a letter to david livingstone: al jinn are a race of mortal men on earth

To David Livingstone, This is a letter to try and show you evidences that in Quran, what is mentioned by God as Al Jinn, are in fact nothing more than mortal men who live and die on Earth. In fact I believe Al Jinn is simply the title given to the race of men who descended from Iblis (Satan) by God. Al Jinn as it is found in Quran is simply the antithesis to Al Insan which is the God given name of the bloodline of Adam. Two races of men are identified by God in Quran. One is Al Insan or the bloodline descendants of Adam and the other is Al Jinn or the bloodline descendants of Iblis. Adam was the father of a black race while Iblis may have been the father of a white race. It is this race of Al Jinn which I believe now make up the few blood families that are attempting to govern the planet and who are indeed worshipers of the devil. I will now attempt to support my above claims by using evidence as found in Quran and Bible as well as from historical facts I have come across. I do not wish to dwell too much on contrasts of skin tones between these two proposed races, as I have read some of your works, and understand that you are familiar with these ideas. Instead I will focus more on scriptural evidence that Al Jinn as described in Quran are merely a race of men on Earth who are descended from their first father Iblis (Satan). Let's start from the beginning... The Beginnings of Man / Adams Creation In Al Quran we find the most detailed story of the origin's of Adam, so it is here that I will begin. Before mankind as we are familiar with, existed on this physical Earth there was an episode taking place in the metaphysical world. This very important event is detailed here in Al Quran: Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28-31 And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance. The above episode is very significant to understanding not only man's beginnings but also his condition for a number of reasons. First there is the mention of Adams creation, his form and spirit (the highlighting of black mud will be touched on later) and perhaps of even more importance is the reaction of the personality called Iblis when he was asked make obeisance to Adam. The telling of Iblis' disobedience at this time of Adams creation is repeated six more times in Quran at 2:34, 7:11, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116 and 38:74.

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A letter written to the author David Livingstone, author of "Terrorism and The Illuminati", trying to prove that these so called elites, often called Illuminati, are recognized in Al Quran as Al Jinn. The Jinn are nothing more than another mortal race of men on Earth who by choice and design, are to this day, trying to usurp the living world from underneath our very feet.


Page 1: A Letter to David Livingstone: Al Jinn are a Race of Mortal Men on Earth

To David Livingstone,

This is a letter to try and show you evidences that in Quran, what is mentioned by God as Al Jinn, are in fact nothing more than mortal men who live and die on Earth. In fact I believe Al Jinn is simply the title given to the race of men who descended from Iblis (Satan) by God. Al Jinn as it is found in Quran is simply the antithesis to Al Insan which is the God given name of the bloodline of Adam. Two races of men are identified by God in Quran. One is Al Insan or the bloodline descendants of Adam and the other is Al Jinn or the bloodline descendants of Iblis. Adam was the father of a black race while Iblis may have been the father of a white race. It is this race of Al Jinn which I believe now make up the few blood families that are attempting to govern the planet and who are indeed worshipers of the devil.

I will now attempt to support my above claims by using evidence as found in Quran and Bible as well as from historical facts I have come across. I do not wish to dwell too much on contrasts of skin tones between these two proposed races, as I have read some of your works, and understand that you are familiar with these ideas. Instead I will focus more on scriptural evidence that Al Jinn as described in Quran are merely a race of men on Earth who are descended from their first father Iblis (Satan). Let's start from the beginning...

The Beginnings of Man / Adams Creation

In Al Quran we find the most detailed story of the origin's of Adam, so it is here that I will begin.

Before mankind as we are familiar with, existed on this physical Earth there was an episode taking place in the metaphysical world. This very important event is detailed here in Al Quran:

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28-31 And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.

The above episode is very significant to understanding not only man's beginnings but also his condition for a number of reasons. First there is the mention of Adams creation, his form and spirit (the highlighting of black mud will be touched on later) and perhaps of even more importance is the reaction of the personality called Iblis when he was asked make obeisance to Adam. The telling of Iblis' disobedience at this time of Adams creation is repeated six more times in Quran at 2:34, 7:11, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116 and 38:74.

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This important moment in mans early metaphysical beginnings is not represented as completely in the Bible, however we do find some agreement between Bible and Quran regarding the metaphoric description of the creation of Adams form and spirit as seen here:

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Because both the Old and New Testaments have undergone so much tampering, it is difficult to rely solely on it's written word to completely understand such events, however above we see that both Bible and Quran confer that Adam was first made to form from an Earthly substance and then a spirit was metaphorically breathed into him, by God, to give this empty form life. What is missing from Biblical text is the event of Iblis (Satan's) initial disobedience and refusal to make obeisance to Adam, and it is this single action that plays a crucial role in understanding mans current condition on Earth. In fact the entire New Testament is almost silent on the mention of the personality of Satan and this personality is non-existent in Old Testament during any mention of Adams creation. Satan as a personality only plays a key role in much of the book of Job and a little in Zacharia. Further, the word devil or the character devil is completely absent from the Old Testament and it only takes on a strong supporting role in many writings attributed to Paul in the New Testament. Also, the New Testament is completely mute on the subject of Adams creation.

What needs to be addressed now is the question of who this Iblis character is, but before I do that I want to show what the result was of his initial disobedience and narrate this story a little further. This is what happened after Iblis initially disobeyed Him and refused to make obeisance to the newly created Adam.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:32-41 He said: O Iblis! what excuse have you that you are not with those who make obeisance? He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. He said: Then get out of it, for surely you are driven away: And surely on you is curse until the day of judgment. He said: My Lord! then respite me till the time when they are raised. He said: So surely you are of the respited ones Till the period of the time made known. He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to deviate Except Thy servants from among them, the devoted ones. He said: This is a right way with Me:

Following the story we see that it was Iblis' arrogance which made him think he was superior to this created thing of black mud and refuse to prostrate, and we also see that his punishment for this disobedience was banishment. What is more important to note is Iblis' appeal and promise that he makes after God proclaims his banishment. Here Iblis first asks for respite, which is granted, then again out of arrogance and proclaiming it was God's fault for making him evil and doing such a

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thing, he promises to do everything in his power to divert the sons of Adam (them) from God's straight path. This is very significant, as we will see later on, in understanding our present condition on Earth. The above scenario is also repeated a number of times in Quran. Now before I continue this narrative I want to turn my attention to the character of Iblis and ask the simple questions...

Who and what is Iblis?

The answer to what Iblis is or was is very simple and quite clearly stated in the following verse from Quran:

Al Kahf – The Cave 18:50 And (remember) when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the jinn,...

Above we see that this personality of Iblis is described as a Jinn, and in the following verse we see mention of the creation of Jinn.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:27 And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.

We can see that this Jinn race which Iblis was one of, was created before Adam and the creation process of the Jinn involved a scorching wind. Contrary to popular belief, the Jinn were not made from fire but from an intense heat as is seen below in a number of different translations of the same above verse:

− And the Jinn , We created him from before from (the) fire's burning wind .− As We fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat.− And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.− and the jinn before (the human being) of smokeless fire

These Jinn are described as being created from an intense heat or a smokeless fire. Of course fire must produce smoke but heat can exist without the presence of fire, such as we find in the process of baking with an oven, and it is this scorching wind or intense heat that played a role in the metaphysical creation of the Jinn as described in Quran. I will touch more on this creation process later as well as the differences between the metaphysical and physical worlds and there respective conditions but now I want to explore more of who Iblis was.

We now know that Iblis is identified as a Jinn or of the race of Jinn but it is also important to understand him as a unique and single personality and not an abstract concept or idea. In all seven occurrences of the narration of Iblis' refusal to make obeisance to Adam, the Arabic word 'Ibleesa' is used by God in Quran to identify this

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rebellious personality. Iblis is in fact the proper name of this personality as given by God, much the same way that Adam was the proper name of the first man that God created from black mud or clay. Much confusion arises when other English words are used to describe this personality such as Satan or Devil, but as I will show, Quran makes a distinction between these titles and makes clear that although Iblis is often identified as Satan or the Devil, his proper God given name was Iblis, and it is he who played the part of antagonist in the telling of Adams creation in Quran.

The next chapter in the story of Iblis disobedience and Adams creation takes place in what is often called paradise or Eden, but before I continue on to that, I want to try and make clear the Quranic definitions of Satan and Devil, as we already know that Iblis was a single free willed personality who was present during Adams creation in the metaphysical world.

Satan and The Devil

The confusion that exists today regarding the meanings of the words Satan and Devil and where they came from has also led to confusion as to the identity of the character Iblis who appears in Quran. Iblis is often considered to be Satan by many Muslims and in fact many translators of Quran have substituted the Arabic Ibleesa (the God given name of Iblis) with the English word Satan but this has only compounded the problem. The Arabic word identified with Satan is 'shaitan' and the etymology of this word is still not definitely known. It is often thought that it may derive from a Northwest Semitic root śṭn, meaning 'to be hostile' or 'to accuse' but in order to find out what it means according to God in Quran, we have to turn to Quran itself to give us the explanation.

In most instances that the Arabic word 'shaitan' appears in Quran it is translated as the English word 'devil' or 'devils', and sometimes it is simply translated as the common English equivalent 'Satan'. In fact, many translators just leave the word alone and translate it using the transliteration of the Arabic word. However it is in the following verse from Quran that God gives us a clear meaning of the word 'shaitan'. Below are four different translations of the same verse using the different English versions of the Arabic word 'shaitan'. I have added the word shaitan in brackets to show where it appears in the original Arabic.

Al An'am – The Livestock 6:112 Thus have We appointed unto every prophet an adversary – (shaitan) devils of humankind and jinn who inspire in one another plausible discourse through guile.

That is how We have made for each apostle opponents, the (shaitan) satans among men and jinns, who inspire one another with deceitful talk.

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And thus did We make for every prophet an enemy, the Shaitans from among men and jinn, some of them suggesting to others varnished falsehood to deceive (them),

Likewise did We make for every Messenger an enemy,- (shaitan) evil ones among men and jinns, inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deception.

It is clear that the Arabic word shaitan is intended to be an adjective describing the qualities of a given group or individual and is not a proper noun, name or title. Satan is not any single individual nor the name of any particular personality. Based on the above verse we can see that both Humans and Jinns can earn the descriptive title of Satan based on their actions to deceive.

In fact the Arabic form of the word shaitan may fall into the category of being what I call a 'uniquely Quranic word'. That is, it may be absent in pre-Islamic literature and first appeared in its form and context with the revelation of Quran, thus making it difficult to translate. This is why many translators simply refuse to translate it and instead use the transliteration of the Arabic word. This is also true for the Arabic word Jinn. This word is also never translated because it has no pre-Islamic history in its form and context within the semitic languages, in other words there is no English equivalent. There are other such unique Quranic words but I wont go into detail regarding them now. In fact this phenomenon of uniquely Quranic words is something that has been unscrutinized by Islamic scholars even today and more research must be done on this subject. (I will later touch on the etymology of the word Jinn)

Understanding that this phenomenon does exist in Quran, we once again must turn to Quran itself to try and understand the meaning of such words. Though the word 'shaitan' may harbor meaning from the semitic root śṭn, I also feel there is evidence that it may be a contraction of two other Arabic words and this theory has been put forth by other scholars. Below is one scholars idea of the origins of the word 'shaitan'. These scanned images are from a book which covered a debate between a Sunni Muslim and a Muslim of a more reformist persuasion. The debate was about the identity of the Jinn.i

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The above reference breaks down the word 'shaitan' and shows how it can be formed by a contraction of the Arabic words 'Shay' and 'Tiyn' which would mean 'a thing of clay' in English. It also mentions that this was the physical state of Iblis, who was a Jinn, when he came to Earth. This makes perfect sense when we consider the conditions of a physical existence that we live out on this Earth and a metaphysical existence that was inhabited by both Iblis and Adam before they came to Earth. I will touch more on the differences between physical and metaphysical planes later. But now is the perfect time to continue the narration of what happened after Iblis had disobeyed God and was banished or cursed by God.

Tragedy In Paradise

Continuing the narration starting with Adams creation, Iblis' disobedience and his subsequent banishment, the story then jumps forward and relates to Adams dwelling in Janna, the Arabic word for paradise, or as the Bible calls it, Eden. Below is one of the three narrations in Quran that tell of this episode in mans early existence.

Al A'araf – The Purgatory 7:19 – 25 "Adam, reside with your mate in the paradise, and eat from wherever you please; but do not approach this tree or you will be of the wicked." But the devil whispered to them, to reveal their bodies which was hidden from them; and he said, "Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree except that you would become angels, or you would be immortals." He swore to them: "I am giving good advice." So he misled them with deception; and when they tasted the tree, their bodies became apparent to them, and they rushed to cover themselves with the leaves of the paradise; and their Lord called to them: "Did I not forbid you from that tree, and tell you that the devil is your clear enemy?" They said, "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and if You do

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not forgive us and have mercy on us, then we will be of the losers!" He said, "Descend as enemies to one another; on earth you will have residence and provisions until the appointed time." He said, "On it you will live, on it you will die, and from it you will be brought out."

