a mothers prayer - prayers supplications for every stage of a womans pregnancy up to child birth...

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  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    4~~~==~~~~~~Mo the r 's P r '! }' er i s a c omp re he ns iv e ma nu a lo f s up plic atio ns a nd d ev otio ns fo r a M u slimc ou ple a s ta ug ht b y P ro ph et M uh amm ad a l-Mustafa (blessings of Allah be u po n h im a ndh is f am if y) and the A hlul B ait ( b le s si ngs beu po n a ll of them), fo r a s afe a nd h ea lth y b ab y- bo th from the physica l point of view , andmo re i mp or ta n tly t he s pir it ua l a sp e ct o f l if e.

    T h is b oo k f ea tu re s in vo ca ti on s f or : D iv in e in te rv en ti on i n c on ce iv in g a c hil d, h a vi nga sa fe and secu re p r egnanc y , a s si st an c e f or an easy de li ve r y, h e lp i n b r eas tf eed ing ,s pir itu al p ro te ctio n o f th e c hild fr om th e e vil e le me nts , a nd v ar io us o th er th em es .It is t hro ug h re ~ in g u po n A lla h ( Glo ry a nd G re at ne ss b e t o H im ) th at w e c an h av eo ur le gitim a te d es ir es fu lfille d. T he p ra ye rs a nd s up plic at io ns m en tio ne d in th ism a nu al a re n ot m ea nt to r em o ve th e d oc to r fr om th e p ic tu re - ra th er , b oth c an a nds ho ul d b e empl oy ed h a nd in h an d a n d t his i s s omet hi ng w h ic h w e s ee n ar ra te d e ve ni n t he Ahadi th .A ll o f th e s up plic at io ns c on ta in ed in th is m an ua l - w hic h h av e b e en e xtr ac te d fr omth e N ob le Q gr' an and the A oad ith of the Infa llib les ( ble ss in gs b e u po n a ll o fth em ) - a re p re se nte d in a la rg e a nd e asy to re ad 'A ra bic s crip t fo llo we d b y ac omp le te t ra ns la ti on i n E n gl is h, s o t ha t w e m a y b e a ble to b ette r u nd er sta nd w ha tw e a re r eo ue st ln g a nd im p lo rin g A ll ah ( Glo ry a nd G re at ne ss b e t o H im ) for.T his w ork co nclu de s w ith e xc erp ts fro m th e v alu ab le b oo k. T he Is la m ic F am iblStructure, c on ce rn in g th e p erio d o f p re gn an cy , th e p os itio n a nd w orth o f a c hild ,a nd v ar io us o th er to pic s in r ela tio n t o c hild re n.

    ISLAMIC HUMANITARIANSERVICE78 GALPINS ROADTHORNTON HEATH, SURREYCR76ED020 8689 7884E . M A I L : A L M U R T A Z A @ h u d d a m . fr e e s e rv e . co , u k

    Sugges ted Re tai l P r ic e :1 $1 4 ,0 0 C A DI 1 $1 1 .0 0 U S Dl lf 6. 00 G B PI

    ISBN 0973362235 00400 >

    9 780973 362237

    "".l f

    PR AY ER S AND SU PPL IC AT IO NS F OR EVERYSTAGE OF A W OM AN'S PREGNANCYUP TO CHILD BIRTH AN D BEYOND.. Compiled by Saleem Bhimji and Arifa Hudda"........."1#;~1''__'.''

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    AMother's PrayerCompiled by SaleemBhimjiand Arifa Hudda

    National Library ofCanada Cataloguing in PublicationAmother's prayer: prayers and supplications for every stage ofawoman's pregnancy up to childbirth and beyond / compiled by SaleemBhimji and Arifa Hudda.Includes bibliographical references.ISBN0-9733622-3-51.Pregnant women--Prayer-books and devotions. 2.Muslimwomen--Prayer-books and devotions. 3.Mothers--Prayer-books anddevotions. 4.Islam=Prayer-books and devotions. I. Bhimji, SaleemII. Hudda, Arifa III.Title.BP184.3.M682004 297.3'824'0852 C2004-901821-3

    Published by the1/ .[S L~ \II C . .. .P U B LI SH I NG H O U S E

    Islamic Publishing House [www.iph.ca]With Assistance from:

    TheAcademy for Learning Islam[www.academyofislam.org]directoracademyofislam.com

    &The Islamic Humanitarian Service

    [www.al-haqq.com][email protected]

    Thisbook issold subject to the condition that no part thereof shall by wayof trade or otherwise be reproduced or otherwise circulated in any formor binding or cover, including electronic, without the prior writtenpermission ofthe Islamic Publishing House.

    Printed in CanadaByWebcom Limited www.webcomlink.com

    Copyright 2004Islamic Publishing House - All Rights Reserved

    This work is dedicated to our beloved daughter, MuhaddithaFatema, the one who has become the physical manifestation ofthefollowing prayer:

    0 / al/andollfllent made me l~ffJf{o/d a / ,. . ia l !JJlioufd lialic danc to ti ian/! : ((Jffali), [j il t,e j pf~ad 1 0 ~ l J , J l l 1 0 //wnl me u p oz lf Jf zt a n dI iancal r ro:rn/I - (/o!I i II I a te a/l d /em a Ie . ( ' ) 1 1account 0/ diem. chan/! l ' I l l! } fO f1 c f if l" , -U H'i/licampan ionc l h ip . and tel llicH' (/c eaoe andcOf11/~d ifl.LI/Clll/ 0 / de~of~d io f1 , "'0 t!ia l //Jl ioufd Ilianf ~Oll 011 Iii" com pte/ian of !lie[jalln~1j ('pall 1 1 1 1 ) ' ('I' fhc P}",at, Ilil ' ( : j i \ J ( ! ~ T /C O . .(7rea!fle~'J.

    We ask Allah 1,

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Words of Wisdom from Imam'Au ibnil Husain Zamul 'Abideen

    he right of your mother is that you know that shecarried you where no one carries anyone; she gave toyou the fruit of her heart that which no one gives toanyone, and she protected you with all ofher organs.

    She did not care if she went hungry as long as you ate; if sheremained thirsty as long as you drank; if she was uncovered aslong as you were clothed; if she was in the sun as long as youwere in the shade. She gave up sleep for your sake and sheprotected you from heat and cold, al l in order that you mightbelong to her. You will not be able to show her gratitude,except through Allah's help and Him granting you success.

    ge right of your father is that you know that he isyour root. Without him, you would not exist.Whenever you see anything in yourself that pleasesyou, know that your father is the root of its blessingupon you. So praise Allah and thank Him in that measure.And there is no strength except in Allah

    g he right of your child is that you should know that heis from you and he will be ascribed to you - throughboth his good and his evil - in the immediate affairsof this world. You are responsible for what has beenentrusted to you, such as educating him in good conduct,pointing him in the direction of his Lord, and helping him toobey Him. So act towards Him with the action of one whoknows that he will be rewarded for doing good towards Him,and punished for perpetrating evil.

    Taken from the Treatise of Rights (Risalatul Huquq)

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    Table of ContentsPage 11Introduction by the CompilersoPage 17Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a ChildoPage 45Chapter 2:Supplications for a Safe PregnancyoPage 57Chapter 3:Supplications to Read During PregnancyoPage 59

    Chapter 4:Supplications for a Safe and Easy DeliveryoPage 75Chapter 5:Supplications to Assist During BreastfeedingoPage 77Chapter 6:Recommended Acts After BirthoPage 85Chapter 7:Supplications to Protect the Child from Evil ElementsoPage 89Chapter 8:Various Supplications for the ChildoPage 101Chapter 9:Imam 'Ali ibnil Husain's Prayer for ChildrenoPage 109Chapter 10: Excerpts from the Book, The Islamic Family StructureoPage 123The ABCs of Upbringing ChildrenoPage 125Bibliography

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    A Mother's PrayerIkeeping with the Islamic spirit of showing respect andinvoking prayers and blessings whenever the Name of Allah,His Prophet and any of the righteous members of the family ofthe Prophet or great companions are mentioned, we haveemployed the following 'Arabic symbols after the names of suchpersonalities:

    Used exclusively after the Name of Allah in themeaning of Clary and Greatness be toHim. INTRODUCTION TOA M OTHER'S PRAYERUsed exclusively after the name of ProphetMuhammad in the meaning of May blessings ofAllah be upon him and his family When we look in the dictionary under the word prayer(as one of the words used as an approximate translat ionof the 'Arabic word ad-Du's); we come across the

    following definition:Used for any of the male members of theProphet's family in the meaning of Peace belipanhim.

    Used for any of the female members of theProphet's family in the meaning of Peace belipanher.

    Prayer (prar) n.A reverent peti tion made to God.An act of communion with God, such as in devotion, confession,praise, or thanksgiving.A specially worded form used to address God.

    Used for two members of the Prophet's family inthe meaning of Peace be lipan both of them. Thus, prayer is to converse with Allah prayer is the interaction

    of the soul with Allah ' :, 1i _ ; - not in reflection or meditation, but indirect address to Him. It is the act of "calling upon our Lord";"pouring out our soul before Allah " % " and "drawing near to Allah

    Used for three or more members of the Prophet 'sfamily in the meaning of Peace be upon all ofthem. jfj",Used for the righteous companions of theProphet or A'immah in the meaning of MayAllah shower him with mercy

    Prayer presupposes a belief of the love of Allah ' J , t for His servants- His ability and willingness to hold communication with us, Hispersonal control of all things, all His creatures and all of theiractions. An acceptable prayer must be sincere, offered withreverence and godly consciousness (Taqwa), coupled with ahumble sense of our own insignificance as His creations, alongwith earnest importunity, and with unhesi tat ing submission to theDivine Will. The prayer must also be offered with the faith that

    Used for righteous scholars, and other noblepersonalities in the meaning of May Allahssnctity 11l~"spirit.


  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Introduction to A Mother's Prayer A Mother's Prayer

    Allah 1;;; is the Hearer and Answerer of the prayer, and that Hewill fulfill His word - "Call upon me, I will answer you. //1 "And when My servant asks you (0/Muhammsd)about Me so then (say to them) that verily I am

    near... //When a person is faced with difficulties or desires something inhis life - like a child, he immediately hastens to find a way out ofhis problems and a way to fulfill his needs - usually through thenatural world and through employing physical cures and methodsinstead of first resorting to Allah 1;;;. In a long narration, thefollowing point is mentioned directly by Allah S{tin the HadithulQudsi:

    Thus, wherever we turn, we find Allah ~ there - ready andwilling to hear and accept our prayers, granted that what wedesire is best for us both in this world and in the next life (as onlyHe knows what is truly the best for us).A Mother's Prayer is a compilation of tried and tested prayers andsupplications - all of which have been extracted from theauthentic and original sources of the teachings of the Prophet ofIslam ~ and the Ahlul Bait ,,~l>.x.The prayers in this book begin with the period of trying toconceive a child , and once Allah S~has granted this prayer to thecouple, the prayers then continue on through the period ofpregnancy. This is one of the most critical and crucial periods forthe upbringing of the child, as we are told in a hadith:

    "Does aperson put his hopes in other thanMe whenin difficulties, while (the succour from) alldifficulties are in J \ 1 Y Hands/ and does aperson relyon other thanMe and with his own thoughts, knockson the door of other than Me while inMy Hands arethe keys to all of the doors (of succour) and all of thedoors are locked, while My Door is (always) openfor the one who calls upon Me. // "The unfortunate child is the one who is unfortunate

    from the time one is in his mother's womb, and thehappy (and successful) child is the one who is sofrom the timein his mothers womb. II

    Mankind's innate disposition tells him that when he falls intodifficulty, he must immediately call upon Allah '- * as there is noproblem - no matter how big - that He can not solve. All we needto do is call upon and ask Allah t* for help - but where is He? Therefore, this period is one of great importance if we wish our

    children to be successful in the life of this world and in the nextworld, and one must not be negligent or careless of this importanttime for the spiritual development of our chi ld.

