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A LabVIEW Research Projects The brief description of research projects collected from IEEE journals, Research Labs and Universities are given in this appendix. A.1 An Optical Fibre Sensor Based on Neural Networks for Online Detection of Process Water Contamination It is often required to know the contamination of process water systems from known contaminants e.g., oil, heavy metals, or particulate matter. Most of the governments are forcing rules to monitor the output water from all industrial plants before they may be discharged into existing steams or waterways. There is therefore a clear need for a sensor that is capable of effectively monitoring these output discharges. Optical fibers provide a means of constructing such sensors in an effective manner. Optical fibers are passive and therefore do not them selves contaminate the environment in which they are designed to work. The proposed sensor system is to be operated from and LED or broad- band light source and the detector will monitor changes in the received light spectrum resulting from the interaction of the fibre sensor with its environ- ment. The signals arising from these changes are often complex and require large amounts of processing power. In this proposed project it intended to use Artificial Neural Networks to perform the processing and extract the true sensor signal from the received signal. A.2 An Intelligent Optical Fibre-Based Sensor System for Monitoring Food Quality It is proposed to develop an intelligent instrument for quality monitoring and classification of food products in the meat processing and packaging industry. The instrument is intended for use as an effective means of testing food prod- ucts for a wide range of parameters. Such parameters may range from simple

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LabVIEW Research Projects

The brief description of research projects collected from IEEE journals,Research Labs and Universities are given in this appendix.

A.1 An Optical Fibre Sensor Based on NeuralNetworks for Online Detection of ProcessWater Contamination

It is often required to know the contamination of process water systems fromknown contaminants e.g., oil, heavy metals, or particulate matter. Most of thegovernments are forcing rules to monitor the output water from all industrialplants before they may be discharged into existing steams or waterways. Thereis therefore a clear need for a sensor that is capable of effectively monitoringthese output discharges. Optical fibers provide a means of constructing suchsensors in an effective manner. Optical fibers are passive and therefore donot them selves contaminate the environment in which they are designed towork. The proposed sensor system is to be operated from and LED or broad-band light source and the detector will monitor changes in the received lightspectrum resulting from the interaction of the fibre sensor with its environ-ment. The signals arising from these changes are often complex and requirelarge amounts of processing power. In this proposed project it intended touse Artificial Neural Networks to perform the processing and extract the truesensor signal from the received signal.

A.2 An Intelligent Optical Fibre-Based Sensor Systemfor Monitoring Food Quality

It is proposed to develop an intelligent instrument for quality monitoring andclassification of food products in the meat processing and packaging industry.The instrument is intended for use as an effective means of testing food prod-ucts for a wide range of parameters. Such parameters may range from simple

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external appearance e.g., color to degree of cooking internally in the case ofpre-cooked products. The proposed instrument will incorporate two new tech-nology areas namely Optical Fibre Sensors and Artificial Neural Networks andis intended for used on high volume food processing production lines.

A.3 Networking Automatic Test EquipmentEnvironments

Automatic test equipment (ATE) is a term that, in its broadest meaning,indicates a generic system capable of performing measurements in an au-tomatic or semiautomated (human-assisted) way. Years ago, this term wasused specifically to refer to an automated measurement system employed totest the functionality of some electronic Device Under Test (DUT). Typi-cal applications were in the manufacturing area, where ATE had a twofoldnature: in-circuit testing and functional testing. For in-circuit testing, ATEoften were stand-alone complex programmable machines, equipped with abed-of-nails adapter specifically designed as a fixture to provide signal inputsand meaningful test-points of the DUT.

The test engineer had the responsibility of writing code that determinedthe exact sequence of stimulus signals, response measurements, and go/no-go decisions. For this aim, a switch matrix and the ATE itself were suitablycontrolled and coordinated by a workstation. For functional testing, ATEconsisted of off-the-shelf instruments connected to the DUT by some kind offront-end adapter. In the latter case, most of the effort of the test engineerconsisted of designing a program to control the various instruments to assessDUT performances. When planning the use of a dedicated testing machine asopposed to a test bench, other factors were taken into account: measurementspeed, cost, and fault coverage.

A.4 Using LabVIEW to Prototype an Industrial-QualityReal-Time Solution for the Titan Outdoor 4WDMobile Robot Controller

In the Titan project researchers applied a new approach to prototyping mobilerobots by choosing tools which are commonly used by leading aerospace man-ufacturers and many other industries. Researchers have gained substantialexperience when using the LabVIEW real-time programming environmentcoupled with the industrial quality data acquisition cards, both made byNational Instruments. The methodology of virtual instruments software toolscombined with the graphical programming environment was found to be veryefficient for interactive cycles of design and testing, which are at the core ofrobotics prototyping.

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A.7 Secure Two-Way Transfer of Measurement Data 659

A.5 Intelligent Material Handling: Development andImplementation of a Matrix-Based Discrete-EventController

A supervisory controller for discrete-event (DE) systems is presented thatuses a novel matrix formulation. This matrix formulation makes it possibleto directly write down the DE controller from standard manufacturing toolssuch as the bill of materials or the assembly tree. The matrices also make itstraightforward to actually implement the DE controller on a manufacturingwork cell for sequencing the jobs and assigning the resources. It is shown thatthe DE controller equations plus the Petri net marking transition equation to-gether provide a complete dynamical description of a DE system. This meansthat a computer simulation can be performed to check the DE performanceof the controller before it is implemented. In this research, the DE controlleris implemented on an actual three-robot intelligent material handling cellat the Automation and Robotics Research Institute, University of Texas atArlington, USA. Then, the actual implementation is performed and the sim-ulated system produces commensurate results. The versatility of the systemdeveloped with this DE controller permits implementing different methodolo-gies for conflict resolution, as well as optimization of the resource assignmentand part throughput. Technical information given includes the developmentof the controller in LabVIEW and its simulation using MATLAB.

A.6 Curve Tracer with a Personal Computer andLabVIEW

The circuits and programs that conform the prototype of a curve tracer,operated under the control of a personal computer (PC) are presented. Theprototype uses a data acquisition board that generates the signals appliedto the base and collector terminals of the tracer. This board also carries outthe necessary measurements to trace the characteristic curves of the deviceunder test. It was designed an additional board with the appropriate circuitfor the base and collector terminals. A program was written in the graphicallanguage G of LabVIEW to program the complete operation of the tracer andto control the external circuits. The developed program presents the results ina graphic indicator as a family of curves, it can store in a file the parametersof the characterization process.

A.7 Secure Two-Way Transfer of Measurement Data

This research introduces a measurement system architecture, which has threemain qualities: secure two-way transfer of measurement data, quick adapt-ability to different kinds of measurement tasks and strong data presentation

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capabilities through XML techniques. In the architecture, the researchers takeadvantage of well-tried technologies, like a commonly used visual program-ming language that offers predefined and adaptive measuring tools for man-aging measurement devices and tasks. XML is a widely adopted standardfor a flexible text format and data exchange. It brings along a vast selectionof readymade facilities for processing and transforming the content into anyformat desired. The researchers also propose a secure environment into thearchitecture, which can be accessed on demand using a wide range of terminaldevices.

A.8 Development of a LabVIEW-Based Test Facility forStandalone PV Systems

To quantify the potential for performance improvement of a standalone photo-voltaic (PV) system, a test facility has been installed. This research describesthis development of a prototype standalone PV system. Essentially this entiresystem involves the integration of a Personal computer (PC), Data Acquisi-tion (DAQ), a battery array and a solar array simulator (SAS) to create astandalone PV system and to test and simulate the system. This new systemboasts of high accuracy measurements coupled with the commercial viabilityof low cost. The basic idea of this facility is that the SAS simulates solar powerwhich is utilized to charge batteries. The information obtained by monitoringparameters, such as average battery’s temperature, voltage and current is fedto the PC via the DAQ for analysis. This customized control interface hasbeen developed by utilizing LabVIEW software, which forms the program-ming backbone of interinstrument communication through IEEE-GPIB bus.

The software created for this system is highly generic and can be used forother instances where different hardware is used. This project also discussesfurther research plan, in utilizing this standalone PV system to perform loadanalysis and batteries charging or discharging with the inputs to the SASwith actual meteorological data obtained from the Malaysian meteorologicaldepartment.

