a large stock offurniture’of ail kinds

MISCELLANEOUS W . A. MOlt 1 U8 . CHI Iteli NOTH'»:». B. C. MILES. CALVIN' STANLEY MORRIS, MILES & CO. Desire to call Special Attention to their Very Complete STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE: KMKNl» ClirK* li.-Servici» every Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ami lliursday ul Id a. m. S ilibaih School every Sunday ut lo a. m, Monthly Meet lug at 10 a. m. the first Satnrd tv iu each month. quarterly Meeting the m-- c.*» i«1 Saturday ami Suuday iu Februrary, May AugUbt und November. EYANUKUCAL CHURCH.—Regular service first and third Sundays of each month ut 10 second and fourth Sunday -■>at 7 p. *'* hath School every Suuday ut il a. m. PROFESSIONAL CAKl'S. m. Sab- -O - STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, GLASSWARE AND QUEENSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. -O - Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods at Cash Prices. At the Old Corner. Wyman’s Furniture Store, NEXT D00E TO P. 0. NEWBEBG, OREGON. We Have on Hands A Large Stock ofFurniture’of ail Kinds .1. BURT MOOItll, I >1IYSK1AN ASP SIKOKON. Offloo, M '.tv L llri*. . Pru« Store. Sow berg, Uretf.m. LOCAL N EWS OF THE \Y EEK. —Tills has been a rainy week. —There will be a shooting match here to-day. —See the new ad of Morris, Miles it Company. —We noticed Judge Hurley of Lafay ette, on our streets yesterday. —Winslow it Nicholson’s new restau rant building is being painted. —All kinds of Harness work done on short notice. Mourns, Mii. es it L o. —Jesse Hobson lias furnished the lum ber for a now sidewalk from the 1 riend’s church west to the east end o* the budge. The walk will soon be built, so that peo ple from town who are compelled to walk to church will find traveling much hotter. —J. C. Cooper, the county surveyor, has been hero several days this week sur veying a new road and running liner for a number of persons in this vicinity. Mr. Cooper says he is glad to see Newbjrg j t.|ect oU; vrS- The follow in making tuich rapid advancement, and thinks it is now the second town in population in the county. —The Chehalem Valley Board of Im migration has been having two 8>-ncre farms divided into small tracts of f>, 1 ) and l’t) acres, this week, county surveyor Cooper doing the work. The L. Laugh- ary place, east of town, was divided into six 10 and one 'JO-aere tract, and the Van- tress place just north of town, into six teen 5-acre tracts. Academy Notes* Dr. Mills, George Mi l In. 11and So’ :non Haworth and wife at eu !e 1 Chapel Mon day morning. The boys arc «laity expecting the nrri- val of a new foot.hail, then for bruised shins. Prof. Morrisson delivered a practical and interesting sermon Sunday evening. There was a called meeting of the Whit tier Literary Society, Thursday evening to officers were elected for the remainder of the winter term: Pres., i on «¡ill; Vivo Pres., l'.d Warren; Sec’v., Ella Olds; Critic, Lillie V. Smith; Marshal, Geo. Morris. Lydia Washburn and Dora Malson were absent from school Thursday afternoon. l'r. Mills brought a kangaroo mouse to school Thursday. Said mouse luid a tail eight inches long, actual measurement. I Mr. N. G. Kirk visited the school last ; ».7>( )( ) Wednesday morning, and made some the P. A w V . , , , ou long term practical remarks to the students. Mr. N. E. Britt was at the Academy for a few minutes Wednesday m tiling on business. Sms & K ar/.y. MISCELL VSKttl ■ l o o s : DO YOU WANT A HOME? S200 WILL IP Y A P K - t U V n u : It ESI PP.XT L o : ,!:t FEET IN NKIVHEHU As.» ä ct.Mcc '.uro fruit ire ; u itlitn o « y r v i of i wn *v < >l«>wn, ttu- remulu- ler In à ntmunl piyunuta This is mi cxivi.Moiotl upportunity to make it vnluutite luveMUit'ut. ------ WITH— MATTING. CARPETS ANU WINDOW SHADES. W E GUARANTEE PORTLAND PRICES. Call and See Our Stock. i-tf. HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold. EASTERN PROPERTY EXCHANGED FOB 0BEG0N, WASH. TEE. OB CALIFOBNIA LAND. For Inlormattou Address at Either ol the Following Oiliccs: 7» N. rcl St., Portland, Or., Salem, Or. and Ncwlicrff, Or., the Headquarters of the Friends. NBWBERG Real Estate a g e n o t . Real Estate Bought and Sold. Farms Rented and Kents Collected. We have now on hand a largo amount ol Town Property, Desirable Fanninpr, Dairy anti Fruit Lands IF OB SALE. Persons Desiring Such Property Will do Well to Consult us. CARTER & FOSTER. Nf .wbero, Oregon. i tf. THE OLD RELIABLE One Price Store. ..........OF .......... J. T. SMITH, ------ Keeps all Kinds of------ Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Carpets ........ and........ a-ZR/OOE F I F S - B iys , C onstantly, P rodfcr. All goods sold cheap and ONF. PRICK to everybody. No old stock. Call and sec prices and goods before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest cash price for all kinds of grain. —- »■ --- - J . T . S M IT H , .NOTARY PUBLIC. NKWBERG, OREGON, l-tf. BOOT AND SHOE A. M. Hoskins, Proprietor, ---+ All kinds of work done at reasonable rates. C enter Street, N ewheko, O reiion. l-tf. SAMUEL HOBSON Photographer Portrait & Landscape ARTIST. Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors, Room over M oore B ros., D ri'O Store. NEWBERG, OREGON. l-tf. RESERVED SPACE ------ FOR------ I-I. C. IIaid NEW DRUG STORE, ON MAIN STREET. I Newhers, Oregon. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. 