    When we refer to the Noble Qur'an (in Suratul Baqarah (Chapter2), Verse 186), we see that Allah : t has given us the answer as towhere He is - and He states this in one word:

    Prayers are then mentioned to avoid a miscarriage or still birthand other hazards which the woman and her fetus may faceduring pregnancy. The supplications continue into the deliverystage to ensure a safe and easy delivery with no complications.ISura tu l Chafi r (a l-Mu 'min) (Chapter 40) , Ve ro;G9

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    Introduction toAMother's Prayer AMother's Prayer

    The right of the child - breastfeeding - is also covered withprayers aimed in increasing the supply ofbreast milk. also refer to the specialists when we require assistance. AmirulMo'minm 'All ibne Abt Talib ~ has told us:However the spiritual training ofthe child does not end with thesesupplications, rather, both on and after the seventh day of birth,there are several recommended acts which should be performedby the couple for the child to ensure the child remains on the pathofIslam and to ensure that the parents have fulfilled some of theirresponsibilities to the child. Thus, the mother and father-to-be should not simply rely on theprayers and supplications which have been handed down to us

    and refrain from visiting the doctor or specialists if the need arisesfor any illness.

    ,/ / -" J..- ....o,.-~J; 0~ 01S' ~; ~~~\ ~ :;"A person who hides his sickness from the doctorhas done aninjustice tohis body. H

    Continuing on, supplications are then given to protect a childfrom the evil elements from among the Jinn and Mankind. As weknow, while the child grows, he or she is still in need of assistancefrom Allah 'i% and thus, the chapter which follows is packed withprayers for various circumstances and troubles that the younginfant may face.

    In closing,we ask the readers to point out any errors that you mayfind in this work so that we may improve this book for futureeditions.We would like to thank those who came forward to offer theirsupport for the publication of this work - may Allah % rewardyou amply for your contributions.

    The selection ofprayers ends with a touching Du'a taught to us bythe great grandson of Prophet Muhammad ~, Imam 'Ali ibnilHusain Zainul 'Abideen .~ which he taught for one's children - aprayer which each and every parent must read and understand. We also ask that you remember us, our dear daughter

    Muhadditha Fatema. and our parents when you make use of thisbook.This work closes with excerpts from the valuable work, TheIslamic Family Structure, on the period of pregnancy, how the

    pregnant woman should be treated and ends with the spiritualworth ofchildren.All of the supplications have been given in 'Arabic with fullEnglish translation, however it should be noted that the largerchapters ofthe Noble Qur'an which have been recommended to berecited and/ or written have not been included in this work so asto preserve space.The prayers and supplications mentioned in this manual are notmeant to remove the medical specialists from the picture - rather,both can and should be employed hand in hand. This issomething which we arc told from the Ahadith of the Ma'surrun

    that we must not only perform the prayers, rather we'must

    And I have no success (inmy endeavou rs ) except w ith the permiss ion of Al lah.

    SaleemBhimji& Arifa Hudda18th of the Month ofDhul Hijjah, 1424AH9th ofFebruary, 2004CE

    !I !:'1

    14 15

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    AMother's Prayer


    Contents: This section contains a selection of verses of theNoble Qur'an and various supplications which are highlybeneficial if the couple desires righteous children or if thewoman is not able to conceive a child within a reasonable periodof time after marriage. However, it should be kept in mind thatthis does not mean that it isthe fault of the woman ifshe can not! conceive, since the Noble Qur'an clearly tells us that the grantingI of a child rests solely in the hands of Allah : . , t ; . Some of the


    prayers are recommended for the wife to perform, some are forthe husband, while others are for both - as have been indicated~before the actual text of the prayer. Another point which should. bekept in mind for this and every other chapter is the importanceof always being in a state of Wudhu. The spiritual impact thatthis act has on a child, whether it isbefore conception, during thepregnancy or while breastfeeding is indescribable.

    Prayer 1:The following supplication has been recommend by theNoble Prophet of Islam 'M f for anyone who is either in need ofsustenance (wealth), righteous children, legitimate desires to befulfilled, or for one's sins tobe forgiven. This supplication shouldeither be kept with the person or read frequently:

    r ,-' jlr O)l" ~ I I ~ J. . r.~ l ~i)~ T ~ T ~ ~ 1 4 .1 1:J , - ? j J T ~ T ~ :: J~ ..,/ r / ./~ ~~_:J ;~ ~ f . ~ T ~f~~ ~~ T ~ f


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    Chapter 1:Supplications toHelp Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer


    L A ) the ability to over-look except through Your Forgiveness. And 1eekforgiveness from any oath that1ave uttered but then1reached.And 1seek forgiveness from You from this, 0/the One whom thereisno creature or entity worthy of worship except for Yourglory be toYour surely1as of those who was unjust (to his own sel!). And 1seek forgiveness from Your 0/ the Knower of the Unseen and theApparent from all disobedience which 1ave performed in thebrightness of the day and the darkness of the night, both performedopenly and secretly, both performed hidden (from others) and also inthe open and You are the One who Sees all of this. 0/my Lord! If1was toexecute any of these acts, then 0/Forebearing, 0/Noble! And1 seek forgiveness from You for every leader from amongst thosewho were sent by You and to us from Your Prophet Muhammadand his famjJ~ the righteous, purified, immaculate from the familyof Tahaand Yesm. Through Your merc~ 0/ the Most Merciful ofthose who are able toshow Mercy.//

    ) !J~ ~A~)1ylJI ~ !J~~ .::J) ~. . . . - . . . . . . . . . ,/ ""

    1 1 O.L I I \ \.. ; ___

    j)~ '1 ) ~ '11 ~ '1 ) !J\~ ~ ~ r J~ " , . "" ,-

    \ ; r ; O J \ \ I I - " I 0/\,...2JS~ ,~ \ '1 1 :Jl '1 l: ~ !J~~~o~ r) .~ ~w/

    Prayer 2: Both the husband and wife should recite Suratul Fajr(Chapter 89) either 3 or 7 times a day with the intention that theywant tobe granted a child:

    -" I ,... J.~~I ~~I ~I r:1t~'~/.II 2"':,11/ ,~y ~ JU)/ r(~ ~~II)/)) '-"ed; JY ) J,-~~~) .r=: " 'e O ) ~/ ' -\_/- -; :; .y

    " ' / o , J J .. . . . lOr : ; ; JJ t J i ~ t J_p ~ il ~ : : _ u ) J ~ ~ tJ _ M . \ )1JUI~ / // . . . . . " //"" ~ 0- - ) ..... r~ \ . . 1 1 ' ( ~ ' ~ ~~I u\) / r / \ i(~~~ ~~ ~/ \:~ ~rt...> " '-_~ ~ J, ~i .J cr:- "" '----" '" " ?-o :; , ..... I 0 jI~,/~ \/ IL /:. .-- I I \ . f o G :- / . il l ~ .f o v If~''. ~~ I . j \/.\~.-,\:.:'/ Y ~~ Y o J../ r)'~..;'~. . ? / ~ ~I 0 "" ~ /0""~ Y W I . . } \ ; ._..b J i l T ( : t : ~ L f J \ J T l , f o ) 0oy.~):'t)

    /' '" ~. /' ,/ -_ "" ,r ""~.~;!;U~)~G :r

    ,. / '" -"I I 0 \

    .~ J 4 JT : r ~ ~I J~L k l l ~ ' - ' - : . . . . . . . . .- . , I 2 . . k II/

    I / I. / . I ' " I I / / c f L ~ /~ .r rJ / - T ://1seek forgiveness from Allah the One whom there is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Him, the Ever-Living the Self-Subsistent and 1urn back towards him. 1eek forgiveness fromAllaJl from all of those things which Allah is displeased with 0/Allah! Surely1eek forgiveness from you for that which has passed(of my acts) and that which will come (in the future) and from thatwhich [have performed in secret and that which1ave done in tileopen from all of those transgressions against You. And 1eektorgiveness from tilesins which none can forgive except for You andof which no one elsehes eny'knowledge of except for You and whichis not possible except through Your Patience and which none have18 19

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    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child A Mother's Prayer

    as for mankind. when his Lord (des him. then treats him withhonour and makes him lead an easy Iiie, he says: My Lord honoursme(15). But when He trieshim (with diiticulty), then cuts off tohimhis means of sustenance, he says: My Lord has disgraced me (l6:~.Nay! But you do not honour the orphan (17)/ nor do you urge oneanother to feed the poor (1St and you eat away the inheritance,devouring (everything) indiscriminately (19)/ and you love wealthwith exceeding love (20). Nay! When the Earth ismade to crumbleto pieces (21)/ and your Lord comes and (also) the Angels come inranks (22)/ and hell ismade toappear on that day. On that day shallmankind be mindful, and what shall being mindful (at that time)avail him (23)? He shall say: 0/ would that Ihad sent before for(this) my life (24)! But on that day no one shall chastise with(anything like) His chastisement (25)/ and no one shall bind with(anything like) His binding (26). 0/ soul thatis atrest(27)! Returnto your Lord, well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him) (28)/ Soenter among My servants, ~:29)And enter into My garden (30). //Prayer 3:The husband should recite Suratul Muzammil (Chapter73) eleven times, and after every recitation, he should blow hisbreath through the fingers of his right hand onto some whitesugar. The wife should then be given this sugar to eat:

    "In the Name ofAllah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Iwearby the daybreak (It and the ten nights (2)/' and the even and theodd . and the night when it departs ({*. Truly in that there is apromise for those who possess understanding (5:~. Have you notseen how your Lord dealt with Ad (6:~? (The people of) !ram - thepossessors of lofty buildings the likes of which were not createdin (other) cities .and (with) Themiid. who hewed out the rocks inthe valley 0 : 9 ) ' / and (with) Fir'swn - the lord of hosts (1o~/ whocommitted inordinncv in the cities

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Chapter 1: Supplications to Help Conceive a Child A Mother' s Prayer

    J . - ; ; ~ / ' . - ' : : ; .1illl Ij~::o.r, I;,.r ~rj IF ~ wi ~ ~jW ;;:-/ / ".::;. i f ~ . , . ; ~ ~ )I~ ....J . . . c ~" (:ii ~ j j~ wI J~