A.9 Semantic Virtual Environments with AdaptiveMultimodal Interfaces

Researchers present a system for real-time configuration of multimodal inter-faces to Virtual Environments (VE). The flexibility of the tool is supportedby a semantics-based representation of VEs. Semantic descriptors are usedto define interaction devices and virtual entities under control. Researchersuse portable (XML) descriptors to define the I/O channels of a variety ofinteraction devices. Semantic description of virtual objects turns them into

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A.11 A Method to Record, Store, and Analyze Multiple Physiologic Pressure 661

reactive entities with whom the user can communicate in multiple ways. Thisarticle gives details on the semantics-based representation and presents someexamples of multimodal interfaces created with our system, including gestures-based and PDA-based interfaces, amongst others.

A.10 A Dynamic Compilation Frameworkfor Controlling Microprocessor Energyand Performance

Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is an effective techniquefor controlling microprocessor energy and performance. Existing DVFS tech-niques are primarily based on hardware, OS time interrupts, or static-compilertechniques. However, substantially greater gains can be realized when controlopportunities are also explored in a dynamic compilation environment. Thereare several advantages to deploying DVFS and managing energy/performancetradeoffs through the use of a dynamic compiler. Most importantly, dynamiccompiler-driven DVFS is fine-grained, code-aware, and adaptive to the cur-rent microarchitecture environment. This project presents a design frameworkof the run-time DVFS optimizer in a general dynamic compilation system.A prototype of the DVFS optimizer is implemented and integrated into anindustrial strength dynamic compilation system.

The obtained optimization system is deployed in a real hardware plat-form that directly measures CPU voltage and current for accurate power andenergy readings. Experimental results, based on physical measurements forover 40 SPEC or Olden benchmarks, show that significant energy savingsare achieved with little performance degradation. SPEC2K FP benchmarksbenefit with energy savings of up to 70% (with 0.5% performance loss). Inaddition, SPEC2K INT show up to 44% energy savings (with 5% performanceloss), SPEC95 FP save up to 64% (with 4.9% performance loss), and Oldensave up to 61% (with 4.5% performance loss). On average, the technique leadsto an energy delay product (EDP) improvement that is 3X–5X better thanstatic voltage scaling, and is more than 2X (22% versus 9%) better than thereported DVFS results of prior static compiler work. While the proposed tech-nique is an effective method for microprocessor voltage and frequency control,the design framework and methodology described in this paper have broaderpotential to address other energy and power issues such as di/dt and thermalcontrol.

A.11 A Method to Record, Store, and Analyze MultiplePhysiologic Pressure Recordings

To investigate the pathophysiology of syringomyelia, research scholarsdeveloped a system to simultaneously record arterial, central venous, airway,

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cervical subarachnoid, and intrathecal pressures. In addition, the proposedsystem recorded the electrocardiogram, and provided the means to ana-lyze all pressures during individual and averaged cardiac cycles. Duringthe study, flow magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac-gated ultrasoundimages were also used. To compare the pressure readings with these im-ages the researchers needed to account for the low frequency change inthe recorded pressures resulting from normal respiration. Research scholarstherefore wrote a program to derive mean pressure waves during the cardiaccycle that averaged-out the pressure effects of respiratory cycle. Simultaneouscerebrospinal pressure, hemodynamic pressure, and electrocardiogram wereplotted. This allowed to establish the simultaneous relationship of pressures,syrinx size, and cerebellar tonsil pulsation during the cardiac cycle. Thissystem may prove valuable to other researchers investigating the interactionof multiple physiologic parameters during the cardiac cycle.

A.12 Characterization of a Pseudorandom TestingTechnique for Analog and Mixed-Signal Built-inSelf-Test

In this project, researchers characterize and evaluate the effectiveness ofa pseudorandom-based implicit functional testing technique for analog andmixed-signal circuits. The analog test problem is transformed into the digitaldomain by embedding the device-under-test (DUT) between a digital-to-analog-converter and an analog-to-digital converter. The pseudo-random test-ing technique uses band-limited digital white noise (pseudorandom-patterns)as input stimulus. The signature is constructed by computing the cross-correlation between the digitized output response and the pseudorandominput sequence. The researchers have implemented a DSP-based hardwaretest bed to evaluate the effectiveness of the pseudorandom testing technique.The test results show that the user can achieve close to 100% yield and faultcoverage by carefully selecting only two cross-correlation samples. Noise leveland total harmonic distortion below 0.1% and 0.5%, respectively, do not affectthe classification accuracy.

A.13 Power-Aware Network Swapping for WirelessPalmtop PCs

Virtual memory is considered to be an unlimited resource in desktop or note-book computers with high storage capabilities. However, in wireless mobiledevices, like palmtops and personal digital assistants (PDAs), storage memoryis limited or absent due to weight, size, and power constraints, so that swap-ping over remote memory devices can be considered as a viable alternative.

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A.15 End-to-End Testing for Boards and Systems Using Boundary Scan 663

However, power-hungry wireless network interface cards (WNICs) may limitthe battery lifetime and application performance if not efficiently exploited.In this project, the performance and energy of network swapping in com-parison with swapping on local micro-drives and flash memories are studied.The results of extensive experiments conducted on different WNICs and localswapping devices, using both synthetic and natural benchmarks are reported.The study points out that remote swapping over power-manageable WNICscan be more efficient than local swapping, especially in bursty workload con-ditions. Such conditions can be forced where possible by reshaping swappingrequests to increase energy efficiency and performance.

A.14 Reducing Jitter in Embedded Systems Employinga Time-Triggered Software Architectureand Dynamic Voltage Scaling

Earlier researches have demonstrated that use of an appropriate DynamicVoltage Scaling (DVS) algorithm can lead to a substantial reduction in CPUpower consumption in systems employing a time-triggered cooperative (TTC)scheduler. In this project, the impact of DVS on the levels of both clockand task jitter in TTC applications is discussed. The researchers describe amodified DVS algorithm (TTC-jDVS) which can be used where low jitteris an important design consideration. Then the effectiveness of the modifiedalgorithm on a data set made up of artificial tasks and in a realistic case studyare demonstrated.

A.15 End-to-End Testing for Boards and SystemsUsing Boundary Scan

ICs with IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan (BS) Architecture (a.k.a. JTAG) havebeen widely used in board level design to increase the testability. An end-to-end test methodology that utilizes BS architecture for testing boards andsystems throughout the product life cycle is proposed. The proposed testmethodology includes a programmable dynamic BS test architecture and aseries of test modules that take advantage of the test architecture for com-plete fault coverage. Proposed design-for-testability (DFT) techniques guar-antee the co-existence of BS testing with other system functions, such asin-system programming (ISP) and DSP JTAG emulation. At board level, pro-grammable dynamic scan chains are used in a divide-and-conquer fashion toincrease the flexibility in the development phase (or design verification test-ing, DVT). Besides, since the DFT techniques are programmable, they canbe used as design-for-diagnosis (DFD) to increase diagnosis resolution dur-ing DVT. Address Scan Port (ASP) chips are used to enable multidrop test

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bus architecture for backplane testing as well as system embedded testing.Other advanced techniques, such as analog subsystem testing and board-levelbuilt-in self-test, as well as how to re-use BS architecture in in-circuit test-ing (ICT) and manufacture testing are also parts of the proposed methodol-ogy that takes advantage of BS architecture to provide full scale testing forsystems.

A.16 An Approach to the Equivalent-Time SamplingTechnique for Pulse Transient Measurements

An approach to the time-equivalent sampling technique in time-domain mea-surements of transient pulses is presented in this work. An application influorescence spectroscopy is mentioned and the sampling processes as well asthe different sampling techniques are briefly studied. The approach makes usea Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and a Personal Computer (PC) to demon-strate the technique. The DSP communicates with the computer via a stan-dard serial port to receive commands and to transmit data. In addition to thesampling technique, the DSP also applies a method of noise suppression byaveraging the sampled digital signal. A control program was developed in thegraphical language G of LabVIEW 6.1 to register and plot the time-resolvedpulse. With this approach the users are able to resolve pulses with a timeresolution of 16.66 ns and a bandwidth of 1.25 MHz.

