a n d s y m i i t u a l - international association for ... th* deportment of thu journel do.oled la...

A N D S Y M i I T U A l m wgxt an, C itato f t Hit, M t|n t gfjiuiRg, InbitiUt 11* tfimtal; glan a qtrial Cnatum, bis % m alt of jtrftrt g tsip, a*.: _____ PUBLlSHliD WBKBXJT BY JAMES L.,SCOTT AST) -THOMAS L. HARRIS, AT ONE D M 4 ^ AND PUTT CENTS A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. E. MOUNTAIN COVE, FAYETTE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, i s £ i VOLUME: I ^CHESTER; JCltUSuiXOAUE.Vr. . . V .. . numberw -mfe disclosive _encyclop £ dia . KkIowi.1 u» mw In prccou of Inscription from U » I. iMOftnl W tH . m m .tr -TW Book of U ofW U lo* of Str ,»„ iM k .1 IK. U. riMHUtiM «f GoO ;» “ tfc. Book of lira iM UbM of Ura D nlm U i" - Th« Book of lira H»rmo»lo« o f Tlttra |" •Tbo Book of (b« M«MI*> of B p o o o “ Tho Book of tho Intorioc fcrtora „f OooO »nd B.B." TK— .ill cooUIn Ik. o-JoUM .I •*- -oonolon, lolutlon, nnifflomomlrottoo of tho grand CrailiTO I.Wo, to«:««*U lotojjjrfouUtcucli, md rocolrad «< Ora Interior Word k j oil ip,|illoMBiMiill ■**«. ocriboi* ond oposllo*. nodln for lb* . t r a m iM on snobK^urbl Dlrlno R-v.lotlon Tl,r« »ork». tof*- ■y obor vilb tijChcrcoflor to bo dlctoiod. will therefor* rmboOj.oo ripw irflll ^ - f -----1*1 rttord of G,»1U lo l*« tWj*» V ■*, Apvialftf. o«d t Kixirt'T D i.-clm ui or TUI V n n u iL CUItlOk Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la “ Dbclonlra. from Ura Interior." In addition to It, n r . and nlaabla off.ring-, pill b . anricbad fromtl.no lo Urn. by ehoko ralrctlonatropi tho forogo- Icg Worka. f ^ a •III tra, pith lb . nteoqacot rolonra, wkltb coaa- prfaa lha Due Lapp. BrcrcioroDU, promoted In Om Older of their unfolding to lira world. * BOOK OF THE MELODIES OF SPACE. CHAP. V.—TheThrone Melodic*ofPlmetnry Orb*. ' ;■ ■ (Continned from pago 67.) 1. 'T hb melodious utterance of the wk planetary world is modulated accord- 2 || • ing to its position in the grand orclics tra of the solar system. Thus planet- ary paradises pour forth in their har- monious evolution that variety of ut- terance for which they were designed - in the harmonic idea or archetype of Creation. 2. But their impersonal and personal multitudes of pure melodious utter- ances arc not tbeir only or the most j*eilect utterances, for each ns it tra thcT'-mJnis of space utters p.«iu- gle nhfjfnv-o' melody-more lofty ; nd mure grand ihan jrc'thw'weparute voi- ces of-tts beauty, its wisdom or its tri - umphant'procedure of immortal love. Bell planetary orb moving thro’ lar Space, advnn- "■^cei like unto an ihsffffad musician, or like unto some augcl vocnltst-iMmounc- ing'tlie periods of its revolving life and [light.- And lo, I perceive upon the ' jthrone-likbN radiance which encom- passes each unfullen world the majes- tic outline of the human form ineffable, with the bloom of immortal majesty pf beauty and proportioned in its vast- ness uuto the spiritual dominions of its World. Like.an angel magnified into snper-collosal majesty, I perceive each planet’s resplendence of intelli- gence, and the revolving orb is set be- neath it as a burnished throne. 9. Let it.be destinctly unfolded that even as the halo about a terrestrial orb wliich is formed of global atoms, is globular in its outline, so the halo which encompasses n spiritual para- witli its own enrapturing delight.— Thus cucli in its own sphere utters forth its voice. The sing together. 13. Hut while every atom, and every atomic form, und every impp/sonal creature, and every human and angel- ing solar spiritual orb whiph ejcom- Uyith the shining hues of in,mortality, to the wphyra breath, at once re passes each plan* with its bright do-j This two-fold avenue is i n t e r s e c t i n g « odor and me od”-^ n d mimons cxalts the sp.rit-ineMy, and by another which is many .housonds roofs of int^tw ining fre tw o ^ k c permeates the rad,ant emanativc life of miles terrestrial in its extent, and uuto the tracery of the eelestial p vt I which encompasses with a blazing cir-jdiscs that over-veils the glorious ceil- cle ot nrihetcctural perfection the po- j ing formed os of interwoven light, and morning stars lar ocean and appears equidistant be- cond^oaod brilliancy of the fixed tween the margin of the seu and the j stars,-k-all these on every aide at once bases of the mountains. A vast and invite, astonish und entrance the Pil-\ limpid stream flows through its center, grim.—These architectural wonders \ more ample in breadth than the Ama-I at once quicken, gratify, unfold and ic existence, mingles the breath of life, zon nnd on either side appear [over-awe catli manifested sense anil in the grand chorus of the skies, there | floral groves whose sliodowless re- like the breathing of exquisite music,, is a melody wliich transcendeth these, treats vibrate with ravishing melodies affords perpetual delight. iTo U toa'.lau«J.i whether in their separateness, their that thrill the spirit with continued concert or their universal un^y^ ■ Beau-,ecstacies. tiful upon the radiant atin'd|plierc of The glorious lmbitntion now begins to he apparent in its outlines and more minute beaut v beneath our feet. The .MAJESTICA: THE PLANET JLPITE1!. ,'Uoourad born pa<. 67 ) TUB FOITITU TEMPLE Tu:: temple into whose interior wo dise, which is in its atoms curvili-1 the solar spiritual glow of the planet neal, assumes the curvilinear, while1 Astrca, 1 perceive-u virgin form, the the halo which encompasses the celcs- genius of the orb: not personal but city'oppenrs to cover uu area equal toi||0W cntt.r „„ . wcj| ^ stviej a U|- tial habitation, being composed of vor- impersonal, not an entity, hut the J one half the surface of the habitable! " 1 ° *1- r ’ *, ' 111 ° )e s J c n unra , r . , . 1 . . ‘clt*. .Now shall be revealed a new and tical atoms, assumes the various out- planetary transcendence. On the planet Earth. This is a 11 one pulatiul . , ,, . , .. . . . .. . . , . , . . , . , 1 , 1 , 1 „ . . „ J . . sublime condition of the paradisical lincated perfections of which the vor- planet Diadeinia, 1 behold a corrcs-, mansion of the most youthful of the1 .«• 1 » 1 .1 1 e . a _ . . . .. . . . , , 1 . .1 .t r* . . lilb unfolded on this orb ol wonder.— tical is capable; and ns the vortical .ponding image, but tins image is the Fraternal ISutions by whom Polybym-: < ijuVCII „rc t|,„ iirimittvo affections atom is designed in its least form lo be | wisdom related in the conjunctive with niuis possessed. t seven are the primitive intelligences' inwrought intc the soul-image, and j the transcendence of Astrca as with The sun lights it not by direct undigcvt.:iart. the* primifire energies,and thence assumes the image infinitessi- the spirit of its love. Upon the p!a:i„j visible effulgence from its luminous [ tjicsc uro Yr2un(,|,nd’Capubio of mal of man, so the aggregation of vor- Jet Odora 1 behold another planetary mantle, hut each dove-like atomic cor-1 |mrm0IIic evolution into the incou- ticftl atomic radiations assumes the j genius, more bight, more positive, jruseation in the great expanse of the! CPjvai,]tl numbers of immortal life. image form of composite, comprehen-1 whose outradintive .wisdom gazes up- winged orb-firinainent receives, ab- Fpon this planet the embodiment of sive man. Thus every radiated cma- on the Earth, mdurnfullv as upon the sorbs amV imparts beams, filling all nation pertaining to every separate orb prison of ia sister resplendence ; while the. serene utmosphcrc with uuduz- of light nppeareth not in form of globe,' the Earl!* revolves in darkness, wo v.ling but almost incffuhlc light ofglori- but as an angelic image, throned !crow:‘ nl, and .ini iglinj not with the fying day. Therefore the objects up- abovc the terrestrial, placed -upon the: orb sphere.V 10. Moreover, as , :::td in majesty an: . n ;y 'Jlu_!u ' #,.t: mighty . 0.1 t!:: ; orb rast no si: 1 of-its revolving orb. . Itiu/qp /ed ofiter-[one deg re: of light w it each sepa living orb-. jYjjil*!:-. . itn c /q j) ^!ed Ollier- Jline dt •aiost '.visit si i'ji'^MOiis'expanse of/beams hiratej spiral solar spirit iir^erfelijion, paws- fies \vl liadow interior life in the munifestntipn of glorious linages, is triune. Every created form is n sublime trinity of love, wisdom anil disclosure. Hence 'in- es before inv vil-wymul Ip, a form pro- 11101 e fluent traiisiciids uiiotl^-r and glori- hile it exceeds. The glorious forms do not save «’»,t:Tcrv cmbodimnit of a“t in its terres- its unfolding and asceiiding hnrmony, ance, so the globiA^cil atom hath a separate aHH5ulnt<i.«ttcrancc, and as every cur-1 |>‘>rtion4je,pViiosc ample majesty shin-Hu tho absence of the distant luminary. THinear utonHtath a separate nndodia! «•*•> dovviflike unto some eollos.-al i:i-|bt:t may be said to ubide in the light, utterance, nnd ns every vortical atom ’telHgthci’, is mirrored cn m> -ight.'nnd the light in them, hath a separate inelodi-nngclicnl utter- and'this is liie image of a woiua.i <> Each form upon its terrestrial sur-' rate "lobular orb. majesty of beauty ! O 1I 1011 form wlios trial form contains within itself a cinborlimeu. of art in form of ^tmful .sufistnuce, and every cnd^efifmtnt of rowdiiii |lU.„ta| substance confains the glori- oiis artistic idea inwrought in \dtnl elements iiofolding in the moral tini- vehsc. VTcvved from the externui, each ter- restrial form of art is first discovered as an image of terresturul perfection ; hut when viewed witli inferior sense ofintelligenci'. it i> ptfrccived complete - in its embodiment as a mental struc- ture, and when beheld with the inmost face in i;-- : ini reeeives. absorbs ami as in the measures ofsoirle,transcend (or terrestrial world hath unarticulate sun-adoring glance with luster floods pours forth the same iUuiuinativc de- ant bynin. voice, and t^e curvilinear aggregate, the sea of galaxies ! thyglory far intuit : and thus dnrkne«s. opaqueness. 4.‘Moreover, as each perfect sym- or spirit paradise, hath a nidodial transcends the art of words ! and niglil linvt».:no manifest existence, phony is composed of four great bar-; voice, and the vortical aggregate, or Colunmia now draws nigh. The The globular atoms in hue are rose- inonic parts which blend in swelling Celestial abode, hath a voice of utter- genius of Colunmia hath a throne of( like, vary ing bet ween the extremes of and majestic diapason, so the twelve [unce melodious in the angelical ; and' triune galuxj.es, he sits thereon while violet und gold; and thus the super- xiraiou of the soul, itsot’horeul emhoili planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth from the ghiri- his fair inoops revpl'e beneath his feet, structure of the planet i> composed of incllt uf morul snbsUuiie isgloriously -ed into trines, and each trine in unison ous angelieal, hunianitv-formed asso- and planetary offspring aland thereon, transparent cry stalizations, tlic very imngtvd 011 the sight, of parts composes a separate movc- ciatioii of vortical eimmations and Unfp Majcstica he smiles,; und she, in dust of the earth,.whose atoms are in- Here wor!i< of lleuvenTJfiiArt do not ment of the resounding melody. pourcth undulations ofinelodv through- uqjjty accordant, answers him. Thus conceivably minute, lies beneath the ^ .c„v with the deeompqsitluii- <»f ex 5. To those angelic beings who out the vibrating space. ° [every planet hath its image form, in [feet like precious odors. The mag- tornnl elements. Tim falleii-aolumu, dwell upon the lofty mountains of; 1 1 . Moreover, as each planet is uii^shapc !l"Sc,icnl These are tlu Imjtcr-'mCicent coliimnnted edifices, whose ,|1C broken arch, the prusfrute slates, that heavenly Harbitation which with |jke u]| other planets in the peculiarity sd^u'1 Wflotliss 0/ Spacr. architecture transcends tin- terrestrial ,|1L . decaying sculpture, the ruined«4i*r a-transparent orb of glory ineffable]wf,icb j# the imprint of its individual- ' it . * ij corinthian, even as rxeells the wattled fiC(. are, tilings unknown. But forms encompasses thesolar system, the mu- Jiz€tj existence, so the slorious colmn-l *— hut. “rise on ey cry baud as if buildul 0f „rt which first appear in their ex* sic of the planetary worlds that re-|jn| im'agc emanation from the encom-jTHENINTHPLAKETjPOLVIIVMNIA. cr-vstn!izcd hlussyms whose flow- ternal in,ages, by gradual trausforina- volve withiu its unmeasured circle i®passing solar spiritual dominion of the —*; «..t,.«ir„oi*...s: cry-and infinitcly.varied ontlim-s are ,iOII j)aM away, mid in their glorious audible at will. planet U imaged according therennto ;1 F rom this as fraap- n center of view nt once distinct us is the workman.’,hip unity of form are re-coinbined upon 6. Endued with the penetrative fee- j anj as the external manifestation is I discern an nvenae, which extends ofthc most precious antique gem, and the spirit orb. Thus palaces und tem- ulties of angelic sensation, I listen and !ti,c out-pictured likeness of the in- ■ Hundreds of miles terrestrial, and ends as delicate as the workmanship of the j,|es with their vast and rudiant sculp- inspire the melodies which the planets j<]wellin<r life so each colnmnal radi- on the teniplcS'shore of the polar sea.: most exquisite flower. lures vanish from their place, und utter; and behold that which eye hath Int‘e(j i„°a'gC that crowns each spiritual®0 discern another which extends Collonades pavcii with precious where they stood, the paluces of mind, not seen nor car heard and which it ;orjJ) in forn, angelical, presents n sep- in an opposite direction lo the spiral jcrystalizations whose polished surface the temples Of intelligence, rich with hath not entered into .the heart ofmor-1 rut(] distinctive countenance, andrmountains, and While on the one hand‘emits a golden blot^ni, nnd whose tes- ideal aculptu res, are revealed, rtafeta conceive. form, indicative of the genius of its I pcr«civc u majestic colonnade of con- selated floors, composed of burnished These mental structures in their i.- Each terrestrial planet is encom-j0WI, pecui'uu3 9tar. Thus the cmnna- ^ tinuous columns extending to the glo- crystalizations, respond with fuiry-like turn arc subject to the grand liarmon- piftsed by'its spiritual spheroids.— angelical, impersonal creutions^rious expanse of waters, bn the other! vibrations, outbreathing music to the1 ic law which clothes interior forms These in their turn arc encompassed 1aru ninn|fC8t and do appear : aud gaz-hand I perceive a similar colonnade ex- tread,—pavements that scrip from ccn- with outward shape. Cdlumns and by and revolve within a transcendent ing Mitli sight angelic upon the planet- tending until ifterininates in the arch-1 ter to circumference like wreaths of statues that exist unseen.to outwurd nrt>whicli srpm«n«;f it f...... „.i 0 0 jtectural splendors which adorn the flowers woven by angelic tuslc, and vision, in the intervals of (be harmonic mountain, nnd reflect the luster of the made, in floral beauty, solid aud du- movement re-appear invented jo an fountains ef fluent gold that rise from ruble as immortality,—columns that outward form,' composed of lambent •heir spirul summits. I use the word rese, like essential odors endiaderned particles attracted from the wondrous colonnades to describe the majestic and endiamonded, into indistructible and muric-!u«leii nir, ao4> When the in- architecture of these avenues, but this crysUilescencc, whose shafts arise tellcctunl time of their terrestrjtj state term i® inadequate. It is one con-'transparent to their centers, and re- lias passed away, the inward, most in* tinuous out-blossoming of architect -1 ven! interior, and manifold floriform terior form that clothr* the pure idea systems of heavens. encompassing them pour'forth an ut- i urol forms that are aD wnneCted and condensations, whose every atom vi- which they represent, still ia coherent, « But as I gaze upon thelofty tefance whose liquid ahd transporting!yct «ach a perfect itnify/andaU cth-'brates in responsive melody to thepen- nrul; itL «lory stands, and gloriously music, like the voice of innumerable1 bovtered in softest verdure so beuuti- ctrative kigbt,—ahApiterx, or capitals bltii|C*uUpon interior sight* . spirits blended in wisdom, combines 'tiful it seems too delicate for even the 1 that over-bend the column® like pen-, ..Thi* too btccypes extertalixed and orb which seems as if it were formed . . . . , ,, , , . ... ary system, I behold each planet like by the-crystaltza 11ou of_the effulgence! unto some glorious intelligence seated of a spiritual sun. Ibis inits turn is | upon its'glorious throne, and borne glorified by aymantlc ol luminesencej through pathways of effulgence in the that resembles the glorious appear-,triumphal movement of the skies. anop of a revolving firmament, magni- 12. The rolling orbs terrestrial re- fipsnt not with the forms of suns nnd[volving in their orbits, reverberate, in " tars^ but reflecting the appearances [articulate melody, the spiritual orbs fumptuojui *darn my vision is suddenly made and my sight traverses a T- — j —p r’ • wivuutu 111 vTiaaviili, COmuiWo " " " uohoow v.— ----------------------------- 1 . r . r essential sphere ofholy.and animates the whole. The rrvolv-‘prc*®«.rf of „ breath, yet all invested dant blossoms that move undjilating ahioes in out)vWd. #ubst«ic« from me

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Page 1: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth

A N D S Y M i I T U A lm wgxt an, C ita to f t Hit, M t |n t gfjiuiRg, InbitiUt 11* tfim tal; glan a q tria l Cnatum, bis % m alt of jtrftrt g ts ip , a*.: _____




. . V . . .

n u m b e r w

-m fe d is c l o s iv e _e n c y c l o p £ d i a .

K k Io w i.1 u » m w In prccou o f In s c r ip t io n from U » I. iMOftnl W t H . m m . t r - T W Book o f U o f W U l o * o f S t r , » „ iM k .1 IK. U . riMHUtiM « f GoO ;» “ t f c . Book o f liraiM U bM o f Ura D n lm U i" - Th« Book o f lira H»rmo»lo« o f Tlttra |" •T b o Book o f (b« M«MI*> o f B p o o o “ Tho Book of tho Intorioc fcr tora „ f OooO »nd B .B ." TK— . i l l cooU In I k . o - J o U M .I • * - -oonolon, lolutlon, nnifflom om lrottoo o f tho grand CrailiTO I.Wo, to « :« « * U lo to j j jr fo u U tc u c l i, m d rocolrad «< Ora Interior W ord k j o il ip,|illoMBiMiill ■**«. ocriboi* ond oposllo*. n od ln for lb*

. t r a m iM o n sn o b K ^ u r b l D lrlno R -v .lo tlon T l ,r « »ork». to f* - ■ y obor v i lb t i jC h c r c o f lo r to bo dlctoiod. will therefor* rm b oO j.oo

r i p w i r f l l l ^ - f -----1*1 rtto rd o f G ,» 1 U lo l*« tW j*» V■*, A p v i a l f t f . o«d t K ix ir t 'T D i . - c l m u i or TUI V n n u i L C U I tlO k Th* deportment of thU Journel d o .o led la “ D bclonlra. from Ura Interior." In addition to I t , n r . and n la a b la off.ring-, p i l l b . anricbad from tl.no lo Urn. by e h o k o ralrctlonatrop i t h o forogo- Icg Worka. f ^ a •III tra, p ith lb . n te o q a c o t rolonra, w k ltb coaa-

prfaa l ha D u e L a p p . B r c r c io r o D U , promoted In Om Older o f their unfolding to lira world. *

BOOK OF TH E MELODIES OF SPACE.CHAP. V.—The Throne Melodic* ofPlmetnry Orb*.

' ;■ ■ (Continned from pago 67.)

1 . 'T hb melodious u tterance o f the wk planetary w orld is m odulated accord-

2 | | • ing to its position in the grand orclics t r a o f the solar system . T hus p lane t­a ry paradises pour forth in their har­m onious evolution th a t variety o f u t­terance for which they were designed

- in the harmonic idea o r archetype of C reation.

2. B ut their im personal and personal m ultitudes o f pure melodious u tte r­ances arc not tbeir only o r the most j*eilect u tterances, for each ns it tra

thcT'-mJnis o f space u tte rs p.«iu- gle nhfjfnv-o' m elody-m ore lofty ; nd m ure grand ihan jrc'thw 'weparute voi- ces of-tts beauty, its wisdom o r its tr i­um phan t'p rocedure of im m ortal love.

Bell planetary orb moving thro’ lar Space, advnn-

"■^cei like unto an ihsffffad musician, or like unto some augcl vocnltst-iMmounc- ing 'tlie periods o f its revolving life and

[light.- And lo, I perceive upon the ' jthrone-likbN radiance which encom­

passes each unfullen world the m ajes­tic outline o f the hum an form ineffable, w ith the bloom o f im m ortal majesty p f beauty and proportioned in its v ast­ness uuto the sp iritual dominions of its World. L ik e .an angel magnified into snper-collosal m ajesty, I perceive each planet’s resplendence o f intelli­gence, and the revolving orb is set be­neath it as a burnished throne.

9. L et it.be destinctly unfolded that even as the halo about a terrestria l orb wliich is formed o f global atom s, is g lobular in its outline, so the halo which encompasses n spiritual para-

witli its own enrap turing delight.— T hus cucli in its own sphere utters forth its voice. The sing together.

13. Hut while every atom , and every atom ic form, und every impp/sonal creature, and every hum an and angel­

ing solar sp iritual orb whiph ejcom - Uyith the shining hues o f in,m ortality, to the w p h y ra breath, a t once re passes each p la n * with its bright do-j T his two-fold avenue is i n t e r s e c t i n g « odor and me od” - ^ n d m imons cxalts the sp .rit-in eM y , and by another which is many .housonds roofs o f in t^ tw in in g f r e t w o ^ k c perm eates the rad,ant em anativc life o f miles terrestria l in its extent, and uuto the tracery o f the eelestial p v t I

which encompasses with a blazing cir-jd iscs th a t over-veils the glorious ceil- cle ot nrihetcctural perfection the po- j ing formed o s o f interwoven light, and

morning stars lar ocean and appears equidistant be- cond^oaod brilliancy o f the fixed tween the m argin o f the seu and the j sta rs, -k-all these on every aide a t once bases o f the m ountains. A vast and invite, astonish und entrance the P i l - \ limpid stream flows through its center, grim .— These a rch itec tu ra l wonders \ more ample in breadth than the Ama-I a t once quicken, gratify , unfold and

ic existence, mingles the breath of life , zon nnd on e ither side appear [over-awe catli manifested sense anil in the grand chorus o f the skies, there | floral groves whose sliodowless re- like the breathing o f exquisite music,, is a melody wliich transcendeth these, treats vibrate with ravishing melodies affords perpetual delight.

iTo U toa'.lau«J.iwhether in their separateness, their th a t thrill the spirit with continued concert or their universal un^y^ ■ B eau-, ecstacies.tiful upon the radiant atin'd|plierc of T he glorious lmbitntion now begins

to he apparent in its outlines and more m inute beaut v beneath our feet. T he

.MAJESTICA: THE PLANET JLPITE1!.— ,'U oourad born p a < . 67 )


T u:: temple into whose interior wo

dise, which is in its atom s curvili-1 the solar spiritual glow o f the planet neal, assumes the curvilinear, while1 Astrca, 1 perceive-u virgin form, thethe halo which encom passes the celcs- genius of the o rb : no t personal but city 'oppenrs to cover uu area equal t o i ||0W cntt.r „„ . wcj| ^ stviej a U|-tial habitation, being composed o f vor- impersonal, not an entity, hut the J one half the surface o f the hab itab le! "1° *1- r ’ *, '1 1 1° )e s J c n unra

” , r . , . 1 . . ‘ clt*. .Now shall be revealed a new andtical atom s, assum es the various out- planetary transcendence. On the planet E arth . T his is a 11 one pulatiul . , , , . • ,.. . . . „ . . . . , . , . . , . , 1 , 1 , 1 „ . . „ J . . sublime condition of the paradisicallincated perfections o f which the vor- planet Diadeinia, 1 behold a corrcs-, mansion o f the m o st youthful o f th e 1 .«• 1 » 1 .1 • 1 e . a _. . . . . . . . , , 1 . .1 • .t r* . . lilb unfolded on this orb o l wonder.—

tical is capable; and ns the vortical .ponding image, but tins image is the F ra terna l ISutions by whom Polybym -: <ijuVCII „rc t |,„ iirimittvo affectionsatom is designed in its least form lo be | wisdom related in the conjunctive with n iuis possessed. t seven are the primitive intelligences'inwrought intc the soul-image, a n d j the transcendence o f Astrca as with T he sun lights it not by direct u n d igcvt.:i art. the* prim ifire energies, andthence assum es the image infinitessi- the spirit of its love. Upon the p!a:i„j visible effulgence from its luminous [ tjicsc uro Yr2un(, |,nd ’Capubio ofmal o f man, so the aggregation o f vor- Jet Odora 1 behold another planetary m antle, hut each dove-like atomic co r-1 |mrm0IIic evolution into the incou-ticftl atom ic radiations assumes the j genius, more b ig h t, more positive, jruseation in the g rea t expanse o f the! CPjvai,]tl numbers o f im m ortal life.image form o f composite, comprehen-1 whose outradintive .wisdom gazes up- winged orb-firinainent receives, ab- Fpon this planet the embodiment o fsive man. T hus every radiated cma- on the E arth, mdurnfullv as upon the sorbs amV im parts beams, filling allnation pertaining to every separa te orb prison o f ia sister resplendence ; while the. serene utmosphcrc with uuduz-o f light nppeareth not in form o f g lobe,' the Earl!* revolves in darkness, wo v.ling but alm ost incffuhlc light ofglori-but as an angelic image, throned !crow:‘ nl, and .ini iglinj not with the fying day. Therefore the objects up-abovc the terrestrial, placed -upon the: orb sphere.V

10. M oreover, as

, :::td in majesty an: . • n ;y 'Jlu_!u ' #,.t: mighty . 0.1 t!:: ; orb ra s t no si: 1 o f-its revolving orb. . I t iu /q p /e d ofiter-[one deg re : o f light w it

each sepa

living orb-. jYjjil*!:-. . i tn c /q j) ^!ed Ollier- J line dt •aiost '.visit si i'ji'^M Oiis'expanse of/beam s

hiratej spiral solar spirit iir^erfe lijio n , paws- fies \vl


in terio r life in the m unifestntipn o f glorious linages, is triune. E very created form is n sublime trinity of love, wisdom anil disclosure. Hence

'in- es before inv vil-wymul Ip, a form pro-

11101 e fluent traiisiciids uiiotl^-r and glori-

hile it exceeds.T he glorious forms do not

save «’», t:Tcrv cm bodim nit o f a“t in its terres-

its unfolding and asceiiding hnrmony, ance, so the

globiA^cil atom hath a separate aHH5ulnt<i.«ttcrancc, and as every cur-1 |>‘>rtion4je,pViiosc ample majesty shin-Hu tho absence of the distant lum inary. THinear utonH tath a separate nndodia! «•*•> dovviflike unto some eollos.-al i:i-|b t:t may be said to ubide in the light, utterance, nnd ns every vortical atom ’telHgthci’, is m irrored cn m> -igh t.'nnd the light in them, hath a separate inelodi-nngclicnl utter- and 'this is liie image o f a woiua.i <> Each form upon its terrestria l su r- '

rate "lobular orb. majesty of beauty ! O 1I1011 form wlios

trial form contains within itself a cinborlimeu. of art in form of ^ tm fu l

. sufistnuce, and every cnd^efifmtnt o f rowdiiii |lU.„ ta | substance confains the glori-

oiis a rtis tic idea inwrought in \dtnl elem ents iiofolding in the moral tini- vehsc.

