a meeting of the king’s lynn internal drainage … · structural liner, (designed to provide ......

A MEETING OF THE KING’S LYNN INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD WAS HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM, KETTLEWELL HOUSE, AUSTIN FIELDS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, KING’S LYNN, NORFOLK ON FRIDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 12.30PM Elected Members Appointed Members * J R Askew King’s Lynn & W N B C * J S Austen * M Chenery of Horsbrugh * Ms S Keene * P Cousins * A Lensen * C Crofts R S Markillie * R W Groom * S A R Markillie * Lord Howard of Rising * T Matkin * B Long M Riddington Mrs E Nockolds * J Symington * D Whitby Vacancy * A Wright * Mrs S Young Fenland District Council D Oliver * Present (76%) Mr J Austen in the Chair In attendance: Mr P J Camamile (Chief Executive), Mr G Howe (Operations Manager/Health & Safety Officer), Mr G R Dann (Planning/Enforcement Officer) and Mrs M Creasy (minutes) ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action 67/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 67/14/01 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Messrs R S Markillie, D Oliver, M Riddington and Mrs E Nockolds. 68/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 68/14/01 Mr J Austen declared an interest in all references to the Norfolk Rivers Trust due to his role as Trustee and Chairman of that organisation. 68/14/02 Mr B Long declared an interest in all references to EA main river due to his membership of the Anglia Central Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. 1

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Elected Members Appointed Members * J R Askew King’s Lynn & W N B C * J S Austen * M Chenery of Horsbrugh * Ms S Keene * P Cousins * A Lensen * C Crofts R S Markillie * R W Groom * S A R Markillie * Lord Howard of Rising * T Matkin * B Long M Riddington Mrs E Nockolds * J Symington * D Whitby Vacancy * A Wright * Mrs S Young Fenland District Council D Oliver * Present (76%)

Mr J Austen in the Chair

In attendance:

Mr P J Camamile (Chief Executive), Mr G Howe (Operations Manager/Health & Safety Officer),

Mr G R Dann (Planning/Enforcement Officer) and Mrs M Creasy (minutes)

ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action


67/14/01 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Messrs R S Markillie, D Oliver, M Riddington and Mrs E Nockolds.


68/14/01 Mr J Austen declared an interest in all references to the Norfolk Rivers Trust due to his role as Trustee and Chairman of that organisation.

68/14/02 Mr B Long declared an interest in all references to EA main river due to his membership of the Anglia Central Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.


ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

68/14/03 Mr J Askew declared an interest in the Schedule of Paid Accounts in respect of the payment made to Account ID AS0120, a relative of Mr Askew.



The minutes of the Board meeting held on 24 June 2014 were approved and signed as a true record.



70/14/01 Adoption of Rivers Babingley, Heacham and Ingol (44/14/01) The Chief Executive reported that he had received confirmation from the EA that the three main rivers, Babingley, Heacham and Ingol had formally been de-mained with effect from 1 October 2014. Hence it was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to adopt the three ordinary watercourses Babingley, Heacham and Ingol as part of the Board’s infrastructure with effect from 1 October 2014 as per option 3 (a copy of the RFCC Report detailing the nature and extent of the transfer is annexed to the minutes in the Minute Book). RESOLVED that this be noted.

70/14/02 Collection of Agricultural Drainage Rates (44/14/03) The Chief Executive reported that the timely collection of agricultural drainage rates for all the WMA Member Boards had been discussed by the Consortium Management Committee, who had agreed a target reduction of 10 – 15% in debtors by 31 March 2015. RESOLVED that this be noted.

70/14/03 Short Term Investments: Low % Returns (52/14/03) Members considered the low % returns currently achieved on its short term investments and the options available that may achieve a higher return. It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to look again at investing a maximum of £500,000 with Santander UK providing this was supported by the WMA Member Boards’ investment broker and the Board’s Internal Auditor.


71/14/01 The minutes of the Special Board meeting held on 28 July 2014 were approved and signed as a true record. There were no matters arising.


72/14/01 The Engineering Report was considered in detail and approved, (a 2

ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

72/14/02 Capital Works: Black Drain Syphon (1.1) Members considered the quotes invited from the three companies as reported in the Engineering Report for the installation of a new structural liner, (designed to provide improved structural stability and extended lifespan to culverts), to the Black Drain Syphon under the Gaywood River, together with the references that the Planning/Enforcement Officer had obtained in respect of iLine from Caerphilly Borough Council and the Canals and Rivers Trust. It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to award the contract for these works to iLine, per their quote of £24,550.77 excluding VAT.


72/14/03 Chalk Lane Catchment Study (1.2) Members considered the report on the quotes received from two of the four companies invited to tender for the catchment study of the Chalk Lane Catchment to include collation of survey data, development of catchment hydrology and a hydrological model, flood maps, a modelling report, economic assessment report and an executive summary report. It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to award the contract for this work to J B A Consulting at a cost of £10,252.40 plus an additional cost, yet to be agreed, for the preparation of a Project Appraisal Report, if necessary, for the Board’s consideration.

72/14/04 Wolferton Pumping Station Structural Investigations (1.8) Members considered the Planning/Enforcement Officer’s report on the results of the structural investigation of Wolferton pumping station, which had concluded that the pumping station was in a very poor condition structurally and in need of replacement. It was agreed that the Planning Enforcement Officer would provide a detailed report of the structural investigation and conclusions for the Plant and Works Committee to consider in conjunction with the Board’s capital programme and availability of FDGiA and make a recommendation to the Board accordingly. RESOLVED that this be noted.


72/14/05 Rainfall (2) Members considered the 125mm of rainfall that was recorded over a period of 7 hours around Emneth and Outwell during the 8/9 August 2014 and the resulting overtopping of several Board-maintained watercourses in the furthest upstream part of the Green Bank and Islington catchments, together with flooding of some properties due to the volume of rainfall in such a short period of time. The Planning/Enforcement Officer and Operations Manager would raise this at a future Plant and Works Committee for consideration of how the drainage in this area might be improved to help protect against further incidence of flooding/overtopping in the future. RESOLVED that this be noted.



ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

72/14/06 Mr J Askew recorded his appreciation to the Operations Manager

and his team for how well they had coped with this event. Mr M Riddington had also asked that his appreciation and thanks to the Operations team be recorded. RESOLVED that this be noted.


73/14/01 The Environmental Report was considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

73/14/02 Barn Owl Nest Boxes (1) The Planning/Enforcement Officer recorded thanks from Colin Shawyer to the Board for its interest and support in the SITA project and the Board’s own Barn Owl nesting boxes, which so far this year had proved very successful. A full report was expected to be available for the next Board meeting. RESOLVED that this be noted.

73/14/03 Norfolk Rivers Trust (2) Members considered the Planning/Enforcement Officer’s report on the application from Norfolk Rivers Trust, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), for proposals to enhance the Gaywood River by alterations to its course and profile with the potential to in the future develop part of the Board’s land as a flood storage area.

