a message from our pastora message from our pastor


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Page 1: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor
Page 2: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor

A Message From our Pastor... A Message From our Pastor...

January 17, 2016

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

As John the evangelist tells us in today’s gospel, it was at the wedding feast of Cana that Christ

performed “the beginning of his signs…and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in

him.” This first of Christ’s signs, performed in the gospel of St. John, not only reveals the glory of the

Son of God but also presents the significant role of His Mother in the life and mission of her Son. From

the beginning, it is clear that the presence of Mary is essential to the recounting of this miracle. She is

the first guest to be mentioned. There can be no doubt that the gospels were written to bring all to faith

in Christ. St. John himself, near the end of his gospel, will say that the signs recorded by him were

“written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have

life in his name.” (Jn. 20:31) However, St. John desires to direct our gaze to Mary from the beginning

of these signs worked by Our Lord. She is instrumental in bringing about this miracle and for this

reason her presence at the wedding feast tells us much about her role in her Son’s redemptive work.

As we know, Mary is called the “Mother of Jesus” by St. John twice in his gospel. The first time she

is mentioned is here at the wedding feast and then at the end of the gospel she is again mentioned as

“Mother” at Calvary. She is present therefore at the very beginning of Our Lord’s public life and then

at the end when He offers His life on the cross. What is interesting is that the “hour” that Christ refers

to in today’s gospel is fulfilled when Mary reappears at the foot of the cross. When Christ tells His

Mother that his hour “has not yet come” St. John will again present Mary at the moment when this

“hour” is made present at Calvary. There can be no doubt that Mary is presented as Mother from the

very beginning until the very end of Christ’s salvific work. When we hear the words, “Behold, your

mother,” at the foot of the cross, we now understand that Mary has always been presented to us as


The Gospel also relates the great care of Mary as Mother. She places before her Son the needs of the

newly-weds. They have no wine. What is especially telling is that there is no mention of any petition

on the part of the bride or groom to Mary. In other words, Mary is constantly attentive even to those

needs that are not presented to her. St. Alphonsus Liguori remarks that “If our Lady acted like this

without being asked, what would she not have done if they actually asked her to intervene?” (Short

Sermons, 48, 2, 1) This shows an essential characteristic of Mary’s motherhood. She is solicitous to all

those who invoke her help and protective care. We profess this in the magnificent prayer called the

Memorare: “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled

to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.” The wedding feast

at Cana therefore presents the “Mother of Jesus” as ever attentive to the needs of all in need. We should

therefore present our petitions to her with true filial devotion and confidence. Through her intercession

Christ manifests His glory and performs the first of His signs. Through the intercession of His Mother

we too know that Our Lord will continually work His signs in each one of us.

In Christ,

Fr. Steven

Page 3: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor

Please Join Us As We Joyfully Celebrate the Holy Mass and Veneration of


Pope St. John Paul II Friday, January 22nd 5:00 pm

January 17, 2016 3 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Grade School Little Flowers and Blue Knights

First and Third Sundays of the Month

6:00-7:30 pm School Cafeteria

Jr. High J.M.J.

First and Third Sundays of the Month

6:00-7:30 pm Convent

High School Sundays 6:00-7:30 pm

Ministry Center

All high school youth in our parish are welcome and encouraged to participate! Friend “St. Joseph Youth Ministry on Facebook today for announcements, forms

and other information.

Symbolon is Returning All are welcome to join us for the Symbolon series starting Thursday, January 14th from 1:30-3:00 in the Ministry Center. We will be studying the Seven Sacraments and the Mass. This is an excellent way to learn more about our amazing Catholic faith. It is not necessary to have joined us or viewed the first series. For more information, please contact Judy at 815-943-5446 or feel free to just attend on Thursday, January 14th.

In a continuing effort to assist the homeless women and

children in McHenry County, the Harvard PADS

Committee is looking to replace the built-in dishwasher in

the Convent. Volunteers generously feed between 12 and

20 women and children each week. If you have a working

dishwasher or would like to make a donation to the pur-

chase of a new or used dishwasher, please

contact the Ministry Center at 815-943-6406.

Rockford Diocese Launches Courage &

EnCourage Apostolates

Do you or someone you know have same-sex attraction?

Do you desire to live in accord with the Catholic Church's

teachings or desire that your loved one does so? Courage

is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church which

ministers to persons with same-sex attractions. In 1980,

the Servant of God Terence Cardinal Cooke recognized

the need for the Church to extend her maternal charity to a

group of people who often feel estranged from the Church,

if not rejected. To walk lovingly with those who experi-

ence same sex attraction, Cooke established Courage. For

more information on Courage support group meetings in

the Rockford Diocese contact their chaplain, Fr. Phillip

Kaim at: [email protected].