VTcvved from the externui, each ter­restrial form o f a r t is first discovered as an image o f terresturul perfection ; hut when viewed w itli inferior senseofintelligenci'. it i> ptfrccived com plete - in its embodiment as a mental s tru c ­ture, and when beheld with the inmost

face in i;-- : ini reeeives. absorbs amias in th e measures ofsoirle,transcend (or terrestria l world hath unarticulate sun-adoring glance with luster floods pours forth the sam e iUuiuinativc de- an t bynin. voice, and t^e curvilinear aggregate, the sea of galaxies ! thy glory far intuit : and thus dnrkne«s. opaqueness.

4 . ‘M oreover, as each perfect sym- o r spirit paradise, hath a nidodial transcends the art of words ! and niglil linvt».:no manifest existence,phony is composed o f four g rea t b a r - ; voice, and the vortical aggregate, or Colunmia now draw s nigh. The T he g lobular atom s in hue are rose- inonic p a rts which blend in swelling Celestial abode, hath a voice of utter- genius of Colunmia hath a throne o f ( like, vary ing bet ween the extrem es ofand majestic diapason, so the twelve [unce melodious in the angelical ; a n d ' triune galuxj.es, he sits thereon while violet und go ld ; and thus the super- x iraiou o f the soul, its ot’horeul emhoilip lanets o f the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth from the ghiri- his fair inoops revp l'e beneath his feet, s truc tu re o f the planet i> composed o f incllt uf m orul snbsUuiie is gloriously-ed into trines, and each trine in unison ous angelieal, hunianitv-formed asso- and planetary offspring aland thereon, transparent cry stalizations, tlic very imngtvd 011 the sight,o f p a rts composes a separate movc- ciatioii o f vortical eimmations and Unfp M ajcstica he smiles,; und she, in dust o f the earth,.w hose atom s are in- Here wor!i< o f lleuvenTJfiiArt do not m ent of the resounding melody. pourcth undulations ofinelodv through- uqjjty accordant, answers him. T hus conceivably m inute, lies beneath the ^ . c„v with the deeom pqsitluii- <»f ex

5. T o those angelic beings who ou t the vibrating space. ° [every planet hath its image form, in [feet like precious odors. T he mag- tornnl elements. Tim falleii-aolumu,dwell upon the lofty m ountains of; 1 1 . M oreover, as each planet is u i i^ shapc !l"Sc,icnl These are tlu Imjtcr-'mCicent coliimnnted edifices, whose , |1C broken arch, the prusfrute s la te s , th a t heavenly H arbitation which with |jke u]| o ther planets in the peculiarity sd u' 1 W flo tliss 0/ Spacr. architecture transcends tin- terrestria l , |1L. decaying sculpture, the ruined«4i*ra -tra n sp a ren t orb o f glory ineffable]wf,icb j# the imprint o f its individual- ' it. * ij corinthian, even as rxeells the wattled fiC(. are, tilings unknown. But formsencompasses th e so la r system, th e mu- Jiz€tj existence, so the slorious colmn-l ’ *— hut. “ rise on ey cry baud as if buildul 0f „ rt which first appear in their ex*sic o f the planetary worlds th a t r e - | j n| im'agc emanation from the encom-jTHENINTHPLAKETjPOLVIIVMNIA. cr-vstn!izcd hlussyms whose flow- ternal in,ages, by gradual trausforina- volve withiu its unm easured circle i® passing solar spiritual dominion of the —*; «..t,.«ir„oi*...s: c ry -an d infinitcly.varied ontlim-s are , iOII j)aM away, mid in their gloriousaudible a t will. planet U imaged according therennto ;1 F rom this as fraap- n cen ter o f view nt once d istinct us is the workman.’,hip unity o f form are re-coinbined upon

6. Endued with the penetrative fee- j an j as the external m anifestation is I discern an nvenae, which extends o f th c m ost precious antique gem, and the sp irit orb. T hus palaces und tem-ulties o f angelic sensation, I listen and ! t i,c out-pictured likeness o f the in- ■ Hundreds o f miles terrestria l, and ends as delicate as the workmanship o f the j,|es with their vast and rudiant sculp- inspire the melodies which the p lanets j<]wellin<r life so each colnmnal radi- on the teniplcS'shore o f the polar se a .: most exquisite flower. lu res vanish from the ir place, undu t te r ; and behold that which eye hath I nt‘e(j i„°a'gC that crowns each sp iritu a l® 0 discern another which extends Collonades pavcii w ith precious where they stood, the paluces of mind, no t seen nor c a r heard and which it ;orjJ) in forn, angelical, presents n sep- in an opposite direction lo the spiral jcrystalizations whose polished surface the temples Of intelligence, rich with ha th not entered into .the heart of m o r-1 rut(] distinctive countenance, a n d r mountains, and W hile on the one h a n d ‘emits a golden blot^ni, nnd whose tes- ideal acu lp tu res, a re revealed,r ta fe ta conceive. form, indicative o f the genius of its I pcr«civc u majestic colonnade of con- selated floors, composed o f burnished These m ental structures in their

i.- Each te rrestria l planet is encom -j0WI, p ecui'uu3 9ta r . T hus the cmnna- tinuous columns extending to the glo- crystalizations, respond with fuiry-like turn arc subject to the grand liarmon- piftsed b y 'i ts spiritual spheroids.— angelical, impersonal creutions^rious expanse of w aters, bn the o th e r! vibrations, outbreathing music to th e 1 ic law which clothes in terior formsT hese in their tu rn arc encompassed 1 aru ninn|fC8t and do appear : aud gaz- hand I perceive a sim ilar colonnade ex- tread ,—pavem ents that scrip from ccn- with ou tw ard shape. Cdlumns andby and revolve within a transcendent ing Mitli sight angelic upon the planet- tending until ifterin inates in the arch-1 te r to circum ference like wreaths o f s ta tu e s th a t exist unseen.to outwurdnrt>whicli srp m « n « ;f it f...... „.i 0 0 jtec tu ral splendors which adorn the flowers woven by angelic tuslc, and vision, in the intervals o f (be harmonic

mountain, nnd reflect the luster o f the made, in floral beauty, solid aud du- movement re-appear invented jo an fountains ef fluent gold th a t rise from ruble as im m ortality,—colum ns that outw ard form,' composed o f lambent •heir spirul summits. I use the word rese, like essential odors endiaderned particles a ttrac ted from the wondrous colonnades to describe the m ajestic and endiamonded, into indistructible and muric-!u«leii nir, ao4> When the in- architecture of these avenues, bu t th is crysUilescencc, whose shafts arise tellcctunl time o f their te rre s tr jtj state term i® inadequate. I t is one co n -'tran sp aren t to their centers, and re- lias passed away, th e inward, most in* tinuous out-blossoming of a rch itec t-1 ven! interior, and manifold floriform terio r form that clothr* the pure idea

systems of heavens. encompassing them p o u r 'fo rth an ut- i urol forms that are aD w nneCted and condensations, whose every atom vi- which they represent, still ia coherent,« B u t as I gaze upon the lofty tefance whose liquid ahd transporting !yct «ach a perfect i tn ify /an d a U c th - 'b ra tes in responsive melody to thepen- nrul; itL «lory stands, and gloriously

music, like the voice of innum erable1 bovtered in softest verdure so beuuti- c tra tive kigbt,— ahApiterx, o r capitals bltii|C*uUpon in terior sight* . spirits blended in wisdom, combines 'tiful it seems too delicate for even the 1 th a t over-bend th e column® like pen-, ..T hi* too btccypes extertalixed and

o rb which seems as if it were formed „ . . . . , , , , , . ...• ary system, I behold each planet likeby the-crystaltza11 ou of_ the effulgence! unto some glorious intelligence seatedo f a spiritual sun. Ib is in i ts turn is | upon its 'g lo r io u s throne, and borneglorified by aym antlc ol luminesencej through pathways o f effulgence in theth a t resembles the glorious appear-,trium phal movement o f the skies.anop o f a revolving firmament, magni- 12. T he rolling orbs te rrestria l re-fipsnt no t with the forms o f suns nnd[volving in their orbits, reverberate, in

" tars^ but reflecting th e appearances [articulate melody, the spiritual orbs

fumptuojui *darn

my vision is suddenly made and my sight traverses aT - —j —p r ’ • wivuutu 111 vTiaaviili, COmuiWo " " " uohoow v .— ----------------------------- • 1 . r .r essential sphere o fh o ly .an d animates the whole. The rrvo lv-‘prc*®«.rf of „ breath, yet all invested dant blossoms that move undjilating ahioes in out)vWd. #ubst«ic« from me

Page 2: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth


|U1 <>£jinii)<l,'$iid in tliejintirvnls, iffoll -the lovely i- of Me-

\\< kpel

parted rears.T hus every form created is triune ence of their .tinker.

substance, time and space. T he j tvo, as the germ s of disease were penc

•rijngcfofTioly innocence, and they I and niercifo] and faithful H igh P riest, experienced the curse o f sham e, and making reconciliation for the sins ofsought hidden security from the pres- the people, and. ',nus deliver those, rvho

I t came, a fifth (being vaortals of a fallen race, should,„ ....... - be subject to fear o f bodily and spirit-architectural splendors, when their I rating each organ of their system , ual destruction ; and the captain of term of three fold entity below is pass- causing agonizing pain, and engender- salvation bringing into glory many rd awav.subserve immortal uses n hich ing the elements ot phy sical death ; and sons, of whom should be the Spiritual

"shall be made known hereafter. I hus^ the principles of imm ortality were ex- Jerusa lem ; He the living liend and our i l l u s t r i o u s guide speaks on. pelled ns a consequence o f violated ruler over the house whose house

The fourth great temple o f the law, and thus came the dread decree, they shall he who in faithfulness hold pyramid now shines around our vision. " im s t th o u a r t and t o d u st s i i a l t their confidence to the end ; and who ’Tis a work ol nrt w hose glory fur titoi: k e t i rx ; hence they were doom- should thus recreate all in His Divine transcends the sculpturedwhich we paused to view, its use is the sepulcher o f the dead. I t came a er o f I lis resurrection, and reinstate to preserve the stalely deeds o f all pre- sixth wo, as te rro r and dismay pos- them at last through the faithful ful- erding ages, and to form a gallery o f sessed their minds because of that j lillment o f the promise then made ns art wherein the mind beholds the pluli- Holy Being w hose counsel they had s e t ' redeemed men upon the redeemed el's history. T he victories o f pence a t nought, and they were conscious earth , in possession of every privilege are here made known, and every evo- that all avenues to innocence and | forfeited by reason of the fall, lotion of the mind of the ascending Heaven were closed, and the gates of W hereupon, the promise o f redemp- race into superior forms of love and Paradise shut, and the way of the tree tion being enforced by Divine energy, wisdom is therein preserved for ever


- ft mu |*»»e fin

Six, which is to In’ overcome hv means of the atonem ent, in its mag­nitude is revealed by the nature o f the sacrifice offered to redeem the race from the ruinous results of the ju'oce-

of Life guarded by cherubim and the opened again the vehicles of the soul flaming sword ; and the dark cloud of to the descending influx of Divine their doom o'erliung the blasted earth ; W isdom, and became in them 'a living | when their hope had perished and an- germ ofperpetual'and sustaining hope, gel instructors had taken their depart- to ultimate in incorruptible' and celes- ure to their abode of innocence; and tinl immortalitv, when quickened by storms lor the first time rngeil among tlie renewing spirit o f the Lord untothe elements, and the winged creatures eternal life, through the sacrificial fled, hoarsely scream ing and contend- offering for sin upon the Cross ; and ing before the blast, or fell dead from to be perfected in the consummation ofj mid air. It came, finally a seventh wo. the C orenantnow made, and to he seal-

dure of Adam and live ; w ho in spot- ns their spiritual perceptions, opening ed at the close of the Itedeeming Pro- less purity were inheritors ot the Lden once inure, brought knowledge that all cediirc. provided and adapted to the prepared lor them ; in the midst ol their race most inherit into their fall- condition and ultim ate salvation of the

nml know ledge of evil, life free from weariness, from sic km

parted ; and thus the millions of slum -' W .—Angel I oft have I watched bering m ortals be awakened, the niyr- them until the echo died away. They iads o f spirits be summoned from their i slum bered on. ’Twas on one dreary desolate abodes in the In te rio r; and night, an angel struck his harp ; its all the obedient be delivered from the, melody moved upon the quivering at- bondage o f corruption ; and those bejm osphere. H a lf waked, I saw someraised who have fallen beneath the slutnberers ope their leaden eyes__weight o f guilt and oppression, ac- T he echo died away, and lo, they slum- cum ulated by reason of violated a n d ; bered on.hence misdirected laws, the conse- A. vv atchluaii I hast thou "not qucnce o f the unhallowed p r o c e d u r e ; sought out the cause! knowest tbou of a disobedient race ; and ing ath e red ; not what pow er enchants, what spell

____________________ a t last from afar to mansions prepnr- benumbs the sp ir i t! /entrance ed to decay and a speedy entrance into image, iiuiuortalize them by the pow- ed by H im who pitying, w rought out W .—Angel, h a rk ! henrest thou n o t!

their redem ption ; thus raising them (lo, ten thousand voices whisper in the front their lost estate to the Parad ise sleeper's enr : Sleep on. -Yaturc’sof Innocence terrestria l, to the Hen- Divine R evelation from the mighty veil o f illumination Spiritual, nml to j deep displays Progression . R e i t ; take the City o f the Sanctuary , the throne thine ease ; in na tu re 's arm s I h \ spirit and Divine-celestial presence of G od. shall be borne to thrones prepurihig in

(To bo continue 1 j | the Jofty splieres.” The slecpbrs------- . —.— gently moved and from I lie cup of pus-

stoned pleasure, already pressed unto their lips, drank the narcotic draught. Again was whispered in the ear, “ P ro ­gression is nature 's law Divine.” An­gel, this is the eharnier, this the dream in which the fallen spirit revels.

A.— W atchm an, go plant the Cross in the broad arena where m ortals slumber, and hid the sleepers wake. Tell them of tem pests draw ing n igh; tell them (hat billows roll, that near them sleeps destruction, arm ed and prepared for execution; below them sweep the sullen tides of night.

W .— A n g el! the Cross hut arm s for battle the legions who whisper, “ Sleep on, sleeper, and take thy rest.”

A.— W atchm an ! tin* Cross no pow­er can move, and while they seek to heat its herald s hack, the slum bering world shall wake.

M •— Angel! thy words are true, the Cross distijrks the foe o f m an’s re ­demption. T h e marshuled legions in fieml-like form move o’er the battlc-

| field, they wake the sleepers. L o !I '.art li‘s inhabitants, roused from slum ­bering, slowlv rise mid look out into eternity.

A — W atch m an ! does heavenly light descending dispel the moral gloom and (pticken the spirit with its life- im parting beam s I

M •— A ngel! the m ultitude, encom ­passed by till- false alluring light, re­ject the only Source o f life, o f tru th , o f light. Angel, ’tis lone and dark in this region where I stand ; fiends u tte r blasphemy on every han d ; they mock my Maker, they jee r the Cross.

A.— W atchm an ! observe oncemore. Are none affected by the light o f Heaven !

•— Angel ! few there a re I now behold seeking to gather round the Sav io rs Cross. T he foe is strong. Darkness, like blackened clouds, rolls in upon them . T h e tide o f night o ’er- flows. False sp irits by im itation seek to decoy the pilgrim faraw ay, they bor­row words from H eaven’s vocabulary, and thus deceive. Angel! shall these endure the conflict ! They are few,

S o f the circle THK ANGEL AND THE WATCHMAN. wl,ilc ^K 10*18 congregate, intent to

which were trees that hear immortal en nature, and suffer bodily com ip t- fruit. and fountains of pure and living iion ami dwell upon an arcursed world :

whose existence must he one of indewater ; which was clad in verdure per­petual and unfading ; was bright ami serene as morn with a cloudless sky and never varying clim e; where every growing ami moving form was the type ofW isdom ami the gift o f Love ; where fertility existed without barrenness, beauty without deformity, sympathy

^without antipathy, and transform ation tint Heavens bout c o rru p tio n :

B ut who, bv disobedience, were made s i n n e r s against Him who form­ed them after Ilis own image, and in­nocent, iiusensuoiis. glorious in beau­ty, in sou! pure, happiness eoiupletco rru p tib le ; w hogavc them love w illi- engage In an unequal ivaiffa.rr with the out carnality, liberty without disunity, powers of darkness ; and night per- knowledge ofgood without experience petual un* cloning upon them :

fallen race.Thereupon, they, t nisi mu h i the

word ol ( t! and the complete fulfil­ment. ol the ( 'orr/ttuif. \\vri1 supported in this stall- of need, ami strengthened to labor on ihc barren earth, which

scribablc agony, mystery and gloom.And when their peril and te rro r were enhanced hv a view of Hades, and themisery of that lost abode occasioned now brought forth thorns and thistles l»V l/irir f in ; w hen they were about to instead of tlicahiimlaiil fruits o f Kdeu ; hid an eternal adieu to Paradise, and to endure dnrknc-* of sight anil uuder- liope of ever entering into the C.’eles- standing terrestrial in place of open-

to that Being who ness o f vision a*! y is Join spiriWral and created, counseled and loved them ; celestial ; Tv* re list, with strife and so- when fallingfrbencath their guilt, and j licitmle perpet i f the temptations of inexperienced and alone, they were adversaries rnuR niid invisible, while entering the rough sea id' their sinful, angel* gtinfdinu were hidden from their lienee illfatcd existence, the shades of view : to experience the weariness of

w isdom holy, in death, the haunts o f foul spirits, their decrepit mh and the p a in-of separation and in person un- seducers and torm entors ; and were to from the forms of per-ons ti rrcstrial,

instead of tniU 'furiiiation without de­cay . \m l tlnm j i exiled from the Par-

nee. and home in aadisr o f InnoetT hen the Lord Creator, ha\iiex >po- cloud ofxloom upon the sea of death,

and from hen. m condem nation of the ’empter they were enabled lo rejoice because death ; who gave them earth for mi and their sin, from the fullness of that their Creator,-against whom the v had abode, the series ol Spiritual Paradises. Holy Procedure ot Infinite (iond sinned, had promised perfect rest ora- yea, the Heaven of Heavens f o r a against all principles and movements tion. from the fearful ellects of their Sanctuary nml for a heritage, and of ev il; revealed Ilis mercy and com- transgression, ofall those who through made the lirnininenl transparent that passion Infinite in the promise o f he- repentance enter in a ith e stniiglitgntc, the everlasting realms might visibly hemption thro* a sacrifice that should and hv strirr obedience anil a living a p p ea r; who opened com m unication Ik* offered ; and though through their faith continue in the wav of purchased from the lesser to the g rea ter worlds sin they wrought condem nation so holiness provided for the ransomed of and sent angels to he theirdrieiids and that by’tlic deeds o f the law they nor the Lord.spirits of an older earth to he their their posterity could he justified ; vet. Therefore, all those who have kept g u a rd ian s; who revealed Himself to l,r jug repentant and obedient, having the faith, although removed, hv reason their vision in Personal appearing, and faith in flic sacrifice, though their sins o f death and corruption in the exter- communicated His law also the con- |,e as scarlet they shall he white as mil form, lo the Interior, have, through sequences of its violation, as the Pa- snow ; though they he red like crim- the operation of grace, arisenfrmn die rent instructs the offspring Hi tender son they shall lie as wool, for •• the dominion of sin to the paradise of spir- lovr. t - " seed of the woman shall bruise theser- if ual and moral innocence ; and are of

Being tem pted, ai.w inst Him th e y pent's head,” and help shall he laid on the saints, ami mcmlic s i n n e d ; nnd/thus, by violation of file One mighty and able to save, even of the first-horn vvhos E te rn a l Law o f E quity , they forfeited J uses of IN v /a r k t i i , the E ternal W ord ; corded in tin- Bonk of Life ’Thence their right to that glorious inheritance,1 a,id though the enemy might trium ph experiencing ji long c \p < c i'iiicv wait- the consequences o f which in that fo r .a season, and all foes are not ing for “ thr rrthmplinH nf far body? hour were made manifest in a know l-■ speedily subdued ; yet who hath pow- they have been. |,v tin- Vngel of the edge o f evil appearing firsB in anguish i t to bring all into subjection to the Covenant, instructed in

law o f equity ; who indescension for their redem ption, should and to stand me

nacle. It cam e, a second wo, ns the assume a form, and as Divine man, In- him in the inward mind grew dank, and asA neor-‘finite ami incarnate, should he to tire which is to he


I s the groat hour when Christ the Iviug victorious A chic veil the W orld’s Redemption on the Cross,

From H is ow n blood ingt-rming empires glorious O f Heavenly l.ife. delivering man from loss :

In ifiat great hour a blaze u( light descended.A sk y o f tlniue o'ersjunned the Inner World.

And when the S a v io r from the Cross n»cvi)ded, Satanic Armies were lo Sheol hurled.

uThrough all the desolate and dark Interim!

The Savior shone wiih army o f I.ove outspread; Then suddenly the vault o f \vi«e infi-nial

Closed like a dungeon vault Ih-u«-.iI]i Hi.* Head. And ns a mill'lom,' cast into the •■van,

That sinks into the darkness o f the sea.The world o f mudiK-.-. tl- d in wild ruiiiiiiotiiui,

W hile gloru * bathed the heavenly cuiopv.

IllThen Jesus folded f i t the living splendor.

The emanating Cotllmod of His heart ;W hile from oil high a Voice bade Sin surrender

It-, warring falchion and its torturing dart.Then solemn harmonies of adoration

I Jade the wild billow-- nf the nighl be still ;And Angels breathed the breath of inspirathm.

l iivjiiling IVomi alwvt the Saeivd Hill.

IV.Tlmt Mount of Par&'Wo, tlott land civ Mail,

Shone glorious uj>on the dark dom ain;And gladdened with its light the darkened vision

O f huiigs Isviind with Sin’s runlnutm g chain.And temples slump u|«»u ihesun-brighl iiioiiiiiam-

And the immortal winds their spirit*- famiid,And thesvveel mu-ic of the living fountains

Flovvesl ihro’ their h ears a- through the thirsting wtnd.

v.'Ihen t hrist went i|..wn into tie awful pri*oii.

Filling its vaulted gl-MVl.i with light o f l«.*e ;And even willing -mil. fnmi il.ukne— ri-cn.

Through Hivi a-ccnrled to 11 n* realm nbm<-.'I hen l ie outshone in form liivim-ly-IIuinau.

Ami every raii-oim d so il L-h< ld Hi- f.1.1 ;T hen hope wa- burn f--r F.arth ; it- l«am t illumine

Each human h-art wish ...............- of gnu .

VI..'bo «a! I let spirits cry. - l i- all d.-lu-.m,

Man nis-U ||,i Savior—C|,M>1 Ha* but it worm." I.et spirits call Ih-d, < iiuug I.<»vc illusion.

Let spirits strive man's only liojs' t>> burn ;I.et sjnnts leach an absolute progre-«ion,

From d 'l't to deity, for mortal men.And s.-orn the thought o f Imly intcrc— i.ui

And crueifv the Son o f (i<M| «p»m.

Rut sure a- l hrist the Cross uf acorn ascended.Sure ns the Savior rose from out the grave,

So sure when mortal life f»r thee is endet].Thou -halt di-H-rn that ChriAt tilmit cun turr.

And when onec more Christ manifests the glory That crowned Him C nu In forc the world l- gnn.

Redemption through His b|.»H| -hall be the story " ho?c golden Word the I'inverse shall span.