The Arabic word for paradise is Janna which is also known as Eden and sometimes referred to as heaven. This was the place where the above episode took place between Adam his wife and Satan or Iblis. This is also the same place where the righteous are promised to dwell in the afterlife. Where this place actually exists is unclear to many, myself included, but notice how in this part of the story Iblis is no longer mentioned as Iblees by God but is instead described as a 'shaitan', thing of clay. The above translation translates it as devil. It seems to argue that perhaps Janna does exist in a place where certain aspects of physical laws still apply. It may be a place that exists between the physical Earth and the place where Adams metaphysical creation and Iblis' insubordination occurred. A place where consciousness exists in physical form but the ruling law of cause and effect as we know it on Earth are substantially different. Concepts of contrasting planes of physical and metaphysical existence will be touched on later. What I want to focus on now is the consequences for all three of the main characters in the above story after Adam and his wife had eaten from the tree.

After Adam made the mistake of listening to Iblis, all three characters were commanded to descend or go down to Al Ard which is Arabic for the Earth. So not only was Adam and his wife condemned to live out a temporal life on planet Earth but so too was Iblis or the shaitan. Further God proclaims that they will be enemies of one another for 'an appointed time' and on this Earth they will all live and die.

Iblis was a Jinn, and although his metaphysical creation describes the use of intense heat in fashioning his form, this is absolutely no evidence of Jinn being invisible, supernatural or spooky. In fact, as he was sent to earth along with Adam, Iblis too was now bound by the universal physical laws that govern our temporal existence on this Earth. Iblis, like Adam, lived here and eventually died here and while here, maintained his consciousness and personality inside a mortal physical body. Using the mention of Iblis the Jinn being formed from intense heat and claiming invisibility, is the same as saying, because Adam was fashioned from mud, he must have been sticky and malleable.

Later, I will give definitive proof from Quran, that Quran never mentions the race of Al Jinn as invisible spooks but instead tells us that they are simply mortal men. But first it is important that I show some evidence of the differences between the metaphysical and physical worlds and the rules that govern them.

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The Physical and Metaphysical Worlds

In Al Quran there appears to be mentioned three distinct planes of existence. 'Al Ard', the Earth, 'Janna', Paradise and the unnamed plane where episodes such as Adams creation, Iblis' rejection and a series of other events occurred, some of which may or may not be relevant to my topic but might be touched on later in this letter. I will first try to break down each plane of existence from the perspective of Quran.

1. Al Ard – This Arabic word is found about 462 times in Quran it is almost always translated as Earth. That is it is usually used in Quran as the name of our planet, this physical rotating sphere we live upon. Below is a scan from a Quranic dictionary showing the various meanings of this word.ii

This Earth is our physical abode. It is on this stage where the continuing dramas of our lives are played out as a consequence to actions that occurred in the episodes I mentioned before about Adam and Iblis. This Earthly realm is a separate realm from both Janna or Paradise and the unnamed realm where Iblis' initial act of disobedience occurred. In this earthly realm we are not only bound by the physical laws of cause and effect but a number of other universal physical laws that exist such as the law of gravity. It is also a law that we are physical beings in this plane which is why when Iblis came here along with Adam, he too, even as a Jinn, had to comply with these laws of physicality. Further, it is this earthly realm that we witness everyday and which we can measure and observe to not only understand and comprehend its laws but also use our physical minds and intellect to bend these laws. This does not however hold true for Janna or the unnamed realm which exists in a state we can not observe or measure and therefor can not comprehend with our physical minds. This distinctive difference will play a big part in supporting my argument as I will explain later on.

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Among many reformist Muslims today, there is the idea that Janna is not a separate realm and that it existed as a physical place on Earth but I will show how this idea is false. The verses in question which fuels this idea appear in Al A'araf – The Purgatory 7:19 – 25, which I have written above. In that verse we first learn that Adam, his wife and Iblis the shaitan are in this place of Janna or paradise. Then later on it is narrated that all three were then commanded to descend or go down to Al Ard or the Earth. Indeed from the context of the verse we can see that they are two separate places, but are they two separate planes of existence? The truth of this is quite plainly explained in Quran

First of all, Janna, as it is used in Quran, not only represents the place where Adam and his wife resided and were duped by the shaitan but it is also used to refer to the place that all righteous people will abide forever after the last day. This place is most commonly referred to as heaven in the western world. Below is an example of this second use.

Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:82 As for those who believe, and lead a righteous life, they will be the dwellers of Paradise (Janna); they abide in it forever.

Al Nesa – The Women 4:124 As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise (Janna); without the slightest injustice.

We can clearly see that Janna is also the final destiny of the righteous after the final judgment. If this is true and Janna is indeed a place in the earthly realm, would we not be able to see it and observe it? Would we not be able to now travel to it to witness it and comprehend this place of final destination for the righteous? It is obvious that Janna is indeed a different plane of existence from Al Ard and therefore would most likely be governed by different universal laws. And if Janna is a different plane of existence then we have no way of comprehending it with our physical minds and human understanding. Below God gives evidence to this fact.

Muhammad 47:15 The allegory of Paradise (Janna) that is promised for the righteous is this: it has rivers of unpolluted water, and rivers of fresh milk, and rivers of wine-delicious for the drinkers and rivers of strained honey. They have all kinds of fruits therein, and forgiveness from their Lord. (Are they better) or those who abide forever in the hellfire, and drink hellish water that tears up their intestines?

We can see that God must use an allegory and not a literal description of this place when explaining it to us because we cannot comprehend it with our mortal minds. Janna is clearly a completely different plane of existence from Al Ard following different governing laws. So different, that we must approach its concept in the form of allegories.

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God also explains to us further about His use of allegories in Quran and it is this explanation which will also give further evidence to support my claim that Al Jinn are nothing more than a mortal race of men while on Earth.

Ali' Imran – The Amramites 3:7 He sent down to you this scripture containing straightforward verses which constitute the essence of the scripture as well as multiple meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this-all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

God clearly explains that some of what is explained in Quran is literal or straightforward while some is allegorical, and clearly any verses which attempt to describe happenings outside of our earthly plane of existence fall into this category of allegorical verses. If this is true than we cannot take literally the explanations of Adams and Iblis creation and we must understand that the use of intense heat in Iblis' creation does in no way provide evidence of invisibility or supernatural ability. In the same way, we cannot assume that Adam started out as a slimly malleable lump of black mud. Further, God warns in the verse above that those who make literal these allegorical verses are those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and those who do not are those of intelligence. This, I feel, is very sound advice, but one might ask the question, why did God choose to use Mud or Clay as an allegory to explain Adams creation in this unnamed metaphysical realm?

A book which was written recently by a Muslim named Gazzali on this topic of jinn being mortal men on Earth, very intelligently addresses this question. I will quote from this book in italics below.iii

“But what about the clay concept? - The creation man out of clay refers to Adam. And why clay matter is involved and not any other substance? Metal, in Egyptian civilization, is scarce collections in among its antiquities. The explanation of this would seem to lie in the fact that the relics are in most cases the paraphernalia of tombs, the funereal vessels and vases, and iron being considered an impure metal by the ancient Egyptians it was never used in their manufacture of these or for any religious purposes. So the pyramids and sphynix are created from sandstone-a parent of clay. The answer can also be found in this verse:

Ali' Imran – The Amramites 3:49 "And (appoint him) an apostle (Jesus) to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God's leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by God's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;

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“This verse shows that the recipients of the message understood the process involved in the production of clay figures. The Subtle One ensures the message is self-explanatory ,simple and subliminal- that what is created is not God. Imagine worshipping figures created from your hands or from your friends’ hands will have an adverse effect on the devotion to that figurine. Only an unclear mind puts trust in figures that have been created.”

Al A'araf – The Purgatory 7:91 Do they indeed ascribe to Him as partners things that can create nothing, but are themselves created?

Al Hijr – Al Hijr Valley 15:26 We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;

“The description here is so dramatic that God is reminding the idol worshippers of their inherent false idea of God. The truth is, God is not created."

Gazzali manages to logically conclude that the use of clay in describing Adams creation is because it was an allegory that people of the time could easily understand, as clay was the most common substance used in forms created by man. Further it hammers home the point that a thing that is created, such as a clay instrument, cannot possibly be God and therefor should not be worshipped. This same logical conclusion can also be applied to the use of intense heat when Iblis' metaphysical creation is mentioned. Perhaps it is to allude to a 'hot' aspect that resides in the personality of Jinn. I will touch more on this concept of allegory as related to Iblis' creation later. Further, we can also logically conclude from the above evidence that Janna must be a place outside of the physical realm as it is always refered to allegorically by Allah.

2. Janna – This is the Arabic word which is translated into Paradise or garden and is commonly understood to be the place where the righteous go after the final judgment, and the place where Adam, his wife and Iblis once resided before coming to this earthly plane or Al Ard. Although this realm is described as being similar to Al Ard in that Adam and his wife experience the real human emotion of shame within this realm, we cannot assume that everything used to describe Janna can be taken literally as I have shown above.

3. The Unnamed Realm – I personally have not found any formal name in Quran which is used to describe the place where the creation of Adam took place and where Iblis made his first desperate act of disobedience, which is why I simply refer to it as the unnamed realm. However one might conclude that it is a realm that contains Angels and may be in close proximity to God based on the narratives that take place in this realm as described in Quran. However, again we must assume that these verses are allegorical based on the advice that God provides for us in verses 47:15 and 3:7.

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There is further evidence that the unnamed realm is separate from Al Ard and that different laws govern these realms. These different laws also support my claim that although Jinn may have been ethereal or non-physical in the unnamed realm or in Janna, they are most certainly physical mortal beings in the Earthly realm of Al Ard. In order for me to illustrate these differences I will have to bring forward the fact that there are two separate creation processes mentioned in Quran in regards to mankind's origins, and then detail what these differences are and where they appear.

The Two Creations Of Man

As stated before, there are actually two creation processes in Quran concerning mans origins. This simple but important fact is often overlooked when understanding our history. The first creation process mentioned is as follows and appears earlier in this letter.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28-31 And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.

The above creation process which is repeated in Quran is specifically about Adam, the first man or Insan., and in this creation process there is mention of only two elements. They are, a form from black mud or clay, and the breath of God or spirit which is 'Ruwh' in Arabic. Apparently these are the only two elements necessary for life and consciousness in the unnamed realm where this creation took place. If we read each passage from Quran that retells this moment, we see that in fact, the form of black clay is lifeless until 'Ruwh' is added, because it wasn't until after the 'Ruwh' was added that the angels and Iblis were commanded to give obeisance. Further, it wasn't until after 'Ruwh' was added that Adam could move and respond. As we see in this verse.

Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:31-33 Then He gave Adam knowledge of the nature and reality of all things and everything, and set them before the angels and said: "Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful." And they said: "Glory to You (O Lord), knowledge we have none except what You have given us, for You are all-knowing and all-wise." Then He said to Adam: "Convey to them their names." And when he had told them, God said: "Did I not tell you that I know the unknown of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you disclose and know what you hide?"

It is vital to understand that it is this breath of God or Ruwh or Spirit that allowed Adam to move, think and respond when spoken to. Also remember that this all took

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place outside of the physical realm. Therefore, in order for life and consciousness to occur in the metaphysical world, only two elements are necessary; Spirit and form.

The second process of creation that is mentioned in Quran is specifically about how you and I are created when we come into this physical world. It appears in the verses below.

Al Sajdah – Prostration 32:7 Who made all things He created excellent; and first fashioned man from clay,

Al Sajdah – Prostration 32:8 Then made his offspring from the extract of base fluid,

Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).

Then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid;

Then He made his progeny of an extract, of water held in light estimation.

And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised:

Al Sajdah – Prostration 32:9 Then proportioned and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you the senses of hearing, sight and feeling (Nafs). And yet how little are the thanks you offer!

Looking at the verses above, in 32:7, it states that the first man was made from clay, that is, Adam was created without the physical process of sexual union between man and woman. Then it clearly states how Adams 'offspring' (you and I) were made the old fashioned way through copulation. It illustrates this by mentioning fluid or seminal discharge as the catalyst in this process. It then tells how, while in the womb, we are given the breath of God or spirit and finally, the key element to physical existence, our senses. In Arabic the word is 'Nafs' and this can translate to senses, ego, passions, feelings, emotions etc. Therefore, in order to even exist in the physical world, first we must be formed in the womb as a result of sexual intercourse between man and woman and we also must contain these 'Nafs' or senses. These 'Nafs' or senses are completely absent when mention is made of Adams metaphysical creation. The one thing that physical and metaphysical beings do share is the presence of God's breath or spirit, often called the soul in the Western world. Understanding these laws of physicality we can conclude that as Iblis did descend to Al Ard, this Earth, along with Adam, he too must have not only had a physical form, but any offspring he had would have had to come into existence through the above mentioned methods. Therefore, as Iblis was a Jinn, he and his children were and still are nothing more than a physical race of mortal men while on this Earth. Below is another series of verses which adds more detail to how you and I and anyone born on this physical earth come into existence.

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Al Mu'minun – The believers 23:12-15 And certainly We created man of an extract of clay, Then We made him a seed in a safe lodging. Then We created the seed into an embryo, then We created the embryo into a fetus, then We created the fetus into bone, then We covered the bone with flesh, then We brought forth a new creation. So glory be to God, the best of creators. Then after that, you will die.

Above is a very detailed description of our growth in the womb. This is a physical process that must occur for any creature to exist in this physical world including the Jinn. I also added 23:15 which states we will all eventually die just to show that like us, Jinn too are mortal and grow old and die. I will reflect more on that point later. Finally there is also one more aspect of physical mortality that is clearly absent from a metaphysical existence. This is stated in the verses below.

