a fitness tracker for online communities? collective intelligence meets wisdom hackers

A Fitness Tracker for Online Communities? Collective Intelligence meets Wisdom Hackers

Upload: lee-sean-huang

Post on 16-Jun-2015




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What if we had a FitBit or Fuel Band for large scale online community discussions and debates? Could we create a feedback loop for more efficient, inclusive, and creative online deliberation? Online communities have been playing an increasingly important role in supporting grassroots initiatives in the area of social innovation and sustainability. However, as such platforms go larger and larger, it is more and more difficult for community managers to ensure efficient debates among citizens, i.e. to ensure collective ideation, decision and action. https://medium.com/@leesean/a-fitness-tracker-for-online-communities-7b229c31f468 http://catalyst-fp7.eu/


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A Fitness Tracker for Online Communities? !

Collective Intelligence meets Wisdom Hackers

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Online communities have been playing an

increasingly important role in supporting

grassroots initiatives in the area of social

innovation and sustainability.


However, as such platforms go larger and

larger, it is more and more difficult for

community managers to ensure efficient

debates among citizens.

Major community networks and leading

research institutes have teamed up to

tackle this issue with the support of the

European Commission’s research funding



Over 2 years, through the CATALYST

project, they will develop and test

collective intelligence tools and make

them available, as open source solutions,

to any interested communities.

Meet Catalyst

Watch the "Meet the Catalyst Team" Video on YouTube

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What is Collective Intelligence?

Collective intelligence is the ability of a

group of people to be collectively

smarter than the smartest individuals in

the group if they acted alone.

This has been happening for a very long

time in the natural world.


The advent of the Internet however, has

allowed for collective intelligence to be

much more easily implemented, and is

allowing people from many different

regions and backgrounds to connect. !

Source: http://assembl.org/what-is-collective-intelligence/

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Use cases planned in the short term should

demonstrate how CATALYST developments

can boost local initiatives in the area of

social innovation, increase awareness on

new sustainable lifestyles, support

eGovernance efforts of European cities and

even empower citizens and the civil society

in debating emerging issues for the new

European Constitution.

Connecting Communities

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Help us test Catalyst

We have partnered with the Wisdom Hackers

community to test DebateHub, part of the

CATALYST suite of open source tools.


Join us in a collective ideation, discussion, and

debate of ways to maintain the festival spirit in

everyday life, how to think outside the cubicle

and activate the thinking body, and much more.

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DebateHub Visualizations

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Comparing Communities with EdgeSense

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Catalyst + CAPSCATALYST addresses the CAPS domain. CAPS are non-commercial, open Internet platforms, connecting citizens to each other (and to the “Internet of Things” whenever necessary) and providing them with a more effective way to: !• Spontaneously adopt more sustainable

behaviours and lifestyles, based on better information (extended awareness); !

• Contribute to a low-carbon economy, for instance by lending, exchanging and reusing goods at scale, across geographic boundaries (collaborative consumption); !

• Get facts/evidence from citizens for better decision making, at personal or institutional levels (e.g. crowdmapping);

• Develop alternative collaborative approaches to problem solving (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, participatory design, collective intelligence, collective decisions);

!• Actively engage, innovate and act,

individually or collectively, towards societally, environmentally and economically sustainable approaches and solutions to tackle societal challenges: growth and employment, environment, climate change, health and education, inclusive societies, wellbeing, etc.


Source: http://caps2020.eu/

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Catalyst Consortium Partners