•'.!»■ lull mn Iv,2.

names are re-A.m jei..— W atchinan ! tell ns of ihe

conquer ami destroy.A.— W uteliniun! look o 'er the

^ VIo f soul as the sp irit of purity ami of' It, God abandoned the desecrated taber-

iutinitc con- for the duties off their, re-nppcnring.

night. W herefore dost tlioo p au se ! C ro ss ; ivluit dost thou re ad !\ \ akes the human soul from its dark W .—'A ngel! in letters o f gold, em-slumbers ! Does the light descending blazoned with shining glory, resting

preparation affect the dorm ant spirit ! above the purple flood, the runningW a t c h m a n .— Angel o f the Cove- blood of the Holy Sacrifice, I rend,

in the place allotted mint! thy voice I hear. From fur un Jk s is t i ik C o n o ieh o b .” subjugation of all evil, high it descends in words encouraging. A.— W atchm an ! bid the P ilgrim s

............................ J , . . . . , • , . . . . , , c necinnplished ill the fi- Fain would I answer thee. L ong have cluster round the Cross. H e whog a n s /u r reception of celestial knowl- ra re !i mystery. •' God manifest in the mil issue hi llim who n „ saints I stood amid the clouds of moral night, conducts the battle upon the white edge so suddenly palsied ceased to flesh who should be accounted wor- shall “ smite to death i|lfi B1.rpent's Eagerly have I gazed udown amid the horse of om nipotent strength ridclhoperate. I t come, a third wo. as the thy of honors infinitely above any An- head,' ami destroy efleciu;i| | v t |,epo« - scenes where m ortals grovel in the forth, followed by ten thousand o f H isfaculties of spiritual perception were gelic or P rophetic Messenger, as the er ot the tem pter. tl„. illfl,|el'1C(. o(- sin dust, or slumber or contend upon the saints. In H is right hand is the sw orddarkened and the w orlds of spiritual j C reato r is infinitely above the creature and the dominion of tl,,. , s|la|- ' 1hall very verge of u nether night. o f victory, the D isclosirc T ru th .—

H is handy works ; should be the open the prison doors n.„f|H , |10 cap- A.—But.W otehm ari, tell m e,is there By it l ie ' sm ites the nations, and theBy it he puls

abodes on high vanished even as they ofin sadness were looking upon them. I t [partaker offlesh and blood that through tive escape from the bo,i,|a „c 0f sin no change ! arc not those spirits wok- god of mammon falls, came, a fourth wo, ns the radiations death He might destroy him who be- and death lo the liberty a,,,) immortal- ing ! has not the voice of tru th in its to flight the legions whispering in thewhich arc celestia l vestures d isappear- ing the tem pter thereby hath the pow- it y of the “ redeemed mm,;- t |le„cc the melodious u tterance touched the clc- dull ear o f m an, <* R est, m ortals r e s t ­ed and the chilling winds blew upon e r o f d e a th ; who should become tidings of complete salvaij;,,, pub- meat in which they dwell, and on some progression, harmony, atheir persons, now for the first tim e through H is voluntary offering as an lislicd through all realms of earth and spirit wave borne its echoing to the 'sp iritualized p assion ."’despoiled o f th a t apparel which is the expiatory sacrifice their perfect Savior, through the gloomy Ilade- „ f the tic- slumberers here! | W .— A n g e l! w hat th

Page 3: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth

Vi»t llio tpninrst ljj<rlltCll$* the foe 'their endowment.* that Piety hath consecrated in ‘ amphitheater of the prospective city. They are so ’ * f (]»nt|| break JaJ8 of.©hi ; and the cities where the million.* con- grouped that radiating avenue*, constructed byOI UClllll IMtUR___ . . . < . . . . . . . . , •_mirlinnit of tie t-<W<1 «*a«K-


a< 8?nCe * ' l ' C " a | erS C . n m P lp n n an(* where the riches of the earth arc heapedfrom their silent sIuilltltTingS 1 lup even as mountains; and the courts where author-with madness o’er the broad domain | ity hath her home, and where justice dwells enthronedof human existence. Plight sets ill | in all her stateliness: and all these, O Mammon! shall

i i #l.rt liirlit th a t guides ak° k® thv possession. Thou eravest tho dictation around, mid dim the Iifcljt th a t* u « a c * ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . nndthe pilgrim. Angel us lOlien ,this> O Mammon.' shall he thine. Thine shall be thetJlis Higllt of time. .kingdom over the Earth and all its riches. Thine

^ Wutchmnt* 1 hearest thou that shall be the power over Society- and all its regulations. . Thine shall he the glory unto the end, “

W .—Angel I I faithful! l ie that

hear. * Be thou overcometh will

The Earth and all her institutions thus is ceded to Mammon ; and, were the Savior to appear on Earth, Ills claims to universal authority and unrestricted

I make a pillar in the temple of possc&ueg would be. wen* it possible, trampled be- my Goil. 1 um Alpha and Omega, the »™.h *1»/ » ' fBeginning and the End, the F irst and the Last ; to E a rth , the bright and

Now while the Earth is thus ceded to Mammon, he uses it as a battle-field against God, and covers it with the enginery of the infernal spheres. He keeps

divided the light from the darkness. The light Hoa - r r ---------- a, called day abi tU darkness He called uiglt Andfollowing the curving outlines of the ridges, easily Vka* B»«tmke—W1» that U familiar with die the evening the morning were the first Jav “ Thencan unite the most dtstaut pastoral hamlet with f c W * productions purporting to be of spiritual appeared the firmameut. and then the earth, and then Temple of the lloly Mount. I nhke the greater por-| ha, not chord the pcrutal of each volume or were light, in the firmament of hr arm,. and they aerotioo of all mountainous rogtons. hey never rt.se above ,« J f 0runted eo.umnn.ea,ion with disappointment. for sign, and for sea*,,,,, (hr dav, and for yean that bight where the corn and vine flourish ; and. dm mg ant,c,fated something » , and found it not ? who shall declate aeain« the counsel, of God -h o w e v e r rugged in ?utliac, ore most ferUle in thotr “ * *"ne-‘ '"imrer oiler the "new light." upon who utter vain things again* Kvin. Revet-most bold and lofty elevations. Their form also is not reading the announcement i f a new worls from or by non ? for 1 conical but spherical, aud the loftiest summits are l,,e spirits, spirits of men ofcurved in gentle undulation,. The arable landt, like 'lli,lc on earth has not eag’.... - -5u. ... ,ue,u. out n,, jart trou ,, imm0aw„Ue deep where light a mantle, are east upon the face of all the bills, and »h»* » « has lie found truths absolutely " n.», hud never penetrated And tv that tuvani we alw thus the habitation, of men nre elevated-above the and a, much superior to knowledge not oniur-,1 with learn that nhcu the Creative Energy desreud- lid,, creeping mi*, of the valley, and, a, it were, in proi-, man a, even the most unassuming title indicate, • unfolding distuth, the intmewurahlo eitatuc L i lorimity to the purity of heaven. Like the primal, A franklin, (so it is mid.) can tell of suventing or the firtnanionl anj the water, and the drv land tu rn /mountain home of the great Caucasian Family, the discovering a method of , inmunicating »ith man by Earth, .tut. and moon and star, people'the eal*u>-placo whereunto the Lord our God hath led us, com- “"-•a1'5 °r ‘he electro-vital fluid. Some clergyman of anj day aud night tt.ea.om their time and ’bines fertility with elevation. note may declare aguin-n his funner ethics aud seek their

II. But whilo the mountain bights are made " beau- to demolish the .Vacred Volume and repeat, ‘ all ti’ul for'kituation," aud bring forth Jin their te w , .right" " Progressionmoral,, prv.gr,-.riot, i, the phers. Oltter the cabinet of them tmi'rit communicuofethus reversing the common order of nature, the larger Juw h which we have learned tbit man shall he sav- ;,„J flvni t|K.jr vvrittou - * *

,* -1 , , . * the mind guided by what Moae* wrote.■ , ,UV Um; ' ,he -hamWr. of night. them looks upon

ag«rl\ sought tor them , but th* dark brow i t an immeasurable deep, where H alt


Go search the h-dden wv-rks of the uuJeru phi lost

atalogiw, from their l i tn n \gather together word-, *.-utence«, paragraphs, section*^

indrninw S tar. Lo, I conic quickly, the gates of the Temples of Authority, and makes th‘Be thou faithful and then receive thy path that leads to houor, dignity and station so vile, water streams are hidden by deep ravines, aud flow hi* present woes. Galileo. Thomas Paine.

that depravity crowd, it with her minion.-, and Reli-1 in the most sterile situations. The New River, which Jem-and Swedenborg ( .It Maspen.}') were all good yea volumes, that ahull equal tht,lii»torie,leipre»iion Ncr0" n'______________________________ ; gion bleed,, and Clliiractcr is -polluted, nnd Truth j is immediately south, flow, eight hundred feet belotv Live in luxury ; that along the stream of re- of creative maniferiatiou. Voa. ascot,d Jill higher

......... ' ’ expired. I our amphitheater. Tim Gaulc; Ri^er, which is itn- !*“ jl l^'pn. cultivated l,y gmtifving nflinity. (inelb „„d plead wai'tl, e«[. hits under eondderation (hr cueHe bits in lire gates of the halls of Commerce, and j mediately north, abo is far beneath u.«. The* unite | mt w“) wIll‘ whommever ye will, irrespective of the grand id,a , r creative acheme not comprehended iu

, cxaela tribute of tho* who go thereby, lie dictates I to the northwest, a few miles distant, while at a eor-j'1*'"1* of»thc« and the black aud cankering wrong, the history .Month., here given of creation Gn the maxims of Trade, and they are all summed up in responding distance eastward is a colder, more bleak, ‘mpo*d upon aomevtie circles. Marriage is a law of search ■ Nature's Divine Refeleliona,' and there leant

‘this: Thou shall act in thy dealings with thy neigh- [ and less fertile region, from which tre a;c. separated ? Lraae'i; the marriage of the spirit is the only marriage that tire « in Id, I.fly flight diJ not ,mt.1s.n the 30 bor with one object,—to acquire all thou const and i hv tributary streams, which also flow through deep!t0 11 hide iu any condition lbe marriage,institution : -tarry I t . , r j hOvonJ the blissful tie],1a

to give as little as thou caust, that he may fall and ] and rugged defiles. Topographical survey will proh- of man is wtong and must Le auulltal ere the race ia; parailis -. where are gardens, tie wera and I revs. u-a. thou mayest rise upon his ruin. Thus the other law [ably establish lbe fact, that the plateau, upou which ,ai«l tin- liie ».f lift* nmilr perfect by the Great t'rca

ti*»IuhivIn Then l«*ll u-*. have they gicew u< ucw ttut’f . cuGt-i i.vt tefure written *

C l^ c S p i r i t u a l

Term* of Hie Spiritual lfarbiiiROk- Oae Copr tor oar fear, - * sFeor Copln tor oar year, - • • - • - fiOOTE.t Cnplr* tor nnr yrnr, m.iilrd lo ONE ADDKli.N*. 10 00

!^S« l’ro»peclu» on llir Last

to r lb e U rtX o lia t C hurch , a t M ountain C *11 m h b a th inarn lug (7th day) of each

r. a t h a lf pant tan <>

w ....... .. .............................. —Thou shall love thy neighbor an thyself—is Uisil-! we arc located, is interconnected by mcaus of a series AndUie.se gentiiin nta are « lioed by a thousandre lic lots notice. J lowed ) and the daily bread of limn is won through j of spiral uuduhitiuiis through all its parts, and aepa- 't>‘l5U8 *'*"= "‘J!‘ carnal melody tr>iu the lips

Cv-Public a«n*iou* Minutmitoo* ar* hdj in the rdifir* crrct..j (|ajjv buttle, from which few come off with clean hands! rated through aliuosTtlio entire distance, by natural writing medium,' pm* Hut art thesi- new ' Hi- u.-wna. .. xi rer.i. r,.,_ .• i..ir .. i—*- anj xv;t|, a puru |,cnrt- J ami |•recipitoils boundaries, from the adjacent territu* | ,ur- ' ' l ,r,*of ot the vibration**', sound* or

Ho sife iu the pew with the assembly on tbc day ' ry. M’aUx courses obviously flow beneath theshr-1 ' ' Mppiiig*.' a* having occurred '- ar- p.t-t. of worship, and if one cunte in with a gold ring and i face through the sandttone formation, and springs jel an - ‘ll !l r ' * '•istanees t.* n« incoiisiJer.1gootllv apj*arcl, he rays, Friend, eotne up l^glier;but forth ir«»m the sloping hillsides in every direetiun.— ,■x,e,», Bien I rankliu (') at the nm-l nltallif the widow or the orjilmu enter, i*r if the jK*»r man Our supply t*f water is therefore fr>>iu these natural 0!I ' ,a' e ^w" K‘°r.' * having revivi-.l the ti*ag**s i>tiutrude upon bis domain, he says, These pews arc i vein*. Its (juality is soft aud free from calcareous or '^ore " hxed up the wire* laid down by ancient

I private 'pmjicrty ; but yohder in the corner is the animal *le|*usites. While however uio-t of th - -jiriug*[ > harity-seat for tlmsc who are too jioor to hay tin* pri-jnre thus pure, others nre impregnated with iiiiiicra),: vilege of the preached Wur. I lie watches the words and arc p<— -ssed of medicinal pfoperlies. t >ur h>i-a-, of devotion lest tin-v shall be bis censure, and the j ti**n mav thus lie described ns Itounded hv dei j. r:i-

MAUM.ON WORSHIP AND CHRISTIANITY: Opposite and Irreconcilable.



No man can wrveGod with a divided heart ligiou must be the Positive Principle of the life, )*.> itively gi/verning the heart, the understanding and th tvoliliuits, or it will be negative nnd sulmrdiniite, and •.ivermastered by every iuctinct, apjH-iite, institution

Audwliat suy s the World’s iii-J ry of tlie timent maitiljfim d by the present pantheistic -chi

Spilioei imp th.* r.-gioti u.ivr c.\p

c ustom and circumslance. The Precept.* of Chris-1 -*erniun le.st it f'hall ofleud his pride or iiiukc war u|>f,n i.i**-.-. tl.*- ehaiiuil-of r:*pid streams, and ;i- Xiauity have no binding and legal recognition iu Soei- his empire, lie hull* in hi.* right hand the bril*e tbrtiu- by numerous springs s».,i um for a full su; p s.*ty. The Divine Life is looked upon n* an idle dream n-led rhetoric, aud lie conceals u dagger for that hear; HI. Tic- middle or later sandstone form*Tlic atteui|)t to iralize the heavenly-order in fc?ot;iuty which says to the I’suqter. the T'niudulcnt Exactor. » ra.um ol i.nr iiiimediate locality Goal of g*H.d

cousideri-J as betokening inexperieiK-ed nishness01 , Thou art the man. and unless thy righteousness shall lity foand in veins’ in the higlc-r Iji!)-’. Tin! iticli- the moat wild hallueiuntiou. ‘irlue, in aliini^cven ! exceed the rightci-uiness of the v riL'-and pharisees.' uat!--n o| the e.-al strata is due we>t, an-1 tin- dip about experience, is saerifio d toronvenlion.'ilities. Society thou shall iu no ca.*o enter int-* the ki:ig*b>rn of Ilea- fifty feet | r i . l.- Thus to the cast, coal is only



Dii] Hotmodern Tlieb***j*hj*ts.' '•rn ieaeher-i the Plaloni-t. Iteiiee is not >

vJ by(»r rather, ire not these mml-

rpart i f i.iw am ietit Thurgic phase of the (tireteiideil) n

-offers jirtiniun..s to fraudulent and fictitious ii'ndt lieing. Whosoever attempts to nprear a family in ■virtue, knows that simply to preserve an external mo­rality in the youthful group, is a task requiring her-1 culcau exertions of intellect aud will. 1 lumnn Juft*. I os it .unfolds from infancy to maturity, is in almost!■every ii.diDH! anc continued I-Jiocli of gradual retro-1 up vast and mns*ivc trunks, ami put forth far t-xtend- gressiun The Alan looks up ns from a vortex or . ed ami densely interwoven branches, until the holy vvhirl[>ool, liqmued iu by precipitous diffs. and if. ; 1 nils of Truth, that love the sunlight n i l the dew through the gpthtring darkness, he »ces the moral land that thrive only_as they have free aro-.-s to h**:i- ■elevalion which lie oeoupi.d when a litfle cliiW, thnt veil, peri li. The thick and matted ii /. iaimn o| lost, that almost forgotten state t-ppoors to h’un*s it; s •Iti.-hne.'S alone eislures Tin-iu-ane tlmnghts and were lijdia.'d uj<o:i celestial mountains, Lritlu-d in, passions of evil coil aud breed, i — i j- sit-, in the j-'irpureal air, and glorified with morning >Lining dark and miasmatic .-hade. Th ■ ii'tnnn ln*art, mad**

f"und in the higlit-t range*, wliil-* to tle- vve-t it i Thu* Mammon i* the lTiiu-r-.il liuler, and by vir- di-c-.vercd th- surface of the ■- il Goal of an

tuc thereof the- I'nivrrMl J^/nnitnr. Man is edit- excellent quality i.> ;d'Uudant within four miles ofrated by law, custom, habit. .So fully due* Mammon 'ourjjenier at- Mountait- Core, frou ores ofaiiperior % .preoccupy (he mind that the lares choke the wheat T|rtalitv i'i acccMble Muations. are also at hand— 'j*ie-on of hun-p-e with the mangled corse of her imir- real nnd abiding | The ilcod.-t of evil take breatl and deep root, *wm1 send j Veins of j.-uilers' cloy, of mj rior ipeilily. also are

I in. human '"id | ant- nay. longs for the lift- uf the *piiif And although it inhales tin- iiifiuemv. the w'loiy atid laignifn-.-mv oj ierrc-tri.il thing' and is charmed by tl. u.vt iniedc ofauimated nature, and |•cudrat, - with *K'liglit tli<- realms of Kiirth. nud w-tlhs ami.I tin* . haii.bcr* of luclaliue Mih'tamvs ,

aUiVc tin- floral plains ami rest* upni the gar­land, d river*, wand r above the ‘water* of tla* tuigli- ty d;*cp . * -an* tli.- L-aiity and dispiny of human wi<o •l**ni - up infest in the architecture uud adirnuieiit of

"-!‘l •W ,r .......... Tlturgie Untttra a,,.| „l.tl„■ |„„, ra„utttxit, rrett,"v11, ,l<i: ' ’ '"™ "■ »P'- »“l‘ ‘I-' I " - ; ttlti.lt it U.t- ,vitl, ,v.,i,J,.r ui-.u th. wurltl Ltlu*

.hv.' ..].,Ttitiiif,.v..rllrefMlfrum. tl,,,.* |. .......... ,!„. „f |.ru„,Ji,tg rh„u,l,t•U-t.Until}. J.t I., rat.-lit. kit. .1'niarrit. .. fu.„, t|„. ■ .tretelhtml H avm Frota tl,U.1- fjiinJatii ; it:, t t::-: tin ijiatiiii.niii-il t-tliit..., Iliat J,n.|ni. livittv ot’ nature it it.lt«U}fltl Inlnuk .till higlrev GuJ.|.„n..iit,|iL.,lifif,.. u|.,n«l,i,l,tlre ituli..,,-1 l...|.-,i.- |„r th. I, f...',|„ Iru- lift- uf the retire! AittlxHltuuj.lt1“ '“I' ittt" -inn. huttutn....hi,}..' I a- i i lit !t-■ riK1.- t, r a . .t'. it it ttiinl.. in jiluxaurn frulu Ihia fulltilail!.if that lilt,'nil ttgit of Frau,-f ivltifll .-littaitt-a lift- with „r .1..|ij,l,if..l c„i,ret.t|.lati..it. h.tw oft. tr.-ary xnj fur- t-reinal shnutf. tin.1 v-U-itigb . tiloinUttl that )mtt,l |„r„. i, l.a. k tmutu.ft.J • Anil iiothiug alfutj.

but a fixed and uuwnvcring. what i

from out the gates of J’aradisr-.Now tin.* untutored Indian, when mt<'X)K>sed to e.iii-

lainiiuitioii from the ji-auiual Christian wiirld, doe* not sink iuto so utter* degradation nsd.es. iu the most of in.'taaees. the cLild, born of professedly Ghri— lian parents, learned from infamy to attend the church nnd the Sunday school, carefully indoctrinated iu*111-- externals of Theology, nnd taught verbally that Vir­tue is the supreme Good, and Christ the chief Kxetn- tie .Inr. The stream of human existeuee, like the Mi:

comes popular in the degn-e in which it < a.f irm* to ils of Society. Tho youthful mind, more and

le.orr* exp.i-.-d to eoiitnniiimtioii. becomt-s ni'-re andh forbi.ls»f I list it II-

of the lower plains rush into it* ehaftticl, ami ils wa- ti<*ti*. rapi-lly e..n<|iiers her interior domain of jiffec- ters Ijeeeiue dark, and its channel unsafe, nnd itssitr- lions for the fain* gml of this world. Mammon, hav- faec overhung by the gathering niinsin : and hi it ng e.,n*|iierekl the Oulwanl. nnd having gi\t*n lo this rolls on and pours, a vortex ufhnngry waters, in: :1k- lii.-te- nth century of Ghrist the cognomeu of the A«c


found, aiel every facility i-xi%ti**for tho manufacture of 1 brick fm building, and also Ibr the uses of th** pottery. Th<- >aieUtone varic- in i|tialiiy Wln-u tab u from tie* quarry, some varieties of it are s.tfl as hardened clay, ami can be cut cosily with a knife nre to tho.atim**pIu-r--.(inline.** of texture. T irate. j-*ae!«-likc blooui.

Ih- the )h(hmii eidJ «»f caeli pure ami holy afleNion. f..r public iw and laig and to put forth the immortal !>!>-h .:ii* universal Miirj«s***d. and.at *m«v truth. lioii»r. v irtu**, religion and pidlaiithr* py. is thus IV. The timls r is * transform'-*!, or tat her deformed, into the ulmdc of hickory ami maple are every imaginable .*haj*e «*fl.:ile, sensuality ami cruelly lirmhvk are f-.uml iu

A.* n comytpii’nrc, the world becomes ( ••nstantly iiuudtors. The timber more given up to moral evil, «!»!!.* tin- '.‘luireh U-- ami covers t!;e hill*idc*

■f vegetation

it 1m-» Dii*.* hard and Ur ,u in *I’ll.- lit. t-r variety exhibit.* a .11-

For th- erection ofbni'Idillgtv *-xti ut. flic saudf-totii- is Uii-durub !• uud c-uuumicallii./Jy *-nI: Chestnut, poplar.

* atm. ;*buhd:mt. S j .r ir «1* andthe r.itin* - in cutisidt*rab!c

• U o f .*ize above the uvirrag".with jI'.blcand luxuriant forno*rc.*t tm-? exhibit a rcniar k.iblv

;l virtue. V in each pit-

road tin* image moral architect thence learn that what m MaZ*m*'d.light, i* l-ut tin and fittc*l for modern u-*

and siiju r-eriptioit *'f **r prince of human tlnni;

*n is iti the field. Imp • of the spirit'.* final rest, in n region, a home i-aeh sliarpi in il steel, and thereon wln-ro p'tre spiiitmdily, imim*r(al life, uutouehed by

the s]s-|| of d.'i’nyiitg nature, --temally abides. To ■hi- each soul. * a*di longing soul, a-pirus.

If that Jpirilnal ll<-a\cn descends to Earth nnd rr-ts 11pm the sons of men. halo*-d with a cloud of sii|M-r-*vle*tial glory, why should the soul recoil or dread to enter in. and ihemv arise in the burning

•t ofiuterl**," light I** it.* long-desired haven of r* •

andw glitters with fancied cm- r.-lie* of lie- pa-l. jHilisln-il

Surely what lhr.*o sjiirit.*ti-iit-h is that which has In'eti taught lief r- Ami this is the a *- of renewal the renewal of the Alltlch sent'mK'Ut of ng- s p«*t. ’I his too is the jmtut H» lOU-li defeiid-.- l ty thou-.imL in litis " prmp

. if v.(

linn i-|iar

v/:>" i..

>J..re.'V:r. if v • fiml h.-, fal l.uowli dg- mI a g u. in this opaque- ctnlNjtltim*nt of sj-iritualiz d huiuan sentiment, is that nnv ovidemv* < fa new revolution ' What spirit has flown f. in the ark --f anei* nt Inq*i- ration *'\*‘r the waters of immen-ity, and retnhied with an olive leaf, new and unknown, plucked ft* n* smiio fruitful field in th"**- *Ii\i:»*‘ aim*!*.- *-l which:

JOY AND SORROW.• ••. (i*'.ul i- f-mii-l a e«-!l. w lirff only u«.« t'-|s-als li> r litany «i jam*■*> l•*|n**• a fltiiiliWr w-il*st and Imielv.• -tom*' i*i «*rr**w , tln-m tin- ilsail hats lain.

sissippi, rises iu the pellucid springs of the uplifted more * i Waminated. The compact whi region; 1 Ut as it flows on, the turbid accumulation* < 'liri*t ianity i-. intrude upon the «l«*maiu

■ Money Power, now marshals his Au-terlitz ar- till* ry. and his >\ ntcrluobattalions, and with murder- luxuriantly and afi'ord ample returns Th* ••us fir- and precipitate assault, I-ears down upm tho (|)r husbandman isearri«d on to advautag*

souud ami lieidthful appearaure. The vine apjx-ars to delight In the congenial soil Even in ila onprun* _ed. uncultivated state, it bears abundantly. The ihesC spirits so free y .q** a * country ap|K*ars well adapted to the orchard fruit* of the temperate zone, but the inhabitant* have paid lit­tle at'eution to horticulture. The moat stoop hill­sides pnshice corn nnd the smaller grains with little culture. All varieties of vegetables, the sweet ]*ota- toe, the melon, the usual produce of the garden, thrive

work of wa> through boundless region;from the

Tin- M;jti «»rwrtrnw I I tirir W (til JXll-ri.r

Mu- tiiovrtlk w till tin- In form u»H«-ii. in

lw w iimI* listli itiveri lin-L-n Ix-arl lre-af» tUrrr.

r lq iH - . o 'i - r e a r th an.) i r x - i u r f i e r i w h e r e

What new Isw.k of th-ira rml won n f.o u thr ad* of ancient works ? And enntiot < v*ry impntant h nth thev utter, in lineage l*c trae< *l tohiftorieal amx-.-tiy ’

unknown recesses of the deep.Whence comes it that Human Life thus deg-e-

rates, iu its passage from the cradle to the eternitythat is Wyond the grave ? T^c usual answer is that d. f-iiM less remnant wlm remain true to that Bible, facl |]iat the plow can be used, with rare exeeptioui*, man is subject to the law of moral retrogression.— to that Cros.-, to^hat llehgi**n. which iu.** ri»H.-« *>n its during every month of the year.But Christ has opened the avenue that leads upward banner, " \ e cannot serve God and Mammon." Y.^The climate during the summer season is invig-from love to.love, from light to light, from usefulness I” this crisis, the Divink I Nnu.niM. is manif t. ,(ruii„g und singularly deliglitf-J. The heat of the

iefulness, from beatitude to beatitude, from glory The Srir.iT or (Tiiustuxi rv descends to dwell with ;s generally tcni|K.*n d by a gentle breeze, ami‘ The afflicted iieopV of God, who mourn be- ,fi(f nights arc almost without exception tempered to

and rcvelators. directs and mp|*orU* tie- while thev follow, to siy tin- b ast, tin*

unto glory: Why then Is it thaf Christianity is appa­rently unable to arrest the downward torrent that | cause of the moral desolation of tho earth, arc thrilled refreshing coolness. Tin- rolls toward tin* moral tomb.?—The answer to this is at once clear and unanswerable. rcntlcral the Word of God of none

*dcrn mind-, dicated path

I by that aid. h*who H-eks to ascend, ja-nvtves the light, aud f*ld- alx>ut him revealed truth-, clotlud in lively iun.-'r. and artistic l>eauty

And thus shall it appear, that while they sc k t deface the .Sacred Text, and to bury it with tin u«* less relics of the |-a*i. up**n it.* divine saying* a* : foundation, rests what truth they utter, and < • it

lie origin of the creative idea am

ll- r »|w-. t f j | bo-atli (b**|B«iI. tli lifr of Day »1 i?» Rtorv. night -*l love’s feiiow-.

