a moral obligation - chronicling america

f i o w m * I Home News ^__ _ -A «» ?; A Moral Obligation * < rural mail carrier Examination for for the proposed route from Cruger! was held Saturday by Postmaster Bra- j x er Abner Scott, of Cruger, was the; only one to take the examination. Miss Kate Rayner, of the Carson j school, attended' the TeachersAsso- ciation meeting here Saturday Miss Johnnie Herbert, of the Parkin- son school, was noted among the at- tendants at the meeting of the Holmes Countv TeachersAssociation held in this city Saturday. Norquist keeps Post Toasties, lbc Miss Bessie Fust, of the Jenkins school, was among those in attendance the teachersmeeting held here Saturday. Miss Alice Frost, of Brozville, at- tended the Teachers' Association meet- ing Saturday Buy an ice book, elsewhere. On sale at Bank of Holmes County and at Bank of Lexington. You save as much as 10 per cent Lex- ington Compress & Oil Mill Co. «• I s t The majority of-men believe everybody to be mortal except themselves. Are you among tnis number? you know that you are going to live iO or 20 yearsor even a few months? Will your death leave your loved ones un- provided for? Life Insurance is not only a financial obligationit is a MORAL OBLIGATION. A man who neglects his familys future welfare does not deserve to have a family. Insurance is really a vital question to YOU. How do at $56,318,016 LOST TO THE SOUTH Prices quoted In 1908. through Life Insurance Premiums sent North and East. During 19O7 Southern Life Insurance Com- panies received in premiums but $6,760,334 of a total of $63,038,350. The balance went to further fatten the already swollen coffers of Northern and Eastern Companies. <J Astonishing as is the above statement, it only partially re- flects conditions that existed prior to the success of Swept over Niagara This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's wamings-growing ripples and faster current Natures warnings are kind That dull pain or ache in the back arns you the Kidneys need atten- tion if you could escape fatal maladies Dropsy,Diabetes or Brights disease. Take Electric Bitters at once ami see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back,one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me.,writes J. ii. Blankenship, of Bclk, Tenn. Only 50c at Swinney & Htigier's and B. s. Beali's. The State Mutual Life Insurance Co o o of Rome, Georgia. o W. H. Fincher, of Owens, was noted in the city Saturday. j. w. Rhyne of Owens, perambulat- ed our streets Saturday. VV. A. Sample and D. D. Gibson from Franklin Saturday. 0 i This stalwart young insurance giant, while but THREE YEARS OLD, has grown in financial strength with such rapidity that it today stands at the head of its class. During the PAST THREE YEARS Southern Insurance Compan- ies secured 57 per cent of the increase in insurance in the South, and the lions share of this increase went to the State Mutual. o o were up Theron Frost, of Forest Grove, spent Saturday in our busy city. Bradleys sweet potatoes at Nor quists. H K. Jordan, of Tolarville, made liberal purchases from oui merchants Saturday. G. W. Darnell and P. E. Darnell, of Midway, were noted among the many visitors to th^city Saturday. VV. J. Turbevlile, of Tolarville, was a pleasant caller at this office Saturday. Miss Irene Smith, of Tchula, was a Lexington visitor Saturday. Hope domestic, 8 l-2c, at Norquist's. Mrs. J. B. Hutton and children, of Jackson, were the cherished guests of Mi8. S. D. Gwin the past week. o See How We Grew in One Year o i Annual Statement. Made in Accordance with the Laws of Georgia. Dec, 31, 1907. $1,273,126.59 54,572.14 Increase. 55 Per Cent 298 Per Cent Dec. 31,19o8, $1,981,841.68 201,269,56 Net Assets Surplus,.. Carrying over Forty Dollars of insurance for over 14,000 members (policy holders) and making the progress indicated by above figures, it can be said in truth that this Company is not only An Anchor for Every Home,but is also as Solid as the South. During the spring ever? one would be benefitted bv taking Foleys Kidney Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter, and it purities the blood bv stimulating the kidneys, and causing them to eliminate the impurities from it. Foleys Kidney Remedy imparts new life and vigor. Pleasant to take. Fur sale by B H. Beall. Mr. and Mrs. VV. A. Hatthocck were called to Yazco City Saturday evening to be present at an operation on S. F. Harthcock for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Robertson, of Tolarville, were Lexington visitors Saturday. W. P. Sheppard, of Bee Lake, visit ed relatives and friends here the latter part of last week Telephone 150 for Shredded Whole wheat biscuits. J Sargent Fryer took a trip to Tchula Saturday Monroe Evans visited friends at Owens Sunday. Miss Kate Weeks atteiuied the meet- ing of the TeachersAssociation here Saturday. u Call on our nearest representative for personal interview or write us for more detail information. STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. - O. F. HOSEA, Agent, Lexington, Miss. C. T. STEPP, State Manager. Jackson, Miss. Special Rate to Jackson Mississippi State Sundav School Con- vention, Jackson, Miss., April 20 22For this occasion the Illinois Central and Y. & M. V. Railroads will sell round trip tickets to Jackson. Miss . on April 19, 20 and 21 at three and one half cents per mile plus 25 cents. Good returning April 23. E. F. RHEA, Local Agent. W. F. Marshall, of New Albany, so- journed in the city Saturday. A. P. McAllister, of Tupelo, attend- ed to business here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Parham Williams at tended services at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon. J.T. Fincher spent Sunday at Tchula. Mr. and Mrs. F.J Casey and daugh- ter, Miss Julia, spent Sunday with friends at Yazoo City. I5c lawns for 10c, at Norquist's. lip Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts- field, Vt., writes: We have used Dr. : King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldnt be without them.For Chills. Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonder*. 25c. at Swinney & Stigler's and B. S. Bealls. R. L Winstead and J. A. Brown visited friends at Cruger Sunday. Ed J. Beale was over from Tchula Saturday. C. C. Rogeis. of Craig, spent Sun- day with friends in Lexington. Jonas Pennington, colored is a new subscriber to this paper. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Herbert, of Lex- ington. Miss., announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Adeile. to Ed- ward Fiancis Rhea. The ceremony will take place at the home of the j bride Tuesday. April 27. No cards. Earl Hooke was over from Durant I Sunday. Raisins, 10c per pound,at Norquists. Mrs.,J. D. Lowrie and children, of Hudson ille, have been visiting rela- tives and friends here the past couple of weeks Mr. Lowrie came down Sunday. John Warmack, of Pluto, was in the city on business Monday. E. E. Bean, of Tchula, visited Lex ington on business Saturday. E. J. Forbus, of Ebenezer. was noted among the visitors to the city Saturday. . A. J. Reeves, of Reeves, spent Satur- day in Lexington. Orange and Amber sorghum seed at Norqiusts. PROGRESSION The Watch Word Prince Reuben, Jr 187310 1906 I spent 118 years in the practice and study of pharmacy in the German and English language and consulted the best medical boards in the world be- fore l secured the prescription for Quicks Cough Medicine (ienhsll, Pharmacist, than any other for coughs, colds and j and force did some effective and no- Ingrippe Swinney & Stigler will re- ticeable work last week by removing fund vour money. a vast amount of rubbish, waste paper, ---------- etc., from the streets and giving them a more tidy and attractive appearance. In no other field of science has there been such marvelous revelations in the past few years as in the science of optics. A Very Fine Thoroughbred Stallion J. C. Men- (f not better Stroet Contractor J. M. Shnttleworth THEORIES of a few years back are ex- ploded. Education has given us the means of proving when we are right. No Guess Work Here. For SaBe. will stand the present season 7 miles east of Lexington and 3 miles west of Bowling Green; at my place Misses Claudia Pitchtord and Effie Lutidv attended services at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon. C. C. Pahlen and Prof D Sanderson visited Owens Sunday. HO horse power J. I. Case traction engine, suitable for saw mill, gin. hauling or road work. C. O. TURNER, Durant, Miss. Fee, $10, to Insure M. E. FRITZ, Optometrist, Office in Hotel Arlington. Lcxikgton, Miss. To secure this rate, colt must be paid for by the time he is nine days old; otherwise, the fee will be $12.50. It isnt enough to be all right in this world Its even more impor- tant to look all right. J. E. Page concluded his assessment in Franklin precinct last week and is at work this week at Ebenezer. Dr. C. A. Moore made Tchula a pro- fessional visit Monday. Eakin Gray, of Tolarville, was up on bu iness Tuesday. P. M. Harper, of Greenville, has been here this week on insurance busi- ness. Try Club House groceries if yon want the best, at Norquists. William Nixon, of Tchula, had the misfortune of accidentally shooting himself through the foot about a week ago. No bones were broken, and he is recovering rapidly. Mrs Cratgnore, of Pickens, is the cherished guest of Dr. and Mrs C. A. Moore T. A. Sharpe, of Oregon, was here Tuesday on business. W. D. Rhyne hits been engaged the past week in purchasing beef cattle. Orange and Amber sorghum seed at Norquist's. ______ Good Pasture Abundant Water * i iX V J . A j R. L. McNeer, BLUE SERGES B L Lexington, Miss. ;' y Owner. R. F. D. No. 5 Are always dressy; appropriate for social or business wear. If If you want to look over an unusually choice showing of Blue Serge fabrics see our exhibit from .m . ABSOLUTELY FREE... H. B. GLOVER SURVEYOR Farm & Plantation MAPS Tj S. E. PERLBERG & CO. Lj Merchant Tailors, Chicago. Cj A blue serge suit tailored to your mea- sure by the Perlberg system, assures you of the niftiest, best wearing suit possible. No local tailor could attempt to equal our values at twice the price. Inspection Invited. Get your watch re- paired free by bring- ing four of your friends watches in addition to your own. Hows This? & We ufTer One Hundred Hollers Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Prompt attention given alt calls V..!. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. CHE- NEY for the last IS (years, and beleive him per- fectly honoralile In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any bbllgatious made by hia firm. Waujiho, Kin-nan A Marvin. Wholesale Druggist*, Tnledo.O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Hits for constipation. Park Hotel Phooe No. 5 w Durant, Miss. J. PERKINS, CASTORIA. 100 Prof. H. H. Johnson, of Bowling Green, was noted in educational circles Saturday. J. A. STANSBURY The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bear, the Sigaaton JEWELER. / Staple and Fancy Groceries Made-to-Measure Clothes I 0i 1 I ) l 4

