepare

By unfeign’

d humil ity,

Chri st would quickly en ter there,

And ever dwel l with me .

Romans x. 6, fro. 241

3 But the righteousness of fai thHath taught me bet ter things 5Inward turn thine eyes , ( i t sai th ,While Chris t to me i t brings

,)Christ i s ready to impart

Life to allfor l ife who s igh 5In thy mouth

,and in thy heart,

The word is ever n igh .

4 Jesu , I in Thee bel ieve,My fai th in Thee confes s 5

Gladly d o I now rece ive

The offers of Thy grace

Now Thy meri ts are applied,

I from allmy s ins am free ;I am clear, since


Thou has t died

And rose again for me .

5 Un to righteousness I stil lBel ieve on Thee

,my Lord ,

With my heart bel ieve,and feel

Thee fai thful to Thy word 5Un to full salvation Thee

With my mouth I s ti ll confess ,Till the utmos t heights I se

Of perfect hol iness.

6 Wherefore should I longer doubt ?

I every whit am clean 5My salvation is wrought out,I now am saved from sin .

Author of eternal grace

Unto allwho Thee obey,I shal l see Thee face to face ;My Jesus

,come away

V OL . 11.

242 Rej oicing in Hope.


[Romans xii. , I

I I KNOW that my Redeemer l ives,

And ever prays for me5

A token of H is love H e gives,A pledge of


2 I find Him lifting up my head,

H e brings salvation near,

H is presence makes me free indeed,

And H e will soon appear .

3 With confiden ce I now look up ,His promised aid implore 5

Sweetly revives my blas ted hope,

And I can doubt no more .

4 Far spen t is the Egyptian n ight

Of fear,and pain

,and grief;

And 10 I see the morn ing l ight

That brings assured rel ief.

The dreadful,dire

,oppress ive hour

Of tyran t sin is past ;My soul defies its rage and power,My soul on Chris t is cast .

6 The power of hel l,the s trength of sin

My Jesus shal l subdue5H is heal ing blood Shall wash me clean


And make my spiri t new .

7 H e will perform the work begun 5Jesus

,the s inner’s Friend


Jesus,the Lover of His own


Will love me to the end .

244 Rej'

oicing in Hope.

Joyful in hope, my spiri t soars

To meet Thee from above,

Thy goodness thankfully adores,

And sure I tas te Thy love .

Thy love I soon expect to find

In allits depth and height,

To comprehend the’ eternal Mind,

And grasp the Infin i te .

When Thou dos t in my hear t appear,And love erects its throne


I then enjoy salvation here,

And heaven on earth begun .

When God i s mine, and I am H is,

Of paradise possest,I taste unutterable bliss

And everlasting res t .

The bl is s of those that fully dwel l,

Fully in Thee bel ieve,

Tis more than angel tongues can tel l,

.O r angel minds conceive .

Thou only know’st

,who didst. obtain


And d ie to make i t known

The gr eat salvation now explain,

And perfect us in one.

May I , may allwho humbly wai t,

The glorious joy rece ive ;

Joyabove allconception great,

Worthy ofGod to give .

Lord, I bel ieve and res t secure

In confidence Divine 5Thy promise stands for ever sure


And allThou art i s mine.

Rej oicing in Hope.


YE happy s inners,hear

The prisoner of the Lord,

And wai t til l Chris t appear

According to H is word 5Rejoice in hope

,rejoi ce with me


We shal l from allour s ins be free .

The Lord our Righteousness

We have long since received,

Salvat ion nearer is

Than when we first bel ieved 5Rejoi ce in hope, rej o i ce with me


We shal l from allour s ins be free .

Let o thers hug their chains,

For sin and Satan plead,

And say from s in ’

s remains

They never can be freed ;Rejoice in hope

,rejoi ce with me


We shal l from allour sin s be free.

In God we put our trust ;I f we our s ins confess


Fai thful H e is,and j us t


From allunrighteousnes s

To cleanse us all,both you and me 5

We shal l from allour s ins be free .

Surely in us the hopeOf glory shal l appear ;

Sinners,your heads l ift up ,

And see redemption near ;Again I say, rejoi ce with me


We shal l from allour sins be free.


246 Romans v i .

Who Jesu’s sufferings share,My fellow- pri soners now


Ye soon the wreath ‘

Shal l wear

On your triumphant brow 5Rejoice in hope

,rejo i ce with me

We shal l from allour sin s be free .

The word of God i s sure,

And never can remove 5We shal l in hear t be pure


And perfected in love 5Rejoi ce in hope, rej oice with me


We shal l from allour s ins be free .

Then let us gladly bring

Our sacr ifice of praise 5Let us give thanks

,and s ing

And glory in His grace 5Rejoi ce in hope

,rej o ice with me


We shal l from allour sin s be free .


I AWAY,vain thoughts that s tir within,

Nor further can proceed

H ow shal l I longer l ive in sin,

Who unto sin am dead ?

2 Baptized in to my Saviour’s name

I of H is death partake 5Buried with Jesus Chris t I am ,

And I with Him awake .

248 The Four tn C/iapter of [ saia/i .

J esus I serve,to Him alone

My thankful homage pay5My only Master

,Christ I own

And Him will I obey .

To Him my body I presen t,Which H e wil l not refuse ;

The meanest,bases t in s trumen t

H is glory deigns to use .

Servan t of sin too long I was,

But Chris t hath set me free ;Glory to H is victorious grace

Wh ich freely ransom’

d me .

For ever be His name adored

For what I have received 5I have embraced the Gospel word

And with my hear t bel ieved .

Fai th freed me from the iron yoke ,The s trength of sin subdued


From off my soul the fetters broke,And now I serve my God .

Jesus can to the u tmos t save

On Jesus I depend ;My frui t to hol iness I have ,And allin heaven shal l end .


r JESU,fulfil the Gospel word ,

In us,Thou beauteous Branch , ari se 5

Arise, Thou Plant ing of the Lord,!

Be glorious in Thy people’s eyes .

Tbe Four t/i Cbapter of Isaiah 249

2 0 Root Divine, in thi s our earth

Spring up,and yield a fair increase


The graces of our second birth ,The goodly frui ts of righteou sness .

3’Scaped from the world of pride and lust


I f now we in Thy sight remain,O make us holy,


good , and j us t,O let us not bel ieve in vain .

4 Our names among the l iving wri te,Whose hearts are fix’

d on things above ,Worthy who walk with Thee in white


Unblameable in spo tless love .

5 Out of our inmost souls expel

The fi l th and stain of inbred sin .

(In us i t shal l not always dwel l ,For Thou hast said

,Ye shal l be clean . )

6 O that the grace were now applied

Bring in,dear Lord

,a purer flood 5

Open the foun tain of Thy s ide,

And purge out allour tain ted blood .

7 Adam descended from above,The virtue of Thy blood impart ,

And cleanse from every creature - love ,And make

,O make us pure in heart .

8 The j udging, burn ing Spiri t inspire 5O let Him to H is temple come,

And sit as a refiner’

s fire,

And allour s in s condemn , consume .

9 Sin shal l not in our flesh remain 5The sanctifying word is sure,

We shal l be purged from every stain

And pure as God Himsel f is pure .

250 Tbe Four ta C/tapter of fsaiab.

Then only can we fal l no more,Freed from the s tumbling- block within ;

Come,Thou Divine

,Almighty Power


And save us from indwel l ing sin .

Keep us through fai th to that Thy dayAnd mark us out for Thine abode5

Thy glory over us display,

And guard the future house ofGod .

Till Thou from allour s in s shal t cleanse ,And perfectly renew our hear t


Thy glory be our sure defence,Nor ever from our souls depart .

On every dwell ing- place of Thine

Create a cloud and smoke by day;And let the fiery pillar shine

By n ight,and on the

assembly s tay .

Through the long n ight of doubts and fears ,The d ayof fierce temptation ,

guide5And let us

,ti l l Thy face appears


0 let us in Thy wounds ab ide ;

Secure beneath Thy shadow si t

In Thee a tabernacle find ,A refuge from the rain and heat,A covert from the s torm and wind .

Lead us till allour toi l is pas t,Till allThy fai thfulness we prove,

And gain the promised land at las t,

The Canaan of Thy perfect love .

252 [ saiali xxvi. I 3, 14.

8 Each to each ye then shal l say,Sinners

,cal l upon His name 5

O rejo i ce to see H is d ay,

See i t,and H is prai se proclaim .

9 Glory to His name belongs ,Great

,and marvel lous

,and high 5

Sing unto the Lord your songs,

C ry, to every nation cry .

Wondrous things the Lord hath done

Excel len t H is name we find 5This to allmankind is known


Be i t known to allmankind .

Sion,shout thy Lord and King


I sr ael’

s Holy One is H e

Give Him thanks,rejoi ce

,and sing ;

Great H e is,and dwel ls in thee .

O the grace unsearchable

While eternal ages rol l ,God del ights in man to dwel l ,Soul of each bel ieving soul .

I SAIAH XXVI . 1 3 , 14 .

I O LORD,my God

,with shame I own

That other lords have sway’


Have in my heart set up their throne,And abj ect I obey’d .

2 Thy enemies usurp’

d the place,

And robb’

d Thee ofThy due ;A slave to every vice I was ,And on ly evil knew .

After a Recovery from Sicbness . 253

3 With sin I joyfully complied

I yiel ded unconstrain ’

d 5

Pass ion,and appet i te

,and pride


And self,and nature reign

d .

4 But ended is the shameful hour

The’ usurper’s reign is past,

Blas ted their s trength,o’


d their power,

And I am saved at last .

5 Thy love, by which red eem’

d I am,

For ever be adored 5I now shal l l ive to bless Thy name


And cal l my Jesus Lord .

6 Those o ther lords no more are mine,

N0 more their slave am I 5I tread them down with s trength Divine

I allmy S in s defy .

7 Freed am I now,for ever freed

From their des tructive power ;Nail’d to the cross

,they allare dead


And shal l revive no more .

8 The gloriou s presence ofmy God

Hath allthe tyran ts slain 5Thei r name

,their memory is d estroy


When I am born again .


I THY wil l be done,Thy name be bles t

I am not,gracious Lord , my own 5

Whate’er Thy wisdom sends is bes t,Thy name be praised , Thy wil l be done .

254 After a Recovery from Sicbness .

2 Earnes t of benefi ts behind,

Of allThy boun ty wai ts to give,Pledge of a sound and heal thful mind


My life I at Thy hands rece ive.

3 Snatch’

d from the death of sin,my soul

Shal l never see corruption ’s grave 5Surely Thy love shal l make me Whole


Thy love can to the utmos t save .

4 Thy love hath cas t out servile fear ,No longer can I doub t or mourn 5

To the black dungeon of despair

I never, never shal l return .

5 Sin shal l not have domin ion now,

Or in my mortal body reign 5Jesus

,my Lord

,my Saviour Thou


Thou has t the lawless tyran t s lain .

6 Still,O my God , Thy power display,

Thy kingdom to my soul restore5Those o ther lords persi s t to slay


And suffer them to rise no more .

7 I f now I have acceptance found

With Thee,or favour in Thy sight,

With Thine omn ipo tence surround ,And arm me with Thy Spiri t’s might .

8 O may I hear H is warn ing voi ce,And timely fly from danger near 5

With reverence un to Thee rejoice,

And love Thee with a fil ial fear .

9 Stil l hold my soul in second life,And suffer not my feet to sl ide 5

Support me in the glorious s trife,

And comfort me on every side.

256 A venge me of mine A d versary.

Quiet shal t Thou nev er know,

Till we from sin are fully freed

O avenge us of our foe,

And bruise the Serpen t ’s head .

We have now begun to cry,

And we will never end

Till we find salvation n igh,

And grasp the s inner’s Friend 5Dayand n ight we ’l l speak our woe


With Thee importunately plead

O avenge us, & c .

Speak the word, and we shal l be

From allour bands released5On ly Thou can s t set us free


By Satan long opprest 5Now Thy power Almighty show


Arise the woman’

s conquering Seed

O avenge us , &c .

To des troy hi s work of sin,

Thysel f in us reveal 5Man ifes t Thysel f within

Our flesh , and fully dwel l

With us,in us

,here below 5

Enter,and make us free indeed

O avenge us , & c .

Stronger than the s trong man,Thou

H is fury cans t control 5Cas t him out by en tering now

And keep our ran som’

d soul 5Satan ’s kingdom overthrow


On allthe powers of darkness tread

O avenge us , &c .

A venge me of mine A d versary. 257

6 Shal l he s til l the souls en thral

For whom Thy life was given

Hast Thou not beheld him fal l

A s l ightn ing out of heaven ?

Hitherto allow’

d to go,

He now no farther shal l proceed

O avenge us, (Sec .

7 To the never- ceas ing cries

Of Thine elect attend 5Send del iverance from the skies


Thy mighty Spirit send ;Though to man Thou seemest slow

Our cries Thou seemest not to heed

O avenge u s, 81C .

8 COme,O come

, all- gracious Lord ,No longer now delay ;

With Thy Spiri t’

s two - edged sword

The crooked serpen t slay 5Bare Thine arm

,and give the blow

Roo t out and kill the '

hellish seed

O avenge u s,& c .