Whit*' Karth. jut.- luoliier. veil* her brow ui H tlrvu , Ai.i! la*Ji » H). l fail* kvilli juk »M |* tu i|; nmr

S-i «»:»■ a }»-• I. in I.i* I'Nw-iy rbambrr.Wt.ile mt-lmelil fi'le«l hi* tile, hi* tlMMight. In* f>*-nn,

When In. a 1*1 eh-lire n|«.Ki- t)ir-**i|£li ■ loud* «*f Culm, in eteinal to. i-lij-lit. on tin- Rhean

Slmim& a.H'1 o f .On Ifegraiwe

A let o'er the |«n .* none I’uiicli

>2, while Um- maht wa* ilntl'-i] hr I tni|i|ty hreath away • eye. m w onder litle-t.Hi morning'* golden ray.

is protracted andp 'fiuti u luvnmui.'u. uou * - ■ . .with the trumpet of tjic great annunciation. Tin; ,jlc icavCs remain on tin- forest trees until November.; of the heaven of tpirltual rc«t. the great truths arouwi

A s the Israelite S p ir i t proceeds to organize thr T r i e R e lig io n in During this season th< aroma of the forest imparts a theync effect through the Moral Commonwealth. The Call to the Mouii-. Kn-ib!e and unusual frtigram.- to the air Tho win- T,ie 1Vr

revolventatcuch sustain? thi* j>o-iti"n. Moses, thej - , . •■■■re-- - - in nip nir. i no win- i 1 I r 1

his tradition». so the professing Christian Would tain has for its ultimate the Establishment uf Divine U;r j» 0|«n; show .-Id..,,, falling over five or six in- £rcal in-'T,rcd wn,t" ,!msj'Trailers the OitiCE or Gao uf none ejfeel through Order jit the L'niverral Kelxtionx of the Rate t.|ieJ in depth, and geiierallv melting as it deseemls w) 'he fmidamenttd prittfiples of the law and ord.-r .1its InSTITI'TIiIXS. \ ..it cinon lir-li.ri. .11 rtnmifit r-xi*f ill IV'.-IC-e With ( tr- I.. (lira tnrinir fl. ... . 1 C. . . . -.re.-rell.r, in fli-lt Iip'wiVS. " III ill- Ifecillflilljf *

Her *-"il flow *-•! oVr li r li|win holy n ’Mtnn*;ll-r lot mg thought m living mu*ir rang.

A im! thus, thr pmj'hrry of llfr'« n>rnplrt«nr«*In Mirrow* • imI. tl*r radiant »pint **ng

l.o llrwvin »«• r.sf h in harmony dra-endrth, Aral y*> ahall li'J tba *mi*rr**- ■*•*"

I,ill- hit*' h r a v m l) •!•■»!hlr**nr*» ***rm irth ,And *»-r*5>h» U-od to rr»wn immortal mrc

Th'- 1111111. th r tear*, th r w tong*, tlw drsolatl.ili*, fr -tr 111 th* «-vrning twilight of llie j«*t.

And all the beautiful and (acred Nation*.Dwell iu the U'dy I-arid ol Dove at hut

Bind 11 thy h f-rt th r Iwaventy evangel.fe a r not t o igh b ra rt and rtevh may *rem !o fad.

R im- to rm braee and win tl« midnight angel.Dike Jacobtlswi .halt wreatla andpeerail

theGrace: wnosc intelligence is tlie Divine Wisdom ; extended to the Lovers ot the Lord Jesus and m liis An auroral illumination r-f a paie, j^ jy hue, pome*ai,d whose vitality emanates front the Unsearchable appearing and kingdom, to practically unite, nnd. times deepening to a dvlj-ate gold, appffrs totlffirflnd j denCc that the inspired writer conceived lbe creative Infinitude uf the l*ove uf God ! * under the Direction of Descending Inspiration, cons©- from the zeui Ii and to r- st like the vault of an ncriul *ca- ’ ca naluro unor8an*zo - ‘^ao,‘c r'a‘

It cannut cempMuiisc with Moral Ev . It cannot>^ate for tlie purpose of giving to the Gospel a place tcmpkr uponlhc encircling hiip< Si«pnnn.*f*mM(ii ture And no philosopher, even with Mo*c> * wri-unrestrained excitement. No

a mockery nor opposition, no Ismdage nor imprisonment,

t t . OUr . , , ,, 1 Sot could Uusuure OKirc perfectly tiiid empreben- tlirettlcning ruin nur forebrxling «retelietltre», e»n’ 1 1, U » girdled Hv P*"'"! lhp “f r" ,r"in "'r ,M*. uutuiiu witii 11 13 " . . • _ 1 l . .I.;.-I. flu* mind rnnet-1vofl

cipatc the world ; from its finest fiber to its amplest .realm. ADVANTAGES OF OUR LOCATION,

Now what Christianity cannot do. the professed dis- ciple has sought to accomplish, namely, to comprise latcd features of the landscape gradually flow into is a section which offer.* inducements to tho man the claims of God and Mammon. Virtually he savs

. . . . . . . . 7 " ," '. ,«TfV ........ MMuuuBk HBSIAIU- Lnl* inmiraiion and bv which the mind conceived u?nds to spiritual thdrtight, or «l«»ire to bring frum theA , in travel,ng frou: «>me beautiful lucality .lie iso- ded »od repra'ed fren, the xumradiug territnry 1, no, fM CtS <l.o fernfion of iuviribl, world tl.« -plnu uf thtreewl.ob.re prarele,l features of the landscape gradually flow into „ a section which offer, fitv mdoccmenls to the rent, lho „,1C rei™cd imntcn itr a., tbc lim.t. of cxUnt.l life, sod re- iu tb. spirit..)

. irtutlly he aaya oneness, and at last are j>creeived not ns separate of mercenary aims, inasmuch as it w remote from all 8UD* an, , *' „nmnmi Morfover alvaura of eternal d*r.that racntill lbe °U '" " T ' ' ' ' W<,tU.: ttc furf,c<' t»“- but as one consummate whole; so tbc separate natural highways of travel acd centers of trade. It dark' |h>[ wllcn t|,e Creative En- 'llum.n spirit, move thitherward like . mighty «~thst men till, the tntne. whence come, forth the sil- advantages of Mountain Cove as a center for the Di- either be built up as , H„,y City.. pUc. where he *“ J *£,g^ri. of lh"Supreme drifting to.dist.nl .bore • ■ ■

: vine Unfolding appear to blend within the mind as I ChiistianitJ shall unfold its own harmonior- — t-iercyor - *•' —_ _______ And without some

wine ; vine Unfolding appearls * . . ] [ ^ ' l ' , “h^ 'A 0Cxf“1I'S,U:'t ,f ' fu,lh .>»"•')■. «.<>'® * perf"'""''?. I thepeihru iniplcsof life a n narmeniting social, industriJ and f a single eipreasion. he dire lowed reetuenees thu .re but jut* in the future

i : vJ . ’ . ) .lammon! shall bo! answer to numerous icquirie?, will present a synopsis moral regulafions; or it mu* share in the torpor ’ • .. i_j q-jIbj temmoo Thou eraretu th. Hkcs wWl lhair rf thcK wlwto* ,. whicb fh, fate of th, ex,entire counter which tur- "* - ■nuupkuous *dontnieDts; and the solemn temples with ] The mountains

ycr nnd the gold, the corn and the'oil and tbo

Jlike ramparts encompass the . roiund? I,rt there b« li-bt ord th'-rc « r light And God Bn the Truth and ?'!1 it not

Page 4: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth


I T ' ' ! " J t e j i ..i;ost. Marietta, rest; Car h the tmgplie band, tlw Cross, upon rrkout they now fisted their attention.jj in addition, with the most varied and gorgeous colors. T U Q Q n i r l t l i s l U l r k i n n a rH ltll J C l i r i l H l . List, eislcr. Vhat harmony, bow sweet!. 0 , how blissful the silence that prevailed and which The leases are so perfectly achromatic that the planet I f lu O jJ IIIIU u l H c irD in flB r

M l U O l l i y i l & Hew gently it moves along tlie heavenly way! I t , manilestcd the perfect order and Divine harmony of Saturn appears of milk-like whiteness; and, m re- Ana Mountain Cove Jounxtil.~ _____ —— ■ 1 ~~ a”i _ . .1., .. I....,, , ,,...11 . neni. l1>n Knnr. i thi* nlo/vra J. : . t s i . i e .Is!. 1.-.. A WtrKI.V I'rtlitmi'il

I N T E R I O R L I F E .

Iscrucnto in forms of mental llamo Too pure for mortal sight to sco, „

Celestial anjels yet TLou d&rkcned^Earth, with thee-

Mountain Cove Journal.X WEEKLY PERIODICAL,

I^TOtr-4 tothspabHratic-n.iliacu-Milon »nt sluctdatloa of Th»«r1»», PnnCipUa. tM to , LcgecJa. »ti.l Tt&Julou*— lltatorical, SocUL p».

fivonfo.AU f>rras that people earth end air,All forms within the heavcns’l^right span.

Cscatiro light and love declare.Ami utter speech to man.

The dust beneath our ftc*. Sr-Mads,Attracted by superior law.

And nature suppliant terves tha ends Of wonder and of awe.


A i» iawarfl pulss beats calm and still Throughout the universal frame;

Au l a Divine creative will Moves forth in cloud aud flate’.

v.A Providence that works by laws,

And moves in troops of circling suns. C Kydkut to the spirit cause.

Through life harmonious runs.vi.

A Providence that works by Icve,And moves in cir cling angel band*, 0

Dvc ccnds in "Wisdom from above,And; every v. lieu espaads.

VII.Anil mystery foida'e-. h-inward f.>rm

From outward sense and outward sight; We never kno.v whence comes the mom ' That bathe? the mind with light.

VI!!.To road the world of Time aright.

To read the Truth its light imparts,. Is rot the skill of outward might.

Or work ,cf magic arts.

Tha heart, ii e mind, the soul, the sense.The being torn of Love Divine,

Alone can penetrate the dense And awful Might of Time.

To such, like mist that melts in day When morning gilds the orient skies,

All outward [sccmtecH pitas away,• And beauty fi'.Ia tlv.u eyes.

And cv-.jy v L re they Sn l a trace Of sr.cier.t patlu* by angels trod,

Ar.d up ward run the glorious ra»Through FavauLo to God

.csnuiC-rrr.ti-.h ins

s c e .\ e s b v. v o i > t 11 1 g n a v k .Trance of Jlarietta Davis.

varied and gorgeous colors ' perfectly achromatic that the planet

", ns rc-nears us. Marietta ; the volume swells upou the beav-1 the place. cards this planet, a good deal of scientific interest hasonly breeze. Its notes di=lincC ncccut praises to our j “ Liston, Mariclta," said, the angel, and with her recently attached to it in consequence of the distiu-

! Redeemer. Ilcavcuiy anthem- awake ou every band.' right band she pressed my temples, and lo ! from that guUhed American astronomer, Bond, of the Cam* j iada.trut, s<r*trt«r«t. Etbirai. Mtupvysfcai ud c«s*>miLook up. Marietta; lo, we draw near a city wherein deep silence came forth music, music that was like bridge Observatory, Massachusetts, having stated he I connects with Man. with hu usbssm. an.i pro*f*rtiT» *D4 doim* .dsrcllcth righteousness. Xu evil enters there. X o! the softy t angelic breath, breath of (be most inward believed he saw a third ring or belt around the planet. J£JSj^^^^!ltol1i’2KSak”M>a*!52l»SSl2*ic*C»,S K

> false spirit shall ever staiu the holy palaces thereof and hallowed life'cf the spirit. I could scarcely hear Prof. Chal.is brought the Northumberland telescope ruua-ispiritual i*niwt«Above it wca\ce*;d. Hark, sister spirit. An aDgelJit, still in softest melody it moved over the octaviau; at Cambridge to bear upon it, but failed in discovering, Be,0f dwow to tb* wmporst *o,t w»ii-b<fi2f ofu*gitardian of the holy hills, addreeseth thee." j organism of my iuward spirit. Until theu I had not j it. Lord llosse’s gigantic telescope was also employed j * " aJ* Jh > , ,vrtiJ J ,['[ .* *. "v s L

* Iu ceccata cf cclc3tiai harmony I heard a voice knoivn lhat mv being were elements which; upon it in vain; audit became a matter of great in-;»»ti.wrv.t.n* a..,i m-w»eu».fhw««cr.«»uur (..m i Nmoiih., raying, ''Marietta, whence an thou? Daat then! * wakened into life bv auch avmphony; or if ten * to the anronumkal world to ascertain whether j “ •**** w,*taUi left tha world of mortal mdnevs 1 And why art thou! '“eed. could vdhrate to tha touch of such, sacred and there waa a third nag or not, and tbla <lu«i,on has | „ ,WfM. ,„ lt ot ,b, „I inclined to scenes whore evil naisious reien » Docs intericr mclodv. Foe surely that appeared like the been solved by the Craig telescope? the third ring, of a w„r.h* tt»t ch^rfo*. MmMo4 . or «t.r.r Co«.pU»it,/„ , do«-

^ rf -W 'toussong. As the note, of etear bnUiantpa.v color, having bten dL^etlv seen. — - — — rut-i . . . . T .. _ i.u -a_imjuv T f**lt that a new nature was This isowmir to the preat ouautitv ot liffspheres ot good and Ul 1UWWW u,v , _ , . c *, . . . , iijr j «f »h« thapilw«wi Tracts l>rwr«idMM»| ev ilY I have s^en thee in the Paradise of Peace 1 that spirit of murio arose, I felt that a new nature was This is owing to the great quantity ot light wbich the i ae jopon thfm. ><oth gmaiii.- »muiciitian*. <»f iuii»«ou.Tt *rif»j moving tvidt the" bleseed, where songs unite and a„;j given me, sine,, the harmony was so perfect, and I Craig telescope brings to the eye of the observer front'(herns am ever asvondtng in softest melodv. I have! *PP*»«<* ™ rinS *• "duI, f f voltuon tins planet, gtv.ng a bngl. appennmee to wbat. ,n at, „ „ „

v . * ,, ' I s iupht to unite, and then, O then 1 felt the effects ot a instrument of less power, would have been completely w«rt<!. Knr? !.uNifn*4 wiit» uuiruttntf »ratr, scon tuce Boating in the murky atr friendless and: soa6°l 19 uu*“ * *, . -a . . . ■ .... . . . . . ■v i .i J j j r u • . .i j soul unstrung. Note after note from the invisible invisible. w «< u »p\pu • . , r -joimalono; thence I witnessed thv sudden fall into the 60111 u ,l‘lu‘b , _ . . . . , , towwi'.vhsit.iLi«hin>vfaii'4fr<*miie»Twi»,u»u*m»i>\»w«*iiiu.»-

cloud tha- o'orhanm the arena of foul' beings • and! ™ TCQ approached this inwani life oj mine, but-no frome idea of its powers may be formed from the import io it. »ft«r Tn.tr.. «« Cw«., \m»* „...| then I taw thee observing overv movement tuitil the more moving over the rntisie chords of my being; sinev1 fact that it magnifies the ligb .o f.b e moon 10.0W! aieht overcame ther, and Sinking beneath the burden- in !tr,v,DS 10 WeaJf tU ■‘“ ''“ “ tvP™du“ ? “ “ “ • "“J “ «**“ <**«»• hko ,hl' « « n. .. , t c , i r . „ „ „ aeu-'Srtn.

f . . r . , , n r l i c i- i discord, were bv it repelled and broken like the fall lunar mountains and the crater*, the whole of thc>o ««»... ..tf ti..»ed vision, I heard iheo call for help, tor some Mmi * 1 . , . , 4 , , wwiw .i«re. i . . „ . w , ot (Mdika w*. , . . , . - . . . ..,n> j,, of smooth waters upon some rocky strand. Iutowhat ravs may l>e allowed to pass at once to ih.- local t ;ut. k , , , , , . , , fancel to bofnend thee. Learn from this, that lie 1 , . , * , *. - , . . 1 Jtf*rlul """■"* tff4i tgrHi*Ui^»»rk»ar.w»**WAw«MrH»M, , . r torture my wing was forced to fall. The music be- as they do not in such objects confuse it m any ap- orsp^ntdi inf ;; ■.■ co.,.1 ;,-.HUr....*i..ps*i»i iniMpoauiaa rih*

whose heart is not fired on God, whose nature is not {____ , _ u J*. . . . . T ,_____ j ____ i„ ,k.. >pe t!lc ti.- ,.,i„.t m.* «*•; th«1 vin.l!ts»Uus the Holy SJ.jti>.r«-« ** I)<vin« RereUtlon, th« btaaU of

Ctlv Ci'lcnc-". the t.uv hope t'f SlanS ry ! 't-..i-linn. in-.t henr* aflvrvl.nj: full,explicitj meat! The contrast was dreadful. Every part of enabling the beholder to trace the outlines of the I ■ i v m ' - t t s f r a i i o t , of Truth fouesmiBf »h« my being wa, out of order. The waves of harmony various mountain ranges with such vivid distinctness.' w s l ' f t l ' . " " ! u " “'ITt'."Twtt.. stt*'. -I tv.that moved so &.>ft and gentle throughout the dome, as to make us long for fine clear weather in order to »*■ >m r-w**>f *»wi«U»n: »u»ni* »h« rm»utm- (U»tl In.laee frn.iMsl «>> tin* l..r»llty; the hlat.iry, pi«-

fir>r*» Af.4 ptwfWtlii .-f thi* rntt,rj*flM‘, «.ii(al*». »h»tv«»i (witaiuito tht' < .'.flltun.>.•••*;:tc>* ,H>;1 I. MitRRiM of Wfatwro Virgit.I*

ha<e escaped, for any other condition would be pre-! that on a favorable evening, if there was a building . r EJ ! ^ l E v Z 'X * f 5 S S T Z ' ^ ' T :lerable by far. Even I thought the arena of mimic object the size of Westminster Abbey in the mooti. *»i junt... t,.'Wu m>« unv#n«!: ai«i tin*tn<ihft.t. ».y which ihc*

j ■ t*r» to U'ltcOt th luionn raw i tlm* frm'lalDlt lit* orlflR w i tMttuia ol Ih.' (,ii-At It.W.i.'r t;m >M.pg wbieh Dow iut#rw«V< Ut« «!*•

whoto heart is net fixed on God, whose nature is not ■ ° . ... - . . : , ,,, , , , . ,i,rt came harsh to me,in that I knew mv unlikencss to its . preciablc degree. In the I raig telese >1 fcontrolled bv th: law ot holy love, is exposed to the - * : , ... , , - , , ,...™ ut„*!;it____ _ ikribenia no safety for] “amre- I suffered. O tbo agony of the tmt- is a most magutheent object, and perfectlyattracting influence of ev il;

j the souLnot bora of Divine Good. He who hath not * this principle, is iu moral aud spiritual condition e i posed to those influences which tend to outer tkuknc.- | to tha. abode of those existing in the sphere of deadly j inaanctidiK- Dcmember that be who would- be the

fell into my soul like waters pouring over some crag- bringthc whole powers of this marvelous instrument gy brink int^Mr^ult of broken parts. I faiu would to bear upon our satellite. It is positively «.-«erted «»»<- i-nimMi.r.

I diicinle of Truth and enter into rest; must deny him-s l4. \ . . . incliu- Arable bv far. Even I thought the arena ot nmnte object the size ot Westminster Abbey in the moon;self ihe gxatiheatiouot unholy mcuiiatiou?, tie menu • ~ . , ,, . . . . * , , ,

4. , , . worship would better comport with mv nature, and the whole of its twirls aud proportions would be vis-idtions ot the heart, which cleave to that v.ucu does * k . .• , . . . . * . * 1 . .. ...... .not inspire rcve-ence fir God and desires to lo found!thorc 1 cau!d raore .<**»*^rmonuo with the prevan- tmetly revealed. A* an illustration of its,.pace-pone- • , w.„:, dolus HU wlb lie must convert the attribute, of! “ 2 But I could not eecape. I wav a pertect trattug potver.-. and tbo uunnv^n which it gm-| a iuhis bein'- into tit- caereise of well-doing, for thui and ! “ •» « * ">nment rendered my coud.t.otr more the light, it at stated that soon after it wa- erected it. ,fc , ' , ,- n;c;.v.,. nnfi i awful, until an hour would appear au age At length was directed to a test-object, a mimste sm-ak of lightthus only can be secured tnrougli grace Divine ana ir c J . . . . ‘

1 cried m tho Luterncss of my soul, Away, oh let in one ef the constellations, which ti nu! t" 1 .• -t',-n atme fly from this scene. Other music has filled me1 all times by the most excellent instrument*, tin ugh

! with delight; otlwr melodv rendered luo happy. To J guided by first-rate, observer.*, and iu proftnud dark-

j ever m ting good, *• Marietta, there infiaences upon ihec andiheopen-

. *cc '•* 5KVfl- ; ,J •• r -,ocl-*&u3 l ’-naat.! 1 ter 8 j jt j H->tvucd» and while I heart! I drank in the ppifit S iicm Tho Craig tvh.-i-oj eat once discovered this test- , wise j-arfo.-:. 'Iuj moveiu nt > ! un:..ni m .i..-. un ,.f lj10 sacrcl.- But noir by some unknown law nbjeet was not u minute .-j. ek of light, Lut a brilliantriettie l iu religious taU'.us. is rcpiva^ntc iu * - l tJ-u j am prompt'd, t;. attempt union with this hariuoai* double star. Assoofta- It bfirijidv ayljustod, Mr. Cra'g

i hast keen attracted to *w.u-.-s in par..ui , to .a . t- i J U S and h-! I am in my unhallowed na proposes to direct tl.c instrnmeut to the planet Vcmw*. ‘] vaci.nt regions where Chaos apd N'g r. ru e eb e . ....... , m .... ‘ e ......... ' . ______________ . u -___ ... ? .i > . . , .......... «-.!j monnrtha; and then«» to .scenes of wretch rdnoc*,I where ari those wLc.« characters have LeeulVnu- • ed by habitual wrong, wrong llovc tlu-rsof cbcihhcd until the receptive vntnJ has j betfo!


■ tttre diacovvre 1. All kre witno- vd cf ray di.'cnrdiuit toexamiuc it minutely, iu the hope that lie may 1c 1 nature, nu.l to i.:; ell* I r.ow : ppeir nnfi: for angelic i abb to •settle the q i alien of whether th • ha - a sat-

, , ia:--ceiation. anJ ka beyond-■•redemption. My spui-. ellito or not.IU ’ oc' 10■ V J ‘' \ wom b.1'!, br-'kin, fallen ; no part thereof b adapted

■j.lrlliul Itiaftiliutrr »•>! M-wintxIn I’ov# J >uTn*r‘ ;a i—uo t ul MiitiitUiii r ..v .- 1 'ijvit.- t'luiDi.*. V lfgiuii, In fi'li.'fm iK.■In'vl l\v 33 Inch. *, nu Tliurwlaj of curb »ei K

; • llvtfrwiof -ui.-trriit'tou an1 {{myall* iuiarUMy in at!viuic»]um: itoLi.xn vxp n m r«r a *amb*rs.

I our Ccplra for S3. Dtiil TLX ci>|>lmto our AtUrcu for SIO-.1 } " F o t i f f t 24 crul* n your lo nny jmrl o l tho Union

•• • IVr-om ln icii4iii< lo miwrivj *r,>tUl Jo .o «i onrt, ot it i* :ivt iS-aignoJ t.» jxn .l it U rgf» n«uih*r Ihos ia ro^miod fornrlu.il anl>- xTil .T , Th - farvuli'u • liaractpr a'f lh« Journal w ill naiuially it.Ju. a t J , lye to o il the nnnihcrw. K«ery frlru.l o f tlio r .iu * U tonm- i d lo i-i. omfl an ncfU r i f - n t fur ILL pop>'r.

I'u';li.l,e.l by JAM Us I, K'OTT aiwl rU'M.lS I. II AUK'SUlM UtyTUt. I-oW uliinj A*’*rl

; infiuei:Where cxijtj.no red. -miiig qualities, tho Spirit drive.- • madly ou,.and left to th® uncontrolled icticn of evil, is b me np*>o t!

i f i "dashing waviis of insatiable pas-

jpiiit- left to iheiiiselvc;

riiO\f z'jr. i MY OP J.U-L? L SCOTT.

As the voles addrexsing nm cea-c-1. I heard an an­gel as from some chc-ivd bund .-••y, ” Marie: ta, com-

r !" nrii'J "aroxe wernh J. T:i its

up hlth gcctlv t

'J'!:" eh'U mom 1 ; r a briicld ■: . ■ . inflame :] i a -; ; bsdv tO l'X'-'>- v > ia: sorrow There wor > every chaiueter— J-: • 1 - liid'.i

1 m'lrmuriny* and -V Rnd-jiufi"'-1v.r:.' J

i aturc*.And iVor.i e

warktCH detl*!., rr...; dieii'fO, but iy uit-i j

t!v: iruv v.-r.-lfrp * li-ite -I'irir. .*•* . ■ the c-lemvm of di.t!;: a.-: avcH.ii-; .the \iof ! h ! : •

iiivi eiou-l , f light, which' ' • - ' J'irit 1

g'and with far and wonder


- r and !:

.hi! • in "Ih*.* 1 I'i'iin;.' bad

.•ret p’,ri ' ■ f enter, lion?,Sf •!'-icl'.l by pre*

: tioa, frivvid of Testraiiii.jig^.iiv thus il ia that tho:c in the broad ar"!::i w

. suflero:?. h’o uho in t!u- world of niortaJi. of >ln is inere i -d in proporiioh: t v the minds actuated by its principle?. Th is strengthens another in ihv ways of evil. . ■a r jejt hcw.'Onc .riiiH'-r .I-' jroyeth un:"; ;

. t th-I • ' ' bati!e in if- I.v,:. ;hbiuorUf’s. but knew" ti*c p>.-er •?: iuliaviii would t'rn y itniie to prevent the working* the oueual iuarl. Bat. Marie'.la, wo- in

rgai:;.-{ the r.u-e <•:' l illoiMuan.

; fthillife can i nch till- MHtii's tao*i c ii-:i u.

id b : up th; h, I km S imtaii;-* of tinJ SOU!" j • ;T.vlt*r:.s.ti&n-b

The rich Quartz claims r»u ;jr, stitlace ol 100 ocr-j. in the rirhe* if Oia>-t Valley. California. Th

but til, * interior apj*f'»v>->l" ail'! i»o-.v,-rliil of aeuhtei! t»> j.iilveii/e 100 tuh‘ «•! tjuar:/. j;>?r • qa} poilioii of the maehiiu i- '*n th»? niamdei i* daj!

