a love song for you

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  • 8/8/2019 A Love Song For You


    Title: A Love Song For You

    ~ Prolog~

    Youre under arrest! Put your gun on the ground. Dont hurt the kid! asound heard from the speaker.

    We have no way now, sir. What we need to do now? a man is holding a

    gun, quivering and hiding in the old factory near the sea.

    His leader, a dangerous criminal, is holding a child.

    Get a truck. We leave this place, he says, pointing to his kids.

    Yes sir.

    Get up now, child, he pushes the children into the truck, pointing his

    gun to his head. The crying sound heard make the police more beware.

    Dont hurt the child! a woman shouts through the speaker.

    Im the police inspector, Hye-jin. Lets have a deal. You let the child and

    we leave this place.

    The criminal shocked for a while. Dont lie to me, woman.

    Lets go, he point to the road.What about the corps?

    Bump onto them, you stupid!

    Growing sounds from the truck make Hye-jin more alert.

    You, go to that corner. Shot when I instruct, she initiate her men.

    Suddenly, the truck gets out from the factory. The people in it are hiding

    their face and a boy shouting. The truck stops in front of Hye-jin and the

    leader step out and grab the boy with him.

    Let go the boy,You want this child? Take it but in deadly way! he laugh, pulling the

    trigger, ready to shot.

    A glance and the criminal man outburst the corps.

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    Shot scenes begin and the criminals run for shelter. Hye-jin quickly safe

    the boy before get a shot at her chest.

    She gets a second shot at her head after blast the leader of the crime.

    Other executioners get on the truck with their dead leader, leaving somethat are arrested by the police later.

    The boy is safe but

    Hye-jin, wake up! Call the ambulance now! her officer shouting.


    Changmin, are you okay?

    You stupid. Of course Im not okay. My stomach like want to burst,Changmin scream at once.

    Ill call the doctor, Yunho run to the counter.

    Faster, hyung! I cant stand it anymore! Changmin hold his tears.

    Uljima, Jaejoong say while he and Yoochun put him on the wheelchair.

    Have you informed Min-yue about this? Junsu ask, never the obvious


    Dont. She might kill me,

    Why? they look at him.She had advice me to take care of my health. Furthermore, she is

    outstation now. Changmin grin in pain.

    She wont angry if Jaejoong tell her, Junsu smirk like evil.

    Yoochun smell the fighting scent; say the doctor is here. Lets go,

    Changmin. He pushes him into the room.


    After a while, the four of them getting boring.

    What is he doing inside, why so long? Yoochun thinks.Im going to get some snacks. You want some, hyungs? Junsu break the


    Yes. Some coffee might help.

    Junsu slowly walks through the corridor and find a caf behind the


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    I want 4 cups of coffee and some bread. Thank you. Junsu give the

    cashier the money.

    While waiting for the food, he sits beside the casement, showing the

    backside of the hospital. Looks very peace and catchy.Suddenly, his eyes catch a window at the hospital, with white curtain and

    a vase of pink roses.

    I love pink, he though.

    The room is at fourth floor,

    Here you are. Thank you. Please come again, the waitress voice wake

    him from his reverie.

    Owh, thank you, he smile back, walking out from the caf.He forgot what he had saw just now.


    Here you are, he gives the drinks to his hyungs.

    We thought that youre making the coffee. Yunho had already fallen in

    sleep, Jaejoong shake the sleepy Yunho.

    Mianhe, hyung. The caf is far from here.

    Have you call Min-yue?Not yet. If the Changmins condition gets worse, Ill call her, Yoochun


    A nurse gets out from the treatment room, Shim Changmin relative?

    They get shocked and burst to the nurse.

    Whats wrong with him?

    He needs to stay at hospital for 2 days. His ward is at fourth floor.

    Is he okay?

    He will be fine. Ill go first, thank you.Thank you, they looked to each other.

    We need to inform Min-yue now.

    Suddenly, Junsu remember something.

    Fourth floor? Yes! he whispers.

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    Whats wrong with you now? Dont say that youre happy, Yoochun

    stared at him.

    No. Im sad because no one is going to quarrel with me. Junsu sighs.

    Yea, peace at last.

    Let visit him now. They get into the lift and go to Changmins room.

    Jaejoong push the door,

    Are you okay?Jaejoong asks while shipshape the curtains.

