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Vincent Memorial Hospital Annual Report 2011 A focus on Gynecologic Cancer

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Vincent Memorial Hospital Annual Report 2011

A focus on Gynecologic Cancer

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Members of the Gynecologic Oncology team, from top,

Marcela Del Carmen, MD; John Schorge, MD; Whitfield B.

Growdon, MD; David Boruta, MD; Bo Rueda, PhD; and

Annekathryn Goodman, MD

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TMessage from the Chief

He Vincent HAs A long and proud tradition of advances in gynecologic oncology education, clinical care and research. Beginning in the 1940s, Vincent chief Dr. Joe Vincent Meigs revolutionized gynecologic oncology care by performing radical surgery on patients and advocating for palliative care. Meigs’s legacy of outstanding and compassionate care lives on today, as the Vincent and Mass general continue to be at the forefront of breakthroughs in gynecologic oncology.

in addition to our mission of providing excellent patient care locally, the Vincent also pioneers treatments that will aid patients worldwide. these cutting-edge advances include minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic cancer conducted through a single, small incision and research into the “genetic fingerprints” of tumors in order to develop new, personalized cancer treatments. through the work of the doctors you’ll read about in this report and everyone at the Vincent, we continue to lead the way towards better outcomes for all gynecologic oncology patients.

isaac schiff, MDChief of Staff

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AFrom the Board of Trustees

s you ReAD ABout the exciting advances in gynecologic oncology care featured in this report, i hope you are inspired by the Vincent Memorial Hospital’s progression from its humble beginnings in 1891 as a 12-bed hospital for working women and girls. the Vincent’s growth over the years into a world-class ob/gyn department is a testament to our doctors’ and researchers’ continuing commitment to advancing quality care for women in Boston and around the world.

today, the Vincent’s clinicians and investigators continue to build the future of gynecologic oncology. our surgeons continue to explore new approaches in minimally-invasive surgery, reducing patients’ pain and recovery times. our researchers conduct groundbreaking research on gynecologic tumors with the help of a tumor bank built and maintained at the Vincent. And our fellowship program in this field offers the most comprehensive education and training available to the next generation of gynecologic oncologists.

After the incredible advances in treatment of the 20th century, it’s extraordinary and compelling to imagine what the next century will bring for women’s care. the Vincent, with your dedicated and continued support, will be at the forefront.

susan W. Hunnewell David e. Walker Chair President

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F ounded in Boston in 1891 to provide medical care for women in need, the Vincent

Memorial Hospital (VMH) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity whose sole purpose is to support women’s health care at Massachusetts General Hospital. For more than a century, the Vincent has provided funding and assistance for dozens of programs, ranging from those that educate the next generation of physicians and scientists and improve clinical care, to those that led to groundbreaking advances in research. each year Vincent volunteers give countless hours of their time to assist Mass General Vincent obstetrics & Gynecology caregivers in providing the best experience for patients and their families. today, through the dedication and commitment of donors and friends, the VMH continues its mission of supporting medical education and paths to improved outcomes, while providing the best health care possible to women regardless of their circumstances.


Isaac Schiff, MD, Chief of the MGH Vincent Obstetrics & Gynecology Department,

accepts a check from Azi Djazani, president of the Vincent Club.

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JInforming the future

oHn scHoRge, MD, fiRst cAMe to the Vincent in 1993 as an ob/gyn intern and later chief resident. in 2000, he joined the faculty at Parkland Memorial Hospital at the university of texas in Dallas – one of the country’s premier ob/gyn departments. He says of the move from MgH to Parkland, “i hoped it would be totally different from Mass general, which it was. i had a lot of new things to learn, and that was wonderful.” He brought his experiences back to Boston when he returned to MgH as chief of Vincent gynecologic oncology in 2008.

While at Parkland, schorge helped to create Williams Gynecology, the first textbook to combine a comprehensive overview of gynecologic medicine with an extensive surgical atlas. initially chosen to edit the gynecologic oncology section, schorge was later asked to serve as the lead author and editor of the entire book, despite being the most junior faculty member involved with the project. Published in 2008 after three years of work, the first edition of Williams Gynecology was an international bestseller.

