a kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic...

Biol. Cybern. 75, 361379 (1996) A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors based on multiple allosteric transitions Stuart J. Edelstein 1,2 , Olivier Schaad 1 , Eric Henry 3 , Daniel Bertrand 4 , Jean-Pierre Changeux 2 1 De´partement de Biochimie, Universite´ de Gene`ve, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland 2 Neurobiologie Mole´culaire, Institut Pasteur, F-75734 Paris Cedex 15, France 3 Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA 4 De´partment de Physiologie, Universite´ de Gene`ve, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Received: 22 November 1995/Accepted in revised form: 24 July 1996 Abstract. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are trans- membrane oligomeric proteins that mediate interconver- sions between open and closed channel states under the control of neurotransmitters. Fast in vitro chemical ki- netics and in vivo electrophysiological recordings are consistent with the following multi-step scheme. Upon binding of agonists, receptor molecules in the closed but activatable resting state (the Basal state, B) undergo rapid transitions to states of higher affinities with either open channels (the Active state, A) or closed channels (the initial Inactivatable and fully Desensitized states, I and D). In order to represent the functional properties of such receptors, we have developed a kinetic model that links conformational interconversion rates to agonist binding and extends the general principles of the Monod- Wyman-Changeux model of allosteric transitions. The crucial assumption is that the linkage is controlled by the position of the interconversion transition states on a hy- pothetical linear reaction coordinate. Application of the model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat- ing, including single-channel events, and several new relationships are predicted. Kinetic simulations reveal errors inherent in using the dose-response analysis, but justify its application under defined conditions. The model predicts that (in order to overcome the intrinsic stability of the B state and to produce the appropriate cooperativity) channel activation is driven by an A state with a K $ in the 50 nM range, hence some 140-fold stronger than the apparent affinity of the open state deduced previously. According to the model, recovery from the desensitized states may occur via rapid transit through the A state with minimal channel opening, thus without necessarily undergoing a distinct recovery path- way, as assumed in the standard ‘cyclic’ model. Tran- Correspondence to: S. Edelstein, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland (Tel. ( #41-22) 702-6486, fax: ( #41-22) 702-6476, e-mail: Stuart.Edelstein@biochem.unige.ch) sitions to the desensitized states by low concentration ‘pre-pulses’ are predicted to occur without significant channel opening, but equilibrium values of IC 50 can be obtained only with long pre-pulse times. Predictions are also made concerning allosteric effectors and their pos- sible role in coincidence detection. In terms of future developments, the analysis presented here provides a physical basis for constructing more biologically realis- tic models of synaptic modulation that may be applied to artificial neural networks. 1 Introduction Rapid chemical communications at the synapses of neuromuscular junctions or between neurons occur via the quantal release into the synaptic cleft of neurotrans- mitter molecules in ‘pulses’ of millimolar concentration and millisecond duration (Kuffler and Yoshikami 1975; Clements et al. 1992). The post-synaptic membrane con- tains a high density of ionotropic receptor (ligand-gated channel), present mainly in closed states prior to neuro- transmitter release, but capable of interconverting rap- idly upon binding of neurotransmitter to an open state with a permeable ion channel. However, the open state is transient and closure occurs either by returning to the initial state (following a brief pulse of neurotransmitter, as commonly occurs under physiological conditions) or by converting to desensitized states (when neurotrans- mitters or other modulators are present for longer times). Evidence from studies both in vitro and in vivo indi- cates that even after brief pulses, small, but finite amounts of the receptor population remain in desensitiz- ed states (Magleby and Pallotta 1981; Colquhoun et al. 1992; Hestrin 1993), thereby constituting a short-term remembrance of the transient opening. Desensitization can also be achieved by low concentrations (less than micromolar) of neurotransmitters (Katz and Thesleff 1957; Trussell and Fischbach 1989; Colquhoun et al.

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Page 1: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Biol. Cybern. 75, 361—379 (1996)

A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsbased on multiple allosteric transitionsStuart J. Edelstein 1,2, Olivier Schaad 1, Eric Henry 3, Daniel Bertrand 4, Jean-Pierre Changeux 2

1 Departement de Biochimie, Universite de Geneve, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland2 Neurobiologie Moleculaire, Institut Pasteur, F-75734 Paris Cedex 15, France3Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA4 Department de Physiologie, Universite de Geneve, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Received: 22 November 1995/Accepted in revised form: 24 July 1996

Abstract. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are trans-membrane oligomeric proteins that mediate interconver-sions between open and closed channel states under thecontrol of neurotransmitters. Fast in vitro chemical ki-netics and in vivo electrophysiological recordings areconsistent with the following multi-step scheme. Uponbinding of agonists, receptor molecules in the closed butactivatable resting state (the Basal state, B) undergorapid transitions to states of higher affinities with eitheropen channels (the Active state, A) or closed channels (theinitial Inactivatable and fully Desensitized states, I andD). In order to represent the functional properties of suchreceptors, we have developed a kinetic model that linksconformational interconversion rates to agonist bindingand extends the general principles of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model of allosteric transitions. Thecrucial assumption is that the linkage is controlled by theposition of the interconversion transition states on a hy-pothetical linear reaction coordinate. Application of themodel to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor(nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing, including single-channel events, and several newrelationships are predicted. Kinetic simulations revealerrors inherent in using the dose-response analysis, butjustify its application under defined conditions. Themodel predicts that (in order to overcome the intrinsicstability of the B state and to produce the appropriatecooperativity) channel activation is driven by an A statewith a K

$in the 50 nM range, hence some 140-fold

stronger than the apparent affinity of the open statededuced previously. According to the model, recoveryfrom the desensitized states may occur via rapid transitthrough the A state with minimal channel opening, thuswithout necessarily undergoing a distinct recovery path-way, as assumed in the standard ‘cyclic’ model. Tran-

Correspondence to: S. Edelstein, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211Geneva 4, Switzerland (Tel. (#41-22) 702-6486, fax: (#41-22) 702-6476,e-mail: [email protected])

sitions to the desensitized states by low concentration‘pre-pulses’ are predicted to occur without significantchannel opening, but equilibrium values of IC

50can be

obtained only with long pre-pulse times. Predictions arealso made concerning allosteric effectors and their pos-sible role in coincidence detection. In terms of futuredevelopments, the analysis presented here providesa physical basis for constructing more biologically realis-tic models of synaptic modulation that may be applied toartificial neural networks.

1 Introduction

Rapid chemical communications at the synapses ofneuromuscular junctions or between neurons occur viathe quantal release into the synaptic cleft of neurotrans-mitter molecules in ‘pulses’ of millimolar concentrationand millisecond duration (Kuffler and Yoshikami 1975;Clements et al. 1992). The post-synaptic membrane con-tains a high density of ionotropic receptor (ligand-gatedchannel), present mainly in closed states prior to neuro-transmitter release, but capable of interconverting rap-idly upon binding of neurotransmitter to an open statewith a permeable ion channel. However, the open state istransient and closure occurs either by returning to theinitial state (following a brief pulse of neurotransmitter,as commonly occurs under physiological conditions) orby converting to desensitized states (when neurotrans-mitters or other modulators are present for longer times).

Evidence from studies both in vitro and in vivo indi-cates that even after brief pulses, small, but finiteamounts of the receptor population remain in desensitiz-ed states (Magleby and Pallotta 1981; Colquhoun et al.1992; Hestrin 1993), thereby constituting a short-termremembrance of the transient opening. Desensitizationcan also be achieved by low concentrations (less thanmicromolar) of neurotransmitters (Katz and Thesleff1957; Trussell and Fischbach 1989; Colquhoun et al.

Page 2: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

1992; Hestrin 1993; Franke et al. 1993) in the range ofambient extracellular concentrations (Katz and Miledi1977; Kanai et al. 1993), suggesting that partial desensi-tization may be a common factor in modulating synapticefficacy, with implications for short-term memory(Changeux and Heidmann 1987), the mechanisms ofmodulator actions (Lena and Changeux 1993; Galzi andChangeux 1994), and possible influences of volume trans-mission (Fuxe and Agnati 1991).

Although considerable information is now availablefor several classes of ionotropic receptors for other neu-rotransmitters (Galzi and Changeux 1994), the studiesare most advanced for the acetylcholine receptor (AChR),at the level of both structure and function. The formerinclude extensive mapping of ligand binding and ionchannel sites (review by Changeux et al. 1992), as well asinformation on the three-dimensional structure at 0.9 nmresolution (Unwin 1993). The latter comprise a largebody of dose-response analyses that reveal the co-operative nature of the agonist-receptor interactions(Katz and Thesleff 1957), as well as single-channelmeasurements that provide kinetic rate constants forseveral steps in ligand-gating (see Sakmann et al., 1980;review by Lingle et al. 1992). Additional insights areprovided by mutant forms of the neuronal AChR recep-tors, such as the a7 mutant L247T with high-affinity,non-desensitizing currents, and unconventional pharma-cology (Revah et al. 1991; Bertrand et al. 1992).

