a high-order discontinuous galerkin method for the …1/27 a high-order discontinuous galerkin...

1/27 A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Unsteady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Khosro Shahbazi 1 , Paul F. Fischer 2 and C. Ross Ethier 1 1 University of Toronto and 2 Argonne National Laboratory 17th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods St. Wolfgang/Strobl Austria, July 3-7 2006

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    A High-Order Discontinuous GalerkinMethod for the Unsteady Incompressible

    Navier-Stokes Equations

    Khosro Shahbazi1, Paul F. Fischer2 and C. Ross Ethier11University of Toronto and 2Argonne National Laboratory

    17th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods

    St. Wolfgang/Strobl Austria, July 3-7 2006

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    IntroductionNavier-Stokes SolverVerificationConclusions

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    Mechanical Heart Valve

    We are developing an efficient parallel code for the unsteadyincompressible Navier-Stokes eqs. based on

    C++, RPI’s AOMD and Argonne’s PETSc.Complexities of the simulation of blood flow includecomplex geometry, pulsitility, transition and highlyanisotropic and intermittent turbulence.

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    The unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) eqs:∂u

    ∂t+ u · ∇u =


    Re∇2u −∇p in Ω × [0, T ],

    ∇ · u = 0 in Ω × [0, T ],u(t = 0) = u0 in Ω,

    u = uD on ∂ΩD,


    ∂n− pn = 0 on ∂ΩN ,

    with ∂Ω = ∂ΩD ∪ ∂ΩN .We are interested in convection-dominated regimes(Re ≡ UL

    ν� 1).

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    For the spatial discretization, we use high-order discontinuousGalerkin (DG) methods since

    Advantages in capturing features of convection-dominatedflowFacilitate hp-adaptivityYield block-diagonal mass matrix in the context ofsemi-explicit time integration

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    For the stationary Navier-Stokes problem, DG methods withequal and mixed polynomial order approximation for thevelocity and pressure have been recently developed (Giraultet al. 2005, Cockburn et al. 2005).However, corresponding efficient numerical solutionprocedures for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations havenot yet been proposed.

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    The objective is to:Devise an efficient numerical scheme for the unsteady NSproblem based on the high-order discontinuous Galerkinmethod on triangular and tetrahedral elements.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverTemporal Discretization

    A simple and efficient scheme is to use a semi-explicitscheme in which the nonlinear term is treated explicitly andthe Stokes operator is treated implicitly.We use a third-order backward differentiation (BD3) schemeand a third-order extrapolation (EX3) (Karniadakis et al.1991) to discretize the unsteady and the nonlinear terms,respectively .

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    Navier-Stokes SolverPreliminaries

    The discontinuous approximate space Vk is defined asVk := {v ∈ L

    2(Ω)|v|K ∈ Pk(K),∀K ∈ Th},

    and we choose uh ∈ Vdl and ph ∈ Vm.Note that l = m forms the equal-order approximation andl = m − 1 forms the mixed-order approximation.For Vk, we choose a nodal high-order basis.The nodal basis are Lagrange polynomials calculated basedon the nodal set of Hesthaven (1998) or Hesthaven and Tang(2000) defined on a standard triangle or tetrahedron,respectively.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverNonlinear Treatment

    We introduce a simple method in which the nonlinear term isdiscretized in the divergence form using the local Lax-Friedrichsfluxes.

    Local conservativity is inherent.Lax-Friedrichs fluxes are suitable for unstructured meshes.The choice of local Lax-Friedrich fluxes leads to a compactstencil size.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Following Hansbo and Larson (2002), we define thediscontinuous approximations uh and ph by requiring that

    Ah(uh,vh) + Bh(uh,vh) + Dh(vh, ph) = Fh(vh),

    Dh(uh, qh) = Gh(qh),

    Bh(u,v) =∑




    u · vdx,

    Dh(v, q) = −∑



    q∇ · vdx +∑



    {q}JvK · neds,

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Ah(u,v) =∑




    Re∇u : ∇vdx






    [ne · {∇u} · JvK + ne · {∇v} · JuK






    ReJuK · JvKds.

    Ah corresponds to the discretization of the Laplacian by theinterior penalty (IP) method of Arnold (1982).We have recently derived an explicit expression for thepenalty parameter µ for simplicial elements (Shahbazi 2005).