8F.ND IT TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS, geveral hundred copies now go east of the Ro -ky M >untains, and more copies to go THE GRAPHIC Is the best possible Advertising Agent. JOB WORK Done on Short Notice. CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. CAP STATEMENTS, FOSTER BILLS, AC., AC. frn *Promptly and n ally execute I J& 'J HIATT & HOBSON. Editors and Profs. —Jim Jones, one of Ncwlierg’senterpris ing car|>cntors, went to Portland Mon day, —Fine eye glasses and spectacles from j '.’acts to ifo 00. Also the lion-changuble glass. M oore B bos. —Buchanan A Parks, contractois and j builders, are putting up Cy Vaughn’s new j house —Jesse Hobson was in Portland and Salem several days this week looking after \ his business interests. —Mr. Fred Churchman returned from Sheridan, Wednesday, where he has been visiting for a few days. —Win. Hobson and Alt Blair are im proving their place by moans of the Chinese method of gt libbing. —The services at the Friend’s church Sunday morning were conducted hv Mrs. Jane Yotaw and Martin Cook. — See the new styles of Hats at lowest prices ever known. M orris, M iles A Co. —Mr. Vincent, and family, of Minne sota, were in Newberg yesterday. Mr. Vincent has purchased a farm near here. —1-or one week, high prices on poultry. Eggs lower. Sugats cheaper. M orris, M iles A Co. —Quite a number of persons are suffer ing with sore throat, but the general health of the community is better than for the past year. — In the rifle contest at Lafayette, last Saturday, for .iff), between Tom Tucker, of Beaverton, and Ed Long of Lafayette, Mr. Long defeated his opponent. —Our “ Faultless” Tea, wo import our selves direct from Japan, and warrant it to be strictly pure. M orris, M iles A Co. —W. F. Bowkcr, the newly appointed station agent for the P. A W. V. R. R. at this place, was in town Thursday looking around and making arrangments to move here. —Yeti Tung, a Chinese stock buyer from Portland, who has been buying hogs through the country, shipped seventy-one head of hogs on the Narrow Gauge last Monday. —.1. M. Wright, proprietor of the New berg House, has turned over the dining room and inside work to his son Oliver, who will continue to serve guests in first- class stylo. — Mr. J. W. Ravcraft, of Laurel, Washington county, a contractor and builder, was in Newberg this week looking around. He contemplates moving here ! in the spring. —Mrs..!. C. Clemen «on has just refur nished their house w itli nice new furniture, I which she bought nnd paid for with the 1money that she made selling chickens, 1butter and eggs. j — A. J. Wood is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. D. Carter. They had been separated four years without having heard front each other, nnd it is needless to say that there was a joyful meeting when he arrived. —Hobson’s saw mill has been shut down for the past week on account of a broken head-block. It will be several days before they can start up again, as they will have to get another one cast in Portland. —Miss Janey Graham, Newlx-rg’s popu lar and accomodating station agent, has resigned. Mr. Bowker, of Oswego, will lie transferred to this place, ami Mr. Heard, of Smock's station, takes eharge of the of fice at Oswego. —There will be a debating contest be- tween the Middleton Debating Society, and the Chehalem Mountain Debating Club, next Tuesday evening, attheChe- halcm Mountain school house. A lively time is exincted. — Last week we referred to some Illinois men as “ tourists,” and they took exception to the name and demanded a retraction. We are always willing to give satisfaction, and will state that they are not tourists,hut only ordinary immigrants. — Dr. White, a dentist, of Canby, has l«?cn here for the last week doing dental work. Efforts are being made to get Mr. White to locate here, as Newberg needs a good dentist, and there is no doubt that «me would get a great deal of work. —Noah IleatiT is making some im provements in John ¡Smith’» building by taking out a partition and making a fine room on the second lb sir, to lie used as a millenery and dress making shop, by Mrs. J. T. Smith and Mrs. A. M. Hoskins. —To Farmers: We want your pro duce! It does not mailer what it is, that is marketable, we will buy it at market prices, and we guarantee our buy ing and selling prices to be correct. Morris, Miles A Co. —Yr. Thomas Roberta, and family, of Highland, Ohio, arrived in Newlvrg last Monday. .Mr. Roberts . spent several months here last summer, und while here purchased the Sep Saxe place, lie lias spent considerable time in Florida and , , , . . , .. 1 ............... , , ; last week and returned home Sunday. California, but after having seen an O.e- ( a « » i \| \ " in . ni v \ choice to-.w’iti: F.trir ntu'T wnut.v one ant a half O *-)' Ì miles of >e .'u rr, WILL IU : \ TUVt T OF 1 J A« I! I - « I IW rilF lT L Y SITUATED LAND, ; \. , «oil i p -, c r ic l. .