a mutual of omaha company living care® annuity care agent guide.pdf · united of omaha life...

United of Omaha Life Insurance Company A Mutual of Omaha Company Living Care® Annuity L7734 AGENT GUIDE

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Page 1: A Mutual of Omaha Company Living Care® Annuity Care Agent Guide.pdf · United of Omaha Life Insurance Company A Mutual of Omaha Company Living Care® Annuity L7734 AGENT GUIDE

United of Omaha Life Insurance CompanyA Mutual of Omaha Company

Living Care® Annuity



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Contract Highlights......................................................2

Optional Endorsements ...............................................4

Application Process .....................................................5

Underwriting .............................................................11


Glossary ....................................................................18

Table of Contents

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Application Process

If any question is answered “yes,” the applicant will not be eligible for Living Care® Annuity.

Interest Rate Guaranteed

Contract Premiums

Issue Ages


Free-Look Period

Death Benefit

Access to Account Value

Withdrawal Charges

Year 4 6 8

% 8 6 4

Waiver of Withdrawal Charges

Chronically Ill

Terminal Illnesses


Contract Highlights

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Coverage Eligibility Date

Long-Term Care Benefits

Elimination Period

Daily Benefit

Annuity Sample Value:

Maximum Daily Benefit:

Maximum Lifetime Benefit:

Important: This is a general description of the Living Care® Annuity. It does not include all terms, conditions, rules, and/or exclusions. Please read the Living Care® Annuity contract and refer to the outline of coverage for complete details.

AgeMonthly Charge as a Percent of Annuity Value




AgeMonthly Charge as a Percent of Annuity Value

AgeMonthly Charge as a Percent of Annuity Value




AgeMonthly Charge as a Percent of Annuity Value

Cost for the Long-Term Care Rider

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Inflation Protection Endorsement

Increases in benefits will not be determined by the actual amount of future inflation. The actual increases in benefits under the long-term care insurance rider may be greater or less than the amount of inflation.

Remember, on the application in “Section F: Long-term Care Rider Benefits,” check “yes” or “no” for 5% Compound Inflation Protection.

Please see the Outline of Coverage for a full description of this optional benefit.

Nonforfeiture Benefit – Shortened Benefit Period Endorsement

Remember, on the application in “Section F: Long-term Care Rider Benefits,” check “yes” or “no” for Nonforfeiture Benefit.

Please see the Outline of Coverage for a full description of this optional benefit.

Optional Endorsements

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How to Submit Business

In most cases, new business will be underwritten and issued within 5 business days.

Application Checklist

Submit the fully completed application and applicable completed forms. Unanswered questions on the application or missing or incomplete forms will result in underwriting delays as United of Omaha attempts to secure this information.

NOTE: If a question does not apply to your client, answer it as “No” or “None” rather than “N/A.”

Application Checklist

Health Interview Reference Number

Section A: General Information

Section B: Beneficiary Information

Section C: Contract Information

Section D: Health Insurability QuestionsIf the applicant answers “Yes” to any question in Section D, he/she is ineligible for coverage. Do not submit the application.

Section E: Other Coverage and Replacement Information

Section F: Long-Term Care Rider Benefits

Section G: Please Read and Sign

Administrative Forms

General Forms

Application Process

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Annuity Forms

Long-Term Care Forms

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Sample Application

Section A: General Information

send in the first page and

all other questions in this

Health Interview Reference Number

Section B: Beneficiary Information

Section C: Contract Information

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Section D: Health Insurability Questions

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Section E: Other Coverage and Replacement Information

Section F: Long-Term Care Rider Benefits

Section G: Please Read and Sign

Annuitant read the entire section

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1035 Exchanges

Although the exchange is easy to transact, itis important that a few rules are followed to assure that the exchange qualifies as a tax-free exchange under InternalRevenue Code – Section 1035(a).

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Living Care® Annuity Important Tips

Steps for Scheduling and Completing the Health Interview

Health Interview Order

Inform the health interviewer if the client has any hearing problems or if he/she needs an interpreter for a language other than English.


