a hardware. railboad teavelin•. d~r3wp~orts. new …€¦ · togat willageetel her reiment...

A HARDWARE. PW)WIL...........O.FwWSPS...,,......FLOO 12EKing'n OCrey PLOWS, a•eoted elas d0 Hall & Spe'.s Ou Valley PLOWS. 100 .. WeoeuPht eeYekW7WIY c000 BaI's PLOWS, am.s, 100 Avery's .. M1 ODme'. Cctaim PLOWS. 1600 (atrret A& CmW's celebated Steel Rove d. 160 Nemn.., Nmi & o.'s Steel PLOWS. 100 Msyterke(st PLOWS. UIYIVRsAL PLowS, Togat her willageetel reiment od- Agricaltnrol Implementa, -- Qondttio of- ORAIN CRADLES, PANNING MHILL, CORN SHELLERS, STRAW CUTTERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, -Also-. A full asrtent of Seeomeb'. PREMITUM AXES and EDGI TOOLS, which were awarded the Slesrr M.edAl atthe lute Falr at Joksmn, Miss. For e•le by C. H. SLOCO•B & CO., 7COa street, td4m AndiMto to monere: pREMIUM PLOWS AND SCRAPERS- 2005 YOST'S PATENT PREMIUM Plow, and Serspers. For•eby C.H. SLOVOMB A CO., .r Hole Ageatk, d Cl Ne. 7 Olnl te, and 5M0 t (mme t. JaCa wltW A.•I . Sts. a. weJttaa. J.WATERMIAW S DROIER, IMPO3TE RS: AND WHOLESAR DEALERS IN T Hardware, (IUTLERR, PFLOWS, LRON, CARPENT ,R, NAI•, SMITHS', AND I FLOH AND SHRIMP SEINES, C ~ TACKLE, NETS, ee., ea SIGN OF TIlE ANVIL, 14MAGAZINE STREET, C1 o.r e e e nna street0, New Orlee.n SCIHAS. C. GAINES & Co.. IMPORTERS AND Itl'AL.ERS IN OI1N1 AhyD DOMESTIC H hARDWAIRE. CUTJIPR, etc. No. R6 Marnede and 4 ;rtlevlcr Mtreea hefon ecbe, and aare souetaly rbeelle, direct from the Matnskeoeitne: Nails,, Catle• Ase. tserpnters Too]s: Hee. Spcedsg d Shovelse"; Cnleod CofeeMIlS ; OFand LI' Ch•eo Fe Collno and hella R ;•p l dtll and Tae ieIsn MIRll Pit ndr CPo.d CPe Sl c; AneeiVie , te Sell.o, ; Contesr and Plaeorme, Scesl Seteknx ed Dle,, Sc.r Ilt•s ;Andlron and Fendes ; Hamprer~ ard Toru : Shove s and Tog ; rtStn r l I, t on Wool rCae; e.. od , Hige; irond BrtScrews ; Tie Ware.; r's Cttelery. Toteeherellh n Iarge mertemet Pst ley Seed., Fl.1 a: Cube, SSnhee, Perfimery, Peper andBliank Books, et., whch et otreriei the l wee t eHs flr issh nr h typpepi. nesoly WIIADE TRISINTSS, rBeietrelh neesn for RlletUng ed ReptirOng Om rlne. Sept for ese. AXLES tlthtle , Ir te C.te and DeepD wsith , neh Pins tend Nluei Ne, lt, r1evle ereet, wrn. NeOrlcene. tell ly . LUTHER HOMES, FOUNDRY AND ORNAMENTAL WORKS. Coeer of entonl aed lphro.he.etreests: 051.ee. No. 1t St. Celte ,teet. (Two Idr freme the Sl. Charle, Thtersee Meenrnearse 4 of ehe latimt tnd moet eAppreved P.tlere. of Reilllogta erte dhb, ltoee, Obehntteee, Viulte, Brldge., Strigbt ted Cculeelar lt0l, Store Front. C'pitals tnd all klndls of AST AND WROIIGIIT IllR(N WORK for Bnlldieg pae ete. F' Ratllene, Cetine•., ,iell S•e•, Seh Weight, tad VT.a Ultl0 fuIr tsale lt the Old Stend. le0 St. Chadrl street,Niw Ocletm. oely SHALLER dt BROTHER. MANUFAC- TU1ES HP COPIECR. TIN ANI iHEET IRON W(IK i all It •seliet. les tie on hand a etec taw.mebli of ee(e hlne, teldsor cod lter-room Htoiee, and are preepared ht ll allt orders in the above ie n theCitp oe Ceoultry. Ptalrer fettlteon plid toeli deidtedeot of bhllldlng work Me: lppere, ( oIl ,'aniel Iron, Tin ed dln e Valley Ge ttten wi Rcoti e. Ileewn Pipe,; PF•ey and PIlen leeult, etc. ltFe tele exelei e rle for the Slb tte of Ilol laIa tomIuks andewildhi the reely patnteed lenti e of l Ilet wish from the e of whleich the ,the of helledlte i. .hed Ifrom all SIlk, prlr to tile elr. n htewieeellseditc t he cisterne l edgmlf- acting In itself, it reewvne he nteltl t ey hand e Llor in tI acri* : n frrtlr nrt nrmluted Kerr h•rnre. d14l1y . e. eeslY e. 0. . r.. eLeTOil J. S. SIMONDS dt CO., Ne.It C(tlsl Ielert, No. I Ceeenml stree, and - N..4 Nw l.ee. tree,•. Copper, Tin and Sheet Irona Workers. Brves Fonders andPlnFlher, ned 3!hsu.wetuelrei of Steam Trains. Cslolednel std Kveporscine Pe•nl., Pe .ei, Jella, Pns., Chlmnseeys yed Ceedlng, Sta tsmbsi t t land Ptrttlon Blae•k. GENERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, SHIP CHAR. IlIRY ANDI STOV.S. Planteres, e:clenel esed SeeMllertmin wll feind to their id- •tnetae t gleetee mea call belforse purheledg or Contraettatl ele- SNEW ORLEANS OHRNAMIENTAL IRON WORIKS.--The enderalglee beg lebae to inform ls pbllted l e Itlder ge•sraslly, that they are rstn- ••lloeridl all klnAe ol Aelitieetral and uildlineg Iroe Work et tiheilr foeleiyr, e:oe l leollt ad Rite treeei. otiRen Dleald.cn So,. Cuemdelet lreet--dlech aEs Ver needah, R tlilg 'heedleer hefe aeed BItk Doors, Itrtght antd Crtecle See!,. I•eO ll ioieee. icet\ e te. Thlee k eee c uetally onc hand C't antd Wrnglbhl Iron Col- aemn,,'Veetlteen, elnd tshh Weight,, etc.; nodll 1 ordelta . t vety A,"e~rtlion of Octincga, Column,, Blots cnd SorUe Froetc BENNET S LL'.PItE0, Devlrloen'. Row, Je24 tf C.Lton uel.t -reett. W OOD. DIILTE N II1GRGE S CO.-- SOUTHERN OKNAMIINTA I. ON1 WORKS. No. 57 Ctmp street. Weea.. ptepred to 6ll orderi toetey etee tlar e.e.y deerl.•. Ornamental Iron WVork, Such Peron't Fecrcee, (Cemetery Rellne'e. ODce Rtllne.. VYe. seedlh. Btleon!c,, GalleryRellnge, stel, Iee o Stileey, FPtentinle Frmtecre. set, etc. Our Front Feecs and Cemetery Rnlnige are fited lb Ironee Pnele, to go elher into the grend or on toping, e the pu. ehc-er mse lreeri. We eude cell pertlelr atteniellon tol the C.AST-IRON MAO- SOLEUMee FAMILY TOMIte deilened eed menneteiered h) to., expressely lo tile South. which, inpoiet ofelegance, baetey and drehbilty, will cemprse with the hneet tlecetree in mrble Etimtet and t ne e ormtlos s in rerdto work, cheerhfully frlnshed it elI thiee, ted eheel ti doeflels ent el mail to at, res e ods f mlaking x eleeton. WOOD, MII.TENB.ROER & CO., 57 C~mpstreet, New Orlese. WOOD ASIT, RO tI 5P, RidgeRned. Philadelnhia. FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY DIEPOT. DEORIE PATTERSON. -Y(snc,,,e to SIdlre, a PFelice,, corner ef Deloed, andNew Levee ,treat,, The nndrriRR11,i iye ne p 4epr117 to ctf STEAM NN HOiiiLE Lo.IMI SERYCl bled. .04.3 by eeeebcde, ? .e. H 'ltog n (bon Plautationi e, B Sow ilbr, tattoo emenm criilreoc.,.. Oed Scpen hmnd et x11 time, (lib fleet, Furm N.Monih. 1,41,. iblr,, Wheel hitiup,, aIeg,MA ir- lie nIxx eb eobahlieb,11(n ,nn. ctionn-ibb the .Mve, a Depot inr the ,el, of liechtncr? menufxcmrrsd ,e St Louie end ether WeVlern eii., enid h,.. n hndl 1t1.1 time,1eelyber bipmeoe, Slnxm F Rnfrmr, xndBniler, wnh uvurythiR ,omploto, of 6, 8, 110, 1'l 15. 20, 'L5 end 85 }torte Yoornr Hn IIIlr ofeve ryrfp dteirlpIIIa-uII coffwhi elie Mill,;bewiornl III alI Pltmse o every eonlnll--l ( lir y ei el n o a l~othi. uatnb" Behment In thecity. j"Selreonddhsnd Iluilenl axe Ulchinary bought and sal at .33 bm,... GEORGE PATTIRSON. New Orleas. al.. 1.5150. ite N SHAISPEARE FOUNDRY ANDMACYlINE l WOR IIti-I Oirod ,treat J. F. Wbhele., Jnhn Gleddes, Rii. Seoep. Wheeler, GeddeS .RC.., Iron end Rm~ F., dtdet end Mechllnlet,, mmnrfmcclee every variety of Stem Engine,, Sugar Mlille, Xlx Nill,, lreinfng Mc- chic"o, Mill end (tin (}erring, xnd 111,1, Bare. Store Front,, Coflxmn,, Youliletn,, cud Ilneh Weight,. ~elk lih oirk ofeil kind. We are oow prepeleic to ~,rule nork ofrho lergeet lire that wtaybe I1, il l ilnltbe So~thUrreum . 1iN0 ly STEEL PLOWS...........STEEL PLOWS. The ndeelgneidhere been.pplulted Age.t. forthegale of tbh CELEBRATED Steel Plow. M,.,.if,.ood by the eld i.lJiiebed boio e. A. Peeaock 1 SM., (ieiitlhmae, Ohio. And arereceiing from fhn .ull c Fl.,,, t forSugrar xnd CIton hlyh PIOioliMe. W\ioo, tthem, Ylbie arekinoc they enRithbee hiCheepultlIni. Tbb.y hewo bean hlly t.ihed In tht. Stale, and Ylmnter, wilt ettIt totheir hlsme e o x7their Pieceeel IM el, lwlll l e themto ebepre.nted, t well este Iiie c It lee of l the hin t the e tetrp t. W i a the Nbr(mN. IIo Nao. 8, cub h sod without Culrs., FOLTERC k CO.. Thoupitoul.xnid New Lee. atlmt. Betwee, Oeeller andYoydr4e 3.18 I, Ne od e.. H A. KINGSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO BENJAMIN e KENDIi1i AciteiMI ,od Apeli r-FoethpM eRnl st No. N1 Cemp etral-Will gve hel p,.eoetl aalleen iM to bhe Seel1tal, Slave,, Metcheedle4, FledtueLetae, eta. EFI LARKING PLATES, F OR MRR-( and Bras, teualctrrporio ,tylClln Ylanters, etc., CutN (:upper BLACK & HOLTZ, UO. Poydr.S.... . ylra treet. US...............10 NEW ORLEANS, M..mfoollrer. end Deeler,in Cepp~er, Tht end Shat Iron Were ao,,.d SoI,,.bi. melt leppeveod plorn. .Il.llntteriniend ,.il RM Ill 4ii It. earioe, blencheb. SJ-Jlbi.e pyeinly ettIndIdll Ie.l,. 4 Iy SUNDRIES--PER Sil? AT1IEN~.bfrom i. Se41e.- 15 exke Odtu e" dy ieciWii od, ifel ,area P0,,., In Here; 15(1 exec, thret. -- Aln.. I,. CIS- 411 ob. Whilte Winae 40 laureo White WI,.. Fop,, e1by S. D. ORATIAA 01C0. S OLE AGENCY I THE CEW RATED STACKER IRON WORKS TENNNEHEE. Begt egttle, freomSl to 72 inch., dleeteer.... SIR 26 m1 16th. N.. lib to2bohwr l em,.......e .I Ofaneu in.. ,lnder{2 ITSl,dhdeeIe 61.... j tl ich. 1M040 MNouhlb, 2. KITS, .,d $B, ,oeodqlt rse dpl 505n. OOBts 8RO0 F. LYvII, EU vRR, Cce,.beil S.b, 1541. Ne.n. 12 tnI, e MSt. L OST OR MISLAID-NOTICE IB OE6RERY OGVEN Sthat the fnllowlen ` uupen, of Interet. via; 9 cupons duee Feb. I, 1SI9.being No,. 1761., 176M. 1 7 6,171,t bof hied ,Re. Nee., dated lit Jduy 1862, of the eli ,.on,,lld.0Id dbt-l-,eale bee, lile, m eeIeld-we hae, pepplld tothe C,,.ee.l.ten of Sire Ciy Contiidate Deht 161 j temet cite,, lb.1113 ~e.,.id.ld O.b %IT~JS NRENAUIID. v ,lDel,,,,. P1hr.,., II. W10 814 Site PUNCR he4 bM B.IeI AMa,. fo, Soel, b fel ma.Sr Oaed.,. and Nnew bee.t t HAMPAGNE- 1( bekI Delme,,,, qSt. end pt.. 60 .. ,Ilellpy., inhalep.e t.F SH eeeeIteperat, toqte.se pit Peaxla b S. D. OBATSAA . CO., fell 69Clsbee be,. RAILBOAD TEAVELIN•. 1. NEW 1oa aN1S, JACRsON, . -And- IREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD ! Important Notice THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. Time and Price Redaeedi THE FINAL COMPLETION -Of the- MrISISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD, Enmbles a to oed the gr tifytte lnfoermatn o a Red~. r tion in the T ime andPrice -- roxna- North, East and Westi Teo Daily Teale lave the Depot of the New Orlits, cd.- son andGreat Northern Rallreod, corner Ciltope sdc Magnoli strees, am follows: MAIL TRAIN at 720 A. M., EXPRESS TRAINat 6 P. M., Both of which make connetdon atCanton with Teemin on the Mlulenippt Central Road. Tickle• to the ftllowing piheeF at peices named: NEW YORK, with choice of 14 Routee................51 0 PHILADELPHIIIA, .. 8 Routes................ 5 BALTIMORE, .. 4 Roen ................ •43 WASIINGTON, .. 4 Rote................$42 LOUISVIILE, .. 3 Route................$~2 ChtaUdn .............................. W.. i (hicngo ............................... ... 3o 0 Clevetd ................................... 7 0 CDtaetrolt..... ............................. Bueffto............................ .. 4201 Nlgeta Flit........................ ..... 42 00 Celreo........................................... 2 0 Indisokpo.l .................... ...... 38 400 Dayton ......................................... W1 75 Toleo .................... .......... 37 4 D rk......................................... 10 0 A ny ......................................... 4800 st ....... ................................. 51 Mootreai.g.................................. . 10 0 Quebec............................... .... . Colm ............................. ...... 33 2 Pttburg . ............. ....................... 0. icks urg ....................................... 9 25 lndJmet ion................................ 1 00 Memphto ............................. . . 102 Jekso, cnn ....................... . . . 160 75 teuntttvllle, Al................ .............. 21 t I)eAtur .............................. ... ) 0 Chetmoneog...... ............................. 21 00 Knoxllen . .............................. 5 0 Iychl g ............................ .... N. 9 W9 .5lt 1................................ .......... 34(J•0 Pteesbrg .. .............. . ......... 400 Norolk .......................... ............ 42 Attee t ........................................ 00 Augnlte ................................ 1......... 3 0 M sot .. ........................................ 3 00 Charlseten ........................ ".............. 30 i7 CO lum ble ........................................ 3 75 Sswnnah ........................................ 35 50 Andto •lher Imeportnttt poicte. For rfurther information, pplyI at the General Wicket Omce, No. 4 0T7. CIIARLEOS OTRIET. M. P. WIIEELER, Agent. COICMUTATION TICKETS. Pecenc che reede int the city, and havea eietdenec or estsb- liehmeent on the Ie.e of the Rad, can pecure tickee st redced rte. at the oete on t. Chhrle, etreet. C. P. OAKLEY, General Ticket sset, BENTLEY it. IIASELL,, Chief Eneg. and Gen.Snpdrlntendent Wllbur's Omnibus Line. The Ceeches and c t 6gage We ggen of "W1L.UR'B OM BrC I. tEN'c tll c tall toe e. eler t lct any eof the Hotelts or in .y pate othcy, by earting orderste t the toRe.o the . O., J. td i. N. R i. f.. o St. Chcle stlreet. fel tf I. I,. W ,uRti. NEW o14LEANS, JACK- tON AN1t IOEAT NORT7'iOE 1850..... Transportation Depart•tcent....1800. o ,le stret, etp o .:70 p. i.. daily (Sueday, excepted.) fretght luteuded ttr r tt Tatioe llt el d tlnetl markedwlth the ncme orInitinlt of cre.ycnteende place of dee- tinchie ;candeo treight till Iae r"ceeived mcsci ces.icged to e1aehle6hee sllttc hti ilce line ofthe nch d or he cnhnellOn . tltth rsletid reeie ,s for freight maytbe ob•tleed se t the Drpt or at Meesrx. Cordon & Armswoug'e Cmnp .treet, by those two fish to uae therr 1'he Cnmpuly holds ithslfwresleonxihlo for the vnsue of all eot- ton Whipped by wthe rood, which mly be]out by fire, trmn the time It t receipted for stae etlonetoe the line until tweite houre cnotice to cn.gneet fictc arrieval t thede ttcc It tha city. This Comtpany and all tihe Raicied cilmli ceonitlntic the "Glre *euthiwetter Line" the:wteeen New Orlenni and teei Yor), having imade erreangemente clth tie Adamc Exprc•e Cempeey to ern e regtlrc daily threugh Expre bet ,eeen the 1 two citex, the Expree bleleeet Ileretofore ecarried on by tte Railroad Companfeor its own ccocent is dieontined, atd all 1 Express matter wll se eerried bythe Adams Expewes. Inform- cten can he obttined on ti shubject 1 J. J, MtEEi IER, Esq.,. 9 Camp etreet. Agente ofthe Railroad Company arenotpermitted to receive or receipt for bltk notc, speci, jewelry, or other exp mat- ter. Theyc will bhe cicd b t Adam. Express, e CCunp et. tENTILEY D. HASELet. Chief Engineer an• Oen'l Supt T.S. WILLIAMS. NEW RAILROAD To TEXAS. UNITED 8TATES MAIL LINE. Twemly-tent 0oor time caved, and the ,iira ad discomfort sf n .se voyag. sotetly 4nitiths4, bythe Pew OrllftE,OpeIousasaanI O. W. RValroad, TO BERWICIK' 1 AY, Bythe ntt1 4.d pleodid Islne . STEAMOIlIF all b.11u slt < prnnxY Itfr this ttrds, wtth sulrotlor ststsraom .tstmodtlions LEAVING THREE TIMES A WEER. MONDAY......... . ... GE. RUSE. T. Sabie 0... and Gavsto.A WEDNESDAY.. . .. Itda... .ORIZArA. To Gsr t Id Gal Ivdest sla.. SATURDAY.........MAGNOLIA. To.Iotoetot and India.. CARRYING THE UNITE) STATES MMAIL. 1BThe 01,711.11, g to the RNilroMd leaves the sO.dos, too If caulorine street, ncul - opposite Jacks~on Squar, at70o'ellclr 11111 orning l~icetaros) Mobtained wdstateroomssecurrr at the Rioad1, corner of S1. Peter andLevee st..ty , Op- pos1.1 Jsbco. SBlare, aIly, lad atthe Depot b0,oro the dOt.r- tarn of the To.Y. train. Fr Pigdhb for Texas by this T411 received every dav,Sun- da4y, xsoeI, .110,.bs a bo tedin0g.Insurance by this LIb. 14 0.1than by lb. R1,Lint.. t.Nr ISENT.F. FIANSERS. Rec'y. 1PONTL'IARTRAIN RAIL- ROIAD-WYINTER ARRANGEMENT. C eb oStndty, Oct.., 115 Far.o and fr . rm th1 e Ib 5 ., sa.. d.y, only 2 Its.011 -- nzranrornr or oan,.- From CO I Frootm. 41d o'lockA. M. Ho.. Cay. S 'lok A. N.,SI'm Train. 61114 .. .. l'm Treu. I 7 b 1 S. . .Y . I3f ... PM. . xtbh or CpcitrlR frm n H when roytre.4, by no,115155 the ton~duty.. The Steam Train will step at Gontilly Bretton, when nottlled, azeept on mail trips, end dsllg the hour tripe stmday.sfsyr- noeu. Fare ach way IB cents, nd 11141111mustbavetimel notice toatop. Omntlbn..,. leav Canal treefor Ith. Depot awry8.. tn,. area. 130 tl FBOR LAKE BORONE TOO MO 1. G0th-MEXICAN GOLF SAIW AY.-Daplt, corner o (frodchfldra,1 ad I:Ialns m lye RILAYr :Deot WINTER ARRANGEMENT, TI Vo t.,clllt, Latbtorgt,,dittttttyeS'II,. P.tIrough IBcantst; thildron and ,lav,.half prtyls Seatnr ,,.1. T5,sb..-DAILY. Leave the elt7 for rhoLake at .. ..................... I A. M.~ .. La sCi. .................... IS A. N. O . C s 1 V . a.................. 0.. t 0. Oncet,oCommon etroet Forall bnelo1 tht E.road b. pe any eother bUIs. ,onstestd 111th tthe este, If lthe Isl. AI~tE A nd., Gordont, .pplyto Wtl 1 . 0 SAEWELL, E, t1r, sblItmsson, It, ,1.1,14. 1 'Otgmbu I,. leav.CtltI ,tret ev..y Sf01tt1 1Istle111fo SAN AN1TONIO ANDt SAN DIFlO NAIL I.INE- Gverlasn Rom tt.ro.t Nel O,. Oetnt to San FrVancixmo-Oters -O ttCO C ,,1sor and Astoa-Titkett ,,111nr4l 101t N. Orltnn t111 ,1 Ftn- Olxco, or tot any tntermedlate place, I. Ari ,,,t or Western TEN,, tsan no bte ,royl at the, sfosf 11btl5t. L.ul, Cairo and y 1 e Orleans Railroad Ltne, ti Camplt,,t,, ,.n, Com- mer.tal Place. Paexettn ar, fsttttd bytthostbnthetS Rtetsthlp Costs pany to fdltanasI. TO.,i, per Wettte S,0t Line m1 is, An- tonil. Thtnet every tldt. It 6t1o,0o0A. . M.,per As - totic and Ban DIto MailLine to Fort CInrt,, Fort D0.., Fart SlB Fort H.t1ss1, Fott Quitmn,El V11,1. Vort L, caster Iotbtilltt, La Mt,,AFort VolS ons Sa. SI, EI,,aIn,, Fort I'llmti, Ttuson, os. Asgtto,, Fort Yusa, st. DlRho, Snn Franecboa. CLIFFORD G.WAYNE o~itGeneral .geant. DENTISTRY, 6IURGICAL AND ME CHAxlcAL. Tt, ..IIat0. hating located 1the city, a.ter h 0te of. t. Os. in thoh. oseI1 ep uerrst of skGl .d tart.e in his op1rations, t1 .111 10. pub4S pa~troavnigg e H 11i1g ,,t.,tly d11oods t. Improvy d method of obtabintf lb. ,tsst. .1111, lst fouth Irt5 dsIg Attiltista Tet0 on gold, .11.1111.1101.0111,011111.01.4 II t ad11apt t O, Plate wits such aagnracy to tM Intros Mto ala 1e Int~ammatloa orlaertltl mo the month of the wearer, thereby r11derirng the teeth taefg tIO sthtCor palmait tb ,1sadtrestoethe l5 to.Itah .mI, All opttlbst ost teeth .ftt..med I. th..mo.t ..tisfsctory llnna.p atb.1tt11 tOe R..tlCO 1.11. My 11101 beitg 1st 1I1tbt011tt* 1ta st.1 l25Illl0 than 11. tt0. 10tey, I 11st1td thereto,. 0e Pleabed 0101,1.1y patimta brlgg thelrflies. and wlOe.. myppathod IT.1415,tfeeag 1 dt1 11* 1.1o.f 10111t. i.rtM snppIH am bdmc f altO .1 40 CM f ., THOMAS J. HOPPER, D11tfet oorner North aq Rt. Charlea ate., El ly L f yetb BaaIe, Naw cress. LIVERPOOL. FOR LIVERPOOL-The AI fe lln eg Areeedea er Ip VelsEitfm Empire fetetl- iue. betbeglul 1,Ulee d, il hesedlterlehwle her ee gOfZ 4 ad gebpg Feettettoe tepply to I UAXTF.e fe13BAXTER, IA)BL &CO. tIa e he apply M th e Htafn BeduPleo t , Thi 1b. FOBEtLflfERPOOL-TheA Alfeet wtleng hieet fellear anlett h. a freight haler Hoto, ppy feD BAXTER, TVLL SO *00. F POR LIVERPOOL--Tbh Al1 orfat sail. tge Aaeican thlP 1Shtemaue, Gapt. A . .Ox- ed, i now londilnandwill have mtmlacteldi.- pate. Or rtteight f 3 balde• olton,1 Mp pel0 BAXTER, tOVeLL . f0. FOR LIVERPOOL-The At eeryfretl el. bai Amlee shipLDteiZe Otlkfibd, (Jape. Ii- rede dil meet it Jlmeltete dim.atch.For 0lll mlit cotton, apply beto rfO BAXT•IR., IVEI,, &0 . FPOR LIVERPOOL-Tbhe Al at IJhed'. yerr very ee t ling Bitellh ehlp Gen. Wtn- ham, CGpt. WIIw, cill meet with Lmmediae die b ct releglt of Gi• balet•e t tleepon, e fee BAITtI. LOEL. & 00. FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al eeyfet ebal- neg Americne .hip Evening Star Cept. Jonel gn lehdlin and dill mee ei h gpeik dislbtch. he gffreight, applyl JeW RAXTER,. T.OVF.LL CO. FOR LIVEEPOOL-The A remarkabhly .fet eaililing A sedeie p Regettaor, CaptA a. aet Neweomeb, it nowItadleet ad• icil rtea wlitb p'ncet dipltch. For remendeg edf freilgh. eaty to lE EXTBAII. g IMR, LLO. *0. S FOR LI•LERPOOL-The new Al Bdteb - eb-hlep,8l . ee Wolf Cnpt. Brdebh.w, heael- arly I her creo enqaged,ill baen tmmaedet i npatch. For freight of tO O b•dl •n, apply b JAMEE MAOA I. orto Ja17 IAXTERR. tOVIR.l. 0o0. FOR LIERPOLOL--The Atl fut altte i Aee an ael, nedrltat OCpt. Rlllane, lea,, b ed ell seenetgt)let tpete. q ee betk hliel aghtFopdpbel Jtwl BAXTER. LOWYLL *0O. SFOR LIVERrPOOL - Tbh Al famtetblltr Anieren alht M. AR.Lg ewig . ICapt. R.E llfr, i now reedy to receive cuargo end w bive disptech. eof freight, apply to Jell3 BAXTER. IOVEILL CO. FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al very featall- lng America shlp AqUlat Capt. Oliver, lurl.g Dearly all her ergo eeecgaged. ll bae diplteh. FPOe ne f freight, apply to 1J12 BAXTER. TOVELT * CO. FOR LIVERPOOL-Te A veery fdt nll- leg American shp C. W. WhIte, Ce•elte Peel deton, I phing a par ef rb ee eeher c d. 7lltbe ediepetch. F ee felor reight of he beh eotoe, tpply b•. e. Y OlFlll Q0CO. 91 retele ,steeet. Foe peeae.e having fnlee cein atd elteaerse aecgmmodetoge. npnl orn the eantlen bcchecrd. Poet 412. Firt D•lee. dRY LONDON. F1OR LOI•DON-The American ship Co- euggbt e . rgee manater, heligh e m•e of her ar elngxgtl ca take someIlght frclghL For lle 1O0. W. HYNSON & CO.., P Cemp t. STOCKHOMIH. SNOet STOCKHEOLED -The Al feet utleg hilp, Charles and Jane, enpr. Donnell. innoe i•rlhag end weli he•equick degnteh. Fore .t.eeel ege aply tep •l BAXTTER, TLOVEILL . CO. ST. PETERSBURG. FOR ST. PEglERABUl -- The newc rA heeletel mthi, tMerrqhai , DJeeG. peegue. Fe fielght epply to e Ae0. RAXTRR. LOVR.T.O E CO. BREMEN. F~OR BR AIfEN -- The Al feat seling Bremen •d[B ship Athena, t•t. ShOInR, B nnwloadingg and A meet with qlgek dihpntoh. For reealnder o7 le pl BAXTER. TOiVRI.T, CO. HAVRE. FOR HAVRE-The Al eery feet allneg Anerlean chli, Aqnflla, Celben Decld O1lMie ego loeeding aed will have immediate depatech fee , iece port. Fgr belaete offreight. appIto f 13 BAXTER, lOVETT, k CO. 'FOR HAVRE-The Al feeat llneg Aee•l. en eldpii Harveet Qneen, tpt. lttehelder, will vedilspegtch for thebee , Fee freiglht, aply to BAXTPER, LOVELI. 0 CO. Fee p.eeege apply to the ceplain on board Poet 0, F•erth DIeldelt. foel FOR IIAVRPN-Tce Al eed erye flt atlineg Aereicne ehip Kal a Dyee, •te AroelL. Dye,, e nogloadenge ed ec4h havlateediga diepedibe et Ehbalescolton, wp,telpv aIAXT1,te. LOYPLT. *CO. FOR EAVRE ee--TheAlveryfalt ailingAmee. RO sh ekahng e h el,gtlpt. eleher will he i t• ik ispth. For fregt of 0i bale cotton, ep- Ja BAXTER, IOAFVIE,. CO.- FOR HAVRE-The Al ery fedt sailing Aeaenee .hip PFrank loult, Cep. Ch.rlee wen,will haveihmediate dispatch. For freeght o be e cottoc, apply to J I BAXTER. TOVET.L.k 0`0... MARSEILLES. 