73/14/04 It was agreed to defer any decision on this application pending its referral to the Plant and Works Committee with Norfolk Rivers Trust representatives in attendance together as a project group to consider and fully understand the proposals in detail, in order to make a recommendation for the Board to consider. RESOLVED that this be noted.



74/14/01 The Planning Report was considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

74/14/02 Application to re-route a section of Board-maintained watercourse – West Drove North, Walpole St Peter (1.1) Members considered the application to re-route a section of the Board-maintained Mill Road Drain which would result in a minor increase of ≈40 metres in the total length of watercourse, but would give a straighter drain with access to part of the new route from the road as well as a from a field.

74/14/03 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to give consent to this application subject to:


ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

• A longitudinal survey and at least two cross sections on the

roadside drain to be undertaken along the proposed route (including levels in the existing Board-maintained drain upstream and downstream). This survey to be used to establish the design of the new/improved drain, with the design to be to the satisfaction of the Board’s Officers.

• The required improvements to be carried out at the sole cost

of the applicant, to the satisfaction of the Board’s Officers.

• A protected species survey to be carried out by the Board’s Officers or a suitably-qualified professional, at the applicant’s cost, to confirm that there are no protected species which may be affected by the works. Any required mitigation measures are to be undertaken at the applicant’s cost.

• A 2-year “warranty” period to be applied to the new section of

Board-maintained drain, commencing on the date that works are passed as satisfactory by the Board’s Officers. In the event of any slips or other works that are not routine maintenance being required during this period, the full cost of those works will be payable by the applicant/developer.

• The applicant will need to obtain written confirmation from

Norfolk County Council Highways that they have no objections to works being carried out to the drain alongside West Drove North. Unless they agreed otherwise, any required land take on this section would have to be from the field, not the road verge.

74/14/04 Application for Byelaw 10 Consent

Detached Garage and Conservatory Extensions at 29 Beulah Street, King’s Lynn (1.2) Members considered the application for the construction of a new garage, 1.3 metres from the brink of the Gaywood River, a conservatory 5.5 metres away from the edge of the Gaywood River and a driveway extension approximately 1.3 metres from the brink of the Gaywood River, a watercourse currently maintained by hand-roding, tractor mounted equipment and excavator mounted equipment, all as required.

74/14/05 Members considered that the application as presented could not be approved for consent from the Board, however, Members did consider that if the garage was to be erected as a temporary structure made of wood, (therefore lighter and less likely to affect the bank of the watercourse and more easily removed if this proved necessary), it may be possible to consider giving consent. It was therefore agreed to refuse consent on the application as presented but to invite the applicant to resubmit an application with the garage constructed as a temporary structure, for consideration. Messrs A Lensen and T Matkin recorded their exception to the decision to


ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

offer the applicant the opportunity to submit a revised application using a temporary garage structure. RESOLVED that this be noted.

74/14/06 Delegated Consents Granted (2.2) The Schedule of Delegated Consents granted by Officers using their delegated authority, was considered in detail and approved.


75/14/01 The Financial Report for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 August 2014, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.


76/14/01 The Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 June 2014 to 31 August 2014, totalling £635,513.67, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.


77/14/01 Members considered the Risk Register for those risks with a risk assessment matrix score of ≥ 6. Arising therefrom:

77/14/02 Members considered there were no material changes to the Risk Register for those risks with a risk assessment matrix score of >6. RESOLVED that this be noted.

77/14/03 Mr B Long reported that the local business community was taking a lead in fundraising locally for the continuation of works on sea defences in Heacham, Hunstanton and Snettisham.


78/14/01 The Chief Executive reported that PSCAs had been developed by ADA and the EA to enable Risk Management Authorities to undertake works for each other collaboratively, as opposed to having to procure services from one another. A PSCA between the King’s Lynn IDB and the EA was now in place but due to insufficient resources the Operations team were currently unable to take on works offered from the EA. It was agreed that the Chief Executive, Operations Manager and Planning/Enforcement Officer would provide a detailed assessment of resource need for the Plant and Works Committee to consider and make a recommendation to the Board accordingly. RESOLVED that this be noted.



ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action


79/14/01 The audited annual return for the year ended 31 March 2014 was considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

79/14/02 The clean audit opinion with no other comments from the external auditor was noted.


80/14/01 The Election of Members policy, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

80/14/02 It was reported that Dan Mathews had resigned his position as an elected member of the Board with effect from 1 September 2014, which had created a casual vacancy in the elected Board membership. RESOLVED that this be noted.

80/14/03 It was agreed that in accordance with the Election of Members policy the vacancy would be advertised accordingly. RESOLVED that this be noted.



81/14/01 Members considered nominations to fill the King’s Lynn IDB representative vacancy on the Consortium Management Committee, (following Mr J Ansell’s resignation).

81/14/02 It was proposed by Mr R W Groom, seconded by Baron M Chenery of Horsbrugh and unanimously approved to appoint Lord Howard of Rising to fill the King’s Lynn IDB representative vacancy on the Consortium Management Committee, with immediate effect. RESOLVED that this be noted.


82/14/01 The Chief Executive reported that he had received an enquiry from Cruso and Wilkin asking if the Board would consider selling land to a tenant. The Chief Executive had requested more detail and would report further at a future Board meeting. RESOLVED that this be noted.



83/14/01 The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for 14 November 2014 at 10.30 am.


ID King’s Lynn IDB, Minute Action

83/14/02 The next meeting of the Plant and Works Committee would take

place on Monday, 13 October 2014 at 9.00 am.


84/14/01 Long Service Awards Members considered the 25 years’ service to the Board that would be achieved by Mr J Gowler on 6 November 2014. In recognition of this achievement it was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to award him £250 (net of tax & NI).

84/14/02 Members were advised of the ADA Annual Conference taking place in London on 12 November 2014 and that an email would be circulated shortly inviting those who wished to attend to contact the Chief Executive’s PA. RESOLVED that this be noted.


85/14/01 The unconfirmed minutes of the Consortium Management Committee meeting held on 27 June 2014 were considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.

85/14/02 Schedule of Paid Accounts The Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 March 2014 to 31 March 2014, totalling £3,681.83 as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 27 June 2014, was considered in detail and adopted by the Board. There were no matters arising.

85/14/03 Financial Report The Financial Report for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014, as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 27 June 2014, was considered in detail and adopted by the Board. There were no matters arising.

85/14/04 Issues for discussion at next CMC meeting There were no specific issues raised by Members that would require discussion at the next Consortium Management Committee meeting on 7 October 2014.


