a, naming this paper. rtl»4 - nys historic...

if »&&%> •• m^*$vv '^ii^^^i^^^ ?2*1*K'\ TMEl«OUVCHNEUR HERAllO AN fw r r rsjar. & $ ' f JsM.f* l i , ta*Q« RoimftNOMt Krcirix :n.* Rnnr Ppdr**n,~ Ml* 4 (ah)e«po<L- lo 1 quart of milk, AJ|<I ilia yolk* l»f 4 tggt w«ti t**taii, 4 ntti* **)!, tint Jfial hfifoio putting In <M M th* white* beaten to % llglil froth, i Itaktt In a <jfileh nrett. H0i{r« wlih Itmmi Miioti. v -: omiNti, f mips warm water, i or AH:' 35 ^ ffli ft •!!•• li aiip atif ar, I cup of fruit, llltla **)tt f and flavor wild nutmeg. w, '4- Hi V, V ' * •'•' .- ( » £ ^ f IworlH-a * ( lo (ha o , . # ' * ; ao nltto u CUfrAtw^i an pa alron)* an pa mflk, iliit >olka of II haapirtl tehlaapoons augar. h\f ji\\t, Imallng Ilia yolta m, r«pir Into cup* or Inlet * and Hit In boiling watrj** Ikill g+f Uy W mlnui**. 0. I *—.*-*-. , Ifwa, [trVw H*ow Catcn* | riip at |ar, I clip flour, white* or H egg*, |l latapoai) craam tartar. Elavnr lamoti 4nlo*. At nt t o it at* ! ArjfefnrLfnitAL * * I W*** •••liar. fl*r«sSitaa AmefUsn AgtHMiHttrUt.] Howal good butler main r« al Oil ^'V' 1 , fraruiarr tdub h«i<l at Mr. HCMIIIII jl Worth'ij manlfo«ln«l ^drrpiiniU ly *t} oanaa of IM'IH^I otihgini to < turn Hah lotigar In wlnltir Ihmi h atjmniarj' aoma argalng lhat it wi owing M> ImprniKtr ininiiri-4liir«» «i| v aommatiramfint, oth^ra N> Improprr hftndrtftl of araam Whoii rhlng, etc.. ala, fe aiiJ, lliough all ara IMMIIHI to a<l- V> «, M|l lha raaaonablanaaa of cflllior or all \\r I ha argamottla, allll llmrn arn othrr u f f roaaona lhait Uiaaa whhb rauao ib«f «U butUr 14 bo to "•lo* to y<imn M Aa at4ia«l In i\\t\ Hairy man ir.mo Mwa aajo, thai part of Urn rritam s 4' < *Whlob jbrina llttt buttifr la inlmili* v it 1 gloMllMiHialad with «>*•<>In or ohrnay Wbbfli aiM« mm n ro||fift|on v Iteaaa parllolra togHhrr. ouUt tb aaparaia il^«o IHtta aaarlaln ifagrt«a of ranrl«llty *W,M' U raqn%lla« tbo aomMnatlon now , matlar, •^•j*! ^' MiHft In parllolaaii |ii4 Vortfilitjl I laoilo aabl, whln|», in an I t ^*\' aaoortlajjaa with aoma of th* v*ry y', t Aral prliolplaa of nUrmUiry* parity <tt ' 4laaolra4 or llbaratoa Ilia raaaln or UlOg rVtto iho Hltla globuloa fc^f*,' Off ktiitair, Ibaaa In turtt, whan th« ^*' OfOaca laltlUUNl, aro brought In cmn~ Ital, and Owing to Ifcalr nonaUtanry P Tfbaoal jba proper tomp<ir«lnnt f a<l- |;j ; M Mffj Mfilto lha okhat, Ilia lumpa^ot- •nul*' ,v llaHl l l W f * n<l iargar by aggroga* y)' ll0M# O H U Ika ant Ira Imtch la ona '< aouipMl] and\ naarly honognnaona -^, ' maaa, Wkfn lh# agitation or churning li limply a larg4 looraaaa of tho ra- aooroaa of Ika lhrnt f ami la auMolMl to pay iha cjofct of a goo* ruder and lha tlma axpan<lml In oulllng* > #AT*Niifii RTOC*.—Tho fiiippif of Walof In W'titi'i laaaonrro«»f I rouble. Iitar gather* about tho trougha and aiher drlnk|ng plarra ; plpoi twenty mid hur*t 9 or bftrotuo* choked, and ninny other Inconvenience* occur, Th**0 may b# avoided by methodical inanagomcnl, llavo regular witter- ing pflrloda* Iwlce a day* Fill the trougha from the pump* or Hatern*, and drive fho calllo to ilicm ami are that they drink. When all nre anp- pllftd, empty the frougha, and olthor cover them Or turn I hem oven llavo no flowing Witter In the yar.U lo v/aate and fh*e^e, or benomo Inn cold for drinking* A cohl drink wHI re- duce thn milk from enwa 10 \H r cent, or more, A Lincoln anecdote, whlnh IT not aTniolMtely new, ta not nearly ao old aa (ho rc«t, la told by n not rcapondent of the Decatur Htm. While Judge Logan, of Hprliigllel l t III . wua Liu- tNilu'a rurtoct, two faitiierii, who h*d a mUundemtntidlng ie«ipeclln|f a hr»r«f« iradi*, went to law, Hv multial c<ifi«ent lha parlnera In hiw iKcaiue aulagonhlN lit thta onue, (In the day or I he trlril Mr. I*I»K»UI, linving bought a new alilrt open In the back with a huge Mainline collar, dic«*Md hlm«cU In extreme haato and put on tho»»hlrt with the Itoaom at tho hue*, A linen coat concealing (he blunder. Ho 'latated the Jury with Ma knowledge of M hor«n polnta," and am tho day waa aultry took < fl hi* coat unl annulled up Ui hU Mhtrt allevea. Uacoln, sit- ting behind him, took In the iilua- tloo, and when hi* turn came, re- rnaeied to ihe Jury: Wicntlcmcn, Mr. hogan haa been trying for over an hour to mako you believe that he knowa more itbout a borae than (heae honeat old fanner4 who are wltneetee; he haa quoted largely fVorn bla 'horao doctor/ and now, genileuieii t I inb- uilt to ftiu (hare he lifted Itognn out of bla chair and (timed hlni with hla haok lo the Jury and (he crowd, at the aamo tlmo (lipping up the enor- moua atandlug collar), what depend- ence e.iu you place In hla horao knowledge when ha haa* not aemo enough to put on hla ahlrt. P" Tho roar a of laughter that greeted this exhibition, and the verdict lhat Lin- coln got toon after, gave Logan a permanent pra|ndlce again*! ''bosom ahlrta/ 1 £ :i" \mm- w^if^ WiX- d PKKMRAIA Vedioine« , t t \* tflaao^llfftia^ and the butter |a ->& aaleli to bava eoma., The c|ueatlmi, 1., t )r.vt # h » > Uan # M dairymen to aattlo la 9 at ' W Whal potlldlalar temperature should tt ' tho atonal be to Induaa this chemical ^ tf oalfoa t ,aaM al tke aatna INna Impart '*V no dalrlmantarcharacterUlloa to the 1 M lmliary bom pound." , \ r Itlghl kare la where experiments V ' and InTajklgallona, whethor ennduct- l*'i v1 ' od oaribafhrni or over the ohemlat'a r'V* UbK sMM Of untold value to the prao- '| WaJo maaWwho aak for iVitt, and not il too Wlhtlragarlea of tho lllualve thco- 5^ 'rial., [ ' .!) , I ha¥a milnd. after repented trlala, , , ' lhal wbal Ihe cream Is kept at an JI Ofatl lOAtMratura of not leaa than f>H' k : :A< or rnorajlhan (W* *\, the required |k *'K ebatuleal katlon la at Ita heal; If the * tamporaUre falla much below tltln t mtnlmaroj pOlnH the defect may be I' partially famed led by churning In a Warm ro4m, but even then I have bead unable to develop the lactic ac- id, aa whin the heat waa kept mil* itortnly aenuggaated. Again/when the milk and crenm afa ln|udlalotisly hapdled during cold want bar, ejvll efTecta are quite likely 10 antue, and pale, bitter butter la A raatlllw I nata found that In caaea— and there kra many- whfro ihe prop ar OlWlfanlaiieea are absent tor hand- ling winter milk and making winter bnllar f thkl, ihe' dlHlculCy uny be *mOnaurablr obviated by waftulng the 'milk try aalllug It on tire atovo 01 ovar hoi aaalar In ahallow pant, that ' Uia cream luay 1 lae In the least poaal- blO lima, bomnieuaurata with good V roaoltei anil then, though the quan- tity bo email!, churn often, and much r grumbling [will lie saved, and ran bo r hold In reUrve for tie it airing, when you And Ifiat you have kept mor'e r oowa Iban yuu ean winter, without I burlny hayjranal If anywhero In t|ia gnllre routine or fWnft life grumbling t doaa any g<i^l, It la at thi* time, and ^ llabouldliaj aaved for this purpose. Many will nave a good ato** in the aprtng, If II]la all aaved ll^tweru now anil than. If every <fclr*yman who is a patron of Ibla p4pfcr will nut a inmpln of 0nab0OW*e 4illk In m le«t tube, cork eafclf, and katid lo me by eipress, VfOfa^O, 1 will make a rigorous anal- yaUttlllia i^hola lot free orcfyargo, J, K. Kun»u f Fitrreatvllle, N. Y. K«1T f«ej rVrAlt! M Cf.raW.- Clear Out lha manjura* every morning, and ^aerapo o? ca|d off nil tilth rrom the an I ma la. The atahle should be made ao warm tbii the maamo will not ftroaao al nlglil t a lt»wer tem|>eralure Will either dnmand a larger amotint Of food, ot't|e animals will fall oil In oOOdltlon, v •••.s -»-**- the Myidery of the l^ikei. Thero la a mystery About the Amor- lean lake*. Lake Krle Is About 60 to [70 feet deep, hgt Lake Ontario Is 692 foot deep, 2^10 feet below tho tide fovel of the eoean, or at low aa moat parts or tfyotJulfof Ht. Lawrence ; And the bottoma of lake* Huron, Michigan and Huperlor, although the aurfaoe la much higher, are all rrom Ithe vaat deptha on a level with the bottom of Ontario. Now, as the die- iebargo through the Ulver Detroit, af- per allowing for the probable portion parried oflT by evaporation, doea not appear by Any means equal to the lltiantlty of water which tho three Mppe 1 lakea receive, It haa been con* Jocturod that a aubterranean river pi ay run from Lake Huoerior by the ( luton to Lake Ontario. Th'a eon ecturo U not lmpoaalble 9 and ao* Counts ror the alngular fact that her- Hng are oaughl In all the lakea 00m* hrtinMoAtliig with tho HL Lawrence but no other*. Aa tho Kails <»f Nlag- am nAuat Always have ciUte<l, It Ivould punalo the naturalist to aAy (IOW theae fish got Into tho upper (akea without aorne aubterranean fiver J moreover, any perlodlcAl ob- struction of the river would fiirnUh A i|ot Improbable solution of the mys- terious Aui and reflux of the lake*. :? Hi t "•« (jiff fllhlitttiin.- ff the jitter is cut tutO 1 Inoh length*, or oven smaller, II will hold mora moisture, will make batter and finer manure, and wllj heOp (ho animal* cleaner tliali long Hilar. Tho gain In the quality or the manor*, |n One year, the aavlng lb bo hand I In gi and Increaaod eflectlve^ • of It, Will pay good Interest on ha eoat of a windmill and A fodder ullar to do the cutting. Hut if tho lo^my and disagreeable days ere pean lo eul up straw for this pur- , An AlnindAtit supply can be %de< A. iroad ate can lie pur haaad for 91.^0, and with this and a lock, A sheaf of atraw may bo rut In 9 Inch chap In half a minute. Two raona, one 10 hold the sheaf On the look or pl<nk» and the other to nse a agOi wotald soon eut up a ton or raw* WtWro hard WO<MI SAW <lu .!, ^ry iwamp inoolr, ar pluo sttawcan procure*!, Iheaa make etrellcnt f I l|ttar ajul nifnure^ BOOWOinr ifc raamafi It a ^tf ifn riant oonaideralloti. In aoma caaea f tk)0 fcodjuaed lp Wasted, t'uttlng j \ NegroN l^htlOAophy* A huicr of tobacco asked an old |egro woman, the fume* of whoso plpo were nnnovlng to him. IT she WAS A Christian. ••Yes. hrudder ; sprcts 1 Is.*' <4 Oo yon helldvo In the Hlblo? H 1 "Ye*, brtidder/ 9 #l l>o you know there la A paaago Itl the Hcrlpturo which *Ay* that nothing unclean shall Inherit the kingdom of henven T* "Yes, I've heard of II." "Well, Chloc, you smoke and yon ( innot enter the kingdom of'heaven ha'auae theio I* nothing so uiiolenn al ttie breath or A smoker. What do you tny to that t" pet'ia^to leave mv InvtX m say to that r • W h y , I spec*la J bfhlnd when I go dar ! M ^^ I, foalblcnce/ Thero Is no one element lb a man's character ttut contribute* more to lull syeccas In *lfo than confidence \f/\ hie) own ability. A fatnt-hear^d man la unstable'and wilt never ojlcel. K|lth In the etideavor to will s>hd to ei^milo Is a/ Important In a/inccea*- fu| business career aa la the/vey-atone to the erotic A man poaeeaaed of A hold, during, and reao|iUe will, may bo modest In rovcall*/g hi* power*, but will be dctorm^icd In perform- ing what he cottordvo* to bo right. T<* men with ihu noVer dying faith tlif^ro I* no suyfi word AS dofeAt, And, w|eu otHitaofea; present themaelvea In their pat|ir, It only reaulta In tholr putting fftrlla a| greater eafort to ao- cotnpl>*1h tholtj purpoao.- fntrstiffa- Qllre Logan la fifty-one. (icn. Uornsldo would like to attend tho wedding or the United Htiitee and CanHda. ( * f h o m * * Naal ha«< l»ccn in Phi»ad^T- phlja, alMdylng the scenes of ihctiiant denionatratlona. / , A r >(l0, l !*• *Hppo*rd to hiii-v Us head In the don 1^. TciiM\s«»rt ISAM hi* in clouds o^ miiokt. Uobci'i Hum** Mt'r.trc'Hprnif rlid the inflict nt d n 'Miu-Look of the Lo«l^« o(Sf, AIHIM U liavc j«i^( h i 11 soht In rM'hhui^h t;» r #100. Kilntf Humbert bus been able to U k | a nNlgh rldr ut home (oi it.e fir>t tiin^ »n nine )enri», there having been no HIMIW in Italy before sipce 1*471. Oku llenle T»»W( il he WOtihl In Vcr go tiDH-huri h »»ga!u, when bis pastor preyed <Oi t ! o RIIC^M of the lobel oati'lo twenty year*ago. lie kept the resolution until tien. (Lam invlh d him to go tot bur. li Sunday uioining. A'| Hvalc delai tivc CUIU'H tI»H1 Ihe not(|riuii4 forger, Kev. K. D. Wins- low,: of Hosfon, is in Buenos Aywg, IIIMUI tho n«csum<d inline vf W. P. liow^e, cit^ag' i d 11 piitilit! log the Ilijcitios A\IIH Ihiuhl, mot iiuthihHi- inir |reat lutoriNt In lellgioua ulluirr. Tiso King i»r ILllMiol hastleYnig- Oit p» 1 vine <-oiiservAtory in the woild. It <)lfit;ltlH I WO ItUincllfiO pultll t i t OS, tho Windier of widen weighs two and a b»4of tun*, brnido H uomtciMil tol- led ion <>r troplcnl plnnls. The ^\HH» doinO of IhH ho^e i:reenhoiiHe is ninety feel high mid one bundled and olghty feet in diumehV. I **• How They Play l*hllo|ieiiA In t.rmiatty. Thotiermun method of managing the | IcAfrAnt pluy of - k ihllop« IIM \H AM folio V/H; I When A couple ntr-i f nfTf eating phtlopcua tngfthci no ndvuntH^e is taken of the other until one of them pronounces the aurti <4 p?ilhqM f.»/' This is the warning—now the eport Is (o bcjrn. Let it* suppose ihit A ^ei.tl innn culls upon a I;,dy. She uvltex l.im to wklk In, nod at the mime time •pe»ikni the taliHiunni'! UOKI. II ho accept a the oiler to walk in lie in lost,- unlei* ahe removes tho ban by felling him to go away. ir she asks him to tako oft his bat, ha imlst reaolutoly keep it on ; if to bo neatcd, he must stand ; or If at (ho tAble nhe should hand him any Arti- cle which be ot ccpt* nho win* tho for- feit, w During All this time lie endeavor* to tako bar by MII prl*e, for tho AC-, coptAiloeof Any oflor from tho other wina also game. Moth nre constantly eiorclslng their wit* to prevent being oAUghl, AIKL tbo »port goes on all tho evening, L'erbapa tho gcnlleman bring* a little present, and says: "Knowing that il ahull IONO my nhlioperiA, I have hrouklit it along—here it U." If she I* cnii^ht off her guard by the miiooth aproclj, i*ho loses, for ho Immediately claim*; the forfeit*. If neither win at the firtd meeting, tho "port {^continued to the second, and it may happen that hair a dozen parties meet at the anme tiino, all AiiMot)* to win of their phllopenA pAHnor*, ao that the scene often be- eomeai ftulicroinilv amusing. It is *Mianion I cut dlfitnond'* in very truths j ««,^*. ~^_^ • # , m \ Talk Around IL An <>U1 lnwyer waa giving %\n ad- vlco to hi* aon, who WA* Just enter- ing upon tho practice of hi* father's profession. lf My aon/' said the counsellor, "If you have a ciso wbero tho l*tr i* clem!) on your side, but Justlcetscems Agalnat you, urge upon the-ooiirt And JurV tho VASI import* anoe of su*talriing the law. If, on the other band. >ou are in doubt about thej Inii', but your client's case la foujuded In justice, inaist On the no- cesMty; of doing jimtice, though the / heisveii's fAll. M "Hut," nuked t sou. "how shtitj I fiiMtiage A O4SO Wher.^ imtli law :trnl jit^tict* me >fead Agfliltistj m e ? " * In ttiat csa/, my son^ tntyc robtul i?, ta.k round . I Vick'x Floral (Ju (If tile man) Guide* 4nd seed and ptAOt ca(at0nge6 sent out by our8t edi- mcr| and JfhiraorymrJi, ami that are doing i0 mrich to Inform the people and beautify AIMI enrbdi our conntry, noito Are so boaOtifiil/none are ao instruc- tive aa Vick S/f'Joral (iuidc, Iu paper la the c|iolir^fit, if A Iliustiationa, hand- some, nujH giicn by tho hiirulrcd, while IfjKcpfored plate is a gem. frhls work, idllKMigb costing but five cents,. la haTid|i line enough ror a gift book, or A plated on the parlor table. Pub- l*died by •Union Vtok. UochoRtor. N. Y. 1. 1 ' r; 'f*»M ^<^4 TAST LEHER I Distinguished Phyiioliit. atteun*aaidrs (tos brssJUag up of tas S*O/lAVlll 9 0fU ^ y olosTtks mlo4. o*s or to tWd«strsstlT*lM« bB ^ tt ,7SRSi2fe?i^l r*llsTtd of II p!\s slZS tn. thfttihsjooMUsr trsst* mhj reatSnssyvttbUi nw tsads •*H^^W ilv lo svoossd whs* 1 Us •lisrforss* ar*tt>elar sx- UMfTfslAuaoH(yofsssss,sflsot ABB'S iMICU OORE tob*ee* theft nun prsparsUoas irs.