EnCourage is for parents, friends and family members of

loved ones with same sex attraction. EnCourage is a faith-

ful witness to Catholic teaching on sexual morality which

meets the needs of its members with charity and compas-

sion. EnCourage does not embrace the necessity of chang-

ing a loved one's sexual attraction to seek support from

our ministry. For more information on EnCourage sup-

port group meetings contact their chaplain, Fr. Ryan

Browning at: [email protected].

33 Days to Morning Glory Returns Join us Monday, February 22nd to begin your

journey of “33 Days to Morning Glory”. We

will meet from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in the Min-

istry Center for 6 weeks. Grow in your

knowledge of Mary and her role in salvation.

Contact Judy at 815-943-5446 or 815-321-2261 to reserve

your spot so teaching materials can be ordered.

There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of

Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to

the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus

said to him, "They have no wine." - Jn 2:1-3

January 16-17, 2016

The National Appeal reflects the varied ways we seek to

communicate Christ’s message. Pope Francis has called upon us

to dedicate ourselves to spreading the Gospel message to every-

one we meet.

One of the ways we could do this is by participating on this

weekend in our collection for the National Appeal.

Simply offer what you can to help promote the Gospel through

these worthy causes:

Retirement Fund for Religious

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Communication Campaign

Catholic University of America

Rockford Diocesan Priests’ Pension

Catholic Elementary School Financial Support for the

Diocese of Rockford.

Please place your National Appeal envelope in the collection

basket, mail it to the Ministry Center or donate online at


Save the Date! The Knights of Columbus Annual Mid-winter Dinner/

Dance for the Distribution of Tootsie Roll Drive Funds and

Bingo Appreciation will be February 20th at the School

Cafeteria with Joe and Tammy’s delicious Broasted

Chicken. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Cocktails begin at

6:30 pm and Dinner at 7:00 PM. Tickets available after

weekend Masses or at the Ministry Center.

Page 4: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor

In the Gospel today, a the wedding feast in Cana,

Jesus reveals himself to his disciples and they begin

to believe in him. Everyday, God also gives us signs

of his love and so we also can respond in faith and


Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul becomes a

sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give

them reason the believe and to trust.

Mon. Jan. 18 8:30 am Frank King by Eileen King Tues. Jan. 19 8:30 am Martha Hermonson by Bob Gould and Mary Fischer Wed. Jan. 20 8:30 am Ed Jackson by Cynthia Knox Thurs. Jan. 21 8:30 am Mass of Healing for Frances Benzmiller by Ruth McCarth Fri. Jan. 22 8:30 am Albina Kiolassa by Carol and Mike Deneen Sat. Jan. 23 5:00 pm Lukas Parsek by Catherine and Carroll Henning Sat. Jan. 23 7:00 pm Misa en Esapnol Sun. Jan. 24 8:00 am For the People Sun Jan. 24 9:30 am Misa en Espanol Sun. Jan. 24 11:00 am Larry Liput by Lorraine Power Sun. Jan. 24 12:30 pm Misa en Esapnol

Liturgical Roles


Sat. 5:00 pm 1/23 Aubree Pollett, Alexis Zick Sun. 8:00 am 1/24 Joey Thuma, Danny Kirchner Sun. 11:00 am 1/24 Riley and Kaden Vest, Lucas Morris


Sat. 5:00 pm 1/23 Char Zuhlke, Julie Zell, Debbie Byrne Sun. 8:00 am 1/24 Erwin Schmid, Pat Meyer, Kathleen Grimm Sun. 11:00 am 1/24 Maria Dollman


Sat. 5:00 pm 1/23 Peg Dawson Sun. 8:00 am 1/24 Elena Hoeflich Sun. 11:00 am 1/24 Andrew Sieck


Sat. 5:00 pm 1/23 Ray Lipinski, Mary Rasmussen Sun. 8:00 am 1/24 Dick and Cathy Goad Sun. 11:00 am 1/24 "Midge Tesch, Dan Kotecki


January 10, 2016 Weekly Budgeted Income Needed..........$7,043.00


Adult Collection Received (Week 28)…...$4,805.75 Offertory Received (Week 28)…..$542.03

Total Collection Received (Week 28)…....$5,347.78

Year-to-Date Budgeted Income Needed (Week 28)….$197,204.00 Year-to-Date Actual Income Received (Week 28)…….$195,785.66

Overage/(Shortage) to date (Week 28)……$(1,418.34)

