a est he film

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  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    Coninuum Aesthetcs

    Sries Editor: Derek Matravers, Ope Univrsy a

    Uvry of brdg UK

    e Coninm Aeseis Seies looks he shei questons

    n iu ai y a ajo at foms Simin enin ndessile he seies oes ood fo thought not oy o tutof eseis b lso fo none wi n inees in hilosohy nde

    Tit avaiab frm Cntinuum

    Asthtis and Arhittu WinesAtht and aue avi aviAthti and Mrai lsth ShellekensAsthti and Msi Andy Hmilon

    Frthming in 8Aesheis nd aitig Json GieAtht and Nau Gnn Pson

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film





  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    Continuum Inteational Pubishing Group

    e owe Budn Yo RoononX

    8 aden aneSue New oNY 138


    Kin ToonJone 08

    Al gs eseved o pa of s publaon ma b podud oansmd n any fo o by any mans eleo o manal

    nludng pooopyng odng o any nfomao soago va sysem ou po pemsso n wn om


    Btis Lay Catalogg-i-Pbcato DataA aaou od fo s book s avalabl fom Bs Ly

    SBN HB: 848

    PB: 08285235

    SBN 13 : HB: 98086489PB: 98082853

    Library of Conrss Caoin-in-PbJication ataA aalo eod fo s book avalable o e ba

    of one

    ps by ege magg Ssms Pv d Cnna, dand d bound n Ga an b MG ooks d Bodmn


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film




    1 Flm as an Son Aans m as an 4

    esponn o Son

    Aeim o l e a 8

    A y ew The xtra capaciti

    o m me an 2

    Consions 14

    alism 6

    Bi The l mae s e obe 8

    alon Te lm mae is ansparen 3

    alons is e m imae is o as 8

    Cie e m imae is hily ie 3

    Does e m ima ally o 33

    Consins 38

    Aorsip 40

    o is h ia auho 43Do lms ha auhos 4

    Auhbas l sm

    ousios 55

    4 e anae o lm 57

    im ua a ae 0il sos 6

    ' ae Flm s a anae 65


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    5 aain in e i lm 2M aaie l alway ae ar 4

    a i r a m' ain be iable 80

    worak unreliabliy 80lbal uliabili 81

    w o upp naa mpree 83

    Clin 8

    e n iewe 8a mpeon 8

    nepeain 9 1

    aa 95

    Cno 101

    Te elin lm ew 10Mak ne o ei r in 105

    e paax o o 106e paax 1 10

    Ieniao a mpay 1 13

    Pyaay iniao 1 14

    Iainae iain 1 1

    Epaei eain 10

    Fl an eel 123Conli 1

    N 1 29

    bograph 1 38

    Ind 143

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    mon phloophies of he rt ploohy of lm dtinuishe ythe etent to whh t draw upon the broder hotil dton forthe fo n qtion One eplnon o the attenton phloohve to lm thoy hs to do wth th fat tht the tehnal dvlopent

    and publi isbuton of l at the end of te nntnth entuy d notoinie wt wde reonition of ts rst potnti Fm hd to e stt n the fae of onserble tehnophoi septim. Thi ethat ely ln prati tnde to nvolve h lfonoapliation o demonation of eory of a an ly lm tiprte nvolv the eplt atulaion n defen o th theoesbhin th ls. n

    t thi eant tht from th vy ennn l

    wtn w hhly hlosol. nd thouh e tt o slon been u an the preouations of lm theoit hav odenedoniely there tl hlosopl lonsousnes to the adition of lm tdi

    roadly pn tere are t ns or developntl hse oflm thoy tht del wth iu ten p by ontoy phloohClassil lm heo o the 1920 to th 190s prmrly aie to

    efend the emrn of new art fo Contempory hilosoperwho appiate suh lal ues s Rdolph ndr azinand Sei ensten wo to olete or exten aets of th deneof l for empl by onsden whthe l n repreent thetn merely reod alty weher n h nqu oues forformal ply o pesson and whth lm s nherently oe relstthn oth fos

    Th nd of lm thoy tht ws domnant in the lte 1 960 doot the 1 90 now ommonly fred to st vnties' lmtheory nvold he pplaton of eiot stuali nd psyoanlyti theoy to lm Soe top that intst ploopher bethe perod o lasl nd eventi o syhoemoti hoy forexapl th to of thohip whh n the peod of lssl theorywa of nteret for t onneton to art tatu nd n the priod of

    syhoemot thoy w of ntert o its onneton to thoes ofnteprettion The tendeny to re to lm n lnti ts ws mot

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    powrl drn the pro of psyhoseot l thory hosophre ntersted to see wheter the analoy between n lanae anstand up to rorous ayss and whethr dawn sh an anaoy shlpl for explann how w nderstand or ntrprt ls

    Contve l theo o th 1980s to the resnt eals wth thenature of our nant wth l Thr s a reat dea of ollaboratonan onvrsaton beween ontve lm theorsts d phlosophers Thsreets a sh ntrest n the applaton of phlosoph, psyhoo a and neuroloal theores of n to or nderstandn of lenament ho the vwr makes sense o what she sees on sren(an hs on the sondta) plly n ters o folown asto how sh assns an overll ann and vale to a ; how shesupplements what sh ss and hes wth anaton n how shrspons wth feen to dptd haraters an vnts, as well as toaspets o th loo and feel of te tself.

    Ths book s oran aound the ssues that ntrst phosophrwho thnkn about the hsto as well as the onteporary state ofboth lm an l hory Sne these ssus are rased by ls thslves bt have otn ady been epor by l theorsts the ahere s to make phlosophal sens of e theo an, h proesslumnate sothn abot the nature of l hs s not to say thatvry queston or ssu aessed n he boo os to phlosophy rol oy he qeston o whther naatve ton lms st havenaators or xaple whle nspr by work n lterry thoy salost exlsvey ursed by phosophrs Neveheless the losworn reatonshp betwen l theoy n phlosophy s evdentohout th book

    t s mpot to reale that ths s not a book abot phloso phyt wl not use s to lstrate o test phosopha vews no wlt present an ment or th qvaene of phosopha systems l worls Ths s a boo whh takes lm pr as th subet ofphosophal nquy t s ths for anyon who wshes to bettr nder st an fo that ontns to adapt to drnt movnameda only to nrase n ts powr d appea

    Gven ts broa fous on lm as an for the book wll not orenhy ndvdal lm analyss As eneal phlosophal las aboutl e av, however, they wll oftn be brouht ho to th raderwth pala eps hese eaples a drawn pmly onaav ton lm wh rts the fous o th knd of l eorynder onraon. hs fous not mant to ply a la of portant

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    heoreal wo on o hloohil inne n oher nd ofl y, eeenl lm o doenary f anyhn, thi ou ply inde rn pont for the phoohy o l no thefor and enre, a well h hnoloil eoe of l onneto volv n n, here pleny of en phlooph wo llo e one lely, Ah d a o oe uo nree ena fo th ont utur wor

    woul l to th he ee edor, Dere Mtav, a well aey G Geory Crre, ndew ana, aly vnton, TeThh, oma Wenb, eore lon nd Mhel Zryd forth nvalule ee on p of h oo. wold o le to thaMin Thoonone for h onan uo at evey ta o heboo prepon

    herne ThoonJone


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    m an t Bo w swe t queton, w n to b lo wht w me by lm e term m is buous t eers botto n fo tt empoys vty o hysl me elluoid, videoand dtal ormts, o xl d lso to te trdition miu oth form th poeted lm stp tt resut om th omle te

    l osses of lmn and editin Soms s lso ued toreer to e art orm spilly whe t employ te dti lmiu Clssl lm teot ue th t i ts wy smply beuet te tme te were wtn, l eum ws te ony medium oth om Dpite ths mbuty, owev, th s oo eson tohol oto th t lm . Mot impontly, th te s stll wdey udb ordnay lmors, m tis nd lm theorit, t oves

    int o fo evey mmn itio, vewed n anyetti Thus ts book we wi p the te lm but ue it ull by mn treewy istitio between m e o, lte medum, an photohllbed m t o n tsdtion miu We wll lso olow ommo use n keepn ete iet to deribe , set o m or mod oenement wt m tht is ed b or rele upon isttve o

    unque eture o l So how houl w uestnd our orin quto? s lm n at

    w to n etbied t om, the o queston trvat best t, owever, te rst answe to ts queston etbied thpossblt o un h tm lm to ee to medumpei o the y y of l, stenerton ssi teosts wereteeste i e tt poibiti it dtonl mmnproesses, pauy n intopy nsoar inmtohyous o on elluod p to b tou projetor,lssl lm teot were thi bout te tst posbiiti ote lm medum But not susil, te w tey etbih tht lan b t i by s te reult o uin eu e lm

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    pojeed ono a en fo an auin wa beau ly mhoit mped iy on he een ha hy deded ha he po of inmatoaphy edin an elllod poion od be .Nowaday of ou m l efe o an a form b no o a mdm pi one A we hall th ae he qution o how o upholhe atu o an a fo whih wa onaly juied in tm of a ptia medum whn ha ar fo ha moved byon i tadionamdium efoe we onid th qeon howv e eamin thonal uiaon how lm t bame a.

    To nwe o an qeon w mh ben y poinn oh xiene of nai maepee lie Nw Wod (2006) o Thv a (195) But o hi how ha (phooaphalyba)lm pr i an ar ll depend on wha mke uh lm mae pi whehe i i th inheenly inati qalie o wheth it iqualii deved fom ohe abhed a fo o example hidama qualii o he painely qualiti of ompoiion Th eaquon hen whth m i an om in i own rh an thnw to thi qeon wll end on whehe wha ma a m a lman alo e what me a

    Today mo lmoe aum who queion ha lm meda ev aiti ppoe Whn lm meed howev a a mehan al nnovation i odin he wa no uh ampon anyhnin a hee wa an oppoin ampon ha lm i meely a eodindevi vod of ai in Thi mean ha ely lmmae nlm ho had o leima h pae beo hey ode a eepive auin dolph im one of he mo pominnt ay m heoi wa wll aware of how uh h had o pove fohe a o an emen fom Boh he 1933 and h 95 veon ofh reae on th of len lm ovide a dealed aalou o ah eave an xpive pobl nhen n he lmano Eenially im aep he aumption ha mee ehanl eoin anno be and hn e ha lm bn wheemehanal eodin nd The el i an ahoave iulation ofh anial pnipl o iln mmakin

    We ee he nipe applied in in way n ah o the majoiln lm movemen In Sove mona lm lie See EininBathp omk (2) iin ed o eak p eaane nhane he manin of he eodin n Gean expioni mli Cabt

    DCgr ( 1920) hihly yed e atin and

    naion ae emphaid wih inono amawo and lihin

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    I A A

    en h of Chle Chapn wi hei use of vsa bodypcpes fo esablhn a b wh ealy and h io of somehn eney nw

    B wa of h ssumon ha m o be f s ere hic coi? Behnd aupon s e folow lin of houe a lm s mad, how much houh ad ceavy o nowrn e ip, conscn a sn and hesn he ao, onch ae s on, ha i h e cal a is byo he ceaive cono of h es Of cour h cieaophe canceavey conol h e, decon an dice of te camera, d hio ceavely cono h oe and hyth of as i he ncu Bu o one can eaily ool he conen of hos maes f ecamea mechaniy ecos a ee, hen you d u w an ae fu ha jus as i ooed a h oen of codn I is his acof isc ono he rui nd dnciey phooahc momen ofe n pocess ta aledly peens pooapilysed fo en an ar for

    s undobdy ue ha m spad om adona ikepanin da y te haial nue of t roi pocessTh he eson whe mechanca odi les o yAcualy here y wo qeos h: he eon of whhtere an b sy dp hc ecodn

    and h uestion of

    whhe ee can be asy n mechanca reoi sef ary heoss le hi oy onsdered s of ese wo uiosThe second uso s aen up by h s eneraon of soud mhoris Aon he h a And Bazn who we ee n he nexche on ealsm, and who locaes he powe of l n he medayand accessby of i ecoded mae

