a hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for...

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Renato Samperio, Huosheng Hu, Francisco Martín and Vicente Matellán

Robotica / Volume 26 / Issue 06 / November 2008, pp 817 - 830DOI: 10.1017/S0263574708004414, Published online: 11 April 2008

Link to this article: http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0263574708004414

How to cite this article:Renato Samperio, Huosheng Hu, Francisco Martín and Vicente Matellán (2008). A hybrid approach to fast and accuratelocalization for legged robots. Robotica, 26, pp 817-830 doi:10.1017/S0263574708004414

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Robotica (2008) volume 26, pp. 817–830. © 2008 Cambridge University Pressdoi:10.1017/S0263574708004414 Printed in the United Kingdom

A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localizationfor legged robotsRenato Samperio†∗, Huosheng Hu†, Francisco Martın‡and Vicente Matellan‡†Department of Computing & Electronic Systems, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ,United Kingdom‡Robotics Lab-GSyC, DITTE-ESCET-URJC, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain

(Received in Final Form: February 11, 2008. First published online: April 11, 2008)


This paper describes a hybrid approach to a fast andaccurate localization method for legged robots based onFuzzy-Markov (FM) and Extended Kalman Filters (EKF).Both FM and EKF techniques have been used in robotlocalization and exhibit different characteristics in terms ofprocessing time, convergence, and accuracy. We propose aFuzzy-Markov–Kalman (FM–EKF) localization method asa combined solution for a poor predictable platform such asSony Aibo walking robots. The experimental results show theperformance of EKF, FM, and FM-EKF in a localization taskwith simple movements, combined behaviors, and kidnappedsituations. An overhead tracking system was adopted toprovide a ground truth to verify the performance of theproposed method.

KEYWORDS: Legged robots; robot localisation; ExtendedKalman filters; Fuzzy-Markov methods.

1. Introduction

In general, mobile robot localization is about estimatinga robot pose, i.e., position and orientation, relative to itsenvironment. It is one of the fundamental problems inmobile robotics. Nowadays, there are many localizationtechniques that have been developed for mobile robots,including extended Kalman filtering, particle filtering, grid-based Markov localization algorithms, etc. However, nosingle localization method is perfect for diversified real-world applications. It is necessary to combine some of themin practical applications according to the different sensorsbeing used.

Up to now, there has been a number of research workson hybrid methods which integrate probabilistic multi-hypothesis and grid-based maps with EKF-based techniques.Some methodologies as indicated in the literature7,12 requirean extensive computation but offer a reliable positioningsystem. By cooperating Markov into the localizationprocess,6 EKF positioning can converge faster with aninaccurate grid observation. In general, Markov-basedtechniques and grid-based maps5 are classic approaches

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

to robot localization and their computational cost is hugewhen the grid size in a map is small.3,10 Therefore, theMonte Carlo (MCL) technique has partially solved thisproblem,4,14,15 but still has difficulty handling environmentalchanges.13 As a fast approach, EKF maintains a continuousestimation of robot position, but cannot manage multi-hypothesis estimations.1

It should be noticed that traditional localization techniquessuch as EKF perform position tracking, i.e., integratingthe previous position of the robot with the robot motionprediction and new perception information. In fact, they arecomputationally efficient, but may fail when the estimatedposition is far from the true one. Therefore, it is difficultfor them to be used for legged robots that have very poorodometry, such as leg slippage and loss of balance. Asshown in ref. [8], this paper compares two already existinglocalization methods (EKF and FM) for Sony legged robotsin a highly dynamic environment, i.e., the RoboCup soccerdomain. Then, we propose a hybrid localization methodthat is a merge of both EKF and FM approaches. Such amerge results in reduced inconsistencies, fuses inaccurateodometry data with visual data as well as having lesscomputational cost. The proposed FM–EKF localizationalgorithm implements a fuzzy cell to speed up convergenceand maintains an efficient localization. Subsequently, theperformance of the proposed method was tested in threeexperimental comparisons: (i) simple movements along thepitch, (ii) localising and playing combined behaviors, and (c)kidnapping the robot.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2presents an observer model for the Sony AIBO legged robot.The theoretical background of the proposed localizationmethods is outlined in Section 3. The system configuration isdescribed in Section 4. Section 5 presents some experimentalresults to show the performance of three different localizationmethods. Finally, a brief conclusion and further researchwork are given in Section 6.