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Page 1: A Moral Obligation - Chronicling America

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owm*I Home News^__ _ — -A «»


A Moral Obligation*<

rural mail carrierExamination for for the proposed route from Cruger! was held Saturday by Postmaster Bra- j x er Abner Scott, of Cruger, was the; only one to take the examination.

Miss Kate Rayner, of the Carson j school, attended' the Teachers’ Asso­ciation meeting here Saturday

Miss Johnnie Herbert, of the Parkin­son school, was noted among the at­tendants at the meeting of the Holmes Countv Teachers’ Association held in this city Saturday.

Norquist keeps Post Toasties, lbc Miss Bessie Fust, of the Jenkins

school, was among those in attendance the teachers’ meeting held here

Saturday.Miss Alice Frost, of Brozville, at­

tended the Teachers' Association meet­ing Saturday

Buy an ice book, elsewhere. On sale at Bank of Holmes County and at Bank of Lexington. You save as much as 10 per cent Lex­ington Compress & Oil Mill Co.


Is t

The majority of-men believe everybody to be mortal except themselves. Are you among tnis number? you know that you are going to live iO or 20 years—or even a few months? Will your death leave your loved ones un­provided for? Life Insurance is not only a financial obligation—it is a MORAL OBLIGATION. A man who neglects his family’s future welfare does not deserve to have a family. Insurance is really a vital question to YOU.

How do


$56,318,016 LOST TO THE SOUTHPrices quoted

In 1908. through Life Insurance Premiums sent North and East. During 19O7 Southern Life Insurance Com­panies received in premiums but $6,760,334 of a total of $63,038,350. The balance went to further fatten the already swollen coffers of Northern and Eastern Companies. <J Astonishing as is the above statement, it only partially re­flects conditions that existed prior to the success ofSwept over Niagara

This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's wamings-growing ripples and faster current Nature’s warnings are kind That dull pain or ache in the back arns you the Kidneys need atten­tion if you could escape fatal maladies —Dropsy,Diabetes or Bright’s disease. Take Electric Bitters at once ami see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. “After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back,one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me.,” writes J. ii. Blankenship, of Bclk, Tenn. Only 50c at Swinney & Htigier's and B. s. Beali's.

