a fable of sorts


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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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My very first Power Point presentation in the form of a digital story. This is part of my course work for Images4Education 2010..


Page 1: A Fable Of Sorts

A Digital StoryBy

Janet BianchiniImages4Education 2010

Page 2: A Fable Of Sorts

A Fable of Sorts• There was once a beautiful

princess who lived in a medieval castle.

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A Guardian Angel

Princess Arabella from Castel del Monte, in Abruzzo, had many dreams and aspirations.

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View from the castlePrincess Arabella often looked out from the balcony and thought of her beloved Prince away on combat duty.

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A forlorn princessTime passed by and Princess Arabella began to lose hope of ever seeing her beloved prince again. The beautiful almond tree just below her window gave her hope and courage, however.

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A Change of Routine

Princess Arabella decided she had to change her life. She could not sit still and wait aimlessly for something to happen. So she set off on a journey that was to change her life.

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A Liberating MomentShe walked and walked until she came to a place in the mountains where nobody knew her. She felt at peace in this spectacularly beautiful area and for the first time in her life she felt free.

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An Encounter of a Fowl SortShe came across a country house and was greeted by the clucking of an inquisitive chicken. Princess Arabella had never seen one before so she became a little afraid.

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A Friendly WelcomeThe princess had nowhere to stay for the night so she asked the farmers who lived in the house if she could stay overnight. The two kindly farmers called Victoria and Joseph welcomed her in with open arms. They talked and talked about life in general and viewed the most spectacular sunset from the balcony.

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A Change of VocationThe seasons came and went. She forgot about her royal duties and she became the farmers’ help. She was content in her new life. She had no airs and graces. The simple life became her. She had found her true vocation until one day.......

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A link to the Past

....she spied a beautiful black cat staring at her in a meaningful way with its piercing green eyes. This gave Arabella pause for thought. The cat looked like the one she had had in the castle many years before.

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An Intriguing EndThe rest, so they say is history......

The End.