    "In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 0'YOliwho are wrapped up in your garments (Muhammad) (1}J! Rise topray in the night except a litt le (2t l7alfof it orlessen it a little (3),oradd toit , and recite the Quran asit should be recited (4). SurelyWe will make to light upon you a weighty Word (5). Surely therising by night is the firmest way to tread and the best corrective ofspeech Surely you have in the day time a l ong occupationAnd remember the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Himwith (exclusive) devotion (8). The Lord of the East and the West-there is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Him,therefore take Him for aprotector(9). And bearpatiently what they(the disbelievers) say and avoid them with a becoming avoidance~)O). And leave Me and the rejecters, the possessors of ease andplenty and respite them a little (11). Surely with Us are heavyshackles and a naming fire (12}, and food that chokes, and apainfulpunishment (13). On the day when the Earth and the mountainsshall quake and the mountains shall become (as)heaps of sand letloose (14). Surely Wehave sent toyou anApostle, a witness againstyou/ as We sent an Apostle toFir'awn 05). But Fir'awn disobeyedthe Apostle, so We laid onhim a violent hold (16:~. How. then willyou guard yourselves ifyou disbelieve. on the day which shall makechildren grey-headed (17)? The skies shall split asunder thereby/His promise is ever brought to fulfi llment (18). Surely this is areminder. then let him who will" take the path to his Lord (19:~.Surely your Lord knows thatYOll pass inprayer nearly two-thirds ofthe night, and (sometimes) half ofit, and sometimes) a third ofit, and(also)a party of those with you/ and Allah measures the night andthe day. He knows thatyou arenot able to do it so He has turned toyou (mercifully/ therefore read what is easy of the Quran. Heknows that there must be sickpeople amongst Y0ll, and others whotravel in the land seeking of the bounty of Allah, and others whofight in Allah s way- therefore read asmuch of itasis easy (foryou).and keep up the $alat and pay the Zakat and offer toAllah a goodly

    / / ; ; ; Q / ;'0 /.Jj~\j ~~ r - c J~ JI ~ JI:;JI ~ ; ..~7'" / '" ""/' ;.? /' J. . r r ..... /J_,t~ Jj/lj wi ~ ~ JA uP~"J1~ J;~. / / ./ --- -/ .

    . / / / Q / J. .I ~'o~1 \ J ~\' ~ ," ':; L: I ).'~Ij wi . \ / . ._J---J j .Hj ~ jjf ~ t. 5/ / / - //

    , . o J J J. / " o J "" - : : . r /' J. . 0 / ""/.~ ~U 1;J.i L:j L.;.. w,) il l! \~ )fj olS'y!./ / / '" /

    22 23

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceivea Child A Mother's Prayer

    loan. And whatever good you send on beforehand for yourselves,you will f ind it with Allah - thatis best and greatest in reward. Andask forgiveness from Allah - surely Allah is Forgiving Merciful(20)." "Glorybe toAllah //

    Prayer 4: The following supplication should be recited as often aspossible by the husband and wife with the intention that theywant tobe granted a child: '1seek forgiveness from Allah //

    '" ,.,. ~ ,0 0 J. .p o : ; J ' " , / / ' J ~ 0 ~ c ; : ; / J 0 . .0 ~ )" c..:J\ ~ y. ' = ~ ; j\ ) . . . i ; : . 0l5' ~i r) \)~\ f'" / ' /" )~J"\(~t :s-)~)/) j~,:-,-:-~. v. .J \ ~, : : : / /

    ? / ),/0 ./) /0

    \J~\ ~ ~ ) 0~ r - -U~"c ~ 0 1 : : 1 - c~ ~ l ~~~.~ ~T) J~ : J ) o : ; \ . i j . u ; ; : .

    //0' Allah grant me a child and make him righteous and pure, and donot make any increase or deiiciency in his physical stature, and makehis ending (from this world) that ofgoodness. /1 "Seek repentance trom your Foret surely He is the OIl-ForgivingHe will send down water from the skies and He will

    assistyou with wealth and sons and make yourplace in Paradiseandmake Ioryou riven (which flow) , : 1 2 : ; , . rPrayer 5:The following verse of the Noble Qur'an found in SurahAle Imran (Chapter 3), Verse 38, should be recited as often aspossible by both the husband and wife with the intention thattheywant to be granted a child: Prayer 7: The following verses of the Noble Quran (and thesupplication which follows it that contains various verses of the

    Noble Quran and other prayers) should be written on a piece ofpaper with a pen and then wrapped in cloth - as it contains theverses of the Noble Quran and must not be touched withoutWudhu. This should then be tied around the stomach of thewoman in order to conceive a child. The following verses arefrom Surah Mariam (Chapter 19), Verses 1 to 6, and thesupplication which follows is from: Surah Ale Imran (Chapter 3),Verse 6; Surah Yasm(Chapter 36),Verse 82 and Suratul Anbiya(Chapter 2It Verse89:

    //0/ Lord! Grant me - from Your Knowledge - a righteous child.Surely You are the Hearer of the Supplication. rrPrayer 6: Either the husband or the wife should recite both thefirst two supplications seventy times and the third one once forthree days in a row, right after Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr. Thefirst two are common adhkar (remembrances) of Allah whilethe third dhikr is Verses 10- 12of Surah Nuh (Chapter 71) fromthe Noble Qur'an:

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    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer

    LJT J ' ~ I I ;_ _" I ' _ .. ~ / , \ S ~ f \ S J ~ \ S JC~ if"'"' ...l.....,o ~ ~ J ~J"( J;))r ~ C J r ~ \ ~ : ; J~Jj ~ ~~ ) ~f'~He it is Vl/110as formed you in the wombs (of your mother)however He sees fit. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for the Noble, the All-Wise.) (Surely His commandwhen Heintends todo something is simply tosay "Be"and it is), sothen 'Be'. Through YourMercy; 0' the Most Merciful of those whoshow Mercy 0Allah 0Possessor of the Noble Throne and theEternal Dominion. 0' Allah 0' Merciful 0' Compassionate, 0'Coverer (of defects), 0' Forgiver. 0' One, 0' Eternal send Yourprayers uponMuhammed and his family - all of them. (0'my Lorddo not leave me alone (childless) and You are the Best ofInheritors')//

    . . - J J 0 /",0 / /" /" !, IJ , . ; J . : : 5 " , Y ;. /.~ ~\ ~J ~ 1 YJ JU (_~ ~ ~1J.j ~~. . - ' " ' " - / / . / - - - = - ' " rIt; '~ ., J ~~~ ~ f ; J ~ \ ; : ~ ~ ~f } r ~\j\)~ ~ f~ r Gil5--j J,I~~~ ~ \rJ r ~ ;l j 0

    s ;.::-. .:;; "JT ~ ~;j~; ~~J~j:;u~:r J ~.,.. / " . "" ~"". ./ -/

    ( '~'.lr.,o'" 'J~ 0 "" / ~o/f'-'" '--' ~ I '--' ~(~i ". J .' J . J .J ~"in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful. KatHs, Ya,Ain, Suwad (1)1. Thisisamention of themercy ofyour LordtoHisservant Zakariyya Whenhe calleduponhis Lordin alowvoice He said: My Lord! Surely my bones areweakand thehaironmy head is turning grey from myoId age, and my Lord. J havenever been unsuccessful in my prayer to You (4), and surely I fearmy family after me, and my wife is barren thereforegrant me fromYourself an heir ( (5 ) , who should inherit me and inherit from thechildren of Ys'qub, and make him, my Lord"one in whom You arewellpleased with

    Prayer 9: The following supplication should be recited seventytimes by either the husband or the wife with the intention inmind that theywant tobe granted a child:

    Prayer 8:It has been reported that Amirul Mo'rnirun (Al l ibne AbtTalib;g advised one ofhis companions topronounce the Adhan(call to prayer) in a loud, clear voice at home regularly if hewanted Allah S C i ; to bless him with a child. Thus, the husbandshould recite the Adhan for every Salat in a loud voice if thecouple desires a child.

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    Chapter 1: Supplications toHelp Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer

    "0'my Lord do not leave me alone (childless) and You are the BestofInheritors and grant me -from YourKnowledge - a child who willinherit from me during my life time and who will seek forgivenessfor me after my death; and make his/her physical creation that of aproper balance and do not permit the ShaItan to have any share inhim/her. 0'Allah surely I seek repentance from You and I tumback towards You for surely You are the Forgiving, theCompassionate. f/

    5. Suratun Nas (Chapter 114)66. Suratul Kafirun (Chapter 109)7Once these have been recited, the wife should drink a little bit ofthis water every morning and evening for seven consecutivedays. This water is so powerful that the Prophet ~ has statedthat ifa couple wishes tohave either a girl or a boy and they wereto follow the instructions given above with the intention in mindofthe gender ofchild that they want, then they would be grantedthis by Allah ' ! m .rayer 10:The following verses should be continuously recited inthe state of Sajdah if one desires a child. This prayer comes from

    Surah Ale Imran (Chapter 3), Verse 38 and Suratul Anbiya(Chapter 21),Verse 89: Prayer 12: The following supplication should be written with amixture of water and saffron on a piece of paper and then

    washed (with water). The wife should then drink this water, andInsha-Allah, a child will be granted:

    ~~:-~>-f ~ \j~ ~~j; ~ ~~ ) ( ~ ~ : U T(~))T,.... .,.;..,. \~;. . '" J. . ,g .r) J ~~ J 0\.k..:'~,J S "?~- D ' uL:8T .illI u~ )ylI j ~ ~ ~ _ J T ~~'01 ' ) ~ ~ '~ id'J i i J T ) .. ""';; ~ .,.-

    .... J .; ' 0 t J J / . " . , . . . . . ; .. 1 - '" ( ' " " . D T ) , W ~t 2 .t. ~ \ , ) 1uy~ j.r ~ rJ .. _r--f.:'"" , . . . . // / , . . . . ,/(WU~)~1~GJ0~Ul, ,Ji 0J L:o fdj~ f ul? G\ (~) (~)/./ - ""

    '~O' Lord grant me - from Your Knowledge - a pure child, surelyYou are the One who Hears theprayers.) (0' Lord do not leave mealone (childless) and You are the Best of Inheritors.) rrPrayer 11:A small amount of rain water which falls during themonths of March and April should be collected, and then thefollowing Chapters of the Noble Qur'an should be recited seventytimes each over the water:


    J JT ~ .J JT J ~ ~ ~ jj\ ~ l J l ~ ~ ~I~./ ./,/ /. , . . . . /. " // '"\ 0 \ ,.... 0 IJ l T ~ . j ~ T J l T ~ . j L < J T J l T ~ . J U T"" // / / //./ / // /.\ -: ~ j. J I c;;~ O T J ~J u P ~ ~ T J ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . D T1. Fatihatul Kitab (Suratul Fatiha - Chapter 1)22. Ayatul Kursi (Verse 255of Suratui Baqarah - Chapter 2)33. Suratul Ikhlas(Chapter 112)44. Suratul Falaq (Chapter 113)5

    2 Page 49 of this manual~Page 45 ofthis manual.jPage 47 of this manual

    5 Page 47 of this manual6 Page 48 of this manual7 Page 46 of this manual

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    Chapter 1:Supplications toHelp Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer

    ~\J~ J 1 1 . : ~ ~ : ~ J 1 . ~ \ ~ \ ~ J.r "" ,. ,.( ) ~ ) ~ jS J u0 2 lJ~ _ ; 0 1 ) o~ ~9 ~ "., /~ -" ... /

    evil eyes. (And the unbelievers would almost trip you up with theireyes when they hear the Message,' and they say, 'Surely he ispossessed!' But it isnothing less than a Message to all the worlds.)(Kat Hs. y~ j4in, :;ad) (Ij~Mim, j4in, Sin Qaf) Aha SharahatAdhtini Asiwethi Ali Shidaya. By the right of thereis no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Muhammad is theMessenger ofAllah. In the Name of Allah, the Healer. In the NameofAllah, the Protector. In the Name ofAllah, the Curer. In the Nameof Allah with (the presence of) whose name nothing will ever harmthe one on the Earth orin the Heavens, for He is the One Who hearsand knows all things. (If it be His Will He can halt the wind: thenwould they become motionless on the back ofit (the ocean) (Verilyin this are signs for everyone who patiently perseveres and isgrateful) (As for them, they are but plotting a scheme. And I amplanning a scheme. Therefore, grant a delay to the unbelievers: giverespite to them gently (for a while).) (But Allah does encompassthem from behind.r (However this is the Noble Recital (Qur'an)keptin the preserved tablet) (In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn (1).From the mischief of created things (2). From the mischief ofdarkness as it overspreads (3). From the mischief of those whopractice secret arts (4). And from the mischief of the envious one ashe practices envy (In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful SaY'I seek refuge with the Lord ofMankind (1),The King (orRuler) of Mankind (2), The God (orJudge) of Mankind(3), From the mischief of the whisperer (of evil) who withdraws(after his whisper) (4), (the same) who whispers into the hearts ofmankind (5), among the Jinns and among men (6 (Allah surelydesires to reduce the load which is upon you and surely mankindhas been created in a state of weskness.) And may prayers be uponour Prophet Muhammad and his family. (Now has Allah reducedthe load upon you as He knows that surely amongst you are thosewho are weak). And may prayers be upon our Prophet Muhammedand his family - all of them. (That is a discount from your Lord anda mercy (from Him). And may the blessings of Allah be upon thebest ot creation. Muhammad and his fami{v - all of them. r:


    o L S : : J \ \> ~ \ ~ ~ f / \~ ;) J . . . . . . . . S . : ; 0 -' ~\ ) fIf..~ ~ " " J " J" "~~" 'r ' / /, ,/,/~J)~ ~\~J ~\ J .~)\ ( \~J~ ~ f;';_j\ ~\ 'r; )'( :~ ~')~~ ~)) o" J J i ; : . ~ ~ o" ~\ ~ _j. ~;f.-) ~ J ~jr J u S L 8 \ ) ~ J ~J \ ~ 1 ~ ~~;f ~]r ;;]\ J J \ ~ ' ) ( :c_;_ I~;~""" / ,- / / , J~A;'~)\ ) ~ uo r J l uO \ ~ uo r ~ : r ./ .-.". ;;:;; 0,0 "... ~ P ;. )J&I o" uO\ )J4 l/

    / / ,/,/ ."J 0 J I,)J JJLJy\ ~ J ~ ~; ) " : J f ) .~f J J T J ~ ~ ~ J ( u . " . , . : ~'" .-~ ~ J ( \ ~ : P ~ o f ~ J r - .C~\~

    / / /J ~ ~ ~ ~ 2lJ ~ ) .~f J J T J ~ 6'"JT J ~ ~ y . : > - ~ i l l r J :o J (

    ~r; ~.J \uU/ o'-J f ~ \ ~ ; ) ( u o r

    /.~ r'T seek rehlge with all of the Periect Words of Allah against the evilof all devils, agajnst the evil of the venomous vermin, and against the30 31

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    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer

    Prayer 13: If the woman is not able to conceive a child within areasonable period of time after marriage, then the followingportion of verse 89 of Suratul Anbiya (Chapter 21) should berecited three times after every obligatory Salat, Also, it has beennarrated that if the below mentioned verse of the Noble Qur'an isengraved onto the rock of Turquoise (Ftroza) and is worn on aring by the husband, then Insha-Allah, the couple will have achild:

    Prayer 16: If the woman is not able to conceive a child, then thehusband and wife should both fast, and at the time of Iftar(breaking of the fast), they should perform a Ghusl and each ofthem should recite Suratul Muzammil (Chapter 73)8 once over aglass ofwater and then both ofthem should drink that water, andInsha-Allah, she will conceive.

    HAnd thosepeople who say, D' our Lord. grant usfrom among ourspouses and from among our children that which will be the light ofour eyes, and make us to be a leader for those who possessconsciousness (of You)."

    1 f 0A _< , ct.,-:; -;:;,/ o r I '" )~~~)jT ;.;- ~\ j\~~)X '} y~ }//0 my Lord! Donot leave me alone (childless), and You are the Bestof Inheritors!" Prayer 17:Ifa couple isnot fortunate to have children, then at the

    time of intercourse, the husband should recite the following verseof the Qur'an three times and they will, Insha-Allah, be granted achild:

    Prayer 14: If it appears that the wife is not able to conceive achild, then the husband should recite the following supplication11times separately on 11almonds, and then the wife should eatthese for 11consecutive days (one almond a day):

    /. J. . I J. 0 ' \ J~ ~~i '} J J l ' } 0\ ul J ., b . l \ ..5- /I( ~ l 1 .J \

    '"0' Allah! You are the Witness and I am the observed, 50 then whocan take care of the observed one except He who Witnesses, 0'Lord!'!

    "And (remember) Yunus, when he went away in anger. so hethought that We did not have any power over him, so he called outfrom the darkness (which he was in): There is no creature or entityworthy of worship except for You! glory be to You, surely I am ofthose who havebeen unjust tohis own self NPrayer 15:If there isno birth ofa child within a reasonable periodof time after marriage, then the husband and wife should fast for

    three consecutive days and before going to sleep every night,both of them should recite verse 74of Suratul Furqan (Chapter25)twenty-one (21)times:

    Prayer 18: The final supplication to help conceive is a valuableprayer known as Ganjul Arsh or The Treasure of the Throne.Among the various benefits of this prayer, it ishas been narratedthat if a person reads this supplication, Allah ~ will grant himthree things: (1) He will have Barakah (Divine Blessings) in hissustenance and wealth; (2) He will be granted sustenance and

    "'...) r '" ./ / ; J ;;:, ~G()~j L>..ljji~U0__;'~ .)} ~ J .jJ \ ) ) jl((~~l~ 8;;.\ ~~ f ~ )

    r.- -;; 8 Page 21 of this manualI

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    AMother's Prayerhapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child

    wealth from places where he did not expect it to come from; and(3)His enemies shall all be destroyed.

    Most Powerful. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah Glory be to the Compassionate, the Merciful. Thereis no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory beto the Forgiving the Merciful. There is no creature or entity worthyof worship except for Allah Glory be tothe Noble, the Wise.N

    Ithas also been narrated that if a person recites this supplicationor even keeps itwith him, then he shall be protected from the evilof Shartanand all of the trials and tribulations will not touch him- whether from the Heavens or the Earth. . , . . \ . L ~ \ \ ~ 0 IJ . 0 " I .1 ~ \ I0~ il l i ~ \ J J \ ~ . ' /1\::1i 0~ il l i ~I J J \ ~, $ $ ~y i.$r . s: ~,/"... .r/ ,.,...- ,/ r

    I 0..-: / I 1 6l I \ 0 : : I I~.;l_;:Ji ~ i 0~ il l i ~ l J J l ~ .~i ~ i". r '" ,/ "..-

    ,... \ )I~,D ~ \ I 0" 0 .... I 1::fI \0~ all ~ i J J l ~ . ) J~}i J_,.Qi0~ i l l i ~ l J J i.~ i~)i

    In addition, if there is a person who is extremely sick and thedoctors have given up hope on his being cured, then if a personrecites this supplication every day and then blows on top of thesick person, then through the grace of Allah ~, the sick personwill be cured.The final specialty of this prayer is that if a person has not beenblessed with a child, then it is recommended to write thissupplication with a mixture of musk and saffron and keep thiswriting with the couple for thirty-one days, then Insha-Allah, onewill be granted a child; and if it is not possible to write thisprayer, then it should be recited with the intention in mind thatone is granted a child.

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the All-Poweriul. the Truthful (to His word). There isnocreature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to theGentle, the All-Knowing. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the Self-Sufficient the OneWho is Worshipped. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the Forgiving, the Loving.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the Ultimate Truster;the Supporter. N

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.1 ~ I I 0 ~\II 0,') ) . f , " " \ ~II / 1 1 1 ~Ii l l i ~l J J l ~ ,~i ~Ji '"'~

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child A Mother's Prayer

    Allah Glory be to the One Who GivesLife, the One Who Causes toDie. Thereis no creature or entity worthy of worship except forAllah, Glory be to the Living the Self-Subsistent. There is nocreatureorentity worthy of worship except forAllah, Glorybe to theCreator,theMaker.N

    Glory be to the Apparent, theHidden. Thereis no creatureor entityworthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to the Greatest theMost High. Thereis no creatureor entity worthy of worship exceptfor Allah Glorybe tothe OnewhoFulfills theNeeds. /.

    .....I ~ cw I I I : > " " ! ) "" I .1 ~ I \0 ~ illr~ l~ l ~ .~ r ~r 0 ~ illr~ l~ l ~.r -" ./"., // ,/ ,.,

    \ c 0 ,/ I ~ r / I \ I ~ 0,Q \ 0, 0-~ .~r if:?Jr 0~ illT~l~l~ .~~I ..G-I}I/' I I ~ 1 I 0 r: I J . " " ,0 ~ il lT~lJJl ~ .~T ~T 0~ illT ~ l ~l

    'r}Jr~r'There is no creatureor entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the Most High the Incomparably Great. Thereis nocreatureor entity worthy of worship except forAllah, Glorybe to theOne, the Single. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah, Glory be to the Granter of Security, the Protector.There is no creatureor entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glorybe to theReckoner. the Witness. Thereis no creatureor entityworthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Forbearing theGenerous.//

    "Thereis no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glorybe to theCompassionate, theMerciful. Thereisno creatureorentity worthy of worship except forAllah Glorybe to the Lordof theGreat Throne. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah Glory be toMy Lord, the Most High. Thereis ~ocreatureorentity worthy of worship except forAllah, Glorybe to theUltimate Proof the King. There is no creatureor entity worthy ofworship except for Allah, Glory be to the All-Hearing, the AIl-Seeing.//

    illr ~l Jl ~ .~~r J~!.jT 0 ~ tiJT ~l Jl ~./ "" '" '" '" /' r

    10.0 J . . , o - ' " I .1 , ,Q . . . . . / I \ _. .0 cJ -E " , Q , / I oj.

    ~WI rlkJl 0 ~ il l I ~l J J l ~ .?~I Jj~1 0 ~

    /' \ 1 ~ I \ I ,....0- I 0 0- "" \ oJ. J . . " " I I0~ il lr 'JI1JJl 'i .~1 ..G-I}I 0~ il lr 'JI1~l 'i, ,/ ,/ , . , . "

    I I ~ \ I ~ 0Jl~ . jWJr jCJT 0 ~ illr 'i1 ~ 1 'i .~T ~T" " . / /./ ./ ""/ ./ ,/ I /.J~ tiJr ~ 1 J l ~ .0~:UT;';_~T 0 ~ il lT ~ l

    ._j --!.jT~< JT/ '" ,/ ./ ,- "

    . \ J , - ~ I I , 00 ",00 /' I 1 ,Q ~ \ I0 ~ illT'ilJJl 'i .J~ r ~T 0~ ill I 'JI1JJl'i\ \ 0, 1 I 0.ubwi ~~i~-~ 'There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah

    Clorv be to the One, the Subduer. Thereis no creature or entityworthy of worship except forAllah CJ01Y be to theAll-Knowing, theWise.' There is 170 creature or entity worthy of worship except torAllah Clorv be to the Coverer (of SillS),the Ott-Forgiving. There is~

    'There is no creatureor entity worthy ot worship except lor AllahGlor be to the First the Etcrnel. There is no creatureor entityworthy of worship except lor Allah CIOlYbe to the First,the LastThere is no creatureor entity worthy ol worship except tor Allah36 37

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child A Mother's Prayer

    no creatureor entity worthy of worship except for Allah Glorybe tothe Merciful, the Devout. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the Greatest, the Great./r

    worship except for Allah Glory be to the Opener. the All-Knowing.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to theNoble. the All-Sufficient."