2. Observer Design

To begin with, robot motion is described with a state vectorwhich contains three variables, i.e., 2D position (x, y) and

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818 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 1. The proposed motion model in this research.

orientation (θ).⎛⎜⎝x−




⎞⎟⎠ =








t + wlint

)cosθt−1 − (

ulatt + wlat



ulint + wlin


)sinθt−1 + (

ulatt + wlat



urott + wrot


⎞⎟⎠ (1)

where ulat , ulin, and urot are the lateral, linear and rotationalcomponents of odometry, and wlat , wlin, and wrot are thelateral, linear, and rotational components of odometry errors.t − 1 refers to the previous step time and t to the current step.

In general, state estimation is a weighted combinationbetween noisy states in both priori and posterior estimations.Assuming that v is the measurement noise and w is theprocess noise. We have the measurement noise covariancematrix R and the process noise covariance matrix Q asfollows:

R = E[vvt ] (2)

Q = E[wwt ] (3)

Note that measurement noise in matrix R indicates sensorerrors and Q matrix is a confidence indicator for the currentprediction, where uncertainty for each state estimation canincrease or decrease. We adopt an odometry motion model,ut−1 as f shown in Fig. 1. Table I describes all variables forthree dimensional (linear, lateral, and rotational) odometryinformation.

According to the measured experimental data, we can seethat odometry system has a deviation of 30% on average asshown in Eq. (4). Therefore, applying transformation matrix

Table I. Variable description for obtaining linear, lateral, androtational odometry information.

Variable Description

xa x axis of world coordinate systemya y axis of world coordinate system

xt−1 previous robot x position in world coordinate systemyt−1 previous robot y position in world coordinate systemθt−1 previous robot heading in world coordinate systemxt−1 previous state x axis in robot coordinate systemyt−1 previous state y axis in robot coordinate system

ulin,latt lineal and lateral odometry displacement in robot

coordinate systemurot

t rotational odometry displacement in robot coordinatesystem

xt current robot x position in world coordinate systemyt current robot y position in world coordinate systemθt current robot heading in world coordinate systemxt current state x axis in robot coordinate systemyt current state y axis in robot coordinate system

Wt from Eq. (5), noise can be declared as robot uncertaintywhere θ is the robot heading.

Qt =




)20 0




0 0


t +√

(ulint )2+(ulat

t )2





Wt = ∂f


⎛⎝cosθt−1 −senθt−1 0

senθt−1 cosθt−1 00 0 1

⎞⎠ (5)

In addition, landmarks in the robot environment requirenotational representation for a feature vector f i

t function ineach i-th feature as in the following equation:

f (zt ) = {f 1

t , f 2t , . . .

} =











⎞⎟⎠, . . .

⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭ (6)

where landmarks are detected by an onboard active camerain terms of range ri

t and bearing bit ; a signature si

t is added torepresent each landmark. We use a landmark measurementmodel defined by a feature-based map m, which consists ofa list of signatures and location coordinates as follows:

m = {m1, m2, . . .} = {(m1,x, m1,y), (m2,x, m2,y), . . .} (7)

where the i-th feature at time t corresponds to the j -thlandmark detected by a robot whose pose is xt = (x y θ)T .we use the model:⎛⎜⎝

rit (x, y, θ)

bit (x, y, θ)

sit (x, y, θ)

⎞⎟⎠ =


√(mj,x − x)2 + (mj,y − y)2

atan2(mj,y − y, mj,x − x)) − θ


⎞⎟⎠ (8)

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 819

Fig. 2. Distance errors in the observation for beacons and goals.

Fig. 3. Angle errors in the observation for beacons and goals.