    Wake up! Changmin stirred slightly. Theres something shining brightly

    on his face. He groaned but stays still. His eyes opened abruptly.

    Hell be fine. We will take care of you. What doctor had said? Yoochun

    closed the door.Nothing. My stomach is wounded because I eat too spicy. Then I get an

    injection and I dont remember anything after that.

    Jaejoong shocked.

    Maybe I cook too spicy for you all. Sorry Changmin.

    Owh, thats not your fault. Where is my bag?

    Here, a while before his phone ring.

    Yeobosayo, he could hear Min-yues smile across the distance to thetiny gadget.

    Changmin, are you okay? she asked, a bit more serious than before.

    Im okay,

    A short silent occurred between them before Min-yue continue.

    Ill go to you tomorrow. You want something?

    I wantyou! Changmin smile so broad, make his hyungs jealous.

    Yeah, thats the right attitude! Now, get a little bit of your deserved rest.

    I love you, a sound like kiss heard from the telephone before he hung up.

    Wonderful. She doesnt mad at me!Wait until she comes, Yunho smile.

    Changmin scowl again.


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    Junsu, you take care of him tomorrow, Yunho instruct him, beside a

    sleepy Changmin.

    Hah! Why? I Junsu startled.

    No complain.

    Never mind, I can take care of myself. Even more, Min-yue will come,Changmin whispers slowly.

    No, I will take care of you. Junsu grin.


    Junsu steps out from Changmins room, sighing. Junsu stroll around the

    hospital alone as he is feeling really boring.


    Poor you. Why dont you have a walk outside, get some fresh air. Ill

    watch Changmin, Min-yue claps Junsus shoulder.

    Yea, you must be boring. Even myself too, Changmin tease.

    Okay, Junsu stare at Changmin.

    As he is turning at a corner, he passes a room that he saw at the caf.

    He put his face at the glass panel to see inside the room. A man with a

    girl. That man is putting the pink roses in the vase. Like he is not that

    womans husband. His clothing looks very formal.

    Junsu hides behind the wall of the hospital.

    After few minutes, the guy walks out from the room. Junsu sneaks into

    her room. A woman lying lifeless on the bed, peacefully.

    Shes very beautiful. Why she is here?Suddenly, a nurse get into the room, make Junsu stunned.

    Youre this patients family member? she asked.

    He startled. What should I do?

    Yes Im. Whats wrong with her? he covers his face, try to act.

    You dont know? Almost 3 month she is in this state, coma.

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    Two shots at her chest and head. First, we think she is unable to live but

    her strength is really great. After the operation, she pants.

    Her occupation? the last question seem does not have the answer when

    suddenly the doctor gets in.Nurse, we need to stop the oxygen pump. This patient is heavily

    recovered. We just need to let her go.

    No, Junsu raise his head.

    You know, we must hope till the end,

    Okay, the last word from the doctor make he catch the breath heavily.

    Ill take care of you, he whispers slowly.


    Ill heed of you tomorrow, Junsu burst into the room.

    Whats wrong with you? Yunho stare at him.

    I justlike the nurse here, very cute, he lies.

    Hmm, naughty,

    Okay, until Minnie get out tomorrow, Jaejoong smile.

    Something had happen, Yoochun though.

    Actually, something crosses Junsus head. Something that he cannot

    forget. He doesnt even know her name.

    Her closed eyelids make the scene so beautiful.

    I need to change the flower. Pink is not good for healing.


    The next day, Junsu buy a bouquet of red roses. He replaces the pink one

    with the new one. Look merrier than before.Dont you feel boring? I sit for a minute in Changmins room and almost


    Some entertainment might help you to recover.

    He starts singing, a beautiful love song.

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    So you should know the stars will shear

    Was never mean to die

    A glamorous on mysteries for you and I

    Just you and I

    I never gonna say goodbyeCause I never want to see you cry

    I swore that you might love with me

    And I swore it over again

    I never gonna treat you bad

    Cause I never want to see you sad

    I swore to share your joy and your pain

    And I swore it over again

    All over again

    Suddenly, her body trembles. Junsu shocked. He run out the room and

    calls the help. Soon enough the doctors and nurses burst into the room,

    shouting words that Junsu cant understand. Some of them are pumping

    on her chest. Some of them are checking the machines. And some of them

    are busy placing some wires on her body.

    Junsu is stunned at the fuss in front of him. He walks towards one of thenurses to ask about the womans condition.