Christmas to Date: $22,735.95

Thank you for your Very generous


Andrew, Frances Benzmiller, Richard Blazer, August Brender, Juan Carbajal, Charolette Casanas, Rozetta Clark, Terri Conklin, Frank Cosatino, Mary Ann DiVito, Kelli Figueroa, Cesar Rojas Figueroa, Doug Fleming, Jesus Garcia, Luella Graves, Don Han-son, John Hoffman, Holly Huchko, CoCo Inghram, Mary J., Lor-raine Karmis, John Killeen, Riley Konieczki, Sheri Konieczki, Erin Kruckenberg, George Kruckenberg, Mary Jo Kruse, Chuck Long,

Brian Maguire, Sheila Malinowski, Mardee Marden, Nick Martin,

Aleeah McCarthy & Family, Ruth McCarthy, Laurette McSweeney, Amy Nesbitt, Bradley Nolan, Joe Nolan, Jim O’Connor, Pat Ol-son, Shirley Oost, Andy Ostrowski, Jeff Perenchio, Elizabeth Pe-terson, Marilyn Platt, Ronald Platt, Virginia Prejna, Bob Raupp, Nicholas Riordan, Malcolm Rogers, Liz Schaumburg, Eric Seagren, Geri Selep, Sebastian Soliz, Richard Streit, Karon Szczap, Kaitlyn Teeter, Lillian Tesch, Justin Thomas, Al Traeder, John & Delores Trotter, Danielle Waltman, Dianne Wojcieszek,

Sue Wright, Bob Witt, Crystal & Michelle.

What’s Happening This Week... January 18…......BINGO 7:00 PM School Cafeteria January 19....…..Tae Kwon Do 6:00 PM School Cafeteria January 19....…..Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM Ministry Center January 20…..Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 am—6:00 pm January 20…..…Confirmation 5:30-7:00, 7:30-9:00 Ministry Center January 21……..Confirmation 5:30-7:00, 7:30-9:00 Ministry Center January 21..……Tae Kwon Do 6:00 PM School Cafeteria January 21……..Choir Practice 7:30 Church Choir Loft January 23…….ALANON every Saturday 9:30 am Rectory January 23.........Tae Kwon Do 10:30 AM School Cafeteria


January 17, 2016 4 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings for the Week of January 17, 2016

Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11

Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20-22, 27-28/Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Ps 144:1-2, 9-10/Mk 3:1-6

Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-13/Mk 3:7-12

Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11/Mk 3:13-19

Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27/Ps 80:2-3, 5-7/Mk 3:20-21

Next Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/Ps 19:8-10, 15/1 Cor 12:12-30

or 12:12-14, 27/Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

The emergency food pantry for St. Vincent de Paul is in

need of soup, jelly and canned fruit. If you can donate any

of these items, please bring them to Church next weekend

or drop them off at the Ministry Center during normal

business hours. We continue to be grateful for your

support in the ministry. Thank you!

Page 5: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor

The Harvard Food Pantry The Food Pantry provides basic foods to those who demonstrate a need. The Pantry is staffed by members of various faith communities of Harvard, including St. Joseph. The Pantry is located at 6817 Harvard Hills Road and is open on Tuesdays,

9:30 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. The Food Pantry can be reached at 815-943-4909 or [email protected].

St. Joseph’s Renewed Treasures A ministry designed to provide clothing and miscellaneous household items to everyone at very affordable prices, and to The needy at no cost. Join this all Volunteer Ministry that is located at 105 S. Ayer St. Phone number is 943-7690.

Pregnancy Support Center Pregnancy Support Center is a ministry designed to provide loving assistance as well as emotional and financial support for women and girls who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. Join this community wide, all volunteer ministry that operates Thursdays 4:30-7:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:30 to Noon offering pregnancy tests, baby clothes and diapers. The PSC is located at 207 Brainard St. and the phone number is 815-943-1500.

St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Vincent de Paul exists to bear witness to Christ by serving the poor. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s at 6:00 pm At St. Joseph Ministry Center. Please call 815/943-6406 Ext. 223 to leave a message.

P.A.D.S. McHenry County PADS offers emergency and transitional housing coupled with support services in order to help homeless individuals work toward becoming self-sufficient. Women and children are sheltered in the convent on Thursday Evenings October-April. Volunteers are welcome. Please contact the Ministry Center at 815-943-6406 for information.

Respect Life A ministry designed to foster a Pro-Life attitude in our families, parish, community and world, by creating awareness and Spiritual support of life issues from conception to natural death. Open to ALL volunteers. Please call the Ministry Center at 815-943-6406 for information.