-Mld s dtstlnmUQsa lefty ehy* »VllMiionsto tfisllsM. Msdlosl sst I es>D0tpQDiielr r«#ona»od tsdlsslCors 1 bsislnos ErseslToa •om Uis ess of tt simtf, ifuri of ths UIQAI rsmsdrti. I IISTS pi> at*, snd prssQois I hsvs stnt lo ItssUisA onsanadrsdof mj paUsasj ' * * ^•tf..*$ ri ^w f t _ 'i^-^^Tf? 7"i' I \t. -I I 4 \ ' - , I J "• > *''?r%\u . ?. **?S>' / Special Inditoeailutii for the Fall Trade. the Fallal The, Place for Real Bargains ! 9 BAJS1 ataaiissi We wNI» to i»«ll rtic aftenttoti of mir )mtrr>tin nml {fir* pttblle jrrnersH jn*t reeoive*! a tar^t iiivoit'e of \ to (lie fjirt hnt w«: Itnve , ELEGANT DRESS GOODS! %*li!"h w.- IwmjrhtaHa joh an«l Miiich w e s r e »!>IIng at J«V. to t:.v. y r e f « n | . Tlifv t\rv •ol'l hw fora|».trt «>l tho scasen a t w r y m u c h h i g h e r p r w - s Tiu*y HMJMHI^ p-j^nl* thai Ahrrdcens* Beiges, Buntings, Brocade-Mohairs, ,lA/wf. f ,( : V.,rt Wl IIAVA AF.SO A l.'Ol.'.-F flNf (TV toHB.l Blfick Ciishmeres n< -lr5c en; 11 »'ii>(.i» or , PRINTS, COTTONS, SHIRTINGS, TICKS, COTTONADES, &c. f . I is complete, ana onr pricen an low IM tin* !ow*«#f. * > r\ ify. IBSAL sinsrionojr. L —We hSTS SOW SAWTOBPf Hit* for aeorlj one reir, and tmn Mf f nsrtr sold s •rmtUr pr^pSratloA > nnlTsrsst iuU-fscUon. We lis?• list rorupUlfU X't. tntbs habit ofroeommsDlIng psf- , bat joar preparaUon slteu the isnds. sod wo think tho^el afllloted iTtaetd of Itigrssl roerlifo ttiat their >• retlsved. .We hft?» bssa la tho br lbs put tweWe yean conatantlr. thlof for Catarrh, but jonra leada all Q sea proper you e i o n s tills lettsr of It thst you wub. .^^.^^^^ illyoow. e. n. BALDWIN a co. BeTail Dealert In Prutf*. I}^^« «nd sssiaetoo. fed.. Fsb. A1176. I contains Or. Ssnfdrdl Improtei sod Jfull dtreottons for tue to al tM For tale by all wholesale sn< iod it siersthroqjrhoQttbs1 Unite* Saa, WttBK8*pVrf}tB.Oeoars olssets OragfUU, Botton, M an>» Ail LIHS TAIC PLASTER LECTRICITY atlon by meene of electricity la poe- eaYatlvs sod rsstorstlrs sfsni fi s o l any elaatfnt or medtolne In the p i aed thoossode, ipparentlr dea TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DIAPERSI and CRASHES kt the lowest prices yet heanl <<f. | • Nottingham Laces fr Lambrequins in great Yanoty. nnnsnal lny«-e stoej^ ot! GLOVES and HOSIERY at 5c. to.50c. per Pair ETOTV mrrchant claim* to have the heiit 60c. Kid tilovc that \* to bo hstt In the *-orM. Pten*© try ours before you give your vcrtlict Kxamine our NUn'k of ' READY-MADE- CLOTHING, •• ! ' \ ' * ' I ' - <*n w« sr« couiMent yon will bear ttn out in the Mfafenn'M thai we nave ihe /f/-*f f;Wft # (lio n*st Ntf/tri, ami Ibe b<»rtt tot up S*O<M|H for tliu money in Ihi- inavkrt. (Mir /yor//W,v IncrHtHni Mah 9 in (IIIH 4Je|iHiiriiont havo otuMuirnictHl tin to inrro.IKO our hiork. S o i t > f»j»r men an«l l»<i>Hal M.'iillo flA.lRI. Don't pav $ a 40.<M)oi a i&VtM) for n ciintoni niailt* ntitt M hc*n wr ran ptve you onr iMjunlh as IHHN| la every roHJwcl for lie.UOor llAOii. We ha*-e a full H»M» «»f * * I Groceries, Te«as, Crockery, Hafe, Caps, &c. hardware. -DTOVKIII Hrovr.m s fj X /J 'IJ 'ij 'IJ 'ii IJ- if J IJ . IJ IJ 1. VJ : H J h." . : » r r**x In ib |H T T - T T T T u 0 i\ 0 :<> 0 ! <> 0 ! O t) \ o^v> V V 1 V V V V vv \ V K H « K 8 H KEKK SftSS (IJ (fi & Or; 7: cc (IJ The new **ti& Roefe a^ef-wWiT'Q&ftt*£&&W ami Haul mom I, vis Hosserriile, Wa^saltoaUeTOa " '" Bow, and iiossse, is rue beUi WAY* rtaify M " follows: X 4 H H H H H H(|,ARn.\jlAN 8c CUTTING JU U.' JU FM Api "> imfe an ext|a lar^c atock. all Ihui/tlft U»foi^ an>jailvnne-o HLprice, and which will t»e *>hi at boi<p|n proven, j Ainonjr, thia larjre aesortrosni of hto^ji will U* 4>un(l c o A cccco o o —» / ^ >-*, -S w W' W *J We <l'» hoi claim to bnve the "hiftfCAi stock'* in flic Rfafp, nor 1I0 w)e think it nrcc^Rar'y to ^ve you an cxayrrtiieil inventory of our goods. Our policy is hu%int** % not) blow ami hlu ->ter. We have the Goods the People want and at Vrices to suit ali firing- along any quotations you may liaq* an«! we will match thctr^. We want your trade an» ivc vou piicea to neeiire IL ] Kli '1 lm 11 UK for •pant fav«»rn ami soliciting a continuance of _ihr sajne. ill give you p»icc« to seeure IL With 'ihaunH for<»« We remain, yours reajioctfuHy. Datuclur Sc Co bletorf nless the vital apark haa fled )f mssns of electricity la poi sflsst reeortof sll physlefaoa and tar* ^ - — - -• la.apparentlydead. LSAM issns of sll >oaan< , was Bdsd. 'ISStSf AND PINl. 1/ fTare, when no other hnnea ivs ioceeodsd. This lt ths lsadlns; tttnthlsrisstsr. »1 log properties of onr own fragtsat bal- afdthsf - s de _, sad strengthening prope tboqsaada. When combined In gums of the Ei deeeriptlon. T are too wed | heir gratefnU »rt|ee art ord- ar» acco ate and Important dlacorerlee In pb heSIInjr snd strengthening progarttes d tenlbld. In this respect our PLsstsf ipsa wlthoat ths aid of tisetrloltg. O IN ONE. gad ws bate #Vo grand mid teal , Sach of which performs Its function produce more cures than any llnl- v », wash, or plaster ever beforoj com- n tha history of mgdvolao. Try; one. ell'Wholesale sad Retail nroinists pattheiypltsdHtatee andCanadas. abd by 1*1 Pt^TT* 11 ! Proprietors. ltoeton t M»ss. a AMD RELIABLE- '• Lnmn IHTIOORATOI Bainodj Liver, Stomach (U*ilFam of tin >w*l*.|—It is Purely ^ble,-f It never .tee^It i* a*atl Sft i M N T S HKAD T1I19I We Want nr» nfront in ilil*t county to whom w'e wiil pa> JI -.iliii % of $100 |>er month ami e^- I ionriC* to -el our wonderful invention. Sample rtc. A< M i t r a l once Mil Kit MAS ,\ (O M l?42«r| ManoYill, Michigan/ #;42wl \J\i4\r\nffif lfiT*lU4 ta tk« iHiliK- -l-.^iir. |.rt>M# «•— N r * «'i|iH«)llill')ll ^.itiix i n ^ r o, I-11 •• i|»'ati«f««n i tiat>f»Mc*~ .. |U.<w * 4 ».'••., I.fci.Liii•,•••» lWiMJbi. ( h. Y. »25^i$6000|«5SS Y (\i\C\ <^<>T,I> for n rn*o ol coiti/h, cold, \\r • ) , ' ' ! w ji-ihtiin Mi;»t Adaiiixon'/ Itotanic llal- Kam n i l ' 1 01 cure. s»»h| by itrug»ri-«ta arol ilea* Icrs nt .IV. H»MI 7r>c. s a m p l e l/t»tili*a, H>c. See that the name of Y. W. Kinsman i* blown in the S;taft(* of the Inttt'e. Timle Mi||q»l|e«l by tieo. C. (io(Mlwln * Co,, lloHton, MHH*'. " g42vv4 / \ N 3 0 DA V^l T i l l AIV. Wo will scn«I our KloMro-Vitltnic Tlrlti an«l other Klectnc Appliance* upon Mini for.iu itava to ihoso httiret ing frouir Xervoiia l>cl»illt< a , Itheu- inaMHtn, I'aialvNM or Hnv ili^eaneH of the IJver or Kl«ttie> H, and utiiitv ether ili«ea-er*. A Fure Cure gunr:mfvc<t cif 110 pav. AMIII-IMH, VOL- TAIC 1^ LT (O r SliiiHhall, Mich. gl*2w4 Misoellaneouii. iMtrRft A JI:PROV. Thli rvmarkahle mrdl- flnf will rur* Sp«viii*t Hplinl, Curh, Calloiia, AT or BUY 1 iilargcmrut, «n<| will rrimoi; the buuch w iihout l»IiiUrrin|( or < a au«. IvifC • »«»r» No rtin.<Jf v\* rgiat , wpr«*d it|uali it for ei rtmiity otaction in »U>p. "--'»^ I»i"R th« latit^nrca atel rc- 'Un<'i Vrivt iH*) Smdfor ilJu*. ar irirlnir po*i(iT« fironf and your n«arr*taK*fit'«a<!drf«i. Krndall*iSpio- ¥ •« -t'eirtijle sold by l»ruaja;UCa, ur Sent hy I>r. D. X Kvudai^ k Co , Kno»burx Jrallf, VcruioiiL j gllenw-tf riiKXAs LMifJUArroM AND RKAL IIH- X I ATI; A<.I;N41, l.eoiye W. lt<-\ i.>.l<|i» t Spaoi'h < ntiip.Wh.'jri'ia V*\ % Texii«i t I»IIVN ihd SCIIH Tt'XHH hteilN Oil f*<»Fl)ll)l' HiOM ; Will nlnojei* itO an«l futiim'i e l i o i r a IntHlK for |i».V». in trcfioofi. All inhinnanoii ai If) 'l'i!\.i« IIIIMIH given nrw»n roO-<1p? of Jei Ktnu>Mto p a v p*»**t«K«* RX^ttf T OYFTTTj Kewa for Hoys an4 OlrM Vdung and Old ! I A KKW I S VKKTIOK Juat patented for tUm, for HsWouael ¥TIX aud Scroll ft*Wfng, Turning, Borinjf, Drilling, Clrfodlng. PolMoiig. BoreeTcuUinK. ?tlea $5 to $&k Igend 8ta|0p and addrras ZPUiUlM WIOW.V, LowaU, Itssi. rHi.-.u |v H H H Hr-HhE-H H r.'/j ical. w v >^k: 0 -e^° AV ,«« ,y r 11 -^•^ e»f>. toddtr N 0)tr4lo teflHoej •tSM sr t^Mrwik il |iro?tMt a eevliif of Nit heir. Whore but 10 t trt fat, If Ibe tVtjit of m*>iUiro4Ab« a^rtd II fuBTf fi TISMSII 1 »j»^#Vt*»\ - / 1 Hew He HroegHt |ffer llgrk. Tim Ht. AI b«na (Vermont) Adver- tiser tells the following : , llietlearlv In^lovetl wife of a French- man recently riesetted him for another man. lllri ho follow her, and falling on hi* knee*, beaooch hor for tholr rhlldren'e seko to return ? I>id ho takn down the old double-barrel, shoot his wile and her lover, and knot k himself on tho head with the afiirkf IHil he aet hltaarlf up for a mUiiiithro|te or a Woman hatcr.or In- st (Into ault against aomuhody forever ao many cipher* damages. Not miieh, He merely oaused It to ho published that he had drawn t^O.OOO in A lottery and hla wife was back next morning before break fast* pmall boy 10 hla maternal relative; ••Mamma, I should think if I wa* made of dust, I would get muddy Inside when I drink/'- Quite right, H. It, quite right; and If you drink too much you may fall down ami get mtnlHy outside, too. Thi world WM never Intended for « houeo of tnoumlfr, The flowe a art not painted Mack, nor it ev*ry blrdaorow. *'Ilav4 yon ever broil in prison ?" recently anketl a lawyer of a witneaa, whom bo wa*. dtepoMeil to badger ami bully, a* tho profession are apt to do/ ?*Ye«, air." "Wh*nP *'In !H6:i." '•• Where T ,4 In Andefgon- •Ille. f * Xlifre waa a momentary pause fof breath, and then a round of applause! that shook the building. << A'yonnjp lady who had be,en married a little over a year wrote to IUM mat- ter of fart old father, paying: 4 *Wo have the, dearest little cottage in the world, ornamented with the most charming little creeper* you ever •aw." Th* tdd man read the letter and ^xc^lknetl, M Twins, b^ thun- der I" ••* 1 A medtUosorrio old woman was •neoring alj a young mother's awkt wartlnesf) vfith her infant, and said: "I tleclatV, a woman never ought to have a b|by unless she know* how to hold it.'* 4l Nor a tongue either," quietly ii^a^ondcd the young mother. j-t— •• To IrMjuIivr \\y roferlng to Barl* |ett' F>irMf>nary of Quotations yon wi I pndijibly And that tho [anther of the request, "(rive me another horse," Is Robert homier.— Altxtnt/ Joitrifk. , 4_| . -#i + JJ Fi bunlry ha* live Mondays ortc:e in Overy tWritity-eight year*. It w$ll havo Iherh In 1880. It should lK»ca!Idd the *'was|ierwoman v g month." • i-^o. :— I Strive ^o impress upon your chll- dran that tho only dhgrace attaobfd to honeat work la the disgrace of do* log it badly. efol a lieverage* ? | *'Ttiey Sri not s berersg*. but a mcxliri witli osrati«|o pn>p#rthl«*eof ths highestdogr eonlalnlug ijo poor wUkf or poisonous dm Thsv no not toar down an already debLltal srslem, hail btilhl II ug. On* hotI Is emisli mors hope. Oisl Is, mors rosl lidp Strength, l a barrel ol fntlaarr poor. K?«ry dntgaisi otf B' M >\ X V V K ar-a» •d.o*.*^ o4» kKvikv^iilK «t M * JL ~* J^Tho lii ver Invigoraler hna bpnv liwd in-mj pructieo apd by the public, fqr more than 85 yep'rw, L ?ejpr^lilth ; nnprocedentcd r< suits. VipNDlFOR CIRCULAR. *• T.^|jjfaa1F0Ru» M.Di» MiwroBKcitr IT ^ILL TSJ.U 10U 1TM SSrVTATIOir^ _ ^ , ,_ wiL ^sMBUN. B AlM CATARRH r DrMgtjiri if his customer? df»ii't 10 Neu\.'!:(.I\N IUI.M divert JTil- ief, ill every < % as«\ > >' /h'jf.vj/j.'V if hiH rustornnr?* floii'fc % NnjUwr.oiAN IIAI.M in very a ; i<I p<lrfi>t tly Fiife to use, v Dr^rgist if his cuatomem don't NoiJiwroiAN HALM imnMMlJnt«»- tho i;iins!il |»ass«i^s of nil foul rostj>rt«rt th'* hivnth to ita imt- O- -• ?>rt*tyt*t if Ins cusfomers don't ie NlntwEoiAS HALM H vory <1 heiiiing, nnd thot 'it i» n^nlly urn) i | . M li f l)rttfajist if hj*customersttogt CiiHl^K-ftrniNO, on tho tuty of I»facho, in a wondorfull/sim* ni«^t littlo rontrivniK^v - •'» / Dntihgtst it ho ovtr Mhl a On- ly" fhnt jrnvo letter sfttisfsc- KnawrcjiAN JUi.it. Ih-fyfyifit if ho don't w^ll mor* frunK pAi.Mthfin of nil other tor ( atnrrh. t . [tyri'ib/i'-it not to tr)' to iiifJwto Miirti\h'ri(ntiny Snuff or «>thor Kvnlwo hrt it fust out ttt tho .**\- t •. Jhuhtfisf for PunlJ'H* XAPAL Vt'NTAix. w::h <"!i»rs:^Hi*Riifo f tthni A jrA- f ;g say tlmt,. rhelpv' plo nnd Ask y\ l.trrh l4 i tion thai Auk of thoNj "nuutHlh' Auh y< you to t; tlnul »t(\ Non-yogi^ A$h Dot'cng ami (ak-^i A *k phl<«t f tho Now '* IMM1 Quart l*o t4.tr.) NaB.Pl 4 ••rorsali 4% Cox, In ¥4 f ist (or a: 1 IS Vago T*am« at tho.*> who huvo used M.3I sayalHiiit it HtLlEF GUARANTEE. ' $1. frtflirirtit for 7>IY> Month* Bot|lo t Twonty-flvo Cent*. » S^Propr., 6 Mgmy St,N, T. ^M^WlHTN«Y, and LAV'AtTK Ists.^ouvcinour N. r." m-». - -* ' • •• r . J* *-* M W "/ s 3 / -•§•§•0^3 n r.oc.r.c. r r. t»>i r^-y cr x, *-» •- *ia t *1 sHfesi* w w w. w K <;KAY*8 St'ty'lVW MKDTt TKK. TaaneMioK ,,l( i ,ir0fl Kn-TRADE MA«?K. TRADE WAR*;, ^ i l , ft( . fn<M j Vf An on fail iot: rind lor JM'inl- nnl Wr*kti«»m», SpormoDDrrhea Imiw>N»iirv «nd all IH-crtM'H Ihftll follow, n«« a Kfi(|IH1U4*0 <>f Before TaJring iTwl 15memory 1 !After Taking. nnivctHal lH"8itu<lo, imid in the hark, dim nor* H of viidoti, prematurf} o||| age, and manvoiloT o!i- son^os that load to inhanily »»r cioiHitmption and a prtniiitiirc grav* XJT Ktill partKMilajrs itt orir pamphfrt, wliirh Wf do*in* to Mind fi<ie h\* rnail tin»vi'rv 0110. • h<» Hpf*HM<r Mrdh'lnol* told hv nil druifKihts nt %\ H<kn^en for $A, or will l»« v a<l- por pnckiiK*'. *>r wl\ | mail on 1 'UK (ilt Merhan O r .S»!d in (toiivt! alforuggiAt*. por pnckiiK*'. orwlx ||arkK>ref4 for %\ or wil sent frre hv mail on receipt of tho monov h\ driving TIIKCiltiw MKIMt INKro., r»' lllork, IVtndi. Mic'i neijr and morvwhore hv g.T2ui3 ' J I IMJE FOR ^VOrRHEI^r.-IIv aenillng ;t5 e.eiilH. with UK«. hrighl, ndor of o>os and hair, you wl 1 receive by return mail a correct picture of voiir future hu*hnml or wife, whh name ami dido of marriage Address W. Ko.\ f |t<»% .'JO, I'niton villi*, N. V. gilwl $10,000. SAFETY LAMP. Factory and ]^edJFre^fo|36ot8. et«Pe>e>e> wtii t>« pais to aa> l>«ra<>n whe oaa •sfkad* m i*mt flU.d with 0 0 r P A T S * TED NArSTT ATTACRaiaHT. ^ Mar »•• •«>> lamp or baraer. - Praraate drtaptaf aad beetles. ^ Sand for aamplaa, witS etee •'+ S. 8. Mswton's f aftty U m p Co., tl Waat SrtMUilraf, Haw York Offics. Binghamton, N. V* A WAN O*' A T1IOtTAAND.-A CON- St'MPTIVK t'UltKlL-Wheii death wan hourlv expected from etinsiimpthin.fill remedies having failed, and Dr. II Jame* wan experl- mentinir, he accidentally made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which ctired hin only child* and ;i\e-» tliiH recipe free on receipt of two now K stamps sweau, nsunea at the Htomncd, srnl will break a stamps to pav e\p«iiM»*. Hemp also cure* iiiuht . - . . ... . p^ fronh cold in twontv-four hours. Ad<lresn ritADIKH'K »1 (<>.. 1,1KT2 Kaco St., Philadel- phia, naming this paper. Rtl»4 A GENTS WANTED FOR A TOUR ROUND THE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT. $3 Tlio preat euro for DYSPIiP- SIA f NEKVOllSNKSSa WEAK- NESS and DElilLITY, EVERY INVALID can rely on it to conqjier disoaso antl nufltl up tlio wasted syslom. It rcjnilafcH (ho LIVER ai|d KIDNEYS, Htiiinilatos all tho tiltiofions of Hffj to healthy ao- tion, and is tl|o l^st IJRAIN and NERVE toijie in tho world. Women find ty a panacea for all their ills,restoring; ihecare- worn wifo or Another (o the healthy Yi^or'of{y6iini?or yeai-s. Free from alcoholic dangers, Physicians protonnco it (he safest and host! remedy sold. It mnst 1)0 triM to know the perfect health arid strength its use insures. S0I1I hv Druirgista Van llunklrk A <o. v tH \vsvy M . , N . V. K'^yl •SW\A^*\aV*Va\^r\ayVVA tfyoOaafjutnan of lm,.