The State Mutual Life Insurance Co ooof Rome, Georgia.

oW. H. Fincher, of Owens, was noted in the city Saturday.

j. w. Rhyne of Owens, perambulat­ed our streets Saturday.

VV. A. Sample and D. D. Gibson from Franklin Saturday.


i This stalwart young insurance giant, while but THREE YEARS OLD, has grown in financial strength with such rapidity that it today stands at the head of its class. During the PAST THREE YEARS Southern Insurance Compan­ies secured 57 per cent of the increase in insurance in the South, and the lion’s share of this increase went to the State Mutual.

oowere up

Theron Frost, of Forest Grove, spent Saturday in our busy city.

Bradley’s sweet potatoes at Nor quist’s.

H K. Jordan, of Tolarville, made liberal purchases from oui merchants Saturday.

G. W. Darnell and P. E. Darnell, of Midway, were noted among the many visitors to th^city Saturday.

VV. J. Turbevlile, of Tolarville, was a pleasant caller at this office Saturday.

Miss Irene Smith, of Tchula, was a Lexington visitor Saturday.

Hope domestic, 8 l-2c, at Norquist's.Mrs. J. B. Hutton and children, of

Jackson, were the cherished guests of Mi8. S. D. Gwin the past week.

oSee How We Grew in One Yearoi

Annual Statement.Made in Accordance with the Laws of Georgia.

Dec, 31, 1907.$1,273,126.59


Increase.55 Per Cent

298 Per Cent

Dec. 31,19o8,$1,981,841.68 ’

201,269,56Net Assets Surplus,..Carrying over Forty Dollars of insurance for over 14,000 members (policy holders) and making the progress indicated by

above figures, it can be said in truth that this Company is not only “An Anchor for Every Home,” but is also as

Solid as the South.

During the spring ever? one would be benefitted bv taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter, and it purities the blood bv stimulating the kidneys, and causing them to eliminate the impurities from it. Foley’s Kidney Remedy imparts new life and vigor. Pleasant to take. Fur sale by B H. Beall.

Mr. and Mrs. VV. A. Hatthocck were called to Yazco City Saturday evening to be present at an operation on S. F. Harthcock for appendicitis.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Robertson, of Tolarville, were Lexington visitors Saturday.

W. P. Sheppard, of Bee Lake, visit ed relatives and friends here the latter part of last week

Telephone 150 for Shredded Whole wheat biscuits.

J Sargent Fryer took a trip to Tchula Saturday

Monroe Evans visited friends at Owens Sunday.

Miss Kate Weeks atteiuied the meet­ing of the Teachers’ Association here Saturday.


Call on our nearest representative for personal interview or write us for more detail information.


O. F. HOSEA, Agent,Lexington, Miss.

C. T. STEPP, State Manager.Jackson, Miss.

Special Rate to JacksonMississippi State Sundav School Con­

vention, Jackson, Miss., April 20 22— For this occasion the Illinois Central and Y. & M. V. Railroads will sell round trip tickets to Jackson. Miss . on April 19, 20 and 21 at three and one half cents per mile plus 25 cents. Good returning April 23.

E. F. RHEA, Local Agent.

W. F. Marshall, of New Albany, so­journed in the city Saturday.

A. P. McAllister, of Tupelo, attend­ed to business here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Parham Williams at tended services at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon.

J.T. Fincher spent Sunday at Tchula.Mr. and Mrs. F.J Casey and daugh­

ter, Miss Julia, spent Sunday with friends at Yazoo City.

I5c lawns for 10c, at Norquist's.

lip Before the Bar.N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts­

field, Vt., writes: ”We have used Dr.: King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn’t be without them.” For Chills. Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonder*. 25c. at Swinney & Stigler's and B. S. Beall’s.

R. L Winstead and J. A. Brown visited friends at Cruger Sunday.

Ed J. Beale was over from Tchula Saturday.

C. C. Rogeis. of Craig, spent Sun­day with friends in Lexington.

Jonas Pennington, colored is a new subscriber to this paper.

Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Herbert, of Lex­ington. Miss., announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Adeile. to Ed­ward Fiancis Rhea. The ceremony will take place at the home of the

j bride Tuesday. April 27. No cards.Earl Hooke was over from Durant

I Sunday.Raisins, 10c per pound,at Norquist’s.Mrs.,J. D. Lowrie and children, of

Hudson ’ille, have been visiting rela­tives and friends here the past couple of weeks Mr. Lowrie came down Sunday.

