a holistic view of enterprise security rafal lukawiecki strategic consultant, project botticelli ltd...

A Holistic View of A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd [email protected] [email protected] www.projectbotticelli.co.uk www.projectbotticelli.co.uk Copyright 2005 © Microsoft Corp & Project Botticelli Ltd. E&OE. For informational purposes only. No warranties of any Copyright 2005 © Microsoft Corp & Project Botticelli Ltd. E&OE. For informational purposes only. No warranties of any kind are made and you have to verify all information before relying on it. You can re-use this presentation as long as kind are made and you have to verify all information before relying on it. You can re-use this presentation as long as you read, agree, and follow the guidelines described in the “Comments” field in File/Properties. you read, agree, and follow the guidelines described in the “Comments” field in File/Properties.

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk

A Holistic View of Enterprise A Holistic View of Enterprise SecuritySecurity

Rafal LukawieckiRafal Lukawiecki

Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli LtdStrategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd

[email protected]@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Copyright 2005 © Microsoft Corp & Project Botticelli Ltd. E&OE. For informational purposes only. No warranties of any kind are made and you have to verify all Copyright 2005 © Microsoft Corp & Project Botticelli Ltd. E&OE. For informational purposes only. No warranties of any kind are made and you have to verify all information before relying on it. You can re-use this presentation as long as you read, agree, and follow the guidelines described in the “Comments” field in information before relying on it. You can re-use this presentation as long as you read, agree, and follow the guidelines described in the “Comments” field in File/Properties.File/Properties.

Page 2: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Define security in a practical, measurable, and Define security in a practical, measurable, and achievable wayachievable way

Introduce security frameworksIntroduce security frameworks

Introduce OCTAVEIntroduce OCTAVE

Introduce simple risk assessmentIntroduce simple risk assessment

Introduce the concepts of threat modelling for Introduce the concepts of threat modelling for enterprise securityenterprise security

Overview major security technologiesOverview major security technologies

Page 3: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Session AgendaSession Agenda

Defining Security ConceptsDefining Security Concepts

Building a Secure EnvironmentBuilding a Secure Environment



Simplified Security Risk AnalysisSimplified Security Risk Analysis

Formal Threat ModellingFormal Threat Modelling


Page 4: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Defining Security Defining Security ConceptsConcepts

Page 5: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Definition (Cambridge Dictionary of English)Definition (Cambridge Dictionary of English)

Ability to avoid being harmed by any risk, danger or Ability to avoid being harmed by any risk, danger or threatthreat

……therefore, in practice, an impossible goal therefore, in practice, an impossible goal

What can we do then?What can we do then?

Be as secure as neededBe as secure as needed

Ability to avoid being harmed too much by reasonably Ability to avoid being harmed too much by reasonably predictable risks, dangers or threats (Rafal’s Definition)predictable risks, dangers or threats (Rafal’s Definition)

Page 6: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Security must be balanced with usability (and Security must be balanced with usability (and accessibility)accessibility)

Most secure = uselessMost secure = useless

Most useful = insecureMost useful = insecure

Know the balance you needKnow the balance you need

Factor the price: both security and usability cost a lotFactor the price: both security and usability cost a lot

Page 7: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Cost-Effectiveness of SecurityCost-Effectiveness of Security

"Appropriate business security is that which "Appropriate business security is that which protects the business from undue operational protects the business from undue operational risks in a cost-effective manner.“ – Sherwood, risks in a cost-effective manner.“ – Sherwood, 20032003

Estimation of cost and effectiveness of security Estimation of cost and effectiveness of security requires knowledge and estimation of:requires knowledge and estimation of:

Assets to protectAssets to protect

Possible threats or lossesPossible threats or losses

Cost of their preventionCost of their prevention

Cost of contingenciesCost of contingencies

Page 8: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Adequate SecurityAdequate Security

CERT usefully suggests:CERT usefully suggests:

““A desired enterprise security state is the condition where the A desired enterprise security state is the condition where the protection strategiesprotection strategies for an organization's critical for an organization's critical assetsassets and and business business processesprocesses are commensurate with the organization's are commensurate with the organization's risk appetiterisk appetite and and risk tolerancesrisk tolerances.” – .” – www.cert.org/governance/adequate.htmlwww.cert.org/governance/adequate.html

Risk Appetite – defined through executive decision, influences Risk Appetite – defined through executive decision, influences amount of risk worth taking to achieve enterprise goals and amount of risk worth taking to achieve enterprise goals and missionsmissions

Relates to risks that must be mitigated and managedRelates to risks that must be mitigated and managed

Risk Tolerance – residual risk acceptedRisk Tolerance – residual risk accepted

Relates to risk for which no mitigation would be in placeRelates to risk for which no mitigation would be in place

Page 9: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


11stst Conclusion Conclusion

As 100% security is impossible, you need to decide what As 100% security is impossible, you need to decide what needs to be secured and how well it needs to be securedneeds to be secured and how well it needs to be secured

In other words, you need:In other words, you need:Asset listAsset list

Threat analysis to identify risksThreat analysis to identify risks

Risk impact estimate for each assetRisk impact estimate for each asset

Ongoing process for reviewing assets, threats and risksOngoing process for reviewing assets, threats and risks

Someone responsible for this processSomeone responsible for this process

Operational procedures for responding to changing conditions Operational procedures for responding to changing conditions (emergencies, high risk etc.)(emergencies, high risk etc.)

Page 10: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Digital Security as Extension of Digital Security as Extension of Physical Security of Physical Security of Key AssetsKey Assets

Strong PhysicalStrong PhysicalSecurity of KASecurity of KA

Strong DigitalStrong DigitalSecuritySecurity

Good SecurityGood SecurityEverywhereEverywhere

Weak PhysicalWeak PhysicalSecurity of KASecurity of KA

Strong DigitalStrong DigitalSecuritySecurity


Strong PhysicalStrong PhysicalSecurity of KASecurity of KA

Weak DigitalWeak DigitalSecuritySecurity


Page 11: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Aspects of SecurityAspects of SecurityStatic, passive, pervasiveStatic, passive, pervasive

Confidentiality Confidentiality

◄ ◄ Your data/service provides no useful information to unauthorised Your data/service provides no useful information to unauthorised peoplepeople

Integrity Integrity

◄ ◄ If anyone tampers with your asset it will be immediately evidentIf anyone tampers with your asset it will be immediately evident

Authenticity Authenticity

◄ ◄ We can verify that asset is attributable to its authors or caretakersWe can verify that asset is attributable to its authors or caretakers


◄ ◄ We can verify who is the specific individual entity associated with your We can verify who is the specific individual entity associated with your assetasset


◄ ◄ The author or owner or caretaker of asset cannot deny that they are The author or owner or caretaker of asset cannot deny that they are associated with itassociated with it

Page 12: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Aspects of SecurityAspects of SecurityDynamic, active, transientDynamic, active, transient


◄ ◄ It is clear what actions are permitted with respect to your assetIt is clear what actions are permitted with respect to your asset

Loss Loss

◄ ◄ Asset is irrecoverably lost (or the cost of recovery is too high)Asset is irrecoverably lost (or the cost of recovery is too high)

Denial of access (aka denial of service)Denial of access (aka denial of service)

◄ ◄ Access to asset is temporarily impossibleAccess to asset is temporarily impossible

Page 13: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Approaches for Achieving SecurityApproaches for Achieving Security

Two approaches are needed:Two approaches are needed:

ActiveActive, dynamic, transient, dynamic, transient

Implemented through Implemented through behaviour and pattern analysisbehaviour and pattern analysis

PassivePassive, static, pervasive, static, pervasive

Implemented through Implemented through cryptographycryptography

Page 14: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Behaviour (Pattern) AnalysisBehaviour (Pattern) Analysis

Prohibits reaching an asset if access is out-of-pattern, e.g.:Prohibits reaching an asset if access is out-of-pattern, e.g.:

Password lock-out after N unsuccessful attemptsPassword lock-out after N unsuccessful attempts

Blocking packets at a router if too many come from a given sourceBlocking packets at a router if too many come from a given source

Denying a connection based on IPSec filter rulesDenying a connection based on IPSec filter rules

Stopping a user from seeing more than N records in a database per Stopping a user from seeing more than N records in a database per dayday

Time-out of an idle secure session Time-out of an idle secure session


Cannot always prevent unauthorised use of assetCannot always prevent unauthorised use of asset

Can prevent legitimate access – need easy and secure “unlock” Can prevent legitimate access – need easy and secure “unlock” mechanismsmechanisms

Strength varies with sophistication on known attacksStrength varies with sophistication on known attacks

Page 15: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Using hard mathematics to implement passive security Using hard mathematics to implement passive security aspects mentioned earlieraspects mentioned earlier


Cannot detect or prevent problems arising from a pattern of Cannot detect or prevent problems arising from a pattern of behaviourbehaviour

Relies of physical security of Key Assets (such as Relies of physical security of Key Assets (such as master private keys etc.)master private keys etc.)

Strength changes with time, depending on the power of Strength changes with time, depending on the power of computers and developments in cryptanalysiscomputers and developments in cryptanalysis

Page 16: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Future Security TechnologiesFuture Security Technologies

Behaviour analysis is under tremendous Behaviour analysis is under tremendous development at presentdevelopment at present

Expect from Microsoft:Expect from Microsoft:

Microsoft Operations Manager 2005Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

Already available, more rules on their wayAlready available, more rules on their way

Active ProtectionActive Protection

Set of technologies for intrusion detection and automatic Set of technologies for intrusion detection and automatic response and ongoing protectionresponse and ongoing protection

Imagine: MOM + IDS based on neural network + Imagine: MOM + IDS based on neural network + GPOsGPOs

Page 17: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Holistic View of SecurityHolistic View of Security

Security should be:Security should be:

Static + Active Static + Active AcrossAcross All Your Assets All Your Assets Based OnBased On Ongoing Threat Risk AssessmentOngoing Threat Risk Assessment

Page 18: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Building a Secure Building a Secure EnvironmentEnvironment

Page 19: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Defense in DepthDefense in DepthUsing a layered approach:Using a layered approach:

Increases an attacker’s risk of detection Increases an attacker’s risk of detection

Reduces an attacker’s chance of successReduces an attacker’s chance of success

Policies, Procedures, & Awareness

Policies, Procedures, & Awareness

OS hardening, update management, OS hardening, update management, authenticationauthentication

Firewalls, VPN quarantineFirewalls, VPN quarantine

Guards, locks, tracking devices, Guards, locks, tracking devices, HSMHSM

Network segments, IPSec, NIDSNetwork segments, IPSec, NIDS

Application hardening, antivirusApplication hardening, antivirus

ACL, encryptionACL, encryption

User education against social User education against social engineeringengineering

Physical SecurityPhysical Security


Internal NetworkInternal Network




Page 20: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Secure EnvironmentSecure Environment

A secure environment is a combination of:A secure environment is a combination of:

Hardened hosts (nodes)Hardened hosts (nodes)

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Operating ProcessesOperating Processes

Standard and EmergencyStandard and Emergency

Threat Modelling and AnalysisThreat Modelling and Analysis

Dedicated Responsible StaffDedicated Responsible Staff

Chief Security Officer (CSO) responsible for allChief Security Officer (CSO) responsible for all

Continuous TrainingContinuous Training

Users and security staff – against “social engineering”Users and security staff – against “social engineering”

Page 21: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Operating ProcessesOperating Processes

Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF)Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF)

IT Infrastructure LibraryIT Infrastructure Library

BS7799 and related ISOBS7799 and related ISO

Informal: Standard and Emergency Operating ProceduresInformal: Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures

Risk and Threat Analysis ProcessesRisk and Threat Analysis Processes

Simple Security Risk AnalysisSimple Security Risk Analysis

Attack Vectors and Threat ModellingAttack Vectors and Threat Modelling


Page 22: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Operating ProcessesOperating Processes

As a minimum, defineAs a minimum, define

Standard Operating ProceduresStandard Operating Procedures

Set of security policies used during “normal” conditionsSet of security policies used during “normal” conditions

Could be based on Windows AD Group PoliciesCould be based on Windows AD Group Policies

Emergency Operating ProceduresEmergency Operating Procedures

Tighter policies used during “high-risk” or “under-attack” Tighter policies used during “high-risk” or “under-attack” conditionsconditions

Aim for compliance with an overall operational process Aim for compliance with an overall operational process frameworkframework

E.g. Microsoft Operation Framework’s SLAs, OLAs and UCsE.g. Microsoft Operation Framework’s SLAs, OLAs and UCs

Page 23: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Education & ResearchEducation & Research

As minimum, you really need to subscribe to security As minimum, you really need to subscribe to security advisories:advisories:

Microsoft Security Notification ServiceMicrosoft Security Notification Service




SANS InstituteSANS Institute


Other vendor-specificOther vendor-specific

CISCO, Oracle, IBM and so onCISCO, Oracle, IBM and so on

Apart from notifications, study available operational Apart from notifications, study available operational security guidancesecurity guidance


Page 24: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Page 25: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability EvaluationVulnerability Evaluation

Carnegie-Mellon University guidanceCarnegie-Mellon University guidance

Origin in 2001Origin in 2001

Used by US military and a growing number of larger Used by US military and a growing number of larger organisationsorganisations


Page 26: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Concept of OCTAVEConcept of OCTAVE

Workshop-based analysisWorkshop-based analysis

Collaborative approachCollaborative approach

Guided by an 18-volume publicationGuided by an 18-volume publication

Very specific, with suggested timings, personnel selection etc.Very specific, with suggested timings, personnel selection etc.


Smaller version, OCTAVE-S, for small and medium Smaller version, OCTAVE-S, for small and medium organisationsorganisations


Page 27: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


OCTAVE ProcessOCTAVE ProcessProgressive Series of WorkshopsProgressive Series of Workshops

Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3

Strategy and Plan Development

Tech. Vulnerabilities


AssetsThreatsCurrent PracticesOrg. VulnerabilitiesSecurity Req.

RisksProtection Strategy

Mitigation Plans

Page 28: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Steps of OCTAVE ProcessesSteps of OCTAVE Processes

Page 29: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Simplified Security Simplified Security Risk AnalysisRisk Analysis

Page 30: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk




Internal mailbox of your Managing DirectorInternal mailbox of your Managing Director

Risk Impact Estimate (examples!)Risk Impact Estimate (examples!)

Risk of loss: Medium impactRisk of loss: Medium impact

Risk of access by staff: High impactRisk of access by staff: High impact

Risk of access by press: Catastrophic impactRisk of access by press: Catastrophic impact

Risk of access by a competitor: High impactRisk of access by a competitor: High impact

Risk of temporary no access by MD: Low impactRisk of temporary no access by MD: Low impact

Risk of change of content: Medium impactRisk of change of content: Medium impact

Page 31: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Creating Your Asset ListCreating Your Asset List

List all of your List all of your namednamed assets starting with the assets starting with the most sensitivemost sensitive

Your list won’t ever be complete, keep updating Your list won’t ever be complete, keep updating as time goes onas time goes on

Create default “all other assets” entriesCreate default “all other assets” entries

Divide them into logical groups based on their Divide them into logical groups based on their probability of attacks or the risk of their “location” probability of attacks or the risk of their “location” between perimetersbetween perimeters

Page 32: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Risk Impact AssessmentRisk Impact Assessment

For each asset and risk attach a measure of impactFor each asset and risk attach a measure of impact

Monetary scale if possible (difficult) or relative numbers Monetary scale if possible (difficult) or relative numbers with agreed meaningwith agreed meaning

