a manual to accompany colton's missionary map of the world

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Page 2: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Rev. Henry L_. Griffin. D. D.



Lecturer on Comparative Religion

1907— 191-7



Library number z(c(oCn

Page 3: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

f^esectcW School



Page 4: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Page 5: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 6: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 7: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world







Page 8: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878,

By G. W. ife C. B. COLTON & CO.,

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress in "Washington.


Page 9: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world



More than thirty j-ears ago we prepared and pub-

lished, under the especial auspices of the late Rev. Dr.

Armstrong, Secretary of the A. B. C. F.M.,a large Mis-

sionary JMap of the World, of same size as the one now-

issued. Its manufacture as a single sheet, six feet by

twelve, was an experiment throughout, and though

the result was comparatively crude in appearance, its

use proved a means of increasing the interest of the

churches in the great religious work being carried on

in distant lands, as well as a medium for imparting

much valuable and suggestive information. The plates

of that map were destroyed, and it has been out of

print for many years.

Repeated calls for another map of similar character

have been made from time to time by the Secretaries

of our leading Missionary Societies, and by many ac-

tive Sunday-school workers, and these we have long

been preparing to answer.

The work has grown on our hands, and from a sim-

ple general representation of the missionary lleld, as at

first contemplated, it has developed into the most

complete map of the kind ever made, both in appear-

Page 10: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

G. w. & a B. COLTON& co:s

ance and iu the extent and accuracy of its information.

In size it is Gi by 12 feet. It is printed in oil colors, on

fine cloth mainifactured and finished expressly for

this purpose. The names of the central stations of all

Protestant Missionary Societies, both American and

foreign, are shown in bold letterini^ easily read from a

distance of several feet. The stations of American

Societies are distinguished by being nndeilined in

green, and those of other Societies by a line of red

color, so that, without the least confusion, these im-

portant facts are prominently presented to the eye at

first glance. The corners of the map are utilized by

being filled with statistics of population of the grand

divisions and their sub-divisions.

While for general uses the selection of names on the

map will be found all sufficient, there are occasions

when the interest of churches and Sunday-schools is

ct-ntered on local work in places that could not be

shown on the map. To supply the information thus

called for is the aim of this Manual ; and it is believed

that the simple plan of its construction will be readily

understood, and that, in connection with the map, it

will suppl}' the facts desired.

In regard to all the great Societies, this list is as per-

fect as the official reports from which it is compiled.

It is to be regretted that these reports are not uniform

in amount and kind of details presented, for some

specify onl}^ stations permanently occupied b}'^ trained

missionaries, while others enumerate their smallest out-

stations but occasionally visited ; nor is there always

evidence to determine the relative importance of the

Dames given. We have therefore attempted to eu>

Page 11: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


brace every name mentioned in these reports without

classifying them into .grades.

It has been a problem not easily solved, to knowwhere to draw the line between home and foreign

worli. Thus, throughout the British Possessions in

North America, English as well as Canadian Soci-

eties have an extensive system of missions among

their English speaking population, especially in the

more sparsely settled districts. These, as well as the

strictly Home Missions in the United States ; those of

some European Societies w^hose work, though exten-

sive, is confined to their own country ; and others

among the Jews, etc., in many cities of Great Britain

and elsewhere, are omitted both from the map and

from this list. On the other hand, we have, especially

throughout Continental Europe, many churches receiv-

ing only pecuniary aid from this country or from Great

Britain, that are embraced. AYe have also shown

some of the many missions among the Indians, both in

the United States and in British territory, when doing

so has not tended to introduce confusion.

The orthography adopted is generally that used in

the reports of the Society occupying the station. Onsome accounts a uniform system might have been better,

but as the most frequent reference to any name will be

made by those connected with the organization support-

ing the station, it has been thought best to use that

spelling of the name known to its special friends.

The compiler of the map and of this manual would

here express his obligations to the "Mission Atlas of

Dr. R. Grundemann," without which it would have

been difficult to have reached any degree of com-

Page 12: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

G. ^Y. d: c. B. coLToy & co:s

ploteness in his work, notwiihstanding the interested

and very earnest aid which has been cheerfully ren-

dered by all from whom information has been sought.

Full reports of the Sf>cieties named below have been

examined, and all stations mentioned therein are in-

cluded in this list. Besides these, other Societies, both

American and foreign, having separately but few, but

in the aggregate a verj^ considerable number of sta-

tions, are embraced and grouped under one designa-

tion. The abbreviation attached to each is the one

used in the following pages.


A. Am. Board Commissioners of Foreign Missions.

AM. American Missionary Association.

B. Baptist Missionarj' Union.

BS. Southern Baptist.

E. Protestant Episcopal Church.

EA. 3Hss. Society of the Evangelical Association.

F. Am. Free Baptist Missionary Society.

L. Am. Evangelical Lutheran Church.

31. Miss. Society, 3Iethodist Episcopal Church.

MS. 3Iiss. SfK'iety, 3Iethodist Episcopal, South.

P. Board of Foreign Miss. Presbyterian Church.

R. Board of Foreign Miss. Reformed Church in Am.

SD. Seventh Day Baptist.

SP. Southern Presbyterian.

U. United Brethren (3Ioravian).

UP. L'uited Presbyterian Church of America.


BE. Basel Evangelical Missionary Society.

BM. Baptist Missionary Society, English.

Page 13: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


BX. Berlin Evangelical Missionary Society.

C. Cliiircli Missionary Society, English.

DL. Danish Evangelical Lutheran.

FS. Free Church of Scotland.

G. Gossner's Missionary Society.

GB. General Baptist Missionary Society.

H. Ilernianusburg Evangelical Lutheran.

IP. Irish Presbyterian Missionary Society.

LL. Leipzig Lutheran Missionary Society.

LM. London Missionary Society.

MC. Methodist Church of Canada.

N. Ncderlandsch Zendclinggenootschap, and other

Dutch Missionary Societies.

KG. North German Missionary Society, Bremen.

PE. Presbyterian Missionary Society, English.

PG. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.

PM. Paris Evangelical ^Missionary Society.

RM. Rbeiuish IVlissionary Society, Barmen.

S. Church of Scotland Missionary Society.

U. United Brethren (Moravian).

LPS. United Presbyterian Church, Scotland.

W, Wesleyan IMissionary Society.

WC Welsh Calviuistic Methodist Society.

^. Other Societies, American and foreign.


The names of stations that are shown on the map

are in Small Caps., thus—Lucknow. The name in

brackets, immediately following other names, is that of

the town shown on the map near to which the station

is situated, thus—Abeih (Beirut). The name of the

Page 14: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


country, or geographical division, follows, then the

abbreviations of the names of the Missionary Society

or Societies occupying the station named, and finally

the reference letter and figure by which it may be at

once located on the map ; thus, each space between two

parallels being lettered on the borders, and each space

between two meridians numbered on the equator, find

the number and letter called for, and extend the spaces

indicated to an intersection, and we have the area in

which the place is situated.

The price of the map, with a copy of this ]\Ianual, is


Orders for it will be received by all dealers in relig

ious and Sunday-school books, or may be sent direct to

the Publishers,

G. W. & C. B. COLTOX & CO.,

173 William St., New 1 okk.

If this Missionary Map of the World proves to he as acceptable

and usefjl to the churches as it is believed it will, the pnblit^hers

propose the early preparation and issue of larse Missionary Mapsof India. Cbina and Japan, and Turkey etc., on the same general

lilan. With this object in view they invito from all friends of

^lissions sii;?<jestions looking toward the carrying out of this

scheme in the most useful and satisfactory manner.

Page 15: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world



Asia and the East Indies 11

Africa 44

Europe 63

America 75

Oceanica 87

Page 16: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 17: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

ASIA,Including the East India Islands.

For full explanation of the abbreviations, etc. , used in these pages,see list of Ali-sionary Societies and accompanying note on pages ti,7.

Abeih (Beirut), Turkey P 13e.

Atlabnzar (Nicomedia), Syria, Turkey A 13d.

Adana ( Aintab), Turkey A 13e.

Adanur (Arcot), India R 0^^

Adiaman (Aintab), Turkey A 13e.

Adi Loewih (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Adi Tojo (Kedira), Java H 5i.

Agarpara (Calcutta), India C 8f.

AgbuQ (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Agra, India M—C—BM Of.

Ahmedabad, India IP 9f.

Ahmednuggur, India A—PG—



Aibez (Aintab), Turkey . A 13e.

Aidin (Smyrna), Turkey A 14e.

Ain Esh Sharah (Damascus), Syria, Turkey . .UP 13e.

Aintab, Turkey A—



Ajer-madidi (Menado), Celebes I. N 41i.

Aj mere (Beavvr), India UPS 9f.

Ai<ao (Formosa) China PE 4f.

Akashi (Kobe), Japan A 3e.

Ak-Hissar (Manissa), Turkey A 14e.

Akmeemana (Galle), Ceylon W 81i.

Akola (Jalna), I?idia FS 9g.

Alamgawa (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Alavetty (Jaffna), Ceylon A 9h.

Aleppo, Turkey A 13e.

Alibag (Bombay), India FS Oir.

Aligarh (Agra), India C 9f.

Alikang (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Alipore (Calcutta), India BM Sf.

Allahabad, India M—P—BM—C—LM 8f.

Allepie (Cochin), India C 9h.Alliendal (Arcot), India R 9g.Alloor (Nellore), India B 8g.

Page 18: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

12 G. W. (fc C. B. COLTOX dt CO:s

Almaheiea or Gii>olo, Eafit Indies N 4h.

Almorali (Xynee Tal). India L:\[ 9f.

Alwaye (Cocljin), India C 9ir.

A]\'a (Mangalore), India BE Os^.

Ambala (Lodiana), India P 9e.

Amblamgoda (Galle), Ceylon W 81i.

Amboina I ., Moluccas N 4i.

Anigacha (Calcutta), India LM 8f.

Amhekst, Br. Burmah B 7.i?.

Amiappen (Tranquebar), India PG 9i?.

Amithagally (Batticaloa) Ceylon W 8ii.

Amoorakg^ Celebes I. N 4h.Amoy, China R-LM-PE—



Amritsar, Umritsur, India C—



Amroha (Moradabad), India M 9f.

Anakalla (Beliraiim), India BE 9.^.

Anandapur (Mysoie), India BE 9g.Anantlianadangiidy (Trivandium), India L^NI 9li.

Aiidai (Doreli), A>?c Gvinea N 3i.

Aneycadoo (Trichinopoly), India LL—PG 9g.Angidana (Colombo), Ceylon W 9h.

Aniiai (Amoy), China PE Hf.

An-ng\voi (Foo-cbow), China ^[ 5f.

Antioch, Turkey A—* 13e.

Aniikknigapuram (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.

Arabkir (Ilarpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Arcot, India R 9g.Arnee (Arcot), India R 9g.Ariilnadn (Arcot), India R Sisi.

Asbapoora (Beawr), India UPS 9f.

Asirvadapuram (Tinnevellv), India C 9b.

Atcbcloe (Jaffna), Ceylon.\ W 9b.

Atep (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Attickobu-Panajiir (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.Attolimani (Mysore), India BE 9g.Attur (Trivandriim), l7idia LM 9h.

AuRAXGABAD, India C' 9g.Aw-gu-lan (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Aw-po (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Awsai (Amov), China PE 5f.

Ayiitbia (Bangkok) Siam P Qs.Azuiigarb (Benares), India C 8f.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in tliese pages,

Page 19: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Backeri^unge DlSl. (Dacca), India BM 7f.

Batlooriah (Calcutta), India LM St*.

Badulla (Kandy), Ceylon . . . .^ PG 81i.

Bageien (Banjoemaas), Java N 6i.

Baghchijik (Nicomedla), Turkey A 14d.

Bahal Batu (Bataks), Sumatra RM 7h.

Bahraicli (Lucknow), India M 8f.

Bak- sa (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Balasoie (Cuttack), Lidia F 8f.

Bali I., East Indies N 5i.

Ballabpur (Calcutta), India 8f.

Balun (Calcutta), J?idia, FS 8f.

Bauda (Allahabad), India PG 8f.

Baodgauu (Chota Nagpore), India G- 8f.

Bajsidgekmasing, Borneo RM 5i.

Bandjar-redjo (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Bandong, Java N 6i.

Bandurma (Bmosa), Turkey A 14d.Bangalore, India M—LL—LM—PG—



Bangkok, Siam B—



Banjoemaas, Java N Gi.

Ban.-bari I (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Banting (Undup), Borneo PG 51i.

Banu, Bunnoo, India C 9e.

Barabanki (Lucknow), India M 8f.

Baraset (Calcutta), India BM 8f.

Bar de Zag (Niconiedia), Turkey A 14d.Bareilly, India ]\[ 9f.

Birripore (Calcutta), India PG 8t'.

Basapalli (Arcot), India ]i 9g.Basseix, Br. Burniah B 7g.Batagama (Galle), Ceylon BxM—



Batavi A. Java N 6i.

Batoo (^[euado), Celebes I N 4b.Battalaixundu (Madura), India A 9g.T'atticaloa, Ceylon PG—



Batiicotta (Jaffna), Ceylon A 9h:Bay-pay (Anioy), China PE 5f.

Beawk, India U P8 9f.

Behala (Calcutta), India LM 8f.

Beily ( Aiii tab), Turkey A 1 3e.

Beirut, Turkey S 13e,

Seelist of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 20: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

14 G. W. & C. B. COLTON dt CO:S

Belapur (Ahmednuggur), India A 9g.Belgaum, India L]\[ 9g.Bellaey, India M—LM Og.

Belliabativ (Calcutta) India LM 8f.

Belligam (Gallej, Ceylon W 81i.

Benares {India) BM—C—LM 8t'.

Benthenan (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4li.

Berhampore, India) GB Sir.

Berhampore (CalciUia), Indiu LM 8f.

Besne (Marasli), Turkey A 13e.

Bethel-Jamtara (Sauta'ls), India * 8f.

Bettrglierry (Belgaum), India BE 9g.Beypnr (Calicul), India BE 9g.BSzwara (Masnlipataiii), India C 9g.Bhagalpur (Calcutta), India C 8Y.

Bheempoor, Bhimpore (Calcutta), India F 8f.

Bhosawal (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Bhowanipore (Calcutta), India LM 81".

Bhuddruck (Cuttack), India F 8f.

Bhuiry (Poonali), India A 9ir.

Bijnour (Moradabad), India M 9r.

Bilepadda (Cuttack), India GB 8r.

Bilijik (Broosa), Turkey A 14d.

Binilipatara (Vizagapatani), India * 8g.Bilijik (Alntab). Tuikey A 13e.

Bisrampore (Raepore), India * 8f.

Bissenpore (Calcutta), India AV 8r".

Bitias (Aintab), Turkey A 13e.

BiTLis, Turkey A 12e.

Bludau (Damascus), Syria, Turkey TP 13e.

Boeleleng (Bali L), Eaat Indies N oi.

Bokbaraai (Doreli), New Guinea N 3i.

Bolma (Maugalore), India I)E 9j:.

Bomaisamudrum (Arcot), India li 9g.

Bombay, Indi^ A—M—C—FS—PG—



Bouamalipore (Cuttack), India GB 8r.

Boossa (Galle), Ceijlon W 81i.

Borsad (Baroda), India IP 9f.

Broosa, Turkey A 14d.

Budaoii (Bareilly), India U 9rBuena Vista (Galle), Ceylon PG 8U.

Bu;tenz;org, Java N 6i.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages.

Page 21: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Buker (Sarawak), Borneo PG- 5h.

BuLDANA, India C 9f.

Bun<;aboiidar (Bataks), Sumatra I RM 71i.

Burdwan (Calcutta), India C 8f.

Burisal (Dacca), India BM—PG 7f.

Burjii (Cliota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Byamville (Colombo), Ceylon BM 8h.

Calastry (Nellore), India H 8g.

Calcutta, India M—BM—C—FS—LM—PG-S—



Calicut, Lulla BE 9g.Calingapatam (Vizagapatam), India * 8g.Caltura (Coloml)o), Ceylon W Dli,

Caueudagoody (Trichinopoly), India PG 9g.

Cannanore (C ilicut), India BE Oa;.

Canton, China . . BiS—P—UP-LM—RM—W—



Caradive (Jaffii:i), Ceylon A. 91).

Cai'oor (Trichinopoly), India W 9g.

Caseemode, Madras, India FS 8g.

Cawnpore. India '. M—PG 8f.

Cesarea, Turkey A. 13e.

Cliabramow (Fanukliabad) India P 9f.

Chara (Cuttack) India GB 8f.

Chaibasa (Cliota Nagpore) Lidia G 8f.

Challambram (Negapatam) India LL 9g.

Chaude (Ahmednugiiur), India A 9g.

Chaugauacheiy (Cochin), India C 9h.

Changany (Jaffna), Ceylon A 9h.

Chao-chow-foo (Swatovv), China PE 5f.

Chao-yang (Swatow), China PE 5f.

Chapra (Calcutta), India C—



Chai akdanga (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Chavauacherry (Jaffna), Ceylon A Six.

C iiEFoo, China . . . P—BS—UP—BM—PG—UPS 4e.

CiiE-NAN-Foo, China P 5e.

CiiERiBON, Jam N 6i,

Cherrapoonjee (Sylhet), India WC 7f.

Chetty Street (Jaffna). Ceylon W 9h.

Chevermeh (Erzroom), Turkey A 12e.

Chiah-na (Swatow), China PE 5f.

CiiiANG-ciiiu, CA/;m R 5f.

See list ofMissionary Societies and accompanyiug note on pages 6,7.

Page 22: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

16 G. W. & C. B. COLTON tfc CO:

Chicacole (YizaGfapatam), India LM 8s:.

Cliickamulgar (Mangalore), India W 9g.

Chieng-MAT, Laos P 7g.Chilaw (Colombo), Ceylon BM—PG 81i.

Chin-chew (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Chindwara (Na<rpore), India FS 9f.

Chinglcput (Madras), India FS 8g.Chingpoo (Shanghai), China MS 4p.

Ching-sing-Tong (Foo-chow), China M 5f.

Chinkiang, China * 5e.

Chinsurah (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Chintorapalli (Arcot), India R Og.

Chio-be (Amoy), China Tt 5f.

Chiong-hu-pwano; (Yong-ping), Ghi?ia M 5f.

Chitoura (Agra), 7/if7^rt BM 9f.

Chittoor (Arcot), India R 9g.Chocho (Peking), China A 5e.

Chokong (Prome), Br. Burmah B 7g.Chombala (iMangalore), India BE 9ir.

Chonglok (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Choonkoosh (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Chota Nagpore, India G—PG 8f.

Choung Gan (Prome), Br. Burmah B 7g.Christianauram (Tinnevelley), India PG 9h.

Chumba, India S 9e.

Chundicully (Jaffnal, Ceylon C 8h.Chiisau (Ningpo), China B 4e.

Chyabassa (Cliota Nagpore), India G—PG 8f.

Cocanada (Rjijahmundry), India * 8g.Cochin, India C 9h.

Codacal (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.CoiMBATOoH, India LL—LM Jiir.

Colombo, Ceylon BM—C—



Colpetty (Colombo), Ceylon- AV 9h.Combaconum (Tiichinopoly), India LL—PG 9ff.

CoMiLLAii (Dacca), India BM 7f.

Conjeveram (Madras), India FS 8g.Coonoor, Kunniir (Coimbatoor), India.. .BE—



Copay (Jaffna), Ceylon C Sli.

Cotta (Colombo), Ceylon C 9h.

Cottayam (Cochin), India C 9h.

CuddJdore (Negapatam), India LL—PG 9g.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 23: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


CuDDAPAn, India LM 9":.

Culna (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

CuTTACK, India GB—



Cutwa (Calcutta) India BM 8f.

Dacca, India BM 7f.

Pacliepalli (Guntur), India L 9g.Dndnp-langoe (Kediii), Java N 5i.

Damascus^ Syria, Turkey UP—IP—



Damasliin (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Dantoon (Calcutta), India F 81'.

Dareij'a (Damascus), Syria, Turkey UP 13e.

Darjeeling India M—BM—



Dawochan (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Dedgaw (Ahmednuggur), India A 9g.

Dehra, India C—



Deir Ativeli (Damascus), Syria, 'Turkey UP 13e.

Delhi, India BM—PG 9f.

Demangan (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Demirdesh (Broosa), Turkey A 14d.

Dennispuram (Trivandrum), India L^I 9b.

Deolee (Beawr), India UPS 9f.

Dera Ismail Kahn (Banu), India C 9e.

Dharmapnttanam (Calicul), India BE 9g.Dharwar (Belgaum). India BE 9g.Dliatre (Sholapur), //ic?i« A 9gDiarbekir, Turkey *—



Diuagej^ore (Bliagulpore), India BM 8f.

Dinana2:gar (SeaJkote), India UP 9e.

Diuapore (Patna), India BM—PG 8f.

Diiidigul (Madura\ India A—



Djapannan (Soorabaja), India N 5i.

DJati Wringin (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Dohnarvu (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

Dohr el Ahmar (Damascus) Syria, Turkey UP I3e.

Doreh, NeiD Guinea N 3i.

Duma (Tabello), Almaheiixi I. N 4h.

Dnmairudiem (Rajalimundry), India C 82:.

Dum bum (Calcutta), India BM 8f.

Eastern Beniral (Calcutta), India C 8f.

Eastern Kumaon (Nynee Tal), India M 9e.

Seelist of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 0,7.

Page 24: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

18 G. W. ct- C. B. COLtOX <£ CO:S

Ebeuezer (S:intals), India * 8f.

Ede3'engoody (Tinnevelly), India PG 9h.Egin (liarpoot), Turkey A. 13e.

Egutpoora (Na^ik), India M—PG 9g.Elian tur (Cochin), India C 9h.Ellatnr (Calicut), India BE 9.jr.

Ellichpoor, India * 9f.

Ellore (Masulipatam), India C 8g.E-mung-kang (Amoj^, China PE 5f.

Eraur ("Batticaloa), Ceylon W 81i.

Erentangal (Arcot), India R 9g.Ericarte (Cochin), India C 9h.Eris (Menado), Celebes I. X 4h.Erungalore (Trichiuopoly), India PG 9g.Erzroom, Turkey A 12e.

Etawah (Cawupore), India P 91'.

Fahwhoa (Shanghai), China MS 4e.

Fatshan (Canton), China LM— \\^ of.

Firozepoie (Lahore), India P 9e.

Foo-ciiow, China A—M—



Formosa I., China PE 4f.

Fukwing (Canton). China 10[ of.

Fumun (Canton), China * 5f.

Fiirocho (Yokohama), Japan M 3e.

FuRRUKiiABAD, India P 9f.

Fu-tschuk-phai (St\atow), China BE 5f.

FiUtehgurh (Furrukhabad), India P 9f.

Futtehpore (xVllahabad), India P 8f.

Fyzabad (Luckuow), India C 8f.

Gadak (Belgaum), India BE 9g.Gahu (Ahmednugirnr), India A 9ir.

Galala (Amboina I ), Moluccas N 41.

Galand Wadi (Pooua), India FS 9g.Galkissa (Colombo), Ceylon PG—


9h.Galle, Ceylon S—W 81i.

Gampola (Ivandy), Ceylon BM 8h.Gangrai (Calcutta), India LM 8f.

Ganking, China * 5e.

Geghi (liarpoot), Turkey A 13e.Germesh (Aintat)), Turkey A 13e.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 25: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Ghnzipore (Benares), India G 8f.

GiLOLO or Almaheika, East Indies N 41i.

Giridi (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Giriiwa (Galle), Ceylon W 8h.

Gnanodavam (Arcot), India R 9g.

Goalnndo (Dacca), India W 8f.

Go-che (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Godapiti va (Galle), Ceylon W 8h.

Godda(Santals),i?2(?m C 8f.

GoGO, India IP Of.

Gohvad (Bombay), India FS Oi?.

Gonawelle (Colombo), Ceylon BM 81i.

Gondali (Lucknow), India M 8f.

Gondonn; le,<:i (Pasoorooan), Java N 5i.

Goobee,"Gubbi (Bangalore), India W 9f^,

Gooj rat (Sealkote), India S 9e.

Goor<raon (Calcutta), India PG 8f.

Gopa'lgunge (Santals), India * 8f.

Gorlapalir(Arcot), India R 9g.

Goruckpore (Benares), India C 8f.

Govindpore (Chota Nagpore), India G 8f.

GowAHATi, India B 7f.

GowALPARA, India B 7f.

