a native lecru,rer...a native lecru,rer from ex-profes~'lr, u.c.t.: after reading your ort in...

A NATIVE LEcru,RER From U.C.T.: After reading your ort in your i1111e of Saturday of a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out of achOol houn to thole gtrla who wished to attend-, I made inquiriee about the idmtity of the lecturer and. diacovered him to he my <lid friend, cd· your occasional COiltrihutor, :Mr. Sol. Plaatje, known throughout the world to tb011 inteteated in Afrie&ll development as the author of many· valuable boolu of uae to the anthro· the historian and the student. of the native peoples and of social science. As a pvent. of one of the Acholan, it seems to me that their distiDguiahed prin· cipal ia · to b& thanked for her idea of gi-rin1 thole pupill who, like our modern UoiYeraity at:udenla, w1ahed to hear the native view at &rat band (l'e&IIOllably and moderately put) ao good an opportunity of doing ao. "CHEER UP, CAPE TOWN"'

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Page 1: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out


From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in your i1111e

of Saturday of a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out of achOol houn to thole gtrla who wished to attend-, I made inquiriee about the idmtity of the lecturer and. diacovered him to he my <lid friend, cd· your occasional COiltrihutor, :Mr. Sol. Plaatje, known throughout the world to tb011 inteteated in Afrie&ll development as the author of many· valuable boolu of uae to the anthro· ~olocist, the historian and the student. of the native peoples and of social science.

As a pvent. of one of the Acholan, it seems to me that their distiDguiahed prin· cipal ia ·to b& thanked for her idea of gi-rin1 thole pupill who, like our modern UoiYeraity at:udenla, w1ahed to hear the native view at &rat band (l'e&IIOllably and moderately put) ao good an opportunity of doing ao.


Page 2: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

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Page 3: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out
Page 4: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

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Page 5: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out



• ,.





(Be1ore tae Jadae-~cleDt.)

Al'PJIALS. Sllu 'l'awana .M.oWiiaa flld Jo~lula Kol-a "·I

Sunde! llordon. Thle was an •t>peal from a dcci&1011 in the

.kagiatratc'• Coqrt It Kafekllli· '1&. How~• CJIJie&fed lor the ap_pell&llt ; XI:

M:wa lor the resJ'OIId,~ • • Rapo.-leDt aoed cbe appellantll, the one

paying the other to be &beol..,d, lor the IIIID of 1:12, with In~ at f ~r oenO., bei.nC tbe b&l.ance ol a oerialn O'ioerd11B promiBsor.)' note lor 1.75, lesa ts paid 011 eoooimt. Appel· IIWW pleaded that the p~of.)' note was )IIUd by ftret appell1111t, and oeoond •Pt>ellant' ~ed the prom!.., aote. u ·an aQOOm,mod ... tlon, and reod'fe&, no ooaaideratton. Tbe Magistrate g&'f<l f~ent lor reepc,.dent as. pra~, 1rith can..

llr. How•.: Jndgment tor 8' per ~t. ·i .. teJ't'el) should bot haTe b,en P""'l· note does neb •tin*lon ~ At to the ploa Of tire lleoond a11P*ltart\. that the nQ was an aceommodallon llllt.., ·- MCtion ~6 ol the Billa of Exchange Act further on the f..,ta, ' L ,

ll:r. Mara: "'' to intceolt, eee •cellon 55 'of the Bills ol 'Bnban,e 4ot. Bc.pondent is cntitl•d to intel'Mt !rod!. th~ dat.> of the maturit.)' 'bf ·~ fUlL Tile 'Bille of Exo~g• Act allows ~ to be ~ by waJ .at damapa, lllld il tile ¥&lR&Iratll gil'ea a ~r amott~~t, thls Coon "fio''l 1 not iuterle,..,. The amount ••• a fail' a-.u.t, 1111 the bank aharpd at leGit 8 ~r · otct..' lor rliscotlDtlng. No paiQt wae taken l.n the Ooun ~ow ae to the rate oL iDtereet. Sec<md "11J'dlant •ifl'leil the ~ ae a anr~. 1& tq. •ts, aee ~op­per "· Van l!trut.en (11 8.0., &t) lwtllet on the liOtll. •