    Her heart suddenly pumping so fast and she supposed to stop the oxygen

    supply later today. We need to manage a final operation since her

    condition has worsened. I dont think she can make it anymore.

    The last words make Junsu quaver. What? his heart shout.

    Suddenly, a man in corps uniform gets in the room.

    You can come tomorrow, he pushes Junsu outside the room slowly andcloses the door.


    Junsu, where have you been? Were going home now. A minute and

    other will arrive here, Changmin pouts as soon Junsu enters the room.

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    Whats wrong with you, oppa? Min-yue pats his shoulder.

    Junsu just unlock his mouth when someone opens the door.

    Guys, are you ready to go? Others wait at the car, Kyo-hyun smile while

    holding Yoochuns hand, who is standing behind her.

    Yea, weve waiting for you. Lets go, Changmin shouts happily.

    Arriving the car, Jaejoong hug his dongsaeng happily.

    Hyung, can you make a Jigae Kimchi tonight. I miss it very much,

    Changmin grin.

    No, you need to let your stomach relax for a while.

    Without anyone realize, Junsu never talk since the incident. His eyes are

    clear, thinking of the woman. What will happen to her? Is she had died orthey stop her oxygen supply.

    Hey, whats wrong with you? Yunho taps Junsus hand.

    Nothing. Im sleepy.


    ~The next morning~

    Morning, Jaejoong! Something smells nice, Yunho asks.

    Help yourself, hyung.

    Hey, wheres everyone?

    Changmin and Yoochun went for a jog. I think theyll back any minute

    now. And JunsuI dont know. Hes out in the early in this morning.

    Yunho and Jaejoong looked at each other. They are both thinking the

    same thing. Something is wrong with Junsu. Hes keeping a secret fromthem. That never happens before. Junsu is the most cheerful person they

    ever know.


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    At the hospital, Junsu go to the same ward of the woman. But theres

    nothing left. Only a nurse, who is cleaning the room and the bed.

    Wheres the patient here? Junsu asks slowly.

    She recovered after the operation and now she is at attention ward to

    recover fully. Her potency had risen after the operation, a glance and thenurse walk away.

    Attention ward, he get out from the room, run to the section where he

    fined that woman lying on a bed, looks more fresh than before.

    Doctor, can I visit the patient? Im her friend.

    Yes, but not too long. She need more rest.

    Thank you.

    Junsu walk swiftly to her bed, putting a red rose beside her and play a

    love song at her ears.

    I believe the song can make you wake, he smiles.

    He observed her face for a while and touches her hand, muscular. Like

    she is an important and tough person.

    What is her name?

    Times out, sir, a nurse wake him from inattentiveness.Owh. Okay.

    From that moment, everyday Junsu come without any of his friends know.

    He will do the same thing, put a red rose beside her and play a song.

    Until one day, the woman opens her eyes suddenly.

    Who are you? the first question comes out from her mouth.

    Junsu shocked. ImJunsu, Kim Junsu.

    Owh, Im Hye-jin, nice to meet you, she smiles.

    I will call the nurse, Junsu get out from the room, gasping air hardly.


    Junsu push the wheelchair slowly to the park.

    Thank you for take care of me, Hye-jin holds his hand.

    Ive promise before that Ill take care you until you recover, he smiles.

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    They talk everyday and before Junsu go home, he will sing a love song

    for Hye-jin. Day by day, the love between them grows smoothly and both

    of them realize it but its too hard to say.

    But its time for Hye-jin to continue her responsibility for her country.She left the hospital with a letter for Junsu, a letter saying goodbye and

    thank you.

    ~the letter~

    Dear Junsu,

    Im sorry. I have to leave you. I need tothis is not because of you.

    But because who Im.My job is very dangerous. I have much enemy and its really dangerous.

    Im sorry and thank you for everything.

    I believe that we will meet again or never.


    Suddenly, his tears drop on the paper.

    Why? his heart shout as he run out from the hospital.


    - A month later-

    Where is Junsu?

    Hes still inside his room. Jaejoong explained while pouring some tea for


    Upon hearing that, Yunho stops in the mid-air. And he looks at Jaejoong

    as he cant believe what he just heard.

    But its 9.00 am! At this time, he usually quarrel or playing football with

    Changmin. Whats going on?

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    Its our day off today. And its his own way of relaxing. So lets just

    leave him alone, Jaejoong utters.