“it was a herculean effort to do the first version,” schorge says, adding that holding the book in his hands for the first time “was a terrific feeling of accomplishment.” Williams Gynecology has also become part of a tradition at Mass general: a copy of the book is given to all of the interns who finish the MgH gyn-onc rotation, signed by the entire gynecologic-oncology faculty.

the MgH Vincent’s gynecologic oncology Division’s fellowship program began in 1977 and was one of MgH’s first fellowship programs. the three-year program, which consists of one lab year and two clinical years, is one of the longest continuous gynecologic oncology fellowship programs in the country.

fellows learn from and partner with experts in gynecologic oncology and also experience the program’s unique aspects, including the global health initiative, run by Annekathryn goodman, MD, director of the Vincent gynecology oncology fellowship Program (and a 1990 graduate). for the past two years, goodman has brought fellows to Bangladesh to practice women’s health care in a setting radically different from the state-of-the-art setup at the hospital. schorge praises the initiative, saying, “Maybe 10 percent of fellows in the country get to be involved in international health care as part of their fellowship. exposure to an experience like they get caring for women in Bangladesh is very motivating for them.”

fellows also have an impressive spectrum of surgical opportunities. schorge notes that while many hospitals practice and teach only robotic laparoscopic surgery, the Vincent trains fellows in three separate types of laparoscopic surgery: robotic, multi-incision, and the newly-developed technique of single-incision surgery.

in addition to surgery, fellows also work closely with medical oncologists, basic scientists and specialists in related areas like pathology and radiation medicine. With all of these opportunities, schorge notes, “the comprehensiveness of the clinical experience is complete. We want to be the best fellowship program in the country.”

John Schorge, MD

Annekathryn Goodman, MD

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SSurgery with an invisible scar

uRgeRy WitH An inVisiBle scAR: it almost sounds like science fiction. instead, it has become a reality at the Vincent, where surgeons like David Boruta, MD, are pioneering single-incision laparoscopy – minimally-invasive surgery performed through one incision in the belly button, leaving a nearly undetectable scar.

With laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery (less), minimally-invasive surgery’s usual three to five small incisions are reduced to just one. in the past two years, Boruta and his colleagues have performed over a hundred of these single-site surgeries. the Vincent’s gynecologic oncology fellows-in-training are now taught to perform this cutting-edge technique as well as traditional multi-incision and robotic-assisted laparoscopy.

Although the specific advantages of less over traditional laparoscopic surgery require further study, Boruta notes that the skills fellows develop performing single-port surgery enhance their expertise in multiple-port surgery as well, leading to surgeons trained in the latest techniques no matter which type of minimally invasive approach is best suited to a particular patient.

the cosmetic benefits of less are certainly striking. Boruta says that even though patients understand beforehand that the surgery will involve only one incision, they tend to be more impressed by it afterwards. “A lot of times they can’t even see the incision. they’ll say that their family members, and even sometimes their other doctors, insist there must be other scars.”

of course, the medical benefits of laparoscopic care are equally impressive. traditional surgery to treat reproductive cancer involves inches-long vertical incisions over the abdomen for removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and lymph nodes. such major surgery requires multi-day hospital stays and weeks of recovery time. Minimally invasive surgery, whether with multiple incisions or a single one, offers patients shorter hospitalizations and recovery time, less pain, and fewer chances of post-surgical complications.

Boruta also points out that for patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation after surgery, the advantage of minimally invasive surgery surpasses being able to go home or back to work more quickly. “the quicker recovery time helps patients prepare for adjuvant therapy, because if you start from a place of strength and good health, it’s going to make treatment easier.”

“in the same way environmentalists talk about reducing our footprint on the environment, i believe surgeons should strive to reduce their surgical footprint on each patient,” Boruta says. “Accomplishing the same procedures with less pain and more rapid recoveries is a worthwhile goal.” He notes that exploring surgical frontiers such as less with fellows-in-training and colleagues,“ensures the Vincent will maintain a leadship position in the development and study of innovative gynecologic surgery.”

David Boruta, MD

Marcela Del Carmen, MD

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7Single-incision surgery

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IInterrogating tumors

t tuRns out tHAt not every tumor is created equal, and Bo Rueda, PhD, associate director of the Vincent center for Reproductive Biology (VcRB) and director of the MgH Vincent Department of obstetrics and gynecology clinical fellows Research Program, is at the forefront of pioneering research about the unique characteristics of gynecologic tumors and their treatments.