    By e w o te econd ha we sha be ab o aceha Bazins wo s made posb by he o wo of i lm eos in mn ad m sdy In picul, emswo s hsorcay poan fo eabhi can eorealappoa o l, oe nvovn o aysis of eeryhn ha es a uiue atsc medu ic we e nerd o us n conn he ar sau of phooapayba m, bu conrin independ ss ts nd of iusecc anayi is emeyus I s no howe, h oy vald eoria aoach o mven a there a y conne bw and oer a fose w beo pcuary awar of se connue wn w discussauoship nd aon n Chaps 3 and 5 epeivly

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    ou dumspci analyss, ow, w mh b suc a iw ha niiual lms ca we y sucssfuly co bu l e cano b O s iw, lm s no inped om bcus lmn pocss does o cobue o h is alu

    o h nal pou Ts bns ou aenon o h a a l hoss who wa o n saus of l ae u ns wo dsicaums, bo of wc iol he assupo a anno b if s m cancal coin On e s iw, lm s as hanca coin of eal lf; o scon iw, lm s as canca ecoi of sablisd a of am d s usannd le Ahi sponds o s ew, copo plosops o lm ave o focus o h sod vw Thiss ly beause h cndea uen has sed by coemoy plosope Ro co

    s muciscussd essay, Pooapy a Rpsnao , Scuonus ha lms a us pooaps of o o lss asicaly aluablamac psnaos Fs ano b si pesaos hm sls bcaus pooaphs ae o nd of can epseTh ancal oucion blocs ay is nepaion of wais be pooapd T conce saus of l ishus no mly o isoical s uons coo alleems us a a po undesand o m eues a aoof ous fo assum, s os of us do, m s a I owods, Sco is us s losops w om ouco ad si h os basc lifs a nfo ou paces slmvws, lcs laes


    ons fuaion of lm s n fom s seps Fs, assus a h l dum s a inly pooapi medume cas an aum ans possiiliy of poops psenaon And nally, nds s u o lm o o assss cos u as l a, fo, w neeo assss s uen aas ooapc is, unlss w iscoha ons un aas phooap cao lmay bxe o l A pooaph a as o n manpula in any waycods ppac of s suc Bu, cuon insss hs os o

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    podut o bein epreentaonal Moove t the ae a ofonol n rodn at pvnt fro ben repentaonal T i he pont at whh Ston tend h auent fro photoa phy to

    i a photoaph of a daat epentation t not, bat anot b a photoraph rpntaon It folow that thee ih a hn a a nati aterpee it wll be o bau Wil wbees and rle du eu it i in the rt pa adaat atee

    Ston o he to uget hat it i not t at the modpoe i neual n ter of t obuton to th aati e ofhe na wo, but that it atuay ma a ngate ontbution and to a la of ono o th detai in lm ae, t on to behade fo a adene to now how to nterpet a eoded dramatin han fo a theae audiene to now ow to ntept an anaoouene on ta et ay hat w hav a ee and a tae en of a

    batte Sine the aera reord vythn n th ne eery patterof md, ey nt of t the adene an be ovwhd whand datd by a pehoa of uoanized det n onat, n thetan o a batte in a play tyld to allow fo th ooundin ofean fatu of the andape and ean aton he tha audn poply dawn to he daat ou o the ene


    Aodn to ruton, ne a photoaph od ath han epentt bt t anot uppo an aethet nteet n how t ubt hown l t an ppo an ntet n the ubet telf lm ta ie of photoraph and hu ao fa to pent e annot taan atht intet in how omethn hown on aue how thatthn hown meey h ut o a ehana reordn po andot the eut of reate att ho

    Gvn of auent there at leat two at oepondn to ton la aat

    Apt hat uton uent aant photoaphy autoatayextnd to lm and h how that there are oe photoap

    whih we an tae an aeht ntet and wh theeby qalfy a n th own riht

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    I AS AN A

    2 eve unutond ton unt aint photorphy ndtad ueton t etnion to lm

    The efenc o photorphc nold n th rt trtey covncy md by ll Kn n he pproptly ttld ton ndeon o oon t Photoaph The eond taty inolvpointn to way i whh m unl hotoraphy wy ht ute ute eat conol or repreentto Th ot nntwy n whh m nle photoaphy i o oure n ben a unceo me that a ombned n ny wy tht th m t wnt ouhedti There e howv a whole rne of dic d onventonat dintve to l d that ve tt pupo Th rehpfuly catoud or u by Am

    Bore we ba to hem howev lt oder nrepo to ruton Remeb that ton t t idnc o thenabty of hotoaph to repreent ht th only ao we n hef loon t hem to tiy our uoty bout the ubt Thway of n about photorph n pond cn only be eulto a a of wn o appreton of he n o photoph tehnue nd th oneuent an o poibiti or ttc ntetoin he photoaphi poe f to hd atualy ondered elexpe of photoaph and h wy people tal bout thm he wouldhve zed ht thee e y d o reaon or

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    h hese examples, Kng mples ha u o h ompy o hphooaphi od pooapher has us as many opons fops h su a h pair I phooaphy b ar and s essenaly phooraph hen sey lm an e oo Ths s oouh o show ha is is own orm howevr e need a senseo h s w h isi sous o phooaphy and somehng ha Ahem ndrely spples Bu Ahem oly as usso a i aoui o h isi ms o is up o onempo y shos o op h aoun y sui ha osmore reave possbles han almos any ohe a fom, gpnin and draa


    Ahems gmen fo phoogapallybas m as a om haswo sas irs aaous a h ediumspi ways n whh he

    m ma s i o pvd aiy Th h iusras a ways n wh hese pulaes of he lm medum an be expo oarsi ee ie Aei is worn under he assmpion ha ouh o b pssiv, h us as o us a asps o h mmedum om amea agles o edg as pssvy as possbAs a resul, wa we ed up wh is a andboo of lm ehnues fopssion an h ao o manin

    s ay o ao h ha pssivmedum ha s dsnve abou hs vew besdes s ehnal dealis h y assupio abou e soure of expresson n lm Aordngo m, pso s possb whn a s o rord somehnauaey I s pesy n h laos of as a ha ong dev ha possbles fo as npeao emege I mhsm sane o wan o rm he saus o l n su a negav

    way, ad , as w sha s, h o ims approan fosn on e ways n wh we al o peene a lm as al f, mss h ways in whh w periene a lm as moran real lfe ell ome o hs dea la, howv F s s howim responds o he am ha m anno be a beause s mmehaa o

    Aordng o em, w see a m as o o auray i

    a h disrepanes bewen pereved raly an he m ag

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    Tese cud ( a scpacy i pci ph; (2) a iscpcy ih perceed s ad spe of obecs (3 a dscepacy e ms oou a of iw ad, ( dicrpancy e xprece of e ow ofspce d m

    Te rs dscepacy peceed dp s h esu of codi a poc reedmeso reaf ees (o peformace)oto a suacs o so a sc ih ubsu oof dep, e m mae s expeeced as some bew woa h on Ta e exampe of an er so of wo passas h hisioa wo o sc, h iws oe a mo away fom e ad oe owds e Bu o h as e ca aso see e mo owads e uppe d oweedes of h a Moreo, is scod mpreso modes he rsso ee esos h s a sca oss o piph Ts s oe wy, ccord o hem, wc m s mosssfcoy u o is ais

    he os of dep comes e oss of wha m cas cosa ces of i hap i ou pcpua pic I a f wperce a oc o away o ows us as a cosa is ouh he me of the obec o o e ces see w wach a , o o ha, a oc o ows hce apps o ow le ad o mo away fom h camaappes o ow smaer Smy h shpe re fe we percee ecau abe a cau ouh ima o ou ra wde a o a a h bac a , how, a caua ab,pculy oe cose o e cmer, may appe wde e fo a h bc Of cose em s o sayn you re uabe o seee cau b a ecaua o cre, u ha way o s o auoac

    e e s o e a sce cobue o a loss of pcp m, ey aso cobu o e oss of e l e of soa w hae n eeryday ife By mo o yes d u our eds,we ca s a couous paoaa o ou suouds Bu w wach m we cao ou eds o see beyod e fame say hi i w a oc aa of iaio of ecod mdum

    Pps e mos profoud dscrepacy, owe, bewee pecedey a is a io o ii I a if, w aojump say o 5 us a o o 5 s away ha o pasouh al 5 mues ad coss 5 mes o so m A sce a oe

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    ie ad pa ay be imedaey foowed by a see a a oaydieren me and pace Ahei ue ha te pcoa uao ta preve e uaposo of s ad sho fro durb g o cofusi he viewer Oe oos a e uaposd ado] a cay as oe woud a a oeion of pcre pocards

    O ei as ised ese ad oh dispaie beween per ceved aiy ad h image e moves ono he seod sa o hisarmen A s sage, he us a wid variey of exape o ow owe ai an epo e fais of as a haia recordindev Beid hi proec a pacu heoy o , oe ha a beueoed depedey of hei aay Umaey, wheheeim can succeed i defdi he aus of i on o dependes o hi bra caaogue of epssve hiqu and ore oe accepabiiy o his rieria for ar as

    Accordg o hei, ouh o b xpresive in order o eve adeie pupoe By iigng ad conseuey awi ou aio o hose uaiis o hi ha we woud miss n a mecacarecordn expressive a eps us o udea e aur of ad wha ey ave in omon ow we ca eg o s why Ahispends so uch ie ii h fas of a a recorn devce Ifm were enrey successfu ecodi ay how hi oo,h a o seed m woud us give us wha eveyday xpece gives us; ay, a udierenaed praac, uaave vewof e wod I is oy wh fais o od auay a expre siv pae ca eerge Te wod s iepd fo us o adgive eai Thus h re e aris o o accep shapees eproduco , u o sess he peuiariies of hi edum n a wayha e obec represeed shoud o rby b doyed b raerseened, coentaed nereed

    Fo eah of h dsrpance beween e m iage ad peceivdreay, he povid viou exape of er epreve poeaT e o of dep n e ae ad h uin o of con say i h privd size and sape of obecs o scee: Ahisges owae shos a he exprive poer a a reu of esedispaie A oeup owage so o a poic oe oni caes focess bau poice ocer appears o owe above uswih a ue body and a sa ead This disoio a mae e oepssiv i de entrey o e aeng ou of the iae a our traepeao of i disoed proporon Moreover sae codiosof doron can be used o u he rave iporance of caces

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    FI L AS AN A

    on scn f one chaate s sncanty close to e amea thananote th st chact as t w th cn both hyscaynd psyly

    Th vewes loss of an nlmted ve de to the famng f e shot

    s many siv functins n f which i th catn of sspnseo examle t is a conventon n hoo s to show a ont's ntvctm n seen and leave at east tmoaly the monste o seen.e ae evnts th viw in what h wold nay dnamely tung s ea to get a ook at wht s n th victiscem nstead the ve mst mane the hoos faed by the vctmle ousy awatn th vatn f th nt.

    e nal iscancy enton aov concn th cntnuity sc and tme s aps te one est n exessve potental As weve sn Ah nts to th way dtn as an essenta omonentof the lm eu suvets echca coin y chann th waye civ the assae of tme nd the nty of spae. hoh etngmessags cn convy aoction an ooition cat Raicuttn can gve a sense of fenet actvty o onfson sl cuttn v a sns f inin nosta Onc n consds both thexpessve otental of ndvdal sots an the eessve otenta ofti combnaton the st pssbltes e tally lmtess

    's wk pvs a fascnatin accunt of th tchnca esto expesson n sent t has ts oes howve Athouh wav not exloe ths ee Aems guments fo y should beexssve what ppse stc exesson sees and what t s fowos of to iv au y aiguity an nconitncy. Moe elevat fo us oweve s the estteness of s stateyo fendng e stats of lm As e have seen Aem locates teexessv tena f the med n dsepanes beteen thelm ma an pcv aity. Ths ans that nnovatins f ahng geate ai in ey uc th chac f n One sc nnovaton s of ose sound wc Aem aty condemns n fact f sevel decds afte the anstn om sent tosod lm Ah continu to inst n th nacy f sundl T thnk the ooste that e nodcton of son s mpoveent is jut a nsss as if th invntin f thensna oantng ee ale as an avanc on te htheo kown ncs ofpnn'