-. >• •Jl y<)»i| <1uU«^, QT. iJJ.if '9V4^\A>V\a i 1'ytlM-atraLiof .iri'ihi.t .4 H'US uno ThiM m the fantebl uellniu h'Hik v\ er niihllshed. aiHt ti.e onlv complete and autlieitilo llleiory of firaiu* Travels. Send for eiicuhin* eotititlidns; a full doKCiiption of the, work and our extra terina [ to Air^nl". AtMres* National 1'uhh^hinK < o., ,, riiihtd^lphln, l»a. *•'*»«» ^ 1 '»IANOM»— stfM»|, cover ai.d h«K»k 01.lv II4J to $2MV OTH IIH, IJ rttop-., ;l HIM reeds 2 knee swells, Nloolilniok,niilv*l!H. Holidav Newnpnper free. Addiv^H lianlel K.lleatlv,\Va'ihmK<oli,N.J. IflSStrnamshnfMtot, f{>ilfrj; ovrr ymir mklnj^bS work to reeiore brmin <MHnn returns in 30 da,vs on $100 invrAred, J J Z U l i (>H1( ial r«*|ioris and information free, hike proilts weekly on slock opllon- <»f $ 10 to IftU Ad.lro-s.T. HiTTKIt WltillT * (U, Haul ors. :io Wall street. Sew York. «llwl work to reeiore brnln lii-vc eiut mnitto, oan Iff yoa are jnurts* an«l *vir> . | <j fi/-t x any IrAlmcnX^m oraUilpaitontir .mu IUU il.-. 'i» .J %n Wi aw, ohl cr f Joans;, *ufTorlnjrrr<ru jmiir In«]tl> or Unsfuieh- §• Ins; on a IKM| of 0i1i1.ru M, My on V Whoeroryon are. wh' i rrv«>r yj-'i ar*». wbew^rrryuo feel that your crown m^- U il< -u.*lmr ton Ins; or •«• atimulatins'* without ptf»uw.v7oi0,tako vxf Stationery. t t O, r o i l THE HOOK STORE! "n«wVt fail ioctlt at thn Ohl FstahlMied fJawe yonrftfayv;N»M, kl<tu? ; «l- vriuorv romplatnt, dla- f easaof toe e/«m th. NMT'I hi- ^f.lorr orMeretsf Yoo will IKI r»>r4d if yrni u»e If jroo are simply wraJt ani loV splrlfcrt.tryltr Buy la Innint ujvm It. % <>ur mi k 11 n k It It 00 Ao k k II II o o<t o k k lilt o o o o k k II II o o o o kk II II o ('(I ok k ' jl | | o o 0 0 k k Mi 00 00 k k SS ft S tt 8 tttt «*» r i? eu V S tt o a r r « e #4 u o o r v o Alt 00 r ce S tt o o 1 e S 8 it I •> * « * HS tt 00 rr jee It may eava year life. If kae eaT«4 aaJreiiSi HopConrli Cural clW* 1 " TaellvpP* if. r M/ni.h.l.' •ibfrt. *\.t< * Ms , ''- '1'' ' ' UL I . € . ! • * • • /• •> .l.tr. n'/ \- I. » il r r li ' to ... » t.i ru'/irihtkci [tilt. .' tiuH U*t. Aik rttit4ra«M 1 \ k .:»n\ .,!• •npfrlorlo all 1 I •* TU 1 AtV. UnjfjUU, aajaaaaj Mv: .« .... ll.-li..t.i.M. Y, HA lEWTURY OLD, I I W ; W fcjlp, T .r Vf "N- i L «ir4 rtmedf Tot Cold*, Whooping arjd all Lung di*- rhch used In season* |car» ago. Elder *ra| given up by hi* i*l to die with Con Under these c!r- ^ be compounded if* wm* cured, a good old age) tr)r It for the price 'avjeit here- ANNUAUY. •.M.W.MW a 3,1 anU-sce tho#inmcnhn »ifM-k jiiHt rccciTcd, A Hue Lino of Standard Book*. nr Any tlook not in stork can ho ohtalned ] on \diort notlee at lowest llK«re'. IJhildrtrn's i liooks in endlews variety from ic. upwards. j M r A fine T-lne of Pi tnrcs, Chromos, Tan- \ nel. Floral and Statuary, at Low Prices ( gy Rtereof»copcs and Views, all Kind* of Ticilire Kniirten, I'lcturo fca^jc!*, Acs) »lo. I Firdtior Diariri for 1&0, 1 t f g r Pr»cket Hooks Autnprmph and rhoto- sjnipli Animus in endless vatieiy. ry IlUnk Hooks, Pa«« Rt>d Mcmornndum , IWWks-largo slock purchased hefoie tno ad- vance, which are Selling at old price-. * - j r s i f stock ot ' .STATIONERY | Is nnstirpa-seil hy any in town, rsper l£ tli* Quire. Paclsire or Iteani. r'.nvelopes.siT Wjles sod prices. A Very t\n* Line 0/ 11 >x I'apert. ^•School Books and Supplies! -The only full stock In town-everything *•»!«• | dent nee«ls. fn»m a i c Load Pencil to an Lna- ( hrldge<l Dioilonary. 1 y y * Immense Hioek of ' . | WALL PAPER, CURT AT SB, FTX-l TURRH % MIRRORS., BLACK WALNUT GOODS, In fact, ererv hlrg usually found In a IP>ok Store* ^ ^ OOUVBaUlanm, 5 . T* >TomiTwl7« KO.IItLTaV THEONLY MEDICINE That Acta at the Same Time on THE LIVER, I THE BOWELS. and tho KIDNEYS. These great organs sr* ths asiural clesns- era1 of the srsteui. If tliry work well, health will b* perfect: If thdy become slogged, dreadful diseases are suite to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERIMQ. Blllousaetf, Besdscfco, Drspepsls, Issa- wles 9 Coastlpstlon sad Piles, sr Kid- aej CossalalaU, tiravel. Diabetes, , Kedlaient la the t rloe, *llky flf Eopy tJrias| *r Ukeav atatk Paias sad Arhea, i?e developed 1>scsusa the blood lt potadnrd with tho bumors that should have been expelled natursilf. KIDNEY-WORT ' setton snd sll t i4«tro>lng avlla^ will he baolahed 1 ncglaot will restors thsbeshhf action snd sll these will 1M uttosoff 7 It snd you will add 00s morw to ttis number. Taks It IS Wll th<-m snd you will live tut to suffer. Thousands have been cured. TrfSts and health wtllouos HV)re gladden your heart. Why •u+Tur longsr from tho tormestt Of an aching; back ? Wlwr b*at^f atlon nnt r>t ba eo faa orderad urine 7 •tl in boar auoh dlstraa* from Oon* tlpatlon and Pile* ? Why be eo faarfiil beoau** of dla- !, m* ^mhi KIDSSTWOST will cure yo*. Try s pack" sf* St once/SAd he satiancd. ItUa dry vegetable comp&mnd and, Owe rsckaawaiakes six quarts of Xsdlehie. Powr JDrayoM *as «,' *r *M get U fir i 09^ ffajffstaTtj ' I (Win 1*. 870 cccoo o c c c 0 c Ixjave* Gouvcracur ro and arnvea at MsDiSAOtid tfayVii UsfaiFiL ^ | ^ »d alssaii t»*claekf ' ! ?- leaves llaniaond oaoa fU? at lOMo'elock a. ssJ ^v 1 ^; arriving at tiouvemeur at 4 o'clock p.lf. Faaaast* ^ ^ ; > gors are carried over tlio eaUro or i a n of t|a* / S routs ai about w -i% ONR-HALF THE R I P E N S >\ ' f > of rsllroai faro. Kxpresa paeaacos, aad «y*tS description of articlea, oarHad eitheir way MM * delivered at aitlafacton prices. MeitetUeaM ^ financial affair* entrusted to oar car* WW* bar' »' * - i l tranaaeiod pnmipiii, and all erraodSdoao aaej: \ i \Tl meiMoige^delivirod hv truatvsadoarefkildrirat*. - & c *u The Htage >s ill eall at the Fuller and Van Burea " * houtes for ps«i«engerM snd packages just ura- v ..v vioiis t)D leaving t»mivern«ur, and t*o TayWr : v*^ .... -.-..._„. '"Tiuif Uaenaioad. \ ^ WM. DODOtL >^ fl*-t lloilse preriou* to leaviug ti*«in»oad " M. DODOa, Coatfaatar oi Koala, sad Msnacor. * •• I j - PApi.OH ffTOVKS OF ? H E BKST AJfDl llAjTEST PATTKRi'g. Ilb\ STOVES AND CC4K sTovt*. wiTrr ^M. slOOEKN I IMPROVEMENTS!. << JL* ft Vt ?3 K K t*l r? P3 w P3 "... * <ft b Iie|*hre and l<ydt at thero before pnrt*ha«lng. ' M HTOVK ^IPR AND STOVK TBTM. ' ; MIVGfl AT KC*7AT-LY LOW KATEa i 1 1 il 1 1 i. (li (IJ '• r L > (fi (l* (fi -, r/i cr- <x j_ Cit>" Clothiers. _ ALL AND WINTER. 18S 0 QUAMD TBrKK BAIL WAY I OF CANADA Only one Change of €Ukrd^ BETWEEN OUDEN8BUBG AND CHICAOa^ /Safil •J r 4 Jfi7i95 Shorter to Detroit thmm ^V dr "jr otAar J?oattx t j w . ^ TsUnrg LEAVE Pagaoorr JumotlJk/AB \ f rr>Lix>wa: '*- ir* OOINO WEST- 111 '..'§*>'«U DATEXrBEttH st l**p. *C, ariUa* al ^ I>KTROIT next morning at *:i5 a, m., tJvlCaTt-- ,- CA00 same evening aT7:#0 p. at., ooaaaoUjaV M^ with all trains tor the Wast. «*™*Hina; v #^73 NlGliTEXPHEHHat l:*o a m~ ajrlrtegat - DETROIT satae evening at 10.-06 p. in., aad "* CUICAOO next mominarat7:*0a m.,^nactta«'^'^1 with all trains for the #est. ^ ^ I U | ,»' T^ W1XKI> TKAiNatH^p. in.,forwa^elatloaa f^-fj iKJlween VKKhcoTT ami BaoCK VILLsSairlTlIs * \ \ *^ at BKOCKVILLE H^lo p. in. «~#-™a*aw tJ< t j » . I! NU sfoNTMEAL at 7.15 a n.,ooaaaat«aAT wilrSaiaa ^ NH.HT EXPRESS at AM a. at., tiliviaaai trains for QUEB«C an<| PwTLAXoTl^pEi fr <c%rs ihrough from MosTSSAi. to UctiuBlaaa < PORTLAND. ^ p •"• / t^ MIXED TRAIN st 10-47 a sa^ far*tati»asaa. i^'Z twoen PnaaciiTT an: i*oz*THtaju. arirlasTaa *1 ^J2 MONTREAL 6:M p. u . ^ ^ aoriaar aa^ ^wj Time. < igtlcnahurg to Datfoit, fj hoats. ,f v / " * t ^ Time. •• •• CbloaaoT J* boanx. ' V" J THE HUORTEST QUICKE«T AH0 flsiillfi^r ' MOUT* Ta * * W/T V ^ Detroit, Chicago,.MiMukeTfW AND ALL rOINTM WBS1V 80VTH*WE*1T ABO SoatTU-WKar. . 5 - ^*> \ v-*9»f. <• v *t GEO. IPLE & CO.. / M M M M M M « *M M M M M 31 M Al KKK1K K KFK K >; K »: ic FC IliKRH It IVUlll TTT TI^TTT T 1 i '«' ! 'i" A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2 AVI) 4 .\ St n II II M [rfrc t; t: ir it H 11 11 if if 1111 it 11 if IL A A A A A AA AA h A |,r.f.f,M.L 000000 o o o o it " O OOOOOO NX N N N N N N 5J N N N N N > 1( It 11 Hit Kit K K RKHKBRIt H H H It TrtTTt* T T T T RHSSBfl* aaaaftHM Would s a v t>» their ru>iomfr KRIrASj ARC A D E . WATKHToWN, N. V. t 1 i I find to tl|e pulrita gcnernlljf, thai ther are now ptrpareil to show |io fluent ap id iHHt neieeied sU<k of . i WOOLENS ever offered In' thU Mi&kfct. anlt jit prires that defy oompetHlonV Oor stock SUITINGS, OVrfjtiCOATiNCIB, CASSIMKHCS. 4c M &c. f ISTnrger than ever. ALL (JOOnS liUA itjiNTE AS 'KEPRESENTEDa The fact » . I •I t$at w e d o lJa sines* -9 NTEED C t small eiK|>cnsc is one which the «ui>(omer annot afford to<ner- nst»ee nu»ed ill 411 casca. •i KIK! look. We inv|te you U* call andjnspeet fW)«\* nnd prices, and you will he convinced that w e d o a s we advertine.« HatlsfactlOn gui .1-L ^Jl'.J. -*m GEO. IL8EIPLE* sssBJBsasaaaaasiaasasssiBSj s pf:t IAI, Dry Goods. IftPECIAL SPECIAT BtlRR 11 n Hi B BflBH H II It II HUB n ? A n A A AA AA A A A 1 A Kit] 0< (1 o lio o <; OCAX; MAMMflTII MAMMOTH MAMMulll o- u -* -O- A AA A A A A AAAA A A A A II II IJ II. 11 II II KN N- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN 8SS9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8888 !!!! III! m !i 1 !! CABfl <ASII CAM! . IWOOD'S (.<M»D> - . O AND } CARPET AND CARPET AND I CARPET O o :i STORE. STORE. STORE. O O- McAMoTkft HLO<*K, 26 Pierrr Blaek kn«l C«loreiI all-wlott'ashltjereii. .10 *• Trimrtnug Silks siul Hat&s. ^... '20 •• Trimiolng Velvel W M Alpiura, alle<»1ori A.i *..u IQ " llr<M<ade AU»ara , -§.«.. -u CiffCVEBNECtt, N. Y. ... 5d wents par yard OOrentM per vard and upwards ..CO *• ••" , '* 11H co«U i>er yard 30 PIECES ttRESS (;(>OlH AI.]J KINDS, TO CLOSE OU.tf REGARD li ? I 1 OF COST. 30 Piece* Cotton iKto^neU |..-„..XI..-. W> •' IhuiuoU, . tesM an«l«hlr|lngs...4 MMI *' (*» fMl|)alii>» . •.{, ; **.. rs) * •• Be»l Calico, light colors. » c/nts per yard and ta pwa 17 •• •' •* yd •• ** M PtillBJaji^ Drawiac lUoii CaVi; ONDATTa^AHra. , , f*,\ v Xi % rnllnaB 9 * Palatial hk*plaf &H\j r X "^ •vj ON NIGhT TRAINS, /> Run/thrbugh from MONTREAL sad PasasloTT VO^ *> t££V°» to ^woiTaad CBlTa^^wiaaalit^ t»^5lirwre Checked Thmnrh ffoas OatWsa*^^^ BURU JPI not auh>ect to Caaloat BoVs^axaflsK U3 Askfo^aod see thst roar TlokaUrMt ?*i ^'^ RAND TRUNK KAJLWAY, th* sborTua* iZ G the West , Q ^ S - ^ H 'y f ^"T 8ta*ia#rTRANMT IsMtikf *.' Og»1ensbur|tfor Pn^coU, at lMp^wilSSSS 1 aniKSight Eapreea Tra IM for tho V trains on R Vf ft o. H. R connect wUa TitAN8IT st Ogilenshurg. For further psrUeulars Spplr at Ui«of9es} af ihe Grand frui^k Railway, oorier affT^ JOSKI'll HIcAwiN. OeniiSl lli^SS^** w. WAlxwitir.rtT.OOTei*) P ^ ^ A n k i ^ |^*II.»A» Vi^airra irwir. PASSENGERS V A*- ?> -OAJt— PROCTOE^ TIdSE!ri v -Br TM«— ^ .-.3 ShortKt ui Most Direct kit -4 ANI>- Save Ferriage *- AND- ALL TRANSFERS J By parrhaslag thetr tickets at ths OFFICE OF * t r*ti Blacktimitliin^ TOMPM LABERDFB *, mak*-» a si*ectsilT of L HORSE SHOEING. J And Sll kinds Blacksmith's Rri>AfRYNO< U ark done in the l»eat poaaihlo sain*. Tier, al ihe lowest living pneoe. A ^pKCiaU.v i* made <»f hois«S With l>SVl feoL <iuaiier crack*, corna, and all other injuria*. I guaraiiiee to atopahoi^eof lat«rfeil|ig r or aa pav wjill \K> askiHl. farihcr's prod lira taken In exchange §ot Work. A l l W o r k A* A K U A N T E D a n a l •A'*?- IS* ACTION eJtTcn to all. 20 PA IKS HEP RLANKfcjT$ at | 2 and lip^ard; HO CLOAKS AgND SJlAWT^ to vow out Kcuanllo** «r Coal— (IKEAtj HARGATXS! r>0 SETS LAtJiES' FUH8 a| |2.?)0 per M»! and urlwanl. 50 HCFFACO AND ^VOLlf ROTHES at prices which defy competition. 100 TRUNKS* AND liAGSJpurc))Mrd before the advance—Price* accord- 25 PIECES N^ltW CARPET^ froti 20 cenU per yard upwnrd. ' < - L ' I r ? - 10 PIEt.'ES NEW OIL CL|)TUMi, *-" | i n pursuance of a }udgm«nt of (he Snpretnj* C«»uri of the HLate of New York^ duly entered .10 r»nzf:\ whAPfKRs Asn .DUA\vKns.,f„r La.iic, omirmo,, •*„.! i ^•^rv^l,^h!r*a;" n •^^&!1Bt C i i U d i f Ik, p u r c h a s e d IKK* JIIIIC^MIH! (unsequcntly can Bell theill at L o w e r [ ihe mbM-nWr, n> refnee Ihereia. will sell / %CooJr- Shop on Brooklyn St., west side of Hrer, erneur. S. Y. .»* «fa f.ABllDlK^ glOLf Legal* CrPHEME COIRT.-Araojt 8. Egert snd fr Jiiriien O. AveicU against John hearey t< a|L al. « Pi i«es thftn any other eslHl)li«hni» i ni in Northern New York. NT7RIAS, i HOODS, SKUtTH, J.. -'ii Etc., HOSIER j fU>(|VEs; k WdOL YARNS, ZEPHYRS, IROSTED FLC)Ks f Efe, f ALE AT Tl|K EcjWKST ("ASH PRICE^. ••' / - GREAT P.ARr.AlNS l?t CROCKERY AN6 CLASSWAttE! B , i 100 Set- J. aiid'c.. M^.ik'TiHifroti tytwu* China ftt the fidlowlnjj: low rates •i Dinner Plafe.4. ItrrakftiHt Plates Tea Plato* i...' .... Pie I'latrs ',..4-. Sauce Plate* Cup* snd -Hiicers .J ....... WaMhtK»wls and PitrhSrs <;o«sl Tumhlcr* . * Full line French <liina ii( cents per dozen j . . . . H0 73 ftt .M 40 1... v| M " l** 1 " dozen |*l»4iiif \Vhit»», (rold Hiini and Decorated. ,4-- l»erset 50 CUESPS JAPAN TEA, ||tj-c1i*j*hl lief.ire the tAte ndvance, arc for fiale li.ll\ 20 pcH'citt. under ur^i kef ralm 1,000 FANCY AliTlCfiES, oi DAY TRADE, ..pifi* ah, *Evei)i Kiln! arid DfMtipli il Dtnlenibi i ifil. on, for the MOLI the office of J. Ik Proston, In Oouveraeur lagc, V- 1-awrenew county, K. Y., oa the <ia\ ofKebruary. lfwO. at lo o'clock lo the for*, noopof that day, at puhlic s' c.tioa to the high* e»V bidder the folloumg dracrlbed ]*arccls at lafid, Uy-Mtt: All that tract or parcel of land sittiat* lA Hiw /town of Fowler in the county of 8t. Lawrene* and (U*hCrit>etI ae folloWn. vji: Iteginning at * ^ c^>rner on the rock in the west hide uf the Island Hruixh of the OnwegaUrhie River Just baton tlie ahutment of the bridge near Ihe Belnaat| ' Miw Mill aiMl runs thence south 7t° K. « chains; i Donee sooth W J ca^l * chHinao links; taeai Hoiuh t;is 1 ea*t 2 chain* 70 links; thence alonj the line of ihe Mill f^ot «H»uthK7>t 0 ca*t M Chah \HI Iks to the corner.<>f the Philo PaJsaer Lot; t h e n c e S4»uth 2>a L west, to the aoathwest eomai of aaid Philo Palmer lot conveyed to ssi Palmer hy said Kgert and others; theaee soul >7'« K. to the north weM corner of the, lot uicrlv owned by O. Palmer; thence south *V wfrntV> chaina'75 links along Uie Ilea Of O/ro Palmer's Al acre lot; thence down aloBj ihe uuau river and the branch as It winds Si turn* to ihe place of t^eginnlng. Kkceptlngj; and reserving out of the above described prenH i^es, oi e acre of land heretofore conveyed hyl ( ha*-, llslmatt and others to (At P. Kgert snd < ha*. Anthony near Clark** Mill*, containing., afu«r m a k i n g Mica, e x c e p t i o n , 3*r» and mHoO acfenof iSi»<I, m o r e or ICA*» being part of lota> Noa. 123 and 124 in said town of >'»»»er. l)aU>d, Gou>erneur. July "th, lt*Q. g 4.< w 7 C. A ACT it r H P A KK K K. Herereev N OTICK.-Pnrstisnttosnor'^vfD.A.John* aon Hnrrogate of the County of Ht, Law- fence, and aiK-pllna to the statute in such case made and provided,Notice »s herebv given ta all per>on* having claims again*! I ho estate of Agar Cole, late of Kdwarte. an aaul otnajty. o^ceasaaV that thev ate rwiiiireil lo exhibit the same, with th«- \oucht-r- thereof to the sut>*criber. at his storediotiet*. i»» *he vdlage of Kd wards, in saia c<.unt<, on or Wfore the t^th «^ay of April aext. j l»Mieti. :>ei>L iMth, »«TS#. g il^infi J A M KH BRO WS. KgaoatoT. •t ^. * n ftr AH Goodi Sold for Curl Mid ttetlifaNcllon Guaranteed. Nartinber, 1879. s»:. , ;^«f'^i» '&MkhMM:i !r D. Oa WOOD, / N OTIdC-^'ursuant toaa onlerof D. A* Jotia- htm, HiieYogate of the ooantv of » t J-aw- rvnee, and aocording ^ the statute in luch caaa matle and provided, noue* is l»erebrgnTeato*J| persons having daims against the estate'W Kranklin lluiclMsoa, late of Bossie, in said oaintv, dexyeaAi, that they are W«*red toex- hihit the aaiue* with the *oMC»irs thereof, ta the nuoacriber, lltrsm II. Reei*. at Ills taaV .lence in Aniwern L «lefrer*on V"***!*/*- «\ # * or l*efore thea&th Otyof rebriia^^liW, aagiV Dated, JoiJ « a . ^ R A ^ K BITtXT HUTCHIKiPN, m **-i -••^- <A mrv m,^