Grompol (Kediri), Java N l\.

Gudde (Mangalore), India .BE 9g.

Gudur (XelUrre), India H 8g.

Gujranawala (Sealkote), India UP 9e.

Gii-klnm-doa (Formosa), CJiina PE 4r.

Guledgud (Belganm), India BE 9g.

Gunong Si toll (Nias I.), Sumatra RM 7h.

GuNTUR, India L 8g.

Guidaspur (Sealkote), India UP 9e.

Gurun (Si vas), Turkey A 13e.

G walior (Furrukbabad), India P 9f.

Gya (Pama), India BM 8f.

Haboosi (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Haini (Diarbekir), Turkey A 12e.

Hai-tang (Foo-chow), China M 5f.

Hakodadi, Japan M—



Halong (Amboina I.), Moluccas N 4i.

Hambantotta (Galle), Ceylon W 8h.

See list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note onpagesGJ.

Page 26: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

20 o. w. & c. B. coLToy& co:s

Hang-chow. China P—SP- C—



Hang-keDir (Hing-hwa), China M 5f.

Hankow, C hina E—LM—



Hauwelle (Colombo), Ceylon BM 81i.

Han YANG, China LM—



Haputale (Kandy), Cet/lon ^ 8Ii.

Harpoot, Turkey A 13e.

Hassan ( Aintab), ' Turkey A 13e.

Hassan (M\'sore), India W Oir.

Hastings (Calcutta), India LM 8f.

Hatwan (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Havadorik (Bitlis), Turkey A l"2e-

Hazaribairli (Chota Nacrpore), India G 8f.

Hebsnr (Belgaum), Iratia BE 9g.

Hekkateka (Maui^alore) BE 9g.

Hondella (Colombo), Ceyhn BM 81i.

Heneratgodde (Colombo), Ceylon B^E 81).

Hentifada, Br, Burmah . .B Tg.

HiNG-iiWA City, China M 5t.

Hiogo (Kobe), Japan A 8c.

Hirampiir (Santals), India C 8f.

Hoan-a-clian (Formosa), China PE 4r.

Hogbi (Harpoot), Turkey A locHok ch'iang (Foo-chow), China M 5f.

Hok-ino; ToiiiT (Foo-cbow), China ]\[ h^'.

Hong Ko^g:China BE—C—LM—



Hong-san (Amoy), China R of.

Houore (Kundapur), India BE Og.

Hooeli (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Ho-po (Swatow), CJiina PE 5f.

Hosadurga (Mangalore). India BE 9g.

Hosbyarpore (Labore\ India P 9e.

Hf)-isban (Swatow), China PE 5f.

Howrnb (Calcutta), India PG—l^M 8f.

Hul)ly (Pjt'lgaum). India BE 9g.

Huiakegb (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Hu-lu-sanir (Yong-ping), China M 5f.

Hurdui (Furruckabad), India M 8f.

Hnscnik (Harpoot), "Turkey A 13e.

Hwang ]\Iei (Kiukiang), China JVt 5e.

Hydei'vAIjad, India M 9g.

Hydkhaiiad, India C KM'.

for fall explanation of the abbreviations, etc., used in these pages.

Page 27: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


lam-paw (Formosa), C/iina PE 4f.

Ichme (flarpoot), 2'urkey A 13e.

Ikla (Delhi), India C Of.

Illujargo (Cliota Nagpore), Liclia G 8f.

Indapur (Poona), India FS Osj:.

Indore (Mhow), India * Of.

Indramajoe (Cheribon), Java N Gi.

Ing-ang (Yong-ping), China M of.

Ing-chung (Hing-liwa), China jNt of.

lujirli (Cesarea), Turkey A 13e.

Itwari (Nagpore), India FS 9f.

Jaffna, Ceylon W 91i.

Jagadri (Lodiana), India P 9e.

Jalaudhar (Lodiana), India P 9e.

Jalgaum (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Jalna, Jaulna, India FS 9g.

Japaka, Java N T)].

Jaunpui- (Benares), India C 8f.

Jeliol (Pekin), China ^I 5e.

Jellasore (Calcutta), India F 8f.

Jerkad (Trichiuopoly), India LL 9g.

Jehusalkm, Turkey C—N—



Jessore (Calcutta), India. BM 8f.

Jeypoor (Beawr), India UPS 9f.

Jlianjra (Calcutta), India PG 8f.

Jlieelum (Sealkote), India UP 9e.

Jibbin (Aintab), Turkey A 13e.

Jiwaipooniee (Sylhet), India. WC 7f.

Joginda (Calcutta), India G 8f.

Johnnug'4er (Calcutta), India BM 8f.

JoppA, Jaffa, Syria, Turkey E 13e.




Juuir, Jooueer (Bombay), India C 9g.

Kabruang (Talaut Is.), East Indies jST 4b.

Kadike (Mungalore), India BE 9g.

Kadugaiiawa (Kandy), Ceylon BM 8h,

Kagi (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Kaity (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.

Kajas-apas (Samarang), Java N 51.

Kajawoo (Meuado), Celebes I N 4b.

Seelistof Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 28: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

22 G. W. & C. B. COLTON & CO:S

Ivajooroia (Menado), Celebes I N 41i.

Kajoowatoo (Amoorancr), Celebes I. N 41i.

Kajoowi (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Kakaskassen (JMenado), Celebes I. N 4h.

Kalanaur (Sealkote), Jndia UP 9e.

Ka-la-paw (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Kalalhavelly (Batlicaloa), Ceylon W 8h.

Kai.gax, C/dna A od.

Kali (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Kaliaiipiir (Mangalore). Jndia BE 9g.Kalighat (Calcutta), India LM 8f.

Kallaar (B .tticaloa), Cei/lo}i W 8h.

Kalmiinai (Batticaloa), Ceylon W 81i.

Kalpi (Cawnpore), Lidia P 9f.

Kalsapaud (Cuddapah), India PG Og.

Kam-a-ua (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Kamatipura (Bombay), India PG 9g.

Kambam (Madura), India A 9.!2:.

Kampli (Nagpore), J7idia FS 9f.

KaiKlabada (Galle), Ceylon W 8h.

Kaudapola (Kandy ), Ceylon S 8b.

Kaiidappenkundu (Calicut), India BE 9g.

Kandiputtur (Arcot), India Tl 9g.

Kax'd Y. Candy, Ceylon C—BM—S-W 8b.

Kanejan (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Kaug-kbau (Amoy), China PE of.

Kaugra (Cbumba), India C 9e.

Kannani (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.

Kaunit (Cocbin), India C 9b.

Kauouaug (Amoorang). Celebes I. N 4b.

Kanzeli (Prome), Br. Burmah B 7g.

Kapasdanga (Calcutta), India C 8f.

Ka-poa-soa (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Kapoja (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4b.

Kapookaya (Marsovan), Turkey A 13d.

Karau Kottalivoe (Balticaloa), Ceylon W 8b.

Karasamangalam (Arcot), India H 9g.

Karativo (Balticaloa), Ceylon W 8b.

Kardeuballi (Belgaum), India BE 9g.

Karding (Sbangbai), China MS 4e.

Karibnri (Arcot), India R 9g.

Karimbo (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 29: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Kaikaja (Mangalore), India BE Og.

Karor (Amoorang), Celebes I N 41i.

Kamwapara (Coimbatoor), Indki BE 9g.Karwar (Mangalore), India BE Dg.

Kasergodu (Mangalore), India BE 9<r.

Kashmir, Sikinagar, India C 9t'.

KasoorataD (Amoorang), Celebes I. N ^h.

Kassar (Menado), Celebes I. N 4h.

Katana (Colombo), Ceylon W 9h.

Katauam (Cochin), India C 9h.

Kattupadi (Arcol), India R 9g.Ivatlupadi (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

Katugastotte (Kandy), Ceylon B!\[ 8ii.

Kaurapnkur (Calcutta), India L>[ 8t'.

Kawaugkoan (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.Kayman's Gate (Colombo), Ceylon PG 8h.

Kedikt, Java N 5i.

Keilu (Sealkote), India UP 9e.

Kempol-keutjeng (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Keotlia (Prome)," i?r. Barmah B 7g.Kerto Redjo (Soorabaja), Java N 5i.

Kessab (Autioch), Turkey A 13e.

Keti (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.Khamgaum (Jain a), India FS 9g.Khanyan (Calcut ta), India FS 8f.

Kbera Bajhera (^Bareiliy), India M 9f.

Klieyaschak (Hongkong), Ciiiaa BE 5f.

Khi-boey {A.moy\ China PE of.

Ivhokar (Ahmednuggui'), India A 9g.Khundittnr (Cutlack), India GB 8f.

Kia-sioh (Hing-hwa), China M Sf.

Ki-boey (A moy), China PE 5f.

Kidderpur (Calcutta), India C 81".

Kieh-yang (Swatow), China PE 5f.

Kie-tieug-li (Hing-liwa), China ]\[ 5f.

Kijawa (Amoorang), Celebes I N 41i.

Killis (Aintab), Turkey A 13e.

Kim-kai-tschai (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Kiuanur (Coimbatoor), India BE 9g.KiNGWA, China B 5f.

Kinilo (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Kio-a-laou (Formosa), China PE 4f.

See list ofMiesionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 30: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

24 G. W. ct- C. B. COLTON & CO:S

Kio-lai (Anu)y), China PE Hf.

Kioiig-nia (Amoy), China PE of.

Kioto, Japan A 3e.

KiUKiANG. China M—* 5f,

K'marwet (Maulmain), Br. Burmah B 7ir.

Koaiijim (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Koaii'kio ( Ain«)y), China PE f f.

Kobe, Japan A 3e.

Kodakal (Calicut), India BE 9^r.

Kodawalauiya (Cochin), India C 91i.

Koija (Menado), Celebes I. N 41i.

Koilandi (Calicut). India BE 9<?.

Koi Mission (Masulipalam), India C 9»^.

KoLAPooR, Jndia P—PG dg.

Kolgaw, Kolagav (Ahmednuggur), Jndia A 9g.

Kolongan (Menado), Celebes t. N 4ii.

Koloi-)akam (Arcot), India K 9g.

Kombai (Madura), India A 9h.

Kombi (]Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Konchatti (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Kong-a-na (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Kongarapakuritclii (Tinnevelly), India C 9]i.

Kong-kiaui; (Foocbow), China M of.

Konkan ( Bombay), India FS 9g.

Koolnea (Calculfa), India B>[ 8f.

Koomelembooai (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

Koomoo (Menado), Celebes I. N 4h.

Koordab (Cuttack), India GB 8f.

Koosbtea (Calcutta), India BM 8f.

Koowil (Menado), Celebes N 4b.

Korabvvella (Colombo), Ceylon B]\[ 8b.

Koreng (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Korigammana (Kandy), Ctylon ... BM 8b.

Kotaffberrv, Kotargiri (Coimbatoor), India.. .BE 9g.

Kotgurb (Simla), India C 9e.

Kotigabawatte ((ilolombo), Ceylon B.AE 8b.

Kottapalli (Arcot), India Tt 9g.

Koitaram (Trivandrum), India L3[ 9b.

Koviluttu (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.

Krian (Sarawak), Borneo PG 5ii.

Krisbnagar (Calcutta), India C ^i'.

Ku-cb'eng (Foo-cbow), China ^I 5f.

For full esplauation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 31: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Kiicliinar (Sarawak), Borneo PG oh.

Kiilat Jendel (Damascus), Si/ria, Turkey UP 13e.

Kumalantan.sal (Arcol), India 11 9?.

KuNDAPUii, India BE 9g.

Kunilipatoor (AiTOt), India R Oij.

KunnaukulLini (Cochin), India C 9g.

Kunniir, Coonoor (Coimhatoor), India. . .BE—



Knrcna (Colombo), Ceylon PG 8h.

Knrli (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Jvuriiooi (Bellary), India B 9^.

KuRRACiiEK. IncHi M—



Kutjar (^langalore), India BE 9g.

Kullerbul (Mardin), Turkey A 12e-

Kwala Kapuas (Pulo-petak), Borneo BINE oi.

Kwangchi (Canton), China W 5f.

Kvvav-tham (Swatow). China PE Sf.

Kw'itang (BUavia), Jaba N 6i.

Kyelang, Thibet U 9e.

Kyoug-ma-ngay (Bassein), Br, Burmah B 7g.

Laggala (Kandy), Ceylon W 8h.

LaTiendonu- (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Lahore, India P—



Lai sia (Formosa), China .PE 4f.

Lakhaiii ara (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Laloompei (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Lamhi-iedjo (Kediri), Jam N 5i.

Lanibi-roto (Kediri), Jara N 5i.

Lam-gan (Formosa). China PE 4f,

Langkappan (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Langowan (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Lansot (>ron;ido), Celebes I N 4h.

Laoling (Tientsin), China EM 5e.

Lapi (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Laia (Amboina), Moluccas N 41.

Latakiyeh (Antioch), Turkey * 13e.

Latery (Amboina), Moluccas N 4i.

Lawangan (Menado), Cekbes I N 4h.

Leilem ( Amoorang), Celebes I N 41i.

Lek-tu (Foo-chow), China M 5f.

Liaai (Savoo I.), East Indies JS 4j.

Lieng-chu-li (Hing-hwa), China INl 5f.

Seeli?t of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on page? 6,7.

Page 32: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

26 G. w. ct- a B. coLTOx <t co:s

Lilang (]\lenado), Celebes I N 41i.

Liloiii? (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Lindantn (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

Lingliil (Menado), Celebes I N 4li.

Liong-bun-si (Amoy\ China PE 5f.

Liongkay (Amoy), China PK 5f.

Lirong (Talaut Is.), £ast Indies N 4)i.

Livvootoong (Amoorang).. Celebes I. N 41i.

LoDiANA, India P 9e.

Loigar (Amoorang), Celebes I N 41i.

Lorn pad (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

Longhau (Canton), China KM 5f.

Loliardugga (Cliota Nagpore), Lidia G 8t'.

Loni (AhmednuggLii), India A Og.

Loompias (Menado), Celebes I N 4li.

Li'CKNOW, India M—L—



Lundu (Sarawak), Borneo. PG 61i.

Lyung-kong-tsai (Hongkong), China BE of.

i\Ia'arra (Damascus), Syria, Turkey UP 13p.

]\lacmillan Patna (Cutiack), India GB 8f.

Madampiiiya (Coloml)o), Ceylon W 91i

Miidja Lengka (Cberiboii), Java N Ci.

Madhas, India. . . .M~BM—C—FS—LL—LM-PG—S— W-* 8g.

]\radulsima (Kandy), Ceylon S 8li.

]\I ADUKA, India A—LL 91i.

INIaggona (Galle), Ceylon. ^V 81i.

jNIaliablesli war (Poonali). India A 9g.

:^[aham (Hongkoni:), China BE 5f.

Mahanad (Calcutta), Jndia FS 8f.

iNIabeitlia (Damascus), Syria, Turkey UP 13e.

IMajaweram (Negapatam), India LL 9g.

iVIakalisoong (Menado), Celebes I N 4li.

Makawittc (Colombo), Ceylon BM 81i.

I\L\LACCA, Malacca PG Gli.

]\Ialame]kava (Tinnevelly), India C 91j.

JVIalang (Pasoorooan), Java N 51.

Malasamudra (Belgaum), India BE 9g.

INIalaiia (Harpoot), 7\/rkey A loe.

MallMpalli (Cochin). India C 9h.

Maliigam (Naslk), India C 9f.

For full explanation of abbreviation?, etc., used in these pages,

Page 33: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Manaar (Jaffna), Ceylon PG—



:M;ina Madura (Madmn), India A. 9h.

IMaDariiiuli (Tricliinopoly), India W 9^.

]Manariai>>lattii ( rinnevdlv), India C 9h.

]N[anarkadu (Tinuevclly), India C 9h.

Manl)h()()m (Chota Nairpore), India G 8f.

JMauchentuduvy (Batticaloa), Ceylon W 8li.

Mandal vy, B'lrniah PG 7t'.

]\l!ind;ipasal;ii (^ladiini), India A- 91i.

Mandikapattu (Arcot), India K 9^-.

iMandomai (Pulo-petak), Borneo KM 5i.

Mandschuni (Coinu.atoor), India BE 9u-.

Maneiva<!^di {T'nui'veWy), India C 9li.

Manepy (Jaffna), Ceylon A—



ISIangalore, India BE 8ir.

Mania (Savoo). East Indies N" 4j.

Maniinuttu (Arcot), India R 9^.

Manissa, Turkey A 14t'.

Manikraniani (Nes^apatani), India LL 9i^.

Mausinam (Doreh), JS'eiD Ouinea N 3i.

]\[anziri (Alimeduiigirur), India A 9i;\

Maoom bi (xMenado)," Celebes I. N" 4h.

Mai^angit (M-enado), Celebes I N 4n.

Ma-peiiL'' (Anioy), China PE of.

Mapolo (Amoorano-), Celebes I. N 41i.

Makasii, Turkey A 13o.

Maravila (Colombo), Ceylon PG 8h.

Marclia (Chot i Nagpore), India G 8f.

Maiidin, Turkey .\ A 12e.

Maron (Kcdiri), Java N 51.

Maksovan, Turkey A 1 3d.

Marutavanibadi (Arcot), India II 9g.

]\Iaslikir (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

jMasuijpatam, India C 8^.

Matale. Matelle (Kandy), Ceylon BM—PG—



Malhauspiir (Chota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Matoongkas ( VIenado). Celebes I. K 41i.

Matlra- vl ultra (A gra), India BM—



Matura (Galle), Ceylon PG—



Maulmain, Br. Burmah B 7g.

Mavelicara (Cochin). India C 9h.

Mayaben (Prome), Br. Burmah B 7g.

See list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 34: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

28 G. W. (fc C. R COLTOK <t CO:S

IMayaveram (Negapatani), Lidia LL 9.sf.

Medampe (Colombo), Ceylon BM 8h.

]\Ieeipoie (Calcutta), India PG 8f]\Ic'erut (Delhi), Indm M—C—



JMelkava (CocIiId), Indm C 9h.

;Melnattam (Negapatam), India W 9i>\

]\Ielur (^Madura), India A 9ir.

31 ENADO, Celebes N 4h.

JMenunauapurain (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

INlercara (Mangalore), India P>E 9g.

^lerdana- (Sarawak), Borneo PG oh.

Merissa (Galle), Ctylon W 8h.

jSIesara (Savoo I), East Indies N 4j.

IMeterembe (Galle), Ceylon \Y 8h.

Mezereh (Harpoot), lurkey A i;5e.

IVliiow, India S— >[ 9f.

]\Iidnapoor (Calcutta) India F tf.

Wihintale (Trincomalee), Ceylon W 81i.

]Vlin;ihassa Dist, (Menado). Celebes I N 41i.

]\Iinchiiipatna (Cuttack), India G'^ 8f.

]\Iiiig-chiang (Foo-chow), China M ot".

]\linuangoda (Colombo), Ceylon \V 9h.

M low (Swatow), C/iina PE 5f.

IVIirzapore (Benares), India L>[ 8f.

JModjo-warno (Sooiabajn), Java N 51.

^[ogTahatt (Calcutta), India FG 8f'.

IMoNGHYR, Indki , TO[ 8t'.

]Moodalo()r (Tinnevelly), India PG 9:i.

]\Ioodong (Maulmain),' Br. Burmah B Tir.

JNIoohaMoh (Broosa), Turkey A 14-1.

INIoom (Doreh), Kew Guinea N oi.

INIoondoong (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

IMoonjoosoon (Cesai'ca), Turkey A loe.

]V!ooradchai (Broosa), Turkey A 14d.

Mooiodepore (Calcutta), India LINE 8f.

]\Ioppang (Si Mapilapil), Sumatra I N 7h.

]MoRAD/-3AD, India i\[ 9f.

Moidi, (^walior (Furrukhabad' India P 9r.

MorotLO, Mulla (Colombo), Cei > m W 9h.

JMorottio, Rawattawatta (Coloi.- bo), Ceylon W 9h.

Movowa Korle (Galle), Ceylon ^V^ 8h.

Mosul, Turkey A 12e.

For fuU explanation of abbrovintione, ctc.,U!?cd in these pages,

Page 35: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


JMotoling (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

Motupatti (Madras), /y^f/iVf LL 9g.Mudanapilly (Aroot), India U Oj,-.

Mudar (Mangalore), ImUn BE 9g,Malagunda (Belgaum), India BE 9g.

JNIulky (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

MuLTAN, MooLTAN. India C 9e.

Mundakayam (Cochin), India C 9h.

Muiideru (Maniralore), India BE 9g.]\Iuree (Peshavvur), India P 9e.

Mulialpaud (Cuddapah), India PG 9g.

:Mutlra, IMattra (Agra), India BM—



Mut wal (Colombo), Ceylon PG 8h.

Mutyaladad (Cuddapah), India PG 9g.

]\Iii\veratta (Calicut), India BE 9g.

Muzattarnauur (Simla), India P 9e.

JVIuzatfarpore (Patna), India G 8f.

Mymensiug Dist. (Dacca), India BM 7f,

Mynpuric (Furrukhabad), India P 9f.

Mysore, India \V 9g.

Nagalapuram (Tiunevelly), India PG 9h.

Nagasaki, Japan M—K—



Nageicoil (Ti ivaudrum), India L^I 91i.

Nagpore, India FS—



Naidupett (Nellore), Indi<i H 8g.

Nalaporapalli (Arcot), ]ndi<L li 9i>-.

Nalcheiuvupnlli (Arcot), India R 9j,-.

Nallammalpuram (Timievellv), India C 9h.

Nallur (Tinnevelly), India .

.' C 9 i.

Namaluvacli (Tinnevelly), India C 9h.

Namhung (Canton), Cldiia li.M 5f.

Nandolige (Mangalon^, India BE 9ir.

Nang-nik (Hing-livva), China M 5f.

Nangoor (Negapatain), India PG 9g.

Nankang (Iviukiang), China ._. .]S[ He.

Nanking, China " 5e.

Nansinur (Arcot), India R 9g.

Kantai (Foochow), China A 5e.

Narasingannr ( Arcoi), India R 9g.

Narsapur (Mabulipatam), India * Sii".

Nasik, India C 9ir.

Seelisjt of Missionary Societies aucl accompauying note on pages 6,7.

Page 36: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

80 G. W. & C. B. COLTON & CO:S

Kavaly (Jaffna), Ceylofi A 9h.Nazareth (Jerusalem), Sj/ria, Turkey C—


13e.Nazareth (Tinnevelly), India PG 9h.Nazian,2: (Shangliai), China :MS 4e.

Nebk (Damascus), Syria, Turkey UP 13e.

Nebpara (Calcutta), ^India FS 8f.

Negapatam, India LL—PG—



Negombo (Colombo), Ceylon W 9h.Nellore, India B— FS 8ir.

Nellore (Jaffna), Ceylon C 9h.

Nerkambe (Coimbatoor), India T>E 9s?.

Nettur (Calicut), India BE 9ir.

Newase (Ahmednuggur), India A 9g.

Newchwang, Cldna IP—UPS 4il.

Neyoor (Trivandrum), India L^E 9h.

Ngoro (Soorabaja), Java N 5i.

Ngou-hun-tang (Swatow). China PE 5f.

Ngu-ch'eng (Foochow), China M 5f.

Ngu-ka (Foochow), China M 5f.

NiAs I., East Indies N 7h.

NicoMEDiA, Turkey A 14d.

Nindoor (Batticaloa), Ceylon W 8h.

Ninghai (Ningpo), China ^ 4f.

NiNGPo, China B—P—UP—BM—C—



Njemoh (Samarang), Jata N 5i.

Njenhangli (Swatow), China BE 5f.

North Madras (Madras), India V/ 8g.

NowGONG, India B 7f.

Nugegoda (Colombo), Ceylon C 8h.

NuMADZu, Japan MC 3e.

Nundial (Cuddapah), India L^I 9g.

Nusseerabad (Beawr), India UPS 9f.

Nuwara Elya (Kandy), Ceylon C 8h.

Nynee Tal, India M 9f.

Oeta Rimbaroe (Si Mapilapil), Sumatra I. N 7h.

O-kang (Amoy), China R 5f.

Olesha (Cochin). India C 9h.

Ombolata (Nias I.), Sumatra RM 7h.

Ongole, India B 8g.Onrantangal (Arcot), India R 9g.

Oodoopitty (Jaffna), Ceylon A 8h.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pageB,

Page 37: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Oodooville (J;iffnn), Ceylon A 9h.Oorta (Aiutab), Turkci/ A 13e.