    Cley sthn has on wn f Ah's apah eqes sto denonce evey soun as istcay coi Th histic

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    expl s f use th em as ok ns the assu hat lm a be at beause s e mehanl hswh h eeded to ehasz ee all th ays hh als uay de ely thn oly s f the lmttos lm as a eo deve s to ss th xta apates lm as asntatnl t fo. Istead of th he ntdut o sunds aay m the exssv ptental th lm edm e n f t as the esues o lmmae; v he eveno hes fo hw l a stoy vy ann ad evok tos. Thn about th sh dvesty of s ses avlabl othe lmmak has led sme onpa phloshs t ppseet nds o umet f the nt at staus m Onesuh ment s m by Aexde Sesosk n a sees f atls atfous o unqe expeee lm hee s ch emd us ofAhem Sesosks o but whas hem dstush lm athaly, Sesnse stnushes lm at oy.


    y th m that Sesos s abut lm h s and 8s thtst posss f the meu hav been dey aded shha thee s lte f lm b smssd as mee chad. Heve, s w lm med e ls avalable by ths t,questos s abut the avsaby f ely o mspeaments fo l . Ths ul xn hy Sesoes cnt smaly ath tha chaly based hh a lm s sh o vdeo ellud, may f ts oa quaes ll be h same Meve, may o o be dsmsse s mehanal e bt that doesnt mea has sed ne a status f, as Sesonsescbes, the tendy amn lmmes, lm cts ad l vwss lwys thn f lm ms f sme othe stablshd at f oxampe s vsua pey eo ama The sk Ssnse shus t nd a ay t sd and appea ts n es the os, cate a aesthcs f lm ut whe o bn

    The st ste, c t Sesosk, cat the eshs f ay o s an atlao the ane f o ssbltes he the meu (, pehaps, ma) Ths e sy that the dema dmesos f lm ae s, and moto Su s mpant

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    M A AN A

    bt no essena snce a ca b comete wtho sond shasspac with aiti sce and chtctue tme wth ic admoto wth dace o mht thk that shaes a t oa cateoes w dama t sac ti and moton e oy itea to dmatcoan an ot o the dat wok sf whch s dd its o chact and acton Dite ths dstncon how thefoa ovea between ad accay ey othe at fo yans th tncy to hnk of t as a dae Bt Ssoskesss that ths s the won way o tk. o eey o that hasa foma caeoy n coo wh anothe t fo the a nqeane of fo ossites wthn that cato hus what cado wth sac tie ad moton how it sents the fo s to eeence s coetey new. Accod o Sesonske when we ve a o eeenc of sac me d otio dies fo ay othcott of o is

    Sesonske contns by aug that h sac ad te we en n ha a uqe day k th sace of aintis msace has a wodmenson ace (of movn coos and fos) ada heedmensona ted deth t ik pantnsac thtdioa sace of s a actonsace which oton canocc. s aconsac s iscotnuos both with afe nataspace and wth tsef W ca hae the ss o ovn thoh a 'sactonsace whie ann n o sats n the Cna Ad oth oss a the chaactes (thouh ot usuay th cton) can jnstataeos fom on ocatio o anoth

    As we howv w can m o o ont of ti to aothethus indati the ae dscotiuity of mt. hie the s aica eth of e t ts to watch a m s aso a acanth of tme n whch th ts deced o scn occu The damac e of ested ns s o hihy conoed th ayothe fom ncdi teate: A histoc scene n a a bedaty oowd by a cotoay scene o a set o me a coos event c sy ct out. Ths coo s such that wmay even enc a chan n th fo o te o exa a ae ay e eeenced not ey as tetd oion b asoh n he wod of th e tsef has stopped

    Dest ths cates sac ad ti n m do ot e thadieet to us. We may fe ik w hae seen an nte t ven whenon s hhhts ae show o sceen and as e onts ot wcce us n ocatio as camy as thouh we wee n th as

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    M A N

    whh ws n i's deted n f tiv uses f he du

    3. Ssonsk's he gent f l as n f n t f thf pssbtes nhn in its ed

    Ssnk' gnt shws t w o nt need t ttnt t he dtn ediu in de t hd h status f t wh ning ht sket guns lik Stns whhssu tht l s t best hgh o dt eesenttin ant even get the gnd wih ls nvvng putgntedge (CG n les e CGI th ednnn but instd dig sethn n t ptg nded CGIs c sed depit scenes d entte hat uld nbe eded s bus the e fntl o t lest wh tinl f p Asn n i Gu n Mdde Evnthgh CG s s sd t ete the sn f it s thghsn s t f h ' wd h n st gves plete feed v what t epesent nd hw eset tesb hen we an tk n esthet intes in CG The sketght wnt t li tht s nvvin G e t e s Butse din vewes nd iic nsde the t b ls ths veedes he sket's guen t n nhsi nd n vebdste bt l phse f kng

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    In th pviu hat we w ned wh etbihng t an n t own ht Th f f aunt w nidd eph e e tty nnt wy in whh l i nt ly hehnl edng f et hee. h fo the guentf l lav a tia autin unthed ne

    ehnal oin not b Phap n uld u that l i gnn d dtnt f peey beue t nvolve hnial din. hn n wud hav t ay what it i bt edntht ha at nan hi ay nt b iult t d if n t the ht f ing

    h lat 0 a vlutin d n lin with th into dutn f ynhonou ound. On the oun l wa tehnial an

    el) b ee w n oog bk deed eand l i tndd t ue ht he ndt f ndepntd a at ipvnt t th f h would hy auh f he wee hnkng e Rudph he fte they woudau th te we knw he w he dt ofound a a h btal t ativ pin whih qui a divgene betwen nd elty. ven that ound l advoat did nothe hei we bt und hey ut ethe have gven u onl bin hve wihed t new l etheti hnng boto of th l a uin thi pid l like e of the Gme ) nd itizen Kane 94 ) onvin u that h latt and nt hfe pbty ut be the e

    uua l h wa ft t th wih g pteht ebded new et of uptin about th natu an valu fl tunte ne het w pyng oe ttenton to thehanging l wl an undtd h heta lin fthe und evouton And Bin who ban witin abut l inthe 0 nd ntnued nt h de n 95 ondeed by anto b th ot ipant u n th hit f l he h fwo eon ) Bain wa ativ a a l iti hitan and theit

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    ring the most important peiod sto o te fm - e period inh son f e o s o ad established a ne aestt oflm;a (2) Baz wote aout the fms and fms o ts od a highl original provoatve ad sg wa. Te dametal

    theo s wgs s ta fm s distigushed rom oter os s sttve apait or realsm a apat vsom the natue o the flakng pross. W ouo oso maks to oze s apait and explot t in everore ef ws.

    ai's ituitio about the distinct and s as o fm isy shd Eve togh so fs a some fm stles are onsider o st a oes, o ompare fm to other at oms, tseems to sad out o its reaism n a srprisg wy o s wa issprsng here, ompare fm : We you ath a pay oe sg o a aos - up o stage Whe yo w ftion flm o the other had, o sg ages o atoso sree. S s es a heatre is more realist thfl A ye ou iuitios oint in a dern dto as ete e teden to desrbe soe otv eas fms as theatra Wy s s? we o expai flm ealis in terms o wayiema oayals ae oten partilar aw a aetg,e e erel going aroud rs. Fo woud seem that the aee owr o fms s to the ealism ad this is t we t to ea

    As e sha see philosophers o fm hv to olo aii g to nderstand fm s tms o the flmmang proessThe s t fs a o hotographs d photogrphs s wle Ca ave a mehaial basis and ths a asa ontoto the subets. This onetio s take b t osoes topy dieret thigs Kenal Wato s t to hat photographse sparet - e see tir objs o tem3 Gego urrie, othe o , wo s o o several tis o ato, takes te sonneto to ml that photograph ad tog es ei ass o representatos so es s atual signs asee gs a ots t exludes paitings and drawgs. o shat is appealg about eah o these viws w to ose hem as o og debate bg Bazi i the 194s suered extede tto u the heda o pshosemot f o,d the reetl eigited among alti philosops w tests iereption ad the mid mo ge.

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    n a ay it is ssg at h contmpoay agument about flmm til ocues on the photoapic o flm giv that thadtoal mm o m at bing placed by dgtal omat It an opn qustion, theo, as to o on ould deend the ealism

    o dgtal lm Insoa as diital imags c a muc mchanicalcodg as clod potogaphs some taditioa gmts o flmalism may stll pplcl But ti i ony b in a limted wygv hat digita images can also be edssy mpuatd

    t is wo otg at dgital lm in hich tsv maplatis obvious i oy bcus th flms poay ctional locations dfctoa ntitis - can still be consideed gy stic hap this is holov om t days o photoapicallysd flm Phap, atsome lvl, w stl td to hink o lm the o, in tms o flm,h photogaphic mdium O th o d, it might uggst that thasm o m imags had nothing to do wi i cual hstoy i hst place

    no imitation o aumets o flm m at tat ith thepotogap s at y hav littl to say about th eaistic cobtoo one semy ssta d distinctv atue o flm amymotion No that lm is a multimedia m, mso o motiono t c ca b ceatd in a vaty o as W flm volvs celluloid flm sp, owv, his impsso is cated b apidly uing a i o static photoaphic am og a pojcto n ight ot mhod o catig appaent motion, a dbat s spug up amogphlosophs a to wt motio se on sceen is a staghoad illusion o in som ss al Pa t m obvious to youat flms do not aly move Bt the obviosss o t cocuion may a mpot cu to udtading ou entnchd d gly uqtioned ays o g about flm aism


    I s o ay colectd in hat i inea33 B dnd aism in to stas st, xams atue o the flm image tsmchanica poduction d causal cocto to objct in ode tosho tat alm ssenc o lm T gs hat apaticula sl o flg the alt tye his is the style hatJan Rnoi pectd in the 190s ith flm k e of the Gae tis also h sty o val pota Ameic dctos, cluding Oso

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    Wlls d Blly W ad Itl oalsts l Vtoo D S dRobto ossll W wll vw th dg htsts thsl ot but bfo w do w d to osd th tllgbl of ' aach h s gog to gu tht lm by ts v tus alst thby plyg t y l y styl wul b atc,ow Ba so to solt ptul lst lm styl Th wyB s t th by lg tht h styl of Ro Wlls t as th styl t ost fully ls th a u th tatna u Gv t mhl bss flg ths pupos sto pst' lty objtv d thus stul wy owv pobls wth wht B y to do h. h wllbo l s w hs vw o dtl

    h old lst styl tt mgd t lms of Ro s y ws h s tyl usd msta tody thoug th ovtos hv dd th styl gdully o tsptov tm An ts tss t followg () us ofdulog shots shots whch th whol an act' by vsbl o oft w sp bov hs hd ) s of dpfous tu a t th cu tchnqu 3 Holly wood lms 3) h omposo of sots wth dmt dtls lotd odt ctia pls h otd fogoud (4t s of t ln tak t catu a wh cn ntad ban tdow to svl shots ; ) h us of ovt std of dg to follow th to d (6) othtl optly us of a a sult of followg h to

    All of s chacttc a vnt th styl Rue o eGaetough ot ll of vy shot Ad ough t pot ds tv sutu d subtm btw Ro l nat, ad t A postw dtos y s otmt t th u unc sots otuous sp d thus opposto t th hghly ntntnt tchnu nta But wydos B hk t s styl d o o s lst h so st s ths styl os losst to spl od of wht sgog o ont o t caa If th act' anc a cau sgl log t wh mov m than ss dtd sots th tal ty of sp and otty of te s p sd movg lso gv th acton n o nnnc s thuh th s smply followg wt hpps std g a ta s ly d phps most mpoly t usof dp fous htahy nab th vw t can th c s

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    o itstig dts just as s ss h suoudis i ife hovll pptu p o oi is teeo os toodi pptua pie ps beas t odg spet ofte du s psed