Al Anbya' – The Prophets 21:30 Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?

Al Noor – Light 24:45 And Allah has created from water every living creature: so of them is that which walks upon its belly, and of them is that which walks upon two feet, and of them is that which walks upon four; Allah creates what He pleases; surely Allah has power over all things.

The key element mentioned in the above verses, which is also absent when mention is made of Adams metaphysical creation is water. As Allah says, ALL living things must contain water. That is, you and I and Adam and Iblis when they came to Al Ard, the Earth. Regardless of the metaphorical forms used to describe Adam and Iblis' creation in the metaphysical world, once they came to Earth, they had bodies, a soul, an ego and contained water. This is one of God's laws of physicality.

Lastly, lets just take a look back at the verse from the book of Genesis in Bible that agrees with the concept of metaphorical form and spirit being the two elements necessary for life in the metaphysical world.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Now that we have explored the concepts of mans creation and the differences of the metaphysical and physical worlds as stated by Quran, it is time to shift our focus on the numerous other evidences that Quran reveals about the Jinn being a mortal race of men on earth.

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The Jinn according to Quran

In Islamic mythology and other mythology around the world, the Jinn, or Al Jinn, are portrayed as invisible spooks that tempt mankind, are composed of fire and cause mischief throughout the land. However this concept, as I am about to show, is completely contradictory to what Quran says about them. First let's look at how explicitly God tells us Jinn are mortal men.

Al Jinn – The Jinn 72:6 And surely that they were mortal men from among human beings, sought refuge with mortal men who are from among the jinn so they increased their oppression.

This is a crucial verse in understanding the true nature of the Jinn. In order to better grasp what is being said here I will place the transliteration of 72:6 below.

Waannahu kana rijalun mina al-insi yaAAoothoona birijalin mina aljinni fazadoohum rahaqan.

The first thing I want to point out is the use of the two antithetical titles of Al Insi (Insan) and aljinni (Jinn). As I mentioned before, these words most likely are unique to Quran and have no known pre-Islamic use in Arabic literature (more on this later). They represent, respectively, of Adams blood line (Insan) and of Iblis' bloodline (Jinn). Jinn is never translated but Insan is often translated as mankind or human beings, which I believe is misleading. For one thing, the Arabic word for human being is 'Bashar' and is consistently translated as this in Quran. Also, Insan is preceded by the Arabic article 'Al' meaning 'The', which means that Insan is a definite title and not an indefinite or non-specific object or thing. These two titles of Al Insan and Al Jinn are consistently portrayed as antithetical to one another in Quran, that is they are titles which represent two different races of man.

The next thing I want to point out is the use of the Arabic word 'Rijaal', seen above in the forms 'rijalun' and 'birijalin'. This word is being used as an adjective to describe the similar qualities that exist between Al Insan and Al Jinn. I will quote from an article by another Muslim friend of mine regarding the meaning of this word 'Rijaal'.

“The Arabic word Rijaal means men, human being in all respects (e.i., talking, feet, hands, walking, masculinity, etc. etc.). The word Rijaal stems from the word Rajila.”iv

As we can clearly see in 72:6, both Insan and Jinn are identified by God as having very mortal qualities or being 'Rijaal'. We can also see that in times past and most likely even today, many Insan or lineage of Adam, conspire with the very mortal Jinn, or lineage of Iblis. This is not an allusion to men speaking with invisible spooks

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but a very literal explanation of how these two races of men are not only in close proximity to one another but also work together.

To further elucidate this fact, I will now place a scan from an Arabic dictionary which shows the meaning of the word 'Rijaal' that is used in 72:6.v

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As can clearly be seen from the scan above, 'Rijaal' is a quality that applies to everything masculine and mortal. That is, this word in it's true meaning can never be used to describe qualities of something metaphysical, spooky, invisible, ethereal or anything else of such abstract nature. The qualities of both Insan and Jinn are being described by Allah not as something esoteric or incorporeal, but as something solid, physical and real.

Just to reinforce the above argument, I want to show one more scan from an Al Quran which includes some footnotes concerning verse 72:6. The footnote supports my argument that 'Rijaal' is a word that is always attributed to mortal beings.vi

The above footnote also gives evidence to the confusion and misunderstanding that both the words Al Jinn and Al Insan cause among scholars and translators. The author, obviously one who follows the traditional thinking that Jinn are supernatural and not mortal, is confounded by the obvious reference to mortality as a quality of Jinn by the use of 'Rijaal' in 72:6. So he has to resolve to say that only in this instance are Jinn referred to as people. This conundrum, unfortunately forces him to redesign the meaning for Insan also by stating the word means a lower class of people. However, all these difficulties and misunderstandings which are so often brought forth by traditional concepts of Jinn and Insan, disappear when we define them as they appear universally in Quran, as titles given by God describing two different mortal races of men on earth.

Continuing my argument, I will now show more evidence that Quran teaches Jinn are a mortal race of men on Earth, and one thing mortal men must do in order to survive is to have children, as I mentioned earlier. This next verse is also very important in understanding the true nature of Jinn by revealing more of their very mortal and physical qualities.

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Al Khaf – The Cave 18:50 When We said to the angels: "Bow before Adam in adoration," they all bowed but Iblis. He was one of the jinni and rebelled against his Lord's command. And yet you take him and his offspring as your friends instead of Me, even though they are your enemies. How sad a substitute for the evil-doers!

There are two things I want to point out from the above verse. The first is the fact that Allah explicitly reveals that Iblis and the Jinn have another very real and mortal quality about them. That is they reproduce and have offspring. I have already shown that reproduction is a physical act limited to the physical world and is done by very real mortal beings. This is not an act which applies to the ethereal or metaphysical world. Again I will place a scan from an Arabic dictionary which defines the word 'Dhurriyyatahu' which appears in 18:50 and is translated as 'offspring', but can also be translated as 'descendants' or 'progeny'.vii

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It is clear that Iblis, a Jinn, had offspring or children. These children are not invisible phantoms but very real human beings bound, like all others on Al Ard, by God's laws of physicality.

The second thing I want to point out is how, once again, God reiterates how these Jinn are our enemies. Allah first stated this, if you remember, way back in 7:24 when mention was made of Adams descent to Earth. This race of men, Al Jinn, will be, by God's plan, a perpetual enemy to the Insan, sons of Adam, until the last day. They will not be an enemy in the form of an apparition, but as mortal men who we can touch, feel and live among. The children of Iblis are alive and well today and still remain our very mortal enemies. Further, there is more mention of Jinn as a group of men on Earth in Quran as can be seen in this next verse.

Al A'araf – Purgatory 7:27 O children of Adam, do not let the devil dupe you as he did when he caused the eviction of your parents from Paradise, and the removal of their garments to expose their bodies. He and his TRIBE (Qabiluhu) see you, while you do not see them. We appoint the devils as companions of those who do not believe.

In 7:27 we see another very physical quality applied to the Jinn. That is they are a tribe or group of people. The Arabic word translated as 'tribe' is 'qabiluhu' which can also mean 'family' or 'clan' in English. This is very important to note as later I will show how these very mortal Jinn not only still live among us as clans or families, but that they are also obsessive about maintaining this lineage and keeping it as pure as possible.

There is a part of 7:27 that many traditional Muslims and misinformed people use to try and justify the supernatural abilities they believe are of the Jinn. That is how it mentions 'his tribe see you while you do not see them'. Often from this simple statement is drawn the illogical and ridiculous conclusion that, because it says we cant see them, they must be invisible. First of all I want to appeal to sound reason when I say, you who read this letter can not see me, but I assure you I am very tangible and visible. And when a security guard watches the feed from a surveillance camera, he can see you while you do not see him, but most certainly this security guard is also very solid and tangible.

I have already shown how the metaphorical detailing of the creation of the Jinns form from intense heat, which takes place in a metaphysical world, in no way can logically justify intangibility, so now I will show how mention of not seeing them in no way proves a quality of invisibility. First consider the verses below.

Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:168 O men! eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely he is your open (mubin) enemy.

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Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:208 O ye who believe! Come, all of you, into submission (unto Him); and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an open (mubin) enemy for you.

In the above two verses the Arabic word translated as open is 'Mubin'. This word also means clear, patent (which means open to public inspection), obvious, evident. I have already shown that 'the shaitan' can apply to both Insan and Jinn and it states that any who fall into this category are 'clear' enemies. Now if Jinn can be shaitan and be clear, open and evident, how can they be invisible? This is perhaps a good time to digress and mention concepts of contradiction as explained by Quran.

If we simply read 7:27 and 2:168, a person may come to the conclusion that a contradiction exists. However this supposed contradiction only exists if we assume that to say 'we can not see something' means, 'that which we do not see is automatically invisible.' Of course this is a ridiculous conclusion and further, although saying 'we do not see something' can be subjected to abstract interpretations, the word 'mubin' in Arabic is very specific in its meaning. Something that is 'mubin' is open to public inspection or scrutiny, therefore cannot be invisible. Continuing my digression, let's see what Quran says about contradiction.

Al Nesa – Women 4:82 Do they not then consider the Qur'ân carefully? Had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found therein much contradictions.

It is more often than not Muslims who will perpetuate the idea of invisible Jinn, but clearly if verse 7:27 does mean invisibility, then it contradicts with 2:168. And if this contradiction exists, then these same Muslims would have to admit that Quran is not from God. However, since all Muslims believe Quran is the word of God they would indeed find themselves in a bit of a pickle at this point. The truth is, although one may submit themselves to abstract meanings of verse 7:27, when it is compared with the many verses I have already mentioned, and have yet to mention, showing the Jinn to be mortal, evident, physical and real, one must logically conclude that no intent is made by God to hint at invisibility when it is mentioned that 'we do not see them' in that verse. Later on I will return to this digression to give evidence to the true meaning of 'we do not see them', but now I want to show more Quranic verses testifying to the Jinns mortality.

Another consequence of living in this material world is the capacity to become overwhelmed by it and place more importance on worldly things then on living righteously. A reminder of this possibility and its consequences is spelled out quite clearly in the verse below.

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Al An'am – The Livestock 6:130 "O ye assembly of Jinns and men! came there not unto you messengers from amongst you, setting forth unto you My signs, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "We bear witness against ourselves." It was the life of this world that deceived them. So against themselves will they bear witness that they rejected Faith.

As can be seen in the above verse, BOTH mankind and Jinn can and will be deceived by this worldly life. If Jinn were not of this world and of some metaphysical form, this warning would not need include them, but it most certainly does. Another thing I want to point out in the above verse is that again, both Al Jinn and Al Insan appear as antithetical to one another. Her is the transliterate version of the first part of 6:130.

“Ya maAAshara aljinni waal-insi....”

Again we see Jinn untranslated but also, in my opinion, the poor translation of equating Insan to mankind. If indeed all mortal men were spoken of here it would have used 'bashar', but the word is absent. We are seeing the use once again, of specific titles used to describe two races of mortal men on Earth.

Continuing, I want to now show evidence of another mortal trait the Jinn have alongside Al Insan and that is they both grow old and die. Hardly the qualities of something supernatural and metaphysical.

Fussilat – Detailed 41:25 And We have appointed for them comrades so they have made fair-seeming to them what is before them and what is behind them, and the word proved true against them-- among the nations of the jinn and the men that have passed away before them-- that they shall surely be losers.

Two very Earthly qualities are applied to both Jinn and Insan (men) above. First it mentions that BOTH Jinn and Insan live in nations. And second it quite clearly states that BOTH Jinn and Insan pass away or die and have so before this verse was revealed. Our Earth has seen many nations of BOTH Jinn and Insan come and go over the hundreds of thousands of years we have been here, as the laws of nature dictate, we ALL grow old and die to be replaced by continuing generations.

The last verse I want to show you that attests to the mortality of Jinn is 55:74. This verse not only hints at physical and mortal qualities of Jinn but does so within the context of metaphorically describing attributes of Janna or paradise. This verse appears in a long series which paints a picture to the reader of what paradise might be like.

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Al Rahman – Gracious 55:70-74 In them good and comely maidens, How many favors of your Lord will you then deny? Houris cloistered in pavilions, How many favors of your Lord will you then deny? Undeflowered by man or by jinn before them,

Again the above verses fall in the middle of a series metaphorically describing the rewards of paradise. Often it seems most men might attribute paradise to beautiful maidens and God includes this metaphor in his description. He says that beautiful maidens await the righteous in paradise AND these maidens are obviously virgins who have neither been touched by men or Jinn.

Now what paradise would be complete without virgins? In our physical world we compare virginity to purity and innocence, and when God uses this metaphor he includes Jinn when stating those who have not touched these pure women. Now how could an invisible spooky ghost be able to copulate with an earthly woman? It is obvious that Jinn have the capacity to procreate with earthly woman or why would God include them in the metaphor? And of course Jinn CAN copulate with earthly women because they are earthly themselves.

Quite honestly I could go on and on showing verse after verse in Quran which clearly gives evidence to Al jinn being a race of men on earth, but I feel I have shown enough for now. I challenge anyone who reads this letter to go through Quran and scrutinize each occurrence of Jinn and try to prove otherwise. These jinn are indeed living breathing mortals on Earth and are and always will be the mortal enemies of Al Insan.