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Page 1: A, naming this paper. Rtl»4 - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031307/1880-01-15/ed-1/seq-5.… · y',t Aral prliolplaa of nUrmUiry* parity

• i f »&&%> •• m^*$vv ' ^ i i ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^




fw r r


& $

'f JsM.f* l i , ta*Q«

RoimftNOMt K r c i r i x

:n.* Rnnr Ppdr**n,~ Ml* 4 (ah)e«po<L-lo 1 quart of milk, AJ|<I ilia

yolk* l»f 4 tggt w«ti t**taii, 4 ntti* **)!, tint Jfial hfifoio putting In <M

M th* white* beaten to % llglil froth, i Itaktt In a <jfileh nrett. H0i{r« wlih Itmmi Miioti.

v-: omiNti , f mips warm water, i or

AH:' 35 ^



• ! ! • • li aiip atif ar, I cup of fruit, llltla **)ttf and flavor wild nutmeg.

w, '4-Hi

V, V

' • * • ' • '

.- (


£^f I w o r l H - a *( lo (ha o

, . # ' * ; ao nltto


CUfrAtw^i an pa alron)* an pa mflk, iliit >olka of II haapirtl tehlaapoons augar.

h\f ji\\t, Imallng Ilia yolta m, r«pir Into cup* or Inlet * and Hit In boiling watrj**

Ikill g+f Uy W mlnui**. 0. I * — . * - * - .