    Ts ks a sto pot Bis gt te pot tw e dets hs fvoed stl wt t ss o t.Ra ta fo he, th ss et uaitis of pus thi pssv qts, ad ts tes e t sut ofdiuspe divs o haa og Fo Bi idit ost the esstial it qults of pti ls th podutiv o pstto uitis d tse ultis sudt o h od Idd, it s h bass of tht ss th o i s og diu bov dtoaepsto s eas a rpsto pat, fo apo stds i fo it l o a photoap rtriv it Baixpis this the st id foowg w

    e objtiv at of photogp ofs o it qa o edibiit abst o ot pte I spit of obtios ou ti spt o, w a foed to pt as txst o t obj podued tuall psd set beous t s to s t d sp Photop jos advatg i vi o ts sf of lt o th ti tots podutio

    Bi t os ve uh w foowg ai potogp a is h objt tsl t objt d fo t odtiosof d spa a gov '. 36 t oud B a ivtht w sll v o dit dsgsh btw potogphad t ig photogpd Pps w should tk t as hpbo o pho d ssu tat B is sp to psth deee btw photogp s d th dtiol psttio s T th ai itll te a, wod se toot s to dobt tphss o tht ows o t idtit ofis whh a ot o d th sa; a, photopho sothi d th th tsf aps tough Bi's a s o b te o it s o spt ou Fo so o s otks t s plusib to tk B to a ta t w whh thi d its objt idti is ki to the w i wih two stso t sa od a dta Atv, t s so pusb to

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    t Bi o m h h im d objt til so s hepou th a a o h t hese itepetios iyposibe ut hy to be eped d hi impiio o

    us s h si phoogph ps omt o lty so heov' m m o Bi' aot pesets segme of eiyih piu uatio

    Vwd in hi pptiv th i s obetvi i m hm is o o otet to peseve th oj oudd i is s he bod of i psv tat outo th di p i mb Now o the st tme he mge ofhi lwi th ia o th utio g mummid ee7

    At t oit o iht b to woe i b fous o h odig p of he medum B h ot o h eeig a h upmy o but the hs sudd iog the suspiios o hose who w o dy t l s of fo Ae mehni odi v i t s iitte ivey i o i itl ith etive o epssive mih mfoe ht he B hs o giv up hi ot o l is oh h o give up o m's im o tatu But ot spsig hdos i Rh h wok wh iee ssumpio bou thee o i o to ht m is piy ba t i ihl isti teestg howv i m ht s eshevlue fo Bi fo om of h os th epssivs i esti vu fo hi A hihy eist visu wo ju epssv vis wok gives s ew w of sig h wod

    Th se quities of phoogphy to b ouht i ts poweto y b h i i ot o to spte o he om p ab o th obtiv wod hee io o dmsidwk hee he gese of hd Oy mav s spi i objt of os way o t those piduppeoptio that spi ust d gim wih whih t yhv oveed t s be o p it i t va put to ttto d oquly to y ov

    s we hve ed mod Bi n to dv a al lmst fom his ou of h u o th l e But t s o e

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    how h do wthou odto. Gv l t ptph po ly u h pt y,B uly omtd hl o db y l y ty ad uul, pooph wy. Idd Baf o l th ommmt wh h lm tht o mathow dod o y photogph mg, t h, b vu o tvy po of bo, th b o h model o wh thpoduto f B wll low a fuy ho alt, wy ohhly po o ohw yld o Howv, jut wth ath vt m t h m e objt, h may b wy o tp B attmpd dvato o modatly PhpB pt jut , ou pe of lm th tyl ofo, Wlle, et podu ou ody ppul p o p mo loly th l ty k Sovt moa dG po, th tyl of Ro, Wl, t l b pth l o h mdu h ot plub uggo v hou B do o uppo t wh fully dvlopdum

    A w hal , th d tht d phoogaphy ltbu th of poduo uppo t kd of ppulxp t up b th phlooph, Kdll Wo Wlo povd th gut th B dd, vodg boh mpyalbudy d oadto, ough, h vl wl tl u tll omg ll abot h m u wy blk Ba lm at th obj a, w my b tWalto lm hat w objt ou h mg

    Bfo w om o Walto, howv, th o oh tm ofB aout woh eto h t o th appto o h out to o l A Nol Col po ou, vhat l mg p h objt, B od o ya h ubj alway l Thu, th of a o m, oly t bou th lm pt o d t thth h to But h uly a g way ofkg gv th w o lvt to ou vwg of a to m tha pt t hat ddo, t o houh tteg of o mo o l o; o th oy hebuk of l mot of u wt, d dd t buk of l d, ol v Ad B hmelf pd mo of h twth to l t h do ot v a ou of th wy h al

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    obj llgd psd b l g lso sd n o ono po sothg ol

    O o howv Wlo os to th s sgss h o p of o s t is ll h s h w s hos hough h phooaphs pojtd o s bu s also to as ha w th hs I oth wods w ull sh os lb d bu w n sig h hs I o m s d on loaton th sudo s bo ld ol s th w s h s o sto Ths plsh so ls o gv h woks o o h ul oom movs o dous s b usg hdhd s don nu t Ths sls ho pass odgsp o d d osu k s o mgh ou sg h hs a h us h os ogh hus o Won's vw o s non o dvls both lsll d tivl Wh o o hs sotos good o howv t s not olo h s vbl to B Os viw ig s s obj d inso s th obj s o o po o n s mg

    A d wo w l h hp w Ggo Cuspos to Wto As w shl s C s od h Waosgut o sp s jus k B's s potophsou of h go o psntos og Ev ogh Waltoddsss hs o spos o C t s tsg h ps g whv h us lto bw phoopd s obj s phsd. Yo b om Chapt hog Suo hd xl s o d ws t d h phoogphs vn hl bss ot ps hhn ho to d w o owldg h poa o potoap pos fo o o l ls d h s ot o s o ton ls s os


    us Wlo s sd wat s bhd Bs ous l h poogph a s h obj Thus h s std n h d phoogphs st b h v n v o hvgb ad w s d ss ght o lo d svs

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    bu h stablhs pot ogs btw oth fos of det sg d ou epe of photogaph

    h way t Wato dos ts is by usg sppy sop gutt gve h tapey lim t pubty' st lto asettht o oe wll dy ht we s though yglass, os, d t opes How the ss ould soo dy tht suty gud sos va od ut tlvo o spos f see v v tvsobodst But te gog ths f sey w alo sp of seegtht vt v deyed boadats h deee s tht ow w'g vts th pat But Wlto s ot sue ths dee att ll, w t of seeg he eposo of st that oued losof ys go oug hghpowed tlsop h questo s whthy of th des o th sd dow the sppe sope ough tok thota dittio betwee sg d ot sg sthgto ths tht we ot jutaby top th sld bfoe w gt tophotogaphs, ad photogphs t he bottom of the sop Howve,so of Wlt's ts dg he hes o th ppy slope by sp g odto fo seg that photogphs f to stsfy We wmto th hag o th lppy lope the t to st w ed toosd Wlto's eessy d suet oditos fo tspy

    Aodg to Wto th ao tht w s thouh potogaphs tht thy ausd by th obts mh way Althougth photogp ply mpott oe dtg wht w sthough he potogphs we vlss se though them esuto mh poss tht pss te eessy u eto fopptua otat A ult of hs us to, th appe of photogph outeftuy dpedet' o th ppee of thobt photogphed hs ms tht the potogph woud hv oodt f th obt hd ood dt Couteftu deped aso be psed wtot suh us eto howv Lol'ptd pot ght lo hv ooed det f Lo ookd de t ut s s th ut of g th pt' bifs dtg eto betw th ptg d t objt If Lo hd ood dt to th pt, th th pite woud hv ptd Lol loget l, of ous, pte s ot ally g wt ooos e beu th pt i hallutg th pp of ptg w not libly deped o the ppe of ts sbt th photogphi pot of o howv, v f photog

    ph we hutg the pp of the photogph w ebypd o Lo's pp o u up potogphs e apt

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    bese he aus b he obes n hus xhibi onendene whh s no i b belefs Ce hepll lls hsk of counfal depdence nul ndene n os ohe neol dnn xhbe b pning of ul hgs

    The nex qeson o conie s whehe al epndne s necess n sen ondon fo nsn lon efens hneess of nual ndene wh the agin s of blnd eewho s ed wth a poshi deve hogh whch nuosugeonfees h visal exeenes lon hinks h o tons ll h bn ln s no seeg thogh h oshss bese he vsxeenes ia b he neosgeos blifs Evn f he ne osugeon s opee swo and kes evey eo o f Hlnca infoon o hnks his does no o s a c fseeg t s woh nong howeve h h inuiiv foe of hs sea no be s song as lon hnks Ce fo one hnks ha Hlns seing hogh he pohess pecisl base the neosgeon stswoh gin insd Ce sggess ha i is an onpoen onbnevoen god h fs all of s o vsl epenc Evnhogh ou visual exeees e ei in hs se ol we sl s h w s hanks o he ope elabili of o soe ofvisual exeees

    aving hs qeso se alon oes hsef wh sh shows h na dependene s o sn on i own fo ns en e ss s o igin a hne whh s snsiv o h lighd b n obe sh h i auel eos he obc bu s vebal sion he as pc In hs se he he'spno s us hnll b he objec n would hve beendee f he objec w ien The po hs ibis nlndn B o ond hnes po i sul nonsn

    Ths cs ls on o popose noh onion wih whh l deene s onl sun fo spenc h sio ofel siili lons To see wha his ondon oss onign the esiongnang he lon is h he esoha hs hes pno s no nspe s h sppos ie n of isino h he n sppod b oy peepionof the obec scibd h bes w o see his is o oe he of os we e one o ak bo e despon n bou he obeecibd es s he espon s of hose ona lexpeen a be es o se hous fo b B ing

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    dspto of th hous th s ot th kd of sk w yto . Wh th drpto s uh or ly tht w wll stkth hou fo ha bus h wos hou' d h look Wth photogph of th hou o th oth hd w ky to

    th b stk d ot th h t I o wo w kly to k a of w k ody pp t p Th d of dto suppod by th photorphsbsh th kd of s ad ds a oyppo A ao o Wl po of dmto outs ppul oly f ts thu ogou o th sutu of wod Wh w p w th wy t w what pvd. W ao ouh th hal spo busds btw wo o hgs s uly ulk dst btw th thgs thsls

    Thu o Wto' w th py of phogp must bdtush o opt of both ptgs d dsrptos Apit y b outuy dpdt o s obj b ly vsoo bf bout t ob Thus ptg dos ot stfy thodto of natural outftu dpd A haa po o th ot hd hbt ur dpd thus hs htlto o sy pg o th tut fo of th sof bld fo tspy ut s w o ft ouh th dspto u dpd ut o b su o so fo apy oo fo py tht Wltoodu t svo o sty ltos s php ott sy to gsp pt bu t s ot tht y to op ods ofrto As Wlto's rts po ut y b ht o buto of th o w ky o wh lookg t kdof eptato s o w k od pp t p Th th qusto bos how uh dsmtoolp s ough to sblsh th spy of rt kd of rntto o oth kd

    po to quso Cu pos s ol twooks A d dsgd to show tt tl dpd d th prso of smy raos ot joly su fospy Th oto of lok s hds govs th otatoof lok s hd by s of do s hu th s apd btw y u pr of ok B pp o ok A h y os I pvg B would lok pvg A u f ok A ou of sht d I wr jut

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    IC AND I

    oon at B th is o plsbty to t a tat I si lokA wh I loo at o B n th a v thogh the s optdsnatoy ovap h t lok B undoubtdy pv alaty latio with o A wh bng nataly dpdt olok A the s no anpany Whth o ot w e ovd bths as th u of ountl oe gey psnt on popua nd of tial sose to Wton Cay t t to oidoe loly the ova sutu of th tial dbate soundngWaltos ount