9 High en throned at God’s right hand

Thou dos t in glory sit,

Till whoe’er Thy sway withstand

Indignan tly submit 5Yes

,they allsha l l be brought low


They allshal l be Thy footstoo l made

O avenge us,&c .

J esu,

- hear Thy Spiri t’s call,

Thy bride who bids Thee come

Come, Thou righteous Judge of all,

Pronounce the tempter’s doom 5

VOL . II . s

258 Come,Lord yesus

Doom him to infernal woe,

For him and for his angel s made 5Now avenge us of our foe


For ever bruise hi s head .


r WHEN,dearest Lord

,when shal l it be

That I shal l find my allin Thee ?The fulnes s of Thy promise prove,The seal of Thine eternal love

2 A poor,bl ind child, I wander here,

I f haply I may feel Thee near 5O dark

,dark, dark (I stil l must say)

Amids t the blaze of Gospel day1"

3 Thee, only Thee, I fain would find ,I cast the world and flesh behind 5Thou

, only Thou , to me be given,Of allThou has t in earth or heaven .

All earthly comforts I di sdain ;They shal l not rob me ofmy pain ,Or make me senseless ofmy load,Or less di sconsolate for God .

5 Rather let allthe creatures take

Their miserable comforts back ,With every vain rel ief depart,And leave me to my broken heart.

6 Leave me,my friends , the mourner leave;

For God , and not for you, I grieve 5

Compare Samson Agon i'

stes , l ine 80, 0 dark , dark,am id the blaze of noon.


Come, Lord ffesus


r J ESU,what has t Thou bestow’


On such a worm as me I

What compass ion has t Thou show’d

To draw me after Thee

Perfect then the work begun ,All Thy goodness let me prove,

All Thy will in m e be done,

Till allmy soul i s love .

2 Not by my own righteousness,Or works that I have wrought,

Am I saved 5 but by Thy grace,Surpass ing human thought .

Nothing have 1,no thing am


Nothing I deserve but hel l ;Yet I glory in Thy name


Yet I Thy mercy feel .

3 Thou a spark of hal low’d fire

To me,even me

,has t given 5

Glows for Thee my whole des ire,My life

,my inward heaven

Dreams of happines s below

Never more will I pursue,J esus only wil l I know


Whose love i s ever new.

4 Thou Thine hand on me hast laid,

And calm’

d my s tormy will ,Nature’s rapid tide has t s tayed

And bid my heart be s til l

Waiting for Cbr is t tbc P ropnet. 2

Stablish Thou my heart in peace,

Meek and lowly may I be,Fill wi th allThy gentlenes s

The soul that hangs on Thee .

5 Oft Thou vi si test my breas t 5But O

,how short Thy stay,

AS the memory of a gues t

That tarrieth but a dayCome, and allThy foes expel ,Fix in me Thy cons tan t home


With Thy Father in me dwel l 5Lord Jesus, quickly come


I PROPHET,sen t from God above

To teach H is perfect will,

Lo I wai t to learn Thy love,I tremble , and am sti ll 5

To Thy guidance I submit,All my soul to Thee I bow 5

See me si tt ing at Thy feet

Speak, Lord , I hear Thee now.

2 From the idle babbler,man ,

Behold I turn away,

Trample on the faires t plan

That human wit can layFool i sh am I s till

,and blind


Till the Truth i t sel f impart,

Chas-e the darkness from my mind,

And shine within my heart .

262 Waiting for Cbr is t tlie P ropnet.

3 What avai l s the creature’s Strife


When Thou, and only Thou ,Has t the words of endless l ife

(O could I hear them now

Mighty Thou in word and deed,Thou my only Teacher be 5

Thou , by Thine ano in t ing,lead

A soul that seeks to Thee.

4 I from outward things withdraw,

N0 help in them is found 5At Thy mouth I seek the law


I l is ten for the sound

Which shal l allmy griefs con trol,

Empty me at once and fil l,

Calm the tempes t in my soul,

And bid the sea be st ill .

5 Ali ! my Lord , i f Thou art near

And knockest at the door,Let me now my Prophet hear


And keep Thee out no more

Be reveal’

d,Thou heavenly Gues t,

To consume the Man ofSin 5

Take pos sess ion ofmy breast,

Come in,my Lord

,come in .


I CHRIST,my hidden l ife



Soul ofmy inmos t soul 5Light of l i fe

,the mourner cheer


And make the sinner whole .

264 Waiting for Cbr is t tlze P rop/zet.

Take me,whom Thyself hast bought ;

Bring in to captivi ty

Every high aspiring thought

That would not s toop to Thee .

6 Lord,my time is in Thy hand,

My soul to Thee conver t ;Thou can st make me unders tand,Though . I am s low of heart .

Thine,in whom I live and move


Thine the work,the prai se i s Thine 5

Thou art wisdom, pow-er

,and love,

And allThou art i s mine.


I I WILL hearken what myLordShal l say concern ing me :

Hast Thou not a gracious wordFor one that wai ts on Thee ?

Speak i t to my soul,that I

May in Thee havepeace and power,Never from my Saviour fly,And never gr ieve Thee more.

2 H ow have I Thy Spir i t grieved,Since firs t wi th m e H e s trove

Obstinately disbel ieved,And trampled on Thy love

I have sinn’

d agains t the l igh t

I have broke from Thy embrace 5No

,I would not, when I might,

Be freely saved by grace.

Waiting for Cbr is t t/te P ropbet. 265

3 After allthat I have done

To drive Thee from my heart,Still Thou Wil t not !

leave Thine own,

Thou wilt not yet depart,Wilt not give the sinner o’


Ready art Thou now to save,


s t me come,as here tofore


That I Thy life mayhave .

4 0 Thou meek and gen tle Lamb ,Fury is not in Thee 5

Thou continuest the same,And s til l Thy grace i s free 5

Stil l Thy arms are open wide,

Wretched s inners"

to receive ;Thou has t once for s inners died


That allmay turn and l ive .

Lo I take Thee at Thy word,My fool ishness I mourn 5

Un to Thee,my bleeding Lord ,

However late,I turn

Yes ; I yield, I yield at las t,Listen to Thy speaking blood,

Me with allmy sin s I cas t

On my aton ing God .

6 Freely am I j us t ified,

And t il l my heart i s pure

In Thy wounds will I abide,

From hel l and sin secure 5What of sin in me remains

I bel ieve Thou wil t remove,

Throughly wash out allmy stains,And perfect me in love .

266 Daniel in tbc Den of Lions .


[D anielvi ]

1 GOD of D aniel,hear my prayer,

And let Thy power be seen 5Stop the l ion’

s mouth,and bear

Me safe out of his d en

Save me in thi s dreadful hour ;Earth

, and hel l , and nature j oin,

All stand ready to devour

This helpless soul ofmine .

2 No way to escape, I see

The sure—approaching death ;Vain are allmy hopes to flee

Out of the l ion’

s teeth ;In the mire of sin I lie


In the dungeon of despair;Hear my lamen table cry,0 God ofD aniel

, hear !

3 Thee I serve, my Lord, myGod ,In me Thy power display,

Save me, save me,and defraud

The l ion of his prey

Angel of the Covenan t

Jesus mighty to retrieve,Let Him to my help be sen t 5In J esus I bel ieve .

4 Save me for Thine own great name,

That allthe world may know

D aniel’s God i s s til l the same


And reigns supreme below .

268 l e a ec Cbild ren in tbe Fiery Furnace.

2 Lo ! on dangers,deaths

,and snares

I every momen t tread,

Hel l wi thout a vei l appears ,And flames around my head 5

Sin increases more and more,

Sin in allits s trength returns,Seven t imes ho tter than before

The fiery furnace burns .

3 But while Thou , my Lord , art n igh ,My soul disdains to fear


Sin and Satan I defy

Still impoten tly near ;Earth and hel l their wars maywage 5Calm I mark the ir vain design,

Smile to see them idly rage

Against a child of Thine.

4 Unto Thee, my help, my hope,My safeguard , and my tower,

Confiden t I s till look up,

And s ti l l receive Thy power;Allf the al ien’s hos ts I chase


Blast,and scatter with mine eyes

Satan comes 5 I turn my face,And 10 ! the tempter fl ies !

5 Sin in me, the inbred foe,Awhile subs is ts in chains 5

But Thou allThy power shalt show,

And slay its las t remains :

Thou hast conquer’

d my des ire ;Thou

shal t quench it with Thy blood,Fill me with a purer fire,And change me into God .

A T/ian/esgiving.


’TIS of Thy mercies , Lord,That I am not con sumed,

By God and men abhorr’


To endless tormen t s d oom’


Thy tender mercies never fail,

And therefore I am not in he l l .

In vain was Tophet moved

To meet me from beneath,

For Jesu’s sake beloved

I ’scape the second death

Thy tender mercies never fail,

And therefore I am not in hel l .

Within i ts mouth I was,

And there I lay asleep 5I ts mouth i t could not close,My soul i t could not keep

Thy tender mercies never fai l,

And therefore I am not in hel l .

Thy mercies found out me,

To me they firs t did stoop 5From depths ofmisery

Thy mercies brought me up

Thy tender mercies never fail,

And therefore I am not in hel l .

Thy dear preserving grace

Each momen t I receive,And trus t to see Thy face,And without sin to l ive

Thy tender mercies never fail ,And I shal l never be in hel l .


270 H e tnat losetli lzis lifefor My sake, é




[Matt/zero x .

I BE i t according to Thy word 5This momen t let i t be

0 that I now,my d earest Lord


Might lose my life for Thee

2 Now,Jesu , let Thy powerful death

In to my being come5Slay the old Adam with Thy breath,The Man of Sin consume.

3 Whate’

er I have, or can , or am,

I now would fain res ign,

And lose my nature and my name,

O God , to purchase Thine.

4 Withhold whate’

er my flesh requires,Poi son my pleasan t food,

Spoil my del ights , my vain desires,My allof creature good .

5 My old affections mor tify,Nai l to the cross mywill ,

Daily and hourly bid me d ie,

Or al together ki ll .

6 Passion and appetite des troy ;Tear, tear thi s pride away ;

And allmyboast, and idle joy,And allmynature, slay .

272 PVatc/z in all Things .

2 I f I have tasted of Thy grace,

The grace that sure salvat ion brings,I f wi th me now Thy Spiri t stays ,And , hovering, hides me in His wings .

3 Stil l let Him with my weakness s tay,Nor for a momen t’s space depart


Evil and danger turn away,

And keep ti l'

l H e renews my heart.

4 When to the left or right I stray,H is voi ce behind me may I hear

Return , and walk in Chri st thy wayFly back to Chris t

,for sin i s near .

5 His sacred unction from above

Be sti ll my comfor ter and guide,

Till all the stony H e remove,

And in my loving heart res ide .

6 Jesu,I fain would walk in Thee,

From nature’s every path retreat 5Thou art my way, my Leader be,And set upon the rock my feet .

7 Uphold me,Sav iour

,or I fal l ;

O reach me out Thy gracious hand

Only on Thee for help I call ,Only by fai th in Thee I stand .

8 Pierce, fil l me w i th an humble fear,

My utter helplessnes s reveal 5Satan and sin are always near


Thee may I always n earer feel .

Wa tele in all T/iings . 273

9 O that to Thee my cons tan t m indMight with an even flame aspire 5

Pride in i t s earl ies t mo tion s find,

And mark the risings of des ire.

O that my tender soul might flyThe first abhorr’d approach of i l l


Quick as the apple of an eye

The sl ightes t touch of sin to feel .

Till Thou anew my soul create,Still may I str ive, and watch , and pra y,

Humbly and confiden tly wai t,And long to see Thyperfect day.

My whole regard sti l l mayI place

On the fain t rayof open ing l ight,

(The sure prophet ic word of grace,)That glimmers through mynature’s nigh t .

Here let my soul’s sure an chor be,

Here let me fix my wishful eyes,

And wai t ti l l I exul t to see

The Day- s tar in my heart ari se.

My Lord, Thou wil t not long delay ;This inward calm proclaims Thee near 5

Sorrow and doub t are fled away,

My Lord shal l in my heart appear .

Jesu,my Saviour

,Bro ther



As I bel ieve,so let i t be 5

O make me patien t to the end,

And then reveal Thysel f in me .


274 A Prayer for Holiness .


I EVER faint ing with desire,

For Thee,O Christ

,I cal l ;

Thee I res tlessly require,

I want my God,my all5

J esu,dear redeeming Lord ,

I wait Thy coming!

from above

Help me,Saviour, speak the word ,

And perfect me in love.

2 Wilt Thou suffer me to go

Lamen ting allmy days ?

Shal l I never, never know

Thy sanctifying grace ?

Wilt Thou not Thylight afford

The darkness from my soul remove ?

Help me, Saviour, SI C .

Wretched, naked , poor, and bl ind,Affl icted and dis tres t


Settled peace I cannot find ,Un in terrupted rest


Till my spirit i s restored,Arnd fix’d my heart on things aboveHelp me


,&c .

