a flat tummy in a day

A Flat Tummy In A Day

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Page 1: A Flat Tummy In A Day

A Flat Tummy In A Day

Page 2: A Flat Tummy In A Day

A Flat Tummy In A Day

“85 per cent of the stomach is removed in sleeve gastrectomy”

The old ways of trying to get a flat tummy using nature cures, appetite suppressants, herbal products

and magic diets with the promise of significant weight loss and self induced food deprivation to achieve

the goal of weight loss might have worked before but they do not guarantee permanent weight loss.

Weight loss medications are limited by their side effects, length of time they can be used, lack of desired

effect in some and potential complications. Weight loss programs are wonderful if people can continue

to follow the guidance provided and stay with the suggested diet plans and exercise programs.

Surgical options for weight loss have been in existence for a few decades. This field of science has

evolved significantly in the last decade, as obesity became a global epidemic. The availability of new

technology and instrumentation that allowed for these procedures to be performed in a minimally

invasive or laparoscopic approach, also contributed to this development. One of the best surgeries for a

flat stomach is the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Sleeve gastrectomy is the method of removing a

part of the stomach and only leaving a narrow part of it. In this procedure, about 85 per cent of the

stomach is removed so that there is less consumption of food and hunger is appeased early. This

procedure is irreversible and is relatively new with data of efficacy for past 3 years. This procedure,

originally designed as an initial stage of another extensive surgery, has been shown to be effective for

weight loss by itself.

The surgery is relatively pain free as the patient is administered general anaesthesia. In the surgery, the

surgeon will make two to five cuts in the stomach through which he will pass the laparoscope and

surgical instruments. Once the excess stomach is removed, the remaining one is stapled together

creating a banana shaped stomach. The specialist team at Nova Super Speciality Hospitals has been

performing sleeve gastrectomy as an outpatient procedure for a while now and offers the best advice

for anyone planning on getting it done.

Though an effective surgery, this surgery is not without risks. Some of the risks include:

Injury to the stomach and intestines

Heart burn, inflamed stomach lining

Leaking from the stapled stomach parts



Blood clots

Blood loss


Sleeve gastrectomy does not guarantee drastic weight loss but it will continue to happen for at least

three years. Consult with specialists before taking any decisions.

Page 3: A Flat Tummy In A Day

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