    0~ i l l l~ 1 j l ~ . \ ~ I ~ I 0~ i l l l ~ l j l ~,.,-",.. ./ /; ,/ .~, \0 0 . \ J . ~ \ \ \ 0 I~ l 'J .~WI ~I J~ ~I 'J1 ~ 1 'J .~ LS:JI ~ L::JI/ ,.,." ,/ r: ",., -/ -/~ ) 0 ~ i l l l~ l j l ~ .. G - ~ I ~ I 0 ~ i l l l ~ l

    1 (f; I I ; ./ ;. 0 ./ \ )10 i ; ; J \ \~I 'J\ ~ \ 'J C~~ !I ~::'II . ~ :W I 'J\ ~ \ 'J~ ~ .)~)~ u. ~,r r /' "" /' /'co /\ J . . ~ II 0: 0/\, dlJI ~J~ ~I 'J\ ~ \ 'J .' . 1 : 1 1 . t; ,: 1 1 J~J i . . ? . ~ ~ ~ ~ .

    ," "",..- // //I . ; 0 ./ 0 0 ./ I J. . r; f I 1\ J/ Co'J .~ I ) o jJl i . . ? : ; J~ ~I 'J1 ~l 'J .UI, ,

    J. 0 0 0 ./ \ 1. > i J \.o '~ 1 -- :(O~II ~ 0~ ~I 'J\ ~ \) J.~ i . . ? . ~ ~, . , . . ,/ "" ./


    "Thereis no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the All-Aware, the All-Knowing. There is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to the One whoCures, the Sufficient. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah, Glory be to the Great the Remaining.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the Eternally Besought the One. There 1~"o creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Lord of theEarth and the Hea ven."

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the Ott-Forgiver, the Oft-Appreciative. There is nocreature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to theGreat the Forbearing. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah, Glory be to the Possessor of the Dominionand the Heavens. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah, Glory be to the Possessor of Respect and Greatness.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the Possessor of Grandeur and Power. /r

    I \ 0 0 I 0 ,. . . \ J, O J \ \~I 'I ~)':11/ L C!I"~ ~I 'J\ ~ \ 'J~ . : l . ~ J~ J ~~~ i . . ? ; : ' U. ~ ~'" / ,,//,., "" '" ..-10/ 1 ~ \ \ 0: I /\ .L ~~WI J~ ~i 'J1 ~ 1 'J .~i )G:.JI J~ ~ r 'J1

    // ,.,.. // . . . . ,~ 1\ 0 0/\ j..~ II I)

    'J\ ~\ 'J .~i ' ~r J~ ~I 'J\ ~\ 'J .~ I- s - . . . _ ) . . . ~ ; . . . . ./ / /./ 0 : 0: " I 1~I ("::_\I' ~ ~I.r,~____,._,.

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the PosseSSOTof Pride and Dignity. There is no creatureorentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Coverer(of sins/ the Great. There isno creature orentity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah, Glory be to the Knower of the Unseen. Thereis nocreature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the

    / /j~.) i l lI~\\ ~ .. ~ ( , "I!I /~ '. . /'\~e. < )~\ j ~ v if U

    -- --C8 J r 0 ~ ~I ~l jl ~ .jlJji JWi,r . . .vJ 0 ,,/ \ I;;:.~ I fl_/JT j~ jJl \)1

    ..r /'"There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the Creator of the Created. There is no creature or entityworthy of worship except for Allah, GlOiYbe to the One who hascreated tileNight and tile Day There isno creature orentity worthyof worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Creator, the Continuousgranter of Sustenance. There is no creature or entity worthy of38 39

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    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child A Mother's Prayer

    Praised. the Exalted. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the All-Wise, the Eternal.H no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be tothe Creator, the Divine Light."

    " . . , \ J , . ~ \ \ I) I , I J ; ) , . . I J. - (iJ \ \0~ ~ r~ l~ l ~ .~ r ~ r 0~ ~ r~ l~ l ~, . . . . . // // " ,I " , .. I)JJ 0 ' / I .1 C O l \ \ J /. ~ \ 0...,~ .~ J jJ r ~T 0~ ~ r ~ l ~ l ~ .)Pl j..,oWI

    / "" // ",,,,. -'" //mT ~ l J l ~ .~ r J ~ r ~ ~ ::,~ m r ~ l jl;) I" " " \. ~ r~WT0~' ' ' 'J , . . . _ _ _ , . . _ _ _ . . . , . : ; ; , a . i . . < . . : l 1

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the All-Powerful, the Coverer (of sins). There is nocreature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to theAll-Hearing the All-Knowing. There is no creature orentity worthyof worship except for Allah Glory be to the all Sufficient the Great.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the All-Knowing the Peace. There is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the King theHelper.N

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the all-Sufficient the Miracle. There is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Erudite,the Oft-Thanked. There is no creature orentity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah, Glory be to the All-Sufficient the Eternal. There isno creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be tothe Possessor of Manifest Grandeur. There is no creature or entityworthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Uncontaminatedand One Vi'ho(spiritually) Purifies Others. H

    " .., \ .L~~ I I 1 .. .. .: .; J " ... - \ J, S I \ \0~ ~I ~I ~I ~ .' 0 "'II ~ \ T 0~ ~ T ~I ~I ~ ~ t. ~J ~ 9 S! ~- " " . . ." , . r . . . . . / , . ,I I) IIJ 0./ \ .1 $I \ \ ,;) . -0.ul{_;.JI JY JT0~ ~T ~ l ~ l ~ .u l{_;.JI ~, ;J r

    ,. ." r"" ..... '" '" ",. ",-: : ' ~ . J ~ T ~ \ jl ~ . \~..r ,J(;i -II ::,~ illr ~I j\ ~~ ~ ) )~ . ~./\ 1~ II 0 \ .~1 J , . ; ; . II0~ ~ r~ l~ l ~ .~ YJ r J~ ~ r 0~ ~ T~ l~ l ~

    " "/ /I \ Q /. J.;) ,/ \ J . . ; f t \ \ 0"" iiJ " ' . , Q~ l ~ .u ?JT o~1 I . : ? ~ 0~ ~T ~ 1~ l ~ .~ \ ~ \. . . . "... "" . . . . . . . .

    ~ (iJ I \ " , , ;J 0 / \ ~ ~~ T ~ l ~ l ~ .y.._;J r. : ? ~ T 0~ ~ r ~ l/1 0 / \ ~r ~T0~"There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the All Sufficient, the Most Merciful. There is no creatureor entity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Onewhose Goodness is close at Hand. There is no creature or entityworthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Guardian of allGoodness, There is no creature or entity worthy of worship exceptfor Allah, Glory be to the Oft-Patient, the Coverer (of sins). There is

    "There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the One who is Truthful to His Word. There is nocreature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to theManifest Truth. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah Glory be to the Possessor of Even-PoweredStrength There is no creature or entity worthy of worship exceptfor Allah Glorv be to the All-Powerful the Noble. There is no

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    Chapter 1:Supplications to Help Conceive a Child

    creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to theAll-Knowing of the Unseen.N

    / /~ j \ /\0 J ,)J . -'1 J,. d J \ \ ;'0' J I l ~l 'J I . ~WI y 0~ ~ I 'J I l ~ l 'J I 'J~T"There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlorybe to the Living Who shallNever Die. There isno creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glorybe to the Coverer ofSins. There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except forAllah Glory be to the One whose Help is Sought, the Forgiving.There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the Lord of the Entire Universe. Thereisno creatureorentity worthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the MostMerciful the Coverer (of sins).". I J . ~ : ; ; ~ I J. , 0 /. r \ J. . 1 $ 1 \ \0~ ~1 'J I l ~ l 'J I 'J~T ~~I 0~ ~ 1 'J I 1 ~ 1 'J I

    ./ / ./ // ./ ..-1\ 00 \0"" I J . , : ; ; \ 1 j 0 0~ I 'J I . ~ I . ) L i J I0~ ~ T 'J I I ~ I 'J I . - ._ )~ /. I T . . :1 1~ J J . ~ ~ . y J...r-',/ .-', . . . '" //

    '" I .J. ;1 ~ :; o :l \ \ 0 \" ~ ".. I J. , IiJ0 ~ ill1 ' J I l ~1 'J I .~ T 01_ ; JJ i i . , f o ~ 0 ~ ~ T 'J I l/ / //./ . ,..-

    c ~ Q~ I 0 - , . , . ..d.Wl ~WI"Thereis no creature or entity worthy of worship except for AllahGlory be to the Compassionate/ the Forgiver. There is no creatureorentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to tile Noble,the Granter of Desires. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the Able, the Powerful. Thereisno creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory beto the Possessor of Forgiveness and the Most Forbearing. There is no


    4 2

    AMother's Prayer

    creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to theRuler of the Kingdom. /// I J . . ~ \ \ . , ;J 0 1 0,.., '" I ) J . . , . . , . c ; ; I I.~ ~i 'J I I ~ I 'J I . / . : Ii~ U \ 0~ ill\ 'J I \ ~ \ 'J Iu . ~ ~ J~ J. . <

    ./ '" // // . . . -\ \ " " / e \ 0 '" \ J . : : , t i \ I \ 00 0.0~ 1 'J I . ~ i J t . ; ; , J i 0~ i l l T 'J I l ~ 1 'J I . J t . ;; , J \ p ; J I

    r r ,.,.. ..- /J~ ~i ~l :Jl ~ .0~ ~ i l l r J~ ~i ~l.J: 0 J1 J 0= Ii ~ i'r~ if)

    'There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Glory be to the Evolver. the Fashioner. There is no creature or entityworthy of worship except for Allah, Glory be to the Noble, theHaughty. There isno creature orentity worthy of worship except forAllah, Glory be to the Haughty. the Proud. There is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be toAllah for thatwhich they ascribe toHim. There is no creature orentity worthy ofworship except for Allah Glory be to the Sacred, the Oft-Praised.NI ~ \ I }l ./ I c !)I ./ \ J ; .L ,Q ~ I Ii l l T ~ 1 ~ 1 ':1 .r: J~i jJ . . ., ( ; ) wT y~~ illI 'J I l ~ 1 'J I

    // ~ //,/ //: : l , . :J . I 0)1 ;1,.0;;' /1 \ 1/.::;:1,.0 / ::.. fOp / \ oJ~\ 0~ ill\ '1 1 J J l '1 . ,. ~ \ j ,.1 ' J 1 1 i . , f 0~

    10 \0/1 ' ; " I f i \1 co.JLJi 0G;J\ J~ ~ T '1 1 ~ 1 'J I . ) ~ T'There is 110 creature or entity worthy of worship except lor Allah,Glorv be to the Lord of the Angels and the Spirit. There is nocreature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah Glory be to thePossessor of Bounties and the Treasures. There is no creature orentity worthy of worship except for Allah, GlOlYbe to the Ruler ofthe Purpose. There isno creature or entity worthy of worship exceptfor Allah Glory be to the Compassionate, the Benign."