    Th otovsa natu of Waton lai tht we tay thouphotoaph ha otivatd los ta atnton to atT tig debte an b ntaly hatd i ts of two gn l esponss to Waton ipy lop gnt Th t ponsnvovs tan up t hllg to nd thotally niat den btwe photogaphs and o tn that we g w togh l o ya ad osops n th way tty to stop th d dow Wltos sppy sop Th sod posao nvov toi th sd but stoppn t bfo it ts A ta s to t h t stp onto t ipy slope by dnyng at wsee thoh o ya osops top and tviiofootg Tn a oaio btween ths hn and potoah wnot yd olson that photoaph a apt

    The e t ast two fo tat a sl hs tn n tatue Ggo Cur tvly fes to step on to th spp opwhn h gv an aot of pto psntaton that wold se toappy to o If os pntaon on C viw thnw do ot tough t But o a lo to th top of Watons

    slppy sop otn that w a spposdy ag w tou o ally othan Fday fus to tp oto the slippy lope whe h dfnds a tho of tio tht es out anyfo of ndt sin O the dit st thoy of ppton wannot b ad to s though any dv b t a o a oopo a photogph Th th han fo o ts k Cud Fday, who fu Waton ln of stoppg th sd down

    ppy op on t a tad s to ount fo why t at w

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    neels av ene that we ee throuh uch thn a morad mcoco Fiay a iv a eo eoy to explant ene and crtce Cue fo fai to do ikewis

    a a nume of ueton fo theoretcaly cat ence betw a and vaou devie that pecede them onaln' lppey sloe Alu w a ly by i ee y are all woth cloe conderaton The ea am wi sueto is sw a jut becaue we think tat we ee thouho, telecope ad lk w by e thin a we alo ee u as Ew Mi suss wdeenc that miht top the lde the deence between eal and ma d aav l caua chan betweene bect of peceon nd iu of in Nil bune u ondition for een that photoraph fa to atfy Tse rtual silaiy' bw wa is d ou eein it, tempor iy' between the duaton of ou vsual ex a dato o the event that we expeience, the entivity of our vualexerence to chn wa w x a kwl of wacaued us to have a cean vua experence uch tat we ca potiooelv i etio to what we ee. here are, howeve, way o chal lnn the evc of all of s is

    aton hmelf ve countexamle that ectvy udm odton for een he cae of the compound mcrocopete ow l w us a al ia u uln, how a si ly ivlv viual ias T a a eie of o aaned to relay lht fom the object tote vw w that e enth of the caual chan need not aecteen a is as o a one thnk that we an at leat ee thouhe I ab Jonh dy uet thatbon s is si bviusly ssial situal imultanety may not be eental dependn o how w tpet a as riday iane that nvolve addn a delay functon to aote wi ailias si. T odiios o temoal onityd enitivity to chane ony aly to si of vs a to een of objet And, naly, in elation to abuton fourth condi in day sus a i ay b ui si kw a i a caual lnk between ou vua exeece a is obj wut hvi the knd of ow lede of the caua poce that woud alow

    u to otio uslve n relation to the object

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    hee arument drv o i han we can ve them heeBu h wy i i oe for oher o take up he challene of ohe lde down alton lippery lo Ph h e ohe n cant way in whih hoorh uke hoe devce tha we aree

    w ouh A ree howeve t appear that alon o ieve oe lpery han hi criic have aum iv ju how lp pery perhap it i be no o oo he oe the r place hibin u o u cacaon of photoaph a naual rrnio ue aree wth alon emphi o h ice eweenwhat ue cal he natural ounfu dece of photoraphand the intentiona ounfacu eendece of pann herea th of of omehn actual depend o ceof ha h onl nof a the panter belief iy deendenhe appearance of a photoh o he aearance of it objectredl o wh he hooaher beieve

    aon can o ue hi ditinion o rou he anpency ofphooaph becaue our o rceua epeence exhibit th a eedecy a photoraph Howvr a we have eene hk that the arument or y f ecaue aton iunable o uccefully ei y and ucen condition fornry hi fure mply con urrie n h he ie bewee naual and nentional dependy oe o mk a derece beween een thin nd my i ce of thn atherit mark out wo o of rereentaon n he oy of aur rio we d phooaph but alo u lke ee and footpnt n the cateory of iioa epreention wend drawin and pinin Phooah and pann may be dikind of rereeio a morant to realze but raion boh hooah ad pann tand in for h; hey do otedae ou een of thn

    nteretiny aton cim h fac he doe not mean to denythat photoraph rrao A repeentation hoohfucio o eneae maned percepual on wih coa chaac er and even alton init h hi o that photoaph arrrenaion w ao ee ouh i of coure ri h uo of wheher repreenation partiuy icure e he knd ofthn that one can ee throuh (o h ec ue eem to aumthy are no when h ru ha hooraph e natura rerniono ace Bu wha we eally need hr i a heory of pcoarepeenaon or depcion n th n o we hall ee how urriedeve a picular eplanaion of am fom u uch a heory

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    day sests a what Waton's siey soe so sppe s pula nd of asa eoy of peepton; naey a sentaonalis aus heoy o ion o e eeseonalst odinyseen s medaed y a nal esenation wees fo he de

    eas odny see s essetally ndad uheoe fo heeesetatonalis, he dieene bewee wa ouns as in andha s mee halinaton dends on he eaon bewee e menalepesenaons we see hogh a he ngs w se o em Andhis eaton jus he nd ha Won nsss upo o ansny;namely a eaon o naual unefa deedene s we an sey pesenaonals mgh e lubian fo Waon's sppeysope As iday exans f ee s no oeton to sayin ha we seog menta us h ee en ondos why should woe o e am ha we an s houh hysia needes taeet h sae ondions?

    e sse o Fay tha enationais eoes of peepoave been wdey dseded an eplad y d es theoes det eals heoies do no aow fo see ve of any medaos enta o physa Ths th dt eais does no ste oo ealon's sppey sope Tee s oweve aodn o iay a osassoated wth esisin he siey soe The os s avg o epno inton tat w se thouh suh thns as os osopes indeed pooaps even ogh aodn to h eis, ou nt o s staen day aes hs os d aes at te nuton se est o ou onsn a new wy of seen w a new atttdeowds wa s seen (Ths s Fiday's o heoy enoned eie) gh of he way ha pooaps e poe we end to ae a aa aiude towads e s meas of dsoveg the oets n ohods w a hooaps as ho ey ve s de peeual ona o e oes whn w ea hem as evidene poof of pesee oas ndows oto ast events 7 We ay a hotoahs as ho ey ansn a does no mea they ealy ansaen


    So a we ve onsdeed wo eaatons o h dtnive easm ofls and ooas Bin s exanao s a a photogaph teayps s n the sn o s obje Walon's exano s ta we ely see e obe thouh he photogah Boh of these exons a fndamea dvde eween hooahs and oe nds of

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    IC AND M

    pcres on h ass o hei snc moes o procon Ceseplanaion o oher n s an explnaon o e elism o pc res n gneal or moe speccal a explanon o wa eseon he sncv wa wc pices repsen sncly ea

    sc. he ege o wc epresenaona wor o s realscdepens on ow mch i depcs aher an epesens n some oerw sa lingscall. Wha dsngshes lm s on s ccons he depcv poen o mea. Oher ns o vsal cdepc saes o as b onl l can lso ep me n spae noer wos lms can e more oogly ealsc hn oe kndso epresenaonal becas he cn pesen more o he worl rescll B wa es depcon so easc

    Cues accoun o icon s bse on a pacla eoy o ndan an aenon o w s gong on w he vewe. On hs ccounwen pure dpcs an obc we employ he same ecognioncaaces n elaon o he epcon s we woul n elaon o hobe se The leness eween os an a pcu o a orse oeampl s one o ppeaance web e os e pc shepropees signcn o o ecognon o orses e horse hepcure gge he same cognonl cpc O cose ere man operes a a cure o hose as h a horse osn have(aness o exampl) and vce vsa B ll maers s hehorse an he horse pc she e pope (or se o poperes) gges e os ecognonl apac weve h prope m be

    n he pcu ggers o hoseecognonal capacy s oesno mean h o n hee is ose n on o o Your oseecognonal capcy s a deen kn o men operon h aonugen Cue escbes cpac s ckandd ecnism wch somewee eep n m vsalprocessng ssem eniesa cen p as a orse n oher wos s a mo aoac n essibe process ha wors no on e bss o a deale compreen sve mnaon o he vsul np in he lg o ackground ble andal e es u on e ss o jus a w les ece rom e vsalnp ise s oweve ecse becse oscognonalcpc s e n o en opaon s h epcon woks as oes Becse orsecognon cpa s ckandd can ooled b hng ke dons a dus sed os b parcul b horse pces

    s eicon s n ssenal sc om o eesenaon becasei wors b eplong o vsu cpcies o ecognze e obecs

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    epce An l accong o Cue s e o a uses epc on os pervasve n nauall s s seen bes w e aesecasgncan ecson o epc ae an epesen n some oer waspaal an empoa elaons beween oecs as wel as e objesemseves A epcs me an space wen uses e empoal anspaa pope o s eeens o represen e epoal an spaalopees o e ngs epsene A suesson o evens o eamplec be epesene b e eng of e es o obsee em on seen he ore n whc e peene on een An e heg ofa soo an on sceen an be epesene b s beng a eenaeeg n eaon o e oe caraes an e sene as a wole

    ven ough epcon s no e onl wa o epresen spae nme s e efau n l A mae cou ece o pesen heassage o me w a ae w a ssove or wh e wors wenes aer suen appeng on e sen Bu n he absence ofsuh evces we assue a e e aes o repesen an even s heme e even se aes f es mnues o epesen a conversa on we assume e convesaon ass nues Tha s uness heonvesaon s obvousl broen up peraps b beng neru woe scenes

    Cue an hen epan wh Ban ook e se of lmmaers lkeeno whc nvoves longae eepocus phoogap o be nheenl easc s s because Renos se enhanes our abl oeec e spaal an empoal popees o a m scene b ung enaura pac we ave o eec ose popees o hngs n e ealwol Deep focus n pacular allows us o sh ou aenon a wom one obje on sceen o anoer us as we e able o o n e rewo Wh onage sle on e oe han qu cung beweendsn spaa an empoa pespecves eques us o uge spaal anempoal propees b means of neence o he oveal aacsucue o e l Cue s hus abe o show w a coheen npausbe acoun o epon a Ban was e ono somengwen e nepee e aesec sgncance of noucng soun o n s of reasm

    O H M MA R MV

    Peaps so n s scusson o m eas ou ave el ee ssomeng sg n movng seaess o he anlss o phoogaphs

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    CS D ILM

    o he analyss of m mages we have no rawn aenon o e aca m has era capaces or realsm ha phoogahy ak Theo obvo o hee apaes s he aay fo epcng moonWheeas a hoogah mgh cape a kngf ghe foen n maa lm can cape e ng ghers enre ballec aecory erhapsBazn ecpon o he way es hge as o o se o he yna aly of he o s as o wol s ll ofmovemen so ae e worls of lm We can follow he kngf gher ove becase he mage oves o oe

    I he kng ghe lea s ae n a sngle sho fom a eespecve we can assme a he acor pyng he kng gherreally move beore he era B f we ae wahng he kng ln a nema he ovemen we see on e seen s aonl geneae he poecon of 2 sa ames pe secon nowng h we mghsay ha he aonal oecon mehansm o hoogaphalyase m meey ceaes an llson o moon o ceares wh opacua pecepual apparas n oher wor he answer o e qeon n h eon le oes he m age eal move sghfowly no.