A.17 Reactive Types for Dataflow-Oriented SoftwareArchitectures

Digital signal-processing (DSP) tools, such as Ptolemy, LabView and iCon-nect, allow application developers to assemble reactive systems by connectingpre-defined components in generalized dataflow graphs and by hierarchicallybuilding new components by encapsulating subgraphs. The researcher followthe literature in calling this approach dataflow-oriented development. Theprevious work has shown how a new process calculus, uniting ideas fromprevious systems within a compositional theory, can be formally shown tocapture the properties of such systems. This project first re-casts the graph-ical dataflow-oriented style of design into an underlying textual architecturedesign language (ADL) and then shows how the previous modelling approachcan be seen as a system of process-algebraic behavioral types for such a lan-guage, so that type-checking is the mechanism used to statically diagnose thereactivity of applications. The researchers show how both the existing notionof behavioral equivalence and a new behavioral pre-order are involved in thisjudgement.

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A.21 Experiments with a Programmable Transistor Array 665

A.18 Improving the Steering Efficiency of 1x4096Opto-VLSI Processor Using Direct PowerMeasurement Method

This project reports the optimization of the steering efficiency of the 1-D Opto-VLSI processor using direct power measurement method for wavelengths inthe near-IR and 632 nm. Highest improvement observed for the signal andinter port isolation is 8 and 12 dB, respectively. This improved performanceof the processor is crucial to the realization of low crosstalk reconfigurableoptical add/drop multiplexers (ROADM) using Opto-VLSI processors.

A.19 Experimental Studies of the 2.4-GHz IMS WirelessIndoor Channel

Experimental results from indoor measurements of the 2.4-GHz wireless chan-nel are presented. These measurements include both quasi-static and time-varying channel conditions in a number of indoor environments. Four channelpropagation characteristics of interest are evaluated. For the time-varyingenvironment, the Doppler spread of the wireless channel is measured. For thequasi-static environment, mean excess delay, rms delay spread, and coherencebandwidth of the channel are determined. The effect each of these propagationcharacteristics has on multiple antenna wireless systems and their suitabilityfor indoor use is discussed.

A.20 Virtual Instrument for Condition Monitoringof On-Load Tap Change

The Condition Monitoring of On-Load Tap Changers is very importantbecause they have proved to be the elements with noticeable failures in apower transformer. This article describes the development of a portable vir-tual instrument for monitoring this kind of elements. The monitoring task isbased in the measurement and analysis of the vibrations that a tap changeproduces. In contrast with other methods that can be used, this one has theadvantage of being able to do continuous monitoring because the transformercan be operated online.

A.21 Toward Evolvable Hardware Chips: Experimentswith a Programmable Transistor Array

Evolvable Hardware is reconfigurable hardware that self-configures under thecontrol of an evolutionary algorithm. The search for a hardware configurationcan be performed using software models or, faster and more accurate, directly

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in reconfigurable hardware. Several experiments have demonstrated the possi-bility to automatically synthesize both digital and analog circuits. The projectintroduces an approach to automated synthesis of CMOS circuits, basedon evolution on a Programmable Transistor Array (PTA). The approach isillustrated with a software experiment showing evolutionary synthesis of acircuit with a desired DC characteristic. A hardware implementation of a testPTA chip is then described, and the same evolutionary experiment is per-formed on the chip demonstrating circuit synthesis/self-configuration directlyin hardware.

A.22 Remote Data Acquisition, Control and AnalysisUsing LabVIEW Front Panel and Real-TimeEngine

Students and faculty from South Carolina State University (SCSU) are collab-orating with the staff at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI)to allow the SMILEY radio telescope to be accessed and controlled over theSCSU Network and the Internet. National Instruments (NI) LabVIEW soft-ware package has been used to design a virtual instrument (VI) for the systemthat has a front panel that will request a users name and password to eitherview and/or control the SMILEY. To publish the Web page, students used Hy-pertext Markup Language, Internet Protocol and a Uniform Resource Locator.The earlier versions of LabVIEW provided a number of VI options such asVI server, Data Socket Server, and Visual Basic and Active X to design anddevelop modules for remote data acquisition and control, usually in a localnetwork. It also required that both the client and server must have LabVIEWand design and development of modules for remote control using the Internetwas more involved. The recent LabVIEW 6.1 version introduced remote frontpanels to view and control a VI in any Web browser. The objective of thisproject is to discuss the design, development and testing of VI modules usingLabVIEW front panel and real-time engine. This work was funded in part bya PAIR grant from NASA-MURED to SCSU under NCC 5-454.

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LabVIEW Tools

The National Instrument’s tools used to develop LabVIEW-based applicationsin various fields such as software management, electronics, data logging andsupervisory control, image processing, motion control, and graphical systemmodeling are discussed in this appendix.

B.1 DIAdem

National Instruments’ DIAdem is a software for managing, analyzing, andreporting data collected during data acquisition and/or generated duringsimulations. NI DIAdem is designed to meet the demands of today’s test-ing environments, for which quick access to large volumes of scattered data,consistent reporting, and data visualization are required to make informeddecisions. The DIAdem DataFinder, which is optimized for managing datafrom multiple sources and different formats, helps the user correlate databased on its descriptive attributes – functionality previously reserved for onlythose with a customized data management system. This tool is available at:http://www.ni.com/diadem/

B.2 Electronics Workbench

Electronics Workbench delivers the world’s most widely used schematic cap-ture and circuit simulation software with an installed base of more than180,000 seats. The product portfolio includes software for schematic capture,circuit simulation (SPICE, VHDL, and patented cosimulation), PCB layout,and autorouting. Electronics Workbench software dramatically reduces timeto market by helping the user to develop and create PCBs faster, more accu-rately, and with greater cost-effectiveness than comparable design suites. Thepopularity of circuit simulation continues to grow, and, at Electronics Work-bench, simulation is the core of the technology. With Multisim, every circuit

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the user draw is automatically ready for simulation, so the user can begintesting at the earliest possible stage of the design flow – during schematiccapture. Catch and correct errors almost before they happen. The tool isavailable at: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/202311

B.3 DSC Module

The National Instruments’ LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control(DSC) Module is an extension of the LabVIEW graphical development envi-ronment that incorporates additional functionality for the rapid developmentof distributed measurement and control and high-channel-count monitoringapplications. Whether the user needs to build a full-scale industrial automa-tion and control system or just monitor a few dozen I/O points for historicalcollection, the NI LabVIEW DSC Module provides the tools to make the usermore productive, including:

– Configuration-based monitoring and logging of system alarms and events– One-touch data logging of networked I/O to a historical database– Simplified networking of LabVIEW Real-Time and OPC-compliant

devices– Real-time and historical data trending– Dialog-based front-panel security implementation

Further details on DSC module is obtained from: http://ni.com/labview/labviewdsc/

B.4 Vision Development Module

The National Instruments’ LabVIEW Vision Development Module is forscientists, engineers, and technicians who are developing LabVIEW machinevision and scientific imaging applications. It includes IMAQ Vision, a libraryof powerful functions for vision processing, and Vision Assistant, an interac-tive environment for developers who need to prototype LabVIEW applicationsquickly without programming, or who need off-line inspection. Some of thefeatures include:

– Critical distance measurement with gauging and caliper tools– High-speed pattern matching– Stream to disk with AVI support– Grayscale, color, and binary image processing– High-level machine vision, image processing functions, and display tools

National Instruments vision software products offer benefits for a breadthof machine vision applications. If the user wishes to build, benchmark, and

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B.5 FPGA 669

deploy a vision application without programming, choose Vision Builder forAutomated Inspection. If the user needs powerful programming libraries forthe machine vision application, the Vision Development Module featureshundreds of image processing and machine vision functions for LabVIEW,C/C++, Visual Basic, and .NET. Included in either software package is VisionAcquisition software, which acquires, saves, and displays images from thou-sands of different cameras, including IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cameras. VisionAcquisition software is also sold separately for security and monitoring ap-plications. This module is available in: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/10419


Using National Instruments’ LabVIEW FPGA and reconfigurable I/O (RIO)hardware, the user can create custom I/O and control hardware without priorknowledge of traditional HDL languages or board-level hardware design. Withthe NI LabVIEW FPGA Module, the user can use LabVIEW graphical devel-opment to directly synthesize for FPGAs on NI RIO hardware. The user canalso use reconfigurable FPGA technology for customizing measurement andcontrol hardware with the same intuitive graphical programming as test andcontrol systems. Additionally, the user can integrate the RIO hardware withthe rest of LabVIEW for Windows or LabVIEW Real-Time application usingthe FPGA interface functions in LabVIEW. The user can create a LabVIEWFPGA block diagram, compile it, and download it to a RIO device. This codesimultaneously executes a 32-bit counter and pulse generator and a customcontrol algorithm.