¡«I |loti i » ft:.; t uniiii. r ur.iss, within a few r«xl« os . K . anil t in :ii:«l half mil. . i Nov», ill tlii» property will be sold li\ ti pay meat «if onc-tho l «lov.n I Ntr«i - •« who wish to invest ia towu property, or fruit laud will do well to write to us. SAMUEIt HOBSON, JESSE HOBSON. \Y illumina Item i. Snow and rain. Mr. Phil. Fendali went to McMinnville OflU'c m er M oore lires., lin i" Store. l-tf. gon summer, he concluded that this is the best place he has found. —A taffy pulling parly was given last Saturday evening at the residence of Mr. James Heater. About sixty young peo ple w ere present. The taffy n e f Jlistribu- ted and every body was willing to take a hand. After the usual manipulation« of the mixture, a few lively games were played and all returned to their several homes and reported a large time. —The new county road, running from near the Brutseher school house, east, to the Champoeg load, watt surveyed last Thursday, by county surveyor, J. C. Cooper. J. L. Davis, J.C. Nelson and Amos Nelson, of West Chchuhun, were the viewers. The road will he of great benefit to the people living beyond the Champoeg road, as it will he shorter ujid will miss several had hills. N E W B E R G H O U SE Newberg, Yamhill Co., Oregon. Mr. Dave James and R. Brown cap tured two large panthers yesterday. There will be a shooting match here Friday for a beef. Do your liest boys, beef is scarce. Messrs, l.ongdon A Carry, proprieUvs of the Willamina mills, are putting in n ----------------------------------------------------------- - £!!■■ . i ^ h S S i " «“ . EVERYTHING NEW AND CONVENIENT Mr. 11. \V. l.amson went to Sheriden yesterday. Mr. I.auson Madaux is on the sick list. School commenced at River Side, last Monday. Miss Cronan of Gopher Valley, L11« ™ -i'1*4 €*oiii|»H*t€'«l m i « x t e n s .v . is teacher. Mr. Claud Mendenhall, of Willamina, is attending school at Riverside, ti.is win ter. Mr. ( ’. C. l.amson spent Sunday with W. E. Mendenhall. Mi s Hattie Churchman s]K*nt several ; days visiting at II. S. Male tiev’s. Dr. Smith, of Sheridan, was in town —The fighting editor has traded lilsold Monday, visiting his patients. Mr. E. P-. Churchman is visiting at M. Mendenhall’s this week. The shooting match did not cotne off Friday. There was too much ruin. Mr. R. Kendall's wife is very sick tais shotgun for a tine rifle. This is an im provement of which we are proud, as the rifle does not make nearly so much noise and the man who wants to whip the edi tor can now lie dis|iosed of without people ! thinking an earthquake lias struck the | week, town. With a slock of undertaking goods j in the backroom and this new rifle we fell that the G raphic has the best equip- pedoffice in the county. tilditton to our house, vve tiro l>i'«‘l>;ir«'<l to necoiiiiiKulato legiilur or trouaient customer« better than ever before. TElfMS BivASOX A m /i J. M. WRIGHT. 1 -f. I-tf. Jesse Holsen, Pres’t. II,.\. To draft. The time is coming when grafting will bo in order, so the following will be appreciated : Real ristate Transfer« l’or I lip Fast Week. |„ ||_ Hailoy, in his book on apple cul- N. E. Deskins to D. 11. Deardorff, lut- ture, gives these directions fer grafting: 4 and ">, block t) in Deskins’ addition. In May, just as the leaves are pushing out Brice tl7fi- vigorously, raw nil (lie limb to ho grafted B. C. Miles, Vice Pres’t. N. E. Deskins to G. R. Deardorff, lot 8, where it is an inch or less in diameter, block 3 in Dcskins’ udditiilion. Brice$(>;). Trim the stub edges smooth and split it to tho depth of about font inches, not ; more. When the scimi is prepared ready I fur setting it should com).riso three buds. ! The lower end is cut woilg -shape, to fit NEWBERG MEAT MARKET. &ij aChits Imkú tí itili Ft-iMry ari lus HANSON & JONES. F. A, Morris, Sec’y. J. T. Smith, Tres’r. h iii SFPy Stork- Cooper A .Son, proprietor* of the New- l«>rg Nursery, have on hand a full supply of nursery stock andare prepared to fill, . . . . . , , , , , I .. ,, . into the seht, and on one partol die wedge orders and supply the trade. Call at the I . . ........................... THE CHEHALEM VALLEY new nursery, near the ti!o factory, on Burt la ml street. Newlierg, Oregon. Small l ux. There are now nine eases ol. »mall pox in Amity, and there has been one death. All patients have been placed in the |*st house and all persons who have been ex posed are quarentined. McMinnville has quarantine! against Amity, and has placed guards on all of the roads leading into McMinnville. GrniiFH. Last Monthly afternoon Mr. G. W. Mitchell presented us with several largo nnd beautiful bunches of grapes, which woio raised on his farm in the edge of town. They were picked several weeks ago, hut sealing wax had been put on the stems, keeping them plump and delicious. Mr. Mitchell lias picked grapes from tho vines in his garden since New Years. While Iho Eastern States nro suffering with coM blizzards, we are enjoying com paratively warm weather. No wonder so innpy people are coming to Oregon. A lit:«« Content. f.ast Saturday mom.ag, people were much pleased to find a new side walk from | near the I ¡RArnn office to the f.iveiv sta- ] hie. anti of course made it handy to walk out in that direction. But as tho unfor tunate victim drew near tho end, shout four men would gracefully spring through the »‘ aide door, start the pump, point the hose at tlie intruder nnd tell him to bund over his nickel, to help pay for the im- piovcuients, or taken cold water bath from the well. Several nickels wc-re taken in this way, till about nine o'clock a few I toys concluded to overpower the monop- BOARD OF IMMIGRATION, part should be left one t f the three buds. When the (scion is set this bud will be deep down in the cleft and covered with wax, hut being near the source of nour ishment than any others, it will Vie most likely of all to floursh, and it will readily push through the wax. Tho scion is set in the cleft by exercising earn that the in ner surface of its hark matches tIn* inner surface of th“ bark on the “Ir.b. Wax the whole over thoroughly, leaving no crack exposed. Two pounds of rosin melted with one of beeswax and one-half of tal low