Concerning cooperative ligand binding, in the case ofoligomeric proteins the Monod-Wyman-Changeux the-ory (Monod et al. 1965) posits that cooperative bindingresults from the differential stabilization of discrete sym-metric states from pre-existing conformational equilibria.This theory has had a powerful effect on the understand-ing of cooperative interactions for haemoglobin andallosteric enzymes (Edelstein 1975; Shulman et al. 1975;Perutz 1989). The allosteric approach has been extendedin general terms to membrane receptors for neurotrans-mitters (Changeux et al. 1967; Karlin 1967; Edelstein1972; Dionne et al. 1978; Heidmann and Changeux 1979;Changeux, 1990; Jackson 1989; Galzi and Changeux1994), and the existence of allosteric transitions is sup-ported by spontaneous channel openings (Jackson 1986),as well as significant levels of desensitized states for¹orpedo receptor in the absence of agonist (Heidmannand Changeux 1979; Boyd and Cohen 1980; Prinz andMaelicke 1992). Although the allosteric theory has beenapplied to certain features of the AChR (review byChangeux 1990), a full interpretation of the kinetic be-haviour of the AChR in terms of allosteric states requiresadditional theoretical developments in order to link therates of interconversion between conformational states tothe extent of ligand binding. Otherwise, as concluded byearlier investigators (Colquhoun and Hawkes 1977), ‘thenumber of rate constants involved is too large for thetheory be applied’. A linear free-energy relationship(Leffler 1953; Szabo 1978; Jencks 1985; Eaton et al. 1991)is presented here that permits characterization of thetransition state for the interconversion between two con-formations in terms of its position on a hypotheticallinear reaction coordinate. The position determines the

effect of ligand binding on the interconversion rates,thereby limiting the degrees of freedom in the assignmentof values to the rate constants.

The theory is applied to several features of the nic-otinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and providesa number of advantages, notably in explaining how chan-nels may remain silent during recovery without invokinga special pathway as in the standard cyclic model (Katzand Thesleff 1957; Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985;Franke et al. 1993). In addition, the explicit analysis ofreceptor activation and desensitization in terms of dis-crete conformational states provides biologically consis-tent elementary mechanisms for developing models ofneural networks. While many models based on formalneurons (McCulloch and Pitts 1943) have been proposed(Amit, 1989; Churchland and Sejnowski, 1992), in onlya limited number of cases have synaptic modulationsbeen related to the regulatory properties of the relevantligand-gated (Heidmann and Changeux 1982; Dehaeneet al. 1987; Changeux and Dehaene 1989; Changeux1993) or voltage-gated (Finkel and Edelman 1985) ionchannels. By extending the allosteric theory to a fullkinetic description of receptor interconversions betweenactivatable, active and closed conformations, molecularmechanisms can now be formulated for both Hebbianplasticity within the context of synaptic triads (review byChangeux 1993) and coincidence detection by allostericeffects that offer a novel paradigm in addition to (or as analternative to) that established on the basis of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor channel properties(see Discussion).

2 Biological premises

The functional model for the nAChR is based on experi-mental evidence from various sources (for reviews seeChangeux 1990; Karlin 1991; Role 1992; Sargent 1993;Galzi and Changeux 1994; Blanton and Cohen 1994).

(1) The nAChR is a transmembrane hetero-pentamer,with a [2a : 1b : 1c/e : 1d] or [2a

i: 3b

j] stoichiometry for

the junctional or neuronal receptors, respectively, organ-ized around a pseudo-rotational axis of symmetryperpendicular to the plane of the membrane which co-incides with the ion channel lined by the M2 transmem-brane segment.(2) Agonist binding sites are present on a subunits, withadjacent non-a subunits contributing to non-equivalencein the affinity for certain ligands, particularly antagonists,but with effective equivalence for agonists generally ob-served (Changeux and Edelstein 1994), apart from tworeports of marked heterogeneity (Jackson 1988; Sine et al.1990).(3) The receptor molecules are present in an equilibriumbetween a number of distinct conformational states (atleast four: B, A, I and D) which differ by their affinity foragonists (and antagonists) and the rates at which theyinterconvert. One of the states (A) occurs with an openchannel, with an intrinsic conductance and mean opentime in single channel recordings.


Page 3: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 1a–f. Mechanistic descriptions of receptorligand interactions. a The parallel drawn by delCastillo & Katz (1957) between enzyme-substra-te interactions and receptor-ligand interactions.In their original formulations, the ligand wasalso abbreviated ‘S’, with reference to acetylcho-line, substrate for the acetylcholine esterase, buthere ‘X’ is used to indicate the ligand bound tothe receptor for consistency with the othermechanisms depicted in this figure. b The cyclicmodel as formulated by Katz and Thesleff(1957). In their original scheme, the ligand wasrepresented by ‘S’ and the two states were in-dicated by ‘A’ and ‘B’, but since these lettershave other meanings in the mechanisms thatfollow, we have replaced them here by ‘X’, ‘B’and ‘D’, respectively. c The recent version of thecyclic scheme of Katz and Thesleff (1957), aspresented by Franke et al. (1993), to incorporatethe presence of two ligand-binding sites on eachreceptor. d All potential interactions among thefour allosteric states detected by Heidmann andChangeux (1980), as indicated by the arrange-ment at the vertices of a tetrahedron. The low-affinity resting state (previously designated ‘R’)is here designated ‘B’ (for Basal) to avoid con-fusion with the high affinity (relaxed) state, ‘R’ inthe original formulation of Monod et al. (1965).e Linear simplification of the interactions of thefour states corresponding to the pathway se-lected to follow the lowest transition state bar-riers. f Complete network of rate constants forconformational interconversions and agonistbinding at two sites on each receptor. Eachcolumn corresponds to a series of ligand bindingevents at two identical sites per receptor, withthe rates specified along the vertical arrows bythe state-specific intrinsic ‘on’ and ‘off ’ con-stants, with statistical factors included. Eachrow corresponds to a series of transitions be-tween states governed by rate constants thatvary with the number of ligand molecules bound(i"0, 1 or 2), with the initial and final states inthe superscript and the number of ligands in thesubscript

(4) Interconversions between conformational statesoccur freely, whether or not agonist is bound, as in-dicated by spontaneous interconversions to A or D in theabsence of ligand.

3 Description of the model

3.1 Interconversion cascade between multipleconformational states

Functional models for nAChR kinetics have been de-veloped in the last decades that followed the progress in

knowledge of the properties of the receptor molecule(Fig. 1). Early descriptions (del Castillo and Katz 1957)recognized the similarity between enzyme-substrate in-teractions and receptor-ligand interactions (Fig. 1a). Thisformulation was further elaborated to account for desen-sitization (Katz and Thesleff 1957), leading to the cyclicreaction scheme (Fig. 1b), with distinct resting and desen-sitized states present in the absence of agonist, anticipat-ing in this respect the allosteric theory. The cyclic reac-tion pattern was subsequently expanded to incorporatethe two agonist binding sites (Fig. 1c), and remains themodel generally employed for analysing kinetic data(Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985; Franke et al. 1993). To


Page 4: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

account for in vitro fast kinetic observations on ligandbinding and ion channel opening with ¹orpedo receptors(Heidmann and Changeux 1980; Neubig and Cohen1980; Changeux, 1990) four conformational states, B, A,I and D, were postulated, with an interconversion patternthat corresponds to the vertices of a tetrahedron(Fig. 1d). According to this scheme, all interaction path-ways are in principle possible, but they could conceivablybe limited by structural or kinetic constraints of thereceptor that render obligatory a certain order of passagebetween states.

A new and simplified form of the tetrahedral model ispresented here, based on a predominant kinetic pathway,as indicated in Fig. 1e, that corresponds to the passagebetween states over the lowest transition state barriers.When the secondary pathways (indicated by dottedarrows) can be neglected, the tetrahedral arrangementreduces to the linear cascade BHAHIHD. (The reasonsthat justify such a linear cascade under certain conditionsare presented in the Discussion.) The linear cascadepermits a full description of all ligand-binding andconformation transition rates in a two-dimensional ki-netic network (Fig. 1f ), with ligand (agonist) reactionsrepresented vertically and conformational interconver-sion reactions represented horizontally. The ratios of thevarious ligand binding and interconversion rate con-stants define the equilibrium parameters summarized inFig. 2a for the overlapping reaction cycles associatedwith the ligand binding to the three pairs of states.