LabVIEW FPGA and RIO technology are ideal for applications requiringcustom hardware. While testing requirements change, the user can simplymodify the block diagram of the FPGA VI instead of scrapping the customhardware the user built. Applications that often require custom hardwareinclude:

– Custom timing and triggering routines– Custom mix of analog, digital, counters, and triggers onto a single device– High-channel counters, event detection, and time stamping– Custom signal conditioning and parallel processing– Digital communication protocols– Rapid control prototyping– Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation– In-vehicle DAQ– Machine control– Machine condition monitoring

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B.6 LabWindows/CVI

LabWindows/CVI is a proven test and measurement ANSI C developmentenvironment that greatly increases the productivity of engineers and scientists.Engineers and scientists use LabWindows/CVI to develop high performance,stable applications in the manufacturing test, military and aerospace, telecom-munications, design validation, and automotive industries. LabWindows/CVIstreamlines development in these areas with hardware configuration assistants,comprehensive debugging tools, and interactive execution capabilities devel-opers can use to run functions at design time. Using built-in measurementlibraries, developers can rapidly develop complex applications, such as multi-threaded programs and ActiveX server/client programs. With the flexibility ofthe LabWindows/CVI environment, developers can optimize the data acqui-sition, analysis, and presentation components of their test and measurementapplications. LabWindows/CVI 8.0 continues a history of innovation by offer-ing the following features:

– Optimized Compiler Integration– Improved System Deployment– Call .NET Assemblies– Directly Download LabWindows/CVI DLLs onto LabVIEW Real-Time

Targets– Native Tab Control– More Than 80 New Analysis Functions– IVI Custom Class Driver Wizard– Updated Graph Control Features– Include New Cell Types in the Table Control– Custom Toolbar Enhancements– Simplified Instrument I/O Assistant Code Generation– Improved NI DIAdem File I/O Performance– Source Code Browser Integration in the Workspace Window– Ability to Add Custom Images to the Application Menu Bars– Documentation Tooltips for User-Defined Functions


National Instrument’s MATRIXx is used for graphical system modeling andsimulation in LabVIEW. The NI MATRIXx is used to:

– Build accurate, high-fidelity models and perform interactive simulations– Analyze system models and build robust control algorithms– Automatically document the system model and controller properties– Generate readable, traceable, highly optimized C or Ada code– Target the code to a real-time platform for control prototyping and

hardware-in-the-loop test

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B.8 Measurement Studio 671

For more than 20 years, engineers worldwide have relied on the MATRIXxproduct family for control design applications in automotive, aerospace anddefense, process control, and academic environments. The MATRIXx suite ofsoftware includes:

SystemBuild. Graphical system modeling and simulationXmath. Interactive analysis, visualization, and control developmentDocumentIt. Automatic documentation generationAutoCode. Automatic embedded code generation for C and AdaTarget MATRIXx code to LabVIEW Real-Time and NI real-time hardware

for rapid control prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop test.

B.8 Measurement Studio

National Instruments’ Measurement Studio is an integrated suite of na-tive measurement and automation controls, tools, and class libraries for Vi-sual Studio .NET and Visual Studio 6.0. NI Measurement Studio dramati-cally reduces application development time with ActiveX and .NET controls,object-oriented measurement hardware interfaces, advanced analysis libraries,scientific user interface controls, measurement data networking, wizards, in-teractive code designers, and highly extensible classes.

Building on more than 16 years of measurement programming expertise,National Instruments created Measurement Studio with tools designed specif-ically for Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C# .NET, and Visual C + + tobring the user simplified integration with data acquisition and instrumentcontrol interfaces for easier hardware integration. With Measurement Studio,the user uses the Visual Studio programming knowledge to get measurementsstarted quickly and create a complete measurement solution – all the wayfrom acquiring to analyzing to presenting.

Measurement Studio provides a collection of NET controls tightly inte-grated within the Visual Studio .NET 2003 environment that are designedspecifically for engineers and scientists building virtual instrumentation sys-tems. With Measurement Studio, the user can configure plug-in data acqui-sition devices, GPIB instruments, and serial devices from interactive wizardsthat also generate Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET source code. Withscientific user interface controls, the user can interactively configure graphs,knobs, meters, gauges, dials, tanks, thermometers, binary switches, and LEDsfrom property pages or collection editors. In addition, Measurement Studiodelivers powerful networking components so the user can easily share livemeasurement data between applications via the Internet. The sources for Mea-surement Studio is obtained from: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/webmain/

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672 B LabVIEW Tools

B.9 VI Logger

National Instruments’ VI Logger Full is an easy-to-use yet very flexible toolspecifically designed for the data logging applications. With intuitive dialogwindows, the user can configure the logging task to easily acquire, log, view,and share the data. NI VI Logger is stand-alone, configuration-based data log-ging software – not a general-purpose application development environment.It is compatible with National Instruments plug-in data acquisition, CompactFieldPoint and FieldPoint products.

VI Logger Lite is data logging software with a subset of the features in VILogger Full. Using VI Logger Lite helps the user to easily configure loggingtasks, log data, export it to Microsoft Excel or NI DIAdem, and create Lab-VIEW example data logging programs. VI Logger Lite software is offered forFREE with the purchase of NI-DAQmx supported devices including M Seriesdevices from: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/

B.10 Motion Control

The Windows motion control tools add powerfully integrated servo andstepper motor control to LabVIEW. NI offers VI libraries to control high-performance plug-in motion controller boards. Each VI library covers the fullspectrum, from low-level motion control commands to high-level, integratedmotion control on multiple synchronized axes. The VI libraries are separatedinto functional areas that provide initialization, individual control and pro-gramming commands, status reporting, and motion sequence flow control.High-level motion VIs provide simple access to the setup and initialization ofeach controller board and a hierarchy of single and multi-axis control VIs thataccess the power of the individual motion commands. Using NI Motion Assis-tant software (purchased separately) the user can generate new code based onthese tools. This tool is obtained from: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/1397

B.11 TestStand

NI TestStand is a ready-to-run test management environment and frameworkdesigned to simplify the automation of the test and validation systems. Test-Stand is used to develop, manage, and execute test sequences.

These sequences integrate test modules written in any programming lan-guage. Sequences also specify execution flow, reporting, database logging andconnectivity to other enterprise systems.

TestStand’s architecture is open and provides all the necessary interfacesto fully customize the operator interface as well reporting, database logging,and management and execution environment. At the heart of TestStand is a

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B.12 SignalExpress 673

high-speed, multithreaded execution engine which delivers the performance theuser need, tomeet themost rigorous test requirements, 24/7 and 365 days a year.This software tool is obtained from: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/webmain/

B.12 SignalExpress

National Instruments’ SignalExpress is interactive software designed to meetthe needs of design and test engineers who need to quickly acquire and ana-lyze electronic signals. SignalExpress simplifies the exploratory and automatedmeasurement tasks by offering:

– A drag-and-drop, nonprogramming environment– Rapid measurement configuration– Integration of simulation data– Extended functionality through NI LabVIEW

SignalExpress introduces an innovative approach to configuring measure-ments using intuitive drag-and-drop steps that do not require developing code.Unlike traditional benchtop measurement tools, SignalExpress combines theoptimal balance of measurement functionality and ease of use to assist theuser in streamlining a variety of applications:

– Design modeling– Design verification– Design characterization– Device validation– Automated test troubleshooting

SignalExpress tool is available at: http://ni.com/signalexpress/whatis.htm

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Absolute Accuracy

Used to describe the maximum or worst case error of a system when allpotential system errors are considered. Absolute accuracy of a data acqui-sition system includes gain error, offset error, quantization error, noise, andnonlinearity.

Acquisition Rate

The rate at which samples are acquired. Typically described in terms of sam-ples per second (S s−1), kilosamples per second (kS s−1), or Megasamples persecond (MS s−1). Also may be referred to in terms of Hz, kHz, or MHz, where1 Hz represents 1 sample per second.

ActiveX Control

A special function object that can readily be used by an OLE-enabled appli-cation, tool, or web browser. Examples include the functions in MeasurementComputing and SoftWIRE products. ActiveX controls were replaced by .NETcomponents and controls in version 7 of Visual Studio, which was released asVisual Studio .NET in 2001.


Analog-to-Digital (typically conversion).


Analog-to-Digital Converter. An electronic device that converts an analoginput voltage into a digital value (discrete data values).