1 FOR M[ARSEILLES--Th Al flot lailing S-idi. e•ethurk Aleeanelre II, Cope. DeAete,to pow timlieg end pill habe diepaeltch. For remeinder egh+ apply to iFl• BAXTER. T.OVEll, A CO, ROTTERDAM. NOR ROTTERDAMI -Tho Al eery fent eglig Bremien ship Aegeete c, pre. Ehriche, hev- ec moire o her igcrgo reengnae led •-olh .e blord, gllyme-r with qldeh dilaEtch. Foe remainder of freight, ap- ply to Jxli BAXTER, lOVET,T., bo. ANTWERP. FOR A•TtPVERP-The Al very feet sailini Amer ip, .irbeiteey ilet. iarshallie nnw ready to receivere caand il have dispatch. For freight, eiP; ( to BAXTER, IOVEL it CO. FOR ANTiVERP-rThe Al American ship Corlntllan, Segeter, mater, having moe t oe her cargoe engaged, Mill meet with quickdispatch. oIr luege, having epupnrior eomaceedtioni efr lrlt and seeond eabie pc.neeger, apply totehe catlin on beard or to tSe BAXTER, LOVEI.I• i CO. GENOA. FOR GENOA-The Al feelt aling American sii F. W. BaIley, Capt. Keptmcn. ie now load- inc and will here quick diepteih. For belanee of lii e e AXTRR, LOVeTT. O on. HAMBURG. - FOR HAbEBURG-Th feeat eailingAmere- cn .hlp eloneetoth, lCaept. I)oane, will meet eith uiiek dispatch. Fe'or eretapply M .in2 BAXTER. I.OVEI.T. & CO. GOTHENBURG. FOR GOTHENBURiT-The Al very fet ,alinee Amerieen Ildp Kenteeckian, C0pt. tIer- eeme, h tlamoeto bar eheecargo en tiged and going win bc i, ill tmeet with quike dlpotch. For freglht oftobacco or cotelol, apply to daI BAXTER. IOVETI, ito0. -Aed- A MARBLE MARNTELS GRATES. A mMot splendid aeortmlet of MANTELS-the Aseri tean, Egypdtn, Sieeea, Brteeteo,Lhee, Ty~ll ee, tee her are eand ee~tly Marbles, eembined ,ithe the Roeoe ntlquge, Lefere, end other stylem Grates. An endlen atedety, of the newest styaM end pattee, frme er dollars each to one hdred dollar. YALE'S CELEBRATED Treasury, Bank, Store, and Sate Loek., Pick, Powder andWAter Proofee. Together ewth our well-hkowe LARGE STOCK OFBUILDERS' HARDWARE, Loeke, Siltse, Bret,, Belt, ted ttleee, Seeb Weighta, Punleye andCord, Neas and Ceeting, Vettlaton, Celnmte, Ctptalct ele All o which wl besold at the lowest pri•ed onethe mot accommodating terms,. LUNESRCHIOSS BRO. a CO., ne24 It 114 Cm'n streeet eer Poydreu. SUGAR HOGSHEADS-SUGAR HOOSHEADS.- STA'E AND SHINGLE MACHINES, -Sultable for Making- SUGAR HOGSHEADS, RICE, MOIASSES, ROSIN AND TURPENTINE STAVES, ANDSItINOLES. The pdtnciple embraced in this Machine is the old proeeeof splittin anddrerelng by heed labor. Workeig directly with the grain of the timber, It proetcete . article notliable towarp or check from exposere.The Stave Milt ll will e, shaveand Joint, from the bolt, from iRt to It,000 Stave,per day, andthe Shiugle achlte from 10,00 teo 15,e Shingles.It eqtreai two hoete power toworkit, end on be attched to ey steam en- gine,gin oree ew mill power. It can make ay requeleed length, eand can headjusted to any thickness or taper. The timber Is neither steamed nor swed, bht riven and shaved directly from Both Machiean te e see in full operation, htween the hours of 10 and2 o'clek, every day,at No. 1 Ceatl street, These Machines aremade in Augtelt, Ga, Anyparty welhtgtopeeurchte Perish, State, Conty eand sin- gle right,, or Michines, can obtain them from the Agent, who dall give full pertlenlars. F. W. C. COOK, Sle Agent for the Setus of Louiisana, Arketnes, hMtaliippi, TexaF end Alahame. J•.l em NO0IC--ALL PERSONStAVINGS CLAItS .galet tel ell peeeone indebted to the Eitae of eDr. CLAYTO4 TIFFIN, trereueeted to preetnt the nte, andmake immsedl. ta pycment entoe P.R. DAVIS. Agent e i nm S Commee, st heerheygiven ehe t ht psrlp em edebtet to etid Estite will come forwerd .nd nehe , cymeent to P. . DAVIS, Commne streer, nar St. Chtrleas Thoi e haeeing clelmes sglnet said Et- tc till preentthem to him for edjtdietion. *e lee lre R. t. TIPIiIN. AdtlnitMtri. C AI GEs OF NUMBER, BUT NOT OF LOCA. Dee. CLARK A FRIEDRIC8S, Dentiste. No. 1t4 (rformrly 121•) CANAL STREET, (a tf Unie Bneth nlttdtee. STEAM ENGIQI E )FOR SALE-ONE SECOND- cene b lEi, mpiece A yediyeg ordee; ettedee lK dmeetrtee ky It tmeeeseeohe. Andytoe dIfeNI N. 1 ,nel e ate. Ns. Oleans. JOTICE TO BUILDERSSREALED PROPOSALS Sill be roetied by he nete.sgned ftme this dey ttll the Dthof erech neet.for the ercecet of St. Peter'be Cheret, Thired Dtrliet- the drawinge tnd tee lecAc i, tohe .enst the o18ce ofHof rd httel Aehhtkes. II(Ce eneeeii PFeet. feit trit tc.NO(VNII N. 4e nerd.v etreee. FRUITS--ltS eua Apricot s , 1lius.. 50 .. Bndy COherrie. For ale by 14 .D. BIAA t CO.teteet. D~R3WP~oRTS. ~ GALVESTON A_ M -GO0 BT l!#11941oa 914 .14aORS 119917 .m,w,4ew1 19 ?nF~~ras 701 11P19118 CALIFORNIA. 9..i~o9612AYln711,.32R.A 3d~p.d.4 1.11 119yu~Y~a I, mo 0979019*60. Md. 119. . 411111 01119 GE 1,1 P1,1, iCIQDII 11 9rl l l 7 H on-Tli.2911,I01,.~oo 199917 ""1.Plfg 1111 If 111h 11959 11 9,1 4,11.9989,319914,1.1,1 rfhfsPEILraPUL1.i HIA P~muJ);cOX P1912.%~iaU~ LpomA-24..sh9 111 1fIml 90 .11290 9. 101941. N NR 1A.T)9K12-9g4L f mhmtslutl 950.W 17749 (1. 2111 P0K 108T16-9 1 i. Ul~cs~al P1,114-oll 9.17 1490.I P.197799 914. lfllh.7 7119. IIM*c.,8 ap ts 1111 Iuor 111111719, II i141g.1191.11 1,9 090W. 117799099 A 00.bt~ruu. 91,,. 211 RLITO VESSEL IN POWT NO EnBCLE~AR AI,,4, Alg~l, 9411~ 1111 1 .274 . . .2 ~ ~ ~ mum Ph., 11111 94 ~ArA 911419112idll'9I~lyrl, 111. 1, 11114. .1941rn Sne ~pthips.IImc Irl90uh. 1141 1 Fa1141 441111 7741.vpNhr,.80 mllrt AII,, 01114,1 -RI~ 2741Th1..411 3741 A~ll,. 191011 9243UI.~r~ph.~)t la,,114. .. 4911 VYNWlpO...9 4941sct A.I t lll. .. 1d4.W1..,4~oj. 414el.1m Allf~l . 14 ACin Ado,.,ll 941.Aln 0,I,,lOF Vl,, .11111.,,, 1111,, 9344LEB 1291,,.,. lI4'A,4 K4..I. 2244ri 09114191A21141...1110,9,1141 31646 09,-ilEoco.... .944 1lob. 1141(M 0mir WWil,. 414114,11. 494 0,4,1,,u..).29....14 2,1,,49..94 041,41111... 119. 0,1...--111,.::nc .3... ~_141S 01,1,14 . 114110,441,,... 101,,,, 9141.....~.~~ad .12191 41,,,,,, ... :::.-.-:.14 9n,411., ...... 1911.71111, 0.,9b~. -41.... 9 l419.....y . .4441 1.l 1 ,,l,,.. .,.,....74 (1u~.11 ..... ,...4141 .91 1 914.,. .194 01111,14.........93.14 1111,,, .. x::.:.111 011en. WI,41,,,41 .. 5244 '4.19 11~.....944 2..16 .11,12e Prl1114............4041 9114111119241nhd.....~J 91914..944 019114111. 2141.......~l~lss R14111,,ll, .2142d 2119111,411.19.. 22,11 91144,1911........::..12,11d 1114j914111........ .4144!~~u.1,91. 2142 91 111111111..1911 41,11111,...2442ehs 9,41... ......... 9911~~i;i V,1,,l, 2742"""~ 1Il,,,91,.......... 2!;,14.. -. :::::- 9,lI,,I.l,l. 4942..+Y1.~/ A,941. ~ d Chl(rlai........1142 Olldlf 11aonlll.....7342M 2941 P419 .5444 III,,, 1111111,4 ,el...Js42 214 991,11. 1142J.... 51414i09 ... :::::::::194 J,,4111,.npra......2191I, 1 ,4,,, 44 J,,49,,1. 24......11.. Cit.11,. L1911 ..... ,...:17 .7 r 91,11,. 19112......nlinf 241,,,.....1942..h i Co.17191,1111,1. .14417...l ~`,,.r...9142.?rl .. on...4441 9,144,41n. 99. 9111419::::::.. .21.19iirblf~ Al..::::::.1442.~ (M 911,411111 ......... 319,114.,,1, 14 294h~,9,7,.....47421,911.,1, 1942h 0401114~a .. 07(d31411971111, 1641...... 991,11............43114 41,24;4. 1942..... rI h1151A11g.I.::.......:21 91197 9,119 .. 2941d 14,1,4hm........111114 T,,,y 94 9n14glllhr.l.. 1444.. .9,..,l,14,,t..9....214 M~ur,.e. 799. 46,1..... .1241,11o...,.9....~ 2149 9,4,,. . .4(9131.1194110111401.4141...I nII 2141El, . 1143:::_'_::::"~~ 191491941,11 .11.::. 39 2 96l119lW,1g114,gl..l,.. Hn,1i,,, 9.911.194 911s.19191 1943....~d 9411~ lrl11....1141 911d~n.94 2142l 04,,Nuce......714494911..1 943 11911, l'44. 2241 94..,,1 .224 7,111144.94 P149 01,1.11.1142r~ .. . .99.12 '.7114 0,1..::::: .9042"' REMOVALS--REMOVALS. REMIOVAL ................ REOVAL. DRS. CLARK & FRIEDRICIS. Denisalt. Have remoed(from 12) to 14sCANAL STREAET one doo Iren O Creent City Rank. 7 f Rlm ovo. ........................... REMOVED. J. C. McALLISTER, Card and Seal Engraver and Printer, Ra. renltoed toNo. 6 CAMP STREET, In the Mulst Stone of Mr. P. P. Wrleln, where hewill be found always redy to do any kind of CARD, SEAL or DOOR PLATE ENGRAVING, tth, shortelt note S edean d thlemost reaeenable terms. Parle- CaCr attsenton paid to WEDDING CARDS, etc. J. C.McAILISTER, ER oaiSRdt, d12 2tStM At Mnae Str of P. Werea EIOVAL--THE SECOND JUSTICE'S COURT .ha tothe corner of Coamerial Plce and Lft. ndClm mnree Sc ha e stond rlb 1% DF SecdJn Jstlce of the Peace. TIE CR]OLA AL -E NRY VE Eor end Proprietor, s tenteredl to the bueinoeso en of hew Orleansa x a reliable advertising medien. The Maltd C I. uhllsed pe Sealithit portion of the eotltonlegrowing regem N orth Le. Addess the proprietor at Creol., WinL ap , , Terms, A.B. STRAWBRIDGE m CO., Agents. JAS Em 2c 2 Cm el . o porei e. BOUNTY LAND AND PNSI ,ON.-0.FFIC N. 12 Eebhange AIley, up .tir• nearl. y oppo. thePIt- . SodiEr. Seae end Te•nleareatr WO arebe thb ernleC of the Untlled SlatelGovernmet fo efo.e eeor more, I ae r aor dieturbemne clse 1790 fm entia to 'aelres of el.n Widows and Wnoel ebldotef deceaed Seldere., emrnane d Temter. are lentitled to bounty lmed W JOHN PURClLL, DORTER-80 easks MaetelC IoCneon sl - r aS. WOLPIsReb CLAET00w Kleeppee'eSL ieba,,R by rael ermar OrS.C r sad Nwfo'T•e ta PEAS-,4 bmrrel. Oren, ladilng e-hlp Seltol. and Ce Snba. nd fOr seO by sWOLFF, fell ecrner of mrt1er acnd New Levee m. UTT -S-24 . frkleeztrechoieeGeeae be dladez-ehIp Arctic, eand for ule by . WOL F, felW eorer of nm l.nd ee w e v aLe.. PORTER-l swats uleCeLeed 12.eI atar as, 9.10 Oee Ion Ons. •r udNew Leyr eestd.". o as A. week of ctive conmmewisI transactlones will close tomorro eveag, receipts of produce have baer laeg, thiat the stocks at the cloesisetwe bu large. It has requi•ed l•rge hmlel}i moving these products tbo calls on the banks for dtisooas've 'a e nevertheless, in the aggregate, two-9tirds amoant called has been acceded tW. lSet how or another the 'esll s ve heressed fol to day, but they have been meotly for sheet counts, which leads to the aspposetiou tha tieee a large quantity of produceold hel re for a risW, that is, speculation has been rife. There -lat0n be any cavil or complaining aboutpartloeslapnsti for a rise, provided it Is done without presaig q~ banks for discount, Fortuiontly, our baks are prohibited very expressly from making a on cotton, sugar, tobaeoo, or any otheir 'kl•d produce, that is, bartering, buying and WIiDs under the penalty of $5000 dne, and say direse aesenting to dealingsid produce in this way isrea jeet to adne of $1000; soit is useles for pertis ,wanting to borrow to remark at money oejit to be loaned on merchandise or cotton presereceipts. Our banks hrere not organized for such purposes. We note the ntrcdst rates of paper thils - vst•or•lrmeet ,•l........,....... To. to tt,., n isae, Al................ Tson to foernteed m ,o nrconed... Wl rixeteraia sls aer trsa r sood In selected signatures, there have been negotia- tions atthe baks at 809 ct., at four and eight months. Outside, on the street, there are daily transactions at from 12, 15 to 18 Tei., with 20l24 et. as the extreme limit of buyers and investers, who are governed by the " code de tonsorial." Therefore, our general paper market ranges from 9 to 24 ~ot. Any one having anything tasgible in securities can realise between the above rates-a rangesufficiently broad to suit the most fastidlous. The exchange market was well anpplied to-day, in almost every description. The banks, or some of them, had a good demand for checks on New York at par. Outside there were several transac- tions at an tth dis. The buying rates at the banks were from t, 3-16 4 dis. There were several transactions in time bills-say sixty days sight at 11, 11, I1, 11@2 lot. dis. .There were some Havana sixty days sight taken at 11 dis., tO the amount of $110,000, and tratesctions in local dirawn commercial bills at 1(l11. We cannot, however, quote extreme rates only from 1} (and very small sums taken at that) to. 11@2 die. Though we heard of some drawers holding at 1; dio., it was equivalent to a desire not to sell. In sterling, there were some sales in clear bills at from 107}, 10710108 for the general rup. Some small s~ms were taken at 1080@108 5-16, bet the large dealers were paying only 107t up to 108, In document bills, the'quantity offering was I~ited, that is, very light; we quote from 141, 1074@10J . qnd a fraction over. The only a•ovement in francs was a sale of 100,000 at 5b. od• wers tolerable few; and as there is very ttle cottole now being bought for France, there will be some deflciency in the amount of hanes for some time; but this will make very little difference, as there is, and will continnn, an abundance on England. There have been some movements in stocks. To-day there were sold sixty shares Bankof New Orleans at 1004, ten shares Uieon Bank at loo00, twenty-five shares Louisiana State Bank at 185, ex dividend. 