3.2 Linkage between ligand binding and the rates ofinterconversion between allosteric states establishedby a transition state positional parameter

Since the affinity for agonist differs between the partnersof each pair of states, as indicated by the affinity ratiosBAc, AIc, and IDc, defined in Fig. 2a, equation set (i), eachstep of ligand binding produces a decrease in the allos-teric equilibrium constants BAL

*, AIL

*, and IDL

*by the

corresponding affinity ratio, as indicated in Fig. 2a,equation set (ii). Changes in the rates of interconversionof the allosteric states must also occur with each step ofligand binding, as indicated by the relationships ofFig. 2a, equation set (iii). Specifically, the stabilization ofthe higher-affinity member of each pair of states resultingfrom the binding of one molecule of agonist is reflectedby a decreasing interconversion rate towards the loweraffinity state and/or an increasing interconversion ratetowards the higher-affinity state. For example, progres-sion from BAL

*~1to BAL

*must correspond to ABk

*/ ABk

*~1(1 and/or BAk



In order to implement a general theory for the linkageof conformational interconversion rates and ligand bind-ing, we assume that the transition state for each intercon-version will be stabilized by ligands. The extent of thisstabilization is assumed to be intermediate with respectto the effects of the ligands on each on the two participat-ing allosteric states and weighted toward the propertiesof the allosteric state that the transition state more close-ly resembles. This assumption may be expressed quantit-atively in terms of the position of the transition state on

a hypothetical reaction coordinate. In this case, for eachpair of states a positional parameter is defined (BAp, AIp,or IDp), as presented in Fig. 2b, that characterizes thetransition state on a linear scale between 0 and 1 in termsof its proximity to the lower affinity state of the pair.Each positional parameter, in the exponent, determinesthe contributions of interconversion rate changes to thecorresponding affinity ratio, as defined in Fig 2b, equa-tion sets (iv) and (v).

The transition state positional parameter thus pre-dicts a systematic variation in the interconversion rateswith ligand binding. For example, with a value ofBAc"0.001, BAL

*decreases by 103 for each ligand bound

and this change must be reflected by a correspondingincrease in the BPA rates, a corresponding decrease inthe APB rates, or (as is more likely) a combination ofthe two. The transition state positional parameter per-mits a weighting of the changes in the APB and BPArates. For a positional parameter of BAp"0.5, eachligand binding step would increase the BPA rate anddecrease the APB rate by JBAc, whereas lower valuesimply greater changes in the BPA rates than in theAPB rates (Table 1).

The linkage defined in Fig. 2b corresponds to a linearfree energy relationship concerning the proximity of thetransition state to the product and reactant states, suchthat the logarithm of the rate constants exhibits a lineardependence on the equilibrium constants (Leffler 1953;Fersht et al. 1986). Such a linear relationship satisfactor-ily represents the kinetics of the interconversions betweenallosteric states for haemoglobin (Sawicki and Gibson1976; Szabo 1978; Eaton et al. 1991) over a wide range ofrates. Use of the free energy relationships reduced thenumber of parameters necessary to define the intercon-version rate constants by a factor of 2 (with two agonistbinding sites), increasing to a factor of 4 in the case of fiveagonist binding sites.

3.3 Pathway selection for changes of state aredetermined by energy barriers for interconversionswithin the allosteric cascade

The various relationships linking ligand binding, allo-steric equilibria, and transition state barriers define a freeenergy profile, as presented in Fig. 3. The profile corres-ponds to values of the parameters of the model derivedmainly from mouse muscle with rapid agonist applica-tion (Franke et al. 1993), as summarized in Table 1. Thevertical ladders for each state and the interveningtransition states correspond to the change in free energyfor each molecule of agonist bound. Hence the step sizesfor the B, A, I and D states increase with affinity accord-ing to the series of dissociation constants BK




$. The vertical alignment of the ladder for each

state is set by the values assigned to the relative concen-trations of B

0, A

0, I

0, and D

0. The transition state

heights are determined by the positional parameters(Fig. 2b). The progression of doubly-liganded statesB2PA



2represents the allosteric cascade for

the conformational changes elicited by application of


Page 5: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 2a, b. Linkage relationships involving ligand binding, rates of in-terconversion between allosteric states, and transition state properties.a Equilibrium parameters specified by the rate constants and thechanges produced by binding the i-th molecule of ligand. Three over-lapping reaction cycles are presented for the B—A, A—I, and I—D pairs ofstates upon addition of the i-th ligand. For each pair of states, theallosteric equilibrium constants (BAL

*, AIL

*, and IDL

*) are defined as the

ratio of the concentrations of the lower and higher affinity partners ateach stage of ligand binding (indicated by i"0, 1 or 2), e.g. BAL



1]. The values of these constants at each i are specified by the

ratio of the corresponding transition rate constants (as defined inFig. 1f ), e.g. BAL



1. Changes in allosteric constants from

one row to the next are controlled for each pair of states by theligand-affinity ratios (BAc, AIc, or IDc), as specified by equation set (i), e.g.BAc"AK


$, where the intrinsic ligand binding equilibrium con-

stants are defined by the ratio of the off and on rates, e.g.BK



0/(see Fig. 1f ). These values fix the change in the corres-

ponding allosteric equilibrium with each ligand binding event accord-ing to equation set (ii), e.g. BAc"BAL


0. Since the allosteric equilib-

rium constants can be replaced by the ratio of the correspondinginterconversion rate constants, e.g. BAL







), the affinity ratios can also be expressed in terms ofratios of the interconversion rate constants, as presented (after rearrange-ment) in the equation set (iii). b Transition state positions and linkage tointerconversion rates. For each pair of states, a hypothetical linearreaction coordinate from 0 to 1 is established such that each transitionstate may be characterized by its proximity to the parent state withlower affinity, as specified by the transition state positional parametersBAp, AIp, and IDp, with values in the diagrams of the three pairs of statesas assigned in Table 1. The overall dependence of the interconversionrates on ligand binding is indicated for each pair of states by theequation sets (iv) and (v), expressing the effects of the transition statepositional parameters on the rates towards the lower-affinity state (iv)or towards the higher- affinity state (v). Hence, for each pair of states,the product of (iv) and (v) equals (iii). It should be emphasized that thetransition state positional parameters describe the relative stabilizationby ligand, but not the absolute heights on a free energy scale, the latterbeing determined by specific kinetic features (see Fig. 3)


Page 6: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 3. Free energy diagram for the four-state allosteric model, includ-ing all liganded and unliganded allosteric states, as well as their respect-ive transition states. The B, A, I, and D states are each represented bya free energy ladder with step size for each ladder determined byDG"!R¹ ln XK

$, where XK

$is the intrinsic ligand dissociation

constant (BK$, AK

$, IK

$, or DK

$). The vertical position of each ladder is

set by DG"0 for B0

and for the successive states by DG"!R¹ lnXYL

0, where XYL

0is the allosteric constant (BAL

0, AIL

0, or IDL

0). The

transition states are placed according to the free energy of activationDGt, derived from transition state theory as expressed by the equation:k"i (k

B¹/h)e!DGt/R¹, where i is the transmission constant (which can

be assumed to equal 1.0 if there are no barrier recrossings), kB

isBoltzman’s constant, h is Planck’s constant, R is the gas constant, and¹ is the absolute temperature (Steinfeld et al. 1989). For the intercon-versions between states, the rates for the doubly-liganded forms arespecified on the basis of the experimental data, as summarized in Table1. The changes in the rates for the unliganded and singly-liganded formsare determined by the transition state positional parameters, as definedin Fig. 2b. For example, with BAp"0.2, it can be seen that the verticalspacing of the transition states for the B


*interconversions at

different degrees of ligand binding more closely resemble the spacingbetween the A

*forms than the spacing between the B


a strong and prolonged pulse of agonist, with the time ofpassage through A

2corresponding to the average open

time in single-channel measurements. Following termi-nation of the pulse, agonist dissociation drives the systemto the unliganded states and the initial distribution isre-established relatively rapidly, particularly fromI2

along the pathway I2PI




0. In this

case, passage through A0

is extremely rapid, as describedin Sect. 5 (see Fig. 4b), since the barrier from I

0is much

higher than the barrier to B0, thereby providing an ex-

planation of recovery with minimal channel openingwithout requiring a distinct cycle as in the standard

models (Katz and Thesleff 1957; Colquhoun andSakmann 1985; Franke et al. 1993).

4 Formalization of the model

4.1 Equilibrium processes

The standard allosteric equations (Monod et al. 1965;Rubin and Changeux 1966) may be expanded to includeall four states for (Y1

4), a global ligand-binding function,

and (D1 ), the fractional occupancy of the D state, asdescribed in the Appendix (A1 and A2). For the simula-tion of response curves as a function of ligand concentra-tion and their relation to ligand binding, the BHAtransitions are of primary interest and for these twostates, the relevant functions are fractional ligand binding(Y1

BA) and normalized fractional occupancy of the A state


), as defined by (A3) and (A6), respectively. Theoccupancy function is normalized in order to expand itsvalues to the range 0—1. The cooperative behaviour of thesystem is defined independently for the binding andchange of state functions in terms of distinct Hill coeffi-cients, n

H,Yand n

H,A(A7 and A8). For simulations of the

desensitization arising from preincubation of receptor atconcentrations of ligand too low to trigger significantchannel opening (see Fig. 9 below), the equation describ-ing the normalized occupancy of the D state, D1


is employed.