This is our Community

This is our Parish

Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 10:00 am on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. Parents are required to participate in a pre-baptismal catechesis. Baptismal classes will be made by appointment only at the Parish Ministry Center.

Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered: Sundays 7:30-7:45 am, Sundays 10:45-11:00 am, Thursdays 9:15-9:45 am, Thursdays 6:00-6:45 pm, Saturdays from 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage So that the process of sacramental preparation for marriage may be scheduled and completed by the Pastoral Staff, all marriage arrangements must begin AT LEAST six (6) months in advance of the desired date. It is the official policy of the Diocese of Rockford that those to be married must be at least 19 years old and that they take part in an instructional program that includes pre-marriage retreats. No wedding will be scheduled after 2 pm on Saturday.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Individual anointing is given whenever requested by a person in need. Please call either Father Steven Clarke or the Parish Ministry Center.

Homebound Visitation Pastoral care of our sick through visitation and the reception of the Holy Eucharist is coordinated by Mrs. Diane Kirchner (815-403-8005). Please call her to receive Holy Communion in your home.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration is from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm in the Chapel every Wednesday, following the 8:30 am mass; Visitors are always welcome. If you can sign up for a specific hour every week as an adorer or substitute, please call Maria Gonzalez at 815-403-1393.

Live, Laugh, Love Group A support group for those facing cancer to share their strength, struggles and joy in faith and support of each other meeting every other Tuesday evening. Please contact the Ministry Center for additional information.

Bulletin Announcements/Materials Any material for this bulletin MUST be in the Parish Ministry Office or emailed to [email protected] by noon on Monday prior to the date of publication. Thank you for your cooperation.

Page 6: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor

Alianza con


“Misa entre semana”

Te invitamos a misa el martes y

jueves en la capilla a las 6:00 pm y

los miércoles en la iglesia a las 6:00

pm con grupo de Oracion después

de misa.

Habrá misa los sábados a las 7:00

pm. En la iglesia. Si usted no puede

asistir la misa del domingo por algo

importante el sábado cuenta como

misa. Confesiones el miércoles a las

5:00 pm a 5:45 pm en la iglesia y

los jueves a las 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm

en la iglesia o puede llamar a la

oficina para ser una cita.

Celebración de los XV anos

Expresión de nuestra fe católica y her-

encia cultural. Si tienes reservado tu

quinceañera aquí en San José en el

año 2016 es obligatorio este


Querida quinceañera: Si deseas

celebrar tus XV anos, tendrás tu Re-

tiro para Quinceañeras el 30 de enero

del 2016 a la 1:00pm hasta las 6:30pm

con misa a las 7:00pm en la cafetería

de la escuela


Para más información favor de llamar

a la oficina.

Celebraciones de

Matrimonios para el año


Junta para todos los que

tiene apartado misa para

matrimonio. El jueves 21 de

enero el sótano de la oficina

parroquial. A las 6:30pm

Necesitamos que vaya la

novia y el novio.

Ningún acontecimiento familiar mueve a propios y extraños como una

boda. Son familias enteras que se unen para la creación de una familia. La alegría es grande en todas las épocas y en todos los continentes. Todos los

pueblos tienen sus propios rituales y sus liturgias familiares para obsequiar a los novios que se preparan para emprender toda una vida


Israel tenía su propio ritual, su liturgia propia, donde se mezclaba la alegría humana, y la religiosa, que eran como dos rostros de una misma alegría

religiosa. En el pueblo sencillo, las gentes arreglaban con mucho tiempo la fiesta de bodas. En la vida monótona y gris de los pueblos alejados de la

gran capital, Jerusalén, la boda era un momento aparte. Era sentirse

gentes, sentirse amados, sentirse unidos, sentirse hombres y mujeres, amados por Dios porque les confiaba su amor y su cariño.

En la fiesta de bodas se entremezclaban los cantos, el baile, la comida y también el vino, que no era propiamente una bebida de placer, sino un

alimento, propio de estos días. La fiesta duraba 7 días poco más o menos,

según el poder económico de las familias. Se hacía en el patio comunitario de varias familias, y podían participar propiamente todos los moradores del


El Evangelio de San Juan nos habla también de una boda, y comienza diciendo sencillamente: Al tercer día, hubo una boda en Caná de Galilea... fue una boda muy especial... pues a ella estaba invitada María, la Madre de Jesús. Ella fue invitada a servir, a atender a los invitados, era una familia pobre, sencilla... y también asistió

Jesús, que llegó acompañado de los primeros discípulos que fue eligiendo en el camino. Ahí volvieron a encontrarse María y Jesús que ya tenía varias semanas de haber dejado el pobladito de Nazaret, Jesús y María se vieron con muchísimo cariño. Fue grande la alegría del encuentro, sobre todo para María que no sabía si

permanecer en Nazaret, o seguir discretamente a su hijo por los caminos de Israel.