'We have from time to time alluded to the banks of Kentucky and Kentuckycurrency in general, and of the large exchange transactions, wlhin forms a general feature of the system in that State ,by a bank having a number of branches, and making the greater part of the cironlation or notes issued payable at the branches which are located at various places in the interior of the State. The Commercial Bank of Kentucky is located at Pa- ducal, and two branches in the interior. The capi- tal of the bank paid in is$1,100,000. It is allowed to issue beyond the amount of its capital without any security but the public confidence. By the figures belowit will be seenthat the exchange held by the bank is $1,956,214, of which $902,530 are bills maturing South, which means they will bring up in New Orleans for presentation of pay- ment; that $538,257, or nearly half the amount of the capital, is in exchange on the West and in Ken- tacky., The circulation of the bank is $1,645,228 ; deposits, $242,288; due banks, $112,000-total im- mediate cash liabilities, $2,000,000, to meet which it has gold and silver to the amount of $55t,000- our Louisiana statutes would require $666,000. It then will beseen, however, that the balaneels more covered by exchange and other bills receivable. There is no security required tobe deposited in the hands of the State authorities to protect the ciru. lation, but the movementsare represented by per- sonal secuerities. There is no general banking lan in Kentucky, orrather thebanking in bonds and stocks is not one of the statutes. The banks o Kentucky did not suspend during the panlc of 18$7 We bring the position and mo ements of this bank as we have the banks in Louisville, before on readers, to show them-the palibl at large and on legislators-that the ament to the genera banking law of our State, as applied for by th stockholders and directors of our seven free banks can with safety be granted-that justioe and faitl demand the concessions asked for, adhering, , course, to the one-third coin basis. Condltion of the Commercial Bank of entooky and Brancheson the 31st December, 185. Capital stock .. ........ .................. O.100.0o Amount pi in .................. ........ $1.094,a ruodloldtion .............................. 1,2422 INdtvidunaldtor..................... .. Due to b ks ............................. 112011 Due to divideud oaout .................. 1 ue to mtingnt fund ................... Due to profit and los ............. ........ l04 ,21&718 Note don ted ...................................... 2 , nust or sxcttNG&. Maturiag South ....................... 0..... o.00 r lMaturindg ~bt amd n Kntuy r............ 81o0,27 $1,950214 onde of the e ity of P h .................. .. , 00 P ote t t .......................................... 2 Due frot an s ................. ... . ... ... P 1)ue frotu.e .op oododebt .............................. 12800 0 Due frt ome in adto ....... o.. t . .................. . 8,1,0 Dte fromt rel estate inr brkeing hours .................. rI Due from oot fo r debt ................................. ,70 Due from fm .............................. 1 In golda d slver ........... ................. 1 In other bank ote.. ........ o.to. . .... .. 7,, On deposit In Yew York a ialtimorer ..... t19,1 12 Ir,21te.71 Profit and dlaros and contingent fund. a abns.. 1A0 Daedt dFiodnd ato. a of t atet deetre ahi n o doay.... .............. met, e dwionthngent fund hnad profit pod vode fh JAloi otL. DALLA, u ftb dsa ie. In oncurrent money this week ourbrokers on re de Camp hiave had large ofoferings in aoil doe- scriptions, which bring up here for sale and a mar- ket, soy of Western bats, Georgia, wouth Caro. lina and labotam0, with a sprinhling of Florida I issues. Florida, s0a State, ois uder the ban ofre- pudiation from the non-paymentot bonds iho oed for public purponses during Its territorial govern. 81nt, and whith ought to have boeen provided for long ore tbis. The isues of the bhnk which pas into the hads of our brokers are retained for a etw das, and if not sold, ae forwarded home. for redemption. The receipts of Xexloap dolnars thes week have beon nearly POr,O00,l Sales have be2n made at 6, ebmOol ptome 'O1 ors, monone wIll fnd the auy to the lMiat e4er E•;metor Suowdet'e 11to I *121 oz. lt eA riera1 lvor eointhebrokera here prebsed oer the oeqomtor fomfivo to ten thosoeo doolereoseb ,ot jt d i ior,.s, Wowork it off the beaiwaytheycon bank over the oonater [ I 5* psrot dicount. But the extreme " tf n," or proft on the arutcle I over, and the tunes-tthe I mienbIr frs 'Mad by ivotH wenit wt w rJfsrbtr n good demandifaaSL t y1oe$p"oIeotJBws ~and N~ Wi~ i . slm e , o o a bh a e o f. . s ~ t - -as. thme e sd d fled Ika ekdo UeI~sdtwssssbsse USrfM5W I~r~~i?;jln.lY~;b~~ UIW4 but.s.' alOhrn~u ih,,.; Aktik nftllu~ w De,:w. .t,. _4 . 1 etfierkur ItrsO.. FS ii~wA hndnc: ... j r Ten 044 r ohbba . .... .. X , b oos.: , '. .. ... . U s, rni lei i... .. e ,. .... li...b Iketend Nuts. Tsi. awnrn t,, u...... tlet. B t..........,..... ............. .:. l itfnk st St.e, landnh,,ln. l .. eeks... ....... 1 d elod.s . .............. .e... ~ U 9... i Ulher Hanks, Uh19,d 1adhMn1...l.. ..... A; 1 tBetn ,euy.ests . I rl .... e.....1. 3 hs,.esae ttlits.,es StEod ~leytdemh ';.~iL T;;. Lons~i jb;ida;ie, So d o.s eh1 "_a"i d ,"h "''"L. ................... `"'g eaab dA erdeo .. ...... _...:..... Hn. ... Soatk .. a.. teii ........ : : I '*5 'ortkL nstess .... e X.,k... t Tmnss ................... i. p ........ 1 absws4's teen.,,,!tr sink~t 7 ttt9%s..,...~.,.,, .1.5 e (lintel Sttskji~ses, a~: 4.770 begs.:~: Nonlrem rNnnk M Slle i....eiwdppi.... ...-. SA~eis i,,sis l l a Isd . wa .l It ii begs .17......... LIndr hnts, , ................... s i.s . Lad wattrm46ltl0 aewa.............. .. : srs It.Tensda.. Bo d. Cass W115h lid,. Stateuo *t. #lr.ltksgs.olI' IbJherre.......... ING" 1L9hitis..ppd NewYork..... -t ht,. 1,ilbisps..1Z bma IPorts diect tb yet"L,..... 9+,9 Lsie stock I Atn ked. 514 day. Rb....,,. f 579 baneglu nnds triint .,..... 7 in Isuet, e hssdock Nu . ......... 5 49841'12 8941, 11, itunetoo shfelsir~ ty .fe i Ier i i..(e.. legs. top 1/olncgm rs~ o, 98 W V 4die . as Qt,7s. AdeuoG , :4':w W .. T Aiio 4,...r. 9 d1! bass Shuxrts Onlsfr.U3(51e 5i.0 mist .inse.... the. , d a ......... l~s Its. tin, .. Fib... 1 1-7. . 19 58 00.......ley 909 aF*.............. 1',la 7.811 Stock oc 1um1 last wak ~ p..............57.9n Stock sd dote . .... ........... 18 tbs on toad tail day .............. ::::" T~aken forconsotlala ........... ....... 7,412.1 Fnir ............ U ro .... .............. .... 72 a ,~ Yrlm c Coice.......... ................. 1 . The market doses rm, Nnw Urleatu, Felt. 1. 1850. eoscase Orlse wo.ys 'Oaaya5.a SOtneosy M'orns Cab. l, " tlooe5 Our general market has exhibited les sanlmatio and buoyancy than we had oecasion to notlce lt our last weekly report. The supplies of ot lea- ing staples, and of Western Produce general9, have been liberal, and have mostly exceeded the demand, and in several articles we have nottced a decline in the rates. Cotton and Sugar havreold at lower prices for some qualities, and Corn has largely declined. Flour advanced in the early part of the week, but the improvement was anbre- quently lost. In Provisions we have notLed at little alteration, though only a moderrate basiln•i has been done. Freights are very Brm, withoat any material change. On Thursday morning we published-the Prince Albert's accounts, embracing Liverpool dates to the 4th iast. They reported sales of 84,000 bale. Cotton during the week, the mnarkethaving opened active and buoyant, but closed quiet, owing to the stringency in the money market. The sales on speculation were 11,00 bales, and for export 10;, 500 bales, and the market closed at 74d. for Fair r Orleans, and Old. for Middling Orleans. The stock I on hand was stated at 595,000 bales, including 449,000 American. At Manchester the market was reported firm though quiet. At Hlners the sales for five days embraced 5200 bales,with a firm mar ket at the close, though the stock on handamounted to 117,000 bales, and the weeks imports 20,00 bales. Orleans Bas was quoted at99f. Covrox....The marketopened with the Can- ada's advices at hand, reporting an active business and a slight advance in the rates at Liverpool, and about 11,500 bales were sold on Saturday at the 1 range ofour previous quotationsbut onMonday and Tuesday the demand was quite moderate, and although buyers had the advantage in the rates, thesales of the twodaysreached bardly 16,500 h bales, the more recent transactions being at a re- duction of ic. for the Mediumand Lower grades. On Wednesday, with an easler market for buyers, a good demand prevailed,resultingin sales of some 18,000 bales, baut on Thursdaythe business fell off to about 10,000 bales, and yesterday's transactions embraced some 12,500 bales, making a total for the week of 68,500 bales. We have reduced our figores #oc. for the Medium and Lower grades, andnow quote, as follows: NaW OaRL5sa cLassawsovAoaes. Ilrntrr ............. •7 di a .. :..., 5 Loe 5ddlh00 . FI ..... :..... .. ,:;:-- stock on Mhadi neSeele rdISh....... hles. . 14 eived d me.. ................... ......... 130U 08 aerp •sed e tre ................. . a...... m e 62Tl , Stock on healeM d erod......... ...... eA3..5 Tosacco....The movement inTobasob hbasagai been of a limited character, though we notice a better supply of the New Crop on the market. The sales qf the week, as far as made pubic, have roeached about,00 hhds., all of wiebh wae n prc vate terms, exeept 5 bhda. New Onmstlse, 11 at 74, 12 )dt Crop at S, 2 Insee atselllte att _10, 8s New at , , 6 at li, and 4d Chole lsk:i i ville at 8to. V 8,. We quote as follows for Old Crop, most oft" Bgureshowever, being nearly npm Ia: Sasos, TTAP... . . ls r sa ... ; ...... e. ........ s............ . . . =o=e=s... =l 8 ================ a moderate demand, prices have teal mars h hu1 et ti0*3iljfi,.rsj 91 00 04b8 00, fieu 0wo~piatp5web& *he#these1 , haldte beteneaofowe !Io' tl $e,130 tadhx.e* t heta t qerta lq h0erwee' a g+rl Wteek's r e oe0, 7f M e*uQ.n 4b : ea: Jifr, tanos the "est At I- - -+ .ek reelpa. .: torepie, 1800 e 5o IIp s. lb goo . tv * It*0, a Misr.:: , an4a twl~ao pweta oo bl 00, 1 doe h elatt} aa or rie'4 mO.the u *emt te# e - ntheamlee "la to , edtle d beig Iold upo e.2ttr he I ahevaolsat4$ he cp.be e BB sr..Tie etunrWrsi @10,000r Bitbbe 8i7a, 01 814 fte C . cX rMBaets the o '0aef , he teer i yfesml tae eigtheuaast weak h holder Watt lobat 324, for 488 'Weok'e aoacipta, 164 Go WeGatho (io.) re... T t., aatua gabothe 00,4QD009R Y ie.M mh .rud eo rxaaaalrsr Ili.k *We tJI .bee et butwe ire oad inibs lo" iein tid r0J OpseliP )cste0.: 'ad al). bthor hveto ofs-ai ikro. ~ . r.e eu CiaTMta{ bsbo Tosn rDl ttteAB,' Q Inc6 oevea ha st orC " t the rracl it*t t f ha Acaa er 1,80 fkatj , 04.IerC; theaeerhrnrbiraea O " :r~y,~ LII iT;~1: T::*i i ........ ~........... - aiiY;.;.;;..;.:...Ytr".' ~