E.g.: Trivial (1), Low (2), Medium (3), High (4), Catastrophic (5)E.g.: Trivial (1), Low (2), Medium (3), High (4), Catastrophic (5)

Ex:Ex:Asset: Internal MD mailboxAsset: Internal MD mailbox

Risk: Access to content by pressRisk: Access to content by press

Impact: Catastrophic (5)Impact: Catastrophic (5)

Page 33: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Risk Probability AssessmentRisk Probability Assessment

Now for each entry measure probability the loss Now for each entry measure probability the loss may happenmay happen

Real probabilities (difficult) or a relative scale Real probabilities (difficult) or a relative scale (easier) such as: Low (0.3), Medium, (0.6), and (easier) such as: Low (0.3), Medium, (0.6), and High (0.9)High (0.9)


Asset: Internal MD mailboxAsset: Internal MD mailbox

Risk: Access to content by pressRisk: Access to content by press

Probability: Low (0.3)Probability: Low (0.3)

Page 34: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Risk Exposure and Risk ListRisk Exposure and Risk List

Multiply probability by impact for each entryMultiply probability by impact for each entryExposureExposure = Probability x Impact = Probability x Impact

Sort by exposureSort by exposureHigh-exposure risks need very strong security measuresHigh-exposure risks need very strong security measures

Lowest-exposure risks can be covered by default mechanisms Lowest-exposure risks can be covered by default mechanisms or ignoredor ignored

Example:Example:Press may access MD mailbox: Press may access MD mailbox: Exposure = P(Low=0.3) x I(Catastrophic=5) = 1.5Exposure = P(Low=0.3) x I(Catastrophic=5) = 1.5

By the way, minimum exposure is 0.3 and maximum is 4.5 is our By the way, minimum exposure is 0.3 and maximum is 4.5 is our examplesexamples

Page 35: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Mitigation and ContingencyMitigation and Contingency

For high-exposure risks plan:For high-exposure risks plan:

Mitigation: Reduce its probability or impact (so Mitigation: Reduce its probability or impact (so exposure)exposure)

Transfer: Make someone else responsible for the riskTransfer: Make someone else responsible for the risk

Avoidance: avoid the risk by not having the assetAvoidance: avoid the risk by not having the asset

Contingency: what to do if the risk becomes realityContingency: what to do if the risk becomes reality

Page 36: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Formal Threat Formal Threat ModellingModelling

Page 37: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Threat ModelingThreat Modeling

Structured analysis aimed Structured analysis aimed at:at:

Finding infrastructure Finding infrastructure vulnerabilitiesvulnerabilities

Evaluating security threatsEvaluating security threats

Identify countermeasuresIdentify countermeasures

Originated from software Originated from software development security threat development security threat analysisanalysis

1. Identify Assets1. Identify Assets

2. Create an Architecture Overview2. Create an Architecture Overview

3. Decompose the System3. Decompose the System

4. Identify the Threats4. Identify the Threats

5. Document the Threats5. Document the Threats

6. Rate the Threats6. Rate the Threats

Page 38: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Architecture Diagram (Step 2)Architecture Diagram (Step 2)




Asset #4

Asset #1 Asset #2 Asset #3

Asset #5 Asset #6


Web Server




Database Server




Page 39: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Decomposition (Step 3)Decomposition (Step 3)




Web Server Database ServerTrust

Forms Authentication URL Authorization

DPAPI Windows Authentication







Page 40: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


STRIDESTRIDEA Technique for Threat Identification (Step 4)A Technique for Threat Identification (Step 4)Type of ThreatType of Threat ExamplesExamples

SSpoofingpoofing Forging Email MessageForging Email Message

Replaying AuthenticationReplaying Authentication

TTamperingampering Altering data during transmissionAltering data during transmission

Changing data in databaseChanging data in database

RRepudiationepudiation Delete critical data and deny itDelete critical data and deny it