    But he hasnt eaten yet. Im really starting to get worried about him,

    Changmin says with a sigh.

    He act like that since the day Changmin is discharge from hospital,almost a month,

    Its has nothing to do with me, Changmin smirk.

    Really? So, why hes been totally strange all week? Yoochun say as he

    turns off his laptop.

    Immediately he stands and knocks on Junsus door with Jaejoong

    following him.

    Junsu? Are you still asleep? he asks while knocking the door non-stop.

    One second and Ill be there! a voice says from inside the room.

    Seconds later, the door opened and Junsu appear in front of them acting


    Morning hyung! What is it?

    Are you okay? Do you feel sick or anything? Jaejoong asks.

    Junsu shake his head. Im okay. Nothing wrong with me. Why?Changmin said that you dont take your meal yet. Why?

    Im not hungry, Junsu looks uncomfortable.

    Changmin is too concern,

    Changmin and Yunho looked at each other and start to walk closer to

    Junsu with quite a scary expression on their face.

    Hey, what are you doing? Ive told you, Im fine! he suddenly closes the



    He might end up locking himself for the rest of the day inside the room.

    That is so not like Junsu. Why would he hide anything from us?

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    What should we do now? Im worry about him. He might do something

    dangerous like hurt himself or somethingwhat? Im just saying he

    might! Changmin says when others are staring at him.

    Plan A, it might work, Yoochun get up of the sofa and walks towardsthe room.

    He then knocks the door and they hear a voice say,

    What is it?

    Junsu, its Chunnie. Open up! I need to get something.

    Is it important?

    Yes, my phone. AndKyo-hyun might call me any minute. Can I get

    it? he says slowly.

    I can answer for you,Of course not! Yoochun glower.

    There is silent. Then a click sound is heard. Yunho nods to others. The

    moment Junsu open the door; they all push towards the door until it

    opens. Junsu is so shocked, lost his balance and land on the floor.

    Guys!! he screams.

    The others looked around; trying to find the thing Junsu is trying to hidefrom them. Only Changmin helps Junsu to get up.

    I couldnt find anything, Yunho sighs.

    Ive told you, Im hiding nothing, Junsu say slowly.

    Were sorrywe just worry about you, you look sleepy and tired, not

    like before.

    Junsu looks at his friends. But he remains silent. Jaejoong look atYoochun and whispers, Chunnie, do something! Help us, will you?

    But Yoochun shrugged his shoulders and choose to sit on bed. Suddenly,

    he sees something on the side table. Some pieces of paper, music scores

    and a vase of dry red roses.

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    ErrJunsu? Whats this?

    Jaejoong take the paper, a letter and read it.

    Yoochun read the score that Junsu had composed, the love songs.

    Junsu fall on the floor, try to hold his tears.

    Nothingif I tell you allyou will

    We promise we will support you, Changmin help him to sit on the bed.

    Junsu told them the whole story, from the start till the end.


    From that moment, everyday I will write a love song and buy a red rose.

    Yoochun plays the song with the keyboard in the room. Sound so

    touching. So sorrow.

    Nice song. Why dont we make it as our song and who know, Hye-jin

    might know that it is you when she hear it. Yoochun face Junsu, smiling.

    So, we really support you if you decide to find her, Yunho says.

    Thanks guy, Junsu utters slowly.

    Now, have your meals, Jaejoong bring in Bulgogi for Junsu.

    Can I get some? Yoochun make his childish face.

    Dont disturb, hyung, Changmin pats him.


    The mini-mart is empty and Yoochun accompany Junsu to buy his

    strawberry ice-cream, his favourite flavour.

    When Junsu goes to pay to the cashier, Yoochun see a woman in formal

    dressing is buying a red rose. A figure he might know.

    You wait here for a while. I will come later, Yoochun tells Junsu.

    Dont be too long.

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    Are you Hye-jin? Yoochun asks the woman in front him.

    She turn back Yes, can I help you?

    Im Kim Junsus friend, Yoochun. Can we talk for a while? Yoochun

    make his lovely smile.

    Five minutes only. Im in hurry, she smiles back.

    This is why Junsu like you, petite, large brightening, slightly-round face,

    Yoochun say while they are walking at the corner.

    How he do now? Did he know that you meet me? she smells the rose.Hes not too okay. He always remembers you. He doesnt know.

