a nation expands (1800-1873). important terms pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat,...

A Nation Expands (1800-1873)

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Page 1: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

A Nation Expands (1800-1873)

Page 2: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Important TermsPemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat,

buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered equal to four kilograms of ordinary meat and it would last for years. It was an ideal food for long journeys.

Social Problems – problems concerning life in a community, problems between people that arise in day to day living. Eg. The majority of farmers do not have enough food to eat.

Scurvy – a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin CMetis – People of mixed North American Indian and

European ancestry (history).

Page 3: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Westward Expansion of Canada

Why did Canada grow in size from 1867 to 1873? (6 years)

Rupert’s Land was sold to Canada and became North West Territories

The Colony of British Columbia Joined Confederation



Page 4: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareWith a partner – read

page 209 and answer the following questions:

1.Which groups lived between Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes?

2.Who controlled the area of Rupert’s Land?

Page 5: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Rupert’s LandIn 1870, there were

30 000 to 40 000 Native people living in the area between the Great Lakes and the Rocky mountains and were spread over a large area.

Native groups that lived in this region were Ojibwa, Cree, Sarcee, Assiniboine, and the Blackfoot.

Page 6: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Native People in Rupert’s LandThe fur trade changed the life

style of native people. Before, the plains people were famous for hunting buffalo; NOW native people worked in the fur trade and stopped hunting the buffalo.

Women usually made pemmican; men trapped animals and traded the furs at local trading posts for metal pots and tools, cloth and guns.

Natives became dependent on the fur trade.

Page 7: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Assiniboia – The Red River SettlementLocation: ManitobaOwner: Lord SelkirkSelkirk is a Scottish nobleman (rich guy

from Britain) who felt bad for the crofters (people who rent and farm small pieces of land) who had been thrown off their land by large landowners to raise sheep.

Selkirk was able to get a land grant of 300 000 sq/km in the valley of Red and Assiniboine rivers.

Another reason for established a colony in this area was to stop North West Company from competing with the HBC for furs. This area and community was inhabited by Metis and Natives who supplied the North West Company workers with pemmican and other provisions.

Page 8: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Lord Selkirk (1771-1820)Real name was

Thomas DouglasWas a liberal

democrat (had sympathy for the poor)

Inherited and invested substantial stock into HBC to gain enough power to negotiate a land deal in 1810.

Page 9: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Lord Selkirk (1771-1820)Was the 7th son of a Scottish EarlYounger sons usually prepared

themselves for careers in law, the government or the military because it was the eldest son who inherited the estate and titles. Lord Selkirk went to university to study to be a lawyer. While in university became interested in social problems.

Selkirk’s order brothers died unexpectedly and eventually he was left as the heir to the family fortune. He decided to use his family wealth and fortune to help Scottish farmers who were displaced from the lands.

Page 10: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

What Selkirk was thinking?If I purchase this land I can help people from my country start a

new life!

Settling them in the Red River area could help stop the Nor’Westers

who compete against the HBC.

I own the HBC – that will make me


Page 11: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareDiscuss with your

partner the definition of “Social Problems”. Next, try to identify some of the social problems that might exist here in Jinshitan, Dalian or China? World?

Page 12: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

First Settlement The first group of 80 Scottish settlers

arrived at York Factory, a Hudson’s Bay Company fur fort, in the winter of 1811. They experienced hard conditions during the winter (cold, poor food, and scurvy).

In the spring they set out on the 420 km journey to the Red River Valley in late August (too late to plant crops) and no preparations had been made for their arrival. They suffered through another difficult winter. They survived from the help of the Metis and because they were able to buy food.

Page 13: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Day 2

Page 14: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Metis reaction to Settlers - Settlers were met with

considerable opposition (were not welcome) because the Metis and Native people’s lives depended on trade with the Nor’Westers (Traders of the North West Company). People in the Red River area believed these Scottish settlers were sent to stop or disrupt trading practices and to block the trading supplies of pemmican that were being brought to the fur trading posts.

Page 15: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Fears of Metis and Natives- Metis and Native People didn’t like the arrival

of Scottish Settlers because:1.They believed they were sent (by HBC) to

disrupt their trading practices and way of life. (Metis traded with and worked for the NWC)

2.They had farmed and worked the land for many generations but had no legal rights to it according to the Canadian government or Hudson Bay Company (documentation)

3.Were scared that with more settlers arriving food would become scarce and wouldn’t be able to trade with the NWC.

Page 16: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Pemmican Proclamation

The “Pemmican Proclamation” – settlers were having difficulty finding food so the governor issued a law that stated, “no food could be taken from Assiniboia without a permission from the governor.

Page 17: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered


What did the Metis people in the Red River area do with the Pemmican?