makes an excellent wax. As soon as melted pour it into colt! water, anti when it cools work it with the hands until nearly white. Whenever tho wax is han dled the hands should bo greased with tallow. lim e Wsuletl With llatl Hprlllng. Dr. Gladstono has made elaborate in vestigations iu tlm schools of England and other countries to ascertain tho time devoted to spelling. Ho finds that 7t?0 ! hours at least are lost to each scholar, j that an Italian child of f) years w ill read and s| h -1I as correctly as English children at IIS. though the Italian liegan ids lessons two years later. It is about tho same with the Germans and Swedes. This ex tra time is given to civics and useful su- | cnees. The illiteracy of English-speak ing nations is startling. There w< re 5, River Steamers hind three-fourths of a mile from tho town at the lowest water mark. (¡-■¡8,144 perrons of 10 years nnd over who reported themselves illiterate at our ecu-! sus of 1870; 0,•->:!!),tfiH at the census o( 1430. The nearly illiterate as many more. England than we are. But tlm otl are probably is worse off er Protestant Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon. Is incorporated under the laws of the state for the purpose of inducing immigration, improving our town nnd dclvdoi ing the many natural resources of our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly specu lative scheme nor charitable in- tiliiti« n. ZEST Hi W IB 33 3R, Gr has more than doubled in size und population the pro-' nt season, because she has the natural facilities for in iking a good little « ¡tv, an 1 hci wide awoke energetic citizens nro substantially improving nnd taking hold of business in a manner that inspires confidence in the new comets. Almost all lines of business are repre sented, und our shipping facilities enable our merchants to give TH E LOWEST PRICES. The advantages for fruit raising in Chehalem Valley are unsurpassed on tito eoäst. countries of F.uropo have almost none. One of the causes of this excessive illilcr- ! acy among Euglish-S|K‘.iking people is the olv. A rush was made for the hose by ncH#0f English spelling. Tim refont of spelling is a patriotic un I philanthropic five or six boys. The pump was k -pt go ing by tho sjieetators ami ut Ilio close of the contest ull hands were well soaked, but the sidewalk monopoly has charged ! no more toll. Harmony After a few frosty nights, we are having some regular webfoot weather. Mr. J. IV. Nntherton l ontemplatcs teacli- ing a class in vocal music at Harmony. John is agissi musician, and wn think the community will he greatly benefited by Ins instructions. F. B. Churchman is at home on a visit, and is soliciting subscriptions for the Gawi’inc. Fred soems to take a gieat in terest in his own town. Miss Okie Cain, the only surviving cliiId of Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Cain, died at her home in Willamina. Jan. 1», of Typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Cain haw the sympathy of the community in their sail bereavement, having lost their only «on aVsnit a month previous. Roswell is furnishing his house with some very nice furniture. Wonder what's up. reform.— I’rof. F. A. March, in the Decem ber Forum. A Kansas farmer writes from the “ sun burned district” to tell Iowa |»ople to ' stay whore they are. He “ says: It is so dry in some of the western counties that they have to soak th ir hogs in wet sand over night to get them so they will hold slop llie next day.” —f.ynnvillo (Iowa) Sentinel. fay, one word to you Eastern peo ple. When you cotne to Oregon, ns we hope many of you will oo soon, come arid take a look nt Yamhill county. View our I broad wheat fields, finu limber, clear wa ter and elegant homes. H m our flowers in bloom out of doort in January ami the thermometer at 50 nnd <>) alstve zero. Wo have room tor many good citizens. —Dayton Herald. A |s-rfect town is that in which you see i the farmers patronize tiro home tner- ¡ «’liants, the home merchants patronizing ' the home inerbarne«, the laborers s|«>nd- ¡ ing the money they ea/n with their own G 35 T hT 33 H ~ST 7 Tho stock is mostly snhserilicd for a large fruit cannery which will he in operation the coming reason We arc now nt golialing for a conqx lont runner. Tim Board has tlie Imsinets and resident 1<ts of tho otiginal town for sale, ulso EDWARD'S AND HOESON S ADDITION. They also have nice five an«l ten aero tracts nrar town for there wl-hlng a «xin-, lenient little country homo. For further information call on or . . , address their Managua MARIS & OLIVER, who do a gen -ral land and agency |hipine“S ar.d have ns good a list of all kinds of land us any linn in tho valley which they wi 1 gladly show intending settlers free of charge. If you want to b iy come where bargains a n for sal >. If you want to sell leave your Ian I wh ro buyers co ne. *! 1 1 . . 11 tradesmen, anl al anime cd cy u s'i.it |n„,ranee Effected sod Money Loaned on Ren k State. Net.rial I nsinesa Cato- grain this winter. Ltm-oln is an enter- that w¡„ t |H]rc|1Ma articles abroad if I pri«ing young f.irin'*r. J. I.. Guitry ani B. M. Churchman have gut all their cattle fruiti the morn- bin« with lite exception of three hca«l. They have some nice young cattle. Nix \. they ran be bought at home. The spirit ¡ of reciprocity between man and the me chanic, tradì mi in an I laborer, farmer anil manufacturer, renili» every time in 1 making the town a periect one to «lo hilii- ness iu.—Ex. fullV done. MALIS, & OLIVER, Manage»