Figure 2 presents a comparison of distance errors inobservations for both beacons and goals. As can be seen,distance errors in beacons are smaller than ones for goals.Additionally, goal sensing has an increment in error if theyare closer or farther than 2500 mm. Meanwhile beacon erroris proportional to distance to the robot.

As another example, Fig. 3 shows angle observation errorsfor beacons and goals respectively. Thus, angle observationerror in beacons is generally less than that in goals and theseerrors increase when a robot is closer.

3. Theoretical Background

The localization process for an Aibo robot in the RoboCupdomain has already achieved much progress. In thissection we show an analysis for three popular localizationmethods such as FM, EKF, and FM–EKF. As in previousimplementations9,6 the FM method offers an acceptable per-formance and the EKF offers more research acceptance andmaturation. However, a hybrid perspective of FM–EKF hasa combined advantage from these two independent methods.

Fig. 4. Representation of the robot pose in a fcell.

A. Fuzzy Markov methodWe use an FM grid-based method,29 where a grid Gt containsa number of cells, and each grid element Gt (x, y) holds avalue of probability of a possible robot position in a range of[0, 1]. A fuzzy cell (fcell) is represented as a fuzzy trapezoid(Fig. 4) defined by a tuple < θ, �, α, h, b >, where θ isrobot orientation at the trapezoid centre with values in rangeof [0, 2π]; � is uncertainty in a robot orientation θ ; h

corresponds to fcell with a range of [0, 1]; α is the trapezoidslope and b is a correcting bias.

One of the most important aspects of a localization processbased on Bayes filtering techniques is a phase cycle ofprediction-observation-updating. If we look at such a phasecycle more closely, the prediction step adjusts movementinformation, meanwhile the observation step processessensory information. Then, the updating step merges resultsfrom prediction and observation steps to obtain a new fuzzygrid map. Therefore, each step of the process sequence isdescribed below:

(1) Prediction step. During this step, robot movementsalong grids are represented by a distribution which iscontinuously blurred. As is described in previous work,9

blurring is based on odometry information reducingoccupancy for robot movement (i.e., Fig. 5(c)). Thus,the grid state G′

t is obtained by performing a translationand rotation of Gt−1 state distribution according tomotion �m. Subsequently, this odometry-based blurring,Bt , is uniformly done for incorporating uncertainty to amotion state.

G′t = f (Gt−1, �m) ⊗ Bt (9)

(2) Observation step. In this step, each observed landmarki is represented as a vector �ri , which includes bothrange and bearing information obtained by the visualmodule. For each �ri , a grid map Si,t is built such thatSi,t (x, y, θ |�ri) corresponds to robot position at (x, y, θ)given an observation �r at time t .

(3) Updating step. At this step, grid state G′t obtained from

the prediction step is merged with each state St,i fromthe observation step. Afterwards, fuzzy intersection isdone using a product operator as follows:

Gt = G′t × St,1 × St,2 × · · · × St,n (10)

A simulated example of this process is shown in Fig. 5.The system starts with absolute uncertainty of robot pose,i.e., Fig. 5(a). Thereafter, the robot incorporates landmarkand goal information where each grid state Gt is updated

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820 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 5. This figure represents uncertainty in white colour from an absolute initialization (a) to a reduced area of robot pose in (f).

whenever an observation succeed, as is shown in Fig. 5(b).Subsequently, movements and observations of variouslandmarks enable the robot to localise, as shown in Fig. 5(c)–Fig. 5(f).

Since the performance of this method is judged byaccuracy and computational cost, we selected a reasonable9

fcell size of 20cm to balance two factors, i.e., for achievinggood accuracy and less computing cost.

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 821

This localization method has the following advantages:

• Fast recovery from previous errors in the robot poseestimation.

• Fast recovery from kidnappings.• Multi-hypothesis for robot pose (x, y).• Much faster than classical Markovian approaches.

However its disadvantages, which we want to improve,are:

• Mono-hypothesis for orientation estimation.• Very sensitive to sensor errors.• False positives which make the method unstable in noisy

conditions.• Computational time increases dramatically.