4 Gifts,alas canno t suffice,

And comforts allare vain ;Wbile one evilt/ioug/zt can r ise


1 am!

not born again

Still I am not as my Lord,Thy holy will I do not prove

Help me, Saviour, & c .

See Note , V ol. I . ,p . 370 and reference there .

27 6 Let t/iis M ind be in you, (S'c.

Thou my life,my treasure be,

My portion here below 5No thing would I seek but Thee,Thee on ly would I kn ow


My exceeding great reward,

My heaven on earth,my heaven above

Help me,Saviour

,81C .

Gran t me now the bli ss to feel

Of those that are in Thee 5Son of God , Thysel f reveal ,Engrave Thy name on me 5

As in heaven be here adored,

And let me now the promise prove

Help me,Saviour

,speak the word


And perfect me in love.



[P/zilippians ii. 5

I J ESU,shal l I never be

Firmly grounded upon Thee

Never by Thy work abide,

Never in Thy wounds res ide ?

2 O how wavering is my mind,


d about with every WindO how quickly do th my heart

From the l iving God depart

3 Easily I fal l away,Never am I at one s tay ;

Let t/zis M ind be in you,(fire.

Strong in fai th I seem this hour,Stripp

d the nex t of allmy power .

4 Fai th i s los t in unbel ief,

Joy i s swallow’

d up of grief,

Hope,my latest hope

, expires,God , my angry God

,retires .

5 Van i shing out ofmy s ight ,Jesus leaves me sunk in n ight ;Where shal l I my Jesus find


Helpless I,and dark

,and blind ?

Seek,O seek me


,again ;

Let not allThy gift s be vain ;Comfort to my soul res tore ;Come

,and never leave me more.

Jesu , let my nature fee l

Thou art God unchangeable ;


,great I AM


Speak in to my soul Thy name.

Frui t that I may bear, ordain ;That my frui t may s til l remain,

Mak e my heart, and keep i t, true ;After God my soul renew.

Gran t that every moment I

Maybel ieve, and feel Thee n igh 5Steadfas tly behold Thy face’


d with abiding grace.

Plant,and root

,and fix in me

All the mind that was in Thee5Se ttled peace I then shal l find ;Jesu’s i s a quie t mind .

When i t do th in me appear,

I shal l nothing covet here5

27 7

278 Let t/zis [ If] ind be in you, fr c.

I shal l cas t the world behind ;Jesu ’s is an heaven ly mind .

Then the’

accursed lust of prai se

Shal l in me no more have place5Pride no more my soul shal l b ind

J esu’s is an humble mind .

Anger I no more shal l feel,

Always quiet,always s til l


Meekly on my God recl ined ;J esu’s i s a gentle mind .

I shal l suffer and fulfi l

All my Father’s gracious wil l,

Be in allal ike'


d 5

J esu’s i s a patien t mind .

When ’t i s deeply rooted here

Perfect love shal l cas t out fear ;Fear doth servile spiri ts bind :

J esu’s i s a noble mind .

When I feel i t fix’

d within

I shal l have no power to sin 5

H ow should sin an en trance find ?

Jesu’s i s a spo tles s mind .

I shal l no thing know beside

Jesus and Him crucified ;I shal l allto Him be j oin


Jesu’s is a loving mind .

I shal l triumph evermore,

Gratefully myGod adore,

God so good , so true, so kind ;J esu’s is a thankful mind .


,meek , and pure ,

I shal l to the end endure,

280 Tbey taat wait on tbc Lord , é'c.

Just and fai thful as Thou art,Hear me now my sin s confes s,

Hear,and purify my hear t

From allunrighteousness .

4 Lord , I look to be made clean

From every sinful blot,All unrighteousness and sin


In deed,and word

,and thought ;

Evil shal l not here abide,Sin shal l have no place in me,

From the’ in iquity of pride

And sel f I shal l be free.

5 I shal l be red eem’

d from all,

Un less Thy word is vain 5H ere recover from my fal l ,My E den nere regain 5

Jesus shal l H is image bere

Perfectly in me res tore5God shal l in my flesh appear


And sin subsi s t no more .



[[ saia/i xl.

I LORD,I believe Thy every word


Thy every promise,true5

And 10 I wai t on Thee,my Lord,

Till I my s trength renew .

Tbey t/ia t wait on Me Lord , (S'c. 281

2 I f in this feeble flesh I mayAwhile show forth Thy prai se,

Jesu,support the to ttering clay,

And lengthen out my days .

3 I f such a worm as I can spread

The common Saviour’s name,

Let Him who rai sed Thee from the dead

Quicken my mortal frame .

4 Stil l let me l ive Thy blood to show,

Which purges every stain 5And gladly linger out below

A few more years in pain .

5 My time and l ife are in Thy hand 5N0 more for death I groan ,

Sti l l let the ruinou s mans ion s tand

Til l allThy will be done .

6 My l ife I know Thou can st repair,And give a s tronger thread 5But

,Lord , of this I take no care


For 0 my soul is dead

7 Heal th I shal l have,i f that be best 5

But what is heal th to me

Alas my spiri t canno t res t,

Till it i s whole with Thee .

8 The spirit of an heal thful mind

For this I wai t in pain,

This precious pearl I long to find ,And to be born again .

9 Spare me t il l I my strength of soul,

Til l I Thy love,retrieve 5

Till fai th shal l make my spiri t whole,

And perfect soundness give.

T/ze tbings waieli are imposs ible witnmen

1 0 Fai th to be heal’d Thou know’

st I have

From sin to be made Clean 5Able Thou art from sin to save,From allindwel l ing sin .

I I Surely Thou cans t,I d o not doubt


Thou w il t Thysel f impart,

The bond -woman’

s base son cast out,

And take up allmy heart .

I 2 I shal l my ancient strength renew 5Thy excel lence Divine

( I f Thou art good , i f Thou art true)Throughout my soul shal l shine .

I 3 I shal l , a weak and helples s worm,

Through J esus s trengthening me,

Impos sibil i ties perform,

And l ive from sinn ing free .

I 4 For this in s teadfas t hope I wai t


,my soul res tore ;

Now the new heavens and earth create,And I shal l sin no more .



[Lube xviii. 2 7

I WHAT a mys tery am I ,A mystery of sin,

Full of allin iquity,Unholy and unclean

The things whicha re imposs iblewithmen,

Fear and sin must still remain ,

Stil l in you main tain their seat ;Sin sometimes will always reign


And force you to submit .”

6 Soon as Satan gives the word,

His -advocates for sin

Witnes s with their lying lord,

Ye never can be clean

From allsin ,while here below 5

Do not you the word receive 5God’s own word may tel l you so,

But do not you bel ieve

7 Flesh and blood cry out amain

It canno t,canno t be

All my fai th and hope i s vain,

From sin to be set free ;I with only evil fraught


Full of desperate wickedness,I who sin in every thought,Can I from sinn ing cease ?

8 World,and sin

,and Satan

, go

And ask my fai thful Lord 5'

Surely I the truth shal l know,

For H e hath spoke the word

Whether every perfect oneShal l not as his Mas ter be,

Thou shal t shortly make i t known,Shalt an swer, Lord , for me .

Let God be true, and every man a liar . 285



[Romans iii.

I GOD of allpower, and truth, and love,I act my fai th on Thee

Expect Thy promises to prove


d allin me.

2 In hope bel ieving again st hope,Thy fai thfulness I plead ;

Assured that Thou shal t l ift me up,

And make me free indeed.

3 Thou shal t on me Thy Spir i t pour,

And make the s inner clean 5In confidence I wai t the hour

When I shal l cease from sin .

4 I trust that to the l ife DivineThou wil t my soul res tore


And I shal l in Thine image shine,

And I shal l sin no more.

5 Though Satan allThy truths deny,

H e shal l no more deceive5I cannot give my God the lie


For I shal l surely l ive.

6 Though men blaspheme the l iberty

The power they never knew,

Let every man a l iar be,

So God alone be true .

7 Though nature fail,and flesh and blood

Would from the promise s tart,

God shal l H is word accomplish, God

Is greater than my heart .

286 Thy w illbe d one in ear th,as it is in heaven .

8 Through unbel ief I s tagger not;Though now my soul is dead,

Quieken’d in Chris t

,from every thought

Of sin I shall be freed .

9 I shal l be perfected in love 5For Thou has t spoke the word,

The servan t canno t be above,But shal l be as

,hi s Lord .

The glory of Thy truth and grace

To Thee,O God

,I give ;

The vilest of the sinful race,

I Wi thout sin shal l l ive .



[Matthew vi.

I J ESU,the Life, the Truth , the


In whom I now bel ieve,A s taught by Thee

,in fai th I pray


Expecting to receive .

2 Thy will by me on earth be d one

A s by the choirs above,

Who always see Thee on Thy throne,

And glory in Thy love .

3 I ask in confidence the grace

That I may do Thy wi l l

As angels who beho ld Thy face,

And allThy words fulfil .

288 The Word of our God shalls tand for ever .

1 2 The graces ofmy second birth

To me shal l allbe given 5And I shal l d o Thy wil l on earthAs angels d o in heaven .


[I saiah xl.

I PRI SONERS of hope,l ift up your heads ;

The day of l iber ty draws near;Jesus

,who on the serpen t treads


Shal l soon in your behal f appear

The Lord shal l to H is temple come ;Prepare your hear ts to make Him room.

2 We allshal l find , (whom in His wordHimsel f hath caused to put our trus t, )

The Father of our dying Lord

I s ever to His promise j ust ;Fai thful

,if we our s in s confess ,

To cleanse from allunrighteousnes s .

3 Lord, we Confess our s in s to Thee ;In sin we were conceived and born

Plunged in the depth of misery,We never can to Thee return ,

Til l Thou our fal len souls convert,And give the new

,bel ieving heart .

4 Now,i f Thou canst, withhol d the grace

From sinners hungry, mournful , poor,Who ask Thy love, who seek


Thy face,

Who ever knock at mercy’s door,

The PVord of our God shalls tand for ever . 289

At Jesu’s feet who humbly lie,

Reso lved at J esu’s feet to d ie .

5 Yes, Lord, we must bel ieve Thee kind

Thou never can s t unfai thful prove 5Surely we shal l Thy mercy find 5Who ask

,shal l allreceive Thy love 5

Nor cans t Thou i t to me deny ;I ask,the chief of s inners , I


Tis done 5my prayer hath pierced the skies,

Hath reach’

d my gracious Father’s ear ;H e hears

,H e an swers to my cries ;

My God shal l in my heart appear ;H e hath to m e a token given

This inward peace,this tas te of heaven .

7 Wherefore of Him I make my boast,

I triumph in H is truth and grace,

I in H is fai thful mercies trus t,

I shal l with joy behold His face,I shal l be soon H is fix

d abode

A temple of the l iving God .

8 O ye of fearful hearts , be s trong

Your downcas t hands and eyes l ift up

Ye shal l not be forgotten long ;Hope to the end

,in Jesu s hope

Tel l H im ye wai t H is grace to prove,And canno t fai l , if God is love

9 Pr isoners of hope, be s trong,be bold ;

Cas t off your doubts,disdain to fear !

Dare to bel ieve 5 on Chri s t lay hold

Wres tle with Christ in mighty prayer

Tel l H im,We will not let Thee go

Till we Thy name,Thy nature know .

VOL . I I . U

290 Z echar iah iv . 7 , cor e.

Has t Thou not died to purge our sin,

And rose, Thy death for us to plead 5To write Thy law of lovewithin

Our heart s,and make ils freed indeed ?

That we our E den might regain,

Thou d ied st,and couldst not d ie in vain .

Lord , we bel ieve, and wai t the hour

Which allThy great salvation brings :

The Spiri t of love,and heal th

,and power

Shal l come,and make us pr ies ts and kings 5

Thou wil t perform Thy fai thful word,

The servan t shal l be as his Lord .

The promi se s tands for ever sure,

And we shal l in Thine image shine,

Partakers of a nature pure,Holy

,angel i cal

,Divine ;

In Spirit j oined to Thee the SonA s Thou art wi th Thy Father one .

Fai thful and True,we now receive

The promise ratified by Thee :To Thee the when and how we leave


In time and in etern i ty ;We only hang upon Thy word


The servan t shal l be as his Lord .

ZECHARIAH Iv . 7 , ac .

I 0 GREAT mountain, who art thou,


High as heaven aspires thy brow,

Thy foot sinks deep as hel l

Z echar iah iv . 7 , (or e.

Author ofmy fai th H e i s,H e its Fini sher shal l be 5

Perfect love shal l seal‘

me H is

To alle tern i ty .


I O GREAT moun tain,who art thou,

That darest my God defy ?

Thou shal t tremble,s toop, and bow,

When Jesus but draws n igh

When H e to my heart comes in ,

Thou shal t there no longer be 5From that hour

,Indwel l ing Sin

Thou hast no place in me .

2 As a grain of mustard - seed

I f fai th in Chri s t I have,

From allsin I shal l be freed 5I know my Lord will save

Me from allin iqui ty ;Fai th shal l move the mountain load

Cas t i t out in to the sea

Of H is all- cleans ing blood .