Oossoor (Brtiii^aloic), India PG- %g.Ootacamimd (Coimbatoor), India BM—C—



OraUa Tangiira (Cuttack), India GB 8f.

Orattur (Arcot), India R 92^.

Oroomiaii, Persia P 12e.

Osaka, Japan.. A—E—C—



Oudh District, India :M 8f.

Pachamba (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Pa-cbia-chnani; (Tsi-nan), China ."M 5f.

Pa-cbou (Tient-singX China A—^E oe.

Padre Pella (Berbampore), Indi<i GB 8g.Padiir (Mfiijahire), India BE 9ir.

Paek-ko leu (Pling-b wa), China M 5f.

Pakanteii Sumatra I. N 7h.Pakoo Oorei (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

Pakoo-Weroo (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Palamanair (Arcot), India Tl 9g.Palamba (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4h.

PaUimcotta (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.

Pabiveram (Madras), India C Si.

Palee (Paori), India M 9e.

PakHiat (Coimbatoor), India BE 9ir.

Pallam (Cocbin), India C 9b.Pabiad (Guntur), India L 9g.Pahi (Harpoot), Tarkei/ A 13e.

Panabpore (Lucknow), India M 8f.

Paualla (Kolapoor), India P 9ir.

Panassen (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4b.Pancbegaw (Abmednnggur), India A 9g.Pancbgani (Poonab), India A 9":.

Panditeripo (Jaffna), Ceylon A 9b.

Pandoo (>[enado), Celebes I IST 4b.

Pangaoo (Amooranc:), Celebes I N 4b.Pangko (Piilo petak), Borneo UM 51.

P-inneivilei (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

Paunikiilam (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.Pan-to (Amov), China PE r)r".

Pantura (Colombo), Ceylon PG—


8b.Paori, India M 9e.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note onpages6,7.

Page 38: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

82 G. W. it C. B. COLTOX & CO:S

Pao-tin<^-fu (Pekins:), China A 5e.Papakelan (Menado), Celebes I. N 4h.Papar (Kediri), Java N 5i.

Paraij^antaiisral (Arcot), India R 9g.Paraperi (Calicut), India BE 9ff.Parateevu (Batticaloa), Cylon W gli.

Parepei (Amooraiig), Celebes I N 4h.Pareychalej^ (Trivandruni), India LM 9h.Pasdum (Colombo), Ceylon B>[ 8b.Paslaten (Amooran.ir), Celebes I. N 4b.Pasroor (Sealkote), 'India UP 9e.

Pnsso (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.Pasnmalai (Madura), India A 9b.Patborgbatta (Calcutta), India LM 8t'.

Patna, India BM Sf.

Patrashurj (Cbota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Pattambaukam (Arcot), India DL 92;.

Paumben (jMadura). Tndia PG 9b.Pauniran fPeking), China A 5p.

Pecbuia (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Peb-cbioli (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Peb-tsin-kliay (Formos:i), China PE 4f.

Peking, China A—E—M—P—C—LM—



Pennon (Calcutta), India FS 8f.

Percbeng (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Pergunnabs—Ibe 24 (Calcuita), India BM 8f.

Periakulam (Madura), India. A 9g.Periyapulam (Jaffna), Ceylon W 9b.Perpulankulam (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.Peshawar, India C 9c.

Pe-taou (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Petciiaburj, Siani P 6g.Pettab (Colombo), Ceylon W 9b.Pbukionsr (Amoy), China PE ftPbu-sua (Swatow), China PE Hf.

Pinamorongan (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4b.Pinajialangkow (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.Pinaras (^Nlenado), Celebes I N 4b.Pindra Dada Kbnn (Labore), India C 9e.

Piplee(Cuttack),//ifZ^;^< GB 8f.

Piring (Cbota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Pita Cota (Colombo), Ceylon C 8b.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these p.nges.

Page 39: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Pithorntjarh (N3'nee Tal), India M 8f.

Ploly (JaffiiM), Ceylon W 8h.

Poah-bay (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Podalorapalli (Arcot), India li 9g.Poerboliugo (Banjoemas), Java N 6i.

Point Pedro (Jaffna), Ceylon \V 81i.

Poka (Amboina), Moluccas N 4i.

Poklo (Canton), China LM 5f.

Pokscbakha (S vvatow), China BE 5f.

Polba (Calcutta), India FS Sf.

Poloipitiya (Galle), Ceylon W Sli.

Pondan (Amooranir), Celebes I N 4b,

Pon-douk-bin (Bassein), Br. Barmah B Ig.

Pontak (Ainoorang), Celebes I N 4b.

Pontba (Calcutta), India FS Sf.

Poo, Thibet U 9e.

Poolbarry (Calcutta), India L]\I 8f.

PooNA, Puna, India M—BM—FS—PG 9g.

Poonamallee (Madras), India W—



PooREE, India GB Sg.

Poreiar (Negapatam), India LL 9g.

Pouugdeli (Prome), Br. Burniah B ?g.Pragasapuram (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

Prome, Br. Burmali B 7g.Pudiangndi (Calicut), India BE 9g.Paducottab (Tricbinopoly), India LL—PG 9g,

Padupakam (Arcot), India li 9g.

Puleanteevo (Hatticaloa), Ceylon W 8b.

PuliaugLidi (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.

Pul!iey"(Madura), India A 9g.

PuLo PETAK, Borneo RM 5i.

Puna, Poonab, India M—BM—FS—PG 9g.

Piirulia (Cbota Nagpore), India G 81".

Putbiamputbur (Tinnevelly), India PG 9b.

Putbupalli (Cocbin), India C 9b.

Putlam (Colombo), Ceylon PG 8b.

Puttoor (Jaffna), Ceylon W 9b.

Quilon (Trivandrum), India LM 9b.

Quop (Sarawak), Borneo PG 51i.

Raanan (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

See list of Mis?siouary Societies and accompanying note onpagcs6,7.

Page 40: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

84 G. W. (fc C. B. COLTON' & CO:S

Kadachapuram (Tiniievellv), India C 9h.

Riidliapuram (Tinnevelly),' India PG- 91i.

Kaiiiinpnram (Masulipatam), India C ^g.

I?aliuii (AbmecliuiiTijnr), India A 9g.Pvai.iram {QiAin\\ho\ Ceylon BM 8h.

Pa.taiimundry, India L 8g.

Kaj kote (Goiro), India IP 9f.

Rajmalial (San tals), India ^M 8f.

Rajpore (Simla), India P 9e.

Ramapatam, India B 8g.

Ramapuram (Arcot), India R ^g.Ramboonan (Amooran.ir), Celehea I. N 4li.

Ranio:iirli (Chota Na-rpore), India G Si\

Rammaklialclioke (raicntta), India LM 81".

Rainnad (Madura), India PG 91i.

Ranchee (Cliota Nagpore), India G—PG 8f.

Randjoowa (Savoo), KaH Indies N 4j.

I^anee Khet (Benares), India LM 8t'.

Rangoon, Burmah B—PG 7<^.

Ranipett (Arcot), India R 9g.

Ranowansrko-bawah (Menado), Celebes I. N 4b.

Rai^ur (Nellore), India H 8g.

Raslieiya (Damascus), Syria, Turkey UP 13e.

Rataban (Amoorang). Celebes I. N 4b.

Ratanpur (Calcutta), India C 8f.

Ratnaniri (Kolapoor), India P 9g.

Rawal Pindi (Pesbawar), India P 9e.

]^awane«:cbwara (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

]ied wan (Harpoot), Turkey A 13e.

Remboken (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Rerer (Menado), Celebes I. N 4b.

Rewagawa (Jalna), India FS 9g.

Rbampore Bauleab (Calcutta), India PE 8f.

Riligala (Colombo), Ceylon W 9b.

Rininufrgur (Sealkotc), India UP 9e.

Rltei (Amooran<r), Celebes I. N 4b.

Rolian Wadi (Jabia), Imlia FS 9g.

Robilcund Dist. (P,areilly), India M 9r.

l^obtuck (Delbi), ///<//rt BM 9f.

Rooma-tiga (Amboina I.), Moluccas N 41.

Roomoon-atas (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

Roomoon-bawab (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 41: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Roorkee (Delira), ladin M—P—PG 9f.

Roorookan (Menado). Celebes I. N 4b.Kopar (Lodiana), India P 9e.

Royaj^ettali, Madras, India C—



Roy Bareilly (Lucknow), India M 8f.

Rangpore (Gowalpara), India BM Sf.

Sabaragamana (Colombo), Ceylon BM 81i.

Sabathn (Simla), India P 9e.Sachiapuram (Tiiinevelly), India C 9li.

Sadras (Arcot), Indict LL 9g.Saeu-gyiao-bu (Hang-chau), China B 5e.Sagayapuram ( rinnevelly), India C 9h.Saharaupiir (Simla), India P 9f.

Sai-nan (Canton), China BS 5f.

Saint John (Madras City), India. PG 9(r.

Saint Thomas' Mt. (Madra<), India C—VV—


8g.Saint Thome (Madras City), India PG 9g.Sakai (Osaka). Japan A 3e.

Sa-kaing (Youg-piug), China M 5f,

Salem, India LM 9g.Salt (Jerusalem), Syria, Turkey C 13e.Samangawa (.Jalua), India FS 9g.Samarang, Jam N 5i.

Sambanturai (Batticaloa), Ceylon W" 8h.Sambas (Sarawak), Borneo PG 6h.Sambhal (Moradabad), India M 9f.

Sauda (Kobe), Japan A. 3e.Sanguir Is.. East Indies N 4ii.

Santipoor (Calcutta), India F 8f.

Santur (Mangalore), India BE 9g.Sarawak, Borneo PQ 5h.Sarongsong (Menado). Celebes I. N 4h.Sarsha (Calcutta), India FS 8t'.

Satara (Poonah), India A 9g.Satgatchi (Calcutta). India FS 8f.

Satral (Ahmed uuggur), India A 9g.Sattambadi (Arcot), India .R 9g.Satthankulam (Tinnevelly), India C 9h.Sau-ki-wan (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Savoo I., East Indies N 4j.Sawangan (Menado), Cfe^^Jes 7. IS" 4b.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7

Page 42: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

86 0. W. ct- C. B. COLTOX A CO:S

Sawyerpiiram (Tinnevelly), India PG 91l

Scliiali (Negapatani), Lulia TJj 9ir.

Schonirthuno; (Honukoiig)^ t/nna BE 5f.

Sclnve'r (Beirut), Turkey FS 13e.

Sealkote, India UP—



Seba (Savoo I-), E'''xt Indies N 4j.

Secu.nderabad, India B—M—PG—



Sedamak (Sarawak), Borneo PG 61i.

8eedua (Colombo), Cet/lon, W 91i.

Seetapore (Lncknow), India IVI 8f.

Segarran (Soorabaja), Java N 5i.

Seir (Oroomiah), Persia P l'2e,

Sekadu (Arcoi), India U 9?.

Selaug (Kediri), Java N oi.

Semarong (SoorabaJM), Java N 51.

Seoul (Nagpore), India * 9f.

Serampore (Calcutta), India K—B.M 8f.

Seringapatam (Mysore), Jndia W ^n.

Seroor (Ahmednuggur), India A 9ir.

Sert (:Mardin), Turkei/ A V2o.

Severek (Diarbekir), Turkey A loe.

btevur (Arcot), India K 9L^

Sewry (Calcutta), Jndia B>[ S\\

Sbagoti (Belgaum), India BE 9'j:.

Shahabad (Lodiana), India P 9e.

Sbahawadi (Abmedabad), India IP 9r.

ShahjebauDore (Bareilly), India M dt\

SiiANGnAi,'' China BS—£~P—IMS—SD—C—LM—



Sban-tung (Tsi-nan), China ]\r oe.

Sbaranpur (Nasik), India C 9g.

Shau-byinir, Sboning (Haugcbow), China . .C—



Sheally (Negapatam), Iidia T.L 9g.

Sbellapoonjee (Sylliet), India WC 7f.

Sbemoga (Mangalorc), India AV 9g.

Sbepik"(Barpoot), Turkey A ]3e.

Sliidzuoka (Numadzu), Japan ^\C 3e.

SbiL^aum (Jalna), Jndia FS 9gSbillong (Sylbet), India W



Shingawe ( Abniediiuggur), India A 9g.

Shincbo (Peking), China A oe.

Sbirya (^langalore), India BE 9g.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 43: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Sholapur, India A 9cc.

Shonatigri (CalciUta), India FS 8f.

Sliui-( hang (Kiu-kiang), CJiina M 5f.

Shwaygyeen, Br. Burmah B 7g.

Siboga (Bataks), Sumatra RM 7h.

SiBSAGOR, India B 7f.

Sidambaiam (Negapatani), India LL 9g.

Sidoii (Beirut), Syria, Turkey P 13e.

Siek-keng (Foo-cliovv), China M 5f.

Sieng-fu ( Hing-liwa), China M 5f.

Sigompulan (B.itaks), Sumatra RM 7li.

Sijauvv (Sanguir Is.), Fast Indiss N 41i.

SiLCiiAit, India * 7f.

Silian (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Si Mapjlapil, Sumatra I. N 7h.

Si Matorki(s(Si MaplhxYtW), Svmatra I N 7h.

Simla, India BM 9e.

Si Morangkir (Bataks), Sumatra KM 7h.

Singapdke PG Gil


Singbhoom (Cliota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Singkyung (Shanghai), China MS 4e.

Singoo (Pronie), Br. Burmah B 7g.Singrowli (BenMi'es), India LM 8f.

Siu-hii (Swalow), China PE 5f,

Sinou (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Siong-see (Amoyj, China PE 5f.

oiong-iai (tling-hvva), China M 5f.

Sipirok (Bataks), Sumatra I KM 7h.

Sipoholoii (Bataks), Sumatra RM 7h.

Siradalapuntli (Arcot), India R 9g.

Siralasamuihiiam (Tinnevelly), India C 9h.

Sirinagak, Kashmir, India C 9e.

Sirur (Beliraiim), India BE 9g.

Sitabaldi (Nagpore), /wrf^a FS 9f.

Sittanay (Batticaloa), Ceylon W 8h.

Sivauasi (Tinnevelly), India C 9h'

SiVAS, Turkey A 13e.

Smyrna, Turkey A—E—C—S—



Soakonora (Tabello), Almaheira I. N 4h.Soekaboemi (Bandong), Java N 6i.

Soemedang (Bandong), Java N 6i.

Solo (Calcutta), India C 8f.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 44: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

G. W. (t C. B. COLTON cfc CO:S

Somaryal (Sealkote), India . ^ S 9e.

yonibokei.(Amooranir), Celtbes I. N 4li.

Sonai (Alimediuicffrni), India A 9g.Bonder (Aniooran^), Celebes I JN" 4h.

Soiipf-chieng (Yong-ping), China M of.

Sonthalistan (Calcutta), India BM 8f.

Sookoor (Menado), Celebes I N 41i,

Soongoorloo (Ccsarea), Turkey A 18e.

SOORAEAJA, J((va N 5i.

Sriharikotah (NHlore), India H ^g.Strivilliputhnr (Tinnevelly), India C 9li.

Suadiyeli (Antiocli), Tnrkei/ * 13e.

Sucnow, China \P—LM—MS—SP—



Sulurpett (Nellore), India IT 8g.Siing-theii (Swatow), Cliina BE 5f.

Surandei (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

SuKAT, Tndia IP 9f.

Snviscsliapuram (Tinnevelly), India C 9h.

Swaroe (Pasoorooan), Java N 5i.

Swatow, Cliina B—PE of.

Tabello, Almaheira I. N 4]i.

Tabriz, Persia P V2e.

Tairul-andaniT (Sangiiir Is.), East Indies N 41j.

Tai-cbeng (Yong-ping), China ^l of.

Taik-lnva (Hing-liwa), China M 5fTaitchow, China * 4f.

Taiwanfoo, Formosa PE 4f,

Takao (Tai wanfoo), Formosa PE 4f.

Takarma (Cl'ota Nagpore), India (I 8fTa-kn-tansr (Kiu-kianu), China IM 5f.

Talaitad (Amooranii), Celebes I N 4h.

Talatscheri (Calicui), India BE Og.

Talaut Is., East Indies N 41).

Talawaan (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Talawatoo (Aniooranir), Celebes I N 41i.

Taliparambu (Calient), India BE 9l''.

Taljlmri (Santals), India C 8f.'

Tamandori (Kobe), Japan A 3e.

Tamblagam (Trineomalce), Ceylon W 8b.

Tamil Cooly Mission (Colombo), Ceylon C 8b.

Tamsui (Formosa), China * 4f.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 45: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Tamudok (Sarawak), Borneo PG oli.

Tanawangko (Menaclo), Celebes I. X 4li.

Taiidasamudram (Arcot), India K 9ir.

Tandengau (Menado), Celebes I N 41i.

Tandjoiig-mera (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Tangiilsaii (Bataks), Samaira I ItM 7k.

Taugerang (Batavia), J.ava I N 6i.

Tauggari ^Menado), Celebes L N 4h.

Taiig-kansi (Formosa), China PE 4t'.

Tanjore (Trichinopoly), India LL—PG 9g.

Tauna (BoDibay), India M—FS 9g.

Tanijur ua pitu (Bataks), Sumatra I. RM 71i.

Tapkara (Cliota Nagpore), India G 8f.

Tara-tara (Menado), Celebes I N 41i.

Tarsus, Turkey A 13e.

Tataaran (^Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

Tatelloo (Menado), Celebes I. N 4li.

Tatengesan ( Amoorang), Celebes I N 4h.

Tat-hau-pow (Swatow), China PE 5f.

Tavoy, Br. Burmah B 7g.

Taw-kun-eng (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Ta-ying (Amoy), China PE 5f.

TegAL, Java N 6i.

Tebcho (Tientsin), China A 5e.

Teheran, Persia P He.Tek-a-kha (Formosa), China PE 4f.

Telang (Pulo-petak), Borneo I RM 5i.

Telap (Menado), Celebes I N 4li.

Tellicherry (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

Te Radj a (Bataks), Sumatra RM 71i.

Teteij (Menado), Celebes I N 41i.

Tewassen (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4li,.

Tezpore (Nownong), India PG 7r.

Tliallawadei (Coclnn), India C 91i.

Tharumanagram (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

Thau-sla (Formosa), China PE 4r.

Thayet Myo, Burmah B—PG 7g.

Thonglak (Hongkong), China BE 5t'.

Tliong-tbeulia (Hongkong). China BE 5f.

Tlioni; zai (Henthada), Br. Burmah B 7g.

Tien Oliwang Tai (NewChwanu), China IP 4d.

Tieng-ang Tcng (Foo-chow), China M 5f.

See list of Missionary Societies and. accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 46: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

40 G. w. it a B. coLTON & co:s

Ttp:ntsin, Cliina A—M—LM—W—


5e.Til]ipal]y (Jaffna), Ceylon A 9h.Timbookar (Amooi-an^). Celebes I. N 4h.Timmareddipalli (Arcot), India R Osr.

Timoo (Savoo I.) East Indies N 4j.

Timsampalli (Avcot), India R Off.

Tindevaniim (Arcot), India R—LL Ojs:,

Tinhai (Amoy), CJiina PE 5f.

TiNNEYELLY, India C 9h.Tintjcp (Amooranir), Celebes I. N 4b.Tipparaziipalli (Arcot), India R Osr.

Tipperab District (Dacca), India BM 7f.

Tirumansalam (Madura), India A 9b.TirumeDJanam (Ne2:apatani), India LL 9g.TirupiiYannm (Madura), India A 9b.Tiruwella (Cocbin), India C 9b.Tittuvilei (Trivandrum), Lulia LM 9b.Tjakacng (Batavia), Java N 6i.

Tjandjoer (Bandonir), Jata N 6i.

Tjant!:ag'an (Kediri), lata N 5i.

Toa-lani (Formosa), CMna PE 4f.

Toa-sia (Formosa), CMna PE 4f.

Toa-sna-tbau (Swatow), CMna PE 5f.

Tobello (Almabeira I ), East Indies N 4b.Todgubr (Beawr), India UPS 9f.

Tokat (Sivas), Turl-ey A 13d.Tokin (Amoorano;), Celebes I, N 4b.ToKio, Japan. .B—EA—M—R—MC—PG—UPS 3e.

Tollok (Amoorang), Celebes I N 4b.Tollygnnge (Calcutta), India PG Sf.

Tombassian-atas (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.Tomliatoo ( Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.Tomobon (Menado), Celebes I N" 4b.Tompasso (Amoorang-), Celebes I N 4b.Tondango (^lenado), Celebes I. N 4b.Tondano (Menado), Celebes I N 4b.Tondantolasi (Arcot), India R 9g.Tondegesan (Amoorang), Celebes I. N 4b.Tong-an (Amoy), CMna M Sf.

To-ngwong (Yongpintr), CZ/ma M 5fToolap (Menado), Celebes I. N 4b;Toomaloonboong (Menado), Celebes I. N 4b.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 47: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Toomkoor (Bangalore), India W 9g:.

Toompaiiu ( Aniooranu), Celebes I N 4^.Toulian (Aiiiooiang), Celehes I N 4h.Toulien-Kiij il (Menarlo), Celebes I. N 41i.

Toung-ga-lay (Bassein), Br. Burmah B 7g.TouNGiioo, Burmah B—PG 7g-Tranquebar (Negapatam), India LL—PG- 9g.'J'ransorat (Bataks), Sumatra I. RM Th.

TuEBizoND, Turkey A 13d.

Treman (Menado), Celebes I N 4h.

TiiicHiNOPOLY, India LL—PG—


9g.Trichur (CocliiD), India C 9g.Trikalur (Arcot), India DL 9g.Trincomalee, Ceylon W 81i.

Tripatoor (Madras), Indkt LM 9g.TripdcMiie (Madras), India C Sir.

Tripoli (Beirut), Syria, Turkey P 13e.

TriVandkum, India LM 91i


Trivellore (Negapatam), India FS— \V 8g.

Tschamhaug (Swatow), China BE of.

Tscliirakal (Calicui), India BE 9g.Tschombala (Calicut), India BE 9g,Tsclioug-hang-kang (Hongkoni;), Chirui BE 5fl

Tschongsanheu (Hongkong), China BE 5f.

Tschongtsliun (Swatow), China BE 5f.

Tscliowa (Calicut), I'ldia, BE 9ir.

Tsuu hwa chou (Peking), China ]\£ 5d.

Tugala (Nias I), Sumatra RM 71i.

Tukais (Abmednuggur), India A 9g.Tuneri (Coinibatoor), India BE 9g.Tungcho (Peking), China A 5e.

TuNGCfiow, China BS—



Tung-kio (Amoy), China PE 5f.

Tuni (Raiabniundry), India * 8g.

Tu-sbib k'ou (Kali^an), China M 5d.

Tuticorin (Tinnevelly), India PG 9b.

Twenty four Perguuuabs (Calcutta), India. . .BM 8f.

Udapy (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

Udjawara (Mangalore), India BE 9g.Ukkirrankotei (Tinnevelly), India C 9b.

Umrawati (Jalna), India FS 9g.

See list of Mit^sionary Societies and accompanying note onpag(-s6,.7.

Page 48: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

42 G. W. cfc C. B. COLTOX c& CO:S

Umritsur, Aniritsar, India C—


9eUndup, Borneo PG 51i

Ungkuno; (Swatow), China PE 5f.

Utshila (Mangalore), India BE 9g.

IJva (Kandy), Ceylon S 8h.

U-yong (Hing-lnva), China M 5fr

Yageikiilam (Tinnevelly) India C 91i

VakacUi (Nellore), India H 8^^

Valanv (Jaffua), Ceylon A 9U.

Van, Turkey A 12e.

Varikkal ( Arcot), India R 9g.

Vathery (Jaffna), Ceylon W Sli.

Vediarpiiram (Tricliinopoly), India PG 9g.

Vellalenvilei (Tinnevelly), India C 91i.

Vellambi (Arcot), India R 9g.Vellore (Arcot), India. R—


9g.Vellum (Tricliinopoly), India PG 9g.Venkatagiri (Nellore), India \l 8g.

Vennampalli (Arcot), India R 9g.

Vepery Madua^, India PG 9g.

Veyangodde (Colombo), Ceylon B\[ 8 i.

Victoria (Hongkong), China BE 5f.


Vizianagarum (Vizagapatam), Jndia LM ^):,.

Vizir Kupreu (Marsovan), lurkey A 13d.

Wadackentsclieri (Coimbntoor), India BE 9jr.