Now I want to try and delve into the etymological roots of this word 'Al Jinn' as it appears in Quran, and this will also give us insight into where these superstitious concepts of Jinn came from and may possibly have originated from.

God's Own Words

The word Jinn is mentioned approximately 36 times in Al Quran and each time it is a proper noun describing a type of people or a race of people. Though most traditionalists argue that Jinn refers to invisible or metaphysical tempting demons, I believe I have so far convincingly argued that this just is not the case. By now you may already be seeing how Jinn most likely, and in my opinion, as a matter of fact are mortal men on Earth. Further, 'Al Jinn' is many times used in reference alongside the word 'Al Insan' which is often translated as mankind or human beings. This often double mentioning of Jinn and Insan together always reminds us of our origins and destinies as mortal beings on Earth, and that though the race of Insan and Jinn are almost always in opposition, we must still live out our earthly existence working side by side.

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When I first became interested in this subject, I started asking various Muslims doing such research as to the origins of the Quranic word 'Al Jinn' and to my surprise, no one really had a clear answer. Many just did not know. In my own limited research I did however uncover some material which may shed light on this.

I have my suspicions that the Quranic word 'Al Jinn' may fall into this most amazing category of what I call unique Quranic words. That is, these words have no traceable pre-Islamic roots either within literary or dialectic manifestations. The word 'Al Jinn' as it appears in Quran may very likely been absent from pre-Islamic literature and did not appear as a form of Arabic language until Quran was revealed. I currently also am of the opinion that the same may hold true for 'Al Insan' but I will focus more on Jinn at this point.

This is absolutely fascinating to me, because if this phenomenon exists, it means that God himself was inventing language for us, and if this is the case, there must have been a very specific purpose for Him doing so. In order to give you a better understanding of this theory, I will quote from an article on the subject. Keep in mind that if I am correct and Al Jinn as it appears in Quran is uniquely Quranic, it would not be alone. There are a few other words that have drawn the attention of some researchers based on their uniqueness to Quran. One word is 'Saqar' which is the subject of the quoted article below in italics and was written by Edip Yuksel.

“Though prominent Arabic dictionaries such as Lisan-ul Arab and specialized dictionaries such as Mufradat Fi Gharib-il Quran acknowledge that the word might be of foreign origin with no Arabic derivatives, these and other dictionaries and commentaries of the Quran do not hesitate defining it as hell or heat radiating from Sun. Lisan-ul Arab refers to a Hadith which uses a bizarre derivative of the word Saqar to mean "liars". The word SaQaR is mentioned four times in the Quran, three times in Chapter 74 and once in 54:48. In the later one, the word SaQaR is used in a statement warning that when criminals will be dragged to the fire they will be told: "taste the touch of Saqar". From this verse one might infer that Saqar is another word for fire; but a better inference is that Saqar is a negative feeling or state of mind one tastes after being committed to the divine punishment. In this case, there is no reason to think that this negative state of mind could not be obtained from experiences other than fire. The Arabic word for hell is GaHyM or GaHaNnaM. The word NAR (Fire), though not a specific name for hell, is also frequently used to denote the same phenomenon. However, the word NAR (fire) is also used in its literal meaning, which is simply fire. For instance, verses 20:10-14 describe God's communication with Moses through fire. Obviously, this fire in the holy land where God spoke through cannot be the Hell. Similarly, the word SaQaR does not necessarily mean hell. In fact, the semantic connection of SaQaR with

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hell is allegorical, since SaQaR is a descriptive word derived from the verb SaQaRa rather than a noun like GaHYM, GaHaNnaM.”viii

I referred to the above quotation because it gives light to the fact that there are words in Quran which confuse scholars and researchers because of the lack of evidence of their pre-Islamic Arabic origins, and it is my opinion that Jinn is one of these words. Further, this phenomenon of unique Quranic words has caused much confusion in the psyche of the modern Muslim through the inappropriate translations that are done with such words, especially translations that try to use outside non-authentic sources to draw explanation from. In the case of 'Saqar' it has created a level of confusion that is drawing a lot of debate today in the Muslim community. The misrepresentation of these words may seem insignificant to the outside observer but in the case of Chapter 74 which is the topic of the article above, it has put into motion massive changes within Islam today. So much so that it would be an entire book in itself to touch on it and there is no room to explore this subject entirely within this letter.

Before showing how Quran itself might explain the origin of the word Jinn, I want to show how concepts of supernatural ability may have come to be applied to that word.

Genius not Jinn

In English we often think the word ‘Genie’ is an Anglicization of the word Jinn, but this is not true. Actually the English word Genie comes from the French word génie which means a spirit, and this word came from the Latin word genius which meant a sort of guardian spirit assigned to each person at birthix. Further, ancient pagan inscriptions found in Northeast Saudi Arabia, pre-dating Islam gave mention to people praising or worshiping gods which they called ‘Ginnaye’. This word phonetically is very close to the Latin word Genius and the French word Genie. It is this word Genie or Genius that carried with it meanings of corporeality and supernatural ability, and these words predate Islam by at least 1000 years. Therefore, long before the word 'Al Jinn' was revealed in Quran, we already had another word, with no direct connection to it, carrying qualities of spookiness. Also, these spooky Genius had migrated from Armenia into Northern Italy almost 3000 years ago and I will touch on the Geographical significance of Genius later.

Another interesting thing to note is the italicized definition of the word 'Genius' above. That concept of the Latin 'Genius' is almost exactly the same as concepts of Jinn that exist in Islamic literature outside of Quran. These texts are commonly known as 'hadith' and first appeared in Muslim society about 200 years after Muhammad died. This gives evidence to pre-Islamic pagan concepts from Armenia and Rome making their way into Islamic ideology long after Muhammad had passed and Quran was revealed. However, as I have already shown, no where does Quran apply this kind of character to 'Al Jinn' mentioned within its pages. In fact, I believe

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Quran was attempting to abolish these superstitious concepts by revealing the true nature of these 'Genius'.

After I became aware of this non-connection between 'Genie' and 'Al Jinn', I tried to find evidence of the actual Arabic word 'Al Jinn' as found in Quran, being used in pre-Islamic Arabic literature. First I asked other researchers who were able to speak Arabic or who had more experience in these areas then I do, but to my surprise, no one could give me any information. It was obvious that through my sources at least, no one had really done any research into this and still much more must be done.

In my searchings I did find one bit of interesting information and it came from a source I wasn't expecting at all. While looking for any kind of Arabic literature containing concepts of spooky Jinn, besides the Hadith, I came across perhaps the most popular piece of fiction ever to come out of that area of the world. I'm sure you know it, it is called 1001 Nights.

1001 Nights is a collection of stories that span several centuries by many different authors. It has been translated numerous times and these stories originate from many middle eastern countries such as Arabia, India, Persia, Egypt etc. according to a 'Thick head-o-pedia' article, “...scholarship generally dates the collection's genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. (The significance of this date of origin will be touched upon later.) Within these stories appear accounts of magical Genies who appear as dust devils in the desert and torment travelers. There are also accounts of them living in magical lamps. It was in the footnotes of one particular translation of these works by a Sir Richard F. Burton that caught my attention. I quote from these footnotes below.

“It would be interesting to trace the evident connection, by no means "accidental," of "Jinn" with the "Genius" who came to the Romans through the Asiatic Etruscans, and whose name I cannot derive from "Gignomai" or "genitus." He was unknown to the Greeks, who had the Daimon, a family which separated, like the Jinn and the Genius, into two categories, the good (Agatho-daemons) and the bad (Kako-daemons).We know nothing concerning the Jinn amongst the pre-Moslemitic or pagan Arabs: the Moslems made him a supernatural anthropoid being, created of subtle fire (Koran chapts, xv. 27; lv. 14), not of earth like man, propagating his kind, ruled by mighty kings, the last being Jan bin Jan, missionarised by Prophets and subject to death and Judgement. From the same root are "Junun" = madness (i.e., possession or obsession by the Jinn) and "Majnun" = a madman. According to R. Jeremiah bin Eliazar in Psalm xli. 5, Adam was excommunicated for one hundred and thirty years during which he begat children in his own image (Gen. v. 3) and these were Mazikeen or Shedeem – Jinns.”x

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The above quote has a number of interesting points. First, Burton was also aware of a connection between concepts of Jinn and their striking similarity of the Genius which predated Islam by no less than ten centuries. Keep in mind that the Jinn concepts that mirror the Asiatic Genius are, as I have shown, nowhere mentioned in Quran, yet these pre-Islamic pagan concepts of Genius or Jinn dominate the modern Muslim mind today. The second thing of interest mentioned in the above quote is how Burton was also aware that the spooky Jinn concepts were not known among the pre-Moslemetic or pagan Arabs. He then goes on to say that It was Islam that turned them into fiery spirits. This is further evidence which may point to the fact that Al Jinn is a uniquely Quranic word and therefore we must use Quran alone to try and understand it's true meaning.

It is clear that Genie does not stem from the Arabic Jinn and that these two words in their true meanings are actually completely unrelated. Further, Genies as being invisible spirits, is a pre-Islamic pagan concept, therefore would have no place in the teachings of the One God as found in Quran, as Quran was revealed to man in order to dispel such superstitious myths and encourage us to use sound reason and logic to understand the world around us. To this claim I will also give evidence later. The next step then is to try and uncover how and when Islam began adopting these superstitious concepts of Jinn. The 'when', I hinted at earlier when I showed the date that 1001 Nights is said to have originated, that being around AD 800-900, and it was almost at this exact same time that another piece of Arabic literature was being penned and collected. This piece of novel fiction , as I would call it, is known as the Hadith.

The Hadith

I have already given evidence to show that Jinn are not invisible demons according to Quran so now I will show why so many Muslims believe such superstitious rubbish. All accounts of supernatural Jinn come from the Hadith and rather than explain it myself, I will use quotes from various articles on the subject to give you an understanding of what the Hadith are.

Hadith is an Arabic word for narration, tale, story, etc. God uses the word hadith to describe Quran in Al Quran. The Hadith I am speaking of are a collection of supposed narrations by the prophet Muhammad. These narrations are immense in number and rival the Jewish Talmud in its volumes. Almost all Muslims today will consider these narrations to be an essential part of the Islamic faith but further investigation into the subject proves otherwise. The Hadith have as much true authority in Islamic life as the Talmud does in Jewish life, that is, according to God, neither pieces of fictitious literature have any business being a part of religious scripture. Below is a Quote from a book by Kassim Ahmad called, 'Hadith: A Reevaluation'.

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“All Muslims are required to uphold the hadith or sunna of the Prophet, i.e. the so-called Prophetic traditions, as a primary source of law apart from the Quran, according to the teachings of classical jurisprudence. Yet not many, indeed very few, realize that the basis of this jurisprudential theory was promulgated two hundred years after Muhammad's death by the famous jurist Imam Shafi`i (d. 204/820). What have come to be known as the `Six Authentic Books' of hadith of the majority Sunnite `orthodoxy' were compiled, precisely after the promulgation of this theory, by Bukhari (d. 256/870), Muslim (d. 261/875), Abu Daud (d. 275/888), Tirmidhi (d. 279/892), Ibn Maja (d. 273/886), and al-Nasa'i (d. 303/915) during the second half of the second and the beginning of the third centuries of Islam, between 220 and 270 years after the Prophet's death.”xi

What must be understood is that these narrations were NOT divine inspiration from God but in fact hearsay narrations of Muhammad written and collected two centuries after he had died. Therefore, much like the Talmud, these books must be completely disregarded when trying to understand the way of life prescribed by God through his revelations, defined by God as Islam. This is because Hadith are NOT God's revelations. If a religions true doctrine comes only from God then we can only approach Quran as a source for truth and nothing else, least of all narrations based on hearsay. This may seem logical to someone from outside Islamic circles but these hearsay tales of fantasy have lodged themselves deep into the psyche of most Muslims today. The argument against Hadith as a part of Islamic 'Deen' (way of life) is vast and in full swing. I cannot go into full details here but I can give a few examples to make my point.

A typical narration found in Hadith will start something like this, “"’Ubayd Allah Ibn Musa informed us on the authority of Usamah Ibn Zayd, he on the authority of Safwan Ibn Sulaym, he said...” To the average person, this sounds like the beginnings of some local gossip tale but to many Muslims this is enough for divine authority! I experienced first hand the effect of these gossip narrations during the six years that I lived in Indonesia and one experience in particular was the concept of dogs in Islam.

When one goes to Indonesia you will find that most people, at least the Muslims are absolutely terrified of dogs. Although most of the dogs you see in the cities and country side are half wild and most people wouldn't want to go near them anyway, the very reason the dogs are like this is because of the Muslims false concepts of dogs according to Islamic faith. It is because of these false beliefs that most dogs are uncared for thus leading to their wildness and out of control population. Below is a Hadith where this concept comes from.

Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu'z-Zinad from al-Araj from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah said, "If a dog drinks from your vessel, wash it seven times."

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This seemingly innocent narration has lead to a culture phenomenon in Indonesia where people will avoid touching a dog in the same way one would avoid the plague. If anyone is licked by a dog they must wash seven times or their prayers wont be recognized by God. This is what most traditional Muslims believe, but this concept completely contradicts Quran. First of all, no such law or guidance even exists in Quran and the following verse gives evidence to the contrary.