86/14/01 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to exclude the public from the next part of the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, in accordance with Section 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


12 September 2014 ENGINEERING REPORT


1.1 BLACK DRAIN SYPHON – STRUCTURAL LINING WORKS Following works earlier this year to jet and camera survey the syphon which takes Black Drain under Gaywood River (between the electricity substation and the Persimmon Homes development on Wootton Road), prices have been sought to install a new structural liner. This will form a single, continuous pipeline, compared with the existing situation, where over time the original brick barrel syphon has been extended with different-sized pipes at each end. The new liner will be designed to give significantly-improved structural stability, and pipe lining can extend the lifespan of a culvert by up to 100 years, as it creates a new structure. Prices were sought from three companies – ADC (East Anglia) Ltd, iLine and Insituform Technologies Ltd. Unfortunately Insituform considered that the project had a number of potential design and delivery issues, and therefore did not pass their internal governance. ADC’s submitted price was £26,600 while iLine’s was £24,550.77 (both prices exclude VAT). References for iLine have been obtained from Caerphilly Borough Council and the Canals & Rivers Trust, both of which spoke very highly of the company and the people involved in their projects. It’s therefore recommended that iLine be awarded a contract to install a new structural liner in this syphon.

1.2 CHALK LANE CATCHMENT STUDY Earlier in the year Tolethorpe managed to survey the Board’s watercourses in Chalk Lane Catchment, prior to there being too much vegetation growth. I have since sought prices to undertake a catchment study from four companies – BWB Consulting, J A Services, JBA Consulting and Royal Haskoning. J A Services declined to tender on this occasion, and no tender was received from Royal Haskoning. The prices from BWB Consulting (BWB) and JBA Consulting (JBA) are detailed at the top of the next page.

BWB Consulting JBA Consulting

Collation of survey data 1,500 308.96

Development of catchment hydrology 2,500 993.83

Development of hydrological model 6,500 4,343.37

Flood maps 2,000 231.72

Modelling report 2,500 1,230.49

Economic assessment and report 3,500/7,500 1,552.14

Executive summary report 1,500 358.67

Other * 1,233.22

TOTAL (excl. VAT) 20,000/24,000 10,252.40 * The specific works required by the Board are detailed in the top seven rows of the table

above, but JBA’s price also includes a sum for Project Management. It seems reasonable to assume that project management costs for BWB are included within their other sums.

Although the Board’s specification for the works asked for a Project Appraisal Report and all associated work to seek grant aid funding (if required), both consultants felt it was not possible to provide a firm price for that until the modelling work has been completed, and the number and severity of any shortcomings in the current standard of protection provided by the Board’s drainage network have been identified. BWB’s price includes two budget costs for economic assessment – the first based on a simple cost/benefit and PAR process for minor capital works, and the second assuming that proposed mitigation scenarios are modelled to identify possible solutions. A fixed price would be provided following completion of the modelling work. JBA’s economic assessment price above is to estimate existing flood damages under a “Do nothing” scenario and carry out cost/benefit calculations for maintaining current standards in the catchment (this current level of protection will be determined by the modelling). If required, a PAR document could be produced, and – based on flood defence works/schemes being required at two locations – an indicative price of £8,500 + VAT has been suggested for this. Although BWB have experience with producing hydrological models, none of this appears to have been for IDBs. By contrast, JBA have undertaken six models for Black Sluice IDB, and others for various Boards in north Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Although J A Services declined to tender for this work, their price submitted to South Holland IDB for a similar size catchment and length of drain (for financial year 13/14) was £11,000, so is reasonably comparable to JBA’s for Chalk Lane. Given that JBA have plenty of experience of producing hydrological models for IDBs, and their submitted price appears reasonable when compared to J A Services’ work for South Holland IDB, I would recommend that JBA Consulting be awarded a contract to undertake a catchment model for Chalk Lane for £10,252.40, with them then providing a fixed price at the conclusion of this initial work for preparation of a Project Appraisal Report (if required) for consideration by the Board.

1.3 FISH AND EEL ASSESSMENTS The Board’s “high priority” sites at Eau Brink and Green Bank Pumping Stations for assessment in respect of their passability by eels are under review as part of the works being carried out by Capita URS across what was the EA’s Anglian Region. As the Board’s sites are near the start of Capita’s programme, I would expect compliance letters or exemptions to be issued by the EA for these sites sometime in October. With the exception of my time to complete forms and answer questions, the cost of these assessments is being 100% funded by grant aid, with the money being paid directly to the EA team who is managing this project. The money allocated for this work in the Board’s budgets for 2014-15 (£10,000) will therefore not be spent.

1.4 MAIN SLUICE Although the main installation work was completed by Aquatic Control Engineering (ACE) some time ago, unfortunately the first time the fish and eel flap was put into operation the flotation buoy became caught on the main door, holding the fish flap open and allowing tidal water to flow upstream. The following morning the fish and eel flap was tied up to hold it shut. The problem was immediately reported to ACE, who consulted with KWT (the equipment manufacturers). It was accepted that the problem had been caused by a design issue, and alterations were made to the float and door on site on 9 September to prevent the same issue re-occurring. All remedial works were at no cost to the Board. There are a few other works which the Board still intends to undertake here as part of the refurbishment – such as replacing the gauge board and installing security fencing around the outfall – and these will be progressed in the coming weeks/months.

1.5 MIDDLETON STOP/PIERPOINT FLOOD STORAGE POND Work commenced on site in the middle of July, and the specified 16-week programme means completion should be by 2 November 2014. Members will be able to see the current state of the project during the Board’s inspection, although as it’s a working site this will only be from the bus.

1.6 NORTH LYNN LINK SCHEME Discussions are continuing with the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council about all the proposed works in this area. Peter Brett Associates (formerly Hannah Reed), in conjunction with J A Services, are finalising the M&E specification and progressing the preparation of tender documents. It’s hoped that the Board will be in a position to submit a planning application for the pumping station and rising main sometime next month.

1.7 PROPOSED NEW STORAGE SHED AT PIERREPOINT PUMPING STATION The new storage shed has now been completed, and all snagging items addressed. A photograph of the front of the shed is shown at the top of the next page, and Members will be able to see its position and general appearance when we travel along Nar Ouse Way during the inspection.

Photograph showing front and side aspects of new storage shed

1.8 WOLFERTON PUMPING STATION STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATIONS Structural investigation works were undertaken on site on 2 and 3 July 2014, and although I am awaiting the imminent release of the final report, it has been confirmed to me verbally that the station is in a very poor condition structurally, and is at the end of its useful life. The Board needs, as a priority, to consider how it wishes to proceed here, and how quickly, taking into account the availability of grant aid funding for the next few years (this will be discussed under confidential business). There would be a number of issues to be resolved and consents to be obtained prior to the construction of a replacement pumping station here (if this is the Board’s preferred option for future flood risk management in this catchment); some of which, such as those relating to the various environmental designations of The Wash, are likely to take many months to finalise. At this stage I would suggest that a construction start date of April 2017 would hopefully be realistic (if the Board wishes to progress this as quickly as possible). Although this is very much an initial suggestion, as the construction cost will depend on the final capacity of the station – which would only be determined after hydrological modelling (including options for diversion of flows at high tide from the River Ingol into the pumped system) – a new station would be likely to cost £2-3 million (at 2014 prices) to build, excluding design costs.