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W. A. MOlt 1U8.

CH I Ite li N O T H '»:» .


MORRIS, MILES & CO.Desire to call Special Attention to their Very Complete


KM KNl» ClirK* li.-Servici» every Sun­day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ami lliursday ul Id a. m. S ilibaih School every Sunday ut lo a. m, Monthly Meet lug at 10 a. m. the first Satnrd tv iu each month. quarterly Meeting the m--c.*»i«1 Saturday ami Suuday iu Februrary, May AugUbt und November.

EYANUKUCAL CHURCH.—Regular servicefirst and third Sundays of each month ut 10

second and fourth Sunday -■> at 7 p. *'*hath School every Suuday ut il a. m.


m. Sab-

- O -




- O -

Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods at Cash Prices.

At the Old Corner.

W yman’s Furniture Store,NEXT D00E TO P. 0. NEWBEBG, OREGON.

We Have on Hands

A Large Stock ofFurniture’of ail Kinds

.1. B U R T M O O I t l l ,I >1IYSK1AN A SP SIKOKON. Offloo, M '.tv L llri*. . Pru« Store. Sow berg, Uretf.m.

L O C A L N E W S O F T H E \Y E E K .

—Tills has been a rainy week.

—There will be a shooting match here to-day.

—See the new ad of Morris, Miles it Company.

—We noticed Judge Hurley of Lafay­ette, on our streets yesterday.

—Winslow it Nicholson’s new restau­rant building is being painted.

—All kinds of Harness work done on short notice. Mourns, Mii.es it L o.

—Jesse Hobson lias furnished the lum­ber for a now sidewalk from the 1 riend’s church west to the east end o* the budge.The walk will soon be built, so that peo­ple from town who are compelled to walk to church will find traveling much hotter.

—J. C. Cooper, the county surveyor, has been hero several days this week sur­veying a new road and running liner for a number of persons in this vicinity. Mr.Cooper says he is glad to see Newbjrg j t.|ect oU; vrS- The follow in making tuich rapid advancement, and thinks it is now the second town in population in the county.

—The Chehalem Valley Board of Im­migration has been having two 8>-ncre farms divided into small tracts of f>, 1 ) and l’t) acres, this week, county surveyor Cooper doing the work. The L. Laugh- ary place, east of town, was divided into six 10 and one 'JO-aere tract, and the Van- tress place just north of town, into six­teen 5-acre tracts.

Academ y Notes*Dr. Mills, George Mi l In. 11 and So’ :non

Haworth and wife at eu !e 1 Chapel Mon­day morning.

The boys arc «laity expecting the nrri- val of a new foot.hail, then for bruised shins.

Prof. Morrisson delivered a practical and interesting sermon Sunday evening.

There was a called meeting of the Whit­tier Literary Society, Thursday evening to

officers wereelected for the remainder of the winter term: Pres., i on «¡ill; Vivo Pres., l'.d Warren; Sec’v., Ella Olds; Critic, Lillie V. Smith; Marshal, Geo. Morris.

Lydia Washburn and Dora Malson were absent from school Thursday afternoon.

l'r. Mills brought a kangaroo mouse to school Thursday. Said mouse luid a tail eight inches long, actual measurement. I

Mr. N. G. Kirk visited the school last ; » .7 > ( ) ( )W ednesday m orning, and m ade some the P. A w V

. , , , ou long termpractical remarks to the students.Mr. N. E. Britt was at the Academy for

a few minutes Wednesday m tiling on business. S m s & Kar/.y.


l o o s :

DO Y O U W A N T A HOME?S200 WILL IP Y A P K -tU V n u : It ESI PP.XT L o : , ! : t FEET IN NKIVHEHU A s . »

ä ct.Mcc ' .uro fruit ire ; u itlitn o « y r v i of i wn *v < >l«>wn, ttu- remulu- ler In à ntmunl piyunuta This is mi cxivi.Moiotl upportunity to make

it vnluutite luveMUit'ut.







Real Estate Bought and Sold.EA STER N PR O PER TY

EXCHANGED FOB 0BEG0N, WASH. TEE. OB CALIFOBNIA LAND.For Inlormattou Address at Either ol the Following Oiliccs:

7 » N . rcl S t ., P o r t la n d , O r ., S a le m , O r. a n d N c w lic r f f , O r ., th e H e a d q u a r te r s o f th e F r ie n d s .


Real E statea g e n o t .

Real Estate Bought and Sold. Farms Rented and Kents Collected. We

have now on hand a largo amount ol

T o w n P r o p e r t y ,D e s ir a b le F a n n in p r,

D a ir y an ti F r u it L a n d s

IF O B SALE.Persons Desiring Such Property Will do

Well to Consult us.

CARTER & FOSTER.Nf.wbero, Oregon.

i tf.


One Price Store...........OF..........

J . T . S M I T H ,------Keeps all Kinds of------

Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Carpets

........and........a - Z R / O O E F I F S -

B i y s , C o n sta n tly , P r o d fcr .

All goods sold cheap and ONF. PRICK to everybody. No old stock. Call and sec prices and goods before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest cash price for all kinds of grain.

—- »■ --- -J . T . S M IT H , .NOTARY PUBLIC.



A. M. Hoskins, Proprietor,---+ ■ —All kinds of work done at reasonable

rates.C enter Str ee t , N ew h ek o , O reiion .



P h o to g ra p h e rPortrait & Landscape


Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors,

Room o ver M oore B ros., D ri'O Sto r e .




O N M A IN S T R E E T .