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ADC Resolution

Resolution of the ADC, measured in bits. An ADC with 16 bits has a higherresolution and thus a higher degree of accuracy than a 12-bit ADC.

Analog Trigger

A trigger that is based on an analog threshold level. For example, the usermay wish to start data acquisition scan when the input voltage first passesthrough 3.5 V. To accomplish this the user would set the analog trigger levelto +3.5V.


Application Programming Interface. Programming interface for controllingsome software packages, such as Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.

Active Window

Window that is currently set to accept user input, usually the frontmost win-dow. The title bar of an active window is highlighted. Make a window activeby clicking it or by selecting it from the Windows menu.


Analog input ground pin on a DAQ device.


Ordered, indexed list of data elements of the same type.

Array Shell

Front panel object that houses an array. An array shell consists of an indexdisplay, a data object window, and an optional label. It can accept variousdata types.


Capability of loop structures to disassemble and assemble arrays at their bor-ders. As an array enters a loop with autoindexing enabled, the loop automat-ically disassembles it extracting scalars from 1D arrays, 1D arrays extractedfrom 2D arrays, and so on. Loops assemble data values into arrays as datavalues exit the loop in the reverse order.

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Ability of scales to adjust to the range of plotted values. On graph scales,autoscaling determines maximum and minimum scale values.


Block Diagram

A pictorial description or representation of a program or algorithm. In Lab-VIEW, the block diagram, which consists of executable icons called nodes andwires that carry data between the nodes, is the source code for the VI. Theblock diagram resides in the Diagram window of the VI.


A DAQ system task (such as acquiring data) that occurs without interruptionwhile another program routine is running.

Bandwidth, Small-Signal

A description of the highest frequency signal component that will pass throughan amplifier and/or filter. Bandwidth is specified as the frequency where theattenuation is 3 dB.

Bandwidth, Large-Signal

Large signals are generally slew rate-limited before they are bandwidth-limited. Large signal bandwidth can be determined by the following equation:BW = Slew Rate/(2p × Vp) where Vp is the peak amplitude of the signal inquestion.

Bus Master

A type of a plug-in board or controller with the ability to take control of thecomputer’s data bus and perform reads and/or writes without requiring theuse of the host CPU.

Boolean Controls and Indicators

Front panel objects to manipulate and display Boolean (TRUE or FALSE)data.

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Pause in execution used for debugging.

Breakpoint Tool

Tool to set a breakpoint on a VI, node, or wire broken Run button Buttonthat replaces the Run button when a VI cannot run because of errors.

Broken VI

VI that cannot run because of errors; signified by a broken arrow in the brokenRun button.


Temporary storage for acquired or generated data.

Bundle Function

Function that creates clusters from various types of elements.

Byte Stream File

File that stores data as a sequence of ASCII characters or bytes.


Conditional Terminal

The terminal of a While Loop that contains a Boolean value that determineswhether the VI performs another iteration.


Front panel object for entering data to a VI interactively or to a subVI pro-grammatically.

Controls Palette

Palette containing front panel controls and indicators.

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An unavoidable (and undesired) thermocouple junction that occurs where athermocouple is connected to a measurement system.

Cold-Junction Compensation

A system developed to remove the error caused by the thermocouple’s cold-junction.

Compact PCI

A bus configuration based on the popular PCI bus, but modified and enhancedfor industrial applications.


A circuit or device that can be used to count or generate digital pulses oredges. Counter/timers are often used to set sample timing.


A general term for any kind of alignment procedure or compensation routinesto improve the accuracy of a sensor.

Capacitive Element

An MEMS structure designed to operate as a variable capacitor. Crossbowuses these to measure acceleration.

Caption Label

Label on a front panel object used to name the object in the user interface.The user can translate this label to other languages without affecting theblock diagram source code.


One subdiagram of a Case structure.

Case Structure

Conditional branching control structure that executes one of its subdiagramsbased on the input to the Case structure. It is the combination of the IF,THEN, ELSE, and CASE statements in control flow languages.

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Physical – a terminal or pin at which the user can measure or generate ananalog or digital signal. A single physical channel can include more than oneterminal, as in the case of a differential analog input channel or a digital portof eight lines. A counter also can be a physical channel, although the countername is not the name of the terminal where the counter measures or generatesthe digital signal.

Channel Clock

Clock that controls the time interval between individual channel samplingwithin a scan. Products with simultaneous sampling do not have this clock.


2D display of one or more plots in which the display retains a history ofprevious data, up to a maximum that the user define. The chart receives thedata and updates the display point by point or array by array, retaining acertain number of past points in a buffer for display purposes. See also scopechart, strip chart, and sweep chart.

CIN Source Code

Original, uncompiled text code. See also object code; Code Interface Node(CIN).


A category containing properties, methods, and events. Classes are arrangedin a hierarchy with each class inheriting the properties and methods associatedwith the class in the preceding level.


Hardware component that controls timing for reading from or writing togroups.


To make a copy of a control or another object by clicking it while pressingthe <<Ctrl>> key and dragging the copy to its new location. Mac OS Pressthe <<Option>> key. Linux Press the <<Alt>> key.

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A set of ordered, unindexed data elements of any data type, including numeric,Boolean, string, array, or cluster. The elements must be all controls or allindicators.

Cluster Shell

Front panel object that contains the elements of a cluster.


Automatic conversion LabVIEW performs to change the numeric representa-tion of a data element.

Coercion Dot

Appears on a block diagram node to alert the user that the user have wireddata of two different numeric data types together. Also appears when the userwire any data type to a variant data type.

Color Copying Tool

Copies colors for pasting with the Coloring tool.

Coloring Tool

Tool to set foreground and background colors.

Common-Mode Voltage

Any voltage present at the instrumentation amplifier inputs with respect toamplifier ground.

Configuration Utility

Refers to Measurement & Automation Explorer on Windows and configura-tion utilities for the instrument on Mac OS and Linux.


Part of the VI or function node that contains input and output terminals.Data values pass to and from the node through a connector.

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Connector Pane

Region in the upper right corner of a front panel or block diagram windowthat displays the VI terminal pattern. It defines the inputs and outputs theuser can wire to a VI.


A terminal on the block diagram that supplies fixed data values to the blockdiagram. See also universal constant and user-defined constant.

Context Help Window

Window that displays basic information about LabVIEW objects when theuser move the cursor over each object. Objects with context help informationinclude VIs, functions, constants, structures, palettes, properties, methods,events, dialog box components, and items in the Project Explorer window.

Continuous Run Button

Icon that indicates a VI is set to execute repeatedly until the user stops it.

Control Flow

Programming system in which the sequential order of instructions determinesexecution order. Most text-based programming languages are control flowlanguages.


Changing the type of a data element.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Time scale that is determined using highly precise atomic clocks. LabVIEWuses UTC as the standard for the internal representation of dates and times.

Current VI

VI whose front panel, block diagram, or Icon Editor is the active window.




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DAC or D/A Converter

Digital-to-Analog Converter. An electronic device that converts a digital num-ber into an equivalent analog voltage or current.


Common abbreviation for Data Acquisition.

DAQ Assistant

A graphical interface for configuring measurement tasks, channels, and scales.

DAQ Device

A device that acquires or generates data and can contain multiple channelsand conversion devices. DAQ devices include plug-in drivers, PCMCIA cards,and DAQPad devices, which connect to a computer USB or 1394 (FireWire)port. SCXI modules are considered DAQ devices.


Data Acquisition System Timing Controller.

Data Acquisition (DAQ)

Acquiring and measuring analog or digital electrical signals from sensors, ac-quisition transducers, and test probes or fixtures. Generating analog or digitalelectrical signals.

Data Dependency

Condition in a dataflow programming language in which a node cannot exe-cute until it receives data from another node.

Data Flow

Programming system consisting of executable nodes in which nodes executeonly when they have received all the required input data and produce out-put automatically when they have executed. LabVIEW is a dataflow system.DAQ Channel Wizard Utility that guides the user through naming and con-figuring the DAQ analog and digital channels. DAQ Solution Wizard Utilitythat guides the user through specifying the DAQ application, from which itprovides a custom DAQ solution.

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Data Storage Formats

Arrangement and representation of data stored in memory.

Data Type

Format for information. In LabVIEW, acceptable data types for most VIs andfunctions are numeric, array, string, Boolean, path, refnum, enumerated type,waveform, and cluster.