John Warmack, of Pluto, was in the city on business Monday.

E. E. Bean, of Tchula, visited Lex ington on business Saturday.

E. J. Forbus, of Ebenezer. was noted among the visitors to the city Saturday.. A. J. Reeves, of Reeves, spent Satur­day in Lexington.

Orange and Amber sorghum seed at Norqiust’s.

PROGRESSION The Watch Word Prince Reuben, Jr187310 1906

I spent 118 years in the practice and study of pharmacy in the German and English language and consulted the best medical boards in the world be­fore l secured the prescription for Quick’s Cough Medicine (ienhsll, Pharmacist, than any other for coughs, colds and j and force did some effective and no- Ingrippe Swinney & Stigler will re- ticeable work last week by removing fund vour money. a vast amount of rubbish, waste paper,

—— ---------- etc., from the streets and giving thema more tidy and attractive appearance.

In no other field of science has there been such marvelous revelations in the past few years as in the science of optics.

A Very Fine Thoroughbred Stallion

J. C. Men- (f not better Stroet Contractor J. M. Shnttleworth


of a few years back are ex­ploded. Education has given us the means of proving when we are right.

No Guess Work Here.

For SaBe. will stand the present season 7 miles east of Lexington and 3 miles west of Bowling Green; at my place

Misses Claudia Pitchtord and Effie Lutidv attended services at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon.

C. C. Pahlen and Prof D Sanderson visited Owens Sunday.

HO horse power J. I. Case traction engine, suitable for saw mill, gin. hauling or road work.

C. O. TURNER, Durant, Miss.

Fee, $10, to InsureM. E. FRITZ,Optometrist,

Office in Hotel Arlington. Lcxikgton, Miss.

To secure this rate, colt must be paid for by the time he is nine days old; otherwise, the fee will be $12.50.It isn’t enough to be

all right in this world It’s even more impor­tant to look all right.

J. E. Page concluded his assessment in Franklin precinct last week and is at work this week at Ebenezer.

Dr. C. A. Moore made Tchula a pro­fessional visit Monday.

Eakin Gray, of Tolarville, was up on bu iness Tuesday.

P. M. Harper, of Greenville, has been here this week on insurance busi­ness.

Try Club House groceries if yon want the best, at Norquist’s.

William Nixon, of Tchula, had the misfortune of accidentally shooting himself through the foot about a week ago. No bones were broken, and he is recovering rapidly.

Mrs Cratgnore, of Pickens, is the cherished guest of Dr. and Mrs C. A. Moore

T. A. Sharpe, of Oregon, was here Tuesday on business.

W. D. Rhyne hits been engaged the past week in purchasing beef cattle.

Orange and Amber sorghum seed at Norquist's. ______

Good Pasture Abundant Water


i iXV


A j■


Lexington, Miss.;' y Owner.R. F. D. No. 5Are always dressy; appropriate for

social or business wear.

If If you want to look over an unusually choice showing of Blue Serge fabrics see our exhibit from





Farm & Plantation MAPS



Merchant Tailors, Chicago.Cj A blue serge suit tailored to your mea­

sure by the Perlberg system, assures you of the niftiest, best wearing suit possible. No local tailor could attempt to equal our values

at twice the price.

Inspection Invited.

Get your watch re­paired free by bring­ing four of your friends watches in addition to

your own.

How’s This?&We ufTer One Hundred Hollers Reward for any

case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

Prompt attention given alt calls

V..!. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.We. the undersigned, have known F. J. CHE­

NEY for the last IS (years, and beleive him per­fectly honoralile In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any bbllgatious made by hia firm.

Waujiho, Kin-nan A Marvin.Wholesale Druggist*, Tnledo.O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Druggists.

Take Hall's Family Hits for constipation.

Park HotelPhooe No. 5 wDurant, Miss.

J. PERKINS,CASTORIA.100Prof. H. H. Johnson, of Bowling

Green, was noted in educational circles Saturday.

J. A. STANSBURY The Kind You Hare Always BoughtBear, the

Sigaaton JEWELER./Staple and Fancy Groceries

Made-to-Measure ClothesI 0i 1

I )l