Waheroo (Amooina I-). Moluccas N 4i.

Wakan ( A mooran^), Celebes /..... IS 41i.

Walawev (Galle), Ceylon W 8h.

Wallacepur (Gogo), India IP 9r.

Wallajuhbad (Madras), India FS 8g.Wambori (Ahmednuggiir), India A 9g.

Wanga {Kxwoovnwg)^Celebes I N 4ii.

Wang-te-yong (Foocliovv), China ]\[ M.Wantchow Craitchovv), Umux * 4f.

Waioolanei (^lenado), Celebes I N 4h.

Watoomea (Menado), Celebes I. N" 4h.AVattalpola (Colombo), Ceylon , W 9h.

Watwad (Sliolapur), India A 9g.Wazirabad (Sealkote), India S 9e.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used i?i these paj^es,

Page 49: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Weilijama (Colombo). Ceylon RM 8h.

Wellewatta (Colombo), ('ei/Ioii W 9h.

Weiii2:chow (Taitohow, China - 4r.

AVesley Cliapel (Jjitfna). C>^ylon \V 91i.

Wijaw (Amoorang), Cdehen I. N" 41i.

WiiiMJan (Ainooraiiii). Celebes I N 4h.

V/iooiii; (Soorabaj.-i), Jara N ."ii.

AVo leru (Coimbaloor), India BH Oj;.

Woloan (Menado), Celebe.t, I N 4'i.

Woiii^kMi (Amoorani:), Celebes I N 41i.

Wono Hasri (Kecliri) Jaivi N" 51.

AV oowook (Amooranii), Celebes I. N" 41).

Woo\vook-in;ilole (Amooi'anir), Cdehes I. N 4U.

Wuchang, China .E—LM— \V—



Wusueh (CaDlon), China \Y 5f.

Yabriul (Damascus), f^yria^ Turkey UP 13e.

Yagamoor ( Arcot), IncUa 11 9g.

Yamtsau (Swatow), CJiina PP] 51'.

Yangchow (Xankiu), China - 5e.

Yedo, Japan B—E—M—P—C—PG—



Ying-tszo (New Chvvang), China II* 4.1,

Yokohama, Japan.. . .A—B—EA—M—P—R—



YoNG PING City, China M 5f.

Yontcho (PeklnuX China , , A 'e.

Yoz-gat (Cesarea), Turkey A 13e.

Yu-boey-kio (Amoy), China PE of*.

Yu-cho' (Peking), China A 5e.

Yu-ka (Yong-piug), China jM 5f.

Zaffnrwall (Sealkote), India UP 9e.

Zahleh (Bcirui), Turkey P ]:ie.

Zeegong (Henthada), Br. Barmah B 7u-.

Zoahying(Hang-chau), China B 4c.

ZoDg-paii (liang-chau). China B .' e.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages (j,7./

Page 50: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

44 G. W. & a B. COLTON <£• CO:S

AFRICAAbeokuta, Guinea.. BS—C—TV 16h.Al)etifi (Coomassie), Guinea BE 171i.

Abokobi (Jamestown), Guinea BE ITIi.

Abunse (Janifstown), Guinea BE 17h.

Abuii (Jamestown), Guinea BE 171i.

Abyssinia * 13i^.

Accra. Akkra, (Jamestown), Guinea BE—



Ada (Keta), Guinea BE IGli.

Adafo (Kela), Guinea UE IGIi.

Adams (Port Natal), Natal A 14 1.

Adamshoop (Bloemtontein),0yvt»5^e Riv. F. S. . BX 14k.

Adelaide (Kin- Wm's T.), C. Colony..


PG—UPS 14 1.

Adukrnm (Jamestown), Guinea BE 171i.

Aiinawood (Ameib), Damara IVSV 15k.

Akassa,' Guinea C IGli.

Ake (Abeokuta), Guinea C lOli.

Akropong (Jamestown), Guinea BE 171i.

Albertyn (Zwellendam), Cape Colony U la 1.

Alexandkia, Egypt S—UP—* loe.

Alexandria (Graliamstown), Cape Colony L 14 I.

Algiers, Algiers * 16e-

Alice (Port Beaufort), Cape Colony PG—




Aliwal, North, Cape Colony PG—


14 1.

All Saints, Bashee, Kaffmria PG 14 1.

Alongo (Corisco), Guinea P 16h.

Amahlonuwa (Port Natal), Natal A 18 1.

Amalienstein (Oudtsboorn), Cape Colony BN 14 I.

Amandelboom (Scliielfontein), Cape Colony . .HM 141.

Amanukrum (Jnmestowu), Guinea BE 171i.

Amauzimtote (Port Natal), Natal A 14 1.

Amatole {K. ^Villiams T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Ambalavao (Ambositra), Madagaficar L>[ 12k.

Ambatona kanp;a (Antananarivo), Madagascar L^[ 12 j.

Ambatond.mazaka, Madagascar LM 12 j.

Ambohidratiimo (Ambobimanga), Madagascar.. .

LM 12j.Amboliimandroso (Ambositra), Madagascar . .1j>[ 12k.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pai^es,

Page 51: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Ameohimanga. Mndnga^car Ti>I I'^.i.

Amboliiposty (Antananarivo) Madnr/r/scar. . .1


12 j,

Aniboliitantf-ly (Antananniivo), Mr(dnfjaf.rarJ.^^ 19 i.

Aniboliiveloma (Anibohininnira), Mndagas-carAM 12 j.

Amboises Bn}^ (Camoroon's), Guinea T^^f IHb.

Ambosittja, MndagaHcnr TiM 19V.

Ametb, Dnwara VM 15k.

Ammonsville (ATonrovia\ 1 ihevia ^r 181).

Anipamarinana {^.x\\?^\\^•n?^r\vo), MadagascarAM 12).

Amparilie (Antananarivo), Madagaacar LTNt 1^ i.

Anamabn (Cape Coast Castlf^\ Gmnea W 171i.

Anatakely (Antananarivo), Madagascar LM 12 j.

Andolialo (Antananarivo), Madagascar I;M 19 i.

Anbalt Schmidt (Clarkson), Cajie Colony BN 141.

Ankadilievava (Antananarivo), Madagascar. .LlNt 12.1.

Annshaw (Fort Beanfort), Cape Colony W 141.

Antananialaza (Ambohimanjra), 3fadaga.«car.lj'M 12 j.

Antanatstartvo, Madagascar LM—PG 12 j.

Annm (Kpta), Guinea BK 161i.

Anvako (Keta), Guinea NG Ifih.

Apirade (Jamestown), Gvinea BE 17h.

Artliinu'ion (Monrovia), Liberia B—



Asantema (Jamestown), Gvinea BE ITh.

Avery (Slierboro), West Africa Al\[ 18b.

Avoiitunr f Clarkson), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Azzieh (Osioot), Egypt .UP 13 f.

Badairrv 'L-iiros), Gninea C 161i.

Basjoro' (Osioot). Vqypt UP 13 f.

Baraka (Gaboon R.j, Gvinea P 1Gb.

Barville Park (Grabamstown), Cape Colony. . .W 141.

Bassa Distiiot, JAberia . j\[ 18b.

Biibnrst (Grabamstown), Cape Colony W 141.

Baziga (Qneenstown), Kaffraria U 141.

Bawa (Ivimr Williams T.), Cape Colony FS 141.

Bawalesf'bi (Jamestown), Guinea BE 17b.

Baziva, Kaffraria U 141.

Beaiifort West (Ondtshoorn), Cape Colony.VG—^ 141.

Bedari (Osioot), Egypt UP 13 f.

Besroro (.Jamostown), Gvinea . .BR 17b.

Bell's Towm (Cameroon's), Guinea BM 16b.

Belville, Cape Colony PGSee list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note onpages 6,7.

Page 52: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

40 G. w. & a B. coLTOK ii- co:s

Benita, Gninea P lOli.

Binioob (Osioot), Kfiypt UP VMBensonvfile (Alieval Nortli), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Bensonville (Monrovia). Liberia AI 181i.

Berea (Bassuto), Cape Colony 1\A[ 14k.

Berea (Gnadenihal), Cape Colony U lo '•

Berebe, C. Palmas, Liberii . . . 1^^ 171i.

Beusaba, JS'amaqiut Il^[ l-ik,

Betliania (Pr.-toiia), Transvaal Rep H 14k.

Bethaiuen (Bloemlbntein), Orange Ricer F. S.. . BN 14k.

Betiianien, Kamaqva R>[ 15k.

Bethel (Concoudia), Cape Colony W 1") I

Beihel (Jamestown), Cuinea BE ITh.

Belhel (Kin.ir William's T.), Cape Colony BX 14 I.

Betlielsdorp (Uiienha-jen), Cape Colony !.>[ 14 I.

Bethcsda (Bassuto), C(tpe Colony P>[ 141.

Br.ANTYKE, Central Africa Pi ] 8 j.

lilauberg (Ga Matlile), Transvaal Rep BN 14k.

Bleideverwacht (Warmbad), Kamaqua RM 14a.

Blinkklii) (Griqnatown), Cape Colony W 14k.

Blinkwater (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony 0[ 14 1.

Bloemfontetn, Orange Free State.B^—PG—



Blue Barre (Sinoe), Liberia E 17ii.

Blythswood (King William's T.), Cape Colony. FS 14 1.

Bolilen St;j. (Cape Palmas), Liberia E ITli.

Bolotwa, South Africa-

BoMBETOK, ]\[ajaug-:i, Madagascar PG— "-^ 12 j.

Bompey (Freetown), l^ierra Leone * 18li.

Bonjonao (Cameroon's), Guinea B]M lOli.

Bonny (Xew Calabar), Guinea C l()lj.

Bontlie (Slierboro), Wed Africa \^V 18li.

Borigelong (Kuruman), Transvaal Rep LM 14k.

Botslibelo (Leydenburi:), l^ransvaal Rep BN 18k.

Brass (New Calabar), Guinea C IGli,

Bredasdorp (Zwellendam), Cajje Colony PG 14 1.

Buchanan (Bassas), Liberia B—E—



Burhanan (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony FS 141.

Butfelsdrift (Zuelleudam), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Bullom Shore (Freetown), Sierra Leone C ISIi.

Bun-e (Kin.g Wdliam's T.), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Buntingville (Queenstown), A'/ifV-am/ W 14 1.

Burgher'sDorp(Queeiistown). Cape Colony PG—


14 1.

For full explaiiatiou of abbrv.via.iou!?, ttc, used iu those imj^us,

Page 53: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Bnrnsliill (Killer Willmm's T.), Cape Colony.. .FS 141.l>nla\v (Siiioe). Liberia .\ . . .i\[ 171i.

Butterwortli (Qneenstown), Kaffraria W HI.Byrne (Pieteimaritzburg), I\atal PG 13k.

Cattio, Egypt UP 13e.Caldwell (Monrovia). Liberia E 181i.

Caledon (Gnndenthal), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Calloub (Cairo), Egypt N 13o.Calitzdorp (Ondtshoorn), Cape Colony BN 141.CameIxOoxs, Guinea Bj\[ ]6h.Cana (Bussnto), Cape Colony P]\[ I4k.Cango (Oudtslioorn), Cape Colony L^[ 141.Cape Coast Castle, Guinea W 17h.Cape Palmas, Liberia ]\I—



Capetown, Cape Colony L]\I— PG—


15 1.'

Cavalla (Cape Palmas), L.iberia p] 171i.

Cawoodsliope (Pniel). Orange Biv. Free State.BN 14k,Cecnwani (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Cedaha (Pietermaritzbure), i\afal FS 13k.Ceres (Worcester), Cape Colony PG—


15 1.

Charlotte (Freetown), Sierra Leone (^ 181i.

Cbristianenbnrg (Port Natal), Kafal BN" 13k.Cbristian.4K)rg (Jamestown), Guinea. BE 17b.Cizela (K. Williams T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Clan William, C<q)e Colony PG 151.Claremont (Cape Town), Cape Colony PG 151.Clarkebnry (Qneenstown), Ca2)e Colony W 14 1.

Clarkson, Cape Colony 1 U 14 1.

Clay Asbland (Monrovia), Liberia E 18b.Clumber (Grabamstown), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Clydesdale, Kaffraria PG 14 1.

Colesberg (Aliwal), C((pe Colony PG—



Concordia, Cape Colony RM 15k.Congo-Town (Monrovin), Ldberia E 18b.Constantia (Cape Town), Cajje Colony. .PG 15 1.

Constanline (Algiers), Algiers * 16e.

Coolie Mission (Port Natal), :Satal W 13k.CoRisco, Guinea P 16b.Cosseir (Koos), Ecjypt UP 13 f.

Cradock (Gi-aaf Keinet), Cape Colony.. . .LM—


14 I.

Creek Town (Old C-ilabar), Guinea UPS 16b.

fcJeelis'tof Missionary tjotieties and accompanying note on pages G,7.

Page 54: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

48 G. W. & C. B. COLTOX & CO:S

Creve Coear, Mauritius I C Ilk.Orozierville (Monrovifi), Liberia E I81i.

Cuauiugham (K. William's T ), Cape Co.any . FS 14 1.

Dagga Boer (Graaf Reinet), Cape Colony W \\\.

Date (Jamestown), Guinea RE 17h.Debe (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS u i.

De Reers (Pniel), Orange River Free State BX Uk.Debia (Sherboro), West Africa A^[ ISli.

De Tuin ( Warmbad), Gape Colony RM 14k.Diamoiul Fields (Bloemfontein), Orange River

Free State PG—


14k.Dido Town (Cameroon's), Guinea BM 16h.Dix Cove (Cape Coast Castle), Guinea W 1Tb.Domingia (Poniras), Senegambia * 18g.Domonasi (Cape Coast Castle). Guinea W 171i.

Doors Kraal (Clark<ou), Cape Colony U 14 1.

Dordrecht (Qieenstowu), Cape Colony. . PG—


14 1.

Draken^tein (Paarl), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Duke Town (Old Calabar), Guinea UPS 16h.

D' Urban (Paarl), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

D'Urban (Port Natal), Natal PG—



Dysseldorp (Oudtshoorn), Cape Colony LM 14 1.

East London (Iviug William's T.), Cape ColonyW 14 1.

Ebenezer (Clan U illiam). Cape Colony R>[ 15 1.

Eben Ezer (Pretoria), Transvaal Republic H l;3k.

Edendale (Pietermaritzl)urL'-), Natal FS—



Eerste River (Capetown). Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Eiilanzeni (Pietermaritzburg), Natal H 18k.

Ehlomohlomo (Nodwengu), Zulu Ld H 18k.

Ehohita, Kaffraria PG 14 1.

Ekombaleni (Pretoria), Transvaal Rep H 13k.

Ekukayeni (Pietermaiitzburii), Natal PG 18k.

Ekyove (Nodwengn), Zfilu. Ld * 13k.

Elandskloop (Clan William), Cape Colony '^ 15 1.

Elbert's Kraal (Kiversdale), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Elim (Gnadenthal), Cape Colony U 15 1.

Elmina (Cane Coast Cattle). Guinea W 17h.

Ekijilo (K. William's T.), Cape Colony UPS 14 1.

Eluxolweni (K. William's T.), Cape Colony . .BX 14 1.

Ely (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in tliese pages,

Page 55: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Emakabaleni (Pietermaritzlmrg), Katal H 13k.Emakelenl (Pietermaritzunrg), JS'ntal 11 13k.EmanL^weiii (Pieteimaritzburg), jS'atal BN 18k.Emathlubatinn (Nndwcnen), Z?//?/- Ld * 13k.Emazabeka (Pietermaritzburg), Aatal FS 18k.Embulu, Kaffraria .'. U PS 141.

Emdiseni (King William's T.), Cape Colony . .BN 14 1.

Eiiifunclisweiii, Kaffraria W 141.Emfiityini (Xodweiign), Zulu Ld H 13k.Emgeni (Pietermariizburg), Natal FS 13k.Emgwali (King William's T.), Cajie Colony. .UPS 14 1.

Emkabatinl (Pietermaritzbur.i;), Natal A 13k.Emlalazi (Xodvvengu), Zulu Ld H 13k.

Emmaus (Pietcrmaritzbiirg), Naial BN 14k.Emmaiis (Potscliefstrom), Transvaal Eep IT 14k.Emntweni (Shilob), Cape Colony U 141,

Einin'ameni (K. William's T.), Cape Colony . .FS 14 1.

Emn3'ati (Nodwengn), Tramraal Rep H 13k.Empangweni (Nodwengn). Zulu Ld - 13k.Empangweni (Pietermariizburg), JS'at<d H 13k.

Emsliane (Pietermariizburg), Natal A 13k.Emtiimasi ( Aliwal), Kaffraria U 141.

Eimotini (Shiloli), Cape Colony U 14 1.

Eiihlangulu) (Nodwengn), Zulu Ld H 13k.

Enlilangnbo (Pietermaritzbnrg). ^^dal H 13k.

EnliUmbiti (Pietermaritzbnrg), Natal A 13k.

Enhlomoklomo (Nodwengn), Zulu LA TI 13k.

Eulilongana (Nodwengn), Zulu Ld IT 13k.

Enou (Uitenhage). Cape Colony U 14 1.

Entombe (Pretoria), Tranf<ra<d Rep II 13k.

Entnmeni (Nodwengn), Zulu Ld * 18k.

Enwubi (Port Natal), Natal PG 13k.

Erment (Lnxor), Fqypt UP 13f,

Eselsbank (Clan William), Cape Colony Pw.M IT) 1.

Esidnmbini (Port X atal), Natal A 13k.

Esihlangeni (Nodweniiu), Zidu Ld 11 13k.

EsNEH, Efnipt T UP 13f.

Estconrt ( Pietermaritzbnrg). Natal PG 13k.

Etembeni (King William's T.), Cape Colony.. HN 141Etembeni (Pietermaritzbnrg), Nat(d II 13k.

Etsomo, Kaffraria W 14 1

Etutnra, Kaff'raria UPS 141

See list ofMis^sionary Socitties and acccmpnnyiiig note c npigt e b,7

Page 56: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

.^0 G. W. (fc C. B. COLTON & CO:S

Evangnsimba (Goi'isro), Guinea P 16b.Evergreen (King William's T.), Cape Colo?ii/..FS 14 1.

Ezelsbauk (Claa William), Cape Colony KM 15 1.

Falconer (King William's T.), Cape Colony. . .FS 14 1.

F;illangla (Pongas), Senegambia * 18g.Faradoni}^ (Fort Dauphin), Madarjaftcar * 12k.Faravoliitra (Antananarivo), Madagascar LM 12 j.

Farmertield (Graliamstown), Cape Colony W 141.

Fauresmith (Bloemrbutein), Orange Pumr FreeState,... PG-W 14k.

Fenmrivo, Madagascar PG 12 j.

Fianarantsoa (Anihositra), Madagascar LM 12k.Fi irenaua (Fihaonana), Madagascar LM 12 j.

FillAONAN A, Madagascar LM 12 j.

Fish town (C. Palmas), Liberia E 17h.

Fort Beatifout, Cape Colony PG—W—


14 1.

Fort Dauphin, Faradomy, Madagascar * 12k.Fotul)a (Is. de Los), Sierra Leone PG 181i.

Fourah Bay (Freetown), Sierra Leone C 18h.Fraserburg (Sdiietfontein), Cape Colony. . .PG—


14 1.

FiiEETowx, Sierra Leone C—W—



Gaboon Rrv., Guinea P 16h.

Gaira (Ft)rt Bean fort). Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Ga Lekalekale (Ga Matlale), Transvaal Hep. .BN 141c.

Gamajan (Pretoria), Transvaal Rep H 14k.

Ga .AIati.at.e, Tramvaal Hep BX 14k.

Garaway, Spring Hill (C. Palmas), Liberia E 17h.

Gatberg (Qiieenstown), dtpe Colony W 14 1.

Georgetown (Oiultshoorn), Cape Colony. . .PG—



Gibeon, Namaqua R:\[ 15k.Gideyatabo (C. Palmas), Liberia E 17b.

Glen Grey (Queenstown), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Glen Linden (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony UPS 14 1.

Glenthorn (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony UPS 141.

Gnadentiial, Cape Colony U 151.

GoBACis, Damara R.>[ 15k.Goderich (Freetown), Sierra Leone * 18b.Goedverwacbt (Malmesburv), Cape Colony U 15 1.

Good Hope (Sherboro), ^Yest Africa AM 18b.

Gorneb (Lu.xor), Egypt UP 18 f.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 57: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Goshen (Sliiloli), Cape Colony U 14 1.

Govan (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 141.Gkaaf Reinet, Cape Colony LM—PG—


14 I.

GiiAHAMSTowN, Cape Colony L^I—PG—


14 1,

Grebo Mission (Cape Palmas), Liberia 1\[ ITli.

Greenville (Sinoe), Liberia E—


17h.Greytown (Pietcnnaritzburo), 2\a1al PG i;5k.

Groottontein (Gibeon), Aamaqna in[ 15k.

Gxulu (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Haining (K. William's T.),.Cape Colony UPS 14 1.

Hakne}' (Sliilob), Cape Colony L>[ 141.

Haukey (Uitenha,<re), Cape Colony LM 14 1.

Harlem (Clarksoii), Cape Colony I3N 141.

Harrisburgb (Monrovia), Liberia P l<sb.

Harrismitli Orange Riv. Free State AV 14k.

Ha Sbewas-^e (Ga Matlale), Transvaal Hep . . . .BN 14k.

Hastings (Freetown), Sierra Leone ^Y—



Hawtown, Sovth Africa PG ....

Heald Town (Ft. Beanfort), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Hebron (Jamestown), Guinea BE 17h.

Hebron (Pretoria), Tramxaal Eep H 14k.

Helen Blair (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . .FS 14 1.

Hemelrood (Riversdale), Cape Colony BX 141.

Henderson (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. .


UPS 14 1.

Hermannsburg (Pietermaritzbnrg), JSaial H 18k.

Hermon (Bassuto) Cape Colony.^. PM 14k.

Hermon (Worcester), Cape Colony * 15 1.

Herm, St. (Potscliefstrom), Tram^taal Hep H 14k.

Herm, St. (Pretoi ia), Transvaal Bep H 13k.

Herschel, South Africa PGHeydelberg (Riversdale), Cape Colony . .LlNl—PG 141.

Heydolbera: (Pretoria), Tranxvaal Hep BN 14k.

Higbtlats (Port Natal), ]\'atal W 18e.

Hoacbanas (Reboboth), Damara R]\[ 15k.

H(>tfVntb;il (Pietermaritzbnrg), ^'atal BN 13k.

Hotfman (C. Palmas), Liberia E ITli.

Hofmeyr (Ga Matlale), Transvaal Hep * 14k.

Hopedale (Clarkson), Cape Colony L 14 1.

Hope Fountain, Southern Africa 14k.

Hopetown (Griquatown), Cape Colony ...... PG 14k.Hostzis Bay (Capetown), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompaujing note en pages 6,7.

Page 58: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

53 0. W. (fc C. B. C0LT01\ & CO:S

IToiUkloof (Zwellendam), Cape Colony U 14 1.

lIoLiwkock, South Africa PGllo, Wegbe (Keta), Guinea NG lOli.

Ibadan (.VI enknta), Guinea C 161i.

Jbisi (Port Natal), Nafal W 141.

Ibotown (Freetown), Sierra Leone * 18h.

Iilntywa (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Ifala (Port Naial), JVatal A 13 1.

It'umi (Poit Natal), JS'atal A 13 1.

liibore (Abeokiita), Guinea C 16h.

l.iibiga (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Ikija (Abeokuta), Guinea C 161i.

Ikorotion^ ((31d Calabar), Guinea UPS IGli.

Ikunetu (Old Calabar), Guinea .UPS 16h.

Imfule (Nod weugii), Zulu Ld * 18k.

Impohveni (Pietermaritzburg), Natal FS 13k.

Iiianda (Port Nalal), Natal A—


13k.]nculvvani (Pietermaritzburg), Natal FS 13k.

Indaleni (Pietcmarilzbuiy), Natal W 13k.

]nhlasatslia (Nodweniju), Zulu Ld * 13k.

Intvvaiiazana, Sout/t Africa U 14 1.

Inyati, South Africa LM 14 j.

Inyezane (.Nodwenijii), Zulu Ld H 13k.Isipingo (P(Mt Natal), Natal PG 13k.Itaiainasi ( Pietermariizburg), Natal A 13k.Itaka (Nodwengu), Zulu Ld H 13k.Izola, l^almertoLi, Luijfraria W 14 1.