Data Type Descriptor

Code that identifies data types; used in data storage and representation.


To acquire data and simultaneously store it in a disk file. LabVIEW File I/OVIs and functions can log data.

Datalog File

File that stores data as a sequence of records of a single, arbitrary data typethat the user specify while creating the file. Although all the records in adatalog file must be a single type, that type can be complex. For example, theuser can specify that each record is a cluster that contains a string, a number,and an array.

dB or Decibel

A common unit used to express the logarithm of the ratio of two signal levels:dB = 20 log 10V2/V1, for signal voltages V2 & V1 or dB = 10 log 10P2/P1,for signal powers P2 and P1.


Dynamic Data Exchange. A software protocol in Microsoft Windows for inter-application communication. DDE allows a data acquisition application toshare data real-time with Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel. DDEis an older protocol that has been replaced with COM and .Net protocols.


An instrument or controller the user can access as a single entity that con-trols or monitors real-world I/O points. A device often is connected to a hostcomputer through some type of communication network.

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Device Number

Slot number or board ID number assigned to the device when the user con-figured it.

Differential Input

A differential analog input consists of two input terminals as well as a groundconnection. The input measures the difference between the two inputs without(see CMRR) regard to ground potential variations. For example, the twoinputs may be labeled High and Low, the difference between those two inputsis the measurement returned by the system. The third input, labeled Groundis a reference ground and must be connected to a reference ground at thesignal source. A differential input can reject some signal difference betweenthe Low input and the reference ground.

Digital Interface Card

Converts Crossbow analog sensor voltages to a digital signal and outputs inRS-232 format.

Digital Trigger

A trigger that is based on a standard digital threshold level.


Dynamic Link Library. A Windows-based file containing executable code thatis run by other Windows applications or DLLs.


Software that controls hardware devices, such as DAQ boards, GPIB. interfaceboards, PLCs, RTUs, and other I/O devices.

Dynamic Range

The ratio of the largest signal an input will measure to the smallest signal itcan detect. Normally expressed in dB (20 log10 V2/V1).


Error Cluster

Consists of a Boolean status indicator, a numeric code indicator, and a stringsource indicator.

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Error In

Error cluster that enters a VI.

Error Message

Indication of a software or hardware malfunction or of an unacceptable dataentry attempt.

Empty Array

Array that has zero elements but has a defined data type. For example, anarray that has a numeric control in its data display window but has no definedvalues for any element is an empty numeric array.

Enable Indexing

Option that allows the user to build a set of data to be released at the termi-nation of a While Loop. With indexing disabled, a While Loop releases onlythe final data point generated within the loop.

End of File (EOF)

Character offset of the end of file relative to the beginning of the file. TheEOF is the size of the file.

Error Out

The error cluster that leaves a VI.

Execution Highlighting

Debugging technique that animates VI execution to illustrate the dataflow inthe VI.

Express VI

A subVI designed to aid in common measurement tasks. The user configurean Express VI using a configuration dialog box.

External Trigger

Voltage pulse from an external source that triggers an event, such as A/Dconversion or a signal used to start or stop an event such as a scan of A/Dchannels. (Also, see Analog Trigger and Digital Trigger.)

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Execution Highlighting

Feature that animates VI execution to illustrate the dataflow in a VI.


Flash ADC

An extremely high-speed analog-to-digital converter. The output code is de-termined in a single step by comparing the input signal to a series of referencesvia a bank of comparators.


A condition in which there is no electrical connection between the ground ofthe signal source and the measurement system.

Fiber Optic Gyro

A high accuracy rate sensor that uses a laser and fiber optic ring to determineangular rate.

Flat Sequence Structure

Program control structure that executes its subdiagrams in numeric order.Use this structure to force nodes that are not data dependent to execute inthe order the user want if flow-through parameters are not available. The FlatSequence structure displays all the frames at once and executes the framesfrom left to right until the last frame executes.

Floating Signal Sources

Signal sources with voltage signals that are not connected to an absolutereference or system ground. Some common examples of floating signal sourcesare batteries, transformers, or thermocouples. Also called nonreferenced signalsources.

For Loop

Iterative loop structure that executes its subdiagram a set number of times.Equivalent to text-based code: For i = 0 to n − 1.

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An operation that is directly controlled by the active software application (seeBackground). When a foreground operation is running, no other foregroundoperations can be active in that window front panel. The interactive userinterface of a VI. Modeled from the front panel of physical instruments, it iscomposed of switches, slides, meters, graphs, charts, gauges, LEDs, and othercontrols and indicators.

Formula Node

Node that executes equations the user enter as text. Especially useful forlengthy equations too cumbersome to build in block diagram form.


Subdiagram of a Flat or Stacked Sequence structure.

Front Panel

Interactive user interface of a VI. Front panel appearance imitates physicalinstruments, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters.


Built-in execution element, comparable to an operator, function, or statementin a text-based programming language.

Functions Palette

Palette that contains VIs, functions, communication features, block diagramstructures, and constants.



The graphical programming language used to develop LabVIEW applications.


A factor by which a signal is amplified, typically expressed in terms of “times”a number. Examples include X10 and X2 where the signal amplitude is mul-tiplied by factors of 10 and 2, respectively.

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General Purpose Interface Bus

GPIB. Synonymous with HP-IB. The standard bus used for controllingelectronic instruments with a computer. Also called IEEE 488 bus becauseit is defined by ANSI/IEEE Standards 488-1978, 488.1-1987, and 488.2-1992.

Global Property

A VISA property whose value is the same for all sessions to the specifiedresource.

Global Variable

Accesses and passes data among several VIs on a block diagram.


2D display of one or more plots. A graph receives and plots data as a block.

Graph Control

Front panel object that displays data in a Cartesian plane.


A reference potential in an electrical system.

Grounded Signal Sources

Signal sources with voltage signals that are referenced to a system ground,such as a building ground. Also called referenced signal sources.


General Purpose Interface Bus is the common name for the communicationsinterface system defined in ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.1-1987 and ANSI/IEEEStandard 488.2-1987. Hewlett-Packard, the inventor of the bus, calls it theHP-IB.


Gyroscope. A gyroscope uses angular momentum to fix an axis in space.

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Graphical User Interface. A computer user interface in which the user inter-faces with a computer via simple graphic displays or icons rather than text.GUIs often resemble common objects (e.g., stop signs) and are frequentlydeveloped to provide a “virtual” representation of a variety of instrumenta-tion and data acquisition objects.



Pointer to a pointer to a block of memory that manages reference arrays andstrings. An array of strings is a handle to a block of memory that containshandles to strings.


A type of protocol that makes it possible for two devices to synchronizeoperations.

Hardware Triggering

Form of triggering where the user set the start time of an acquisition andgather data at a known position in time relative to a trigger signal.


IEEE 488



The ratio of the voltage across a device or circuit to the current flowing init. In AC circuits, the impedance takes into account the effects of capaci-tance and inductance. In most data acquisition specifications, the impedancelisted is actually the DC impedance, which is the same as the resistance (inohms).

Instrumentation Amplifier

An amplifying circuit whose output voltage with respect to ground is propor-tional to the difference between the voltages at its two inputs.

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The transfer of data to or from a computer system involving communica-tions channels, operator input devices, and/or data acquisition and controlinterfaces.

Integrating ADC

A slow but highly accurate and noise-immune analog-to-digital converter.

Internal Trigger

A condition or event that serves to start an operation or function. (See Ex-ternal Trigger.)


Two circuits or devices are isolated when there is no electrical connectionbetween them. Isolated circuits can be interfaced to each other via optical orelectromagnetic circuits. A signal source is sometimes isolated from the mea-surement device in order to provide protection to the measurement device.IEEE 488.2 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Standard 488.2-1987, which defines the GPIB. indicator Front panel object that displays out-put. Instrument Wizard Utility that guides the user through communicatingwith instrument.


Front panel object that displays output, such as a graph or LED.

Input Range

Difference between the maximum and minimum voltages an analog inputchannel can measure at a gain of the input range is a scalar value, not apair of numbers. By itself, the input range does not uniquely determine theupper and lower voltage limits. An input range of 10 V could mean an upperlimit of +10V and a lower limit of 0 V or an upper limit of +5V and a lowerlimit of −5V. The combination of input range, polarity, and gain determinesthe input limits of an analog input channel. For some products, jumpers setthe input range and polarity, although the user can program them for otherproducts. Most products have programmable gains.