>\ or I y caHiug ui'o ariivn t|i« jciag, efufh it wuh a ton e Vl •j ether ju

Machine:i, which I* the! jj;v (;, i y «•! niariitfaetiite*!. i« eal- i

y. The j*iiij.4. aiwl f



: life d

id uarien-1 0 . that

?! Then j ,( evil in y well be,

Bv tlfeir in-

irlnlike air-lir. PanijiWci*. coi:-:i lx: t>htaih|>! af thi Ntan:i»k. A ’‘!fc •

_______ _ (in ittaft».;hii. <-vI It. .1 IIIC'I!A

tu b vuM o r jiodekxsnExnj. Jm,.,...,... .

cxp-:t tc.J. 'ii.-: w it.deal tl.c pr-qw-rty[*i-iri|*a'iy fpi c from ihd't . *J*lti> I* li't spr- It'.v S{tares of tit.« U » V ) , l |«:•.due; thi (’]artor. By-tetw *. Map. X- . ait■ ijf.ee; if I,-y tiuiil, • l.chv"' twu tbti r.i c• p>'jiti.j;f !'•i*l, with r niirimice fi r• York -‘•r eiifr-nt furu!v) U

HUS. S yretary. H»7 I’ultest-kh .V. Y-.rte«i the t i-te-ariii!; Quartz

mbitler ihifir mur:ul. ex: 1 vf jpiri. whore c

01 t!:i

I h ut

!h i t : t ' | . l i - o b o - ' ' ^i : » i -.■ ..I j-telj f iu ; l i : f a it ! :

a C ■ ;•.o . a.tn.,1 .

v i n n u . u r ■

i ft cuter tin: wori ii'.v ei'.nicut, ami ■ : lilt* ;■ :;d>!c eatidifiohj; tlmtl hast wiir.t loudiug into the sOtiL tpu.-es o incline to its source. And *

Iidro •dement lun.-r etvupic- .«d. Divine h1.? afft-ctioii' j eh wlion the;

coiigr.-grited and mutually sx-iain each i

' • Dry Goot’s, Tca^y ("oircf?, A f.—-Jm-: j - etivcii Vew-Y".M »n a>-.-.ithii': f t»HY frVJfJ/JS. ■o>ni|iri'ii.c Tw . ' ? , AS; a- .- . Ih im h a /iiw IU 'Iuiik *. I’rin!1- (.•iuehaHij. M , . I! K ih i^ .an d cvf.cn,’ «• .«ri-Uieli! "I aiMel's aihipht,! f-j ttlt-ti a i‘S wtiaica's wear,

Abo. men, women mid diiUironV Hoots and :X 7~ F4.rMh.- at SAM FI.!, |*|(jr,C*'J”ri Cash St.,.r- Matin- tail! Cove. Fayette c(jtl»?y. V#.

Kev. M:v ■.’htdrpriidng Eiigd-h ^ntile-nmn, lins I" r • tin:- j .i.-i been biitily ehgi»gvd ;iu instructing, ahlii- "Wn c sij, rm iuiinemrv .•■'•bruited:e tcle-e 'pe—k.y f : . r >■ larg' -h and nn»f j^werful in the world. a:;d fr.-iu •vhieh th- tio.-t imporiaut ilik-oveoes may he finticija-eL It i$fsituated on Wandworih (k.nua a. E ;;dan.! Tbs building wn? commencedfour ?«r live :ii"iit!i- :::jj conswta ofu plain cen­tral tower «tf lrielc, iko walLi6f nhiehurc aheiil eight-

n inriu - i:i ihtekiaov U .-ihight sixty-four feet, teal 1 the dtarm :• r lii’een iVer. |lt is creel-1'] up- a a.- jlid

cctrive ike fu^ratkm of L.-lv U - . W i'-™ huwbe.1 awl iw m j ,-.■.,-,,1. / ■ ; , rv-u-iii,.,,,, it,tons. 1 In j t twer i- :!.e v. rv perfoetion of construe- l",Uis- k. CaraHix. t.corcp U Cartn-fix. \\ illwmtif.u. s - .- t '/r r . VL't.l -:;ij:^.tjiit.niti..ii. awl thi- S' •'»»

Mmukte n iV- • Va J i*• JOH l-niXTIXIi. -W- ni,» i.,"»wiI#, ai U.-.'JI .»

I t i l " ->:..ujil,i(tt I - . J * .;v|4l »ii.| j ; . .!tm! li t.t ii rf.'i, alt t)Aviij,,.r lltjok nml J'-ti Trlnllns IfnutK'IK Cm-U, famja.l-l-,

in.'itiV,, t’ir* wUra, i>t? a la tex IXJi-r-l'toin tl. »-pfvifUHr M>n. ilr-1

II kota-alt and IKtafl t.ror r r .hiMtl, Strainhnat Agent

fkaunwha cc-aiity, V*.•.'.) hhtk New Oj Iran* Sicar, 10 hliU

Colli'.-. ihhI a lar.f« a-.-oitnifut of t'n>»h VT9U-*i.'tV«*tvd a*j-»itiii<-:it 01 •cakonuhte

hI*. jy 1:11 fI lo c k s IVatclics, Siltrr-U'arr, Jrw rlrjr

re-, .'--— AMUFb I'llit.'OT, lunmn rai-ntly ariivrd from tin; oi New-York, whence he ha? rr-in-'> <->1 hw huairtcw, in-

fomu !--d cilizCiw r.f Fayette and tbo adjoining rwnliw. Hut ho b» iAmt'd liiai,—If m tlw stove formt-rly in-oipt i hy Miles Matwer. at MouiiUiii aid nfli-r* liir sate nn as-

i >»»'- • ■: A A T u A - r r O I I I O S , rt.n ch y a a t /:n if. ir k . s p k v t .-w i .e *. j k u f j .ii r. jm ..itarlirli’* uiually IImiim! iiiiA.r (bfi uh-vr hr>iuh.M. He m »il«.k in teadinos to ai-rvanraoiluie tlio withtii of the tedili*' hy

* lock*. H UlC.hr* nml Jnirlrj, if: a thof'-ash mma.' r and on ri'i-'Oiii’di.* !■ rr

X. 11. S-.-ro I’.Kcdim Ilf.- Sahteti't (Safnul.M | a IJ .'.If

.V 11 sand(• Mij-t-ri-:

: w rivVr, contaimtwo Mtiall creek-

w breii run t|iroti!:h the »plcidy of witter f-.r farmrtvarly level, an,! eafi te:

(•|orL*»tin.:«-if iif>! .M-n-lay

I s * Iirgiuia.—At iiui,..!..■’ ! in t!the Circuit Court of Kav-tle coun'y. on iK'ccuite'r. ISO.'.William Carncfix, Administiator **( Cann ijy . <!■••

William C- R* y-

•I that •vi ltetr VVCC'

. lore the Urhe’d dm ia.i!i- I si tin

,q the eemt

: ecu-! t * ivt.. l... *..2 i>it*'i,v.on»iivu , .... ••«.«- Iw.f,x. Jsab«.na A. Colvtiian,TMward B- Carnefix. Joel F.• infant J’an.vli-e, unite in worship be- ^ ' V rart ' r ! r 'v:’1 T ngain.-f, it necessary. |by, Curnefix. sari,h S. fW iix . Samuel Gonlon and Mary 1:

, Uwy angels new arise; and in t

Id-f v :- . An

0,1 th-

yet that* he -.rlie

sf»ug.,t l v the

i iTv to iiljure the s*..

; in th

piiurtra; di-play fiuin riimeans, tail -I *•» -v ;

1 broad arena where e tg: nor regard Hi j lew, and count l>y whhh r.I! in-..-: lo s;*v..h

I was reflecting - ■ ■!.' --• :. •, and i- recoiling b.-m-aih a s.-n-- o: Viat had| me, when a new light bur t i i u; ^ x'7r/ ' to toe whence issued ihu^/ligi.', wh ;i w> nlx>vo in*.and in t!:at lighb I-teivlHovoii 1 i-.i raimeibright ms the «u» in lii.s meridian glory. Quietly r.

. . i i I ad:ug, th“ d'.Ii.S’enl t!• bv which lh‘- m«>t .C<im- hi? Wile. L'l. y Jail.' Carnefix. Khwte Whceter. John A Car-J h:s IS t.ie cu y where Utou ha-t +l°- plcto steadioe.-s ir re - :u d ]J - fii- ride r>f thi- toiicr nifix. Kdward Mi Csirnefix. Benjamin S. Cam-fix. Tftoma*

•(••--'•■--•A Uvre fr«ra ■!« ai»«fc vi ^ l k . . j , iiu.„ra .c tuWi Ann A C M „ t „ , - , t IIM nrt ucaiii rc tu m etl; and now tee enter «■ » * ’ , , . , ; < hi* wite.-Frcdenclc M«fk» it'd Aancy Jane his wiif.-. Jain*'.• ...... ,, , I, v ,„ , , , , , , , , : 'vk,v[..ravt„ur„-s Vivitty-fiv l^ t ia leng-h. W fl»M D,v,„ at.., MattU M. !«* vta‘,\ Saaiwl Arm-t..,! aj.rl l.acv..... . W lolJ' “ « ■'*» »'»> -.»...t,fcm8 like a ■ At taic etui i- tl.c Ac- i;i, u i!v.a,rf ... ...... WiMiata-,

'.tit five fact item Ike gn-niul. The -tjM■ •'•••«. ot cjrerittj. tkj "O-"* , ..., . . . . ,. * • , * • f affidai it inco. ttot tiM- •tv'iu.uatitx rvl-.vard-•-.rptinll aadcvlH.ens!ite'« «<I. ,a,,;., J1>h[: u , A i c x a i u i t» 0»m. f.x. j .hn Cjm. f.

Ms iiiiuse.

,f th

u e of this temple'of edueation. Here are Congrega- j,;cce> Ht the Id -A,, le I i!xc fchoids o the infant Paradise, anil here they u!|j ,u tjlc ■are instructed int«.» the higher degrees of worship aud ()p wj,;c;, ... jin useful emp!»>\ m e u t ; moiriiire which r-i

A- (!.•. spirit cl'-ed, suddenly the groat dome lx low tho instrument i- i U-. Mj-er.vJ. and pre.vmcd at one single view its glory bright m ml aud iJ„ ami im'giiiii.-encd. In it I saw unitedtd! ti»e grand- the divergent ray- .

variety a ulordor of the e!i*|r,i j-nradiv. Again1 teeal distanc1 wliei} center the Cross. Around it were twelve five k--t. and it-

hi «•:: •*: of vvh .-e Laud? wa- r cross hud the widest i-frtix.*» r. r 4 :»their heads weni crowns bright with f.,,ur feet from the . arJ] more radiant than th • - in at noonday.— < f thw p iut w - .p,.*,

these midp.ding lift? expan-:, w-.-re t^ngtvgatcd wade wi h ^■fcaww from the diuoreiit teh)plej»!ind ward; through- g’.,.* o!"'fl ft', aj-.tur - out the city Over each was a presiding spirit whose of it- maw iou* j ■ -Wv«

jk»scJ that sjdrit in the gtery surroutidiug her, Hvr u ovemcr-U v.cre ci cely olsm e.J by th :e below them, and the other of p.’uu ,r ci-uutenauco shorn- vrilii heawnlv gqodiiies. Calmly A* I loth; I I Uphold ttnuumhek-d bauds of iufaut.*, in Contact, are used i„ blie dwelt iit the midst of the .iivintt effulgence, riln- who? • sis;;".- - rok * j n ;:ed c"\crv imaginable hue. the ai-hs- n.aticgk. T »pake, midJier voiv« filled mu with delight, laying. Iu the hand vt eat-li v. .- a r . . in wh -.e folds wa- « Kea-, spirit, re-t. !.•••:inlssthy thoughts tqvn ‘-he fccuv paay-u. X Vi c»vi,» **:v jrau-ik-, i j u« ... u iojk p j.su a r;:iau wuitc* «»ove, trating-spat

I> 3fl(IO .\rrrs of Laud for Saif.—I |r* j.r.'.»m;!I o tract (>f Iain*! ill Fayette co-inty. Vn lyiic* on the

near 3300 Acres. Thi* lan-l l-ranche* of Meaik>w river, Itetli **f are icngtii of tlie survey,Btl-ir.lin« purjKj.-.'-t. 3l<wt of tlii* Idii>! i» -uvcnienHy <?ivideil into lot* o{ j(>!>

iv-rrs eaefi, *o ;w to *iu! far.iuT* anil tectire water ujftui every I *t Thi* land lu>* wittiin 0 ib*tanre of froin two to fonr mites of .Mountain Cove, nn i*iiterpr»inz little village now U-ini: Imilt by enugnmt* from .Vew-York. I would prefer selling tbi* lmn! in a lw«!y . hot if (jut • aunot conveniently l*- lliillft- it Will I- —-I f in (jijuntitl- » tu-.iiil purchaMTS. The title to thi* lain! ii(i«jiies||„|„,(,|l. ,\||y ntir tvialiing to look •a! the ten-1, will apply to Mr John Keslcr. who lives on lan*V o-ljoininc this survey. The ternw of aale will be liberal. I'-.r particular*. ailUre II W. Uia.ve. Burkhannon, Cpahur co. V4 Ii W. BYR.VK,

Aii lSo.'. .'iiu'i Airrnt for Charlra K. Stewart’Zs~ Valuable Farms for Sale.—The tmUnribcr

oilers for sale his I'lantatiun, containing 1300 acre*, situate.! iu the county of Fayette, and tying on both aides of James

1 "f - ** -Waiaiw' wk*» dt?|yw.tit»ti Biwr K,n.whi •i\,tr,,,LU tl.c-, ,mt« « ,.t of th,■ ,.ftt,,- e ta ,.- ot Jut,., Camcfix. A M v w t a fafni. c « . It i , a l l . kut >

Ittfillg UR’ liijtk". -ti'-"11 Sanricl II. M Cam<"fpt. at,, t.ut Inkaiiitix.'. , 'I'jj,, t-xtermr i.- of wOHh. it t, ottlet—l. that -n;,t ,twnt ,i. f"

IiJ lK ’V, to aki'fl

i] iif the t ’ % -

ipirk v. :i.s ed hefore;.:

I titan-1

cur. i .. ."

cjrpam!. Thi ixs-ranwt.t h

’ ’ tit twi'uty-.hit to cifej ‘.v rtritforcu.c is thirteen ■ ' t t-tbo being «V> -"

tttid tho tkticniiiita, j«l f rejRahttl cxpcrinK’

'i.i itaftiiaraljo*® ^' life alicad*? « ■ « “ } 'it:- ,,'ti. « f ffint■ - u g h # ; Ik e .* » !* « »

iSaliott, ant « * • : '

filltJ luc v.ith dcligk*.*avinjl. lit the hits..! vf oath wt- a r, . itt wh.«c t'vlihi l u L.-ttr,. a throe au.1 f . | ' " " “ “‘".jv tlit, C.-.IW ch.'|T.R> th..'. V i# i cT.-rc-vaiicty of tl-Rvr t'.„ 1.1, tom, U|,...| ccrttiinciltliat, ..................................... .

tthoM iiR'jnatl.o .vtl. 1’Vrcvcry the phttn.-, i'j ucatk r-s-t roitcJtt ittiall trhiuttlovc, iratkln mttw t h- , . ....... ? uMruiiwWo1 r. I .... .............. -u . . r '« - . ~ 1 1 ' ! ..i,j n e w c e n t n 'J

belt) in time of need? TltC’sc thou hast .-ecu arc in wbicu aj jauircd tu be vrri'.r n, in c. traeterj* i oould in iug telcscotx* mu t I i — .ification--' r • . ... —— - — ........... ijiaitut, auu auiMiMc.’^ X l t t ^ o h O ' - u k i l o i , , 111, body. A a ho ■!l* Vv .kclr fii*« lec-, *Ave* -“ ****' worn*. •• •*• C«'«

of t bo, coin moo* do appear

b«re. ou ike teat day of the next Term , and do vvi.ut i» no-ct.-ssry to piotect their mtetesui in the pteiite-es. l-'.'tb D--caml'cr. l Vu. A op.;,. T*.-*te,

d.' i Svvi * H. M UICKT.NMJ.V. Clerk.

j y - \irgluia.—At llukof the Court c! i*ayv:teiu l>-. vmltr. 1

John Guinn, /'te tete'. v*. Jn Ion. Ge*»ry<i Ahteriron. Via.-m Westlake. Joseph A. Aioersoii. partner o! C. N .lurim ^ f •- Hu:

h'M in the ( "I rk * Ofii'-i-• Judy , on tbe first Monday

r:*-* B We-SI. ■ U U V,. .Vw-nKiit-Y.au d Ali- •. T t o

CapCftoii. debased. DfjtWon*,.Tii-' object of tin- tUi* i> toenterue liein .d !

a te or. : in the i»«ttc of C. Va*i{jbn Jc Co. for tin- b

: Ca-.ic> V.

fo ji«snj«nti uelit of Hugh

short distance from the Hawks .Not, a place of wide celeb, litv tor it »*artiRigr‘.«wn* c anil pictar.-vj'ie gmwtear Tho farm fco ujs.ri it al»«ut 'JOO acres rnaler cultivation,: • ••! >,r.hard abundantly productive «f the l-est selected.fnnt lii t!!.* country The inradow and plowed lands are uo*ur pus - I ! ’ ai.-y in the uplands of the country. There is also a lor^r tw..< story house well tiuishfi. with outbuildings. *’nd barns an-1 sUbling sutfiuGiit ter tkc •- ixiim.-elation of th*-. Plantation ami ‘ tetre -stand for which i: is now employe-! It U one of the best h*cat»ou« for a hotel in the entire repfi .< It posse**,'* *u]» ri'r water !a*th tut quality and rjuan’i , (.u ir ifa n unfoiliux vve'!. a number of living »iuinz« ■ < unipul h.'-ok riuiiiiuz throo^h it. It is situate.|.n<!ar tie- o i^ f i ol tho Central Kuiiruad, vsbica will greatly enbam*. the value. jwirtK-uteriy i s there will lwa de|v.t just below it. T lie {dace i* u!y> u-autite'-l with shade trees,and u abundjiil in cfiiivenicmes too numerous tu notue here.

"yy“ Also, for sale, another Tract ol 470 acree, aitoaletl 1

willing heart G >d hath tit h-.av.-it u iniiiirionpivpuotl. and acryi- thrir wing- w?us wriiten, • Holiuee.*? tu the- wry extraoruina:4 mj w!io?o seek* tlttfll ever find the Lord a present iJ^rd L li re e.n-ii in.’act was r.ri r ;

' • • ■ rhieh apjauired tu te wri-.t, ii, i.-u lmralowise-umb r.-tand, tb.it which iva.* t-. I bn. All having their poritteu, wenkey Itoi-ctl composedly in the ligkt jita aoove uukr. Let euMii ide. tkis ■ J„ • "~u'“ °----- lktidn*,rolyeting spirits. Back ipliuj, append to ospeet;skooring c o u o t e i p w o k ® t . . . p k ' —irreticti.' la te ti - tRfl-v "pititR «k-:. «.-r- .t.:*: . r-i . - . t . “ Orton, the ' ■ ; ................. rt.nl,.,., -.1,,.-. . r.„.r od-nt-d. I

i-1 . j _. Wt. r,hs Caperton. at:ain>t Jam es IJ. \\* ‘-'.ak.. atal li;e ntl -r in t;u: «„•*» sbotr ti»»* Cutr, with 70 acres under good improve.• • 0 when utO-J.'-v , - . ranK- of Joseph Abtersjin against the same, both «.f ment. superior teuces, a dweliing-hoiuc. an excellent barn

d.V " tad?mcrits U-ir-z now fur the um? am! benefit of: the plair/iri and stabte*. and well w atered.fur John Guinn, agau.jt ri*i—pnly o f rcl.-mption of a tract ol j j . Ate., another Tract cd f««0aciWl jmningthe test men-

jf tilts uew centrSaUCO are land, conveyed intrust I'V James B. Westlake to George well watered, having an abundance of timber. Iw«»,traurdiiiflrv. I- ■ , r intfe of Aldewon, te secure a debt die Miles Mamer. and by said dwelling*, a small orchard, and 70 acres improved,

en teroil, U{Km light so U'-stmetlv ’:Tiat “ “ a ^ fer. trust.-v onvey.-d to the dcte.rUnt J dm Catteft u»*J it ^ Al»o.4t>0 a. re* uncuinvated U«d *AW,nir..pt-alitlg by afTidav it flte'J. that the,dffcn-laiit I t rn ts

“F* 0 ^ “ Also. 100 o- re* uiic'aitivated lands, adjoining the Covetann. Ttua tract superior qualities and advantages

who folk from zoiuc Uiuy lught must hoar the patu i*ou. A!1 having their poritiuo, v.cre motio&lcM a* brilliaut starJa-t, to it, ^yiKoner?, of t||» next Term, and do what is itecesasiry tu protect bistil. tv,tund itupart-, even so La -vlto liraa and dies iu tkoy poi»’d composedly in tkc ligkt ju t above tkcir .Lnt subdivide, tbi, ■ S s f * ““ *• tat,test tu thi ptvausc. A copy. T.,.t,.

I Z ™ tke cwuuterpaft. TkU i, tkc lit* cf be- protecting spirits Each iutu.t, a , ^ to caper, .baaing c o u m e ^ V f ' , ' ' , ^ ' f r r e f i t Bear • _ £ L i « ! 4 - - 11. Mdirections ,aul ,il-; **»k« »k~ # m -t'.-mid ttr..ltb.,-,]iir l.^ll,..., . , Url0D. “ * 1 i . i . . , \VKITIN'-i PAPER fi r wl, at ih], Offir


It i» Weil watered, and abounds with good and useful timber Z 7 ” Any or all of the » W * traetaof tend will be aold at

a low rate and upon rea*nnatd«- terms. WM. 7TR EE. Mountain Cove, July 1. ItOtt. r i T T n l l o w W a u le d .- jp p lf *1 »hk

Page 5: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth


EXPOSITION AND APPLICATION OF | Ghost, saw .um l made known, as un- HEBREWS — CHAP. 1I-III. ‘folding (lie plan of redemption. The

. — Procedure shall close when th eg o re rn -U km:u those who have entered iutoj inr,n( 0fG od is established in the world,

conscious rest, by Divine command, !U1J .,]! In0n pure and consecrated uni- return in Jesu s’s name to make war tC(1 jn a(]oration to .God, quickened with all powers and influences alld im m ortaiize,i, shall share the trea-nrrnyed against God, d istrac t and eU 'isurcs uf paradise upon the E a rth rc- fecble the sp irit o f man, corrup t his ,]ccmc(|.moral nature, and thus disqualify him T o for|ncr lllallifestations, God bore for deeds o f holiness, angelic associa-l ,, j(ncss |>v signs -m j wonders, and di-

•tion and the worship of the L ont. ; vcrs luira<.|e3j 0IIj gifts „ f ,|,e Holy And, lo, the race is agitated bp their dr- G llost according to H is will and un- rca ii; the interiors of men being; foldc(1 )Us | ov(,j Wistiom and harmony quickened into activity by the spirit j„ II js S o n ; for saitli He, Thou art

my Son, this day have I begotten thee ; and, again, from the cloud came a voice savin". This is my beloved Son, hear

II [ill ; so also saitli the Son, being hosts who now approach near to men, h (V(,d manifest in the flesh,’ I and causes them to inquire for elements mv leather arc one, and 1 will declare •of life, peace, anim pcrishablc state ofj (|,y „aine nil to my brethren. Tn co­existence, heavenly beatitudes, thc;con]a„ cc therefore with the Infinite method of the rc-cstablisbmcnt of D i- ||,armony of H is form er Procedure in l ine O rder upon the E arth, and the t |lf, rt.Vclation of H is will to man, this way to the. celestial heavens which |ast m anifestation being in the Infinite was closed by reason ol sin, but re- cconomy a continuation of the same,


of God, awakens them to solicitude concerning the interests of their being and this desire, being enforced by the

•energies o f bis angels the immortal

opened through the atonal upon the Cross.

Throughout the kingdoms, tribes and families o f E arth , this Pow er, in­visible and invincible, is possessing the

redem ption, if you hold the beginning: o f your confidence unto the end. B ut take heed, brethren, from the example o f those o f Israel who fell in *he wil dcrncss, lest there be in any o f you a n : evil heart of unbelief in departing from |the living God. E xhort one a n o th e r,daily while t is called to-day , for m alv lm ve come short o f the prom ise, Iand have failed to enter ...to rest bo-,cause of indulgence in unbehef even j after having witnessed signs and won­ders from God, and having been guid-j ed by the cloud o f I l is glory, have fall- j on from the entrance into P arad ise and the celestial City, to the abode where;guilt and the living vipers o f d istrust; recoil upon the soul continually.