I N e w h e r s , O r e g o n .


geveral hundred copies now go east of the Ro -ky M >untains, and more copies to go

THE GRAPHICIs the best possible Advertising Agent.

J O B W O R KDone on Short Notice.




f r n *Promptly and n ally execute I J & 'J

HIATT & HOBSON.Editors and Profs.

—Jim Jones, one of Ncwlierg’senterpris­ing car|>cntors, went to Portland Mon­day,

—Fine eye glasses and spectacles from j '.’acts to ifo 00. Also the lion-changuble glass. M oore B bos.

—Buchanan A Parks, contractois and j builders, are putting up Cy Vaughn’s new j house

—Jesse Hobson was in Portland and Salem several days this week looking after \ his business interests.

—Mr. Fred Churchman returned from Sheridan, Wednesday, where he has been visiting for a few days.

—Win. Hobson and Alt Blair are im­proving their place by moans of the Chinese method of gt libbing.

—The services at the Friend’s church Sunday morning were conducted hv Mrs. Jane Yotaw and Martin Cook.

— See the new styles of Hats at lowest prices ever known.

M o r r is , M iles A Co.— Mr. Vincent, and family, of Minne­

sota, were in Newberg yesterday. Mr. Vincent has purchased a farm near here.

—1-or one week, high prices on poultry. Eggs lower. Sugats cheaper.

M orris , M iles A Co.—Quite a number of persons are suffer­

ing with sore throat, but the general health of the community is better than for the past year.

— In the rifle contest at Lafayette, last Saturday, for .iff), between Tom Tucker, of Beaverton, and Ed Long of Lafayette, Mr. Long defeated his opponent.

—Our “ Faultless” Tea, wo import our­selves direct from Japan, and warrant it to be strictly pure.

M orris , M iles A Co.—W. F. Bowkcr, the newly appointed

station agent for the P. A W. V. R. R. at this place, was in town Thursday looking around and making arrangments to move here.

—Yeti Tung, a Chinese stock buyer from Portland, who has been buying hogs through the country, shipped seventy-one head of hogs on the Narrow Gauge last Monday.

—.1. M. Wright, proprietor of the New­berg House, has turned over the dining room and inside work to his son Oliver, who will continue to serve guests in first- class stylo.

—Mr. J. W. Ravcraft, of Laurel, Washington county, a contractor and builder, was in Newberg this week looking around. He contemplates moving here

! in the spring.—Mrs..!. C. Clemen «on has just refur­

nished their house w itli nice new furniture,I which she bought nnd paid for with the 1 money that she made selling chickens,1 butter and eggs.j —A. J. Wood is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. D. Carter. They had been separated four years without having heard front each other, nnd it is needless to say that there was a joyful meeting when he arrived.

—Hobson’s saw mill has been shut down for the past week on account of a broken head-block. It will be several days before they can start up again, as they will have to get another one cast in Portland.

—Miss Janey Graham, Newlx-rg’s popu­lar and accomodating station agent, has resigned. Mr. Bowker, of Oswego, w ill lie transferred to this place, ami Mr. Heard, of Smock's station, takes eharge of the of­fice at Oswego.

—There will be a debating contest be- tween the Middleton Debating Society, and the Chehalem Mountain Debating Club, next Tuesday evening, attheChe- halcm Mountain school house. A lively time is exincted.

—Last week we referred to some Illinois men as “ tourists,” and they took exception to the name and demanded a retraction. We are always willing to give satisfaction, and w ill state that they are not tourists,hut only ordinary immigrants.

— Dr. White, a dentist, of Canby, has l«?cn here for the last week doing dental work. Efforts are being made to get Mr. White to locate here, as Newberg needs a good dentist, and there is no doubt that «me would get a great deal of work.

—Noah IleatiT is making some im­provements in John ¡Smith’» building by taking out a partition and making a fine room on the second lb sir, to lie used as a millenery and dress making shop, by Mrs. J. T. Smith and Mrs. A. M. Hoskins.

—To Farmers: We want your pro­duce! It does not mailer what it is, that is marketable, we will buy it at market prices, and we guarantee our buy ing and selling prices to be correct.

Morris, Miles A Co.

—Yr. Thomas Roberta, and family, of Highland, Ohio, arrived in Newlvrg last Monday. .Mr. Roberts . spent several months here last summer, und while here purchased the Sep Saxe place, lie liasspent considerable time in Florida and , , , . . , ..1 ............... , , ; last week and returned home Sunday.California, but after having seen an O.e-

( a « » i \| \ " in . ni v \ choice to-.w’ iti: F.trir n tu 'T wnut.v one ant a halfO * - ) ' Ì miles of >e .'u rr,

WILL IU : \ TUVt T OF 1 J A« I! I - « I IW rilF lT L Y SITUATED LAND,; \. , «oil i p -, cricl. .¡«I | loti i » ft:.; t uniiii. r ur.iss, within a few r«xl« os

. K . anil t in :ii:«l half mil. . i Nov», ill tlii» property will be sold li\ ti pay meat «if onc-tho l «lov.n I Nt r«i - •« who wish to invest ia

towu property, or fruit laud will do well to write to us.


Snow and rain.Mr. Phil. Fendali went to McMinnville O flU 'c m e r M o o r e l ir e s ., l i n i " S tore .


gon summer, he concluded that this is the best place he has found.

—A taffy pulling parly was given last Saturday evening at the residence of Mr. James Heater. About sixty young peo­ple w ere present. The taffy nef Jlistribu- ted and every body was willing to take a hand. After the usual manipulation« of the mixture, a few lively games were played and all returned to their several homes and reported a large time.