Instrument Driver

A set of high-level functions that control and communicate with instrumenthardware in a system.

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Type of signal conditioning in which the user isolate the transducer signalsfrom the computer for safety purposes. This protects the user and the com-puter from large voltage spikes and makes sure the measurements from theDAQ device are not affected by differences in ground potentials.

Iteration Terminal

Terminal of a For Loop or While Loop that contains the current number ofcompleted iterations.


Interchangeable Virtual Instruments. A software standard for creating a com-mon interface (API) to common test and measurement instruments.

IVI Driver

A driver written according to the IVI specification. The generic driver fora class of instruments (such as voltmeters) is called a class driver, whereasthe driver for a specific instrument from a specific manufacturer is called adevice-specific driver.



Text object used to name or describe objects or regions on the front panel orblock diagram.

Labeling Tool

Tool to create labels and enter text into text windows.


Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. LabVIEW is a graph-ical programming language written by National Instruments for the develop-ment of data acquisition software that uses icons instead of lines of text tocreate programs. X-view is written in the LabVIEW language.


Object a graph or chart owns to display the names and plot styles of plots onthat graph or chart.

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The measure of a device’s transfer function relative to a perfect Y = mXstraight-line response.


A device in a GPIB system addressed by the controller for “listening” orreceiving data. (See also Talker.)


Least Significant Bit.

Local Property

A VISA property whose value is unique to the session.

Local Variable

Variable that enables the user to read or write to one of the controls or indi-cators on the front panel of a VI.


Measurement & Automation Explorer

The standard National Instruments hardware configuration and diagnosticenvironment on Windows.

Measurement Device

A DAQ device such as the E Series multifunction I/O (MIO) device, the SCXIsignal conditioning module, and the switch module.

Menu Bar

Horizontal bar that lists the names of the main menus of an application.The menu bar appears below the title bar of a window. Each application hasa menu bar that is distinct for that application, although some menus andcommands are common to many applications.

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A board assembly and its associated mechanical parts, front panel, optionalshields, and so on. A module contains everything required to occupy one ormore slots in a mainframe. SCXI and PXI devices are modules.


A switch that allows one of multiple inputs to be selected and connected toa single output. Multiplexers are commonly used in DAQ products to allow asingle A/D converter to acquire data from multiple analog input channels.


See Multiplexer.

Multiplexed Mode

SCXI operating mode in which analog input channels are multiplexed intoone module output so that the cabled DAQ device can access the module’smultiplexed output and the outputs on all other multiplexed modules in thechassis through the SCXI bus. Also called serial mode.


Name Label

Label of a front panel object used to name the object and as distinguish itfrom other objects. The label also appears on the block diagram terminal,local variables, and property nodes that are part of the object.


Digital display value for a floating-point representation of <Not A Number>.Typically the result of an undefined operation, such as log(−1).


Driver software included with all NI DAQ devices and signal conditioningcomponents. NI-DAQ is an extensive library of VIs and functions the user cancall from an application development environment (ADE), such as LabVIEW,to program an NI measurement device, such as the M Series multifunction I/O(MIO) DAQ devices, signal conditioning modules, and switch modules.

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The latest NI-DAQ driver with new VIs, functions, and development tools forcontrolling measurement devices. The advantages of NI-DAQmx over earlierversions of NI-DAQ include the DAQ Assistant for configuring channels andmeasurement tasks for a device for use in LabVIEW, LabWindowsTM/CVITM,and Measurement Studio; increased performance such as faster single-pointanalog I/O; NI-DAQmx simulation for most supported devices for testing andmodifying applications without plugging in hardware; and a simpler, moreintuitive API for creating DAQ applications using fewer functions and VIsthan earlier versions of NI-DAQ.


Execution element of a block diagram, such as a function, structure, or subVI.See also data flow, wire. Program execution element. Nodes are analogousto statements, operators, functions, and subroutines in text-based program-ming languages. On a block diagram, nodes include functions, structures, andsubVIs.


Additional signals, coming from the product itself or other electronic equip-ment, that interfere with output signals the user are trying to measure.

Non-Displayable Characters

ASCII characters that cannot be displayed, such as null, backspace, tab, andso on.

Non-Referenced Single-Ended (NRSE) Measurement System

All measurements are made with respect to a common reference, but thevoltage at this reference can vary with respect to the measurement systemground.

Numeric Controls and Indicators

Front panel objects to manipulate and display numeric data.

Nyquist Theorem

A sampling theory law that states that to create an accurate digital repre-sentation of a sampled waveform the user must sample the waveform, at leasttwice as fast as the highest frequency component contained in the waveform.Note that this is a minimum condition. In most applications, it is preferable tosample at a minimum of 3–4 times the highest expected frequency component.

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Output Loading

The output characteristics of the device. We specify a minimum output equiv-alent resistance and maximum equivalent capacitance.


Generic term for any item on the front panel or block diagram, includingcontrols, indicators, nodes, wires, and imported pictures.

Object Code

Compiled version of source code. Object code is not standalone because theuser must load it into LabVIEW to run it.

Object Shortcut Menu Tool

Tool to access a shortcut menu for an object.

Operating Tool

Tool to enter data into controls or to operate them.


Having one dimension, as in the case of an array that has only one row ofelements.



Displays objects or tools the user can use to build the front panel or blockdiagram.

Panel Window

VI window that contains the front panel, the toolbar, and the icon and con-nector panes.

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A credit-card-sized expansion card that fits in a PC-CARD slot, often referredto inaccurately as a PCMCIA card palette. A display of icons that representpossible options.


Peripheral Component Interconnect. An industry-standard, high-speed data-bus. A very high-performance expansion bus architecture developed by Intelto replace ISA and EISA. It has achieved widespread acceptance as a standardfor PCs. It supports a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 132 Mbytes s−1.


The Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. An inter-national standards body and trade association that was founded in 1989 toestablish standards for PC-CARD expansion cards used primarily in laptopcomputers. (See also PC-Card.)


The period of a signal, most often measured from one zero crossing to thenext zero crossing of the same slope. The period of a signal is the reciprocalof its frequency (in Hz). Period is designated by the symbol T.

Plug and Play

Describes plug-in boards that are fully configured in software, without theneed for jumpers or switches on the boards.


Graphical representation of an array of data shown either on a graph or achart.


Ability of a node to automatically adjust to data of different representation,type, or structure.

Positioning Tool

Tool used to move, select, and resize objects.

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Post Triggering

The technique used on a DAQ board to acquire a specified number of samplesafter trigger conditions have been met.


Debugging feature for checking intermediate values in a VI. PXI PCI eXten-sions for Instrumentation.

Probe Tool

Tool to create probes on wires.


A communications connection of one or more inputs on a computer. Commonport types include RS-232 and USB.


A continuously-adjustable variable resistor. They are used for adjustment ofelectrical circuits and as transducers for either linear or rotary position trans-mission.


A technique used on a DAQ board in which a buffer is continuously filled withdata. When the trigger occurs, the sample includes one buffer full of samplesimmediately prior to the trigger. For example, if a 1,000 sample pretriggerbuffer is specified, and 20,000 posttrigger samples, the final sample set has21,000 samples in it, 1,000 of which were taken prior to the trigger event.

Programmed I/O

A data transfer method where the data is read or written by the CPU.

Propagation Delay

The amount of time required for a signal or disturbance to pass through acircuit or process.

Project Explorer Window

Window in which the user can create and edit LabVIEW projects.

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Project Library

A collection of VIs, type definitions, shared variables, palette menu files, andother files, including other project libraries.

Property Node

Sets or finds the properties of a VI or application.


PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation. A modular, computer-based instrumen-tation platform.


Quantization Error

The uncertainty that is inherent when digitizing an analog value due to thefinite resolution of the conversion process.


Rate Gyro

A special kind of gyroscope that measures rotation rate around a fixed axis.


Region between the limits within which a quantity is measured, received, ortransmitted. Expressed by stating the lower and upper range values.

Real Time

A method of operation in which data is processed as it is acquired instead ofbeing accumulated and post-processed. Process control is generally done inreal time where data analysis is not.

Relative Accuracy

A measure of accuracy (typically in LSBs) of an A/D converter. It includesall non-linearity and quantization errors. It does not include gain and offseterrors of the measurement circuitry. As a measurement, it is the deviationof the measured data from the ideal data relative to a straight line drawnthrough the measured endpoints.

