a magazine draft july 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010 1 A MAGAZINE qualia Great Barrier Reef Hamilton Island, Queensland The team at A MAGAZINE are excited to let you know about Australia’s newest Lifestyle magazine. This digital venture will publish the stories online and on the iPad via our unique APP. Subscription will be FREE and the APP will be FREE. Each day, week, month new stories on a variety of lifestyle ventures. Our contributors will cover travel, fashion, interior & exterior design, music, cars and yes wine. Our readers will be given the opportunity to win prizes in a variety of competitions including travel and fashion. A MAGAZINE This is what we do July 2010 Luxury Locations: qualia Feugiat: 2 3 4 To anyone who has gazed down at the azure blue patchworks of the Maldives, add several paler hues With grapes being grown at over a 1km above sea level and on the volcanic soil of Mt Canobolas, Ross Hill Wines have something special Cras congue, sapien vitae vestibulum adipiscing, erat lacus commodo lectus, in imperdiet massa risus vel tellus. Sed tincidunt cursus libero. Donec consectetuer, dui vitae congue rhoncus, enim libero egestas ante. Fusce euismod tempus nulla. Donec pellentesque mattis diam. “Mauris non erat. Integer dolor metus, hendrerit a, convallis vel, vehicula in, enim.” And it is all so deserted, highly protected and designated by UNESCO: the few large pontoons that cater to tourists have to maintain onboard security year round, 24 hours a day. We buzzed around for a couple of hours before landing back at the private helicopter pad at the base of qualia Great Barrier Reef. It is probably relevant at this stage to point out that the whole of Hamilton Island, which measures three by two miles, belongs to the Oatley family. Eighty percent of the island, which rises to 800 feet above sea level, is…… Premium Wine: Orange

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Australia's newesy digital lifestyle magazine


Page 1: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010


A MAGAZINE qualia Great Barrier Reef

Hamilton Island, Queensland

The team at A MAGAZINE are excited to let you know about Australia’s newest Lifestyle magazine.

This digital venture will publish the stories online and on the iPad via our unique APP.

Subscription will be FREE and the APP will be FREE. Each day, week, month new stories on a variety of

lifestyle ventures. Our contributors will cover travel, fashion, interior & exterior design, music, cars and yes wine.

Our readers will be given the opportunity to win prizes in a variety of competitions including travel and fashion.

A MAGAZINE This is what we do

July 2010

Luxury Locations: qualia

Feugiat: 2



To anyone who has gazed down at the azure blue patchworks of the Maldives, add several paler hues

With grapes being grown at over a 1km above sea level and on the volcanic soil of Mt Canobolas, Ross Hill Wines have something special

Cras congue, sapien vitae vestibulum adipiscing, erat lacus commodo lectus, in imperdiet massa risus vel tellus. Sed tincidunt cursus libero.

Donec consectetuer, dui vitae congue rhoncus, enim libero egestas ante. Fusce euismod tempus nulla. Donec pellentesque mattis diam.

“Mauris non erat. Integer dolor metus, hendrerit a, convallis vel, vehicula in, enim.”

And it is all so deserted, highly protected and designated by UNESCO: the few large pontoons that cater to tourists have to maintain onboard security year round, 24 hours a day. We buzzed around for a couple of hours before landing back at the private helicopter pad at the base of qualia Great Barrier Reef.

It is probably relevant at this stage to point out that the whole of Hamilton Island, which measures three by two miles, belongs to the Oatley family. Eighty percent of the island, which rises to 800 feet above sea level, is……

Premium Wine: Orange

Page 2: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010


And it is all so deserted, highly protected and designated by UNESCO: the few large pontoons that cater to tourists have to maintain onboard security year round, 24 hours a day. We buzzed around for a couple of hours before landing back at the private helicopter pad at the base of qualia Great Barrier Reef.

It is probably relevant at this stage to point out that the whole of Hamilton Island, which measures three by two miles, belongs to the Oatley family. Eighty percent of the island, which rises to 800 feet above sea level, is preserved natural forest, and there are seriously challenging hiking trails. The rest of the island consists of town, other lodging, residences, the airport, and qualia Great Barrier Reef. I am greeted by Jason Friedman, my long-time New York aristocratic friend who is one of the world's best-connected hoteliers.

'qualia's guests wield great influence and armed with the right experience they can do a great deal of good

in spreading the word to travellers.'

qualia Great Barrier Reef occupies all of a 30-acre promontory, reached only by a 12-foot high gate set in a melange of stone blocks from a nearby island quarry on Hamilton Island. You drive about half a mile flanked by tall greenery and waving white acapanthus flowers. There are 60 detached villas in all, from 900 sq ft up, all single story and with ample space between neighbors: there is also one two-floor, two-bedroom beach house. Inside, you marvel at your new home. Walls are all-glass, or cream-painted concrete or wood, all rising to a low-barrelled wood ceiling with silver

qualia, Hamilton Island, Queensland

To anyone who has gazed down at the azure blue patchworks of the Maldives, add several paler hues, and outline with blobs of coral.