B. Extended Kalman filter methodTechniques related to EKF have become one of the mostpopular tools for state estimation in robotics. Such approachcontemplates a state vector for robot positioning which isrelated to environment perception and robot odometry. In thiscase, robot position is conformed by a vector st , consistingof (x, y, θ) in which (x, y) is robot position and θ fororientation.

s =




⎞⎟⎠ (11)

As a Bayesian filtering based method, EKF has predictionand update steps, described in detail below:

(1) Prediction step. This phase uses robot odometryinformation as input for filtering the state vector. Currentrobot state s−

t is affected by robot odometry informationand its noise estimation in an error estimation P −

t .Initially, robot state is represented in:

s−t = f (st−1, ut , wt ) (12)

where the nonlinear function f relates the previousstate st−1, control input ut−1, and the process noisewt . Afterward, a covariance matrix P −

t is used forrepresenting errors in state estimation obtained at theprevious step Pt−1. Therefore, the covariance matrix isrelated with the previous robot state and process noise,i.e.,

P −t = AtPt−1A

Tt + WtQt−1W

Tt (13)

where AtPt−1ATt is a progression of Pt−1 along a new

movement and At is defined as follows:

At = ∂f



1 0 −ulatt cosθt − ulin

t senθt−1

0 1 ulint cosθt − ulat

t senθt−1

0 0 1



and WtQt−1WTt represents odometry noise, Wt is a

Jacobian for motion state approximation and Qt is a

Fig. 6. Hybrid localization process.

covariance matrix as follows:

Qt = E[wtw



Note that the Sony AIBO robot may not be able toobserve a beacon at each step. Therefore, the frequencyof odometry calculation is higher than visual sensormeasurements. For this reason, this step is executedindependently as follows:11

st = s−t (16)

Pt = P −t (17)

(2) Updating step. At this step, sensor data and noisecovariance Pt are used for obtaining a new state vector.Besides, the sensor model is updated using measuredlandmarks m1···6,(x,y). Thus, each zi

t of i landmarksrequires a vector (ri

t , φt i). In order to obtain an updatedstate, we use:

st = st−1 + Kit

(zit − zi


) = st−1 + Kit

(zit − hi(st−1)


where hi(st−1) is a predicted measurement calculatedfrom the following non-linear functions:

zit = hi(st−1)



t,x − st−1,x

)2 + (mi

t,y − st−1,y



t,x − st−1,x, mit,y − st−1,y

) − st−1,θ


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822 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 7. Information flow for localization.

The Kalman gain, Kit , is obtained from the next equation:

Kit = Pt−1



)T (Si



where Sit is uncertainty for each predicted measurement

zit and is calculated as follows:

Sit = Hi

t Pt−1(Hi


)T + Rit (21)

and Hit describes how robot position is changing as


Hit = ∂hi(st−1)





− mit,x − st−1,x√(

mit,x − st−1,x

)2 + (mi

t,y − st−1,y


mit,y − st−1,y(

mit,x − st−1,x

)2 + (mi

t,y − st−1,y



− mit,y − st−1,y√(

mit,x − st−1,x

)2 + (mi

t,y − st−1,y


− mit,x − st−1,x(

mit,x − st−1,x

)2 + (mi

t,y − st−1,y

)2 −1

0 0


where Rit is measurement noise which was empirically

obtained and Pt is calculated using the followingequation:

Pt = (I − Ki

t Hit

)Pt−1 (23)

As not all zit values are obtained for every observation,

zit are correct references for each observed value and δi


is a likelihood measurement obtained from Eq. (24) witha threshold value between 5 and 100, which varies based

Fig. 8. System overview.

on localization quality.

δit = (

zit − zi


)T (Si


)−1(zit − zi



C. FM–EKF methodWe propose to merge FM and EKF algorithms in order toachieve computational efficiency, robustness, and reliability.In particular, the integrated FM–EKF is able to deal withnoisy visual information and inaccurate odometry datain order to obtain the most reliable position from bothapproaches.