3 Who hath sl ighted or contemn’


The d ay of feeble things

I shal l be by grace red eem’

d’Tis grace salvation brings '

Ready now my Saviour stands 5Him I now rejoi ce to see

With the plummet in H is hands

To build and fin ish me .

Waiting for the Promise. 293

4 I righ t early shal l awake,

And see the perfect d ay;Soon the Lamb of God shal l take

My inbred sin away :

When to me my Lord shal l come

Sin for ever shal l depar t 5Jesus takes up allthe room

In a bel ieving heart .

5 Son of God,ar ise


And to Thy temple come5Look

,and with Thy flaming eyes

The Man of Sin con sume;Slay him with Thy Spiri t



Reign Thou in my heart alone 5Speak the sanctifying word ,And seal me allThine own .


I DROOPING soul,shake off thy fears 5

Fearful soul,be s trong

,be bold ;

Tarry til l the Lord appears,

Never,never quit thy hold

Murmur not at H is delay,

Dare not set thy God a time,

Calmly for His coming s tay,

Leave i t,leave i t allto Him .

2 Fain ting soul,be bo ld , be s trong ;

Wai t the leisure of thy Lord

Though i t seem to tarry long ,True and fai thful is H is word .

This remarkable express ion occurs first in Coverd ale’s vers io nof P salm xxvi i . I 6

,and has been perpetuated by means of the

P . B . V .

294 Waiting for the Pr omise.

On H is word my soul I east5

(H e canno t H imsel f deny 5)Surely i t shal l speak at las t ;I t shal l speak

,and shal l not lie .

3 Every one that seeks shal l find ;Every one that ~

asks shal l have ;Chris t

,the Saviour ofmankind

Will ing,able

,allto save :

I shal l His salvation see 5

I in fai th on Jesus cal l 5I from sin shal l be set free,Perfectly set free from all.

Lord, my time i s in Thine hand5Weak and helpless as I am,

Surely Thou cans t make me standI bel ieve in Jesu’s name ;

Saviour,in temptat ion Thou


Thou has t saved me heretofore ;Thou from sin dost save me now


Thou shalt save me evermore .

5 Wherefore should I doub t the grace

Which I every momen t prove

Sin and Satan must give place,Bo th must yield to s tronger love .

Sin and Satan rage their hour;But Thou all- sufficient art,

Thou art infin i te in power,Thou art greater than my heart .

6 Gladly therefore will I boastOf my soul ’s infirmities ;

I a s inner, helpless , los t ,I cannot from s inn ing cease 5

296 Waiting for the Promise.

7 Live without sin I f God is true

I thus Shal l serve Him allmy days ,Shal l apprehend whom I pursue


And j u stly triumph in H is grace .

8 Satan,with allhis art s

,no more

Me from the Gospel ’s hope can move 5I shal l receive the’ almighty power


And find the pearl of perfect love .

9 Though allthe advocates for sin

Assert their heathen i sh l iber ty,

I f J esu ’s blood can wash me clean

Sin shal l not always dwel l in me .

Though nature gives my God the lie,

I allH is truth and grace shal l know 5I shal l

,a sinless sinner


Shal l perfect hol iness below .

My flesh,which cries

,I t canno t be


Shal l s ilence keep before the Lord ;And earth and hell

,and sin shall flee

At J esu s everlasting word .


r 0 THE cruel power of sin ,

How long shal l i t endure ?

When ,O when shal l I be clean


And pure as God is pure ?

From the dead with J esus rise ,Be in allHis blessing bles t ,

Gain my cal l ing’s glorious prize,And en ter in to res t

Waiting for the P romis e. 297

2 O might I this momen t cease

From every work ofmine ;Find the perfect h ol iness


The righteousness Divine 5Righteousness which never ends

In himsel f who feels i t wrought,

H e no more his God offends

In deed,or word

,or thought .

3 Un to this thri ce happy s tate

O how shal l I attain ?

All my time for this I wai t,

And canno t wai t in vain 5I shal l Thy salvation see

I shal l d o Thy perfect wil l,

Live in gloriou s l iberty,

And allThy fulness feel .

4 O cut short the work, and make

Me now a creature new ;

For Thy truth and mercy’s sake,

The gracious wonder ShowCal l me for th Thy witness

,Lord 5

Let my life declare Thy power ;Born ofGod


d,res tored


O let me sin no more .

5 Fain would I the truth proclaim

That makes me free indeed,

Glorify my Saviour’s name,

And alli ts virtues spread

Jesus allour wan ts rel ieves 5J esus

,mighty to redeem


Saves,and to the utmos t saves


All those that come to Him .

Waiting for the Promis e.

6 Jesu , lo ! I come to Thee,And wai t to be sen t forth ;

I f Thy Spiri t send forth me,

A worm shal l shake'

the earth 5I shal l Thy gr eat name declare,Spread Thy victories abroad ,

Be the weapon s of Thy war,The bat tle- axe ofGod .

7 Perfect then Thy mighty power

In a weak,sinful worm 5

All my sins des troy, devour,And allmy soul transform

Now apply Thy Spiri t’s seal ;O come quickly from above


Empty me Of self,and fil l

With allthe l ife of love .


I LORD,I glorify Thy grace


Thy truth,and saving power


Wai ting to behold Thy face

And l ive in sin no more

I shal l fully be renew’


All Thy promises rece ive ;Spite of hel l

,and flesh

,and blood


I dare at las t bel ieve .

2 Can the E thiop change his skin,

His spots the leopard lose

Then may I , inured t o sin,

The path of virtue choose .

300 Des iring to Love.

2 Tel l me, O Lord, i f Thine I am ,

Tel l me Thy new,mysterious name


Or Thou shal t never move5No

,never will I let Thee go,

Till I Thy name,Thy nature know ,

And feel that God is love .

I feel that I have power with God ;

(Thou on ly has t the power bestow’


And arm’d me for the fight 5)A prince

,through Thee invincible


I pray,and wres tle

,and prevail


And conquer in Thy might .

Thy hear t,I know

,Thy tender heart

Doth in my sorrows feel its part,

And at my tears relen t 5My powerful s ighs Thou cans t not bear,Nor s tand the vio lence ofmy prayer,My prayer omn ipo ten t .

5 Give me the grace, the love I claim 5Thy Spiri t now demands Thy name,Thou know’

st the Spiri t’s will :

H e help s my soul’s infirmity

And strongly in tercedes for me

With groan s un speakable .

6 Answer,dear Lord

,Thy Spiri t’s groan 5

O make to me Thy nature known,

Thy hidden name impart 5

(Thy ti tle i s wi th Thee the same ;)Tel l me Thy nature, and Thy name,And write i t on my heart .

Des ir ing to Love.

7 Prisoner of hope, to Thee I turn ,


And,calmly confiden t

,I mourn,

And pray, and weep for Thee ;Tel l me Thy love, Thy secret tell 5Thy mys tic name in me reveal


Reveal Thysel f in me .

Descend , pass by me,and proclaim


O Lord of Hos ts,Thy glorious name


The Lord , the gracious Lord,Long- suffering


,and kind


The God who always bears in mind

His everlas ting word

Plen teous H e is in truth and grace 5H e wills that allthe fal len race

Should turn ,repen t

,and l ive ;

His pardon ing grace for allis free 5Transgress ion ,

sin,in iquity

H e freely do th forgive .

Mercy H e do th for thousands keep

H e goes and seeks the one los t sheep,

And brings H is wanderer home;And every soul that sheep might beCome then , dear Lord , and gather me


My J esus,quickly come .

Take me in to Thy people’s res t ;O come

,and with my sole reques t


My one des ire,comply :

Make me partaker ofmy hope ;Then bid me get me quickly up

And on Thy bosom d ie .


302 Des ir ing to Love.



,and help me to rejo ice

In hope that I shal l hear Thy voice ,

Shal l one day s ee my God 5Shal l cease from allmy sin and s trife ,

Handle and taste the word of l ife,And feel the sprinkled blood .

2 I shal l not always make my moan,

Or worship Thee a God unknown 5But I shal l l ive to prove

Thy people’s res t, Thy sain t s’ del ight,

The length, and breadth , and depth , and

Of all- redeeming love .

3 I canno t love Thee l i ttle, Lord ,Whenever by Thy grace restored

I taste how good Thou art :

Much I shal l love,or not at all5

Forgiven much , I surely shal l

Love Thee with allmy hear t.

4 O glorious hope of perfect love

It l ifts me up to things above,I t bears on eagle’s wings 5

It gives my ravish’

d soul a taste,

And makes me for some momen ts feas t

With J esu’s pries ts and kings .

5 Rejoicing now in earnes t hope,

I stand,and from the moun tain - top

See allthe land below ;Rivers ofmilk and honey rise


And allthe fruits of paradi se

In endless plenty grow

3O4 Titus ii. I4.

3 Who madly plead for sin’s remains


While,full of slavish fears,

Theyfilmy Thou hast purged thei r s tains ,And falsely cal l Thee theirs

4 O wretched man,who dares divide

The pardon and the peaceIn vain for thee the Saviour died


Unles s H e seal thee H is .

5 O wretched man,from guil t to dream

Thy hard en ’

d conscience freed

When Jesu s doth a soul redeem

H e makes i t free indeed .

6 The guil t and power,with allthy art


Can never be d isjoin’

d 5

Nor will God bid the guil t depart,

And leave the power behind .

7 Fai th, when i t comes , breaks every chain ,

And makes us truly free ;But Chri st hath died for thee in vain


Unless H e l ives in thee .

8 What i s redemption in H is blood,

But l iberty within

A l iberty to serve my God,

And to eschew my sin ?

9 What i s our cal l ing’s glorious hope


But inward ho l iness ?

For this to J esus I look up,I calmly wai t for this .

I wai t ti l l H e shal l touch me clean,

Shall l ife and power impart,

Give me a fai th that roots out sin

And purifies my heart .

Deuteronomy xxxiii. 26, (9 5. 305

This is the,dear redeeming grace


For every s inner free5Surely i t shal l on me take place,The chief of sinners , me.

From allin iquity, from all,

H e shal l my soul redeem 5In Jesu s I bel ieve

,and shal l

Bel ieve mysel f to Him .

When Jesus makes my soul His home,

My sin shal l alldepart 5And

,10 ! H e sai th

,I quickly come


To clean se and fi ll thy heart I”

Be i t according to Thy word

Redeem m e from allsin ;

My heart would now receive Thee Lord 5Come in

,my Lord

,come in


I NONE i s l ikef es/zuruu’

s God ,

So great, so strong, so high ;Lo I H e spreads H is wings abroad


H e rides upon the sky

I srael,H is first—born son ,

God , the’

eternal God,i s thine 5

See Him in thy help come down ,

The Excel lence Divine .

2 Thee the great Jehovah deigns

To succour and defend 5Thee the’ eternal God sus tains


Thy Maker and thy Friend !

VOL. 11.

Deuteronomy xxxiii. 26, c‘i‘c.

Sinner,what hast thou to dread ?

Safe from allimpending harms ,God hath underneath thee spreadH is everlas ting arms .

3 God is thine ; disdain to fear

The enemy within

God shal l in thy flesh appear,And make an end of sin

God the man of sin shal l s lay,

Fill thee with triumphant joy5God shal l thrus t him out

,and say

Destroy them all,destroy 1”

4 All the struggle then i s o’


And wars and fightings cease

I s raelthen shal l sin no more

But dwel l in perfect peace

All his enemies are gone ;Sin shal l have in him no part 5

I sraelnow shal l dwel l alone ,Wi th Jesus in his heart.

5 In a land of corn and WineHis lot shal l be below ;

Comforts there and bles sings jo in ,

And milk and honey flow

j acob’s well is in his soul 5

Gracious d ew his heavens dis til ,Fill his spiri t already full


And shal l for ever fi l l .

The more euphon ious read ing , Round thee and beneathare spread dates from 1780 . The substitution of

!I s r ael

”fo r

Sinner, in l ine 5, by wh ich the sense is so greatly improved,

has not been traced beyond 1809 .

308 M ar/2 x i. 22,23, 24 .

MARK XI . 2 2,23 , 24.

1 JESU,my trust i s in Thy word,

Thy promise I receive;I t ever stands upon record ,And I in God bel ieve.

Thy truth and fai thfulnes s I own,

Which I shal l fully prove5Thy power shall allin me be shown


Thine utmos t power of love .

3 Such fai th in God through Thee I have

I shal l be throughly clean 5Thou canst, Thou wilt the


s inner save

From allhis inbred sin .

Wherefore through Thee to sin I say,This moun tain in my heart,Be thou removed far hence away

For ever hence depar t

No more in me thy being last,

Have thou no place in me ;

In Jesu’s name I say, Be cas t

Be cast into the sea 1”

6 It shal l be so I do not doubt

The moun tain shall depart 5Sin shal l be shor tly allcas t out

Of my bel ieving heart.

7 Whate’

er I ask I shal l receiveI ask the perfect power

That sin no more in me may l ive 5And i t shal l l ive no more .