    Dont tell him that you meet me today, please, Hye-jin tries to hold her


    But why? Why you treat him like this? I thought you loved him?

    Yoochun asks her.

    Because I loved him. I love him too much, Yoochun. I dont want him to

    suffer and keep giving hopes. He needs to forget me. she cries slowly.

    Uljima, come and meet Junsu now. Stop torturing him again and again,

    Yoochun pull her hand into the mini-mart, where Junsu is waiting for



    Junsu! a womans voice suddenly called out.

    Junsu bold his eyes, try to believe the figure in front of him.

    Hye-jin! he utters as tears starts to form in her eyes.Uljima. A man cant cry, she try to smile.

    Junsu hurriedly walks up to her. And as soon he is near her, he quickly

    hugs her. Please dont go,

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    I promise I will try my best to make it up to you. I will always take care

    of you. I will always be there for you, he utters.

    Hye-jin doesnt know what to say. Youre making me cry again.

    Will you stay with me and never leave me whatever happen, KimJunsu? she smiles.

    I love you, Hye-jin. I promise I will never let you go, he slowly nods.

    Yoochun smile.


    Tonight is the first date for Hye-jin. She is very fanatic and nervous thanJunsu himself. She never has a date before as she busy with her work.

    What should I wear? she opens her wardrobe, looking for the best dress

    she ever has.


    They stop at one simple restaurant. Hye-jin look at Junsu, asking why

    they stop with her eyes.

    Lets get in, Junsu says as he pulls her hand. Without her knowing,

    Junsu already booked this restaurant for their dinner.

    Whats your favourite food? Junsu asks while they are taking their seats.


    The waiter comes and they make their order. Suddenly, the light is

    dimmed and a love song is played. The waiter brings a bouquet of red


    I love you, Junsu smiles.

    I love you too. Thank for tonight, Hye-jin hugs him.


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    They are walking on the street when suddenly a group of man surrounds

    them. They are pushed into a dead end.

    Its okay. Everything is gonna be fine, Junsu try to smile even his

    heartbeat fastened.

    Four of men grin to them. Give me what you have, all. Hurry! one of

    them rushes to Junsu.

    Hey, dont push me! Junsu shout.

    Hye-jin lost her patient, kick the man at his face until he fainted. She

    takes out her gun and shot the wall behind the men before point to them.

    Go now or die, she whispers slowly.

    Junsu lose his words.

    This is my job. Thats why I leave you before, she keeps back her gun.

    Thanks for saving me, he hugs Hye-jin.

    I promise I will protect you as I live, a tear drop from her eye.


    Hye-jin is finishing her work when the door is knocked.Come in!

    Madam, a letter for you, a man hand them.

    Thank you, she looks serious.

    The letter has no name and address, even a stamp.

    Who send this to me? she thinks.

    Before she opens the letter, her handphone rings. She picks up the

    vibrating cellphone, check the name of the caller-the flashing name readsJunsu and answers the call.

    Junsu, why?

    Have you eaten lunch yet? Its already passed lunch time?

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    Not yet. Im very busy with works now. Dont worry, I will eat now, she


    I understand. Just make sure you eat okay. I dont want you to get sick or

    anything. Look, I have to hang up now. Our manager is calling. Take care

    of yourself, okay?Goodbye then,

    Bye, I love you, a sound like kiss heard from the telephone before she

    hung up.

    Both of us are very busy with works, she grins before open the letter.

    She rolled her eyes, really shocked when she read the letter.


    written in red ink.

    Out of the blue she remembers back what had happen before. She had

    killed a leader criminal and gets two shots.


    The truck is moving beside her. A man put his head out from the window,

    I will come back for revenge, woman.

    She lies on the ground after two deadly shots.

    But now, not the shot fright her but Junsu and her lives.


    From that moment, Hye-jin becomes more furious. She feels likesomeone is following Junsu and her when they are out.

    Whats wrong with you? Junsu asks one day.

    Nothing, I just tired, she smiles but still serious.

    Lets get some fresh outside, he pulls Hye-jins hands to park.

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    Suddenly, a van stops in front of them. Two men get out from it and point

    a gun to Hye-jins head.

    Keep your gun, miss, he laugh.

    I will take him as exchange, wait for a phone call, he grabs Junsu neck

    and push him into the van, while other man smack and push Hye-jin to the

    ground. Bloods flow from her mouth.

