a n i m a l abuse


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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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A N I M A L ABUSE. We’re all the same…. Animals have families, and they’re always there for you. Animals long for love, they have feelings too. When you hurt them, your hurting yourself. How can you beat something that can’t ask for help?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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We’re all the same…

Animals have families, and they’re always there for you. Animals long for love, they have feelings too.

When you hurt them, your hurting yourself. How can you beat something that can’t ask for help?

May 1st to May 7th is annual be nice to animals week.

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Man’s best friend

Animals will love you through think and thin, they will never judge you, they’ll be there till the end.

Although there calls can be mighty, their bites and crying can be tiny.

( And mostly unheard. )

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Animal Abuse Statistics 13% of intentional animal abuse cases

involve domestic violence. Every year 3 to 4 million cats and dogs

(healthy and adoptable) are euthanized. Most pet store puppies come from puppy

mills; they breed between 2 and 4 million puppies a year.

In 2000 approximately 7,600 greyhound puppies deemed not fast enough to race were killed, as were an estimated 11,400 "retired" dogs.


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The consequences for animal abuse varies for both the human and the animal. Owners can face time in prison, but the helpless animal can face more; sometimes even death.

Everyday thousands of animals live in fear for their lives, and the very people that they look to for protection and shelter are the ones they fear the most.

Gypsy was abandoned on the side of the road, left to die. Her injuries result from dog fighting.

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This is what we do… Why?

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Do they really have feelings?

Can you really feel? Would you whine if you were hurt?

Would you be scared if you were abused? Would you fight back if you were hurt?

Studies have been preformed, but even without those words from the

scientists can you honestly say your animal doesn’t feel?

I’ve seen them cry, I’ve seen them hide,

I’ve seen them look to their masters with fear in their eyes.

They silently beg for our help.

Animals can become

depressed so there is some proof as well. Medicines are Prescribed everyday to depressed animals.

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It’s our choice; It’s our fault!

When we chose to hurt these animals the only one to blame is ourselves. Nothing that an animal does could be worth destroying a life. Abuse is a cruel and heartless act and YOU can stop it!!

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Is it Fair?

Why should man expect his pray for mercy to be heard by what’s above him when he shows no mercy for whose

under him…

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We’re all Part of a family

Animals are Capable of love just as much as humans.Animals also have families that they can care about. Animals are faithful creatures who deserve love as well.

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The kindness one may do for an animal may not change the world…

But it will change the world for that one animal.