Rueda oversees the MgH gynecologic tissue Repository, commonly known as the tumor bank. the bank began collecting tissue samples of endometrial cancer, fibroids and healthy tissue five years ago. it has since grown into one of the premier sources of primary research tissue for all types of gynecologic tumors. today, everyone who comes to MgH for gynecologic surgery is asked to donate tissue samples, creating a continually evolving, diverse resource for researchers. in addition, the VcRB is currently building a complementary “bio bank” where every tumor that is added to the tissue bank is also grown in vivo for novel pre-clinical studies.

the VcRB is one of only a few centers in the country to conduct research on tumor tissue sourced directly from current patients. “the clinical fellows are enthusiastic about its applicability,” Rueda says. “it has taken our gyn-onc research into a new realm of science, because it allows us to readily transition from basic science to the bedside.” the focus is on molecular interrogation of specific tumors, mapping their unique makeup and potentially allowing for the creation of individualized treatment profiles for each type of tumor.

As differences in tumors are observed, researchers then target novel anti-cancer drugs to a tumor’s unique cell-signaling pathways, which contribute to its growth. the more knowledge researchers gain about how cancer functions in each type of tumor, the more specific treatment may be developed.

Researchers also benefit from the tumor bank’s location at a world-class clinical center. “the unique thing i’ve seen here at the Vincent is that clinical faculty and research faculty are highly integrated,” Rueda notes. clinicians and researchers attend each other’s meetings and talks, communicating regularly. this information exchange has advantages for both sides, with researchers seeing how their studies affect patients and clinicians well-versed in cutting-edge techniques. And Rueda neatly illustrates the benefits to patients when he asks, “Would you rather go to a clinician who understands the next generation of research and care, or one who just tells you the standard treatment?”

that next generation of care is coming closer, as the first patient trials on research conducted by the VcRB have recently been given preliminary approval. “it’s been a long time coming,” Rueda observes. “i’ve always said, because of its rarity, i would be retired before our bench-based research got to the point of directly impacting clinical trials in women with gynecologic cancer. now it’s becoming the new standard for our team.”

Bo Rueda, PhD

Whitfield B. Growdon, MD

Rosemary Foster, PhD

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9Test tubes containing tumor samples

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$500,000 +The Vincent ClubVincent Memorial Hospital Endowment FundGail and Ernst von Metzsch

$100,000 to $499,999Advanced Medical Research Foundation, Nile Albright, DirectorDr. and Mrs. Nile AlbrightAnonymous (2)Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hunnewell Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Vivian Glueck Rosenberg

$50,000 to $99,999Bayer Schering Pharma AGMr. and Mrs. Steven B. BelkinGeorge and Susan Domolky

$10,000 to $49,999Mr. and Mrs. William AchtmeyerMr. and Mrs. Clinton AllenAnonymous (3)Mrs. Elizabeth M. CampanellaMr. and Mrs. Eugene ClappMrs. Azi DjazaniEdwin S. Webster FoundationHowland Capital Management Inc.JM FoundationMrs. Elizabeth Bishop JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Timothy KrochukMrs. Josiah K. Lilly IIIMr. and Mrs. John H. Livens Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MartinMass General Cancer CenterReza Rahbar, MDJohn M. and Elizabeth F.N. ReidRuggles Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Eric SavageDola Hamilton Stemberg Charitable FoundationMs. Dola Hamilton StembergEvelyn and Michael TreacyMr. and Mrs. Ralph B. VogelMr. and Mrs. David E. Walker

$5,000 to $9,999Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Breed IIIMr. and Mrs. Michael ForresterDr. Matina S. HornerMargaret Howell and AssociatesMr. and Mrs. F. Gardner Jackson Jr.Ms. Elizabeth L. JohnsonMs. Barbara Jordan and Mr. Robert PembertonMcGuirk Memorial Golf TournamentMr. and Mrs. Ian O’KeeffeMr. and Mrs. Robert OwensMr. and Mrs. E. Lee PerryHon. and Mrs. George R. Sprague Ms. Emily Docken Webster