Jamestown, St. Helena I. PG IT j.

Jauily (O^i.on, Hf/ypt UP 13V.

Jekelana (Iv. William's T.). Cape Colony. . . . FS 14 1.

Jerusalem ( vVarmbad), JSamaqua KM 14k.Jobskop (Pietermariizbiiru), Nat(d FS 13k.Joliaunes Kirche (Malmesbury), Cape Colony.. .{] 15 1.

Kabla (Cape Palmas), Jiberia E 17h.Katir College, Cape Cohuy PGKalkfoiiieiii (Coneordia), Cape Colony KM 15k.Kama (Fr. Beaufort), Cape Colony W 14


Kama-tone ((^aeeuslownj. Cape Colony W 141.Kambia (Freetown), Herra Leone '*


For full exijlanatiou of abbreviations, etc., used in these payes,

Page 59: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Kamiesbergh (Zvvelleiidam), Caj)e Colony W 14 1.

Kaiia (Pretoria), TiansTaal li^p H 14k.

Kanye (Sliosliong), /South Africa L]\[ 14k.

Karkloof (Pieieimarilzbiiig), JSaUil PG lok.

Katzenberg (Malmcsbury), Cajie Colony U 151.

Kbeb Kbcb (Monrovia), Liberia E 18b.

Keetmanshoop, JS'arnaqva RjNI ink.

Kentucky (Monrovia), Liberia P 181i.

Keta, Qiiitta, Guinea IsG KHi.

Kidston (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 I.

IviKG William's T, Cape Colony. .




14 1.

Kirkwood, Tarkapost (Sbilob), Caj)e Colony UPS 14 1.

IvisuLUDTisT, Zanzibar C 13 i.

Kjebi (Jamestown), Guinea 7^E ITIi.

Klipdrilt (Riversdale), Cape Colony BN 141.

Klip Fontein (Cape Town), Cape Colony W 15 1.

Knapp's Hope(K. William's T.), Cape Colony. L]M 14 1.

Knox (K. William's T.), Cajje Colony FS 14 1.

Knysna (Oudtsboorn), Cape Colony PG 141.

Koiobeng (Moscbaneng), Bechuana H—LM 14k.

Komgba, Soiilh Africa PG . . . .

Kommaggas (Concordia), Cape Colony KM 15k.

Konigsberg (Pietermaritzbiirii), ^'atal BX 13k.

Koo's, Efjt/pt \ UP 13 f.

Kossotown (Freetown), Sierra Leone * 18b.

Kouveld (Riversdale), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Kramersfontein (Kiiruman), Bechuana L 14k.

Kroonstad (Leydenbnrg), Transvaal Bep W 13k.

Kroo Town (Mo'nrovia), Liberia E 181).

Kruisfontein (ClaTkson), Cape Colony LM 14 1.

KuRUMAN, Neu Lattaku, Bechvana LM 14k.

Kwamagwaza (Nodwengu), Zulu Ld PG 13k.

Kwezana (K. William's T), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Ladysmith (Oudtsboorn), Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Ladysmitb (Pietermaritzbm'g), JS'atal BN




La, Emmaus (Jamestown), Guinea BE ITli.

3.AGOS, Guinea BS—C—



Laing (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Langenboscb (Clarkson), Cape Colony. U 14 1.

Lasgebaane, JSouiJt Africa PGSee list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 60: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

54 G. W. & C. B. (JOLTOX & CO:S

Lei^^on^ (Jamestown), Guinea BE 17b.

Leke (Laoos), Gniuea C lOh.Lepeno (Lim-ao;, Tmmvaal Hep H 14k.Lenbe (Ba-siito), Cape Colony PM 14k.LesseN toil (Qneenstown), Cape Colony W 141.

Lexiiiiiton (JSiiioe), Liberia E—



LF:YDEXiiURGn, Transvaal Rep BN—PG—


18k.Likhatloug (Giiqiia T.), Bechuana.. LM 14k.

Lily lonfeiu (Concordia), Cape Colony AV 151.

Li.M\(), Tninsv(tal Hep H 14k.

Lindley (Port Natal), JS'atal A 14k.Liiiokana (Limao), Transvaal Hep H 14k.LiNYANTi, Southern Africa 14j.Liteyana (Moschanen-:), Bechuana H—L>[ 14k.Little Popo (Whydah), Gainea W 16h.LiviNGSToNiA, Central Africa FS 18 j.

LoKojA, Guinea C ICli.

Lonirwood. St. Helena 1 PG 17 j.

Loso (Ga Matlale). Tranacaal Hep BN 14k.Jjouisiana (Monrovia), Liberia B—



l^ovedale (Fort Beaufoit), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Lower Buchanan (Bassas), Liberia P 18li.

Lower Enisini,^a (Pieternuiriizbiiru), Natal FS 13k.

Luneburi,^ (Pretoria), Transvaal Hep H 18k.

Luxou, kgypt. UP 18f.

Lynedocb, South Africa PG ....

Mabolela (Bassnto), Cape Colony P]\[ 14k,jNIaclarlan ( Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

I\Iaefie (Ft. Beaufort). Cape Colony FS 141.JVlADEiKA L, Atlantic FS 18e.

jM AiiE L, Lndian Ocean PG Hi.ISlaiera (Jamestown). Guinea BE 17b,JMa.ianga (Bombetok), Madagascar * 12 j.

]\[aUchabeui; (Ga Matlale), 2ransmal Hep.. . . BN 14k.ISIalmrshcuy, Cape Colony PG—



Maloknnii- (Ga ISIatlale). Transvaal Hep BN 14k.]Mamachali (Pretoria), Transvaal Hep II 14k.iMamfe (Jamestown), Guinea BE 17b.IMampong- (Jamestown), Guinefi BP] 171i,

IVIamre (Malmesbury), C(ipe Colony U 15 I.

Mausoora (Cairo), Egypt UP 13p,

Por full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 61: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Mapmiuilo (Port Natal), JS'atal A 14k.

]\Iaric(), Ti<tnsv(i(il Bep PG ....

Marshall (Bassas), Liberia M-^P ]8h.

Masitisi (Bassnto), Cape Colony P]\[ 14 1.

Massuah, Egypt * 13ir.

]\Tataliele (Bassuto), Kaffraria PM 14 1.

]\Iatlare (Pretoria ). Ti-dnsvdal Bep H 14k.

Matthews (Kini? William's T.), Oij^e Colony. .PG 14 1.

JMatzebaiulea (Valdezia), TraitHvaal Hep BN 13k.

JMaujutius T., Indian Ocean C—PG Ilk.

]\ri)aiig\ve (Corisco), Gttrnea P lOh.

:>[fCanhy's (Batliiirsl), Gambia W 18g.

McDonald (FreetoAvn), Herra Leone * 18h.

M ed i net ( Fayoom), Kfn^pt UP 1 3 f.

]\Ielkhouts fonteiu (Pviversdale), Cape Colony. .PG 14 I

IVIellawi (Osiooi). Fgyjn UP 13f.

Me^;di Mission, TlV.v^ Africa C 18h.

]\Ii(ldlel)urg- (Graaf Reinet), Cape Colony * 14 1.

jMilUbnroh (Monrovia), Liberia B—31 181i.

]\linieh (Osiooi), Egypi UP 13 f.

Mishteh (Osiooi), Egypt UP 13 f.

Plodder lontein (C«)ncoruia), Cape Colony... .'R'Sl 15k.

Modimul'le (Ga iMatlale), Trammal Hep BN 14k.

MoGADOR, Marocco * 17e.

MojAXGA, Madagascar LM—


12 j.

Mokopan (Pretoria), Transvaal Rep H 14k.

Molepolole, South Africa LM 14k.

JMoMBASA, Zanzibar C 13 i.

MoKiioYiA, Liberia E—M—



Montague (Zwellendam), Cape Colony * 141.

Morija (Bassuto), Cape Colony PM 14k.

:Morley, lutffraria W 141.

Mortonville (Cameroon's), Guinea BM IGh.

MoshanensT (Bloemfontein), Orange Biver F. S.W 14k.

Mosiiele (Aliwal North),i?cmw^w PM 141.

IMossel Bay (Riversdale), Cape Colony. PG 14 i.

Moteah (Osio(n), Egypt UP 13 f.

Motito (Kuruman), South Africa LM 14k.

Mount Arthur (Queenstown), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Mount C'oke (K. William's T.), Cape Colony.




14 1.

IMount Olive (Bassas), Liberia M 18h.

Mount Scott (Cape Paimas), Liberia M 17h.

Seeli?t of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages C,7.

Page 62: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

56 o. w. (fc a B. COLTON & co:s

IVIpapwa, Central Africa 13 i.

Mtesa, Central Africa I8I1.

IVIiiden (Pietermaritzbursr), Natal H 131v.

Mure (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Nabis (Warmbad), Kamaqua RM 15k.

Xa^enen^e (Gaboon R. ), Guinea P I6I1.

NAKiiAYr.EH, Egypt UP 18 f.

Napier (Gnadenihal), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Ndakana (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Negadeh (Koos), Eqypt UP 13 f.

Neu Deutschland (Port Nat;il), Natal BN 13k.

Neu Lattaku, Kuruman, Becliuana LN 14k.

New Barmen (Otyikangs), Damara KM 15k.

New Calabae, Guinea 141i.

Newcastle (Pietermaritzburg), Natal BX 14 1.

New Cess (Bassas), Liberia M ITli.

New Georgia (Monrovia), Liberia 1V[ I8I1.

New Griqiia Land, Cape Colony LM 14 1.

New Halle (Pretoria), Trammial Rep BN 14k.

New Hanover (Pietermaritzburg), Natal H 13k.

New Hope (Bassas), Liberia M 17li.

Newbmds (Capetown), tape Colony PG 15 1.

New Rush (Pniel), Oranrje River Free State . .BN 14k.

Newspaper (Port Natal), Natal A 18k.

New Station (Ga ]\ratlaie), Transvaal Rep BN 14k.

Newton Dale (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . W 14 1.

Ngangelizwe, Luiffraria W 14 1.

Nomba (Gaboon R.), Guinea P I6I1.

Norap (Concordia), Cape Colony W 15 1.

Notoane (Limao), Transvaal Rep H 1 4k.

Nqumeya (King William's T.). Cape Colony. ,FS 141.

Nsekyi (Jamestown). Guinea BE ITli.

Odumase (Jamestown), Guinea BE I6I1.

Ogbomosho, Guinea BS I6I1.

Ojaresa (Jamestown), Guinea BK ITh.

Okaliandya (New Barmen), Damara WSl 15k.

Okombatie, Damara RM 15k.Okozondyc, Omaruru (Ameib), Damara RM 15k.

Old Calabar, Guinea UPS 16h.

Old Town (Old Calabar), Guinea UPS I6I1.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 63: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Oniiiriini (Okombnlie), Lnmara EM lok.

OmUuro (Ameil-), Damara RM ^ok.

Onttsiia, Guinea C IGh-

Ookicp, Cape Colony PG ....

()i{ AN. A Igeria UPS—" IGe.

0«nni:iie (Ow\\^\\'a), Guinea C IGli.

Osboin (Qneenstown). Kaffiaria W 141,

Osliielle (Abeokiitu), Guinea C IGli.

(^siooT, Kgypi UP 1 8 f.

Otta (Lnaos), Guinea C lOli.

Otyinbiiiirne (New Bnrmen), Damara "RM lok.

Olyizeva (New Baniieu), Damara RM 15k.

Otyosazu, Damara RM 15k.

Otyozoxdyupa, Damara R>[ 15k.

O'ldenbosch (Riversdale), Cape Colony RN 141.

OuDTSiiooKN, Cape Colony LM—PG 14 1.

Paat^l. Cape Colony LM—PG 151.Paballon^ (Bassiito). Kaffraria PM 14 1.

Pacalfsdorp (Oudfsliooni), Cape Colony Li\[ 14 1.

Pamplemoiisses, Mauritius I PG Ilk.Patalekopa (Limao), Transvaal Bep H 14k.Patalelsliopa (Limao), BecJmanas H 14k.

Peddie (Giahamstown), Cape Colony AV ]4 1.

IVelion (Kinq: William's T.), Cape Colony.. . .LM 14 1.

Pel la ( r.imao). Tranxraal Dep FI 14k.

Pella (WHimbad), Cajie Colony RM 15k.

Peiujiia (Monrovia), Liberia AE 181i.

Perksdajy (Kt. BeantbM), Cape Cohmy W 14 1.

Peterbei-ii- (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . . .BN 141.

Phalane (Prefoi ia), TranMr/ial Hep H 14k.

Pljiliptoii (Shiloh), Cape Colony LM 14 1.

PiETEHMAiUTzwuHG, Katal... FS—PG—



Pinelovvn (Port Natal), Natal PG 18k.

Pirie (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Plaines Wilhems, Mauritius I. C Ilk.

Pniel, Orange Di>\ Free State BN 14k.

Pondo Mission (Piefermaritz'tiirs:), Natal W i4k.

Poorljesdamm (Bloemfouteiu), Orange Diver Free

State BN 14k.

Poortjesfontein (Bloemfontein), Orange Direr

Free State BN 14k.

See list olMifSionary Socitties and acccnipanyiug note onpagcs 6,7.

Page 64: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

58 G. W. & C. B. COLTOX & CO:S

Port Alfred (Gr;iliamstovvn), Cape Colony W 141.

Port Elizabeili (Uitenhageii), Cape ColonyL'Sl—


14 1.

Port Lonis, Mduritias C—PG Ilk.Port NrUloth (Concordia), C<ipe Colony PG lok.Porto Novo (Wli ydali), Guinea W 1 61i.

J*oloana (Pretoria), TrannKaal Hep H 14k.PoTsciiEFSTRooM, IWinsvaal Bep . .B^—PG—


14k.PjietoJxIA, Transvaal Rep BN— AV 14k.

Qieali Mission (Monrovi i), Liberia 1\[—



QcEEXsTowN, Cape Colony PG—


14 1.

QaesLa's (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 141.

Qnezana (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Qditta, Keta, Guinea NG IGli.

Quolora (K. William's T.), Cape Colony UPS 14 1.

Rimaliana (Limao), Bechnana H 14k.Rankine (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Kintismos(Poit Natal), :Satal H 13 1.

Reiiobotii, Damara R>[ lok.RiBE, Zanguebar * 13 i.

Richmond (Pietermaritzbnrg), Natal IP—PG 13k.Riclitersfeld (Concordia), Cape Colony RM 15k.Rili, Kaffraria PG 14 1.

RiVERSDALE, Cape Colony BN—PG 14 1.

River Usutu (Xodweni^ui, Zulu Ld PG 13k.Ro Beukeli (Freetown), Sierra Leone * 181i.

Robertson (Zwellendam), CVf;)^ Colony...VG—


1.") 1.

Robertsport (Monrovia), Liberia M—



Robben Island (Cape Town), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Rockbookah (C. Palmas), Libena E ITli.

Rocktown (C. Palmas), Liberia. E 171i.

Roda (Fayoom), Egypt UP 13 f.

Rokelle (Freetown), Sierra Leone ^ ISli.

Rondebosli (Cape Town), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

Russeltown (Freetown), Sierra Leone * 18h.Rustenburg (Pretoria), Transvaal Hep H—PG 14k.

Saint Augustine's, Kaffraria PG 14 1.

Saint Francis Simon's Town (Cape Town), CapeColony PG 15 1.

Saint Helena Bay (Malmesbury), Cape Colony PG 15 1.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pay;es,

Page 65: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Saint Helena I., Atlantic Ocean PG ]7j.Saint John's (Kin.ir William's T.), Cape Colony PG 14 1.

Saint John Bai^tist (Qneenstown), Cape Colony PG 141.Saint John's River, Kaffraria. PG 141.Satnt Louis, Seneqambia Pj\[ 18ir.

Saint Luke's (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . PG 141.Saint Wm\Cs Kaffraria PG 141.Saint Clary's (Batlnirst), Gambia W IS.i^.

Saint :\[arv'?, Zulu Ld PG 13k."

Saint Matthew's (King William's T,), Cape Col-

ony PG—


141.Saint Paul's (Nodwengn), Znlu Ld PG 13k.Saint Paul's, St. Helena 1 PG 17 j.

Saint Paul's, George (Oudtshoorn), Cape Col-

ony PG 141.Saint Paul's River (Monrovia), Libena M 18h.Saint Pe'er's Gwatyu, South Africa PGSalem (Ameib), Damara R>[ 15k.Salem (Grahamstown), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Salem (Jamestown), Guinea BE 17h.Samsonville (^Monrovia), Liberia P ISli.

Sandf'eld (Concordia), Cape Coloiiy RM lok.Sanhoor (Fayoom), Egypt UP 13 f.

Sarepta (Cape Town), Ca.pe Colony R^[ lo 1.

Saron (^Lilmesbury), Cape Colony RM 15 1.

Saron (Pretoria), Transvaal Eep II 14k.Sasabi (Jamestown), Gvinea BE 17li.

Schctmansdorp (New Barmen), Damara . . . .RM 15k.ScniETFONTEiN, Cape Colony RM 14 1.

Schmelenshoop (Otyosazu), Damara RM 15k.Schoenberg (Oudtshoorn). Cape Colony PG 14 1.

Sekiiomo, Slioshong, Bechvana H—LM 14k.Seymour (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony W 141.Shawbnry (Qneenstown), Kaffraria W 14 1.

^^HEKBOI^'o, West Africa C—


18h.Sheshegu (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony FS 141.SiiiLoii, Cape Colony U 141.SiiosHONG, Sekhomo, Beclivana H—LM 14k.Sidbnry (Grahamstown). Cape Colo)iy W 141.Siloe (i3assuto), Cape Colony PjVI 14k.Simon's Town (Cape Town). Cape Colony W 15 1.

SiNOE, Sinoii Mission, Liberia E—



Seelist of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7

Page 66: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

60 G. W. ct- C. B. COLTOX d: CO:S

Sinoris (Favoom), Eqypt UP 13 f.

Smithfield (Aliwal W\\\\Omnge Ru. F. .S-PG- VV 14 1.

Sn3idi|) (Clarkson), Cupe Colony U 141.

Soavina (A.ml)oliiniang;i), Mddagamir LM 12 j.

Somerset East (Fort Beaufort), Caj^e ColonyLM—PG-W 141.

Somerset West (Cape Town), Cajie ColonyLM—PG-W 151.

Somerville (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . .UPS 14 1.

Sonnehlum (Cape T()\vn\ C<(pe Colony PG 15 1.

Spreull (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 141.

Springbok, South Africn PG ....

Spring Hill (C. Palinas). Liberia E ITh.

Springhorn (Limao), Tran.n'aa.1 Hep II 14k.

Springs (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 I.

Springvale (Port Natal), ^'atal PG 131.

Sra (Jamestown), Guinea HE 16li.

Steinko]-»f (Concordia), , Cape Colony KM 15k.

Steinthal (Malmesbnrv), Cape Colony KM 15 1.

Stellenl)o=;cli (Paarl), Cap^e Colony. . PG—KM- \V 15 1.

Stendal (Pietermariizhurir), ^'atd BN 13k.

Stokwe (Qucenstown), Kaffraria U 14 1.

Strauss-bay (Zwellemlam), Cape Colony U 14 1.

Struthers (K. William's T.l, Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Stulterheim (Iv. William's T.), Cape Colony . .BN 14 I.

Suft (Fa3'oom), Egypf UP 13 f.

Sydenham (Pietermariizburg), jSatal PG 13k.

Tabase, Kaffraria U 141.

Taislii, Tassy (Jamestown), Guinea BE 1Tb.

Tabla (Osioot), Egypt UP 13 f.

Tamatave, Madagascir PG 12 j.

Tamatoku (Keta), Guinea BE lOli.

Tamieli (Favoom), Egypt UP 13 f.

Tarkapost, Kirkwood, (Shiloh), Cape ColonyX^^ 141.

Taung (Knruman). Bechuana L>[ 14k.

Tebo (Cape Palmas), Liberia E ITli.

Tetle (Keta), Guinea BE KJb.

Thaba Bosigo (Bassnto), Cape Colony PM 14k.

Thabana Morcna (Bassuto). Cap)e Colony PM 14k.

Thaba' Nschu (Bloemfoutein), Orange River FreeState PG-W 14k.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 67: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

jnssioyAJ^r jjap of the ^voIaJ). gi

Tluitloane (Ga Mallale), TranRraal Bep BN 14k.

Tidmaiiton (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony L^I 141.

Toto Korie (Moiirovin), Liberia E I8I1.

Trinit}- Chapel (Monrovia), lAheria E I8I1.

Tslmkoma (Ga ]\IatlM]e), Tvaiumal Rep BN 14k.

Tsiafaliy (AmboLiniiUiga), MadarjafiCar LIM 12.1.

T'sonio (Qiiecnptown), Cape Colony W 14 1.

Tubniantown (Cape Palmas), Liberia i\I 17h.

Tniiela (Pieteimaritzbiirg), ^aial FS 13k.

Tulbaiih, Rodezand (M^Umcsbury), Cape ColonyLM—RM 151.

Tunis, Tunis - 15e.

Tutlaone (Ga JNIatlale), Transmal Rep BN" 14k.

Tutu (Jamestown), Guinea BE ITii.

Twistwvk (Gnadentbal), Cape Colony U 15 1.

Tzolo (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FIS 14 1.

UiTENirAGEX, Cape Colony LM—PG—


14 1.

Ukereme, Central Africa 13 i.

Umbonambi (Nodweniin). Zulu Ld * 13k.

Umgaba (Port Natal), ^^atal PG 131.

Umueni (Pieteimaritzunrff), JSutal PG 13k.UmlilaH (Port Natal), Natal W 13k.

Umkunkinglavn (Nodwcngu), Zulu Ld PG 13k.

Umlazi (Port Natal), Natal. PG 13k.

Umsiindnzi (Port Natal), Natal A. 14k.

Umtwaliimi (Port Natal), Natal A 13 I.

Umvoti (Port Natal), Natal A 14k.

Umzimkulu (Pietermaritzburg), Natal W 14k.

Umzinto (Port Natal), NataL. PG 13 1.

Umzumbi (Port Natal), Natal A 141.Uniondale, C((pe Colony PGUpper Emsinga (Pietermaritzbnra), Natal. . . .FS 13k.

Uxolo (K. William's T.), Cape Colony UPS 14 1.

Valdezta, Transvaal Rep * 13k.

Yermakelvkkeid (Riversdale), Cajje Colony.. B'S 141.

Yerulam (Port Natal), Natal PG—



Veytowu (Monrovia), Liberia E—



Victoria ((Cameroon's), Guinea B]\[ IGli.

Victoria West (Sclieitf(mtein), C^^rpe Colony . .PG 14 1.

Villiersdorp (Gnadentbal), Ca2)e Colony PG 15 1.

See list ofMissioiiary Societies and acccmpaiiyhig note cnpngcs 6,7.

Page 68: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

03 G. W. ct- C. B. (JOLTON & CO:S

Vlririina (Monrovia), Liberia B 18h.

Vliicht (Clarkson), Cajje Colony BN" 14 1.

Wallmannsthal (Pretoria), Transvaal Rep BN 14k.AVarmbad. Namnqua RM 15k.

AVartburg (K. WillianVs T.), Cape Colony. . . .BN 14 1.

Waya (Keta), Guinea N(t IGh.

Weenen (Pietermaritzburff), ^'atal BN 13k.

Wec^be, Ho (Keta), Gvinea NG 16h.Wellington (Freetown), Sierra Leone W 18h,

Wellinirton (Paarl), Cape Colony P.M 15 1.

Weltou^dale (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . .FS 14 1.

AVesleyville (K. William's T.), Cape Colony . . .W 14 1.

White Plains (Monrovia), Liberia M 18Ii.

AVhydah, Guinea W 161i.

Wilberforce (Freetown), Sierra Leone C—



WiNDHCEK, Damara RM 15k.

Winnibah (Jamestown), Guinea W ITli.

Winterberg (Ft. Beaufort), Cape Colony PG 14 1.

Wittekluiboscli (Clarkson), Gape Colony U 141.

AVittenberii^en (Qneenstown). Cape Colony ... .W 141.

Wittewater (Malmesbui.y), Cape Colony U 15 1.

Wodehouse Forest (Qnecnstown), Cape Colony.^ 14 1.

AVolt^ River (K. William's T.), Cape Colony. . .FS 14 1.

AVoodlaiul (Grahamstown), Cape Colony VV 141,

AVoucESTEit, Cape Colony PG—RM 15 1.