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    Chapter 1:Supplications toHelp Conceive a Child AMother's Prayer

    J . . . . , t rJ J.;J..,..,tP _ .. .I \ . L ,a ~ " " ),.-_;J..p;;J ..... I. aJJl ~ ey Jljl ': 1 1 ~ \ ' : 1 . aJJl ~ i) \ ill1 '1 1 J J l '1/ " . . -" "/ < '" . . -

    J \ J. ~ ! I .1 j. \ 1$1 I \~ L .: . . , l ~ \ ' : 1 1 : J l '1 .aJJ\ ~ ~ 1 ; 1 i l l r '1 1 : J l ' : 1/ / ,."./ ./ ./ /./ r?

    ;J..,.o r;J /1 \ J . . , p _ j . - " )I ).1~ ~ /1 \ 1.0 J ./ill1 '1 1 ~l '1 .aJJl ~ & -"y ill1 '1 1 ~1'1 .aJJ\ ~j,r/ ./,/ // / ...

    . l . ,p ;. J ; J . , , , , , i iP / \ I . 1 . 0 J .. . . .- / ' J.';' I. aJJl eJ_) ~ ill1 '1 1 ~l '1 . aJJl ~ ) Jb/ /

    CHAPTER2SUPPLICATIONS FORA SAFE PREGNANCY'There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,Adam - the chosen of Allah. There is no creature or entity worthy ofworship except for Allah, Nith - the Saved of Allah. There is nocreature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah, Ibrahim - theFriend of Allah. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah, Ismstl - the Sacri ficed of Allah. There is no creatureor entity worthy of worship except for Allah, Masa - the one whospoke to Allah. There is no creature or entity worthy of worshipexcept for Allah Dewud - the Successor of Allah (on His Earth).There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah, 'Isa- the Spir it of Al lah. //

    Contents: This section co~tai~s a sel~ction of verses of theNoble Qur'an and supplications which a pregnant womanhas been encouraged to read and keep with herself forprotection during the pregnancy and to avoid a miscarriage orstill birth. Again, it goes without saying that in addition to thesetried and tested prayers and supplications, she must stillregularly visit the doctor and follow her advice and guidance.

    Prayer 1:For a safepregnancy, the woman should place her handon her stomach and recite the following name of Allah ~ 99times:;;; I J .1 ; ; . I I~ ~ i l l r & - : 0 J i l l r J~~ J:..~ ~ r '1 1 : J l ' : 1

    I 0 I /1) 0/ cJ ~ ~ ~ r J > , w ~ r~i ~~ _ ) j J ~J ~ T ~ J ~ G~y J ~ J G J G~

    Prayer 2: The woman should continuously recite Ayatul Kursi(Suratul Baqarah (Chapter 2),Verse 255)for protection during herpregnancy:.~I)r r~f(~:J. ~r ~~f./ ,;' "" r"There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for Allah,

    Muhsmmad is the Messenger of Allah and may the blessings of Allahbe upon the best of His creations and the Ligb! of His Divine Throne,the best of Proph etc;and those Wl10 were sen t ( to guide humanity),our beloved, our lesder, our support, our intercessor and our master.Muhammsd and upon his farnilv and his select distinglli::,ju..'dcompanions. AiaX Your merry be upon them all 0/ the MostMerci tul of the Mcrci tt tl Ones! "44 45

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    Chapter 2:Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy AMother's Prayer

    JI J ... J. . O. J /~:? ~j .~~ L : . : 'J l ~ ~ ~~ 0~-" /' "" ,r //./ ..... ~ -.... .

    J: 0- J. 0- \ .. .. . 0~ r ~j I:Sl;,o ....~;JJi 'J j . ~~ ' J rj uljOI(~r/fAllah! There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for

    Him - the Living the Self-Subsisting Eternal. No slumber can seizeHim. nor can sleep. To Him belongs all things in the Heavens and onthe Earth. Who is there who can intercede in His presence except asHe permits? He knows what is before, after and behind Hiscreations. None shall encompass any of His knowledge except as Hepermits. His Throne extends over the Heavens and the Earth, andHe feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, for He is theMost High, the Supreme (in Glory). 1/

    Suratul Ikhlas (Chapter 112):. . . . . 1 ~ ~"II . 0" II illl 0~J"~J" r'" r " '" . . . . . . . - , r~ 1 " J.L ~ ~ ~I ~ f 1 m j _ ; _ f ~I ~ 0 I~)rJ ~r ~ ~ if" if ~/ ' f . ~ JJ J~ .,,~ 0 /.... ~ / J"Q . 1 > - 1 \ ~ ~ ~ ( J J e : . u j--:l

    "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say:He, Allah, is One(l). Allah is He on Whom all depend upon (but Hedepends on none) (2). He begets not, nor is He begotten (3). Andthere is none like Him (4). 1/Suratul Falaq (Chapter 113):

    Prayer 3: The Four "QuI" Surahs (those which start with theimperative verb of "Say") should be recited regularly by thewoman for a safe pregnancy:Suratul Kafirun (Chapter 109):

    "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say: Iseek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn (1), from the mischief ofcreated things (2), And from the mischief of darkness as it spreads(3t And from the mischief of those who practice secret arts (4),Andfrom the mischief of the envious one when he practices en vy (5).1/

    "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say: 0'Unbelievers Ido not worship that which you worship (2;;\ Nordo TaU worship Whom Iworship {3;~! Nor am Igoing to worshipthat which ,VOl! worship Nor are you going to worship Himwhom I worship You shall have your Din (religion) and I shallheve lllV Din (religion)

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    Chapter 2: Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy

    Suratun Nas (Chapter 114):

    rj\ ;;'j\ J J \ ~,/ "" r: r /' //,0 /"," J / 0 ; )

    ~G \ ~ C ! ) ) ~G I 7~~;f ~J 0 '" J 01,0 ~ " ... 0 ,.:1 < " " " ' " 0.., . JJ / ' 0~Jry. . ~ : L - J \ Q) ~G;J\ ~\r}\ r u - : (~l(

    I . ii ,a '" . : ; j 0,0 r _ ~ P ) JGJJ81 J WI if (f~J'u8\ JJ~'-.',;,~~,., r /' /' '~;,,' /' /'"In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say:Iseek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher otMankind the Kino- oft:1Mankind (2:)/ the God of Msnkind from the mischief of thewhisperer (of evil), who withdraws (after his whisper) (thesame) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind from amongstthefinn and Mankind~6)i. //Prayer 4: The following name of Allah 8:; should be recitedregularly:

    //0' Righteous o-:Prayer 5: Suratul Qadr (Chapter 97) should be recitedcontinuously by the woman during the course of her pregnancy:


    A Mother's Prayer

    ~v I /" r~ ~~ ;r~~/ ~"In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Wehave indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power (1), andwhat will explain toyou what the Night ofPower is (2}? TheNightof Power is better than a thousand months (3 ) ) . Therein come downthe Angels and the Spirit by AlIah's permission with every command~:4). Peace! Thisis until the break of morning ( s : ' J J rPrayer 6: Suratul Fatiha (Chapter 1) should be recitedcontinuously by the woman during her entire pregnancy:

    "In the Name ofAllah, the Most Gracious, the Most MercifuJ(l). AlIPraise belongs toAllah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Universe~(2), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (3), Master of the Day ofjudgement (4). You alone do we worship, and from You alone do weseek assistance (5). Keep us on the straight path i{6:~.The path ofthose 011 whom You have bestowed Your blessings, not those uponwhom is Your wrath nor those who have gone astray (7). NPrayer 7: The following name of Allah J ) c t should be recited 121times daily by the woman:


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    AMother's PrayerChapter 2:Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy

    NO'Powerful One"

    ,,, ~ o. ~:'":~

    ,c // 0 ..~

    Prayer 8:Sarah Yusuf (Chapter 12)of the Noble Qur'an should berecited continuously by the woman during her pregnancy.Prayer 9: For 40 days straight, verse 36 of Surah Yasln (Chapter36) should be recited forty (40) times each day by the womanover a glass of water and then the woman should drink thiswater:

    "And remember her (Mariam) who had guarded her chastity thenWe breathed into her of Our spirit and We made her and her son(Prophet 'Isa)a sign for all people (91). Venly this isyour Nationone Nation and I am your Lord therefore worship Me alone (92).But they have rent asunder their matter amongst themselves intosects, and all shall be brought back to Us(93). //j

    ~)o~ i ~ o~~ ~ , \' o '~ i '~I:'5l! i J~ ) fv '__"___", C j) o-: ~, .( .....I~~t \'" ... 0 ~ . ~ < ' \0u~ i: ~j I ' ~ , . A . . J u :

    NGlorybe to Him VVhocreatedpairs of all things of what the Earthgrows/ and of their kind (humanity) and that of what they do notPrayer 12:The following names ofAllah ~ should be recited overa glass of water by the woman (in the number specifiedunderneath) and then she should drink this:know. "

    Prayer 10: The following verse of the Qur'an. verse 26 of SuratulNaml (Chapter 27), should be recited one thousand times (1,000)over a glass of water by the woman, and then she should drinkthis water:

    NO'Fashioner"21 times



    "Allah, there is creature or entity worthy of worship except for Him:He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne (Power)." Prayer 13: Suratul Bayyinah (Chapter 98) should constantly berecited by the woman. It can also be written with a mixture ofsaffron and water on a piece of paper, washed with pure waterand then that water should be given to the woman to drink:

    Prayer 11: Verses 91 to 93 of Suratul Anbiya (Chapter 21) shouldbe written with a pen on a piece of paper and then worn (aroundthe neck in a locket) by the woman for 40 consecutive days:

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    Chapter 2:Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy A Mother's Prayer

    ofhell, abiding therein - they are the worst ofmen (6:~. (As for) thosewho believe and dogood, surely they are the best ofmen (7,. Theirreward with their Lord isgardens ofperpetuity beneath which riversflow, abiding therein forever. Allah is wellpleased with them andthey are well pleased with Him. That is for him who fears his Lord(8:~#//Prayer 14: The following verses of the Noble Qur'an should bewritten by the woman with a mixture of saffron and water on apiece of paper and then she should wear it around the stomachuntil the end of her pregnancy. Itis best to wrap this writing in acloth since it is forbidden to touch the verses of the Qur'anwithout Wudhu:a) Suratul Anbiya (Chapter 21),Verse 1:

    ( 0 ~ ~ ~ c J ~ ) ~ ~ JJ ~)l)" ., ~ 'Or ..... ..-.- '"'The (Day of) Reckoning has drawn near to mankind, and inheedlessness are they turning aside (from it)."b) Surah Yasin (Chapter 36), Verse 36:

    "IntheName ofAllah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Thosewho disbelieved from among the People of the Book and [hePolytheists could not have separated (Irom the faithful) until therehad come to them the clear evidence . A Messenger from Allahreciting to themplIrepages . Wherein areallthelight ordinances

    And those who were given the Book did not become dividedexcept after clearevidence had come to them And they were notenjoined anything except that they should serve Allah being sincereto Him in obedience, upright, and to keep up (JaMtand pal' the Zakat.and that 1~"he light religion . Surelv those 11'110 disbelieve troutamong the People of the Book and the Polvtheists shall be in the tire

    "Glory be to Him who created pairs of all things of what the EarthgroT-VS,and of their kind (humanity) and that of which they do notknow."!i!