The hybrid procedure is fully described in Algorithm 1.Initially, the hybrid algorithm conditions require the FMalgorithm to implement a fcell grid size of (500–1000 mm)initialised in the field centre. Subsequently, a variable isiterated for controlling FM results. This variable is used formeasuring robot positioning after being compared with thequality of EKF estimates. Then, localization quality indicateswhenever EKF can be resetted in case the robot is lost orEKF position is out of FM range. Eventually, each algorithmstep is realised depending on the execution of motion andperception models. Consequently, the localization processfollows a predict-correct scheme.

Initialise positionFM over all pitch;Initialise positionEKF over all pitch;while true do

Predict positionFM using motion model;Predict positionEKF using motion model;Correct positionFM using perception model;Correct positionEKF using perception model;if (quality(positionFM ) � quality(positionEKF ) then

Initialise positionEKF to positionFM


robot position ← positionEKF ;end

Algorithm 1: FM and EKF combined methodsalgorithm.

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 823

Fig. 9. The robot environment: a robot overhead tracking system,a soccer pitch with natural (pitch lines) and artificial landmarks(coloured beacons and goals), and two Aibo walking robots.

The hybrid approach implements both FM and EKF

methods for improving robot pose estimation. Even thoughthey are processed independently, they use the same sensorand motion information to maintain independent robotpose estimation. Note that the FM localization is a robustsolution for noisy information, but computational expensiveand cannot operate in real time. Also, its accuracy isinversely proportional to the fcell size. In contrast, EKFis an efficient and accurate positioning method. Therefore,the hybrid method combines FM grid accuracy with EKFtracking efficiency, as shown in Fig. 6. The localization

information flow is described in Fig. 7. Information fromsensors (odometry and feature extraction system) is used bylocalization algorithms for obtaining robot positioning andorientation information.

4. System Overview

Our system consists of three asynchronously coordinatedparts: an overhead tracking system, an Aibo legged robot,and human-robot control software. What is more, robotsoftware contains an observer and a number of behaviormodules as shown in Fig. 8. The observer is a perceptionmodule to collect environment information for navigation.It is organised as a set of possible states realised by a robotto interact within its environment. Robot behavior acts asa decision maker and is executed independently from theobserver module with the same processing resources andinformation.

The legged robot used in our research is a Sony AiboERS-7 robot that has an embedded MIPS processor runningat 576MHz, 64MB memory, a 350K-pixel colour camera, apair of infrared sensors, and a LAN wireless IEEE 8011bcard. The robot’s environment used in our experiments isa football pitch used in the RoboCup four legged leaguecompetition. The pitch contains four visual landmarks andtwo goals with distinctive colours, as well as white field lines,as shown in Fig. 9. Note that all the landmarks and soccerenvironment follow the 2006 RoboCup four Legged Leaguerules.

An overhead tracking camera was used in our experimentin order to provide a ground truth for robot trackingmovements. The overhead tracking system has a mean error

Fig. 10. Orientation errors during a walk along the pitch.

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824 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 11. Positioning errors during a walk along the pitch.

of (72.4 mm, 60.0 mm) and an average standard deviation of(63.5 mm, 46.7 mm) for x and y coordinates.

5. Experimental Results

The experiments were carried out in three stages of work:(i) simple movements; (ii) combined behaviors; and (iii)kidnapped robot. Each experiment set is to show robot

positioning abilities in a RoboCup environment. The total setof experiment updates were 15, with 14123 updates in total.In each experimental set, the robot poses estimated by EKF,FM and FM–EKF localization methods are compared withthe ground truth generated by the overhead vision system.In addition, each experiment set is compared respectivelywithin its processing time. Experimental sets are describedbelow:

Fig. 12. Robot trajectories estimated by EKF, FM, FM–EKF and the overhead camera.

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 825

Fig. 13. Processing time per algorithm iteration during a walk along the pitch.