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Referenced Single-Ended (RSE) Measurement System

All measurements are made with respect to a common reference or a ground.Also called a grounded measurement system.


The maximum variation between repeated measurements under the same con-ditions.


The smallest increment that can be detected by a data acquisition or mea-surement system. Resolution is expressed in bits, in proportions, or in percentof full scale. For example, if a system has 12-bit resolution, it equals one partin 4,096 for resolution, or 0.0244% of full scale.


Recommended Standard 232, a serial interface bus standard.


Recommended Standard 485, a serial interface bus standard.


Resistance Temperature Detector. A sensor probe that measures temperaturebased on changes in resistance.


Sample Rate

The rate at which a signal or value is sampled. It is frequently expressed assamples per second (S s−1), kilosamples per second (kS s−1), or megasamplesper second (MS s−1).


A scan is a group of channels sampled in sequence. Often, the sequence isrepeated. For example, a scan of channels 0–3 samples those four channels. Ifmore than four samples are requested, then the fifth sample will contain datafrom channel 0, and so on. Scans are generally sequential. Systems that havea channel/gain queue may be used to create scans that are not sequential.

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Scope Chart

Numeric indicator modeled on the operation of an oscilloscope.


Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments. An extension of theIEEE 488.2 standard that defines a standard programming command set andsyntax for device-specific operations.

Scrolling Tool

Tool to move through windows.


Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation. The National Instru-ments product line for conditional low-level signals within an external chassisnear sensors, so only high-level signals in a noisy environment are sent to DAQdevices.


See Single-Ended Input.


A device that responds to stimulus such as temperature, light, sound, pressure,motion, or flow and produces an output that can be measured to learn aboutthe particular condition being monitored.


The ratio of output volts to sensor output range (e.g., V/G.) Sensitivity allowsthe user to predict the sensor response to a sensor input.

Sequence Local

Terminal to pass data between the frames of a Stacked Sequence structure.

Sequence Structure

See Flat Sequence structure.

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Settling Time

The time required for a voltage to stabilize at its final value (usually withina specified error range).

Shift Register

Optional mechanism in loop structures to pass the value of a variable fromone iteration of a loop to a subsequent iteration. Shift registers are similar tostatic variables in text-based programming languages.

Shortcut Menu

Menu accessed by right-clicking an object. Menu items pertain to that objectspecifically.


Sample-and-Hold. A circuit that acquires and stores a signal (e.g., an analogvoltage) on a capacitor or other storage element for a period of time.

Signal Conditioning

A catch all term for vibration filtering, signal amplification, etc. Crossbowproducts have built in signal conditioning that allow the sensors to be directlyinterfaced with data acquisition circuits.

Single-Ended Input

An analog input having an input terminal that is measured with respect to acommon reference, usually analog ground. It has two input connections, onefor the signal being measured and one for the common reference. In multi-ple input configurations, all signal inputs share the common reference. Inputsystems that use analog ground as the reference are called Referenced Single-Ended Inputs. Systems that allow an arbitrary reference within the inputcommon-mode range are known as Non-Referenced Single-Ended Inputs. (Seealso Differential Inputs as a contrasting input type.)

Slew Rate

The specified (typically maximum) rate of change of a D/A converter or am-plifier/buffer output. It is expressed in volts/microsecond.

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Signal-to-Noise Ratio. The ratio of the overall signal level to the noise level,typically expressed in dB.

Software Trigger

An event that is started (triggered) based on software control.

Strain Gauge

A sensor with resistance that varies based on being either stretched or com-pressed. When attached to a solid object with known physical properties, theresultant deflection signal can be converted to units measuring force.

Strip Chart

Numeric plotting indicator modeled after a paper strip chart recorder, whichscrolls as it plots data.


Program control element, such as a Flat Sequence structure, Stacked Sequencestructure, Case structure, For Loop, or While Loop.


Block diagram within the border of a structure.


A palette contained in an icon of another palette.


A group of software instructions separate from the main program that exe-cutes a specific function upon command and then returns control to the mainprogram.


VI used in the block diagram of another VI; comparable to a subroutine.

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Supervisory Control

Control in which the control loops operate independently subject to intermit-tent corrective action.

Successive-Approximation A/D Converter

An ADC that sequentially compares a diminishing series of binary-weightedvalues generated by a D/A converter against the analog input.

Sweep Chart

Numeric indicator modeled on the operation of an oscilloscope. It is similarto a scope chart, except that a line sweeps across the display to separate olddata from new data.


A timing configuration in which events occur in step with a reference clock ortimer.



A GPIB device that sends data to one or more listeners on the bus.


A collection of one or more channels, timing, triggering, and other propertiesin NI-DAQmx. A task represents a measurement or generation the user wantto perform.

Task ID

Number LabVIEW generates to identify the task at hand for the NI-DAQdrive. The following table gives the function code definitions.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A standard format fortransmitting data in packets from one computer to another. The two parts ofTCP/IP are TCP, which deals with the construction of data packets, and IP,which routes them from computer to computer.

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Function Code I/O Operation

1 analog input2 analog output3 digital port I/O4 digital group I/O5 counter/timer I/O

Temperature Range

The temperatures between which the sensor will accurately operate.

Temperature Coefficient

The change of value or function corresponding with a change in temperature.This is often expressed as a percentage of reading per degree or in PPM (partsper million) per degree.


Object or region on a node through which data passes.


A type of resistive temperature sensor. The thermistor resistance changes asa function of temperature.


A temperature sensor made by fusing together dissimilar metals. The junctionproduces a small voltage (referred to as the Seebeck voltage) that varies as afunction of temperature.

Tip Strip

A text banner that displays the name of an object, control, or terminal.

Tools Palette

Palette containing the tools the user can use to edit and debug front paneland block diagram objects.

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Data entry or exit terminal on a structure.


See Sensor.


A signal that is used to start or stop an operation. Triggers can be an analog,digital, or software event.

Trigger Polarity

Trigger polarity defines whether the trigger occurs when the signal is risingin a positive direction or falling in a negative direction.


Time in milliseconds required for the entire calculation.


Special cursor to perform specific operations.


Bar that contains command buttons to run and debug VIs.

Tools Palette

Palette that contains tools the user can use to edit and debug front panel andblock diagram objects.

Top-Level VI

VI at the top of the VI hierarchy. This term distinguishes the VI from itssubVIs.

Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy)

An older driver with outdated APIs for developing data acquisition, instru-mentation, and control applications for older National Instruments DAQ

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devices. The user should use Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) only in certain cir-cumstances. Refer to the NI-DAQ Readme for more information about whento use Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy), including a complete list of supporteddevices, operating systems, and application software and language versions.


Having two dimensions, as in the case of an array that has several rows andcolumns.


Unevenly Sampled Data

Data that has been sampled with nonequal sampling intervals.

User-Defined Constant

Block diagram object that emits a value the user set.


A signal range from ground to a positive value (e.g., 0 to +5V).


Universal Serial Bus. A high-speed serial bus.


Vertical Gyro

A gyroscope whose spin axis is “stabilized” or gimbaled to remain verticalwith respect to gravity. The vertical gyro is used to measure rotations awayfrom vertical relative to the fixed earth reference frame.

Virtual Instrument

A combination of hardware and software elements that emulates a stand-alone instrument both in electrical function and in the computer screenrepresentation.

Virtual Instrumentation

A program in the graphical programming language G that models the appear-ance and function of a physical instrument.

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Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. A single interface library for con-trolling GPIB, VXI, RS-232, and other types of instruments.


VME eXtensions for Instrumentation (bus)

VI Server

Mechanism for controlling VIs and LabVIEW applications programmatically,locally and remotely.



Multiple voltage readings taken at a specific sampling rate.

Waveform Chart

Indicator that plots data points at a certain rate.

While Loop

Loop structure that repeats a section of code until a condition occurs.


Data path between nodes. See also data flow.

Wire Branch

A section of wire that contains all the wire segments from one junction toanother, from a terminal to the next junction, or from one terminal to anotherif no junctions exist in-between.

Wire Junction

The point where three or more wire segments join. wire segment A single,horizontal or vertical piece of wire.

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Wiring Tool

Tool used to define data paths between terminals. Resembles a spool of wire.



Software from Crossbow that interfaces to Crossbow sensor products andreads data through the serial port. X-Analyze allows the user to log dataand print waveforms.


Demonstration software that reads data from Crossbow digital productsthrough the PC serial port and displays the data.

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