    B pehaps nswer s no o sraghoar Ce an oColl ae ly aware of he a mehana ass of he mpessono moon n an ye hey sgges ha e lm mage eally oesove s ecase moves fo s he s oes no men a mmoon s real n ome mae meahya ense oes e hal oon no an son n he sae way colos peceve nehe gh onons e no llo even f ey are merely appen color were away o we ol no make sense of e a hawe ngh ea aes o he son of oo7 We can be ghan wong ao wha colo someng eally becse we ae ee colou of somehng o be he color appeas o norma vewerner norma vewng onon Th why olos e omonlyeee o as ea esponseepenen popees Ce an Colln ha lm moon s ea n e same way becase norm vewersner norma vewng onon ely ee he l mage move

    Ce oes no nk he has o gve a osve gmen fo hs vewecase e ben of proo s on ose who s or expeence olm moon when n genea we ho o by g o ee eeene Ce heeoe oees y aemng o nenee opposng vew Speccay he chalenges wo common argmens forllsonm he commonsense vew a moon n m s an lon

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    On he rs gmen he moon o lm mages s an llson becasewen we loo a he lm s a fo he proecor, ee s no moonere s s sees o sll negave mages Bo Crre an Collve ea esponse o s gmen The llson a s p o ebes e llson o moon on e sceen, no on e lm s s e lmengage b e poecor ha aes o move Consde he anlogoscase of scl ecodngs: we old an ado CD p o o ear wedon' e an msc B a oes no mean a e msc we eawen we la he CD on o seeo s an lluson.

    e second gue o llsonsm ha Ce onsdes ons oe ac a s specall ceaes le s a see oon on esreen. On a scencall obecve eson he lm poecon pocess s us a mae o lg pcles ng e sceen We cold lsogve an obecve descon o e wa ha e proeon paasengges he uman ercepal apas B moveen onl enes nwhen we descbe e sbecve epeence ha conssenl resuls oms engagemen s onl a sbecve and no an obecve escrpono e l roecon ocess nvolves oon B Crre also has aea resonse o s gme All a e gmen nces s halm oon s a e responsedepenen pope le colo

    Ce hen consers a coellng obecon o hs own pooslnael, ha desos e dsncon beween e eal and e eelppaen elmnang man or peaps all llsons Conse e famosMlleer lluson wc nvolves wo horoal lnes of eal lenghe op one w a owdponng owhed ea end an eboo one wh an nwonng owea a ec en:

    ( )>

    he llson we ave when we loo a ese lnes s a e boomlne s loge an e op lne B on Cres accon, coln' we saa e ger leng of he nwdponngows lne s a reesponsedeenden roer Ae ll, none o s can hel bu see eeae leng gven e nd of pecea apas we have weccep Crres poosal coln' we sa anng we peceve seal n a esonsedependen wa e mage smmeng n e esere wa a l caces seem o aoac s wen we are wachng

    l w 3D glasses o he a a wae n waves sees o moveows s on e ea

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    TIC M

    Ce sas no . Ou inuiions ell s ha hee is ipon iene beween genuine illusios li Mlle llson n epnomenon o lm moon e reson e Mlleer lluson is a genne lluson s becuse e sleng apeane o e wo lnes anbe unene b a siple n eil vlbl npnn che sa smen wh n on le or even w pece o sngB cons Cue ns e ornr lm vewer cnno cecwhehe he is all seing oon o he scn. his is se opn is o imgs no psc obecs movng on screen nere s no w o cec e oveme of ages nepenenl o ouepeiene o h.

    Aw Kni obecs o hs esponse owever Sel e counersee s nepenen es o e lluson o lm oon Smpl bslowig own he poeo he view an see wih h hsc poe rmes go one one7 Moreoer o obec serel ales e onions euie o h ipesson o oon sseshe oin. Kia agues h h poin s no o cl sce o on s moon on sceen wen e projeco s slowe own us be anllson ou see moon on seen when he poeo uns a noalspee his woul no onvi on us s i wol o convnceo h h Mllee lluson s no n lluson ou covere heowes so we no longer see a eree n he lengh o he wolnes nsea e po o slowng own he poeo is o g somon o n unsnig o wh s gong on lowe mecncl levelso se cnges er mn bou wh s gong on when he oooperaes noral spee

    o is Ce mgh spon b nvong e cse o sol rohe hiso o sence We scenss scoere nohng s sol e w we oug ha s nohing is hooughl hoogeneous hein onlue ha als hs n s o gol no sol. Anlo gousl s no le h w shoul e moon o lms us ecuse wenow e unerg bses o no excl ove.

    Bu ania nsiss ha s s a ba og e as o sol piga s we m n ws oun nthing s sol n w we og However snce ee rell s son o bee bewen hngs we l soli an hings w l liui gseos we kp g bo sol n sme w bu w e unersg sol s someng een n we oug B

    cons l oo s no a paig ase o oion we sovee

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  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    sae nd o es anno b ondd on a TVnng o a an Caol sggss lsonss gn s deeted splb he nodon o new enology or sreenng ls

    Ts s raer s onlson oweer er old be ohr kndso es appd to or knds o snng oog a rpd oon o b n lon s ease loweddown proeor es als o ppl o ls sown on TV e lsons s no ored oond ha oon on TV s ral To k os s o s p aal doo And n no s tss or te llson omoement proded b oer lsreenng enooges s need noa llsonss argn or as o l prod n tadonl wa Wl so lsonss g ke o sow a lmmoon s alws llson ere s nong ondto bo ersang dpendng on ow prsson o oon gnrad s o s no l


    As render ere s wa we e oered n s apr

    Bs onsd b asnng aep o sow a ere s sngeres se a reales e rue rpose o poogapabased

    2 Walons gn or tnspen o poograps preseres

    e Banan nsg a e rels o poogrphs dees o poogrp pross

    3 . T l rspos o Wlon a rases esons bo e ondons or seng tog poograp e er possb gen enre o perepon o seng rog a poograp or a oknd o daor and ponal sgn drns bwen seng og poogps nd sng og or ngs s s

    ors and rosopes. Cs gn or rals o dpon and spro dp

    pn o lm d5 e debae beween Ce Caoll and ana abo wr a

    donal prod l mag al os s bas w nnotp b s o

    Beore ng p qeson o l oon w ad o ll n o s o a popr ndsandg o pol sm o l

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  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film



    ruat pons o Jen Renoi d Robert Bresson as ang innovatived igl ndvdal ls Thee diror ere more eal able o oti beaue he rote er on sreela. B wi vson an aroper apeiaion f m form eve a eor wng t someoneels sreenlay n a reive td sstem oud onbue 'erea . s Truau an ohe Chies itis elebraed he wok oan llwood dreors nludng Alfed Hio, Orson ellesbe Adh nd Nioa Ra Moreover hen he Aerian ti,ne Sars tre o Truau idea into a teo o ri heen so far a to lam tat nly sud ieor orng t otereoples sreela e andidate for te ges sau.

    he dden popla o Aeian m among os Fenhts was arty de soral rusane. Drng te beratoneod n Fre ll the ollwood m ro te lae 90 and e19s ta ad been banned drng he Ouaion ooded nto Pshe ead eeene waing o man Aen l loetogeer gave Fren cinhiles a uie appreaon of onuteof stle an he eerging personaltes o deo ao bodes ofor s n hs 19 Chies arte a oltque es Bazinesribed atest tl pate as oong in e artst reaione personal faor a a teon o referene and hen otuating tsemanen even ogres m one ork to he ne .77

    e ams o te hiers i o advoated ernea weepolea rater tan teoretal. Truau ai i partiar ere toae roo fo a new d of mmang n he oneave d ierar a Fren sse an oe an apreiaon of dsnl neaiaeveen b ndvdal at. navoab wever rat om tted hef o vaos teoretal asuon whi ere laterlated S. The obem, as e al dsove wa ha oee tery bend auteurs raie wa ade eit ts ontradosd latns ere ard to gnore

    Sne Ss i tat a good m s tpl he od f a gooddtor e works o eif ieoria sandads a also nton acal tandd Crtm o hese ad onded t a lgeteoreal in lm stdes ne e inuene of emioti andstrasm A rs ates ere made to reonle he rle of teerwi a ne empass on h eonal odes and srutures haposedly rn aros grops of ls trasm as onesu aem Eeging in te late 960s t osae e e ae trng nonsous laen in te or of a ul deo

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    On s vew he aa co canno b he e ecause auteurs a non o a pacula knd of l nss . Th dae esul ofh sucuals nuene was thus a s om nkng of he auteu asan acual peson fo eaple h dos eno an Besson o

    nkng o e auteuras a ccal consu n le heo e ovo scuals o possuals ean a ha auoguecae o b gaded w gea suspcon f ou ave ead an possuuals o posod lea eo paulal h wok ofMle Foucal o oland Bahes ou wll aad know abou theuae eon of he noon o autosp as a epssve pnpe onepeaon Ths a as ad sgnan nuene ov oAn l ccs av onnue o ee o h auo o autu, asoug e anno elp bu thnk o can ms as e pou o aeatve p o as vehcles o pesonal expesson

    nl plosopes have beoe nesd n enac of enoon of e l auho B oulang a cle onepon o lmauho an he ole n naon and s phloops can opeo soe eoea lega o h ndung cal nees nauosp Bu as we shall sov hs s no eas ask paullbeause he auhoshp dbae akes up hee een knds of laaou m auo Mos of e heoss we wl onsde ouh uponall e Howve s o sa ta adona ss le Saswee osl onee wth e d lam suass weos onced w sond la an onpo plosops mosl oned w e s

    Th onologal clam Man ls e auhoe. A l can be sen as cav poduc of a sngle nvual

    2 e nepeve la The bs wa o undesand a l a theeave pou o a snge ndvdua ha s as ansng annvduals asc vson

    3 Te evauave la: We an uge a lm o b good o bad on hebass of s auhos epuaon o ceave suggle

    n od o defen ee he nepve o e valuave a ones has o assue he onoogca cam Bu ee s a ndaenal halleng o onoogcal la w deves o he wa mos ls made f ou soeone who lkes o wach cds ol a ndof a l seenng ou wll know us ow man encans speople an ss nvolvd n an gven poje Man o e

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    os ised n e ces o la aco o bes boy re gyspcaze sc a s unlly a an on pson nvolved n epojec vn co o pocer, conols vy o e ng pocess An y sp owing ow comple n colaoaivakng cn b we s gly c s o sngle pson sly co s s js convenen shohn o os eec som bou uhosp e qson a n o e luo neds o conon s whhe i es sense o clm oshpfo ls a srially mnuc in oh wos vs jo o lms a a ss of speclss om scnwi e o e o bng o ch o s wok a ec sg o pocon svral reples o uson o whhr seiallyanucu ls can av aos

    co c h so aor of bcs hs ol n suprvsing and coornng cvs o ohs enes e scsgncance of e

    2 Someone (o sohng) sis drecor cn be so uo oe sme reson o ens h asec sgncance o l o xape e scenwe s h pocr or evne sdo sys

    3. nsof s e mp sc colaboaors on m poc can b lp os of lm

    A m can hv a ngl ipled aor wo s consc o pw nesng l.