Purchase product and deny itPurchase product and deny it

IInformation disclosurenformation disclosure Expose information in error messagesExpose information in error messages

Expose code on web siteExpose code on web site

DDenial of Serviceenial of Service Flood web service with invalid requestFlood web service with invalid request

Flood network with SYNFlood network with SYN

EElevation of Privilegelevation of Privilege Obtain Administrator privilegesObtain Administrator privileges

Use assembly in GAC to create acctUse assembly in GAC to create acct

Page 41: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Threat TreeThreat Tree

Inside AttackEnabled

Inside AttackEnabled

Attack domain controller from inside

Attack domain controller from inside

SQL InjectionSQL Injection

An application doesn’t validate user’s input and allows evil texts

An application doesn’t validate user’s input and allows evil texts

Dev ServerDev Server

Unhardened SQL server used by internal developers

Unhardened SQL server used by internal developers

Messenger XferMessenger Xfer

Novice admin uses an instant messenger on a server

Novice admin uses an instant messenger on a server

Trojan Soc EngTrojan Soc Eng

Attacker sends a trojan masquerading as network util

Attacker sends a trojan masquerading as network util



Page 42: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Attack Vector in a Threat TreeAttack Vector in a Threat Tree

Theft ofAuth Cookies

Theft ofAuth Cookies

Obtain auth cookie to spoof identity

Obtain auth cookie to spoof identity



Cookies travel over unencrypted HTTP

Cookies travel over unencrypted HTTP


Attacker uses sniffer to monitor HTTP traffic

Attacker uses sniffer to monitor HTTP traffic



Attacker possesses means and knowledge

Attacker possesses means and knowledge



Application is vulnerable to XSS attacks

Application is vulnerable to XSS attacks



Page 43: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Document Threats (Step 5)Document Threats (Step 5)

DescriptionDescription TargetTarget RiskRisk Attack Attack TechniquesTechniques


Attacker Attacker obtains obtains credentialscredentials

User Auth User Auth processprocess

SnifferSniffer Use SSL to encrypt Use SSL to encrypt channelchannel

Injection of Injection of SQL SQL commandscommands

Data Access Data Access ComponentComponent

Append SQL Append SQL to user nameto user name

Validate user nameValidate user name

Parameterized stored Parameterized stored procedure for data procedure for data accessaccess

Page 44: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk


Rate Threats (Step 6)Rate Threats (Step 6)

Rate Risk Rate Risk


Risk Exposure = Probability * Damage PotentialRisk Exposure = Probability * Damage Potential


Page 45: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



DD – Damage Potential – Damage Potential

RR – Reproducibility – Reproducibility

EE – Exploitability – Exploitability

AA – Affected Users – Affected Users

DD – Discoverability – Discoverability

Rate each category High(3), Medium(2) and Low(1)Rate each category High(3), Medium(2) and Low(1)

ThreatThreat DD RR EE AA DD TotalTotal RatingRating

Attacker obtains credentialsAttacker obtains credentials 33 33 22 22 22 1212 HighHigh

Injection of SQL commandsInjection of SQL commands 33 33 33 33 22 1414 HighHigh

Page 46: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Page 47: A Holistic View of Enterprise Security Rafal Lukawiecki Strategic Consultant, Project Botticelli Ltd rafal@projectbotticelli.co.uk



Viewing security holistically combines perspectives of Viewing security holistically combines perspectives of people, processes, technologies and requires ongoing people, processes, technologies and requires ongoing research and educationresearch and education

Security goals oppose those of usabilitySecurity goals oppose those of usability

Cost of protection is a factor that necessitates a risk Cost of protection is a factor that necessitates a risk assessmentassessment

Processes such as OCTAVE allow for threat Processes such as OCTAVE allow for threat identification as well as cost-effectiveness analysisidentification as well as cost-effectiveness analysis

Lower security needs can be solved with cheaper, Lower security needs can be solved with cheaper, reactive approachesreactive approaches

High security needs require more expensive, formal High security needs require more expensive, formal methodsmethods