a joint initiative by win-win for environment and economy - mobility management for companies...

A Joint Initiative by WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies Content & Design: New Environment Support Mobility Management for Companies Mobility Management for Companies „New Environment Support” Robert THALER Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management Head of Department V/5 Traffic, Mobility, Human Settlement and Noise

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: A Joint Initiative by WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies Content & Design: New Environment Support Mobility Management

A Joint Initiative by

WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies

Content & Design:

New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Mobility Management for Companies„New Environment Support”

Robert THALERFederal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Head of Department V/5 Traffic, Mobility, Human Settlement and Noise

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A Joint Initiative by

WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies

Content & Design:

New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

The increase of the traffic volume is a steadily growing burden both for companies and

the environment. Although technical progress led to a reduction of some pollutants the

negative impacts on climate and quality of life are still very high.

Many companies face increasing traffic problems:

Costumers cannot find a parking space.

Costly company land is used for parking cars.

Employees arrive at work late and in a state of stress.

Delivery transport is impeded and delivery times cannot always be kept to.

Residents protest against the increasing traffic load.

New company sites and relocations require measures in transport and logistics.

New approaches for a sustainable and environmentally mobility are required.

Management of staff travel choices at company level offers the chance to force a more

environmentally friendly mobility and to use potentials of transport rationalisation.

Traffic Chaos leads to Problems for Companies and the Environment

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A Joint Initiative by

WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies

Content & Design:

New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Measures in the field of company-related mobility management allow optimisations of sites and buildings so that company land as well as vehicles can be used more

efficiently. Environmentally more sound technologies can be applied on the vehicle fleet and transportation can be rationalised.

A higher usage of environmentally friendly means of transport (walking, cycling,

public transport) leaves more free parking facilities to customers. Employees reach their workplace with less stress and accidents and are therefore fitter and

more efficient at their job.

By applying a successful mobility management companies can improve their image as environment-conscious and forward-looking business.

Finally a more environmentally sound mobility of companies makes an important

contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases and to the fulfilment of

international agreements (“goal of the Kyoto protocol”).

Mobility Management for Companies leads to Benefits for Companies, their Employees and the Environment

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Content & Design:

New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Based on a common initiative by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry,

Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) and the Austrian Chamber of

Commerce (WKÖ) the model project “Soft Mobility-Partnership“ was launched.

In the course of this two year project, the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and

Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW), together with the Federal

Office for the Environment (UBA Gmbh), the AVL List GmbH (research company,

Graz), Tulln State Hospital and the Medienhaus Vorarlberg (newspaper publisher)

applied the instruments of “managing staff travel choices at company level”


The Federal Ministry supported the selected model establishments with expertise

and funding.

Model Project “Soft Mobility-Partnership“

Model Companies striking New Paths

AVL List GmbH LKH Tulln VN Medienhaus UBA GmbH BMLFUW

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Mobility Management for Companies

In the selected model companies and establishments a great number of measures

were implemented. They resulted in

cost savings both for the company and its employees.

rationalisation of transport and optimisations concerning company logistics and the vehicle fleet.

a reduction of the share of those driving to work by up to 15% (!).

an increase of the share of those using public transport for going to work.

an essential increase of the share of those cycling to work.

a clear reduction in CO2 by up to 30% (!).

an improvement of the company image.

a very positive assessment by the company staff.

an increased awareness of employees and the company management regarding environmental and transport problems.

Pilot Projects guide a New Way

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A Joint Initiative by

WIN-WIN For Environment and Economy - Mobility Management for Companies

Content & Design:

New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

... management of staff travel choices at company level is a very useful instrument

for achieving environmental goals - such as a reduction in CO2 emissions - and

economic goals - such as the rationalisation of transport - in the field of company


… it is possible to achieve a high degree of acceptance and support for the

measures and distinct changes of transport behaviour on the part of employees and


… the co-operation and support of management and staff representatives, active

involvement of employees and co-operation with local authorities and transport

undertakings are essential preconditions of success.

Pilot Projects showed that...

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Mobility Management for Companies

The pilot projects supported in the course of the model project “Soft Mobility-Partnership“ have been a great success both for the companies and the


In view of the positive outcome of the pilot project “Soft Mobility-Partnership“,

mobility management for companies can be recommended for more widespread use in Austria.

The Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), together

with WIFI Austria (Austrian Chamber of Commerce's Institute of Business

Promotion) and Kommunalkredit Austria AG (special-purpose bank) have therefore

launched a focused initiative with the aim of promoting mobility management for

companies more widely. This new support focus is part of the environmental promotion programme of the Federal Government.

Mobility Management for Companies -New Environment Support

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Mobility Management for Companies

Information folder and handbook on “Management of Staff Travel Choices at

Company Level”

Application forms for the new promotion focus “Transportation Measures at

Company Level” of the environmental promotion programme of the Federal


Assistance when handing in the application forms

Guidance for setting up a transportation-/mobility concept at company level

First consultation free of charge with detailed information regarding mobility

management for companies, the new promotion focus as well as preconditions and

proceeding for your support application

Internet platform (www.mobilitaetsmanagement.at)

Service Offer for Your Company

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New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Information on the new promotion focus “mobility

management for companies” are found at:




Further Information

The handbook on “Management of Staff Travel Choices at

Company Level” is free of charge and can be ordered at the

Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment

and Water Management (BMLFUW), the Austrian Chamber of

Commerce (WKÖ) and WIFI Austria.