2 RAINFALL Rainfall statistics relating to the Board’s gauges for the months of June, July and August are as follows (recordings in mm):



2014 2009-13 Average 2014 2009-13

Average 2014 2009-13 Average 2014 2009-13


Islington Pumping Station 53 54 58 63 123 35 520 340

Pierrepoint Pumping Station 57 51 62 65 136 57 545 364

Wolferton Pumping Station 46 61 82 59 87 78 497 395



Many Members will be aware that approximately 125mm of rainfall was recorded over a period of 7 hours around Emneth and Outwell on 8/9 August 2014. This resulted in overtopping of several Board-maintained watercourses in the furthest upstream parts of Green Bank and Islington catchments, and the flooding of some properties. There were a number of factors which contributed to overtopping occurring, and its extent, including the fact that annual drain maintenance works were still at a relatively early stage; the dumping of a sofa-bed which blocked a culvert (but which only became apparent when downstream water levels started to fall); but, arguably, the main factor was simply the sheer quantity of rainfall, which far exceeded a 1 in 100 year event (typically, including climate change allowance, this would be around 85mm of rain in not less than 12 hours, or 110mm in 24 hours). The Board’s Officers are awaiting confirmation from Norfolk County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, of the total number of properties affected, and the Board’s Officers are discussing what actions could be taken to decrease the chance of a similar event happening in due course, and to minimise its impacts if it does. This matter will probably need to be discussed in detail by the Plant & Works Committee, and then the full Board, in due course.


1 REPORT ON BARN OWL NEST BOXES Details have recently been received from Colin Shawyer regarding monitoring of the Board’s barn owl nesting boxes, and those installed as part of the SITA project around the Norfolk Rivers IDB and Broads IDB districts. It’s been an excellent year for barn owls, with many pairs having second broods of young, and the monitoring work for these has not yet been completed. However, a report of the year overall should be available for the November Board meeting. So far approximately 60 nestbox sites have been visited on at least one occasion; 41 of which were found to be occupied by barn owls, with 125 fledged young from first broods. 11 nextboxes were occupied by kestrels, producing 40 young. These numbers will increase once further monitoring is carried out, as Colin estimates that 30% of adult pairs will have attempted second broods. Colin asked for his thanks to be passed on to the Board for its interest and support, which is very much appreciated. He hopes that the success being achieved adds value to the Board’s work, and to the BAP targets, which, for barn owls, have been well and truly exceeded this year.

2 NORFOLK RIVERS TRUST An application has been received from Norfolk Rivers Trust proposing works to be undertaken along Gaywood River and/or to the Board’s land to the south which may be developed as a flood storage area in the future. The submission is included as Appendix A to this report. The Board has previously resolved that the North Lynn Link Scheme pumping station should be completed and this system re-assessed prior to deciding whether or not to construct a formal flood storage area to the south of Gaywood River. At this stage I feel it would be premature to do any detailed design or construction work on a full flood storage area, as the total flood volume predicted to overspill from Gaywood River has already decreased from previous assessments following changes to the hydrological model to include flow data from Sugar Fen gauging station and to use current best-available flow estimation techniques, and will be reduced further once the Board has the option to divert flows to the new link scheme pumping station. It is therefore not possible to assess exactly what flood storage may be needed here at the current time. In principle, alterations to the course and profile of Gaywood River itself may have some benefits, but I feel that with the plans currently shown there are many more potential problems than advantages. While some of the issues may be relatively easy to address – such as full cross-sections being taken so that an assessment could be made of any impact on the Board’s maintenance works in terms of the machinery it uses – many of them would be fundamental considerations with any project. Firstly, I do not believe there would be sufficient material to carry out the works shown without having a serious adverse impact on the Board’s maintenance access to the south of the river, as the access track next to the river is a lot higher than the land behind. If part of the access track is removed to widen the river, the land behind would have to be built up so that the Board had the same access, but this would require more material than had been removed.

The Board would also need to consider whether it would be losing land if the course of the channel was to be changed, as the Board only owns the land on both sides of the river for part of the section where changes are planned. The other affected landowner’s consent would be needed too. Furthermore, the Board’s hydrological model would need to be altered to assess whether the changes in watercourse profile or the stated increased flow speed could have an adverse impact on flood risk. Next, there is always a higher potential for erosion with newly-cut banks, and there would be no way to compact or stabilise the “formed benches” until they became vegetated, so any high flow event could simply wash that material downstream, and actually impose an additional maintenance obligation on the Board. It would also need to be ensured that when the berms are covered by vegetation, which would normally then be left uncut, that maintenance of the main channel is not affected, for example by impeding visibility of the rest of the channel for the excavator driver. The plans also do not comply with some of the basic requirements that Officers stipulated would need to be adhered to with any scheme, for example where they show widening of the river next to the existing wood, where there is already a restricted access width, which would only be worsened if the river’s widened here Finally, even if all the above points were resolved, I feel that any works on the river, especially if not undertaken by the Board, would require a lot of direct supervision; when the Board’s Officers need to be concentrating on other projects. While I agree that there may be more that the Board can do to improve the ecology of Gaywood River and the adjoining land owned by the Board while not increasing flood risk – and hopefully decreasing it – given all the other points above, I do not believe this is something that the Board should be looking to progress at the present time.


12 September 2014 PLANNING REPORT


OFF WEST DROVE NORTH, WALPOLE ST PETER DRAIN AFFECTED – MILL ROAD DRAIN, AN OPEN WATERCOURSE MAINTAINED BY TRACTOR-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT APPLICANT – ROSE HALL FARMS LTD An application has been received seeking the agreement of the Board to the re-routing of part of Mill Road Drain. The proposals involve the excavation of approximately 170m of new channel and the clearing/possible improvement of 100m of roadside drain – indicatively shown by the red line on the plan below – with the drain shown coloured green then being infilled. Although the new route would result in a minor increase in the total length of Board-maintained watercourse (approximately 40m), the plans would give a generally straighter drain, and there would also be access to part of the new route from the roadside, rather than just the field. In principle the Board’s Officers feel that the proposed re-routing of this section of drain would be acceptable, and it is therefore recommended that the Board agrees to this, subject to the following: • A longitudinal survey and at least two cross sections on the roadside drain are to

be undertaken along the proposed route (including levels in the existing Board-maintained drain upstream and downstream). This survey is to be used to establish the design of the new/improved drain, with the design to be to the satisfaction of the Board’s Officers.

• The required improvements are to be carried out at the sole cost of the applicant,

to the satisfaction of the Board’s Officers.

• A protected species survey is to be carried out by the Board’s Officers or a suitably-qualified professional, at the applicant’s cost, to confirm that there are no protected species which may be affected by the works. Any required mitigation measures are to be undertaken at the applicant’s cost.

