a mongolian ballad


Upload: jakethedukefan

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A mongolian ballad
Page 2: A mongolian ballad

Young Temujin was born auspiciously

Who’d imagine he’d rule as far as can be.

He became a leader from his talents

Causing Toghril, a friend, to become jealous.

They fought their battle long and hard

Worthy of a tale to be sang by a bard.

Eventually Temujin came out on top

To rule the Mongols, and he wouldn’t stop.

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He called out the the tribes across the land

Creating the All Mongol State, which became grand.

They were divided in groups of multiples of ten

Creating a strength that can’t be beaten.

The followers of Temujin said

“This man should control out homestead.”

They came together to deem him Chinggis Khan

And with all his rival dead, he ruled everyone.

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The Mongols conquered China in a hard fought war

Took down the Jurchens which were nevermore.

Chinggis crushed all who opposed his reign

Assuring his territory to grow again.

Mongols rode into Otrar with hope

Commanding the enemy to fall like rope.

The Khwarazmian empire came next

Failing their attempt to annex.

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Most of the East was conquered, yes its true

Chinggis used his battle strategy, beating people blue.

By leading the enemy into attack

Then charging with Calvary, making the sack.

The deserts of the Middle East stood no chance

To Chinggis’ battles leaving others entranced.

He devastated the desert empires

And continued moving westward, and never tires.




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Sadly, Chinggis Khan died, so his second son filled in

He maintained a hold on China under the Jin.

The fronts expanded and Iran was taken

For the Mongolian empire could not be shaken.

Finally after getting as far as Iraq

The Mongols faced a civil war and went back.

Their rein was fierce, but it was also short

And the Mongols would never retort.

Ogadai Khan,

the son and

successor of

Chinggis Khan.

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The Mongols may have seemed like brutes

But in fact the equality was acute.

They helped promote better trade throughout the east

And many families rejoiced with a feast.

While they fought hard, they weren’t unkind

And always accepted other religions, making them fine.

They accepted explorers like Marco Polo

Showing him their great culture, never dealing a blow.

A map depicting

trade routes

established by

the Mongols.

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The Mongols loved knowledge, now that’s a fact

They taught others skills which were exact.

Mechanical printing was introduced

Aiding monks in their journey of book reproducing.

The blast furnace helped the entire world

And gunpowder lead to creating not absurd.

Medicinal knowledge was taught and learned

And dead people with the plague were burned.

Fireclay bricks

used to build the

blast furnaces.

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The Mongols helped shape all of history

By conquering lands as far as one could see.

Their lasting battle strategy

Will forever be remembered very clearly.

The knowledge they brought from place to place

Helped mold other lands, expanding them at a fast pace

The great Chinggis Khan we will never forget

As being the greatest of leaders who never quit.

The Mongol’s battle

strategy where the

Calvary is rushing in.