$1,000 to $4,999Mrs. David AmesMr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Anderson Anonymous (2)Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin BakerMrs. Hope Lincoln BakerMrs. Caroline BalzBoston Private Bank and Trust CompanyMrs. Diana BrayMrs. Dorothy S. BreedMrs. Sally BrewsterMrs. A. Keith BrodkinDr. Robert A. BrowneMr. and Mrs. Robert J. BurbidgeMrs. Eleanor L. CampbellDr. and Mrs. Kevin and Kathleen ClancyMrs. Lewis H. ClarkMr. and Mrs. W. Pearce Coues IIILynn DaleMrs. Marcia DeWolfeMs. Nour B. DiabMrs. Sandra DickMr. and Mrs. William DoucetteTheresa A. DowneyMrs. Lynn DunphyMr. and Mrs. George W. FergusonThe Lee and Julie Folger FundC. MacKay Ganson Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth GarciaMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Gardner Jr.Mrs. Deborah GatesGenesis Battlegreen RunMr. Lawrence H Gennari and Ms. Denise PelletierGoerlich Family Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Hannelore GranthamMr. and Mrs. James HalpinMr. and Mrs. Sean and Erin HarrisHarweb FoundationMrs. Aris HatchMr. Robert M. HaugheyMrs. Cassandra H. HendersonMs. Nancy E. HigginsMs. Michele S. HirshmanMrs. Mary Kathryn HolderMs. Sally HurlbutMs. Jennifer InkerJ. McLaughlinDr. and Mrs. Eric H. Johnson Mrs. Helen JohnstoneKactis 4 KancerMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. KadnarMrs. Janet Sharp KershawMrs. Harriet KesslerMrs. Rosanna A. LaBonteMs. Kerri LandryMs. Patricia M. LassiterMrs. Hallie Stephenson LeeMary Ann Harris Livens

Ms. Diana K. LloydDr. Leslie Caroline LucchinaMs. Kirby Lunger and Mr. Michael DobbertThe Lynch FoundationMs. Wendy R. McAllisterMacPherson FundMrs. Nancy MaitlandMrs. Helen MarstonMs. Sarah P. MeigsMemory of Terry CabotMemory of Lewis H. ClarkMemory of Jean GreenMr. and Mrs. John O’BrienMrs. Kathy O’DonnellOxford Fund, Inc.Ms. Sidnee C. PinhoMrs. Donna QuirkMs. Laurence Elizabeth RooseveltMs. Linda RowlandMrs. Susan SchenckMrs. Jessica SethMs. Wendy Shattuck and Mr. Sam PlimptonMrs. Wendy Spinney SmithMrs. Rosamond P. SmytheMrs. John J. StatesHon. and Mrs. Richard G. StearnsMs. Sandra SteeleMrs. Hope H. SwaseyMrs. Marjorie TaylorMs. Melissa B. TearneyMr. and Mrs. Stokley P. TowlesMrs. Bonnie B. TracyMrs. Juliet Schnell TurnerMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. UlfelderMrs. Marta Van RanstMrs. Jennifer Evangeline VossMrs. Virginia WhiteMr. and Mrs. Thomas H.P. Whitney Jr.Mrs. Emi WintererMr. and Mrs. Hans Ziegler

$500 to $999Mr. James L. BrochinMs. Judith C. BrownellMr. and Mrs. Walter BurrageMyra and Jeff HeidtMr. and Mrs. Amory HoughtonMr. Robert K. MeliereMs. Diane Bissonnette MoesMrs. Carla MoynihanZia Clothing Outlet

$100 - $499Anonymous (2)Mr. and Dr. Christian AtwoodMr. and Mrs. Andrew BaileyMs. Susan L. BarryMr. and Mrs. Norman Beauregard

Vincent Memorial Hospital DonorsJanuary 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011(Includes gifts to the Vincent Memorial Hospital or to the Mass General for the benefit of the MGH Vincent Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)