• A 2-year “warranty” period is to be applied to the new section of Board-

maintained drain, commencing on the date that works are passed as satisfactory by the Board’s Officers. In the event of any slips or other works that are not routine maintenance being required during this period, the full cost of those works is to be payable by the applicant/developer.

• The applicant will need to obtain written confirmation from Norfolk County Council

Highways that they have no objections to works being carried out to the drain alongside West Drove North. Unless they agreed otherwise, any required land take on this section would have to be from the field, not the road verge.


Location Plan

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Defra, Licence number 100052639, [2014].

Site referred to


Site plan 1.2 FULL PLANNING APPLICATION – 14/00779/F

DETACHED GARAGE AND CONSERVATORY EXTENSIONS AT 29 BEULAH STREET, KING’S LYNN DRAIN AFFECTED – GAYWOOD RIVER, AN OPEN WATERCOURSE MAINTAINED BY HAND RODING, TRACTOR-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT AND EXCAVATOR-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT (EACH AS REQUIRED) APPLICANTS – MR & MRS LANE An application has been received seeking relaxations of Byelaw 10 for a new garage, conservatory and driveway extension at this property. The garage is shown 1.3m from the brink of the watercourse (excluding additional foundation width), with the driveway extension a similar distance away, and the conservatory is shown 5.5m from the edge of Gaywood River. There is an existing free-standing wooden building approximately 1.15m from the brink, which would be removed as part of the development, and a laurel hedge between that structure and the watercourse, which is intended to remain. The applicants’ agent claims that his clients have lost 4 foot of their garden since moving into the property (in 1985), and had to undertake works themselves to support the bank and reconstruct 3 feet of the lost ground. However, it’s also said that the existing hedge, which is at the top of the bank, has been in-situ throughout the applicants’ time in this property. South of this property there is an access strip alongside Gaywood River, which is primarily much less than 9m wide, but along which some machinery could be operated if required. With the exception of a couple of trees and sheds, this strip is free of obstructions. To the north of Beulah Street there are trees and hedges along almost all the eastern bank of Gaywood River, along with a couple of wooden terraces and free-standing structures, although there are more obstructions in the gardens of the properties closest to where Gaywood River comes under Wootton Road.


Although the Board does not routinely gain machine access from the eastern side of Gaywood River here, and could not do so in places without the removal of existing features, the Board’s Planning & Byelaw Policy says that applications for garages and extensions like the ones proposed will not normally be approved closer than 6 metres from the edge of the watercourse. Members may consider that the bank having previously been supported lessens potential concerns about future movement here, although this work was not done by the Board, and may not be capable of withstanding the additional loading that would be imposed by the development, especially the garage. Movement of the ground could occur either during the development, as a result of the machinery and excavations required, or at any time thereafter, and if this was to happen, then slippage of material into the watercourse would be likely to create an obstruction, which in turn would increase flood risk to land and properties upstream. I would suggest a driveway extension in the indicated position could be agreed by the Board, subject to it being constructed so it’s permeable and the surfacing is a “temporary” material such as gravel or tarmac chippings, and subject to the property owner(s) entering into the Board’s standard Deed of Indemnity (see first bullet point at the end of this section), all in accordance with the Board’s Planning & Byelaw Policy. However, the positions of the conservatory and garage are both closer to the watercourse (much closer in the case of the garage) than the Board would normally


ever permit. Members therefore need to decide if the existing bank support and lack of readily-available access on some of this side of Gaywood River is sufficient to justify a departure from policy, without compromising the Board’s consideration of any future Byelaw 10 relaxation applications which may be similar to this one. Considering all the factors, I would recommend that the application for the garage and conservatory as shown be refused, although if the small conservatory was removed or reduced in size so that the conservatory extension(s) would be at least six metres from the brink of Gaywood River at all points, then I would recommend that approval be given for this, subject to the relevant conditions in the bullet points below. If Members wish to grant any approval(s) for the erection of a conservatory and/or garage here, I would recommend this/these is/are subject to the following conditions: • The owner(s) of the property entering into the Board’s standard Deed of

Indemnity for the approved development(s), including paying all costs incurred by the Board in preparing and executing that document.

• Written confirmation being provided by a suitably qualified, independent structural

engineer showing that the existing bank support would not be adversely affected by the development works.

• The foundations for any approved development less than six metres from the edge of the watercourse are to be constructed so that they are at least as deep as the hard bed level in Gaywood River. Any development more than six metres but less than nine metres from the brink of the watercourse is to have its foundations designed by a suitably-qualified independent structural engineer, who is to confirm that the intended foundation design will ensure there is no adverse impact on Gaywood River. The foundations are then to be constructed in accordance with that design.

Location Plan

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Defra, Licence number 100052639, [2014].

Site referred to


Site plan


Looking north towards Beulah Street (the property is on the right-hand side) 2 OTHER PLANNING MATTERS:


There have been no Surface Water Development Contribution Fees invoiced during the reporting period.

2.2 DELEGATED CONSENTS GRANTED During this reporting period the following consents have been granted by Officers under their delegated authority: APPLICANT/AGENT LOCATION DEVELOPMENT WATERCOURSE(S) Bateman Farms Crown Farm, Mill Road,

West Walton Extend existing piping

Smallholdings Drain (DRN040P0106)

Belwood Developments

Willow Farm, Black Horse Road, Clenchwarton

Install new access culvert

Private (CMT140G)

ESP Ltd Cresswell Street,

King’s Lynn Pipe and infill drain

Private (CMT133G)

Freebridge Community Housing

4 Rands Terrace, St Johns Fen End

Infill drain (with soakaway crates)

Private (CMT138P)

Herbert Engineering Ltd

Middle Drove, Marshland St James

Pipe and infill section of drain

Private (CMT138P)

J Goodley & Sons Ltd Land at Tilney St

Lawrence Land tile outfalls Reeds Drain

(DRN146P0201) M & A Development Ltd

Land to the north of Hillgate Street, Terrington St Clement

Construct patio; erect wooden boundary fences and plant hedge

Chapple Dyke (DRN146P0253)

Mr Clark Northmoor House,

West Drove North, Walpole St Peter

Extend existing piping

Walpole West Drain (DRN146P0291)

Mr & Mrs Gosling Land to the north of

Hillgate Street, Terrington St Clement

Erect wooden boundary fences and plant hedge

Chapple Dyke (DRN146P0253)

Mr Hunt & Ms Leedell 98 Salts Road, West

Walton Pipe and infill drain

Private (CMT145P)

Mr Franklin & Mrs Walker

34 Jubilee Bank Road, Clenchwarton

Pipe and infill drain

Private (CMT140G)

William Morfoot Ltd Land at Wiggenhall St

Mary Magdalen Land tile outfalls Short Fen Drain


From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Actual Actual AnnualNotes Income and Expenditure Account 2013/14 2014/15 Estimate Variance