Al Ma'edah – The feast 5:4 "They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you. You train them according God's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention God's name thereupon. You shall observe God. God is most efficient in reckoning."

God Himself says we can eat what dogs have caught for us but at the same time is absolutely silent about any command to wash or concept of prayers being nullified by dogs saliva. I know this seems almost silly, but if this silly narration can cause such schizophrenia in the minds of an entire population towards dogs, imagine what other such Hadith can cause especially those concerning abrogation of Quran and apostasy. If you are unfamiliar with the modern reformist movement in Islam that is calling for a disregard of Hadith in Islamic faith I will post some links for you at the end of this letter so you may research it yourself.

Understanding that Hadith can not compare to Gods own words in Quran in discerning the truth, I once again want to point out that ALL spooky narrations of Jinn come from these false teachings found in Hadith. But what is very interesting is the dates attributed to the origins of these Hadith. According to most scholars, the Hadith beginnings can be traced back to about 220-270 years after Muhammad had passed. This would be approximately 800 to 900 AD. And those are the exact dates given as to the time when 1001 Nights was also being penned and collected. This I believe is no coincident.

What you have is two pieces of post-Quranic middle eastern literature being written at the same time, and both carrying fantastic stories of spooky Jinn or Genies. Further, many of the stories found in 1001 Nights are attributed to Persian authors, and the most famous collector of Hadith was Bukhari, a Persian who converted to Islam long after Muhammad was gone.

I want to continue exploring the roots of spooky Jinn but first let me just show you a few Hadith which are considered 'authentic' and let you judge for yourself.

"’Ubayd Allah Ibn Musa informed us on the authority of Usamah Ibn Zayd, he on the authority of Safwan Ibn Sulaym, he said: The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said: Gabriel brought a kettle from which I ate and I was given the power of sexual intercourse equal to forty men." (Vol. 1, p. 438; cited from Islam As It Sees Itself..., Nehls, p. 39)

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Bukhary, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234: Narrated Abu Qilaba: Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle ."

These are what many Muslims consider to be divinely inspired narrations despite the fact that all of them have passed through nearly four generations of hearsay! Now concerning the spooky Jinn, I want to go back to Sir Richard Burton's claim that concepts of Genius or spooky Jinn come originally from the Asiatic Etruscans before migrating to Rome about 3000 years ago.

The Spooky White Geniuses

Of all the things I mention to you in this letter, this is the part which you are probably most knowledgeable. But I just want to make a few points that tie in with my information on the subject. This is what 'Thick head-o-pedia has to say about the Asiatic Etruscans.

“The Armenian Origin of the Etruscans defines a link between the Armenians and the Etruscans. Some scholars also see in Urartean art, architecture, language and general culture traces of kinship to the Etruscans of the Italian peninsula. Dr. Bugge, a learned Norwegian, has developed a suggestion offered thirty years ago by the late Dr. Robert Ellis of London, that the Etruscan was an Armenian dialect.”

“The Aryan race are to be divided into two great divisions the Northern or European Aryans, and the Southern or Asiatic Aryans. The Southern or Asiatic Aryans may be similarity divided into three principal branches: the Armenians, the Persians, and the Indians. The Kurds and Afghans are of less ethical importance. The Armenians, like the Celts, are now few in number. They belong once to a longer extent of a country where they spread westward from Armenia to Italy under the names of Phrygians, Thracians, Pelasgians, Etruscans and also spread to other locations.”xii

These Armenians are the ones who brought Genius or Genie into Rome and these pagan concepts are the same that later redefined Jinn within the false narrations of the Hadith.

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Now because I have shown how Jinn are considered a race of men according to God in Quran, I wanted to bring up some ideas which might hint at what kind of race these Jinn were. Spooky Genius later became spooky Jinn and these myths may have originated within a white race out of Armenia and surrounding areas. Of course Armenia is nestled along with Georgia and Northern Iran near and around the Caucasus Mountains and it is this area of the world that the word Caucasian comes from. Again, here are just a few quick 'Thick head-o-pedia' remarks on this part of the world and the races that supposedly came from them.

“The term "Caucasian" originated as one of the racial categories developed in the 19th century by people studying craniology. It was derived from the region of the Caucasus mountains. The 18th century German philosopher Christoph Meiners first named the concept of the Caucasian race, but the term was more widely popularized in the 19th c. under the name "Varietas Caucasia" by the German scientist and naturalist, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) who "borrowed the name Caucasian" from Meiners. Blumenbach based the classification of the Caucasian race primarily on skull features, which Blumenbach claimed were optimized by the Caucasian peoples, particularly a single skull from the Caucasia which resembled German skulls. It was from this similarity that he conjectured Europeans having arisen in the Caucasia. Blumenbach wrote about the "primeval" Caucasian race which he believed was "the oldest race of man" and the "first variety of humankind".

“Caucasian variety - I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind”

“In 1855, French diplomat and man of letters Arthur de Gobineau popularized ideas about race: "I must say, once and for all, that I understand by white men the members of those races which are also called Caucasian... [these] white races... had their first settlement in the Caucasus."xiii

Further, it appears that these white Asiatics were not unfamiliar with myth and legend as the same source attests to below.

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“The Caucasus was historically an area of fascination for Europeans. Myths of the Caucasus featured Prometheus and Jason and the Argonauts. Greek mythology considered women from the Caucasus to have magical powers, such as Medea of Jason and the Argonauts fame. In Greek mythology, this area was thought of as a kind of hell since Zeus imprisoned many Titans who opposed him (e.g. Prometheus) there. In this sense, these Titans were banished outside the civilized world to an area inhabited by Colchians. The Greeks considered them barbaric.”xiv

Apparently the Greek thought these Asiatic Etruscans were barbaric even though they later adopted many of their myths into Greek culture. But it does appear as though these white Asiatics were famous or infamous for their mythology, so much so that their early beliefs of invisible Genius were later inserted into Islamic doctrine via Persian converts to the faith. I also find it interesting that these spooky Geniuses were of a white race, especially when we consider what Quran may say about the origins of both Jinn and Insan, or Iblis and Adam. However before I get to possible Quranic details of the meaning of Al Jinn, I want to just show one more example of history mentioning a white race in that part of the world around those times. The below is from a website I found.

“The ancient Egyptians recorded the Tamahu, which means created white people. Egyptian writings also refer to whites as Typhonians or People of Seth, both meaning “the devils.” After these “white devils” were first released into the Black community of the Near East about 6000 years ago, they caused sever strife, so the Africans rounded them up, stripped them of everything, and exiled them to the caves and hills of the Caucasus Mountains, and this explains the sudden appearance of white people in that area.”xv

You probably know more about such things than I do, but I did find it interesting that tales of barbaric or aggressive white people did turn up time and time again throughout history. The article above even mentions how these white people were called devils by the Nubians. I also found a lot of opinions that a white race may have evolved or developed around the Caucasus area independent to a black race. Further it seems that it is this white race which played a big part in perpetuating myths and lore, particularly invisible spooky demons called Genius or Jinn. So what is the connection between a white race, Caucasus, Geniuses, Jinn, the devil, Adam and Islam? Well here is where I want to get into racial concepts as seen from the perspective of Quran.

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The Black And White Of It

I want to now go back to how Adams creation is described in Quran. At the beginning of this letter I showed a verse from Quran which explained Adams creation by God. Here it is again.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28-31 And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.

In the above verse, note the use of 'black mud' as the descriptive metaphor for the composition of Adams form. Earlier I mentioned the purpose of using mud or clay in describing the original process of creating both Insan and Jinn's form. Clay or mud is used because it was a common substance used at the time by people to create various objects and tools. It was easy to understand that a created thing, such as a clay pot, is nothing to be worshiped, and that God is not created. If this is the case we then must ask ourselves what was the purpose of giving the quality of 'black; to this clay of which Adam was formed?

As God is perfect, there is perfect purpose behind everything He does and says and this would include His use of the word 'black' to describe Adams original form. The Arabic words used in the above verse for black is 'Hamaa' and is used in a number of verses to describe Adams form, another being this one.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:26 Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered,

One may conclude that this might reveal a racial quality to Adam the first man, and this conclusion is supported by modern scientific evidence. Modern anthropology gives evidence that mans origins are African and that we may have all descended from a black or negroid race. The science of genetics also proposes that the genes which manifest black or Negroid traits, such as dark skin and woolly hair, are dominant and that genes that manifest Caucasian traits such as white skin and light hair are recessive. That is, recessive genes may manifest from the union of two parents with dominant genes, even within a single generation, although the odds are slim, but two parents with recessive genes as a primary trait, cannot create a child with the dominant black gene as its primary trait. Two blacks may produce a lighter shade but two whites can never produce a darker shade. It may very well be that God has presented us with a clue as to the racial identity of the first man Adam by using 'Hamaa' or 'black' to describe the appearance of his created form.

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Understanding this, it must be noted that there is also evidence that this small but surely significant fact has been deliberately covered up by many scholars and translators of Quran. Take for instance a number of variations on the translation of verse 15:28 by different authors.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28 Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;

And your Lord said to the angels: “I am creating a human being from hardened clay

Recall when your Sustainer said to the angels, "Behold, I am about to create a mortal man out of inorganic matter.

It is no secret that racism and its various forms have permeated religion and religious teachings for a long time, and it is no different in Islam. The above translations are clearly deliberate mistranslations. The word 'Hamaa' is either translated as something completely different or all together ignored and left out! How can leaving out an entire word, especially one of such simple meaning contribute to the accurate translation of any piece? Below is the Arabic breakdown of the verse word for word.xvi

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One has to ask, what purpose is served by making such blatant mistranslations? Is something trying to be covered up or hidden? I am one who believes that the purity of religious teachings has long been corrupted and no religion in existence today is free from these intentional distortions. One form of distortion often occurs in translation and the above is only one, but a perfect example of such things. Even in Christianity we have delusions of a Caucasian Jesus with light hair, pale skin and often blue eyes! Although that popular image, when weighed with reason and common sense seems absurd, still many people do not think twice about it.

Indeed, not only does scientific evidence point to Adam being of a black race, but so too it seems, does scriptural evidence. But on the contrary, what does God have to say about the creation of Iblis' form who is described as being of Al Jinn? Unfortunately blacks counterpart, white, is not specifically used, but we might assume that God did make some kind of mention or leave some clue behind to describe the physical aspects of Iblis and Jinn. Let us look at the only mention of a description of the form of Iblis or Jinn in Quran. This verse was presented earlier but I will put it again below.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:27 -And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.-And the Jinn , We created him from before from (the) fire's burning wind .-As We fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat.-And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.-and the jinn before (the human being) of smokeless fire.

I have shown many evidences from Quran that these so called Jinn are indeed a mortal race of men on Earth, and of course the greatest antagonist in Islam and most likely all religious lore is Iblis or the Satan who Allah in Quran also calls a Jinn.

Al Kahf – The Cave 18:50 And (remember) when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the jinn,...

Further, Iblis, along with Adam, both were sent down to this physical Earth after the fiasco in paradise, and both had to conform to God's universal laws of physicality and take on a mortal form. Yes we all have origins of a metaphysical nature, but while we reside here on Earth we are all simply mortal men of flesh and blood.

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The best evidence I could find that hinted at what physical or racial traits Iblis and the Jinn may have had can be found in the mysterious origins of the word Al Jinn itself. As I mentioned before, this is a uniquely Quranic word and therefore any understanding must come from Quran itself. To do otherwise may lead one down a path of conjecture and contradiction. You see, what most traditional Muslim scholars fail to understand is that Quran is its own explanation. That is, it is God who can best explain the meanings of His words in Quran and that Quran best explains itself. In Arabic we call this 'tafseer', which means explanation. Although there exist countless writings of 'tafseer' by many scholars in the Muslim world, these can give us no real insight as to many true meanings of words and ideas in Quran, especially regarding words which have no pre-Islamic roots, and in fact, these human 'tafseer' have caused many degradations within the Muslim world. There have been many who have voiced strong opinions against the use of 'tafseer' as seen in this quote from the introduction to Shabbir Ahmed's translation of Quran, which he calls 'The Quran as it explains itself'.

“A very significant Islamic jurist, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241 AH) inthose early times saw the chaos and raised a very strong voice againstthis awful practice, "Three kinds of books are absolutely unfounded,Maghaazi, Malaahem and Tafseer.”xvii

Shabbir goes on to explain how later generations of translators would apply false meanings to words found in Quran by using an imported form of Arabic as a base to understand the words instead of Quresh Arabic, the language the Quran was revealed in. Shabbir says in his translated work of Quran:

“While the language of the Qur’an remained untouched, its words and terms were made to lose the splendor they so beautifully conveyed in the original, revealed Arabic. So much so, that the Qur’anic terms were dressed up with the erroneous philosophies prevalent in the once Zoroastrian culture of Persia, and they became widely accepted even among the Arabs!.......They have been thinking of the Ajami Arabic as the known Language of the Qur’an. By Ajami Arabic I mean applying the Zoro-Persian or any alien concepts to the Arabic words and terms of the Qur’an.”xviii

This Zoro-Persian influence as he calls it, is the same influence that borrowed spooky concepts of Genius from the Romans who had plagiarized Asiatic Etruscan myths, and applied them to Al Jinn that God speaks of in Quran. These false applications began to appear about 200 years after Muhammad passed and found their ways into not only Middle Eastern lore such as '1001 Nights' but also into the false books of Islam known as Hadith.