To anyone who has gazed down at the azure blue

patchworks of the Maldives, add several paler hues, and outline with blobs of coral.

As I went into Windward Villa 23 - north-facing, 1,200 sq ft total - I just went WOW! About a mile away are three islands. To the left is Dent Island, where Oatley's sensational Peter Thompson golf course (it runs along the crest of the long peaked island). The middle island is Plum Pudding Island, named for its shape, and to the right is Henning Island, where qualia Great Barrier Reef drops guests off for private romantic beach picnics.

Environmentally responsible

The ambience at qualia is one of its prime selling points, says Jason Friedman, a botanist by training. 'Being environmentally responsible does not mean asking guests to save water by

re-using towels or bed linen. qualia is not about to make anyone feel guilty. Being environmentally responsible is about responsible operations, not being wasteful and using appropriate technologies. I want guests to leave with a greater understanding and respect for the Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef ecology. qualia's guests wield great ininfluence and armed with the right experience they can do a great deal of good in spreading the word to travelers.'

Terrace villa at qualia Great Barrier Reef

Page 3: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010


Ross Hill Wines, Orange, NSW

The new ‘Pinnacle Series’ represents the most outstanding parcels of wine from each vintage which best display the sub regional terrior of specific series across the Orange district

The Ross Hill Vineyard is situated on the gentle north facing slopes of Griffin Rd, Orange at an elevation ranging from 750 to 850 metres. Such elevation presents its self in our wines that are so distinctively high altitude and cool climate produce.

Covering the hills with 12 hectares (ha) of established vine we are able to grow the majority of the grapes used in our wines. Ross Hill white wine varieties include Chardonnay & Sauvignon Blanc, and the iconic red styles of Merlot, Shiraz and Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Shiraz.

To compliment the Ross Hill vineyard was the recent planting in 2008 of 5 more hectares of vine in the fertile volcanic basalt soils at Wallace Lane. With an even higher altitude at 1080 metres above sea level, it is one of the highest and coldest vineyards in Australia. These vines of Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir will be ripe for release and drinking in 3 years time which we look forward to presenting to you.

All 17ha of vine are handled with the utmost care by being hand pruned to maintain the exceptional quality and flavour that carry through to our wines. We pride ourselves on our quality not the quantity.

Our environmental policy sees no use of insecticides and reduced irrigation impact by a program of mulching cover crops planted between the rows between autumn and winter.

With a dream to pick their own grapes and make our wines in Orange, together with the Jones family we set out to seek a location that could offer the space for a winery infrastructure as well as the appropriate soil and conditions for our vines to maintain our signature cool climate characteristics in the wines.

Their dreams were met with the purchase of the Wallace Lane facility. Previously an old apple packing shed it was the perfect fit for a modern new winery. With its 2400m2 shed and 4 temperature controlled rooms ideal for storing both fruit and juice, the rest of the space could be utilised as barrel rooms and front section as a generous space for cellar door activity. Although the old rattler serviced us well for so many years, we’re sure you will enjoy the new cellar door space.

The winery was also fitted with the custom design and technology that best compliments Phil Kearney’s winemaking methods.

The first vintage produced the equivalent of 320 tonnes for Ross Hill Wines and 6 local contract clients.

Page 4: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010





Pellentesque aliquet vulputate lacus. Nunc

vitae felis at sem euismod pretium. Nam purus nisl, dignissim eu, facilisis eu, mattis consectetuer, arcu.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus

et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Sed venenatis, augue non varius tempus, metus

nibh mollis erat, a tempus neque ipsum sit

amet nisi. Donec elementum, justo eu pulvinar tincidunt,

mauris nunc consectetuer mi, eu ornare augue

ligula a nibh.

Page 5: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

A MAGAZINE Draft issue: July 2010


Donec sodales ante aliquet arcu. In neque nunc, feugiat at, tempor vel, luctus eu, leo. Donec facilisis varius lectus. Praesent tincidunt facilisis libero. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque consectetuer, nisl eu placerat tristique, turpis ante condimentum nibh, eget feugiat dui purus et mauris.

Mauris dignissim nunc eget quam. Etiam commodo purus vitae dolor. Maecenas quam sapien, ultrices vel, convallis ac, ultricies a, mauris. Mauris ultrices. Morbi at nulla tincidunt dolor fermentum cursus. In vulputate rhoncus orci. Aliquam sem est, blandit sit amet, porttitor in, congue nec, lorem. Vestibulum rhoncus purus nonummy justo iaculis fermentum. Integer sed lorem.

Donec pulvinar. Sed imperdiet, ligula quis luctus nonummy, turpis sem lobortis felis, ac aliquet libero felis a turpis. Sed vitae dui ac urna adipiscing auctor. Quisque dolor. Donec eu enim. Suspendisse blandit quam vitae orci accumsan porta. Ut tempus, nunc a imperdiet pharetra, mi dui consequat sem, ac condimentum mi augue ac ante. Aliquam massa libero, faucibus sit amet, facilisis sagittis, semper a, risus. Fusce pede. Praesent luctus, ligula nec fringilla vestibulum, tortor tellus iaculis risus, sit amet congue sem enim at velit. Pellentesque eu nulla.