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Page 1: A HARDWARE. RAILBOAD TEAVELIN•. D~R3WP~oRTS. NEW …€¦ · Togat willageetel her reiment od-Agricaltnrol Implementa,--Qondttio of-ORAIN CRADLES, PANNING MHILL, CORN SHELLERS,

A HARDWARE.PW)WIL...........O.FwWSPS...,,......FLOO

12E King'n OCrey PLOWS, a•eoted elasd0 Hall & Spe'.s Ou Valley PLOWS.

100 .. WeoeuPht eeYekW7WIYc000 BaI's PLOWS, am.s,100 Avery's ..M1 ODme'. Cctaim PLOWS.1600 (atrret A& CmW's celebated Steel Rove d.160 Nemn.., Nmi & o.'s Steel PLOWS.100 Msyterke(st PLOWS.

UIYIVRsAL PLowS,Togat her willageetel reiment od-

Agricaltnrol Implementa,--Qondttio of-




-Also-.A full as rtent of Seeomeb'. PREMITUM AXES and EDGI

TOOLS, which were awarded the Slesrr M.edAl at the lute Falrat Joksmn, Miss. For e•le by

C. H. SLOCO•B & CO.,7 COa street,

td4m AndiMto to monere:


Plow, and Serspers.For •eby C. H. SLOVOMB A CO., .r

Hole Ageatk,d Cl Ne. 7 Olnl te, and 5M0 t (mme t.JaCa wltW A.•I . Sts. a. weJttaa.








SIGN OF TIlE ANVIL, 14 MAGAZINE STREET,C1 o.r e e e nna street0, New Orlee.n

SCIHAS. C. GAINES & Co.. IMPORTERSAND Itl'AL.ERS IN OI1N1 AhyD DOMESTICH hARDWAIRE. CUTJIPR, etc. No. R6 Marnede and4 ;rtlevlcr Mtreea hefon ecbe, and aare souetaly

rbeelle, direct from the Matnskeoeitne:Nails,, Catle• Ase. tserpnters Too]s:Hee. Spcedsg d Shovelse"; Cnleod CofeeMIlS ;OF and LI' Ch•eo Fe Collno and hella R ;•p

l dtll and Tae ieIsn MIRll Pit ndr CPo.d CPe Sl c;Aneei Vie , te Sell.o, ; Contesr and Plaeorme, SceslSeteknx ed Dle,, Sc.r Ilt•s ; Andlron and Fendes ;Hamprer~ ard Toru : Shove s and Tog ;rtStn r l I, t on Wool rCae;e.. od , Hige; irond BrtScrews ;Tie Ware.; r's Cttelery.Toteeherellh n Iarge mertemet Pst ley Seed., Fl.1 a: Cube,SSnhee, Perfimery, Peper and Bliank Books, et., whch et

otreriei the l wee t eHs flr issh nr h ty ppepi. nesoly

WIIADE TRISINTSS, rBeietrelh neesn forRlletUng ed ReptirOng Om rlne. Sept for ese.

AXLES tlthtle , Ir te C.te and DeepD wsith , neh Pinstend Nluei Ne, lt, r1evle ereet, wrn. NeOrlcene. tell ly

. LUTHER HOMES, FOUNDRY ANDORNAMENTAL WORKS. Coeer of entonl aedlphro.he.etreests: 051.ee. No. 1t St. Celte ,teet.(Two Idr freme the Sl. Charle, Thtersee Meenrnearse4 of ehe latimt tnd moet eAppreved P.tlere. of Reilllogta ertedhb, ltoee, Obehntteee, Viulte, Brldge., Strigbt ted Cculeelar

lt0l, Store Front. C'pitals tnd all klndls of AST ANDWROIIGIIT IllR(N WORK for Bnlldieg pae ete.

F' Ratllene, Cetine•., ,iell S•e•, Seh Weight, tad VT.aUltl0 fuIr tsale lt the Old Stend. le0 St. Chadrl street, NiwOcletm. oe ly

SHALLER dt BROTHER. MANUFAC-TU1ES HP COPIECR. TIN ANI iHEET IRONW(IK i all It •seliet. les tie on hand a etectaw.mebli of ee(e hlne, teldsor cod lter-room Htoiee,

and are preepared ht ll allt orders in the above ie n the Citp oeCeoultry.Ptalrer fettlteon plid to eli deidtedeot of bhllldlng work

Me: lppere, ( oIl ,'aniel Iron, Tin ed dln e Valley Ge ttten wiRcoti e. Ileewn Pipe,; PF•ey and PIlen leeult, etc.

ltFe tele exelei e rle for the Slb tte of Ilol laIa to mIuksand ewildhi the reely patnteed lenti e of l Ilet wish fromthe e of whleich the ,the of helledlte i. .hed Ifrom all SIlk,prlr to tile elr. n htewieeellseditc t he cisterne l edgmlf-acting In itself, it reewvne he nteltl t ey hand e Llor in tIacri* : n frrtlr nrt nrmluted Kerr h•rnre. d14l1y

.. e. eeslY e. 0. . r.. eLeTOilJ. S. SIMONDS dt CO.,

Ne. It C(tlsl Ielert, No. I Ceeenml stree, and -N..4 Nw l.ee. tree,•.

Copper, Tin and Sheet IronaWorkers.

Brves Fonders and PlnFlher, ned 3!hsu.wetuelrei of SteamTrains. Cslolednel std Kveporscine Pe•nl., Pe .ei, Jella, Pns.,Chlmnseeys yed Ceedlng, Sta tsmbsi t t land Ptrttlon Blae•k.


Planteres, e:clenel esed SeeMllertmin wll feind to their id-•tnetae t gleetee me a call belforse purheledg or Contraettatl ele-

SNEW ORLEANS OHRNAMIENTALIRON WORIKS.--The enderalglee beg lebae to informls pbllted l e Itlder ge•sraslly, that they are rstn-••lloeridl all klnAe ol Aelitieetral and uildlineg Iroe

Work et tiheilr foeleiyr, e:oe l leollt ad Rite treeei.otiRen Dleald.cn So,. Cuemdelet lreet--dlech aEs Ver needah,R tlilg 'heedleer hefe aeed BItk Doors, Itrtght antd CrtecleSee!,. I•eO ll ioieee. icet\ e te.

Thlee k eee c uetally onc hand C't antd Wrnglbhl Iron Col-aemn,,'Veetlteen, elnd tshh Weight,, etc.; nod ll 1 ordelta . tvety A,"e~rtlion of Octincga, Column,, Blots cnd SorUe Froetc

BENNET S LL'.PItE0, Devlrloen'. Row,Je24 tf C.Lton uel.t -reett.


No. 57 Ctmp street.Weea.. ptepred to 6ll orderi toetey etee tlar e.e.y deerl.•.

Ornamental Iron WVork,Such Peron't Fecrcee, (Cemetery Rellne'e. ODce Rtllne.. VYe.seedlh. Btleon!c,, Gallery Rellnge, stel, Iee o Stileey,FPtentinle Frmtecre. set, etc.Our Front Feecs and Cemetery Rnlnige are fited lb Ironee

Pnele, to go elher into the grend or on toping, e the pu.ehc-er mse lreeri.We eude cell pertlelr atteniellon tol the C.AST-IRON MAO-SOLEUMee FAMILY TOMIte deilened eed menneteiered h)to., expressely lo tile South. which, inpoiet of elegance, baeteyand drehbilty, will cemprse with the hneet tlecetree in mrble

Etimtet and t ne e ormtlos s in rerd to work, cheerhfullyfrlnshed it elI thiee, ted eheel ti doeflels ent el mail to

at, res e ods f mlaking x eleeton.WOOD, MII.TENB.ROER & CO.,

57 C~mpstreet, New Orlese.WOOD ASIT, RO

tI 5P, Ridge Rned. Philadelnhia.


DEORIE PATTERSON.-Y(snc,,,e to SIdlre, a PFelice,, corner ef Deloed,

and New Levee ,treat,,The nndrriRR11,i iye ne p 4epr117 to ctf STEAMNN HOiiiLE Lo.IMI SERYCl bled. .04.3 byeeeebcde, ? .e. H 'ltog n (bon Plautationi e, B Sow ilbr, tattoo

emenm criilreoc.,.. Oed Scpen hmnd et x11 time, (lib fleet,Furm N.Monih. 1,41,. iblr,, Wheel hitiup,, aIeg, MA ir-

lie nIxx eb eobahlieb,11(n ,nn. ction n-ibb the .Mve, a Depotinr the ,el, of liechtncr? menufxcmrrsd ,e St Louie end etherWeVlern eii., enid h,.. n hndl 1t 1.1 time, 1eely ber bipmeoe,Slnxm F Rnfrmr, xnd Bniler, wnh uvurythiR ,omploto, of 6, 8,

110, 1'l 15. 20, 'L5 end 85 }torte Yoornr Hn IIIlr of eve ryrfp

dteirlpIIIa-uII coffwhi elie Mill,;bewiornl III alI Pltmse o every

eonlnll--l ( lir y ei el n o a l~ othi. uatnb"Behment In the city.

j"Selreonddhsnd Iluilenl axe Ulchinary bought and sal at.33 bm,...

GEORGE PATTIRSON.New Orleas. al.. 1.5150. ite N


J. F. Wbhele., Jnhn Gleddes, Rii. Seoep.Wheeler, GeddeS .RC..,

Iron end Rm~ F., dtdet end Mechllnlet,, mmnrfmcclee everyvariety of Stem Engine,, Sugar Mlille, Xlx Nill,, lreinfng Mc-

chic"o, Mill end (tin (}erring, xnd 111,1, Bare. Store Front,,Coflxmn,, Youliletn,, cud Ilneh Weight,.~elk lih oirk of eil kind.We are oow prepeleic to ~,rule nork of rho lergeet lire that

wtaybe I1, il l ilnltbe So~thUr reum . 1iN0 ly

STEEL PLOWS...........STEEL PLOWS.The ndeelgneid here been .pplulted Age.t. for the gale of

tbh CELEBRATEDSteel Plow.

M,.,.if,.ood by the eld i.lJiiebed boio e. A. Peeaock 1 SM.,(ieiitlhmae, Ohio.

And are receiing from fhn .ull c Fl.,,, t for Sugrar xndCIton hlyh PIOioliMe. W\ioo, tthem, Ylbie are kinoc theyenRi thbee hiCheepultlIni. Tbb.y hewo bean hlly t.ihed Intht. Stale, and Ylmnter, wilt ettIt to their hlsme e o x7 theirPieceeel IM el, lwlll l e them to ebepre.nted,t well este Iiie c I t lee of l the hin t the e tetrp t.

W i a the Nbr(mN. I Io Nao. 8, cub h sod without

Culrs., FOLTERC k CO..Thoupitoul. xnid New Lee. atlmt.

Betwee, Oeeller and Yoydr4e3.18 I, Ne od e..H A. KINGSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO BENJAMIN

e KENDIi1i AciteiMI ,od Apeli r-FoethpM eRnlst No. N1 Cemp etral-Will gve hel p,.eoetl aalleen iM to bhe

Seel1tal, Slave,, Metcheedle4, FledtueL etae, eta.

EFI LARKING PLATES, F OR MRR-(and Bras, teualctrrporio ,tylClln Ylanters, etc., Cut N (:upper

BLACK & HOLTZ,UO. Poydr.S.... . ylra treet. US...............10

NEW ORLEANS,M..mfoollrer. end Deeler, in Cepp~er, Tht end Shat Iron

Were ao,,.d SoI,,.bi. melt leppeveod plorn..Il.llntteriniend ,.il RM Ill 4ii It. earioe, blencheb.

SJ-Jlbi.e pyeinly ettIndId ll Ie.l,. 4 IySUNDRIES--PER Sil? AT1IEN~.bfrom i. Se41e.-

15 exke Odtu e" dy ieciWii od,

ifel ,area P0,,., In Here;15(1 exec, thret.

--Aln.. I,. CIS-411 ob. Whilte Winae40 laureo White WI,..

Fop,, e1by S. D. ORATIAA 01C0.



Begt egttle, freomSl to 72 inch., dleeteer.... SIR 26 m1 16th.N.. lib to2bohwr l em,.......e .I Ofaneu in..

,lnder{2 ITSl, dhdeeIe 61.... j tl ich.1M040 MNouhlb, 2. KITS, .,d $B, ,oeodqlt rse dpl

505n. OOBts 8RO0 F. LYvII, EU vRR,Cce,.beil S.b,

1541. Ne.n. 12 tnI, e MSt.

L OST OR MISLAID-NOTICE IB OE6RERY OGVENSthat the fnllowlen ` uupen, of Interet. via; 9 cupons duee

Feb. I, 1SI9. being No,. 1761., 176M. 1 76,171,t bof hied ,Re.