Romans iv . 16, fi

re. 309

8 I have the things for which I pray

And ferven tly desire5Jesu , take allmy sins away


Baptize me with T'

hy fire .

9 I ask that I may d o Thy will

As angel s do above ;I ask Thee allmy soul to fi ll

With pure,seraphic love .

Whate’er I ask in fai th I have,As sure as God i s true ;

From allmy s in s Thou soon shal t save,And allmy soul renew .

Things mos t impossible shal l be,As sure as God i s power ;

And I shal l qu ickly be in Thee

And I shal l sin no more .

Though heaven and earth away shall pass,

Thy promise canno t move

And I shal l taste the perfect grace,As sure as God i s love

ROMANS IV . 1 6,&c .

1 FATHER of Jesus Chri s t,— my Lord ,My Saviour

,and my Head


I trust in Thee,who se powerful word

Hath rai sed H im from the dead .

2 Thou know’

st for my offence H e died,

And rose again for me,

Fully and freely j us t ified

That I might l ive to Thee .

3 10 Roma/is iv . I 6, 57 6 .

3 Eternal l ife to allmankind

Thou has t in J esus given 5And allwho seek in Him shal l find

The happiness of heaven .

All nations of the earth are bles t

InHim,who would restore

And take them allinto H is res t,

And bid them sin no more .

5 O God , Thy record I receive,In Abra/zam

’s foo t steps tread


And wai t,expecting to receive

The Chri st,the promised Seed .

The word is now gone forth from Thee,

I t must,i t must be done 5

My J esus shal l be form’

d in me,

And I shall have a Son .

7 Fai th in Thy power Thou seest I have,For Thou this fai th has t wrought 5

Dead souls Thou cal les t from their grave,

And speakest worlds from nought .

Things that are not,as though they were

Thou cal les t by their name5Present with Thee the future are


With Thee the great I AM .

9 In hope, agains t allhuman hope,Self- desperate

,I bel ieve ;

Thy quicken ing word shal l raise me up

Thou shal t Thy Spiri t give .

0 According to Thy fai thful word

I t shal l to me be done 5And I shal l soon receive my Lord


And I shal l have a Son .

3 12 Fig/u tne gooo’ Fight of Faitn.

I,even I

,bel ieve in Him


Him with my mouth confess5And fai th I know in Thyes teem

I s coun ted righteousness .

Obedien t fai th,that wai t s on Thee,

Thou never wilt reprove5But Thou wilt form Thy Son in me

And perfect me in love .


[ I Timot/zy oi.

r J ESU,my King

,to Thee I bow ;

En l is ted under Thy command,

Captain ofmy salvation,Thou

Shal t lead me to the promised land .

2 Thou hast a great del iverance wrought ,The s taff from offmy shoulder broke


Out of the house of bondage brought,And freed me from the

’Egyptian yoke .

3 Thine outstretch’

d arm was bared for me,

For me by earth and hel l pursued 5Thy outstretch’

d arm through the Red Sea

Brought, and baptized me in Thy blood .

4 O’

er the vas t howling wilderness

To Canaan’

s bounds Thou hast me led

Thou bidd ’

st me now the land possess

And on Thy milk and honey feed .

Fig/it t/ie gooa7

F ig/it of Faitli .

5 I see an open door of hope ;

(Legions of sin s in vain Oppose5)Bold I with Thee, my Head

,march up


And triumph o’

er a world of foes .

6 Gigan tic lus ts come forth to fight ;I mark

,di sdain

,and allsubdue


I tread them down in J esu’s might,

Through Jesus I can allthings do .

7 Lo the tal l son s of A na/e rise 5Who can the sons of A na/e meet ?

Captain,to Thee I l ift mine eyes ;

And 10 they fal l beneath my feet .

8 Pass ion , and appeti te,and pride

(Pride, my old , dreadful , tyrant foe)I see cas t down on every side,And conquering I to conquer go .

9 My Lord in my behal f appears

Captain ,

'Thy s trength—in spiring eye

Scatters my doubts , dispels my fears ,And makes the hos ts of al ien s fly .

I O Who can before my Captain s tand ?

Who i s so great a King as mine

High over allis Thy right hand,

And might and maj es ty are Thine .

1 1 Jesu,my soul takes hold on Thee


I arm me with Thy Spiri t’s might 5Humbly as sured of victory


I underneath Thy banner fight .

I 2 Thy Spiri t l ifts the s tandard upW hen as a flood the foe pours in5I see the cross

,hol d fas t my hope,

Bel ieve,and more than conquer sin .

3 14 Fig/at t/ie good Pigat of Faitlz.

With holy indignation fill’d ,When by the prince of hel l withs tood


Firm I resi s t 5 I graspmy shield,

And quench his fiery darts with blood .

Single,a thousand foes I chase


I turn and blas t them with my eyes 5Trembles the world before my face,Their prince with allhis legions fl ies .

Having done all,by fai th I s tand


And give the praise, O Lord , to Thee 5Thine holy arm ,

Thine own right hand

Hath got Thysel f the victory.

Wherefore to Thee my soul I rai se,

My soul in Thee securely boas ts,

Exul ts,and glories in Thy prai se


And triumphs in the Lord of Hos ts .

Wisdom,and power

,and s trength

,and might


,art worthy to receive 5

Honour and riches are Thy right,

And blessings more than earth can give .

Help u s to praise our glorious King,Ye church of the first- born above 5

Let angel s and archangel s s ing

The triumphs of all- conquering love.

Let earth and allher fulnes s s t il l

Rej oi ce H is greatness to proclaim ,

And everlast ing prai ses fi l l

The heaven of heavens with Jesu’s name .

3 16 I a'

m determined to know not/ting, (9 1 .

Whither should a s inner go ?

His wounds for me stand open wide 5Only J esus

,& c .

What though allI am is sin ?

Sin cannot break my peace,

Here i s blood to wash me clean

From allun righteousness 5This shal l make me whi te as snow

On this for allthings I confide 5Only Jesus, & c .

What though ear th and hel l engage

To shake my soul with fear,

Calmly I defy the rage

Of persecution near 5

Suffering fai th shal l brighter glow,

As gold when in the furnace tried 5Only Jesus

,& c .

Him to know is l ife and peace

And pleasure without end 5This is allmy happines s


On Jesus to depend,Dai ly in His grace to grow,

And ever in H is fai th abide 5Only Jesus , & c .

0 that I could allinvite

This saving truth to proveShow the length

,and breadth and height.

And depth of Jesu ’s love

Fain I would to sinners show

The blood which allmay feel applied 5Only Jesus , & c .

I am determined to know not/ting, 63 1 . 3 17

H im in allmy works I seek

Who hung upon the tree ;Only of H is love I speak

Who freely d ied for me

While I sojourn here below,

Of nothing wi l l I think beside 5On ly Jesus wil l I know


And Jesus crucified .


LET the worl d their virtue boas t

Their works of righteousness ;I,a wretch undone and lost


Am freely saved by grace

Other ti tle I disclaim,

This,only this

,is allmy plea ;

I the chief of s inners am

But J esus died for me 1

Let the s tronger son s of God

Their l iberty assert,

Justly glory in the blood

That made them pure in heart

I am ful l of gui l t and shame,My hear t as black as hel l I see 5I the chief

,& c .

Happy they whose joys abound


s swel l ing stream ,

Who thei r heaven in Chri s t have foundAnd give the praise to Him 5

Let them triumph in H is name,

Enjoy their full fel i ci tyI the chief

,& c .

3 18 I am determined to know not/i ing, 6 1 .

4. Bles t are they, en tirely bles t,

Who can in Him rej o i ce,Lean on H is belov

ed breast

And hear the Br idegroom 5 vo ice

Meanest fol lower of the Lamb,

His steps I at a dis tance see 5

I the chief,& c .

Outward comforts have I none,

Or sens ible del igh t 5

Joy is to my soul unknown,

My day is turn’

d to n ight

But my God is s ti l l the same,

No shade of change in Him can be 5

I the chief,& c .

I,l ike Gideon ’

s fleece,am found


d s till and d ry,While the d ew on allaround

Fall s plenteous from the sky

Yet my Lord I canno t blame,

The Sav iour’s grace for allis free 5I the chief, &c .

7 Stil l I see H is unfel t grace

Descending from above,

But -

can neither pray nor praise .

Nor fear my God , nor love

Yet H e suffer’

d to redeem

My soul from allin iqu ity 5I the chief, &c .

8 Surely H e will l i ft me up,

For I of Him have need 5I canno t give up ‘my hope


Though I am cold and dead 5

320 Plead ing tne Promise of Sanetifi eation .

5 Perform the work Thou hast begun,

My inmost soul to Thee convert,

Love me,for ever love Thine own


And sprinkle with Thy blood my heart .

6 Thy sanct ifying Spiri t pour,

To quench my thirs t and wash me clean 5Now


,let the gracious shower

Descend, and make me pure from sin .

7 Purge me from every sinful b lo t,My idols allbe cas t as ide 5

Cleanse m e from every evil thought,

From allthe fi l th of sel f and pride .

8 Give me a new a perfect heart,From doubt, and fear, and sorrow free 5

The mind which was in Chris t impart,

And let my spiri t cleave to Thee.

9 O take this hear t of s tone away,

(Thy sway i t do th not,cannot own , )

In me no longer let i t stay 5O take away this heart of stone.

1 0 The hatred of the carnal mind

Out ofmy flesh at once remove 5Give me a tender heart



And pure,and full of fai th and love.

i 1 Within me Thy good Spiri t place,

Spiri t of heal th , and love, and power 5Plan t in me Thy victoriou s grace,And sin shal l never en ter more .

Cause me to walk in Chris t my Way;

And I Thy statutes shal l fulfil ,In every poin t Thy law obey,And perfectly perform Thy will .

Plead ing tne P romise of Sanetifi eation,

Has t Thou not said,who cans t not lie


That I Thy law shal l keep and d o

Lord,I bel ieve

,though men deny ;

They allare fal se,but Thou art true .

14 O that I now,from sin released


Thy word might to the utmos t prov eEn ter in to the promised res t


The Canaan of Thy perfect love .

15 There let me ever,ever dwel l 5

Be Thou my God,and I will be

Thy servan t : O set to Thy seal ;Give me eternal l ife in Thee .

1 6 From allremain ing fi l th within

Let me in Thee salvation have 5From actual and from inbred sin

My ransom ’

d soul pers i s t to save .

1 7 Wash out my!

deep original s tain

Tel l me no more i t canno t be,


or men The Lamb was slain,

His blood was allpour’

d out for m e .

I 8 Sprinkle i t, Jesu , on my heart 1

One drop of Thine all- cleans ing blood

Shal l make my s infulness depart,

And fi l l me with the life of God .

1 9 Father, supply my every need 5Sus tain the l ife Thysel f has t given

Cal l for the never—fai l ing Bread,

The manna that comes down from heaven .

VOL . I I .

322 Plead ing t/ie P romise of Saneti/‘iea tion .

2 0 The gracious frui ts of righteousness,

Thy bless ings ’ unexhaus ted store,

In me abundan tly increase,

Nor let me ever hunger more .

2 1 Letme no more,in deep complain t.

My leanness , O my leanness cry

Alone consumed with pin ing wan t,

Of allmy Father’s children,I l

The painful thirs t, the fond des ire

Thy joyou s presence shal l remove,

While my ful l soul doth stil l require

Thy whole etern ity of love .

Holy,and true

,and righteous Lord


I wai t to prove Thy perfect wil l 5Be mindful of Thygracious word ,And s tamp me with Thy Spiri t’s seal .

4 Thy fai thful mercies let me find

In which Thou causes t me to trust 5Give me the meek and lol mind ,And laymy spiri t in the dust .

5 Show me how foul my heart hath been

When allrenew’

d by grace I am 5

When Thou has t emptied me of sin ,

Show me the fulness ofmy shame .

26 Open my fai th’

s in terior eye 5Display Thy glory from above


And allI am shal l s ink and d ie,Los t in as tonishment and love .



Titus ii. I I 6 1 .

The Father hears Him pray,

His dear Ano in ted One,

H e cannot turn away

The presence of H is Son 5

H is Spiri t answers to the blood ,And tel l s me I am born of God .

My God is reconciled,

H is pardon ing vo i ce I hear

H e own s me for His child 5I can no longer fear,

With confidence I now draw n igh,

And Father,Abba


,cry l

TITUS I I . 1 1, 81C .

WE magn ify the gift ofGod,

The common Saviour prai se 5A talen t i s on allbestow


A seed of saving grace .

To every soul i t comes unsought,

To rai se him from his fal l 5To allit hath appear

d, and brought

Salvation un to all.

From allungodl iness and sin

I t teaches us to fly,

Forbid s to touch the thing unclean ,

Or but in thought comply

4 From every earthly low des ire,From every creature- love,

I t.cal ls

,and bids our hearts aspire

And seek the things above.

Titus ii. I I, (

ar e. 325

5 I t teaches us , and not in vain,

All evil to eschew ;From every sin we now refrain

And every good pursue .

6 Sober, and j us t , and godly here,Whoe’er the grace receive


With sin and Satan ever near,A sinles s l ife we l ive .