Page 18: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Seven Oaks Incident – Leading up to Incident - The Pemmican

Proclamation greatly angered the metis and native people living in the Red River region. They felt that Governor Macdonnell had no right to pass laws in their land. Some believed they should burn and destroy the homes and crops of the Scottish settlers. Others believed they should barricade Fort Douglas until the colonist inside the fort came out desperate for food.

Incident - After barricading the fort, Governor in Chief of Rupert’s Land and a group of armed men went out to find what Grant and the Metis were doing. They met at a place called Seven Oaks. Historians are not sure who fired the first shot, but there was a brief battle and one metis and 20 settlers (including the Governor Semple) were dead.

Page 19: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Settlers coming to Red River AreaIn 1843, there were

5000 people in the Red River Settlement (1000 were Caucasian and 4000 were Metis)

There was another group of Selkirk settlers who came to the Red River Area, which further angered the Metis.

After confederation (1867) many people began to come to settle in the Red River area.

Page 20: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

History of the MetisMetis nation was created

when English, Scot, or French fur traders married Native women. Because of these intermarriages, the Metis had a varied background.

Most spoke English or French and at least one native language.

Metis usually worked in the fur trade as labourers, interpreters, trappers or company clerks.

Page 21: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Buffalo HuntSimilar to the Plains

people, the buffalo hunt was an important part of the Metis life. It supplied food, material and a way of life for the Metis people. The buffalo hunt was held at least once a year and allowed hunters to prove themselves.

Page 22: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Rules of Buffalo HuntThere were strict rules

for the buffalo hunt:• No hunting on Sunday• No one was to lag

behind, go ahead, or go off in a different direction from the main hunting group.

• No one was to start the buffalo running before the order was given

• Anyone caught stealing was to be publicly humiliated.

Page 23: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Metis FarmsSimilar to the French

system of farming (Seigneurial System) farmers arranged their land in long strips along the river.

The Metis were afraid that if the Red River Settlement was annexed by Canada it would be forced to have the block method of farming.

Page 24: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareWhy would the

Metis prefer strips of land opposed to blocks of land?

See p.145

Page 25: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

English Grid vs. French Seigneurial

Page 26: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Canada’s Interest in Rupert’s LandThe Canadian Government

was interested in Rupert’s Land for several Reasons:

• Had good farmland• Very little farmland left in

Upper Canada.• Canada government

wanted to expand westward. “Ocean to Ocean”

• There was fear the United States would annex Rupert’s Land soon.

• The settlement below Red River area had a population of 300 000 by 1865.

Page 27: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Rupert’s Land Act, 1868The Canadian Government

decided to buy Rupert’s Land from the Hudson Bay Company for $ 1.5 million (8,700,000 rmb).

The HBC kept their forts and were given land in the west.

Rupert’s Land was now called the North-West Territories.

The Canadian government had no plans to make any part of North West Territories into a Province.

Page 28: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareSee Newspaper front

page on pg. 215. Discuss with your partner:

• How this picture is biased?

• Who is it biased towards?

• Identify specifically what makes it biased?

Page 29: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Day 4

Page 30: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Important TermsInsubordination: Not submissive to authority

or is disobedient to a lawful authorityAmnesty: pardon, usually for political offencesList of Rights: a list of conditions that the Metis

wanted the government to meet and enforce.Provisional Government: a temporary

government set up until a more permanent one can be established.

Surveyors: they measure and divide land into parcels (sections).

Page 31: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Government SurveyorsBefore the land transfer from HBC

to Canada, the government sent land Surveyors to the Red River area to divide the land into large squares similar to the block system used in Ontario.

Both the Metis and settlers were surprised to see the surveyors. No one from Ottawa has ever been sent out to ask the people for their opinions about becoming part of Canada or inform them of their plans.

The Metis were angry; they took away the measuring chains used by the surveyors, which caused them to leave.

Page 32: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Red River ResistanceThe Metis were angry

that the Canadian government was sending land surveyors to divide the land and were angry the Red River area was going to be part of Canada even though nobody asked their permission.

The Metis formed the National Committee of Metis (NCM) with Louis Riel as the leader.

Page 33: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareWhy were the Metis

upset about having the surveyors coming to Red River.

Red River Resistance vs. Red River Rebellion… how are these two ways of describing the events in Red River Area different.

Page 34: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

National Committee of MetisOnce the national committee of

Metis (NCM) was formed they did several things to take action:

1. Stop the newly appointed lieutenant-governor, William McDougall from entering Red River (he was for westward expansion and didn’t represent the Metis)

2. Seize Fort Garry, which was the Headquarters of the Hudson’s Bay Company in Red River and controlled the settlement.

3. Created a List of Rights – the conditions by which they would join confederation.

4. Create a Provisional Government -

Page 35: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Louis Riel (1844-1885)Louis Riel was the political leader of the

Metis people in the Red River area. His father was a leader of the metis and grandmother was one of the first European women to come to the Northwest.