—The new county road, running from near the Brutseher school house, east, to the Champoeg load, watt surveyed last Thursday, by county surveyor, J. C. Cooper. J. L. Davis, J.C. Nelson and Amos Nelson, of West Chchuhun, were the viewers. The road will he of great benefit to the people living beyond the Champoeg road, as it will he shorter ujid will miss several had hills.

N E W B E R G H O U S ENewberg, Yam hill Co., Oregon.

Mr. Dave James and R. Brown cap­tured two large panthers yesterday.

There will be a shooting match here Friday for a beef. Do your liest boys, beef is scarce.

Messrs, l.ongdon A Carry, proprieUvs of the Willamina mills, are putting in n ------------------------------------------------------------

£!!■■ . i ^ h S S i " «“ . E V E R Y T H I N G N E W A N D C O N V E N I E N TMr. 11. \V. l.amson went to Sheriden

yesterday.Mr. I.auson Madaux is on the sick list.School commenced at River Side, last

Monday. Miss Cronan of Gopher Valley, L11« ™ -i'1*4 €*oiii|»H*t€'«l m i «x te n s .v .is teacher.

Mr. Claud Mendenhall, of Willamina, is attending school at Riverside, ti.is win­ter.

Mr. ( ’ . C. l.amson spent Sunday with W. E. Mendenhall.

Mi s Hattie Churchman s]K*nt several ; days visiting at II. S. Male tiev’s.

Dr. Smith, of Sheridan, was in town —The fighting editor has traded lilsold Monday, visiting his patients.

Mr. E. P-. Churchman is visiting at M. Mendenhall’s this week.

The shooting match did not cotne off Friday. There was too much ruin.

Mr. R. Kendall's wife is very sick tais

shotgun for a tine rifle. This is an im­provement of which we are proud, as the rifle does not make nearly so much noise and the man who wants to whip the edi­tor can now lie dis|iosed of without people ! thinking an earthquake lias struck the | week, town. With a slock of undertaking goods j in the backroom and this new rifle we fell that the G r a p h i c has the best equip- pedoffice in the county.

t ild itto n to o u r h o u se , vve tiro l>i'«‘ l>;ir«'<l t o n eco iiiiiK u lato le g i i lu r o r tr o u a ie n t c u s to m e r «

b e t te r th a n e v e r b e fo r e .

T E l f M S B iv A S O X A m / iJ. M. WRIGHT.

1 -f.


Jesse Holsen, Pres’t.

II ,.\. To d ra ft.

The time is coming when grafting will bo in order, so the following will be appreciated :

Real ristate Transfer« l ’or I lip Fast W eek. ’ |„ ||_ Hailoy, in his book on apple cul-N. E. Deskins to D. 11. Deardorff, lut- ture, gives these directions fer grafting:

4 and ">, block t) in Deskins’ addition. In May, just as the leaves are pushing outBrice tl7fi- • vigorously, raw nil (lie limb to ho grafted B. C. Miles, Vice Pres’t.

N. E. Deskins to G. R. Deardorff, lot 8, where it is an inch or less in diameter, block 3 in Dcskins’ udditiilion. Brice$(>;). Trim the stub edges smooth and split it

to tho depth of about font inches, not ; more. When the scimi is prepared ready I fur setting it should com).riso three buds.! The lower end is cut woilg -shape, to fit

NEWBERG MEAT MARKET.&ij a Chits Imkú tí itili Ft-iMry ari lus


F. A, Morris, Sec’y. J. T. Smith, Tres’r.

h iii SFPy Stork-

Cooper A .Son, proprietor* of the New- l«>rg Nursery, have on hand a full supplyof nursery stock andare prepared to fill, . . . . . , , ,, , I .. ,, . into the seht, and on one partol die wedgeorders and supply the trade. Call at the I . . ...........................


new nursery, near the ti!o factory, on Burt la ml street. Newlierg, Oregon.

Small l ux.There are now nine eases ol. »mall pox

in Amity, and there has been one death. All patients have been placed in the |*st house and all persons who have been ex­posed are quarentined. McMinnville has quarantine! against Amity, and has placed guards on all of the roads leading into McMinnville.

GrniiFH.Last Monthly afternoon Mr. G. W.

Mitchell presented us with several largo nnd beautiful bunches of grapes, which woio raised on his farm in the edge of town. They were picked several weeks ago, hut sealing wax had been put on the stems, keeping them plump and delicious. Mr. Mitchell lias picked grapes from tho vines in his garden since New Years. While Iho Eastern States nro suffering with coM blizzards, we are enjoying com­paratively warm weather. No wonder so innpy people are coming to Oregon.

A lit:«« Content .

f.ast Saturday mom.ag, people were much pleased to find a new side walk from

| near the I¡RArnn office to the f . iv e iv sta- ] hie. anti of course made it handy to walk out in that direction. But as tho unfor­tunate victim drew near tho end, shout four men would gracefully spring through the »‘ aide door, start the pump, point the hose at tlie intruder nnd tell him to bund over his nickel, to help pay for the im- piovcuients, or taken cold water bath from the well. Several nickels wc-re taken in this way, till about nine o'clock a few I toys concluded to overpower the monop-