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Mr. and Mrs. Martin BegienBI Deaconess Department of Orthopedic Surgery FoundationMr. and Mrs. Edward L. BigelowMr. and Mrs. Edward P. BlissMs. Catherine G. BockMr. and Mrs. Robert E. BockMr. Norman W. BohnMs. Shirley J. BoneReverend Nehemiah Boynton IIIMs. Katherine BradshawMs. Angeline M. BradyMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Bresnahan Sr.Ms. Elizabeth D. BrewsterBrown Bros. HarrimanMr. David A. BrownellMr. and Mrs. Michael BunisMr. and Mrs. Charles F. BurkeCaldwell Farm Association, Inc.Mr. Frederick P. CalloriMr. and Mrs. David C. CameronMr. Brian J. CarrMr. and Mrs. John M. CarrollDr. and Mrs. Verne S. Caviness Jr.Ms. Stephanie ChaffeeTracey A. Cho, MDMr. Arjun H. ChowdriMr. and Mrs. Stephen ComeyMs. Patricia L. ConwayMr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Cook Jr.Ms. Virginia B. CorlissMs. Caroline L. CosciaMs. Elizabeth Meigs CourtneySandra M. Croteau, RN, RVTMr. and Mrs. John E. DayDr. and Mrs. Francis de MarneffeMr. and Mrs. Edwin C. DonaghyMr. and Mrs. Robert S. DubielMs. Lisa DykstraBrian L. Edlow, MDElliot Health SystemMr. Wallace R. Ervin Jr.Farm Field Still Meadow Condominium TrustFitchburg Lodge No. 847 B.P.O ElksMr. and Mrs. Gerald T. FitzgeraldMr. James FitzpatrickMs. Elizabeth C. FranzosaMr. and Mrs. William S. FriendMrs. Edmund B. Games, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Grant GeletteNina B. Gelette Rev. TrustGoldman, Sachs and CompanyMr. Douglas R. GoodingDr. and Mrs. L. Michael GouveiaVictoria T. Baker GraboysMr. and Mrs. Chris GreerMr. and Mrs. Ralph F. GuzzardiMs. Carolyn M. Hadley

Ms. Jennifer M. HallHalloran, Lukoff and Smith, P.C.Mr. Allen HarbergHawthorn Medical Associates, LLCMs. Lenore S. HendersonMr. and Mrs. Edward F. HerlihyMr. and Mrs. Randall HesseMrs. William J. HewittMs. Emily F. HodgeMr. Lewis HoffDr. and Mrs. James S. HoffmanInnovative Cabling SystemsMs. Patricia A. JaoMs. Ruchira M. JhaMr. Charles JohnsonMr. Michael G. JonesJuliana’s Salon, Inc.Ms. Leonide R. KalifeMs. Dara KesselheimMs. Mary Eliza KimballMr. Brian J. KingMs. Eleanor M. KingMs. Margaret M. KingMr. and Mrs. David J. KorwanElaine K. KwiecienMr. and Mrs. Richard R. LaFleurMr. and Mrs. Alan L. LeBovidgeMr. and Mrs. David S. LeeDr. and Mrs. Michael W. LemelinMr. and Mrs. Roger J. LemelinMr. and Mrs. Leon LewandowskiLord Associates, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. J. Greer McBratneyElaine D. McBrideMr. and Mrs. Douglas McConnellMs. Windy B. McCrackenMr. James A. McDaniel and Ms. Margaret L. RandleMs. Marie-Josee McKenzieMs. Labrini MalatantisMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. MaloneyMrs. Eli Manchester, Jr.Bessie A. Manley, RN, MPA/HAMrs. Janet Monahan-Martin and Mr. Curtis MartinMedtronic, Inc.Ms. Siobhan MeeMr. Henry W. Minot Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Per MoenMs. Erin MooresMs. Sheila L. MorehouseMorgan StanleyMs. Emily M. MudrykMs. Kathleen A. NandanCaryl Noelken TrustNortheast AuctionsMs. Tina Gee O’BoyMr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Richard T. Orton Sr.Padanaram Acres Community Corporation

Ms. Debra A. PalmerPark Avenue Nursing and RehabilitationSusan and Dan PerryDr. and Mrs. Donald S. PierceDr. and Mrs. B. Geoffrey PikenMr. John R. PittfieldDr. Brian W. PogueEric L. Radin, MDRed Mill Graphics, Inc.Ms. Alison F. ReifMrs. Louise C. ReimerMr. David RickerbyMr. and Mrs. Richard M. RobbRobert Stimpson Dubiel Revocable Trust - 1993Mrs. Margaret Erin Rodgers SchmidtMr. A. Hugh ScottMs. Karen SeigelMs. Naomi SevillaMr. and Mrs. Brian SeymourMr. and Mrs. Ransom B. ShawKathleen B. SherbrookeMr. and Mrs. Steven ShusterDr. and Mrs. Albert M. SignorellaMr. and Mrs. Louis SilversteinMs. Doris J. SoltMr. Timothy S. SoltMs. Barbara Anne SousaElizabeth F. SpiessLinda R. StikeleatherMr. Jeffrey SwainTarpey Insurance Group, Inc.TD Bank, N.A.Team NGB FundraisersMr. and Mrs. Willie J. TheilerMr. and Mrs. James TheodosopolousMr. Bernard C. TherriaultMs. Kathryn V. ThorntonMs. Patricia ToneyMr. and Mrs. Charles T. ToomeyMr. and Mrs. Charles S. TramontanaMr. and Mrs. Mark S. TramontanaMs. Erica M. TuggeyMr. Chris ValenteMr. James VeriniMs. Sarah WahlsterMr. and Mrs. Monte J. WallaceMr. and Mrs. Neil WallaceMr. and Mrs. John F. WarnerWentworth Motor Co., Inc.West Hyannisport Beach AssociationMs. Christine WichersMr. and Mrs. James E. WilkesMr. and Mrs. Edwin J. WillMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. WilsonMr. Daniel Winston