Nee., dated lit Jduy 1862, of the eli ,.on,,lld.0Id dbt-l-,ealebee, lile, m eeIeld-we hae, pepplld to the C,,.ee.l.ten ofSire Ciy Contiidate Deht 161 j temet cite,,lb.1113 ~e.,.id.ld O.b %IT~JS NRENAUIID.

v ,lDel,,,,. P1hr.,., II. W10 814 Site

PUNCR he4 bM B.IeI AMa,. fo, Soel, b

fel ma.Sr Oaed.,. and Nnew bee.t t

HAMPAGNE-1( bekI Delme,,,, qSt. end pt..60 .. ,Ilellpy., in halep.e t.FSH eeee Iteperat, toqte. se pit Peaxla b

S. D. OBATSAA . CO.,fell 69 Clsbee be,.




Important Notice


Time and Price Redaeedi


-Of the-


Enmbles a to oed the gr tifytte lnfoermatn o a Red~.

r tion in the T

ime and Price

--ro xna-

North, East and Westi

Teo Daily Teale lave the Depot of the New Orlits, cd.-

son and Great Northern Rallreod, corner Ciltope sdc Magnoli

strees, am follows:

MAIL TRAIN at 720 A. M.,


Both of which make connetdon at Canton with Teeminon the Mlulenippt Central Road.

Tickle• to the ftllowing piheeF at peices named:NEW YORK, with choice of 14 Routee................51 0

PHILADELPHIIIA, .. 8 Routes................ 5BALTIMORE, .. 4 Roen ................ •43

WASIINGTON, .. 4 Rote................$42LOUISVIILE, .. 3 Route................$~2

ChtaUdn .............................. W.. i(hicngo ............................... ... 3o 0Clevetd ................................... 7 0CDtaetrolt..... .............................

Bueffto............................ .. 42 01

Nlgeta Flit........................ ..... 42 00Celreo........................................... 2 0Indisokpo.l .................... ...... 38 400Dayton ......................................... W1 75Toleo .................... .......... 37 4D rk......................................... 10 0A ny ......................................... 4800

st ....... ................................. 51Mootreai.g.................................. . 10 0Quebec............................... .... .Colm ............................. ...... 33 2Pttburg . ............. ....................... 0.

icks urg ....................................... 9 25lnd Jmet ion................................ 1 00

Memphto ............................. . . 102Jekso, cnn ....................... . . . 160 75teuntttvllle, Al ................ .............. 21 t

I)eAtur .............................. ... ) 0Chetmoneog...... ............................. 21 00Knoxllen . .............................. 5 0Iychl g ............................ .... N. 9 W9.5lt 1................................ .......... 34(J•0

Pteesbrg .. .............. . ......... 400Norolk .......................... ............ 42

Attee t ........................................ 00Augnlte ................................ 1......... 3 0M sot .. ........................................ 3 00Charlseten ........................ ".............. 30 i7CO lum ble ........................................ 3 75Sswnnah ........................................ 35 50

And to •lher Imeportnttt poicte.

For rfurther information, pplyI at the

General Wicket Omce,


M. P. WIIEELER, Agent.


Pecenc che reede int the city, and have a eietdenec or estsb-

liehmeent on the Ie.e of the Rad, can pecure tickee st redcedrte. at the oete on t. Chhrle, etreet.


General Ticket sset,BENTLEY it. IIASELL,,

Chief Eneg. and Gen. Snpdrlntendent

Wllbur's Omnibus Line.The Ceeches and c t 6gage We ggen of "W1L.UR'B OM

BrC I. tEN' c tll c tall toe e. eler t lct any eof the Hotelts or in.y pate othcy, by earting orderste t the toRe.o the . O.,

J. td i. N. R i. f.. o St. Chcle stlreet.fel tf I. I,. W ,uRti.


1850..... Transportation Depart•tcent....1800.

o ,le stret, etp o .:70 p. i.. daily (Sueday, excepted.)fretght luteuded ttr r tt Tatioe llt el d tlnetl

marked wlth the ncme or Initinlt of cre.ycnteende place of dee-tinchie ;cand eo treight till Iae r"ceeived mcsci ces.icged to

e1aehle6hee sllttc hti ilce line of the nch d or he cnhnellOn .tltth rsletid reeie ,s for freight mayt be ob•tleed se t theDrpt or at Meesrx. Cordon & Armswoug'e Cmnp .treet, by

those two fish to uae therr1'he Cnmpuly holds ithslfwresleonxihlo for the vnsue of all eot-

ton Whipped by wthe rood, which mly be ]out by fire, trmn thetime It t receipted for stae etlonetoe the line until tweite hourecnotice to cn.gneet fictc arrieval t the de ttcc It tha city.

This Comtpany and all tihe Raicied cilmli ceonitlnticthe "Glre *euthiwetter Line" the:wteeen New Orlenni and teeiYor), having imade erreangemente clth tie Adamc Exprc•eCempeey to ern e regtlrc daily threugh Expre bet ,eeen the

1two citex, the Expree bleleeet Ileretofore ecarried on by tteRailroad Compan feor its own ccocent is dieontined, atd all 1Express matter wll se eerried by the Adams Expewes. Inform-cten can he obttined on • ti shubject 1 J. J, MtEEi IER, Esq.,.9 Camp etreet.

Agente of the Railroad Company are not permitted to receiveor receipt for bltk notc, speci, jewelry, or other exp mat-ter. Theyc will bhe cicd b t Adam. Express, e CCunp et.

tENTILEY D. HASELet.Chief Engineer an• Oen'l Supt



UNITED 8TATES MAIL LINE.Twemly-tent 0oor time caved, and the ,iira ad discomfort

sf n .se voyag. sotetly 4nitiths4, by thePew OrllftE,OpeIousasaanI O. W. RValroad,

TO BERWICIK' 1 AY,By the ntt1 4.d pleodid Islne . STEAMOIlIF all b.11u slt <

prnnxY Itfr this ttrds, wtth sulrotlor ststsraom .tstmodtlions


T. Sabie 0... and Gavsto.AWEDNESDAY.. . .. Itda... .ORIZArA.

To Gsr t Id Gal Ivdest sla..SATURDAY.........MAGNOLIA.

To.Iotoetot and India..CARRYING THE UNITE) STATES MMAIL.1BThe 01,711.11, g to the RNilroMd leaves the sO.dos, too

If caulorine street, ncul - opposite Jacks~on Squar, at 70o'ellclr11111 orning l~icetaros) Mobtained wdstateroomssecurrrat the Rioad1, corner of S1. Peter and Levee st..ty , Op-pos1.1 Jsbco. SBlare, aIly, lad at the Depot b0,oro the dOt.r-tarn of the To.Y. train.

Fr Pigdhb for Texas by this T411 received every dav, Sun-da4y, xsoeI, .110,.bs a bo tedin0g. Insurance by this LIb. 140.1than by lb. R1,Lint..



Far.o and fr . rm th1 e Ib 5 ., sa.. d.y, only 2 Its.011-- nzranrornr or oan,.-

From CO I Frootm.41d o'lockA. M. Ho.. Cay. S 'lok A. N.,SI'm Train.61114 .. .. l'm Treu. I 7

b 1 S. . .Y . I3f ... PM. .

xtbh or CpcitrlR frm n Hwhen roytre.4, by no,115155 the ton~duty..

The Steam Train will step at Gontilly Bretton, when nottlled,azeept on mail trips, end dsllg the hour tripe stmday.sfsyr-noeu. Fare ach way IB cents, nd 11141111 mustbavetimelnotice to atop.

Omntlbn..,. leav Canal treefor Ith. Depot awry 8.. tn,.area. 130 tl


GOLF SAIW AY.-Daplt,corner o (frodchfldra,1 ad I:Ialns m lye RILAYr :Deot

WINTER ARRANGEMENT,TI Vo t.,clllt, Latbtorgt,,dittttttyeS'II,. P.tIrough

IBcantst; thildron and ,lav,. half prtylsSeatnr ,,.1. T5,sb..-DAILY.

Leave the elt7 for rhoLake at .. ..................... I A. M.~.. La sCi. .................... IS A. N.

O . C s 1 V . a.................. 0.. t 0.Oncet, oCommon etroet For all bnelo 1 th t E.road b.pe any eother bUIs. ,onstestd 111th tthe este, If lthe

Isl. AI~tE A nd., Gordont, .pply toWtl 1 . 0 SAEWELL, E, t1r,

sblItmsson, It, ,1.1,14.1 'Otgmbu I,. leav. CtltI ,tret ev..y Sf01tt1 1Istle111fo


Gverlasn Rom tt.ro.t Nel O,.Oetnt to San FrVancixmo-Oters -O ttCO C ,,1sorand Astoa-Titkett ,,111nr4l 101t N. Orltnn t111 ,1 Ftn-Olxco, or tot any tntermedlate place, I. Ari ,,,t or WesternTEN,, tsan no bte ,royl at the, sfosf 11btl5t. L.ul, Cairoand y1e Orleans Railroad Ltne, ti Camplt,,t,, ,.n, Com-mer.tal Place.

Paexettn ar, fsttttd bytthostbnthetS Rtetsthlp Costspany to fdltanasI. TO.,i, per Wettte S,0t Line m1 is, An-tonil. Thtnet every tldt. It 6t1o,0o0A. . M., per As -totic and Ban DIto Mail Line to Fort CInrt,, Fort D0..,Fart SlB Fort H.t1ss1, Fott Quitmn, El V11,1. Vort L,caster Iotbtilltt, La Mt,,AFort VolS ons Sa. SI, EI,,aIn,,Fort I'llmti, Ttuson, os. Asgtto,, Fort Yusa, st. DlRho,Snn Franecboa.

CLIFFORD G. WAYNEo~itGeneral .geant.


Tt, ..IIat0. hating located 1the city,a.ter h 0te of. t. Os. in

thoh. oseI1 epuerrst of skGl .d tart.e in his op1rations, t1 .111 10. pub4Spa~troavnigg e

H 11i1g ,,t.,tly d11oods t. Improvy d method of obtabintflb. ,tsst. .1111, lst fouth Irt5 dsIg Attiltista Tet0 on gold,.11.1111.1101.0111,011111.01.4 II t ad11apt t O, Plate wits suchaagnracy to tM Intros Mto ala 1e Int~ammatloa or laertltlmo the month of the wearer, thereby r11derirng the teeth taefgtIO sth tCor palmait tb ,1sadtrestoethe l5 to.Itah .mI,

All opttlbst ost teeth .ftt..med I. th..mo.t ..tisfsctoryllnna.p atb.1tt11 tOe R..tlCO 1.11. My 11101 beitg 1st

1I1tbt011tt* 1ta st.1 l25Illl0 than 11. tt0. 10tey, I 11st1tdthereto,. 0e Pleabed 0101,1.1y patimta brlgg thelr flies. andwlOe.. myppathod IT.1415,tfeeag 1 dt1 11* 1.1o.f 10111t.i.r tM snppIH am bdmc f altO .1 40 CM f .,

THOMAS J. HOPPER, D11tfetoorner North aq Rt. Charlea ate.,

El ly L f yetb BaaIe, Naw cress.


FOR LIVERPOOL-The AI fe llneg Areeedea er Ip VelsEitfm Empire fetetl-iue. betbeglul 1,Uleed, il hesedlterleh wle her ee gOfZ4ad gebpg

Feettettoe tepply to I UAXTF.e


tIa e he apply M th e Htafn BeduPleo t , Thi 1b.FOBEtLflfERPOOL-TheA Alfeet wtleng

hieet fellear anlett h. a freight

haler Hoto, ppy


F POR LIVERPOOL--Tbh Al1 orfat sail.

tge Aaeican thlP 1Shtemaue, Gapt. A . .Ox-

ed, i now londiln and will have mtmlacteldi.-pate. Or rtteight f 3 balde• olton,1 Mppel0 BAXTER, tOVeLL . f0.

FOR LIVERPOOL-The At eery fretl el.bai Amlee ship LDteiZe Otlkfibd, (Jape. Ii-rede dil meet it Jlmeltete dim.atch. For0lll mlit cotton, apply beto

rfO BAXT•IR., IVEI,, &0 .

FPOR LIVERPOOL-Tbhe Al at IJhed'.yerr very ee t ling Bitellh ehlp Gen. Wtn-ham, CGpt. WIIw, cill meet with Lmmediae die

b ct releglt of Gi• balet•e t tleepon, efee BAITtI. LOEL. & 00.

FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al eeyfet ebal-neg Americne .hip Evening Star Cept. Jonel

gn lehdlin and dill mee ei h gpeik dislbtch.he gf freight, applyl


FOR LIVEEPOOL-The A remarkabhly.fet eaililing A sedeie p Regettaor, CaptA a.

aet Neweomeb, it now Itadleet ad• icil rtea wlitbp'ncet dipltch. For remendeg edf freilgh. eaty to



eb-hlep, 8l . ee Wolf Cnpt. Brdebh.w, heael-arly I her creo enqaged, ill baen tmmaedeti npatch. For freight of tO O b•dl •n, apply b

JAMEE MAOA I. ortoJa17 IAXTERR. tOVIR.l. 0o0.

FOR LIERPOLOL--The Atl fut alttei Aee an ael, nedrltat OCpt. Rlllane, lea,,b ed ell seenetgt)let tpete. q ee betk

hliel aghtFopdpbelJtwl BAXTER. LOWYLL *0O.

SFOR LIVERrPOOL - Tbh Al famt etblltrAnieren alht M. AR.Lg ewig . ICapt. R.E llfr,i now reedy to receive cuargo end w bive disptech.

eof freight, apply toJell3 BAXTER. IOVEILL CO.

FOR LIVERPOOL-The Al very feat all-lng America shlp AqUlat Capt. Oliver, lurl.g

Dearly all her ergo eeecgaged. ll bae diplteh. FPOene f freight, apply to


FOR LIVERPOOL-Te A veery fdt nll-leg American shp C. W. WhIte, Ce•elte Peel

deton, I phing a par ef rb ee eeher c d. 7lltbeediepetch. F ee felor reight of he beh eotoe, tpply b•.e. Y OlFlll Q0CO. 91 retele ,steeet.

Foe peeae.e having fnlee cein atd elteaerse aecgmmodetoge.npnl orn the eantlen bcchecrd. Poet 412. Firt D•lee. dRY


F1OR LOI•DON-The American ship Co-euggbt e . rgee manater, heligh e m•e of herar elngxgtl ca take some Ilght frclghL For

lle • 1O0. W. HYNSON & CO.., P Cemp t.STOCKHOMIH.