, Ifwa, [trVw H*ow Catcn* | riip at |ar , I clip flour, white* or H egg*, |l latapoai) craam tartar. Elavnr lamoti 4nlo*. At nt t o it at*

! ArjfefnrLfnitAL * * I W*** •••liar.

fl*r«sSitaa A m e f U s n AgtHMiHttrUt.]

Howal good butler main r« al Oil ^'V' 1 , fraruiarr tdub h«i<l at Mr. HCMIIIII

jl Worth'ij manlfo«ln«l ^drrpiiniU ly *t} oanaa of IM'IH I otihgini to < turn

Hah lotigar In wlnltir Ihmi h atjmniarj' aoma argalng lhat it wi owing M> ImprniKtr ininiiri-4liir«» «i|

v aommatiramfint, oth^ra N> Improprr hftndrtftl of araam Whoii rhlng, etc.. ala,fe aiiJ, lliough all ara IMMIIHI to a<l-

V> «, M|l lha raaaonablanaaa of cflllior or all \\r I ha argamottla, allll llmrn arn othrr

u f f roaaona lhait Uiaaa whhb rauao ib«f «U butUr 14 bo to "• lo* to y<imn M

Aa at4ia«l In i\\t\ Hairy man ir.mo Mwa aajo, thai part of Urn rritam

s 4' < *Whlob jbrina llttt buttifr la inlmili*


i t

1 gloMllMiHialad with «>*•<>In or ohrnay W b b f l i aiM« mm n r o | | f i f t | o n v

Iteaaa parllolra togHhrr. ouUt tb aaparaia il^«o IHtta aaarlaln ifagrt«a of ranrl«llty

*W,M' U raqn%lla« tbo aomMnatlon now

, matlar,

•^•j*! ' MiHft In parllolaaii

| i i4 Vortfilitjl I laoilo aabl, whln|», in an I t

^*\' aaoortlajjaa with aoma of th* v*ry y',t Aral prliolplaa of nUrmUiry* parity

<tt' 4laaolra4 or llbaratoa Ilia raaaln or UlOg rVtto iho Hltla globuloa

fc^f*,' Off ktiitair, Ibaaa In turtt, whan th« ^ * ' OfOaca laltlUUNl, aro brought In cmn~

Ital, and Owing to Ifcalr nonaUtanry

PTfbaoal jba proper tomp<ir«lnntf a<l-

| ; j ; M Mffj Mfi l to lha okhat, Ilia lumpa^ot-

• nul*',v llaHl l l W f *n<l iargar by aggroga* y)' ll0M# O H U Ika ant Ira Imtch la ona '< aouipMl] and\ naarly honognnaona

- , ' maaa, Wkfn lh# agitation or churning

li limply a larg4 looraaaa of tho ra-aooroaa of Ika lhrntf ami la auMolMl to pay iha cjofct of a goo* ruder and lha tlma axpan<lml In oulllng* >

#AT*Niifii RTOC*.—Tho fiiippif of Walof In W'titi'i laaaonrro«»f I rouble. Iitar gather* about tho trougha and aiher drlnk|ng plarra ; plpoi twenty mid hur*t9 or bftrotuo* choked, and ninny other Inconvenience* occur, Th**0 may b# avoided by methodical inanagomcnl, llavo regular witter­ing pflrloda* Iwlce a day* Fill the trougha from the pump* or Hatern*, and drive fho calllo to ilicm ami are that they drink. When all nre anp-pllftd, empty the frougha, and olthor cover them Or turn I hem oven llavo no flowing Witter In the yar.U lo v/aate and fh*e^e, or benomo Inn cold for drinking* A cohl drink wHI re­duce thn milk from enwa 10 \H r cent, or more,

A Lincoln anecdote, whlnh IT not aTniolMtely new, ta not nearly ao old aa (ho rc«t, la told by n not rcapondent of the Decatur Htm. While Judge Logan, of Hprliigllel lt III . wua Liu-tNilu'a rurtoct, two faitiierii, who h*d a mUundemtntidlng ie«ipeclln|f a hr»r«f« iradi*, went to law, Hv multial c<ifi«ent lha parlnera In hiw iKcaiue aulagonhlN lit thta onue, (In the day or I he trlril Mr. I*I»K»UI, linving bought a new alilrt open In the back with a huge Mainline collar, dic«*Md hlm«cU In extreme haato and put on tho»»hlrt with the Itoaom at tho hue*, A linen coat concealing (he blunder. Ho 'latated the Jury with Ma knowledge of Mhor«n polnta," and am tho day waa aultry took < fl hi* coat unl annulled up Ui hU Mhtrt allevea. Uacoln, sit­ting behind him, took In the iilua-tloo, and when hi* turn came, re-rnaeied to ihe Jury: Wicntlcmcn, Mr. hogan haa been trying for over an hour to mako you believe that he knowa more itbout a borae than (heae honeat old fanner4 who are wltneetee; he haa quoted largely fVorn bla 'horao doctor/ and now, genileuieiit I inb­uilt to ftiu (hare he lifted Itognn out of bla chair and (timed hlni with hla haok lo the Jury and (he crowd, at the aamo tlmo (lipping up the enor-moua atandlug collar), what depend­ence e.iu you place In hla horao knowledge when ha haa* not aemo enough to put on hla ahlrt. P" Tho roar a of laughter that greeted this exhibition, and the verdict lhat Lin­coln got toon after, gave Logan a permanent pra|ndlce again*! ''bosom ahlrta/1


:i" \mm-w^if^


PKKMRAIA Vedioine«

, tt \* tflaao^llfftia^ and the butter |a

->& aaleli to bava eoma., The c|ueatlmi,

1 . ,





» > Uan# M dairymen to aattlo la9 at ' W Whal potlldlalar temperature should

tt ' tho atonal be to Induaa this chemical ^ t f oalfoat,aaM al tke aatna INna Impart '*V no dalrlmantarcharacterUlloa to the

1 Mlmliary bom pound." , \ r Itlghl kare la where experiments

V ' and InTajklgallona, whethor ennduct-l*'iv1' od oaribafhrni or over the ohemlat'a r'V* U b K sMM Of untold value to the prao-

' | WaJo maaWwho aak for iVitt, and not il too Wlhtlragarlea of tho lllualve thco-

5^ ' r i a l . , [ ' . ! ) , I ha¥a milnd. after repented trlala, , , ' lhal wbal Ihe cream Is kept at an JI Ofatl lOAtMratura of not leaa than f>H'

k::A< or rnorajlhan (W* *\, the required |k *'K ebatuleal katlon la at Ita heal; If the

* tamporaUre falla much below tltln t mtnlmaroj pOlnH the defect may be

I' partially famed led by churning In a Warm ro4m, but even then I have bead unable to develop the lactic ac­id, aa whin the heat waa kept mil* itortnly aenuggaated.

Again/when the milk and crenm afa ln|udlalotisly hapdled during cold want bar, ejvll efTecta are quite likely 10 antue, and pale, bitter butter la A raatlllw I nata found that In caaea— and there kra many- whfro ihe prop ar OlWlfanlaiieea are absent tor hand­ling winter milk and making winter bnllarf thkl, ihe' dlHlculCy uny be

*mOnaurablr obviated by waftulng the 'milk try aalllug It on tire atovo 01 ovar hoi aaalar In ahallow pant, that

' Uia cream luay 1 lae In the least poaal-blO lima, bomnieuaurata with good

V roaoltei anil then, though the quan­tity bo email!, churn often, and much

r grumbling [will lie saved, and ran bo r hold In reUrve for tie i t airing, when

you And Ifiat you have kept mor'e r oowa Iban yuu ean winter, without I burlny hayjranal If anywhero In t|ia

gnllre routine or fWnft life grumbling t doaa any g<i^l, It la at thi* time, and ^ llabouldliaj aaved for this purpose.

Many will nave a good ato** in the aprtng, If II]la all aaved ll^tweru now anil than.

If every <fclr*yman who is a patron of Ibla p4pfcr will nut a inmpln of 0nab0OW*e 4illk In m le«t tube, cork eafclf, and katid lo me by eipress, VfOfa^O, 1 will make a rigorous anal-yaUttlllia i^hola lot free orcfyargo,

J, K. Kun»uf

Fitrreatvllle, N. Y.

K«1T f«ej rVrAlt! M Cf.raW.- Clear Out lha manjura* every morning, and

^ a e r a p o o? c a | d off nil t i lth rrom t h e an I ma la. The atahle should be made ao warm tbi i the maamo will not ftroaao al nlglil t a lt»wer tem|>eralure Will either dnmand a larger amotint Of food, o t ' t | e animals will fall oil In oOOdltlon, v

• • • • . s -»-**-

the Myidery of the l^ikei. Thero la a mystery About the Amor-

lean lake*. Lake Krle Is About 60 to [70 feet deep, hgt Lake Ontario Is 692 foot deep, 2 10 feet below tho tide fovel of the eoean, or at low aa moat parts or tfyotJulfof Ht. Lawrence ; And the bottoma of lake* Huron, Michigan and Huperlor, although the aurfaoe la much higher, are all rrom Ithe vaat deptha on a level with the bottom of Ontario. Now, as the die-iebargo through the Ulver Detroit, af-per allowing for the probable portion parried oflT by evaporation, doea not appear by Any means equal to the lltiantlty of water which tho three Mppe1 lakea receive, It haa been con* Jocturod that a aubterranean river pi ay run from Lake Huoerior by the

( luton to Lake Ontario. Th'a eon ecturo U not lmpoaalble9 and ao*

Counts ror the alngular fact that her-Hng are oaughl In all the lakea 00m* hrtinMoAtliig with tho HL Lawrence but no other*. Aa tho Kails <»f Nlag-am nAuat Always have ciUte<l, It Ivould punalo the naturalist to aAy (IOW theae fish got Into tho upper (akea without aorne aubterranean fiver J moreover, any perlodlcAl ob­struction of the river would fiirnUh A i|ot Improbable solution of the mys­terious Aui and reflux of the lake*.

: ?




(jiff fllhlitttiin.- ff the jitter is cut tutO 1 Inoh length*, or oven smaller, II will hold mora moisture, will make batter and finer manure, and wllj heOp (ho animal* cleaner tliali long Hilar. Tho gain In the quality or the manor*, |n One year, the aavlng lb bo hand I In gi and Increaaod eflectlve^

• of It, Will pay good Interest on ha eoat of a windmill and A fodder ullar to do the cutting. Hut if tho lo^my and disagreeable days ere

pean lo eul up straw for this pur-, An AlnindAtit supply can be

%de< A. iroad ate can lie pur haaad for 91.^0, and with this and a lock, A sheaf of atraw may bo rut In

9 Inch chap In half a minute. Two raona, one 10 hold the sheaf On the

look or pl<nk» and the other to nse a agOi wotald soon eut up a ton or raw* WtWro hard WO<MI SAW <lu .!,

^ry iwamp inoolr, ar pluo sttawcan procure*!, Iheaa make etrellcnt

f I l|ttar ajul nifnure^

BOOWOinr ifc raamafi It a ^tf ifn riant oonaideralloti. In aoma caaea f tk)0 fcodjuaed lp Wasted, t'uttlng


\ NegroN l htlOAophy* A huicr of tobacco asked an old

|egro woman, the fume* of whoso plpo were nnnovlng to him. IT she WAS A Christian.

••Yes. hrudder ; sprcts 1 Is.*' <4Oo yon helldvo In the Hlblo?H 1 "Ye*, brtidder/9

#ll>o you know there la A paaago Itl the Hcrlpturo which *Ay* that nothing unclean shall Inherit the kingdom of henven T*

"Yes, I've heard of II." "Well, Chloc, you smoke and yon

( innot enter the kingdom of'heaven ha'auae theio I* nothing so uiiolenn al ttie breath or A smoker. What do you tny to that t"

pet'ia^to leave mv InvtX m say to that r •Why, I spec*laJ

bfhlnd when I go dar !M

^—^ I, foalblcnce/ Thero Is no one element lb a man's

character ttut contribute* more to lull syeccas In *lfo than confidence \f/\ hie) own ability. A fatnt-hear^d man la unstable'and wilt never ojlcel. K|lth In the etideavor to will s>hd to ei^milo Is a/ Important In a/inccea*-fu| business career aa la the/vey-atone to the erotic A man poaeeaaed of A hold, during, and reao|iUe will, may bo modest In rovcall*/g hi* power*, but will be dctorm^icd In perform­ing what he cottordvo* to bo right. T<* men with ihu noVer dying faith tlif ro I* no suyfi word AS dofeAt, And, w |eu otHitaofea; present themaelvea In their pat|ir, It only reaulta In tholr putting fftrlla a| greater eafort to ao-cotnpl>*1h tholtj purpoao.- fntrstiffa-

Qllre Logan la fifty-one. (icn. Uornsldo would like to attend

tho wedding or the United Htiitee and CanHda. ( *

fhom** Naal ha«< l»ccn in Phi»ad^T-phlja, alMdylng the scenes of ihcti iant denionatratlona. / ,

A r>(l0,l !*• *Hppo*rd to hiii-v U s head In the don 1 . TciiM\s«»rt ISAM hi* in clouds o^ miiokt.

Uobci'i Hum** Mt'r.trc'Hprnif rlid the inflict nt d n 'Miu-Look of the Lo«l^« o(Sf, AIHIM U liavc j«i ( h i 11 soht In rM'hhui^h t;»r #100.

Kilntf Humbert bus been able to U k | a nNlgh rldr ut home (oi it.e fir>t tiin^ »n nine )enri», there having been no HIMIW in Italy before sipce 1*471. •

Oku llenle T»»W( il he WOtihl In Vcr go tiDH-huri h »»ga!u, when bis pastor preyed <Oi t !o RIIC^M of the lobel oati'lo twenty year*ago. lie kept the resolution until tien. (Lam invlh d him to go tot bur. li Sunday uioining.

A'| Hvalc delai tivc CUIU'H tI»H1 Ihe not(|riuii4 forger, Kev. K. D. Wins-low,: of Hosfon, is in Buenos Aywg, IIIMUI tho n«csum<d inline vf W. P. liow^e, cit^ag'id 11 piitilit! log the Ilijcitios A \ I I H Ihiuhl, mot iiuthihHi-inir |reat lutoriNt In lellgioua ulluirr.

Tiso King i»r ILllMiol hastleYnig-Oit p» 1 vine <-oiiservAtory in the woild. I t < ) l f i t ; l t l H I WO I tUincl l f iO p u l t l l t i t OS,

tho Windier of widen weighs two and a b»4of tun*, brnido H uomtciMil tol­led ion <>r troplcnl plnnls. The ^\HH» doinO of IhH ho^e i:reenhoiiHe is ninety feel high mid one bundled and olghty feet in diumehV.

I — * * • How They Play l*hllo|ieiiA In t.rmiatty.