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VMH BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2011Mrs. James F. Hunnewell Jr. Chair

Mr. David E. Walker President

Mrs. Hope Lincoln Baker Clerk

Mr. Peter R. Gates Treasurer

Isaac Schiff, MD Executive Vice President and Chief, Vincent Obstetrics & Gynecology

Mr. William R. Baker Jr. Vice President, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Brant BinderMrs. Susan Y. DomolkyMrs. William S. FriendMr. Lawrence H. GennariMrs. Cassandra H. HendersonDr. Matina HornerMr. F. Gardner Jackson Jr.Ms. Sarah P. MeigsMrs. Eve Ross RobertsMr. Roger T. ServisonHon. Richard G. StearnsMrs. Dola Hamilton StembergMrs. Michael E.F. TreacyMr. Thomas H. UlfelderMrs. Thomas H.P. Whitney Jr.

LiFE TRUSTEESMr. Henry W. Minot Jr.Mr. George PutnamMrs. John J. StatesMr. Stokley P. TowlesMr. Ralph B. Vogel

Ex-OFFiciOMrs. Elizabeth M. CampanellaCo-President, Vincent Memorial Hospital Board of Managers

Mrs. William S. Friend Co-President, Vincent Memorial Hospital Board of Managers

Fredric D. Frigoletto Jr., MDAssociate Chief, Vincent Obstetrics and Gynecology

Mrs. Azi Djazani President, The Vincent Club

VMH BOARD OF MANAGERS 2011Mrs. Elizabeth M. Campanella Co-President

Mrs. William S. Friend Co-President

Mrs. Stephen J. Pellegrino 1st Vice President

Mrs. Bret D. Jordan 2nd Vice President

Mrs. James E. Kessler Secretary

Ms. Sarah P. Meigs Treasurer

Mrs. Daniel M. Kimball Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Charles A. Austin IIIMrs. Dennis B. BentMrs. Marshall F. Campbell Jr.Mrs. W. Pearce CouesMrs. John EmeryMrs. Paul S. EvansMrs. Nicholas P. HolderMiss Sally D. HurlbutMiss C. Winston JenkinsMrs. Eric H. JohnsonMrs. Josiah K. Lilly IIIMrs. James G. MeadMrs. Harold I. PrattMrs. George R. SpragueMrs. John J. StatesMrs. Carol SteeleMrs. Michael F. Wynne-Willson

HONORARy MEMBERSMrs. Courtenay CrockerMrs. Lewis H. ClarkMrs. Winthrop G. Dow Jr.Mrs. Jonathan L. HealyMrs. William S. OlneyMrs. John H. ReadMrs. William P. Rogers Jr.

Ex-OFFiciOMrs. Azi Djazani President, The Vincent Club

Mr. David E. Walker President, Vincent Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees


Gary Gottlieb, MD, MPH President and Chief Executive Officer Partners HealthCare

Peter L. Slavin, MDPresident, Massachusetts General Hospital

David F. Torchiana, MDChairman and Chief Executive Officer Mass General Physicians Organization

Jeanette Ives Erickson, RN, MSSenior Vice President for Patient Care Services and Chief Nurse Massachusetts General Hospital

Isaac Schiff, MDChief, Vincent Obstetrics & Gynecology

Fredric D. Frigoletto Jr., MDAssociate Chief Vincent Obstetrics & Gynecology

Michael F. Greene, MDChief of Obstetrics

GyNEcOLOGic ONcOLOGyJohn O. Schorge, MDChief

David M. Boruta II, MDMarcela G. del Carmen, MD, MPHAnnekathryn Goodman, MDWhitfield B. Growdon, MDRaymond Lui, MD