7 Our soul is changed , our heart i s clean,Our inward strife i s o ’

er 5

Here in thi s presen t world of sin

We l ive,and sin no more .

8 The power of godl ines s we show,

To carnal minds unknown,

And perfect hol ines s below,

And l ive to God alone .

9 Worthy,we walk with Him in white


Holy and perfect here,

Till Chris t with allHis sain t s in l ight

Shal l gloriously appear .

We look for that thri ce blessed hope,When t ime and death shal l end


And Christ,the Judge

,to take us up


Shal l with a shout descend .

Jesus,the great tremendous God

Our Saviour,shal l come down 5

To allwho conquer’

d through His blood

.H e gives the s tarry crown

That blood which H e for alldid shed,

To make us throughly clean,

To save,and make us free indeed

From every spot of sin .

326 Titus ii. I I, (3 7 .

For this H e hung upon the tree,

For thi s His l ife H e gave ;Our souls from alliniquity


Our ransom ’

d souls,to save .

A royal pr ies thood to ordain,

An ho ly,chosen seed 5

And br ing them to a perfect man,

And make them like their Head .

I 5 H e died,that we to sin might d ie


And l ive to God alone 5H e died, our hearts to purify,And make them allHis own .

16 This i s the dear , peculiar race

The people doubly bought,


elect ofGod , who sought His face,

And found the God they sought .

Zealous of allgood works they l ive,

And allgood tempers show ;And s til l to God the glory give,And l ive His l ife below .

This i s the fel lowship of sain t s

I see i t,Lord ; I see

The grace which answers allour wants ,The grace which is for me .

1 9 The glorious prize I now pursue,For ful l redemption wai t 5

And soon I shal l attain un to

My primitive es tate .

I t is timefor Tnee, Lord, c

or e.

Lay to Thy mighty hand ,The work is wor thy Thee

A world of foes withstand ,And say, I t canno t be,

We cannot full redemption have,Thou can s t not to the utmost save .

Arise, O j ealous God ,Come quickly from above 5

Thy law they have d estroy’


The holy law of love,

The perfect law of l iberty,

The law of l ife which is in Thee .

With Thee the potsherds s trive,They give their God the lie 5

They teach, We canno t l ive

And not wi th sin comply 5”

Thy word of none effect they make

Come, for Thy truth and mercy’s sake .

Eternal God , come down

With Thy victorious cros s ,Thy genuine gospel own ,

Main tain Thy righteous cause,No longer let Thy foes blaspheme 5


,mighty to redeem

Thy con troversy, Lord ,Do Thou Thysel f decide ;

And let Thy fai thful word

Be to the u tmos t tried

To Thee we make our bo ld appeal,

Declare the counsel of Thy will

I t is timefor Tnee, Lord, 657 .

I s it Thy wil l to save

Our soul s from every sin ?

Say, Jesu , woulds t Thou have

Thy righteousnes s brought in ?

Us wouldst Thou whol ly sanctify ?Or have we


,bel ieved a lie ?

No , no, the witness cr ies

Ye shal l as God be pure,

Whoe’er on Chris t rel iesTo him the word i s sure

And I,even I shal l perfect be,

And Christ shal l l ive His life in me .

Sin shal l not always l ive,

Or in our flesh remain ,

We did not,Lord

,rece ive

The word of truth in vain

The word of truth shal l make us free ,The Spiri t’s cry i s Liberty

The acceptable year

Of Jesus i s at hand ;Pr i soners of hope


Go forth at His command,

And show yourselves from sin set

The Spiri t’s cry i s ! Liberty 1”

We surely shal l obtain

(When Jesus en ters in)A liberty from pain


A liberty from sin 5

We then shal l more than conquerors be,The Spiri t’s cry i s Liberty ! ”


3 30 H e t/zat B elievetn slzallnot malee Has te.

H is cal l we now obey,

Our full consen t we yield 5Man shal l not tear away

Our anchor or our shield,

U s from the gospel hope cast down

Subver t our fai th or take our crown .

The sin - aton ing blood

Its full effect shal l have ;Whom it hath brought to God

I t inwardly shal l save,From alliniqui ty release,And

’stablish us in perfect peace .

The Holy One shal l l ive,

And in our heart s abide 5To us a portion give

Among the sanctified 5We allshal l say,

!The work is done,

We allare perfected in One .



[I saiali xxoiii. IPART I .

r W ITNES S Divine,the J us t and True


Jesu , to us this promise seal,

Our has te of unbel ief subdue,

And bid our flu ttering hearts be s t ill

2 That power which stopp’

d the mid - day sun


d back the t ide,and chain

d the sea,

Be in our rapid spir i ts shown,

And make us truly wai t on Thee .

332 H e taa t Believet/i snallnot ma/ee Has te.


I COME,0 Thou greater than our heart


And make Thy fai thful mercies known 5The min d which was in Thee impart


Thy cons tan t mind in us be shown .

2 From anger set our spiri t s free

I t worketh not Thy righteou sness 5In patience let us wai t on Thee


And quietly our souls possess .

3 Jesu,to whose supreme command

All things in heaven ,earth

,hel l



Upon us layThy mighty hand,And self shal l sink beneath Thy feet .

4 O let us by Thy cross abide,Thee, only Thee, resolve to know,

The Lamb for s inners crucified ,A wor ld to save from endles s woe .

5 Take us in to Thy people’s res t


And we from our own works shal l cease 5With Thy meek Spiri t arm our breas t,And keep our minds in perfect peace .

6 Lift up, and fix our s teadfas t eye

On Thee the Father’s favouri te Son ,

Thee our Great Head,gone up on high ,

Firm on Thine everlas ting throne .

7 Though earth and hel l Thy rule oppose,

The Lord is king, Messiah re igns 5Till Satan


,and allThy foes


And death,the las t ofall, be slain .

H e t/ia t B elief/eta slealt not make Has te. 333

8 Jesu , for this we calmly wai t 5'

0 let our eyes beho ld Thee near,

Hasten ‘ to make our heaven complete,

Appear, our glorious God , appear !


r UNCHANGEABLE Almighty Lord,

Our souls upon Thy truth we s tay 5Accomplish now Thy fai thful word


And give,O give us allone way.

2 O let us allj oin hand in hand

Who seek redemption in Thy blood

Fas t in one mind and spirit s tand,

And build the temple of our God .

3 Thou on ly cans t our will s contro l

Our wild unruly pas sion s b ind

Tame the old A dam in our soul,

And make us of one heart and mind .

4 Speak but the recon cil ing word ,The winds shal l cease

,the waves subs ide 5

We allshal l praise our common Lord,

Our Jesus, and Him crucified .

5 Giver of peace and un i ty,

Send down Thy mild pac ific Dove 5We allshal l then in one agree


And breathe the Spiri t of Thy love .

6 We allshal l think and speak the same

Delightful lesson of Thy grace,

One undivided Chr is t proclaim,

And join tly glory in Thy praise .

334 H e tna t Believetn skullnot malze Has te.

7 O let us take a softer mould 5Blended and gather

d in to Thee,

Under one Shepherd make one fold

Where alli s love and harmony.

8 Regard Thine own eternal prayer,

And send a peaceful answer down 5To us Thy Father’s name declare


Un i te and perfect us in one .

9 So shal l the world bel ieve and know

That God hath sen t Thee from above,

When Thou art seen in us below,

And every soul displays Thy love .


1 THE Lord i s king,and earth submits


Howe’er impatien t,to H is sway ;

Between the cherubim H e s i ts,

And makes H is res tless foes obey .

2 All power is to our J esus given 5O

er earth’s rebel l ious sons H e reign s,

H e mildly rules the hos ts of heaven,

And hold s the powers of hel l in chains .

In vain do th Satan rage his hour,

Beyond his chain he cannot go 5Our J esus shall s tir up His power,And soon avenge us of our foe .

J esus shal l H is great arm reveal,J esus

,the woman’

s conquering Seed ,

(Though now the serpen t bruise H is heel, )

J esus shal l bruise the serpen t’s head .

336 Tlie Lord ’

s Prayer P arap/zrased .

Wisdom ,and m ight

,and love are Thine ;

Prostrate before Thy face we fal l,

Confess thine attributes Divine,

And hai l the Sovereign Lord of all.

3 Thee, Sovereign Lord , let allconfes s,That moves in earth

,or air

,or sky


Revere Thy power, Thy goodness bless ,Tremble before Thy piercing eye .

All ye who owe to Him your birth,

In praise your every hour employ

J ehovah reigns ! Be glad,O earth


And shout ye morn ing s tars for joy.

4 Son of Thy Sire’s eternal love,Take to Thysel f Thy mighty power 5

Let allearth’s sons Thy mercy prove,

Let allThy bleeding grace adore .

The triumphs of Thy love display ;In every heart reign Thou alone ,

Till allThy foes confess Thy sway,And glory ends what grace begun .

5 Spiri t of grace , and heal th, and power,Foun tain of l ight and love below


Abroad Thine heal ing influence shower,O

er allthe nations let i t flow .

Inflame our hearts with perfect love,

In us the work of fai th fulfil

So not heaven’s hos ts Shal l swifter moveThan we on earth to d o Thy will .

6 Father,

’t i s Thine each d ay to yield

Thy children’

s want s a fresh supply 5Thou cloth

st the l il ies of the field,

And heares t the young ravens cry

Ta: Lord’

s P rayer P araphrased . 33 7

On Thee we cas t our care 5we l ive

Through Thee,who know

st our every need

O feed us with Thy grace,and give

Our souls this day the l iving Bread .

7 Eternal, spotless Lamb ofGod,

Before the world’s foundation s lain,

Sprinkle us ever wi th Thy blood 5O clean se

,and keep us ever clean .

To every soul (allprai se to Thee)Our bowels of compas sion move

And allmankind by this may see

God is in us,for God is love .

8 Giver and Lord of l ife,whose power

And guardian care for allare free,To Thee in fierce temptat ion’s hour

From sin and Satan let us flee .


,we are

,and ours Thou art 5

In us be allThy goodnes s show’d 5Renew


,and fi l l our heart

With peace,and j oy, and heaven ,

and God .

9 Bless ing and honour, praise and love,

Co - equal,co—eternal Three


In earth below and heaven above,By allThy works

,be paid to Thee .

Thrice Holy,Thine the kingdom is ,

The power omn ipoten t is Thine 5And when created nature dies

Thy never - ceas ing glories shine .

V OL I I .

338 Revela tion i. 4, 5, 6 .



1 O THAT the l ife- infusing grace,The pure and perfect peace ofGod ,

Might now descend on I srael’s race


The church H e purchased wi th His blood

2 The souls peculiarly His own,

On them the choices t gifts descend

From Him that si tteth on the throne,

Ancient of Days which never end .

3 H e was from alleterni ty,Pure essence

,l ife

,and l ight

,and power ;

H e i s when time no more shal l be,

H e is and shal l be evermore.

4 From God to allHis church below,

From the seven spiri ts before His throne,From J esus

,let the bles sing flow ;

Jesus is God ’s co - equal Son .

5 The true and fai thful Witness H e

The First—bego tten of the dead ,Prince of the kings of earth— to Thee

Be everlas ting homage paid .

6 Amazing height of loveDivine !

We prai se with allThy hosts above

The’ unutterably great des ign ,

The mys tery of redeeming love .

7 From actual and from inbred Sin

U s thou has t wash’

d in Thine own blood5Thy blood hath more than made us clean,

Hath made us kings and priests to God .

340 Revela tion i. 10, I I .

7 Come, gracious Lord, we wai t Thy day,We languish to betaken home 5

No longer let Thy chario t.

s tay ;Come

,gracious Lord, to j udgmen t come .

VERSES 10,1 1


I SAY, which ofyou would see the Lord

Ye allmaynow obtain the grace,

Behold Him in the wr i tten word,'

Where f onn unveil s the Saviour’s face .

2 Clear as the trumpet’s voice H e speaks

To every soul that turn s his ear ;Amidst the golden candlesticks

H e walks and lo H e now i s here

3 Present to allbel ieving soul s,

They see Him with an eagle’s eye 5Down to H is feet a garmen t rol l s


d with a glor ious crimson dye .

4 A golden girdle binds His breast .

(Whence streams of consolation flow,

Milk for His new- born babes,who res t

In Him nor o ther comforts know . )

5 His form is as the Son ofMan 5

His eyes are as a flame of fire,

They dart a sin—consuming pain,

And l ife and joy Divine inspire.

6 H is spo tless puri ty of soul

We by a lovely emblem know 5H is head and hairs are white as wool


White are they as the driven snow.

A P rayer for t/ie Bis/iops .

7 Glitter His fee-t l ike polish

d brass,

That long hath in the furnace shone 5Brighter than l ightn ing is H is face,Brighter than the meridian sun .

8 As many waters sounds His word,Seven s tars he holds in His right hand ,

Out of His mouth a two- edged sword

Goes forth : before i t who can s tand ?

9 Lord , at Thy feet we fal l as dead 5Lay

.Thy r ight hand upon our soul,

Scat ter our fears,Thy Spir i t shed


And allour unbel ief con trol .

