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A review of the book Disinformation


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A Liberating Achievement“Disinformation – Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining

Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism”By Andrei Nita –Chief of the East Coast Correspondents’ Office for “Meridianul Romanesc” (Romanian Meridian)

A few weeks before his arrest in May of 2002, FBI agent Robert Hanssen asked his assistant – the FBI proxy in charge with his surveillance – Eric O’Neill if he knew why the Soviet Empire collapsed. He said that the Soviets were smarter than theAmericans, more deviant, so why did they fail? When O’Neill didn’t answer, Hanssen replied: “Godlessness. Atheism.” This is the dominating idea in the new book by WND “Disinformation – Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism”, an idea that, through massive disinformation campaigns and by taking away God, one can succeed in controlling the world. However one may regard Hanssen – a traitor to the cause of freedom, in my humble opinion – one must give him credit for the above insight in the very heart of the former USSR because not too many people were, or are as familiar and educated in the Kremlin’s devious ways as Robert Hanssen was.

One other person who can be considered an authority on matters of Communism in general, and the methods and tactics of the Soviets in particular, is General Ioan Mihai Pacepa. General Pacepa, the highest ranking official ever to defect the communist bloc, exposed the massive crimes and corruption of the Ceauşescu dynasty in his first novel, “Red Horizons”. He defected to the United States after President Jimmy Carter's approval of his request for political asylum. Subsequently, he worked with the American Central Intelligence Agency in various operations against the former Eastern Bloc. The CIA described his cooperation as "an important and unique contribution to the United States". In addition to “Red Horizons”, Pacepa’s published works also include “The Kremlin Legacy”, “The Black Book of Securitate”, and “Programmed to Kill - Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination”.

On june 25th, 2013, WND Books realesed “Disinformation – Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism”, written by General Ion Mihai Pacepa, and co-authored with Professor Ronald J. Rychlak.

Ronald J. Rychlak is an American lawyer, jurist, author and political commentator. He is the Associate Dean For Academic Affairs and the Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association Professor of Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law, and is known for his published works, career as an attorney, and writings on the role of Pope Pius XII in World War II. His published works include “Environmental Law”, co-authored with his colleague David Case, part of the “Oceana Law for the Layperson” series, “Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church Saved Half a Million Jews from the Nazis” and “Hitler, the War, and the Pope”, books that address the claim that Pope Pius XII failed to stand up for the victims of Nazi aggression in World War II. He often speaks and writes on that topic.

In “Disinformation”, Gen. Pacepa and Prof. Rychlak expose some of the most intense disinformation campaigns of our lifetime and they show how, implicitly, these campaigns have succeeded, and continue to succeed in transforming us into a godless society.

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I will not give away the details of this magnificent book – they are so many, and so well-researched that I would not do it any justice if I tried. What I will say is that the above mentioned WND book offers shocking details – heavily backed by an immense amount of documents – on the anti-Semitism campaign conducted by KGB’s Yuri Andropov, the blight two-facedness of the World Peace Council and the World Council of Churches, on how Pope Pius XII was transformed into a Nazi sympathizer through massive disinformation campaigns, and on why and how the Western free world has turned against Christianity.

Gen. Pacepa and Prof. Rychlak also offer details on why radical Islam and jihadist terrorism woke like a sleeping giant after so long a period of dormancy; they describe how raw Marxism is progressively showing its ugly face in America today, and its NATO allies, and we find out what happened in the backstage of the making of the New Russia after the fall of Khrushchev’s Berlin Wall.

The most disturbing revelation of this new book from WND is, however, the very nature of disinformation campaigns. In this regard Gen. Pacepa and Prof. Rychlak document how the press in the free modern world is willingly accepting fabricated lies and presents them as truth based on fact to the general public. In this expose of defamation campaigns, the godless media, sympathizing with the liberal left, has made America a vulnerable place through lies, slander and painted truth.

On June 25th 2013, WND Films releases, simultaneously with the book, a feature-length documentary titled “Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West”. This two-disc documentary, from the creators of ”The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement”, tells the true story of Pacepa who, after leaving the Communist dark side, chose to shine a light on the greatest source of political evil in today’s world.

The book written by Gen. Pacepa and Prof. Rychlak reads like a fast-paced account of the free world’s struggle against the Soviets worldwide. It is an intellectually satisfying book, artfully written, and it should be required reading for every person who has not yet seen the light of truth, as well as for those who, once victims of the propaganda apparatus have opened their eyes and will never be able to close them again. It should be required reading because it is hard to imagine a better portrait of disinformation campaigns and their causes.

“Disinformation – Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism” is a stunningly well-researched work of art written to expose a nightmare existence with a clarity not clouded by bias or self-pity. This book has the unmistakable ring of candor and truth. Gen. Pacepa and Prof. Rychlak tell the truths written with such passion we are forced to share in the lives they convey, thus becoming a most humbling and liberating achievement.

Many things have been said about General Pacepa over the years in his native country of Romania. To this day there’s a debate between the old guard and the new group of political analysts and politicians. Many of the old guard claim that he is a traitor for disclosing Ceauşescu and Romania. The younger generation supports the idea that the man who singlehandedly brought down one of the worst communist secret police establishments should, and must be considered a hero. I tend to agree with the latter.

As for General Pacepa, the media and the politicians of Romania, or elsewhere, may try to misinterpret his words and twist his intentions, but they will never silence him.