4.2 Transient processes

The model has been implemented to study the time-dependent properties for both ‘molecular events’ (asobserved for the stochastic properties of an individualreceptor in single channel measurements) and the‘macroscopic’ data (as observed for the composite aver-age of a population of molecules). In principle, the twoapproaches converge when sufficient numbers of molecu-lar events are available to establish mean values that canbe related to apparent macroscopic rate constants (Mag-leby and Stevens 1972; Sakmann et al. 1980; Frenkel,1993). Therefore, we have developed programs to simu-late both the molecular and macroscopic processes. Forsingle-channel simulations, the matrix of kinetic con-stants is converted to transition probabilities per unittime in a stochastic algorithm which involves direct cal-culation of lifetimes of each event (Steinfeld et al. 1989).This latter approach (with details of the method present-ed in the legend to Fig. 5) reduces calculation times byseveral orders of magnitude compared with methods thatuse a fixed Dt interval (Cox and Miller 1965; Wilson andBrown 1985; Bertrand et al. 1989). The kinetic simula-tions of populations of molecules are performed by as-signing values for the basic parameter set, formulatingthe appropriate differential equations in matrix repres-entation, and solving the system at a selected concentra-tion of agonist by making use of the Livermore solver(LSODA) for ordinary differential equations with auto-matic method switching for stiff and non-stiff problems(Petzold 1983). A comparison of the results obtained with


Page 7: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Table 1. Parameter values for the four-state allosteric kinetic mechanism

A. State parameters : B state A state I state D state

Independent parametersLigand on rates (M~1 s~1): Bk

0/"1.5]108 Ak

0/"1.5]108 Ik

0/"1.5]108 Dk


Ligand off rates (s~1): Bk0&&"8000 Ak

0&&"8.64 Ik

0&&"4.0 Dk


Deduced parametersEquilibrium constants (M): BK

$"5.3]10~5 AK

$"5.7]10~8 IK

$"2.7]10~8 DK


Affinity ratios: BAc"1.08]10~3 AIc"0.46 IDc"1.0

B. Interconversion parameters : B% A A% I I% D

Independent parametersTS positional parameter: BAp"0.2 AIp"0.99 IDp"0.99Interconversion rates (s~1): BAk

2"3.0]104 AIk

2"20.0 IDk


ABk2"7.0]102 IAk

2"0.81 DIk


Deduced parametersInterconversion rates (s~1): BAk

0"0.54 AIk

0"19.7 IDk


ABk0"1.08]104 IAk

0"3.74 DIk


BAk1"1.3]102 AIk

1"19.85 IDk


ABk1"2.74]103 IAk

1"1.74 DIk


Allosteric constants: BAL0"2]104 AIL

0"0.19 IDL


BAL1"21.6 AIL

1"8.7]10~2 IDL


BAL2"2.3]10~2 AIL

2"4.0]10~2 IDL


For the 14 independent rate constants (four on and four off rates for ligand, three forward and three back allosteric transition rates forthe doubly-liganded forms, and three transition state positional parameters) necessary to define the B


*, A


*, and I



transitions with two equivalent agonist binding sites per molecule, parameter values were deduced for the acetylcholine receptor on thebasis of results with rapid agonist application techniques using outside-out patches containing embryonic-like nicotinic acetylcholinereceptor from mouse muscle (Franke et al. 1993) and earlier single-channel measurement (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985). Althoughindependent parameters are presented here exclusively in terms of rate constants, it should be noted that in many cases equilibriumrelations may be used to ascertain values, as reflected for example in the linkage relationships concerning off rates:Ak




0/; Ik




0/; and Dk




0/. Following Franke et al. (1993), on rates are set near

the diffusion limit at 1.5]108 s~1, with the value of Bk0&&

set at 8000 s~1 (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985). The ratio establishes BK$and

a lower limit of BAc is set by the cooperativity of dose-responses to about 0.001, thereby defining AK$

and (with the assumption thatAk

0/remains near the diffusion limit) Ak

0&&. The values of ABk

2and BAk

2are set by the parameters a and b, respectively, from

single-channel measurements (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985) and define BAL2, with BAL

1and BAL

0increasing for each step of ligand

removal by 1/BAc. The affinity of the I state can be estimated from the data of Franke et al. (1993, presented in their figure 13).Termination of channel opening results in a reduction of channel current to about 4% of the maximum value, with a time coursecorresponding to a value of AIk

2"20 s~1. This reduction indicates a value of AIL

2"0.04. Recovery following a 200 ms pulse of 0.1 mM

acetylcholine occurs with a characteristic rate of &4 s~1 (Franke et al. 1993), thereby defining the rate-limiting step on the recoverypathway, I





0. Since the dissociation of agonist from the I state cannot be slower than the overall recovery rate, an

upper limit of Ik0&&"4 s~1 may be assigned. Assuming that Ik

0/is also near the diffusion limit, a value of IK

$"2.7]10~8 M is predicted.

A value of D0&1% was used, in order to correspond to the kinetic measurements (Franke et al. 1993) in which the IHD transition was

characterized experimentally on the basis of the slow diminution of steady-state current levels (from 4% to 0.1%) when agonist is appliedfor many minutes. This additional slow desensitization fixes an upper limit of IDL



2"0.025 and IDk

2"0.05 s~1 was set to

give a minimum estimate for the slow time course in the absence of more extensive data. Since no information is provided in these dataon D-state affinity, it is set to the same value as the I state, resulting in DIk

2"0.0012 s~1. Concerning the transition state positional

parameter for the A*HI

*interconversions, data for the rate of recovery following a desensitizing pulse (Franke et al. 1993) require a value

of AIp close to 1.0 in order to achieve a value of IAk0sufficiently high so as not to limit recovery from desensitization to a rate below 4 s~1.

Similarly, a value of IDp close to 1.0 is adopted in order to maximize DIk0, since the consequence of a highly stabilized D state (Figs. 3, 4) is

to predict low DPI rates and hence very long recovery times. Concerning the B*HA

*, interconversions, the observations concerning

brief open forms attributed to singly-liganded molecule (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985) suggest much larger changes in b than in a,corresponding to a value of BAp&0.2. Single-channel simulations for the complete 12-state model were satisfactory with a value ofBAp"0.2 and correspond to a fraction of A

0molecules during recovery (Figs. 4c) of 0.0003. The fraction of A

0falls progressively to

5]10~6 as BAp rises to 0.5. Therefore, future experiments to define the fraction of A0

during recovery and the properties ofsingly-liganded molecules should permit the value BAp to be established more precisely

the macroscopic and molecular approaches is presentedin the following section (see Fig. 7 below). The simulationprograms are incorporated in an extensive computa-tional and graphical environment that runs under UNIX;an equivalent version designated STOIC (Simulations ofTransient Openings in Ionotropic-receptor Channels)within the MATLAB environment, suitable for PC orMAC, is available upon request or via the Internet


5 Properties

The microscopic and macroscopic descriptions are equi-valent, when ensemble averages of stochastic simulations


Page 8: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

for the former are used to generate the latter (Frenkel1993). Moreover, single-channel measurements provideadvantages in terms of the resolution of kinetic processescompared with macroscopic measurements. Therefore,one approach would be to assign the values of all inde-pendent kinetic parameters (Table 1) on the basis of dataat the microscopic level, and proceed to a macroscopicdescription on the basis of ensemble properties and cal-culations of equilibrium constants from kinetic constants(Figs. 1, 2). However, certain critical features of the sys-tem, such as cooperativity in agonist binding, are forpractical reasons more readily established in macro-scopic measurements of the dose-response type. Al-though difficulties can arise from using an equilibrium-based analysis for a kinetic process (see Fig. 8), theobserved cooperativity provides a minimum estimateof the Hill coefficient that serves to constrain the range ofvalues of key equilibrium constants such as BAL

0and BAc.

These constants have repercussions through linkage rela-tionships on many kinetic constants. Hence, in this sec-tion the information that may be extracted from the basicmacroscopic data is considered first, in conjunction withcertain rates (ABk

2, BAk

2, Bk

0&&) obtained using single

channels. Simulations at the single molecule level thenfollow and, finally, the relationship between the micro-scopic and macroscopic is fully evaluated.

5.1 Activation and the affinity of the open state (A)deduced with the allosteric model:comparison with the standard model

The cooperative activation of the receptor involves theB*HA

*transitions and is governed according to the

allosteric formulation by the basic parameters, BAL0

andBAc (Fig. 2a). To achieve the observed levels of co-operativity for agonist binding observed in dose-re-sponse curves, with values of nH,A

&1.8 [see (A8) in theAppendix], the value of BAc must be sufficiently low,&10~3. For example, with a value of BAc"10~2, theaverage value of nH,A

falls below 1.5 for all values of BAL0.