Beloved, despise not your calling, nl- though in a wicked and perverse gen-1 oration ; but stand, fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free,' and be not again entangled in the yoke o f bondage; for the crown and the scepter is departing from the oppres-; so r; and the arm of the wicked shall be broken by Him who having under-; taken your salvation, shall preserve you. who arc faithful unto the day o f final redemption. Y et unto Israel was made manifest the glory and power of God ; butjby disobedience and want..r ........................... :_r . t . ______ . . .

as extending the g reat movement con­nected with redem ption, l i e causes Ilis chosen to approach the world in an unexpected m anifestation, and be­yond the control o f man ; thus unfold-

minds of men with increase perpetual, j1|g t ]lc hidden mysteries of God to of an unwavering faith, many did no t' therein engendering desire for free- im ortals in proportion to their increas- p l 0flt> having become a prev to their <li)iu from all oppression and from all j ;ng capacities to comprehend and be own i llsts anij t|le deccitfulness o f sin ; modes of law save th a t founded in uni- J benefited thereby : confirming this al- o f whom l i e said, I was grieved with versul love. H ence system s of d e s-jso j , y siglls .,nd wonders, which es- that generation, for tl.cy do always err potism, tem poral and spiritual, a r e , tttltlisli a consciousness of its Divine !;„ their heart, and they have not known yielding to the pressure interior and ,reality , in the minds o f all who seek! |ny ways ; so Isw ea rin my wrath they superior, and are being disquieted and j-o r tru th . T hough many who are s]lau aot enter into iny re s t: So wo shaken by the universal struggle o*; burdened and blinded, through the de-jsce ,jiat j[u.y collj,j i o t enter into rest \ the sp irit to escape its prison and g ° ; ceitfuluess o f sin, oppose, yet, did Hx- j ln>cause of unbelief, forlli unbound in the strength and [lot by His servant of old, speak of i iCt „s tiWeforc fear, lest a promise majesty of its native e lem ent; while; tllis Procedure, saying. F o r unto ' |>ei,lff ],.ft „„ «,f entering into I lis re s t’ perception spiritual is opening to the angt.]s hath l i e not put in subjection j ,t|ul ,jr | )t,ing |lfil.s ,,f (he first rcsurrcc-

liberty ami beatitudes of the m - d m world to conic of which w e speak J1 tern al life, and • heaven unfolds h e r , 'Phorcfore, H e hath given to II is au- divinely glorious abode, a ttrac tin g 'rrt.|s power to possess, through the thitherw ard the long-lost race o f m an . ' Spirit o f CioJ, the kingdoms of the

W hoso-readcth let him understand,; tIi, whicli shall become the k iac­

tion, any of you should come short of* * | it. F o r unto you through these mani-

ifestations, is tl>c same CSosplc preach-j od that was unto them ; but the word preached did not profit them, not being

for snilh He who opcnclh and no nian HomsoTour Lord and of IlisClirist, and, |nixcd f-u11. in them that heardshuttclh, the Alpha and the Omega, [je s |lai| r(.jgn for cvcr. j( ^ ,|ls(J vou |iavc been wif-the Beginning and the End, the l-.rst |u vi(JW , Ilc lnal,ircSt love o f God a,id the Last, Blessed is he who lias f(jr it u aill wrUtB„, AVI.at - > part ip the first resurrection, for on lnall tllat l!l0U urt lnindfulsuch the second death hath no power. I ,1C gOH of m an that thou visitest him : all!| conserrated obedience come short 1 ltr.ce happy shall they he who d o |T|l0U lnailcst him a l i t t le ’lower than ',,,- thc |, |rwill„ promised; to which ilis commandments, th a t they ma) jtJio angels ; thou crownedst him w ith ’ t]H,S( have right to the tree o f life; they g|l)rv |,onori an(] set himshall en ter in-through the gates inU>iovcr’ thc workmanship of th y hands, the C ity : lor, w ithout are dogs and |{ut lie by transgression fell from in- sorcerers and m urderers and adulter- uocencc and obedience to guilt and ers and whosolovcth and makctli ti lie. rebellion : in his degradation thou hast l ie that hath an car let him hear what suughtjiim out and in infinite condc- tlie Spirit saitli, for, lo, I have sent my scansion hast provided for him a rail- angels to testify these things unto the soul in the person of Jesus, wholly the inhabitants of the E a rth . grace of God hath tasted death for cvc-

As the sanctified, commanded hy ry man ; for.it became H im for whom their Sovereign, approach the exter- and by whom are all things, in bring- nal and the inhabitants of E arth are in" many sons unto glory, to make the called upon to awake to righteousness atonem ent perfect through the sufl’er- and sin not, and thc saints are being in g o f Him who wrought out their sal- gatlicrcd to make war with all forms ration . Inasm uch, then, ,ns we arc and m anifestations o f evil : you who partakers ol llesli and blood, l i e also arc faithful and the well beloved of took a pa rt o f thc same, offering llin i- tlie Lord, yet tabernacled in thc flesh, self a ransom for us, th a t thereby we are elected to bear the light o f heaven j might become one with Him who sanc- to the benighted and enslaved souls ofi tifictli, and thus being exalted H e call- men. Although thc enemy arise from cth us brethren. H aving power lo deep dens and unhallowed c o u n s e l s , bring all things in subjection, H e shall nnd in fiendish Imtc oppose, you are raise Ilis redeemed to thc throne of commissioned by the g reat H ead o f thc His glory ; where H e sitte th to make Church to go forth firm nnd unshaken, intercession for the sins o f the people, always abounding in thc’ work o f thc E a r in that l i e Ilim self hath suffered,Lord, inasmuch ns your labor is not being tem pted, H e is able to succor in ruin. Your C reator hath ordained them that ore tem pted. lhercforc, that all foes shall be su b d u ed ; there-! beloved brethren, you are exhorted to fore fear nut nor be .dismayed, but consider Him who is thc rebuilder of rather give the more earnest Imcd, for . this ruincd^dificc ; who purchased its these d e c la ra tio n s /a n d procedures -redqpiption with H is blood, nnd who arc it. confirmation of w hat ye have now is re-appearing to rescue and save heard ami what is w ritten in the o rn - iH 's people from the power o f sin, and elcs o f God of H is love for fallen man ; j frou> degth tem poral nnd spiritual, and also H is predeterm ination to redeem ' bring them to an inheritance incorrup- them through Ilis infinite condescen-j table, more glorious than was aucient sion. T hese manifestations shall re-] E den, and eternal in its duration, suit in the fulfillment of what the an-j Y’ott arc, therefore, partakers of went P rophets, moved hy thc H oly)C hrist, being united to Him through

So also you nesses of these manifestations, mid

m ad e to rejoice in their glorious un­til him, o r j foldings*, may hy want of abiding faith

tugs prachings shall conduct all who

in meekness, and simplicity of heart, walk in this path marked out hy Him who hath gone before us, and winch Icadcth out of the wilderness to the i City of Peace, where slit.II lie establish- \ cd thc Yew Jerusalem, and where thc saints shall reign as priests and heirs of God for ever and cvcr. rt.i«,c»ntiiiiloJ.

l.VTEltlOR THOUGHT.Thong!,t shines from Owl, » *inc» the mom i Language from kin.lling thought is l»rn ;Tim radiant zmics of space am! lime i noil! from-out that Speech snhiiuic :Creation is the picture-worth Tire hieroglyph „f Wisdom's t a d : ,hdens on blissful Edens rise To sh.’ijs, the epic of thc shies:Heaven is the grand fnll-spoton thought Of Him by Whom the worlds were wrought : Ho, throned within The Word above.Inspires that,!i.»ven, that thoagh* With love.

The lovc-light of a seraph's eye I f language in the blessed eh., :Thc music of a hcart Is harmony - Ciaeiitial part:Live is the son] and truth the mind,

.And beauty, pan, nncoiifined.The breathing tmn, the shining dress Of ail those holy ones express:le t fullest son, but half reveals

Hut restless phantom* the heath ANTicro the sclf-munlcrcr died h.« death.

Each outward form ia life withiu : J All holy deeds in love begin :The shining swan, the brooding dove Aro symbols of celestial lovo ;And the still grove with blossom sweet, The heart where pure affections meet.Vile lusts aro reptiles of thc mire,Born of corporeal flame and fire :And the lone fen their birth-place namod The breast by Passion’s brood profaned. Thus in each mortal man may dwell Thc symbol forms of heaven or hell.

Old Sorcery, the guilty dead To call, at miduight backward read Our Savior’s prayer, its grace divine. Complete unsaying, line by lino, Dishallowing last His Name, and so Meeting the rebel shades below.Thus mau inverts bis inward part,Abjures thc Lord in lasts of heart:Reads the great Book of Life inverse,Saitk sin is good and brings no curse ;Saith man doth from the serpent spring ; And sense-engendered mind is king.

Is virtue vice with mind made bright’Or Satan God, whon vailed in light ?Was Eden formed for Passion’s shrine ?Is Purity all undivinc ?Doth God Incarnate dwell iu him Whose lustful senses orer-brim ?The elements of pride and hate.Arc they of God the Life create ?L>oes falsehood, dark, malign and bold.Prom God the Truth, the Word, unfold I Or Jlade*. with its rebel host,1 %cccd from God the Holy Ghost I

Oh Man ! the soul within thee cries Against the Pantheist’s creed of lies,And stricken conscience from the cloud Of inwunl evil groans aloud :Pears through thy iraud's dim z-.di.ie fly, Like ravens calling from the sky,

“ The spirit lives when Lreatli is tied,And judgment waiteth for the dead.''Thc drops of life like sands d part From the vailed hmir-glnss of the heart,And mournful whisper, as they fall.

Sl Death came hy sin, death comes fur all.'"

Hear thc sweet voice that .saith, " To-dny Thc .Savior’s holiest call olioy.”Turn from thc fl itteries of deceit,And. bow in worship nt his feetThe wheat and tears th.it rii*encd stand,Proclaim the harvest time nt hand;And ranged in mill us of shining state,1 see tlie nugelic reapers wait;'J'licir voices thrill tlui silent air,They Lid thc slumbering earth prepare. Arrayed iu vestnre pure and white,To greet her Lord with morning light.

The Edens of creation stand Around our world on every hand :The only orb where God, in form < )f- mortal, suffered,’ woman-born ;The only outward world through space.Where sin is found or death hath place.They sang when Earth, a virgin sweet,Was born in innocence complete ;But mourned when sin with shame nnd eurso Obscured her from the universe :And now await i l is regal trend,Whoso Word shall raise her from^he dead.

The sainted spirits who eiizoiie With seven-fold bands Our Savior’s throne, Return nnd breathe His Truth agaiu With deathless lips to mortal men.Each martyred raint, each prophet seer,Shall yet in radiant gui* appear.And clothed upon with form Divine,In Ilis immortal imago shine.Death shall expire beneath His eye Who captive led captivity,Hnd aged Sin dissolving fell.While God in Christ is “ all in all."

W I S D O M ’S C R Y .

Tbe Leaven catU ►intly breas* conceal*;K>r like n se, ,lcvcji(j of sHonc,W 's Love t!lt,rc for evermore.S e e W t | ,c g,,!,jm.b<(S<)1BWl 6mn Buy,ten* the *3re sire glide-- “P™ ■ , ,Where mnrmnring doves in sr^ S umc br0od' „ h#t *'nJ“ess thrills the leafif w«d : Bnttnarktl,cr0ttlandK;n(iing»nte Stain the dull ^ ^ ^ k e ;

"here ,hovirenlb,vc their den.What terror l,tlnLj tbe a ;tog fen.W.thin thc MUstc,., ba|lowed close,j eacc, the par, Allj?.b g ^ sr tp o * ::

Y e inhabitants o f E arth ! how long shall W isdom call and ye refuse 1 H ow long shall the Sp irit urge upon thy consideration, w ithout effect, the value o ftru th I H ow long, when liglHliCaai- eth upon' you from nfttrfw ill ye grope in sadness down the vales o f D eath, without knowledge I H a th not W is­dom spoken once, yea twice I H all, she not lifted up her voice I H a th she not, by m ethods varied and media many, called upon thc sons of men I List, ye who dwell in houses o f c lay;

; sad for thy predecessors the sto ry W is- |dom telleth . W hence the Bible, its teachings unlike thc thoughts o f man I Its moral code hath touched thc ru in­ed hosts, and reached, to thc g rea t I

| AM. Can ye answ er whence I T race i the blood-stained path o f m artyred sain ts to the cannon’s earliest epoch.

I M ark the wandering P a tria rch s , by ! E arth regarded not, loved o f Heaven.

T h e P ro p h e t Seer, where his lodging- place, when by him W isdom spake to man I T h e m ountain cave, the lone forests, the hum ble cottage his home. E a r th ’s sons, in cruel ufockery, p u r­sue his foots teps—angelic hosts arc his guardian a ttendants. W hy has been shed the blood of thc holy m artyrs whose voice u tte red wisdom I T h eir pens taught men understanding. On earth they had no continuing city, bu t their sp irit sought one out o f sight, in wisdom founded, whose B uilder and M aker is God. T hese taugh t mon'tlto way o f Peace, and how thc sto rm s o f life to evade. A nd why the cruel to r ­ture m eted to H im your Lord, R e ­deem er and F riend I W ho in c lam or­ous shouts followed Him to C alvary’s rugged tree ? F or H is humble follow­ers, why thc scurging lash, im prison­m ent and death ? W hy the Bihlc, th e book Divine in origin, so lighHy re ­garded by them to whom ’tis given.?

Solve the deep problem , ye who chn, ami answ er why thc human h eart re­fuses the m essengers Divine, from W is­dom Superior, from H eaven 's p e rp e t­ual day I W h at ills hath W isdom

! wrought I W h at woe a llo tted man,.| unfortunate, lone and sad t A nd in- this your day, when nagels beckon m ortals home to God,— when W isd o m .

, Superior spenketh once again,— when I winged seraphs hear from H eaven news nil-glorious th a t Ilian’s redem p­tion drnw eth nigh—that pence nnd heavenly light descended.— th a t Goff In m erry seeketh thc wanderer, and his

;Soul to em b race ; when hy methods-'! undevised by m an, W isdom cnlleth, and the m ultitude o f spirits ju st, com ­missioned for the wise purpose, a p ­proach, and offer light in tellectual, life sp iritual nnd good and high a tta in ­ments m oral, iu Je su s’s name, through- grace, to him w ho perished, upon the- sandy plains o f im m ortal death ? L e t m ortals wake nnd seek for skill to a n ­sw er W isdom in these im portan t and! applicable in terrogatories .

G o to thc cold regions o fyour n o rth ­ern climes— husk in your sunny South , or o f vour frigid stones inquire— ask the E ast whence approaeheth light, or search thou the d istan t W est, amid ex­piring day. Descend to thc vaults o f the sepulchred dead, or scale the lofty sum m its o f your sciences’. G o set a t E arth 's philosophers' feet, o r listcn-to-the simple sto ry o f the co tta g e r__Stand before thc m onarch’s th rone, and in his counsel-cham ber sit ; o r dip tliy feet in hum an gore upon thc b a t-

jtie-fie ld ; search thc dungeon where lingered , .the prisoner sad, nnd in the-

I dens o f the vile o r the palaces oU i E a r th ’s refined.

L isten to thc birds of thc fo res t, th a t warble their harm onious notes. Search the depths of thc blue d e e p ;ascend thc tow ering frozen m ount.__Look thou, nnd ask the s ta rs th a t sparkle in their m idnight glory— the muon th a t softly treads the still hours o f night— or the sun in glory raJJed m onarch o f the te rrestria l ®Sy” E n ­te r thou thc cabwffiYof thy heart, O man ; nsk thy being, tby soul, thy *pi« rit, thyself. Inqu ire o f na ture in her varied form, then answ er W isdom why s o oft repelled, when man so much doth need her heavenly counsel.

D ost thou, O man, reg re t the re tu rn o f sp irits ? Search the history o f thy fathers, and thou h as t a reason th e re ; " they rebelled. H eaven's voice they heeded not. T hey drank eagerly of

! E a rth ’s vain phantom s. T hey Strug, glcd to secu re jie r empty honors. T hey sought her popular nnd gaudy show. T hey massed, as one, in proud dom ain, ngainst th e voice o f tru th . T hence why their sons refuse. Thence why W isdom u tte re tb , and to her voicL man tu rn e th the car deaf—the heart hardened— and the mind in contentions a rray against th a t which seeketh m an's bette r good.

Page 6: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth


f f i f r S p i r i t e d i R t l r a i g c r J s : ^ :the (fomiuonwcalth, must do for the:

t must make society- peaceful, fraternal, bar- | inonious, and wise ; and this not by external means,

T e r m s o f th e S p i r i t u a l H a r b in g e r . j independent of Divine Grace, but by placing man in :eac Lcpr Ur •«« r w , .........................................91 so j conditions favorable to his moral welfare, and by in-|g««r c«*im t « y r « r , ....................................... soo i sphering his life in th(* midst of practical and opera-* “ Crete. i„ n»„ » one ADDRESS, 10 oo jr ig h te o u sn e ss ; „ ehat the L a ,r o f God, observed'L t C«f1n far

ICTSw I m p c c lU «■ Umi L a il Pn*r.^ 2 ; and paramount without, shall harmoniously conspire postage ox T ins p a p e r . | with the Lace o f God descending to purify within.

..........................................t r e e , To found tho Christian Commonwealth is there-Witt.lulh.»3Ut«ofVlrgliu*,ffi jr^r, to be paid In ad rant*. 13 crnU. c , , , . - . . , , [witkin th« Unit«! suus - . . . . . . . . ao cm,.- J forc thc great and solemn duty of the Christum Man 1r' , To this work he is especially called by the exigencies;

r e l i g i o u s n o t i c e . j of the times. Old Institutions, with noise, and tjie jCJ" faUlIc Rflirlou* MlnUlmttott* »r« hrM in the rJlflcf erne to! 1 i . . ; „ f . t , , , , t

r . , I k . m . i m m < w b . h u i f put u*v I f " “"“S ”f the warrior, and with garments rolled lu | •» Ubbkth momiDf (7th d*j) of rnch wNk. j blood, are passing awaj\ Tho Crisis that shall end Jfc7* - 1 1 ~ ------------------- | the old kingdom of misrule is darkening upon us.—

THUS PRINCIPLE OF HUKAH ASSOCIATION.! That fcarful Era when the Crime of ages shall bej finally made manifest and judged and swept away bo-

H um a* Progress depends upon obedience to , for.* the face of tho Lord; that Era long propheeied, tho Law of Love. Without Diviuc Love operative in j |„„g exported, long pnavel for by the suffering child j tho heart, there is no outgrowth or blossoming of true j „f God, now comes as in the dead hour of the night ! affocticus. Without Divine Love operative in the tnind The New .Jerusalem descends, and God in Ills pmvi-' there « no manifestation or conception of pnre p ro->n cc calls on Ilis children to come forth to meet grosstve knowledge. Without Divine Lovo operative I Him : and in Ilis descent He unfolds that primal law iu the motives and thence in the deeds or movements, [ 0f Loye u,at governed ma„ itl lW [.anldi^ o[ ;nn0. there is no real virtue, usefulness nr genuine develop- nonce, and commands His children to walk therein, menu in good, no preparation for the heavenly exist- The call to the Mountain is the invitation to the

’ Christian Man to cooperate witli Holy Angels in As the individunl nature only can nttnin ascending practically founding Society on Earth according to

states of perfection through obedience to the I,aw of ,hat form in which Society is organized iii Heaven. Love in the heart, in the mind end in the life, so is it It is the call to the building of the Kingdom of God j with the human family in its composite condition, with man.It is impossible to elevate tho S t a t e save through The form of Sociotv which it is proposed to insli-' obedience to the principles which Heaven has iusti-, tut,?is hut the systematic unfolding of the Law of! tuted for tho elevation of man. I ]j0Y0

This bed,.g conceded, it follow, that True Society The moral, the phvsieal, llie industrial and the uni- * can only bo established through institutional orgnni-: fary principles of tho Commonwealth, are hut tin- J xat.on and practical operation of the Law of Love. | truth* of the Gospel put iu practical«p ,ratfon.

The Christian Man acknowledge.* that the Savior | J t i?* hnntionfous in it.* i»pirit, and liar mom ring iu is his Lord, Lawgiver and Director. He claims no it-* «,jM*rat i«.n. It is t-oiupalil.fo with existing Govern- exemption. His time, talent*, influence, possesions, j and v.ithom.-tituti.Hial law. It needs hut mod- -*11 are held iu trust, lie lives as one who must final-, orate resources for its beginning, and has for its On-

rentier account of his stewardship. In this hi, it, rot' Direction that Spirit of Dmue L ve which “ u,,,tivc and hb movement is the opposite or inversion unfolds Wi.-sfoo, mleqwate to every end, and which ;

of that of the Man of the World. The latter has one : i,.,t foil nor he discouraged, hut shall m maxim, namely, " to do a* lie likes witli his own. .fat for which die . r ation gm m .:!» until t,Virtually and practically he is iu a state of rebellion - Organized Rcmholemv is the re nit of that move against Lia Lord. He usurps control of his Master's} nr-nt which we advocate. I: i* ih ■ .fiver i n of thegoods. He denies his accountability to tho Ruhr ; L> * the Iu lo-trv and tl. • I!the Universe. He is a traitor to the Law of L ao.

As with the man, so with the commonwealth. The Christian »Statc is founded on Eternal Principle -

. which the Lord has instituted for the government oi man. Its laws, habits, institutions are nil the blent- >«nuiug forth of tho Law of Love. Its efforts all tend to human elevation, virtue, perfection. It is the em­bodiment of true priueiple. It is Organised Religion.

Uncounted myriads of Christian CoimnomvcaUli, | uttfoti of the diviuc ends or labor, namely, food foilexLst. They are numerous as arc the stars. And | the univcr.-iil form, spirit and heart of man.

om pli-h :

of the I Tifallcn L’niv. i nrc, lir-t, »!.■• prat

Ultful p:jal

nd-iu o f the W orldS into the chnniu-1

It * in .nil fe::ion o f our Savior ns the rightful p r o f theworld : second, the practical and iin ie-ervcd recoind-

o f hum an o’*l*ga!foils to llfo Low. •J; - iaju .-trial features arc, first, th e practical rccog-1

uition o f tho duty o f labor, in the triune spheres, mo-1

ral, m ental ami p h y -ic a l: sect .ml, the pm etieal rcong. j

like the stars, the homes of holy oogcls, they rhim- from afar njion our benighted world. IJut the light shiueth iu darkness. The principles of Heaven are unfulfilled in the civil institutions of Earth. Human Society, like man, is a ruin. The rubber prowls amid

It ■ (Srcnt Katenin! Effort is first, to provide imlu- trial avoeations (or all men, aceurdingto their fit ness 1 and t«* provide habitat ions fir the industrial ami bar- monioiis families, where each xhall be tie* Lord’s ten­ant and subject only h* t:.e law of rectitude: . ■coiitj,

tho fallen oolurnn* of the primeval Law. The hnrJ !! to muhiply the sources of proutro: ire indu-trv, »«i chatLcart, the rebel will, tlic perverse mind, arc unfolded : room shall le found fi r Pilgrim* fn m tl,** \arifolinto uncial precepts and civil institution*. Wicked-, nations uf t!!".• world ; and t!n:s i • OXti'lid tl]-, •n an in-!ness ford* i t in thc Ftatc. Thc centers t-f (*»veni- lust rial La­i-i the great temple uf CiKnin ■tiwcnhh.incut* are gulfs of desolation*'. The school <»f Icgi.-la- in Grw»1 Moral Effort i-, fir. to j the fain*tiun is the broad romlro moral ruin. ilv uf the lieliever i:i a po*Uiuii " IsCivini in )-i.-try shall

a 'till the Chri.-fan prays to the Father of Lights ; he pursued with *ut ji'ril of iti.>rnl .-Ol.\ll,linatiuii:,suid his prayer i*. Hallowed l>c Thy N’u^e; Tin second, to cdura!:1 llie young in !i.ibits,of 111-ral, men-,kingdom come; Thy will he done, as in heaven so on tal nnd ]«h)’.-foal thrift, wlu-nei- iis trim: growrth uf allcartli. | the faeiiltic'S and to insphore it!.-ir unfi tldiu*; natures


i,\,ouv, with » shroud of dxrk despair,And whirlwinds of heart-stifling air,And spool rat fonns of want and care,And silent woes no life ean bear,

UpO“ my being >'es- I turn to man and turn in vain,Delusive Demons mock my pain.While tears of soul, like molten rain.Force channels through the burning brain,

And sear the blinded eyes.

it.•• Vain hope, vain cflort. vain distress,”

The Tempter cries. “ Thy load shall press On thcc till crushed with wretchedness Of oqihancd lore thy soul shall bless

Tbr l-ord. thy Christ no more.Tho Demon Hosts who rule thy raco H url javelins cn thy pallid face,Ami cruel want and foul disgrace;And soon thy mortal doom shall trace,

While death’s dark cup runs o'er.”

Itl.My heart grows dark and drear within,My swooning senses reel and swim,My spirit lifts its prayer to Him Who once, in night-shades dark and dim,

Unto the Father cried.Like Him iu mortal grief I pray, oh. Father! take this cup away !Yet not my will, but Thine ahvny lie dune.”—Hut oh, how louo the way,

How cold the swelling tide 1

IV .

The gufft of man? the shame, the woe.The stream that bears to realms below Those gloomy souls who downward go, Sclf-c.\i!wJ (ram the heavenly glow,

JUilLrToim.l my lonely way.Life’s outward shadows all re tire;Uarth seems one dark fuucreal pyre.Where demons light the torturing fire,An I Imp s and joys and loves expire,

And pass like clouds away.

v.I man’s inward life. I feelThe gyves, the axe,•the torturing wheel,The mini.Idling scourge, the shilling S t e e l;I hci.r the dooming thunders p ea l; '

My heart receives the blow.All griefs tlm heart "f lovo miiKt Uar.A ll yccr.’ii* •’»'-■ tn nd frith im m « t.ar?Al! ansi,- «»!lk 1"' I'"1.1' *lozo.All tlvinjj pain* ih.' «“ •*>•» 'lure,

Jfrau. b h u J . l »■ ,,,-v ■

Dll, Jiisi'a! J.il v (V»H|t oil high IAt here Thou d'nht r><iH|U«r, there I die;J fall wlit-re Thou didst i we: m y cry (oj**s up llirough mi'InighU’s awful >ky ;

TJio'i. Thou alutic, const 5 »ve. f ’h. 1 r. .ifothe iron shroud '*f nira|lt ♦ • t ’h, .d.ltie H|MU« tuy flying sight ;< h. force 1 by !•»'*-. Tliv will, T|,v fiK|,tI I a through the dread and fonttling iuij:ht

'i'hni folds sne with the grave.

itude and night, in utter so Ifisline"-, utterly deaolnU* ;l MOTIVES OF THE HEART,for whoso is selfish, ia in the degree of Ins selfishness | . „gxllesa, malignant and lost. Infinite Vi i.Jora almrn is tpialified to judge of tho

II. That man is aliunatcl from Divine Wisdom ia i,uotiTC of "hil' fon.v “,,‘1 »o le.w erideut. Divine VM km ineuleatca P u rity Jl'n,n 'J-™™'1.'' ' ’p1 Il<‘ * l‘0 « «hut all varictic. of impuritv are chenduxl l.v fallen ! r''ai1 lW ma.v ^ <vn« llyminds v.nd iuvrroueht into tie litcraiure ofth i world 10 ■'* m"m '' n ""'v <* " " * * “rDivine Wisdom ineuleatos P o u r ■ hut war has been »"■*. 1 " W JnJS'the employment of mind from the fall even until now ! c U' ; *"*<"• »<•»« H * " * “tThe Intellect of man haa been converted into an in- ^ * ' ' • V I'1' »«■' » “!•rtrument of murder, where!.,- Evil ha. slretnnheue.1 .... ... .v"u “* “»• A,"‘ « h>-and armed itsclffoT the overthrow or Good, Divine' '• Ih.m the mole that is in thy brothers eve.Wisdom is gcn tl' hut ffereenes. eharaeterize. the bat r''-' nM ll"' . ......... .. ,s lnumutal movements of the raer. Demoroworahii— the! ° r * Bi lh"u s '-r 1J,h-' 1,n"hcr. U l “ “ r»" «« adoration of fallen iutolligenrea-hM lee., and L. even ,!'0 ""’k' w,t *,f ,ln"' «.'v ; m,J U'Ik,1J » 1,1,1

! prevailing religion of men , and of this wor-1 <“ »• <™ *S* ' Th,"l l,-' l’<,<Ti,te ! ,lr>1 **• «*• " *I * ip and this belief the most sag.,clous mi,Ids, with ,'iau' ''Ul "f tU m "" " *nd ,ll"n ^ ' ,1'"1! faculties subtilized and invigorated l.v index from i '-U'!ll:l-r n '* '> teout “f 'h f hrolher s eye.faint si,inf, have been pontiff, alnl exp,tents • a„.l •*» *«»*»>■*'■ «■>»»» « i «these have made enmity the habit and destnu-tion tho ' ™ o t">' U»0''- T]| "••»11» llR‘j«dK„wnt-s«t. eou-1 " ’ * <1.-inning all who dtl n*-l submit to their decree*.—

Kivh w t is a pt^vvlun. and each leader n sovereign of Urn mh\d< of the adherent--, whether Protestant. ('aUiolie or M •hruumcd-iu : and all who AiU'y that sovereign voiee witaout reserve, an* hut subVcts, giv­ing their energies iu a l ir.Ufou to the usuqwiVimind. Wbosih'W'r ju lg-'s "f the motive of his noighliV as­sumes tin* dictatorship of Got). \

A depraved disposition' and misdirected energy.

i delight of every nation under heaven. Divine Wis- dom is rustj to be entreated. hut the ruling minds of the world have ever been deaf to the voice of mercy, sparing neither man in their anger nor woman in their lust.