Thotiermun method of managing t h e | IcAfrAnt p l u y o f - k ihl lop« IIM \H AM

f o l i o V / H ; I

When A couple ntr-i f nfTf eating phtlopcua tngfthci no ndvuntH^e is taken of the other until one of them pronounces the aurti <4p?ilhqM f.»/' This is the warning—now the eport Is (o bcjrn.

Let it* suppose ihit A ^ei.tl innn culls upon a I;,dy. She uvltex l.im to wklk In, nod at the mime time •pe»ikni the taliHiunni'! UOKI. II ho accept a the oiler to walk in lie in lost,-unlei* ahe removes tho ban by felling him to go away.

ir she asks him to tako oft his bat, ha imlst reaolutoly keep it on ; if to bo neatcd, he must stand ; or If at (ho tAble nhe should hand him any Arti­cle which be ot ccpt* nho win* tho for­feit, w

During All this time lie • endeavor* to tako bar by MII prl*e, for tho AC-, coptAiloeof Any oflor from tho other wina also game. Moth nre constantly eiorclslng their wit* to prevent being oAUghl, AIKL tbo »port goes on all tho evening,

L'erbapa tho gcnlleman bring* a little present, and says: "Knowing that il ahull IONO my nhlioperiA, I have hrouklit it along—here it U." If she I* cnii^ht off her guard by the miiooth aproclj, i*ho loses, for ho Immediately claim*; the forfeit*.

If neither win at the firtd meeting, tho "port {^continued to the second, and it may happen that hair a dozen parties meet at the anme tiino, all AiiMot)* to win of their phllopenA pAHnor*, ao that the scene often be-eomeai ftulicroinilv amusing. It is *Mianion I cut dlfitnond'* in very truths

j ««,^*. ~^_^ • # , m

\ Talk Around IL An <>U1 lnwyer waa giving %\n ad-

vlco to hi* aon, who WA* Just enter­ing upon tho practice of hi* father's profession. lfMy aon/' said the counsellor, "If you have a ciso wbero tho l*tr i* clem!) on your side, but Justlcetscems Agalnat you, urge upon the-ooiirt And JurV tho VASI import* anoe of su*talriing the law. If, on the other band. >ou are in doubt about thej Inii', but your client's case la foujuded In justice, inaist On the no-cesMty; of doing jimtice, though the/

heisveii's fAll.M "Hut," nuked t sou. "how shtitj I fiiMtiage A O4SO

Wher. imtli law :trnl jit^tict* me >fead Agfliltistj me?" * In ttiat csa/, my son^ tntyc robtul i?, ta.k round

. I Vick'x Floral (Ju (If tile man) Guide* 4nd seed and

ptAOt ca(at0nge6 sent out by our8t edi-mcr| and JfhiraorymrJi, ami that are doing i0 mrich to Inform the people and beautify AIMI enrbdi our conntry, noito Are so boaOtifiil/none are ao instruc­tive aa Vick S/f'Joral (iuidc, Iu paper la the c|iolir^fit, if A Iliustiationa, hand­some, nujH giicn by tho hiirulrcd, while IfjKcpfored plate is a gem. frhls work, idllKMigb costing but five cents,. la haTid|i line enough ror a gift book, or A plated on the parlor table. Pub-l*died by •Union Vtok. UochoRtor.

• N. Y. 1. 1 '


' f * » M < 4 TAST LEHER

I Distinguished Phyiioliit.

atteun*aaidrs (tos brssJUag up of tas

S*O/lAVlll90fU ^ yolosTtks mlo4. o*s or to tWd«strsstlT*lM« b B^ t t ,7SRSi2fe?i^l

r*llsTtd of II p!\s slZS t n . thfttihsjooMUsr trsst* mhj reatSnssyvttbUi n w tsads


ilv lo svoossd whs*

1 U s • l isrforss* ar*tt>elar sx-UMfTfslAuaoH(yofsssss,sflsot

ABB'S i M I C U OORE tob*ee*

theft nun prsparsUoas irs.-Mld s dtstlnmUQsa lefty ehy*

»VllMiionsto tfisllsM. Msdlosl sst I es>D0tpQDiielr r«#ona»od tsdlsslCors 1 bsislnos ErseslToa •om Uis ess of tt simtf, i f u r i

of ths UIQAI rsmsdrti. I IISTS pi> at*, snd prssQois I hsvs stnt lo

ItssUisA onsanadrsdof mj paUsasj

' * *

^ • t f . . * $ ri

^ w ft_ 'i^-^^Tf? 7"i'

I \ t . -I I 4 \ ' • - • • , I J "• > *''?r%\u . ?. **?S>'


Special Inditoeailutii for the F a l l Trade. the Fa l la l

The, Place for Real Bargains !

9 BAJS1 ataaiissi

We wNI» to i»«ll rtic aftenttoti of mir )mtrr>tin nml {fir* pttblle jrrnersH jn*t reeoive*! a tar^t iiivoit'e of

\ to (lie fjirt hnt w«: Itnve

, ELEGANT DRESS GOODS! %*li!"h w.- IwmjrhtaHa joh an«l Mii ich w e s r e »!>IIng at J«V. to t:.v. y r e f « n | . T l i f v t\rv •ol ' l hw fora |» . trt «>l tho s c a s e n at w r y m u c h h i g h e r p r w - s Tiu*y HMJMHI^

p-j^nl* thai

Ahrrdcens* Beiges, Buntings, Brocade-Mohairs, , l A / w f . f , ( : V . , r t

W l I I A V A AF.SO A l.'Ol.'.-F f l N f (TV

toHB.l B l f i c k C i i s h m e r e s n< -lr5c en; 11 »'ii>(.i» o r ,


. I is complete, ana onr pricen an low IM tin* !ow*«#f.

* > r\


IBSAL s insrionojr. L —We hSTS SOW SAWTOBPf Hit* for aeorlj one reir, and tmn Mf

f nsrtr sold s •rmtUr pr^pSratloA > nnlTsrsst iuU-fscUon. We lis?•

list rorupUlfU X't. tntbs habit ofroeommsDlIng psf-, bat joar preparaUon s l teu the isnds. sod wo think tho^el afllloted

iTtaetd of Itigrssl roerlifo ttiat their >• retlsved. .We hft?» bssa la tho br lbs put tweWe yean conatantlr. thlof for Catarrh, but jonra leada all Q sea proper you e i o n s tills lettsr

of It thst you wub. . ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ illyoow. e. n. BALDWIN a co. BeTail Dealert In Prutf*. I}^^« «nd sssiaetoo. fed.. Fsb. A1176. I contains Or. Ssnfdrdl Improtei sod Jfull dtreottons for tue to al

t M For tale by all wholesale sn< iod it siersthroqjrhoQttbs1 Unite* Saa, WttBK8*pVrf}tB.Oeoars

olssets OragfUU, Botton, M





atlon by meene of electricity la poe-

eaYatlvs sod rsstorstlrs s f s n i fi s o l any elaatfnt or medtolne In the p


aed thoossode, ipparentlr dea

TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DIAPERSI and CRASHES kt the lowes t prices yet heanl <<f. | •

N o t t i n g h a m Laces fr Lambrequins in great Yanoty. A« nnnsnal lny«-e stoej ot!

GLOVES and HOSIERY at 5c. to.50c. per Pair ETOTV mrrchant claim* to have the heiit 60c. Kid t i l ovc that \* to bo hstt In the *-orM. Pten*© try

ours before you g i v e your vcr t l i c t Kxamine our NUn'k of '


•• ! ' \ • ' * ' I ' -<*n w « s r « c o u i M e n t y o n wi l l b e a r ttn o u t in t h e Mfafenn'M tha i w e n a v e i h e /f/-*f f ; W f t # (l io n*st Ntf/tri, a m i Ibe b<»rtt t o t u p S*O<M|H for tliu m o n e y in Ih i - inavkrt . (Mir /yor//W,v IncrHtHni Mah 9 in (IIIH 4Je|iHiiriiont h a v o otuMuirnictHl tin to inrro.IKO o u r hiork. Soi t> f»j»r m e n an«l l»<i>Hal M . ' i i l l o flA.lRI. Don' t p a v $a40.<M)oia i&VtM) for n ci intoni niailt* ntitt M hc*n w r r a n p t v e y o u o n r iMjunlh a s

IHHN| l a e v e r y roHJwcl for l i e . U O o r l lAOi i . W e ha*-e a full H»M» «»f

* * I

Groceries , Te«as, Crockery , Hafe , Caps, &c.

h a r d w a r e .


s fj

X /J

'IJ 'ij 'IJ 'ii IJ-

if J IJ . IJ IJ

>£ 1. VJ

: H J h." . : » r r**x

In ib |H


- T T T T

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:<> 0 ! <> 0 ! O t) \ o^v>

V V 1 V V V V vv \

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(fi • &

Or; 7:



The new **ti& Roefe a^ef-wWiT'Q&ftt*£&&W a m i Hau l m o m I, v i s H o s s e r r i i l e , Wa^saltoaUeTOa " '" Bow, and iiossse, is rue beUi WAY* rtaify M " • follows:

X 4

• H H


H(|,ARn.\jlAN 8c C U T T I N G



" >

i m f e an e x t | a lar^c atock. all Ihui/tlft U»foi^ an>jailvnne-o HLprice , and which wil l t»e *>hi at boi<p|n proven, j Ainonjr, thia larjre aesortrosni of h t o ^ j i will U* 4>un(l

c o

A c c c c o

o o

—» / ^ >-*, - S w W' W *J

W e <l'» hoi c l a i m to b n v e t h e "hiftfCAi s tock'* in flic Rfafp, n o r 1I0 w)e t h i n k it nrcc^Rar'y to ^ve y o u an cxayrrtiieil i n v e n t o r y of o u r g o o d s . O u r p o l i c y is hu%int**% not) b l o w a m i hlu ->ter.

We have the Goods the People want and at Vrices to suit ali firing- a long any quotat ions you m a y l iaq* an«! w e will match thctr^. We want your trade an»

ivc vou pi icea to neeiire IL ] Kli '1 lm 11 UK for •pant fav«»rn ami so l ic i t ing a cont inuance of _ihr sajne.

ill g i v e you p»icc« to seeure IL With 'ihaunH for<»«

W e remain , yours reajioctfuHy.

Datuclur Sc Co

bletorf nless the vital apark haa fled )f mssns of electricity la poi

sflsst reeortof sll physlefaoa and tar* ^ - — - -• la.apparentlydead.


issns of sll >oaan< , was Bdsd. 'ISStSf


1/ fTare, when no other hnnea ivs ioceeodsd. This lt ths lsadlns;


»1 log properties of onr own fragtsat bal-afdthsf -

s de _, sad strengthening prope

tboqsaada. When combined In

gums of the Ei deeeriptlon. T

are too wed | heir gratefnU

»rt|ee art ord-


acco ate and Important dlacorerlee In pb

heSIInjr snd strengthening progarttes d tenlbld. In this respect our PLsstsf ipsa wlthoat ths aid of tisetrloltg.

O IN ONE. gad w s b a t e #Vo grand mid teal , Sach of which performs Its function produce more cures than any llnl-

v » , wash, or plaster ever beforoj com-n tha history of mgdvolao. Try; one.

ell 'Wholesale sad Retail nroinists pattheiypltsdHtatee andCanadas. abd by 1*1 Pt^TT*11! Proprietors. ltoetontM»ss.


Bainodj Liver, Stomach

(U*ilFam of tin

>w*l*.|—It is Purely ^ble,-f It never .tee^It i*



i M N T S H K A D T 1 I 1 9 I

We Want nr» nfront in ilil*t county to whom w'e wiil pa> JI -.iliii %• of $100 |>er month ami e^-

IionriC* to - e l our wonderful invention. Sample rtc. A< M i t r a l once Mil Kit MAS ,\ ( O M l?42«r| ManoYill, M i c h i g a n /


\J\i4\r\nffif l f iT * lU4 ta tk« i H i l i K -

- l - . ^ i i r . |.rt>M# «•— N r * «' i | iH«)l l i l l ' ) l l • .itiix in ^ r o , I-11 •• i|»'ati«f««n i tiat>f»Mc*~ .. |U.<w * 4 ».'••., I.fci.Liii•,•••» l W i M J b i . ( h . Y.


Y (\i\C\ < <>T,I> for n rn*o ol coiti/h, cold, \\r • ) , ' ' ! w ji-ihtiin Mi;»t Adaiiixon'/ Itotanic llal-Kam nil' 1 01 cure. s»»h| by itrug»ri-«ta arol ilea* Icrs nt .IV. H»MI 7r>c. sample l/t»tili*a, H>c. See that the name of Y. W. Kinsman i* blown in the S;taft(* of the Inttt'e. Timle Mi||q»l|e«l by tieo. C. (io(Mlwln * Co,, lloHton, MHH*'. " g42vv4

/ \ N 3 0 DA V^l T i l l AIV.

Wo will scn«I our KloMro-Vitltnic Tlrlti an«l other Klectnc Appliance* upon Mini for.iu itava to ihoso httiret ing frouir Xervoiia l>cl»illt<a, Itheu-inaMHtn, I'aialvNM or Hnv ili^eaneH of the IJver or Kl«ttie> H, and utiiitv ether ili«ea-er*. A Fure Cure gunr:mfvc<t cif 110 pav. AMIII-IMH, VOL­TAIC 1^ LT ( O rSliiiHhall, Mich. gl*2w4


iMtrRft A J I : P R O V .

T h l i rvmarkahle mrdl-f lnf will rur* Sp«viii*t Hplinl, Curh, Calloiia, AT or BUY 1 iilargcmrut, «n<| will rrimoi; the buuch w iihout l»IiiUrrin|( or <aau«. IvifC • »«»r» No rtin.<Jf v\* rgiat ,wpr«*d it|uali it for ei rtmiity otaction in »U>p.

"--'»^ I»i"R th« latit^nrca atel rc-'Un<'i Vrivt iH*) Smdfor ilJu*. ar irirlnir po*i(iT« fironf and your

n«arr*taK*fit'«a<!drf«i. K r n d a l l * i S p i o -¥ • « - t 'e ir t i j le s o l d b y l»ruaja ;UCa, ur

Sent hy I>r. D. X Kvudai^ k Co , Kno»burx Jrallf, VcruioiiL j gllenw-tf

r i i K X A s LMifJUArroM A N D R K A L IIH-X I ATI; A < . I ; N 4 1 , l .eoiye W. lt<-\ i.>.l<|i»t

Spaoi'h < ntiip.Wh.'jri'ia V*\% Texii«it I»IIVN ihd S C I I H T t ' X H H h t e i l N Oi l f*<»Fl)ll)l' HiOM ; W i l l n l n o j e i * i t O an«l f u t i i m ' i e l i o i r a IntHlK for |i».V». in t r c f i o o f i . A l l i n h i n n a n o i i a i If) ' l ' i ! \ . i« IIIIMIH g i v e n nrw»n roO-<1p? of Jei Ktnu>Mto p a v p*»**t«K«* RX^ttf

TOYFTTTj Kewa for Hoys an4 OlrM Vdung and Old ! I A KKW IS

VKKTIOK Juat patented for t U m , for HsWouael

¥TIX aud Scroll ft*Wfng, Turning, Borinjf, Drilling, Clrfodlng. PolMoiig. BoreeTcuUinK. ?tlea $5 to $&k

Igend 8ta|0p and addrras ZPUiUlM WIOW.V, LowaU, I t s s i .

rHi.-.u |v

H H H H r - H h E - H



ical .

w v

>^k: 0 -e^°

AV ,««

,y r 11

-^•^ e » f > .

toddtr N 0)tr4lo teflHoej •tSM sr t^Mrwik

i l |iro?tMt a eevliif of Nit heir. Whore but 10 t tr t fat, If Ibe tVtjit of m*>iUiro4Ab« a^rtd II

fuBTf fi TISMSII 1 »j»^#Vt*»\ - / 1

Hew He HroegHt |ffer llgrk. Tim Ht. AI b«na (Vermont) Adver­

tiser tells the following : , llietlearlv In lovetl wife of a French­

man recently riesetted him for another man. lllri ho follow her, and falling on hi* knee*, beaooch hor for tholr rhlldren'e seko to return ? I>id ho takn down the old double-barrel, shoot his wile and her lover, and knot k himself on tho head with the afiirkf IHil he aet hltaarlf up for a mUiiiithro|te or a Woman hatcr.or In­st (Into ault against aomuhody forever ao many cipher* damages. Not miieh, He merely oaused It to ho published that he had drawn t O.OOO in A lottery and hla wife was back next morning before break fast* •

pmall boy 10 hla maternal relative; ••Mamma, I should think if I wa* made of dust, I would get muddy Inside when I drink/'- Quite right, H. It, quite right; and If you drink too much you may fall down ami get mtnlHy outside, too.