SNOet STOCKHEOLED -The Al feet utleghilp, Charles and Jane, enpr. Donnell. in noei•rlhag end weli he•e quick degnteh. Fore .t.eeel

ege aply tep•l BAXTTER, TLOVEILL . CO.


heeletel m thi, tMerrqhai , DJeeG. peegue. Fefielght epply to e


BREMEN.F~OR BR AIfEN -- The Al feat seling Bremen

•d[B ship Athena, t•t. ShOInR, B nnw loadingg andA meet with qlgek dihpntoh. For reealnder o7



FOR HAVRE-The Al eery feet allnegAnerlean chli, Aqnflla, Celben Decld O1lMie

ego loeeding aed will have immediate depatech fee, iece port. Fgr belaete of freight. appI tof 13 BAXTER, lOVETT, k CO.

'FOR HAVRE-The Al feeat llneg Aee•l.en eldpii Harveet Qneen, tpt. lttehelder, will

vedilspegtch for thebee , Fee freiglht, aplyto BAXTPER, LOVELI. 0 CO.

Fee p.eeege apply to the ceplain on board Poet 0, F•erthDIeldelt. foel

FOR IIAVRPN-Tce Al eed erye flt atlinegAereicne ehip Kal a Dyee, •te Aroel L. Dye,,e nogloadenge ed ec4h havlateediga diepedibe

et Ehbales colton, wp,telpvaIAXT1,te. LOYPLT. *CO.

FOR EAVRE ee--TheAlveryfalt ailingAmee.RO sh ekahng e h el,gtlpt. eleher will hei t• ik ispth. For fregt of 0i bale cotton, ep-


FOR HAVRE-The Al ery fedt sailingAeaenee .hip PFrank loult, Cep. Ch.rlee

wen, will have ihmediate dispatch. For freeghto be e cottoc, apply to

J I BAXTER. TOVET.L.k 0`0...


S-idi. e•ethurk Aleeanelre II, Cope. De Aete, topow timlieg end pill habe diepaeltch. For remeinder

egh+ apply toiFl• BAXTER. T.OVEll, A CO,


NOR ROTTERDAMI -Tho Al eery fenteglig Bremien ship Aegeete c, pre. Ehriche, hev-

ec moire o her igcrgo reengnae led •-olh .e blord,gllyme-r with qldeh dilaEtch. Foe remainder of freight, ap-

ply toJxli BAXTER, lOVET,T., bo.


FOR A•TtPVERP-The Al very feet sailiniAmer ip, .irbeiteey ilet. iarshall ie nnw readyto receivere caand il have dispatch. For freight,



FOR ANTiVERP-rThe Al American shipCorlntllan, Segeter, mater, having moe t oeher cargoe engaged, Mill meet with quick dispatch.

oIr luege, having epupnrior eomaceedtioni efr lrlt andseeond eabie pc.neeger, apply to tehe catlin on beard or to



FOR GENOA-The Al feelt aling Americansii F. W. BaIley, Capt. Keptmcn. ie now load-inc and will here quick diepteih. For belanee of

lii e e AXTRR, LOVeTT. O on.


- FOR HAbEBURG-Th feeat eailing Amere-cn .hlp eloneetoth, lCaept. I)oane, will meet eithuiiek dispatch. Fe'or eretapply M

.in2 BAXTER. I.OVEI.T. & CO.


,alinee Amerieen Ildp Kenteeckian, C0pt. tIer-eeme, h tlamoeto bar eheecargo en tiged and going

win bc i, ill tmeet with quike dlpotch. For freglht of tobaccoor cotelol, apply to



GRATES.A mMot splendid aeortmlet of MANTELS-the Aseritean, Egypdtn, Sieeea, Brteeteo,Lhee, Ty~ll ee, teeher are eand ee~tly Marbles, eembined ,ithe the Roeoentlquge, Lefere, end other stylem

Grates.An endlen atedety, of the newest styaM end pattee, frmeer dollars each to one hdred dollar.

YALE'S CELEBRATEDTreasury, Bank, Store, and Sate Loek.,

Pick, Powder and WAter Proofee.Together ewth our well-hkowe


Belt, ted ttleee,Seeb Weighta, Punleye and Cord,

Neas and Ceeting, Vettlaton,Celnmte, Ctptalct ele

All o which wl be sold at the lowest pri•ed onethe motaccommodating terms,.

LUNESRCHIOSS BRO. a CO.,ne24 It 114 Cm'n streeet eer Poydreu.



TURPENTINE STAVES, AND SItINOLES.The pdtnciple embraced in this Machine is the old proeee of

splittin and drerelng by heed labor. Workeig directly withthe grain of the timber, It proetcete . article not liable to warpor check from exposere. The Stave Milt ll will e, shave andJoint, from the bolt, from iRt to It,000 Stave, per day, and theShiugle achlte from 10,00 teo 15,e Shingles. It eqtreai twohoete power to work it, end on be attched to ey steam en-gine, gin oree ew mill power. It can make ay requeleed length,eand can he adjusted to any thickness or taper. The timber Isneither steamed nor swed, bht riven and shaved directly from

Both Machiean te e see in full operation, htween the hoursof 10 and 2 o'clek, every day, at No. 1 Ceatl street, TheseMachines are made in Augtelt, Ga,

Any party welhtg to peeurchte Perish, State, Conty eand sin-gle right,, or Michines, can obtain them from the Agent, whodall give full pertlenlars. F. W. C. COOK,Sle Agent for the Setus of Louiisana, Arketnes, hMtaliippi,

TexaF end Alahame. J•.l emNO0IC--ALL PERSONS tAVINGS CLAItS .galet

tel ell peeeone indebted to the Eitae of eDr. CLAYTO4TIFFIN, tre reueeted to preetnt the nte, and make immsedl.ta pycment entoe P. R. DAVIS. Agent

e i nm S Commee, st

heerheygiven ehe t ht psrlp em edebtet to etid Estite willcome forwerd .nd nehe , cymeent to P. . DAVIS, Commnestreer, nar St. Chtrleas Thoi e haeeing clelmes sglnet said Et-tc till preent them to him for edjtdietion. *elee lre R. t. TIPIiIN. AdtlnitMtri.



No. 1t4 (rformrly 121•) CANAL STREET,(a tf Unie Bneth nlttdtee.

STEAM ENGIQI E )FOR SALE-ONE SECOND-cene b lEi, mpiece A yediyeg ordee; ettedeelK dmeetrtee ky It tmeeeseeohe. Andytoe

dIfeNI N. 1 ,nel e ate. Ns. Oleans.

JOTICE TO BUILDERSSREALED PROPOSALSSill be roetied by he nete.sgned ftme this dey ttll the

Dth of erech neet. for the ercecet of St. Peter'be Cheret, ThiredDtrliet- the drawinge tnd tee lecAc i, to he .en st the o18ceof Hof rd httel Aehhtkes. II (Ce eneeeii PFeet.

feit trit tc. NO(VNII N. 4e nerd.v etreee.

FRUITS--ltS eua Apricots, 1lius..

50 .. Bndy COherrie. For ale by14 .D. BIAA t CO.teteet.


l!#11941oa 914 .14aORS 119917

.m,w,4ew1 19

?nF~~ras 701 11P19118

CALIFORNIA.9..i~o9612AYln711,.32R.A 3d~p.d.4

1.11 119yu~Y~a I, mo 0979019*60. Md.

119. . 411111 01119 GE 1,1 P1,1, iCIQDII 11



H on-Tli.2911,I01,.~oo 199917

""1.Plfg 1111 If 111h 11959 119,1 4,11.9989,319914,1.1,1

rfhfsPEILraPUL1.i HIAP~muJ);cOX P1912.%~iaU~ LpomA-24..sh9 111

1fIml 90 .11290 9. 101941.

N NR 1A.T)9K12-9g4L

f mhmtslutl 950.W 17749 (1. 2111

P0K 108T16-91 i. Ul~cs~al P1,114-oll

9.17 1490.I P.197799

914. lfllh.7 7119. IIM*c.,8 ap ts

1111 Iuor 111111719, II i141g.1191.11

1,9 090W. 117799099 A 00.bt~ruu. 91,,. 211RLITO VESSEL IN POWT NO EnBCLE~AR

AI,,4, Alg~l, 9411~ 1111 1 .274. . .2 ~ ~ ~ mum Ph., 11111 94

~ArA 911419112idll'9I~lyrl, 111. 1, 11114. .1941rn

Sne ~pthips.IImc Irl90uh. 1141 1Fa1141 441111 7741.vpNhr,.80 mllrt

AII,, 01114,1 -RI~ 2741Th1..411 3741

A~ll,. 191011 9243UI.~r~ph.~)tla,,114. .. 4911 VYNWlpO...9 4941sct

A.I t lll. .. 1d4.W1..,4~oj. 414el.1m

Allf~l . 14 ACin Ado,.,ll 941.Aln

0,I,,lOF Vl,, .11111.,,, 1111,, 9344LEB1291,,.,. lI4'A,4 K4..I. 2244ri

09114191A21141...1110,9,1141 3164609,-ilEoco.... .944 1lob. 1141(M0mir WWil,. 414114,11. 4940,4,1,,u..).29....14 2,1,,49..94041,41111... 119. 0,1...--111,.::nc .3... ~_141S01,1,14 . 114110,441,,... 101,,,, 9141.....~.~~ad

.12191 41,,,,,, ... :::.-.-:.14

9n,411., ...... 1911.71111, 0.,9b~. -41....9 l419.....y . .4441 1.l 1 ,,l,,.. .,.,....74(1u~.11 ..... ,...4141 .91 1 914.,. .19401111,14.........93.14 1111,,, ..x::.:.111011en. WI,41,,,41 .. 5244 '4.19 11~.....944 2..16

.11,12e Prl1114............40419114111119241nhd.....~J 91914..944019114111. 2141.......~l~lss R14111,,ll, .2142d2119111,411.19.. 22,11 91144,1911........::..12,11d1114j914111........ .4144!~~u.1,91. 214291 111111111..1911 41,11111,...2442ehs

9,41... ......... 9911~~i;i V,1,,l, 2742"""~1Il,,,91,.......... 2!;,14.. -. :::::-9,lI,,I.l,l. 4942..+Y1.~/ A,941. ~ d

Chl(rlai........1142 Olldlf 11aonlll.....7342M2941 P419 .5444 III,,, 1111111,4 ,el...Js42

214 991,11. 1142J.... 51414i09 ...:::::::::194J,,4111,.npra......2191I, 1 ,4,,, 44J,,49,,1. 24......11.. Cit.11,. L1911 .....,...:17

.7 r 91,11,. 19112......nlinf 241,,,.....1942..h iCo.17191,1111,1. .14417...l ~`,,.r...9142.?rl.. on...4441 9,144,41n. 99.

9111419::::::.. .21.19iirblf~ Al..::::::.1442.~ (M

911,411111 ......... 319,114.,,1, 14294h~,9,7,.....47421,911.,1, 1942h

0401114~a .. 07(d31411971111, 1641......

991,11............43114 41,24;4. 1942.....rI h1151A11g.I.::.......:21 91197 9,119 ..2941d

14,1,4hm........111114 T,,,y 94

9n14glllhr.l.. 1444.. .9,..,l,14,,t..9....214M~ur,.e. 799. 46,1..... .1241,11o...,.9....~ 21499,4,,. . .4(9131.1194110111401.4141...I nII2141El, . 1143:::_'_::::"~~ 191491941,11 .11.::. 39 2

96l119lW,1g114,gl..l,..Hn,1i,,, 9.911.194 911s.19191 1943....~d9411~ lrl11....1141 911d~n.94 2142l04,,Nuce......714494911..1 94311911, l'44. 2241 94..,,1 .2247,111144.94 P149 01,1.11.1142r~

.. . .99.12 '.7114 0,1..::::: .9042"'


REMIOVAL ................ REOVAL.DRS. CLARK & FRIEDRICIS. Denisalt.Have remoed (from 12) to 14s CANAL STREAET one dooIren O Creent City Rank. 7 f

Rlm ovo. ........................... REMOVED.J. C. McALLISTER,

Card and Seal Engraver and Printer,Ra. renltoed to No. 6 CAMP STREET, In the Mulst Stone of

Mr. P. P. Wrleln, where he will be found always redy to doany kind of CARD, SEAL or DOOR PLATE ENGRAVING,tth, shortelt note S edean d thlemost reaeenable terms. Parle-

CaCr attsenton paid to WEDDING CARDS, etc.J. C. McAILISTER, ER oaiSRdt,

d12 2tStM At Mnae Str of P. WereaEIOVAL--THE SECOND JUSTICE'S COURT .ha

to the corner of Coamerial Plce and Lft. ndClm mnree

Sc ha e stond rlb1% DF SecdJn Jstlce of the Peace.

TIE CR]OLA AL -E NRY VE Eor endProprietor, s tenteredl to the bueinoeso en of hew Orleansax a reliable advertising medien. The Maltd C I. uhllsed pe

Sealithit portion of the eotltonlegrowing regem N orth Le.Addess the proprietor at Creol., WinL ap , , Terms,

A. B. STRAWBRIDGE m CO., Agents.JAS Em 2c 2 Cm el .o porei e.

BOUNTY LAND AND PNSI ,ON.-0.FFICN. 12 Eebhange AIley, up .tir• nearl. y oppo. thePIt-

. SodiEr. Seae end Te•nleareatr WO are bethb ernleC of the Untlled Slatel Governmet fo efo.eeeor more, I ae r aor dieturbemne clse 1790 fm entiato 'aelres of el.n Widows and Wnoel ebldotef deceaedSeldere., emrnane d Temter. are lentitled to bounty lmed W


DORTER-80 easks MaetelC IoCneon • sl -r aS. WOLPIsReb

CLAET00w Kleeppee'eSL ieba,,R byrael ermar OrS.C r sad Nwfo'T•e ta

PEAS-,4 bmrrel. Oren, ladilng e-hlp Seltol. and CeSnba. nd fOr seO by sWOLFF,fell ecrner of mrt1er acnd New Levee m.UTT -S-24 .frkleeztrechoiee Geeae be dladez-ehIpArctic, eand for ule by . WOL F,

felW eorer of nm l.nd ee w e v aLe..

PORTER-l swats uleCeLeed 12.eI atar as,9.10 Oee Ion Ons. •r udNew Leyr eestd.".

o as

A. week of ctive conmmewisItransactlones will close tomorro eveag,receipts of produce have baer laeg,thiat the stocks at the cloesisetwe bularge. It has requi•ed l•rge hmlel}imoving these products tbocalls on the banks for dtisooas've 'a enevertheless, in the aggregate, two-9tirdsamoant called has been acceded tW. lSethow or another the 'esll s ve heressed folto day, but they have been meotly for sheetcounts, which leads to the aspposetiou tha tieeea large quantity of produceold hel re for a risW,that is, speculation has been rife. There -lat0nbe any cavil or complaining aboutpartloeslapnstifor a rise, provided it Is done without presaig q~banks for discount, Fortuiontly, our baks areprohibited very expressly from making aon cotton, sugar, tobaeoo, or any otheir 'kl•dproduce, that is, bartering, buying and WIiDsunder the penalty of $5000 dne, and say direseaesenting to dealingsid produce in this way isreajeet to adne of $1000; soit is useles for pertis,wanting to borrow to remark at money oejit tobe loaned on merchandise or cotton presereceipts.Our banks hrere not organized for such purposes.