Riel was sent to Montreal to study for priesthood, but decided it wasn’t for him and studied law.

Riel returned to Red River area. Because of his fluency of the French and English Language and his pride of the Metis culture this made him a natural leader.

Riel fought to make Manitoba a province of Canada and protected the right of t he Metis people.

Page 36: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Government vs. MetisLate December 1869 the

Prime Minister Macdonald sent Donald Smith (senior officer of HBC) to speak to the people of the Red River. He was suppose to inform the Metis the government’s plans for the area and find out what the Metis’ concerns were and report back to Ottawa.

The Metis created a list of rights and had three members of NCM travel to Ottawa to deliver them.


Page 37: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Metis List of RightsThe Metis List of Rights:

The Right to Elect own L.A. and pass local laws The Right to Reject federal laws. Elect local officials Land set aside for schools, roads, and public

buildings Become a province Connected by Railway Fund the province for 4 years. Military in the region will be made from residents Treaties be signed between government and

Native people French and English official language Every male over 21 able to vote Keep existing customs, rights and privileges after

confederation Amnesty granted for actions occurring during


Page 38: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/ShareWith your partner create two


Reasonable and Unreasonable.

Go through each demand made by the Metis and place it under one of the headings above; Reasonable or Unreasonable.

Underneath each demand – write a reason why the Metis asked for it.

Page 39: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Thomas ScottThomas Scott was a surveyor

and had been a member of the Canada Party, which was a group of English-speaking Protestants in the Red River that was working to make the North-West become part of Canada.

They were encouraged to drive the Metis away from the Red River area and were not interested in the rights of the Metis people.

Page 40: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Thomas ScottWhen the Metis took over Fort Gary

they placed some of the members of the Canada party into jail (including Thomas Scott). While in jail, Scott insulted and attacked guards. Also he threatened to escape and kill Riel.

Scott was brought before a Metis military council and sentenced to death for insubordination. Many people reacted strongly against the execution of Thomas Scott. People in Ontario were angered and saw Riel as a murderer. However, people in Quebec supported Riel because he stood up for French rights.

Page 41: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Reaction to Thomas Scott’s ExecutionRiel argued that Scott was

shot to make the Canadian government respect the Metis people.

People in Ontario demanded that Prime Minister Macdonald send an army to the Red River Settlement to capture Riel and bring him to Canada for punishment.

This placed the Prime Minister in a difficult situation. He didn’t want to lose the support of either Quebec or Ontario, but either decision would make him unpopular in one province.

Page 42: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Manitoba Act, 1870After several months of debate and

looking at the Metis List of Rights the Canadian government agreed that the areas surrounding the Red River area would become a separate province.

On July 15, 1870, Manitoba became Canada’s 5th province, also known as the “postage stamp” province.

The Metis were happy because a province had much greater control over its own affairs than a territory.

Many of the points from the “List of Rights” become part of Manitoba’s Act. For example: French and English were both official languages and both catholic and protestant schools were funded by the government.

Page 43: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Riel Leaves CanadaBecause of the unrest in

the area and to satisfy the people in Ontario, Prime Minister Macdonald decided to send troops to Manitoba. When they arrived Riel was no where to be found. Some of the troops attacked Riel’s two close friends.

Riel had fled to the United States and did not return until 14 years later because he feared he would be charged with the death of Thomas Scott.

Page 44: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Manitoba Act – Reflecting After confederation, surveyors, government officials and

settlers came to Manitoba searching for opportunities. The Canadian Government opened up more land for immigrants-which meant breaking the Manitoba Act and broke its agreement regarding their land rights.

By 1883, much of the land that had been occupied by Métis in 1870 was now controlled by others. The Métis experienced increased poverty and discrimination and by 1900 perhaps as many as 75 percent of the original Red River Métis had left Manitoba.

The dispossessed often moved further west andestablished communities such as Lac la Biche and Batoche, the site of the second Métis Resistance in 1885. Many of those who stayed integrated into French-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian communities.

Page 45: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Day 6

Page 46: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

British Columbia The Pacific Coast was claimed following

exploration during the late 1700s and 1800s.

Think pair share:

What were the names of some of these early West Coast explorers?

Page 47: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered
Page 48: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Short History of BC British Columbia was claimed by James Cook,

Captain George Vancouver, Mackenzie, Thompson and Fraser during the late 1700s. During this time the HBC and NWC were fur trading in this region.

In 1849, Vancouver Island became a British colony. The mainland was referred to as New Caledonia and wasn’t a colony.