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The practice of explaining Quran outside of the jurisdiction of Quran is still going on despite its fatal results to Islam. One way the Quran explains itself is through 'tasreef' which is how it repeats itself explaining the same thing over again from different perspectives. God also reminds us in Quran a number of times of how He alone is the one who will explain the verses and give meaning to what is found in Quran.

Al Qeyaamah – Resurrection 75:16-19 Do not move your tongue with it to make haste. It is for Us to collect it and relate it. So when We relate it, you shall follow its revelation. Then it is for Us to explain it.

In the above verse God is explicit when he tells Muhammad not to hasten his tongue and try to explain Quran to the people. His job was only to receive and recite it and call people to worship God and God alone. It is God who explains and relates it to us and this is done by using Quran as a 'tafseer' for itself. This is repeated throughout Quran in various forms. Another example is below.

Ta Ha – T.H. 20:114 Then High above all is God, the King, the Truth. Do not be hasty with the Quran before its inspiration is completed to you, and say, "My Lord, increase my knowledge."

This is precisely why we must use Quran alone to understand such words as Al Jinn because these words are unique to Quran, therefor their true meanings will be found only in Quran, not in any Hadith or other compilation of conjecture and gossip. The idea that Jinn are mortal men on Earth is not new nor am I alone in this understanding. In fact, Shabbir Ahmed, whom I quoted above, seems to believe that when Jinn is mentioned in Quran that God is speaking of the nomadic people of Earth. Although he sees the obvious fact that Quran calls them mortal men, he dances around the issue of race and instead uses a generic term like nomad to explain their mortality. However, this concept just doesn't fit when one reads the different verses in Quran that talk about Jinn. Nomad might work in one or two verses but when applied to others it makes no sense. I will elucidate further on this later but for now let me show another very strong possibility as to what the word Al Jinn may actually mean and represent.

In a book titled 'Jinn' by Gazzali Maidin, he attempts to find a reason for the use of Al Jinn to describe these mortals by God by using Quranic language. As this word, like others found in Quran, are not rooted in pre-Islamic Arabic literature, Gazzali offers the following explanation below in italics.

“How do we explain the creation of Jinn? Very simply the origin of the word jinn itself. God says,”

Al Feel – The Elephant 105:4 Tarmeehim bihijaratin min sijjeelinStriking them with stones of baked clay.

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“The word teenin is clay and sijjeelin is baked or heated clay. So the development of Jinn comes by slashing the si and the li with a shortened vowel will form a new unique word as Jinn. When 18:50 translated as ‘who of the Jinn’ means the heated or baked clay.”

Al Rahmaan – Most Gracious 55:14 He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery

“The production of pottery is one of the most ancient arts. The oldest known body of pottery dates from the Jomon period (from about 10,500 to 400 BC) in Japan; and even the earliest Jomon ceramics exhibit a unique sophistication of technique and design. Excavations in the Near East have revealed that primitive fired-clay vessels were made there more than 8,000 years ago. Potters were working in Iran by about 5500 BC, and earthenware was probably being produced even earlier on the Iranian high plateau. Chinese potters had developed characteristic techniques by about 5000 BC. In the New World many pre-Columbian American cultures developed highly artistic pottery traditions.

There are three types of ceramic in the archaeological record: earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. All are made from clay, a plastic mineral whose physical structure can be changed permanently by the application of heat. Earthenware is fired to a comparatively low temperature (above 600°C) with the result that it remains porous. Stoneware has a fused, waterproof body achieved through firing above 1200°C., while porcelain is white and translucent, fired at temperatures above 1300°C. Only clays from certain sources can withstand these higher temperatures.

Pottery is the most abundant class of material recovered in the course of archaeological investigation, a reflector of the social and physical environment in which it was made and used, and is therefore an indicator of change in social traditions and social patterning. It is an important resource for interpreting the past.

Earthenware, stoneware and porcelain are all clay but heated clay. And the most heated of them all is porcelain. The buyer will most of the time be ignorant of the origin of neither porcelain nor its heated temperature. It will not be called clay or fire, but simply porcelain. It is the same basic element – still clay and fire.”

Al Rahmaan – Most Gracious 55:15 And the Jinn He created from a smokeless fire.

Al Hijr – Hijr Valley 15:27 And the Jinn, We created him before that from the flames of fire.

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Bani Israel – The Children of Israel 17:12 (God) said: "What prevented thee from bowing down when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay."

“Is there such a thing as fire without smoke or smoke without fire? A building on fire has smoke. A matchstick on fire has smoke. Where there is smoke there is fire. So something that is not burning but has fire can we conclude that as the main component or the only component for the creation of Jinn? The most likely explanation is heat where fire can be felt but smoke is unseen. After all Iblis is still clay and fire – and not better than us.

So for now we know that Iblis (jinn) is clay but too much of a fire or heated clay.”

Al Hijr – Hijr Valley 15:27 As We fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat.xix

Both narratives of Adam and Iblis' initial creation of form found in Quran take place in a realm outside of our physical or natural world, therefore the language used is allegorical. The use of clay is for the purpose of the reader to better relate to concepts of creation and the nature and place of created things in comparison with the creator God, who is not created. In the physical world, both Jinn and Insan have physical bodies which can allegorically be likened to forms of clay, however the difference between the two races, according to God, is simply the application of heat in the process of the creation of the Jinn.

Knowing that God gave us clues as to Adams original racial makeup, we can see from Gazzali's quote, that there is also evidence or clues to Iblis and the Jinn's racial makeup. As clay is the allegorical form of physical beings, by applying heat we get a physical appearance with a white hue. It may be that this Jinn race were originally a white race of men.

There are two main theories of a white race that I am aware of. One suggests that the white race evolved from genetic deficiencies which appeared in the original black race such as albinism and leprosy, the other suggests that a white race evolved independently of a black race and originated in the area of the Caucasus mountains. I tend to lean towards the latter theory as I find it hard to believe that any deficiency in a genetic line could sustain and perpetuate itself into a race, however I am no geneticist. Further, Quran seems to point towards the latter as the truth as we know from it's verses that both Jinn and Insan, as Adam and Iblis, descended to this earth at the same time. It is also a fact that historically, concepts of spooky Jinn or Geniuses come from areas of the world where a white race is said to have originated.

I want to now turn my attention to Al Jinn's counterpart in Quran which is Al Insan. This, I believe is the name given to the bloodline of Adam, the first Insan.

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Al Insan versus Bashar

In Quran there are basically two main words which are translated into various English words representing man or men, person or mortal human beings. These words are bashar and Al Insan, however the meanings and use of these two words are slightly different. Another word, rijaal, is used, as I showed earlier, but this word is used more as an adjective which represents masculine or manly qualities and not specifically a mortal human being, in other words it is descriptive with a gender specific role. Bashar and Al Insan are always used as nouns.

Bashar appears approximately 36 times in Quran. Below are some examples of its use and how it is translated. The form of 'bashar' will appear after the highlighted English equivalent in the verse.

Ali Imran – Amramites 3:79 It is not for a mortal (libasharin) to whom God reveals the Book and the judgment and the prophet hood to say to the people: "Be my votaries instead of God's," but (to say): "Become learned in divine law, by virtue of teaching and studying the Book."

Al Ma'edah – The Feast 5:18 The Jews and Christians say: We are sons of Allah and His loved ones. Say: Why then doth He chastise you for your sins? Nay, ye are but mortals (basharun) of His creating.

Hud 11:27 The chieftains of his folk, who disbelieved, said: We see thee but a mortal (basharan) like us, and we see not that any follow thee save the most abject among us, without reflection.

In the above examples 'bashar' is used and translated as mortal(s). In other translations it is also translated as 'human being(s)', 'human(s)', 'man/men', and 'mortal man/men'. The word 'bashar' seems to represent a being or beings that are mortal or it denotes mortality. In the next examples that use 'bashar', the words 'mortal' quality is again represented but this time using an example of something that would represent its opposite or counterpart.

Yousuf – Joseph 12:31 When they saw him, the women were so wonder struck they cut their hands, and exclaimed: "O Lord preserve us! He is no mortal (basharan) but an honorable angel."

Mary – Maryam 19:17 She had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent to her Our angel/Spirit/Ruh who appeared to her in the shape of a well-made human being (basharan).

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In the 12:31, when Joseph entered the room, the women doubted his mortality by comparing him to an angel. An angel is normally a creature considered to be immortal or outside the realm of mortals and mortality, this gives more evidence to the meaning of 'bashar'.

In 19:17, almost an identical comparison is used. This time Mary, the mother of Jesus, is approached by what God calls 'Our Ruh' or spirit. This is often translated as angel and the spirit is thought to be the angel Gabriel. However, the angel or spirits appearance was that of a mortal man when it came to Mary. In other words, 'bashar' in all respects stands for a mortal being or mortality, and that which is its antithesis would be something immortal or spiritual in nature such as an angel. With that in mind, let's now look at some examples of the use of 'Al Insan'.

I have counted about 85 uses of 'Al Insan' in Quran, and although at first glance the two words, 'bashar' and 'Insan' seem almost completely interchangeable, their difference become evident when 'Insan' is also used in context with its opposite or counterpart, Al Jinn.

Al An'am – Livestock 6:112 We have permitted the enemies of every prophet, human (al-insi) and Jinn devils, to inspire in each other fancy words in order to deceive.

Al Jinn – The Jinns 72:6 'True, there were persons among mankind (al-insi) who took shelter with persons among the Jinns, but they increased them in folly.

Al Dhareyat – Drivers of the Winds 51:56 I have only created Jinns and men (al-insa), that they may serve Me.

Al Rahmaan – Most Gracious 55:74 Whom no man (insun) or Jinn before them has touched.

The words 'Al Jinn' and 'Al Insan' appear together in the same verse about 18 times. I want to remind you that these words use the definite article 'Al' which is the equivalent of the English article 'the'. Bashar does not use this article. This means that 'Insan' is a specific and definite noun, a definite name or title of something. You can see above that it has been translated as humans, mankind, and men or man. Bashar has also been translated as these words but again, the difference is that Insan is a definite or a specific title. 'Insan' may be better understood in English as the equivalent to 'mankind'. The other thing that must be noted is that 'Insan' is ALWAYS used as an opposite or in opposition to 'Jinn'. Bashar is NEVER used along side Jinn. We never see Jinn and 'bashar' together in the same verse when God is addressing mankind and Jinn at the same time. Because 'bashar' means mortal being and it has been used in contrast to angels, if Jinn are immortal or supernatural, why are they never used in contrast with 'bashar'?

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I believe that BOTH Jinn and Insan fall into the category of bashar. Jinn and Insan are both mortal beings, but they are addressed as different groups of people because they are a different race. As Iblis was a Jinn, it is his bloodline or lineage that is recognized as Al Jinn by God and it is Adams bloodline that is recognized as Al Insan. Now I want to point out a few other interesting anomalies surrounding the relationship between Insan and Jinn as mentioned in Quran. The first is found if we go back to the first creation process of Adam that I mentioned earlier.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:26 Verily We created man (al-insana) of potter's clay of black mud altered,

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:27 And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:28 And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal (basharan) of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.

Notice how in 15:26 the word 'Insan' is used but in 15:28 'bashar' is used. If we look at that sequence of events using what I understand these words to mean, it would say that, the race of Jinn (descendants of Iblis), were created first with intense heat, then the race of Insan (descendants of Adam) were created with black clay or mud, and finally mortal beings (bashar) were created out of the essence of black mud. What I am trying to show here is that clearly Insan and bashar are regarded as different things. This must be understood to help us better know not only who we are but who the Jinn are and how we are related to one another.

I am not proposing I understand completely why these words are used the way they are, but that indeed more attention has to be paid to this. I believe that BOTH Insan and Jinn are bashar or mortals while on Earth, but it appears that their initial creations took place outside of the physical realm. However, once they descended to this world, they obviously became physical mortal beings.

There are other anomalies that must be considered. For example, why whenever God warns of avoiding temptation from the Satan or Devil, does He only profess this warning to Insan and not bashar or Jinn? In verses, 12:5, 17:53, 25:29, and 59:16 it is only the Insan who are warned about the devil, but no special warning is made to the Jinn or to mortals/bashar in general. However this and other occurrences like it will be touched on later when I detail the different traits that are possessed by Insan and Jinn.

The last thing I want to mention on the subject of bashar and Insan is what Iblis says when he commits his initial act of disobedience to god and refuses to prostrate to Adam in 15:33.

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Al Hijra – The Valley 15:33 He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal (libasharan) whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.

Notice how Iblis refuses to bow not just to a bashar or mortal, but to a mortal made of BLACK mud. His arrogance and feeling of superiority does not come from an idea that he is better than a mortal or different than a mortal, but that this mortal is made from BLACK mud. As Iblis is also of the order bashar (a mortal), though of the genus Jinn, his haughtiness can only come from the idea that he is superior in original composition not ultimate function. Could this be the first display of racism?


I now want to turn attention to angels to further support my claim that Jinn are a race of mortal men on Earth. Whenever we see mention of angels mixing with mortals on Earth an interesting thing occurs. This is illustrated in the following narrations from Quran.