MATERNAL-FETAL MEDiciNEWilliam H. Barth Jr., MDChief

Allison Bryant Mantha, MD, MPHJeffrey L. Ecker, MDMichael F. Greene, MDAnjali J. Kaimal, MDAllan S. Nadel, MDLaura E. Riley, MDRuth Tuomala, MDDirector, Integrated Residency Program

Blair J. Wylie, MD, MPH

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William H. Barth Jr., MDLisa Baute, MDBryann S. Bromley, MDStephen D. Brown, MDAllison Bryant Mantha, MD, MPHJeffrey L. Ecker, MDAnjali Kaimal, MDThuy Tien T. Ly, MDBlair J. Wylie, MD, MPHBeryl R. Benacerraf, MDConsultant

OBSTETRicS AND SPEciALTy GyNEcOLOGyLisa B. Baute, MDLori R. Berkowitz, MDAlana Chakrabarti, MDErik Clinton, MDCarrie A. Coleman, MDKristen P. Eckler, MDIlona T. Goldfarb, MD, MPHLynne B. Goltra, MDLauren E. Hanley, MDChristine Harrington, MDJulie A. Jolin, MDHolly R. Khachadoorian-Elia, MD, MBAAssociate Director, Medical Student Education

Jennifer M. Kickham, MDRebecca Kolp, MDDirector, Mass General West Obstetrics & Gynecology

Trevin Lau, MDRaymond Lui, MDThuy Tien T. Ly, MDAlison S. Packard, MDAlessandra Peccei, MDDirector, MGH HealthCare Centers Obstetrics & Gynecology

Anne M. Althausen Plante, MDDirector, Resident Gynecology Practice

Sean Pocock, MD, MPHFrederick H. Sillman, MD Sujata Somani, MDAmy Stagg, MDLisa Tomasulo, MDErin E. Tracy, MD, MPHUchechi Wosu, MD, MScAssociate Director, Medical Student Education

Carey York-Best, MDDirector, Specialty Gynecology

NURSE MiDWiVESMarie Henderson, CNM, MSNChief

Anne-Marie Armstrong, CNM, ARNP, MSNJulia Battel, CNM, MPHMegan Brady, CNM, MSNMarina Chyten, CNM, MSNAutumn Cohen, CNM, MSNBarbara Curtis, CNM, MSNDana Cvrk, CNM, MSKim Deltano, CNM, MSNAngela Ferrari, CNM, MSChristiani Guerrero-Gatto, CNM, MPHAmelia Henning, CNM, MSNSusan Hernandez, CNM, MSNCatherine O’Connor, CNM, MSN, APRN Shawna Pochan, CNM, MSNKatherine Rushfirth, CNM, MSNSusan Scotti Smith CNM, MS Mary Trabusi, CNM, MS Christina Zannieri, CNM, MS

REPRODUcTiVE MEDiciNE AND iVF DiViSiONJohn C. Petrozza, MDChief

Russ Hauser, MD, ScD, MPHD. Robert A. McInnes, MDMitchell Rein, MDMary Sabatini, MD, PhDJan L. Shifren, MDIrene C. Souter, MDAaron K. Styer, MDCigdem Tanrikut, MDThomas L. Toth, MDDirector, In Vitro Fertilization Unit

Diane Wright, PhDDirector, Embryology Laboratory


Samantha Pulliam, MDAssociate Chief and Associate Director of Integrated Residency Program

Lori R. Berkowitz, MDKristen Eckler, MDMilena Weinstein, MD

ViNcENT cENTER FOR REPRODUcTiVE BiOLOGyJonathan L. Tilly, PhDDirector and Chief of Research

Bo R. Rueda, PhDAssociate Director

Rosemary Foster, PhDWhitfield B. Growdon, MDAaron Styer, MDJose Teixeira, PhD

NURSiNG LEADERSHiPDebra Burke, RN, MSN, MBAAssociate Chief of Nursing, Massachusetts General Hospital

Susan Caffrey, RN, MSNNursing Director, Labor and Delivery

Adele Keeley, RN, BSN, MANursing Director, Inpatient Gynecology

Linda Kelly, RN, BSN, ANP-BCNursing Director, Ambulatory Gynecology

Hiyam Nadel, RN, BSNNursing Director, Outpatient Obstetrics and Satellite Practices

Lori Pugsley, RN, BSN, MEdNursing Director, Obstetrics, Newborn and Family Units

Anne Danforth, RNNurse Coordinator, Vincent Ambulatory Gynecology and Urogynecology

Joan Eilers, RNNurse Coordinator, Reproductive Medicine and IVF

Heidi Larkin, RNNurse Coordinator, Ambulatory Obstetrics

Alicen Savary, RNNurse Coordinator, Mass General North

Jill Woods, RNNurse Coordinator, Mass General West Obstetrics & Gynecology

ADMiNiSTRATiONJoan SapirSenior Vice President

Caryn WilsonSenior Administrative Director

Diane BarkerSenior Business Manager

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Vincent Memorial Hospital Statement of Operations for the Years Ended September 30, 2010 and 20111

The figures below do not include gifts that benefit the MGH Vincent Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology that are processed through the MGH Development Office.