    No, dont do that to her! Junsu shouts.

    You shut up, man. He covers Junsu face with a black cloth.

    Let him go. He has nothing to do with this. Take me, Hye-jin tries tostand.

    A glance and they leave that place as fast as they could.

    Hye-jin grabs her handphone and calls Yunho.

    Oppa! Forgive me! she cries.

    Whats wrong with you? Where are you now?

    Someone kidnapped Junsu. At park,

    Well come, wait there. Uljima, Jaejoong says.


    How it happen? Yoochun give her a cup of tea while Changmin helps

    Min-yue to treat Hye-jins wounds.

    Hye-jin tells them everything.

    Thats why they hunt for me now. It must not the leader, because Ive

    shot him dead, maybe his men.

    What should we do now?

    Kyo-hyun, send me police station now. Ive something to settle, Hye-jin

    stands up.

    But your wounds

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    Dont worry. I must keep my promise to protect Junsu as I live. The

    blood debt must be pay with blood too.


    Why you kidnapped me? Theres other famous artist you can take,Junsu try to loosen the tie.

    Hey, kid. Dont make jokes here. Let your lover come after you. Then I

    can kill both of you. Mission accomplish, he laugh.

    What mission? I wont let you do it. Junsu stares at him.

    Stop dreaming. You cant even protect yourself. After Hye-jin die, who

    will protect you?

    Junsu shocked. Dont you dare to say that? She wont die. She hadpromise to protect me! Junsu loose the tie and slap the criminal.

    The criminal lose his balance and land on the ground with a bleeding

    mouth and nose.

    How dare you! he shouts back and kicks Junsu before he beats him

    continuously until Junsu fainted. Bloods flows from his head and


    What have you done to him? He cant die or Hye-jin wont come to us!

    a man walks into the room.

    Sorry sir,

    A blood debt must be pay with blood, he laughs.


    ~Two days after~

    Hye-jin is at DBSK house when her phone vibrate, the unknown number

    call her.

    She smiles weakly, cant I use your laptop a while, Yoochun?

    Yea, can you make a loudspeaker? Yoochun hands his laptop to Hye-jin.

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    Ill try. Dont make noise. She put on her headphone and answers the

    call, with her hand typing on the keyboard.

    Hye-jin, do you miss Junsu oppa? a voice laughs.

    Where is him? Let me talk to him!

    A short silent before a weak tone answer.

    Im okay, Hye-jin. Dont come here. Dont listen to them. They will kill

    you, after that, a slap sounded. Changmin start to cry but Jaejoong

    instruct him to relax.

    What do you want? Hye-jin keeps typing. Others are amazing with the

    way she works. Very steady.

    I want you or this guy die! a last laugh before he hang up.Hye-jin stops typing and holds her tears. Her eyes had swollen, after

    crying for almost two days. She gets up from the sofa and hand back the

    laptop to Yoochun.

    Ive got their place. I will go to them and save Junsu myself.

    Can you face them? They are not weak and they are many, Yunho pats

    her shoulder.

    Believe in me. Im a corp and this is my job. I believe in love, the lastwords from her and shes gone through the opened door.

    We need to help her, they looked to each other.


    Hye-jin sits on the chair in her office, gasping for the last air. Collecting

    all the strengths.

    She gazes at Junsus picture on her table and a vase of red roses. I will

    come and save you.A man come in your needs is ready, madam. Are you really want to go

    on yourself?

    Yea. And nothing can stop me, she stand up, wearing her outfit and

    locking her guns on her clothes. She picks up the picture and put it at her

    pocket, near her chest. Im coming.

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    The venue is the same place where Hye-jin shots the criminal, unused

    factory near a sea. Very peace but dangerous.

    She walks in alert, noticing any humans in it.

    Eat now or you will hungry, a man shouts.No, you think Im a dog? This food is for you actually! Junsu shouts.

    Junsu, her heart snap.

    She touches the picture before take her gun and burst into the room, blast

    everybody inside it except Junsu.

    Are you okay? Is it hurt? Hye-jin touches his face, his wounds, caringly.

    Im very okay, Junsu holds his tears.

    Haish, uljima. Ive some works to solve, you wait for me here. Dont goanywhere, she wipes his tears.

    Junsu raise his head towards Hye-jin.

    My girlfriend is very cool! his heart shouts.