£ £ £ £


Occupiers Drainage Rates 303,704.31 303,704.40 303,704 0.40

1 Special Levies issued by the Board 1,843,605.99 1,843,606.00 1,843,606 0.00

Grants Applied 15,092.43 0.00 0 0.00

Rental Income 1,842.09 1,831.84 3,200 -1,368.16

2 Highland Water Contributions 60,517.78 59,746.25 35,000 24,746.25

Income from Rechargeable Works 61,367.77 5,298.72 0 5,298.72

Investment Interest 23,701.45 5,963.74 20,000 -14,036.26

3 Net Surplus on Operating Accounts 0.00 33,528.38 0 33,528.38

Development Contributions 4,398.70 0.00 0 0.00

4 Other Income 17,932.40 140.18 1,500 -1,359.82

Total Income £2,332,162.92 £2,253,819.51 £2,207,010 £46,809.51

Less Expenditure:

5 Capital Works 536,487.66 73,802.92 1,129,500 1,055,697.08

6 Environment Agency Precept 152,490.00 159,146.00 156,607 -2,539.00

7 Maintenance Works 893,626.18 430,036.59 1,314,608 884,571.41

Development Expenditure 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

Interest Payments 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

8 Administration Charges 182,478.34 84,862.38 187,703 102,840.62

Cost of Rechargeable Works 50,867.94 6,236.92 0 -6,236.92

3 Net Deficit on Operating Accounts 70,300.62 16,402.44 0 -16,402.44

Total Expenditure £1,886,250.74 £770,487.25 £2,788,418 £2,017,930.75

Profit/(Loss) on disposal of Fixed Assets 25,979.88 11,209.00 0 11,209.00

9 Net Surplus/(Deficit) £471,892.06 £1,494,541.26 -£581,408 £2,075,949.26

From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Opening Movement ClosingNotes Balance Sheet as at 31-8-2014 Balance This Year Balance

£ £ £

10 Fixed Assets:

Land and Buildings 711,957.53 -3,321.65 708,635.88Plant and Equipment 686,441.09 282,865.26 969,306.35Pumping Stations 533,088.00 -37,020.00 496,068.00

1,931,486.62 242,523.61 2,174,010.23

Current Assets:

11 Bank Current Account 120,130.30 -31,965.48 88,164.82Stock 6,177.24 -1,557.50 4,619.74

12 Debtors Control Account 36,990.13 23,753.49 60,743.6213 Work in Progress 0.00 0.00 0.0014 Short Term Investments 5,000,000.00 300,000.00 5,300,000.0015 Special Levies Due 0.00 921,803.00 921,803.0016 Rates Due 21,091.65 27,682.41 48,774.0617 Prepayments 9,775.45 -9,775.45 0.00

Prepayments (WMA) 47,136.00 -19,779.00 27,357.00Accrued Interest 3,742.00 -3,742.00 0.00VAT Due 37,269.81 45,130.45 82,400.26Grants Due 0.00 0.00 0.00

5,282,312.58 1,251,549.92 6,533,862.50Less Current Liabilities:

Creditors Control Account 6,695.07 78,499.93 85,195.0018 Grants Unapplied 151,373.17 -26,292.15 125,081.02

Accruals 14,026.18 -14,026.18 0.00Finance Leases 0.00 0.00 0.00Receipts Paid in Advance 9,812.20 -1,629.33 8,182.87PWLB Loans due in less than one year 0.00 0.00 0.00

181,906.62 36,552.27 218,458.89

Net Current Assets 5,100,405.96 1,214,997.65 6,315,403.61

Less Long Term Liabilities:

25 Pension Liability 2,916,000.00 0.00 2,916,000.00Long Term Borrowing 0.00 0.00 0.00

2,916,000.00 0.00 2,916,000.00

Net Assets £4,115,892.58 £1,457,521.26 £5,573,413.84

19 Reserves:

Earmarked20 General Reserve 2,776,690.27 1,494,541.26 4,271,231.5321 Development Reserve 555,143.14 0.00 555,143.1422 Capital Works Reserve 295,398.17 0.00 295,398.1723 Plant Reserve 2,521,148.00 0.00 2,521,148.00

6,148,379.58 1,494,541.26 7,642,920.84Non-Distributable

24 Revaluation Reserve 883,513.00 -37,020.00 846,493.0025 Pension Reserve -2,916,000.00 0.00 -2,916,000.00

-2,032,487.00 -37,020.00 -2,069,507.00

Total Reserves £4,115,892.58 £1,457,521.26 £5,573,413.84


From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts


2013/14 2014/15Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk 1,740,514.99 1,740,515.00Fenland District Council 80,717.00 80,717.00South Holland District Council 22,374.00 22,374.00

1,843,605.99 1,843,606.00



2013/14 2014/15Labour Operations Account -48,939.34 33,528.38Mobile Plant Operations Account -21,361.28 -16,402.44

-70,300.62 17,125.94

4 Other Income for this year is made up as follows:2013/14 2014/15

Commuted Maintenance 0.00 0.00Sale of Pump 15,000.00 0.00Contribution for pumping surface water 100.00 100.00Other Income Wayleaves etc 1,232.40 40.18Summoms Costs 1,600.00 0.00Shared Income from WMA 0.00 0.00

17,932.40 140.18




2013/14 2014/15Labour Charges 408,425.05 197,538.00Plant Charges 196,593.72 92,543.50Materials 8,055.75 1,334.77Contractors 45,225.88 32,843.28Electricity 87,519.64 27,643.10Insurances 2,740.72 3,198.71Telemetry 13,539.42 9,490.23Depreciation 0.00 0.00Direct Works 762,100.18 364,591.59Technical Support Costs 127,359.00 60,278.00BAP Costs 4,167.00 5,167.00Maintenance Works 893,626.18 430,036.59


2013/14 2014/15

The Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) for this year is made up as follows:

Administration charges reflect the Board's share of consortium expenditure (excluding the technical support costs, which are includedin the maintenance works expenditure). Detailed expenditure is monitored by the Consortium Management Committee and the Boardevery three months:

The EA Precept due for 2014/15 is slightly higher than estimated. Half of the EA Precept is payable to the EA on 31 May and theother half is due to be paid to them on 30 November.

Special Levies collected from constituent Billing Authorities were as follows:

The Highland Water Claim for 2014/15 is due to be paid by the Environment Agency (EA) to the Board in September, following therecent changes made to the timetable (previously the payment was made in two installments - in May and in December).

Detailed operating surpluses/(deficits) for the Labour Operations Account and each item of Mobile Plant are shown in the Labour andPlant Operations Reports, which can be made available to members on request. These Reports are scrutinised by the Board's Plantand Works Committee every year.

The cost of each capital scheme is approved by the Board annually and detailed on the schedule of capital works, as managed by thePlanning/Enforcement Officer, which can be made available to members on request. This Report is also scrutinised by the Board'sPlant and Works Committee every year.