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Mobility Management for Companies

Internet Platform:

The internet platform offers you f.i. possibilities to

discuss your opinion/experiences with others (discussion forums).

post your own articles in the field of “mobility management for companies”.

order all information material on-line.

inform yourself about various arrangements and publish tips on arrangements.

get additional information via topic-related links and add further links.


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Mobility Management for Companies

Target group:

All physical persons and legal entities, especially:

Companies carrying out profit activities, though not restricted to the

Gewerbeordnung (Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act)

Confessional institutions and non-profit associations

Institutions of public authorities in the field of market-determined activities

Energy supply companies and transport companies

Event managers

new promotion focus “Transportation Measures at Company Level”

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New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Objects to be supported:

CO2-related changes of transportation systems and vehicle fleets

Investment measures at company level to promote public transport as well as

pedestrian and bicycle traffic

Mobility services and mobility consultation, traffic information systems and logistic


Transportation-/mobility concepts provided that the measure applied to be supported

can be derived from the specific concept, maximum however up to the extent of 50%

of the support basis

Additional expenses (software etc.) up to the extent of 20% of the support basis

new promotion focus “Transportation Measures at Company Level”

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Mobility Management for Companies

Standard support rate:

”De-minimis” – projects: max. 30% of the total environment-related investment costs

Projects over “De-minimis”: max. 30% of the environment-related extra investment

costs (plus possible fees), though max. 30% of the total environment-related

investment costs

New Promotion Focus: “Transportation Measures at Company Level”

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Mobility Management for Companies

Prerequisites for support:

The application has to be handed in at the Kommunalkredit Austria AG before project


The total environment-related investment costs have to amount at least 10.000,-


A transportation-/mobility concept including the measures to be supported has to be

presented. The mobility concept should cover four modules (employees, logistics,

vehicle fleet, work trips). In justified cases the focus can be laid on two of the

modules. When working on the concept the handbook on “Management of Staff

Travel Choices at Company Level” published by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture

and Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) and the Austrian

Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) should be used as checklist and guideline.

The sustainability of investment measures to promote public transport has to be

ensured (f.i. by lectures).

In the case that changes of the vehicle fleet, that is not property of the support

applicant, are conducted, appropriate contracts have to safeguard the permanent

ecological success.

New Promotion Focus: “Transportation Measures at Company Level”

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Mobility Management for Companies

Problem analyses, development of aims and measures and the related investments

for implementation should be imbedded in a transportation-/mobility concept. Besides being a prerequisite for support such a concept is useful for solving problems,

realising synergy effects and using potentials of transport rationalisation!

The handbook on “Management of Staff Travel Choices at Company Level –

Experiences of the Model Project Soft Mobility-Partnership” published by the Federal

Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW)

and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) includes a checklist and a range of

concrete tips that provide a good basis for the work on a transportation-/mobility


An example for a company-related transportation-/mobility concept can be ordered

at Kommunalkredit Austria AG and WIFI Austria. This example can be used as

guideline for the elaboration of a concept.

The transportation-/mobility concept should be set up by the company itself. It is,

however, recommended to consult qualified experts with experiences in mobility

management for companies.

An Important Step towards Support:„Company-Related transportation-/mobility concept”

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Mobility Management for Companies

The mobility concept should cover four modules (fields of action):

Module „Employees and Costumers“

Module „Logistics“,

Module „Vehicle fleet“,

Module „Work trips“

In justified cases the focus can be laid on two of the modules. One focus for small and

medium-sized businesses with only a few employees could be f.i. changeovers of the

vehicle fleet or optimisation in the field of logistics.

Companies with a small vehicle fleet but many employees or costumers might

concentrate f.i. on environmentally sound mobility of those going to work, shopping,

and doing work trips. Another possibility is to optimise delivery logistics.

Large concerns on the other hand will develop all four fields of action.

Thereby potentials for rationalisation can be used.

What has to be Considered when Setting up a Transportation-/Mobility Concept? (Part 1)

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Mobility Management for Companies

When working on a transportation-/mobility concept the following steps should be followed:

1. ANALYSESDescription of the problem, evaluation of the potentials for the environmental benefit

and transport rationalisation.

2. PLANNINGDescription of the aims, the fields of actions and the prioritised modules; description

of a strategy for solution and the measures planned.

3. IMPLEMENTATIONDescription of the necessary investments; the schedule for financing and

implementing; description of the steps of evaluation.

4. TECHNICAL FACTSHEET (to be completed in addition to the concept)

Description of the environmental benefit, etc.

What has to be Considered when Setting up a Transportation-/Mobility Concept? (Part 2)

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Mobility Management for Companies

Provision of a more attractive infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians

Improvement of public transport infrastructure

Traffic information systems and logistic systems, optimisation of delivery and


CO2- related changeovers of transport systems and vehicle fleets

Promotions of car pools and car sharing, parking space management

Optimisation of work trips (f.i. telematics, company bikes, etc.)

Mobility services and mobility consultation, information campaigns

Explanatory Examples for the Measures to be developed within the Concept:

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New Environment


Mobility Management for Companies

Thank You!