BOARD OF IMMIGRATION,part should be left one t f the three buds.When the (scion is set this bud will be deep down in the cleft and covered with wax, hut being near the source of nour­ishment than any others, it will Vie most likely of all to floursh, and it will readily push through the wax. Tho scion is set in the cleft by exercising earn that the in­ner surface of its hark matches tIn* inner surface of th“ bark on the “Ir.b. Wax the whole over thoroughly, leaving no crack exposed. Two pounds of rosin melted with one of beeswax and one-half of tal­low makes an excellent wax. As soon as melted pour it into colt! water, anti when it cools work it with the hands until nearly white. Whenever tho wax is han­dled the hands should bo greased with tallow.

l im e Wsuletl W ith llatl Hprlllng.Dr. Gladstono has made elaborate in­

vestigations iu tlm schools of England and other countries to ascertain tho time devoted to spelling. Ho finds that 7t?0 ! hours at least are lost to each scholar, j that an Italian child of f) years w ill read and s|h-1I as correctly as English children at IIS. though the Italian liegan ids lessons two years later. It is about tho same with the Germans and Swedes. This ex­tra time is given to civics and useful su- | cnees. The illiteracy of English-speak­ing nations is startling. There w< re 5, River Steamers hind three-fourths of a mile from tho town at the lowest water mark. (¡-■¡8,144 perrons of 10 years nnd over who reported themselves illiterate at our ecu -! sus of 1870; 0,•->:!!),tfiH at the census o(1430. The nearly illiterate as many more. England than we are. But tlm otl

are probably is worse off

er Protestant

Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon.Is incorporated under the laws of the state for the purpose of inducing immigration,

improving our town nnd dclvdoi ing the many natural resources of our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly specu­

lative scheme nor charitable in- tiliiti« n.

ZEST Hi W IB 33 3R, Grhas more than doubled in size und population the pro-' nt season, because she has

the natural facilities for in iking a good little « ¡tv, an 1 hci wide awoke energetic citizens nro substantially improving nnd taking hold of

business in a manner that inspires confidence in the new comets. Almost all lines of business are repre­

sented, und our shipping facilities enable our merchants to give

TH E L O W E S T P R I C E S .

The advantages for fruit raising in Chehalem Valley are unsurpassedon tito eoäst.

countries of F.uropo have almost none. One of the causes of this excessive illilcr- ! acy among Euglish-S|K‘.iking people is the

olv. A rush was made for the hose by ncH#0f English spelling. Tim refontof spelling is a patriotic un I philanthropicfive or six boys. The pump was k -pt go­

ing by tho sjieetators ami ut Ilio close of the contest ull hands were well soaked, but the sidewalk monopoly has charged

! no more toll.Harmony

After a few frosty nights, we are having some regular webfoot weather.

Mr. J. IV. Nntherton l ontemplatcs teacli- ing a class in vocal music at Harmony. John is agissi musician, and wn think the community will he greatly benefited by Ins instructions.

F. B. Churchman is at home on a visit, and is soliciting subscriptions for the Gawi’inc. Fred soems to take a gieat in­terest in his own town.

Miss Okie Cain, the only surviving cliiId of Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Cain, died at her home in Willamina. Jan. 1», of Typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Cain haw the sympathy of the community in their sail bereavement, having lost their only «on aVsnit a month previous.

Roswell is furnishing his house with some very nice furniture. Wonder what's up.

reform.— I’rof. F. A. March, in the Decem­ber Forum.

A Kansas farmer writes from the “ sun­burned district” to tell Iowa |»ople to

' stay whore they are. He “ says: It is so dry in some of the western counties that they have to soak th ir hogs in wet sand over night to get them so they will hold slop llie next day.” —f.ynnvillo (Iowa) Sentinel.

fay, one word to you Eastern peo­ple. When you co tne to Oregon, ns we hope many of you will oo soon, come arid take a look nt Yamhill county. View our

I broad wheat fields, finu limber, clear wa­ter and elegant homes. H m our flowers in bloom out of doort in January ami the thermometer at 50 nnd <>) alstve zero. Wo have room tor many good citizens. —Dayton Herald.

A |s-rfect town is that in which you see i the farmers patronize tiro home tner- ¡ «’liants, the home merchants patronizing ' the home inerbarne«, the laborers s|«>nd- ¡ing the money they ea/n with their own

G 35T h T 33 H ~ST 7

Tho stock is mostly snhserilicd for a large fruit cannery which w ill he in operation the coming reason We arc now nt golialing for a conqx lont runner. Tim

Board has tlie Imsinets and resident 1< ts of tho otiginal town for sale, ulso


They also have nice five an«l ten aero tracts nrar town for there wl-hlng a «xin-, lenient little country homo. For further information call on or

. . , address their Managua


who do a gen -ral land and agency |hipine“S ar.d have ns good a list of all kinds of land us any linn in tho valley which they wi 1 gladly show intending

settlers free of charge.If you want to b iy come where bargains a n for sal >. If you want to sell leave

your Ian I wh ro buyers co ne.*! 1 1 . . 11 tradesmen, a n l a l anime cd cy u s'i.it |n„,ranee Effected sod Money Loaned on Ren k State. Net.rial I nsinesa Cato-

grain this winter. Ltm-oln is an enter- that w¡„ t |H]rc|1Ma articles abroad if Ipri«ing young f.irin'*r.

J. I.. Guitry ani B. M. Churchmanhave gut all their cattle fruiti the morn- b in« with lite exception of three hca«l. They have some nice young cattle.

Nix \.

they ran be bought at home. The spirit ¡ of reciprocity between man and the me­chanic, tradì mi in an I laborer, farmer anil manufacturer, renili» every time in 1 making the town a periect one to «lo hilii- ness iu.—Ex.

fullV done.

MALIS, & OLIVER, Manage»