Thi world WM never Intended for « houeo of tnoumlfr, The flowe a art not painted Mack, nor it ev*ry blrdaorow.

*'Ilav4 yon ever broil in prison ?" recently anketl a lawyer of a witneaa, whom bo wa*. dtepoMeil to badger ami bully, a* tho profession are apt to do/ ?*Ye«, air." "Wh*nP *'In !H6:i." '•• Where T ,4In Andefgon-•Ille.f* Xlifre waa a momentary pause fof breath, and then a round of applause! that shook the building. <<

A'yonnjp lady who had be,en married a little over a year wrote to IUM mat­ter of fart old father, paying: 4*Wo have the, dearest little cottage in the world, ornamented with the most charming little creeper* you ever •aw." Th* tdd man read the letter and ^xc^lknetl, M Twins, b^ thun­der I"



A medtUosorrio old woman was •neoring alj a young mother's awkt wartlnesf) vfith her infant, and said: "I tleclatV, a woman never ought to have a b|by unless she know* how to hold it.'* 4lNor a tongue either," quietly ii^a^ondcd the young mother.

j - t — •• To IrMjuIivr \\y roferlng to Barl*

|ett' F>irMf>nary of Quotations yon wi I pndijibly And that tho [anther of the request, "(rive me another horse," Is Robert homier.— Altxtnt/ Joitrifk.

, 4_| . -# i + JJ

Fi bunlry ha* live Mondays ortc:e in Overy tWritity-eight year*. It w$ll havo Iherh In 1880. It should lK»ca!Idd the *'was|ierwomanvg month." •

i-—^o. :— I Strive o impress upon your chll-

dran that tho only dhgrace attaobfd to honeat work la the disgrace of do* log it badly.

efol a lieverage* ? | *'Ttiey Sri not s berersg*. but a mcxliri

witli osrati«|o pn>p#rthl«*eof ths highestdogr eonlalnlug ijo poor wUkf or poisonous d m Thsv no not toar down an already debLltal srslem, hail btilhl II ug. On* hot I Is emisli mors hope. Oisl Is, mors rosl lidp Strength, l a barrel ol fntlaarr poor. K?«ry dntgaisi

otf B'

M >\



ar-a» •d.o*.*^ o4»

kKvikv^iilK «t


• *


~* J^Tho l i i v e r

Invigoraler hna bpnv liwd

i n - m j pructieo apd by the public,

fqr more than 85 yep'rw, L ?ejpr^lilth; nnprocedentcd r< suits. V i p N D l F O R CIRCULAR. *• T. |jjfaa1F0Ru» M.Di» MiwroBKcitr


_ ^ , ,_ wiL


CATARRH r DrMgtjiri if h i s c u s t o m e r ? df»ii't

10 N e u \ . ' ! : ( . I \ N I U I . M d iver t JTil-

i e f , ill e v e r y <%as«\ >

>' /h'jf.vj/j.'V if hiH rustornnr?* floii'fc % NnjUwr.oiAN IIAI.M in very a ;

i<I p<lrfi>t t ly Fiife to use,

v Dr^rgist if his cuatomem don't NoiJiwroiAN HALM imnMMlJnt«»-

tho i;iins!il |»ass«i^s of nil foul rostj>rt«rt th'* hivnth to ita imt-

O - - • ?>rt*tyt*t if Ins cusfomers don't ie NlntwEoiAS HALM H vory <1 heiiiing, nnd thot ' i t i» n^nlly urn) i | .M

l i f

l)rttfajist if hj*customersttogt CiiHl K-ftrniNO, on tho tuty of

I»facho, in a wondorfull/sim* ni«^t littlo rontrivniK^v

- • ' » /

Dntihgtst it ho ovtr Mhl a On­ly" f h n t jrnvo l e t t e r sfttisfsc-KnawrcjiAN JUi.it.

Ih-fyfyifit if ho don't w ll mor* f r u n K pAi.Mthfin of nil other tor ( atnrrh. t .

[tyri'ib/i'-it n o t t o t r ) ' t o iiifJwto Miirti\h'ri(ntiny Snuff or «>thor Kvnlwo hrt it fust out ttt tho

.**\-t • •. Jhuhtfisf for PunlJ'H* X A P A L Vt'NTAix. w::h <"!i»rs:^Hi*Riifof


A jrA- f ;g say tlmt,. rhelpv' plo nnd

Ask y\ l.trrh l4i t ion thai

Auk of t h o N j "nuutHlh'

Auh y< you to t; tlnul »t(\ Non-yogi^

A$h Dot 'cng ami (ak-^i

A *k phl<«tf

tho N o w

'* IMM1 Quart l*o


NaB.Pl 4 ••rorsali 4% Cox, In

¥4 f ist (or a: 1 IS Vago T*am« at tho.*> who huvo used M.3I sayalHiiit i t

HtLlEF GUARANTEE. ' $1 . frtflirirtit for 7>IY> Month* Bot|lot Twonty-flvo Cent*. »

S^Propr., 6 Mgmy St,N, T. ^ M ^ W l H T N « Y , and LAV'AtTK Ists.^ouvcinour N. r ."

m-». - - * • ' • •• —

r . J*



W "/

s 3


- • § • § • 0 ^ 3 nr.oc.r.c.r r.

t»>i r^-y

cr x, *-» •- * i a t *1

sHfesi* w w w. w K

<;KAY*8 St'ty'lVW MKDTt TKK. T a a n e M i o K , , l ( i , i r 0 f l Kn-TRADE MA«?K. TRADE WAR*;, ^ i l , f t ( . f n < M j V f

An on fail iot: r i n d lor JM'inl-nnl Wr*kti«»m», SpormoDDrrhea Imiw>N»iirv «nd a l l IH-crtM'H Ihftll follow, n«« a Kfi(|IH1U4*0 <>f

Before TaJring iTwl 15memory1!After Taking. nnivctHal lH"8itu<lo, imid in the hark, dim nor* H of viidoti, prematurf} o||| age, and manvoiloT o!i-son^os that load to inhanily »»r cioiHitmption and a prtniiitiirc grav*

XJT Ktill partKMilajrs itt orir pamphfrt, wliirh Wf do*in* to Mind fi<ie h\* rnail tin»vi'rv 0110. • h<» Hpf*HM<r Mrdh'lnol* told hv nil druifKihts nt %\

H<kn^en for $A, or will l»« v a<l-

por pnckiiK*'. *>r wl\ | mail on 1 'UK (ilt Merhan

O r .S»!d in (toiivt! alforuggiAt*.

por pnckiiK*'. orwlx ||arkK>ref4 for %\ or wil sent frre hv mail on receipt of tho monov h\ d r i v i n g TIIKCilt iw MKIMt I N K r o . ,

r»' lllork, IVtndi. Mic'i neijr and morvwhore hv

g.T2ui3 '

J I IMJE F O R ^ V O r R H E I ^ r . - I I v aenillng ;t5 e.eiilH. with UK«. hrighl, ndor of o>os and

hair, you wl 1 receive by return mail a correct picture of voiir future hu*hnml or wife, whh name ami dido of marriage Address W. Ko.\ f |t<»% .'JO, I 'niton villi*, N. V. g i l w l

$10,000. SAFETY LAMP.

Factory and

]^edJFre^fo|36ot8. et«Pe>e>e> wtii t>« pais to aa>

l>«ra<>n whe oaa •sfkad* m i*mt flU.d with 00 r PATS* TED NArSTT ATTACRaiaHT. ^

Mar » • • •«>> lamp or baraer. -Praraate drtaptaf aad beetles. ^ Sand for aamplaa, witS etee •'+

S. 8. Mswton's f aftty U m p Co., t l Waat SrtMUilraf, Haw York

Offics. Binghamton, N. V*

A W A N O*' A T 1 I O t T A A N D . - A CON-St'MPTIVK t 'UltKlL-Whei i death wan

hourlv expected from etinsiimpthin.fill remedies having failed, and Dr. II Jame* wan experl-mentinir, he accidentally made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which ctired hin only child* and

;i\e-» tliiH recipe free on receipt of two now K stamps s w e a u , nsunea at the Htomncd, srnl will break a stamps to pav e\p«iiM»*. Hemp also cure* iiiuht

. - . . . . . . p ^

fronh cold in twontv-four hours. Ad<lresn ritADIKH'K »1 (<>.. 1,1KT2 Kaco St., Philadel­

phia, naming this paper. Rtl»4



Tlio preat euro for DYSPIiP-SIAf NEKVOllSNKSSa WEAK-NESS and DElilLITY,

EVERY INVALID can rely on it to conqjier disoaso antl nufltl up tlio wasted syslom.

It rcjnilafcH (ho LIVER ai|d KIDNEYS, Htiiinilatos all tho tiltiofions of Hffj to healthy ao-tion, and is tl|o l^st IJRAIN and NERVE toijie in tho world.

Women find ty a panacea for all their ills,restoring; ihecare-worn wifo or Another (o the healthy Yi^or'of{y6iini?or yeai-s.

Free from alcoholic dangers, Physicians protonnco it (he safest and host! remedy sold.

It mnst 1)0 triM to know the perfect health arid strength its use insures. S0I1I hv Druirgista Van l l u n k l r k A < o . v tH \vsvy M . , N . V.

K'^yl • S W \ A ^ * \ a V * V a \ ^ r \ a y V V A t f y o O a a f j u t n a n of lm,.- . >• • J l y<)»i| <1uU« , QT. i J J . i f

' 9 V 4 ^ \ A > V \ a i 1'ytlM-atraLiof

.iri'ihi.t .4 H'US uno

ThiM m the fantebl uellniu h'Hik v\ er niihllshed. aiHt ti.e onlv complete and autlieitilo llleiory of f iraiu* Travels. Send for eiicuhin* eotititlidns; a full doKCiiption of the, work and our extra terina [ to Air^nl". AtMres* National 1'uhh^hinK < o., ,, riiihtd^lphln, l»a. *•'*»«» ^

1'»IANOM»— stfM»|, cover ai.d h«K»k 01.lv II4J to $2MV OTH IIH, IJ rttop-., ;l HIM reeds 2 knee

s w e l l s , N loo l i ln iok ,n i i l v* l !H . H o l i d a v N e w n p n p e r free. Addiv^H l ianle l K.lleatlv,\Va'ihmK<oli,N.J.

I f l S S t r n a m s h n f M t o t , f{>ilfrj; ovrr ymir mklnj^bS work to reeiore brmin

<MHnn returns in 30 da,vs on $100 invrAred, JJZUl i (>H1( ial r«*|ioris and information free, h i k e proilts weekly on slock op l lon- <»f $ 10 to IftU A d . l r o - s . T . H i T T K I t W l t i l l T * ( U , Haul ors. :io Wall street . S e w York. « l l w l

work to reeiore brnln lii-vc eiut mnitto, oan

Iff yoa are jnurts* an«l *vir> . | <j fi/-t x any IrAlmcnX^m oraUi lpa i tont ir .mu IUU il.-. 'i» .J %n Wi aw, ohl cr

f Joans;, *ufTorlnjrrr<ru jmiir In«]tl> or Unsfuieh- § • Ins; on a IKM| of 0i1i1.ru M, M y on V

Whoeroryon are. wh'irrv«>r yj-'i ar*». wbew^rrryuo feel that your c r o w n m^- U il< -u.*lmr ton Ins; or •«•

atimulatins'* without ptf»uw.v7oi0,tako vxf

Stationery. t t O , r o i l T H E H O O K S T O R E !

"n«wVt fail ioct l t at thn Ohl FstahlMied

fJawe yon rftfayv ;N»M, kl<tu? ; «l- vriuorv romplatnt, dla-

feasaof toe e/«m th. N M T ' I hi- ^f. lorr orMeretsf

Yoo will IKI r»>r4d if yrni u»e

I f jroo are simply wraJt a n i loV splrlfcrt.tryltr Buy la Innint ujvm It. % <>ur

m i k 11 n k It It 00 Ao k k II II o o<t o k k lilt o o o o k k II II o o o o kk II II o ('(I o k k ' j l | | o o 0 0 k k M i 0 0 0 0 k k

SS ft S tt 8 tttt «*» r i? eu VS tt o a r r « e

#4 u o o r v o A l t 0 0 r ce S tt o o 1 e

S 8 it I *» •> * « * HS tt 00 rr jee

I t may eava year life. If kae eaT«4 aaJreiiSi HopConrl i Cural c l W * 1 "

Tael lvpP* if. r M / n i . h . l . ' • i b f r t . *\.t< * Ms , ' ' - ' 1 ' ' ' '

UL I . € . ! • * • • / • •> . l . t r .

n'/ \-

I . » i l

r r li

' to . . . » t.i

ru'/irihtkci [tilt.

. ' t iuH U*t . Aik rttit4ra«M 1

\ k .:»n\ . , ! • • n p f r l o r l o a l l 1 I •* TU 1 AtV. UnjfjUU,

aajaaaaj Mv: .« . . . . l l . - l i . . t . i . M . Y ,




fcjlp, T.r Vf "N- iL

«ir4 rtmedf Tot Cold*, Whooping

arjd all Lung di*-rhch used In season*

|car» ago. Elder *ra| given up by hi*

i*l to die with Con Under these c!r-

^ be compounded if* wm* cured, a good old age)

tr)r It for the price 'avjeit

here- •



a 3,1

anU-sce tho#inmcnhn »ifM-k jiiHt rccciTcd, A Hue Lino of Standard Book*.

n r Any tlook not in stork can ho ohtalned ] on \diort notlee at lowest llK«re'. IJhildrtrn's i liooks in endlews variety from ic. upwards. j

M r A fine T-lne of Pi tnrcs, Chromos, Tan- \ nel. Floral and Statuary, at Low Prices ( •

g y Rtereof»copcs and Views, all Kind* of Ticilire Kniirten, I'lcturo fca^jc!*, Acs) »lo. I

Firdtior Diariri for 1&0, 1

tfgr Pr»cket Hooks Autnprmph and rhoto-sjnipli Animus in endless vatieiy.

r y IlUnk Hooks, Pa«« Rt>d Mcmornndum , IWWks-largo slock purchased hefoie tno ad­vance, which are Selling at old price-.

* - j r s i f stock ot

' . S T A T I O N E R Y | Is nnstirpa-seil hy any in town, rsper l £ tli* Quire. Paclsire or Iteani. r'.nvelopes.siT Wjles sod prices. A Very t\n* Line 0/ 11 >x I'apert.

^ • S c h o o l Books and Supplies! -The only full stock In t o w n - e v e r y t h i n g * • » ! « • | d e n t nee«ls. fn»m a i c Load Penci l to an Lna- ( hrldge<l Dioi lonary. 1

y y * I m m e n s e Hioek of ' . |




In fact, e r e r v h l r g usual ly found In a IP>ok Store* ^ ^

OOUVBaUlanm, 5 . T* >TomiTwl7« KO.IItLTaV

THEONLY MEDICINE That Acta at the Same Time on


a n d t h o KIDNEYS. These great organs sr* ths asiural clesns-

era1 of the srsteui. If tliry work well, health will b* perfect: If thdy become slogged, dreadful diseases are suite to follow with

TERRIBLE SUFFERIMQ. Blllousaetf, Besdscfco, Drspepsls, I s s a -

wles9 Coastlpstlon sad Piles, sr Kid-a e j CossalalaU, tiravel. Diabetes, ,

Kedlaient la the t rloe, * l lky flf Eopy tJrias| *r Ukeav

atatk Paias sad Arhea, i?e developed 1>scsusa the blood lt potadnrd with tho bumors that should have been expelled natursilf.

KIDNEY-WORT ' setton snd sll t

i4«tro>lng avlla^ will he baolahed 1 ncglaot

will restors thsbeshhf action snd sll these will 1M

uttosoff 7 It snd you

will add 00s morw to ttis number. Taks It

IS W l l th<-m snd you will live tu t to suffer.