Wupperthal (Clan William), Cape Colony Ri\[ 15 1.

AVyiiburg (Cape Town), Cape Colony. .

.' W 15 1.

Xakaxa (K. William's T.), Cape Colony FS 14 1.

Yiand fontein (Oudtshoorn), Cape Colony. . . .BX 141.

York (Freetown), Sierra Le'nie W—



York (Pietermaritzbuig), ^'atal \V :3k.

YoiiUBA JSlissiou, Guinea C l()h.

Zanzib.vr, Zanzibar * 131.

Zerabi (Osioot), Egypt UP 13 f.

Zoar (Oudtshoorn) Cape Colony BN 14 1.

Zuurbraak (Zwelleudam), Cape Colony LM 141.

Zwartkop (PietermaritzUurg), Natal W 13k.

ZwELLENDAM, Cape Colony LM—PG—


14 1.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 69: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


EUROPE.Aaran, Switzerland M IGd.

Accumersiel (Oldenburir), Germany Isl 16<\

Adelsheim (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d.

Aduianople, Turkey A 14(1.

Affaltern, Switzerland M 16d.

Aiguesvives (Marseilles), France W 16d.

Aimargiies (Marseilles), France W Ifkl.

Ajaccio (I. Corsica), France * 16d.Alais (Lyons), Fr<uice W 16d.

Alldort' (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d.

Alicante, Spain B 17e.

Almenden, Siciizerland E



Alstrup, Denmark * 15c.

Altomonte (Messina), Italy W 15e.

Altona (Hamburg), Germany IP 16c.

Amiens (Rouen), France * 16c.

Amsterdam, Holland FS—



Anagni (Rome), Italy W 15d.

Anduze (Lyons), France W 16d.

Antwerp, Belgium * 16c.

Aquila (Naples), Italy W 15d.

Arboga (Orebro), Siceden .M 15c,

Arcachon (Bordeaux), France * 17d.

ARE^DAL, JS'orway M—BM 16c,

Argentano (Messina), Italy W 15d.

Armentienes (Calais), France * 16c.

A.-Uer (Orebro), Sweden B 15c.

Asola (Milan), Italy W 15.1.

Athens, Greece E—SP 14e.

Augsburg (Municli), Gennany W 15d.

Auricli (Oldenburg), Geimany M 16c.

Avola (Messina), Italy W loe.

Backnang (Stuttgart), Germany..'

, W 16d.

Baden Baden (Stuttgart), Germany PG 16d.

SeeKetof Missionary Societit'sai-dacccmpaiiying note tn pages C,T.

Page 70: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

64 G. W. ct- a B. COLTON cD CO:S

Bagneres de Bigorre (Ba3'()nne), France * 16cl.

Bauoklona, Spain B— \V 16d.

Bai-i (Naples), Italy BS lod.

Barklmlt (Carlkronn), ISiceden B loc.

Barmen (Cologne), Germany " 16c,

Basel, ^Switzerland EA—M—



Beicliweiler (Stuttgart), Germany M IGd.

Beilstein (Stuttgart), Germany jNI 16d.

Behgen, iVoricay B^[ Itib.

Berlin, Germany B—M—IP—



Bern, Sioitzerland EA

j\[ 16d.

Bevig (Arendal), Norway M 16c.

Biarritz (Bayoune), France * 17d.

Biel, Switzerland INI 16d.

Bielefeld (Hanover), Germany M 16c.

Bietigherni (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.

Bjuf (CarlsUrona), Sweden ISI 15c.

Boge (Wisby), Sweden INI 15c.

Bohlanden (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

Bologna. Italy M— \V 15d.

Bonn (Cologne), Germany IP 16c.

Bordeaux, France W—



Boulogne (CaJais), France C—VV—



Boxlioini (Orebro), Sweden M 15c.

Bremen, Germany B—



Bremerliaven (Bremen), Germany iSt 16c.

Brescello (Florence), Italy M 15d.

BRESLAtJ, Germany FS—



Bretteu (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

Brunn, Austria A 15d.Brussels, Belgium W—



BuKAREST, Turkey * 14d.

Bulacli (Zurich), Switzerland M 16d.

Bliude (Hanover), Germany EA 16c.

Burgdort (Basel), Switzerland EA I6d.

Buttle ( Wisby), Sweden AC 15c.

Cagliari (I. Sardinia), Italy BS lOe.

Calais. France W—



Caluiar (Carlskrona), Sweden ^V 15c.

Calvisson (Lyons), France W 16d.

Calw (Stuttgart), Germa)iy M 16d.

Tov full explanation ol abbreviatioug, etc., used in these pa^jes.

Page 71: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Cannstatt (Stnttirart), Oermany EA—



Capua (Naples), ^Italy W lod.Carlsliamn (Carlskrona), Siceden B—



Cahlsktjona, Sueden B—


15c.OarlsMilie (Stuttgart), Germany EA—M—


16d.Carlstadt (Orobrr)), Sweden M 15c.CMi-pi (Venice), ItcU/ BS 15cl.

Ca?erta (Naples). Itdy W 15d.Cassel (Frankfoit), Germany M 16c.Catanzaro (Messioa), Jtaly W 15e.Caveirac (Marseilles, France W 16d.Cliantill}' (Ciiauny), France * 16d>Chauny, France R 16(1.

Chrtstiania, Noricay M—BM 15b.Clirislianople (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.Cliristinehamn (Orebro), Sweden M 15c.Codognan (Marseilles), France W 16d.CoLBERG, Germany .M 15c.Colniar (Basel), Germany EA 16d.Cologne, Germany PG—



Contrenies (Lyons). France W ] 6(1.



1 4(1.

CopENTiAGEX, Denmark B—



Cosenza (Messina), Italy W 15e.Conrtrai, Belgium IP 16c.

Cracow (Breslau), Anstria * 15d.Crefeld (Cologne), Germany * IGc.

Cremona (Bologna), Italy W 15(1.

Crest (Lyons), France W 16d.

Dantzic (Konigsberg), Germany INI— * 15e.

Darmstadt (Frankf()rt), Germany PG 16d.Delary (Carlskrona). Sweden M 15c.

Delinenhorst (Bremen), Germany M 16c.

Denain (Chauny), France B 16c.

Dieppe (Rouen), France - 16d.

Dieiilefit (Marseilles), France W 16(1.

Dlllenbnri): (Frankfort), Germany M 16c.

Dinan, France PG 17d.

Ditzinnen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16(1.

Doertendoi f (Dresden), Germany ]M 15c.

Dornlian (Stuttgart), Germany E.\ 16d.

See list of Mi^sionary Sock ties and acccnipaBjinguotc en pages 6,7-.

Page 72: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

66 G. w. & a B. COLTOX & co:s

Dortmund (Cologne), Germany EA 16c,

Dovadola (Floitnce), Italy 31 lod.

DiiA-MMEN, Norway ]\I 15c.

Dresden, Germany EA—S—



Dunkirk (Calais), France - 16c.

Duriacli (Stuttgart), Germany E 16tl.

Dusseldorf (Cologne), Germany "^16c.

Ebijigen (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.

Edevvecht (Oldenburg), Germany M 16c.

Edswalla (Ore.uro), Sweden iSE 15c.

Elberf'eld (Cologn'e), Germany ^ 16c.

Emden (Oldenburg), Germany IM 16c.

Entiingen (Stfittgart), Germany E.V. 16d.

Estns (Oldenburg), Germany j\[ lUcEskilstuua (Orebro), Siceden ]M 15c.

EsKi Zagra, Turkey A 14d.

Essen (Cologne), Germany EA 16c;.

Esslingen (Stuttgart), Germany EA— W^ 16d.

Feiierbach (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

Finspang (Orebro), Sweden yi 15c.

Flensbarg (Hamburg), Germany M 16c.

Florence, Italy M—FS 15d.

Floridia (Messina), Italy W 15e.

Forli (Florence), Italy M 15d.

Fourdigrotta (Naples), Italy W 15d.Fiiankfort-on-Maine, Germany M—PG—



Frederikshald, Norway ]\[ 15c.

Frederikslad (Frederikshald), Norway M 15c.

Freiburg, Switzerland PG 161.Fresnes (Rouen), France W 16d.

Freudenstadt (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.

Frutigen. Switzerland EA 16d.Furnos (Christiauia), Norway M 15c.

Ganges (lyons), France W 16d.

Gefle, Sweden "M 15 ).

Geissinijen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

GENO.dtaly FS 16d.Gibraltar, Spain W—FS ITeGiessen (Frankfort), Germany M 16c.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages.

Page 73: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Glansliammer (Orebro), Siceden i\[ Inc.

Glanis (Zarif'h), Switzerland E A. 16d.Gopiiiiigeii (StuttiTurt), Germany EA 16d.GoTEijouG, G<)thenbur<r, Sweden ]M loc.

Gotteniien (Hanover), Germany ]\[ 16c.Granville (Rouen), F)'a)ice W ITd.GiiATZ, Austria A lod.Grebbestad (Orebro), Sweden i\[ 15c..

Grotlin^erbo (Wisby), Sweden V> 15o.

Grottole (Naples), Italy j\L ] 5d.

Giiglingeu (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

Ilalikern, Switzerland E A 16d.

Hall (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d,

1 lallsberg (Orebro), Siceden ]\[ 15c.

Hamburg, Germany M




Haniniar (Christiania), JS'orway ^I 15b.

Hanovek, Germany M 16c.

Happenbacli (Stuttgart), Germany ^M 16d.

Heidenheim (Stuttgart), Gernmny EA 16d.

Heilbronn (Stuttgal't), Germany ]\[ 16d.

Heinisheini (Stuttgart), Germany ^[ 16d.

Herrenberg (Stuttgart), Germany INI 16d.

Holland (Arendal), JS'orway M 16c.

Holzgerlingen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

Homburg (Frankfort), Germany * 16c.

Honefos(Cliristiania), iVoriray ^l 15c.

Honfleur (Rouen), France * 16d.

Horgen, Switzerland M 16d.

Hornsyld, Denmark i\t 16c.

Horteu (Drammen), Norway. jM 15c.

Huelva (Seville), Spain FS ITe.

1 nterlaken, Switzerland E



Intra (Milan), Italy W 16d.

Jerez (Cadiz), Spain UPS ITe.

Jolikoping (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.

Kaiserslautern (Stuttgart), Germany ]\[ 16d.

Kappellshamn (Wisby), Sweden ^I 15c.

Karsta (Orebro), Sweden B 15b.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

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68 O. IF. (fc C. B. COLTON it CO:S

Ken<;sberg (Drammen), Noncay jM 16c.

Kirchberf]^ (tStutlgarl), Germany W 16(1.

Kirchentellinsfnrt (Stutt2:ait), Germnny EA 16(1.

Kirchheim under Teck (Stuttgart), Germany ..YnS. 16d.

IvisciiiNEFF, Uvma .X * 14(1.

Knittlin<;en (Stutti^art), Germany M 16d.Konosvin<i;er (Cliristiania), JS'orway M 15b.

KoNiGSBERG, German]/ * 14c.

Krageroe (Arendal), JSortcai/ .M—BM 16c.

Kuclieu (Stuttgart), Germany E.\ 16d.Kiinzelsau (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.

La Chaux de Frond, Sicitzerland INI 16d.La Fere (Cliauny), France 1> 16'1.

Lain- (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.Landemeure (Rouen), France W 16d.Langeland, Denmark .!M loc.

Langeiithal (Basel), Switzerland EA 16d.Larbeck (Orebio), Sweden M 15c.

La Saca. Spain BLasalle (Lyons), France W 16d.Laurevig (Cliristiania), Norway jM 16c.

Lausanne, Switzerland M—FS— \V 16d.Le Cailar (Marseilles), France W 16d.Leghorn (Florence), Italy FS lod.Leipzig (Dresden), Germany * 15c.

Lekliyttan (Orebro), Sweden jM 15c.Lemberg. Austria * 14d.Lempo (ILmovei), Germany EA 16c.

Lenzburg, Switzerland ]M 16d.Lidkoping (Gothenburg), Sweden M 15c.

Liestal, Switzerland M 16d.Lille (Calais), France * 16c.

LiNAKES, Spain B 17e.

Linde (Orebro), Sweden j\[ ]5c.

Linkoping (Orebro), Sweden M 15c.

Lisbon, Portugal : .FS ITe.

Lisienx (Rouen), France W ITd.Livrou (Lyons), France \V 16d.Loftahamniar (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c,

Loftcha (Plevna). Turkey M 14d.Lonmielunda (Wisby), Sweden M 15c.

'Eox lull explanation of abbreviai ions, tic, used in these i^Jiyee,

Page 75: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Lnii Palanka (Widiii), 7\n?.aj M 14(1.

L'Oiieiit (Brest), France AVC 17d.Lovers (Carlskrona), S-mchn ]\r 15c.LiidwigsburiT (Slutlgai 1). Gtitiaihy 3[ ]6(1.

Lnnd (Copenhagen), Suede


JN[ ] 5r.

Lyoks, France B—



Madeid, Spain B-IP—LTS 17d.JMaikz, Germemy B 16d.Majorna (Gothenburg'), Su-edcn M 15c.Mahnkoping (Stockhohn). Sweden M 15c.

JNIalmo (Copenhagen), Svfchn B—



Malta, Mediterranean Sea FS loe.

Marbach (Stiitlgart), Germany M 16d,Marseilles, France * 16d.JNIeiringen, Siciizerland EA ]6d.3Iemel (Koni^sberg), Germany * 14c.Messina, Italy W—



Metzingen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.Mezzano, inf. (Bologna), Italy W 15d.Milan, Itedy BS—M—SP—W—


16d.Miuden (Hanover), Germany EA—


16c.Modena (Bologna), Italy BS 15d.Molis (Zurich), Switzerland EA 16d.JNIONASTiR, Turkey A—



ISIonsterose (Carlskrona), Sweden j\[ 15c.

3I0NTEBELLIAED, France B IGd.Mora (Getle), Sweden ]\I 15b.Morko (Stockholm), Swedert M 15c.

Morlaix (Brest), France B3[ 17d.iVIoss (Drammen), Koricay M I5c.

Motala (Orebro), Siceden M 15c.

Muhen (Basel), Sicitzerland EA 16d.Mulliausen (Basel), Germany EA—


16d.Miilheini (Cologne), Germany EA 16c.

MuNicir, Germany W—


15d.Mlinster (Basel), Germany ExA. 16d.

Murrhardt (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d.

Nagold (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.

Nala, Germany *

Nancy (Paris), France W 16d.

See list of iliesionary Societies ai.d acccmpauying note i n pages 0,7.

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70 G. W. it C. B. COLTOX tt CO:S

Naples, Italy FS—M—BS—AV—



Neeisledt (Bremen), Geriminy "M 16c.Neaenstein (Stuttgart), Germany M 16d.Neuschoo (Oldenbui-fr). Geniiduy ]\[ 16c.New Knppin (Berlin), Germany jNl 15c.

Newsmul (Orebro), ISicedeii i\I loc.

Nice (Miirseille-), France FS 16(1.

Niines (Marseilles), France \V 16il.

Nora (Orebro), ISiceden M 15cNorden (Oldenl)urg), Germany AL 16(\Nordheini (Stnttgari), Germany EA 16d.N(M-rk<)ping (Orebro), Sweden ^i 15c,

Niiriingen (Stuttgnrt), Germany EA 16d.Nybro (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.

Nyuns (Alarseilles), France W 16d.

Oberurbiicb (Sinttgart), Germany W 16d.Odalen (Cbri^tiania), JSoricay ]\[ 15b.Odense, Denmirk ]\[ 15c.Odenswi (Orebro), Siceden ]\[ 15c.

Oehringei- (Stuttuart), Germany M 16d.Oestergarii (Wisby), Sweden B—


15c.Oey, Switzerland EA 16d.Olaud (Carlskrona), l^weden M 15c.

Oldenburg, Germany M 16c.

(.)poRTO, Portugal W 17d.Orcbania (Samakove), Turkey ^[ 14d.Orebro, Sweden B—31 15c.

Orsa (Gefle), Sweden M 15b.

Oscarabamn (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.

Padua (Venice), Italy W 15d.Palermo (Messina), It((ly W 15e.

Pallanza (Milan), Italy * 16.1.

Paris, France B—S—W—


16d,Parma (Bologna), Italy W 15d.

Pan (Bayonne), France FS ITd.

Pavia (Milan), Italy W 16d.Perugia (Florence), Italy 31 15d.

Pestii, AustrUi FS 15d.Pforzbeim (Stuttgart), Germany M 16(1.

PfuUingen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16il.

For full expltiuation of abbreviations, etc., used in these paj^es,

Page 77: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Phillppopolis (Samakove), Txirkey A 14d.Philipstad (Orebio), Siceden ]\[ 15c.Piiniasens (Stuttirarl), Germany ]\[ 16d.Plauen (Dresden), Germany 'SI 15c.Plevna, Turkey ]\[ 14d.Plochiiii^en (Sliittirart), Germany EA 16d.Porsgriind (Areiidal), Norway M 16c.Port Mahon, MiDoica, i:j)aui W 16e.

PosEN, Germany * 1 5c.

Pozzuoli (Naples), Italy W 15d.Prague, Austria A—FS lod.Prevorst (Stuttgart), Germany AV 16d.

Quimper (Brest), France WC 17d.

Pamberg (Orebro), Siceden .«B 15c.

Pan?ater (Orebro), Siceden jNF 15c.

lieggio (Bologna), Italy W 15d.PeuTlingen (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16d.Rheims (Paris), France W 16d.Rbehibiscbot'sheim (Basel), Germany EA ]6d.Rbeineck, Suitzerland ,... ]\[ 16d.

Rheinpreussen (Cologne), Germany ^I 16d.

Ried, Sicitzerland E



Rinderwaid, Sicitzerland EA 16d.Rodosto (Constantinople), Tvrkei/ A 14d.

Rome, Italy BS—31—BiAl—FS—PG—W—


15d.Ronneby (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.

Rottejdam (Amsterdam), Holland * 16c.

Rouen (Havre), France * 16d.Ruhrort (Cologne), Germany EA 16c.

RusTCiiUK, Turkey M 14d.

Ryssby (Carlskrona), Sweden 1V[ 15c.

Saint Brieuc (Brest), France BM 17d.Saint Didier (Ly(jns), France B 16d.

Saint Dizier (Paris'), France W 16d.

Saint Etienne (Lyons), France B 16d.

Saint Jean de Luz (Bayonne), France * 17d.Saint Sanveur (Paris), France B 16(].

Saint Servan (Brest), France * 17d.Salerno (Naples), Italy W 15d.

See list ofMiesionary Societies and acccmpanyirg note on pages 6,7.

Page 78: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

72 G. W. & C. B. COLTOX <£• CO:S

SALo^'IKA, Turkey SP—


Ud.Samokove, Turkey A H'l.

San Fernando (Cadiz), Spain UPS ITe.

San Marco (Messinii). Ttnli/ W loe.

Santa Maria (Xaples), Italy W lod.

Santaxder, Spain A. 17(1.

Sardinia I , Italy BS 16d.

Sarpsborg (Frederilvsliald), Noricay ^I loo.

S:Hive (Lyons). France W ]6il.

Scliaffiiausen, Switzerland M 16d.

Schleitheim, Sicitzerlani i\[ lOil.

Schorndorf (Stuttirart), Germany W IQiX.

Schwarzenbnrir, Stcitzerland EA 16d.

Setteville (Roiren), France * 16d.

Seville, Spain - 17e.

Sigtnna (Upsala), Sweden ^[ 15n.

Sinslieim (Stuttgart), Germany ]\[ lOd.

Sistova (Rnstchuck), Turkey M Ud.Skien (Dranimen), Norway 51 IBn.

Slite ( V/isby), Sweden P, loc.

Sodertelje (Stockhohn), Sweden 1N[ loo.

Solinona (Naples), Italy W ] o-l.

Speier (Stuttgart), Germany ^[ '[Q^.

Spozia (Genoa), Italy W IGd.

Stavanger (Areudal), Norway IM 16c.

Stenum, Denmark * 15c.

Stockholm, Sweden B—^[ loc.

Strassburg (Basel), Germany M—



Stromstad (Orebro), Sweden >[ loc.

Stuttgart, Germany EA—M—



Sundsvall, Sweden B lob.

Sv^eudborg, Denmark >[ 1 ocSyra, Greece C Up.Syracusa (Messina), Italy W loe.

Terni (Rome), Italy M lod.

Thahveil, Switzerland M IGd.

Tillers (Lvous), France W IGd,

Thuu, Switzerland E



riiur, Switzerland iN[ 1 Gd.

Fhurgan (Basel), Switzerland EA IGd.

Torre' Pellice, Italy BS lod.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 79: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Tours, France * 16^1.

Tremel, France BM 17cl.

Trieste, Aui<tria * lod.Trolleborg, Denmark M 15c.

Tromsoe, 2\oricay BM 15b.Trondhjeni, Norway BM 15l\

Tilhiniren (Stuttgart), Germany EA 16tl.

Tultcha, Turkeii M 14fl.

Turin (Milan), Italy * 16cl.

Ulm (Stuttcrart), Germany EA—


L5(LUpsala, Sweden B—]\r 15o.Uster, Switzerland j\[ lOd.Uzes (Marseilles), France W 16cl.

Vailiingen, (Stuttgart), Germany INI 16d.Valleraugnos (Lvons), France W 16d.Vauvert (>rarseilles), France W 16d.Vetresaok (Bremen), Germany M 16c.Veile, Denmark M 16o.Venice, Italy BS—M—IP 15d.Vergeze (Marseilles), France W 16d.Versailles (Paris), France * 16d.Vetere (Naules), Italy W 15d.Vevay. Switzerland W 16d.Vicobeirm-nano (Bologna), Italy W 15d.Vienna, A nf^fria

"; IP_\V—


I5d.VoLOS, Turkey SP 14e.

Waiblina-en (Stuttgart). Germany W 16d.Walda (Gothenburg). Sweden M 15c.Waldemarsvik (Orebro), Sweden M 15c.Waltersdorf (Dresden). Germany M 15c.Wamlingbo ( Wisby), Sweden M 15c.Wangen (Stuttgart), Germany E


16d.Warberg (Gothenburg), Sweden ]\t 15c.Weil im Solionbuch (Stuttgart), Germany . . .EA 16d.Welzlieim (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d.Westerhauderfehii (Oldenburg), Germany M 16c.Westeruui (Carlskrona), Sweden B 15c.Westervik (Carlskrona), Sweden M 15c.WiDiN, Turkey M 14d.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note en pages 0,7.

Page 80: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

G. W. & C. B. COLTON tfc CO:S

Winnenden (Stuttgart), Germany W 16d.Winterthiir, Switzerland M 16d.AVinzerhansen CStuttgart), Germany M 16d.WiSBY, Sweden ]M 15c.Worms (Mainz), Germany EA 16d."Wynau (Basel), Switzerland EA. 16d.

Zakagoza, Spain A 17d.Zimmerwald, Switzerland EA 16d.Zotingen (Basel), Switzerland EA IGd.Zurich, Switzerland M 1 Gd.

Zwickau (Dresden), Germany M 15c.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used In these pages,

Page 81: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


AMERICA.Abaco, BaJiamas "W 24 f.

AcAPULCO, Mexico P 26^.Albany, Brit. Poss C 25c.

Albany (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24o:.

Alderville, Canada MC 24(1.

Allegany Indian Res., JVezo Tork, f7.*S'.J.. .Friends 24d.Allende (Monterey), Mexico A 27 f.

Ameca (Mexico), Mexico .'. IVt 262-.

Andros I., Bahamas BM—PG 24 f.

Anguilla, West Indies PG—



Annaszorc: (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana U 221i.

Antigua,'' West Indies PG—U—



Aqna-les^uas (Monterey), Mexico A 27 f.

Arickaree Sioux Indians (Ft. Bertbold), Dakota,U.S.


A 27d


Arouca (Trinidad I.), West Indies UPS 23g.August Town (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.

Bahamas, West Indies BM—PG—


24 f.

Bahia. Brazil P 20 j.

Bannack and Shosbone Indians (Ft. Hall),

Idaho. U.S.A M 28d.Barbadoes T., West Indies PG—U—


22g.Barbuda, West Indies PG 23g.Barranquilla, U. S. of Colombia SP 24b.

Bartica Grove (Pomeroon). Br. Guiana PG 22b.