After Hours Scheduling of the Health Interview

Build Chart

Height Weight Min Weight Max5'0"5'1"5'2"5'3"5'4"5'5"5'6"5'7"5'8"5'9"



Page 13: A Mutual of Omaha Company Living Care® Annuity Care Agent Guide.pdf · United of Omaha Life Insurance Company A Mutual of Omaha Company Living Care® Annuity L7734 AGENT GUIDE


Uninsurable Health Conditions

AAcoustic NeuromaAcromegalyActivities of Daily Living (ADL)

Adult Day CareAgoraphobiaAIDS/ARCAlcoholAlcoholAlcoholic NeuropathyAlcoholismAlcoholismAlpha-1 Antitrypsin DeficiencyAlzheimer’s DiseaseAmputationAmputationAmaurosis FugaxAmaurosis Fugax

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)AneurysmAmnesiaAnxietyAnxiety


AsbestosisAssisted Living FacilityAvascular NecrosisAtaxiaAutomatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD)

Back or Spine

Balance disorderBladder IncontinenceBone Marrow TransplantBowel Incontinence


CardiomyopathyCerebral AneurysmCerebral PalsyCerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)Chair liftChronic BronchitisChronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic HepatitisChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)Chronic Organic Brain SyndromeCirrhosisCongestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

ConfusionCreutzfeldt-Jakob DiseaseCystic Fibrosis

Declined for LTC insuranceDegenerative Neurological DisorderDefibrillatorDementiaDepressionDepression

Denied Reinstatement for LTC insurance

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DialysisDifficulty WalkingDisabled

DizzinessDown’s SyndromeDrug Abuse

Electric powered nebulizerEmphysema




Heart TransplantHemiplegiaHemophiliaHIVHome Health CareHuntington’s ChoreaHydrocephalus

IImmune DeficiencyInstrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)

KKidney DialysisKidney DiseaseKidney FailureKidney Transplant

Liver TransplantLung TransplantLupus

MMedicaid RecipientMemory LossMental RetardationMini StrokeMobility ImpairmentMotorized ScooterMultiple MyelomaMultiple SclerosisMulti-pronged CaneMuscular DystrophyMyasthenia GravisMyelodysplasia

NebulizerNervous or Mental DisorderNervous or Mental Disorder

Neurogenic Bowel or BladderNeuropathy

Nursing Home

ObesityOrgan TransplantOrganic Brain SyndromeOsteoporosis


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Pancreas TransplantPancreatitisParalysisParaplegiaParkinson’s DiseasePeripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Pick’s DiseasePolymyalgia Rheumatica

Post Polio SyndromePrimary Biliary CirrhosisProgressive Neurological DisorderProgressive Supranuclear PalsyPsychiatric FacilityPsychosisPulmonary FibrosisPulmonary Hypertension

QQuad CaneQuadriplegia

Reflex Sympathetic DystrophyResidential Care Facility


SchizophreniaSclerodermaSocial WithdrawalStair lift

Stool IncontinenceStrokeStroke


SurgerySystemic Lupus (SLE)

TTransient Global AmnesiaTransient Ischemic Attack (TIA)Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

UUnderweightUrinary Incontinence

WWalkerWeaknessWeight lossWheelchair

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Uninsurable Medications

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annuity value

single annuity premium


Issue Age

LTC Inflation

Protection Shortened





Issue Age

LTC Inflation

Protection Shortened





Monthly Charges as % of Account Value

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Activities of Daily Living







Adult Day Care

Adult Day Care Center

Alzheimer’s Facility

Ancillary Services


Annuity Contract

Assisted Living Facility

Care Coordination

Care Coordination Services Provider

Care Coordinator

Chronically Ill


Confinement, confined Eligibility for the Payment of Benefits

Covered Services


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Elimination Period

Family Member


Home Health Care

Home Health Care Agency

Homemaker Services

Hospice Care

Inflation Protection Payment

Licensed Health Care Practitioner

Maintenance or Personal Care Services

Maximum Daily Benefit

Maximum Lifetime Benefit

Monthly Deduction

Nursing Home



Plan of Care

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Qualified Long-term Care Services

Respite Care


Severe Cognitive Impairment

Substantial Assistance

Hands-on Assistance

Standby Assistance

Substantial Supervision

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Underwritten by:United of Omaha Life Insurance CompanyHome Office: Mutual of Omaha PlazaOmaha, NE 68175mutualofomaha.com