(1) Simple Movements. This stage includes straight andcircular robot trajectories in forward and backwarddirections within the pitch.

(2) Combined Behavior. This stage is composed by apair of high level behaviors. Our first experiment

consists of reaching a predefined group of co-ordinated points along the pitch. Then, the secondexperiment is about playing alone and with anotherdog to obtain localization results during a longperiod.

Fig. 14. Orientation errors during reaching predefined points.

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826 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 15. Positioning errors during reaching predefined points.

(3) Kidnapped Robot. This stage is realised randomly insequences of kidnap time and pose. In each kidnap theobjective is to obtain information about where the robotis and how fast it can localise again.

In the Simple Movement experiment set, the robot followsa trajectory in order to obtain a variety of visible points along

the pitch. Figures 10 and 11 show angle and position errorsrespectively. Figure 12 presents the trajectories estimated byEKF, FM, FM–EKF methods and the overhead vision system.Figure 13 shows the processing time for EKF, FM, FM–EKFmethods, in which the proposed FM–EKF method is fasterthan the FM method, but slower than the EKF method. Ascan be seen, during this experiment high peaks in angle or

Fig. 16. Robot trajectories estimated by EKF, FM, FM–EKF and the overhead camera as a Grand Truth system.

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 827

Fig. 17. Processing time per algorithm iteration during reaching predefined points.

Fig. 18. Orientation errors during a kidnapping sequence.

distance error occur whenever position is different from thatreported by the overhead vision system. This is caused by alack of landmark perception.

For the Combined Behavior experiment we evaluate twodissimilar experiments: (a) robot reaching predefined points

as accurately as possible and (b) a playing session for a robotto play a session alone and against an opponent. Figures 14and 15 present orientation and position errors wheneverthe robot reaches predefined points. Figure 16 show thedifference of robot trajectories estimated by FM–EKF and

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828 A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots

Fig. 19. Positioning errors during a kidnapping sequence.

overhead vision system. Figure 17 shows the processing timeper algorithm iteration for EKF, FM, FM–EKF during therobot reaching some predefined points.

Similar to previous experiments, periods of landmarkabsence causes increasing error. From the performance

perspective, EKF is the fastest localization method, FM–EKFis in the middle, and FM is the slowest one.

In the last experiment, the robot was randomly kidnappedin terms of time, position, and orientation. After the robot ismanually deposited in a different pitch zone, its localization

Fig. 20. Robot trajectories estimated by FM–EKF and the overhead camera.

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A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots 829

Fig. 21. Processing time per algorithm iteration during a kidnapping sequence.

performance is evaluated. Figures 18 and 19 show orientationand position errors during a kidnapping sequence. Figure 20presents trajectories estimated by FM–EKF and overheadvision system. Figure 21 shows the processing time periteration for three algorithms during reaching of predefinedpoints. Results from kidnapped experiments show resettingtransition from a local minimum to fast convergence within3.23 s. Even EKF has the most efficient computation time,FM–EKF offers the most stable performance and is a mostsuitable method for a dynamic indoor environment.

6. Conclusions

This paper presents a novel hybrid approach to fast andaccurate robot localization using an active vision platform.The proposed FM–EKF method integrates FM and EKFalgorithms using the visual and odometry informationfrom a legged robot. Experimental results show that thehybrid method offers a more stable performance and goodlocalization accuracy for a legged robot which has noisyodometry information. Further research will focus on thereinforcement of the quality in observer mechanisms forodometry and visual perception, as well as the improvementof landmark recognition performance.


We would like to thank TeamChaos (http://www.teamchaos.es) for facilities and capabilities of their programming workand technical team from Department of Computing andElectronic Systems at Essex University (http://essexrobotics.essex.ac.uk), for their support and help in this research. Partof this research was also supported by a CONACyT (Mexican

government) scholarship with reference number 178622and by Spanish government grants DPI2004-07993-C03-01, DPI2004-07993-C03-02, and S-0505/DPI/0176 cor-responding to Ditpa and Robocity 2030 projects respectively.

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