Basse terre (St. Kitts I.), West Indies U 23g.Batcbewana B., Canada MC 25d.Batb (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.Baxter Mts. (Jamaica), West Indies C 24g.Beaufort (Jamaica), West Indies U 24(j-.

Beausoliel, Canada MC 25d.

Beecbamville (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.Beekbuizen (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana U 22b.

Beersbeba (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana U 22b.

See list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note onp^gee 6,7.

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76 G. ^Y. & C. B. COLTON cfc CO:S

!Helize, Central America W 25<r.

Bellevue (Jiimiiica), West Indies UPS 24g.

Belly River, Brit. Pons :MC 28c.

Berbice (New Amsterdam), Brit. Guiana W 22b.

Berens River, Brit. Pos.<i UC 26c.

Bero; en dal (P;iramaribo), DutcJt Guiana U 22b.

Bermuda, Atlantic FS 23e.

Betbabara, Patrick T. (Jamaica), West ladies . .U 24g,Betbaii}^ (Bluefields). Mosquitia U 2og.

Betbany (^Jamaica), West Indies U 24s:.

Betbauy, St. Jolui's I. (Wy^xw Is.), West Indies. V 23i?.

Betbel (Barbadoes I.), West Indies W 22i?.

Betbel (St. Kitts 1 ), West Indies U 28g.Betbesda (St. Kitts I.). West Indies U 232:.

Bimiui I. (Andros I.), Bahamas BM—


24 f.

Bhickfeet Indians, Montana, U.S.


M 27d.Bhick River (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.Bluepields, Mo.9qnitia U 2o2:.

Bogota, U. S. of Colombia P 24b.Braiuerd (Jamaica), West Indies B 24o;,

Brandon Hill (Jamaica), West Indies 24g.Bridgetown (Barbndoes), West Indies U 22g.British Guiana Mission BS 22ii.

Brotas (Rio Claro), Brazil P 21k.Brown's Town (.Jamaica). West Indies W 24?.Brownsville (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 242:.

Buenos Ayres, Argentine Rep M 22 1.

Burrard Inlet (New Westminster), Brit Col. .MC 29d.

Cabacabnri (Pomeroon), Br. Guiana PG 22b.Caddo, Delaware, Comaucbe, Wicbita Indians,

Indian Ter, U.S.


Friends 26e.

Cadereyta (>[onterey), Mexico A 27f.

Caicos, Bahamas. BM 24 f.

Campinas, Brazil SP 21k.Cape Croker, Canada IMC 2.")il.

Cape llavtien (Ilayti), West Indies B.>[ 24g.CapulbuMc (Mexico), Mexico P 26^^Carron Hall (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 242:.

Cataira (Monterey), Mexico A 27 f.

Catbarlne Sojibia (Paramaribo), Dc.tch Guiana U 221).

Cedar Hall, Antirjua I. U 23g.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 83: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Cedar Valley (Jamaica). Weftt Indies UPS 24g'.

Cbapelton (Jamaica), West Indies L]\I 24a:.

Cliarlottenburg (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana.. .U 22h.Chateaubellair (St. Vincent I.), West Indies.. . .W 23g.Cherokee Indians Indian Ter., U.8.A B—





Chesterfield (Jamaica), West Indies WSl 24g.Che3'enne Agency Miss., Dakota E 26d.Cheyenne and Arapahoe Ind. Agency, Ind. Tei\,

U.S.A Friends 26e.

Chickasaw Indians, Indian Ter., U.S.A . . .BS—



Cliilliwhack (N.Westminster), Brit. Colombia. MC 29d.

Chimal (Mexico), Mexico. ]\[ 26.<r.

Chippewa Indians, Michigan, U. S-A ]V[ 25d.Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin, U.S.A P 26d.Chippewa Indians (Leech Lake), Minnesota,

U.S.A E—




Chippewa Indians (Red Lake), Minn. , U.S.A . . .



Chippewa Indians, White Earth Agy., Minn. . .E 26d.Choctaw Indians, Indian Tei\ US.






Christian Is., Canada MC 25d.

Clarendon (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.Clevia (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana U 22h.

Clifton Hill (Barbadoes), West Indies U 22g.CocHOEiRA, Brazil P 20 j.

Comoz, Brit. Columbia PGCoolie Mission (New Amsterdam), Br. Guiana.^ 22h.

CopiAPO, Chili P 24k.

Cordova (Orizaba), Mexico M 26g.Corozal, Central America W 2og.

Cos (Zacatecas). Mcrico P 27 f.

Couva (Trinidad), West Indies * 23g.

Cowichen (Victoria), Vancouver I. PG 29d.

Cranmer, Falkland Is * 23n.

Creek Indians, Indian Ter., U.S.A B—BS

...M-P 26e.

Crow Creek Agency Indians, Dakota, U.S.A . .E 26d.

Crow Indians, Montana, U.S.A M 27d.

Cumberland. Brit. Boss C 27c.

Cumberwell (Jamaica), West Indies BM 24g.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6, 7


Page 84: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

78 G. W. it a B. COLTON <fc CO:S

Davyton (Jamaica), West ladies LM 24g.

Delawares and Munsee ladians, Kan., U.S.A. . .U 26e.

Devon (Cuniherland), Brit. Foss C 27c.

Dominica, West Indies PG—W 23g.

Dondon (Hay ti). West Indies BM 2i<^,

Duncan's (Jamaica), West Indies W 24J^

Ebenezer (Barbadoes), West Indies W 22i;.

Ebenezer (Georiretown), Br. Gimina. LM 22h.

Ebenezer (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24<5.

Edmonton, Brit. Pass MC- PG 28c.

Egedesminde, Greenland DL 221).

Eleuthera I., Ba/mmas BM—W 24 f.

Emmaus, St. John's I. (Virgin Is.), West Indies. U 23^.

Ephrata (Bluefields), Mosquitin U 2o,^^

Epsom (Jamaica), West Indies BM 24i::.

Esquimau, Brit. Columbia NA—PG 29d.

Essequibo (Georgetown). Br. Guiana W 221i.

Estridge (St. Kit\s I.), West Indies U 23g.

ExuMA I., Bahamas PG—BM 24 f.

Fairfield (Jamaica), West Indies U 24jr.

Fairforu, Brit. Pass C 2()c.

Falkland Is., Atlantic Ocean .IP—* 22n.

Falmouth (Jamaica), West Indies W—UPS 24g.

Fiftii Companv (Trinidad I.), West Indies. . . .BM 23.,^

Fisher River (Norway Ho.), Brit. Boss MC 2Gc.

Flandreau Sioux Indians, Dakota, U.S.


P 2Gd.

Fort Alexander, Brit. Boss C 20 j.

Fort Chippewayan, Brit. Boss C 28(\

Fort Francis, Brit. Boss C 2(jc.

Fort McPherson, Brit. Boss C 30b.

Fort Simpson, Brit. Boss C—MC 20b.

Fort Simpson (MetaUahtlali), Brit. Columbia ."SIC 2Dc.

Fort Wrangel, Alaska, US.A P. Home 30c.

Frederiksiiaab, Greenland DL 21b.Freedom (Georgetown), Br. Guiana LM 22h.French River, Canada MC 25d.Fresnillo (Zacatecas), Mexico P 27 f.

Friedens )er<j: (St Croix I.), West Indies U 23g.Friedensfeld (St. Croi.\ I.), West Indies U 23g.Friedensthal (St. Croi.x I.), West Indies U 23g.

tFor full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 85: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Friedriciisthal, Greenland U 21b.

Friendship (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.

Garden River, Canada MC 25d.

Georgetown, Br. Oniana LM—



Georiretown (St. Vincent I.), West Indies W 232:.

Georirina I., Canada MC 24d.

GoDiiAVN, Greenland DL 22b.

GoDTHAAB, Greenland DL 22b.

Goed Fortnin (Georgetown), Br. Guiana W 22h.

Golden Grove (Georgetown >, Br. Guiana. \M.—



Goshen (Jamaica). West Indies UPS 24g.Gracetield (Antigua I.). West Indies U 23g.Grace Hill (Antigua I.), West Indies U 28g.Grand Saiiama, Bahamas BM 24 f.

Grand Cayman, West Indies UPS 24g.Grand River, Canada MC 25d.Grand Turk I., Bahamas BM—PG—


24 f.

Grateful Hill (Jamaica), West ladies W 24g.Green Bay (Antigua I.), West Indies U 23g,Green Island (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Grenada I., West Indies V/ 23g.Gros Ventre Sioux Indians (Ft. Berthold), Da-

kota, U.8.A A 27d.Guadala jAixA, Mexico.. A 27 f.

Guanajuato (S- Luis Potosi), Mexico M 27 f.

Guy's Hill (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.

Hackney (Pomeroon), Br. Guiana PG 221i.

Halpan (Mexico), Mexico P 26g.Hampden (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 242:.

Harbor I. (Eleuthera), Bahamas W 24f.

Hayti, WeM Indies BM—


24g.Hkbron, labrador U 28c.

Herrendyk (Paramaribo), Guiana U 22h.

Hiawatha, Canada MC 24d.Hotfenthal, Hopedale, labrador U 22c.

HoLSTEiNBORG, Greenland DL 22b.

Hopedale, Hotfenthal, labrador U 22c.

Hyde Park (Georgetown), Br. Guiana LM 22h.

Igdlorpait, Greenland U 21b.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 86: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


G. ^y. & c. B. coLTOx iS: co:s

Inagua I., Bahamas PG—BM 24 f.

Irwin Hill (Jamaica), West Indies U 24s^.

Islington (Ft. Alexander), Brit. Poss C 26e.

Jacmel (Hayti), West Indies BM 24g.Jakobshavn, Greenland DL 22b.Jamaica, West Indies . . .BM—C—L:M—U—UPS 24g.James Street Mo. (Barbadoes), West Indies . . .W 22ir.

Jerez (Zacatecas), Mexico P 27 f.

JuLiANEHAAB, Greenland DL 21b,

Karata (Bluefields), 3Iosqmtia U 25g.Kettle Pom t, Canada MC 2od.Kincolith (Metlalikatlah), Brit. Poss C 29c.Kingston (Jamaica), West Indies. .BM—UPS—


24g.Kingstown (St. Vincent I.), West Indies W 23g.Kukulaga (Bluefields), Mosquitia U 25g.

La Grande Riviere (Hayti), West Indies BM 24g.Lake of the Two Mts. (Montreal), Canada. . .MC 24cl.

Lansdowne (Ft. Alexander), Brit. Poss C 2Gc.

La Prairie (Red. R. Set.), Manitoba, Brit. Poss. .C 26d.Lebanon (Antigua I.), West Indies U 2'3'j:.

Lebu, Chile * 24 1.

Leguan (Georgetown), Br. Guiana LM 22li.

Leliendahl (Pciramaribo), Dutch Guiana U 221i.

Leon (S. Luis, Potosi), Mexico M 27 f.

LiciiTENAU, Greenland U 21b.LicuTENPEi.s, Gi'eenland U 22b.LiMERiA. Brazil MS 21k.Lititz (Jamaica), West Indies U 24^:.

Long I., Bahamas BM—PG 24l'.

LoKEXA, Brazil P 21k.

Los Habras (Monterey), Mexico A 27 f.

Lower Brule Mission, Crow Cr. Airy, Dakota.. .E 26d.Lucea (Jamaica), West Indies \ UPS—


24g.liYTTON, Brit. Columbia PG 2Dc.

Magdala (Bluefields), Mosquitia U 2og.

Mabaica (Georgetown), Br. Guiana W 22ii,

Manchester (Jamaica), West Indies \V 24g.Manchioneal (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these payee,

Page 87: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Manclan Sioux Inds. (Ft. Berthokl), Dakota A 2T<1.

Mandeville (Tamaica), West Indieft ..BM 2t"j:.

Manning's Hill (Jamaica), W^ed Indies "^i"-.

Ma|)let<iii (Red R Set ), Manitoba C 2Gc.

Matamoras, Mexico SP 2') f.

Matilda Boundary (Trinidad 1.), West Indies.. B}>1 2:3ir,

Mcrquital (^Montere}'), Mexico A 27 f.

Metlaiikatlaii, Brit. Columbia (' 20c.

JMexico, Mexico P—M—MS 26,ir.

MiCHiPicoTEN, Canada MO 2od.Miraflores (Mexico), Mexico M 26g.Mission Village (Trinidad I.), West Indies * 23g.Mitchick (Mexico), Mexico P 2()g.

]\Iizpeli, Broad leaf (Jamaica), West Indies U 24g.MoNCLovA, Mexico A 27 f.

Montego Bay (Jamaica), West Indies. . .UPS—



]\Iontemorelos (Monterey), Mexico A 27 f.

Monterey, Mexico A 27 f.

Montevideo, JJru[/uay i\I 22 1.

Montgomery (Tobago I.). West Indies U 28g.Moutserrat (Antigua I.), West liidies W—PG 23g.Montserr.it (Trinidad 1.), West Indies BM 2:Jg.

Moose Fort, Brit. Boss C 25c.

JSIorant Bay (Jamaica), West Indies W 24;r.

:Moravian T., Canada MC 2."5d.

JSIoriah (Tobago I.), West Indies U 23g.]MoRLKY\ ILLE, Brit. Boss MC 28c.Mount Carmel (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Moinit Fletcher (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.ISIount Ilernion (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g,INIount Horeb (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Mount Olivet (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.3I()unt Tabor (Barbadoes I ), Wext Indies U 22g.Mount Ward (Jamaica), Wed Indies W 24g.Mount Zion (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Mud Lake, Canada MC 24 I.

Muucey, Canada MC 25d.

Nain, Labrador U 23c.

Nanaimo (Victoria), Vancouver I MC—PG 29d.Negril (Jamaica). West Indies UPS 24g.Nelson R. (Murray Ho.), Brit. Boss MC 2Gc.

See list ofMissionary Societies and accompanying note onpn'ges ti;7.

Page 88: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

G. W. (fc V. B. COLTON' & CO:S

Nepowewin (Cumberland), BHt. Poss 27c.

Nevis I. (St. Kitts), West Indies W 23s?.

New Amsterdam, Br. Guiana LM 22Ii-

New Bethlehem (Jamaica), West Indies U 242;.

New Broushton (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24<?.

New Carmel (Jamaica), West Indies U 24sr.

New Credit, Canada MC 25d.New Eden (Jamaica), West Indies U 24ir.

New Fairfield, Canada U 2od.

Newfield, Antif/ua I. U 232:.

New Fulnecli (Jamaica). West Indies U 24g.New Grant (Trinidad I.), West Indies BM 232^.

New Herrnhut, Greenland U 22b.

New Herrnhut, St. Thomas I. (Virgin Is.), West

?ndi€s U 232r.

New Hope, Salem (Jamaica), West Indies U 242:.

New Nazareth (Jamaica), West Indies U 242r.

New Providence, Bahamas BM—


24 f.

Nez Perce Indians, Idaho, U.S.A P 28d.

NiPiGON, Canada MC 25d.

Nisky (St. Thomas I. (Virsrin Is.), West Indies. . .U 23g.Norway House, Brit. Poss MC 26c.

Ocho Rios (Jamaica), West Indies "W 242;.

Oka (Montreal), Canada MC 24d.

Okak, lahrador U 23c.

Omaha Indians, Nebraska, JJ.S.A P 26d.

Omenak, Greenlaiid DL 22a.

Oneida, Canada MC 2od.

Oneida Indians, New York, JJ.S.A 1\[ 24d.

OwQxdxx ln(\\m-\^, Wisconsin, U.S.





Onondaga Indians, New York, U.S.A M 24d.

Orizaba, Me.vico M 26g.

Ottawa Indians, Indian Ter., U.S.A Friends 26e.

Oxford House, Bnt. Poss MC 20c.

Pachuca, Mexico IVI 26 f.

Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana U 22h.

Parry I., Canada MC 25d.

Patagones, Aroentine Rep * 23m.Pehnambuco, Brazil SP 20 i.

Pic (Michipicoten), Canada MC 25d.

Pima and Maricopa Indians, AHzona, U.S.A. .R 28c.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 89: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


PoMEROON, Br. Quiana PG 22h.Ponka Indian Agency, Dakota, U.S.


E 26d.Port Antonio (Jamaica), West Indies W 24g.Port au Prince (Hayti), West Indies * 24g.Port de Paix (Hayti), West Indies BM 24g.Port IMaria (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Port Mourant (Pomeroon), Br. Guiana PG 22b.Port of Spain (Trinidad I.), West Indies.. .BM—

UPS-W 23g.Providence (Barbadoes I.), West ladies W 22g.Pi-ovidence (Jamaica), West Indies 24g.PuEBLA, Mexico M 26g.Pueblo Indians, Neio Mexico, U.8.A P 27e.Puerto Plata (Samana), Hayti W 242-.

Puyallup Agency Inds. , Washington Ter. , U.S.A.V 29d.

Quapaw and Modoc Inds., Indian Ter., U.S.A. .


2Ge.QuERETARO, Mcxico M 27 f.

Ragged I. (Long I.). Baliamas BM 24 f.

Rama, Canada MC 24d.Ramab (Bluefields), Mosquitia U 25g.Ramah, labrador U 23c.Real del Monte (Pachuca\ Mexico M 26 f.

Ridgemount (Jamaica), West Indies LM 24g.RioClaro, Brazil P 21k.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil P—MS 21k.Riteubenk (Jakot)shavn), Greenland DL 22b.Riverside (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Rosario, Argentine Bep M 231.Rosehill (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Ruatan (Bay Is.), Central America W 25g.Rum Cay (Long I.), Baliamas BM 24 f.

Rust en Werk (Paramaribo), Dutch Guiana . . .U 22h.

Saanich, Brit. Columbia PG 29c.Sac and Fox Indians, Ind. Ter., U.S.A BS 26e.Salt Cay (Turk's Is.), Bahamas BM 24 f.

Saint Andrews (Red. R. Set.), Manitoba C 26c.Saint Anne's Bay (.lamaica), West Indies W 24g.Saint Bartholomew I. (Anguilla), West Indies.W 23g.Saint Clair, Canada MC 2od.

See list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 90: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

84 O. TF. & (J. B. COLTOX & CO:S

S:\int Clemont? (Red R. Sot.), ^^nni1oha C 26d.

Saint Crotv (VirLnn Is.). Went Indicx U 231;.

Saint Eustatiiis I. (St. Kitts). IIW Indies W 23?.

Saint Johns (Antiirua I.), Went Indies U 23s?.

Saint Johns T. (Vii-Liin Ts ), ^yest ladies U 23?.

Saixt Kitts I., Wed Indies . U—



&iint ^ravc ([lavti), Wed Indies R^r 242:,

?a.int Marii:aret (Ponieroon). Brif. Guiana PG 22h.

S lint Martins CAnir.n'la), West Indies W 23?.

Saint Marys (Red R Set.), M.nuioha C 26d.

Saint PelVrs (Red R. Set.). Manitoba C 2Gc.

Saint Raphael (Havti). Wed Indies B>[ 24?.

Saint Reo-is Indians. New York, U.S.


M 24d.

Saint Thomas (Viririn Is.), Wed Indies U 23;?.

Saint Thomas T.fSt. Thomas I. (Virgin Is),

Wed Indies ^ U 23?.

Saixt Vixcext I., West Indies W 23?.

Salem (New Amsterdam), Dutch Guiana U 22h.

SAMAXA (Hayti), Wed Indies W 23?.

Santa Barliara (Limeria), Brazil MS 2lk.

Santa Cruz (Monterey), Mexico A. 27 f.

San Fernando (Trinidad I.), West Indies . .BM




San Fraxcisco, US.A AM—B—M—



San Francisco (Monterey), Mexico A 27 t'.

San Luis .Parosi, Mexico P 27 f.

San Salvador, Bahamas B.M 24 f.

Santee Sionx ImVums, Aebraska, U.S.A. . .X—E 2Gd.

Santiago, Chile P 24 1.

Sao Paulo, Brazil V 21k.

Saugeen, Canada MC 25d.

Savannah la iNlar (Jamaica), We.'<i Indies W 24?.

Scanter])ury (Red R. Set.), Manitoba C 26d.

Scu?o?, Canada ^IC 24d.

Seminole Indians, //ic/AV?;i 7'er., U.S.A.B—'Sl—Y* 20e.

Seneca Indians, New York, US.


:M—P 24d.

Seneca, Shawnee, and Wyandott Indians, IndianTer., U.S.


Friends 26e.

Sharon (Birbadoes), West Indies U 22g.

Sha\vana?a, Canada MC- 2od.

Shawnee^Indians, Indian Ter., U.S^A BS 26e.

Siou.x, Cheyenne Riv. Agency, Dakota A—



For full explanation of abbreviation?, etc., used in these payee,

Page 91: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Rioux, Lower Bnilg Asv, Dakota, U.S.A E 20r1.

Sioux, Spotted Tail Airenov, i\>&?wA:n', U.S.A..Y^ 27a.Sioux, Red Clond A.iry, Dakota, U.S.A E 27d.SrssETON Jind Walipeton Slonx Inds., Dakota. .A. 26d.Sixth Company (Trinidad I ), West Indies B:M 28L^Skokomisti Ind. Agy., Wash. Ter, U.S. A.... AM 20d.Snake 1., Canada MC 24d.Soroenba (Rio Clnro), Brazil P 21k.Spanish Town (Jnmaica), West Indies W 242:.

Speitrht's Town (Barbadoes I.), West Lidies ^Y 22g.Springfiidd (Jamaica), West Indies U 24*;.

Spokane Inds. (Colville Agy.), W^ashington Ter P 29d.Stanley, Brit. Boss C 27c.

Stirling (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Stockbridge Indians ( Wisconsin, U.S.A P 25(1.

Sumas (New Westminster), Brit. Columbia . .MC 29d.

TalcA, CMle P 24 1.

Tliird Company (Trinidad I.), West Indies. . .BM 23g.Tisapan (Mexico), Mexico P 26g.Tlalmanalco (Mexico), Mexico A[ 26g.Tobago I., West Indies U—


23g.ToLUCA, Mexico P 26g.Tortola (Virdn Is.\ West Indies W 28g.Touchwood Hills (Ft. Pelly), Brit. Boss C 27c.

TiuNiDAD, West Indies W—UPS—BM—



Tnle River Indian Agy, California, U.S.A. . . .M 28e.

Umanak, Greenland U 22b.

Umatilla Aixency Indians, Oregon, U.S.A 28d.Upernavik, Greenland DL 22a.

Ushuwia (Navarin I.), Tierra del Fuego * 23n.Valparaiso, CJiile P 24 1.

Vera Crcz, Mexico P 26g.Victoria, Brit. Boss MC 28c.

Victoria, Vancouver I MC 29d.Victoria Town (Jamaica), West Indies UPS 24g.Virgin Is., West Indies PG—



"Wallingford (Jamaica), West Indies B]M 24g.AValpole I„ Canada MC 25d.

Waramuri (Pomeroon), Br. Guiana PG 221i.

See list ofMiesionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 92: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

86 o. w. dD c. B. coLToy c& co:s

Waterloo (New Amsterdam), Butch Guiana. . .U 221i.

V/atsonville (Jamaica), Went Indies W 24;;.

Wliitedeld (Jamaica), West Indies LAI 24>r.

WiiiTG FisFi Lake, Bril. Pass MC 28c.

Woodville (Ft. Edmouton), Brit. Poss MC 28c.

Yale (Lytton), Brit. Columbia PG 29d.

Yallahs (Jamaica), West Indies W 24ij.

Yankton Sioux Indians, Dakota. U.S.A.. .E—



Yauktonnais Mis., Crow (Jr. Agy, Dakota E 26d.

York Factory, Brit. Poss 26c.

Zacatecas, Mexico P 27 f.

ZoAR, Labrador U ^3j.

For full explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 93: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

31ISSI0KARY M.ir OF THE WOia.D. b"

OCEANICA.AD:\rrTiALTY Is., Pacific Ocean W 2 i.

A[TUTAKi, Ilercey Is L>[ 33 j.

Aleip;iui {\j \)o\w), Samoan Is L3[ 34 j.

Anahola (Kanai), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Ankityum, Ae?c Hebrides FS—


36k,Aniwa (Tanna), New Hebrides Is FS 30 j.

Apaiang, Gilbert Is A 3oh.

APEMA:\rA, Gilbert Is A 35h.Apia (Qnolu), Samoan Is L>[ 34 j.

Arno, Marshall Is A 351j.

Atiu (Aitutaki), Hercei/ Is LM 32 j.

Auckland, New Zealand C 35 1.

Austral Is., Pacific Ocean .LM 31k.