Al Hijra – The Valley 15:8 We do not send down angels except for a genuine purpose, at which time none will be given any further respite.

Al Nahl – The Bee 16:2 He sends the angels with revelation by His command, to any of His creatures as He please, (saying): "Warn that there is no god but I, so fear Me."

Al Hajj – The Pilgrimage 22:75 Allah chooseth from the angels messengers, and (also) from mankind. Lo! Allah is Hearer, Seer.

The above narrations tell us that God does send angels to Earth from time to time, and they come here for specific purposes. In other words, they don't just show up for laughs. These purposes are explained clearly as being messengers and passing on revelation. Of course men can also be messengers of God preaching among the mortals of Earth, but above we learn that angels can do this too. Now if these angels do periodically come down to our humble plane to pass on messages what do you suppose they look like? This question is answered in the following verses.

Al An'am – Livestock 6:9 And if We had made him angel, We would certainly have made him a man, and We would certainly have made confused to them what they make confused.

Al Zukhruf – Ornaments 43:60 If we willed, we could have made you angels who colonize and reproduce on earth.

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We can clearly see that angels when sent to Earth are mortal men in all regards. This seems to be one of God's laws. That when in Al Ard (Earth), these creations must take on a physical mortal form. In fact God strengthens this point greatly by saying that angels could have been chosen as vicegerents on this planet instead of humans. Insan, Jinn and Angels are all creations of God, and each one could have played the role of mortal men on Earth. It just so happens that the two races which are here now and represent mankind on Earth are of Jinn and Insan, and we are ALL mortal beings who live and die. Finally there is a good story from Quran which nicely illustrates how angels appear as men on Earth when they are sent to do their duties.

Hud 11:69-70 And Our messengers (angels) came unto Abraham with good news. They said: Peace! He answered: Peace! and delayed not to bring a roasted calf. And when he saw their hands reached not to it, he mistrusted them and conceived a fear of them. They said: Fear not! Lo! we are sent unto the folk of Lot.

Here we see that the angel messengers who approached Abraham looked so much like humans that Abraham invited them in as strangers and prepared a meal for them. They finally reveal their true identity to Abraham after he became suspicious because they did not eat. The story continues later when the same angel messengers in the form of mortal men approach Abraham's nephew Lot.

Hud 11:77-79 And when Our messengers (angels) came unto Lot, he was distressed and knew not how to protect them. He said: This is a distressful day. And his people came unto him, running towards him - and before then they used to commit abominations - He said: O my people! Here are my daughters! They are purer for you. Beware of Allah, and degrade me not in (the person of) my guests. Is there not among you any upright man? They said: Well thou knowest that we have no right to thy daughters, and well thou knowest what we want.

The above narration about Sodom and Gomorrah is repeated several times in Quran. When the same angel messengers who approached Abraham then came to Lots people, the angels were so much like men that the homosexuals of the village pursued them to Lots house out of lust. I suppose not only did these angels look like mortal men but they must have been quite attractive as well.

I have pointed out how angels play a role in our world to show that Gods universal law of physicality which governs our mortal plane of existence makes no exception regardless of your order. Whether Insan, Jinn or Angel, once you are in the physical realm of Al Ard, you are mortal, which means you live, die and procreate in the manner we are all familiar with. If by now we can rightly assume that Jinn are mortal men on earth, we should also try to find ways to identify who these people, tribes or families are. Regardless of skin tone, another way to best point out a Jinn in a crowd is by understanding their traits and behaviors as well as motives and intentions, so lets see what Quran says about this.

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Identifying The Jinn

If indeed the evidence I have presented points to a mortal Jinn then we should now try and find a way to identify who they might be. Earlier I mentioned how this certain tribe or family of men known as the Jinn may be from a white race, but now I want to show clues as to their identity by using character traits ascribed to them in Al Quran. The first clue is found in the allegory of Adams creation and Iblis contempt.

Al A'araf - Purgatory 7:11 – 18 We created you, then we shaped you, then we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam." They fell prostrate, except Iblees; he was not with the prostrators. He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud." He said, "Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. Get out; you are debased." He said, "Grant me a respite, until the Day of Resurrection." He said, "You are granted a respite." He said, "Since You have willed that I go astray, I will skulk for them on Your straight path. I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are unappreciative." He said, "Get out there from, despised and defeated. Those among them who follow you, I will fill Hell with you all.

From the by now familiar story above, you can see that Iblis the Jinn first was rebellious but more so, his rebellious act above was uncalled for. He simply felt he was better or superior to Adam or Insan. This is blind racial discrimination. As I pointed out earlier, perhaps this act could be equated to the first act of real racism. Remember that Adam and Iblis as representatives of two distinct races, Insan and Jinn, were equal in the eyes of God but only were different in regards to the process that they were created. They were both to be bashar (mortal) but simply of a different race.

The next thing and perhaps most important in identifying these Jinn by their character involves Iblis promise stated above. He swears that he will do everything in his power to take us (Insan) from the straight path. He and his descendants will come from all sides and be relentless, and this act of vengeance stems from Iblis' deluded concept that it was God's fault that he went astray. From Iblis own promise we can see that Jinn are not only incredibly arrogant but also very vengeful, deceptive and manipulative. But I think the most frightening aspect of the above narration is Gods promise of respite. Notice how Iblis asks and is granted respite and that this respite will last until the last day! To me this promise is extremely important to understand as this means these two races will be at odds until this earth finally comes to an end! In other words, seeking to preserve peace with Al Jinn is fruitless. Approaching them peacefully is righteous, but assuming peace will last is naive in the very least.

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However, the Jinn still have free will. Not all people who are of Iblis’ bloodline are evil. They can still at anytime make the choice to do the right thing. The problem is they are so steeped in their contempt for the human race and so full of pride with their own race, it is very unlikely that many of them will change. If you really want to recognize true Jinn, just observe their behavior. Including the above examples of Jinn character traits, they are also deceptive and compulsive liars as found in 15:39, “I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong.” They are also people who attempt to influence others in negative ways as found in 7:20 “But the devil whispered to them, to reveal their bodies which was hidden from them; and he said, "Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree except that you would become angels, or you would be immortals."

If indeed these Jinn are people, families, tribes and/or nations on earth, they are easily recognized by the ways they act. I submit that the people or families of this Earth who maintain a stranglehold on global power and finance, who many call Illuminati, are not only predominantly of a nepotistic white race but also harbor the above character traits to a degree that is more substantial than people like you or I. Of course these traits which many describe as evil are the fuel to the machine that drives their long held vicious plan. That is to stop at nothing to tear Insan away from worship of the one God, and by any means of deception, violence, manipulation and discord not only destroy us physically and mentally but to leave us completely empty spiritually as well.

My conclusion as to the identity of Jinn is shared by many others and is not new, however there are many other concepts as to what is meant by Al Jinn in Quran, some of which I have mentioned in this article. Now I would like to briefly go over these other concepts so you can make comparisons and weigh them out yourself.

The Many Faces of Al Jinn

Invisible spooks

I have probably detailed this concept of Jinn the most in this article. Many call this the traditional theory of Al Jinn, and that is these personalities are supernatural invisible spooks who whisper words of temptation into the ears of mortal men. This is perhaps the oldest concept as I have shown and clearly comes from pre-Islamic pagan myths which may have originated in the Caucasus area of northern Iran. This supernatural concept, as far as I believe, is nothing but pure speculative and superstitious nonsense. Not only does it defy Quran's explicit explanation that Jinn are mortals on Earth but it defies all known concepts of the natural laws of our world. I also believe that this myth has been perpetuated by the kings of liars themselves in order to remain 'invisible' in the minds of those that they persecute and oppress. I also believe that this myth has transformed itself with time and now instead of invisible demons we are inundated with concepts that these usurpers are aliens from another planet!

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I am always reminded of a book I read some time ago by C.S. Lewis titled 'The Screw Tape Letters'. This great work of fiction is basically a series of letters written by a senior devil to a junior devil. The letters contain advice to the junior devil as to how to manipulate man and contained in one letter was a piece of advice that makes a lot of sense as to one of the techniques used by these Jinn to try and hide their identity from man. The advice went something like, 'One of the greatest deceptions we devils have pulled on man is making them believe that we don't exist'. This is precisely why concepts of supernatural ability are maintained in regards to Jinns identity. After all, how do you defeat an enemy that you believe does not exist? Most of the secular world doesn't believe in devils at all while most religious people are too busy peering into the dark afraid of invisible spooks to realize that the devil and his descendants are nothing more than mortal men staring them right in the face and laughing.

Mans Ego or Dark Side

Among Muslims within the modern reformist movement today there is a theory stating that Al Jinn is nothing more than an allusion to mans Ego or dark side. However, by going through every use of Al Jinn in Quran and understanding the history of the word this makes no sense. It is clear that Quran describes Jinn as a race, nation, group, tribe or family and as a completely different individual unique personality or creation of God that was designed and formed before Insan or Adam.

Many who adhere to this concept say that there is no fixed meaning to the word Al Jinn as it appears in Quran, yet because the definite article 'AL' is always associated with Jinn, this would apply a trait if being fixed or definite. It is always 'THE” Jinn and is always used as a noun. It is never used as a descriptive term or adjective as 'Shaiytan' is. It is always used as a title or name not an idea, concept or trait. People that perpetuate this idea also say that every time Jinn is mentioned it is associated with mans creation and therefore must be something that is a part of man. However, I could use the same argument to come to the conclusion that Jinn are a separate race. In fact the reason Jinn are often, but NOT always mentioned in association with mans creation, is because as living mortals on Earth we, both Jinn and Insan, have destinies that are forever entwined, or at least until the last day.

If you examine the context surrounding each use of Al Jinn in Quran and apply this idea that it is an allusion to mans ego, you will inevitably be faced with contradiction. Of course if contradiction rears it's ugly head then it must not be the truth. The only concept of Jinn I have found that is consistent and void of contradiction when applied to every context of its use in Quran, is that they are a race of mortal men on Earth. Later I will supply links to articles which argue the Jinn/ Ego connection.xx

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The author of the recent English translation of Quran called 'Quran as it Explains Itslef', Shabbir Achmed, explains in his introduction that 'Al Jinn' is a title given to the nomadic tribes on Earth. He seems to agree with the mortal concept of Jinn here but to reduce them to a tribe of Nomads is not giving the entire context of Jinn in Quran justice in my opinion. Given the traits, purpose and motives of Jinn as explained in Quran, they could hardly be a fragmented group of nomads, especially if we consider our modern world. Where are these so called nomads today? Roaming the jungles and deserts of Earth having little or no influence in the workings of the world today? I seriously doubt it. Achmed does say that once these Nomads become civilized they are no longer Jinn but 'ins'. On this I really don't know but although he maintains in his glossary that Jinn equals Nomads, he does translate the word as different things throughout his translation of Quran. Below are a few examples.

6:112 – The rebellious among the urban and the rural populations

7:38 - Uncivilized and civilized communities

15:27 - Before humanity became civilized, We created the caveman from flames

I suppose in the few above translations I pointed out all could be tied to Nomads, but it is clear that Shabbir Achmed believes that Jinn are mortal men on Earth. His use of 'caveman' in 15:27 confuses me a little. Are all Nomads descended from cavemen? Does this mean that Insan are not caveman? In my opinion I think Shabbir believes that Jinn and Insan are not only mortal but the exact same race. The difference of titles merely depends on whether you are civilized or not. In Shabbir's opinion, we were all Jinn at one time until we learned to be civilized and then we earned the title Insan. Well you can come to your own conclusions regarding that.

Here I am disputing the words of Shabbir Achmed, a doctor and fluent in Quresh Arabic. I certainly do not have the credentials he does but I must disagree with his conclusion of the identity of Jinn. I think one of the reasons even intelligent scholarly people refuse to identify Jinn as a race of men on Earth who live along side Al Insan, is simply because of fear. For some reason many people are uneasy with the idea that these Jinn are real flesh and blood enemies who live among us, another race but mortal non the less.

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Plasma Beings and Aliens

The invisible spook concept has evolved with time. Today there are those who say that the Jinn are intergalactic space traveling plasma beings. Of course this is just a modification of the demonic explanation. Those that subscribe to this theory maintain that the use of intense heat of flames concerning the Jinn's creation, when applied to modern scientific understandings, surely means they are intelligent plasma beings who can traverse outer space at the speed of light. Again this completely contradicts many uses of the word Al Jinn in Quran. For example, when Jinn are mentioned as having overheard Muhammad recite the Quran, living in tribes and nations and being able to procreate with Insan women, does this make any sense? Where are all the half breed plasma people? What nation's citizens are space traveling plasma beings? It is all quite ridiculous but many people still cling to such conjecture. I will also try and given links to articles which talk of plasma Jinn.xxi

I believe that many supernatural ideas of Jinn are lies perpetuated by Jinn themselves. Like I said earlier, it is the perfect way to disguise themselves. If we consider what the Jinns main motives and plans are, in order to perpetuate it until the end of time, they have to remain hidden or unseen. There origins, identity and location must be kept as secret as possible. In fact God warns us of this secretive nature of the Jinn a number of times in Quran.

Al A'araf – Purgatory 7:27 O children of Adam, do not let the devil dupe you as he did when he caused the eviction of your parents from Paradise, and the removal of their garments to expose their bodies. He and his tribe see you, while you do not see them. We appoint the devils as companions of those who do not believe.