Mr. Holt'el wu not oal.leol on to reply. Th~ Judi"'P!'EII!idcnt, In riTJ..nc judgmen'­

R11id that, l.n ordirrary auee, when> a pwiullll prod1l<lt'• a preatisaory uotll In h!a poss•ssion, it would require a nry etronr case to induee · the Court to h<ld that defmdant paid the ngt<-. Tbl• partioalar cue waa more oom· plieated 'b7 the !act that the MaP>wate b.,. li•nd th• el'idenoe of plaintlll and his book· lteoper. This Court, ••t.bf>red that, in w~gh· log the nidenen, the 'MIWJiotrate prel•rr<>d to beliere the .,..id<mOP lfl .. tnt by Na'ntifl. Rot tlle cii'ClDR•taDoeo in :th~ oue were eo un· oatisfactorily expla!Ded th•* question i• .not now wbeth~r the de~te oa,ht to be r--·.s: bolle .. M., but whether the J>~UlOil tt' the ., pla!ntill was ilcK IRICb that the Kag:istrate ought to tr ... e ~ absolution from tbe in· stan= The llftll Uti.ng that ·~ wu that the •t~ments giftn h.)' the plsintil! and his bookt ... per lrel'll not, &tl'l\irbtforward and credible etatements. The memory of lbP bookk-r ~ lie l'lllied an. U 'P' peated· that,,~ fu" K••areh, 1112, the deleodant Sll"" gne a "' the plaintill iD oeeurity for " d.Ot o .e1& which bond •pecially llypoth-'<'rl .,..... eaWe, wbioh wer• talren charge ol by tbe lecond d•lendant, and thut

j hood pro .. lded that, ln~st Should be payabl• at 12 cent. P!dintill elated clearl,)' In

that he !eat 8ila1 be dld not wttnt to

and would gift the prom_is_.)'






Page 6: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out


plaintifl, in iinnJ evidene-~, that in April lut he wae ap·

b' o certain partJ lri.tb one dufendant'a or.lcU and ciYea a

He thl!reupon C'lled upon thll aeumaa1n u the Civil Sl!rvice Club,

Town. The defendant told him jw& a.rrived from Port Eli•a a oerta.in purpate a.nd that thP

in thoee pa.rta were anxious tha.t defendant) should J10 on to the Affairs Commluion, and that'

had 1111-l'geated t.hU he approach tho pluintiff. nm1, plaintiff stated that he

was a«retar1 of r. non·political a.ada· tion celled the Mendi M!!morial Club, and alao that he wae ae<Tetary of the Native Worken' Union of the (out Pro­vincee. At the Civil SerVice Club de­f ... nda.nt asked witne~~ to Ute bia influence and to form a depu!Uion

art in rnatters before the Prime I Miniater. Be told defendant that 1\ w .. l

and that ae he waa a work· ld not do it for nothin,;. that it "'84 a1l ridlt-he: Wit.n- then ltarted to

de,oultation to interview the the purpo1111 of re­

deltendalrtt aa a member of Affaire Commiuion. The­

went to - the Ae~ng (Mr, F. S. Malan) in Apnl, and afterward•

ct,e1~~nda1ot g&"Ye witn- £5 and aorne odd The ActiniJ Prime Miniater

he would IK'e ttl their recom­The follow~ month a

Confn'4'18 waa he'd at Aliwal and Bloemfontein. Defandan\

aaid it wohld e:rPf'dite mattere if wlt­neu •ould go to the Congr- and -that a certain ~lutibn to inte"ie• the Prime Minister waa ~. Wit­In- told defendant that if he g&Ye him 'he •upport he would be willing to aa· aist him ill hil work. Defendant gaYe ' him mono)' to pa7 for hia train faree. Defendant then sa1d that he "ould wire more mpne_, to Aliwal North after he h~d 10011 Mr. Henn~. of the S.A. Party, Wib:leu went to nrioua placcw in the country at defendant'• req_ullllt, in order set the defendant appointed

ol the Natiye Main Com-On h ~ Cape Town,

to form a aeoond did, ~

to the le<'llnd

Page 7: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

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Page 8: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