Bay of Islands, New Zealand. C 3o 1.

Bonibora (Raiatea), Society Is L]\[ 31 j.

BuTARiTART, Gilbert Is A 35h.

Caroline Is., Pacific Ocean xV Ih, 36Ii

Castle.maine, Australia W 2 1.

Dake of York (New Ireland), Pacific Ocean. .W 1 i.

Ebenezer, Australia U 21.

Ebon, MarsJiall Is A 3Gli.

EiiROMANGA, New Hebrides Is FS 36 j.

Ewa (Oahu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Falealili (Upolu), Samoan Is I,AI 34j.

Falealupo (Savaii), Samoan Is LM 34 j.

Fate, Efate, New Hebrides Is FS—


36 J.

Feejee Is , Pacific Ocean S—


3o j.

Futuna (Taiiua), i\ew Hebrides FS 36 j.

Gilbert Is., Picifie Ocean A—* 3o1l

See list of Mii-sionary Societies and accompanying note on pages 6,7.

Page 94: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

o. w. t& V. B. COLTOX c& co:s

Hnikn CNIaui), Sandwich In A 32 f.

ITMkalan (Hawaii), Saiidmch Ir A 3'2<r.

Ilalawa (Molokai), Sandtcich h A 82 f.

ITaniakna (Hawaii), Sdtidwich Is A 82 f.

Ilamakiia Komohana (Hawaii), Sandwich Is. . .A. 32 f-

ITaniakna Waena (Haw^aii), Sandwich Is A 82 f.

Haiia (.Maui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

TTauraki (Auckland), A>?o Zealand C 35 1.

Ilanula (Oalin) Sandwich Z< A 32 f.

Helani (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 82.2:.

HHretaunira (Napier), Kew Zealand C 85 1.

Hervky or Cook's Is., Pacific LM 32k.HiLO (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 322.Honokohan (Mani), Sandwich Is A 82 f.

Honolulu (Oalm). Sandwich Is PG 82 f.

Honnrmla (Maui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Ilnaliine (Rniatea), Society Is LM 82 j.

Huelo (Maui), Sandwich Is A 82"f.

Jaluij, Marshall Is A 36b.

Kaanapali (Maui), Sandrnch Is A 32 f.

Kaliana (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kahnku (Oalm), Sandicich Is A 32 f.

Kailna (Haw^aii), Sandwich Is A 32.2:,

Kaitai (Bay of Islands), New Zealand C 35 1.

Kalihi (Qahu), Sandwich Is. A 32 f.

Kaluaaha (Molokai), Sandtcich Is A 32 f.

Kaneoiie (Oaliu), Sandicich I. A 82 f.

Kapalilna (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32<?.

Kapaliluka (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32ir.

Kauai, Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kaumakapili (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kaupo (Maui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kawaialiao (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kealakekua (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 82l>".

Keanea (>[aui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Kekaho (Elawaii), Sandwich Is A 82<r.

Kipahulu (Maui), Sandwich Is A 82 f.

Koliala Akau (Hawaii), Sandwich Js A 32 f.

Koliala Henia (Hawaii), Satnlwich /•* A 82 f.

Koliala K(unoliana (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

For full explimation of a'bbreviatioiis, etc., used in these pages,

Page 95: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Koloa (Kauai), Sandwich Is A 32 f,

Kona Waena (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A ^2'j:.

KcsAiE, Caroline Is A 3Gli.

Lagoon or Elltce Is. Pacific Ocean ITSl Bo i.

Lnhaina (Maui), Sandwich Is A 33 f.

Lahainaluna (A[aui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Lake Gudah (Portland), Australia PG 2 1.

Lanai, Sandwich I A 32 f.

Laupahoehoe (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32g:.

Leulamoei^a ( Upolu), Sanioan Is LM 34 j.

LiFU. loyaliy Is L>[ 3Gk.Lihue (Kauai), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Loyalty Is., Pacific Ocean L>[ 36lj.

LuKUNOR, Caroline Is A 111.

Maiaxa, GiVoert Is A 3r)li.

]\Iaketu (Taarangi), JS'eic Zealand C So 1.

J\[alua (Upolu\ Samoan Is L\[ 34].Mangaia, Ilercey Is LM 32k.Maxua, Samoan Is IjM 33 j


Maori Mission (Christ Church), New Ze.cdand

H—PG 3om.Marakei, Gilbert Is A 3oh.Mare I., loyalty Is LM 3Gk.Marquesas Is., Pacific Ocean * 30 i.

Marshall Is., Pacific Ocean A—


36h.JNIatautu (Savaii), Samoan Is LM 34 j.

]\[Aur, Sandwich I A 32 f.

Maupiti, (Raiatea), Society Is LM 32 j.

IMejuuo, Marshall Is A 3oh.Melbourne, Australia W 2 1.

MiLLE, Marshall Is A 3oh.iloanalua (Oahu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

MoKTL, Caroline Is A lli.

MoLOKAT, Sandwich Is A 32 f.

:^[ooREA, Tahiti I., Sandwich Is LM—PM 31 j.

MoRTLOCK Is., Caroline Is A 1 h


Mota I (Banks Is.), Pacific Ocean PG 30 j.

Kamarik, Marshall Is * 3GIlNew Britain, Pacific Ocean W 1 -.

Seeli!^t of Missionary Societies aud accompanying note on pages 0,7.

Page 96: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

90 G. W. & C. B. COLTON'ik CO:S

Z^Ew Castle, Kew Zealand S 35 1.

Kew Guinea, Pacific Ocean LM 3 i.

New Hebrides Is., Paciiic Ocean FS 36 j.

New Ireland. Pacific Ocean W 1 i.

Kiriina (Fate), New Hebrides Is FS 36 j.

NirnAU I, SandicicJi Is A 32 f.

NiUE, Pacific Ocean L31 33 j.

NoNouTi, 'Gilbert Is A 35 i.

Norfolk I., Pacific Ocean PG 36k.

Nui, Lagoon Is LM 35 i.

NuKUFETAU, Lagoon Is LM 35 i.

Nukulailai, Lagoon Is LM 34 i.

Oahu, Sandwich Is A 33 f.

Olowalu (Maui), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Ouomea (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32g.Opiliikao (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32g.Otaki (Waugauui), New Zealand C 35 1,

Paihai (Bay of Islands), New Zealand C 35 1.

Papeete (Taliiti), Societii Is PM 31 j.

Pelekunu (Molokai), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Penriiyx, Pacific Ocean LM 32 i.

PiNGELAP, Caroline Is A 36h.

PoNAPE. Caroline Is A Hi.

Pukaana (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 32g.

Puula (Hawaii), Sandwichls A 32g.

Ral\tea, Societi/ Is LM 32 j.

Pamaiiyuk, Australia U 21.

Kangilikci (Wanganii), New Zecdand NG 35m.Karotong A, llervei/ Is LM 32k.

Kotorua (Tauranga), New Zealand C 35 1.

RuAPUKi, New Zealand NG 36m.

Safata (Upolu), Samoan Ii* L^SI 34 j.

Salefao (Upolu), Samoan Is L]\[ 34J.SjiU'valasi (Upolu), Samoan Ix L^[ 34 j.

Samoan Is., Pacific Ocean LM—


34 j.

Sandhurst, Australia W 2 1.

SANDwicrr IsLAMDs A—PG 32 f.

Satoan, Caroline Is A Hi.

For lull explanation of abbreviations, etc., used in these pages,

Page 97: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Savaii, Samonn Is LM 34 j.

Siloama (Molokai), Samcdich Is A 83 f.

Siuniu (Upolu), Samoan Is LM 84 j.

South Kona (Hawaii), Sandwich Is PG- 32g.

Tahaa (Raiatea), Society Is LM 82 j.

Tahati. Societi/ Is LM—


81 j.

Tanna, iVeic Hebrides FS 86 j.

Tapiteuea, Gilbert Is A 85 i.

Tarawa, Gilbert Is A 85h,Taupo (AucklMiKl), Neic Zetdnnd C 85 1.

Tauranga, iVe/c Zealand C 85 1.

Tokomaru (Tiiransra). Aero Zealand C 85 1.

Tonga or Friendly Is., Pacific Ocean W 84 j.

Tuamatu Is., Pacific Ocean LM 81).Tuasivi (Savaii), Samoan Is LM 84 j.

Turanga, JS'ew Zealand (; 85 1.

Tutuila, Samoan Is LM 34 j.

Upolu, Samoan, Is L^I 84 j.

Uvea, Loyalty Is LM 8Gk.

Yaitupu, Lagoon Is LM 35 i.

Vavau, Friendly Is W 34 j


Waialua (Oaliu). Sandwich Is A r2 f.

Waiaiiea (Oal)ii). Sandioich Is A 82 f.

Waiapu (Auckland), New Zealand C 85 1.

Waicliinu (Hawaii), Sandwich Is A 82ir.

AVaihee (Maui), Sandwich Is A 32 t".

AVaikaue (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Waikapu (Maui), Sandwich Is A 82 f.

Waikato Dist. (Auckland), New Zealand C 35 1.

Wailuku (Maui), Sandicich Is A 32 f.

Wailupe (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Waimanalo (Oaliu), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Waimate (New Plynioulh), New Zealand C 85 1.

"Waimea (Kauai). Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Waioli (Kauai), Sandwich Is A 32 f.

Wairoa (Tui'ani^a), New Zealand C 3*1.

Waitara (Auckland), New Zealand (J 85 1.

AVanganui, New Zealand C 85 1,

Wellington, New Zealand S 35m.

Seti list of Missionary Societies and accompanying note on p:iges e, 7.

Page 98: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 99: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

For Sale at all Sunday-School Depositories

and Religious IJook Stores.

f T 7 r T ? T T TJ T ?^ 7*

1. Map of Palestine.

2. Travels of St. Paul. Size, 116x81 In.

3. Topographical Map of Palestine. 71x52 In.

4. Lands Mentioned in the Bible. 71x53 In.

5. Peninsula of Mount Sinai. Size, 72x52 In.

6. Old Testament Map of Palestine. 58x41 In.

7. Old Testament Map of Palestine. 40x28 In.

8. New TestamentMap of Palestine. 58x41 In.

9. New Testament Map of Palestine. 40x28 In.

Editions of the maps above mentioned are printed on

cloth, wliich can be forwarded b}' mail at small cost.

In orderinj^, please refer to the page, and, where given,

to the number of tlie ma]), as tliis will prevent errors

•where, as in the case of Palestine, there are several of

the same kind, difTering but little in their titles.

Note.—In the following Catalogue, by "Mounted " i? de-

scribed maps that are printed on paper, backed with cloth,

the face varnished, and with roller, molding, and rings for

hanging, etc. By '* On Cloth," maps printed directly on fine

cloth, for convenience in handling and transportation. Theseare printed from the same plates as the more costly mount-

ed maps, and for general use answer the same purposes.

Sheet maps are on paper, colored, but not mounted.

G. W. & C. B. COLTON & CO.,

173 William Street, New York.

Page 100: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Map of the Peninsula of Mount Sinai.

Illustrating the "Wandenn2:s of the Israelites in

their Journey from E;::yi)t to Canaan, Aviih aplan, on a large scale, of the Vicinity of ]\IountSinai, from the Ordnance Survey, 72 x 52 inches.

Price, mounted, varnished, and on rollers. . $7.00Printed on cloth 5.00

Postage, ^vhen sent by mail 15

This map exhibits tlie results of the researches

of the English and American expeditions for the

exploration of this interesting region ; and a com-

parison with any of the previouly-juiblisl.<ed mapswill show how entirely conjectural the greater

part of the detailed information hitherto shownand accepted as fact has been. Its large scale,

bold lettering, and skillful execution, have com-

bined to produce a map which will fully meet the

want long felt by all who have attempted to teach

the narrative of the Exodus from the small and

very imperfect publications of the kind hitherto


The detailed plan of the vicinity of ^It. Sinai is

printed in color, which brings out its peculiar to-

pography in a very striking manner, and can not

fail to impress the student with the details as well

as the general features of this scene of wonders.

Page 101: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

The Peuinsiilji of 3It. Sinai.

A Map to Illiistialc the WniKU'iings of llie Israel-

ites from Eg3pt to Canaan. For hand use.

Printed in Color on fine cards, size 5^ x 3^inches, and jiut up in packafres, each containing10 maps. Price, per i)ack 40 cents.

Upon tliis map all the stations along the route

of the Israelites that have been idenlitied ai'e truly

located, and the remainder arc tabulated witli ex-

planatory note. It is an accurate reduction of the

large map before mentioned, and Avill be found a

great aid fo the proper exjilanation and under-

standing of this interesting portion of the Bible.


Eight-Sheet Map of Palestine.

With Topographical Plan of the City of Jerusa-lem, and a Plan of the Vicinity of Jerusalem.Size IIG X 81 inches.

Price, printed on cloth $12.50Postage, when forwarded by mail 30

Before perfecting our present processes for

printing on cloth, the i>roduction of maps of this

great size Avas seldom attempted, and, if manufac-

tured, the dilliculty and cost of transporting them,

and their liability to damage in use, rendered

them very objectionable. Our present plans rem-

edy all these defects, and we are enabled to pre-

sent a map that will be welcomed in every school

having room for its exhibition.

This being distinctively a wall map, all extrane-

ous and irrelevant information has been omitted,

and so large, clear, and distinct a style has been

adopted, both for the topography and lettering,

Page 102: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


that everything upon it is clearly dislinguishahle

from every part of a large school-room.

The geographical base of the map is in strict con-

formity with the most recent explorations and sur-

veys, both English and American, and the identi-

fication of places previously unknown has enabled

us to fix the boundaries of the tribes with muchmore precision than has before been possible.

The topography of the plan of the city of Jerusa-

lem is minutely shown, but this being printed in

color, the confusion sometimes experienced by

those unaccustomed to use topographical maps of

the ordinary style is entirely obviated.

"We have also added a profile to show the eleva-

tion of the country above the Mediterranean, and

the depression of the valley of the Jordan and

Dead Sea, and, for purposes of comparison, dia-

grams of Palestine and of portions of our owncountry upon the same scale. In fact, every effort

has been made to make this an improvement on

any map that has preceded it, and its great supe-

riority will be readily acknowledged after the most

general examination.

No. 3.

Topographical Map of Palestine.

"With Plans of the Peninsula of Mount, Sinai, theEnvirons of Jerusalem, and Topographical Planof the City of Jerusalem. 71 x 52 inches.

Price, mounted with rollers and varnished. .$7.00on cloth 5.00

Postage, when sent by mail 15

This map has been prepared expressly for the

use of Sunday-schools and Bible-classes. Its large

Page 103: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


size has enabled the author to show an unusual

amount of detail, and at the same time make both

lettering and topography bold and distinct. All

the results of the latest explorations are shown,

and both ancient and modern names of towns, riv-

ers, etc. The names mentioned in the Bible are

given in one style of letter, the other ancient namesin another style, and the modern names in still an-

other; thus, without confusion, comprising the

same as three distinct maps. It is colored, to show

the original partition among the tribes, as well as

the later Koman divisions. Figures on the face

of the map show elevation and depression from

the Mediterranean.

Special pains have been taken to collect infor-

mation for the plan of the city of Jerusalem, es-

pecially in regard to its present topographical fea-

tures, which will here be found fully and clearly


Topographical Map of Palestine.

With Plans of the City of Jerusalem and of theEnvirons of Jernsalem, chiefly from llie Maj)sand Drawings of Robinson and Smilb, with cor-

rections and additions furnished by the Rev. Dr.E.Robinson. 48x33 inclics.

Price, mounted and varnished $3.00

This map is elegantly engraved on steel, and is

peculiarly adapted to family use and the use ot

theological students. AVhile the large map is es-

pecially adapted for the school or lecture room,

this is more convenient for family use and private


Page 104: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


No. 6.

Old Testament Map of Palestine.

Size, 58x41 inches.

Price, mounted witli rollers and varnished. . .$4.00" on cloth 3.00

Postage, when sent by mail 08

Ko. 8.

New Testament Map of Palestine.

Size, 58 X 41 inches.

Price, mounted ^vitll rollers and varnished.. .$4.00** on cloth 3.00

Postage, when sent by mail 08

No. 7.

Old Testament Map of Palestine.

Size, 41 X 28 inches.

Price, mounted with rollers and varnished. . .$2.00" on cloth 1.50" in sheets (paper) full colored 1.25

Postage, when sent by mail 04

No. 9.

New Testament Map of Palestine.

Size, 41 x28 inches.

Price, mounted with rollers and varnished. . .$2.00on cloth 1.50

" in sheets (paper) full colored 1.25

Postage, when sent by mail 04

These maps are constructed as auxilliary to the

larger and fuller ones before mentioned (Nos. 1

Page 105: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


and 3), and are not intended to supercede them.

Tlicir peculiarity consists in confining their infor-

mation to one period of Sacred Ilistorj'. It has

been found that, while for general purposes mapscombining both eras may be used advantageously,

for special instruction the presence of names men-

tioned exclusively in the New Testament serve only

to distract the attention of the pupil while studying

Old Testament history, and, likewise, that the ex-

hibition of tribal names and the large number of

towns which are only referred to in the Old Tes-

tament, are very objectionable while studying the

narratives of tne later period.

Nos. 6 and 8 are complimentary, and are in-

tended to be sold together. Nos. 7 and 9, of the

same eras and general plan as the before-men-

tioned, also make a set. The former are for wall

use, the latter for use in the class, their size being ^

such that the teacher can easily handle them, *

while the lettering is of such size and character

that even in a Bible-class room every item can be

easily discerned at a distance.

In information, size, execution, and price, wehave endeavored to answer an earnest call, and

the very warm commendations accorded themwherever used or exhibited, show how nearly wehave met the demand.

Map of Palestine.

With a Plan of the Peninsula of Mt. Sinai andArabia Petrea. 18x14 inches. Price, printedon thin paper, and folded in cloth cover, withgilt side stamp 50 cents.

Page 106: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world

Map of Palestine Before the Conquest.

Map of Palestine After the Conquest

As Divided among the Twelve Tribes, with Planof the Vicinity of Jerusalem on an enlargedscale.

New Testament Map of Palestine,

"With Table of Distances, etc.

The three maps named above are printed oncards for hand use in Sunday-school and Bible-

classes, and handsomely colored. Size, 5f x3^inches. Each kind is put up in packages con-taining ten maps.Price, per pack 40 cents.

These maps, though necessarily of small scale,

contain a great amount of information ; but being

engraved in the very best manner, they are all

plain and easily read. They are intended for

hand use in classes, and for home study; and ex-

perience has proved that where the members of a

class are each supplied with one of these maps,

their interest in the lesson, and, consequently, its

usefulness to them, has been greatly increased.

''Palestine before the Conqneat^^ sliows the habitat

of each of the nations then occupying the country,

and the names of cities mentioned in connection

with their history, while the coloiing exlill>ils Mt

a glance, by ditl'erent lints, the central clovatcd

districts, flanked on the west by the coast plains

and lowlands, and on the east by tlie remaikabie

depression of the Jordan and the Dead Sea.

^^ Palestine after the Conquest^^ shows the 1ril)nl

allotments in accordance Avith the most roccnl sur-


Page 107: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


veys, and a full selection of places mentioned in

the narratives of Joshua, the Judges, and of the

kingdoms. The enlarged plan of the vicinity of

Jerusalem illustrates the district around the Sacred

City with detail from Bethlehem to Bethel.

The " New Testament Map of Palestine " contains

all the names mentioned in the Gospels, and, by col-

oring, the Roman divisions of that period. A table

of distances adds interest and value to the map.


Map niustratiiii? tlio Trayels of St.


Eight sheets. Size, IIC x 81 inches.

Price, on cloth $12.50Postage, when sent by mail CO

This is the largest map of these countries ever

published, and bears the same relation to others

of the same era tliat the "eight sheet Pales-

tine" does to other maps of that region. Theroutes of St. Paul are distinctly sljown by strong

lines of different colors; the names of places vis-

ited in his various nussionary tours are lettered

very boldly to distinguish them from otlicr ancient

names, and the few modern names that are intro-

duced to make the idontiiication with places of

present interest more easy, are in a still lighter

style of lettering. Tlie central missionary stations

of all Protestant societies in this region are shownby bright colored spots, thus adding another fea-

ture of great interest. This map fills a place never

before fully occupied.

Page 108: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


Map of the Lands mentioned in the Bible.

Especially Illustrating the Travels of St. Paul.

71 x52 inches. Price, mounted with rollers andvarnished |7.00Price, on cloth 5.00

In the preparation of this map the author lias

had the idea of utility prominently before him.

The area embraced includes both New Testament

and Old Testament countries, taking in Rome on

the west, Egypt on the south, and the mouth of

the Euphrates on the east. The lettering is bold

and plain, and shows both the ancient and modern

names of towns, rivers, mountains, etc. Theroutes of St. Paul in his several missionary tours

are plainly indicated by distinct colored lines. All

the present Protestant missionary stations are also

shown by spots of color, thus adding a very inter-

esting feature. Ko more instructive lesson can be

taught to a Sunday-school than the story of the

life of Paul, pointing out his journeys from place

to place on the map. Even the infant classes maybe thus interested, and the lesson thus taught will

never be forgotten.

Bible Map.

A Map of the Countries mentioned in the NewTestament, and of the Travels of the Ajiostlcs,

with ancient and modern names; with generalplan on a reduced scale of all the countries men-tioned in the Old Testament. 33 x 25 inches.

Price, mounted with rollers and varnished. . . $2.50" on cloth 1.50

Carefully compiled and beautifully engraved on

steel, this map will be found a most appropriate

Page 109: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


and useful ornament to the study, library, or sit-

ting-room, and meets the wants of the Bible-class

where there is not room for the before-mentioned

larger map.

The Travels of St Paul.

A !^^ap for the use of Sunday-schools. Printed oncards, handsomely colored, with the routes of

Paul's ditferent journeys cleaily defined. Size,

5^x31 inches. Put up in packages containingten each. Price, per pack 40 cents.

Tills map is intended for hand use in the Sun-

day-school, each member to be supplied with a

copy for home-study as well as for instruction in

the class. All the names mentioned in the jour-

neys of the Apostles are clearly shown, and the

routes themselves printed in colored lines, with

arrows indicating the direction of travel. Thoughof small size, this map will be found to contain

every essential fact of the larger maps before men-


Colton, Zahm &. Roberts's very complete

assortment of Scripture Texts and Mottoes.

Certificates of Membership, Lesson and Re-

ward Cards, etc., supplied Wholesale and

Retail. Full Descriptive Catalogues fur-

nished on application.

a. W. & C. B. COLTON & CO.,


I! 172 William St,, New York,

Page 110: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world


»XA.I»S, jI^TL^VSES, Etc.,


Our assortment of Pocket .>Iaps is the Gnest and most ex-

tensive in the Avorld, comprisin;? about 250 varieties, of all

styles, including County and Township Maps of all the States ;

Sectional Maps of all that have been thus surveyed ; and Rail-

road ^laps of various sections, as well as of the whole couu-

try. Foreign countries are well shown, both in detail and byGrand Divisions. All these Majjs are en2:raved in the best

style on copper plates, nicely printed on the best quality of

thin, but very strong, map paper, made expressly for us,

beautifully colored, and put up in neat embossed cloth covers

of convenient size, with side titles in gold. They can be had

at most first-class book-stores, or will be sent by mail on re-

ceipt of price.

Mounted or Wall Maps.—Our assortment of Wall Mapsfor offices, libraries, schools, etc., is more extensive than

that of any other house in the country. It embraces the only

large maps of the World, and of Foreign Countries, publish-

ed in America, and is full and complete in regard to general

and special maps of the several sections of the United States.

We also furnish maps published by others. Classical maps

for colleges and schools, and foreign maps, flupplied or im-

ported to order.

Colton's General Atlas of the World.—The Maps of this

Atlas have been drawn with great care, and engraved in the

highest stylo of the art ; and the letter-press descriptions

which accompany each map contain valuable information

concerning the conntries delineated. It is a work of science

as to drawing and correctness ; a work of art as to clearness

and beauty.

P. S.—By a recently perfected process we are enabled to

furnish expeditiously, and at small cost, from plates already

engraved, maps to accompany Reports, etc. These ma])9

will be fitted np with borders, titles, etc., and made in all re-

spects as complete as if engraved especially for the purpose.

G. W. & C. B. COLTON & CO.,

172 "William Street, New York.

Page 111: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 112: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 113: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 114: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 115: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world
Page 116: A manual to accompany Colton's missionary map of the world