God warns that they hide from us. Not just physically but ideologically also. They are not invisible but they go to great lengths to keep their identity shrouded in mystery and secret. Some even believe that they are powerful masters of black magic. God also tells us that the difference between Insan and Jinn will remain a mystery until the last day. Quoting Gazalli's book:

“Two identical squares is drawn side by side. If the question is asked to show the difference, the difference is unseen. Likewise, the situation of Jinn in this world. God the master creator is the one who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth. The confusion is cleared in the Quran when God mentions to mankind that everything is created in pairs and therein in mankind a unique living being called the Jinn. The ignorance of Jinn living with us is going to be carried forward until the day of the meeting with our God,

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41:29 And the Unbelievers will say: "Our Lord! Show us those, among JINNs and men, who misled us: We shall crush them beneath our feet, so that they become the vilest (before all)."

Whether we understand or ignore the feature and physics of Jinn the future for the Jinn is also similar to that of us.”xxii

Yes God makes everything in pairs. The Jinn are the second square that when we look at them we basically see ourselves because they are mortal humans. The true differences between us are invisible. The visible difference such as skin tone are of no consequence, what matters are the motives and intentions that lie within us. As humans we are to be judged and judge one another based on our motives and intentions. A good man is not a man of prominence nor wealth but a man of good, noble and pious character. Though Jinn are free willed mortals and live among us, they are, by circumstance of their origins and nature, much more deviant then the average person.

Finally, I just want to stress again that the modern UFO or alien phenomenon is most likely nothing more than another adaptation of their demonic concepts. Whereas in the past during a time of scientific ignorance, people were easily duped by concepts of demonic possession and ghosts, today those theories just don't fly in most civilized societies. Now we are told that those who manipulate world affairs are aliens from another world. All I can say is, don't be too quick to believe this modern day Jinn authored mythology.

The Devil according to The Bible

Lastly, I just want to point out how The Bible also gives evidence of Satan's or Iblis' or the Devil's mortality. I have only recently been looking into this but a series of scans from a book containing a debate on the subject was sent to me not long ago by a friend and I will present some of this below.xxiii

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I believe it is quite evident that even in bible we can see proofs of Iblis or the Devil being a mortal man who walks on the Earth. I present this evidence to show that it is not only within the religious teachings of Islam that we find reference to mortal devils.


The Jinn slaves of Solomon.

I was recently turned onto a link that gives good evidence to the identity of the Jinn, mentioned in Al Quran, who worked for Solomon by God's command. This short article on the subject is presented in full in italics below.

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“Shishak - Quran and Torah, Bible, UnderstandingShishak seems to be the most significant Egyptian Leader in Relation to the Jews. During the reign of Shishak, things were going on that would defy todays Logic.So Ultimately the Objective is to present the facts and Hopefully you will get the Picture. Ultimately We will be presenting verses from the quran and the bible that correspond to eventspertaining to Israel during the Reign of Shishak. Below are the Events Listed That Occured During The reign of Shishak.Shishak Took The Treasure from the House of the Lord. (with the Ethiopians) This corresponds to how the Ethiopians were put in charge of the Ark of the Covenant.

Rehoboam Vs JeroBoam

2 Chronicles 12 Verse 15Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last, are they not written in the book of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the seer concerning genealogies? And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually. 6Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon the son of David, is risen up, and hath rebelled against his lord.

Chronicles 2 13 Verse 6Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon the son of David, is risen up, and hath rebelled against his lord.

Quran Jeroboam Connetion:The Most Significant Revelations in Quran. The Torah reveals some startling facts regarding issues in the Quran. The Time of Solomons Control over Jinn Corresponds with the Reign of ShishakMany verses in The Holy Quran Relating to King Solomon relate to an Opressed Class of Jinn.Quran Verses

• [27.17] And his hosts of the jinn and the men and the birds were gathered to him, and they were formed into groups. (Period When The Queen of Axum Was Discovered)

• [27.39] One audacious among the jinn said: I will bring it to you before you rise up from your place; and most surely I am strong (and) trusty for it. (A Jinn Promises to Win The Queen of Sheba over to the side of Israel)

[34.12] And (We made) the wind (subservient) to Sulaiman, which made a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey m the evening, and We made a fountain of molten copper to flow out for him, and of the jinn there were those who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and whoever turned aside from Our

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command from among them, We made him taste of the punishment of burning (Clearly Shows That Jinn Labored Under Solomon and were Burned So they were A Slave class.)38.36] Then We made the wind subservient to him; it made his command to run gently wherever he desired,[38.37] And the shaitans, every builder and diver, (The Shaitans are referring to the Jinns Who Dived For Pearls in The Persian Gulf)[38.38] And others fettered in chains.[38.39] This is Our free gift, therefore give freely or withhold, without reckoningThe Main point we are doing here is tryin to Find the Jinn Equivalent in the Bible and All we have that Fits the Bill is Jeroboam. As Jeroboam and his tribe are the only People during this time Who Solomon Opressed.

1 Kings Chapter 12 Verse 1- Key verses Covered. Showing that 1. Jeroboam was a tribe of Israel2. They were being opressed by Solomon3. The Bible Does not mention anything about Jinn During the reign of Solomon.3That they sent and called him. And Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel came, and spake unto Rehoboam, saying4Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee. 5And he said unto them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed. 14And spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.

Quran Chapter 34 verse 14 Showing1. The Quran does not mention Solomon ruling over a people sternly but over Jinn Sternly. The Relationship between Jinn in Quran an Jeroboam and His tribe seem to relate to. Other Issues Surrounding Israel that are to intricate to go into detail here but for further investigation visit www.seventhfam.com[34.14] But when We decreed death for him, naught showed them his death but a creature of the earth that ate away his staff; and when it fell down, the jinn came to know plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in abasing torment. (This verse is Afirming a situation of disgruntled workers which points to JeroBoam but does this mean Jeroboam is Jinn.About This Quran Translation; This verse after having studied various translations. the last part seems to be referring to jinns being disgruntled worker. A

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the jinn came to know plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in abasing tormentThe Abasing torment seems to be the Diving for pearls, Building, and being burned at the statek if they disobeyed the commandments of Solomon. SulimanThis would clearly point to the Jinn As The Tribe of Jeroboam.If Jeroboam is the Jinn And ultimately the potential to be the Devil. Then Where is Judah. And Where is Jeroboam Today.”xxiv

I believe the above article gives more strong evidence to support the claim that Al Jinn as mentioned in Al Quran are nothing more than a mortal race of men on Earth. It was the above Jeroboam or Jinn that ultimately caused the fall of Solomons kingdom but also the later division between Judea and Israel. It was also these Jeroboam or Jinn that were the spoken of practitioners of black magic during Solomons reign in Quran 2:102. These sorcerers also later blamed Solomon for their deviance as is attested to in the Old Testament. The below Quranic verse alludes to the contradictory tale of the same happening found in OT.

Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:102 They followed what the devils recited regarding Solomon's kingship. Solomon did not reject, but it was the devils that rejected by teaching people magic and what was sent down on the two angels in Babylon, Haroot and Maroot. They would not teach anyone until they would say, "We are a test, so do not be unappreciative!" Thus, they teach what can separate a person from his mate; but they cannot harm anyone except by God's permission. They learn what harms them and does not benefit them, and they have known that he who purchases such a thing has no place in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed is what they traded themselves with; if only they knew!

Quran claims that it was 'the devils' that were to blame for teaching magic in a way to cause harm, not Solomon. I also find it interesting the single example God gives as to what exactly these 'devils' were doing to cause such harm. God says, 'they teach what can separate a person from his mate;”. I believe this profound statement gives us clues as to the real nature of these Jinn's or Devil's so called magic and just for what purposes it is used for. However, perhaps I will go more into details of Magic in another article.

For the sake of debate, here are some verses from OT that paint the contradictory story of the same one found above in Al Quran.

1 Kings 11:1-8 Now King Solomon loved many foreign women, along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, from the nations concerning which the LORD had said to the people of Israel, "You shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they with you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods." Solomon clung to these in love. He had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines. And his wives turned away his heart. For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the

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LORD and did not wholly follow the LORD, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. And so he did for all his foreign wives, who made offerings and sacrificed to their gods.

There is a sharp contrast between what Quran says about Solomon and what the Old Testament says about him. It makes it all the more interesting when we consider that Jinn were working for Solomon during this time. Could it be these Jinn, as descendants of Iblis, who spread 'black magic' in Solomons kingdom and consequently rewrote history to shift the blame on the noble messenger Solomon? These are certainly things to ponder on.


I find the evidence which suggests Jinn are a mortal race of men on Earth is overwhelming, though still so much research is needed. If indeed this is the case, then I also believe evidence strongly suggests that these Jinn may be the so called elitists of the world who maintain a strong, if not absolute influence on our everyday lives through the use of media, political and financial domination. They are easily recognized by their actions, and understanding their history will help us better understand how they think and how we must maintain relations with them. Rather than fearing their superstitious rumors of their super natural abilities and powers, we should confront them head on by calling them out by their true name, and see if they respond and how they respond. As I stated earlier, I believe that approaching them peacefully is righteous, but assuming peace will last is naive at best. Once we understand this, we will be better equipped to deal with them swiftly and justly.

The worst we can do is ignore this evidence because the longer we remain ignorant to who they are, the more we help them achieve their ultimate agenda. That is condemning all of Insan into hell with them, by making us all fall into the sin of idolatry. Idolatry is not just worshiping wooden statues or rocks, it is giving religious or righteous authority, granting anything but God to govern your productive, moral or religious way of life. This is called 'deen' in Arabic. 'Deen' is simply the way of life for humans to live as designed by our creator God. This way of life achieves maximum efficiency with the least amount of drag. It encourages and breeds all virtuous qualities within a nation of people. It promotes intelligence, creativity, loyalty, courage, love, understanding, piety, humbleness, compassion, generosity, a sense of justice and fairness, just to name a few things. This type of self sustaining society is only achievable if we give authority of our 'deen', way of life, to God and God alone. The Jinn, keeping to their fathers promise, will continue, until the last day, to try and divert us from that way of life, and I must say they are doing a damn fine job of it these days.

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I understand that you have put a lot of work and effort into trying to identify these people you call Illuminati, therefore I hope this letter, in the very least, introduced you to some new ways of thinking that might appeal to your reason and interest. Perhaps we will never find all the true answers but God willing we will continue to learn.


Chris Sirias

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i Borrowed from Khidir, author of Tawhiyd website - http://www.freewebs.com/tawhiyd/index.htm , http://www.freewebs.com/tawhiyd2/index.htm

ii Borrowed from Khidir, author of Tawhiyd website, see link above.iii Taken from the book 'Gazzali's Jinn' - http://al-gazzali.blogspot.com/2007/01/book-title-gazzalis-jinn.html iv From Khidir, see website link above.v From Khidir, see website link above.vi From Khidir, see website link above.vii From Khidir, see website link above.viii From the article, 'Which one do you see: Hell or miracle?' by Edip Yuksel - http://www.19.org/index.php?

id=14,175,0,0,1,0 ix http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie x From footnotes of '1001 Nights' as translated by Sir Richard Burton. Wiki reference to book here -

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_nights xi From 'Hadith: A Reevaluation', a book by Kassim Ahmad. - http://www.quran.org/library/articles/ahmad0.htm xii http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Origin_of_the_Etruscans xiii http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race xiv http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etruscans xv Link to website where this was quoted is no longer working. Here is a link to another good site which speaks of the same

issues. http://yeyeolade.wordpress.com/2007/03/03/the-black-raceorigin-of-all-humanity-by-m-stewartstewartsynosiscom/

xvi From Khidir, see website link above.xvii From introduction of 'Quran as it explains itself', Translation of Quran by Shabbir Ahmed.xviii From introduction of 'Quran as it explains itself', Translation of Quran by Shabbir Ahmed.xix Taken from the book 'Gazzali's Jinn' - http://al-gazzali.blogspot.com/2007/01/book-title-gazzalis-jinn.html xx Articles on Jinn as Ego - http://maxq-reflection.blogspot.com/ , http://mahjoorquran.blogspot.com/2006/11/word-jinn-

in-quran-by-arnold-yasin-mol.html xxi Articles on Jinn as plasma beings or aliens - http://ezinearticles.com/?Jinns---Plasma-Aliens-From-a-Parallel-

Earth&id=1293623 , http://www.doomsdayguide.org/UFO/ufo_and_jinn.htm , http://www.free-minds.org/jinn xxii Taken from the book 'Gazzali's Jinn', see link above.xxiii Borrowed from Khidir, author of Tawhiyd website, see link above.

Qurans Referenced:- Quran: A reformist Translation, by Edip Yuksel- Quran as it Explains Itself, by Shabbir Ahmed- Al Quran as translated by Rashid Khalifa- various other traditional translations.

Websites dedicated to modern Islamic reformist movement:- http://www.19.org/?en- http://www.astudyofquran.org/web/index.php?contents- http://www.deenresearchcenter.com/- http://www.free-minds.org/- http://www.islamicreform.org/- http://www.masjidtucson.org/index.html- http://mostmerciful.com/- http://www.quranalone.com/- http://www.submission.org/- http://www.freewebs.com/tawhiyd/index.htm- http://koranist.org/

xxiv http://www.shishak.com/