Moreover, if the value of BAL0

were to lie outside theoptimal range for cooperativity of agonist binding at twosites, BAL

0&(BAc)~1, even lower values of BAc would be

required to achieve values of nH,A&1.8. However, if the

value of BAc were too low, unrealistically high affinitiesfor the A, I and D states would be required, given otherlimits described below. Possible anomalies in the esti-mates of cooperativity derived from using the dose-re-sponse analysis (based on an equilibrium model) forchannel activation (a kinetic process) are evaluated inSect. 6.

The value of BAL0

is further restricted by the data forclosing and opening rates (a and b, respectively) observedin single-channel measurements. These constants charac-terize the B


2transitions, with the B


2rate set

by b"BAk2"30 000 s~1 and the A


2rate set by

a"ABk2"700 s~1 (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985).

These values of a and b are in general agreement withthose in other investigations based on single-channelmeasurements (Lingle et al. 1992) or experiments withphotoactivation of agonist (Matsubara et al. 1992). Since

linkage relationships developed in Fig. 2a require thatBAL



2, the ratio of a/b yields a value of

BAL2"0.023. Moreover, since BAL


0(BAc)2, for

a value of BAc&10~3, a minimum value of BAL0&

2]104 is required, which is sufficiently high to reflect thelow degree of spontaneous channel opening in the ab-sence of ligand (Jackson 1986).

To relate the affinity ratio, BAc, to absolute values, it isnecessary to establish the strength of agonist binding.The available evidence indicates a very rapid rate ofagonist binding, with the value of Bk


M~1 s~1 assigned by Franke et al. (1993). Single-channelmeasurements have also established the off rate for theB state at Bk

0&&"8000 s~1 (Colquhoun and Sakmann

1985). Hence the affinity of the B state is fixed by the ratioof the kinetic constants, BK



0/"53 lM. With

the value of BAc"1.08]10~3, the affinity of the A statecorresponds to AK

$"57 nM (Table 1). Assuming that

the rate of agonist binding to the A state is the sameas for binding to the B state (as is likely since the affinityof A is stronger, but the on rate is already near thediffusion limit), Ak

0/"1.5]108 M~1 s~1 and a value

of Ak0&&"8.6 s~1 is required to satisfy the value of

AK$"57 nM.The affinity of the A state deduced in this way differs

considerably from the generally accepted value obtainedaccording to the standard model (Colquhoun andSakmann 1985), which assimilates channel opening to thedoubly-liganded molecules (or in some cases tosingly-liganded molecules) but without indicating theorigin of the energy responsible for channel opening,according to the sequence:








This formulation implies an apparent affinity for theA state reflected by A11K


50, where A11K


$(a/b)1@2"8 lM (for BK$"53 lM, a"700 s~1, and

b"30 000 s~1). In contrast, the allosteric formulationreveals that there is a substantial ‘hidden’ energy for thetight binding to the A state (AK

$"57 nM) that is re-

quired to overcome the intrinsic stability of the closedB state.

5.2 Desensitization and the kinetic pathway selectedfor recovery

Following activation governed by the parameters for theB and A states described above, receptors undergo spon-taneous transitions to the desensitized states, I and D, inthe time range of 0.1—100 s (Changeux 1990). Thetransitions between states may be visualized in thekinetic simulation presented in Fig. 4 with values of theparameters in Table 1. Because the data occur overseveral time regimes, the ligand-gated response (Fig. 4a)and the evolution of the various states (Fig. 4b) arepresented as a function of time on a logarithmic scale.Since the concentration of agonist is high, this simulationfollows the path B






2. At early

times the progression from unliganded to liganded forms


Page 9: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 4a–c. Kinetic simulation presenting activation, progressionthrough the states upon agonist binding, and recovery following agon-ist removal. The states are labelled, with the number of ligand moleculesbound indicated by the line format (0, dotted; 1, dashed; 2, continuous).The ligand concentration is 10~5 M. Values of the parameters utilizedare presented in Table 1. a The appearance of the open state (in the formof a current change, 1![A states]) on a scale of log time (in seconds),with the inset presenting the same data on a linear scale (verticalbar"0.1 fractional amplitude change; horizontal bar"0.5 s). b Thefractional population represented by each of the four states in the timerange 10~8 to 102 s during an agonist pulse, on a logarithmic scalec Recovery begins upon removal of free agonist at the point marked bythe arrow in b, corresponding to an agonist pulse of 20 s

is apparent for B, followed by interconversion of bi-liganded B to biliganded A and I. Transient channelopening corresponds to the appearance and disappear-ance of A. The population of biliganded D increases onlyat longer times via conversion from biliganded I due tothe slow rate of the I



A kinetic simulation of recovery based on the valuesin Table 1 is presented in Fig. 4c, demonstrating thatwith ABk


0, recovery along the pathway: I



0occurs with a passage through the A

0state so rapid

that channel opening is negligible. Following agonistremoval, the I

2state loses agonist molecules and is rap-

idly transformed to B0

in less than 1 s. The D2

state losesagonist molecules to form D

0within 10 s, but requires

long times (103—104 s) to re-equilibrate with B0

to returnto the initial low levels. Such long recovery times could

account for certain slow physiological responses (seeDiscussion). Overall, it is clear from this simulation thatthe four-state model predicts virtually negligible channelopening during the recovery period, but without thenecessity of invoking a distinct cyclic pathway from I (orD) to B without passage through A, as required in thestandard cyclic model (Katz and Thesleff 1957; Col-quhoun and Sakmann 1985; Franke et al. 1993).

5.3 Simulations of single channel eventsand reconstruction of macroscopic processes

A satisfactory kinetic model must be able to representboth single-channel and macroscopic events. The way inwhich the two descriptions of the system may be relatedis presented in this section. The properties of the model inresponse to agonist binding are described initially interms of the single-channel events predicted for a recep-tor molecule with zero, one, or two agonist moleculesbound, as presented in Fig. 5a, b and c, respectively. Inthe time range of the simulations, transitions to theD

*states are highly improbable and hence were not

included in this example, but are restored for completesimulation (see Fig. 6). For unliganded forms channelopening is a rare event, with a few brief openings ob-served in the 2 s simulation (Fig. 5a). When one agonist isbound per molecule of receptor, longer and much morefrequent channel opening is predicted (Fig. 5b). Whentwo agonists are bound the behaviour, as represented inFig. 5c, corresponds to the characteristic bursts of chan-nel opening (Sakmann et al. 1980), with brief closuresduring the bursts indicating returns from A

2to B


long quiescent periods of passage to the desensitized stateI2. Passage from A

2to I

2is less probable than passage to

B2(because AIk


2), but once the I

2state is reached,

the low value of IAk2

results in a relatively long time onaverage until a return to A

2is achieved.

The single-channel simulations involving all four statesat all possible degrees of ligand binding provide a com-plete description of the system, as presented in Fig. 6 fora sampling of the predicted behaviour at several ligandconcentrations. Recordings of the ensemble of thestates permit each channel opening/closing event to beresolved into the underlying transition between confor-mational states. For the series of three agonist concentra-tions presented, there is a clear transition fromoccasional openings at 10~6 M (Fig. 6a), to sustainedbursts with brief closures at 10~4 M (Fig. 6c), with inter-mediate behaviour at 10~5 M (Fig. 6b). At high concen-trations of agonist, the characteristic bursts with briefclosures involve transitions mainly from A

2to B

2, but

occasionally to B1

and B0

as well (Fig. 6c). In longersimulations (data not shown), at 10~3 M, sustained pas-sage occurs through the D states (exclusively D

2and D


While the stochastic properties represented by indi-vidual single-channel simulations (Fig. 6a—c) are coher-ent with respect to the formulations of the model and thegeneral properties of the system, a rigorous test involvesthe demonstration that the average properties of a largenumber of individual single-molecular channel simula-tions agree with the overall (macroscopic) properties


Page 10: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 5a–c. Single-channel simulations for unliganded and mono- andbiliganded receptors. The three panels describe the transitions for singlemolecules between the states (with opening indicated by a downwarddisplacement of the simulated trace), as a function of time (in seconds).a B



0. b B



1. c B



2. The simulations were

performed with standard matrices with the parameters of Table 1 onthe basis of the following principles. For the stochastic evolution ofa single receptor channel, the method of Gillespie was employed (Stein-feld et al. 1989; Korn and Horn 1991). For example, as applied to thetransitions of the doubly-liganded forms (c), the system is characterizedby the four kinetic constants defined by the reactions:










The Gillespie algorithm is based on a reaction probability densityfunction, P(q, i), where P(q, i ) dq is the probability at time t that anR

itransition between states will occur in the differential time interval

(t#q, t#q#dq). The probability P(q, i) can be expressed as theproduct of the probability of a reaction occurring in time interval dqand the probability of that reaction being an R

itransition between

states: P(q, i )"P(q) · P(i). The function P(q) is known as an exponentialrandom variable with parameter a, such that q"(1/a) ln (1/r