Umi obiilt e • Htr6cbel e B-.. -ilwaaa'e l[ra»t, 1 gomhla woku 1 b Jue, W'&J8 DIDDJ'&Da •a· maslb11Jo ka J'u&a owaaahr' agu Bad1wana. U BudJwana nomni­nawa walre u ~phafa ~~ .. ~ nga Bam to abaoUataJa e Nat , basa b .. ;ralu"gena ke Badblo· Qg "• "tttlftl Jtteo • na-Te· tllli kw i 14purnaluga 7ate Free Shte. Nge1850 a Fata wawela t Gqilt no Bi&onr•La ba~a· kum'q e Hn •cbeJ. apo um6 wastlelwa kon, wa~a wattJ'wa ageg .ma la• o •ako •• .&·dl~~~4••- a Kd:. aa~ana. U Ftua_llt nlroe :rake u ::U:l hl" e (Luh, ~-.~~_...!!..,. stmana, in.tqp1t»i ka noaapo basiqa • ea:4tBCIIot(.ofl ntaebn•o ema BtUwinl. B•.,•· mana u'rnaodll',e'• e H•rBChtl tw .. ita H oilleLdiial 'P" b•t~• ~gabalufli be nkomo lruiQ'e ao lfuki· U ~~:uaka a p u F b .,, • bu_7ela kwate Be~eado1o ... ~:a v Lepllaf. wap odeh kw. •• J're Stat., e Mrq ri (OaJ•don Bover N gt lo:reeh \ 1 Htrechel • "fipetwe agu Joh11 Austta. P IQbl ko Naeaytolbi un fl a.edhlobo sate u ngo u Silio a MlamleU n mfi. ., J ha•a•• Metolodi Kum,1 . D&J• e N:rukwebe 11k.U7a " bfutw• ;· Apo babea<'mfi u John T nao­JabaYu. Bab• •' d•Yu•a" DIIJI Ira Tshfwe Dge&o mini lruba ulOH· we wayeog ... o. Ukuplfma e Healdtown waya • B!temfootein 'po waba J'it tshala pata komfi u Be..,.. Jamee Scott Em•• 'O\o wa ba J'itolilri 7emutyi • Serea­dolopo. A.po kwa ._t~tenDclu ube aniwa ojengeJoaa ltjojell ro co. baleke, tutta 11bt7.ahelihiY• aba. DJ8 xa kanJUk•• leye ntab iakulu ekale•o m~f uk:.aeuka -"" bah le mali~•· Wtfuduta koo' ago 1890 ukn:ra kaba7.t1tehala • Iroonatad. Akaba •nib• ix• aha '-PI wace'w•naa Mfu. C s · '8 ukaba •1• h qala istknlo aue For•, • ll•~hoath"JIIIrwesib Nkoel a LHepa 1l -r. ...... J.,tkolo aeokoDIO.M c .... ubelibambela p ndl•, nbti lnrakuna imYDl •lbe HIJtat~nf se Nko.t. Nvez :niDi ern• x..ba cJltt ax~eh ·, u "NIOil ••~ wr1t.-. a •·-=•em aiaawe ,._ u Nkoei Lelrop . ~lfeloxnlul-)iia;a t. abafni nalu. atwana babe7e babalekele k• 11

mfi-u M(ruti (u-nfaod .•.• ) Ng . • pandle kwend1u btto,.a ku:dlo· llJWe UeogalaDp elimhlope. Abnt· t11 qabantu a b. hlonele katulu ind:a ua:o•lt 1lka