The detailed maintenance operations in each sub catchment are approved by the Board annually and shown on the schedule ofmaintenance works, as managed by the Operations Manager, which can be made available to members on request. The summarisedanalysis of expenditure is as follows:

From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

Consortium Charges 174,319.00 81,529.00Drainage Rates AV Increases/(Decreases) 187.13 0.00Kettlewell House Depreciation 7,971.96 3,321.65Sundry Debtors written off 0.25 11.73

182,478.34 84,862.38


2013/14 2014/15General Reserve -420,964.00 -581,408.00

-420,964.00 -581,408.00


CostOpening Balance b/fwd 1,183,743 1,399,899 888,480 3,472,122(+) Additions 0 360,942 0 360,942(-) Disposals 0 -125,929 0 -125,929Closing Balance c/fwd 1,183,743 1,634,912 888,480 3,707,135

DepreciationOpening Balance b/fwd 471,786 713,458 355,392 1,540,635(+) Depreciation Charge for year 3,322 60,786 37,020 101,128(-) Accumulated depreciation written out on disposal 0 -108,638 0 -108,638Closing Balance c/fwd 475,107 665,606 392,412 1,533,125

Net Book Value as at 31-03-2014 711,958 686,441 533,088 1,931,487Net Book Value as at 31-8-2014 708,636 969,306 496,068 2,174,010


2013/14 2014/15Opening Balance b/fwd 62,830.83 120,130.30(+) Receipts 3,262,555.18 1,544,986.87(-) Payments -3,205,255.71 -1,576,952.35(=) Closing Balance c/fwd 120,130.30 88,164.82

Balance on Statement as at 31-8 279,688.48 88,164.82Less: Unpresented Payments -159,692.63 0.00Add: Unpresented Receipts 134.45 0.00Closing Balance c/fwd 120,130.30 88,164.82

12 Aged Debtor profile is currently as follows:Number of

Debt period Amount Debtors<=30 days 60,727.78 2>30 days and <=60 days 0.00 0>60 days and <=90 days 15.84 2>90 days 0.00 0

60,743.62 4

>90 days Amount Inv. Date OriginatorN/A N/A N/A N/A


The Board has planned to increase/(reduce) balances by financing expenditure from the following reserves:

The movement in Fixed Assets is detailed in the Fixed Assets Register for 2014/15, which can be made available to members onrequest.

The Bank Current Account balance will be kept to a minimum following the decision to invest additional working balances on the shortterm money market. The Bank Account is reconciled as follows:

Land and Buildings

Plant and Equipment

Pumping StationsTotal

From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

13 EstimatedCompletion

Customer Amount Date Budget HolderN/A N/A N/A N/A


14 Term Deposits are currently as follows:Investment Maturity

Financial Institution Capital Date Date Interest Rate

Natwest 500,000.00 15/07/2014 14/07/2015 0.95%Vernon Co-Op Bank 300,000.00 15/08/2014 15/12/2014 0.48%Nottingham Building Society 500,000.00 29/08/2014 05/01/2015 0.50%Tipton Building Society 500,000.00 30/04/2014 15/09/2014 0.45%Manchester 500,000.00 30/04/2014 15/09/2014 0.45%Skipton Building Society 500,000.00 15/05/2014 30/09/2014 0.51%West Bromwich Building Society 500,000.00 30/05/2014 15/10/2014 0.45%National Counties Building Society 500,000.00 13/06/2014 31/10/2014 0.60%Furness Building Society 500,000.00 30/06/2014 31/10/2014 0.45%Principality Building Society 500,000.00 15/04/2014 14/11/2014 0.50%Newcastle Building Society 500,000.00 31/07/2014 28/11/2014 0.55%




2013/14 2014/15Arrears b/fwd 17,004.97 21,091.65Drainage Rates for the year 303,704.31 303,704.40Special Levies for the year 1,843,605.99 1,843,606.07New Assessments 110.95 60.28Value Increases/(Decreases) -110.95 -60.28Payments Received -2,145,193.18 -1,197,891.53Returned/(Represented) amounts 556.69 0.00Paid Refunds 0.00 0.00Irrecoverables and write offs -100.00 0.00Drainage Rate Adjustment -187.13 66.54Special Levy Adjustment 0.00 -0.07Sundry adjustments/Summons 1,700.00 0.00Arrears c/fwd 21,091.65 970,577.06


18 Grants Unapplied are those grants that we have received in advance of doing work on the following schemes:

2013/14 2014/15SCH03: Pierrepoint/Middleton Stop Strategy 1,151.27 0.17SCH05: Smeeth Lode Drainage Improvement 0.00 0.00SCH06: Smeeth Lode Scheme: Pond 1 - Drain 6 18,935.74 0.00SCH08: Smeeth Lode Strategy Update 0.04 0.00SCH11: North Wootton Pump Refurbishment 766.80 0.00SCH12: Wolferton Pumping Station - Pump 2 Refurbishment 974.70 0.00SCH13: Pierrepoint Pumping Station - Pump Refurbishment 1,224.90 0.00SCH30: Islington Catchment Flood Risk Management Scheme 125,080.85 125,080.85SCH17: Middleton Stop Pump Refurbishment - Phase 2 1,914.30 0.00SCH21: Smeeth Lode Catchment Study 1,324.57 0.00

151,373.17 125,081.02

19 The Reserves are managed in accordance with the Balances and Earmarked Reserves Policy for 2014/15, as approved by the Boardon 6 January 2014. This policy is available for viewing on the Board's website.

There are no current prepayments.

Special Levies are paid by Constituent Councils in two halves on 1 May and 1 November.

Work In Progress (WIP) is currently made up of the following jobs:

Drainage Rates are paid by occupiers of agricultural land and/or buildings. There are currently 280 Ratepayers that have not paidtheir Drainage Rates for 2014/15, as compared to 275 Ratepayers this time last year. Summarised transactions for Drainage Ratesand Special Levies during the year are as follows:

From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

20 Movements on the General Reserve are made up as follows:

2013/14 2014/15Opening Balance, as at 1 April b/fwd 2,230,702.08 2,776,690.27Net Surplus/(Deficit) for the year 471,892.06 1,494,541.26Net transfer (to)/from Development Reserve -4,398.70 0.00Net transfer (to)/from Capital Works Reserve -62,505.17 0.00Revaluation Reserve adjustment 141,000.00 0.00Closing Balance, as at 31 March c/fwd 2,776,690.27 4,271,231.53


2013/14 2014/15Opening Balance, as at 1 April b/fwd 550,744.44 555,143.14Net contributions transferred from General Reserve 4,398.70 0.00Closing Balance, as at 31 March c/fwd 555,143.14 555,143.14