1), where

a is calculated by summing all the rates for leaving the current state, i.e.ABk


2for the A

2state, and r

1is a uniform random number

between 0 and 1 (Press et al. 1986). The function P(i), based on a seconduniform random number between 0 and 1, r

2, is used to choose the

direction of the next transition, in conjunction with a T matrix:

T"C0 ABk



2) 0


20 IAk


20 AIk



2) 0 D

The T matrix is used for dividing the interval between 0 and 1 intoregions proportional to the probability of the reaction direction. In thecase of the receptor in the A

2state, the second column of the T matrix,

[0.99886, 0, 0.00114]T, defines two regions, [0, 0.99886] and [0.99886,1], that determine whether the next transition is to B

2or I

2. For

example for r2"0.99997, the transition is to I

2, whereas for

r2"0.69410, the transition is to B

2. Using a similar approach, the

transition probabilities were calculated for the non-liganded and mono-liganded forms. In addition, by extending the analysis to all 12 states (B,A, I, and D, with 0, 1, or 2 agonists bound), the full time-dependenceand ligand-dependence were computed, as presented in Fig. 6. Therates of the transitions were deduced on the basis of the published datafor the biliganded forms and the estimates of the transition statepositional parameters (Fig. 2b) to obtain the values of the other forms,as described in the legend to Fig. 6

Fig. 6a–c. Predicted behaviour of single channels as a function ofligand concentration and the relation to macroscopic properties. Thesimulations described separately in Fig. 5 for each degree of ligandbinding were expanded to all 12 states (B

*, A

*, I

*, and D

*, for i"0, 1,

and 2) and a defined concentration of agonist: a 10~6 M; b 10~5 M;c 10~4 M. For each panel the simulation of channel opening/closingevents during 0.5 s are at the top (with opening indicated by a down-ward displacement of the simulated trace). The nature of the event interms of the transitions among the nine states involved (no transitionsto D states were observed for the conditions presented) are depictedbelow each event. Passages through A

0, A

1, or A

2are defined as the

open state of the channel. Values of the parameters from Table 1 wereused. Other details are as described in the legend to Fig. 5

observed with the standard kinetic analysis (Fig. 4). Testsalong these lines were constructed by summing the prop-erties observed in simulations with 8, 16, 32 or 64 inde-pendent receptors. As the number of receptors is in-creased, the signal/noise ratio of the ensemble increases.


Page 11: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 7. The comparison of the composite of 64 single-channel simula-tions at an agonist concentration of 10~5 M and the macroscopicproperties of a standard kinetic simulation, as presented in Fig. 4 fora the channel opening curve (1![A states]) and b the fractionalpopulations versus log time (in seconds). The average data for the 64channels are presented with the thicker lines for the states as in Fig. 4,with the exception that the D state is not presented

With 64 receptors, although the noise level is still signifi-cant, the composite properties closely resemble thoseobtained in the complete kinetic simulation correspond-ing to an unlimited number of receptors. The agreementcan be observed for the simulated dose-response curve inFig. 7a and the amplitudes of the individual states inFig. 7b.

6 Applications

6.1 Kinetic simulations of dose-response curvesto test EC


The dose-response analysis has been widely used forcharacterization of the cooperativity and affinity (EC


of ligand-gated channels, but it is important to ascertainunder what conditions such an equilibrium-based analy-sis is appropriate for a transient phenomenon. Therefore,simulations were performed with the complete four-statemodel to test this issue. Although the rate constant foragonist binding is very fast, approaching the diffusionlimit, at the relevant agonist concentrations for activa-tion, 10~6 to 10~3 M, the effective times of activation arelimited by the arrival of agonist to the range 0.01—10 ms.These times are close to the speed of the initial phase of

Fig. 8a–c. Dose-response simulations. a Kinetic simulations for in-creasing concentrations of agonist in the concentration range 10~6 to10~3 M, with the value of AIk

2"20 s~1deduced for the acetylcholine

receptor (Table 1). Simulations for each concentration (in increments of100.2"1.58 times the previous concentration) are presented as1!A1

/03.versus log time (in seconds) and the minimum of each curve,

corresponding to the maximal channel opening at that concentration, ismarked by a filled circle. b Kinetic simulation as in a, but with a testvalue of AIk

2"200 s~1 and with the maximal channel opening at each

concentration marked by a filled square. c Dose-response curves for thesimulation in a and b. The predicted curve derived from the theoreticalequilibrium (A6) with the parameters of Table 1 is presented as thecontinuous dotted line; the individual points for maximal channel open-ing at each concentration from a and b are transferred to give thecorresponding filled circles and filled squares, respectively

desensitization, with the A2PI

2transition characterized

by the rate constant AIk2"20 s~1 (Table 1), resulting in

systematic errors in the apparent values of the Hill co-efficient, nH, and EC

50, as described in Fig. 8. The errors

are relatively minor for the value of AIk2"20 s~1


Page 12: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

(Fig. 8a, c), but by comparing the full dose-responsecurve at higher and lower values of AIk

2, it is clear that

distortions are inherent in the dose-response analysis.For example, the apparent values of the Hill coefficientand affinity at AIk

2"20 s~1, nH"1.6 and EC


10 lM, differ only slightly from the values observed witha desensitization sufficiently low (AIk

2"2 s~1) to avoid

any distortions: nH"1.7 and EC50"9 lM. Hence, for

both the nH and EC50

values, the constellation of rateconstants for the AChR (Table 1) is such that errors arelimited to &10% (Fig. 8c). However, were the AIk


10-fold faster (AIk2"200 s~1), the relevant values would

be nH"1.3 and EC50

"20 lM (Fig. 8b, c), with majordiscrepancies between the apparent and true (desensitiz-ation-free) properties. If the desensitization rate werefurther accelerated to AIk

2"2000 s~1, the apparent

values would be distorted to nH"1.24 and EC50"

50 lM (data not shown).

6.2 Kinetic simulations of desensitization withlow-concentration pre-pulses to test IC


An important feature of ligand-gated channels is thedesensitization by low concentrations of agonist that areinsufficient to provoke significant channel opening butreveal desensitization when followed by a stronger pulse(Katz and Thesleff 1957; see also Rang and Ritter 1970).By studying a range of pre-pulse concentrations andplotting the fraction of residual activity observed with thestrong pulse, desensitization curves are obtained with themid-point defining an apparent inactivation constant,IC

50. Typically, the pre-pulse is applied for a duration of

&10 s (Franke et al. 1993). If equilibrium conditionsprevailed, the IC

50value obtained would be related to

the dissociation constant for the high-affinity sites of thedesensitized state (Heidmann and Changeux 1978).Therefore, to test whether the equilibrium assumption isreasonable for such an analysis, simulations were per-formed at very low concentrations of ligand. As present-ed in Fig. 9, kinetic simulations reveal that for a lowconcentration such as 0.4 lM, progression through theB-A-I-D states is relatively slow and for a 10-s pre-pulsesome I state appears, but only a small fraction of theD state that would be produced by a pulse sufficientlylong (&1000 s) to reach the final equilibrium value. Theinitial events are more readily visualized on a logarithmicscale (Fig. 9a), with the slower events depicted on a linearscale (Fig. 9b). When a series of simulations at differentconcentrations are performed, the degree of desensitiz-ation after 10 s can be measured and compared with theequilibrium value of desensitization. In this way a hypo-thetical curve for the determination of IC

50is produced

for the equilibrium properties and compared with thesimulated values with 10-s pre-pulses. These data, pre-sented in Fig. 9c, show the systematic divergence of thetwo curves. The points obtained from the simulations for10-s pre-pulses are considerably to the right of the equi-librium curve, and would imply an apparent affinity forthe D state using IC

50values that is significantly weaker

than the true equilibrium value.