Ngo 1968 Wa&hl• • Green Point, Beaoontfhld, ut.,,.. kut, bata l• kuudla eobultood& ngne­eh • loka~daka tomft 1 Mr. Joc,eNolyode. Aponhl•l kon• twada kwaogu. 19tlt wa~a war.J­xa emeebentiroi Dlileljonn 1otu. god keta • Htnohei. Parnbi ke­kub•aeinge · :r-y• okokugqibela wenza umjfblo we,.uJa k.~•l• 1 s.rintsapo, h"lama• e nl'tfhlobo • 1hftking. Pr•t rj•, Joh•no88-bura, lrroor etad, Bleemfo hiD, nase BeiHdnlopu Nx, eel•u Budlwan,'e Kr~at, e Herschel. alr:nfa Jrwamkulela Wala Waht· ajelwa DIU molobaoa wale omku1u u Rou. nodad' tralte om. Dofnaoe, u Ell•· beth PJa• tje. B•­tab• bendulukll• kwaflk.a UDJ&D& wake om~uht u Rioha rd wan Maftlricg. Umfi waba aokut.ta amuwi okuyoleJa tuJe, kwi nlr:oatk .. I J'&h, u FraLO na fMa­sheya) nakubelok:t z 'na abaoclna­ne o Ang•lfna no 8 rah. J:~ya-1esa uk.uba bteofn• ubttgqonok• benene. U a fi · f'! "gumahpm•. 7eli n•1•Jo e W eeile im•ab!!t awaka1eh '' o, eY•na ehadw.~ qabo bon\e abab•muf. .

Isahmane neaap ' lwake aiba· Jola imigudu ta Dr. Mil ltrcl DO· aMdo o1•eoJi ago:> Nkoailt. Bibs MJ•mleli, Elleu Kent., Jla. ria M•*•''• Jhr1h Kumalo, A.b.a.nmL Sil M emloli, Edwin M'ef, a..d Mebl t-QI , moa BiiJf,-o--; ~oh ' ~ a ;., K:umalo, Jnb::- Old;? n, NZO\: Oharln Kothoh• Enh·riam N .,..11., ·Joseph S. Mote to. J. b Mphuthing, Jao,Jb M•t. J. 8. SikiU, J. Owabi~f, Joel 1t:.laueela Headman Ntopauo, Ohfef llakl WemendUnf; Do Vfuad. Jnae

Page 9: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

yaknzama uknba i I zifnnwa agumti indawo lfike yiwutyalela entla ~ Teolo oayo Dllc:lkwtel ][aataele. ysbonakalil!a umam«l<J ba abatunywa bemangala. f< mnzi nboni!e ukokllaza usiti mil!honi itenina ngati kulo - _,,_ ~-ibieebenzela olrnpumelela zabamhl<>J!e pOfu na~p~~Da ahoni t>kusela val~ant;soildu:l

Umjikelo wo Mn Clements ~ u }i clit.la we Bizwe kolu lwaba Sebenzi fvngentla uqale

mllrh.~-- Okooba kwada kwange 9 vn.;uvUI-

r iakt: ezinkn ln dala uh lsi· ontsnudo zikoliee nkuba kwi hlobo PtBha. ne- No:ba, e Kap~·, e Malike e & onti em '\"a kwemini, Tol• n\ na\-tiezinye indawo n a~•nflr ebeteta kwintlRJII!Diso ekubantu rogalo mbiko. Abfile ulele. U~oda. wakeni (1.000). · Lootoibangele kite aaelraya. Masisulwe ioyun;beli selelo enkulo kona, kwangena

ANN E MONAKALI. amalnngu akuma soo. Nge East Baok Locauon, 1ktoba (Gqibelo' uze kummandla

E.e~ London, Qonoe, intlangaoiso yokoqala Kei Road abaatu refikile kuma

U M B U LE L Q. ko namafama amhlope ne sajini

Ndivabliaa l!mb:.Mo biz1 hlob~ kuba esite 1a11dik1lla e~~obinu 1l&D&emikon:o.