Tel l u s,I am the Firs t and Las t ,

Who l ived and died for allam I

And 10 My bitter death is pas t,

And 10 I l ive no more to d ie .

I have the keys of death and hel l .

Amen Thy record we receive 5And wait til l Thou our spiri t s seal

And allin allfor ever l ive .


I DRAW near,O Son of God

,draw near

U s with Thy flaming eyes behold,

Still in Thy fal l ing church appear,

And let our candles t ick be gold .

2 Still hold the s tars in Thy right hand ,And let them in Thy lus tre glow


The l ights of a ben ighted land,

The angels of Thy church below.


342 A P rayer for Laéourers .

3 Make good thei r apostol i c boast,

Their high commiss ion let them prove,

Be temples of the Holy Ghos t,

And fill’

d with fai th,and hope, and love .

4 The worthy successors of thoseWho firs t adorn’

d the sacred l ine,

Bol d let them stand before their foes,

And dare as sert their right Divine .

5 Their hearts from things of earth remove 5Sprinkle them


,from sin and fear

Fix their affections allabove,

And layup alltheir treasure there .

6 Give them an ear to hear the word

Thou speakest to Thy churches now 5An d let alltongues confess thei r Lord,And let allknees to Jesu s bow.


LORD of the harvest,hear

Thy needy servan ts cry 5Answer our fai th’s effectual prayer


And allour wan ts supply .

On Thee we humbly wai t,Our wan t s are in Thy view

The harves t truly, Lord , is great,The labourers are few .

Convert, and send forth more

In to Thy church abroad,

And let them speak Thy word of power,

A s workers wi th their God .

344 A P rayer for Laoourers .

5 Open their mouth , and utterance give 5Give them a trumpet - voice to cal l

A world , who allmay turn and live

Through fai th in Him that died for all.

6 In every messenger reveal

The grace they preach,divinely free


That each may by Thy Spiri t tel l ,H e died for all, who died for me .

7 A double portion , from above,

Of that all- quicken ing Spiri t impart ;Shed forth Thine un iversal love

In every fai thful pastor’s heart .

8 Thy only glory let them seek ;O let the ir hearts with love o

erflow 5

Let them bel ieve, and therefore speak,And spread Thy mercy’s praise below .

9 Mercy for allbe alltheir song,

Mercy which every soul may claim ,

Mercy which cloth to allbelong,

Mercy for allin Jesu’s name .

To Thee, for allmen l ifted up,

O let them stil l their witness bear,

And,shouting from the moun tain - top,

The Saviour of the world declare .

H e willeth not the s inner’s death,

H e died for all, H e none pass’

d by 5Since we would now resign our breath


For every soul ofman would d ie .

Un to tae A ngelof t/ze C/iure/i of Epliesus , 345



Revelation ii. I, firs t .

i O THOU that dos t the churches bear,The stars in Thy right hand uphold

Who walkes t now with j ealous care

Amidst the candles t icks of gold 5

2 Poo r,guil ty

,abj ec t worms, to Thee

In our declin ing state we cal l 5See

,Thy degenerate people see,

Nor let our tot tering Sion fal l .

3 Our works of faith Thou once didst know,

Our patien t hope and labouring love 5We would not bear Thy Romish foe,We dared that An ti chri s t reprove .

4 We tried him by the written word,

Through allhis snares and fetters broke

AS Satan’

s sueeessor abhorr’


And cast away his iron yoke .

5 Him and his god , and sin and death,

We more than conquer’

d through Thy name 5The wi tnesses resign

d the ir breath,

And clapped the ir hands amids t the flame .

6 For the ir dear suffering Saviour’s sake,

Immovable the champions s tood,

Nor fain ted at the rack,or s take


But water’d allthe church with blood .

7 Yet O how quickly,Lord

,has t Thou

Whereof Thy people to reprove

Fal len ,alas Thou see ’s t us now


We now have left our former love .

Unto tae A ngelof tlie Charonof Epnesus ,

8 Our wine with water mixt,our gold

I s dim,our shipwreck

d fai th i s dead,

No more our tokens we behold,

Our martyrs allto heaven are fled .

9 0 could we cal l to mind the grace,The glorious grace from which we fel l


Live o’

er again the ancien t days,

And do the works Thou lov’st so wel l

O that we might through Thee repent,

And t imely turn to Thee,and l ive

So should Thy grace our doom prevent,Thou wouldst abundan tly forgive.

Before Thou dost in vengeance come,Our candles tick far off remove


And fix the’ unal terable doom


O let us weep , bel ieve, and love .

Cal l on us,by thy Spiri t cal l


Yet once again our church res tore

Show us Thy grace is over all,

And l ift u s up to fal l no more.


1 H EAR,allthat will

,the Spiri t hear,

What H e to allthe churches sai th

Fight the good fight til l Chr is t appear,

And give the prize to conquering fai th .

2 The tree of immortal i ty,Which in the mids t of E den s tands ,

The conqueror’s due reward shal l be,Though guarded by cherubic bands .

348 To Me Angelof t/ze Cnureli in P ergamos .

5 We then the power of fai th shal l prove,

Nor shrink from persecution near,

But more than conquer inThy love

Thy perfect love which cas ts out fear .

6 Though earth and hel l at once engage,

And fiends and formal sain ts conspire,

The synagogue of Satan rage,

And threaten us with racks and fire 5

7 Bold shal l we s tand in Thy great might,For Jesu ’s sake coun t allthings lo ss ,

With beasts,and m en

,and devils fight

Beneath the banner of Thy cros s .

8 Shal l Satan in to prison cast

To prison we with Chris t wil l go,And gladly bear

,til l allare pas t,

These l igh t affl i ctions here below .

9 But make us fai thful un to death 5But arm us in that fiery hour,

And we shal l allobtain the wreath

And d ie for God , to d ie no more .


VERSES 1 2,1 3 , (Save.

1 O THOU that hast the two- edged sword,

Let us Thy warning vo ice receive 5Give us an ear to hear Thy word


Give us to tremble and bel ieve .

To tae A ngelof tlie C/iure/i in P eigamos .

2 We dwel l where Satan keeps his seat 5Our fathers would not Thee disclaim


They would not to Thy foes submit,

But kept the fai th,and held Thy name .

3 They held i t fas t in evil days 5Fai thful to Thee the martyrs stood


And turu’d again st the storm their face

And s trove,resis ting un to blood .

4 But we, alas deserve Thy blame

For tamely bearing with Thy foes

Who dare deny the Saviour’s name,

And allThy gospel truths oppose .

5 The devil’

s factors still we hear,

The sinful advocates for sin,

Who cause the l i t tle ones to err,

And teach they never can be clean .

6 We suffer them for Sin to plead ;Still they promo te the devil’s cause


Deny that Thou for allhast bled,

And stain the glory of Thy cross .

7 Before Thy people’s face they cas t

The stumbling- block of creature- love 5The power of sin mus t always last


The power thou never cans t remove .

8 They speak 5 and we, to i l l incl ined ,Have gladly drank the poi son in,

And gratified the carnal mind,The idol of indwel ling sin,

350 Un to t/ie A ngelof tne cam e in Tnyatira .

9 But let us plead for sin no more,

But let the s tumbling- block depart,Our vile idolatries be o


Thine, only Thine, be allour heart .

I O Lord,we renounce whoe’er oppose

And fight agains t Thy saving power 5Consume not us among Thy foes ,Nor let Thy two - edged sword devour .

1 I 0 let us of Thy strength take hold ,Thine utmos t promises embrace,

The Fin i sher of fai th behold,

The God of all- victorious grace .

I 2 To him that conquers in Thy mightThou wil t the hidden manna give 5

Thou has t obtain’

d i t as Thy right,

And he shal l Thy deserts receive .

1 3 Thou, Lord, wilt give him a white stone ,A new myster ious name impart


To none but the receiver known,



VERSES 1 8,I 9, é

v e.

r O SON OF GOD,whose flaming eyes

A sin - consuming virtue dar t,

To scatter allThy foes arise,

And search,and purify our heart .

352 Unto tne A ngelof tlie cam e in Tnyatira .

9 On us no o ther burden lay,On us

,and allwho have not known

What Satan and his preachers sayBut still for ful l redemption groan .

I O Our knees confirm,our hands l ift up


Our hearts from things of earth remove,And guide into a patien t hope

And looking for Thy perfect love.

I 1 Let us hold fast the pledge of good,

The grace Thou has t already given ,Till allour hearts are Thine abode


And find in Thee their presen t heaven .

1 2 0 let us conquer all our foes,

And active to the end endure,

Maintain Thy works,whoe

er oppose 5To working fai th the word is sure .

I 3 Power over hel l , and earth,and sin


The lawful conqueror shall receive 5An everlast ing power brought in


Power wi thout fear or sin to l ive.

1 4 Power to o’


,con trol

The nations with an iron rod 5

( Implan ted in the new- born soul

The wisdom ,and the power ofGod 5)

r5 Power over s in s , to hew,and slay

Them allwith a continued stroke,And scat ter as the pot ter’s clay,A s vessels in to sh ivers broke.

Un to t/ze A ngelof t/ze C/zure/z in Sa rd is .

Power to main tain his victory,The perfect l ife of fai th to live 5

Power,as the Father gave to Thee ,

Thou to the conquering soul wil t give .

1 7 Wilt give him the br ight Morn ing Star

The Morn ing Star,O Chris t

,Thou art 5

And 10 we see Thee gleam from far

And wai t Thy rising in our heart



5 asC/zaptei in . I,2,O e.

1 O THOU whose eyes run to and fro

Through earth,and every creature see


What is i t which Thou dos t not know ?

All things are man ifes t to Thee .

2 Thou has t the spiri ts,seven and one


Thou has t the stars in Thy right hand

And allour works to Thee are known

H ow shal l we in Thy j udgmen t s tand

3 Thou know’

st we take in vain Thy name

While dead in trespasses we l ive ;T hee for our Lord we fal sely claim


While to the world our hearts we give .

4 A powerles s form ,a l ifeless sound


Our works as van i ty are l ight ;Wan ting

,alas they allare found


And worse thanno thing in Thy sight .V OL. I I . A A



Un to tlie A ngelof t/ie Cnure/i in Sard is .

O that we now might turn again,

And cherish the las t spark of grace,

Strengthen the things that yet remain ,

And cal l to mind the an cient days .

Surely we did Thy fai th receive,

We heard with joythe gospel word

O let us now repen t and l ive,

And watch to apprehend our Lord 5

Stir ourselves up,renounce our ease,

Before Thy sudden j udgmen ts come

And watch,and pray

,and never cease


Till Thou repeal our threaten ing doom .

A few Thou s ti l l has t left,who s tand

And d epecrate the’ impending blow


Protectors of a guil ty land,

And guardian angels here below .

They , by Thy mercy reconciled,For our unhappy Sar dis plead 5

Harmless,and pure

,and und efiled


They ever in Thy foots teps tread .

Before they see the realms of l ight,

Deserving here through Thy desert,

Worthy they walk wi th Thee in white,

In Spotles s purity of hear t .

Partakers of the l ife Divine,

Who in the fight of fai th o’


They allshal l in Thine image shine,

Made ready for their heavenly home .

To tlie A ngelof tae Ckurenin P liiladelp/iia .

4 A little s trength Thou see’st we have,

We trust that Thou art s t il l the same 5Save, J esu , to the utmos t save

Thy people who confes s Thy name.

5 We dare not give our God the lie ;

Saviour from Sin,we Thee receive 5

Though Satan ’

s synagogue deny,

Wefi er e a s in less l ife shal l l ive .

6 Who fal sely cal l themselves Thine own

Shal l then indignan tly submit5Thy mighty hand shal l cast them down

And make them bow before our feet .

7 Then allthe advocates for sin,

The carnal self- eleet,shal l know

Thy blood hath made us throughly clean

And wash’

d from allour S in s below .

8 Thy clean sing blood,by fai th applied ,

Gave us a love that cast out fear 5And 10 ! with allthe sanctified

We plead for a perfection here .

9 But let us to the end endure

Nor ever let Thy promise go,Till allour hearts and l ives are pureAnd every soul is white as snow .

1 0 Let us Thyword of patience keep,

Nor from the gospel hope‘

remove 5

But sow in confidence,to reap

The harves t of Thy perfect love .

I 1 So shal l Thy grace our souls preserveFrom sore temptation ’

s fiery hour,

When allwho plead for sin shal l swerve,

And fal l,perhaps to rise no more .


We know Thou wil t not long delay 5Let no seducer cas t u s down ,

Or tear our confidence away,

Or spo i l u s of the promised crown .

That crown the conqueror liere receives

Who the good fight of fai th hath won 5Whi le without fear or sin he l ives ,H e l ives to God , and God alone .


d by Almighty hands

H e shows forth allThy grace and p ower

In God ’s eternal temple s tands

A pillar,and goes out no more .

The name and city of Thy God

Thou didst to him on earth impart,

And shed d’

st Thy perfect love abroad,

And wrote Thy nature on his heart .