2013/14 Gen. Reserve 2014/15SCH15: Pierrepoint Storage Building 42,763.94 0.00 42,763.94SCH18: Middleton Stop Flood Storage Area 217,293.00 0.00 217,293.00SCH24: Telemetry Review 11,200.00 0.00 11,200.00SCH26: Main Sluice Structual Investigation 11,510.00 0.00 11,510.00SCH27: Merries Farm Sluice Structual Investigation 1,276.23 0.00 1,276.23SCH28: Ingleborough Pumping Station 1,355.00 0.00 1,355.00SCH29: Middleton Stop Drain Structual Investigation 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00

295,398.17 0.00 295,398.17


2014/15Fixed Plant Reserve 2,021,148.00Mobile Plant Reserve 500,000.00Plant Reserve 2,521,148.00


Opening Balance, as at 1 April b/fwd 883,513.00Less:Pumping Station Depreciation -37,020.00

Closing Balance, as at 31 March c/fwd 846,493.00

25 Pension Liability


(ii) The Board is a member of the Water Management Alliance Consortium and as such will also have a proportion of the pension liabilityfor the shared staff that are employed by King's Lynn IDB, t/a the Water Management Alliance. The Fund Actuary for Norfolk CountyC il h d t R t f th W t M t Alli hi h id tifi ti l t i li bilit f

The Pension Liability is calculated by the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Fund Actuary at the end of every financial year.It is a notional liability that is shown as a Long Term Liability on the Balance Sheet. This figure is meant to show the extent of theBoard's liability at the Balance Sheet date, based on a number of actuarial assumptions. However it is important to note that this sumdoes not represent an estimate of the exit cost of withdrawing from the LGPS at the Balance Sheet date.

The Fixed Plant Reserve and Mobile Plant Reserve have been merged into a single Plant Reserve, as at 31 March 2014:

Movements on the Revaluation Reserve are made up as follows:

Movements on the Development Reserve are made up as follows:

Movements on the Capital Works Reserve are made up as follows:The Capital Works Reserve largely represents the committed cost of capital schemes that the Board has approved in previous years,where suppliers have not actually invoiced for work, either due to slippage in the programme or other issues with the contract:

From: 01 April 2014 Period: 05To: 31 August 2014 Year Ending: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

Recommended Actions:



Council has now prepared a separate Report for the Water Management Alliance, which identifies a notional net pension liability of£1,037,000 as at 31 March 2014 that is shared by all 5 Member Boards.

To approve the Financial Report for the year ending 31 August 2014.

King's Lynn IDBSchedule of Paid Accounts

Payment Date From : 01/06/201431/08/2014

Amount PaidThis Period

Payment Date To :

Account ID Name Details-523.31

AJ0001 A J & R Scambler & Sons Ltd Plant Service 523.31-195.00

AN0002 Anglia Fallen Stock Co Pony Collection 195.00-16,840.05

AN0100 Anglia Farmers Ltd Gas Oil/Electric 16,840.05-275.24

AN0101 Anglian Water Water Charge 275.24-12,000.00

AQ0001 Aquatic Control Engineering Capital Works 12,000.00-3,471.31

AR0001 Arval Fuel 3,471.31-33.22

AS0120 Richard Askew Agricultural Supplies Spares & Repairs 33.22-972.00

BA0001 T W Barker Ltd Drain Survey/Capital 972.00-190.53

BO0240 BOC Ltd Oxygen 190.53-703.38

BT0270 BT Phone/Broadband 703.38-66.36

BU0285 Burley Fluid & Air Ltd Spares & Repairs 66.36-1,302.00

CA0320 Carter Haulage & Storage Ltd Excavator Moves 1,302.00-135.32

CR0380 King's Lynn Auto Electrical Ltd Oil Filter/Repairs 135.32-6,824.04

CR0398 Cruso & Wilkin Professional Fees 6,824.04-13,808.21

CW0001 C W Engineering Ltd Weedscreen Repair 13,808.21-34.50

DO0004 Doubleday Spares & Repairs 34.50-26,292.15

EN0001 Environment Agency Returned Grant Money 26,292.15-25.80

EON001 E.ON Electricity 25.80-150.00

EQ0535 Equitable Life Assurance Society AVC 150.00-1,022.43

FE0002 Fenton Insurance Solutions Ltd Plant Insurance 1,022.43-2,083.58

FI0620 Finning (UK) Ltd Maintenance Contract 2,083.58-736.03

FR0001 Franklin Industrial Supplies Ltd Small Tools 736.03-35.76

GM0755 GMB Union Subs 35.76-17,404.62

HA0001 Hannah Reed & Associates Ltd Consultants 17,404.62-1,186.18

HA0810 Hayley Group plc Engineering Supplies 1,186.18-738.57

HM0001 Hitachi Construction Service Contract 738.57-21,513.88

IN0001 Inland Revenue Paye & Nic 21,513.88-529.68

IN0002 Interflon Ltd Grease Cartridge 529.68-14.54

JO1060 A T Johnson Spares 14.54-6,707.28

KW1195 K & W Mechanical Services Ltd Spares & Repairs 6,707.28-219.36

MA0001 Marshall Ford Spares & Repairs 219.36-1,060.55

MA0003 Magpie Security Services Ltd Keys 1,060.55-8,953.42

MA1310 Mastenbroek Ltd Herder Spares 8,953.42-264.00

MR1390 Mr Signs Signs & Notices 264.00-20,269.83

NO0001 Norfolk Pension Fund Pension Contributions 20,269.83-5,772.00

NO0002 Northern Divers Diving Team/Inspection 5,772.00-7,501.00

NO0004 Norfolk County Council BAP Charges 7,501.00-10,595.76

PBA001 Peter Brett Associates LLP Capital Works 10,595.76-62.93

PP0001 PPG Architectural Coatings UK Ltd Paint 62.93-984.00

PR0001 P & R Plant Hire Plant Hire 984.00-197,413.56

SP0002 Spearhead Machinery Ltd New Plant 197,413.56-332.55

ST0001 Mr C Street T/A C R Electrical Electrician 332.55

King's Lynn IDBSchedule of Paid Accounts

Payment Date From : 01/06/201431/08/2014

Amount PaidThis Period

Payment Date To :

Account ID Name Details-1,057.73

ST0002 Stapleton's (Tyre Services) Ltd New Tyres 1,057.73-349.66

SY0001 L Symington (Farms) Ltd Spraying 349.66-6,588.50

TH2030 Thurlow Nunn Standen Ltd Plant Service 6,588.50-306.45

TI2050 Timber Services Ltd Materials 306.45-202.58

VJ2250 V & J Knitwear Ltd Protective Clothing 202.58-1,694.40

VO0001 Vodafone Ltd Mobile Phone 1,694.40-495.79

VO2270 Volvo Construction Equipment Plant Service 495.79-23,782.71

WA0001 Watson Petroleum Gas Oil 23,782.71-111.01

WA2310 Water Management Alliance Bupa, Insurance etc 111.01-211,518.00

WA2320 Watling JCB Ltd (Wymondham) New Plant 211,518.00-162.91

ZE0001 Zenith Survey Equipment Ltd Calibration 162.91