    µ =(k + 1)(k + d)




    (V olume)K


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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Why do we prefer IP over other types of DG methods?Because the IP method offers:

    Simplicity, minimum stencil size, symmetry, stability, localconservativity, optimal rate of convergence.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Minimum Stencil Extended StencilIP method Local DG method

    (Cockburn and Shu, 1998)

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    The algebraic form of the Stokes system after the applicationof the nodal high-order representation is:

    [H D


    D 0









    H = (1/Re)A + (β0/∆t)B.A represents the Laplacian operator, and B denotes theblock diagonal mass matrix.D represents the divergence operator.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Since (Re/∆t) � 1, an efficient scheme is to decouplevelocity and pressure via an approximate algebraic splitting(e.g., Perot 1993).

    1. Hu∗n+1 = fn+1 −DT p̂n

    2. (−DHIDT )

    (p̂n+1 − p̂n

    )= (−Du∗n+1 + gn+1)


    3. ûn+1 = u∗n+1 −∆t


    T(p̂n+1 − p̂n


    HI = B−1.

    (−DHIDT ) is called the consistent Poisson operator.

    The scheme is second order accurate in time.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    The first and the second steps are solved iteratively using theConjugate Gradient method.Since (Re/∆t) � 1, the Helmholtz solves are easilypreconditioned by the block diagonal mass matrix.The pressure solve is the dominant computation.The pressure operator (−DHIDT ) has extended stencil.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Can we have a minimum stencil size for the pressureequation?

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    Careful inspection of the pressure operator (−DHIDT )reveals that this operator results from the application of theLocal DG method to a Laplacian with the following BCs:

    −∇2v in Ω∇v · n = 0 on ∂ΩD

    v = 0 on ∂ΩN

    We propose to replace the pressure operator (−DHIDT )with the operator arising from the IP discretization of theLaplacian with the above BCs.

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    Navier-Stokes SolverStokes Discretization

    The justification is that the IP method and the Local DGmethod are very similar for stability, boundedness and theoptimal rate of convergence as shown by Arnold et al. (2002)in a unified analysis of the DG methods for elliptic problems.Note that since the replacement is applied in the algebraiclevel, no unphysical BCs have been introduced.This not only simplifies the scheme, but also enhances theoverall efficiency of the scheme.

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    Verification2D Orr-Sommerfeld Stability Problem



    0 1 2 3 4 5 6-1



    A parabolic base flow are sustained in x direction using aconstant body force.Re = 7500 based on the maximum velocity and half channelheight.Periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed in thestreamwise and spanwise directions, respectively.

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    Verification2D Orr-Sommerfeld Stability Problem

    The base flow is disturbed with small-magnitudeTollmien-Schlichting waves, i.e, the initial condition is

    u(x, y, 0) = U0 + �û.

    U0 is the parabolic profile,û corresponds to the only unstable eigensolution of theOrr-Sommerfeld equation with wave number unity atRe = 7500, and � = 10−4.According to the linear stability theory, the perturbationenergy

    E(t) =





    (u −U0)2dydx

    should grow as e2ωit, where ωi = 0.002234976.

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    Verification2D Orr-Sommerfeld Stability Problem

    128 Triangles



    0 1 2 3 4 5 6-1



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    Verification2D Orr-Sommerfeld Stability ProblemRe = 7500, 128 Triangles, ∆t = 10−3



    E/E 0


    0 1 2 3 40






    NS-6/6NS-8/8NS-6/5NS-8/7Linear Stablity

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    Verification2D Orr-Sommerfeld Stability Problem

    The analysis of a similar instability in the Qk − Qk−2 spectralelement discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations wasreported by Wilhelm and Kleiser (2001).This instability may remain hidden at lower Re number(Shahbazi et al. 2006).

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    ConclusionsWe have presented an efficient numerical scheme for theunsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations inconvection-dominated regimes.Our scheme is based on the high-order discontinuousGalerkin spatial discretization and approximate algebraicsplitting of the velocity and pressure calculations.An important feature of our method is to discretize thenonlinear term, velocity and pressure equations withminimum stencil size; thus, enhancing simplicity and overallefficiency of the scheme.We have verified the accuracy and stability of our method bysolving popular benchmarking tests, includingOrr-Sommerfeld stability problem.

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    Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ofCanada (NSERC).Canada Research Chairs Program.U.S. Department of Energy, the Office of Advanced ScientificComputing Research.

    OverviewIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverNavier-Stokes SolverVerificationVerificationVerificationVerificationVerificationConclusionsAcknowledgments