Operating Revenues 2011 2010

Income from investments $468,285 $476,475

The Vincent Club gift 265,000 225,000

Interest 12,507 25,484

Annual contributions 127,247 114,271

Total operating revenues $873,039 $841,230

Operating Expenses

Center for Reproductive Biology support 685,000 685,000

Teaching & Research support 135,891 154,108

Program & Project support 234,821 227,982

Support services (marketing, investment fees, auditing) 220,011 255,716

Other expenses 14,070 20,835

Total operating expenses $1,289,793 $1,343,641

Transfer in excess of investment income to support operations 416,754 502,411

Net assets, beginning 21,565,167 20,125,611

Net assets, ending 19,940,683 21,565,167

Percentage of 12-quarter average endowment amount used to support operations 4.30% 4.80%

1 The Vincent Memorial Hospital is a public charity that supports programs for the care and treatment

of the diseases of women through grants to the Massachusetts General Hospital. It is a 501(c)(3)

tax- exempt charitable organization that is separate and distinct from Massachusetts General Hospital.

The figures shown reflect the audited financial statements of the Vincent Memorial Hospital only.

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The Vincent family – doctors, nurses, scientists, midwives,

staff and volunteers – comes together to encourage each

other, to help each other learn, grow and thrive. It is this

spirit of teamwork that is the hallmark of the Vincent.

Thank you for being a member of the team, and for the

support which is so vital to furthering the care of women.

CliniCal DiVisiOns

• Gynecologic Oncology

• Maternal-Fetal Medicine including Obstetrical Ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnostics

• Obstetrics and General Gynecology

• Reproductive Medicine and IVF

• Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery


• Deborah Kelly Center for Outcomes Research

• Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology

TRaining PROgRams

• Obstetrics and Gynecology Core Clerkship and Subspecialty Elective Rotations for Harvard Medical Students

• Massachusetts General Hospital-Brigham and Women’s Hospital Integrated Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology

• Fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery*

• Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology

• Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

• Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

*approved but not yet active

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Your support is key to our success: Creating a legacy to advance women’s health

“ The Vincent Department of OB/GYN

is a worldwide leader in women’s health.

We supported this campaign through a

planned gift, knowing that it will help

the hospital further the discipline and

expand knowledge.”

Pamela and F. Gardner Jackson

Partnerships make success possible. Doctor and patient, medical research and patient care, and philanthropy and discovery are three winning combinations that enable the Vincent to set the standard in women’s health.

Partner with us by remembering the Vincent in your estate plans. you can name the Vincent as the beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement account, life insurance policy or donor-advised fund. Bequests of all sizes provide the resources needed to fund medical research, train future caregivers and support patient care programs.

By creating a lasting legacy at the Vincent, you will help the physicians and researchers at the Vincent advance the health and well-being of the next generation of women.

Make Your Legacy Today.

to learn more about ways to include the Vincent in your estate plan, please contact the MgH office of Planned giving at (617) 726-2200 or visit www.massgeneral.org/plannedgifts.

gifts made to the MgH on behalf of the Vincent solely benefit Vincent programs.

Giving directly to the Vincent

you may also support the Vincent Memorial Hospital and its continuing efforts to advance the field of women’s health with a gift made directly to the Vincent or to its endowment.

Your contribution, whether large or small, is important.

Please make your check payable to the Vincent Memorial Hospital and mail to:

William Baker 55 fruit street, fnD 514 Boston, MA 02114

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Page 20: A focus on Gynecologic Cancerstatic.webfulfillment.com/vincentmemorialhospital/2012/...Williams Gynecology has also become part of a tradition at Mass general: a copy of the book is


Vincent Memorial HospitalMassachusetts general Hospital55 fruit street, fnD 500Boston, MA 02114


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