Divine Wisdom is f u l l <>J got*I fr u i t s : but the; products of the world's thoughts have been evil reli-

: gions, evil philosophic*, evil governments utid evil j | deed.*, both among public and private men. DivineWisdom fo without partiirfiti/ ; but human intellect jwilh an i,,L‘nIina:e i" ‘1 Vo,U “f n’ rstanding. was

; has ever been exerted to give to one man unju*t ad-! "nni,VMl m‘ th > «’art "f d'^ I ,U whcn lhO’rentage over another, to give to the wi.^ masterv over i rtnc '***',n» 1,1 ua,“ ‘‘ wW

j the unwise, to the shrewd pmverover the simple, and wo;,ld a !; ,} *1 f ’r d rvt,0,‘ r:U,,,'r ,han ,,nu • h '"wI . . . * 1 i . . . i ... I .1 . . . .I . , . . i . i L : ... i . . . .to Urn unsempuh..,, „tey„ whereby t.. tjuiuv an 1 .|.- lK,eJl'’1 ll,,MI1 I1"’." .... P ‘Stray those uf .1 ipiiet spirit m.J „n npri-ht heart — L' ’ " ':l' Tl"'.r ••*uU".kI>- ...for......I the H e.

: Divilte Wi*l„„. is oithout bii/nrrUy • but M l is lU ""r u-nt uf Ilia ki„g.h.m, ex|wvt-; written,..,, the vvrv 1.row of th- perverv iulelli--„ee' - f tM r .lietatorsliip. having t v1 uf the race. Th,. rtihlerfu-,, f,.-.l.-eeptive nrg.„.Kti„, ’ l,;'U ',1 ''!•» «,.u!.l .re M W in tb thro, In east: the false witnessing, has neve, I,ml inlormissim, in the 1 *•-'!1' 1,1 ,!l' ":1,:l- “f ‘lu"r MluUr- VllJ 111,1 *»‘■ earth since sin entered therein IVtrv is d -kiscd l'lb t "f r''1 lI,J lll"liv> - ' ll»- ll« 1'1. ,ho Puritf ^ I to celebrate tho glories of fallen Intelli^nee: Art t„ l1" 'fil1111 1111,1 l,u' l, "n,,1K!,sl ,,r ll1'' »vtiu„, gave com- magnify its tni.plities. and u, vlnllre them with hum-1111:111,1 ''Ill“"” «>•1 ■-tt111'l»>t?- 'lc!l,w u.guwtly. liety as with ................ . light Kh.p,et,e,- to Icier l,3V11,o ,Il‘- l,,r" ,l,- vnl 'll" m o ,m ,,f U"11- n'-and to misname i.s nelriev,'..tents; mid lie,,-,,,, „ ,r •s.lllsl.iv.s, the pr.de of tin, heart, say.ng,

1 to subvert i,nn.lttable and eternal light, and first lo , ','rl'1,1 ........ . f,,r lll, -'r 11,111 ‘ K ,lr,■justify crime n„ I last to exalt and enthrone it t,]..,, If , , r »D , m .,1 II • to those wl... brought lx-fore

i the n.insef all that i. sacred and venerable in | 11«„ a eriminal for IE. lienee to In- passed upon right of holv ang-I. and regenerate man. ll has fa |.1 h,'r. Lcl 1,1,11 l!l111 13 «'lll,"1,t -111 •** (ll« *«• *,,,1«-1-ili-,,.1 History, . i - .waled lMigbm. enslaved Unman-1ll,u- ...... l!"'ir -"“ "B lll,'m •" f"'1

i.ill* guill, ami to withdraw Hilcutly. He di«-

Still also the Man of the World enters his saiiotti- within tie.- pure infolding of the (Yb-tial ami Etema «ry of Idol*. Still, possesW by the god of this world. Idle.he lift-s hi* voice in defiance against the God of Hea­ven, and he says. Thy kingdom ahull not come; Thy will shall not he done ; Thy Xante shall not be 1ml- flux of ll


’ o r e me Thy ,-pirit. I.et me :u-o 'I iiv Fmv in love, that I may l«- From sin made p u r e , from dnikiK s* In life, in love inspired o f Thee.

And filled with heavenly I imer (live me to cut the bitter bread.To have no place to lay mV Iii-hI, \ ‘et ever in Thy st.-ps to tnad. From Truss and scorn and *ufii-rinr

To Heaven in Thy embra- v.w-Oni-tAXi1. Lx. litb mo I. !».■!

-----• -•*- J— -


D-rntcd lbdigion, cn.davi'il IImnan-|Ity and sought t**cxalt the rebel miml-nftSfo.,d uj>f>ii, the throne of tie* Eternal (Ld. It eallcil Noah a*

, nionomnuiac, M*e-s :i tyrant, and God the Hedeemer..1 deceiver and the ally o f the jatnu* tif the pit ; and

■ now while* heaven open* anJ tin: mcs.wong.-r* o f the J Lord descend, it lift* the his* o f m H-kery and prefer*J a mortality of rin to a resurrection of holiness and a■ *cnsual cirec to a reapjH'nring Cliriat. i IH. The find of the fulfon nuidition of the race is

duinonstmted by inspection of the conduct or |l imnyuient of existence, both imlividun] mid univeraal. j'*‘0 truo a,,d 'I'0 permanent adjusting. God, who , Whcre^jcvcr the foot of nnn hath trod, llie verv earth I hearts of all men, and Laving tho seal,is de^cerated and th • pure clament* of terra-trinlity : H " ell who are Ilia, is ahmo ijualified to do-impregnated with dix-.iv mid decay. The iiniuml' t 'd‘‘ ,w l c t’l'Aive and riglitetni«ne(w of any iuiu'hrsu-u fly from l*-f*>rc hi* face n* from the Dc.strovcr a, lu,,w‘ The World, wrangling in the midst of varietl and p».«tilonce*. g<-nerated by human impurilie*, spread rid'JTu,w professions. |-resents fiut a doleful picture to

f ruin to tho hound.trios of physical nature. The in- l*K‘ ll»° ^1‘irit- Tho human soul, distorted by-tincts of the animal race* a-sum-j the form of •fonntfo: rt:,M,n ^n, trammeled by tin- fottcrx of education,pasfioiia in man. mid stimulated by his perverse im:i. j 'rccd 1,1,0 at,,fon by the pro|M-IJiiig powers Ix’aring filiation, unfold into crimes of titanic* enormity. 7’lie I d‘rcc,Lv "1M”' il «» ,u »^r«ggliiig for light. f..r milv

covered the p nit me * of the guilty, and accepting tho off-ring of tha motive of llie heart which willed fu­ture obedience, lb* said. These beiug guilty, have not fortittule to e-.nideinn thee, neither do I : and since thou art repentant, g-», sin no more.

T im e is telling ujh, « h i i" live.*, character*, move-- incuts mid results uf the action* of man. Eternity is

. roar|I |«crvertod faciibies, like a den »f hungry lion fir prey, and shake tin*, fleriily barriers uf the

, in their ctionnoti* struggles f«»r masterv mi l freedom. The fact of a common humanity isc-ittlinually denicl.

; and man is viewed by hi* fellow as an alien, whom he j

thin, share* of the pity and mercy of it* Author, (8ml. hf*Iv I in tuinialure, presents a manifestation of its

multitude of ills, mndenw'd. Heligfoo. *o called, IH its external maiiifi-siu'fon, oft evince* to the isolated In-holder, a waul of the harmony uf h -uven. 'IVaeh-

I ia v c J . And still, from court ami camp, from senate (of man arc first considered and iml -.“trial re«>ur:i and from council, from the rulers of the earth, from provided as a incans for the support of the 1**1 v while


* alienateil from G«*l: hence from Ifivinc

Tho Social l ’urni whose outline* arc here foiully indicated is but the external and receptacle uf the In*

generative Life. The physical nniditlun*Man

Iuove in his affections, from Ihvinc Wi*<]imi in hLs the slave* of moral evil, goes up the cry, Thy king-j the mind, free from the friction of compctntivc and intellections, and from Diviuc conductor virtuo in the

| warring methods of society, is made free to grow in movement of existence, ii- graec and iu the knowlctlge of our Lord an-.l .S’avfur I- That Man i* alienated from Divine Love is evi­

dent ; for Love in it* first principle is Disinterested- the human1 nc**- a,ld in lt* F«T°tuai ’m nt issues forth to

<hnn shall not conicThe I>aw of Love seek*, against this fearful opposi- ’ grace

fion, toconfjucr the external, and to transform Earth Jesus Christ.from an arena of strife to a paradise of blcsvdiicss. The Providence of God ha* so propa.^ ,„v .......... . . .. ____In the degree in which it pervade the spirit it creates mind that millions uf human beings arc linking fur '»>P»*t H« own excellence tu all furms laadc capahlo un.jucachallc, unenn.jucnille desires for the moral deliverance from phvsieal and moral evil through S'n- of receptivity deliverance of the race. It unlooses the soul from the cial, Industrial and Mural Order, inorganized in the restraints of fear. It nerves the heart to heroism. Commonwealth.

Illustration of this is f.nn.1 in the *,,Jar universe. Tiic sun thereof is in its first priueiple made vivifying

It inspires the understanding to evolve truths that fall Hitherto the various efforts f o r the realization of nn'1 1|J lsFPfte11 "lovement o r ra.lialim, itlike fire upon the hearts and consciences of men. I t , this hope have proved abortive. Human llcason, an- PS“« f"rtl> ■«=. vivifying qualities upon all ip, satellites, brings mind mtn -vanpathy with tho universe of Love, illumined from'tho Lord, Is inadequate to the eon- quickening their pores, and by impregnation unfold- the un&llcn wurk of 1-ovo Divine. Tho man whose struction of llannane Society upon the fallen Earth. ‘“E realms of living and raovinij creatures, subsisting nature is baptized into its descending We, henceforth The Establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven can j«y°uriy for purposes of universal benevelcnee. Thus belongs to tho Divine Lord, and thence to tho noble only he looked for inro.lgt, the descent of Divine Pro- Dove is the fountain whense all forms of being are army of the martyrs, the harbingers of Heaven. Ilis eeeding Love, Wisdom an.l Operative Law. and this filled and fed. Its quality is pure good, , nJ it, ^ being vibrates to the 16fly swell nnd inspiration of the can only lo received through tho interior of the hu* pelunl volition is to pervade all tilings from itself. -

/heavenly and eternal harmonies. His life moves on js„an spirit. Thcnf.ire theDiv,xe r.-trouwea, which S'»* were man in harmony will, L>;, lac Love, hi*to 11,0 music of tho banjt-antbom of the skii*. Day is from the D im e Sr, a it, and which descends thro' ™>!nil and radical affection would be Disinterest r, era.

•by day he becomes ncturf r to God and to the lramnnJ the Interiors of those human minds who have been He would live not for private but f„r umvcrml ends, heart, lie enters iutd vital union with the Spirit o f, providentially prepared fur its descent is alone «dc- Ilis life would he not selfish absorption hut generous Kcdccming Love. His human purpose fades away ‘ r|lla.e to the evolution of the primal Law of Hainan! radiation.’ Uc would g i« Mu,self tl, celestial uses ■ and mdrgcs iu Divino Will. And whilo lie shares the | Harmonic (.Voperation into the Christian Common- »">• tlius shine as a sun in the king.!, ,„ FaUler

.' ' orrow of h“ I'ord',> humiliatiotr, and bleeds in heart wealth. To this end all the Ministrations of the Spi-1 Hut fallen man is unloving; his SM priueqje is dor suffering, groaning, trinfttl. dying man, he by faith | rit have direction. For this purpos- tl,ose who recei ve *clfi-m ! his perpotu.il moremeut, l0 acquire. He receives tl,o cup of joy, and shares tqhis Lord's rc -|t|,c 0r ,he Manifestation are invited to-coopc- idolizes his owu self-hood, and range, ,ua WlJrlJ f„r 3oic„g over humanity redeemed and made pure and ralc. Fur „ Kail!l Kithout TOrks js ^ ^ ^ tt(, gn,tifiroliua 0f his private appetite,. Like Hade- bleared on the peaceful earth, ami thence hmdortal, fon„ „r Doqfrine which shall refrain from Oraanizine which absorbs generation after generation into its “ * T T r t . i^ 0 TnitUs of Religion in True Society, i* but a va- gloo,n)' vault.*, and wludi nourialics a preternatural

inus tbo Law of Love, operative through Divine ; ^ delusion. ' and insatiable hunger thereey, thesclfoj, „lan ab8orbflGrace npou the human heart, transforms tho life ami t ---------• anJ appropriates to the limbs of hi, ^ „ cr . aniJ thcmsphere. the harmony of heaven in the obedient, joy- ] M ss is so attache,] to worldliness, thc nature of desire to take from others outruns accumulation fur M , ■radunng soul. It glonfies the nature from the which is directly opposite to holiness, that he seek., ever. "More worlds to conquer, said Alexander.! Fount of tho Eternal Day It mverees thc movement J happiness in sin. receiving that only which is conge- “ More riches to acquire, mere luxuries to enjoy, more of the bong rad ,cupels the l,fe through the eadlea, nial wilh hi. inclination. lienee he rejects whatever slaves to trample on/'mj-nra'y alienated man. The cycles of tho harmony of angels whose being is in- means God institutes for his regeneration, preferring loving heart at last heeomes hke tbegclctial heavens.

t in Ills natural affinity, forgetting that " Tim : radiating all priDciple^o fi°,inc , upon a]) formareccp. j udgo, t h e Lord is our Lawgiver, th e tive throughout th« uuiver** . *ut the sclfiah eoul in

at full liberty Iu misuse iu any mam,or m.t f„rl.id- ,r* "f ,lui !ill,V' "f the Cr.ne, occupy thcden by the external law. Hence, in the most .relight- fi'dl"'roligi,.it-battling , and while each isadvucalireg,

, creed cities of tho world, children subsist l.y ouHeeting 1" ' lur"11,1 n,|,E 1 "* f“i:l1 :"“l claiming lie Bible as his the offal uf the streets, and tender maidens barter vir- llu,ll"r. ''■!■“ hut God is able to decide tire justice o f

,,tuc for a morsel „r bread; public officials #ra llm i l,1G il"liviJl,nl b'au-'. »"»• each, for a covert, hides ' bribed servants of outlaws, and gray-hairej on „ per- h,ni'elf 111 11,0 ',1,1- "r ll1" ''il"' , '* "ook, and reel,, for i i-1, of starvation. The hankn.pt from Ills splendid l,“ * B1I1,ms ,,f K‘ l t 'r"’ "o' Hscrc.1 Oracles,cquipago flouts his thread-bore creditor. The clop- 1,1 " ,llcl1 1",, "‘",'1 “ r“' 1‘"'„ed or its troth and bar-

' luary clures with gold tho door of redress again-! hi, ""'““J11* "guiueal distorted, lni~lirected are.I dishon- nuiicd victim0 Thc systematic destroyer of innocence ,,n''1 1,1 suhserviency to his js.-itii.,,. Error has been sits iu the tribunal of justice; and thc very laws or ‘""“'s'd by the branch..* of the Chur,I, ire .11 ages.-, nations are written by men hardened bv s „ „ - ,f .,l ^ ghl baa Were rejected, trull, represwl. and tire laa- iniquity and seared beyond remorse. mtrslalc.n of the grtiee of God disowned and opposed

So fully is Evil iiffrrwoven brio the fabric d b: ■'lrllh l1"' ulm,, 1 “1,ll!,> ,,r " l‘0 ull- r ""';r """■that lire hulk of mankind believe it destine,I to !■• ll,,M 1,1 11,0 nan,■■ of Ireavre, and pro*, th. Bible to

1 perjH'luated so lung as the human rac eontim, . and "Kir 'lir' *" ,lm D-MroUli,.., of their hope.' tire planet endures. Earth is the grave of mu, 1 red ■ Tl1'' « i"1 ' « b « , '1* »,r®I*®U--natims, and of races immolated by suicidal In -ts .- ll"-,ir 8 « i»r- 'mr Him viml.et.vel, even unto The sprat, who dictate-ibis movement,were while in ‘,10 t r ' ~ ' "*«neo seal,,,gthe tn.ndoflhe deluded un-

' the body, hunted like wild beasts by their fellow men, ,iwl 1,1 m i ,ll6,k*ll!> u,,Ul Ul" ^ A ni'whom in pure love they sought lo deliver from t!,,.'"hu shall ray they did not bid,eve they .ere servinggulf of ignorance and pain, and for thc in«rt part

. _ w !meanssphered in the descending beatitudes of God. ! to (rust jn kk,

Now what tha Law of Love, organized and opera-1 Lonn is our Judge,«v„ in the soul, does for the individual, the same Law,! L„B0 i» 0ur King ; He will save ns." its last estate revolve-, like the arejir.ed Sh.eu! in sol-

(lie Church by casting Christ and Hi* follower* out of, e - . 1 . .1 • . the synagucue*, the cause nnd effect of much evil#pa-ssod through thc agonies of martyrdom to their pre- . , , , , , , . . . . . . .

sent state. One orb revolves in tire universe ......... « “* ^ d e c la r e d , that >» irerrecutrag <.bnst»ns. Ireinhabitants were rcbclliou* again.-t thc God tlicrcofi ' crJ‘ , ,0 ugrt ,‘n,5< «»tng • at-mcc . hiIf . . . . . i re i -<v e i„ .... ii, zeal wo* without know It dgc ; their power and pr»-;u*lie sent Ilia senants oml uffored gift* of lx.umik-.** . r .

. . . , if : dice wicldod againot G«*J * tuamfcnUtioo of boRfldtcasmercy, and these they slew. He cnrac Iliuwclf id . cthc Divine Humanity of Ilis *Son, and they scourged, ^ , - , . ,r .. V , . « . . . The hi.*tory of the ( hurch rofleots to tlic r^u'.g go-ri-viJed and rejected Him, crucifying His Humamt}, , , . . . .• ^

, J , , ir ■ i i ncratioE* the sad meturu upt.n thc canvasa time,aud mocking to the last. He coiiicth again through . . - , . , .. , ® , .. „ nnUcn a* with a. r»cu of steel, of deluded dn/Mitcr.lpatriarchal, prophetic and a|<o.-4ol.c incpscngcr*. tv- . , , » . , ,appearing from lire skies, and the very ckpoundcr* .4 ]1111,1 T * " * " * »U'1 I*” ™’* - ° f ^ C^the Gospel of His Truth array themselves with the ’un ®n aw cru<atheists, the libertines and thc pi-rjarcrs, and with de- 'VTut evidenee have we that God does nel. in this reiving spirits from Had s, and with the arch enemies uur day, manifest Himself in a way uncii-eelcd uf thc rare; and seek to bar and holt the eclertial And since the Church pray and sro looking for the universe, and to replace the rack which descending reappearing of the Eon of I iod, nnd religionist, have angels have rolled from off the grave. Is it not evi- formed to their minds a mode predicted unto dirap- dc.1t, in view of all these things, that man is alienated pointmeut. should It be thought a strange thing if from God 1 Is it not time for then. O render, to eon- j Heaven should move for the redemption ufthi Cburrh , sider thy position, thy duly and thy priv ilege, and to in a way not easily aeeepdtd by many, even of th. ad- ask. " i f I refuse to rcccTve”Hcavcn's mercy, w iist vucatca of the Bible ’ And would it not bo wire for s h a l l wt end BE !" ah who h>q* in Christ for salt siren, to panre and

_______ , ------------ consider well, before they condemn that which, elairo-B lexsed are the pure in heart, for they shall ten ing to lie a manifestation of th* grs-'e ,-f God, exeites

much tho miifl of man ’

Page 7: A N D S Y M i I T U A l - International Association for ... Th* deportment of thU Journel do.oled la ... mure grand ihan jrc ... planets of the solar system are divid- this voice proceedeth


| ) a r b t % r itnfo f D im ial.HYMNS OF PARADISE.—No. I.

O'er Ear til's mysterious firmament . \ spiritual- dome is bent.And over this a shining tent

Of heavens celestial, manifold.And set like thrones of flamy gold Above the Zenith, from o f old.,

Creation’s deep and solemn hymn Ascends, through triune skies, to Him W ho shiucs, upon tho seraphim

From His divine-cvlest ial throne ;

^ n boun lles*ne*s of Love aloue.

Earthly from heavenly system s shine,T hese from more ancient heavens reflm*.And all subsist from One Divine.

The flu vers that bloom in fairest skies,'Trcjm paradise to paradise.Unfold their odorous harmonies.

And angel nations, eldest far,Find kindred in the youngest star T hat trembles on the nadir’s bar.

And, being notes o f one full strain,Sung before God in uature’s fane, blend in the movement a:id refraiu.

Lilt up thine heart, lift up thine eyes.Lot all thy seven-fold spirit rise.To search thej>c wondrous mysteries.

\ voice proceeds, a m ystic sound,1'roio loving lips in heaven’s profound.And wliispers *• Angela wait around.”

W ail hovering o’er the burning ly re O f inward mind its chords to lire.And all its oetaved thoughts inspire:

y/ W aking the triune soul to move. ' Through all the triune realms alcove.In interchange or holy lo v e ;

And quickening mind and heart thereby T o win the royal state and high Whose crown is immortality.


SCENES BEYOND THE GRAVE.Trance of Marietta Davis.


purposes. Marietta, behold the goodness of God in ] T i ^ O/YA I a a f f m \S ttthe law of .being. IIow palpable would appear *b® ™ t i C C IC 0 i l l I i> * I U rt U g ♦

A Wonderful Clock.

injustice of a Righteous Creator, should Ho doom to the pales of night or permit any law to operate so that one of ihc^e little oucs should perish by being at­tracted into the deadly magnetism of the abode of guilt, tbe regions of woe. How their tetader and pure natures would wither beneath the touch of the inflamed pa&iun of those who are abandoned to the modne&i of insatiable desires. In very deed might God be considered unjust should His law thus expose the innocent. Likewise, there would be a manifest want of mercy in their disposition should any unsartcrificd and discordant spirit be impelled into the element of harmony and boline.-i*. since their sufferings must in­crease in proportion to the degree of light and Su­preme Good that pervades the abode of the pure.«J_* Herein is displayed the wisdom and goodness of

i \ o absJhrtdv discordant element in tho world of spirits mingles with the pure and harmonious. And tlius is fulfilled I lie Sacred Test wliicli saitli of the unadulterated Kingdom of Peace and tlie posses­sion thereof by its rightful inheritors and its opostte He that is filthy lot him be filthy still: He that is righteous let him be righteous still: he that is holy let him be holy s t i l l fur in the nature of <!>“ cnee in eontrart with that of tho unrighteous it is just­ly written that there is an impassable gulf filed siucc the-o extremes can ill uo wise blend. Hence it is acain written. ' Wboso b born nf God is born of love, and love hath no likeness to hatred. Whoso is uuder the dominion of evil doth not love God.' If mortals did hut realise this law they would strive against evil and cultivate rightcow-ucss in themselvs and thus thro' carve he prepared lur the spiritual inheritance uf the just. But Marietta, this lesson thou caust nut now fully lean, uor eo.liurebenj. IVhat thou hast witnessed and what angels Jur e taught thee, consider when

Sheet-iron Slates and Paper.

S chool-dots display great skill in breaking their1 * - .■_________ . . . el..-. o T o r .

Mb. J. II. Ilawes, a resident of our village, has just reocivvd a patent fur a newly invented “ Calen­dar Clock,” which iS beyond all doubt a very ingeni­ous and convenient article. The clock will run for one year without winding or setting, and in addition to its value as a correct time-piece, its calendar exhib­its the month, the day of tho week and the year. The

slates. Shall they be allowed to continue the exer­cise of this interesting practice; or shall we iivwtc ______ __________ y __ . . ______ v ________them to use the new Wurtcmbcrg sheet-iron s ates . macy ncry 0f the clock is simple, and its movements

i f.....«lnrl w mntlri ! -A manufacturer in that country has inventc * m e . accurate. Its designation of the day ofof applying a surface coating to sheet-iron, w ic en ^ surprising. For the months having butables it to take freely the mark of a slate pen » 11 ,s j 3 9 j ay8 it denotes that number, and 90 for 31 days, said to bo much lighter, and much less liable to ,nJur> • j wy jc February it points to only 28, *' except for than a common slate. If we'have sheet-iron s ates, year, 29." Wo understand the inventor and why not sticct-iron paper 1 Baron A on C1 • c j t!V 0 0tfler gentlemen of our village iuteud immedi- proprictor of some iron works at Ncudeck, in 0 c j . t 0 cutcr upon the manufacture of these clocks_ . 1 . f l-im.l vraiiii “ 1

IT - Grass Valley Gold Minin* f , BDa , T >WIACUESTBR, rrvsiUe.it C.p-.u njjononiMure. $.*00 j ball' kliarr* $ 100.

T he rich t lu a iL claim, owned by tbe C o m ™ . „ r .u n u e of m o acre., in the u,-he.t and m o t de.ir.U e i.« io n or t i n - . Valley, California. The Machinery, w hirtf „ th, moat, appro, ed and powerfiU of any yet m annfanuted,nrat. eulated to pulverize 1 On tuna of q .* rta pee day T he prin. eipat portion of tbe mavhioety ia on the ground, and the re­mainder 1. daily expected T he whole of the property in paid lor. and tbe Company free fe rn debt T b it in n o tp e c ulnttve affair A tew Sharea of the Stock for tale at par I’amphlcta. containing the fh a rter. By-Laws, Map, fcc. may be ohtameit a t the office , If by mad, „ „ W tw o three-ernt stamp*. Addreaa, p n ta p r peid, w in , remittance for rtoek, (in draft* on Nrw-York or current fund*,) w,

R. J . RICHARDS, Secretary, 107 Fulton-tt. X. York, W here ipeeimen* of the Gold-bearing Quarts may W •

these scene* are p u-t and ;.'iake tuou a wise improve-

mia.has lately produced paper of this kind, from which great things seem to bo expected. It « re- markablo for its extreme thinness, flexibility and strength, and entirely without flaws. It is used in making buttons, and various other articles shaped by stamping; and it is capable jf receiving a very high polish No sooner did Briri^manufacturers become acquainted with this Bohemian product at the Great Exhibition, than they instantly set their wits to work to produce better and thinner sheet-iron than had be­fore been made in England. In the Birmingham de­partment before the Exhibition closed, there made its appearance a book about five inches by three, con­sisting of forty-four leaves of sheet-iron, the whole weighing about two ounces and a half. II c are thus getting on ; the ngc of iron literature may yet arrive.

Opalescent Paper.

How can we make on" kind of paint or liquid pro­duce many different eoW», and this with an amount of material almost beneath the power of man id weigh or measure ? Mr. Do La line has solved this ques­tion by the production of his beautiful iridescent and

ou a large scale.—[Ithaca N. Y. Democrat.

To Join Glass.