    5 s do no ve uos ashic ignicc is no der n y a gnaiv agn acal or pld nsd shicsgncnce mg b n by nconscos ocs o haence

    n s chap w wi scove er s som n evy ono ese eps


    o s s uson s sond as oug cc sspon abouh ne o uosp n has ady been d nm a s oly vr one or o n uod Th coul be severl sons wh os hoss neesed n uhoshp k his asspion

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    For expe it od be due o he nuene o he le pdgmd eha on ngle uhh o he nuene o te omntoneon o t ot tortred o iming t peronal epreon teve te reon owever tere i an poan halenge o

    te inge torip apion wh we wll nde n he o o guen onemo hloopher Be Gt Beore we do howee et onder te ot omon nwer to or ngqetion wi i t if ha auhor ll he eo

    I e o unen wh h we i o op Aong ordinrgoe t omon prte to ident m b teir diretor aor expe wen we t abou eeing he le See o dmnghe wok Ang Lee I o omon te o riti to reer to en nd o dretor n autur one woe m re reognzb er However a well a he auon o nge auhohlng ha l hor he deto ret pon eond mpton nme tt te inemt tor a re eon A wenow ro o brief ue of he ho o auhoh n l de h w o hng o e tor re peron nd towrd tinng o n nterptive ont oed nder he nuene eiot nd tr

    One rean o e w ou g e uto e peron deriveo he gle utop mpton one i eitnt to inge ouone of te n reie obortor on a poe he lauho bu neveee hold ono he on m n onhve one uho hen oe y be ttrted to te ide o ontrting ainge tor for itb nied oborative Oher eaon oadopng a onv vew o uoh ted p wt prtrheorel oen Fo empe we ee tt eter oenommtment to ttrt ny ed im to dentif te diretornonio preopation a e eerge houghou bod o wokwh led auhor A well unde he nuene o oode ter heo oe eot oneve o torip one betpoton ong mn in retion to reding te te

    Bu abe we have go ead o ouelve Beoe ondeng wooue e ho roe n m, we mt me re tt we ndertndwt ti roe onit n n oer word we t ve a oid onepon of he auho whh boh wh he on ue o e e i ue n doue o he In wh oow we w ompetwo poop onepton o te tor ey vington reit

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    onetin d Aeande Nehaas's onstvst o, as he likes oa t, ansenenta onepton

    he ost general denition of an ato n the Ofod Engs D tona s te peson wh gnates or gves estene to anthng Aswell oweve, an ator an be a invento, onsttor or onde, tease o events, a opte or mover, an auhori or ino a pose o te a deto, e o ommde, and even te one whobegets' in othe ods a athe o anesto n dsouse about te ats,the athor is r d foemost the reat f a ite wok Arhitetd oposes e soetimes efeed to as auths, as we as theeatve authori behnd a lgesae st poet lke the eling ofthe Sstne hael Bu the te utho i adigti ndeed, evenoutside dsorse about the s, ths nd o authr a be the st tatomes to ind fo man peoe

    If e want to l he liter noto authos to , we needto deide hw the lter ntin is eated to the ome dnaanguage ntion n te pt tea theoists wt ean agendas avebeen tepted ee to tipulae a se o the ter auhor Bt, asthe otepor phosohe, Psle vngston pot out with t reeene t Mhe Foalt, a tiulated sage s not gong toelp s make sese hw we alead thnk out the auhor. hs eadsvngston to a pagmat li of te te as a e atibtonfo the sake of estabsng soiultu ontet o the poer tgeto tqe and esponse. e est s a visiona' denton oatho as a te o whi ondes th but aso hes dsa bgate dina sage o te te Aodng to vngston, an ao is agent who intentiona akes an tteane, wee the akng o antteane s an aton, intended fnton o whih is exesson oomunatn 7

    For ation to be an tteane it ust be tended to eress nate se attitude, be t a dese, belie, o intenton he t thtwe e n ontol o and resonsbe fo o tteanes is enoug to makeus athos of tem, even i ot of o utteanes e te, oulai, onmagnative o be te ato of a iul utteane of Good ong', one need nt have invented the phrase or the soa fnton tl One sas t on pose, togh not neessl wth delbeaton,nd n so doing, exeses one's nsti ad soa owow' 7 Auhorhip on vingstn's aont s tereoe ust a a of o beng atonalsoi, and dssve eatues t s p of a gati ewok tat

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    C D IM

    e a ee eenhe vabe and argaby ndpeabehe of nerton t oreover a ea a we euenl aln do of he

    Eve hough Lvgo oe no epoe h poby for e aeof do h denton ow for a nge terane avng tpeaor he expe e gve of Jh a eng veo lee o he e wh holy geetng nd new For Jon to be ontor reqre at tey bot ntend to expreer ow ade n e ee f eae he e o beg oeeo ag hg he o e nd hog e of em ma notow e te oter w ay drng tapng e eah ow ate oter omted to te ae he re Thi ee oee hghlgh he f h tee need not be ngt Teree deen nd of epreve and onatve ao awe a prodt of hee a a l fo ee ht e uthodeue he ene t referene o te reevant feate ofther onet of prodton

    eea Lvg gve u eny geera aont of te atalauh whh he helf te ppe to Neaa gve a pe er aont of te ped aor wh up u oappy to Dee he a eee ee on are aneh ao tenon Aordng to Neaa en e onrt n thor for a ter or we are g of e wor a eprodt of an aton ha we e ene of b oevng of tbe vaon The oe who own te poeed aton bendthe wok he aor Te ene n w one own a ato vedere o e ee whh one ow a of hoe o Onea be eed fo oe ton ne n agen and er agenye uy ened T ep epan y Neaa one etor ownerp of te ato reung n a le wk n e fte ao beg p of ha wok

    Aog to Nehm en e ontre a tet a paar ore reate a ontet for at tex at an be eteded a far a eeaow If you g gue u wh eoe eoe ertno uerg h ove o n top a te edae ae ay te mrderer dove of over ndety or yo an eepgog a he e aue e ue o he onlyw th oe eon o the dover o ndet y dd the ealo lover ommt mrder ntead of t otng and tong tngor edg e reaoh I ohe w wh his ul an?

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    ode anwe ueon ou ae gng ave to n aderabot te elous loves ote as eeenes geneal lgaltendenes and eetatons Ts nvolves epandng te eplnatoonet for aton Aordng to eamas s s also wat e do n

    nterean undersod n te f eann rater tan n term ofdep nd dden enng Te ne deene a n neean we annot nteogate te agent wose aton we e tng o undestand Intead we magne wat te agent wold ave to be le to avepeormed he ul aton tat esuls n e lea wok

    ortnatel or magnng an be gded b knowledge of te aulstoal gue wo wote te tex at we are ntereng eamasges a e auho an e onsdeed a lausle stal van ote we a ater te ter old ave been someone o meanswat he wre uld ave mean but never n an ense dd meanA wter as n aal eson annot onol nd s not awe of l efeatues e wrng Bu e au odued ontl b wrter andtet b wo and -ritic, s no a eon s a aae w eveng te tet shdts t to be and n t determnes at te tetsow e n eefoe gong t neve of a edeval tetwtten a edeval monk as avng a ode autho e gng t of te or n relaton to ter medeval ors and onstrut nauo t a tabl medeva mtvaton Bt ts proes oen ended n a we an kee mang e wk e ws andompatng e elnator ontet fo te atos atvt

    e now ave tw ver derent oneton of te ator avalable tos Lvngn agma nen f he auo a an aual erson es n tterane and eamass ansendental oneptonof te ator a a onst generated b and og lterar ntereta ton Te ne quen o onsde s wee we an apply eter r btoneons o l n e follwng seon we wll emne Lvngtons se of a moded verson of s onepon to sow ta someseall manfatured lms ave sngle aor en e l onsderte wa a uals Peer llen nut an a ns nteretaon of gous of lms ul detos


    e bvus lae a n adatng Lvngsn broa denton ofatos fo l s eplang utene wt nema ueane

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    IC D

    Livigt gget tat a utteae i a ieati e ut i ae teget aget w prde t emply ptogai d te) ean rde t eate a aetly vig age preted n een te urfae)

    Nw t qet ete tee e ay eily afatred lmw ot a th pdut f a nemat ueae u tat tey ta ated vgto ue a ei f eal ad magned ae t howthat at tee e oe eily fated lm lealy ae ot auth hee ae te e authoed to a eaidegree and tee e ill ter tat are ell ompletelyauted. Tee ae ltmately veal t iteia f fll atpuet otol ve te nal t ne the al ut i te piaymean by w eati at an ted t make ome atttdeaifet and, avg n oe pila atiude f te nal tto et Tu th id f ntrl ad by a m autho ivlve avigand beng able to leet oe d f eative pan nfa a eteth la r it mplementto be patly id a lm an beonly ptly uthe thg t may equently ou de tdiondito l uthohi eai a vy real pblty a vgtodemntrate wt te ae o ga Bega ne ight 196)

    I te ag f inte igh Begma wa uially ivved atevey tge e we hi w pt dd me o te tg oaede at upeve the eitig ad udxg ad wked lelwt t iematgape e alo eee high ege f love te oe ai pp and makeup ve toe eleet ote lm tat e d ot help eate if le te m by Ba eapppiate fr partla e At o oit i pduti waBega eed it agng eatve plan To illuate t balane aeved by Bega btwen tl ad llabat vigtmpare m to te oea a t pret Jut a a femiu te bldg pla t ew a he tut tem t ayot pei ta uder detn Begma a to e i at vo wit h ollaboat i der t tran and yozethei paled le

    laig aup f Begma Livigto i t vng te fat tt y h taleted peple ked o inter gti pit t tat all te ote llabat were wkng t makeergan l t reale Bergan aiti vii. I ter wd

    beg a aiti tbt t a poet doe ot ke it ate ne eee eiive t ve te reatve poe ad te

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    d fo h o 7 his dision ben a oorolng rsinibo an an auhor s no one a eveye reognes, oeveau i riu onsides ayoe who s a sigia iideree o he wo o ave a share i is ownersp paiig fxaple s no sadad o asribe a wor, no s o a ser nele Rmbad bu alo o he asrs wosh Bu ve tough he olabora i a of h as Gau goes o o oe ha aisis of ollaboon i ed o e f more signia

    Compae e ase of wh ha of arhieue: hen we say haa buildig is b Fr Gey ma a Gehy s s sole aho evehoug he has no had i is aual onson he builders nohys ohos beause he or ivolves sily reang Ghysdeig hereas Gehr an seify he ea densons of his builigand he xa aeals be used i s onsio a l diror as lav i o her ollorors o deie exay ho o ay o ayf thifsgned ss hee e sily oo many possible diesons vaon ow hese asks e od ailly seng, agle es ou no isse dioi isruons pise eough oacooe every ossible vaiaio The as of aig illusraes hson nel o amu f eoal ns a onol exaly an ao says his nes and he exa uaes of emoio a eag ha he brgs o he direor anno simpy aiulears le ups i ode realie her psoal aisi visio tough and ye a aors erformane ay rbue sgnialy ohe aeshei sigian of a l ake for amle, Daiel Daywss agnen pfae i Thr i b oo 2008) Tssuggess o Ga ha a leas some l ao re oauhos aogsieh dio

    he same s no e fo heae ors oeve Gau ois o adeal onologial ieee ben l as a auovsalordng a, a heare as ray a, ha exs hy eateaos ae o uual oauhos of e lys whih hey efo Siea lay is iiviuaed by is s he layrgh flly eeies heaers befo ey are yed by de aors No doub es poayal of Ohelo by faous Ressa ao RihdBubage wa very dern om he aaied alyeieth eurypotraya b Pa obeso. Bu he f rns ha bth Brbge andobeson e oayig he se hae fo Sheseares lay Byns a hae i a lm anno be ly eerned by, say asreerier or reo bfoe he is oed by an ao o aer

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    Ths s caus a ecoded efoance s par of ha akes a ha s nae a seres of ovn aes oen) wh sound. S a anno b fod bu sad cooaes ecoded pfoacesad sc acos g h oaces ha hen ecoded becoe of he as an obec of aeshec apprecaon Gau arues haaors one knd of oaboao ao ay ha ha a oauhosh

    Wheas Gau s ng o coun as a s auhor anyone ho paysan aesheay snan ro n s oduon so oy usas a 's auho soo o who th s a dc and persoalece of epesson hs eans ha overa Gau onsder anyore seay anufaed s a nson o b authod Bu he osdr a fw s ha gso o hae acual sngeaos

    n he ase of aresae sudo oduco o n h case ofsascal deed aaeu or eeena producon ongh be eped o gve up n o denfy an aua sne auhor foa and nsad s o ostg auo en heps whnrao Bu ca w do hs? Ca e negby and usefuy consuc a snge auhor for a hghy coaborave n h way haNehaas suess w ons a sn auho o a wok? order o answr ts uso w s assess one fo ha he consucs stagy has aken heory hen e onsdr sogenera obecons o he conss say

    n he a 60s a ou o Bsh teoss uder he nuenceo th Fench stuctua aopoogs Caude vSauss dveoda ne approach o nereaon ad suas O tsapproah e s bo oduc ad ous o sucura anassOn Sauss's ode stura aalss nvoves acng he oe cuua epressn of vaous ay opposs ha su ounkng Appyn s ode o sutuass ed o denfy h bas bnay os ha caee a body of ork d race hedo o the sson he ay ha he eners no saproach s by reresen he sou of h su o hgerssd n stu o a ca gou o s Accordng o oneadg scuas eer oen he s deed thhe uconscous or s exrsson h bnay hac sctueof he hus he bas oosos we gd ad wdeessand nau ad cuue ha characee s by ohn ord e abuedo Fod' he he aned nd bu no o h aua rso