Boxola aba1g•ti am g ma atg•oo~•­T' t kali DJleDlptsiso :- C f\ U' tt Xabamea

polisa. Ubepahlwe n u Nob:\la Tili ( f roviucial Secretary J u Tiyo B. Ln iza namadoda ekomiti Qonce amahlanu I.omanene apa ngempatD en.zima yabaqeahwa fama malunga nemh-uzo "~·uLe ... tya okuncinane okwenza abEt.qe!lb\1'8 bnye bankinqe kwakubelungu ukwaneza, uuoto olnbi, nange ~hwa e.baogafomani nzuzll

lpo 10/· J M.otata '/6, J. Goml..~~o IJ., J. Dw:Oi 1/-, E. Aut.ooie 1/-, B. M.tha. mpe!e Gd., 0 lr·tllD.Jl/, A· RhU'\Ill/-, E · Rhun-:~ l/-. g. Be~t-bele 6i~ . 0.



Nge••v" 6d, E. Antu&t 1/, 0 . Duoga 2/6, B. DaD(!' 1 I·• !.(. !Sol«ll·. 1- 6d 0. & Mr11. lboolw~r.i lf, 8. J~ch'2t., 'M. Xd*niu 31

-, C. X11ba niaa 2/6, E: lln1~mb t 6d , J .. N:re1g" 1/·, l:l J.lr.myat• '/·, IJ. Mb11h 9d, A. TehaDga.lala rd, N Nquoy11 6d, W. La ga 1/-, E. M)re.wa.le lf•, :Mr;~, NYtke 6d.


Elll!t London.

yo ngapand e Jromltmgu. Intahnmayelo zinywele h•into

kuba akuliwa nomlung11 koko ku maeihlali&lne kaknhle liHnsi . ngokwaneleyo ukn abamhlope nabamnyama. isekubem a b am h l o p e base uknba ihe lelabo bodwa, on makangakoti aapantsi. I bayibonisa ngokungahlauli ontllundn ngok\>e mfanelo, _ eyenziwa e Palnmente eoinezela

;;;;;;;;..-;;:;;;; ...... ...,....,._.;;;;;;;.;;o;;;;;iiiOiiiii;;;;.;;;.--...iio ndo yedwa, n eojongo zokomketa on

ST. MATTHEW'S COLLEGE.· nyama ahlnlwe . .kwabamhlope ngoku

Applications for Tra:ning School and~awentry Coune and Stan. -dar 11 • Boys and Girls :~honld be a de at once to T~ Rt t'et-end tb t! Warden, P 0 St. 'Matthews, C. P. Fees for Standard Vll are

miw~ kwe!izwe, naogola~lo 0 Kadalie ute inteto ka Hetsora abamuyama tqabaketwe huzn ngo bo_ lokuwla kwabo .•eli , ku seflMtlut.r.~ ~kohlob- · !.1 lungu ngokwen~·iwa k.\J~\4£ll4bo Mope, Uit.n ):Oktl'fJJ babay~ . ababe\"ela ku~ li<'.tbo l<1k11 ontaundn em_pllcukweni. '25. p,a, koko into yokuba beeit.i al,eln batata 2,000 iminyaka ulmfumana

=~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!~!!!!!!!~!!'!!'!~~- mpucako ugoko nati sotat.a ~eln:<P>-r•• mabunl'ame a illo.ze ibeko lonto.


Page 10: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out
Page 11: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out
Page 12: A NATIVE LEcru,RER...A NATIVE LEcru,RER From EX-PROFES~'lR, U.C.T.: After reading your ort in i1111e of Saturday a q_ueation in the· Bouse about thi lecl'bre g1ven b1 a 'native out

Collection Number: A979 Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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