Los hombres estaban aparte, en pequeños grupos, entre los que destacaba el de Jesús, por su alegría y su cálida apertura. Las mujeres ocupaban los lugares cercanos al fogón, para atender las necesidades de los comensales. Y ocurrió que con esa intuición y esa mirada que sólo tienen las mujeres y las madres, María se dio cuenta de que

los comensales eran más de la cuenta y que el vino no iba a alcanzar para todos. Era un gran problema para los novios, pues por muchos años serían recordados como los pobretones que no habían atendido adecuadamente a sus invitados que venían de lejos al festejo.

Por eso María, sin querer ser notada, se acerca discretamente a Jesús, y al oído le dice: Hijo, estos pobres muchachos ya no tienen vino. No pidió nada, no exigió nada.

Sólo fue una sugerencia. Cristo lo entendió así. Y después de un momento que pareció de rechazo o de reproche, Jesús, no por motivos humanos, no por salvar anecdóticamente la honra de los novios, sino para comenzar a manifestar su gloria, se decide a atender a la invitación de María.

María, por su parte, sin entender totalmente la respuesta de su Hijo, pero con verdadera entereza, va con los novios y les dice: Hagan lo que él les diga. Bendita palabra

de María. No volverá a pronunciar palabra en todo el Evangelio, pero con eso nos bastará para saber lo que María desea, y lo que María puede hacer. Es la palabra para todos los que quieren la paz, el amor, el consuelo, y es la manera definitiva de entrar a formar parte del Reino de Dios: Hacer la voluntad de Cristo el Hijo de Dios.

Los sirvientes se miran unos a otros extrañados de que Jesús les diga que llenen de agua las tinajas para las purificaciones de los invitados. Si ya están completos, ¿para qué más agua? Pero son sirvientes, y tienen que obedecer. Cuando las tienen llenas, van con miedo de prestarse a una broma, al maestresala para que pruebe


Y viene la sorpresa. Es vino excelente. Vino del bueno, y son seiscientos litros. Nadie da crédito a sus ojos y a su paladar. Sorpresa del maestresala, sorpresa de los sirvientes y ¡Sorpresa del novio, que no se daba cuenta de nada! La fiesta transcurrió con una gran algarabía, dando gracias a Dios de tener tales invitados. Para Cristo

fue un día de gloria. Hacía poco que había santificado las aguas en el Jordán, y ahora transformaba el agua en vino, que presagiaba el vino nuevo, el de la redención, el de la Nueva Alianza, el vino de su muerte y su resurrección.

Ayer había sido el Padre el que lo daba a conocer y lo respaldaba: Este es mi Hijo Amado, en quien tengo todas mis complacencias. Hoy era María la que lo presentaba y

animaba a que mostrara ya delante de los hombres la misión a la que había sido enviado: a anticipar el Banquete de las bodas del Cordero; el Reino de Dios es, dirá San Marcos, es como un rey que preparó un festín de bodas para su Hijo. Ayer Cristo se humilló en el Jordán realizando un verdadero gesto de penitencia, y hoy en Caná deja

ver su gloria, en un hermoso juego de luz que se vela y desvela, y sabe compartir y colaborar a la alegría humana en un banquete de bodas. Con el bautismo en el Jordán, Jesús comienza su vida pública.

En Caná, Jesús comienza sus milagros y sus signos eficaces para la salvación de todos los hombres. Los mismos discípulos comenzaron a creer en Jesús desde ese día.

María, enséñanos a querer lo que Jesús quiere, a desear lo que Jesús desea, y a hacer en todo, la voluntad de tu Hijo Jesucristo, según tu recomendación: Hagan lo que

él les diga.

Mensaje de nuestro Sacerdote Padre Jorge Bravo CS

Page 7: A Message From our PastorA Message From our Pastor


Intenciones de los miércoles o domingos

solo pueden ser recibidas por la oficina. No antes de la misa.

Perdón por cual quiere inconveniente. Si no pueden en el horario de oficina favor de mandar alguien con la

Información de la intención y el día y horario. Favor de pasar con tiempo anotar suintención. De martes—jueves de

9:00 am –12:00pm y 1:00 4:30pm o los sábados de 9:00am –12:00 pm (tambien la secretaria en ingles puede recibir

sus intenciones)

Están son reglas de la Diocese de Rockford