    "I i c)Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12), Verse 64:

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    Chapter 2:Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy AMother's Prayer

    "He (Ya'qi lb) said: /1 can not trust in you with respect to him(Benysmin], except as 1rusted you with respect to his brother(Yiisui} before. But Allah is the Best Protector. and He is the MostMerciful of those who are able to show mercy. //,

    Prayer 16:Toremain safefrom the misfortune of a miscarriage orpremature birth, a cotton thread should be cut equal to themother's height. This thread should then be dyed in saffronwater and nine knots should be tied in it. Then, verses 127 and128 ofSuratul Nahl (Chapter 16) should be recited over each knotseparately and blown onto every knot. This string should then beworn by the woman in an amulet around the neck:d) Suratul Ra'd (Chapter 13),Verse 8:

    ''Allah knows what every female carries and that of which thewombs fall short of completion (through a miscarriage) and thatwhich grow (to full term). And with Him, there is a measure ofeverything. rr

    (/;o-.:5oJ~ 0~,.J;~/ J", \W

    "Bepatient (0'Muhammed) and your patience is only with ( the helpof) Allah and do not grieve for them and do not be distressed becauseof what they devise.(127) Verily Allah is with those who safeguardthemselves against evil and (He is with) those who perform gooddeeds. (128)"

    Prayer 15: For the safety of the child (in the womb) and themother (during the pregnancy) and to ensure that there is nomiscarriage, a portion ofverse 64of Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12) andverse 8 of Suratul Ra'd (Chapter 13) should be written with amixture ofsaffron and water on a piece ofpaper, wrapped insidea cloth, and then tied around the abdomen ofthe mother:

    Prayer 17: Ifa woman has had miscarriages in the past, then thefollowing supplication, which is a combination of three separateverses ofthe Qur'an, should be written and kept with her so thatshe will be protected from having further miscarriages both nowand in the future, by the permission ofAllah~. These verses arefrom Suratul Tariq (Chapter 86), Verses 4-6, and Surah Yusuf(Chapter 12),Verse 64.

    "But Allah is the Best Protector and He is the Most "Merciful of those11110 are able to show mercy. "

    ~ 0\,"",,:" '_~ ;~ \j~:~b . - ~ d ~ J 5 ' 01 )~ ~ f ~ J lw b . - ~ ~ ~ ) ( ~ \ ; ~L~~ ~ .~

    / -; ;" -? " ,. , /' /'(~\)\'Allah knows what eFelY female carries and that of which thewombs fall short of completion (through a miscarrisge) and thatwhich grow (to full term). And with Him, there is a measure ofeverything. " /{ There is no human soul except that there is a Guardian over it. Sothen let the man look at from where he was created. He has been

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    Chapter 2:Supplications for a Safe Pregnancy

    created from an emitted drop ofsperm.t (So then Allah is the BestofProtectors and He is the Most Merciful of those who are able to showmercy+'

    5 6

    AMother's Prayer


    Contents: During the pregnancy, there are many thingswhich a woman can perform to help her child become arighteous and pious believer. This section contains someof the supplications which will not only inspire the mother toremain on the sublime path of Islam, but will also act as aspiritual light for the baby to keep him/her on the 'NaturalReligion' of al-Isljlm. It goes without saying that a woman mustnot simply 'recite' these supplications, rather, she must also actaccording to the injunctions and lessons found within them andmust also follow the teachings ofIslamin all aspects ofher life.

    Prayer 1:The recitation of Surah Mariam (Chapter 19) daily willmake the child righteous and pious, Insha-Allah.Prayer 2:The following prayers and supplications should be readby the woman a minimum of forty (40) times each, during thecourse of her pregnancy:a) Surah Yasin (Chapter 36) should be recited upon a

    pomegranate, and then eaten by the woman.b) Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12) should be recited upon an apple,

    and then eaten by the woman.c) Suratul Anbiya (Chapter 21) should be recited once a week.


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    Chapter 3:Various Supplications to be Read During Pregnancy

    d) The entire Qur'an should be recited at least once during thecourse of one's pregnancy with the reward of this recitationbeing offered as a gift to the 12th Imam, al-Hujjat ibnil Hasanal-Askan 'B.

    e) Recitation of Du'a at-Tawassul.f) Recitation of Ziyarat-e-Ale Yasin.g) Du'a al-Ahd [Pledge of Allegiance to the 12th Imam] should

    be recited for forty consecutive days.h) Salatul Lail should be performed as much as possible during

    the pregnancy, but at least forty times.i) Ziyaratul [amiah al-Kabtrah should be recited.j) Ziyarat-e-Ashura with Du'a Alqamah should be recited.NOTE: The one hundred salutations and curses should also beread to 'complete' this Ziyarat and Du'a (however if one can notrecite them one hundred times each, then even ten times each willsuffice).k) Du'a Kumayl should be recited every Thursday night.1) Du'a an-Nudbah should be recited every Friday Morning

    (after sunrise, but before noon time).m) The woman should perform a Jumu'ah Ghusl every Friday

    before the time ofZuhr Salat.n) Du'a as-Samat should be recited every Friday evening just

    before sunset.Prayer 3: From the seventh month onwards, the woman shouldeat one almond everyday.Prayer 4: In addition to these, the woman should also listen to theQur'an on a continuous basis and other supplications. She shouldalso busy herself with listening to lectures from Muslim scholars,and have positive thoughts at all times, as all of these acts have avery profound effect on the fetus.



    A Mother's Prayer



    Contents: The delivery is perhaps the most difficult timeduring a woman's life, and it is for this reason that we aretold that when a woman comes out of this stage, she ispurified from all of her sins! In order for the woman to remainwell during this critical period in her life, the supplicationsmentioned in this Chapter should be followed as much aspossible. These prayers and supplications can be recited by thehusband or the person who is in the delivery room with thewoman.

    Prayer 1: The following supplication, which is taken from fourseparate verses of the Noble Qur'an, should be written on a pieceof paper, wrapped in some cloth and then tied to the right leg ofthe mother at the time of delivery. This should be removedimmediately after the baby is born. These supplications comefrom: Suratul Fatiha (Chapter 1), Verse 1;Suratul Ahqaf (Chapter46), Verse 35; Suratul Naziyat (Chapter 79), Verse 46; Surah AleImran (Chapter 3), Verse 35:

    Gj~ r : , i ~ ~ ) ( r)\~)\~~)~~ ~ l__S- ) ( J 4 S"


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    Chapter 3:Various Supplications to be Read During Pregnancy

    d) The entire Qur'an should be recited at least once during thecourse of one's pregnancy with the reward of this recitationbeing offered as a gift to the 12th Imam, al-Hujjat ibnil Hasanal-Askan ~~.

    e) Recitation of Du'a at-Tawassul.f) Recitation of Ziyarat-e-Ale Yasin,g) Du'a al-'Ahd [Pledge of Allegiance to the 12th Imam] should

    be recited for forty consecutive days.h) Salatul Lail should be performed as much as possible during

    the pregnancy, but at least forty times.i) Ziyaratul [amiah al-Kabirah should be recited.j) Ziyarat-e-Ashura with Du'a Alqamah should be recited.NOTE: The one hundred salutations and curses should also beread to 'complete' this Ziyarat and Du'a (however if one can notrecite them one hundred times each, then even ten times each willsuffice).k) Du'a Kumayl should be recited every Thursday night.1) Du'a an-Nudbah should be recited every Friday Morning

    (after sunrise, but before noon time).m) The woman should perform a Jumu'ah Chusl every Friday

    before the time of Zuhr Salat.n) Du'a as-Samar should be recited every Friday evening just

    before sunset.Prayer 3: From the seventh month onwards, the woman shouldeat one almond everyday.Prayer 4: In addition to these, the woman should also listen to theQur'an on a continuous basis and other supplications. She shouldalso busy herself with listening to lectures from Muslim scholars,and have positive thoughts at all times, as all of these acts have avery profound effect on the fetus.5 8

    A Mother's Prayer


    Contents: The delivery is perhaps the most difficult timeduring a woman's life, and it is for this reason that we aretold that when a woman comes out of this stage, she ispurified from all of her sins! In order for the woman to remainwell during this critical period in her life, the supplicationsmentioned in this Chapter should be followed as much aspossible. These prayers and supplications can be recited by thehusband or the person who is in the delivery room with thewoman.