Thousands have been cured. TrfSts

and health wtllouos HV)re gladden your heart. Why •u+Tur longsr from tho tormestt

Of a n aching; b a c k ? W l w r b*a t^ f

atlon nnt r>t ba eo faa

orderad urine 7

• t l in boar auoh dlstraa* from Oon*

tlpatlon and Pile* ? Why be eo faarfiil beoau** of dla-

!,m* ^mhi

K I D S S T W O S T will cure yo*. Try s pack" sf* St once/SAd he satiancd.

ItUa dry vegetable comp&mnd and, Owe rsckaawaiakes s ix quarts o f Xsdlehie .

Powr JDrayoM *as « , ' *r *M get U fir

i 09^ ffajffstaTtj ' I (Win 1 * .

8 7 0

c c c o o

o c c c 0 c

Ixjave* G o u v c r a c u r ro and a r n v e a at MsDiSAOtid

tfayVii UsfaiFiL ^ | ^ »d a l s s a i i t»*claekf ' ! ?-

leaves l laniaond oaoa fU? at lOMo'elock a. ssJ ^v 1 ^; arriving at t iouvemeur at 4 o'clock p.lf. Faaaast* ^ ^ ; > gors are carried over tlio eaUro or i a n of t|a* / S routs ai about w -i%

ONR-HALF T H E R I P E N S > \ ' f > of rsllroai faro. Kxpresa paeaacos, a a d «y*tS description of articlea, oarHad eitheir way MM * delivered at aitlafacton prices. M e i t e t U e a M ^ financial affair* entrusted to oar car* WW* b a r ' »' * - i l tranaaeiod pnmipiii , and all erraodSdoao aaej: \ i \Tl meiMoige^delivirod hv truatvsadoarefkildrirat*. - • &c * u The Htage >s ill eall at the Fuller and Van Burea " * houtes for ps«i«engerM snd packages just ura- v . . v vioiis t)D l e a v i n g t»mivern«ur, and t*o T a y W r : v * ^ . . . . - . - . . . _ „ . '"Tiu i f Uaenaioad. \ ^

WM. DODOtL > ^ fl*-t

lloilse preriou* to leaviug ti*«in»oad " M. DODOa,

Coatfaatar oi Koala, sad Msnacor.


•• I j -PApi .OH ffTOVKS OF




CC4K sTovt*. wiTrr ^ M . s l O O E K N I



JL* ft Vt ?3 K K t*l r? P3



"... * <ft

b I i e |*hre a n d l<ydt at thero b e f o r e pnrt*ha«lng .


' ; MIVGfl


i 1 1 il 1 1 i.

(li (IJ '• rL >

(fi • (l* (fi -, r/i

cr- <x

j_ Cit>" Clothiers. _



I OF CANADA Only one Change of €Ukrd^ j® BETWEEN OUDEN8BUBG AND CHICAOa^ /Safil •Jr4 Jfi7i95 Shorter to Detroit thmm ^V

d r " j r otAar J?oattxt j w . ^ TsUnrg LEAVE Pagaoorr JumotlJk/AB \ f

rr>Lix>wa: '*- ir* OOINO WEST- 1 1 1 '..'§*>'«U

DATEXrBEttH st l**p. *C, a r i U a * a l ^ I>KTROIT next morning at *:i5 a, m., tJvlCaTt-- ,-CA00 same evening aT7:#0 p. at., ooaaaoUjaV M ^ with all trains tor the Wast. «*™*Hina; v #^73

NlGliTEXPHEHHat l:*o a m~ a jr l r tegat -D E T R O I T satae evening at 10.-06 p. in., aad "* C U I C A O O next mominarat7:*0a m . , ^ n a c t t a « ' ^ ' ^ 1 with all trains for the # e s t . ^ ^ I U | ,»' T^

W1XKI> T K A i N a t H ^ p . in. ,forwa^elatloaa f^-fj iKJlween VKKhcoTT ami BaoCK VILLsSairlTlIs * \ \ * ^ at B K O C K V I L L E H lo p. in. «~#-™a*awtJ< t j » . I!

NU sfoNTMEAL at 7.15 a n.,ooaaaat«aAT wilrSaiaa ^

NH.HT EXPRESS at AM a. at., tiliviaaai trains for Q U E B « C an<| PwTLAXoTl^pEi fr <c%rs ihrough from MosTSSAi . to U c t i u B l a a a < P O R T L A N D . ^ p • " • / t

MIXED TRAIN st 10-47 a sa^ far*tati»asaa. i^'Z twoen PnaaciiTT a n : i*oz*THtaju. arirlasTaa *1 ^J2 M O N T R E A L 6:M p. u . ^ ^ aoriaar a a ^ ^wj

Time. < igtlcnahurg to Datfoit, f j hoats. ,f v / " * t ^ Time. •• •• CbloaaoT J* boanx. ' V" J

THE HUORTEST QUICKE«T AH0 flsiillfi^r ' MOUT* Ta * * W / T V ^

Detroit, Chicago,.MiMukeTfW A N D ALL rOINTM WBS1V 8 0 V T H * W E * 1 T A B O

S o a t T U - W K a r . .5- ^*> \

v-*9»f. <• v

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GEO. IPLE & CO.. /

M M M M M M « *M M M M M 31 M Al

K K K 1 K


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1( It 11 Hit Kit K K R K H K B R I t H H H It

T r t T T t * T T T T



Would sav t>» their ru>iomfr

K R I r A S j ARC A D E . W A T K H T o W N , N. V. t

1 i I find to tl|e pulrita gcnernlljf, thai t h e r are n o w ptrparei l t o show

|io fluent ap id iHHt neieeied sU<k of


ever offered In' thU Mi&kfct. anlt jit pr ires that defy oompetHlonV Oor stock


ISTnrger than e v e r .


The fact » . I

•I t$at w e do lJa sines*

- 9


t smal l eiK|>cnsc is one which the «ui>(omer • annot afford to<ner -nst»ee nu»ed ill 411 casca.


KIK! look. W e inv | t e you U* call a n d j n s p e e t fW)«\* nnd prices , and you wi l l he conv inced that w e do as w e advertine.« HatlsfactlOn gui

.1-L ^Jl'.J. -*m GEO. I L 8 E I P L E *


s pf:t IAI ,

Dry Goods. IftPECIAL S P E C I A T

BtlRR 11 n Hi B BflBH H II It II HUB n

? A

n A A


A 1 A

Kit] 0< ( 1

o lio o <;


MAMMflTII M A M M O T H M A M M u l l l


u - * -O-







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McAMoTkft HLO<*K,

26 Pierrr Blaek kn«l C«loreiI all-wlott'ashltjereii. .10 *• Trimrtnug Silks siul Hat&s. ^ . . . '20 •• Trimiolng Velvel W M Alpiura, alle<»1ori A. i *..u IQ " llr<M<ade AU»ara , -§.«.. - u

CiffCVEBNECtt, N . Y .

... 5d wents par yard OOrentM p e r v a r d a n d u p w a r d s

..CO *• ••" , '* 11H c o « U i>er y a r d


l i ? I1


30 Piece* Cotton iKto^neU | . . - „ . . X I . . - . W> •' IhuiuoU, . tesM an«l«hlr|lngs...4

MMI *' (*» f M l | ) a l i i > » . • . { , ; * * . .

rs) * •• Be»l Calico, l ight colors.

» c / n t s p e r yard and ta p w a 17 •• •' •* yd •• ** M

PtillBJaji^ Drawiac lUoii CaVi; ONDATTa^AHra., , f*,\ v Xi %

rnllnaB9* Palatial hk*plaf &H\j r X"^ •vj ON N I G h T TRAINS, • / >

Run/thrbugh from M O N T R E A L sad PasasloTT VO^ *> t££V°» to ^ w o i T a a d C B l T a ^ ^ w i a a a l i t ^

t » ^ 5 l i r w r e Checked Thmnrh ffoas O a t W s a * ^ ^ ^ B U R U JPI not auh>ect to Caaloat BoVs^axaflsK U 3

Askfo^aod see thst roar T lokaUrMt ?*i ^ ' ^ R A N D T R U N K K A J L W A Y , th* sborTua* iZ % £ G

the West , Q ^ S - ^ H'y f ^"T 8ta*ia#rTRANMT IsMtikf *.' Og»1ensbur|tfor Pn^coU, at lMp^wilSSSS 1

aniKSight Eapreea T r a I M for tho V trains on R Vf ft o . H. R connect wUa TitAN8IT st Ogilenshurg.

For further psrUeulars Spplr at Ui«of9es} af ihe Grand frui^k Railway, oorier a f f T ^

JOSKI'll H I c A w i N . OeniiSl l l i ^ S S ^ * *

w. WAlxwitir.rtT.OOTei*) P ^ ^ A n k i ^

| ^ * I I . » A » Vi^airra i r w i r .


- O A J t —


-Br T M « —

^ .-.3

ShortKt u i Most Direct k i t - 4 ANI>-

Save Ferriage *- A N D -


By parrhaslag thetr tickets at ths


* t


Blacktimitli in^ T O M P M L A B E R D F B *,

mak*-» a si*ectsilT of L

HORSE SHOEING. J And Sll kinds Blacksmith's R r i > A f R Y N O <

U ark done in the l»eat poaaihlo sain*. Tier, al ihe lowest living pneoe.

A ^pKCiaU.v i* made <»f hois«S With l>SVl feoL <iuaiier crack*, corna, and all other injuria*. I guaraiiiee to atopahoi^eof lat«rfeil|igr or aa pav wjill \K> askiHl.

farihcr's prod lira taken In exchange §ot Work.

A l l W o r k A* A K U A N T E D a n a l •A'*?-

I S * A C T I O N eJ tTcn t o a l l .

20 PA IKS HEP RLANKfcjT$ at | 2 and lip^ard;

HO CLOAKS AgND SJlAWT^ to vow out Kcuanllo** «r Coal—


r>0 SETS LAtJiES' FUH8 a| |2.?)0 per M»! and urlwanl.

50 HCFFACO AND ^VOLlf ROTHES at prices which defy competition.

100 TRUNKS* AND liAGSJpurc))Mrd before the advance—Price* accord-

25 PIECES N ltW CARPET^ froti 20 cenU per yard upwnrd. ' < - L ' I r ? -

10 P I E t . ' E S N E W O I L C L | ) T U M i , *-" | i n pursuance of a }udgm«nt of (he Snpretnj* C«»uri of the HLate of New York^ duly entered

.10 r»nzf:\ whAPfKRs Asn .DUA\vKns.,f„r La.iic, omirmo,, •*„.! i ^•^rv^l,^h!r*a;"n•^^&!1Bt C i i U d i f Ik, p u r c h a s e d IKK* J I I I I C ^ M I H ! ( u n s e q u c n t l y c a n Bell t h e i l l a t L o w e r [ ihe mbM-nWr, n> refnee Ihereia. will sell


%CooJr-Shop on Brooklyn St., west side of Hrer, erneur. S. Y. .»* « f a f . A B l l D l K ^


Legal* C r P H E M E C O I R T . - A r a o j t 8. Egert snd f r Jiiriien O. AveicU against John heareyt<a|L al.


Pi i«es thftn any other eslHl)li«hni»ini in Northern New York.





-'ii Etc.,

HOSIER j fU>(|VEs;





• • ' • / -


100 Set- J. aiid'c.. M^.ik'TiHifrotitytwu* China ftt the fidlowlnjj: low rates


Dinner Plafe.4. ItrrakftiHt Plates Tea Plato* i...'.... Pie I'latrs ' , . . 4 - . Sauce Plate* Cup* snd -Hiicers .J....... WaMhtK»wls and PitrhSrs <;o«sl Tumhlcr* . *

Full line French <liina ii(

cents per dozen

j . . . .

H0 73 ftt .M


1.. . v | • M " l**1" dozen |*l»4iiif \Vhit»», (rold Hiini and Decorated.

, 4 - -


50 CUESPS JAPAN TEA, ||tj-c1i*j*hl lief.ire the tAte ndvance, arc for fiale li.ll\ 20 pcH'citt. under ur i kef ralm

1,000 FANCY AliTlCfiES, oi DAY TRADE, ..pifi* ah,

*Evei)i Kiln! arid DfMtipli il Dtn len ib i i ifil .

on, for the MOLI

the office of J. Ik Proston, In O o u v e r a e u r lagc , V- 1-awrenew county , K. Y. , o a the <ia\ o fKebruary . lfwO. at lo o'clock l o the for*, n o o p o f that day , at puhlic s ' c.tioa to the high* e»V b i d d e r the f o l l o u m g dracrlbed ]*arccls at l a f id , Uy-Mtt:

All that tract or parcel of land sittiat* lA Hiw / t o w n of Fowler in the county of 8t . L a w r e n e *

and (U*hCrit>etI ae folloWn. v j i : I teg inning at * ^ c^>rner on the rock in the w e s t hide uf the I s l a n d Hruixh of the OnwegaUrhie River Just b a t o n tlie ahutment of the bridge near Ihe Be lnaat | ' Miw Mill aiMl runs thence south 7t° K. « c h a i n s ; i D o n e e sooth WJ ca^l * chHinao l inks ; taea i Hoiuh t ; i s 1 ea*t 2 chain* 70 l inks; thence alonj the l ine of ihe Mill f^ot «H»uthK7>t0ca*t M Chah \HI Iks to the corner.<>f the P h i l o PaJsaer Lot; thence S4»uth 2>aL wes t , to the aoathwest e o m a i of aaid Phi lo Pa lmer lot &» conveyed to ssi Pa lmer hy said Kgert and o thers ; t h e a e e soul >7'« K. to the north weM corner of the, lot uicrlv owned by O. Pa lmer; thence south * V wfrntV> chaina'75 l inks a long Uie I lea Of O/ro Palmer's Al acre lot; thence d o w n aloBj ihe uuau river and the branch a s It w i n d s Si turn* to ihe place of t^eginnlng. Kkceptlngj; and reserving out of the above descr ibed prenH i^es, oi e acre of land heretofore conveyed hyl ( ha*-, l ls lmatt and others to (At P. Kgert s n d < ha*. Anthony near Clark** Mill*, conta in ing . , afu«r making Mica, e x c e p t i o n , 3*r» and mHoO a c f e n o f iSi»<I, more or ICA*» being part of lota> Noa. 123 and 124 in said town of >'»»»er.

l)aU>d, Gou>erneur. Ju ly "th, lt*Q. g 4.< w 7 C. A ACT it r H P A KK K K. Herereev

NO T I C K . - P n r s t i s n t t o s n o r ' ^ v f D . A . J o h n * aon Hnrrogate of the County of Ht, Law-

fence, and aiK-pllna to the statute in such case made and provided,Notice »s herebv given ta all per>on* having claims again*! I ho estate of Agar Cole, late of Kdwarte. an aaul otnajty. o^ceasaaV that thev ate rwiiiireil lo exhibit the same, with th«- \oucht-r- thereof to the sut>*criber. at his storediotiet*. i»» *he vdlage of Kd wards, in saia c<.unt<, on or Wfore the t^th « ay of April aext . j

l»Mieti. :>ei>L iMth, »«TS#. g il infi J A M KH BRO WS. KgaoatoT.


^ .

* n

ftr AH Goodi Sold for Curl Mid ttetlifaNcllon Guaranteed.

Nartinber, 1879.

s»:.,;^«f'^i» '&MkhMM:i

!r D. Oa WOOD,


NOTIdC-^'ursuant toaa onlerof D. A* Jotia-htm, HiieYogate of the ooantv of » t J-aw-

rvnee, and aocording ^ the statute in luch caaa matle and provided, noue* is l»erebrgnTeato*J| persons having daims against the es tate 'W Kranklin l luic lMsoa, late of Bossie, in said oaintv, dexyeaAi, that they are W«*red t o e x -hihit the aaiue* with the *oMC»irs thereof, ta the nuoacriber, lltrsm II. Reei* . at Ills taaV .lence in AniwernL«lefrer*on V"***!*/*- « \ # * or l*efore thea&th Otyof rebri ia^^liW, aagiV

Dated, JoiJ « a . ^ R A ^ K



**-i - • •^ -

<A mrv