In 1858, a 2 gold rush brought 30 000 miners to New Caledonia. They included settlers, people looking for riches, as well as miners. Most of them were from United States.

Officials on Vancouver Island were worried with so many American setters coming to New Caledonia, it would be annex by USA.

Page 49: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

British Columbia Gold RushInitially, explorers only came to B.C.

to trade furs with the natives at the HBC trading posts. Things changed in the summer of 1856 when shiny stones (gold) were found in the Fraser River. Word spread and soon there was over 10,000 miners in the Lower Fraser valley.

Gold Rush – is when thousands of people come to one town or region all at the same time to find gold and become rich. British Columbia’s first development started with the Gold Rush.

Page 50: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Rocker and Sluice Box

Page 51: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Earth or ore containing valuable minerals such as gold.

A place that examines gold or other minerals for its quality

Page 52: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

1. Vancouver Island was the first western British Colony, which had less than 1000 settlers.

2. The mainland had few settlers and trading forts that it wasn’t considered a colony.

3. The 1858 Gold Rush brought over 30,000 miners to New Caledonia. Many of these miners were from the United States (California). New Caledonia was made into a official colony named British Columbia.

4. The 1862 Gold Rush brought more people to British Columbia. (Specifically into the Cariboo region)

5. After the Gold Rush the two colonies (Vancouver Island and British Columbia had financial troubles). Britain decided to unite the two colonies together as British Columbia.

Page 53: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/Share1. Why did British

officials decided to make New Caledonia an official British colony?

2. Why do you think officials named New Caledonia – British Columbia?

Page 54: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

1. The Canadian government wanted to extend the Dominion of Canada to the Pacific Coast as they were concerned of a possible takeover or annexation by the United States.

2. British Columbia was in debt and had no money to run the colony.

3. The gold rush ended; the fishing, lumber and mining industries couldn’t support the colony.

4. British Columbia didn’t want to be annex by United States.

As a result, New Caledonia and the Cariboo region united to become British Columbia with James Douglas as its governor in 1866.

Father of British Columbia. He established a Legislative Assembly on the island and a Legislative council on the mainland.

Page 55: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

The British Columbia Act, 1871

1. A railway that would join BC to the rest of Canada would be built within two years of the union (July 20, 1871) and finished within 10 years.

2. Payment of the colony’s debt of over $1 000 000

3. A yearly subsidy ($ loaned by the government) of $35,000 and a yearly grant of 80 cents per person until population reached 400 000

4. British Columbia would have control of government owned public land (Crown Lands- land belonging to the government).

What BC gained from joining Confederation:

Page 56: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Day 6

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Colony of Newfoundland Newfoundland at this time still opposed

Confederation for many different reasons. There was little dealings with the Canadians

(cultural or economic) Some groups were afraid of losing their

government separate schools. Some government groups and businesses were

against the railway, feeling it may lead Newfoundland to bankruptcy.

Newfoundland did not join Confederation until 1949.

Page 58: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/Share1. On a piece of paper

write in point form why the Irish were against Newfoundland joining confederation?

2. Why were the merchants against confederation?

Page 59: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Colony of PEI in 1867PEI saw no advantages for joining Canada at

this time. They felt their province was already very prosperous and they worried they may lose some of their independence, since they had a small population

meaning they would only have 5 representatives in the 200 member House of Commons.

Page 60: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Think/Pair/Share1. On the same piece of

paper list the reasons why PEI didn’t join confederation in 1867?

2. Now list the reasons why they joined confederation in 1873?

Page 61: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Reasons for joining in 18731. The absentee landlords still

owned most of the farm land.

2. Large debt caused by the construction of an island railroad.

3. Prince Edward Islanders needed the financial help of the Canadian federal government

Page 62: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

PEI Joins confederation July 1, 1873

The Canadian government promised financial assistance to the province including a $800,000 loan to buy land from absentee landlords.

The government agreed to also pay for all the railway debts and a$50 grant was given to each person living on the island. Ferry and telegraph service would be provided between PEI and the mainland.

Page 63: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Alberta and Saskatchewan Join 1905- After disagreement over whether or not

there was enough people living in the North-West territories to make it into a province, the federal government finally decided to create two new provinces in the area: Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Page 64: A Nation Expands (1800-1873). Important Terms Pemmican – a food made of dried buffalo meat, buffalo fat, and berries. One kilogram of pemmican was considered

Both Provinces were offered the same things to join: More than $1 000 000 Money for public works and government

expenses paid for by the federal government Taxes could be used to support separate

Protestant and Roman Catholic schools(After 1900, there was limited rights for French-Canadian Minorities.

Therefore denominational schools (religious schools) before, did not have official status and were not recognized until the joining of these two provinces)

Earlier, the federal government also offered free homestead land to encourage people to move to the Prairie provinces.