Fig. 9a–c. Simulations of pre-pulse desensitization with low concentra-tions of agonist. Simulation of the populations of states for an agonistconcentration of 4]10~7 M, with data presented as a function of logtime (a) or time in seconds (b); with the states as labeled. c Inhibition-response curve to obtain apparent IC

50values. Solid line predicted by

the allosteric theory (equation A11) with an IC50

values of2.66]10~7 M; points from a series of simulations as in (a) for thefraction of activatable receptors remaining after a 10 s prepulse atdifferent concentrations of ACh. The dashed curve through the pointscorresponds to an apparent IC

50value of 1.2]10~6 M

6.3 Modulations by allosteric effectorsand coincidence detection

Various modifications of the functional properties of theAChR are produced by non-covalent interactions withpharmacological agents and other modulators (Lena andChangeux 1993), and covalently by phosphorylation(Huganir and Greengard 1990; Levitan 1994). In general,when differences in current are observed in the presenceand absence of a potential allosteric effector, it has notbeen determined whether affinity changes and/or specificconductance changes are responsible for the differences.In this respect the study by Mulle et al. (1992) is ofparticular interest, since potentiation by calcium wasobserved to coincide with an increase (approximately3-fold) in the frequency of channel opening. A model of


Page 13: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

Fig. 10a–c. Data and theoretical curves for the potentiation of ratmedial habenular neurons by external calcium. a Dose-response curvesfor the effect of acetylcholine and currents in the presence of 4 mMcalcium (solid squares) and in the absence of added calcium (solidcircles) from the report by Mulle et al. (1992). The dashed lines areobtained with the four-state allosteric model using the parameters ofTable 1, with the exception of the values of BAL

0"5.25]105 for the

curve on the left corresponding to the presence of 4 mM calcium andBAL

0"1.25]106 for the curve on the right corresponding to no added

calcium. b Hill plots for the central portions of the data in a, with theshort bars terminating with open squares or open circles correspondingto the slopes of the Hill equation of n

H"1.4 and n

H"1.1, respectively.

(c) Illustration of coincidence detection. For kinetic simulations (time inseconds) with an agonist concentration of 2]10~4 M, only the re-sponse on the left with BAL

0"5.25]105 (corresponding to 4 mM

calcium) and not the response on the right with BAL0"1.25]106

corresponding to no calcium, reaches a hypothetical threshold forneuronal firing (dashed line)

these data presented in Fig. 10 indicates that the potenti-ation by calcium can be represented simply in terms ofa 2.3-fold reduction in the allosteric constant, BAL

0, with

all other parameters remaining unchanged from thevalues in Table 1. The lower value of BAL

0is sufficient to

account for the shift of the curve to the left, the aug-mented maximal response (Fig. 10a), and the increasedcooperativity (Fig. 10b). The effect of calcium is thusa true allosteric modulation, since the change in fre-

quency of opening indicates an altered BAk2

that corres-ponds closely to the change estimated for BAL

0, since




Allosteric effects of the type observed for potentiationby calcium have a number of implications for regulationof activity in the nervous system. At synapses, allostericmodulators could provide coincidence detection(Changeux and Heidmann 1987). Such an effect foracetylcholine (ACh) and calcium may be visualized inFig. 10c, assuming a constant threshold that is attainedonly in the presence of both ACh and calcium (on theleft), but not with ACh alone (on the right). Since calciummay enter neurons via the open ligand-gated cationchannel of various neuronal AChR or voltage-gatedchannels, regulatory effects may also be produced relatedto intracellular accumulation (such as phosphorylation)or extracellular depletion (such as habituation resultingfrom repeated stimulation by ACh). In addition to its rolein regulating synaptic efficiency, diminished extracellularcalcium concentrations could also participate in retro-grade signalling.

Similar effects involving a right-shifted dose-responsecurve with a diminished maximal response amplitude areobserved for modulators such as steroids (Valera et al.1992). Allosteric effects may also involve modulation ofdesensitized states, as for example is observed with sub-stance P (Valenta et al. 1993) or following phosphoryla-tion with cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Huganir et al.1986). Overall, any substance that alters the pre-existingequilibria between states can exert an effect on synapticefficiency (Changeux 1990).

7 Discussion

The allosteric model with pre-existing equilibria betweena minimum of four conformation states, B, A, I and D,satisfactorily accounts for the kinetic properties of theAChR in vivo and in vitro. Application of the model tosingle-channel events by conversion of kinetic constantsinto probabilities of microscopic events clarifies the ef-fects of ligand binding on the patterns of interconversionsbetween the various states, particularly the nature of thebursts typical of single channels at moderately high con-centrations of agonist (Fig. 6). The formulation of themodel in terms of single-channel events also opens thepossibility for simulations at the level of a synapse, witha finite number (approximately 103) of receptors. Whilemany issues remain to be clarified in order to modela synapse more accurately, particularly with respect toquantal analysis (Bekkers 1994), simulations with a fullyfunctional model of the type presented here could pro-vide new insights, since previous efforts have not in-cluded desensitization (Bartol et al. 1991; Faber et al.1992). With respect to artificial neural networks, an un-derstanding of these aspects should lead to more realisticmodelling. While synaptogenesis has also been con-sidered and incorporated in some models (Foldiak 1990;Adelsberger-Mangan and Levy 1994), detailed schemabased on experimental observation have been proposedmainly for the neuromuscular junctions (Gouze et al.


Page 14: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,

1983). Other important features for the development ofmore biologically realistic modelling concern delays andoscillatory behaviour (Herz et al. 1989; Kerszberg andZippelius 1990; Buonomano and Merzenich 1995; Hop-field 1995; Kerszberg and Masson 1995; Hangartner andCull 1996), but these aspects have not as yet been broughtto the molecular level with respect to ligand-gated ionchannels and metabotropic receptors. In contrast, for thebasic concept of synaptic plasticity (Hebb, 1949), as ap-plied in numerous models (Bienenstock et al. 1982; Amit,1989; Churchland and Sejnowski 1992; Edelman et al.1992; Montague and Sejnowski 1994), plausible mecha-nisms based on allosteric regulation of ligand-gatedchannels have been formulated, particularly in relation tosynaptic triads (Heidmann and Changeux 1982; Dehaeneet al. 1987; Changeux and Dehaene 1989; Changeux1993). In this approach, signals produced by a synapticterminal C acting on neuron B are assumed to regulatethe efficacy of the post-synaptic synapse of APB with anallosteric switch of postsynaptic receptors from neuronB. Applications of the model have proved to be fruitful inthe formalization of neural networks able to performa number of complex tasks, such as the Wisconsin cardsorting test (Dehaene and Changeux 1991). The regula-tory effects could intervene to stabilize one of theallosteric conformations and as a consequence alter thecorresponding rates of interconversion. Another featureof neural networks that has received considerable atten-tion is the issue of coincidence detection (Montague andSejnowski 1994). While the NMDA receptor is generallyconsidered the main ligand-gated receptor responsiblefor coincidence detection on the basis of its voltage de-pendent Mg2` channel block (Wigstrom and Gustafsson1985), we have suggested that allosteric effectors operat-ing at sites distinct from the channel can also producecoincidence detection (Fig. 10).

With respect to other features of ligand-gating of theAChR, several new concepts emerge. (1) Activation re-sults from the B


*equilibrium, but requires a high

affinity of the A state, some 140-fold stronger than pre-vious estimates (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985; Frankeet al. 1993). (2) Cooperativity of the ACh dose-responsecurve arises from the BPA allosteric transition, butwithout limiting channel opening only to receptors withtwo molecules of ligand bound, as in the phenomenologi-cal scheme (Katz and Thesleff 1957; Colquhoun andSakmann 1985; Franke et al. 1993). (3) Recovery fromdesensitizing pulses with minimal channel opening ap-pears as a consequence of the energy barriers (Fig. 3) thatpermit rapid passage through the A

0state along the

sequence I0PA


0(Fig. 4b), without the necessity of

invoking a separate cyclic pathway, as required in thestandard model (Franke et al. 1993). (4) The conven-tional dose-response analysis is shown to be a hazardousapproximation due to the application of an equilibriumtheory to a complex kinetic process involving bothactivation and desensitization, although only relativelylimited distortions are produced for the AChR due toa sufficiently slow desensitization rate (Fig. 8). (5) Theutilization of the low-concentration pre-pulse method toevaluate desensitization is shown to produce measure-

ments of IC50

that introduce systematic distortions, sincethe system is far from equilibrium unless pre-pulse dura-tion times approach tens of minutes (Fig. 10).

Because of these latter limitations for obtaining equi-librium IC

50values, considerable additional data would

be required with long pre-pulse times in order to definethe parameters of the D state more fully. Recovery timesfrom the D state may be extremely long (hours), sincethey will be limited by DIk

0, which may be as low

&10~4 s~1 (Table 1; see also Fig. 4c). It is interesting tonote that slow structural changes have been reported(Chang and Bock 1977). Response times in this rangecould contribute to upregulation, downregulation, andother pharmacological effects associated with both chro-nic and acute nicotine administration (Ochoa et al. 1990;Lukas and Bencherif 1992). Heavy and light smokingregimes may be related to maintaining the D state by theformer, and permitting stimulatory effects via action onthe A state by the latter (Wonnacott 1990).