Thy Father lzere Thou dids t reveal,

To him Thou here Thysel f has t given,

And mark’

d him with the Spiri t’s seal,

A citizen and heir of heaven .

This i s our glorious call ing’s prize 5Saviour

,at thi s our wishes aim 5

Res tore us to our paradise,

In scribe us,Lord

,with Thy new name .

To allwhom Thou has t given an ear

The perfect grace make has te to giv e,And sanctify us wliolly here,And to Thy heaven of heavens rece ive .

358 Un to tneA ngelof tne Cnurenof tlieLaod iceans .



VERSE I 4, fave.


l AMEN to allthat God hath said,Witness Divine, the Jus t and True,

Who was t before the worlds were made,Whose being no beginn ing knew .

2 With guilty sel f—condemn ing fear,With humble self- abasing shame,

Thy Spiri t’s dreadful charge we hear

Nor dare throw off the’ imputed blame .

3 God of unspotted puri ty,U s and our works can s t Thou behold ?

Jus tly we are abhorr’

d by Thee,

For we are nei ther hot nor cold .

4 We cal l Thee Lord , Thy fai th profess,But d o not from our hearts obey 5

In soft Z aod ieean ease

We sleep our useless l ives away .

5 We l ive in pleasures,and are dead5

In search of fame and weal th we l ive 5Commanded in Thy s teps to tread,We seek sometimes

,but never s trive .

6 A lifeless form we s til l retain,

Of this we make our empty boas t,

Nor know the Name we take in vain 5The power of godliness i s los t .

Un to t/ieA ngelof tlieC/iureli of t/zeLaod ieeans .

3 O let us our own works forsake,Ourselves and allwe have deny,

Thy condescending coun sel take,

And come to Thee,pure gol d to buy,

4 Gold that can bear the fiery tes t,

And make the buyer rich indeed 5Adorn us in the milk- white vest


And over u s Thy man tle spread .

5 When this unspo tted robe we wear,Our sin s are cover

d allby Thee5No longer doth our shame appear


Salvation in Thy light we see .

6 Touch’

d by an unction from above,

Our eyes are open’

d to perceive

The mystery of redeeming love,

The death by which alone we l ive .

7 Beholding as with open face

The glory of the Lord,we go

From strength to s trength,from grace to grace


And perfect hol ines s below .

8 O might we through Thy grace attain

The fai th Thou never wil t reprove,The fai th that purges every stain


The fai th that always works by love .

9 O might we see in this our dayThe things belonging to our peace,

And timely meet Thee in Thy wayOf j udgments

,and our sins confes s 5

Un to tlzeA ngelof t/ze C/iureli of t/ieLaod ieeans . 361

1 0 Thy ! fatherly chas tisemen ts own!


With fil ial awe revere the rod,

And turn with zealous has te,and run

In to the outstretch’

d arms of God .

I I Behold,Thou standes t at the d oor


Thou knockest long at every hear t

Ready the s inner to res tore,

And li ft the fal len up,Thou art.

1 2 Thou cal les t allmen to repen t

And allmen may obey Thy cal l ,They may, the s ton ies t may,

relen t ;Thy death hath bought the grace for all.

I 3 What Thou has t len t we allmayuse ,

We allour talen ts may improve5We need not


,Thy grace refuse,

Or s top our ears again s t Thy love .

I 4 Thou hast obtain’

d for us a power

Thy proffer’

d mercy to embrace5And allmay know their gracious hour,And allmay close with saving grace .


I SAV IOUR of all,to Thee we bow,

And own Thee fai thful to Thy word ;We hear Thy voice

,and open now

Our hearts to en tertain our Lord .

2 Come in,come in

,Thou heaven ly Guest ;

De light in what Thyself has t given,On Thy own gifts and graces feas t ,And make the con tri te hear t Thy heaven .

Un to tneA ngelof t/iecam eof tneLaod iceans .

3 Smel l the sweet odour of our prayers,

Our sacrifice of praise approve,

And treasure up our gracious tears,

And rest in Thy redeeming love .

4 Beneath Thy shadow let us si t ,Cal l us Thy friend

,and love

,and bride


And bid us freely drink and eat

Thy dain ties,and be satisfied .

5 O let us on Thy fulness feed ,And eat Thy flesh

,and drink Thy blood

Jesu,Thy blood is drink indeed,

Jesu , Thy flesh i s angels’ food .

6 The heavenly manna fai th imparts 5Fai th makes Thy fulness allour own ,

We feed upon Thee in our hearts ,And find that heaven and Thou art one .

7 An heaven begun on earth we feel,

Who conquer in the glorious strife,And pass o ’

er sin,and earth, and hel l ,

Triumphan t,to eternal l ife .

8 The fulnes s of eternal bl iss

We shal l from Thee receive above5This the reward of conquests

,thi s

The crown of all- victorious love .

9 Conqueror'

of sin,and hel l

,and death ,

A s Thou the d readful fight has t won,

And wearest now the’ immortal wreath,

And sittes t on Thy Father’s throne5

3 64 Tne Spir it and t/ze Br id e s ay,Come

5 Throughout his soul Thy glories shine,His soul is allrenew’


And d eck’

d in righteousness Divine

And cloth’

d and fill’

d with ‘

God .

6 In spiri t join’

d,and one with Thee

And purged from allhis s tains,

No wrinkle of infirmity,


No spot of sin remains .

7 H e knows Thee now as he is known,

Thy fulnes s he receives ;Flesh of Thy flesh

,bone of Thy bone


In Thee he ever l ives .

8 This is the res t,the l ife

,the peace

Which allThy people prove 5Love is the bond of perfectness


And alltheir soul i s love .

9 Thy people are allsanctified 5And Thou shal t say to me


Thou art allfair,My love, My bride

There is no spot in thee .

O joyful sound of gospel grace

Christ Shal l in me appear ;I,even I

,shal l see His face


I shal l be holy here .

I shal l from every sin be free 5

(The word ofGod is sure5)Walk before Him ,

and perfect be,

And pure as God i s pure .

e. , Such infirmities as David speaks of, P salm c i i i . 3 .

Tne Spir it and t/ze Br ide s ay, Come

2 This heart shal l be H is cons tan t home ;I hear His Spiri t’s cry


Surely,”H e sai th

,I quickly come


H e sai th,and cannot lie .

The God of truth Himsel f hath sworn ;On Him my soul rel ies 5

My soul,on wings of eagles borne


Shal l fly,and take the pr ize .

I 4 The glorious crown of righteousness

To me reach’

d out I view ;Conqueror through Him

,I soon Shal l seize

And wear i t as my due .

I 5 The promised land from P isgan’

s top

I now exul t to see ;

My hope is full (O blessed hopeOf immortal i ty .

1 6 My fluttering spiri t fatigues my breast,

And swel ls and spreads abroad

And pan ts for everlas ting res t

And s truggles in to God .

1 7 I feel and know Him now in part ;His love my hear t cons trains


Its near approach expands my heart,

And fi l ls with pleas ing pains .

1 8 H e visi ts now the house of clay

H e shakes H is future home

O woulds t Thou,Lord

,on this glad day

In to Thy temple come


Tlie Spirit and tlie Br id e s ay,Come

With me I know,I feel

,Thou art;

But this cannot suflice

Un less Thou plantes t In my heartA constan t paradise .

My earth Thou water’st from on high 5But make i t alla pool 5

Spring up,O wel l I ever cry,

Spring up within my soul

Come,O my God , Thyself reveal 5

Fill allthis mighty void ,Thou only cans t my spiri t fil l

Come, O my God , my God

Fulfil,fulfil my large desires

Large as infini ty ;Give

,give me allmy soul requires


All,allthat i s in Thee

368 Ind ex.


,and help me to rej o ice

Come,0 Thou greater than our hear -ts

Come,O Thou Travel ler unknown

Come, to the house ofmourn ing come

Comfort, ye m in isters of grace

Depart, ye ransom

’d souls , depart

D raw near,O Son of God , draw near

D raw near, ye strangers to our God

Droop ing soul , shake off thy fears

Ever faint ing w ith des ire

Father, I stretch my hands to TheeFather , In the m ighty name

Father of all, whose powerful vo iceFather of Jesus Chr ist , myLordFather of Lights , to Thee , from whomFather ofMerc ies , hear our prayersFather ofMercy

,hear our prayer

Father of my dying LordFather of our dying LordFather of uncreated lightForgive me

,O long—suffer ing God

Fountain of Life , to allbelow

Giver and Guardian ofmy s leepGlory be to God aboveGlory to God , whose grac ious careGlory to God , whose grac ious powerGod of allpower , and truth , and graceGod of allpower , and truth , and loveGod ofD an iel, hear my prayerGod of eternal Maj estyGod of I s rael

’s faithful Three .

God ofmy salvation , hearGod of our l ife, at Thy commandGod of tr uth , and power and loveGod of unexhausted grace


. 369

Happy soul who sees the d ay

Hark,a vo ice divides the sky

Have m ercy,Lord , Thywrath remove

H ear allthat wil l , the Sp ir it heHear


hear , the F irst and LastHearken to the solemn voiceHigh on H is ever lasting throneHoly and True, who hast the keyH ow beaut iful H is feet appearH ow happy is the man

H ow happy they , 0 King of kings

I felt my heart, and found a chilness coo lI know that myRedeemer l ives , And everI know that myRedeemer l ives ; H e livestoo wi l l magn ify the LordI wil l hearken what myLord .

Jesu, allpower is given to TheeJesu, Fr iend of s inners , hearJesu,

fulfi l the Gospel word

J esu,God of our salvation

Jesu, Great Redeem er , he arJes‘

u, hear a s inner’s prayerJesu, myKing, to Thee I boJesu, mySaviour , Brother , Fr iendJesu, myStrength , myHopeJ esu, my trust is in ThywordJ esu

,Redeem er ofmankind

Jesu,shal l I never be

J esu, sin - aton ing LambJesu,

take my s ins awayJesu, the Life , the Tru th , the Way

Jesu,the Truth

,the way

J esu, Thou hast bid us prayJ esu,

Thou know ’st my s impleness

Jesu, Thy soul renew my own

V OL . I I . B B

3 70 Index.

Jesu, Thywandering sheep beho ld !Jesu, un ited by Thy graceJesu

,what hast Thou bestow ’


Jesu,wherewith shal l I draw near

Lamb of God , for s inners s lainLet the wor ld lament and gr ieveLet the world lament their deadLet the world the ir virtue boastLet us go forth , ’

tis God commandsLift up your heads, ye lofty gatesLong have I labour’d in the fireLong have I v iew ’

d,long have I thought

Lord,and am I yet al ive

Lord, and is Thine anger goneLord , I bel ieve Thy every wordLord

,I bel ieve Thywork of grace

Lord , I confess my s ins to TheeLord

,I glor ify Thy grace

Lord , my head burns , my heart is s ickLord of the harvest, hearLord

,regard my earnest cry

Meek , patient Lamb of God , to TheeMy Father , myGod , I long for Thy loveMy Father , O my Father , hear

None 15 l ike j esnurun ’s God

N or doth H is love ecl ipse H ismightO I but must I , Lord, returnO compas s ionate High - P r iestO for an heart to praise myGodO God of my salvat ion ,

bear .

0 Great mountain,who art thou, Immense

O Great mountain , who art thou,That darest

O Heavenly King, Look down from above0 J esu

,ful l of tr uth and grace

It)7 2 Index .

R ich, an d increased w ith goods , I was

Saviour from sin , I wait to proveSaviour of all, to Thee we bow 2

Say, then , ye worms of earth,to whom

Saywhich of you would see the Lord PSee, gracious Lord , w ith p itying eyesSinners , your hearts l ift upSon of God , if Thyfree graceSurely in the Lord we have

The children to the birth are come

The Lord is king, and earth subm itsThe Lord unto myLord hath saidThe wor ld H e made H e sti l l sustainsThee, Jesu,

Thee,the s inner’s Fr iend

Thywi l l be done , Thyname be blest !’Tis of Thym ercies , LordTo Father , Son , and Holy GhostTo the haven of Thy breastTo Thee , 0 Father ofmankindTo Thee , O Lord , our God and KingTriumphal notes, and hymns of joyT ry us , O God , and search the ground

Unchangeable A lm ighty Lord

Vain,delus ive world , ad ieu

Vain man ,ofmortal parents born

We l ift our hearts to TheeWe magn ify the gift of GodWelcome fr iend , in that great name

What a mystery am IWhat shal l I do , myGod , myGod ?What shall I d o myGod to loveWhat shal l I d o to ’

Scape the hel lWhen

,dearest Lord , when shallit be

When ,mySaviour , shal l I be


en . 37 3

TV 'hen to the temp le we repairWhe re Is my strength , myfaith , myGod


ilt Thou,O Lord , regard my tears



g as grass is humankindIV iltnesS D ivine , the Just and TruWee is me that wretched man

Woe is me what tongue can tell

Wretched , help less , and d istrest

Ye happy s inners , hearYe that pass by , behold the Man !

Ye worms of earth , our God adm ireYet soon mywretched heartYet stil l we glory in Thyname

Lo ndon R. Needham, P rinter , Paternoster - Row .

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