Curabitur quis sapien. In justo est, mollis quis, volutpat ut, accumsan nec, purus. Morbi fringilla pharetra sem. Maecenas euismod tempor est. Ut augue mi, mollis a, adipiscing in, lacinia sit amet, lorem. Cras quis nunc non mi euismod dictum. Cras ac lectus. Cras suscipit tempus lacus. Suspendisse sodales. Ut dictum. Proin lacinia nisi at dui. Integer hendrerit turpis non velit. Quisque commodo bibendum leo. Nulla dolor mi, viverra nec, vestibulum sit amet, consequat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent porttitor, nisi vitae congue aliquam, nibh lorem eleifend massa, a porttitor justo

urna ut est. Nulla eu mi.

Maecenas sagittis lobortis ipsum. Maecenas scelerisque justo et ipsum. Nunc ultricies nulla sit amet orci. Nulla blandit, massa ullamcorper placerat imperdiet, urna enim lacinia massa, in congue magna orci ac risus. Praesent consectetuer, dui sed volutpat cursus, tellus ligula mattis turpis, in varius metus velit a risus. Suspendisse mattis sem. Nullam pretium aliquam justo. Nullam bibendum. Proin malesuada laoreet ligula. Nulla vitae risus. Nunc consectetuer. Nam quis neque. Nunc rutrum mauris quis justo. Nam eu risus et odio luctus gravida. Mauris aliquet, massa vitae adipiscing tempus, risus lectus ultricies libero, et tempor purus turpis quis dui. Duis eleifend vehicula sem. Nulla congue mi pulvinar lacus. Curabitur fringilla.

Ut at nisi. Nullam congue, mi quis pharetra consectetuer, pede justo volutpat purus, a vehicula orci magna a erat. Nullam gravida. Mauris ultricies, eros nec tempus venenatis, dui libero rutrum velit, et vehicula eros metus sed libero. Aenean erat libero, ullamcorper sed, ultrices et, interdum nec, turpis. Vestibulum sed sapien nec dolor pellentesque porttitor. Nullam aliquam sodales eros. Sed odio. Sed sit amet est. Etiam sem pede, tincidunt ac, pulvinar et, mollis at, orci. Duis adipiscing ullamcorper purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Etiam vehicula. Integer convallis. Fusce feugiat. Donec leo iaculis orci. Nullam nulla

nisi, auctor ut, feugiat eu, fringilla adipiscing, dui.

Vivamus eleifend posuere tellus. Aliquam adipiscing ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Ut eu nibh non nunc vulputate volutpat. In consectetuer, felis quis blandit imperdiet, ipsum enim consectetuer nisi, at egestas sem est sed dolor. Vestibulum et ante nec leo hendrerit porttitor. Nulla quam. Vestibulum placerat lorem in augue. Integer ac lorem. Nam venenatis tristique ipsum. Vivamus congue, augue nec fermentum auctor, elit nibh rhoncus magna, ac lacinia felis lorem vitae metus.

Etiam (Continued)

Page 6: A Magazine Draft July 2010 issue

Australia’s digital lifestyle magazine Draft issue: July 2010

Lorem Ipsum

[Street Address] [City], [State][Postal Code]


Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4

Integer sit amet mi. Nulla lobortis viverra est. Sed vestibulum rutrum libero. Praesent ut quam. Fusce sagittis. Nunc tristique, erat et mollis

tincidunt, est elit aliquet mi, eu luctus nulla elit eget justo.

Suspendisse odio sem, tincidunt non, luctus nec, ultricies in, diam. Proin tincidunt. Proin sodales dictum purus. Nam ante. Suspendisse quis est. Aenean turpis dui, tincidunt in, rutrum et, laoreet luctus, augue. Mauris sem quam, iaculis nec, sodales sagittis, ullamcorper ut, massa.

Donec mi velit, eleifend vel, iaculis ut, tristique id, mauris. Fusce odio felis, interdum at, elementum sed, mollis et, leo. Duis eu nulla in sapien consequat fermentum. In sit amet leo ac velit imperdiet

viverra. Integer lobortis vulputate odio. Praesent a elit. Donec quis turpis ut ligula tincidunt placerat. Cras tellus nulla, convallis sed, volutpat id, pulvinar ut, metus. Duis tristique tortor vitae lectus. Duis mauris magna, auctor quis, euismod quis, pellentesque vel, leo.

Suspendisse potenti. Proin ut lacus. Sed vitae metus nec lacus ornare tincidunt. Integer fermentum viverra ipsum. Suspendisse tincidunt neque commodo justo.

Suspendisse: Donec fermentum lorem viverra mi.

Etiam consectetuer porttitor metus. Etiam

varius laoreet nulla.