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    r ine hi elaionhip o he l i eiae by he wok f ohelabrar

    rdng o olen e ral appra renfreany of or oon gen abo e wor f deren dreore ine and opley f or l a e eve of ralanaly eplain hei wiel eognize iial ipoane In gge a e ve f a le 956) e n poenia f etrng re an or hnkng llen one [a valale wok a powel wok a lea i one whihlenge de verrw eabled way f readng r lng nly o eablih new ne b o opel nending iaoge no an bu poivel 9

    e wll re o e qen f wa ae a g r bad for in the net eion an we wi eaine e nae of oalene e n he nex aper) Fr we nee ner weerhe genea taeg bein uuai he aeg of onng an auur a pa of l ineeaion i a go ne. Threan we wl evaae genera traegy an n te pe oftra i beae n e y of l eo r i epeen lile oe hn a epr ge beween wppe ehlge A e l ar wa wep away by te ef potode ra wa abandoned before i waly evelope

    e herefre re a re general qen Can we realln a l aor Nehama gge a do o n leray ner paio an ineviable el of oning a e a a wok hepd f an iagine an B wha f nerprean? aloe ae ta we an ae ene f a l n e f an agne l e wt a para vaon One agan brng bak o ople highl ollaboaive naue of lng Even i ou n ow uh bo ng e l ef w dvereobnaon of va and a eeen beray etng of eoi of e a of eaon. B f ne a i ene of a lllabrave gn erhap wul e l an nelp o a bue te na wor a nge agned aor e w ave oagnavely arbe t ator reponbly for every ape of al i uial oe o i lighing a ineogp an evenal e pene f e aor Bu hen a Ga gge we wbe wrng w an alen enty one w peran ableh a e aby no ao ike pppe wie ianeol

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    plannin every aea ove ha w woud no e ae o undeand heauhor ovaion Accodin o Nehaa he ho oin of onucng an auho o aionaie a wok a e oduc o a pacuar aionaciabe o a picu knd o aen wih a aricu ovaion.

    he dicuy in fuy iaining a ine ipled auhor for a iayanufaued ould eain he vagune o on' deono he tra an unconou caay ae who he dein uure of a goup of l i naed nded i i dicu o ee hy oenohe he tra a if he i eay inereed in tue adode n Gau cae howeve he eain eniive o he way ha linepeaion i guided by in o ceaive neience in the wokief u h ini ha he in do no need o e in of a gauho hey an e in of uie auho who we ay iaine aoodinain her eaive acive o o e ucceuy a oreo e uned

    ven if i i dcu in he ca o udio o iagne a ineauhor he ehod of neeaion nvovin he conucion of auhori i pered by au vinon on h oher hand ee ie oecoend uh a ehod ihe a ha an acua auho in hihae hee i no need o cont one o i doe no have au auhorand hen i woud be ileadn o iagne ha i doe


    hu vinon unlke e conrucvit doe no view he auiono authorh a an inegal and eeni of neaion ecan ony dede on a caebycae bai hehe a eed aiude can be een a inended eu of an acua auhor' aciviieO oure hi equire u o ow que a i abou how a a adeand any odnary viee do no eek ou hi nd o inoaonefo wachng a u vngon in ha hi doe no euh noation y le vauale fo inepreaon Any ineeaionha we oe of a ha o ach up ih evan fea of ha and oe of ho eaure w ied o he ' aal hio' Hoeve ivinon woud e he o ad ha ony fo cain wi he caua feau be eau o auhohi He doe nociy e deence in how we inee h and wihouauo And ahough hi eaple o Ban ne Lght uea connecon beween he vaue of a and i havin a vionay

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    uhor, ngston does not dop a eory o autorbase tisy onast, or adona auteur, s was psey e goa ene rs sep of inng a s tua auor

    Te dea deopd y te ritis o the Cahes puy ranoisau, at e s a eran n of k who makes ruy inati n personay expse m ws ipoe o e nit Satesn te e 960s by t m ri Andw Srs eing 'auteur ase abe fo ts knd of dreto, as fouat xp prinip ouob m ris Thse were to b apped o An m eer sne s ord ha een amost nty based noywoo Td of e rta oesadowng o oywood nttnnt y uopean ' , Sarrs sw auteureory as a way ofeeang e A dreor nd brang h adon oman As more shoay approah ope o e sujeti ps o mpressions and doog ouast s,Srs ao sw auteureory as a way to nsiutionae te uy o n Nor Ama e knowedgng th stabsed Europan andsan auteurs, Sars ess e An dreor s a owboyguengaged n a eoi eae sugg gans e opsse mainy ofe Hoywoo suo syst Noabe owbos nue aou as,owd awks and on Fod goo deor odng o Ss,kes good ms by wnnng s sugge aganst t syse sask s o nty te sgns o a suessfu sugge aross a torsbody o wok

    n puar, e t ooks for te tngs Sgn o tna opeene on p o e rto sns of th eors personay, sign o the reion o wa Sarris s, nerior anng Sn ywood reor is usuay orng w soeon ses srp, hispersonay emgs, no n sueae o hs s but n sreamen o the aeria h neabe nson ta perssts between a's mata and dretoa personay is t soue of intor meaning Athoug neo eanng s suposed o be ges mark o s aue Ss ads at t s ha o say what t s exay Ths sbeause ntor meanng s imbede n su of nma andnnot ndered in nonnea ters' Te most w an do s ponto eampes of oens n paru s wen w e brougt to rogne nro enng h xape Ss gies s surprising noo an Aan It s a pau sne n Rles o he Game99) wen e at Oae (payd b e to, ean enopauses n is bashy bing jouey to t herone's boudo

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    Si k [i ul eie he usca ace oe of haoey suspeso ad ca gh be abe o rovde a oreprecise denion of he t heoy

    he oe oe ou u a bo o wok ing l he

    se deco he oe sces of he epesso of pesoa adieor eag you d oher ods you i noice reaertyic connuy acros a body of work ay thouh the eeate useo a cu nive evie n ou will gn a soge sese of hedieco pacuar ouook ad sensby he oys of he theoy' dere o he uprin dicoee the crc ca ake n eoive aalyss laely then Sas sees o ecoed hscca appoach as a ay o ge oe ou of achg sudo uwheher the approach ha inea oeene d intutive laubii ia e uetin

    s aoher Aerca crc ad oe of Sarrs s coeporare wouue thi uetion o veheenl Pauline Kel es no eo ohie he eion o auteur theoy n soees sacces ogcaargue for he sake of wty reor Neerhee he rase oeiportan obecon o Ss' eauate iteia Tehnial oeene Kel gue nno e a eeuie o good deco becausthee ae decos hose greaess derve par fro heir ineivenes n he absence of echnca coeence he exe i he Italineo ihelangelo Annioni As he eesion o esonltn he eae of aea hs s o us uecessar for a good bu gh acuay ake for a bad hs beaue we ten o noiee eonalit o the ieo ot in his wo ls hose tha sieuse pacuy eecie deces tha characere hs sye y kg ufoy of sye ad he epressio of ersoay t heoryend up eebatng no tit oiginit but he te o a e oik o nuling he uiene The esul is h oen the woksauteurcrcs ca asepeces e oes ha see o revea he coepof he recor for the audence' .

    inal Ke onie ineio eing e uliae a o theauteur ad decdes ha s r Fo oe thg s rare o d hend of enson ha i uposed o be producie of inerio eingbeue n oeen oeial ieo geneall oe he e heca h ha hes go o ok . u eve f ere s suc eso ia ae asks a kd of eag coud you dra ou of ecetha the drecor's han a bad e w ousy aera or aera he

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    e hooe he thd a th coud b o on o o eaon

    th a uiude of collaboao hee a be o aa auoo

    . e auo o a aual eo u n contu

    Fay n acc tha th dona oaboao o a aula l aua auho e an th of hoe of an led auho.

    Thee e he oo o ann authorhi ade available by oudiuo chae Thee ho uh codaoncocn ne ehnoloy ha gh oae the oo. Onuh ondeaon d o h ntoducion of DD.

    A el a he e any DD ncud coa by dco ad oth olaboao a ell a ouake and een altaeedg A DD ay ao g o o o o of th ae o exale 2006 a oDD oleo edon o ApoapseNow ) a ad hich nlude boh he oal heaaleon o h a a th 200 eaed eio AocaeNo Red, ih ove ue o ea ooae Th DD aoncude uch e a a i of Mlo ado eadg T S o Theoo e n oducon atue' and ca ebe eie. eeg o ode hehe h addo o a th una aal' ake i eaie o oe dul o ag auhoh

    On the on had h untay aea ay he u o deeehehe he deo o oe ohe oaoao c a habn azed n the na ork. O he ohe had ay alo da ouatteon o th hh d of conneny and cicuae goveho h l lke ay ohe ae oduon tu ou n coainh o eion of Aocae No e oud dede tha on ha anatua o ed) auho and he ohe doe o o ha hey hae de aua o led) autho hch hn ae he queo of heehe o eo ealy cou a o eon o th a ) One hin ca ho We oud o be i a oo o ake ay d odeo abo a o a k Apoapse No on DD ihou heok ha aleady doe h ae thou han caeuy dnuhd kd o auoh ea fo the an oauo d ea o auhobad ci.

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    NG UAG O I

    e nuene of ler paig is t, not onl n e debe bou authoship, ut so n noer debe bigs assi ndsyhosot lm eo is is th bat aut whte ee s lnguge of nd, onsunty, wete we undersnd nd ppiat a in unaentlly e se wy s w unstan n ppe

    t ty work Gven lnguags ha t et by grspngthe nenons at go the enng of words nd h opaton og, th possbly l funtions a langge s seousmplons for s l to is As we le n Cper , h as o is otn xplned n ers of ou singly natua lty oreogne on e lm sreen wt was ut f we e redng'm lke lngug, hn thi ognitionl py s not natu, t

    , bu onntional, n te essbly of l iags nnot be tkens sgn of er res If w wish, thoe, to sele on oernture of e nure of , piully n ts rdon du, wus ke up bt bout lm nd lnguge

    hyy of psoseo o, it ws que ommon forsols o k bou h gm' o te lm or e so, an ntoday, t is on o sols o bout ag' a o lmgen n os of ese nsnes, ow, anguge tes e only bengused meporly, n wiout y ontoogl ommens, to o deren ods o nlyss nd nerpreon his ts boar tnny n te s o use nguge es to suggst the seousness an igo of pulr ode o anysis the eleted sus of ern r fo or gen as whn t stons denfy u styof pntng o hitte n tes of s dsnt g' ut nltion to n generl lnguge es a not only used meporll Nelson Goodan, o xape, oes no ll s sen wo inses, guages o A us beuse sounds sous an intgung Ra, h uses ts le beuse s wo ontains eo bou elngugelke onenonty o isti epesenon Slly, whn

  • 8/6/2019 A Est He Film


    A D

    m theoist Chistian Met uses auae tems it is not mee fohetoa ouish. his se it is bease e s appyng the gena semots of te Swss ngust ednd de Sasse m Sne Saussepioitied ngage th padimati semioti system it s not supsin that etz efes to nemaogaph anguage and aims to stdthe odns and ntionings of the man sgniyn unts u in theinemat message

    hen anguage tes e sed itea in eation to m the phiosope naa piks he eas. Now we hae a genuney phsophiaestion to onsde oneing the natue of m e ueston owhethe the is a anue of m s not the ueston of whethe msinoe anuae sa with diaoe o text but whethe th is aage of m imges The imaes in a m ae the ndida sosaditiona anmted as a session o ame passin befoe the poeto am and then ombined into seenes togh editing Thusthe uestion of whethe thee is a anguage of m images is e estono whthe ndiidu shots nd ei ombinations onstitute a anuae.n othe wods it is ethe the uestion of whethe indd shots ntion ike wods o sentenes o it is th uestion of whethe the ombnton o indiidua shots os n the same wa s the ombnaton