We note the ntrcdst rates of paper thils -vst•or•lrmeet ,•l........,.......To. to tt,., n isae, Al................Tson to foernteed m ,o nrconed... Wlrixeteraia sls aer trsa r sood

In selected signatures, there have been negotia-tions atthe baks at 809 ct., at four and eightmonths. Outside, on the street, there are dailytransactions at from 12, 15 to 18 Tei., with 20l24et. as the extreme limit of buyers and investers,

who are governed by the " code de tonsorial."Therefore, our general paper market ranges from9 to 24 ~ot. Any one having anything tasgible insecurities can realise between the above rates-arange sufficiently broad to suit the most fastidlous.

The exchange market was well anpplied to-day,in almost every description. The banks, or someof them, had a good demand for checks on NewYork at par. Outside there were several transac-tions at an tth dis. The buying rates at the bankswere from t, 3-16 4 dis. There were severaltransactions in time bills-say sixty days sight at11, 11, I1, 11@2 lot. dis. .There were someHavana sixty days sight taken at 11 dis., tO theamount of $110,000, and tratesctions in localdirawn commercial bills at 1(l11. We cannot,however, quote extreme rates only from 1} (andvery small sums taken at that) to. 11@2 die.Though we heard of some drawers holding at 1;dio., it was equivalent to a desire not to sell. Insterling, there were some sales in clear bills atfrom 107}, 10710108 for the general rup. Somesmall s~ms were taken at 1080@108 5-16, bet thelarge dealers were paying only 107t up to 108, Indocument bills, the'quantity offering was I~ited,that is, very light; we quote from 141, 1074@10J .qnd a fraction over. The only a•ovement in francswas a sale of 100,000 at 5b. od• wers tolerablefew; and as there is very ttle cottole now beingbought for France, there will be some deflciencyin the amount of hanes for some time; but thiswill make very little difference, as there is, andwill continnn, an abundance on England.

There have been some movements in stocks.To-day there were sold sixty shares Bankof NewOrleans at 1004, ten shares Uieon Bank at loo00,twenty-five shares Louisiana State Bank at 185, exdividend.

'We have from time to time alluded to the banksof Kentucky and Kentucky currency in general,and of the large exchange transactions, wlhinforms a general feature of the system in that State,by a bank having a number of branches, andmaking the greater part of the cironlation or notesissued payable at the branches which are locatedat various places in the interior of the State. TheCommercial Bank of Kentucky is located at Pa-ducal, and two branches in the interior. The capi-tal of the bank paid in is $1,100,000. It is allowedto issue beyond the amount of its capital withoutany security but the public confidence. By thefigures below it will be seen that the exchangeheld by the bank is $1,956,214, of which $902,530are bills maturing South, which means they willbring up in New Orleans for presentation of pay-ment; that $538,257, or nearly half the amount ofthe capital, is in exchange on the West and in Ken-tacky., The circulation of the bank is $1,645,228 ;deposits, $242,288; due banks, $112,000-total im-mediate cash liabilities, $2,000,000, to meet whichit has gold and silver to the amount of $55t,000-our Louisiana statutes would require $666,000. Itthen will be seen, however, that the balaneels morecovered by exchange and other bills receivable.There is no security required to be deposited in thehands of the State authorities to protect the ciru.lation, but the movementsare represented by per-sonal secuerities. There is no general banking lanin Kentucky, or rather the banking in bonds andstocks is not one of the statutes. The banks oKentucky did not suspend during the panlc of 18$7We bring the position and mo ements of this bankas we have the banks in Louisville, before onreaders, to show them-the palibl at large and onlegislators-that the ament to the generabanking law of our State, as applied for by thstockholders and directors of our seven free bankscan with safety be granted-that justioe and faitldemand the concessions asked for, adhering, ,course, to the one-third coin basis.

Condltion of the Commercial Bank of entooky andBranches on the 31st December, 185.

Capital stock .. ........ .................. O.100.0o

Amount pi in .................. ........ $1.094,aruodloldtion .............................. 1,2422INdtvidunaldtor..................... • .. •

Due to b ks ............................. 112011Due to divideud oaout .................. 1

ue to mtingnt fund ...................Due to profit and los ............. ........ l04


Note don ted ...................................... 2 ,nust or sxcttNG&.

Maturiag South ....................... 0..... o.00 r

lMaturindg ~bt amd n Kntuy r............ 81o0,27$1,950214

onde of the e ity of P h .................. .. , 00P ote t t .......................................... 2Due frot an s ................. ... . ... ... P1)ue frotu. e .op oododebt .............................. 12800 0Due frt ome in adto .......o.. t . .................. . 8,1,0Dte fromt rel estate inr brkeing hours .................. rIDue from oot fo r debt ................................. ,70Due from fm .............................. 1

In gold a d slver ........... ................. 1In other bank ote.. ........o.to. . .... .. 7,,On deposit In Yew York a ialtimorer ..... t19,1 12


Profit and dlaros and contingent fund. a abns.. 1A0Daedt dFiodnd ato. a of t atet deetre ahi n o

doay.... ..............

met, e dwionthngent fund hnad profit pod vode fh

JAloi otL. DALLA, u ftb dsa ie.

In oncurrent money this week our brokers onre de Camp hiave had large ofoferings in aoil doe-scriptions, which bring up here for sale and a mar-ket, soy of Western bats, Georgia, wouth Caro.lina and labotam0, with a sprinhling of Florida Iissues. Florida, s0a State, ois uder the ban ofre-pudiation from the non-paymentot bonds iho oedfor public purponses during Its territorial govern.81nt, and whith ought to have boeen provided forlong ore tbis. The isues of the bhnk which pasinto the hads of our brokers are retained for aetw das, and if not sold, ae forwarded home. forredemption.

The receipts of Xexloap dolnars thes week havebeon nearly POr,O00,l Sales have be2n made at 6,ebmOol ptome 'O1 ors, monone wIll fnd the auyto the lMiat e4er E•;metor Suowdet'e 11to I*121 oz. lt eA riera1 lvor eointhebrokerahere prebsed oer the oeqomtor fomfivo to tenthosoeo doolereoseb ,ot jt d i ior,.s, Woworkit off the beaiwaytheycon bank over the oonater [ I5* psrot dicount. But the extreme

" tfn," or

proft on the arutcle I over, and the tunes-tthe I

mienbIr frs

'Mad by ivotH wenit wt w

rJfsrbtr n good demandifaaSLt y1oe$p"oIeotJBws ~and N~

Wi~ i . slm e , o o a b h a e o f. . s ~ t- -as.

thme e sd d fled Ika


USrfM5W I~r~~i?;jln.lY~;b~~

UIW4 but.s.'alOhrn~u ih,,.;

Aktik nftllu~ w De,:w. .t,. _4 . 1

etfierkur ItrsO..FS ii~wA hndnc: ... j rTen 044 r ohbba . .... ..

X , b oos.: , '. .. ... .U s, rni lei i... ..e ,. .... li...bIketend Nuts. Tsi. awnrn t,, u......

tlet. B t..........,..... ............. .:.

l itfnk st St.e, landnh,,ln. l .. eeks... ....... 1 d

elod.s . .............. .e... ~ U 9... iUlher Hanks, Uh19,d 1adhMn1...l.. ..... A;

1 tBetn ,euy.ests .I rl ....e.....1. 3

hs,.esae ttlits.,es StEod ~leytdemh

';.~iL T;;. Lons~i jb;ida;ie, So d o.s eh1"_a"i d ,"h "''"L. ................... `"'g

eaab dA erdeo .. ...... _...:.....Hn. ... Soatk .. a.. teii ........: : I '*5

'ortkL nstess ....e X.,k... t

Tmnss ...................i. p ........ 1 absws4's

teen.,,,!tr sink~t 7 ttt9%s..,...~.,.,, .1.5 e(lintel Sttskji~ses, a~: 4.770 begs.:~:

Nonlrem rNnnk M Slle i....eiwdppi.... ...-.

SA~eis i,,sis

l l a Isd .wa .l It ii begs .17.........LIndr hnts, , ................... s i.s .Lad wattrm46ltl0 aewa.............. .. : srs

It.Tensda.. Bo d. Cass W115h lid,.Stateuo *t.

#lr.ltksgs.olI' IbJherre.......... ING"1L9hitis..ppd NewYork..... -t ht,.


bma IPorts diect tb yet"L,..... 9+,9 Lsiestock I Atn ked. 514 day. Rb....,,. f

579 baneglu nnds triint .,..... 7 in

Isuet, e hssdock Nu . ......... 549841'12 8941, 11,itunetoo shfelsir~ ty .fe i Ier i i..(e.. legs.

top 1/olncgm rs~ o, 98 W

V 4die . as Qt,7s.

AdeuoG , :4':w W .. T Aiio 4,...r. 9 d1! bass

Shuxrts Onlsfr.U3(51e

5i.0 mist .inse.... the. , d a ......... l~s

Its. tin, .. Fib... 1 1-7. . 19 58 00.......ley

909 aF*.............. 1',la 7.811Stock oc 1um1 last wak ~ p..............57.9nStock sd dote . .... ........... 18 tbson toad tail day .............. ::::"

T~aken forconsotlala ........... ....... 7,412.1

Fnir ............ U ro .... .............. ....72 a ,~

Yrlm c Coice.......... ................. 1 .

The market doses rm,Nnw Urleatu, Felt. 1. 1850.

eoscase Orlse wo.ys 'Oaaya5.aSOtneosy M'orns Cab. l, " tlooe5

Our general market has exhibited les sanlmatioand buoyancy than we had oecasion to notlce ltour last weekly report. The supplies of ot lea-ing staples, and of Western Produce general9,have been liberal, and have mostly exceeded thedemand, and in several articles we have nottced adecline in the rates. Cotton and Sugar havreoldat lower prices for some qualities, and Corn haslargely declined. Flour advanced in the earlypart of the week, but the improvement was anbre-quently lost. In Provisions we have notLed atlittle alteration, though only a moderrate basiln•ihas been done. Freights are very Brm, withoatany material change.

On Thursday morning we published-the PrinceAlbert's accounts, embracing Liverpool dates tothe 4th iast. They reported sales of 84,000 bale.Cotton during the week, the mnarkethaving openedactive and buoyant, but closed quiet, owing to thestringency in the money market. The sales onspeculation were 11,00 bales, and for export 10;,500 bales, and the market closed at 74d. for Fairr Orleans, and Old. for Middling Orleans. The stock

I on hand was stated at 595,000 bales, including449,000 American. At Manchester the market wasreported firm though quiet. At Hlners the salesfor five days embraced 5200 bales,with a firm market at the close, though the stock on hand amountedto 117,000 bales, and the weeks imports 20,00bales. Orleans Bas was quoted at 99f.Covrox....The market opened with the Can-

ada's advices at hand, reporting an active businessand a slight advance in the rates at Liverpool, andabout 11,500 bales were sold on Saturday at the1 range of our previous quotationsbut on Monday

and Tuesday the demand was quite moderate, andalthough buyers had the advantage in the rates,the sales of the two days reached bardly 16,500h bales, the more recent transactions being at a re-

duction of ic. for the Medium and Lower grades.On Wednesday, with an easler market for buyers,a good demand prevailed,resultingin sales of some

18,000 bales, baut on Thursday the business fell offto about 10,000 bales, and yesterday's transactionsembraced some 12,500 bales, making a total forthe week of 68,500 bales. We have reduced ourfigores #oc. for the Medium and Lower grades,and now quote, as follows:

NaW OaRL5sa cLassawsovAoaes.Ilrntrr ............. •7 di a .. :... , 5

Loe 5ddlh00 . FI .....:..... ..,:;:--

stock on Mhadi neSeele rdISh....... hles. . 14eived d me.. ................... ......... 130U 08

aerp •sed e tre ................. . a...... m e • 62Tl ,

Stock on heal eM d erod......... ...... eA3..5Tosacco....The movement inTobasob hbasagai

been of a limited character, though we notice abetter supply of the New Crop on the market.The sales qf the week, as far as made pubic, haveroeached about,00 hhds., all of wiebh wae n prcvate terms, exeept 5 bhda. New Onmstlse, 11 at74, 12 )dt Crop at S, 2 Insee atselllte att_10, 8s New at , , 6 at li, and 4d Chole lsk:i i

ville at 8to. V 8,.We quote as follows for Old Crop, most oft"

Bgureshowever, being nearly npm Ia:

Sasos, TTAP... . .ls r sa ... ; ......e. ........s............ . . .

=o=e=s... =l 8 ================ a

moderate demand, prices have teal mars h

hu1et ti0*3iljfi,.rsj

91 00 04b8 00, fieu0wo~piatp5web&*he#these1 ,

haldte beteneaofowe !Io' tl

$e,13 0 tadhx.e* theta t qerta lq h0erwee' a g+rl

Wteek's r e oe0, 7f M

e*uQ.n 4b : ea:


tanos the "estAt I- -

-+ .ek reelpa. .:

torepie, 1800 e 5oIIp s. lb goo . tv * It*0, aMisr.:: , an4a

twl~ao pweta oo bl 00, 1 doeh elatt} aa or rie'4

mO.the u *emt te# e -

ntheamlee "la to , edtle dbeig Iold upo e.2ttr heI ahevaolsat4$ he cp.be e

BB sr..Tie etunrWrsi@10,000r Bitbbe 8i7a, 01 814 fte C

. cX rMBaetsthe o '0aef , he teer i yfesml

tae eigtheuaast weak h

holder Wattlobat 324, for 488

'Weok'e aoacipta, 164 Go

WeGatho (io.) re... T t., aatua

gabothe 00,4QD009R

Y ie.Mmh .rud eo

rxaaaalrsr Ili.k *We tJI

.bee et butwe ire oadinibs lo" iein tid

r0J OpseliP )cste0.:'ad al). bthor hveto ofs-aiikro. ~ . r.e

eu CiaTMta{ bsbo Tosn rDlttteAB,'

Q Inc6 oevea

ha st orC " tthe rracl it*t t f ha Acaa

er 1,80 fkatj , 04.IerC;theaeerhrnrbiraea O

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LII iT;~1: T::*i


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