M e l t a littlo isinglass in spirits of wiuc. and add a small quantity of water. Warm tbe mixture gently over a moderate fire. When mixed it will form glue perfectly transparent, aud which will reunite brokcu glass bo nicely and firmly that the joining will scarce­ly bc: perceptible to tho most critical eye. Lime mix­ed with the white of eggs forms a very strong cement for glass, porcelain, Ac. but it must be done neatly, as when bard, the superfluous part cannot easily be smoothed down or removed. \

Cure for Fever and Ague.

T a k e a raw egg, break it in a tum bler, cover with •r an hour*This has bccu tried for

It?-flocks, HVtchrs, Sttrtr-H’an , Jewelry,&e.—SAMUEL HGGOT, having recently arrived tom thecity of New-York, whence he I tu removed h it bw ii« « , in . form, the citizen* of Fayette and t ip adjoinfe* couutir*. that he has located himself at the store formerly occupied by Miles Manser, at Mountain Cove,and offers for sale an a s ­sortment of V y A T O ~ H IsMBB C LO CK S. S IL F $ R Il\1 R E , S P E C T A C L E S , J E W E L R Y , stiff all 0trifles usually found under the above branches He is also in readiness to accommodate the wants of the public by

R r r « l r l s | Clark*, Watch** s «4 Jatartrv , in a thorough manner aud on reasonable terms.

N. B. Store cloaedim the Sabbath (Saturday.) »l«;5tf

J* B. MaloDe, W boltsalt aid Kelall timer,Commission aihl Forwarding Merchant, Steamboat Agent and InnkA>|irr, T en Mile House, Kanawha county, Va.

Received ami for sale. 33 bills New Orleana Sugar, 10 hbls Molasses, 30 sacks Coffee, and a large a««ntment of Fresh Grueeries. Also, a well-selected assort merit ol tessona bio Dry Goods. ___________________________ jyi->tr

IE?- 3300 Atrrs o f Land for Kilt. —I prpposovinegar, aud drink all together an hour or two before j to sell a tract of Land in Fayette county. Va. lying on thethe chill’s time fur eallin yenre and never failed.

C).\ splitting off si piece of old marble, ut the IVu.dt--:i ,i,.„ milire-in * ............. ----- i iugtoii Nuvv Yard, a few days since, which was

uieut thereof, least a greater d , (opalescent paper. Both mcch.mieaUy and optically. b|T ,|t ]mun, manv u ..,rs silK .0 UuMlon- Hodg-eutire unfitness for au everlasting * ’ .the production of these i«i|vr.d is strikingly interest-[ ^ |!kw ^ ' ert,,| flllir it’„.)t(,s below tlu- stir-tbe Sanctified, befall tbuc. ing. Water is | W .1 in t.* fit* ve--l : and, when | ^ , u.„ uUmt lhc r „f , tlll,lU

And when thou art restored to eLt.vtu- c. J tnH..,uil. a very minute .,uantiiy uf epm! var-L j Ul|,c) ^ of wk„.,, tblW „ livclook uuto Jesus, who alone cau prepj* ; .^sh is qiriukh d njr.ii the surfiiee . this by u speeie.-fj .

lion between the two liquid.*, spreads out ou •url covers the wli-ile surface iu a film of ex-

thinti.- • -I '*l'-,‘‘t of pnj'.T, or ear I b.iard, nr anv utb.-rarti.-l... i:< lW» Jd'l'-J fairly ini., tin- wafer.

SCIOIISMCSS, look uutode& u>, 1tlieo to return aud enjoy the raptures and engage with j nMrJ the wor.-hij»ers iu this abode of the LIi-s-hhI. Here ! jj v thou hast learned that the nnrcgcncratc cannot Ik- 1 ^ - ^. come the coinjiinioii.s ol the-e *- | . i r i t I I cp not, IMarietta,” siiil tlie angel.;

weep nut, for a rauxiii*1 ,u .vic1'11" i-'1 ivi' j :mj rni. „i . pr.-i.arvd; in a bvaliu;! ] ^ recckl,

wii.i the surface uj-|H-riiio t which colored ; ’enimont; it lifts uj» t!ic

The Ciueiuiiali Alias says tin n* an- in that city over three hundred spiritual circle.-which meet night* K-, uud a St. I.iiuis jcij-er says there are iu that city over a thousand members of .similar circles.

ly, since through great mercy Redemption L utiered, and those who c«.u!d not otherwise attain to ecaM-des.- joy, are exalted from prison vaults t<» mam-thn in uur

T in s while suffering, I plead lo b e released by 1 Father’s Kingdom. For this grace the saints iu Uea-, s.im» in’thod, from the light, the harmony, and the von praise God. nor cease day uor night to utter' bliss tint filled to the utmo-t eajincity of cnjoyincnt IIiyuius o f thanksgiving to Him who died to redt the gnat congregation tJial uriit«-<l in the heavenly mti.ie )1v suffering wits beyond expression, and yet nr fhe time I did not consider lhc caii.M*, so mneh as ihc fact that my soul was all unstrung. I realizedmy entire tinfitue-a for the employment, the s***iety, lwft 1IO<c.« „f thc aotig sung by the infants, win

them.T hu - saying, the angel touched inv forehead, an I

lo. a stream of light entered mv being, anil £ arose Now,” said the angel. " thou niavst listen to the

aud the bappinev. of the menih»vrs of that paradis i had desired to be admitted w ith them, aud to ever abide in that holy sauctuar_\. 1 hail not considered what necessary qualification.H were wanting iu me in order that I could join lli&ui iu Uieir holy anthem?.— True, I had witnessed thc deformity of the infant spirit, and had with wonder beheld the ojierution? of

jast adm itted from tlie different tciujdes o f learning: into th is great center dome o f the iufiiut paradise of instruction.''

|T<* lx1 roi.'.iu-* I j


m tell the motive >f tl,-.- heart iGrace iu it? restoration; but never ouee liad I un-« . It . ,dcro im .d i..» ly ap p lied tb « k n o w le d g e l» m yself. A m i ! ’" " I t ln l ,l,uu lll.v *1uow ih:il 1 h a -1 b een m ade to re a lize m y e n tire unfit- iat ll^ u r r ,« 11 lu s;,.' tieas f.-r th a t Indy abode, I cunsidojred^more th a n ev e r m y spirit lu.-t, lo.-e to gu<Mlmi<l doom ed to woe.

When I felt drawn by the sphere 6 f darkness, ami sow tlie very eh.u-1 of death ji rt to receive me, I l-n*k- eil nji to the paradisical hchVcii with a suppliant

i.it prays : « .! Who

am more holy thau ! ; especially if the religion claim-sl, j.rofev*c J andadvocated be the religion of tlie Bib! . ! Who shal ju-lgc him a« unworthy of eternal life, wh » worship

1 the same God, seeking wisdom from the sntiic S'lurec la it ii ing the truth, the possibility aud the effect o

-*iro to en ter there ami be saved, know that even tjicn, were 1 should suffer f M't’- ' o f agony fro love and harmony o f licavcu urani dition would involve ine in |K*rjdexily c-jual to the flecpost lu^ll. T hus m y mind reasoned while I earnestly plead for relief, until the angel m ild­ly; said :

Marietta, thou art md lo>t. True, thy deformity is exposed by e.ntra>t with perfect beings; ami tlmu art Miffering by reason of tli? awakening of thy inner conscioosaewi to di.*ecrh tho true.state of a discordant ^,r

II-dy^Jnsjii ration G>id to

film i<f varui-h 1V'.m off the Mir»'*it"e of the water, amithis film bevcui■?j depor-’i* J un the »«■ of the pa-

-. t|*j jiaper i* h"I'l tn an iiiclie,^^‘1 ]io*itioii, tnIk.'I it.H'ii. i iivallow the watcf t-i d.it'in n'f l>, ui bencalh ‘he film :and the rarni.s!• ‘then |ri'!ti:<u* perimanout c-n lire* vUr*fan- uf the paper. Now. the piqfor thu* ciialed wil.'i«mI<t1c.s3 varni*h exhibit' tli-] prisiu.itie tints with cx-qtil*itc r!«-:irti'"v>; ih* film "f Viirni.'li is su exlrcmolythin—.-•» far I-.-uenth anything that e .uld be laid o’t.with a bra-hur ivncii—that it ri Rvt I i ght uli theaiuio principle :iy the KJiijubuU/le, exhibiting differ-••iilvs ul’eulnr <*n :te«:aunt uf iniiiiUc dilh r«:ttees ill tli'jthi'-kiK -■ nf the film at different piri>; :uid in t only>t*. but the self■.-aine s}vit exhibit* diffenmi! till!*cording t*» the angle at whi-!i w view u. it i- ilovely materia1, and lovely thing* may b-• pnulueejlfrom it. IVc iLMlinot >p. ak uf it plMu cing miiibJ-thing out uf it •thing; bat it i.i a mean* of produeinga beautiful #r -u’.t with a ut:u vcL>u ly suwtil exp i . !..tore uf linteli«ih

Religion in the United States.It appears aiceording to tli-i c.'iisn* report. that lhc

Churchc.*, nr O'Jiffccsfur [Hthlir Ifivnic wfi ship, iu thel-nite I States, ntiiulwr o'»."1 1. uf whi* h tic* Mil hoidiMa owa tsn-Mbird, or liMiiT. the Bap-i-N li :;ifvone-fourth, or ?!.7 J 1 ; i!k* ihcJh)t'*riaii*. tin• next mint-her, or 1,-181; an 1 if ire CJiiiit the Dutch Kct'irnt'«!,

T in: last Bos' tamjicfl on a en

n uotioti is au i about tlu' site

tiivenicut f-ir the pursi* or the ]•»

ingeuiotiH nlmnunc uf a dullar—<juil« tket.

business lUpartmrnt. Ths Spiritual Harbinger

Ana .Mountain Cove Journal..\ v. ,"KI.Y PEIllOl

.1 »iM. M .ilr.1 i: I. M.iral. M« f ti-rt»i r.-.

- tin-j. ■

Mt-adow river, rontuiniiiir war 3300 Acres. Thi* laml lies on two small creek*, hraiH-hca of Sf^h.w nwr, both of w hich nin thruuzh th<* entire length of the survey, affonlm |alrnly -*f w at.-r for fanning purpurea. Atoat of Ihia Unit >•

ly lei el, ami can In* conveniently divided into lot* of ‘ZOO neres each, w» ns to «uit farmera ami recur* Water upon every lot. *1 his laml lien within a distance of from two to four miles ol Mountain Cove, an enterprising litlla village now being built by emigrant* from New.York. I would prefix '•Hing tlii» laml in u body ; but if that ranmit conveniently

U* done, it will l»e sold in quantities to suit (Mirrltasera. This1 title to thi* land i* um|iie»tionableJ Any one whiting to look .it tlie laml. w ill apply to Mr. John Kesler, who lives on land adjoining this survey. The terma of sale will lie liberal. Fur particular*, address B. W. Bran*. Buckhaonoit. U|whur «»• Va B. W. BYRNK.

Aug 'J«. t-SA'i. rt.nl Agent for Charles E. Stewart

11 / ~ Valuable Farms for Sale.—Tim sutwriberaff. rs tor >ale his l’lantatkin. containing 1300 acres, situated. <n the county.of Fayette, ami lying on both aides of Jame*

*» r

bleiu floating in thc breeze ? Who .“hall, while labor-1 ^*° Duptlst and M .thwli'i Churches, no that while nil ing and pray ig fi r thc redemption of the sinner and ! |hc M 01110,1 Lsl* Churches will aecoiuiuodate hut 4*lUl».- ^ ^ ^tin* eutiversiou of the infidel, condemn him whoso la-! ? 3 3 wor'!llF rs and all tlie Baptiat but ,llcIwrs are blessed in securing tho like obieet sought | - .the supplication ? Who shall, while profc sing to la- j rooUl 3,7U.*.211 worsliifera. T»ie k :».»ohe* have . ^

for the conversion of the world from sin onto holi-! ^ul E l 1- Churches, accontodating 920.950 \yof?d'p- lera.

Uiicr uml Kanawha Turnpike, three mile* west of th«- Vanghft farm, kuowii an Mountain Cov*. It ia sire but • hort di.faure from the Hawk*1 Neat, a piece o< wide releh- i'.y lor iu startling romance and iHctureaqiM grandeur. Thw

' *nn h«s upon it almit 300 acres under go*U ciltwatioj* ■pvod mi hard ahtimlantly productive o f tb« brat». Inted hi the country. Tim innslow m .| plnwrd Ur l* are |Qi>M*d by any in the upland* nf th« omintry. Tlirre i large tw o story house well fintsheil, wirb oullmildinj '•»«« «»el *tahlmg sulRrient for the art*unjni«ffatioii of Plaiilali.m ami «tsg.* staml for which it is ikiw enqifoi » one of the bt*st locations for a hot«*l in the entire It |to*u-«!C« fcii|M*rii>r wliter* tmth for quality and q' having an unfuiliiiK wrll. a nuniU-r of livfng springw impid brook running thmugh i». It is situated near

of the Cenjral RailriNnl. whirh will greatly ei ilie value. |wrti»uil*rly n» there will Un depot ju»t U low ft . Hie pla<v In alio lieautilii*vl w itU shmle trees, sml i* al-unduff

. i mm rniencea tuo nuuienm* to notn-c here C.V” D*°- f°r **!*’• awdWr Tract of 111) a< res. nituated 4

n : • s als.ve the Cove, with Tu acre* under good Improve*- ilent. su|«ri<ri’ fom*cs, a dwellmg-boure, an rscrllenl barn

uml * tables, anil He' 1 Wat end.AI «•. another Tract of usoani*. joining the but men­

tioned. well waterwl, liavwig uu abundance of liml<er, tw o . «lwidling*, a small orchard, and 70 acres imj ruvet!.

r'* I 0 7 “ Also. 100 acres imcnHivalni lan*!*. adjoining the Cure i Umi. ’ITiis trart |.e*< «m * superiorqualiti'•« and advantages I l>eing situari-d so at tu hh-nd with tlie interests at the Cos*

It is w ill watered, uml alsniml* w it h RoimI .ml useful timber tlm* ! C77“ Any or all nf the above traeUof Umt w ill Iw sold at

Csu-r tt«.|is sn-i 1 a low rtte and upon n*aronahle term*. WM TYREE,t* i*i« lisiosn n.iu.1 j Mountain Cove, July I.1B33. | | fuk! lUeir '

:>■ Dm It'-ln; id <!»'! t ie tialut * ol«M III* rvUtumi In p»tiHrni*D<>B I- | * i ingitui" iWfrrenr* !•> tJ»« it » ill Wrk to -lix ii,r r Ik* L* it Hat I'nfotillng. mipttided Up

iprrm* Briny (mm tie earlir*1 p lndiMiiq ikv llulj t*f(l|iiure» s>

if Man'* red n ii f t loo,dmonitnii-iD nf Truth

• uibiUtloi slot end uf sit Iking* cresle<l.W kile<|p<i.tPi| to tke*r t<i|.i-*. it will be tbe e*peel«l e rgsa n f Ike ’ , , , , , , ,

.1. 11, , l>„ „ t l „ . : h“ “ ,f*- R M * 'V lo l .I , John A. C .f-

All-1 II it

mptrl. ud Light rev* t tbe .If

t Iom sn-1 gnialii.g* w Vlrxlnla. — At lltili-, Ih-M in tlw Cle.kV Offiru

| r»f Ihe C im iit Court ..f f’,y , ! I r ruuirty. urt the fir.t Murxl.y

i W i!U*"' ‘-'■"’ “■fi*- A 'lurtm .tmlor of John C .m e » ., d , . Wto II.. , iu . . . thu. IwuS.ISwftg.tr. « illi.m He, ruJJ wt..*Willi*nj C. H.y- iunn lltr.rUiion, the i« .. nf, uoMo, Benjamin F Carue&x. George W. Caroefix, William •d bearssffnrlin#fall, eiflitit I S. McVey, William Terry ami Ann Ins wife, M ary H. Car-

eruing tbe begisuing 1 nefijr. IsaU-lla A. Coleman, Edward G. Corneflx. Joel F.| t'nrnefix, Sarah S. Car nr fix. Samuel Gordon and Mary K.

*t* c o n era te red a t it- p ls re n f publf

______________ _ ii siu unto holi-, #s.ul, still by a emitra>t with goodue.-s thou urt brought ncsJ‘’ ConJl‘,nu ljlni*or that manifoaatiun which seeurch Icr8, T1,° Episcopffiaifo have #1,422 I burvhij-, ae- to a eensc of want. And iy th is perhaptrlhou wilt: ,!l0 vl^ ci xn ,b- bl;art of thc hcliover, and bringing I c»®®odating G25.213 Worshipers. The average lie the better prepared toa^mtze the goodness ofOod i^10111 i nto shbsorvieuey to that cause, renders th&tu nuu*bcr that each church edifice in thc Lniun will (in thc provisions made for the sinner’s salvatiou thro' uwful in {^' Srvat work of redemption ? Shall thc accommodate is 384 ; the toial value of Cbarvhj prop-the liord. Jesus, whom all the heavens adore. Bapti-t bar the d.x.r of thc sanctuary to thc Frcsby- crt\-*880,418,089 ; and if all the Churo^es should l*c

"When thou wast previously admitted into the t?r,an ? ®n«l shall the Presbyterian to thc Episcopa- ; 11110,1 one time, they would hold 12,849,89f3 per-1 wM wjciety of thc sanctified, thy discordant condition was Vmx ‘ Slo!!Catholics Lring under the condemnation ^n»—|»robably something near tbe total population, ,Bl ir"aoUiu Co'* J'mostly liolden from thy sight, and thou wast, as a ” tl,e Inquisition The humble Protestant ? .Shall the ! l ial t,ould at one time attend ( hunch.guest, permitted to receive thc influence as au outer Ihtitojtanl proceed in like manner against him who.! ----------------------------saerednexs which, like holy dew, fi-11 ujion thee liav'no faith in God and His promises, accepts the Action Necessary to Tmc Religion,and watered thy thirsty spirit. But so perfect b lua,11h‘-*'tati'jn ° f His grace, fur which Christians in a ll' The minds of wicked piople are filled with admiringthe breath of holiness hero that when it touched. a?PS ha'tt; r™yed; and iu hopes of which they have 1 bought? of goodnes.?, rc.qvect for beDevulcnco, rapture

rcNAna* whitli indurt removal in th* 1<>c*IjIi . tu* hi«u<rr. g*- wf**, Edward M. Cainolix. Rviijonun 8 Camefix, Thomas » and |i!>*j>«ct» of lb* tnUrfria . an-l al*o. »U»t*r»r ptrials* to Nowlsn ami Anu hia wife, A . C. Martin Xml Elizabeth It. ri.o-.'.'iivn.reremire* an.1 adiaotage* of W**t*rn Virginia- ' hi* wife, Frederick Meeka and Nancy Jana hi* wife, James

It *UI.furtheri£or®**’* • taltlifal rer*>r>i ofspiriiaal Maoifntatioo*; Dixon and Martha M. hia wifo, Samvel Armoted and Lory M.torv. rtatipg «h.t th .r *f. bis wifo, and William Williams, ---------vvl tb* a.ibiMi. t,v-b.*h Hi*/ Tb» ohii}rt „f thi. .. "Ibo. '•roclaitulng tb* origin nod

tb*ir «ejfftfo I and prof»ai to If* *« ruur mivalt*!, Jpropo^ |o l»-n*Ct ih<* buman r*** ; Ibo. ;-rotUUuln* lb* ongln and , *..‘ ‘^ 7 *** d^Wmuiie w hat diapoaiUrjnnatara of tho great Interior nblch u ? Istrre»t* *••• *1*-?.. _ dTlhe n ta tc of Johu Cnrrvshx, deeeeaed. And

The object o f this suit •* *

T l a;>pearuqi by affidavit film!, that the defendant. Edmond *1” !*; ^°bn Rnrarl!. Alexander D. Came fix, John Cornetix,» «n a Samuel 1-1 21. x3roe6x. and Wm. W. Carnefut. are aot mha-

iby inner life, all thy latent unfitness appeared in con- - au<1 10 a world of sin !trast: hence thy suffering. In this nlso thou art' --------- • - * — -------in a measure enabled to discover the wisdom of s Religious Mirage.Benevolent Creator in thc bestowmont of that Provi- , , , ~Tdunce V IM « . « * * . «f l«* ^ .r u n n j , c u Z . , J “ eri , r ’ hW‘ »*i Weie , wlrose h.U<n J , erinbliAed, .0 W in . T fik e L 7 ” f * r,V* ^ « “ •Conditions aud abodes, so that opposite element! shall to lb .k *! , ^ ^ me°I>ticaI iUusioD *rCnot enhance the misery or anuoy he J , ' » * fl&rbc^ thc“ “And i l i i , is th-it L mwi ' ,k- ’ ^ of «rccn «*«* flowers, cooling springs andAnd thus it that no unclean thing can over cn- delightful retread e F *ter thc Holy (}hy, John the Ucvclator saw. delighttul retreats. They expect in a few*.moments

or in- to act their feet on tbe lovely scene. But it constantly

Kur1 n n y l nw' of1 ‘LP>’ " d ' “ " CP’ 1111 flua,l-v ilv,mishei‘ f'jrCV" thn £ro,u ttiunnclifiod »u l rtitLin ,hn, ci.v uf inu-rior j ing ” sVnH ,1 “’t ' t '“S rjjT ‘Tli'u whence originated the eoft end spirit stirrinn S“ obey God, whoeemelody which had ao much affect*] th l , nor eo2 my Uthe inhabitants of this llesscd abode approach the of T ’ l'1* ' ,n P“rTO“condition of spirits unreconciled to God in L sphere. 1 u p ^ r T e U ^ £ £ , f ligbU‘<i' ‘" “ “ ‘‘S,

at tbe morally beautiful, juy i» the true, exultation in thc pare and refined, even with many of those sym­pathies and hope* which ennoble man’s higher nature and demonstrate his immortality. But. not being carried out into (be daily practices of life, they do not sanctify their licai ts; they only play around them.

- ** ,u Ufnj* ol »»b**rjpir«n are Iprfj-abl* iavari.W, jB ,OXK DOLLAR AND » I»TY t E\T» far W .Tambvr.,

Tour * *pip. far *3. and TEA r*fl*« to mm, aMrm fvr ®|0. 'fortag* Jf. <*at« a • *aj to as/ part of tb* Yafoo^O * |

••• Cre-.n. intendiiifTa *uWrib«. «boabl do «o atoare. a* It 1*| sot d*» eos-i tu print, Urgrr uumtwr tban i* required for artaal mb- i rerllxra Tbe potnliar character of Iho/oarnal will natorall/ iodi

Giant* of this ronimonwea.'.’hi it i* orWrrei, 'hat saiff abrenr ilefrinlxnU ilo appear bare, on the firat «Jay of the r»*ii are! «Jo what is rareeaaary to protect ttwir interests in the premises. JCtb December. I MO. A ropy. Test*

^^3. 4wiS H . M. DICKINSON, Clerk.

......... .................................... 07 --I V ri»l».--A t Kales h-dd in the Clerk'.a dv.ire u. po«*** all tb* au»b*r. Ererr friend of th* r*u«« U re ! ,he C,rcu,t L’ouft of Fayette COVDty, on the first Mowlar qsr>t*d to Wcoia* an activ* agvnt for tbl« pa|i*r . IC December. 1853 . ’ J

r . v .u t « J 1MES L SO/TT ..rt T im n u I. IIIKIIS j J o in Guilin. PImimlur v . n U l _ . uI WISCUKSTM. PaUUMa, s , , . t lo„ B * « * l« h . , J r im C w

c ..., V. Jan,. 1« | » rihnUon B W otW ., VJcwrj.h A. A Id. non, a .n * n , V .u ,h„

[• r tn c i o f c v .o jfcn A Co. in d A llei T . Csperton. . . . .5like the aurora b u r c ^ or northern liph», . rou„d :some Greenland inonnUin-top, which leaves prctc-iou on that eternal snow and icc. Y'ij

no ini-1 T * 01 *•* 3mh rrtl1 C ObMllutlcn* and By-Law,

tematic, habitual acting-gtlone can a.vimilatc one citu***«fTav*u» mod a oiaiwy God and invc« him arith crangelical religion.__(Rev.Thmil.mi. f ' In ,

Igorous, ays- , »li«rt notic*. creditable .trl. and rtasonabt* Uirati** respectful!/ *oU*iWd.

4 and Spiritual liar Linger, all drerrip- j Hugh CajMrtoa, deceased. DtfmdmU lariag—HandbilU, C^d*. PMupblet*. j The object of this suit 1. to enforce lie,I* n( ,w A i ,- SocUtt.., Blank*. Clraofora.*te- OM io lhe Iw n eo fC . y ^ o T c Z Z ^

r'xwrfswi V__ >. . . . .. . *re«CIII

Theodore Clapp. I>ry Gooffs, Tors, Coffees, Ac*—Just re-1 J'*d«inenta beinx now for the

G.prrton, igniiut J u w , B. ^I w w or Jowph Aldorion I U, ““i both of raid ’

<■» ond Irtnolt ol the plwintiirI.i>.-d fow, '■ew-York en auortnu-nl of DRY GOODS.. °hn Guinn, t k . _ ~ ~omjvriMn Tweed*; Alpaca*, Bombazines, Delaine*, I’rioU, j conveyed intrust b f James B. Wostlake to Cmt-r

merit of article* adapted to men and women’s wear Also, men. women and children’* Boot* and Shoe*.C y For soft at SAM UEL PIG C O T8 Cazh Store. Moun­

tain Core, Fayette county, V*.A’- B. Tea* and Coflee* of superior quality. tO M

Tt Ando ,1 - . .1,. „ I . *...... * reipaca Domuozmes, Delaine*, l'rmU,, ‘«u»«jeu in trust br JarI r c o ^ hirty-five millions of dollar, to p,_v n,„ | G,ngU„„. Mmlim, BonnrU, R,bi„, . p « „ l „v,rt. AM-non, to . j , b[ dur Mi- „ .

salaries of American lawyers; twelve millions of dul °lent of *rt‘c,r* •« i _____ . . ___ f trustee rouv*vnH *s._ . . . . ■n**rJ ■** vI»rs to keep onr criminali, nnd ten miliious of dollnre to keep the dogs among tu alive ; while only six mil- lions of dollars are spent annually to keep the sixteen thousand preachers iu the I'nitcd States.

0 5 - WRITING PAPER for sale at this Offir,

trustee con vey* to th . defend.,,, John c , ^ i: . J J ,vttnof by .O devil Mod, ,b . defawWol Ju n e . V. Wert.

U,k ^ r r ““* * Uovde,ed, that _«1 absent de&ndaat do appeer her. on the «r.t do,of the neat Term, . o l do whet I, oeeaeHsy to pratect hie mforcst in thc premises A copy. Teste,

d-.l. Swl.1 |f M. DICKINSON.Clerk.