    Prayer 1: The following supplication, which is taken from fourseparate verses of the Noble Qur'an, should be written on a pieceof paper, wrapped in some cloth and then tied to the right leg ofthe mother at the time of delivery. This should be removedimmediately after the baby is born. These supplications comefrom: Suratul Fatiha (Chapter I), Verse 1; Suratul Ahqaf (Chapter46), Verse 35; Suratul Naziyat (Chapter 79), Verse 46; Surah AleImran (Chapter 3), Verse 35:

    G: , : r - - ; r~ r - + f ~ ) ( ~ ~T ~~T ~T ~: )i~r - + f l _ S - ) ( J 4 f ; ~ ~ ~i \;~;l J JJ~~~ /59

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    Chapter 4:Supplications for a Safe and Easy Delivery A Mother's Prayer

    (::-/ 0 . ,/ 0 , . 1 1 o .)J "

    \j~ ~ J L . : 2 J J ~~.uJlyj 0\~'1Unthe Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciiul.r ~:Onthe Day when they shall see what they werepromised, they shall beas if they had not tarried save an hour of the day) (On the Daywhen they see it, it will be as though they had not tarried but thelatterpart of a day orthe earlypart of it.) (When a woman ot Tmrsnsaid: My Lord! Surely 1vow to You what is in my womb to bedevoted (to Your servicel.s /,

    ' '(And Allah has brought you forth from the wombs ofyour mothers-you did not know anything. And He gave you hearing and sightand hearts that perhaps you may give thenks.t Thus, come out (ofthe womb) 0'you child, come out (of the womb) by the permissionof Allah. //

    Prayer 2: The following verse of the Qur'an from Surah Mariam(Chapter 19), Verse 23/ should be recited over the pregnantwoman at the time of delivery:

    Prayer 3: For a speedy delivery, the following supplicationshould be written on animal skin or a piece of paper, wrapped insome cloth and then tied around the pregnant woman. In theplace of the words in parenthesis, the name of the mother and herfather should be mentioned (for example jf the woman's name isKhadIjah and her father's name is 'Alt. at this point in the Dll~you would write, 'Khedijeh binte (daughter of) 'Ali):

    '-$/ :1~:J~~\ t_h ~ l ~ ~ \ 4J~~). /' /' /' / 'J . . ~ - - - -P /.,y ;:,.... I '" ./ }_':II ~ 0.,.4 ~I~G t;-~\~ L.J ~/ I~ p."~u ,S;;, ~ ~ ) '-' . ~,/" / , . . -

    e / ~ ?: )/",..Yh. . : l J I ; L ~/ (-': G " / ~ &/ \:::..._. /.0 ::L '. ~.yJ) ''''!.~) t.r" .j cr:" : . . . S j >< -J"" /// / / '-~ / / / .. /( _ Ie;./ ~ 1 '; ,11:' 0 , ~I/ ! ; o . "'I'"!~j\ ~ I...J::' j ~ .Ja.!"""""; ~\

    ~?.; .../ r" r r:

    ''And the throes (of childbirth) compelled her (Mariam) to betakeherself to the trunk of apalm tree, She said: 'Oh, would thst J haddied before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten (23)1' Then(the child) called out to her from beneath her. "Grieve not, surelyyour Lord has made a stream to flow beneath you (24}; And shaketowards you the trunk of thepalm tree, it will drop onyou fresh ripedates '(25). /// ''0/ Allah, the One who Frees from Grief and the Unveiler of Sorrow

    and the Most Merciful of this world and the next world and the MostCompassionate of both =hsve mercy upon [here, the names of thewoman and her father would be mentioned! a mercv which wouldmake her needless of mercy from all of Your creations. Separatefrom her, her distress and unveil from her, her grief; and make the

    Following this, verse 78 of Suratul Nahl (Chapter 16) and theshort supplication which follows should be read out loudly to thewoman:

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    Chapter 4:Supplications for a Safeand EasyDelivery AMother's Prayer

    delivery of her child an easy one and decide between them with theTruth and they do not do any oppression in the least and it is shallthen be said that All the Praise belongs solely to Allah the Lord ofthe Universe.N "( , /" / / I " . 1 . / )IJ .:. ..I ) ~ ~))T;_;:' z . : J i j I.):'; J~jj :l r . + u i ~

    / ~ /~ ~ 0 ~ / 0 0 o/~u~ ~~ J ~ JI.f~ :;- I.f~ ~a(9 ~)" , . . , -_" ./ ,,-

    o J J , / j. 0 0 ~ : : : JJ~ ~ l ~T j~ )T ~ ~ ~T ~q) Ij~~,. /,,, / -' // ./ . . . . .~ J " ... I)j ~ I . ; ) y~) li ~ r iW ~ ~~i j o J . ; _ ) T

    ", '" ./ / /" .. -J : : : 0 r J ' J //J ~';J;j,~ I~ ~~ 1 < ' . j 1_c ~i ~ ~ ; , : : I . ;' - : ? I . . . > e > r . . r '- : :? '- " " " \ r - : - - -i~U S ~ ~ T ~ I ; f j~ . G J T J~ c J 2 ) 5 1 ; . 0 j ~- /

    Prayer 5:The following supplication should be recited around thetime ofbirth ofthe child for a safe and smooth delivery:

    This must be removed immediately after the delivery of the child.Prayer 4: For a quick delivery, the following four verses of theNoble Qur'an should be written on animal skin or a piece ofpaper, wrapped in some cloth and then tied around the pregnantwoman. Immediately after delivery, this should be removedfrom the woman. This prayer comes from the following verses:Suratul Anbiya (Chapter 21),Verse 30; Surah Yasin (Chapter 36),Verse37 and 51;Suratul Ahqaf (Chapter 46),Verse35:

    li~8 l 5 - - : ; , ~ ~ T j ~I~T 0f IJ~ ~ ~ T ; r J jf )(J~j; ~ f:;" ~ ~ ~ ~UT~ 1 : 1 : ; . j G\;~~:;" . . . J " : : : : : . . ' " . . . -j) (J~ ~ I~~ ~ 4 - J T ~ ~ J U T ~ ~ j)" / /~ ~ e s - - - - - - J l 0\~ ~ T ~ ~ I~~ j~ T J ~\ /' r

  • 8/6/2019 A Mothers Prayer - Prayers Supplications for Every Stage of a Womans Pregnancy Up to Child Birth Beyond


    Chapter 4:Supplications for a Safe and Easy Delivery A Mother's Prayer

    stomach of the woman who has entered into her ninth month ofpregnancy, that she will have a safe delivery, Insha-Allah:

    to them 15 that We bear their offspring Ji 7 the laden ship. ,(41 AndWe hsve created for them the like of it, what they will fide on. A 2 >And if We please, We can drown them, then there shall be noprotector for them, nor shall they be rescued \A3:~,But (by) mercyfrom Usand for enjoyment tilla time. (44; rli~8 1 5 - ~ ~ ~T j ~\)~T 0 f \J~ ~~T -; r J jf );jf '" \ ", . J ,p } . 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 0 '" '", 0~~ y I j \ J- < . s ~ J 5 ' ~ W T ~ ~j WI: Q;~;~- ~ - ."Do those people who disbelieve not see that surely the Heavens and

    the Earth were once both one entity and Weseparated them and Wehave made every living thing out of water - will they then not havetrue belief?" 'And the trumpet shall be blown when 10/ from their graves they

    shall hasten on to their Lord. //

    (,." j. /0 /0 J . . , . " 0 /,9 I6 . L J J .o ~ ) QJ ,- ,~ jJ~Wl \~\ 'j~~ ~ t")~"O n the Day that they shall see what they arepromised itshall be as

    if they had not tarried save an hour of the day. A sufficientexposition! Then. shall there be any destroyed except for thetransgressing people?"


    "On the DaT that they see it i t willbe asthough they had not tarriedbut the latterpart ofa day orthe earlypart ofit. / /

    'And a sign to them is the night - We draw forth from it the daythen lo! they are in the dark! (37) And the sun runs on to a termappointed for it: that is the ordinance of the Mighty the Knowing

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    Chapter 4:Supplications for a Safeand EasyDelivery AMother's Prayer

    o 0 /. 0 /. " /.) ~ \ ~ ~ \ C~) ~ \ ~ ~ \ JJ~ ~,..- / / '" ./ ,; '/ .

    ~~\~~T~-- - - - -

    Prayer 9: The supplication of Yastashtr should be recitedregularly during the pregnancy and every day in the ninth monthfor ease during pregnancy:

    I \~}T~}T ~TrIn theName ofAllah theMost Gracious,theMostMerciful//0' He who createslife from life/ 0'He who brings out life from life/0' He who delivers life from life, deliver it (the child from thewomb)."Prayer 8: If a woman is experiencing extreme pains duringchildbirth, verses 5 and 6 of Suratul Inshirah (Chapter 94) andverses 1 and 2 ofSuratul Hajj (Chapter 22) should both be writtenseven times, and then this paper should be wrapped in somecloth and tied around the leg ofthewoman: . . . . : J . 000 r 0~y-l '~ y,)T ~T ,~T "B ~ JyT ) ,j~~

    . , . . "" " ./.... / - ; : ;~ 0, \d.~_~ __ W J \ _ ~ / / . . '~ T / I.::.XOT~ ~ . J .r: J~) J J? "''''' /' . -" " .

    (9 0 jZ 0 J. 0"" ,....... ~ ~ 0 ). 0 ~ \"" ...,.,. ~ ~)rf~\j \ ..........,I ~ 01P~ Ir ~I ~ 0tj f(_~_)J ~ "-- ~~i) " ~ ~

    "Verily with every difficulty there is ease (5). Surel~ with everydifficulty thereis ease(thatfollows) (6). //~ \ ; . , ~ - . / ~ ~ / C J \ i j - -. \ '. ~ I ; - ' ; z / I ~~ ) L il \ . : 1S ) fr-::-- ~l5"" ~ J) u~~) ~ if ~ ~

    ./ - / . . . -~ J . /. .! J. J. 0Y ~) ~~i ~ ~:; y~lf 4 S : ' } r~Q" /l5j~ ~ ~ ) l5jLC ~L i l \ l5}) ~ ~ ul~

    , . . . ~ , . . -(

    ~ /' j.,Q '" ": ~ \,..-( ~, . ,. l, .. ,l .; :, .wI ,-,I..u:.~('\J~ ~ . o":/ / /

    //0people! Have Taqwa of your Lord, surely the earthquake (andviolence) of the hour (of the Day ofJudgement) is a grievous thing(1). On the Day when you shall see every nursing woman willforget her child and every pregnant woman shall drop her load (thechild she is carrying in her womb), and you shall see menintoxicated, however they shall not be intoxicated but thechastisement ofAllah will besevere (2). ,..

    'All Praiseis due toAllah. Thereis no creatureor entity worthy ofworshipexcept for Him, the Ruler. the Truth theManifest. He is theAdministrator without any minister and without consultation withany of His slaves. He is the First, who cannot be described. He isEternal and will live forever, even after the annihilation of allcreatures. He is thegreatest Cherisherand Sustainerand theLight ofthe Heavens and the Earths, and their Creator and Maker out ofnothing. He createdboth of them (theHeavens and the Earths) andseparated them - aproper separation. TheHeavens becamestable inobedience toHis commandment and theEarths became fixed on theswiace of the waterwith theirpegs. //

    ~ /JT ~ ~ )T ~T 01)0\ J ~~ ~ ~L : + . : ! ~ ) ~~~TJ C ) oIJO\ J ~ jqS~\

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    A Mother's PrayerChapter 4: Supplications for a Safe and Easy Delivery

    .,'l>pI~ lo J blowing wind, nor any rainingcloud, nor flashing lightning nor anypraising thunder. nor any breathing soul nor any flying bird. norany blazing fire,nor any flowing water.rf

    \ . 1 , . . . / , / . . . - //~ ~ I~ :1 illlc .Ji ~~ J+~ i \ 5 ~00,/ /. I ,/J , : :" lb i : : _ ; J ~ : 1 j ,~~ I~ e lJ : 1 J '~ J

    ., I

    0 : J J~ : 1.~"Then our Lord the All-Merciful subdued the high Heavens andruled from the Throne. Everything that is in Heavens and in theEarth and all that is in between them and what is below the Earthbelongs toHim. So,1ear witness that verily You areAllah. Thereis none to elevate what You have lowered and no one to exalt himwhom You leave him in disgrace,andno one to bring into d