    Hye-jin reaches another room, with a man sitting on a chair and his men

    standing around him.

    Hi, Hye-jin. We meet again after almost a year you kill my brother, he


    Your brother?

    Yes, my brother. Do you still remember him? Dont say that youve

    forgot the incident, the case that make you coma for 3 month. He stands

    and walks towards her.

    Of course I remember. A victory where Ive kill the biggest criminal,

    she shouts.

    A slap at her face make bloods flow from her mouth.Junsu is hiding beside the wall, watching the scene. Owh, its hurt!

    I dont care. Today I want to make a recount with you; a blood debt must

    be pay with blood.

    He instructs his men to go out from the room.

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    Junsu picks someone phone and call her hyungs.

    Hyung, help us now. Bring the police here.

    We are here already. Jaejoong claps Junsus shoulder.

    Changmin hugs him before Yunho says long time I dont fight.

    Suddenly, the criminal men see them and burst to five of them.

    No one is going to hurt my hyung again! Changmin shouts before he

    kicks one of them.

    Why dont you use this? Jaejoong and Yoochun smile, picking the guns

    on the ground, start to outburst the criminals.

    On the other room, Hye-jin is facing her death.

    Well fight. Only one person can walk out from this room. We use our

    own way, he smile.

    Hye-jin takes a deep breath, whispering always keep the faith. I will

    protect you until the end, Junsu. I love you very much.

    She pulls her guns and start to shot the criminal continuously but nothing

    happen.Shot more. I cant feel anything, he laughs before blast Hye-jin at her


    She realizes that the man is wearing a gun-proof shelter. While holding

    her arm, she pulls a sword, which is located on the wall.

    Samurai way. I love it, a frightening feel in his voice.

    Junsu stands amazingly to see Hye-jin fighting, hoping that she will be

    okay. The police had arrest all other criminal while four of them is

    talking.How much have you shot, Chunnie? Jaejoong asks.

    Two only.

    I shot four, Changmin grins.

    I only one, Yunho sighs.

    Same like me. Is it okay, we kill people?

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    Min-yue said okay if the people make a big mistakes like them,

    Changmin point to the criminal.

    Where is Hye-jin and Junsu?

    *************After fighting for five minutes, both of them get exhausted.

    Cant you make it in peace? Junsu come forward.

    No! Hye-jin pushes Junsu away when that man pat his sword towards.

    Hye-jin steps forward and strike her sword into the criminal body.

    He lied on the ground, moaned.

    Im sorry. You shouldnt follow your brothers steps. Become a criminal

    is nothing, she throw the sword and Junsu hugs her.

    Thank you for saving me. I love you.

    Ill protect you until I die. I love you too.

    Another perfect love ending for us, is it? Yoochun smile.

    We are the left one, Jaejoong looks at Yunho.

    Love will come for us, Yunho sighs.

    Without anyone realize, the criminal is still alive. He grabs the gun near

    and tries to shot Junsu. You should feel losing the people that you love.

    Hye-jin sees and turns her body to save Junsu from the deadly blast.

    A gunshot is once heard again and Junsu with Hye-jin break apart.

    Hye-jin!!! Junsu shouts.

    Hye-jin fell on her back, with blood coming out from her back.

    Im sorry. I cant be with you anymore. I cant protect you anymore,

    says Hye-jin weakly.No, dont leave me again. Junsu cries.

    Uljima, Im sorry, for loving you, her hands fell off Junsus grab.

    Slowly she closes her eyes.


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    Cut! Nice shooting today. No mistake, you all can go home now, Man-

    Kim, the director, smiles so broad.

    Junsu is standing at the cliff of the island. He looks at the sky as a handpulling his hand. He smiles. She smiles too.

    I miss my friends, Junsu whispers slowly at her ear.

    I miss them too. Thanks for the love songs,

    Lets go in. The air here is so cold. You might fall in sick, you know,

    Hye-jin touches his hand.

    Suddenly, her phone rings.Madam, a new case. A murderer takes a woman as his redemption.

    Okay, Junsu, we need to go home. I get a new case,

    Hmm, sing me a love song and well go.

    Do you want a woman get killed because of me?

    Okay, okay, Junsu sighs.


    An ambulance reaches the place as soon as Hye-jin gets the shot.After a month, she recovered and gets marry with Junsu.

    Junsu starts to except that Hye-jins risk job and they live happy ever.

    My wife is so cool!