The model developed here satisfactorily representsthe functional data for the AChR in the various formspresented. However, alternative models may exists thatrepresent the data well. With respect to the four-stateallosteric model studied in this report the major compet-ing alternatives fall into two categories. First, there is themore general tetrahedral model (Fig. 1d), for which thelinear variant developed here (Fig. 1e) is formally a speci-fic simplification. The equilibrium relationships betweenthe four states are identical for the full tetrahedral modeland the linear simplification, but the predictions for thekinetics of interconversions between states differ.Transitions follow the pathway BHAHIHD in thelinear scheme. The other interactions (BHD, BHI, orAHD) are assumed to be characterized by energy bar-riers sufficiently high to render these kinetic pathwaysnegligible under the conditions of the cases examinedhere. For example, the IPD transition in the 10 s rangecompared with the BPA transition in the millisecondrange (Table 1), implies that a direct BHD pathwaywould be negligible, involving at most one molecule in104 (if the BHD barrier were no higher than the IHDbarrier). For a direct BHI passage the relative barrierheights suggest at most one molecule in 103, and at mostone molecule in 400 for a direct AHD passage. In effect,among the possible pathways between states, the kineticbarriers lead to selection of a linear order in the progres-sion between states (Fig. 1e). Within the linear scheme(Figs. 3, 4), a second level of pathway selection occursfor the distinct progression of activation (B




versus recovery (I0PA



The second category of competing models concernsthose with fundamentally different initial assumptions, asfor mechanisms of the sequential type (Koshland et al.1966) which limit conformational states in the absence ofligand to the basal state. In this respect such models arenot in accord with the observations of spontaneous chan-nel opening (Jackson 1986). Stepwise models of thesequential type have been satisfactorily applied to recep-tors (Auerbach 1993), but were not confronted with therange of properties presented here. In principle, a sequen-tial model could incorporate the conductance substates


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D1 "(1#a










reported for the AChR (Colquhoun and Sakmann 1985)more readily than an allosteric model with concertedtransitions. However, the incidence of conductance sub-states is low, accounting for only about 1% of the eventsrecorded by Colquhoun and Sakmann (1985) — less thanwould be expected for intermediate conformationalstates. In general, the sequential-type models require

overlapping ligand-binding and conformational changefunctions, whereas these functions can diverge accordingto the allosteric formulation. This difference, which hasserved to distinguish between models for allostericenzymes (Changeux and Rubin 1967; Schachman 1988),might also be exploited for ionotropic receptors, forexample with fluorescent ligands that permit siteoccupancy and channel opening to be monitoredindependently, as suggested previously (Changeux andEdelstein 1994).

For the present investigation the two sites for agonisthave been modelled exclusively with the assumption ofan identical affinity. The justification for this assumptionhas been reviewed elsewhere (Changeux and Edelstein1994), but for certain data sets it may be necessary tointroduce non-equivalent agonist binding sites, parti-cularly for the complexities arising from the hetero-oligomerization of the various combinations of neuronalAChR (Role 1992; Sargent 1993; Galzi and Changeux1994). Dose-response curves with Hill coefficients ap-proaching 5 suggest that up to five agonist sites appear tobe required for a7 in certain cases (Bertrand et al. 1993).

In conclusion, the model presented here providesseveral advantages for the representation of both themicroscopic and macroscopic properties of ionotropicreceptors. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised infuture applications. Only four states have been utilizedand it is possible that additional states will be requiredfor the modelling of certain competitive antagonists, aswell as the characterization of new mutant forms. Fur-thermore, the simplification that permitted reducing thefull tetrahedral model to the linear cascade (Fig. 1) maynot be applicable in all cases. For example, the initialsingle-channel measurements with the a7 mutant L247T(Revah et al. 1991) suggest that a direct BHI transitionmay be required. In general, additional information ispotentially available with current experimental tech-niques for fast chemical kinetics and electrophysiologicalrecordings to render the diverse assumptions of themodel amenable to experimental test. Ultimately, it willbe of interest to explore the extent to which similarmodelling can be applied to the ligand-gated receptorsfor other classes of neurotransmitters.

Appendix. Equilibrium equations for ligand bindingand change of state

For the four-state allosteric model, (Y14), a global ligand-

binding function, and (D1 ), the fractional occupancy of theD state (or equivalent fractional occupancy equations forthe B, A or I states) may be defined as follows:

In these equations N is the number of ligand (agonist)binding sites per receptor molecule (two for the applica-tions presented here), a

Dis the concentration of ligand (X)

normalized to the affinity of the D state (aD"[X]/DK


and four composite constants are utilized (ADL0"


0; BDL




0; ADc"IDcAIc; BDc"IDc

AIcBAc). For the simulation of dose-response curves andtheir relation to ligand binding involving the B%Atransitions, the fractional ligand binding (Y1

BA) and frac-

tional occupancy of the A state (A1 ) are defined as:












A1 "(1#a






In this case aA

is the concentration of ligand (X) nor-malized to the affinity of the A state:



The apparent affinity for ligand binding predicted bythe allosteric formulation, in terms of the normalizedagonist concentration at half-maximal saturation, Ya


is given (for N"2) by the equation: (Ya1@2



2), with a value of Ya

1@2"139.8 for

parameters of Table 1. The value of Ya1@2

, may also beclosely approximated by the simplified relationship:Ya


0(Edelstein 1971), yielding in this case


"141.4. However, under these conditions, sinceBAL

0'1/BAc, the change of state function (A1

/03.) lies

slightly to the right of the ligand binding function Y1BA

,such that Aa

1@2&160, which corresponds to the EC


a dose-response curve with a value of EC50"Aa


$"8 lM.Although electrophysiological measurements that

monitor channel opening will reflect A1 , it may be possiblein some cases to obtain parallel data for Y1

BA. It is there-

fore important to note fundamental differences that mayoccur in the two measurements. Whereas Y1


varies from 0 to 1 as a function of a, the values of A1 arelimited to the range between A1

.*/at a

A"0 and A1



Page 16: A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ... · model to the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) accounts for the main properties of ligand-gat-ing,















aA"R, where





and A1.!9





However, for experimental data, the minimal and maxi-mal signals define a range between 0 and 1, which corres-ponds to a normalized function, A1












The denominator of (A6) is equivalent to what has beendesignated the ‘allosteric range’ (Rubin and Changeux1966).

The cooperative behavior may be related to the allo-steric equations for the binding or state functions. Fora given set of allosteric parameters (N sites and discretevalues of BAL

0, and BAc), the cooperativity is defined

independently for the binding and change of state func-tions in terms of distinct Hill coefficients, nH,Y

and nH,A,

obtained as the slope of the corresponding ‘Hill plot’:

nH,Y"d log [Y1



d log aA


nH,A"d log[A1



d log aA


Although an average Hill coefficient can be obtainedfrom the slope of a linear fitting over an entire response

range, it is instructive to note that the Hill coefficient isnot constant as a function of ligand concentration. Thechanges in the slopes, corresponding to variations innH,Y

and nH,A, may be plotted as a function of log



)] to permit the behaviour at the extremesof saturation to be more readily visualized. The averageHill coefficient (n6 H) may also be defined with the non-linear empirical equation often used to fit dose-responsedata:




n6 H(A9)

or by evaluating n6 H directly from the slope of the log-logplot at low [X]. However, the approximation permittingn6 H to be obtained from the slope of the log-log plot isonly valid for very low values of a, corresponding in theexample presented to A1


With two sites (N"2), the maximum value ofnH,Y

occurs under all conditions at precisely Y1BA

"0.5,whereas the maximum value of nH,A

is obtained at a valueof A1


0(BAc)N@2]. However, when the

condition for symmetrical curves, BAL0"(BAc)~N@2, is

satisfied, maxima for both nH,Yand nH,A

occur atY1

BA"0.5 and A1 "0.5 regardless of the number of bind-

ing sites. In this case, with N"2, the curves for A1/03.


BAoverlap fully, since (A3) and (A6) simplify to a com-

mon form:




a (2BAL0#BAL







For values of N"3 or greater, curves for A1/03.


BAare always distinct, even under conditions of sym-

metry, and diverge progressively as N increases:A1

/03.changes more abruptly than Y1

BA, since the A1

/03.values are below Y1BA

at low a and above Y1BA

at high a,thereby explaining why nH,A

'nH,Yat all degrees of

ligand binding.Although the divergence between A1

/03.and Y1


particularly marked at the extremes, experimentalmeasurements may readily be made in this range. Forexample, Franke et al. (1993) report dose-response dataat fractional responses of less than 0.001 and measure-ments in this range could provide important distinctionsbetween binding and change of state functions, were dataobtained in parallel available, for example using a fluore-scent agonist (see Changeux and Edelstein 1994). Withrespect to desensitization measured by pre-pulses of lowconcentration, the determination of IC

50values may be

related to the state function, D1 (A2), using a normalizedform equivalent to (A6):
















and other constants are defined in relation to (A2). Equa-tion (A11), in the form (1!D1

/03.), corresponds to the

type of data used in the determination of IC50

values(Fig. 9).

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Swiss NationalScience Foundation and OFES, the Human Frontiers Science Pro-gram, and the following French sources: the Centre National de laRecherche Scientifique, the College de France and the Direction desRecherches Etudes et Techniques. We thank Attila Szabo, Jean-LucGalzi and Clement Lena for helpful discussions. S.J.E. gratefully ac-knowledges an EMBO Short-Term Fellowship.


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